Action for biodiversity - Supporting implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - BMU

Action for biodiversity - Supporting implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - BMU
Action for biodiversity
Supporting implementation of the
CBD Strategic Plan 2011–2020
Action for biodiversity - Supporting implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - BMU

Since 2008, the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of
the BMU supports projects designed to mitigate climate
change, conserve biodiversity and adapt to climate
change impacts. The resources for these activities come,
among others, from the Energy and Climate Fund, which
is replenished from the revenue generated by auctioning
tradable emission certificates in the European Union.
ICI financing in the area of biological diversity targets
projects promoting implementation of the Strategic Plan
2011– 2020 of the CBD. As a result, German bilateral co­
operation with developing, newly industrialising and
transition countries is expanding, and CBD processes are
being strengthened.

BMU supports biodiversity conservation projects
through two channels:

Projects are carried out by the implementing organi­
sations of the German Federal Government, other
state organisations, non­governmental organisations,
scientific institutions and international and multilateral
organisations and bodies.
Action for biodiversity - Supporting implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - BMU

Biological diversity – Earth’s wealth of ecosystems, spe­
cies and genes – is dwindling rapidly all over the globe.
In order to halt the global loss of biodiversity, the parties
to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have sent
out a strong signal: by adopting the Strategic Plan 2011­
2020 they have agreed an ambitious and comprehensive
roadmap for global biodiversity policy over the coming

Biodiversity loss endangers the livelihoods and econo­
mies of many. The German Federal Government has
made a commitment to provide suitable financing for
projects designed to conserve biological diversity. Ger­
man Chancellor Angela Merkel thus pledged in 2008 that
half a billion euros would be earmarked each year from
2013 onwards for the conservation of forests and other

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) directs its sup­
port mainly to such countries and regions that host
ecosystems of global importance and at the same time
provide favourable conditions such as political stabil­
ity or a commitment to biodiversity. Partner countries
should be recipients of Official Development Assistance
(ODA) as defined by the OECD Development Assistance
Committee (OECD­DAC).
Action for biodiversity - Supporting implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - BMU

BMU finances projects that generally make a direct
contribution to the conservation of globally important
ecosystems. This can be done by designating, expanding
or consolidating protected area systems, or by restoring
habitats. Projects can also make an indirect contribution
by building partner capacity, for instance to develop
national strategies and plans of action for biological
diversity or to mainstream biodiversity concerns in other
sectors. Support is also provided for investment measures,
policy advice, technology transfer and research coop­
eration. The selection of projects according to countries
and themes matches the current priorities of the inter­
national cooperation of the German Federal Govern­
ment. When providing support for projects in the field
of biodiversity, the Federal Government takes guidance
from the global programme for implementation of the
CBD Strategic Plan 2011–2020.

BMU assists partner countries in building capacity,
­especially to perform the following tasks:

• Mainstreaming biodiversity in national development
  strategies and planning processes, and in national
  accounts, macroeconomic indicators and national
• Implementing the CBD Programme of Work on Pro­
  tected Areas (PoWPA) including the wider landscape.
  Particular priorities are:

• Conserving and restoring ecosystems which, through
  the provision of ecosystem services, make particular
  contributions to the livelihoods and wellbeing of local
  and indigenous communities;
• Implementing the CBD Nagoya Protocol
  (Access and Benefit Sharing, ABS) at national level;
• Developing and implementing national strategies and
  plans of action for biological diversity that
  comprehensively advance the goals of the Strategic
• Promoting traditional knowledge and traditional
  practices, and involving indigenous and local com­
  munities in the implementation of the Strategic Plan,
  particularly in national legislation, planning and
• Supporting capacity building activities within the
  context of the Intergovernmental Science­Policy Plat­
  form on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES);
• Elaborating and implementing national financing
• Combating the causes of biodiversity loss – including
  economic incentives – and giving positive impulses for
  the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity;
• Fostering biological diversity in urban areas.

Programme Office International Climate Initiative
Potsdamer Platz 10
10785 Berlin

T +49 30 408 190 – 218
F +49 30 408 190 – 303

Published by:         Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
                      Nuclear Safety (BMU)
                      Public Relations Division · 11055 Berlin · Germany
                      Email: · Website:

Text:          Division N I 4, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
               Conservation and Nuclear Safety; Programme Office International
               Climate Initiative
Design:        Schumacher. Visuelle Kommunikation
Printed by:    Druckerei Lokay e.K.
Photo credits: iStockphoto/HowenSia
Date:          August 2012
First print:   5,000 copies

This publication is part of the public relations work of the Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. It is distributed free of
charge and is not intended for sale. Printed on recycled paper.

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