Academic year 2020-2021 - P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting ...

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Academic year 2020-2021 - P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting ...
Academic year 2020-2021

P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
Academic year 2020-2021 - P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting ...
It is important that your grant is used effectively and based on school need. The Education Inspection Framework
                                       (Ofsted 2019 p64) makes clear there will be a focus on ‘whether leaders and those responsible for governors all
                                       understand their respective roles and perform these in a way that enhances the effectiveness of the school’.

                                         Under the Quality of Education criteria (p41) inspectors consider the extent to which schools can articulate
                                          their curriculum (INTENT), construct their curriculum (IMPLEMENTATION) and demonstrate the outcomes
                                          which result (IMPACT).

                                             To assist schools with common transferable language this template has been developed to utilise the same
                                              three headings which should make your plans easily transferable between working documents.

                                               Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of
                                                Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) they offer. This means that you should
                                                  use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

                                                      •      Develop or add to the PESSPA activities that your school already offer
                                                      •      Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will
                                                             benefit pupils joining the school in future years

                                                          Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which
                                                          schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your
                                                          provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an
                                                          effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

                                                           We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the
                                                            previous spend.

                                                               Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the
                                                                impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment by the end of the
                                                                summer term.

P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
Key achievements to date until July 2020:                                      Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

   •   Participation and success in competitive sport increased                  •   To increase the participation in sports on girls in UKS2
   •   Intra-school competitions arranged and ran (prior to Covid-19)            •   Ensure children are taking part in the Golden Mile daily to promote
   •   Enrichment days for sports children haven’t been exposed to                   physical activity
   •   Staff upskilled through working with external coaches                     •   Have effective lunchtime provision in place to ensure children are
   •   A PE scheme bought into to ensure teaching is progressive and                 active through their lunch break
       consistent.                                                               •   Expose children to new sports and physical activities they have not
   •   An extra year group funded to go swimming which was having a                  partaken in before, such as yoga, tri golf and quidditch.
       positive impact on children’s ability to swim (prior to Covid-19)         •   Working alongside other subjects to promote sports across the school.
   •   After-school clubs organised and ran, including sports which children
       hadn’t had the chance to partake in (e.g. archery and fencing)
 Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a                 79%
 distance of at least 25 metres?
 N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving
 primary school at the end of the summer term 2021.
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl,         60%
 backstroke and breaststroke]?

 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 10%

 Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming Yes/No
 but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this Due to current restrictions we are
 way?                                                                                                        unable to swim- when restrictions lift
                                                                                                                     the funding will be used to send an
                                                                                                                     ADDITIONAL year swimming

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.

Created by:                                           Supported by:
Academic Year: 2020-2021              Total fund allocated: £19,233                                 Date last updated: 7th September 2021
 Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that            Percentage of total
 primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school                                                    allocation:
                Intent                                   Implementation                                      Impact
 Your school focus should be clear    Make sure your actions to achieve     Funding          Evidence of impact: what do pupils        Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know are linked to your intentions:            allocated:       now know and what can they now            suggested next steps:
 and be able to do and about                                                                 do? What has changed?:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:
Lunchtime clubs organised and run by Employ outside agency Synergy and      Lincoln City    Physical activity has been promoted        To arrange to continue
coaches to promote physical activity LCFC to provide a lunchtime club for   Foundation      during lunchtimes so more children         this into the next
during lunch times.                  both KS1 and KS2.                      £4,934          have been active and taken part in a       academic year to ensure
                                                                                            range of sports developing their skills.   children are as active as
                                                                            Synergy         This has helped with behavioural           possible while outside
                                                                            £6,759          issues.                                    the classroom and had a
                                                                                                                                       positive effect on
Regular afterschool clubs timetabled A club set up and a register taken to Lincoln City     Various after school clubs ran            To continue to use pupil
and targeted at the least active      track the children who are            Foundation      throughout the year with good uptake voice when selecting
groupings.                            attending.                                            from pupils.                              clubs for pupil, especially
                                                                            Synergy         A target group, of girls in UKS2, was     when targeting those
                                      Each year group has a club set up                     identified. After discussions with pupils less active.
                                      and ran with year 5 having two to                     a club was chosen and the intake was
                                      target those who are less active                      high.
PSHE sessions to heighten the profile Kick It Out Poster competition will Lincoln City      Stand Up Speak Up was delivered in        To continue this
of sport through the Kick it Out      run alongside the accompanying        Foundation      Year 6 with good pupil response via       provision next year in
Poster competition and Stand Up       PSHE topic and British Value of the                   questionnaires and pupil voice where light of the issues faced
Speak Up                              term. It will be delivered across the                 pupils demonstrated a heightened          in sports this year.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.

Created by:                                            Supported by:
school.                                              awareness of issues happening around
                                                                                          the world and with sports.
                                    Stand Up Speak Up sessions will be                    During lockdown a workshop was run in
                                    ran in Year 6 to address the current                  Year 5 regarding citizenship and the
                                    issues happening in sport and                         local area. Children enjoyed this and
                                    continue to raise the profile of sport                really engaged with the work.
                                    with cross-curricular links.                          Kick it Out did not run due to lockdown.
PE equipment inspection and renewal Equipment checked for safety to        £1000          Children were able to use safe and well- To continue next year.
                                    enable all children to take part in                   maintained equipment.

Timetabled charity and sporting      A whole school sporting event will   £500 leadership Both events took place and children     To continue next year.
events which encourage the           take place at Christmas which will   x2 days         enjoyed raising money for charity while
enjoyment of sports                  promote physical activity through                    being active and promoting physical
                                     fundraising.                                         activity.

                                       A provisional date for a Race For Life
                                       will be set out for the summer term.
Football FUNdamentals used to          Planned sessions with KS1 classes Lincoln City     The children in KS1 enjoyed the            To continue next year on
improve the skills of children in year receiving 6 hours of training each Foundation      lessons- highlighted through pupil         KS1.
1 and 2                                from professional coaches will                     voice- and feedback from the teachers
                                       develop children’s fundamental                     showed it had supported their teaching
                                       skills through football.                           of PE along with the children’s own
                                                                                          evident skill development, which they
                                                                                          were able to transfer into other sports.
Sports sessions for targeted girls   An after school gymnastics club was Lincoln City     A high uptake for the club in what was     To continue to target this
outside of the school curriculum     arranged for UKS2 girls to promote Foundation        found to be a low uptake group. The        group but use pupil voice
                                     physical activity as they were                       children engaged with the club and         to find an alternative
                                     identified as one of the least active                were able to develop their gymnastics      sport.
                                     groups in school.                                    skills.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.

Created by:                                          Supported by:
All classes will take part in the    Leadership    All children throughout the school took    To continue in the next
 Children to take part in the golden Golden Mile daily for a minimum of monitoring time part in the Golden Mile which ensure       academic year as a
 mile every day.                     10 minutes to promote physical       £100          promoted their being physically active.    successful way to keep
                                     activity and provide children with a                                                          children physically active
                                     ‘brain break’ from their learning.                                                            throughout the day.

Training will be provided for                                            Lincoln City     Training was provided on lunchtime     To retrain MDSA’s next
MDSA’s so that children are                                              Foundation       games and ways to keep children        year to ensure all,
promoted to take part in organised                                                        active. Along with the purchase of new especially new staff, have
sports and physical activities                                                            lunchtime equipment this has been      received the training.
during lunch times.                                                                       highly successful in making children
                                                                                          active at lunchtimes.
                      Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
               Intent                                  Implementation                                       Impact
 Your school focus should be clear    Make sure your actions to achieve Funding            Evidence of impact: what do pupils      Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know     are linked to your intentions:    allocated:         now know and what can they now          suggested next steps:
 and be able to do and about                                                               do? What has changed?:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:
Children to take part in the golden   All classes will take part in the    £100 covering All children throughout the school took   To continue in the next
mile every day.                       Golden Mile daily for a minimum of monitoring time part in the Golden Mile which ensure      academic year as a
                                      10 minutes to promote physical                     promoted their being physically active.   successful way to keep
                                      activity and provide children with a                                                         children physically active
                                      ‘brain break’ from their learning.                                                           throughout the day.

Annual celebration assembly to       A prize for the Sportsman and       Lincoln City      A sportsman and Sportswoman award To continue in the next
ensure all pupils are aware of the   Sportswoman of the year with an     Foundation        continued this year and rewarded          academic year.
opportunities we provide as a school award of a signed football and                        physically active children and raised the
                                     signed shirt from LCFC.             Certificates:     profile of sports.
                                                                         time and
                                                                         materials: £200

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.

Created by:                                           Supported by:
Through support with assessment      Planning and assessment monitored Leadership time Training was given to staff and a new To continue to monitor.
and planning of PE staff             to ensure that the whole PE           x 3 = £450   assessment system was put into place
                                     curriculum is being covered and                    which has run efficiently, and in some
                                     G&T pupils identified.                             cases, identified G&T pupils and
                                                                                        ensured they are being challenged
                                                                                        within lessons.
Year 6 children to be Playmakers and Both Year 6 classes will receive      Lincoln City The Playmakers award ran in Year 6 and To continue the
act as role models for sports,       PlayMaker training which will         Foundation   all pupils took part. Due to COVID        workshop next year with
supporting staff and running small   develop children’s leadership skills.              restrictions pupils were unable to run the aim of Year 6 pupils
activities at break and lunch times. Depending on the Covid-19 situation                small activities at break and lunchtimes. developing their
                                     and crossing bubbles if restrictions                                                         leadership and coaching
                                     relax the Year 6 children can help to                                                        by running activities at
                                     organise activities are break and                                                            break and lunch.
                                     lunch times and promote sports.
A tour of LCFC and a talk with       Teachers will record children Golden Lincoln City  Due to COVID restriction this did not     To continue next year as
footballers will be a reward for     Mile laps from Autumn 2 term with Foundation       take place                                a Golden Mile incentive.
children who complete the most laps the reward of the most laps for a
of the Golden Mile in each class to  boy and girl from each class.
celebrate their success.

Professional coaches come in to        A coach will work with the Year 5    Lincoln City     The support from coaches was very          To continue in a shorter
deliver interventions with disengaged cohort and work to target             Foundation       helpful in engaging disengaged learners timeframe next year.
learners and promote the profile of disengaged learners and work with                        as they enjoyed working with the
sports in the school but using it as a them to encourage learning and       Synergy          coaches and the ways they integrated
tool to engage children.               where possible link situations to                     sports into lessons.
Leadership time given for PE lead to Planned leadership time to allow       Leadership       PE lead was able to use this time to       To continue next year.
promote sport within the school and the PE lead to carry out planning       cover x 3 = £450 carry out pupil voice, monitor sports
arrange sporting events for the        and preparation for sporting events.                  provision, arrange after school
school.                                                                                      provision and extra-curricular activities-
                                                                                             including sports day.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.

Created by:                                             Supported by:
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
                Intent                                Implementation                                       Impact
 Your school focus should be clear     Make sure your actions to            Funding          Evidence of impact: what do           Sustainability and suggested
 what you want the pupils to know      achieve are linked to your           allocated:       pupils now know and what              next steps:
 and be able to do and about           intentions:                                           can they now do? What has
 what they need to learn and to                                                              changed?:
 consolidate through practice:
LCFC to come into school and provide Communicate with LCFC to              Lincoln City      Due to Lockdown and long term         To continue this next year with
CPD for targeted teachers by coaching monitor the effectiveness of CPD     Foundation        illness not all provision was given   staff who have identified they
alongside them                        support and improvement to                             to the initially targeted staff.      would like CPD and the areas
                                      teaching and learning.                                 The provision was allocated to        they would like it delivered.
                                      Discuss which areas of sport the                       staff and was used as support and
                                      targeted teachers wish to work on                      CPD, which the staff felt increased
                                      and develop.                                           their confidence.
Whole school, progressive curriculum Monitoring the use of the             £600              This has enabled the teaching of      To continue the provision next
subscription to the PE Hub to support subscription.                                          PE to be progressive and              year.
the planning of PE for teachers                                                              consistent. Staff have accessed,
                                                                           £450              used and adapted the planning as
PE lead attend cluster meetings x 3                                                          they need and commented that
                                                                                             they have found it very helpful in
                                                                                             planning and delivering lessons.
Targeted teachers to attend the FA’s Targeted teachers attend the FA’s Lincoln City          This did not happen due to COVID      To take place in the next
Primary Teachers Award and develop Primary Teachers Award and          Foundation            restrictions                          academic year.
good practise in PE sessions         develop PE teaching skills to
                                     implement into their own practice
                                     and deliver quality PE sessions.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
Created by:                                            Supported by:
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
                    Intent                                      Implementation                                        Impact
 Your school focus should be clear               Make sure your actions to            Funding        Evidence of impact: what do                Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                and suggested
 what you want the pupils to know                achieve are linked to your           allocated:     pupils now know and what                   next steps:
 and be able to do and about                     intentions:                                         can they now do? What has
 what they need to learn and to                                                                      changed?:
 consolidate through practice:
A variety of clubs offered to children such as   Liaise with external providers and   Lincoln City   Children were able to take part in sports To have further
multi sports in which children take part         create a register to measure         Foundation     they has not previously had the           enrichment
sports such as archery                           attendance of children.                             opportunity to do and gave feedback that activities and
                                                                                      Synergy        they enjoyed this.                        clubs for
                                                                                                                                               children to take
                                                                                                                                               pat in next year.
Year 6 will take part in yoga and mindfulness Organise the yoga and mindfulness Lincoln City         Children continued to take part in this   To timetable for
in Summer 1 to run prior to SATS.             sessions with external providers. Foundation           provision despite SATs not running with next year.
                                                                                                     children enjoyed taking part in a new
The intervention will help children’s
                                                 Target children who would benefit                   sport and the learning the new
wellbeing and promote a new physical
activity                                         from this intervention by speaking                  techniques.
                                                 to adults who work with them.
Children are inspired by the new sport and
aim to continue it and the methods they
Year 5 to take part in quidditch and expose      Organise with external providers     Lincoln City   Year 5 took part in quidditch and enjoyed To continue this
them to a new sport                              and teachers                         Foundation     the sport and the opportunity to apply next year.
Children are inspired by the new sport and                                                           sporting skills learnt from other sports-
aim to continue it
                                                                                                     evidenced in a pupil voice.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
Created by:                                              Supported by:
Year 5 to take part in tri-golf with their final Organise with external providers    Lincoln City   Due to COVID this was disrupted by         To rebook for
session taking place at a PGA centre.            and teachers                        Foundation     bubble closures.                           next year.
Children are inspired by the new sport and
aim to continue it

Targeted children in Years 4-6 to take part in   Speak to adults in classes from 4-6 Lincoln City   Due to COVID restrictions this was         To continue next
ActionIMPS which is a 6-week programme           and ask for targeted children who Foundation       delivered to Year 5 as a targeted cohort   year with the
aiming to inspire children to learn how to       would benefit from this                            during school closures. Pupil voice and    aim of having
build stronger, safer and inclusive
                                                 intervention.                                      questionnaires after showed that the       targeted
communities through positive, collaborative
action.                                                                                             children enjoyed the project, learning     children from
(Only to take place if Covid-19 restrictions                                                        about citizenship and ways to support      various year
relax- alteration will apply if restriction                                                         their local area.                          groups.
remain in place)
Full days coaching for a year group.             To engage a cohort of children in Lincoln City     This could not take place due to COVID     To continue the
                                                 an innovative way by delivering a Foundation       restrictions.                              provision next
                                                 variety of subjects throughout the                                                            year.
                                                 day with a range of Active Maths,
                                                 Active English and a range of
                                                 sports and activities.
IMPS Matchday Maths and English which            Children will be able to attend the Lincoln City   This could not take place due to COVID     To continue the
immerses children in their learning through      stadium on a match day supervised Foundation       restrictions.                              provision next
sport.                                           by teachers and watch a match                                                                 year.
                                                 where they will make notes or
                                                 record themselves
                                                 commentating, this will be used to
                                                 create a match report when they
                                                 go back to school as well as record
                                                 data by simply tallying stats.

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
                 developing their knowledge to know and understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
Created by:                                              Supported by:
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

                   Inten                                 Implementatio                               Impact
                     t                                          n
 Your school focus should be clear     Make sure your actions to       Funding           Evidence of impact: what do       Sustainability and suggested
 what you want the pupils to know      achieve are linked to your      allocated:        pupils now know and what          next steps:
 and be able to do and about           intentions:                                       can they now do? What has
 what they need to learn and to                                                          changed?:
 consolidate through practice:
Due to Covid-19 restrictions inter
school competitions are not
arranged for the foreseeable future.
Intra-school competitions will be      PE leads to organise intra-school Leadership time Due to COVID restrictions most To organise competitions
arranged for each year group termly    competitions for each class to take £500          competitions did not take place. throughout the year where
which will promote competition and     part in                                           Sports Day at the end of the year children can take part in.
the profile of sports                                                                    when restrictions were lifted.
Competitions such as Sports day to     PE leads to have time to organise Leadership time As above,                         As above.
be arranged for the summer term        these competitions.                  £500
If covid restriction lift:             Children will take part in a variety Lincoln City
                                       of sports competitions and           Foundation
 Children will take part in the IMPics promote the sports in school
 sports event between schools across through sporting success.
                                                                                         £2,690 carry forward to be used for outdoor activities in
 Signed off by
 Head Teacher:

 Date:                             7th September, 2021
 Subject Leader:                   D Lavery
 Date:                             7th September, 2021

  P.E. curriculum intent: At Bishop King, we aim to encourage children to lead active and healthy lives, promoting competence by
Created by:      developing their knowledge toSupported
                                                know andby: understand skill progression, competition and positivity.
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