Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds

Page created by Rhonda Bowman
Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
Accessing the Global Capital
Markets Through London
Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
1.   Introduction to LSE Group
Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
London Stock Exchange Group
An organisation with depth and breadth

 Capital raising                   Trading                Clearing & Settlement

                   Information Services      Technology

Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
London Stock Exchange Group
 A global leader

$9 trillion                    $658 trillion $11 trillion
Total money raised on London   Derivatives cleared in 2016 to     Assets under management using
Stock Exchange in the last     support G20 and global financial   our benchmarks
decade                         stability

Accessing the Global Capital Markets Through London - Sovereign and Supranational Bonds
London Stock Exchange Group
  A world-leading global markets infrastructure business

 Capital Formation                               Risk & Balance Sheet Management                 Intellectual Property

 2,300                  14,000+                  9.6m                       60.3m                $11trn                 10
                        Debt securities listed   Since 1999, SwapClear      Settlement           Assets                 The top ten
 Listed equity
                        on LSE Main Market.      has cleared over 9.6       instructions         benchmarked to         investment banks
 securities with
                        Overall money raised     million OTC Interest       received by Monte    FTSE Russell’s         and 97 of the top
 aggregate market
                        exceeds $4.4 trillion    Rate Swaps (IRS)           Titoli (LSEG’s       worldwide indices      100 asset managers
 value of $7 trillion
                                                 making it the leading      CSD) in 2015.                               all trust FTSE
                                                 IRS clearing service                                                   Russell indexes to
                                                                                                                        benchmark their
 9                      $260bn+                  with the deepest pool of
                                                 liquidity across the                                                   investment
 Equity deals in        Raised by sovereign,     entire yield curve                              80                     performance and
 London raised          regional and local
                                                                            $658trn              FTSE Russell
                                                                                                                        create ETFs
 over $1bn in 2016.                                                         LCH SwapClear        calculates
                                                 95%                        cleared over $650    thousands of
                                                 SwapClear clears           trillion in 2016     indexes that
                                                                                                 measure and
 $5.5bn                 $48bn                    more than 95% of the
                                                 overall cleared OTC
                                                                            supporting G20 and
                                                                            global financial     benchmark markets       ETF assets
                                                                                                 and asset classes in    currently
 Average order          Over $48bn has           interest rate swap         stability
                                                                                                 more than 80            benchmarked to
 book equity value      been raised through      market
                                                                                                 countries               FTSE Russell
 traded per day in      65 Sukuk issues on
 London in 2016         London Stock

London Stock Exchange Group is an international market infrastructure business at the centre of the world's financial community.
Over our 300 years of history, connecting international issuers and investors has been at the heart of our DNA.

A Global Community of Issuers
      Our issuers operate in more than 115 different countries

Number of Companies

           60 +

Source: London Stock Exchange statistics, based on country of primary business
Why Partner with London?
       London: A Global Financial Centre

                                 London is Europe’s largest capital market with
                                                                                                          London is home to the International Forum of
                                 a deep pool of liquidity and international
                                                                                                          Sovereign Wealth Funds.
                                 issuers and investors

                                                                                                         London provides an ecosystem that promotes
                                 London has a geopolitical role as a link to                             innovation and product development, e.g.
                                 Asia and North America                                                  Islamic Finance, renminbi trading and Indian
                                                                                                         Rupee internationalisation

                                 London is a centre of excellence for a wide                              London has been voted the most attractive
                                 range of audiences, products & legal                                     global location for relocating/expanding asset
                                 structures                                                               management operations

 No. 1 FX Centre                    ⅓ Global Assets                     £6.8tn AUM                     30% Int’l Listings               40% Int’l Ownership

  37% of the world's currency        A third of assets under             The UK has the largest AUM    30% of the world's foreign       40% of the large and medium
  exchanges take place here in       management in the UK come           in Europe (£6.8tn), and the   equities are traded in London.   sized asset management
  London, more than New York         from overseas clients, making       second largest on a global                                     firms in London are owned by
  and Tokyo combined.                it the most international global    basis.                                                         overseas investors.

Source: The Banker Magazine, Key Facts about the UK Fund Management Industry

2.   Sovereign and Supranational

Global Market for Supranational Issuers

         430            £112bn        12
     international                international   …in 29 currencies
  supranational bonds               issuers…

                                                               Source: LSE data

Global Hub for Sovereign Bond Issuance

      193 bonds
         issued by
                                     0.5%                  Europe
                                     North A.
    £1.57 trillion
           raised                                                            14.5%

        …from 29                                                    4.5%
        countries…                              5%                  Africa
                                                South A.

   …in 9 currencies

Source: LSE Database, January 2017
Active Sovereign Bonds Market
       Offering broad investor coverage

ISIN            Issuer Name                           Currency   Raised   Issue Date   Maturity Date

 XS1582346703                                 2.75                3,500                 20/03/2022
                State of Kuwait                         USD       4,500   20/03/2017
 XS1582346968                                  3.5                                      20/03/2027

 XS1566179039   Republic of Nigeria           7.875     USD       1,000   16/02/2017    16/02/2027

 US038461AK57                                 6.125               1,750                 31/01/2022
 US038461AL31   Arab Republic of Egypt         7.5      USD       1,000   31/01/2017    31/01/2027
 US038461AM14                                  8.5                1,250                 31/01/2047

 XS1551294256                                  1.5                1,500                 28/01/2027
                State of Israel                         EUR        750    18/01/2017
 XS1551294413                                 2.375                                     28/01/2037

 US87020DAY04   Kingdom of Sweden             1.125     USD       3,000   21/10/2016    21/10/2019

 US87020DAX21   Kingdom of Sweden             1.25      USD       2,000   08/09/2016    08/09/2021

 XS1457553367   Republic of Cyprus            3.75      EUR       1,000   26/07/2016    26/07/2023

 XS1425436729   People’s Republic of China    3.28      CNY       3,000   02/06/2016    02/06/2019

 US29134WAA53                                 2.125               2,500                 03/05/2021
                Abu Dhabi                               USD               03/05/2016
 US29134WAB37                                 3.125               2,500                 03/05/2026

 XS1398547130   Hungary                       6.25      CNY       1,000   25/04/2016    25/04/2019

Active Sovereign Bonds Market
       Offering broad investor coverage

ISIN            Issuer Name                        Currency   Raised   Issue Date   Maturity Date

 US31788DAF15   Republic of Finland         1        USD       2,000   20/04/2016    23/04/2019

 US87020DAW48   Kingdom of Sweden          1.125     USD       2,000   15/03/2016    15/03/2019

 XS1377508996   Montenegro                 5.75      EUR       300     10/03/2016    10/03/2021

 XS1353178889   Republic of Finland        0.518     SEK       1,000   28/01/2016    28/01/2021

 XS1321954551   Republic of Finland        1.625     GBP       400     17/11/2015    15/12/2020

 XS1314321941   Republic of Cyprus         4.25      EUR       1,000   04/11/2015    04/11/2025

 XS1267081575   Republic of Zambia         8.97      USD       1,250   31/07/2015    30/07/2027

 XS1263054519   Republic of Kazakhstan     5.125     USD       2,500   21/07/2015    21/07/2025

 XS1235186241   Republic of Finland         1        USD       1,500   21/05/2015    21/05/2018

 XS1231271294   Kingdom of Sweden          1.125     USD       2,250   13/05/2015    15/05/2018

 XS1205717702   Montenegro                 3.875     EUR       500     18/03/2015    18/03/2020

Recent Sovereign Issuance
    Diverse Pool of Investors

                                     Kuwait                   Egypt                     Nigeria                   Israel                           Cyprus                    China            Abu Dhabi
               Issue Date          20 Mar 2017              31 Jan 2017               16 Feb 2017               18 Jan 2017                    26 Jul 2016                 2 Jun 2016         03 May 2016

               Issue Size         $3.5bn / $4.5bn     $1.75bn / $1bn/ $1.25 bn          USD 1bn            €1.5bn / €750m                          EUR 1bn                  RMB 3bn          $2.5bn / $2.5bn
Details        Coupon              2.75% / 3.5%        6.125% / 7.5% / 8.5%              7.875%            1.500% / 2.375%                         3.750%                    3.280%          2.125% / 3.125%

                                                       5 years / 10 years / 30
               Maturity          5 years / 10 years                                      15 year           10 year / 20 year                        7 year                   3 year          5 year / 10 year

Country        Rating                AA / AA                  BB / B3                  B / B+ / B1              A+ / A+ / A1                  B1 / BB- / B+              AA- / A+ / Aa3          AA / AA
Profile        GDP                USD 114 billion         USD 331 billion           USD 481 million        USD 297 billion                    USD 23 billion           USD 11.38 trillion    USD 178 billion
                                                                                                          28%                                        1%                                          8%
                                    26%                                                    5%                          29%                                                                     12% 15%
                                              29%                                                                  63%                                                                              18%
                                    19%                                                 10%                                                               24%                                  47%
               Investor                                                                                                                       28%                        28%
               Distribution by                                  n.a.                               48%          6% 1% 4%
               Geography                                                              37%                               29%                            47%                         72%         17% 6%
                                    26%    24%
                                               4%                                                                   61%                                                                        26%

Demand                                  46%                                            Asia     Europe    MENA         Americas         UK     US      Other
Distribution                                                                                                      1%
                                                                                                                       7%                     7% 1%
                                       4% 3%                                                                                                                                      3%
                                                                                         3% 1%                                                                                                     11%
                                    25%                                                                          24%
                                                                                       10%                               51%                                                                          24%
                                                                                                                  17%                                                                  41%     65%
               Investor                                                              13%                                                     22%
               Distribution by                                  n.a.                                                                                      62%             56%
                                                                                                73%              1%3% 2%
               Type                  13%                                    13%                                                               6%                                                     10%
                                     5%                                                                                  32%
                                                                                                                               79% 2%                                                          46%
                                    22%       60%                                                                 53%                                                                                44%

                                                      Central Banks & Agencies    Banks & Private Banks   Fund Managers           Hedge Funds         Insurers & Pensions Funds    Other

State of Kuwait raises $8 billion in oversubscribed market debut                                                   Geographical Distribution

                                                                                                                                      5Y             10Y
              Country Summary                                         Transaction Details
Company                  State of Kuwait                 Issue Date                 20 Mar 2017             Americas                  51%            24%
Rating                       AA / AA                     Issue Size           $3.5 billion / $4.5 billion
                                                                                                            MENA                      26%            26%
GDP                      USD 114 billion                 Coupon                    2.75% / 3.5%

Market                    Main Market                    Maturity                5 years / 10 years         Europe                    19%            46%

                                                                                                            Asia                      4%             4%
             Country profile                                        Debt issuance story

 The issue marks the debut of the State of Kuwait      The combined books for the two tranches                          Distribution by Investor
  in the international debt markets.                     peaked at $29 billion enabling the leads to
                                                         move pricing by around 30bp and 25bp to
                                                                                                                                      5Y             10Y
                                                         75bp and 100bp over US Treasuries for the 5
 The $27 billion book is the second biggest after       year and the 10 year tranche respectively.
  Saudi, reflecting the double-A quality of State of                                                        Asset Managers            68%            60%
  Kuwait.                                               The issue was nearly 3.4 times
                                                                                                            Banks                     25%            22%
 “Kuwait has scarcity value and is arguably the        The deal priced inside Abu Dhabi’s curve.
                                                                                                            Insurance / Pension
  strongest credit in the Gulf Co-operation Council                                                                                   4%             5%
  from a balance sheet perspective” EM syndicate        Joint leads: Citigroup, Deutsche Bank,
  banker away from the deal.                             HSBC, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered and
                                                                                                            SSA                       3%             13%
Egypt comes back to the international debt markets with largest deal ever
      from Africa

              Country Summary                                       Transaction Details
Company              Arab Republic of Egypt            Issue Date              31 Jan 2017

Rating                       BB / B3                                     $1.75 billion / $1 billion /
                                                       Issue Size
                                                                               $1.25 billion
GDP                      USD 331 billion
                                                       Coupon              6.125% / 7.5% / 8.5%
Market                    Main Market
                                                       Maturity        5 years / 10 years / 30 years

             Country profile                                      Debt issuance story

 The deal is the largest ever from an African        The demand was so strong that the issuer
  sovereign borrower, and the first triple tranche     was able to increase the size of the deal from
  note from the region.                                a planned $2.5 billion to $4 billion with books
                                                       peaking at $13.5 billion.
 “Demand for the bonds was far higher than we
  initially campaigned for. This shows that in-
  vestors have strong confidence in our economy       The 10 year bond was particularly
  and the reform measures we are taking.” Ahmed        aggressively priced and came flat to fair
  Kojak, Deputy Finance Minister for Monetary          value.

 “We had investors from across the globe, North      Joint leads: BNP Paribas, Citigroup, JP
  America, Asia and the Middle East. We saw all        Morgan and Natixis
  the big names in the fixed income universe as
  well.” Borrower’s comment

Nigeria issues longest ever offshore bond from a sub-Saharan African

               Country Summary                                        Transaction Details
 Country                      Nigeria                    Issue Date              16 Feb 2017
 Rating                      B / B+ / B1                 Issue Size             USD 1 billion
 GDP                      USD 481 billion                Coupon                     7.875
                                                                                                                    Geographical Distribution
 Market                     Main Market                  Maturity                  15 years
                                                                                                          US                                    48%

                                                                                                          UK                                    37%
              Country profile                                       Debt issuance story
                                                                                                          Other Europe                          10%
 Nigeria returns to the international capital          The deal was nearly 7.8 times
  markets after 4 years.                                 oversubscribed.                                  Others                                5%

 The 15 year bond is the longest ever sold by a        Orders rose to $4.5 billion before the leads
  sub-Saharan African government in the                                                                              Distribution by Investor
                                                         revised price guidance to 8.125%-8.375%
  international capital markets.                         from the initial 8.5%, but remarkably the book   Asset Managers                        73%
                                                         kept growing as the leads tightened pricing.
 “It is a great trade for sub-Saharan Africa and                                                         Hedge Funds                           13%
  shows that investors believe there has been
  some good progress in Nigeria’s fundamental           The proceeds will be allocated to long term      Insurance / Pension Funds             10%
  credit history. That can be seen through the fact      capital projects such as roads and bridges.
                                                                                                          Banks/Private Banks                   3%
  that the transaction was priced inside what
  some investors initially considered a fair value.”                                                      Others                                1%
                                                        Joint Leads: Citigroup and Standard
  Khalil Belhimeur, CEEMEA syndicate Standard
                                                         Chartered Bank.

Geographical Distribution
       Israel opens 2017 international sovereign bond market with
       oversubscribed deal                                                                                                                   10Y       20Y

                                                                                                            UK                              29%        28%
              Country Details                                      Transaction Details
                                                                                                            France                          20%         -
 Company                 State of Israel                Issue Date             18 Jan 2017
                                                                                                            Germany                         19%        48%
 Rating                    A+/A+/A1                     Issue Size       €1.5 billion / €750 million
                                                                                                            Rest of Europe                  17%        9%
 GDP                    USD 297 billion                 Coupon                1.5% / 2.375%
                                                                                                            Switzerland                      7%        4%
 Market                  Main Market                    Maturity            10 years / 20 years
                                                                                                            Israel                           6%        6%

                                                                                                            Asia                              -        4%
               Country Profile                                       Debt issuance story
                                                                                                            Other                            2%        1%

 It is the first non-European sovereign to issue a      This is the largest ever euro-denominated
  euro-denominated bond of 20 year tenor.                 bond issued by the country as well as being its              Distribution by Investor Type
                                                          first euro deal in 3 years.
 “Israel has limited funding needs and 20 years                                                                                            10Y        20Y
  is a tenor they don’t necessarily need, but it         The issue was over 4.3 times oversubscribed
  allowed them to broaden and diversify into a                                                              Fund Managers                   51%        32%
                                                          with the combined book for the two tranches
  different and distinct pool of investors, such as       closing at €9.8 billion.                          Insurance / Pension funds       24%        53%
  German insurers, pension funds and high
  quality accounts from Europe.” Vi Davda, Fixed         The 2027 notes were priced at 87bp over mid-      Banks / Private banks           17%        9%
  Income Syndicate, Barclays.                             swaps, the cheapest financing the country
                                                          received since 2005, while the 2037 notes         Governments / Central Banks      7%        3%
 “Investors love Israel. It is very stable and has a     were priced at 125bp over mid-swaps.              Hedge Funds                       -        2%
  good relationship with the rest of the world. It is
  OECD, so gets the French bid and US                    Joint leads: Bank of America Merrill Lynch,       Other                            1%        1%
  investors love them” Market appraisal.                  Barclays, and Citigroup.

Cyprus bonds met with huge investor demand, allowing the sovereign                                              Geographical Distribution
       to price €1bn at their lowest ever yield                                                          UK                                28%

                                                                                                         US offshore                       24%

               Country Summary                                    Transaction Details                    Europe (other)                    16%

 Country              The Republic of Cyprus           Issue Date               19 Jul 2016              Cyprus                            14%

 Rating                     B1 / BB- / B+              Issue Size              EUR 1 billion             Germany/Austria                   12%

 GDP                       USD 23 billion              Coupon                     3.750%                 Greece                             5%

 Market                     Main Market                Maturity                   7 years                Middle East/Asia                   1%

              Country profile                                     Debt issuance story
 This was the first deal for Cyprus following the    The bond was 2.6 times oversubscribed                            Distribution by Investor
  clean exit from the Economic Adjustment              signalling investor confidence in the country’s
  Programme in March 2016, establishing a              ongoing recovery.                                 Fund Managers                     62%
  successful pricing reference within the new                                                            Banks/Private
  context of the country.                             Despite being fully funded in the short term,                                       22%
                                                       Cyprus upsized the originally planned €500-
 “A great deal, with a big book and tightened         750m offering to €1bn on the back of the          Insurance/
  price. It’s good to see that all countries have      strong investor demand, which also allowed        Pension Funds
  access to the market” Market comment,                them to price the transaction at their lowest
  GlobalCapital.                                       yield ever.                                       Hedge Funds                        7%

                                                      Joint Leads: Barclays, JP Morgan, Morgan          Other                              1%
                                                       Stanley, Societe Generale and VTB Capital.

China issues first ever sovereign RMB bond outside of China on London
         Stock Exchange

                Country Summary                                    Transaction Details                             Geographical Distribution
   Country                      China                   Issue Date              2 Jun 2016
                                                                                                        Asia                                       72%
   Rating                  AA- / A+ / Aa3               Issue Size             RMB 3 billion

   GDP                    USD 11.38 trillion            Coupon                    3.28%                 Europe                                     28%
   Market                       PSM                     Maturity                 3 years

               Country profile                                     Debt issuance story

 In June 2016, the Ministry of Finance issued a       The bond provided a rare chance for investors
                                                                                                                        Distribution by Investor
  3.28%, three year bond that raised RMB 3              to gain Chinese sovereign exposure.
  billion, marking a milestone for renminbi
  internationalisation.                                The deal was more than two times                Central Banks                              41%
                                                        oversubscribed following strong demand from
 The issuance cements London’s position as the         central banks.
                                                                                                        Banks                                      55%
  leading western RMB hub, and reinforces the
  UK’s ever-strengthening economic and financial       The People’s Bank of China issued in London
  relationship with China.                              RMB 5bn in one-year bills in 2015 in a sale     Fund Managers                              3%
                                                        that was more than six times oversubscribed.
 “[The issuance] signals London’s success in
                                                                                                        Private Banks                              1%
  building its position as the leading western hub     Lead Managers: Bank of China Ltd, HSBC
  for RMB, reflecting the UK’s continued ability to     Bank Plc.
  innovate and lead in new financial markets” , Rt
  Hon George Osborne MP.

Emirate of Abu Dhabi raises $5 billion from first bond sale in seven years

              Country Summary                                 Transaction Details                              Geographical Distribution
 Country                  Abu Dhabi                Issue Date           03 May 2016                                           5Y              10Y
 Rating                    AA / AA                 Issue Size      $2.5 billion / $2.5 billion     MENA                       47%             38%
 GDP                    USD 178 billion            Coupon             2.125% / 3.125%              Continental Europe         18%             13%
 Market                  Main Market               Maturity           5 years / 10 years           Asia                       15%             6%

                                                                                                   Americas                   12%             26%
             Country profile                                  Debt issuance story
                                                                                                   UK                         8%              17%

 The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has sold $5 billion    The deal was one of the largest ever from a
  in sovereign bonds for the first time since      CEEMEA borrower and was Abu Dhabi’s first
  2009 as Arabian Gulf governments turn to         international bond in seven years.
  debt markets amid weaker oil prices.                                                                        Distribution by Investor Type
 The sovereign printed the $2.5billion 5-year    Abu Dhabi has two more bonds listed on
                                                                                                                               5Y             10Y
  tranche at 85bps over US Treasuries with a       London Stock Exchange which had raised $4
  2.125% coupon and the $2.5billion 10-year        billion USD at the time of issuance. The        Fund Managers              65%             46%
  tranche at 125bps over with a 3.125% coupon.     Emirate last tapped investors with a bond in
                                                   April 2009, selling $1.5 billion in a 10-year   Banks/Private
                                                                                                                              24%             44%
                                                   bond.                                           Banks
 The Abu Dhabi order book was more than 3
  times oversubscribed, drawing $17 billion of                                                     Agencies                   11%             10%
  orders for the $5 billion dual tranche bond     Joint Leads: Bank of America Merrill Lynch,
  which was listed on London Stock Exchange.       Citigroup and JP Morgan.

Hungary becomes the first country from Continental Europe to issue an
       RMB denominated sovereign bond

               Country Summary                                    Transaction Details                       Geographical Distribution
 Country                     Hungary                   Issue Date             25 Apr 2016
                                                                                                 Asia                                       72%
 Rating                  BB+ / Ba1 / BB+               Issue Size             RMB 1 billion

 GDP                     USD 265 billion               Coupon                      6.25%         Europe                                     28%
 Market                    Main Market                 Maturity                  3 years

              Country profile                                     Debt issuance story

 In April 2016, the Hungarian Government             Hungary became the first country in
  issued a 6.25%, three year bond that raised          Continental Europe to issue a renminbi-
                                                                                                                 Distribution by Investor
  RMB 1 billion.                                       denominated sovereign bond.
                                                                                                 Banks                                      45%

 “We believe RMB is going to be an                   The issuance proceeds will be used for
  international currency, and play a key role in                                                 Asset Managers                             39%
                                                       general purposes.
  the global capital market in the coming years.
  Our strategy is to get into the RMB market                                                     Private Banks                              11%
  now and establish a long term relationship          The bond was at least 2.5 times
  with the Chinese regulators and investors.           oversubscribed.
  From a public debt management perspective,                                                     Insurers                                   5%
  we would like to have more diversification in
  our portfolio, both in currencies and products”.    Sole Lead: Bank of China.
  György Barcza, chief executive of AKK.

Cyprus Government taps the international capital markets on its way to                                     Geographical Distribution
       recovery                                                                                     UK                               61.5%

                                                                                                    Cyprus                           13.5%

               Country Summary                                  Transaction Details                 Germany                            7%

 Country              The Republic of Cyprus         Issue Date            04 Nov 2015              Other Eurozone                    7.5%

 Rating                       BB- / B+               Issue Size            EUR 1 billion            Switzerland                       3.5%

 GDP                      USD 23 billion             Coupon                   4.25%                 Nordic                            2.5%

 Market                    Main Market               Maturity                10 years               US Offshore                       2.5%

                                                                                                    Other                              2%

              Country profile                                   Debt issuance story
 This was the third time since the start of the    The bond was at least 3 times oversubscribed                  Distribution by Investor
  economic adjustment program in 2013, that          signalling the remarkable recovery of the
  Cyprus tapped international markets.               country.                                       Fund Managers                     52%

 Cyprus last issued a €1bn bond in April 2015                                                                                       23.5%
  with a maturity of seven years and a yield of     €450mm of the proceeds were used to            Banks
  4%. All three issuances are listed on the Main     exchange bonds maturing in the period 2019-
  Market of the London Stock Exchange.               2020, while the remaining €550mm would                                            3%
                                                                                                    Pension Funds
                                                     boost state cash reserves and help the
 “It’s done. Successful market issuance of new      management of public debt for the period       Hedge Funds                      21.5%
  10-yr bond, EUR 1bn at 4.25%, lowest ever          after Cyprus exits the financial support
                                                     program.                                       Other                              2%
  pricing for a 10-yr bond for Cyprus,” Finance
  Minister Harris Georgiades said on his Twitter
  account.                                          Joint Leads: Barclays, Goldman Sachs,
                                                     HSBC, Nomura.

Kazakhstan prints a gigantic $4bn dual tranche bond on London Stock

              Country Summary                                 Transaction Details
 Country                  Kazakhstan               Issue Date               12 Jul 2015

 Rating                  Baa2 / BBB+               Issue Size         $2.5billion / $1.5billion

 GDP                     USD 4 billion             Coupon                 5.125% / 6.5%

 Market                  Main Market               Maturity             10 years / 30 years

             Country profile                                  Debt issuance story
 The 2025 bond was printed at 98.976 to yield    Kazakhstan is the first emerging-market
  5.258%, or a spread of 285bp over US             sovereign to tap international capital markets
  Treasuries. The 2045 bond was issued at          for 2015.
  99.049 to yield 6.753%, or a spread of 335bp
  over US Treasuries.
                                                  The note was one of the biggest issuances
                                                   from the CEEMEA region for 2015.
 The 2025 bond was 2.4 times oversubscribed.
                                                  Joint Leads: Citi, JP Morgan Securities, Halyk
                                                   Finance AO, Kazkommerts Securities JSC.
 The 2045 bond was 2.6 times oversubscribed.

The UK is the first country outside the Islamic world to issue a Sukuk

                Country Summary                                        Transaction Details
 Country                  United Kingdom                  Issue Date                    02 Jul 2014

 Rating                   AAA / AA+ / Aa1                 Issue Size                 GBP 200 million

 GDP                       USD 2.6 trillion               Coupon                          2.036%

 Market                     Main Market                   Maturity                        5 years

              Country profile                                        Debt issuance story
 “Today’s issuance of Britain’s first sovereign       The Sukuk uses the Al-Ijara structure, the most
  Sukuk delivers on the government’s                    common structure for sovereign Sukuk, with
  commitment to become the western hub of               rental payments on property providing the income
  Islamic finance and is part of our long term          for investors. The Sukuk is underpinned by three
  economic plan to make Britain the undisputed          central government properties.
  centre of the global financial system.”              The sale, which came days before the start of
                                                        Ramadan, was 10x oversubscribed with orders
 “We have seen very strong demand for the              totalling more than £2.3 billion by investors in the
  Sukuk, resulting in a price that delivers good        UK, Middle East and Asia. Allocations have been
  value for money for the taxpayer. I hope that the     made to a wide range of investors including
  success of this government issuance will              sovereign wealth funds, central banks and
  encourage further private sector issuances of         domestic and international financial institutions.
  Sukuk in the UK.”                                    Joint Leads: Barwa Bank, CIMB Bank, HSBC
                                                        Bank, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Standard
                                                        Chartered, HSBC.

Nigerian Government taps the international capital                                                               Geographical Distribution
markets on its way to recovery                                                                                              5 year           10 year

                                                                                                      US                     73%              57%
                Country Summary                                    Transaction Details                UK                     16%              25%
 Country                       Nigeria                Issue Date               12 Jul 2013            Other Europe            8%              12%
 Rating                        B+/ BB-                Issue Size        $500 million / $500million    Middle East &
                                                                                                                              1%               2%
                                                      Coupon                5.125% / 6.375%           Africa
 GDP                     USD 1.105 trillion
                                                      Maturity              5 years / 10 years        Others                  2%               4%
 Market                     Main Market

              Country profile                                    Debt issuance story                             Distribution by Investor
 The new deal comprised a $500m 5-year              The two tranches were 4 times oversubscribed,                          5 year         10 year
  tranche paying 5.125% that was priced at 98.19      with slightly greater demand for the 10-year
  to yield 5.375% and a $500m 10-year tranche         bond.                                           Fund Managers          85%
  paying 6.375% that was priced at 98.17 to yield
  6.625%.                                                                                             Banks/Private
                                                     Nigeria has 3 international bonds listed on                             5%             13%
                                                      London Stock Exchange raising a total of $1.5   Banks

 The new 10 year bond was priced 37.5bps             billion.                                        Insurance/Pension
                                                                                                                              7%             2%
  below the level Nigeria paid for its 10 year                                                        Funds
  bond in 2010.                                      Joint Leads: Citigroup Global Markets Inc,
                                                      Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.                   Hedge Funds             3%             6%

 Both tranches traded well on their first day
  buoyed by higher oil prices.

EBRD Prices Oversubscribed US Dollar Benchmark Transaction

                Company Details                                         Transaction Details                               Geographical Distribution
                European Bank of Reconstruction                                                                  US                                 43%
 Company                                                     Issue Date                  17 Aug 2016
                   and Development (EBRD)
                                                                                                                 Asia                               31%
 Rating                      AAA / Aaa                       Issue Size                USD 1.25billion
                                                                                                                 Europe                             26%
 Sector                    Supranational                     Yield at issue                1.233%

 Market                    Main Market                       Maturity                       4 years
                                                                                                                              Distribution by Investor
                                                                                                                 Central Banks/Agencies              42%
             Company profile                                        Debt issuance story
                                                                                                                 Banks/Private Banks                 30%
 EBRD is a multilateral developmental international      The European Bank for Reconstruction took
  financial institution founded in 1991 that uses          advantage of a relatively quiet market in August to   Asset/Fund Managers                 27%
  investments as a tool to build market economies.         price a successful USD1.25bn 4 year transaction,
  Initially focused on the countries of the former         the issuer’s largest in any currency since their      Corporates                          1%
                                                           USD1.25bn in May 2013.
  Eastern Bloc it expanded to support development
  in 30 countries from central Europe to central Asia.    The transaction garnered a book of around
                                                           USD1.4bn, which prompted EBRD to upsize the
 The EBRD is owned by 65 countries and two                deal from a planned USD1bn whilst pricing with a
  intergovernmental institutions (EU and EIB). It          minimal new issue premium.
  maintains a close political dialogue with
  governments, authorities and representatives of         This was the issuer's first US dollar benchmark
  civil society and works in cooperation with              since the USD 1bn 7 year deal in February 2015.
  international organisations such as the OECD, the
                                                          Joint Bookrunners: BMO, Morgan Stanley, TD
  IMF, the World Bank and UN specialised                   Securities.

IADB’s largest ever deal, beating the previous record of $3.5bn sold
 exactly one year before

               Company Details                                       Transaction Details                          Geographical Distribution
 Company       Inter-American Development Bank         Issue Date              12 April 2017           Americas                                 48%

 Rating                     AAA/Aaa                                                                    EMEA                                     17%
                                                       Issue Size             USD 3.75 billion
 Sector                   Supranational                                                                Asia                                     35%
                                                       Coupon                     1.625%
 Market                   Main Market
                                                       Maturity                   3 years

            Company profile                                         Debt issuance story

 Inter-American Development Bank is the              The deal was nearly 1.5 times                            Distribution by Investor Type
  largest source of financing for economic, social     oversubscribed.
                                                                                                       Asset Managers                           21%
  and institutional development in Latin America
  and the Caribbean.                                                                                   Central Banks/Official Institutions      61%
                                                      The book was one of the largest ever and also
                                                       had the record number of accounts               Banks                                    15%
                                                       participating at 88.
 Seeking to build a curve in dollars, the
  company tends to do four deals a year.                                                                                                        3%
                                                      The books closed at the same price as
                                                       Sweden, which is the tightest SSA deal since
 The issue raised approximately 50% of the            May 2015.
  entire borrowing programme set by the
  company for 2017.
                                                      Joint Leads: Citi, Deutsche Bank, Nomura,
                                                       RBC Capital Markets.


London Stock Exchange’s Fixed Income Team

Primary Markets
Global Head of Fixed Income                      Pietro Poletto         +44 20 7797 4294
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Secondary Markets
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                                                 Brian Schwieger        +44 20 7797 3860

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