Upper Arlington City School District Investor Presentation - School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds $220,500,000 Series 2018A

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Upper Arlington City School District Investor Presentation - School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds 0,500,000 Series 2018A
Upper Arlington City School District
Investor Presentation
School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds
$220,500,000 Series 2018A

                           January 17, 2018
Upper Arlington City School District Investor Presentation - School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds 0,500,000 Series 2018A
This electronic investor presentation that you are about to view is provided as of January 17, 2018 for a proposed offering of School Facilities
Construction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2018A (the “Bonds”). This presentation has been prepared for information purposes only and for
your sole and exclusive use in connection with the proposed transaction. The information contained herein is subject to completion and
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Neither the issuer nor the underwriter makes a representation or warranty as to the (i) accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information
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Transactions involving the Bonds may not be suitable for all investors. You should consult with your own advisors as to the suitability of the
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Upper Arlington City School District Investor Presentation - School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds 0,500,000 Series 2018A
Transaction Overview
Issuer:              Upper Arlington City School District (“Upper Arlington CSD” or the “District”)
Issue:               School Facilities Construction and Improvement Bonds
                     Series 2018A
Par Amount*          $220,500,000

Purpose:             The purpose of constructing, furnishing, and equipping a new high school, with related site improvements
                     and appurtenances thereto; constructing, furnishing, and equipping new elementary schools, with related
                     site improvements and appurtenances thereto; renovating, repairing, improving, furnishing, equipping, and
                     constructing improvements and additions to existing school facilities, buildings, and infrastructure; and
                     replacing existing equipment and constructing various permanent improvements and constructing and
                     improving various athletic facilities.
Security:            The Bonds will be voted general obligations of the School District and will contain a pledge of the full faith
                     and credit of the School District for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due.
Structure*:          Interest Payable each June 1 and December 1, commencing June 1, 2018
                     Serial Bonds each December 1 (2018-2037) and Term Bonds (2042, 2047 and 2055)

Redemption*:         To Be Determined at Pricing

Tax Matters:         Excludable from gross income for purposes of federal and Ohio income tax

Ratings:             Moody’s: “Aa1”
                     Standard & Poor’s: “AAA”

  * Preliminary, subject to change
Upper Arlington City School District
   First‐ring suburb of Columbus close to The Ohio
    State University

   Population of approximately 35,000

   Residential community with recent focus on
    mixed‐use development

   Consistent growth and resiliency in real property
    and tax base

Academic Program and Achievements
    Academic Program                  Academic Achievements                 Arts and Athletics
   District‐run academically           College‐entrance exam            32 varsity sports; 141
    acclaimed preschool                  scores well above state and       state titles
                                         national averages
   One‐to‐one technology                                                 Approximately 80 clubs
                                         ACT: 26.8                        and activities
    kindergarten through grade
                                        High number of enrollments
                                         in college‐level coursework
   Two instructional models at
    the elementary level                 AP enrollments: 797
                                         IB enrollments: 354
   Strong emphasis on service
    learning                            Community support of the
                                         quality of education
   More than 60 AP/IB course            provided by Upper
    offerings                            Arlington Schools

   Fourteen 2018 National
    Merit Semifinalists

Plan of Finance
     The District’s $220,500,000 Series 2018A Bonds are being issued to renovate
      or rebuild six of its nine School Facilities

     Following the issuance of the Series 2018A Bonds, the District expects to
      issue its Series 2018B Bonds for the purpose of refunding $9,500,000 of the
      School District’s School Facilities Construction and Improvement Notes, Series
      2017. The Series 2018B are expected to be a separate offering on or about
      February 15, 2018

* Preliminary, subject to change
School District Facilities
                                                                School District Facilities
                                                       p       Prior to the New Projects
                                                  Grades   Enrollment   Number of   Pupil/          Year Building   Year(s) of Additions/
   Name of Building                               Housed   (2017–18)    Teachers    Teacher Ratio   Completed       Renovations
   Burbank Early Childhood School                 Pre–K    236          13          18:1            1971            ‐‐
   Barrington Elementary School                   K–5      723          31          23:1            1938            1949, 1958, 2009
   Greensview Elementary School                   K–5      466          20          23:1            1965            1969, 2009
   Tremont Elementary School                      K–5      644          27          24:1            1952            1958, 1991, 2016, 2017
   Wickliffe Progressive School                   K–5      524          22          24:1            1956            1966
   Windermere Elementary                          K–5      462          19          24:1            1958            1962, 1966
   Hastings Middle School                         6–8      691          50          14:1            1961            1966, 1978
   Jones Middle School                            6–8      733          50          15:1            1923            1926, 1967, 1971, 1996
   Upper Arlington High School                    9–12     1,882        110         17:1            1956            1959, 1964, 1965, 1971, 1983
   Total                                          ‐        6,361        342                         ‐               ‐
   Source: School District

                         After completion of the Project, the School District will operate the following facilities:
                                        School District Facilities Upon Completion of the Project
                                                              Buildings                                                Housed
                             New Construction
                               Greensview Elementary School                                                             K–5
                               Wickliffe Progressive School                                                             K–5
                               Windermere Elementary                                                                    K–5
                               Upper Arlington High School                                                              9–12
                             Renovated Facilities
                               Barrington Elementary School                                                              K–5
                               Tremont Elementary School                                                                 K–5
                             Existing Facilities
                               Burbank Early Childhood School                                                           Pre–K
                               Hastings Middle School                                                                    6–8
                               Jones Middle School                                                                       6–8
                             Source: School District
   Serves approximately 6,125 students in K‐12
   Gradual growth is projected with a total of 6,499 students by 2021‐2022
   New and renovated buildings will provide capacity for number of students as shown in
    Enrollment Projection report dated October 2017
   Projections are produced by third party ‐ Planning Advocates, Inc.
                                               Actual and Projected Enrollment
                                              Upper Arlington City School District
                                                                                   1             1             1             1
              Grade     2014‐15     2015‐16      2016‐17     2017‐18     2018‐19       2019‐20       2020‐21       2021‐22
                K         406          414         423          440        437           447           477           476
                1         438          469         447          476         482          476           497           519
                2         445          444         470          469         485          490           486           496
                3         456          464         453          482         482          508           505           499
                4         414          474         476          462         491          491           506           512
                5         465          427         483          490         468          497           497           513
                6         475          464         443          493         507          485           515           514
                7         469          486         486          438         496          510           488           518
                8         475          457         487          493         441          499           513           491
                9         500          479         453          487         501          448           507           521
                10        420          490         477          448         485          499           446           505
                11        437          411         490          465         444          481           495           442
                12        409          439         400          482         463          442           479           493
             Totals²     5,809        5,918       5,988        6,125       6,182        6,273         6,411         6,499

             [1] Projected enrol l ment numbers a s determi ned by Pl a nni ng Advoca tes , Inc.
             [2] Does not i ncl ude Pre–K enrol l ment.
Community Support
 Eight of nine levies have passed since 1998 with an average
  approval rate of over 57%

                                                History of
                                        Strong History   ofVoted
                                                 Upper Arlington City School District
                                                                                        Voting Voting
 Election Date                                   Levy or Bond Issue Description
                                                                                          For Against
   11/7/2017       $230,000,000 School Construction and Improvement Bond Issue          54.66% 45.34%
   11/7/2017       3.75 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     54.66   45.34
   11/5/2013       4.00 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     57.16   42.84
   11/6/2012       5.80 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     45.40   54.60
   11/6/2007       4.20 Mill Current Expense Levy (New – Continuing)                     58.70   41.30
   11/6/2007       2.00 Mill Permanent Improvement Levy (New ‐ Continuing)               58.70   41.30
   11/2/2004       7.50 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     61.52   38.48
   11/6/2001       6.20 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     59.52   40.48
   11/3/1998       6.20 Mill Current Expense Levy (New ‐ Continuing)                     53.83   46.17
Source: OMAC

Note: Issues in bold were passed by the voters

Assessed Valuation
   The district’s assessed valuation is stable and growing overall
             Years with slight decreases were result of recession, resulting board of
              revision cases, and uptick in TIF and abated properties for economic
              development purposes
   As of collection year 2017:
             Total A/V of parcels with abatements (including TIFs) totaled $31.1 million
   Collection year 2018 growth is 12.43%
                                                       Historic Change in Assessed Valuation
                                                        Upper Arlington City School District
                                                                                                                     Percent Change Over Prior
                          Tax Collection Year                                  Assessed Valuation
                                   2011                                           1,596,760,320                                0.04%
                                   2012¹                                          1,587,795,420                               ‐0.56%
                                   2013                                           1,577,192,520                               ‐0.67%
                                   2014                                           1,574,668,070                               ‐0.16%
                                   2015²                                          1,719,665,510                                9.21%
                                   2016                                           1,719,170,040                               ‐0.03%
                                   2017                                           1,728,251,930                                0.53%
                                   2018¹                                          1,943,122,330                               12.43%
         Source: Franklin County Auditor

         ¹ Year of sexennial reappraisal. The County’s next sexennial reappraisal occurs in tax year 2023, collection year 2024.
         ² Year of triennial update. The County’s next triennial update occurs in tax year 2020, collection year 2021.
Top Real Estate Taxpayers
 Tax Base is diverse with no significant concentration
                                                      Upper Arlington City School District
                                                             2018 Collection Year

                                                                                                                  Percent of School District’s
    Rank                           Name of Taxpayer                    Type of Business      Assessed Valuation
                                                                                                                   Total Assessed Valuation

               Real Estate Taxpayers
      1        First Community Village                           Retirement Community            8,428,600                  0.43%
      2        Medstone Realty Company LLC                       Medical Offices                 6,408,510                   0.33
      3        Lane Avenue 450 LLC                               Shopping Center                 5,526,720                   0.28
      4        GGRE Son Central II Arlington LLC                 Not listed                      4,753,010                   0.24
      5        Scioto Country Club Inc.                          Country Club                    3,873,100                   0.20
      6        Echo/Continental Kingsdale LLC                    Shopping Center                 3,609,240                   0.19
      7        Centro NP Greentree SC LLC                        Shopping Center                 3,447,510                   0.18
      8        Kenbrook Village Co.                              Apartments                      3,405,550                   0.18
      9        National Church Residences                        Retirement Community            2,681,850                   0.14
      10       Tremont Center Company                            Shopping Center                 2,336,540                   0.12
      11       Lane Avenue Office Building LLC                   Shopping Center                 2,153,340                   0.11

               Public Utility Taxpayers
      1        Ohio Power Company                                Electric Utility               13,026,870                  0.67%
      2        AEP Ohio Transmission Company Inc.                Electric Utility               8,067,980                    0.42
      3        Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.                         Gas Utility                    5,095,140                    0.26

               All Others                                                                      1,870,308,370                96.25%

 Total Assesed Valuation                                                                       1,943,122,330
 Source: Franklin County Auditor

Financial Results
     Ratios have been improving and exceed historical levels
     Fund balance is projected to exceed 50% of revenue and expenditures
     Community approved additional operating levy November 2017 – confirming
      support of healthy carryover

                                               Actual (Audited Non‐GAAP Basis)                          Forecasted (Unaudited Cash Basis)
                                                            FY2017                                  FY2018(1)        FY2019         FY2020
Beginning Balance                                            $38,635,968                          $43,149,618           $45,646,031   $48,149,933
Revenue                                                       87,583,869                          $90,911,880           $94,473,864   $94,615,212
Expenditures                                                  84,696,455                          $88,339,101           $91,889,962   $95,699,162
Rev Over/(Under) Exp                                           2,887,414                           $2,496,413            $2,503,902   ($1,168,950)
Other Sources (Uses)                                             35,777                             ($76,366)             ($80,000)     ($85,000)
Prior Year Encumbrances                                         820,052                                NA                    NA            NA
Ending Fund Balance(2)                                        42,379,211                          $45,646,031           $48,149,933   $46,980,983

Revenue/Expenditure                                              1.03                                  1.03                1.03          0.99
Fund Balance % of Rev                                            48.4%                                 50.2%               51.0%         49.7%
Fund Balance % of Exp                                            50.0%                                 51.7%               52.4%         49.1%
1) Beginning Year Fund Balance from December 2017 Five‐Year Forecast ‐‐ FY2018 audited GAAP statements not available.
2) Ending Fund Balance for FY2018 through FY2020 agrees with Year‐End Cash Balance as reported in Five‐Year Forecast.

Five‐Year Forecast 2018‐2022
Revenue Highlights
 New operating levy passed November 2017
     New 3.75 mil levy generates $6.5 million annually
 State budget
    Nearly no change – consistent with prior results
 Cash Reserve (Board Policy May 10, 2016)
     Policy requires three months (25%) of general fund expenditures as
      budget reserves (Line 9.03)

Five‐Year Forecast 2018‐2022
Expenditure Highlights
 Licensed staff agreement through June 2018
    0% base salary increases ending FY2016 and FY2017, 2% base salary
     increase ending FY2018
    4‐5 additional staff included each fiscal year related to enrollment
 Classified staff agreement through June 2020
    2.5% base salary increase through FY2017, 2.0% base salary through
     FY2018, and 1.75% through FY2019
 Medical premium increases were 0% increase in 2017, and 2.5%
  increase in 2018
    Future years budgeted at 7.0%
FY2018 actual revenue and expenditure results are on track with
budgeted – expected to end fiscal year near projections
Five‐Year Forecast 2018‐2022

Financial Practices
Cash Reserve Policy (Formal)
    Five‐Year Forecast used in planning
        Three months (25%) of general fund expenditures as carryover
        Exceeding policy ‐ FY2017 51.3% (Actual) FY2018 51.6% (Forecasted)

Permanent Improvement Levy
    Generates slightly over $3,000,000 annually
        Reduces general operating fund expenditures
        Annual budgeting of permanent improvement projects

Financial Reporting
    Monthly financial reporting to Board of Education
        Board Finance committee
        Year‐to‐Date budget to actual
    May & October Five‐Year Forecast
        Board of Education review and approval

Bond Structure
                                                                                   (12/1)    Series 2018A
                                                                                    2018      9,650,000
                                                                                    2019      9,255,000
Par Amount*                        Series 2018A: $220,500,000                       2020      5,735,000
                                                                                    2021      1,745,000
                                                                                    2022      2,210,000
Dated/Delivery Date*               Series 2018A: 2/27/2018                          2023      5,115,000
                                                                                    2024      5,835,000
                                                                                    2025      6,125,000
                                                                                    2026      6,435,000
Tax Status                         Excludable from gross income for purposes of     2027      6,955,000
                                   federal and Ohio income tax                      2028      7,300,000
                                                                                    2029      4,035,000
Bond Ratings (M/S&P)               “Aa1/AAA”                                        2030      4,235,000
                                                                                    2031      4,450,000
Interest Payment Dates             Semiannually each June 1 and December 1,         2032      4,670,000
                                                                                    2033      4,860,000
                                   commencing June 1, 2018*                         2034       800,000
                                                                                    2035      1,220,000
                                                                                    2036      4,130,000
Optional Redemption                To Be Determined at Pricing                      2037      4,545,000

                                                                                   2042      25,595,000
Maturity Schedule*                 Due December 1 as set forth below*
                                                                                   2047      31,145,000

                                                                                   2055      64,455,000

* Preliminary, subject to change
 Denotes final maturity                                                                                    15
Financing Timeline

       Date                Event
    January 12         Receive Ratings
    January 17    Post/Distribute 2018A POS
    January 30       Price 2018A Bonds
    February 27     Closing 2018A Bonds

Contact Information
For further inquiries, please contact:

                                   Marvin Founds
                     Managing Director, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates
                           E‐mail: founds@umbaugh.com
                             Telephone: (614) 987‐1689

               Eugene Spinelli                           Scott Detar
        Managing Director, BofAML                     Director, BofAML
     E‐mail: eugene.spinelli@baml.com         E‐mail: scott.detarjr@baml.com
        Telephone: (215) 446‐7018               Telephone: (980) 386‐0889

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