Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...

Page created by Arthur Tate
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
MAY 2021

                Lineworker scholarship winners announced   See Page 12

                                                       Access Energy Cooperative
                                                                 announces early
   Visit our website at             dividend retirement

                                                              New ideas for home
                                                            improvement projects

                                                                     Asparagus and
                                                                    rhubarb recipes
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
Iowa Association of
                  Electric Cooperatives

                    Volume 74 • Issue 5
                                               Ann Thelen
                                    ART DIRECTOR                                                                     CONTENTS                                                           M AY 2021
                                      Joel Clifton

            EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT                                                                                 Features
                  Chuck Soderberg
        D I R E C T O R O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N S                                                               6 Unified efforts power rural
                        Erin Campbell                                                                                  economic development
                BOARD OF DIRECTORS
               Steve Seidl, District 5 – President                                                                      National Economic Development Week
          Don Shonka, District 2 – Vice President
     Roger Solomonson, District 3 – Secretary/Treasurer                                                                 is in May, making it a great time to
     Darrell Jensen, District 4 – Asst. Secretary/Treasurer                                                             recognize electric cooperative-inspired

                 Gordon Greimann, District 6
                     Neal Heldt, District 7                                                                             economic development success stories
               Kenneth VandenBerg, District 1
       Marion Denger, Prairie Energy Cooperative –
                                                                                                                        across Iowa.
                   NRECA Representative
         Brian Krambeer, MiEnergy Cooperative –
                   Managers’ Representative
                                                                                                                     8 Asparagus and rhubarb recipes
                                                                                                                        Celebrate the foods of spring with these
Living with Energy in Iowa magazine (ISSN: 1935-7176) is published
monthly by the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, a not-for-
                                                                                                                        asparagus and rhubarb recipes from
profit organization representing Iowa’s member-owned local electric                                                     Iowa’s co-op cooks. PLUS: Find out how

cooperatives. Association address: 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des
Moines, IA 50322-2992. The phrase Living with Energy in Iowa is                                                         you can receive a $25 credit on your
a mark registered within the state of Iowa to the Iowa Association of
Electric Cooperatives. The magazine does not accept advertising.                                                        power bill!
Editorial Office: 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des Moines, IA
50322-2992. Telephone: 515-276-5350. E-mail address: Living with Energy in Iowa
                                                                                                                     10 Trending now: Home
magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited items.                                                          improvement projects
                                                                                                                        The pandemic led to a rise in home
Postmaster: Send address changes to Living with Energy in Iowa
magazine, 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des Moines, IA 50322-2992.                                                       improvement projects, and it’s a trend
Periodicals Postage Paid at Des Moines, Iowa, and at additional
                                                                                                                        that’s continuing. Discover tips for

mailing offices.
Change of Address: Every local electric cooperative maintains                                                           making environmentally friendly and
an independent mailing list of its members, so please send your
change of address directly to your local electric cooperative’s
                                                                                                                        cost-effective choices.
office. Living with Energy in Iowa magazine cannot make an
address change for you.
© Copyright 2021, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.
No portion of the editorial, photographic or other content of Living
with Energy in Iowa magazine or its website may be reproduced                                                        3 Statewide Perspective                 14 In the Community
without written permission of the editor.
                                                                                                                        State programs provide financial           Shine the Light contest
                                                                                                                        assistance                                 for co-op members
      To have your photo considered for a                                                                            3 Editor’s Choice Contest               15 Out Back
      future cover, email high-res images to
                                                                                                                        Win 10 shade trees                         Gardening genes don’t
      If we select your photo, you’ll be
                                                                                                                                                                   grow here
      awarded with
                                                 $100.                                                                ON THE COVER

                                                                                                                                                                          Congratulations to
                                                                                                                                                                             Marty Hulsebos,
             MAY 20
                                                                                        See Page 3
                                               an Arbor   Day Foundation
                     Win 10    shade trees and

                                                                                                                                                                            an Access Energy
                                                                                                                                                                       Cooperative member,
                                                                                                                                                                             for supplying the
                                                                                                                                                                         cover image for this
                                                                                                                                                                              month’s issue of
                                                                                                 power rural
                                                                                  Unified efforts lopment
                                                                                     economic deve
                                                                                                                                                                        Living with Energy in
                                                                                                                                                                           Iowa magazine!
                                         e at www.livingw
                         Visit our websit                                                               home
                                                                                          New ideas for

                                                                                                  Asparagus and
                                                                                                 rhubarb recip

2      LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA                                                                         May 2021
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...

State programs provide financial assistance with
mortgage, rent and utility bills due to COVID-19

  Many households and businesses          which may include a past due utility              There is a maximum assistance per
have been financially impacted by         or rent notice or eviction notice.                household of $3,600.
the COVID-19 pandemic.                               Full eligibility details                  This short-term program will be
Iowa’s electric cooperatives                       are available at www.                    available until funds are exhausted or
are committed to the                               IowaHousingRecovery.                     a new federal program is launched.
communities we serve, and                          com. The website includes                Program funding is provided through
we want to share some new                          an eligibility precheck and              federal CARES Act funds. Complete
state resources with our                           answers to frequently asked              eligibility details are available at
readers.                                           questions. You can also         or
  In late March, Gov. Kim                          call Iowa’s Utility Recovery             by calling the Housing Recovery Line
Reynolds announced two new                         Hotline at 515-348-8976                  at 855-300-5885 or 515-348-8813.
programs to assist eligible                        or 877-463-3269 for more                    At,
Iowans who have been impacted             information about this program.                   you can also learn more about Iowa
by the COVID-19 pandemic and                                                                mortgage help, which offers free,
need financial assistance: The Iowa       Iowa Homeowner Foreclosure                        confidential mortgage counseling
Homeowner Foreclosure Prevention          Prevention Program                                to Iowa homeowners at risk of
Program and the Iowa Rent and               This program reopened in late                   foreclosure.
Utility Assistance Program. Both          March to provide mortgage payment                    If you are at imminent risk of
programs are administered by the          assistance for income-eligible                    foreclosure and need legal assistance,
Iowa Finance Authority.                   homeowners impacted by COVID-19                   Iowa Legal Aid may be able to assist
                                          who are at risk of foreclosure.                   you at no cost. Call 800-532-1275 or
Iowa Rent and Utility                       Eligible homeowners can receive                 visit
Assistance Program                        mortgage assistance for up to
  Funded by the federal Consolidated      four months (including up to two                  Regi Goodale is the director of regulatory
Appropriations Act of 2021, this          months in arrears), beginning with                affairs for the Iowa Association of Electric
program will provide rent and/or          an April 1, 2020 mortgage payment.                Cooperatives.
utility assistance for up to 12 months.
Eligible renters can receive financial    EDITOR’S CHOICE CONTEST
assistance with past due rent,
electricity, gas, propane, fuel oil,
water, sewer and/or trash removal
bills incurred no earlier than
                                            Win 10 shade trees
March 13, 2020.                               Shade trees can help lower summer
  Utility payments through the              energy bills. To help you get started,
program will be made directly to            we’re giving 10 lucky electric co-op
utility providers and applied to            members 10 free shade trees up to a
the applicants’ accounts. If you            foot tall. The winners also will receive
need assistance with electric bill          a one-year membership to the Arbor
documentation for your application,         Day Foundation, which includes a
please contact your local electric          subscription to the organization’s
cooperative.                                bimonthly newsletter, a copy of The
  Eligible households must be current       Tree Book and discounts on future
renters earning no more than 80% of         tree and shrub purchases.
their county’s area median income.
One or more individuals in the
household must have either qualified        Visit our website and win!
for unemployment benefits or have             Enter this month’s contest by visiting no later than
                                            May 31, 2021. You must be a member of one of Iowa’s electric cooperatives to win.
experienced a documented financial          There’s no obligation associated with entering, we don’t share entrant information with
hardship as a result of the COVID-19        anyone and multiple entries from the same account will be disqualified. The winner of the
pandemic. And the household can             Home Technology Package from the March issue was Larry Heitmeier from Access Energy
demonstrate a risk of experiencing          Cooperative.
homelessness or housing instability,
                                                                                               May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA       3
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...

    UPCOMING EVENTS                                                LOCAL PERSPECTIVE

                                                                  We’re ready for storm
                                                                  season. Are you?
                                                                  B Y KE V IN WHEELER

                                                                     Now that spring’s in full swing,         outage, turn off major appliances,
                                                                  like many of you, I welcome more            TVs, computers and other sensitive
                                                                  opportunities to be outdoors and            electronics. This will help avert
                                                                  enjoy the warmer weather.                   damage from a power surge and will
                                                                     But the spring and summer                         also help prevent overloading
May 9                 Mother’s Day                                months also make conditions                          the circuits during power
May 31                Office closed for                           right for dangerous storms.                          restoration. Leave one light
                      Memorial Day                                These potential weather                              on so you will know when
                                                                  events can cause destruction                         power is restored. If you
August 3              Annual meeting election                     to our electrical system, but                        plan to use a small generator,
                      announcement at                             I want you to know that                              make sure it’s rated to handle
                      7 p.m.; no in-person                        Access Energy Cooperative                            the amount of power you will
                      meeting                                     crews are ready and standing                         need, and always review the
                                                                  by to respond should power                           manufacturer’s instructions
Even when our office is closed,                                   outages occur in our area.                           to operate it safely.
you can call us at 866-242-4232,                                     When major storms knock                    Listen to local news or a NOAA
24 hours a day, seven days a week                                 out power, our line crews take all          Weather Radio for storm and
for answers to billing and account                                necessary precautions before they           emergency information, and check
questions, paying your bill, and service                          get to work on any downed lines. I          Access Energy Cooperative’s
interruptions.                                                    encourage you to also practice safety       website or Facebook page for power
                                                                  and preparedness to protect your            restoration updates.
                                                                  family during major storms and                After the storm, avoid downed
                            Access Energy Cooperative is          outages.                                    power lines and walking through
                            dedicated to exceeding members’          The Federal Emergency                    flooded areas where power lines
                            expectations for safe, reliable and
                            efficient service, while being a
                                                                  Management Agency recommends                could be submerged. Allow ample
                            good citizen in our communities.      the items below as a starting point         room for utility crews to safely
    Office: Access Energy Cooperative                             for storm and disaster preparedness,        perform their jobs, including on
            1800 W. Washington St., P.O. Box 440                  but you can visit for         your property.
            Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641                            additional resources.                         Planning for severe storms or other
    Phone: 319-385-1577 or 866-242-4232
    Fax: 319-385-6873                                                  Stock your pantry with a three-        emergencies can reduce stress and
    Call Before You Dig (Iowa One Call): 8-1-1                         day supply of non-perishable           anxiety caused by the weather event
    Website:                                  food, such as canned goods,            and can lessen the impact of the
    Twitter:                                 energy bars, peanut butter,            storm’s effects. Sign up for NOAA
    E-mail:                             powdered milk, instant coffee,         emergency alerts and warnings and
    Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.                    water and other essentials.            save our website address: www.
                     Friday, 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
                     Call our office 24/7: 319-385-1577.               Confirm that you have adequate to stay abreast
    Payments can be placed in dropbox under flag pole.
                                                                       sanitation and hygiene supplies,       of power restoration efforts and
    Visa and MasterCard accepted.                                      including towelettes, soap, toilet     other important co-op news and
    General Manager/CEO: Kevin Wheeler                                 paper, diapers and hand sanitizer.     information.
    Editor: Kimberly Davis                                             Ensure your first-aid kit is stocked     I hope we don’t experience severe
    Assistant Editor: Cherity Wibben
    Officers and Directors:
                                                                       with pain relievers, bandages          storms this summer, but we can
    Marvin Newton          District 3 President                        and other medical essentials, and      never predict Mother Nature’s plans.
    Marvin Larson          District 1 Vice President                   current prescriptions.                 At Access Energy Cooperative,
    Robert Chesnut III
    David Hollingsworth
                           District 3 Secretary
                           District 1 Treasurer
                                                                       Include flashlights, batteries,        we recommend that you act today
    Fred Hickenbottom      District 1 Director                         manual can opener, portable            because there is power in planning.
    Jerry Barker           District 2 Director                         battery-powered radio or TV.           We hope you have a safe and
    Robert P. Smith        District 2 Director                         Organize emergency supplies so         wonderful summer.
    Larry White            District 2 Director
    Michael Holtkamp       District 3 Director                         they are easily accessible in one
                                                                       location.                              Kevin Wheeler is the general manager/CEO
    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
                                                                     In the event of a prolonged power        of Access Energy Cooperative.

4       LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA               May 2021
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
R E C DAY O N T H E H I L L                                            ANNOUNCEMENT

Connecting with local                                                  2021 Access Energy
lawmakers                                                              Annual Meeting of
  Access Energy Cooperative                                            Members
thanks the legislators who were able
to join us for a virtual REC Day on
the Hill in 2021.
  Your co-op is active on the
political scene to make sure the
cooperative’s interests are conveyed
to legislators on the federal, state
and local levels. The staff and board
of directors maintain relationships
with our local legislators through
frequent visits, emails and phone
calls and serve as a resource                                            The Access Energy Cooperative
to ensure they understand the                                          board of directors voted to modify
cooperative business model and                                         the format of the 2021 Annual
issues facing the electric industry.                                   Meeting of Members scheduled for
Rest assured that local legislators are                                Aug. 3, 2021, to eliminate the in-
working on your behalf.                                                person portion of the meeting and
  In March, electric cooperatives                                      conduct the election of directors by
throughout the state annually                                          mail and electronic voting only.
converge on the capital to have REC                                      As everyone is still faced with
on the Hill. Although our “personal                                    uncertainties on the safety of
calls” this year were virtual, we                                      gathering in numbers, current
still appreciate their time to talk                                    information available must be used
about issues that may impact your                                      to make decisions that affect future
cooperative.                                                           plans. This decision did not come
                                                                       easy for the board again this year;
                                                                       however, Access Energy Cooperative
                                                                       concluded it is the responsible choice
                                                                       to make.

  Use your
                                                                         The cooperative encourages
                                                                       members to take part in the director
                                                                       election. Voting materials and

  mobile                                                               instructions will be mailed July 7,
                                                                       2021. The election results will be

  device to                                                            aired as a live Facebook event on
                                                                       Aug. 3, 2021, at 7 p.m.

  monitor                                                                Congratulations
  energy usage                                         iOS   Android
                                                                         to Marty Hulsebos, an Access Energy
                                                                         Cooperative member from Fairfield,
                                                                         for supplying the cover image for this
     Members of Access Energy Cooperative have a                         month’s issue of Living with Energy in
                                                                         Iowa magazine!
  tool called the SmartHub App that makes it easy to
  pay your bill, look up account information, notify
  you if your power is out and so much more!
     Download the SmartHub app on your mobile
  device and start using it today. You can also use
  it on your computer through our website at

                                                                         May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA    5
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
Unified efforts power the
economic development puzzle

   The second week of May marks
National Economic Development
Week, providing an opportunity to
highlight the strategic and unified
effort that goes into supporting
business growth and community
vitality across Iowa. As part of its
foundational principle of Concern
for Community, your electric
cooperative works with numerous
partners to foster a thriving business
climate in your area.
   Economic development means
different things to different people.
On a broad scale, anything a
community does to foster and
create a healthy economy can fall
under the umbrella of economic                                                       Through active marketing,
development. Most of the time,                                                     Trinity Industries became interested
economic development focuses on                                                    in the property as a location for the
promoting investment, creating jobs                                                $60 million TrinityRail Maintenance
and improving the quality of life for                                              Services facility, which purchased
residents. Economic development                                                    the entire park. Local players came
is truly a puzzle, with a diversity of                                             together to work through the
essential players coming together                                                  company’s requirements. Butler
to address dozens of core activities          There are hundreds of examples       County REC secured a $2 million
accomplished by accessing many              of electric cooperative-inspired       pass-through loan from the U.S.
programs and resources.                     economic development success           Department of Agriculture to support
   Recognizing the benefits of a            stories across Iowa, including the     installing nearly 8,000 additional
unified effort to power the “puzzle         following two recent examples.         feet of rail to the IANR main track,
of economic development” and fit                                                   necessary to meet the company’s
these pieces together, Iowa’s electric      Powering business growth               requirements.
cooperatives created the Iowa Area            The Butler Logistics Park, located     “With any project such as this, there
Development Group (IADG) to                 in rural Butler County near Shell      are numerous parts that have to come
serve as its economic development           Rock, provides a perfect example       together, including the work of many
organization. For decades, IADG             of how an industrial park can          individuals,” says Craig Codner, CEO
staff has been immersed in statewide        spark incredible regional growth       of Butler County REC. Our staff put
economic development, compiling             through business location and          in many hours toward this project
the network of partners, knowledge          job creation. Butler County REC,       and continues to be engaged as the
of programs and project experience          Butler-Grundy Development              park expands. We have a tremendous
needed to support this vital business       Alliance, Iowa Northern Railway        working relationship with the Butler-
initiative. IADG focuses on business        Company (IANR) and Central Iowa        Grundy Development Alliance, who
attraction, existing business               Water Association are vital partners   was instrumental in attracting the
expansion, entrepreneurship and             in developing this 230-acre and        plant to the park.”
community development projects.             expanding industrial park.               “I also cannot say enough about
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
MARKETING                        BUSINESS
RECRUITMENT                      EXPANSION

                  BUSINESS                      WORKFORCE                          FOSTERING
                DEVELOPMENT                    DEVELOPMENT                     ENTREPRENEURSHIP

NEIGHBORHOOD                     STRATEGIC                      NETWORKS AND                      ACCESS TO
 DEVELOPMENT                     PLANNING                       PARTNERSHIPS                       CAPITAL

               RURAL UTILITY                   REVITALIZATION

  the IANR team. This was a true                       development project spotlight.                         With the goal of “one Faith House
  partnership with everyone’s goal the                   818 Forward with Faith (FWF) is                      at a time,” FWF is working toward
  same, to bring the plant to the Butler               a non-profit dedicated to building                     constructing a home for women also
  Logistics Park,” Codner adds.                        homes where adults with disabilities                   to be located in Pella.
     The impact of the 230-acre rail                   can lead lives of dignity while their                    “Pella is a small community where
  maintenance facility is the creation of              specialized physical, emotional                        we step up to take care of each
  more than 250 career opportunities                   and social needs are met. FWF was                      other and work to support those in
  for current residents and those                      founded by Jerry and Judy Fynaard,                     need. Pella Cooperative Electric and
  attracted by these positions, and an                 whose son Caleb was born with                          Southwest Iowa REC were honored
  overall boost to the local economy.                  cerebral palsy. It was right after high                to use our resources to help Forward
     Spurring additional growth, in                    school when Caleb was involved                         with Faith develop a solution for
  October 2020, Mid-Iowa Cooperative,                  in an automobile accident, and                         a need in our community,” Pella
  a farmer-owned cooperative based                     the special care he needed became                      Cooperative Electric CEO Jon Miles
  in east-central Iowa, broke ground                   more than his current living facility                  says.
  on Shell Rock Soy Processing, a                      could provide. That is what spurred                      While just two projects were
  $270 million soybean crushing plant                  the Fynaards to found FWF with                         highlighted in this article, examples
  located on an expansion of the Butler                the mission of providing homes for                     of large and small “wins” are
  Logistics park. The facility is expected             adults with disabilities that are an                   frequently included in your local
  to create 50 high-quality jobs when                  extension of their childhood home                      newspapers, electric cooperative and
  operational in 2022.                                 and a safe haven for the residents and                 chamber newsletters, and Living with
                                                       their families.                                        Energy in Iowa magazine.
  Powering community services and                        Pella Cooperative Electric                             Rural utilities have an important
  entrepreneurship                                     Association and Southwest Iowa                         presence in local communities.
    Concern for Community and                          REC provided $300,000 from their                       Throughout the past several years,
  Cooperation among Cooperatives                       Revolving Loan Funds to support                        the local ownership of businesses
  are two of the cooperative principles                the FWF home construction, which                       in rural communities continues to
  that shine in this community                         opened in Pella in November 2019.                      trend downward. So does the pool of
                                                                                                              stakeholders willing and able to invest,
                                                                                                              engage and support local business
                                                                                                              and community development efforts.
                                                                                                              Your electric cooperatives actively
                                                                                                              participate and contribute to business
                                                                                                              and community initiatives across
                                                                                                              the state.
                                                                                                                We’re grateful that electric
                                                                                                              cooperative staff, and their members,
                                                                                                              volunteer time and talents to
                                                                                                              support local communities across
                                                                                                              Iowa. Every one of these roles is a
                                                                                                              vital piece of powering economic

                                                                                                              Kay Snyder is the director of marketing
                                                                                                              and communications for the Iowa Area
                                                                                                              Development Group.

                                                                                                                  May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   7
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
Creamy Rhubarb
                                                                                                       ½    cup butter
                                                                                                      1½    cups plus 2 tablespoons flour, divided
                                                                                                        1   cup pecans, chopped, divided
                                                                                                        4   cups rhubarb
                                                                                                        1   cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar, divided
                                                                                                       16   ounces cream cheese
                                                                                                        2   teaspoons vanilla, divided
                                                                                                        3   eggs, lightly beaten
                                                                                                      1½    cups sour cream

                                                                                                   Cut together butter and 1½ cup flour. Add ½ cup
                                                                                                   pecans and press into 13x9-inch pan. Mix rhubarb,
                                                                                                   ½ cup sugar and 2 tablespoons flour. Spoon over
                                                                                                   crust and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes.
                                                                                                   Mix together cream cheese, ½ cup sugar and
                                                                                                   1 teaspoon vanilla until smooth, then add eggs.
                                                                                                   Pour over hot rhubarb and bake at 350 degrees F for
                                                                                                   30-35 minutes. Cool 10 minutes. Mix sour cream,
                                                                                                   3 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Spread
                                                                                                   over hot cheesecake, sprinkle with ½ cup pecans.
                                                                                                   Cool 1 hour then refrigerate. Serves 12-16

                                                                                                                                Cindy Bru • Marshalltown
                                                                                                                 Grundy County Rural Electric Cooperative

                                                                                                   Chicken Asparagus
                                           Rhubarb Surprise Pie
                                                                                                        4   chicken breasts
                                                                                                      1½    teaspoons seasoned salt
                                                                                                       ¼    teaspoon pepper
                                                1      cup flour, sifted                               ¼    cup vegetable oil
                                                1      teaspoon baking powder                          20   ounces frozen asparagus
                    Fresh Facts Source:
                                                ½      teaspoon salt                                 10½    ounces cream of chicken soup (1 can)
                    Iowa Department
                    of Agriculture and          2      tablespoons butter                              ½    cup mayonnaise or sour cream
                    Land Stewardship            1      egg, beaten                                      1   teaspoon lemon juice
                                                2      tablespoons milk                                ¼    teaspoon curry powder
                                                3      cups rhubarb, diced                              1   cup cheddar cheese, grated
                    MEDICINAL                   1      package strawberry Jell-O (3 ounces)
                    ROOTS                       ½      cup flour                                   Cut chicken into bite size pieces and season with
                    Rhubarb is                  1      cup sugar                                   seasoned salt and pepper. Sauté chicken in oil for
                    a very old                  ½      teaspoon cinnamon                           5-6 minutes until white and opaque. Remove and
                    plant that                  ¼      cup butter, melted                          drain on paper towels. Cook asparagus as directed
                    dates back to                                                                  on package. Drain and place in greased 9x13-inch
                    ancient China          Sift together 1 cup sifted flour, baking                baking dish. Add chicken pieces. In a separate bowl,
                    in 2700 BC.            powder and salt. Cut in 2 tablespoons butter,           mix soup, mayonnaise or sour cream, lemon juice
                    At that time,          add egg and milk then mix. Press into a                 and curry powder. Pour over chicken and sprinkle
                    it was used            greased 9-inch pie pan. Arrange rhubarb in              with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes.
                    for medicinal          pie pan and sprinkle with Jell-O. Combine
                                                                                                   Serves 8
                                           ½ cup flour, sugar, cinnamon and ¼ cup
                    The roots of
                                           melted butter and sprinkle on top of pie.

                                                                                                                                     Linda Terlouw • Pella
                    the Chinese
                    variety are            Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes or until                             Pella Cooperative Electric Association
                    still used in          rhubarb is tender. Serves 6
                    today.                                          Lea Bradley • Mount Pleasant
                                                                      Access Energy Cooperative

                    8     LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA     May 2021
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
Cherry Rhubarb                                                 Rhubarb Dump Cake                                                ONLY EAT

Crunch                                                               1
                                                                         pound rhubarb, chopped (3-4 cups)
                                                                         cup sugar
                                                                                                                                THE STALKS
                                                                                                                                Rhubarb is a
                                                                                                                                perennial plant
   2¼   cups oatmeal                                                 1   package strawberry Jell-O (3 ounces)                   that is usually
    ¾   cup flour                                                    1   package yellow cake mix                                eaten fresh
    ¾   cup brown sugar                                              1   cup water                                              and harvested
    ¾   cup oleo                                                     ¼   cup butter, melted                                     in the spring
    1   cup sugar                                                                                                               when the
    2   tablespoons cornstarch                                 Spread rhubarb evenly over bottom of a greased                   stalks are
    1   cup water                                              9x13-inch cake pan. Sprinkle sugar over the                      tender. Only
    1   can cherry pie filling                                 rhubarb, then the dry Jell-O, then the cake mix.                 the stalks
    4   cups rhubarb, diced                                    Pour water and melted butter over the top. Do not                (petioles)
    1   teaspoon vanilla extract                                                                                                should be
                                                               stir. Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes or until
                                                                                                                                eaten because

                                                                                                                                                  F R E S H FAC T S
                                                               rhubarb is tender. This comes out like a cobbler.                the leaves
Combine oatmeal, flour, brown sugar and
oleo. Cut together to make crumbs. Save ¾ cup                     Kathy Carter • Williams • Prairie Energy Cooperative          moderately
crumbs for top and spread the rest in 9x13-inch                                                                                 poisonous
pan. In saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch and
water; cook until thick. Remove from heat and                  Asparagus Bacon                                                  oxalic acid.

add pie filling, rhubarb and vanilla extract. Pour
over crumb crust and sprinkle with remaining                   Quiche
crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 minutes.                                                                                   THREADED
                                                                    1    pound fresh asparagus
                                                                                                                                ON STRAW
                             Barbara Dather • Melvin                6    bacon strips
                North West Rural Electric Cooperative               1    9-inch baked pastry crust
                                                                                                                                are thought
                                                                    3    eggs
                                                                                                                                to have
                                                                   1½    cups half and half cream

Ham and Asparagus
                                                                    1    cup grated Parmesan, divided
                                                                                                                                with the
                                                                    1    tablespoon green onions, sliced

                                                                    1    teaspoon sugar
                                                                                                                                maybe as
                                                                    ½    teaspoon salt
                                                                                                                                far back as
                                                                    ¼    teaspoon pepper
    30 fresh asparagus spears                                                                                                   the Greeks.
                                                                    1    pinch ground nutmeg
    15 ham slices                                                                                                               The name
     8 ounces cream cheese                                                                                                      “strawberry”
                                                               Trim asparagus and cut into 1-inch pieces,                       may have
                                                               then cook and drain. Cook and crumble bacon.                     resulted from
Trim asparagus to length of ham slices. Wash                   Arrange bacon and asparagus in pastry crust. In                  children in the

                                                                                                                                                   F R E S H FAC T S
the asparagus and blanch briefly for 2 minutes                 a bowl, beat eggs, then add cream, ½ cup cheese,                 19th century,
in boiling water. Remove stalks and put in bowl                onions, sugar, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Pour over                who threaded
of ice water. Spread cream cheese on ham slices                asparagus and bacon. Sprinkle with remaining                     the berries on
then add two asparagus spears and roll them up.                cheese. Bake at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes.                    straw and
Keep refrigerated until served. Serves 15                      Reduce to 350 degrees F and bake for 23-25                       sold them.
                                                               minutes longer.
                                   Ann Clark • Panora
 Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative Association                                   Anna Domnick • Rock Rapids
                                                                                       Lyon Rural Electric Cooperative          PACKED WITH
                                                                                                                                VITAMIN C
 Wanted: Chicken Recipes                                                                                                        contain
                                                                                                                                vitamin C,
 The Reward: $25 for every one we publish!                                                                                      folic acid,
    Winner, winner, chicken dinner! A versatile protein, chicken is a     EMAIL:             and fiber.
 recipe favorite. Whether it’s grilled, baked, fried or in sandwiches,    (Attach your recipe as a Word document or             Eight fresh
 salads or casseroles, the possibilities are endless. If we run your      PDF to your email message.)                           strawberries
 recipe in the magazine, we’ll send a $25 credit for your electric                                                              provide
                                                                                                                                                  F R E S H FAC T S

 co-op to apply to your power bill. Recipes submitted also may be         MAIL:                                                 approximately
 archived on our website at               Recipes                                               the same
    The deadline is May 31, 2021. Please include your name, address,      Living with Energy in Iowa magazine                   amount of
 telephone number, co-op name and the recipe category on all              8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48                           vitamin C as
 submissions. Also provide the number of servings per recipe.             Urbandale, Iowa 50322                                 an orange.

                                                                                                    May 2021    LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   9
Access Energy Cooperative announces early dividend retirement New ideas for home improvement projects Asparagus and rhubarb recipes - Lineworker ...
Trending now: Home improvement
Tips for making environmentally friendly and cost-effective choices

  With ongoing pandemic concerns
and expanded remote working
options, many of us are not only
spending more time at home, but
we’re also considering a home office
upgrade, creating a music room
or enhancing an outdoor space.
Mischa Fisher, chief economist for
HomeAdvisor, says the growth in
home improvement in 2020 was
huge: “We nicknamed it the year of
the home.”
  “In past years, there was a significant
focus on return on investment,” Fisher
says. “People do a project because
they’re planning on selling their
house.” Last year was different because
41% of people said they planned
upgrades specifically to make their
homes better suit their lifestyle. It’s a
trend that’s continuing in 2021.              Make sure your music room has plenty of outlets for your
  No matter what project is on                instruments, microphones and amplifiers, and that all are
                                              connected to the same circuit to avoid a ground loop buzz.
tap, it’s essential to start with basic
improvements that ensure your energy
needs are met safely and efficiently.        increasing overall energy efficiency,                 hazards, make a thermographic
HomeAdvisor, a digital marketplace           beginning with modest repairs.                        inspection with infrared scanning,
that aims to connect clients with            The next step involves pricier                        and conduct a blower test that
prescreened local service professionals,     improvements like replacing windows                   measures the quality of air sealing
found home maintenance budgets               and upgrading to more efficient                       around ducts, doors and windows.
doubled in 2020 compared to previous         appliances. The most advanced                       		 The auditor then prepares a
years. Simple updates to infrastructure      improvements center on renewable                      report detailing their findings and
can make every home kinder to the            energy generation and storage.                        recommendations. According to
environment and safer, with the added          Pfeiffer suggests homeowners start                  the U.S. Department of Energy,
benefit of trimming electric bills.          by eliminating energy-wasting gaps                    the average home has enough air
                                             in the home’s structure and shading
Green building with simple                   windows and walls.
  Simple improvements based on a
                                              STEPS TO ELIMINATE
home’s current condition can go a             ENERGY-WASTING GAPS
long way toward improving energy
efficiency. “Often improvements              1   Audit energy use
are more beneficial than investing                 To find your home’s trouble
in newer technology, such as solar               spots, engage a professional for a
panels,” says Peter Pfeiffer, president          home energy audit. Your electric
of an architecture firm and an early             co-op offers advice on audits,
advocate for the ENERGY STAR®                    which likely includes a review of
program, which encourages energy-                your electric bills and a thorough                A good energy audit will use a blower door
efficient appliance purchases.                   examination of your home.                         test to establish the baseline airtightness of
  He recommends that homeowners                  Auditors will inspect the quality                 your home. After repairs are made a second
                                                                                                   blower test will show improvement.
plan their improvements based on                 of insulation, test for electrical
                                           Replacing regular window
                                           screens with solar screens
                                           can keep your home
                                           10-15 degrees cooler in the
                                           summer by blocking the
                                           sun’s rays that can heat
                                           the inside of your home.

     leakage to add up to a 2-square-                                               6 Take additional steps to
     foot hole that remains open 24                                                   reduce demand
     hours a day. Fortunately, simple                                               		 Once you’ve invested some
     remedies can save up to 30% on                                                   time and a little money into
     utility bills. With your co-op’s                                                 making basic improvements,
     guidance, an energy audit will help                                              Pfeiffer advises implementing
     you prioritize fixes for tightening                                              additional energy-saving
     your home and using shade to                                                     measures. Replacing older
     your advantage.                                                                  appliances and windows with
                                                                                      ENERGY STAR®-rated and
 2 Keep outside air outside                                                           e-coated products will save
 		 Managing the infiltration                                                         energy over the lifetime of your
   of outside air can affect                 With good planning, adding               home. Solar panels can help you
   homes year-round. Common                  insulation to your home can be           create your power, but they won’t
                                             a successful DIY project.                have as big of an impact unless
   recommendations are to update
   weatherstripping and caulk                                                         you first address your energy
   around doors and windows, clean             energy efficiency. Pfeiffer says       demands.
   filters and vents, and seal leaks           that optimal roofing materials       		 “Before you go to the sexy
   in your ducts. Pfeiffer points out          combined with shade will prevent       things like solar on the roof, or
   that leaky ducts are more wasteful          radiant heat from leaking into the     things that you can talk about
   than an inefficient air conditioner.        home in the first place. Sealing       at a cocktail party, let’s reduce
   It’s more important to make sure            basements and crawl spaces and         the demand of energy first,”
   you have an airtight heating,               wrapping your water heater in          Pfeiffer says.
   ventilating and air conditioning            a thermal blanket also improve
   system before upgrading to a new            energy efficiency.                   Make safety a priority with home
   air-handling system.                                                             improvement projects
                                           5 Upgrade lighting                          Rewiring your lights and adding
 3 Prevent radiant heat                    		 Efficient lighting and lighter        new electrical systems to your home
 		 Radiant heat is absorbed from            colors are key considerations when     are complex and hazardous tasks
   sunlight and can be transmitted           adding a home office or hobby          that are best left in the hands of a
   through roofs and windows                 space.                                 licensed electrician.
   into the home. Pfeiffer advises         		 Replace lightbulbs with energy-          Replacing old electrical outlets
   using roof overhangs, awnings or          efficient CFLs or LEDs to decrease     with ground-fault circuit interrupter
   planting trees and landscaping            energy consumption. An Energy-         (GFCI) outlets, while not a cost-
   to shade west-facing windows to           Star qualified CFL uses about          saving improvement, is a necessary
   prevent the sun’s rays from hitting       one-fourth of the energy and lasts     safety upgrade for outlets around
   the windows directly. Thermal             10 times longer than traditional       water. GFCIs protect against shocks
   drapes and window coverings               incandescent bulbs, and Energy-        by breaking the flow of electrical
   can also deflect heat from sunny          Star-qualified LEDs last 15 to 25      current if they detect a fault. They
   rooms. Radiant barriers in an attic       times longer. Light fixtures should    are required in new construction,
   can prevent heat from the roof            hang close to the work or hobby        but the Electrical Safety Foundation
   from transferring to the attic floor      space without getting in the way.      International estimates 40 million
   and warming the rest of the house       		 “The color of the horizontal          homes do not have these lifesaving
   in the summer, saving money on            reflecting surfaces in the room        outlets in all “wet” rooms.
   cooling bills.                            makes a big difference in how             In addition, consider having an
                                             much energy you use,” Pfeiffer         arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI)
 4 Add insulation                            says. “You need about three times      breaker professionally installed.
 		 Adding insulation to a                   as much lighting if you’ve got dark    AFCIs protect against fire-causing
   home’s attic, basement, walls             countertops compared to light-         arcing that is commonly caused by
   or crawl spaces will improve              colored countertops.”                  damaged or worn wiring.
                                                                                        May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   11

 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS                                                                      HOW YOUR CO - OP WORKS

Access Energy Cooperative announces Statement of
lineworker scholarship winners      non-discrimination
                                                                                             In accordance with Federal civil
  Congratulations to Dalton                    Gavin is a
                                                                                          rights law and U.S. Department of
Gardner and Gavin Thompson,                  graduate from                                Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations
who will each receive a $2,000               Danville High                                and policies, USDA, its Mission Areas,
scholarship to enroll in an electric         School and will                              agencies, staff, offices, employees,
lineworker program.                          begin classes in the                         and institutions participating in or
  Dalton is                                  Powerline program                            administering USDA programs are
currently a high                             at NCC this month.                           prohibited from discriminating based
school senior                                  The lineworker                             on race, color, national origin, religion,
at Mt. Pleasant                              scholarship is a new program                 sex, gender identity (including gender
Community High                               launched at Access Energy                    expression), sexual orientation, disability,
School and plans to                          Cooperative this year. We are                age, marital status, family/parental status,
enroll at Northwest                          pleased to be able to award this             income derived from a public assistance
Community                                    financial assistance to such                 program, political beliefs, or reprisal or
College (NCC) in the Powerline               deserving and ambitious potential            retaliation for prior civil rights activity,
program next May.                            future linemen.                              in any program or activity conducted or
                                                                                          funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all
                                                                                          programs). Remedies and complaint filing
 MEMBER SERVICE                                                                           deadlines vary by program or incident.
                                                                                             Program information may be made
How to address service concerns                                                           available in language other than English.
                                                                                          Persons with disabilities who require
  Access Energy Cooperative strives          representative qualified to assist           alternative means of communication to
to exceed members’ expectations              in resolving the complaint can be            obtain program information (e.g., Braille,
for service, including resolving             reached for assistance available from        large print, audiotape, American Sign
issues and complaints promptly and           the Iowa Utilities Board.                    Language) should contact the responsible
                                                                                          Mission Area, agency, or staff office; the
courteously. Our employees who                 If a member complaint is related
                                                                                          USDA TARGET Center at (202)720-2600
receive telephone calls and office           to service disconnection, safety or
                                                                                          (voice and TTY); or the Federal Relay
visits from members are qualified            engineering standards, or renewable          Service at (800) 877-8339.
and trained in screening and                 energy and Access Energy                        To file a program discrimination
resolving complaints. They also will         Cooperative is not able to resolve           complaint, a complainant should
provide identification to the caller         your complaint, you may request              complete a Form, AD-3027, USDA
so that they can reach the same              assistance from the Iowa Utilities           Program Discrimination Complaint Form,
employee again if needed.                    Board by calling 515-725-7321, or            which can be obtained online at https://
  Access Energy Cooperative is               toll-free 877-565-4450, by writing to,
required to notify its members               1375 E. Court Avenue, Des Moines,            from any USDA office, by calling (866)
of the address and telephone                 IA 50319-0069, or by email to                632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed
number below where a cooperative                          to USDA. The letter must contain the
                                                                                          complainant’s name, address, telephone
                                                                                          number, and a written description of the
                                                                                          alleged discriminatory action in sufficient

                                                                                          detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for
                                                                                          Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and
                                                                                          date of the alleged civil rights violation.
                                                                                          The completed AD-3027 form or letter
                                                                                          must be submitted to USDA by:

                                                            Photo credit: Karen Corrick   1. Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
                                                                                             Office of the Assistant Secretary
                                                                                             for Civil Rights 1400 Independence
                                                                                             Avenue, SW Washington, D.C.

                                                                                             20250-9410; or
                                                                                          2. Fax: (833) 256-1665 or
                                                                                             (202) 690-7442; or
                                                                                          3. Email:
                                                                                            USDA is an equal opportunity
                                                                                          provider, employer, and lender.
THANK YOU                                 BENEFIT OF MEMBERSHIP

Members helping                          Early retirement of dividends
members                                  to members
   RECare is a program where                The Access Energy Cooperative              Accounts with dividend payments
members help other members in            board of directors voted to return          due of less than $5 will continue to
need. Access Energy Cooperative is       patronage dividends early to members        accumulate and will be paid in the
proud that even during the COVID-19      this year. Payments are distributed         year they reach or exceed $5.
pandemic our members have stepped        to members based on the amount of             Patronage dividend checks are
up to help others in need. We            dividends in their account                            normally distributed at the
have seen an increase in voluntary       for the years being paid in                           annual meeting of members
donations to the                         2021 and will be available                            in August, and checks
RECare program                           mid-June.                                             not picked up are mailed
and helping other                           Dividends owed to                                  out after the meeting.
members with                             members that are less than                            This year, due to the
financial difficulties.                  $25 will be paid in the form                          continued uncertainty still
   In the RECare                         of a credit on the member’s                           surrounding restrictions
program, we can accept a one-time
                                         bill. Dividends owed greater than           and requirements of large groups
contribution to help others, or you
may enclose an amount each month         $25 will be mailed to the member as         to gather in the coming months,
with your monthly electric bill. Just    a check. Members can request that           the board of directors approved to
$1 a month helps someone in need.        their dividends be paid as a bill credit,   modify the format of the 2021 Annual
This program is administered by the      regardless of the amount, by returning      Meeting of Members to eliminate
Iowa Community Action Program, and       the information below, calling us           the in-person portion of the meeting
recipients must meet their guidelines.   at 866-242-4232 or contacting our           and conduct the election of directors
Funds are used to assist people in       finance department by email: finance        by mail and electronic voting. The
southeast Iowa.                 The due date         election results will be announced live
   Thank you for your generosity in      for the 2021 dividend payment to be         on Facebook at 7 p.m. on Aug. 3. No
supporting fellow co-op members!         applied as a bill credit is June 1, 2021.   other business will be conducted.

                                            DIVIDEND BILL CREDIT REQUEST FORM
                                           I wish to have all dividend payments earned for my account(s) be paid in
                                           the form of a bill credit. The due date for the 2021 dividend payment to be
                                           applied as a bill credit is June 1, 2021.

                                           Member name_______________________________________________________



                                           State _________________________________ ZIP___________________________

                                           Account number(s)____________________________________________________
       Access Energy Cooperative
       lineworkers work on dangerous
       equipment, keeping your power       Phone number_______________________________________________________
       on. The last thing they need to
       worry about is being hit by an      Email address________________________________________________________
       oncoming vehicle.
       If you see them working on the      Return this form to:
       side of the road, move over to      Finance Dept
       the other lane and slow down.       Access Energy Cooperative
       Give them room to work – we
       all thank you!
                                           PO Box 440
                                           Mt Pleasant IA 52641

                                                                                        May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   13

New contest shines the light
on community volunteers

   Iowa’s electric cooperatives              month of June. The three winners
are excited to announce a new                will be announced during the Iowa
statewide contest, which celebrates          State Fair in August. In addition       Step 1:
our cooperative commitment to                to receiving a $1,500 donation for
community. Called Shine the Light,           their charity or nonprofit of choice,   Go to
the contest will accept nominations          the winners will also be featured in    from June 1-30 to make a nomination
in June and award three winners              the September issue of Living with      and to review the contest rules.
with a $1,500 check to their local           Energy in Iowa magazine.
charity or community organization.
   “We’re excited to launch this             How to nominate
cooperative effort to shine the                Member-consumers and                               As a nominator,
light on local volunteers,” says             employees of Iowa’s electric                         provide your contact
Erin Campbell, director of                   cooperatives are eligible to                         information and
communications for the Iowa                  nominate local volunteers. If you                    answer the following
Association of Electric Cooperatives.        receive electricity from an electric    Step 2:      question in 500
“So many people throughout the               cooperative in Iowa, you’re a co-op                  words or less.
areas served by Iowa’s electric              member-consumer and invited to          How has your
cooperatives deserve to be                   nominate someone who is making a
recognized for making a positive             positive impact in the community.
                                                                                     nominee made a
impact.”                                     The volunteer being nominated           positive difference in
   Sponsored by the Touchstone               does not need to be a co-op             the community, and
Energy Cooperatives of Iowa, the             member-consumer. Minors may be          why do they deserve
Shine the Light contest will accept          nominated with consent from their       to be recognized?
contest entries online during the            parents or legal guardians.

Gardening genes don’t
grow here

  Once spring quits messing around
and gets into high gear, all those
garden-minded folks will be out
staking, planting and cleaning out
old beds. I have great respect for
them. They are feeding their families
and their neighborhoods. They
are enjoying nature and providing
beautiful bouquets.
  I do not appear able to scale their
Skipped by the gardening gene
   Somehow the gardening gene
skipped me. My grandparents had
lovely spreads beside their houses.
My mother’s flower garden includes
heirloom blooms from her great-
grandmother. My dad enjoys planting
a few beans and peppers. Together,
they can and freeze apples, pears and
peaches. My uncle, for many years,
owned a huge truck farm and sold at
markets all over central Iowa.
   I have some irises in front of my
   Oh, it’s not that I didn’t try. When
we moved into our present home 20
years ago, I was determined to have
a little bed behind our house. It was      small when I started. I’d be able to fill   flower patch quickly get ahead of me
a gush of optimism – new home,             it up immediately! That was before I        unless I’m incredibly determined. My
fresh dreams of the Becky Home-            reckoned with our property’s extreme        one glory are my irises, which seem
Ecky in me coming out. Even then,          clay soil. I clawed the seeds into the      to like our difficult soil and my glibly
I’m not sure what made me think            ground where they stayed, a pathetic        negligent care.
it would work. When Kent and I             patch of doomed dreams and a real              I have resigned myself to being the
lived in Pammel Court at Iowa State        pain to mow around. In desperation,         broken link in a family line of green
University, we rented a small garden       I put out some mint plants, which           thumbs, although that trait seems to
allotment from the university. Despite     immediately took over the entire area.      have passed itself to my middle son,
a brave start, the result was a complete   Even today, when I mow, the scent of        who has a new sunroom full of plants
disaster, with the rabbits eating most     chocolate mint wafts up.                    and a yard with lots of bulbs that seem
of what we had grown. In retrospect,          Over the years, I’ve half-heartedly      undisturbed by wildlife, neighbor dogs
I think we were the trashy allotment,      tried a few things. Tulip bulbs were        or little kids.
the one the neighbors despaired of. We     dug up by the voles and squirrels              I hope things work out for him. If
didn’t renew the next year.                in the area. My dependence on               not, I’ll lend him a few irises.
                                           perennials and thinking they’ll come
Putting faith in peas and zinnias          back every year, and I won’t have to        Valerie Van Kooten is a writer from Pella
                                                                                       who loves living in the country and telling
  However, going forward, I bravely        do anything, met a quick death when         its stories. She and her husband Kent have
put my faith in pea pods and zinnias.      they bloomed one year and refused to,       three married sons, two incredibly adorable
My 15-by-15 foot garden seemed so          well, perennial. The weeds in my little     grandsons and a lovely granddaughter.

                                                                                          May 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   15
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