ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls

Page created by Jared Conner
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls


ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls

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our programs, events, and so much more!

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•  EXPLORE for a desired activity through the search feature or category buttons already
• CONNECT—Click the "+" sign or plus sign to add an activity to your shopping cart. Continue
   shopping and when ready, view your cart and proceed to our seamless check out process.
• PLAY—After completing your registration, check your email for your confirmation receipt
   and get ready for some fun!
Worry less about planning ahead as most activities now allow registration up to 24 hours before
the event begins. Find a fun event, but registration is full? Join the event’s waitlist and we will
contact you should a spot become available. All waitlists are no charge, meaning pressure free!

                                           Every year, Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation
                                           joins communities around the country to
                                           celebrate. Join us this July by enjoying our parks
                                           and open spaces, the recreation trail, our
                                           facilities, our programs, and events. The Phillips
                                           Plaza Pop-Up Park and the Independence Day
                                           Celebration are just a few ways for you to
                                           participate in the fun! To learn
                                           more about other National
                                           Park and Recreation Month
                                           programming features, sign
                                           up for our eNewsletter or
                                           click on the QR code.
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls
         MISSION, VISION, VALUES, AND LOCATIONS......................4
         TODDLER/PRESCHOOL................................................................ 5–6
         TEEN/TWEEN........................................................................................... 10
         SENIOR......................................................................................................... 16
         ALL AGES..............................................................................................17–21
         SWIMMING LESSONS....................................................................... 26


                   Photos taken at classes and during programs may be used by Sioux Falls Parks
                   and Recreation for promotional purposes.

We strive to produce the most accurate, up-to-date Activities Guide possible. However, some
program information may have changed since this guide was posted.

If an ADA accommodation is needed, please contact the Human Relations office at
605-367-8745 or at least five business days in advance of event.

                                                                                                     SUMMER 2022              3
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls
PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE                                         COMMUNITY CENTERS
231 NORTH DAKOTA AVENUE | 605-367-8222                            SIOUXFALLS.ORG/COMMUNITY-CENTERS
                                                                  KENNY ANDERSON COMMUNITY CENTER | 605-978-6924
    HOURS                                                         3701 East Third Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
    Monday–Friday      8 a.m.–5 p.m.                              KUEHN COMMUNITY CENTER | 605-978-6926
                                                                  2801 South Valley View Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57106
                                                                  MARICAR COMMUNITY CENTER | 605-978-6928
MISSION | VISION | VALUES                                         400 North Valley View Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57107

Mission: To enhance the quality of life by providing              MORNINGSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER | 605-978-6930
safe and enjoyable experiences through people,                    2400 South Bahnson Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
programs, places, and partnerships.
                                                                  OYATE COMMUNITY CENTER | 605-978-6932
                                                                  2421 West 15th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Vision: To provide a comprehensive mix of high-
quality parks and recreation programs, facilities,
and services that contribute to a quality of life that
is unparalleled in the region.                                    AQUATIC FACILITIES
Core Values: Sioux Falls Parks & Recreation is                    *Closed 7/4
committed to this set of Core Values. These are
our highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and                  DRAKE SPRINGS FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER
core fundamental driving forces. Adopting these                   301 South Fairfax Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
values guides us in sustaining a thriving parks and
recreation system for our community.                              FRANK OLSON POOL
                                                                  4101 East 16th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
•     Engagement — We promote a culture of                        KUEHN POOL
      interactive participation and authentic,                    2309 Kuehn Park Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57106
      respectful communication.
•     Collaboration — We believe in cultivating                   LAUREL OAK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER
      partnerships to maximize the quality of the                 3401 East 49th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
      parks and recreation system.
•     Resilience — We accomplish our goals by                     MCKENNAN WADING POOL
      developing a resilient, committed workforce                 1500 South Third Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
      that can adapt and thrive.
•     Continuous Improvement — We focus on
                                                                  MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
                                                                  1601 South Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
      innovation to continuously improve our
      programs, facilities and services.                          PIONEER SPRAY PARK
•     Excellence — We are passionate about the                    Pine Street and Jessica Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
      delivery of exceptional experiences in every
      aspect of our work to fulfill our mission and vision.       TERRACE PARK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER
                                                                  1001 West Madison Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

                         CAPRA accreditation is a
                         distinguished mark of excellence for
                         park and recreation agencies and
                                                                  AQUATIC FACILITIES
                         is a measure of an agency’s overall      DAILY ADMISSION RATES
                         quality of operation, management,        Under 2: FREE
                         and service to the community. The
                                                                  Ages 2-17: $5
National Recreation and Park Association research team
estimates that there are approximately 14,000 parks and           Ages 18-54: $6
recreation agencies nationwide, of which 1 percent have           Ages 55+: $5
earned national accreditation. Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation   VIEW SWIM PASS RATES ON
is proud to be one of these elite agencies since 2010.            SIOUXFALLS.ORG/SWIM-PASSES

ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls
AGES 2–5

TRAVELING STORYTIME FREE                                      NATURE EXPLORERS
AGES: 2–5                                                     TUTHILL PARK
Explore our community with stories, movement, and             AGES: 2–3
music. Children will enjoy songs and a story read by staff    Looking for an exciting morning catching insects,
from Siouxland Libraries while enjoying the outdoors. No      discovering tracks, smelling flowers, looking at birds
registration required.                                        through binoculars, and just being outside with your
                                                              kids? Join us for our Nature Explorers program! We will
MAY 10 | TUE | 10 A.M. | MCKENNAN PARK BANDSHELL | FREE       experience all nature has to offer on the trails of Tuthill Park.
JUN 14 | TUE | 10 A.M. | QUEEN BEE MILL | FREE                Parent participation required. Registration required.
AUG 9 | TUE | 10 A.M. | MCKENNAN PARK BANDSHELL | FREE        JUN 11 | SAT | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PER CHILD

                                                              TOT LOT FREE
                                                              AGES: 2–5
                                                              Tot Lot is the cool place to be for all toddlers/
                                                              preschoolers. Bring your adult and see what you can
                                                              do together for fun. Our activities include free play
                                                              combined with simple crafts and games to get you
                                                              moving. This program is not intended as a child care
                                                              program. We will be closed Monday, July 4.
                                                              JUN 13–JUL 27 | MON/WED | 9–11 A.M. | LAUREL OAK PARK | FREE
                                                              JUN 14–JUL 28 | TUE/THU | 9–11 A.M. | SPELLERBERG PARK | FREE
AGES: 2–5
Tot Time is designed for toddlers and other little tikes, 6   BOOK WALK FREE
years and younger, who may not be comfortable with the        MCKENNAN PARK
interactive play features. During Tot Time, the interactive   AGES: 2–5
play features will not be operational. We will be closed      Lay out your blanket to reserve your spot for
Monday, July 4. Participants will need to have an active      Storyland Children’s Theater and then join Siouxland
swim pass or pay daily admission rates.                       Libraries as you walk a path through the park. The
                                                              park will be lined with pages from a story. When
JUN 1–SEP 2 | MON–FRI | 5:30–10:30 A.M.                       finished, head back to your spot in front of the
                                                              McKennan Park Bandshell to watch the theater
                                                              performance, which will begin at 10 a.m. Participants
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY FREE                                    will also have the opportunity to learn about the
                                                              Summer Reading Program and visit the Siouxland
SCAVENGER HUNT                                                Libraries Bookmobile. No registration required.
AGES: 4–5                                                     JUN 16 | THU | 9:30–11:15 A.M. | FREE
June 5 is World Environment Day! Spending the day
learning how to protect our environment can influence
children in many positive ways. Some of which include           FOR THE LATEST UPDATES ON
restoring children’s attention, relieving stress, and           EVENTS, PROGRAMS, AND NEWS,
                                                                FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA
increasing physical fitness! Bring your kids out for an
                                                                CHANNELS AND SIGN UP FOR OUR
inspiring nature scavenger hunt. We will explore many           NEWSLETTER!
of the wonders found within nature and more! Parent
participation required. Registration required.                  SIGN UP HERE:
JUN 5 | SUN | 2–3 P.M. | FREE

                                                                                              SUMMER 2022           5
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls

STORM DANCE CLINIC FREE                                           TODDLER SPORTS
RIVERDALE PARK                                                    AGES: 2–3
AGES: 4–5                                                         Enjoy a fun-filled session of learning and playing
Hey Storm fans—Do you ever wish you could dance                   basketball, soccer, and T-ball. Your preschooler will
and cheer with a professional cheerleader? This is                work on and improve key motor and teamwork skills
your chance! The Sioux Falls Storm Lightning Girls                while having fun! All supplies and equipment needed
will teach you fun cheerleading and dance moves.                  will be provided. Registration required.
Registration required.
                                                                  JUL 21 | THU | 6–7 P.M. | PIONEER PARK | $5 PER CHILD
JUN 20 | MON | 6–7 P.M. | FREE                                    AUG 10 | WED | 10:15–11:15 A.M. | MARION PARK | $5 PER CHILD

STREAM STUDY                                                      STRIDER BIKE SERIES FREE
LEGACY PARK                                                       SPECIAL OLYMPICS OF SOUTH DAKOTA
AGES: 4–5                                                         AGES: 2–5
Streams provide countless benefits to humans,                     In partnership with Special Olympics South Dakota for
plants, and animals. Come out and learn all about                 Young Athletes Strider Program, this program gives
our streams right here in Sioux Falls and how we can              kids the opportunity to get the feel for riding a bike with
protect them! Discover unique microscopic aquatic                 the comfort of their feet on the ground. Bikes will be
insects that allow us to determine the quality of our             provided. Helmets are required; please bring your own.
streams. We will be near the stream; please wear                  Registration required.
appropriate shoes! Parent participation required.
Registration required.                                            AUG 2, 9, 16 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | FREE
JUL 6 | WED | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PER CHILD

AGES: 2–5
Calling all princesses! Join us for a royal party in
a fairytale land. All princesses will enjoy dining on
snacks, creating crafts fit for a royal, and participating
in other regal activities. We ask that you wear your
best royal attire and prepare for a magical time.
Registration required.
JUL 17 | SUN | 1–2:30 P.M. | $10 PER CHILD

PRESCHOOL SPORTS                                                  I CAN FISH!
AGES: 4–5
                                                                  TERRACE PARK WEST SHELTER
Enjoy a fun-filled session of learning and playing
                                                                  AGES: 2–5
football, soccer, and T-ball. Your preschooler will work
                                                                  Fishing is a great way for a child to form a connection
on and improve key motor and teamwork skills while
                                                                  with nature while exercising essential motor skills.
having fun! All supplies and equipment needed will be
                                                                  After reading a short fish story and crafting a unique
provided. Registration required.
                                                                  fish bracelet, participants will learn how to fish at
JUL 19 | TUE | 10:15–11:15 A.M. | BAKKER PARK | $5 PER CHILD      Covell Lake! All equipment will be provided. Parent
AUG 4 | THU | 6–7 P.M. | LACEY PARK | $5 PER CHILD                participation required. Registration required.
                                                                  AUG 20 | SAT | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PER CHILD

ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls
AGES 6–12
                                                                   JUMBO SAND VOLLEYBALL FREE
                                                                   CHERRY ROCK PARK
                                                                   AGES: 6–9
                                                                   Ever wondered what a beach ball, ten times the size
                                                                   of a normal beach ball, looks like? Come join us
                                                                   and find out! With the element of the jumbo sand
                                                                   volleyball, this will take even more teamwork and
                                                                   communication skills to get it over the net and score
                                                                   on the opponent! No need to bring a team, we will
TRACK AND FIELD CLINICS FREE                                       play a pickup game format! Registration required.
AGES: 5–11                                                         JUN 11 | SAT | 10–11 A.M. | FREE
The clinics will specialize in sprints, starts, and jumps.
You may participate for one day or all three days. This is
a great way to sharpen your skills in track and field. No
registration required.
                                                                   YOUTH FISHING FREE
                                                                   TERRACE PARK WEST SHELTER
JUN 1, 8, 15 | WED | 1:30–2:30 P.M. | FREE                         AGES: 6–9
                                                                   Did you know a healthy dose of nature could be good
                                                                   for your overall health and well-being? Fishing is
                                                                   an excellent way to improve cognitive ability while
SUMMER DEVELOPMENTAL TRACK MEETS FREE                              positively affecting your mood and sense of overall
HOWARD WOOD FIELD                                                  happiness! These qualities set children up for a life of
AGES: 2–19                                                         success. We will provide the bait and fishing poles on a
Co-sponsored by First PREMIER Bank and BankCard.                   first-come, first-served basis! Registration required.
Children of all ages can participate in numerous track
and field events. It’s a fun way to participate with others        JUN 13 | MON | 10–11:30 A.M. | FREE
and test out your track skills. Field events begin at 5:45         JUL 11 | MON | 10–11:30 A.M. | FREE
p.m. and running events begin at 6 p.m. Registration
                                                                   AUG 8 | MON | 10–11:30 A.M. | FREE
will begin on site at 5 p.m.
JUN 1, 8, 15, 22 | WED | 5 P.M. | FREE

AGES: 7–12
Starting in 1944 and still going strong! This free drop-
in program designed for 7–12 year olds is a wonderful
place to be a kid. We are a “low-tech, high fun,” weather-
dependent program. We will be closed Monday, July 4.
  9–10:30 A.M.    11 A.M.–12:30 P.M.   1:30–3 P.M.   3:30–5 P.M.

  Prairie Trail    Glenview
                                                                   ALL ABOUT BUGS
                                        Olson                      AGES: 6–9
                                                                   Bugs are everywhere and they are actually extremely
                     Willow            Granite                     important to our ecosystem! Join us for an insect hunt in
  McKennan                                           Pioneer
                     Ridge             Valley                      the park. Kids will search for hidden bugs and even build
                                                                   their own bug hotel to take home! Registration required.
    Bakker            Thelin           Memorial      Galway        JUN 14 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | PASLEY PARK | $5 PER PARTICIPANT
                                                                   JUN 15 | WED | 6–7 P.M. | GALWAY PARK | $5 PER PARTICIPANT

                                                                                                      SUMMER 2022   7
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls

STORM DANCE CLINIC FREE                                            ADAPTIVE AQUATICS—ADAPTIVE FREE
AGES: 6–9                                                          ENCOURAGED FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH
Hey Storm fans—Do you ever wish you could dance
and cheer with a professional cheerleader? This is
                                                                   SPECIAL NEEDS
                                                                   LAUREL OAK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER
your chance! The Sioux Falls Storm Lightning Girls                 AGES: 4–18
will teach you fun cheerleading and dance moves.                   SFPR and Sanford Wellness Center are happy to
Registration required.                                             announce an adaptive aquatics program for children
JUN 22 | WED | 6–7 P.M. | FREE                                     with special needs. The goal of this program is to
                                                                   provide students with a structured aquatic experience
                                                                   designed to make them feel comfortable and safe while
                                                                   swimming. Carole Wolf, a S.D.-certified teacher with a
KIDS' NITE IN THE PARK FREE                                        master’s degree in adaptive aquatics, will be conducting
MCKENNAN PARK                                                      the classes. Classes will be a one-to-one student-to-
AGES: 6–9                                                          instructor ratio for a 30-minute lesson. First-come, first-
Come and experience the beauty of McKennan Park                    served. Register by June 24 by calling Ruben at 605-367-
while your kids have some fun. Who would want to                   7665. For additional questions, please call Carole Wolf,
miss the fun of these events? Your family can enjoy a              instructor, at 605-261-5716. Registration required.
park full of old-time carnival games, inflatables, and
summer fun. Bring your kids or “kid-like spirit.” No               JUL 5–JUL 28 | TUE, THU | 1–3:30 P.M. | FREE
registration required.
Activities include:
• 6–8 p.m.: Kids’ art show and sale; kids’ carnival                GENERATION POUND
booths of skill and challenge throughout the park                  LEVITT SHELL
                                                                   AGES: 6–12
• 7 p.m.: Featured entertainment by Storyland                      Generation POUND® is a youth-oriented program
Children’s Theatre                                                 that fuses movement and music to improve focus,
JUN 28 | TUE | 6–8 P.M. | FREE                                     coordination, physical fitness, and teamwork skills. By
                                                                   combining exercise and interactive activities, students
JUL 26 | TUE | 6–8 P.M. | FREE                                     will learn new ways to explore movement, embrace their
                                                                   creativity, and ROCK OUT—ultimately building strength,
                                                                   confidence, and self-awareness. This class is led by
KIDS' ART SHOW & SALE FREE                                         POUND PRO Chelsie Lind. Registration required.
AGES: 4–17                                                         JUL 6–AUG 17 | WED | 9–10 A.M. | $60 PER SERIES
Are you creative? Do you like to paint, draw, work
with wood, make bracelets, or any kind of crafty
treasures? Here is a premier opportunity for local                 CROSSOVER DODGEBALLFREE
artisans 17 years and younger to display and/or sell               MEMORIAL HOCKEY PEN
your creations. No edible items may be sold. This                  AGES: 6–9
free-to-view art show is limited to young artists only.            Dodgeball but with a twist! This game puts a new twist
Registration required.                                             to the beloved game of dodgeball! Crossover dodgeball
                                                                   rules consist of eliminating the rule of having to sit
JUN 28 | TUE | 6–8 P.M. | FREE                                     out when you get hit. Instead when you get hit, you
JUL 26 | TUE | 6–8 P.M. | FREE                                     are still in—for the other team! The side that ends with
                                                                   everyone on that side wins! Registration required.
                                                                   JUL 12 | TUE | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | FREE

ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls

STREAM STUDY                                                 ANIMAL ADVENTURES
LEGACY PARK                                                  ARROWHEAD PARK
AGES: 6–9                                                    AGES: 6–9
Streams provide countless benefits to humans, plants,        Have you ever wondered how a bird makes their nest,
and animals. Come out and learn all about our streams        how turtles get warm, or how bees communicate?
right here in Sioux Falls and how we can protect them!       We will transform ourselves into different animals to
Discover unique microscopic aquatic insects that allow       learn about their unique adaptations and how they
us to determine the quality of our streams. We will          perform different daily activities as we search for them
be near the stream; please wear appropriate shoes!           throughout our parks! Registration required.
Parent participation required. Registration required.
                                                             JUL 25 | MON | 6–7 P.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT
JUL 13 | WED | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT

                                                             GIRLS' BASKETBALL SKILLS CLINIC
MEMORIAL PARK                                                AGES: 6–9
AGES: 6–9                                                                     Improve your basketball skills
That’s right! Pickleball outside! Calling all beginners or                    over the summer at our two-day
experienced youth of the game to join us at Memorial                          skills clinic. Work on dribbling,
Park for some Pickleball. Pickleball is a fun paddle                          passing, and shooting with daily
sport, designed for all ages and skill levels. With simple                    drills. We will end each day with
rules and elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-                            contests. Leave with things you
pong, the game is easy for beginners but quick and                            can continue working on to
competitive for more experienced players. Join us for a                       make you a better player next
Thursday of Pickleball and put your skills to the test in                     season. Registration required.
this pickup game format! No registration required.
                                                             AUG 15–16 | MON–TUE | 9:30–10:30 A.M. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT
JUL 14 | THU | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | FREE

                                                             BOYS' BASKETBALL SKILLS CLINIC
STORYLAND THEATER CAMP                                       KENNY ANDERSON C.C.
MCKENNAN PARK BANDSHELL                                      AGES: 6–9
AGES: 8–12                                                   Improve your basketball
You’ve seen us up on the bandshell stage at McKennan         skills over the summer at
Park. Now it’s your turn to come on up and be in the         our two-day skills camp.
show! Grow your theater skills and work with some            Work on dribbling, passing,
of your favorite Storyland cast members for a week of        and shooting with daily
theater games, improvisational exercises, silly songs,       drills. We will end each day
and rehearsal. Come backstage and help us create             with contests. Leave with
the magic of children’s theatre by creating props,           things you can continue
costumes, and characters that will showcase your             working on to make you a
talent in a final performance Thursday evening at 7 in       better player next season.
the park. Registration required.                             Registration required.
JUL 18–21 | MON–THU | 1–5 P.M. | $50 PER PARTICIPANT         AUG 15–16 | MON–TUE | 11 A.M.–12 NOON | $10 PER PARTICIPANT


                                                                                          SUMMER 2022          9
ACTIVITIES GUIDE - SUMMER 2022 - City of Sioux Falls
AGES 10–17
4-SQUARE VOLLEYBALL FREE                                           POND ECOLOGY
AGES: 10–12                                                        ARROWHEAD PARK
Let’s get outside and play a new game! 4-square                    AGES: 10–12
volleyball is played like traditional volleyball but on four       Pond ecosystems are filled with life! Let’s explore
connected courts. Object is similar to 4-square in that            the many animals that call ponds their home. We will
the team or individual with the least amount of points             observe life within this exciting habitat through sensory
wins. This activity combines the ever popular 4-square             activities, hands-on activities, and we will keep a
with a game that others enjoy—volleyball. Join us for              journal of our findings. Registration required.
some fun! Registration required.
                                                                   JUL 20 | WED | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PARTICIPANT
JUN 9 | THU | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | MELDRUM PARK | FREE
JUL 9 | SAT | 10:30–11:30 A.M. | BAKKER PARK | FREE
                                                                   TWEEN OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL FREE
                                                                   RIVERDALE PARK
                                                                   AGES: 10–12
                                                                   That’s right! Pickleball outside! Calling all beginners or
                                                                   experienced tweens of the game to join us at Riverdale
                                                                   Park for some Pickleball. Pickleball is a fun paddle sport,
                                                                   designed for all ages and skill levels. With simple rules
                                                                   and elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, the
                                                                   game is easy for beginners but quick and competitive
                                                                   for more experienced players. Join us for a Saturday of
                                                                   Pickleball and put your skills to the test in this pickup
LAP SWIMMING/WATER WALKING FOR                                     game format! No registration required.
TEENS AND ADULTS                                                   JUL 30 | SAT | 11 A.M.–12 NOON | FREE
AGES: 13+
This is an independent workout allowing the participant
the freedom to work out at their own pace in the pool.
No registration required. Participants will need to have           CAMPING 101 FOR TEENS
an active swim pass or pay daily admission rates.                  GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK
                                                                   AGES: 13–17
JUN 6–AUG 12 | MON, TUE, THU, FRI | 11 A.M.–12:50 P.M.             Camping is an amazing way to gain respect for nature
DRAKE SPRINGS                                                      while learning about teamwork and getting necessary
                                                                   exercise. Teens will learn the basics of camping while
JUN 8–AUG 10 | WED | 11 A.M.–12:15 P.M. | DRAKE SPRINGS            developing new practical skills to use in their future.
JUN 6–AUG 12** | MON–FRI | 5–6:30 P.M. | FRANK OLSON               Registration required. Dress comfortably for the
     **FAMILY SWIM WILL BE HELD AT THE SAME TIME                   outdoors. Registration required.
AUG 8–19 | MON–FRI | 11 A.M.–12:50 P.M. | DRAKE SPRINGS            AUG 4 | THU | 6–7 P.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT

TWEEN TREK: BACKPACKING 101                                        FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS
TOMAR PARK                                                         FRED DAWLEY PARK
AGES: 10–12                                                        AGES: 10–12
Backpacking helps tweens develop important                         In recognition of National Friendship Day, we will gather
transferable skills including good communication,                  to make friendship bracelets for those special people in
leadership, trust, and teamwork! While learning the key            your lives. Grab your bestie and join us for an afternoon
concepts to a safe and fun backpacking trip, we will hike          of fun and friendship. Each child will leave with at least
the trails utilizing our senses and field observation skills.      the start of two friendship bracelets in various patterns.
Registration required.                                             Registration required.
JUN 25 | SAT | 10–11 A.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT                     AUG 7 | SUN | 1–2 P.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT

AGES 18+
                                                               WARM WATER: AQUA FIT
                                                               MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
                                                               AGES: 18+
                                                               This warm water fitness class is sure to keep you on your
                                                               toes! We will engage your entire body using the water
                                                               and equipment for resistance. This is YOUR workout, so
                                                               it can be light to high intensity depending on what you
                                                               are looking for. The instructor is here to push you and
                                                               guide you, but know that YOU are ultimately in control
                                                               of your moves. We will use noodles, fans, gloves, and
                                                               other equipment to keep the class fun and engaging.
                                                               Registration required.
MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER                                          MAY 25–JUN 22 | MON, WED | 9–9:45 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES
AGES: 18+                                                      *NO CLASS 5/30
Float your fitness with this fun water workout that will
                                                               MAY 25–JUN 22 | MON, WED | 10–10:45 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES
challenge core muscles and balance. This mat floats on top
of the water and allows you to get a full body workout on      *NO CLASS 5/30
an unstable surface. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to class   MAY 31–JUN 30 | TUE, THU | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
start time to allow time to get on and acclimated to your      MAY 31–JUN 30 | TUE, THU | 10–10:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
board. Active wear over your swimwear recommended.
                                                               JUN 27–AUG 1 | MON, WED | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
Classes will take place in the Sanford Health 50 Meter
Pool. Be ready to get wet! Registration required.              *NO CLASS 7/4
                                                               JUN 27–AUG 1 | MON, WED | 10–10:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
MAY 8 – JUN 26 | SUN | 4-4:45 P.M. | $30 PER SERIES
                                                               *NO CLASS 7/4
*NO CLASS 5/15, 5/29
                                                               JUL 5–AUG 4 | TUE, THU | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
                                                               JUL 5–AUG 4 | TUE, THU | 10–10:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
AGES: 18+                                                      DEEP WATER: AQUA FIT
Lose the “I slept wrong” stiffness and soreness. Clear         MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
the morning fog and grogginess. Join us Mondays and            AGES: 18+
Wednesdays for a series of smooth morning stretches            This deep water fitness class is meant to be high-
and flows that get you feeling good and ready to               intensity! Don’t let the deep water be a fear, everyone
sail through your day! No previous yoga experience             will be wearing a flotation belt during class. This
necessary. We’ll start easy and easily progress to some        is a fun and challenging class that is full of cardio,
slightly more challenging sequences. Start your day            muscular, and respiratory endurance. You may use
relaxed and focused. Class will be held outdoors when          flippers, kickboards, gloves, noodles, and other
weather permits to catch those summer rays; we’ll              equipment during class. You are sure to sweat, but you
move it inside to the Midco® Aquatic Center when we            don’t need to get your hair wet! Registration required.
need to! Registration required.
                                                               MAY 25–JUL 27 | WED | 5:45–6:30 P.M. | $45 PER SERIES
MAY 23–JUN 27 | MON, WED | 8–9 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES           MAY 31–JUN 30 | TUE, THU | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES
*NO CLASS 5/30                                                 JUL 5–JULY 28 | TUE, THU | 9–9:45 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES


                                                                                            SUMMER 2022         11

AGES: 18+
Come enjoy our beautiful park system and take a deep
breath of fresh air with us while gaining flexibility, better
posture, and learning stress-relieving moves through
yoga! We are excited to partner with local yoga studios
to provide an all ages and levels session. Each session
hosted by a different instructor. No registration required.
                                                                      BUNCO FREE
                                                                      AGES: 18+
MAY 28 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | FRONTIER WELLNESS                    Bunco is a parlor game played in teams with three
                                                                      dice. When you roll “three of a kind” of the number
                                                                      you are currently rolling, this is a Bunco. Join us for the
& RETREATS                                                            socialization and the chance to meet new people as we
JUN 25 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | SANFORD WELLNESS                     enjoy nature, the fresh air, and playing this fast-paced
JUL 9 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | BARRE3                                dice game. Registration required.
JUL 23 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | AMT HOT TRAINING STUDIO              JUN 8 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | MORNINGSIDE C.C. | FREE
AUG 6 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | AMT HOT TRAINING STUDIO               JUL 13 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | OYATE C.C. | FREE
AUG 20 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | SANFORD WELLNESS                     AUG 10 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | KUEHN C.C. | FREE
SEP 3 | SAT | 8–9 A.M. | FREE | BARRE3

                                                                      HIMALAYAN SINGING BOWL MEDITATION
HYDRORIDERS                                                           AGES: 18+
MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER                                                 The Himalayan singing bowls are used as a relaxation
AGES: 18+                                                             meditation. They soothe the body and mind using sound
Spin your wheels in the water! We’re talking about                    and vibration through a process called entrainment. As
cycling on a water bike. This music-driven cardio ride                the bowls are played, the energy of the body comes to
will be sure to challenge you as we incorporate upper                 a resting state; the mind drifts and the physical body
body strength training for a total body workout. Water                releases tension, stress, and anxiety. This class is led by
shoes or socks recommended. Registration required.                    our singing bowl specialist Deb Yoder. Bring a mat to lay
                                                                      on for your comfort. Registration required.
JUN 1–JUN 24 | WED, FRI | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES
JUN 29–JUL 29 | WED, FRI | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES            JUN 9 | THU | 7–8 P.M. | KUEHN C.C. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT
*NO CLASS 7/8                                                         JUL 7 | THU | 7–8 P.M. | OYATE C.C. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT
                                                                      JUL 14 | THU | 7–8 P.M. | MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
                                                                      $10 PER PARTICIPANT
YOGA NIDRA WITH HIMALAYAN                                             JUL 28 | THU | 7–8 P.M. | TERRACE PARK–JAPANESE GARDENS
SINGING BOWLS                                                         $10 PER PARTICIPANT
MORNINGSIDE C.C.                                                      AUG 11 | THU | 7–8 P.M. | KENNY ANDERSON C.C.
AGES: 18+                                                             $10 PER PARTICIPANT
Enjoy an hour of guided sound meditation with the
Himalayan singing bowls. Lay on a mat and listen as
a text (Nidra) is read, bringing you to an awareness
of your body, breath, and mind while the sounds of
                                                                      BINGO + ESSENTIAL OILS FREE
                                                                      MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
the bowls wash over you, melting away stress and
                                                                      AGES: 18+
tension. The bowl meditation is led by our singing
                                                                      Come to learn about essential oils while playing BINGO!
bowl specialist Deb Yoder, and the Nidra is read
                                                                      You’ll learn about some of the top products, hear
by our yoga instructor, Teresa Hoien. Registration
                                                                      powerful testimonies, and have a chance to win some
required. Bring a mat to lay on for your comfort.
                                                                      oily prizes! This class is led by Essential Oils specialist
Registration required.
                                                                      Emily Paulsen. Registration required.
JUN 4 | SAT | 9–10 A.M. | MORNINGSIDE C.C. | $15 PER PARTICIPANT      JUN 14 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | FREE


MEAL PREP 101 FREE                                            4TH OF JULY CRAFTING
MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER                                         FRANK OLSON PARK
AGES: 18+                                                     AGES: 18+
Meal planning made easy. There are several benefits to        Do you need some new decorations for the 4th of
planning your meals ahead of time—saving time is one          July? Join Parks and Recreation for a fun afternoon of
that many appreciate most! Filling your week with foods       crafting. We will be using mason jars and wine bottles
that fuel your body and having a plan to get them on          to create some great treasures for you to display
the table doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task. The      at your Independence Day celebration this year.
following meal planning tips will help break down this        Registration required.
process so that you can feel confident to stay on track
with your goals for the week. This class is in partnership    JUN 19 | SUN | 1–2 P.M. | $8 PER PARTICIPANT
with Sanford Profile. Registration required.

JUNE 14 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | FREE                               SUMMER SOLSTICE FREE
                                                              GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK
                                                              AGES: 18+
WATER AEROBICS                                                Salute the sun and join in on this class in partnership
                                                              with Sanford Health for South Dakota’s second
                                                              citywide celebration of the International Day of
AGES: 18+
                                                              Yoga! The Summer Solstice (June 21), designated
This class focuses on conditioning, strength, endurance,
                                                              the Day of Yoga by the United Nations General
and stretch components. Equipment may be used.
                                                              Assembly in 2014, has been celebrated around
You’ll develop increased flexibility and range of
                                                              the world since 2015 with the completion of 108
motion through a total body workout. Participants are
                                                              Sun Salutations. We will be using several different
encouraged to work within their own range of motion.
                                                              versions of Sun Salutations to ease the repetition
Registration required.
                                                              and dividing the time, so you can join in and take
JUN 15–AUG 3 | WED | 12–12:45 P.M. | $35 PER SERIES           breaks as needed. Want to try for all 108? Start small,
                                                              and add salutations in increments . . . as if you were
                                                              training for a marathon! We will start at 7:30 p.m. and
AQUA FITNESS FREE                                             plan to finish just as the sun sets over Sioux Falls.
                                                              Registration required.
AGES: 18+                                                     JUN 21 | TUE | 7:30–9:30 P.M. | FREE
Need a reason to get outside and exercise over the
noon hour? This 30-minute, high-intensity workout is
for you! Using a variety of different water exercises, this
power-packed class will be both fun and challenging. No
                                                              YOGA AT THE LEVITT FREE
                                                              LEVITT SHELL
registration required.
                                                              AGES: 16+
JUN 15–AUG 3 | WED | 12:15–12:45 P.M. | FREE                  Come celebrate National Parks and Recreation Month
                                                              with yoga at one of our new and exciting sites in town.
                                                              Join us for a relaxing yoga session where all ages
LOW IMPACT ARTHRITIS AQUATICS                                 and levels are welcome. Each session will be led by a
                                                              different yoga partner in town. Weather permitting. No
                                                              registration required.
AGES: 18+
This recreational group exercise class emphasizes             JUL 6 | WED | 6–6:45 P.M. | FREE | BARRE3
flexibility, muscle strength, cardiovascular, balance and     JUL 13 | WED | 6–6:45 P.M. | FREE | SANFORD WELLNESS
coordination activities. We also work to reduce arthritis
joint pain and stiffness, accommodating participants          JUL 20 | WED | 6–6:45 P.M. | FREE | SARAH BRUXVOORT
of different abilities by regulating progression from low     YOGA & RETREATS
to moderate intensity. Resistance equipment is used to        JUL 27 | WED | 6–6:45 P.M. | FREE | AMT HOT TRAINING STUDIO
help build strength and endurance. Class will be held in
the warm water pool. Registration required.
JUN 17–AUG 12 | FRI | 10–10:45 A.M. | $35 PER PERSON

                                                                                               SUMMER 2022     13

LAZY 5K                                                             ESSENTIAL OILS FOR CAR AND FREE
AGES: 18+                                                           OUTDOOR TRAVEL
Looking for a challenge? We have one for you. Instead               RIVERDALE PARK SHELTER
of hitting the trails for a 5K this summer, join Sioux Falls        AGES: 18+
Parks and Recreation for one in the river! Not the Big              Road trips are the best . . . unless you don’t travel well.
Sioux River, but the lazy river at Drake Springs Family             Learn about the best essential oils to bring with for
Aquatic Center. Enjoy the challenge of running a 5K                 those nauseous feelings, energy slumps on the road,
against the current! Not interested in completing 44 laps           and to promote a peaceful aroma for kids to sleep. We’ll
on your own? No worries. Grab a friend and create a two-            also talk about the best oils for soothing a sunburn,
person or four-person relay. Open to first 100 registrants.         making an insect repellent, and a bite stick to relieve
Register early for a T-shirt! Registration required.                those scratchy bumps. This class is led by Essential Oils
                                                                    specialist Emily Paulsen. Registration required.
JUL 7 | THU | 7–9 P.M. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT
JUL 21 | THU | 7–9 P.M. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT                       JUL 12 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | FREE
AUG 2 | TUE | 7–9 P.M. | $10 PER PARTICIPANT

                                                                    HIKE + YOGA WITH DAKOTAH YOGA
                                                                    GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK
                                                                    AGES: 18+
                                                                    Take your yoga practice to the trails! Hike + Yoga is an
                                                                    hour and a half hiking and yoga experience created
                                                                    to help you connect with nature, community, and
                                                                    your inner self. We will carry our items with us as we
                                                                    adventure onto the trails to find a serene place to lay our
                                                                    mats. Come expecting a yoga flow for all levels in the
                                                                    midst of nature to complement our hiking experience.
                                                                    Trail is of moderate difficulty, so sturdy tennis shoes
                                                                    or boots are recommended. THINGS TO BRING: A
POUND ROCKOUT WORKOUT                                               backpack with water, sunscreen, bug spray, and a towel/
AGES: 16+
                                                                    mat to practice on. Please plan to arrive 5 minutes early
Channel your inner rock star with this cardio jam
                                                                    to check in as we will head out on the trails promptly at
session inspired by the energizing, infectious, and sweat
                                                                    9 a.m. Registration required.
dripping fun of playing the drums. Instead of listening
to music, you become the music in this exhilarating                 JUL 30 | SAT | 9–10:30 A.M. | $15 PER PARTICIPANT
full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning,
and strength training with yoga and Pilates-inspired
movements. Using Ripstix, lightly weighted drumsticks
engineered specifically for exercising, POUND
                                                                    ATHLETES AND OILS FREE
                                                                    MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER
transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way
                                                                    AGES: 18+
of working out. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND
                                                                    From yoga to running/cycling to weight lifting . . . there’s
provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose,
                                                                    an oil for that! Come and learn my favorite ways to
getting energized, toning up, and rockin’ out! The
                                                                    support muscle recovery and soreness, increase energy
workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and
                                                                    and stamina, create the most zen savasana, and my
welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all
                                                                    favorite oil to use before a workout to help increase
ages and abilities. Get excited! Registration required.
                                                                    oxygen intake. This class is led by Essential Oils specialist
JUL 9 | SAT | 9–10 A.M. | MCKENNAN PARK BANDSHELL                   Emily Paulsen. Registration required.
$10 PER PARTICIPANT                                                 AUG 9 | TUE | 6–7 P.M. | FREE


AGES: 18+
Do you love playing volleyball and you’re passionate
about soccer too, why not try both? Introducing for the
first time to Sioux Falls, our newest sport, Footvolley.
This “samba” filled sport was created in Brazil and
mixes multiple aspects from both volleyball and soccer.
Footvolley combines field rules that are based on those
of beach volleyball while having ball-touch rules used
in soccer. Essentially, footvolley is beach volleyball
except players are not allowed to use their hands, and a
football replaces the volleyball. Come try out this perfect
combination of summer sand volleyball and all the skills
of soccer in this pickup format. Registration required.
AUG 10 | WED | 6–7:30 P.M. | FREE

                                                                 ARE YOU LOOKING TO

                                                              AS A GROUP OR COMPANY?

AGES: 18+                                                     MINIMUM AGE TO VOLUNTEER IS
August 12 is National Vinyl Record Day! Vinyl records         13. VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE
are overtaking the world once again. Listening to
                                                                OF 16 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED
music on vinyl is believed to have a rich sound that
soothes the soul. Come out and enjoy the relaxing             BY AN ADULT THAT IS AT LEAST 21
reverberations of vinyl music while creating a gorgeous                 YEARS OLD.
DIY dream catcher made from old inoperative records!
Registration required.
AUG 12 | FRI | 6–7 P.M. | $8 PER PARTICIPANT

                                                                             SUMMER 2022   15
AGES 55+

SENIOR GAMES                                                       SOCIAL SATURDAYS FOR SENIORS
MORNINGSIDE C.C.                                                   DRAKE SPRINGS FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER
Track and field, golf, bowling, pickleball, and many               AGES: 55+
more activities designed just for seniors are open for             Join us on select Saturdays to socialize and exercise!
participation. Join your friends for fun, competition, and         This opportunity at Drake Springs will not only exercise
fellowship during the most active days of the summer.              your body, but your mind too! From 10–11 a.m. we will
Local competition leads to state and national games.               have an organized fitness class, and from 11 a.m.–12 p.m.
The games also have groups for ages 40–44 and                      you are free to enjoy the current channel or lap swim. No
45–50.                                                             registration required. Participants will need to have an
Information and Registration: Brochure available at                active swim pass or pay daily admission rates.–games or call 978–6927
                                                                   JUN 25 | SAT | 10 A.M.–12 NOON
for details.
                                                                   JUL 16 | SAT | 10 A.M.–12 NOON
Early Registration Deadline: 5 p.m., Friday, May 13
                                                                   AUG 6 | SAT | 10 A.M.–12 NOON
Fee: $10 for early registration; $15 after May 13. Bowling
and golfing have additional fees that are payable at time
of event.
JUN 2 | THU | 4–7 P.M.
JUN 3 | FRI | 8 A.M.–7 P.M.
JUN 4 | SAT | 8 A.M.–5 P.M

AGES: 50+
Join us and Sanford Health on this award-winning
program designed to manage falls and increase
activity levels. This program emphasizes practical
strategies to manage falls. During this class you will
learn: how to set goals for increasing activity, reduce
fall risks at home, exercise to increase strength and
balance, and how to safely get up if you fall. We                  BIRDING WALK FREE
recommend this program to anyone interested in                     GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK
improving balance, flexibility, and strength as well as            AGES: 55+
anyone that has restricted their activities because of             Birds are a piece of nature that are always around
falling concerns. Registration required.                           us. Through every season, in your backyard, at the
                                                                   lake, or even in the city, birds are all around you. If
JUN 6–AUG 1 | MON | 1:30–3:30 P.M. | FREE *NO CLASS 7/4            you have always wanted to learn more about the
                                                                   birds that you see every day, join us on our walk
                                                                   and you can learn how to spot and identify these
                                                                   flying creatures. On our walk, you can take in all
   FOR INFORMATION ABOUT                                           that nature has to offer while enjoying the sights
   COMMUNITY CENTERS                                               and sounds of some of South Dakota’s wildlife.
   AND OPEN GYMS, VISIT                                            Registration required.                                JUL 18 | MON | 5:30–6:30 P.M. | FREE

Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation’s Mobile Recreation
Unit provides free activities for the young and young
at heart of Sioux Falls. Operating year-round, teams
of trained Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation staff travel
throughout the city of Sioux Falls to provide structured
activities for all ages.
The Mobile Recreation Unit is stocked with a variety of
activities such as yard games, balls, crafts, a gaga pit,   AFTERNOON OPEN REC               FREE
and more.                                                   ALL AGES
For more information, including a list of dates, times,     Beat the heat by joining us inside for some fun! Burn
and locations, visit   some energy in our large gyms over a game of basketball
recreation-unit.                                            or other open play. Enjoy our game rooms filled with
                                                            board games, toys, pool table, air hockey, foosball, and
                                                            more. Surf the web on our public computers. All ages
                                                            are welcome; individuals 6 years and younger must be
                                                            supervised by someone 16 years or older. No registration
AN OAK TREE'S 100TH YEAR FREE                               required. We will be closed Monday, July 4.
ALL AGES                                                    JUN 6–AUG 5 | MON–FRI | 1–5 P.M. | KENNY ANDERSON C.C. | FREE
100 years ago, the History Club of Sioux Falls planted an   JUN 6–AUG 5 | MON–FRI | 1–5 P.M. | MARICAR C.C. | FREE
oak tree in McKennan Park to commemorate those who
served in WWI and that tree still stands today providing
                                                            JUN 6–AUG 5 | MON–FRI | 1–5 P.M. | OYATE C.C. | FREE
shade to everyone who enjoys the park. Sioux Falls
Parks and Recreation along with the History Club of
Sioux Falls invites guests to celebrate this magnificent    ROAD RACES FREE
oak tree’s 100 years in the park by enjoying light          SPENCER PARK
refreshments while speaking with members of the Sioux       AGES: 6+
Falls Parks and Recreation’s Forestry team, members         Join the fun and competition of Monday night road
of the History Club of Sioux Falls, as well as a WWI        races for all ages. Races will be 3,000 and 5,000
reenactor. A short presentation will take place at 2 p.m.   meters. They will follow the greenway recreation trail.
under the shade of the oak tree that has been gracing       No registration required.
the park since 1922. No registration required.
                                                            JUN 6, 13, 20, 27 | MON | 6:30 P.M. | FREE
MAY 15 | SUN | 1:30–3 P.M. | FREE

                                                            INTRO TO ARCHERY FREE
WIGGLE BRIDGE                                               GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK OUTDOOR
ALL AGES                                                    ARCHERY RANGE
Did you ever dream about walking on water? With our         ALL AGES
new Wibit® Wiggle Bridge, you can—if you are able to        Interested in trying archery for the first time? Come out
keep your balance! The Wiggle Bridge will be making         to the Great Bear Archery Range and give it a shot! Our
stops at two different pools this summer. Participants      trained Recreation Program Specialist will be present
will need to have an active swim pass or pay daily          to help make this a great first-time experience for you.
admission rates.                                            Registry required.
JUN 6–JUL 1 | 6:30–8 P.M. | FRANK OLSON POOL                JUN 8 | WED | 6-7 P.M. | FREE
JUL 5–JUL 29 | 6:30–8 P.M. | KUEHN POOL                     JUL 13 | WED | 6-7 P.M. | FREE
                                                            AUG 10 | WED | 6-7 P.M. | FREE

                                                                                           SUMMER 2022        17

ARTIST PUP                                                         BADGES, BOOKS, AND THINGS THAT BOUNCE FREE
SPENCER PARK                                                       LION'S CENTENNIAL PARK
ALL AGES                                                           ALL AGES
Let your dog’s inner artist shine! Come out to this                Enjoy a summer evening in the park while seeing
outdoor class where your dog will get a healthy treat              friendly faces you may see around the neighborhood
and you will get a long-lasting memory of your pup.                during the summer and throughout the year.
Dogs will use their tongues to create a stunning art               Participants will have the chance to catch a glimpse
piece with sunflower butter, paint, Ziploc bags, and               into the work of firefighters at Station 9, meet officers
canvases! Registration required. Please bring your                 from Sioux Falls Police Department, check out a book
dog on a leash for this activity.                                  from Siouxland Libraries’ Bookmobile, and enjoy some
                                                                   summer games with Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation’s
JUN 9 | THU | 6–7 P.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT                        Mobile Recreation Unit. No registration required.
                                                                   JUN 16 | THU | 6–8 P.M. | FREE
ALL AGES                                                           DASH FOR DONUTS WITH DAD FREE
Paddling is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness          MORNINGSIDE PARK
while enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. Kayaks will             ALL AGES
be available on a first-come, first-served basis to those          Enjoy this fun run with all of your favorite things in
interested in trying out the sport of paddling. Boats,             one place: dad, running, and donuts! This fun run will
paddles, lifejackets, and on-water guidance provided               include one lap around Morningside Park for a half mile
by S.D. Canoe & Kayak Association, Nyberg’s ACE,                   or two laps around for a full mile. You will take this run
King Kayak Rentals, and Sioux Empire Paddlers. No                  with your dad. Enjoy some fresh air and exercise with
registration required.                                             your dad. After passing the finish line, dine on a donut
                                                                   with your dad. What a great way to kick off Father’s Day
JUN 12 | SUN | 1–4 P.M. | FREE                                     weekend. Registration required.
                                                                   JUN 18 | SAT | 10 A.M. | FREE

                                                                   FAMILY FISHING SATURDAYS FREE
                                                                   FAMILY PARK
                                                                   ALL AGES
                                                                   Did you know spending quality time with nature could
                                                                   reduce stress and enhance quality of life? Fishing is
                                                                   a great way to connect with nature and simply relax.
                                                                   Join us Saturdays in June and July to spend your
                                                                   morning fishing at Family Park. Fishing poles and bait
                                                                   will be supplied on a first-come, first-served basis. No
                                                                   registration required. This program is a joint project
                                                                   of SD Game Fish & Parks, The Outdoor Campus, and
                                                                   SFPR. No registration required.
LAUREL OAK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER                                   JUN 18–JUL 30 | SAT | 9–11 A.M. | FREE
Our outdoor “swimming cinema” returns! All movies
are free, but to be in the water you will need to have
an air mattress. There will be seating on the deck for
                                                                    FOR INFORMATION ON
others. Games will start at 8 p.m. and show times will
                                                                    AQUATICS CLASSES AND EVENTS AT
start at approximately 9 p.m. No registration required.
                                                                    MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER, VISIT
JUN 14 | TUE | 8–10:30 P.M. | FREE | MOANA 		             
JUL 12 | TUE | 8–10:30 P.M. | FREE | LITTLE MERMAID


WIBIT® EVENTS                                              FREE FAMILY FRIDAYS FREE
MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER                                      ALL AGES
ALL AGES                                                   Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation will be hosting Free
A Wibit® is an inflatable water feature that can be used   Family Fridays at all pools this summer. On these
in the water to create additional fun for all ages! No     special nights, we will be extending our family swim
registration required. Participants will need to have an   time, so grab your parents and join us for these free
active swim pass or pay daily admission rates.             admission nights from 6:30–8 p.m. Enjoy Wibits®, yard
                                                           games, and so much more! This will also give you
JUN 19 | SUN | 12 NOON–5 P.M.                              a chance to see how much fun our pools are and a
JUL 17 | SUN | 12 NOON–5 P.M.                              chance to meet our friendly staff.
TOWER IS IN USE                                            JUL 15 | FRI | 6:30–8 P.M.
                                                           TERRACE PARK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER | FREE
FAMILY BINGO IN THE PARK FREE                              JUL 22 | FRI | 6:30–8 P.M.
GALWAY PARK                                                LAUREL OAK FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER | FREE
ALL AGES                                                   JUL 29 | FRI | 6:30–8 P.M. | KUEHN POOL | FREE
Get ready to celebrate BINGO! In recognition of            AUG 5 | FRI | 6:30–8 P.M.
National BINGO Day, we are going to gather to
dedicate a few hours to the game. We will play many        DRAKE SPRINGS FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER | FREE
versions of BINGO from 5 in a row, 4 corners, postage
stamp, blackout, and many others. Gather your family
members and come to the park for a great time. No          HYDRANT BLOCK PARTY FREE
registration required.                                     ALL AGES
                                                           Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, Sioux Falls Police, Siouxland
JUN 27 | MON | 6–8 P.M. | FREE                             Libraries, and Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation will
                                                           be coming to neighborhoods this summer to beat the
                                                           heat and bring the fun! Keep cool and have a blast by
                                                           enjoying water sprays, music, games, and a book to
                                                           read. No registration required.
                                                           JUL 14 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | BAKKER PARK | FREE
                                                           JUL 21 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | LINWOOD PARK | FREE
                                                           JUL 28 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | HAYWARD PARK | FREE
                                                           AUG 4 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | PRAIRIE TRAIL PARK | FREE
                                                           AUG 11 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | JEFFERSON PARK | FREE
                                                           AUG 18 | THU | 1–3 P.M. | WHITTIER PARK | FREE

4TH OF JULY BIKE DECORATING                                PUP-A-THON 5K
VAN EPS PARK                                               SPENCER PARK
ALL AGES                                                   ALL AGES
What better way to be involved in celebrating              July is National Pet Hydration Awareness Month! Join
Independence Day, than by having your very own             us with your pup for a 5K in support of keeping our
decorated bike to celebrate the day! You bring the         pets healthy and hydrated! Runners who are registered
bike, we will provide the decorations. Then, celebrate     by 12 noon on June 25 will receive a T-shirt for
the 4th of July by riding your creation for all to see.    participating. 5K begins promptly at 8 a.m. and check-
Registration required.                                     in begins at 7:30 a.m. Registration required.
JUL 2 | SAT | 3:30-4:30 P.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT          JUL 16 | SAT | 8 A.M. | $5 PER PARTICIPANT

                                                                                        SUMMER 2022         19

   KUEHN POOL                                                       KUEHN PARK/POOL
   ALL AGES                                                         AGES: 6-18
   Five age divisions. All boats will be judged based on            If you are planning on competing in the Youth Triathlon,
   creativity, sea-worthiness, and quickest to sink! Each           or just want to learn what it’s all about, this is for you.
   boat will need up to two participants to commandeer              Practice your swimming, biking, and running skills
   the course. Boats must be constructed using corrugated           while getting tips on how to improve. Bring your
   cardboard and duct tape. No wood, Styrofoam,                     swimsuit, towel, bike, helmet, and running shoes
   fiberglass, paint, or plastic. Life jackets for this event       each day. Tuesday's class will focus on swimming
   will be provided and must be worn by contestants.                and practice transitioning to bike. Wednesday's class
   Swimsuits required. Registration required.                       will focus on bike etiquette, riding the bike route, and
                                                                    ending with running route. ERIK’s Bike Shop will be
   JUL 30 | SAT | 9 A.M. | BOAT CHECK-IN TIME | FREE                at the training on Tuesday to help with free basic bike
   JUL 30 | SAT | 10 A.M. | RACE TIME                               fits and bike safety checks. Call 605-367-7665 with
                                                                    questions. Registration required.
                                                                    AUG 9–10 | TUE–WED | 10–11 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT
   DOGUST 1ST FREE                                                  AGES: 6–9
   ALL AGES                                                         AUG 9–10 | TUE–WED | 11 A.M.–12 NOON | $20 PER PARTICIPANT
   It is DOGust 1st! Celebrate the rescue of your best friend       AGES: 10–18
   at Kirby Dog Park for the universal birthday for shelter
   and rescue dogs. Socialize with other dog owners
   and their pups and even check out our dog photo
   opportunity! Sioux Falls Humane Society will be present
   with fun giveaways and promotional information. This
   event will also help us kick off our August Yappy Hours!
   No registration required.
   AUG 1 | MON | 5:30–7 P.M. | FREE

   Join us to have a wacky, wet, and wonderful time. On
   this special day, the spray park will be turning on one
   hour early. We will also have games, a craft to paint, and
   inflatables. So, pack a picnic and your swimsuit for a
   fun-filled day at Pioneer Park. No registration required.
   AUG 5 | FRI | 10 A.M.–12 NOON | FREE

   MOVIES IN THE PARK FREE                                          YAPPY HOURS FREE
   ALL AGES                                                         SPENCER DOG PARK
   Enjoy Hollywood stars under the Sioux Falls night                ALL AGES
   sky. Come early to find your spot and enjoy games for            After a long day at work, come socialize with other dog
   the whole family before the movie starts. The Mobile             lovers while the dogs socialize and play on an obstacle
   Recreation Unit will bring the games, which will start at        course specifically provided for Yappy Hour! All leading
   7:30 p.m. The movie will start at approximately 8:30 p.m.        up to National Dog Day on August 26! A super fun
   FREE. No registration required.                                  way to appreciate your beloved pet. Create unique
                                                                    handmade dog toys each week for your furry friend
   AUG 6 | SAT | MARION PARK | FREE | TOM AND JERRY                 (while supplies last). No registration required.
                                                                    AUG 11–25 | THU | 6–7 P.M. | FREE


AGES: 6-18
Presented by Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. Swim,
bike, and run in this fun mini triathlon. Registration:
Register by July 22 to receive a t-shirt. Early registration
fee is $15 through July 22. After July 22 the fee will be
$20. As a reminder, 9 a.m. is packet pickup, and all
participants must be there by this time!
AUG 12 | FRI | 10 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT | AGES: 6–7
AUG 12 | FRI | 10:15 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT | AGES: 8–9
AUG 12 | FRI | 10:30 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT | AGES: 10–11
AUG 12 | FRI | 10:45 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT | AGES: 12–13
AUG 12 | FRI | 11 A.M. | $20 PER PARTICIPANT | AGES: 14–18
Make sure to stick around for the awards ceremony!
Premium will have a drawing to win a bike for registered
participants. Prizes will be awarded to the top three male
and female finishers in each division and a drawing will
be held for a $250 gift certificate from ERIK’s Bike Shop.
ERIK’s Bike Shop will be on site to provide bike checks,
minor tuning, and tire inflation prior to the race. Each
preregistered participant will be provided with an ERIK’s
Bike Shop water bottle and a $10 gift certificate. Bring
your swimsuit, towel, bike, helmet, and running shoes.
Back by popular demand: chip timing with splits and
overall time! Call 605-367-7665 with questions. Vehicle
parking and access: Use Kuehn pool lot entrance to
drop off participant and equipment. Kuehn pool lot will
be ADA parking only. Use Sioux Falls First Church lot at
41st Street and Kuehn Park Road or Kuehn Community
Center lot at 2801 South Valley View Road. No parking in
the Kuehn golf course parking lot!

Laurel Oak and Terrace Park Aquatic Centers will each
host a “dog-a-POOL-ooza.” We invite your dog to a
fun-filled evening at the pool. Dogs will be required
to bring their owners (no more than two dogs per
owner), be current with their shots, and be ready to
have a doggone good time! Dog off-leash rules will
apply to this event. No swimming by dog owners. No
registration required.

                                                                   SUMMER 2022   21
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