A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks - DR AUWAIS RAFUDEEN - Muslim Views

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A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks - DR AUWAIS RAFUDEEN - Muslim Views
MV December 2015 MERGED_MV December 2015 MERGED 2015/12/04 5:40 PM Page 1

                                                                        Vol. 29 No. 12                                      RABI-UL-AWWAL 1437 l DECEMBER 2015

         A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks

                  OW do we think of a

         H        Sunnah response to the
                  Paris attacks? Granted,
         the Sunnah is vast and there are
         different ways of thinking what
         such a response should be. Mine
         is but one such response.
            What motivated the Paris
         attacks? Clearly it was anger, Isis
         anger at the role of the French in
         the Middle East; and the underly-
         ing anger of young French of
         North African origin at a society
         that refuses to regard them as real
            And then there was the anger
         rightly felt by many Muslims at
         the media coverage of the event. It
         appeared that Parisian lives –
         mostly white lives – were privi-
         leged over brown and black ones
         that have died because of Isis or
         Boko Haram atrocities.
            And then there is also the justi-
         fied exasperation of Muslims – an
         exasperation that can easily turn
         into anger – at the seeming inabil-
         ity by the West to realise that it
         shares a large responsibility for
         the current unfolding of events.
         And so, abominable as the actions
         may be, they should not be sur-
         prised when their sins come back
         to haunt them at home.
            And the result of this anger is a
         lack of empathy: you don’t care
         about our people so why should
         we care about yours?
            To a certain extent such a reac-
         tion is natural. It’s part of human
         nature to react this way and, if
         the Sunnah is anything, it is
         embedded in an understanding of
         this nature. And a lot of this reac-
         tion is, of course, really an appeal
                                                The ‘rampies sny’ ceremonies at the Cape are fragrant and colourful. Women gather in mosques to chop and scent lemon leaves and flowers before placing them in
                                                sachets. These are then offered to the people who attend the Moulood celebrations. The above image is of the ceremony at Masjidul Quds, in Gatesville, in January
         to justice: help create a truly just
                                                2015 (Moulood 1436).                                                                                                                      Photo ISGAAK EBRAHIM
         world, it says to the West, and
         then we all can be less worried
         about such attacks happening           cumstances around us. We are not         rewards, no quick victories. It              Beauty is the benchmark of the       one another.
         again. And justice is an underly-      to regard this anger as natural.         gave no spectacular resistance.          Sunnah. When something is spiri-            We cannot be defined by the
         ing principle of the Sunnah. So, to    We have no right to instinctually        But it was the road taken by the         tually ugly and repulsive, such as       injustice of others. In the end, we
         a certain extent, we can perhaps       act on it.                               Holy Prophet in Makkah, at a             the killing of civilians, whoever        are them and they are us. Their
         speak of ‘righteous anger’.               The Prophet (SAW) is asking           time of tremendous persecution.          they may be, it is far from the          injustice does not bring them any
            But anger, even righteous           us to exchange our lower self –          And its rewards came to be seen          Sunnah. When we create ‘us ver-          final triumph nor will retaliatory
         anger, is not the default position     and anger thrives in the lower self      in due course: it fundamentally          sus them’ categories, when our           injustice – the product of anger –
         of the Sunnah. On the contrary,        – for a higher one, where anger is       changed character, it built people       initial righteous anger translates       bring any victory. We need to
         and no matter how understand-          kept firmly under control. This          of tremendous beauty; indeed, it         into lack of pity for others, we are     transcend both and the Sunnah,
         able such reactions may be, the        requires us to take recourse to the      built the greatest generation in the     very far from the Sunnah.                which has proven that we can
         Prophet, peace be upon him, is         virtues of patience, forbearance         history of humankind.                        We need to reclaim, we need to       transform the hardest of hearts by
         very clear as to the default: ‘Don’t   and strong determination to take            And so it was the same beauty         listen carefully, to the default         restraining our anger, triggering
         become angry.’                         the high road at all times – virtues     that shone through when the              position on anger. We need to            the capacity for true change in all
            This is a remarkable statement.     that are cultivated by prayer and        Prophetic mission achieved tem-          continue nurturing institutions          of us.
         The Prophet (SAW) is ordering us       entreaty to Allah, among other           poral triumph in Madinah: the            where this default position is           Dr Auwais Rafudeen is Senior
         to fight that innate and immediate     practices.                               real triumph was the creation of         taught, where it is imbibed, and         Lecturer, Department of
         anger within all of us that can be        The road is not easy. It, seem-       that beauty, not the dominion            so, where we nurture human               Religious Studies and Arabic at
         so easily be sparked by the cir-       ingly, offers no immediate               over Arabia.                             beings who deal beautifully with         University of South Africa.
A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks - DR AUWAIS RAFUDEEN - Muslim Views
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                                                                                                                                                      Muslim Views . December 2015               3

                                                                  We would witness the kind of
                                                                  infrastructure that is affordable,
                                                                                                                            Lessons from the sirah for
                                                                  inclusive and consistent with the needs
                                                                  of the majority of pilgrims. We would
                                                                                                                          our struggle against corruption
                                                                  see the kind of development that
                                                                                                                                IMAM DR
                                                                  reflects sensitivity to the diversity of                 ABDUL RASHIED OMAR
                                                                                                                                                                hadith, is to be regarded as

                                                                  peoples and the universality of
                                                                                                                                                                equally guilty of corruption.

                                                                  humankind in the House of Islam.
                                                                                                                                                                    Here, the Prophet (SAW) is
                                                                                                                                    oulood-al-Nabi should       reminding us that corruption is

                                                                  Instead, we are witnessing aggressive
                                                                  development of elite, exclusive and
                                                                                                                         M          be used as an
                                                                                                                                    opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                not limited to public institutions
                                                                                                                                                                or solitary perpetrators who are
                                                                                                                                                                caught out in acts of corruption

                                                                  extravagant hotels. The world’s leading
                                                                                                                         re-acquaint ourselves with, and
                                                                                                                         to derive inspiration and              but, often, also involves com-

                                                                  brands in the hotel industry have
                                                                                                                         guidance from, the life story          plicit parties who escape culpa-

                                                                  scrambled to the holy sites for a piece
                                                                                                                         (seerah) of the Prophet                bility. In another instructive
                                                                                                                         Muhammad (SAW). In this                hadith, the Prophet (SAW)

                                                                  of the prime real estate pie.
                                                                                                                         article, I would like to examine       warns especially those charged

                                                                  The sacred precincts of the Haram
                                                                                                                         what lessons we can obtain             with     administering      public
                                                                                                                         from the seerah for our struggle       money, in this case collecting

                                                                  have become the focus of
                                                                                                                         against the scourge of                 people’s alms taxes, not to abuse

                                                                  untrammelled capitalist enterprises.
                                                                                                                         corruption.                            their authority by coveting so-
                                                                                                                            It might be expedient to begin      called gifts. The Companion

                                                                  Hajj packages in the UK in the order of

          The economics of
                                                                                                                         by defining corruption from the        Abu Hamid al-Sa’idi informs us

                                                                  ‘4-Star Deluxe’ and ‘5-Star Super
                                                                                                                         point of view of the primary           that the Prophet (SAW) had

                                                                  Deluxe’ are sold to extraordinarily

          Hajj and Umrah
                                                                                                                         source of Islamic guidance, the        employed a man named Ibn al-
                                                                                                                         Glorious Quran. The Quran              Latiba, from the tribe of Bani

                                                                  wealthy Hajj pilgrims willing to pay
                                                                                                                         uses the Arabic word ‘fasad’ as        Asad, to collect alms. On his

                                                                  between R80 000 and R100 000 per
                                                                                                                         an equivalent for corruption.          return, Ibn al-Latiba told the
                                                                                                                         Fasad and its derivatives are          Prophet (SAW): ‘This is for you

                                                                                                                         used fifty times in various places     and this was gifted to me.’

                   FTER the annual Hajj, the                      The places closest to the Holy Haram
                                                                                                                         of the Quran. For example, in              On hearing this, the Prophet
                                                                                                                         Surah al-Rum, Allah, the Sub-          (SAW) ascended the pulpit so

                   Umrah sustains pilgrimage to                   attract greatest value in terms of real
                                                                                                                         lime proclaims: ‘Corruption is         that everyone could be privy to

                   Makkah and Madinah                             estate revenue. The Saudi policy,
                                                                                                                         flourishing in the land and in the     his teaching. He reprimanded
                                                                                                                                                                Ibn al-Latiba by saying that

          throughout the year, until the next
                                                                                                                         sea as a consequence of the peo-

                                                                  therefore, is clearly a prioritisation of
                                                                                                                         ple’s deeds; Allah makes them          whoever behaves in this manner,

          Hajj season. Of an estimated two                        commercial value above spiritual value
                                                                                                                         taste some of the consequences         i.e. coveting gifts while collect-

          billion Muslims in the world, the Hajj                  in respect of access to the Haram by
                                                                                                                         of their own actions so that they      ing alms taxes, will be harshly
                                                                                                                         may turn back from corruption.’        judged on the Day of Resurrec-

          currently accommodates a limited                        pilgrims. The rapid expansion of
                                                                                                                         (30:41)                                tion. He emphasised this mes-

          number of pilgrims per annum.                           exclusive, high-rise developments
                                                                                                                            Fasad is a rich and multi-          sage by raising his hands high
                                                                                                                         vocal term, which refers to cor-       and by asking his audience three

          For the past ten years, the average                     around the Haram effectively forces
                                                                                                                         ruption as that ‘which arises          times if they had clearly under-

          number of pilgrims for Hajj has been                    poor pilgrims further away.
                                                                                                                         from disturbing the balance of         stood the message he had con-
                                                                                                                         justice (mizan) by greed, self-        veyed. (Sahih al-Bukhari) The

          almost 2,5 million. The highest number                  While none of this makes spiritual or
                                                                                                                         interest and deception’. Fasad         lessons from the seerah are crys-

          officially recorded by the Saudis is                    moral sense, it certainly makes
                                                                                                                         can occur in different spheres of      tal clear: First, corruption is not
                                                                                                                                                                merely confined to those who

                                                                  business sense, particularly in a
                                                                                                                         human life, including the per-

          3,16 million in 2012.
                                                                                                                         sonal, social, economic and            take or give bribes but also those

          According to economists, the Saudi                      macro-economic context. The Saudi
                                                                                                                         political. On the basis of the         who facilitate it in whatever way

          Kingdom’s revenue from ‘religious                       monarchy is well aware that the
                                                                                                                         Quranic exposition of fasad, I         or form. Second, those in posi-
                                                                                                                         would like to define corruption        tions of authority need to be

          tourism’ services is estimated at                       volatility in the global oil markets and
                                                                                                                         as an abuse of trust and power         extra careful and scrupulous in

          $16,5 billion. In 2014, Hajj revenue                    the finite nature of this non-renewable
                                                                                                                         that manifests itself horizontally     making sure that they do not
                                                                                                                         across public and private sectors      procure undeserving benefits

          alone accounted for $8,5 billion of this                resource means that they have to find
                                                                                                                         and, vertically, from the state        and gifts from their perches of

          industry. Therefore, Umrah makes up a                   a substitute for declining oil revenues.
                                                                                                                         and corporate elite down to            power. The proliferation of
                                                                                                                         everyday citizens.                     bribery in a society leads to cor-

          significant share of the religious                      According to a South African Hajj and
                                                                                                                            Corruption entails benefiting       ruption, unjust decisions are

          tourism revenue.                                        Umrah operator, the lesser pilgrimage
                                                                                                                         materially or gaining unfair           made, undeserving persons are

                                                                  is becoming more lucrative than the
                                                                                                                         power privileges, and could take       appointed to positions and

          Religious pilgrimage is one of the
                                                                                                                         the form of bribery, patronage,        deserving ones are passed over,

          major sectors of Saudi Arabia’s non-oil                 greater one because the Hajj is
                                                                                                                         nepotism, embezzlement and the         and a culture of greed permeates

          economy, comprising three per cent of                   essentially an annual, ten-day ritual,
                                                                                                                         abuse of public property.              the society.
                                                                                                                            The Prophet Muhammad                    In conclusion, at this special

          gross domestic product (GDP).                           whereas the Umrah offers greater
                                                                                                                         (SAW) exemplified the teachings        time of Rabi-ul-Awwal, when

          Consequently, many domestic and                         opportunities for revenue over a longer
                                                                                                                         contained in the Quran. Small          we re-dedicate our lives to fol-
                                                                                                                         wonder his wife, Ayesha,               lowing in the noble footsteps of

          international hospitality firms operating               period.
                                                                                                                         described his character as an          our spiritual guide, Prophet

          in Saudi Arabia have dedicated                          Given this tourism model of the
                                                                                                                         embodiment of the Quran                Muhammad (SAW), we need to
                                                                                                                         (Musnad of Ahmad). The fol-            embrace the universal ethics

          religious tourism brands and chains.                    pilgrimage, it is not surprising that local
                                                                                                                         lowing prophetic traditions            expounded in the seerah and

          The only barrier to the number of                       Hajj and Umrah operators, like others
                                                                                                                         (hadith) encapsulate his teach-        infuse it into our struggle

          pilgrims permitted for Hajj and Umrah,                  over the world, are likely to be driven
                                                                                                                         ings on corruption.                    against the scourge of corrup-
                                                                                                                            Abdullah ibn Amr narrated           tion. We can no longer afford to

          each year, is the physical capacity of                  by a profit motive.
                                                                                                                         that the Prophet (SAW) ‘cursed         remain mute in the face of

          the holy sites during the course of a                   The model is, fundamentally, at odds
                                                                                                                         the one who offers the bribe and       endemic corruption. Our silence
                                                                                                                         the one who receives it’ (Jami’at-     and indifference render us

          large-scale expansion programme.                        with the ethic of simplicity of the Hajj
                                                                                                                         Tirmidhi, Ahmad & Ibn Hib-             accomplices in the crime of cor-

          If we were to assume, naïvely, that the                 and the Umrah. The essence of the
                                                                                                                         ban). In a more comprehensive          ruption. We need to muster the
                                                                                                                         but lesser known hadith, Thaw-         courage to speak out unequivo-

          Saudi government sincerely provides                     pilgrimage draws the believer from a
                                                                                                                         ban said; ‘The Messenger of            cally and in unison against the

          infrastructure for the devotional                       concern with worldliness to a
                                                                                                                         Allah cursed the one who offers        growing corruption trend in
                                                                                                                                                                South Africa and the world.

                                                                  contemplation of the hereafter. The
                                                                                                                         the bribe, the one who receives it

          obligations of the world’s Muslims then
                                                                                                                         and the one who arranges it.’          Imam Dr A Rashied Omar is

          we would be witness to an expansion                     Saudi expansion project contradicts
                                                                                                                         (Ahmad,         al-Hakim        and    the imam at Claremont Main

          programme of quite a different order.                   this sacred purpose.
                                                                                                                         Tabarani) In the hadith, the last      Road Mosque, in Claremont,
                                                                                                                         mentioned individual to be             Cape Town, and was
                                                                                                                         cursed, i.e. ar-ra’ish, is that per-   chairperson of the Western
                                                                                                                         son who becomes a link or go-          Cape Religious Leaders’ Forum
                                                                                                                         between among those who take           when it launched its

           Our editorial comment represents the composite viewpoint of the Editorial Team of Muslim Views,
                                                                                                                         and those who give a bribe. Such       Anti-Corruption Campaign in

          and is the institutional voice of the newspaper. Correspondence can be sent to editor@mviews.co.za
                                                                                                                         an individual, according to this       August, 2012.

                                                                                                                          It was narrated from ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr that the Messenger of Allah
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           4                   Muslim Views . December 2015

         Reading the road to prophethood
               SHAFIQ MORTON                                                                                                                                           But, back to the Bostra road

         IN the Jordanian desert, north,              … I do feel that most conventional teachings                                                                 and the Makkan caravans. As
                                                                                                                                                                   part of these caravans, the young
         towards the Hijaz, there is a                                                                                                                             Prophet (SAW) would have learnt
         Roman road. Brushed by the
         sand, its paving is in remarkable            often ignore the early years – which is surely                                                               a lot about business: he would
                                                                                                                                                                   have learnt how to negotiate, how
         condition. But, in Jordan, where                                                                                                                          to handle money, how to deal
         there are hundreds of
         archaeological sites, an old road,            the context, the scene-setter, as it were, that                                                             with people, how to cope with
                                                                                                                                                                   contrasting cultures and how to
         over a thousand years old, is not                                                                                                                         understand the value of contracts.
         that big a deal.
            I was shown this bit of timeless             raises the real questions of the seerah or                                                                    I’m convinced, for example,
                                                                                                                                                                   that these experiences informed
         master engineering en-route to                                                                                                                            his strategy on the Treaty of
         ancient Bostra, where there is a
         Buttum tree under which a 12-                              Prophetic biography                                                                            Hudaibiyya, which led to the con-
                                                                                                                                                                   quest of Makkah.
         year-old Muhammad (SAW) sat                                                                                                                                   Travel is the university of life
         over 1 400 years ago.                                                                                                                                     and, as such, I resent the simplis-
            This was when he journeyed to          A prophet’s primary purpose is     tion of an already prophetic per-         Aminah, may Allah bless her,       tic notion that the Prophet (SAW)
         Sham with a caravan led by Abu         to deliver a message – and crucial    sonality to that of a Messenger,       died en-route to Makkah after         was ‘illiterate’, a kind of autistic
         Talib, his uncle, and Bahira, the      to this task would be an under-       the mantle moving from ‘Ya             their visit, and was buried at        tabula rasa, a blank slate, when
         monk, then recognised him as a         standing of to whom that message      Nabi’ to ‘Ya Rasul’?                   Abwa. How many of us see her          he received the first Quranic reve-
         prophet.                               would have to be delivered.              Of course, it’s just a question     grave as a powerful, if not under-    lation. The Prophet (SAW) was
            The reason I remember this             A criticism that I have of         but I do feel that most conven-        estimated, matriarchal symbol?        unlettered, yes, but he wasn’t
         road is because it is where the        Moulood celebrations is that,         tional teachings often ignore the      The Prophet (SAW) might have          ‘illiterate’. There is a huge differ-
         Prophet (SAW) once walked. And         each year, the Prophet (SAW) is       early years – which is surely the      been orphaned young but,              ence. The Prophet (SAW) under-
         while the Buttum tree is a surviv-     dragged out of an abstract ether      context, the scene-setter, as it       already, several women had been       stood the metaphor of language;
         ing ‘Companion’, this road is one      and recreated, often in a crude       were, that raises the real ques-       seminal influences in his life, his   in fact, he was master of dialect
         of the last physical vestiges there    and fanciful form.                    tions of the seerah or Prophetic       wet-nurse, Halimah, his slave-        (yet another caravan influence?)
         is of the Prophet’s (SAW) exis-           What I mean is that there is       biography.                             girl, Barakah, and his mother,        and could speak to different tribes
         tence in our bleak Wahhabi             never any context as to who              That is why this lonely Roman       Aminah.                               in their own idiom. This is cer-
         epoch.                                 exactly is Muhammad (SAW).            road in Jordan is so important to         Not only would his orphan-         tainly not the discourse of an
            I have often thought of that        Context is the key that unlocks       me. Every time I think of it, it       hood have imbued him with an          ‘illiterate’ man whose speech was
         road, now wandering into the           history, not sentiment.               helps me to understand for myself      understanding of human vulnera-       described by Umm Ma’bad as a
         sandy wastes of a forgotten trail.        In the 21st century – which is a   who the Prophet (SAW) really           bility, it would have made him        ‘string of pearls’. My point is that
         Metaphorically, it certainly has its   fragile era – idealised, one-dimen-   was. But, before I get to it in fur-   realise the value of compassion –     life – the road – taught the
         message but what I think it tells      sional prophetic caricatures can      ther detail, there is also another     qualities these women, in his early   Prophet what we would call
         us is that the Prophet (SAW) had       only serve the extremists and fuel    road that must be mentioned.           years, would have shown.              ‘heart knowledge’ and innate wis-
         a life before prophethood, and         the sceptics, such as Richard            This is the path to Madinah            If one observes his monoga-        dom because, when Angel Jibril
         that this must, surely, have influ-    Dawkins, who snort that we            that the Prophet (SAW) took as a       mous 25 years with Khadijah, his      came to him with the first verses
         enced his later actions.               believe in a man who rode a           child with his mother, Aminah, to      first wife, and her influence as      of the Quran, at the age of 40, he
            And while the Quran is              winged horse.                         meet her Khazraj cousins.              friend, lover and counsellor (and     was already literate in terms of
         resplendent with examples – pro-          Nonetheless, a question of            There, the six-year-old boy         was she not the first Muslim?), it    worldly matters. What the Quran
         vided by Qadi Iyad in his Ash Shi-     context is: was it prophethood or     learnt to swim and fly kites,          becomes a travesty that so many       did to him – an unlettered man in
         fa’a – of the acute facilities         was it just the message of the        showing the Prophet (SAW) at an        contemporary scholars ignore the      reading and writing but not illit-
         prophets are born with, I’m con-       Quran that was brought down in        early stage the value of play and      hugely significant ‘feminine side’    erate in experience, compassion,
         vinced that their environments         Ramadaan?                             leisure – and immediately raising      of the seerah. How could this not     instinct and essential sagacity –
         would have played a critical role         Was the Hira experience on the     the question as to why extremists      have influenced Muhammad              was to give him the spirit of
         in their make-up.                      Mount of Light, then, the eleva-      hate kites.                            (SAW), the Messenger?                 ‘iqra’, the literacy of the universe.

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           6                   Muslim Views . December 2015

         ‘If you put the Sunnah before mercy you have lost both’
               MASNOENAH KAMALIE
         SHAIKH Abdul Hakim Murad,                    Furthermore, the Quran reminds us that the best example to
         the dean of Cambridge Muslim
         College, Director of Studies at
         Wolfson College and the Shaikh              follow, in attaining the quality of mercy, is that of the Prophet
         Zayed Lecturer in Islamic Studies
         at Cambridge University, is
         known for his                                (SAW): ‘Certainly you (O Muslims) have in the Messenger of
         thought-provoking social media
         posts, @Contentions.
             The posts aim at encouraging             Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and
         Muslims to do as the Quran com-
         mands: to reflect and ponder on
         their state in this world and their               the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.’ (33:21)
         ultimate state in the hereafter.
         Shaikh Murad recently posted the
         title used for this article.           action executed in the name of          Furthermore,         the   Quran       His mission of mercy was to        had the upper hand and the
             His post, as always, attained      Islam, claiming to be that of the    reminds us that the best example       call people to pray, fast and give    power to retaliate. Prophet
         its objective in getting me to think   Sunnah of the Prophet Muham-         to follow, in attaining the quality    charity, and to teach that one’s      Muhammad (SAW) was all for
         about my faith, my beloved             mad (SAW) but is without mercy,      of mercy, is that of the Prophet       faith in Allah should also influ-     forgiveness and no amount of
         Prophet (SAW) and my under-            cannot be justifiably so claimed.    (SAW): ‘Certainly you (O Mus-          ence one’s conduct towards oth-       crime or belligerence against him
         standing of him (SAW) and his             The one who makes such a          lims) have in the Messenger of         ers. He said: ‘The best of you are    was too great to be forgiven by
         (SAW) Sunnah.                          claim and justification has lost     Allah an excellent exemplar for        they who have the best character.’    him.
             Murad’s post comes at a time       perspective of the Sunnah, has       him who hopes in Allah and the            Many sayings of the Prophet           He taught that all humans are
         when Islam is being presented in       lost perspective of who the          Last Day, and remembers Allah          (SAW) emphasise the relationship      equal in the sight of God when he
         the media as a merciless faith – a     Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is            much.’ (33:21) In order to attain      between belief and action, for        said: ‘All humanity is from Adam
         misrepresentation that Muslims         and what it means to claim to        this quality of mercy, and imple-      example: ‘Whoever believes in         and Adam is from clay. There is
         and non-Muslims alike, from            love him.                            ment it, one has to understand it,     Allah and the Last Day should         no superiority for an Arab over a
         across the globe, strongly contest.       One needn’t look very far to      one has to know what it means.         not hurt his neighbour, and who-      non-Arab nor for a black over a
             A Muslim’s faith is founded on     understand the above for Allah       In essence, Muhammad (SAW)             ever believes in Allah and the Last   white; except through piety…
         belief in Allah SWT and His final      SWT says of the Prophet Muham-       was a blessing, an act of divine       Day, should serve his guest gener-    Allah does not judge you accord-
         messenger, Muhammad (SAW).             mad (SAW): ‘And We have not          favour or compassion, sent to          ously, and whoever believes in        ing to your appearance and your
         Muslims are taught, from a young       sent you (O Prophet) but as a        inspire people from darkness to        Allah and the Last Day, should        wealth but He looks at your
         age, what it means to be a believ-     mercy to the nations (rahmah lil-    light, from ignorance to cog-          speak what is good or keep quiet.’    hearts and looks into your deeds.’
         er.                                    alamin).’ (21:107)                   nizance, from merciless to merci-         And he (SAW) taught people to         This is the mercy and blessing
             They are taught to worship            ‘Thus it is by Allah’s mercy      ful, from uncivilised to humane.       show mercy and to respect each        celebrated by Muslims all over
         one God, to obey His commands          that you are gentle to them. And        Mercy is synonymous with            other when he reminded that, ‘He      the world when they reflect on
         and to follow the example of His       if you had been rough, hard-         qualities such as leniency, com-       who does not show mercy to oth-       their fortune of having come to
         prophet. Following his (SAW)           hearted, they would certainly        passion, forgiveness, kindness,        ers, will not be shown mercy.’        know Muhammad (SAW). This
         example means implementing his         have dispersed from around you.’     sympathy, tolerance and magna-            Of his mercy was that he           what they celebrate daily when
         (SAW) Sunnah, correctly.               (3:159)                              nimity. Allah SWT is known as          taught us forgiveness. The            properly implementing his Sun-
             Shaikh Murad urges one to             And he (SAW) verifies the         the Most Merciful, and it is befit-    Prophet (SAW) was the most for-       nah. This is what they reflect
         reflect on the correct implementa-     kalam of Allah SWT when, as          ting that His Prophet (SAW) be         bearing of all people, and the        upon and celebrate when they
         tion of the Sunnah, which trans-       reported in Sahih Muslim, he was     sent as a mercy to mankind. His        kindest. If someone mistreated        commemorate his birth.
         lates into one’s expression of love    asked, ‘Invoke a curse upon the      (SAW) mercy is that he came to         him, he would exonerate him,          Masnoenah Kamalie is a lecturer
         for the Prophet Muhammad               idol worshippers,’ he replied, ‘I    teach humanity how to attain           and the harsher a person was, the     and Examinations and Student
         (SAW).                                 have not been sent as the invoker    closeness to Allah SWT and how         more patient he would become.         Records Officer at International
             His recent contention com-         of curse but I have been sent as a   to live in this life so that one may      He was immensely merciful          Peace College South Africa
         pelled me to conclude that any         mercy.’                              enjoy the spoils of the afterlife.     and forgiving, especially when he     (Ipsa).

         Muslim Views
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                                                                                                                                                 Muslim Views . December 2015        7

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                                                                                                                                                                            Muslim Views
A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks - DR AUWAIS RAFUDEEN - Muslim Views
MV December 2015 MERGED_MV December 2015 MERGED 2015/12/04 5:40 PM Page 8

           8                    Muslim Views . December 2015

         Moulood celebrations at the Cape
               DR HOOSAIN EBRAHIM                                                                                                                               Dressed for the occasion, a young
                                                                                                                                                                girl preparing rampies on the
                                                                                                                          Allah an excellent exemplar…’
                                                                                                                                                                afternoon before the celebration of
                                                                                                                          with the intention of emulating
                                                                                                                                                                Moulood-un-Nabi, 1436, at Masjidul
                                                                                                                                                                Quds in Gatesville. Growing up in this
         UNDOUBTEDLY, one of the                                                                                          the practice of Muhammad
                                                                                                                                                                tradition, to honour the birth of
         most auspicious occasions in the                                                                                 (SAW).
                                                                                                                                                                Allah’s Beloved, she is fully absorbed
         lives of Muslims is the 12th of                                                                                     The celebration of Moulood
                                                                                                                                                                and takes full interest in this act of
         Rabi-ul-Awwal, which marks the                                                                                   would be ineffective if the follow-
                                                                                                                                                                love for the Prophet (SAW).
                                                                                                                                                                               Photo ISGAAK EBRAHIM
         birth date of Nabi Muhammad                                                                                      ing text of the Quran is not
         (SAW). Muslims celebrate this                                                                                    adhered to: ‘And whatever the
         joyus event of the noble birth                                                                                   Messenger gives you, accept it,
         globally, every year, with honour                                                                                and whatever he forbids you,          South Africa twice, he advised
         and passion.                                                                                                     abstain (therefrom)…’ (9:7)           that, apart from direct dawah
             In this article, we will be focus-                                                                              We are experiencing major          work among indigenous people,
         ing on the manner in which Mus-                                                                                  problems with the character of        Muslims should invite them to
         lims in the Cape celebrate                                                                                       some of our youth, and Nabi           their functions to establish cordial
         Moulood, and not debate about                                                                                    Muhammad (SAW) made it clear          relations with them, and, with
         whether it should be celebrated or                                                                               that we should emulate him when       time, through these social con-
         not. This celebration is a con-                                                                                  he said: ‘I was mainly sent to per-   tacts when Muslims should be the
         tentious issue and it seems that,                                                                                fect the noblest of character.’       exemplars of Islam, these people
         annually, no consensus is met.                                                                                   Thus, the noblest of character        would be attracted to the faith, as
             We will also present an                                                                                      was afforded to the Prophet           was evident in the history of
         overview of the adherence of the                                                                                 (SAW) when Allah says in Surah        Islam in different parts of the
         Quranic injunctions and will con-                                                                                Qalam: ‘And surely thou hast          world.
         clude with advice for the organis-                                                                               sublime morals.’                         Therefore, the organisers of
         ers of Moulood.                                                                                                     Celebrating the birth of           Moulood celebrations have a
             The most significant feature at                                                                              Muhammad (SAW) simply means           great role to play in the new
         the Cape is the assembly of fami-                                                                                we love and are conscious of          South Africa for spreading the
         lies at mosques and, nowadays, at                                                                                Nabi Muhammad (SAW) so let us         message of Islam (peace), through
         stadiums. Females gather at                                                                                      look at the following ayah: ‘If you   a peaceful and non-controversial
         mosques, usually in the after-                                                                                   love Allah, follow me (Muham-         way, by inviting non-Muslims to
         noon, dressed in colourful attire,                                                                               mad): Allah will love you and         these functions.
         preparing the rampies (a scented                                                                                 grant you protection from your           They should also appeal to
         mixture of chopped lemon tree                                                                                    sins. And Allah is forgiving and      Muslims to bring gifts to the
         leaves and flowers), while, at                                                                                   merciful.’ (30:3)                     functions – both in cash and kind
         madrasahs, teachers speak on the                                                                                    On the cover of The Life of        – that anybody would normally
         significance of this occasion.                                                                                   Muhammad, by M H Haykal,              take to somebody’s function.
             At these venues, shaikhs and                                                                                 chapter 21, verse 107 of the          These cash and gifts should be
         imams educate people about the                                                                                   Quran is printed in bold type:        distributed, particularly among
         life (seerah) of the Prophet (SAW).      salawat and, thereafter, a closing   happiness of that momentous day,   ‘And We have not sent thee but as     needy non-Muslims attending
         This festive spirit reaches its cli-     duah.                                were told by the Prophet (SAW)     a mercy to the nations.’              such functions.
         max when religious dignitaries              There is sufficient evidence      that Allah would grant them a         This message is important and         In this way, non-Muslims, with
         address thousands of people.             that the Prophet (SAW) himself       tremendous reward for having       should be appreciated at all times.   the qudrah of Allah, could possi-
             The memorable occasion com-          expressed delight in the obser-      observed the moulood in the        We should endeavour to emulate        bly accept this beautiful, peaceful,
         mences with Quranic recitals             vance of his moulood. This is        manner they had done.              the life of Nabi Muhammad             deen of ours.
         after which learners from various        obvious in his remark to his Com-       While      participating   in   (SAW), share it with others and       Dr Ebrahim is a lecturer in
         madrasahs render dhikr and qasi-         panions who kept fast on Mon-        Moulood celebrations, there is a   celebrate it every day of our lives   Religion Studies, History, Ulum
         dahs. Finally, everyone partici-         days, the day of his birth.          need to be conscious of chapter    as well.                              al-Quran and Ilm al-Kalaam at
         pates in the popular poems read             The Companions who had            33, verse 22, where Allah says,       In conclusion, when Moulana        International Peace College
         from the Ruwayats of Barzanji,           observed the fast for the joy and    ‘You have in the Messenger of      Abdul Alim Siddique visited           South Africa (Ipsa).

         Muslim Views
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         Mawlid on
         Dec 16
         THE media launch of Mass
         Mawlid 1437 took place at
         Habibia Soofie Masjid, on
         November 20. The launch
         officially announced the venue
         of Mawlid SA, which will be at
         Athlone Stadium, starting at
         5pm Wednesday December 16.
            This year’s event will be graced
         by the legendary Egyptian Qari,
         Dr Ahmed Naa’ina, the Chief
         Minister of the State of Perak in
         Malaysia, Dato Zambry Abdul
         Kadir, and the head of the Madi-
         na Institute, Shaikh Muhammad
         bin Yahya Al Ninowi.
            The media launch was accom-
         panied by a ceremonial opening
         performance by the Habibia Sid-
         dique Muslim Brigade, and a cel-
         ebration of an event that has
         been faithfully observed by past
            All supporters are asked to
         wear white for the event. This
         year, the organisers are hoping to
         use not only the pavilion at
         Athlone Stadium but also its
         lawns, to enable mass participa-
         tion in the ‘marathon of qiraah
         and dhikr’ from 5pm to 9pm.
            Buses for the event are set to
         leave from various masajid
         around Cape Town and volun-
         teers are making preparations in
         this respect.
            Mawlid SA is a non-profit
         organisation and it depends on
         the generosity of sponsors and
         food sales at the event to fund its
         programmes. Further informa-
         tion about Mawlid SA is obtain-
         able at www.mawlidsa.org.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Muslim Views
A Sunnah response to the Paris attacks - DR AUWAIS RAFUDEEN - Muslim Views
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          10                  Muslim Views . December 2015

         Kathrada, a leader who prefers the back bench
          OCTOBER 15, 2015,
          marked 26 years since
          struggle stalwart, Ahmed
          Kathrada, was released
          from prison. This means
          that his time spent in
          prison, and the years
          following his release, are
          now equal. To mark the
          occasion, he was
          interviewed by the Ahmed
          Kathrada Foundation’s
          Director, Neeshan Balton.
          ZAAKIRAH VADI captures
          highlights of that interview
          in this two-part series.

         AS he sits in his lounge at his
         Killarney flat, Ahmed Kathrada’s
         memories blur the line between
         past and present. The police
         sirens that sound in the
         background are an eerie                                                    Ahmed Kathrada at the ANC National General Council, in Midrand, in October this year.
         reminder of a not too distant                                                                                                            Photo ZAAKIRAH VADI/ AHMED KATHRADA FOUNDATION
         past, characterised by arrests of
         anti-apartheid activists,                                                     The tide of events that fol-          was highly critical of the Tricam-    a priority, as well as visiting the
         imprisonment and deaths in                                                 lowed the release of the five Rivo-      eral Parliament. He beams as he       grave of Suliman ‘Babla’ Saloojee,
         detention.                                                                 nia Trialists, however, was any-         narrates the example he used to       who was killed in detention.
                                               Ahmed Kathrada at the Palestinian
                                               Walk for Freedom, in Benoni.
            On October 15, 1989, five of                                            thing but relaxing. Kathrada says        describe the ludicrous reasoning          Twenty-six years on, Saloojee’s
                                                             Photo ZAAKIRAH VADI/
         the eight Rivonia Trialists were                                           that it is a blur in his mind, strung    behind the system. The first ‘gov-    name still surfaces as someone
                                                  AHMED KATHRADA FOUNDATION
         released from 26 years of incar-                                           together with media interviews,          ernor’ of the Dutch colony at the     whom Kathrada dearly misses.
         ceration. They were dropped off                                            rallies, visits from comrades and        Cape, Simon van der Stel, would           He adds that he often thinks
         outside their houses in police        morning lights up an assortment      family, and travelling frequently        have been in the House of Repre-      about Mandela and Sisulu, along
         vehicles. They included Walter        of artefacts and photos that he      between Lenasia and Soweto.              sentatives, as he was a ‘coloured’.   with Ruth First, Bram Fischer, Joe
         Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Ray-          has displayed. This includes a          Perhaps forgetting his ‘notori-       His mother would have been in         Slovo, ‘Rusty’ Bernstein, Ameen
         mond Mhlaba, Andrew Mlangeni          metal plate, the type he and his     ety’ as a Rivonia Trialist, he seems     the House of Delegates, as she        Cajee – who took care of his
         and Elias Motsoaledi. Three of        fellow inmates would eat from on     surprised that some 5 000 people         was of Asian origin, while his        Kholvad House flat while Kathra-
         the eight prisoners were released     Robben      Island.   Kathrada’s     turned up at a park outside his          father would have been in the         da was imprisoned – Nana Sita,
         at different times. They were         relaxed composure reinforces the     family home, in Lenasia, to wel-         ‘white’ House of Assembly.            ‘Murvy’ Thandray, Maulvi and
         Denis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki           idea of someone who calmly deals     come him ‘at such short notice’.            Kathrada, upon his release,        Yusuf Cachalia, JB Marks, Moses
         and Nelson Mandela.                   with matters. ‘When prisoners are       He specifically recalls the press     was conscious of the importance       Kotane, ‘Duma’ Nokwe and Lil-
            Twenty-six years later, Kathra-    released, you are examined by the    conference in Soweto the very day        of maintaining simplicity. ‘One of    lian Ngoyi.
         da’s surroundings are reflective of   doctor in the morning,’ he           of the release, where he says he         my relatives wanted to take me in     In part two, Vadi looks at the
         his days as a prisoner and of that    explains. ‘In my case, the doctor    conveniently passed on all ques-         a Jaguar to the rally. I asked him    life of Kathrada in the 26 years
         as a free man – both periods now      remarked, “What’s wrong with         tions to Sisulu!                         to take me in an ordinary car.’ So    following his freedom. Vadi is
         equal in time. Apart from news-       you? The blood pressure of all          Kathrada        remembers       his   who was it that Kathrada wanted       the Communications Officer at
         papers and a book of poems on         your colleagues is up, except        speech at an FNB Stadium rally           to visit first upon his release?      the Ahmed Kathrada
         Kathrada’s lounge table, the          yours!”’                             some two weeks later, in which he           He says that Helen Joseph was      Foundation.

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                  Street marches for                                                   Ipsa launches seminal work
                   Grand Moulood                                                       INTERNATIONAL Peace Col-            Salaf) is a powerful testimony of   journalist Shafiq Morton, will be
                                                                                       lege South Africa (Ipsa) has just   mainstream Islam, and is an elo-    on sale at the college and all
                                                tions and the general public who       published a translation of one of   quent voice against the extremist   Islamic bookshops nation-wide.
                                                wish to attend and experience the      the seminal works of the late       discourse that has so bedevilled       A well-known student of
         HUNDREDS are set to march              beauty of Moulood.                     Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-           the Muslim community since the      Sayyid al-Maliki, Dr Wasif Kalbi,
         through the streets of Cape               South Africans can now pre-         Maliki, one of Makkah’s fore-       rise of Al-Qaeda and Isis.          spoke at the launch of the book,
         Town to celebrate the annual           pare themselves for a grand cele-      most scholars, and author of           The book, translated by a team   at Azzawia Masjid, in Walmer
         Grand Moulood events in South          bration of Moulood in the com-         over 100 works.                     of local scholars headed by Dr      Estate, Cape Town, and at the
         Africa.                                ing months hosted by the Cape             Manhaj al-Salaf fi Fahm al-      Auwais Rafudeen and Shaikh          Nana Memorial Hall in Crosby,
            The marches are organised by        Town Islamic Educational Centre        Nusus (The Way of the True          Ighsaan Taliep, and edited by       Johannesburg.
         the CTIEC (Cape Town Islamic           (CTIEC).
         Educational Centre) as part of            Each year, the Grand Moulood
         their Rabi-ul-Awwal Grand              is celebrated with a number of
         Moulood celebrations. The              traditions and different activities,
         events have become increasingly        including the recitation of the
         popular over the past few years in     salawaat, qirah, dhikr, talks
         many parts of South Africa.            about Islamic history and street
            A convoy of vehicles and walk-      marches in honour of the Blessed
         ers will make their way through        Birth.
         the streets of Cape Town’s South-         In the lead-up to the Grand
         ern Suburbs on January 31, 2015,       Moulood, the CTIEC holds spe-
         at 9:30am from the CTIEC               cial sessions dedicated to learning
         Masjidul Kareem Centre in 11th         more about the ways of the
         Avenue, Eagle Park.                    Prophet.
            The aim of the march is to             This year’s Grand Moulood
         spread awareness of the birth of       events will run from December
         the Holy Prophet (SAW).                23, 2015, to January 31, 2016, in
            The colourful procession of         four major cities across South
         flag-bearers will be led by Allama     Africa.
         Moulana Sayed Imraan Shah                 The events will have different
         Ziyaee, accompanied by chants in       speakers and reciters. Although
         praise of the Prophet (SAW). The       street marches will be held at cer-
         juloos (procession) will become a      tain events only, refreshments/
         permanent feature on the CTIEC         meals will be served at all the
         calendar.                              events.
            Sayed Ridhwaan Mohamed,                The proceedings of the mega
         Spokesperson of CTIEC com-             events will be covered live around
         mented, ‘The march will see hun-       the world through CTIEC Media
         dreds of people from across the        Division Networks and various
         town turn out to show their love       national TV networks.
         and support for Rasool-Allah           For more information on the
         (SAW) in a peaceful march.’ The        Grand Moulood events, you may
         march will end at the Masjidul         contact Moulana Sayed Imraan
         Kareem Centre where the guests         Ziyaee, on 082 833 2036, Sayed
         will all be seated for the main lec-   Ridhwaan Mohamed Ziyaee, on
         ture and will be served lunch.         021 396 2896, or Whatsapp
            The march is open to all            084 352 1969; alternatively mail
         masjids, madrasahs, organisa-          admin@ctiec.co.za

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          14                  Muslim Views . December 2015

         Sahrawi women call for SA support
               MAHMOOD SANGLAY                                                       Spanish from 1884 until 1976.
                                                                                     From the 1950s, their calls for
         THE World March of Women                                                    national independence were sup-
         (WMW) held a seminar in                                                     pressed even after the Internation-
         solidarity with the women of                                                al Court of Justice, in 1976, inter-
         Western Sahara at the District                                              vened and recognised their right
         Six Museum Homecoming                                                       to a referendum for self-determi-
         Centre, on November 6, 2015.                                                nation. Hassam says Morocco,
         WMW is an international                                                     today, opposes a referendum
         feminist movement working                                                   because the overwhelming major-
         towards eradicating the root                                                ity of Sahrawis want indepen-
         causes of poverty and violence                                              dence.
         against women.                                                                  In 1975, a year prior to libera-
            The Sahrawi Arab Democratic                                              tion from Spanish occupation,
         Republic (SADR) is an occupied                                              Morocco invaded Western Sahara
         country in the Western Sahara. It                                           from the north, and Mauritania
         claims sovereignty over the entire    Wilhelmina Trout, from the World      from the south. Hassam says it
                                               March for Women (WMW), addresses
                                               the audience at the District Six
         territory of Western Sahara, a for-                                         was a war of extermination
                                               Museum Homecoming Centre, on
         mer Spanish colony. However,                                                because chemical weapons were
                                               November 6. Seated, from left, are
         about 80 per cent of this region is                                         used. Vast numbers of Sahrawis
         currently occupied by Morocco.        women’s rights activists Nzira de     fled, including Hassam. Current-
                                               Deus, from Mozambique and Fatma
                                               Mehdi Hassam, from the SADR.
         Hence, the Sahrawi people are in                                            ly, 200 000 Sahrawi refugees are
                                               De Deus and Nyampinga attended the
         struggle against Morocco for                                                in Algeria. Spain was complicit in
                                               seminar in solidarity with WMW.
         independence. The territory occu-                                           this invasion, and the occupation
         pied by Morocco includes that of               Photo MAHMOOD SANGLAY        of the SADR today is supported
                                                                                                                              This map of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) shows the 2 700 km
         the SADR capital, Laayoune. The                                             by France and the USA politically,
                                                                                                                              wall (indicated by the red line) which separates the territory occupied by
         SADR also shares borders with                                               economically and militarily.
                                                                                                                              Morocco in the west and the area controlled by the SADR government in the
                                                                                                                              east.                                                            Source: Wikipedia
         Mauritania and Algeria.               which showed the suffering of         Those who could not escape to
            According to Fatma Mehdi           especially the women in the           the desert now live under occupa-
         Hassam, President of the Nation-      SADR. Horrific footage and            tion. The human rights abuses
         al Union of Sahrawi Women,            images taken in Laayoune, in          against the Sahrawis have been           process’ to include a dismantling         the SADR, 75 per cent in educa-
         their struggle has been on the        April 2013, shows the public          well documented by Human                 of this military wall and a clear-        tion and 90 per cent in health
         agenda of the United Nations          assault of civilian women by          Rights Watch and Amnesty Inter-          ance of the landmines. The nature         care. There are four women min-
         Security Council for more than 24     Moroccan security forces. Their       national.                                of war and exile forced the               isters in government, one female
         years, and the SADR is the last       crime was holding up the Sahrawi          The people of the SADR are           Sahrawi men to the frontlines of          governor of a province, five
         colony of Africa under foreign        flag. Her presentation was met        divided by a 2 700 km long mili-         the conflict while the women              women in the leadership of the
         occupation.                           with intermittent sighs of distress   tary wall, known as the Berm.            stayed in the camps. It is the            Front and 31 per cent of parlia-
            Hassam made an appeal to           and anguish from members of the       The length of the wall is peppered       women who built the governance            mentarians are women.
         South Africans to support their       audience who watched the video        with landmines, even though              structures and civil services. They          The seminar was also attended
         struggle for independence. ‘The       showing the brutality of Moroc-       there is a ceasefire in place. It also   are largely responsible for the           by retired judge Essa Moosa, as a
         South African people have also        can soldiers against Sahrawi          separates families, like the wall in     health, education and administra-         representative of the Kurdish
         paid this price, and history has      women.                                Palestine.                               tion of the SADR.                         Human Rights Action Group. He
         made you victorious but you did          Hassam’s narrative was also            ‘Everyone knows of the Berlin           The women of the SADR have             expressed solidarity with the
         not achieve this on your own and      presented at a pre-khutbah talk at    wall, everyone knows of the wall         imagined a model of society in            Sahrawi people and said that
         we will not be able to achieve this   Claremont Main Road Masjid,           cutting across Palestine but hard-       Arab culture in which all women           what the Kurdish, the Palestinian
         on our own,’ she said.                on November 6. It was an emo-         ly anyone has heard of the wall          and men are free and have equal           and the Sahrawi people have in
            The seminar at the District Six    tional one in which she paused to     cutting across Western Sahara,’          opportunities, while conserving           common is a struggle for self-
         Museum was attended by 35 peo-        fight back her tears. The Sahrawi     says Hassam. Sahrawi women               the traditional values. Sahrawi           determination, resistance against
         ple, mostly women, and Hassam’s       people were largely nomadic until     organise a march to the wall             women occupy close to 85 per              colonialism and confronting the
         talk was accompanied by a video       they were first colonised by the      every year, asking for the ‘peace        cent of administrative positions of       consequences of decolonisation.

                                                                                                                                                                 - ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE -
                                                                                                          SA’s first Halaal                                   is allowed on the premises. Suburban
                                                                                                          guesthouse turns                                    Lodge pioneered the local Halaal hospital-
                                                                                                                                                              ity business, and this criterion posed the
                                                                                                                                                              challenge of an untested niche in the mar-
                                                                                                          eighteen                                            ket.
                                                                                                                                                                 Doomsayers predicted the failure of the
                                                                                                                                                              business due to its strict adherence to
                                                                                                          ESTABLISHED in October 1997,                        Halaal standards. And, in the absence of
                                                                                                          Suburban Lodge is the brainchild of                 mentors or government support, the own-
                                                                                                          Fatieg Behardien, his wife Fairuz and her           ers were confronted by unprecedented
                                                                                                          sister, Dr Faiza Toefy. In 1996, Fatieg             challenges.
                                                                                                          searched for Halaal lodging for his                    ‘This made us even more determined to
                                                                                                          Malaysian business partners but could not           continue but, more importantly, we were
                                                                                                          find any. They then realised they had               not prepared to compromise our values
                                                                                                          discovered a business opportunity.                  and principles. Our clients from all differ-
                                                                                                              ‘We started with a four-bedroom house           ent religions and cultures have come to
                                                                                                          in Fourth Avenue, Rondebosch East, in               know and respect the rules of the lodge,
                                                                                                          October 1997. Our initial focus was the             and have remained loyal guests over the
                                                                                                          international market but due to domestic            years,’ says Fatieg.
                                                                                                          demand by the end of 1998, we opened a                 Through the years, Suburban Lodge has
                                                                                                          second lodge at 15 Sixth Avenue.’                   hosted many famous people, like Yusuf
                                                                                                              According to Fatieg, they were then told        Islam, The Earth Walker and The Tallest
                                                                                                          by Satour that Suburban Lodge was the               Man, and hosted dinners for Premiers
                                                                                                          first official Halaal guesthouse in South           Ebrahim Rasool and Helen Zille, to name
                                                                                                          Africa. ‘We take pride in providing true            a few.
                                                                                                          Cape Malay hospitality and cuisine,’ says              The lodge has also been on all the
                                                                                                          Fatieg.                                             provincial government’s lists of pilot pro-
                                                                                                              The lodge is a triple-storey building with      jects for entrepreneurs, and co-operated
                                                                                                          eight en-suite bedrooms, accommodating              with them in presenting training for the
                                                                                                          up to 20 guests. The rooms are tastefully           tourism industry. The lodge has been
                                                                                                          furnished, with a range of complimentary            instrumental in mentoring and assisting
                                                                                                          features, including wi-fi. There are two            other entrepreneurs to open their own
                                                                                                          lounges, a dedicated breakfast area and             guest houses.
                                                                                                          panoramic views.                                       Suburban Lodge has also been part of
                                                                                                              The location is in proximity to three golf      the Tsogo Sun Book a Guest House pro-
                                                                                                          courses, Newlands Stadium, Athlone Stadi-           gramme for the last four years.
                                                                                                          um, malls, restaurants, UCT, Cape Town                 Fatieg says he and his partners are com-
                                                                                                          International Airport and the city centre.          mitted to a transformation agenda in their
                                                                                                              The first lodge in Fourth Avenue was            business. ‘We use only previously disad-
                                                                                                          sold as a going concern in 2004, enabling           vantaged service providers in all our pro-
                                                                                                          the owners to concentrate on the bigger             curement initiatives,’ he says.
                                                                                                          establishment and the conference centre in             In addition to his work in the hospitali-
                                                                                                          Sixth Avenue. This establishment is now             ty industry, Fatieg set up a subsidiary in the
                                                                                                          being upgraded for the December holiday             travel and tourism industry, in 2008. Sub-
                                                                                                          season.                                             urban Travel & Tour Advisors specialises
                                                                                                              The lodge has the first conference centre       in tours to Indonesia with a view to
                                                                                                          owned by historically disadvantaged indi-           strengthen historical and cultural bonds
                                                                                                          viduals (HDI’s). The facility can host up to        between South Africa and Indonesia.
                                                                                                          40 delegates, boardroom style, and 80 del-             Fatieg is confident that their motto
                                                                                                          egates, theatre style.                              ‘Come as a stranger, leave as a friend’ has
                                                                                                              As a Muslim-owned business, the lodge           served them and their clients well, and will
                                                                                                          is strictly Halaal and, therefore, no alcohol       continue to do so.
         Muslim Views
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                                                                                                                                                               Muslim Views . December 2015             15

         Wits ex-SRC leader talks about student struggle
             AAISHA DADI-PATEL                                                                                                   pans out. And that in itself is         But, as Muslims, concepts of
                                                                                                                                 something you are constantly            social justice and creating a sys-
         FORMER Wits SRC president                                                                                               fighting.                               tem where the poor are given a
         Shaeera Kalla has told Muslim                                                                                              ‘I am lucky enough to come           chance are integral to our religion
         Views that the most important                                                                                           from a family that has ‘progres-        – we know about how systems
         thing highlighted by the recent                                                                                         sive’ views when it comes to being      like capitalism and greed affect
         Fees Must Fall protests is ‘the                                                                                         involved but there are still very       and destroy a society, so why are
         power of a mobilised youth to                                                                                           many limitations which I know I         we not more active in challenging
         shake the core of an unjust                                                                                             am not the only one facing.             them?
         system’.                                                                                                                Instances where you are continu-            ‘The way that we see the world
            Kalla was one of the leaders of                                                                                      ally asked, “When is this all going     is inherently flawed because we
         the movement at Wits University,                                                                                        to be over,” or told by elders,         only see it as binaries – ‘us vs
         where it was arguably born after                                                                                        “enough with the politics, it’s         them’ – and that is something that
         students shut down the university                                                                                       time to settle down now or think        we need to be challenging as
         by blocking entrances on October                                                                                        about getting married.”’                Muslim people. Many of us came
         14. ‘This has been an extraordi-                                                                                           Something that Kalla high-           here in the first place as refugees
         nary year and all that has tran-                                                                                        lights is the importance of being       so, at what point did we develop
         spired comes from desperation                                                                                           cognisant of the role that non-         this arrogance where we think
         and anger from young people                                                                                             African Muslims from privileged         that we are better than the very
         who have been lied to by a sys-                                                                                         backgrounds – such as Kalla her-        people that this land belongs to?’
         tem.                                                                                                                    self – play in this struggle. ‘In the       Kalla is adamant that young
            ‘From workers’ issues and                                                                                            beginning of the protests, there        Muslim people need to get more
         campaigning for an end to out-                                                                                          was a stark minority of us but, as      involved. ‘We are too complacent
         sourcing, to free education,                                                                                            it grew, it became popular, it          because of our standing in com-
         decolonisation and the symbolic                                                                                         became cool, people wanted to be        munity. We are in a compromised
                                                                                                                                 involved and seen as active.            position but also in a position to
                                                Wits ex-SRC leader, Shaeera Kalla looks back on an ‘extraordinary year in
         and literal reclamation of univer-
                                                student activism’ in an exclusive interview with Muslim Views reporter, Aaisha
         sity institutions by young people.                                                                                         ‘And I’m not criticising that; I     do more.
                                                Dadi-Patel.                                                     Photo SUPPLIED
         What’s also come out is the way                                                                                         think it’s great that people were           ‘I had an elder tell me that if
         in which we have refused to                                                                                             getting involved and coming in          free education was a reality, the
         accept the labels given to us – for    and this is the problem – and the        in these spaces itself is difficult –   their numbers but this is not your      only thing people would be
         example, ‘the born free’ label –       role of the youth is to hold the         when myself or Ulo [Nompendu-           struggle. Placing our role in this      judged by is their academic
         and my term, I think, was a testa-     state accountable and ensure that        lo Mkatshwa, Kalla’s successor]         struggle into context is very           results. To me, that kind of think-
         ment to all of these issues which      there is transparency.                   would speak and address crowds          important, knowing and under-           ing is absurd. Why should it be
         were built up.                            ‘But universities, who take           during the protests, there would        standing that part of that role is      any other way? Why should your
            ‘Before October 14, there was       great pride in having institutional      never be complete silence.              going back into our communities         financial status be a determining
         the October 6 movement, before         autonomy, are wary to take                  ‘But when Mcebo [Dlamini,            to fix glaringly evident problems.      factor for how far you go in your
         that, there was Rhodes Must Fall,      responsibility to the students who       axed SRC president] spoke, you             ‘We need to challenge these          life? At what point did we lose
         and, in between, there have been       pay exorbitant sums to attend            could hear a pin drop. And there        spaces, and being involved is a         our humanity? At what point do
         protests at UKZN. This has been        these institutions. And what you         is reasoning behind this – it sym-      way to do that. So these people         we feel like our financial status
         an extraordinary year in student       find is that people are not com-         bolises the way in which our soci-      that got involved later on, that        has to validate us?’
         activism.’                             peting on an equal level – you           ety is still inherently patriarchal –   saw this was something, I urge              Within Muslim communities,
            Kalla says that, despite the fact   have very poor students in the           something we even find within           them to continue. This is not a         there are a number of issues that
         that the government needs to be        same spaces as very rich ones.’          our Muslim communities.                 struggle that is over; this is some-    need to be dismantled, Kalla says.
         held accountable for not deliver-         When it comes to her identity            ‘A lot of the time, as a Muslim      thing that is just beginning.’          ‘When do we start having these
         ing on promises of free education,     as a Muslim woman, Kalla is              woman, you feel used to this – the         These ideas of whose struggle        difficult conversations about race,
         universities are also to blame.        vocal about the ways in which            way in which you allow others to        it is also brought questions of         racism, discrimination, class? As
         ‘The values, principles and poli-      this has proven to be challenging        take credit for your hard work;         privilege to the fore. ‘People          a woman, when are we going to
         cies that the government promises      in some aspects as she navigates         the way you allow others to dic-        would say to me, “This doesn’t          start having conversations about
         us are not being implemented,          political spaces. ‘Being a woman         tate the way in which your life         affect you so why do you care?”         patriarchy?’

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