A Multi-label Multi-hop Relation Detection Model based on Relation-aware Sequence Generation

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A Multi-label Multi-hop Relation Detection Model based on
 Relation-aware Sequence Generation
 Linhai Zhang1 , Deyu Zhou1∗, Chao Lin1 , Yulan He2
 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Computer Network
 and Information Integration, Ministry of Education, Southeast University, China
 Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK

 Abstract Which city hosted the 1900 summer Olympics?

 Multi-hop relation detection in Knowledge olympic/olympic_games/host_city

 Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims at time/time/event
 retrieving the relation path starting from the
 topic entity to the answer node based on a film/actor/film
 given question, where the relation path may
 comprise multiple relations. Most of the exist- film/film_actor/portrayed_in_film

 ing methods treat it as a single-label learning
 problem while ignoring the fact that for some What was Pierce Brosnan’s first outing as 007?
 complex questions, there exist multiple correct
 relation paths in knowledge bases. Therefore, Figure 1: Examples of ground-truth relation paths cor-
 in this paper, multi-hop relation detection is responding to the given questions.
 considered as a multi-label learning problem.
 However, performing multi-label multi-hop re-
 lation detection is challenging since the num- 2018) rely on measuring the semantic similarity of
 bers of both the labels and the hops are un-
 questions and candidate relations. He and Golub
 known. To tackle this challenge, multi-label
 multi-hop relation detection is formulated as a
 (2016) proposed an encoder-decoder based gen-
 sequence generation task. A relation-aware se- erative framework for single-relation extraction.
 quence relation generation model is proposed For multi-relation detection, some approaches (Yih
 to solve the problem in an end-to-end manner. et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2017, 2018) proposed to
 Experimental results show the effectiveness of tackle two or three-relation detection by apply-
 the proposed method for relation detection and ing some constraint which makes the number of
 KBQA. hops fixed. Xiong et al. (2017) and Das et al.
1 Introduction (2017) modeled the relation reasoning problem as
 a Markov decision process. Chen et al. (2019)
With the development of Knowledge Bases (KBs) exploited a transition-based search framework to
such as DBpedia, Freebase, and WikiData, Knowl- select the relation dynamically. Recently, some
edge Base Question Answering (KBQA) sys- researchers attempt to model prediction uncertain-
tem (Berant et al., 2013; Bordes et al., 2015; Yin ties in the simple question answering task with
et al., 2016; Hao et al., 2018) is attracting more and Bayesian neural network (Zhang et al., 2021). Gen-
more attention. The KBQA system often contains erally, most of existing methods focus on detecting
two core components: (1) entity linking, which one optimal relation path, considering the task a
identifies the topic entity mentioned in the ques- single-label learning problem.
tion; (2) relation detection, which detects the re- However, for some question, there may exist
lation paths starting from the topic entity to the multiple relation paths to the correct answer. For
answer node. example, as shown in the upper part of Figure 1,
 Relation detection in KBQA can be categorized there are two distinct relation paths time/time/event
into singe-relation (one-hop) detection and multi- and olympic/olymipic_games/host_city with the
relation (multi-hop) detection. Most existing single- same meaning, making the instance multi-label.
relation detection methods (Yin et al., 2016; Yu Moreover, as shown in the lower part of Figure 1,
et al., 2017; Lukovnikov et al., 2017; Yu et al., there are two relation paths starting from different
 Corresponding author. topic entities Pierce Brosnan and 007. A robust
 Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, pages 4713–4719
 November 7–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
KBQA system should be able to infer the final an- In this paper, multi-label multi-hop relation de-
swer based on multiple relation paths. We therefore tection is considered. Therefore, the objective is to
consider multi-label multi-hop relation detection in find a set of relation paths P based on question q
this paper. and knowledge base G, where
 Nevertheless, it is challenging to perform
multi-label multi-hop relation detection since both P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pm }
the number of relation paths and the number of pj = (r1j , r2j , . . . , rnj |rij ∈ R)
hops in each relation path are unknown. To deal
 As both the number of labels and the number
with such a challenge, in this paper, we formulate
 of hops are unknown, the task is formulated as a
it as a sequence generation task in the following
 sequence generation problem. The objective is to
form {r11 , . . . , rn1 1 ,[SEP], r12 , . . . , rn2 2 ,[SEP],-
 generate a token sequence Y given question q and
r1m , . . . , rnmm ,[END]}, where rij denotes the i-th knowledge base G, where
relation in j-th path, the comma splits the relation
chains and the [SEP] indicates the division of Y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yM )
different relation paths. A relation-aware sequence yi ∈ R ∪ [SEP] ∪ [END]
generation model (RSGM) is proposed to learn the
sequence generation task end-to-end, without the where the [SEP] indicates the division of different
need of knowing the number of labels and hops relation paths and [END] indicates the end of the
beforehand. In specific, a pre-trained Bidirectional sequence.
Encoder Representations from Transformers
 2.2 The Proposed Model
(BERT) model is employed as the encoder of
RSGM while a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) with The overall architecture of the proposed relation-
relation-aware attention is design as the decoder aware sequence generation model (RSGM) is pre-
to incorporating the semantic information of the sented in Figure 2. It consists of two compo-
relations. Moreover, a constraint-learning strategy nents which will be discussed in more details: (1)
is proposed to mitigate the exposure bias and label the question encoder, where the question is trans-
repetition problem in sequence generation. formed into a context-aware representation using
 The main contributions of this paper are: BERT; (2) the relation decoder, where a GRU is
 employed to generate the relation sequentially with
 • An end-to-end relation-aware sequence gener-
 a relation-aware attention.
 ation model, RSGM, is proposed to deal with
 the multi-label multi-hop relation detection Question Encoder To utilize the abundant se-
 problem. mantic information of the large pre-trained model,
 BERT is employed as the encoder, which takes the
 • Experimental results show the effectiveness question as the input and learns the context-aware
 of proposed model both on relation detection representation for each token.
 and KBQA end-task. Specifically, for the given question qi , the token
2 Methodology [CLS] is inserted as the first token to obtain the
 representation of the whole question, i.e.,
2.1 Problem Setting
Let G = (S, R, O) be the KB, where S represents qi = {[CLS], w1 , w2 , . . . wNi } (4)
the set of subject entities, O represents the set of The representation of the word wi is computed as
object entities, and R represents the set of relations the sum of three embeddings: token embedding
between the subject entities and the
  object entities. htok seg
 i , segmentation embedding hi , and the posi-
Assume a set of questions Q = q1 , q2 , . . . q|Q| , pos
 tion embedding hi , which is denoted as hwi ,
where each instance qi = {w1 , w2 , . . . wNi } has
Ni words. hw tok
 i = hi + h i + hpos
 i (5)
 Given question q and knowledge base G, tradi-
tional methods treat multi-hop relation detection as As a result, a list of token embeddings W0 =
a single-label learning problem, aiming at find the {hq , hw w w
 1 , h2 . . . hN } are obtained and then fed into
optimal relation path p , where a series of L pre-trained transformer blocks,

 p = (r1 , r2 , . . . , rn |ri ∈ R) (1) Wi = Transformer(Wi−1 ), i = 1, 2, · · · , L (6)
 ℎ 0 0
 Transformer Block film
 ℎ1 Attention 1 1 film/performance/
 ℎ2 Attention 2 2 0 +
 Embeddings actor
 ⋯ 2 2 2 ⋯ 
 ℎ Attention 3 3 film/actor/film
 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
 1 2 ⋯ Attention 

 Encoder Decoder

Figure 2: The architecture of the proposed RSGM model. Each relation can be split into multiple word tokens
and its representations can be obtained by adding such word token embeddings to mitigate the zero-shot learning

Relation Decoder To generate relation sequen- training stage, to bridge the gap between training
tially, a GRU is employed. The prediction yi at time and inference, the scheduled sampling policy (Ben-
i is affected by three factors, the hidden state of gio et al., 2015) is employed, which exploits part
time i − 1, the token predicted at time i − 1 and the of the ground-truth to guide model learning. At
relation-aware question representation, formally, the testing stage, the beam search optimization ap-
 proach (Wiseman and Rush, 2016) is used to mit-
 si = GRU(si−1 , [hyi−1 ; ci ]) igate the exposure bias problem. Additionally, to
 yi = softmax tanh(Wo si + bo ) avoid the repetition problem, a constraint mecha-
 nism is added. Unlike text generation or machine
where si−1 denotes the hidden state of time i − 1, translation tasks, the multiple paths to the same
hyi−1 denotes the embedding of token yi−1 pre- question are usually mutually exclusive. There-
dicted at time i − 1, ci denotes the relation-aware fore, when a relation path is generated, an infinite
question representation. penalty is added for that relation path, in order to
 Assuming the relation r consisting of Nr words, avoid it being generated again.
its embedding is defined as the sum of its word
embeddings to encode its semantic information: 3 Experiments
 X Nr
 hr = ek (8) We conduct experiments on a large KBQA bench-
 mark dataset FreebaseQA (Jiang et al., 2019) to
The token [SEP] is initialized randomly and up- evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed RSGM
dated during training. model.
 The relation-aware question representation ci is
calculated by taking the word embedding hw 3.1 Dataset
 i as the
key and the value, and the hidden state si−1 as the FreebaseQA (Jiang et al., 2019) is a novel KBQA
query: dataset generated by matching trivia-type question-
 XN answer pairs with facts existed in FreeBase. In
 ci = αij hj particular, for each question in the dataset, there
 may often exists multiple multi-hop relation paths
 exp(eij ) (9)
 αij = N that can give rise to the correct answer. Here multi-
 Σk=1 exp(eik ) hop means it should takes multiple hops in the
 eik = vaT tanh(Wa [si−1 ; hw
 j ]) knowledge base to reach the correct answer node.
 Compared with the existing well-known KBQA
2.3 Training and Inference datasets SimpleQuestions (Bordes et al., 2015) and
The proposed model is trained under regular WebQuestion (Berant et al., 2013), it has the fol-
sequence-to-sequence loss by maximizing the like- lowing characteristics: (1) for the give question, it
lihood of the ground-truth token sequence. At the provides multiple annotated relation paths to the
Methods Presion(↑) Recall(↑) Micro F1(↑) HL(×10−4 )(↓)
 CNN-multichannel (Kim, 2014) 0.5158 0.3952 0.4475 1.4285
 MLKNN (Zhang and Zhou, 2014) 0.5327 0.3287 0.4066 1.4049
 HAN (Yang et al., 2016) 0.4965 0.4254 0.4582 1.4728
 SGM (Yang et al., 2018) 0.5039 0.3976 0.4445 1.4549
 SGM-BERT 0.5992 0.4372 0.5056 1.2437
 RSGM 0.6795 0.5285 0.5945 1.0552

Table 1: Performance comparision of the proposed approach with other approaches on FreebaseQA test set. “HL”
represents the metric of Hamming Loss.

 Dateset FreebaseQA • HAN (Yang et al., 2016): a hierarchical atten-
 tion network is employed to obtain sentence
 Train 20358 representations and then generate document
 Dev 3994 representations based on sentence representa-
 Test 3996 tions.
Table 2: Question numbers of the subsets of Free- • SGM (Yang et al., 2018): a novel sequence-to-
baseQA dataset
 sequence structure with global embedding is
 proposed to capture the correlations between
correct answer as ground-truth. (2) the linguistic labels.
structure of the question is more sophisticated. (3)
 • SGM-BERT: a variant of SGM by replacing
more training instances is provided enabling effec-
 the encoder of SGM with BERT.
tively training for neural networks. The detailed
statistics are shown in Table 2. The FreebaseQA 3.3 Evaluation Metrics
dataset is publicly available1 . Since FreebaseQA is
the only KBQA dataset that is annotated with mul- To evaluate the performance of different ap-
tiple relations, we mainly conduct our experiments proaches, several evaluation metrics are employed
on this dataset. including Precision, Recall, Micro-F1 score and
 Hamming Loss as suggested in (Zhang and Zhou,
3.2 Baselines 2007).
To our best knowledge, there is no other KBQA 3.4 Model Setup
method consider multi-label multi-hop relation de-
tection, so to demonstrate the effectiveness of the The uncased BERTbase is employed as text encoder,
proposed model, we mainly include the following with the parameters fine-tuned during training. For
baselines and modify them to perform a multi-label decoder GRU, the hidden state dimension is set to
prediction task: 128 and beam size is 5. The whole model is trained
 by the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014)
 • CNN-multichannel (Kim, 2014): multiple with a learning rate of 1e-4 and a dropout rate of
 filters are employed to extract features of sen- 0.3. The number of epochs is 10 and the mini-batch
 tences and a full connected layer with the sig- size of the input is set at 20. The parameters are
 moid function is utilized to obtain the proba- chosen based on the evaluation results from dev
 bility of each label. subset.

 • MLKNN (Zhang and Zhou, 2014): the max- 3.5 Relation Detection Results
 imum a posterior (MAP) rule is exploited Experimental results on the FreebaseQA bench-
 to make prediction by reasoning with the la- mark are listed in Table 1. It can be observed that:
 beling information implied in the k-nearest (1) SGM-BERT outperforms SGM, demonstrating
 neighbors, which ignores utilizing label corre- the effectiveness of BERT encoder; (2) The pro-
 lations. posed RSGM outperforms SGM by large margin
 http://github.com/infinitecold/ on all metrics. The reasons can be summarized as
FreebaseQA followings: (1) RSGM employs a relation-aware
(Brosnan) (007)
attention mechanism, which provide more informa-
 what was pierce UNK ′s first outing as [UNK] [SEP] relation
tive sentence representation compared with vanilla / / 
self-attention; (2) RSGM formulated multi-label / _ 
multi-hop relation detection as a sequence genera- / _ _ 
tion task, which gets a much smaller search space
compared with other methods that perform multi-
 Figure 3: Visualization of relation-aware attention.
label perdiction task. Deeper color indicate larger attention weight.

3.6 KBQA End-Task Results
 3.7 Visualization of relation-aware attention
To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed
 Let us refer back to the bottom example described
relation detection method for the KBQA end-task,
 in Figure 1, it can be observed that when pre-
we perform entity linking and retrieve the final
 dicting different relations, the different range of
answer with the relation path detected by RSGM.
 the question plays a different role. At the same
 time, attention mechanism between relations and
 K Recall questions can be utilized to select the most mean-
 ingful words in the given question. To demon-
 50 0.80
 strate the above observation, the weights in atten-
 100 0.88
 tion layer are extracted and further visualized in
 200 0.94
 different kinds of colors that reflect the contribu-
 Table 3: Entity Linking Results tions of different words. The results are shown
 in Figure 3. From the Figure, it can be observed
 that the attention is captured properly and indi-
 Table 3 gives the entity linking results with dif- cates which parts in the question make more con-
ferent sizes of candidate entities, where recall is tribution. For instance, “pierce [UNK]” has been
calculated as the fraction of the questions for which paid more attention when detecting the relation
the candidate topic entities collection includes the “film/film_character/portrayed_in_films”.
correct subject entity.
 4 Conclusion
 Methods Accuracy%
 In this paper, we frame multi-hop relation detection
 FOFE-net (Jiang et al., 2019) 37.0 as a multi-label learning problem. To solve the chal-
 RSGM-50 36.1
 lenge of multi-label multi-hop relation detection,
 RSGM-100 38.1
 RSGM-200 38.0
 we cast it as a sequence generation problem. A
 relation-aware sequence relation generation model
Table 4: KBQA Results on FreeBaseQA test set. is proposed to learn the problem in an end-to-end
RSGM-x represent top x of candidate entities are used manner. Experimental results show that our ap-
from entity linking. proach not only achieves better relation detection
 performance, but also improves the results of the
 state-of-the-art KBQA system.
 The experimental results of KBQA end-task are
shown in Table 4. The FOFE-net (Jiang et al., 2019) Acknowledgements
is a pipeline KBQA system built based on FOFE-
net (Xu et al., 2017) , which achieves outstanding We would like to thank anonymous reviewers for
results on SimpleQuestions and WebQSP datasets. their valuable comments and helpful suggestions.
The RSGM result is obtained by performing en- This work was funded by the National Natural Sci-
tity linking and relation detection with proposed ence Foundation of China (61772132), and the EP-
model.Based on the multiple relation paths gen- SRC (grant no. EP/T017112/1, EP/V048597/1).
erated by RSGM, a majority vote strategy is em- YH is supported by a Turing AI Fellowship funded
ployed to get the final answer. The results show that by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (grant
RSGM outperforms FOFE-net in KBQA end-task no. EP/V020579/1).
on FreeBaseQA dataset.
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