Page created by Loretta Russell
November 2019- October 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rising above lockdown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with Dr Edith Eger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16 AUGUST | 8PM |

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Book now

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A survival skill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is knowing
As the representative spokesbody                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is temporary
                                          Gauteng Council business delegation                                                                                         Working with the South African and
of South African Jewry, the SAJBD         meeting with MEC Parks Tau and                                                                                              Israeli embassies, Departments               Wendy Kahn as a panelist at the
ensures that the voice of the             team from the Gauteng Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Join us at the SAJBD Gauteng Council Conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Town Hall before Dr Eger’s talk
                                                                                                                                                                      of International Relations and               Conference of Presidents of Major
community is heard on all issues          Economic Development, August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                     Through its weekly current affairs
                                                                                                                                                                      Cooperation and Home Affairs,                American Jewish Organizations annual         programme Jewish Board Talk on 101.9
that concern it. To this end, it
                                                                                                                                                                      international airlines and others,           leadership summit, Jerusalem, 2020           Chai FM, hosted by Charisse Zeifert, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16 AUGUST | 7-8 PM   Book now

maintains effective channels of
                                                                                         In December 2020 former Wits SRC                                             the Board was instrumental in                                                             Board highlights issues of importance to
communication and forges sound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brought to you by

                                                                                         President Mcebo Dlamini apologised                                           repatriating dozens of South African                                                      the local Jewish community as well as
working relationships with leading                                                       for his 2015 offensive remarks                                               citizens stranded in Israel and                                                           publicising the activities of a wide range
figures in the political, media,
                                           FIGHTING ANTISEMITISM                         against the Jewish community. He                                             assisted individuals in travelling to                                                     of Jewish organisations and individuals.
educational and civil society spheres.                                                   went on a facilitated visit to the
                                                                                                                                                                      Israel on compassionate grounds.
                                           The Board safeguards the Jewish               Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide
                                                                                         Centre. This followed a successful
                                          community against antisemitic
                                                                                         mediation between the SAJBD and
                                          attacks, using its legal, media and            Dlamini facilitated by the SA Human
                                          diplomatic resources to deal with all          Rights Commission.
                                          incidents that come to its attention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In September 2021, the SAJBD and SA
                                          and working where necessary                                                                                                                                              Jewish Report held a joint webinar to mark
                                          with such State institutions as the                                                                                                                                      the 20th anniversary of the UN World
                                          SA Human Rights Commission,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Outreach and Upliftment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Conference against Racism, an event
                                          Equality Courts and broadcasting                    THE SAJBD & COVID                                                                                                    notorious for propagating antisemitism
                                          regulatory authorities. Since the last                                               The Board convened regular
                                                                                                                                                                      National Chairman Shaun Zagnoev,             in the name of fighting racism. Panellists                                                In times of crisis in the wider
                                                                                                                                                                      President Mary Kluk, and National Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jewish Affairs, a journal devoted
                                          conference, a number of hate speech                                                  community leadership forums to                                                      included former Canadian Minister of                                                      society, the Board involves
                                                                                         The two years since the last SAJBD                                           Wendy Kahn participated in regular COVID                                                  to Jewish history and culture, has
                                          cases were brought to a successful                                                   ensure coordinated, strategic and                                                   Justice Prof Irwin Cotler, UN Special                                                     itself in disaster relief and social
                                                                                         conference have been dominated                                               interfaith engagements with President                                                     been published under the auspices
                                          conclusion. In partnership with the                                                  properly communicated responses                                                     Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or                                                      upliftment projects. The Board
                                                                                         by the worst pandemic in living                                              Ramaphosa. Mark Kluk has represented                                                      of the SAJBD since 1941. This year,
                                          SA Zionist Federation and others,                                                    to every aspect of the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Belief Ahmed Shaheed, Director of the                                                     was called upon to assist with
                                                                                         memory, the deadly and destructive                                           the community throughout the pandemic        Blaustein Institute for the Advancement      JA marked its 80th anniversary
                                          the Board also combats anti-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       relief during the unrest and
                                                                                         effects of which continue to be                                              on the COVID Ministerial Advisory            of Human Rights Felice Gaer and American     with the launch of its new website
                                          Israel bias, including on university                                                                                        Committee on Social Behaviour Change.                                                                                                  looting in KZN and Gauteng in
                                                                                         felt the world over. To help the                                                                                          Jewish Committee CEO David Harris.           (,
                                          campuses and in the media and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      July 2021. The national, KZN
                                                                                         Jewish community navigate these                                                                                                                                        which includes all material publish
                                          political spheres.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Gauteng Boards assisted
                                                                                         exceptionally difficult times,                                                                                                                                         since the beginning of 2009.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with immediate food relief and
SAJBD Gauteng Council meeting with                                                       the SAJBD has taken the lead
Johannesburg Executive Mayor, the late                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       thereafter the clean-up and
                                                                                         in coordinating a wide range of
Geoff Makhubo, October 2020. From                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            rebuilding processes.
                                                                                         support programmes, educational
left, Nick Selamolela, Wendy Kahn, Mr                                                                                                                                       THE GLOBAL ARENA
                                                                                         and advisory projects and relief
Makhubo, Prof Karen Milner, Danny                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COMMUNAL EVENTS
                                                                                         initiatives.                                                                 The SAJBD maintains solid working
                                                                                                                                                                      relationships with global Jewry,                                                                AND SERVICES
                                                                                         Access to reliable, up-to-date                                               building coalitions to address such
                                                                                         information has been critical to                                                                                                                                              Holocaust Education
                                                                                                                                                                      common issues as antisemitism
                                                                                         maintaining communal safety.                                                                                                                                                  and Commemoration
                                                                                                                                                                      and security, defending Israel and
                                                                                         In view of this, the Board set                                               fostering cultural and intellectual
                                                                                         up a COVID Jewish Community                                                                                                                                            The Board organises the annual
                                          The Board also successfully                                                                                                 exchanges. Board members
                                          approached the Randburg Magistrates            Platform to provide expert medical,   With the assistance of donors                                                                                                    Yom Hashoah ceremonies in all
                                                                                                                                                                      hold important representative
                                          Court for a restraining order against          financial, mental health and legal    in the community, the Board set                                                                                                  major centres countrywide. Due               “The SAJBD assisted with a post-riot
                                                                                                                                                                      positions on international Jewish
                                          white supremacist and Nazi sympathiser         advice, as well as updates on local   up an emergency Food Relief                                                                                                      to COVID restrictions a unified              clean-up in Daveyton and afterwards
                                                                                                                                                                      bodies, including the World Jewish                    MEDIA AND
                                          Jan Lamprecht.                                 developments and decisions.           Fund to alleviate hunger in rural                                                                                                virtual national commemoration               delivered food relief to the ECD
                                                                                                                                                                      Congress (WJC). President Mary
                                                                                                                               and urban areas across eight                                                              COMMUNICATIONS                         was organised in collaboration with          centres, schools and aged homes in
                                                                                                                                                                      Kluk and national vice-chairman                                                                                                        the East Rand, Soweto, Alexandra,
                                                                                                                               provinces, working closely with                                                                                                  the SA Holocaust and Genocide
                                                                                                                                                                      Marc Pozniak sit on the executive            It further works with other organ-                                                        Durban, Inanda and Phoenix’.
                                                                                                                               the Angel Network and other                                                                                                      Centres. This attracted an audience
                                                                                                                                                                      of the WJC while Alana Baranov is a          isations in combating prejudice
                                                                                                                               Jewish organisations. It further                                                                                                 of 17 000 people.
                                                                                                                                                                      member of the steering committee             and fostering a culture of respect
Representing the community at the                                                                                              participated in many Community
                                                                                                                                                                      of the WJC Jewish Diplomatic                 and tolerance for diversity in the           Despite additional difficulties
2020 State of the Nation address: SAJBD                                                                                        Action Network (CAN) initiatives and
                                                                                                                                                                      Corps. Through sharing skills and            wider society. Board spokespeople            caused by the lockdown, the
National Chairman Shaun Zagnoev                                                                                                widely publicised the outreach work
                                                                                                                                                                      experiences, the SAJBD enhances              regularly comment on a wide                  Board continued to work with
and the then Parliamentary Liaison                                                                                             of the Jewish community.
Chaya Singer
                                                                                                                                                                      its own effectiveness while also             array of issues for both the local and       the relevant universities in
                                                                                                                                                                      leading South African Jewry in being         international media.                         successfully resolving prob-
                                                                                                                                                                      an active, contributing component                                                         lems of exams being set
                                                                                                                                                                      of the greater Jewish world.                 The SAJBD’S Communications                   on Yom Tov.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Department promotes the work of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the SAJBD, publicises what Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Throughout lockdown the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   organisations and individuals are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SAJBD organised online                       For the 2021 local government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   contributing to South Africa and
                                           Pictured outside the court after the ruling                                                                                                                                                                          communal events.                             elections, the Board is again
                                           are Advocate Laurence Hodes, Ian Levitt                                                                                                                                 responds to anti-Jewish and anti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             running its regular #MakeUsCount
                                           and Nick Kourie from Ian Levitt Attorneys,                                                                                                                              Israel bias.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pre-election awareness campaign
                                           Prof Karen Milner and Wendy Kahn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to help the Jewish community iden-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tify with and involve itself in the
                                           In October 2020, the Randburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             democratic process. The campaign
                                           Magistrates Court imposed a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             includes multi-party election de-
                                           first-ever criminal conviction for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bates, a voter registration drive and
                                           antisemitism against Matome Let-
 Cape SAJBD meeting with Cape Town                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           assembling a multi-faith election
                                           soalo after he had incited violence                                                                                        Mary Kluk at the 75th anniversary
 Executive Mayor Dan Plato, May 2021:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        observer team to assist the Inde-
                                           against the Jewish community.                                                                                              commemoration of the liberation of
 Dawn Nathan-Jones, Mr Plato, Tzvi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pendent Electoral Commission on
 Brivik, Daniel Bloch                                                                                                                                                 Auschwitz, International Holocaust
                                                                                                                                                                      Remembrance Day, January 2020.                                                                                                         voting day.
After Jean Michel Clodion, Bacchantes,                                                            Set of six “SMART” S10612 chairs by Andreu World,
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                                        south african                                                                                               n    Volume 25 – Number 35               n    14 October 2021            n   8 Cheshvan 5782

                                   T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights

SA warmly welcomes Palestinian foreign minister    aims to further strengthen the relationship        Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related            Alliance, and the South African BDS                  South Africa towards the [Naftali] Bennett
                                                   between South Africa and Palestine.”               Intolerance, also known as the infamous           Coalition, amongst other meetings.                   government.”

              inister of International Relations       In their joint communiqué, the ministers       “Durban Conference” held in South Africa             Local political analyst Steven Gruzd says             He says the visit “reinforces ties [with
              and Cooperation Dr Naledi            “expressed their satisfaction with the             in 2001.                                          the visit shows that South Africa’s support for      the Palestinians] and puts South Africa
              Pandor, warmly welcomed the          cordial relations that exist between the two          According to the Embassy of the State          the Palestinians “continues to be vocal and          squarely in the Palestinian camp. It has shed
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of     countries, which is to be further augmented        of Palestine in South Africa Facebook page,       loyal. The hot issue, however, is the granting       all pretensions of being an ‘honest broker’
the State of Palestine Dr Riad Malki to South      by Abbas’s visit and the Palestinian leaders’      Malki also met with a group of African            of Israel’s observer status at the African           in this conflict, and for a long time, has
Africa last week – hospitality certainly not       conference to be held in Cape Town in              National Congress leaders in Pretoria, and        Union. The two pledged to work together to           chosen sides. The key thing to watch is what
offered to Israelis.                               November this year”.                               Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) groups       overturn it. Relations with Israel will remain       happens at the African Union. Israel has its
    Malki was in the country from 7 to 9               The South African government committed         Africa4Palestine, Palestinian Solidarity          tense. There has been no change from                                     Continued on page 2>>
October, and was hosted by Pandor on 8             its support for initiatives that would refocus
October for bilateral talks, according to a
media statement made by department of
                                                   the international agenda on Palestine
                                                   and the Middle East peace process. South
                                                                                                     The triumph of the ‘Cheetah’
international relations and cooperation            Africa reiterated its support for a two-state
spokesperson Clayson Monyela.                      solution and the establishment of a
    In reiterating their commitment to each        Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its
other’s causes, “both sides agreed to exert        capital.
joint efforts aimed at reversing the decision          The two ministers agreed that “they
to admit Israel as an observer member to the       would continue to work to achieve peace
African Union”, according to a joint post-talks    for the Palestinian people”, and “in the
communiqué. The ministers also agreed to           absence of sustainable peace in the region,
a planned a state visit in which South Africa      there could be no global peace, stability,
would host Palestinian President Mahmoud           and economic prosperity”.
Abbas.                                                 In their communiqué, the ministers
    South Africa is also going to host a           insisted that “security and stability in
conference for Palestinian heads of missions       the Middle East is being undermined
in Africa this year to deliberate Palestine’s      by continued occupation of Palestinian

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photograph courtesy Amir Ben David
policy towards Africa.                             territories and the aggressive actions of the
    “South Africa attaches great importance        Israeli regime”. Having said that, they called
to its relationship with Palestine, which is       on the international community to “further
underpinned by historic bonds of solidarity,       strengthen their support for the return of
friendship, and co-operation. South Africa’s       all parties to the negotiation table without
support for the Palestinian cause conforms         pre-conditions”.
with the basic tenets of its foreign policy,”          They agreed to “exert joint efforts aimed
Monyela said.                                      at reversing the decision to admit Israel
    “The international community has an            as an observer member to the African
obligation to find a comprehensive and just        Union”. They also expressed support for “the
resolution to the Palestinian issue,” he said.     Durban Declaration and Plan of Action”
“South Africa calls for international support      which they say “remains a clarion call for
and increased efforts for the just cause of        anti-racism advocacy and action worldwide”.
the Palestinian people to address their                The Durban Declaration was the
legitimate demand for an independent state         document that emerged out of the                                                                                                                                      See story on page 16

alongside a peaceful state of Israel. The visit    World Conference against Racism, Racial

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                                                    Israeli-American Joshua                                                 disputed the account,                                                                          half a century, a                                         attention because they “didn’t
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                                                                                                                                                                      r i e f • • Wo

                                                    Angrist shares Nobel Prize                                              saying Herman asked                                                                             Jewish couple was                                        own banks”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   r i e f • • Wo r l
                w a sher                            Professor Joshua Angrist, an                                            the student, who was                                                                            married in Bahrain                                         Jewish community leaders and

                                                                                                                                                                        in B
                                                    economist at the Massachusetts                                          wearing a hooded                                                                                on Sunday,                                               others decried the comments
          s,         es, Stoves


        e        chi                                Institute of Technology with dual                                       sweatshirt, to take off                                                                        10 October.                                               by Enrico Michetti, a radio host

     idg ing Ma

                                                                                                                                                                                        d                                 si
                                                    Israeli-American citizenship,                                           her hood because it was                                         orl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The wedding, which                                        who is the centre-right coalition’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ••W         rief
   F sh
      a             & more                          was named one of three winners                                          blocking her eyes. When                                                                  was held at the Ritz Carlton                                    candidate in the 17 and 18
    W ble Dryers                                    of the 2021 Nobel Prize in                                              Herman realised the student was                                                    in Manama, was a milestone                                            October mayoral election.
   Tum                   Call Jason                 Economics for his work on                                               wearing the hood as a hijab, she                                                   for the Jewish community in                                             “Each year, 40 Holocaust-
    082 401 8239 / 076 210 6532                     the impact of public policy                                             told the student she didn’t need                                                   the Gulf nation, which opened                                         related movies are shot, trips and
      FREE QUOTATIONS                               developments on society.                                                to remove it.                                                                      diplomatic relations with Israel                                      cultural initiatives of all sorts
                                                                                                                              The South Orange-Maplewood                                                       in 2020.                                                              are financed to commemorate
                                                    Jewish teacher accused of                                               school district is investigating.                                                     Bahrain has been home to                                           that horrible persecution, and up
                                                    forcibly removing student’s                                                                                                                                a Jewish community for more                                           to here, I have nothing to say,”
                                                    hijab                                                                   First Jewish wedding in                                                            than 140 years, but many of                                           Michetti wrote on the website
                                                    A Jewish teacher at a New                                               Bahrain in 52 years                                                                its younger members choose to                                         of the radio station where he is
                                                    Jersey public school has been                                                                                                                                leave the country. Community                                        a host. “But I wonder why the
                                                    accused of pulling a hijab off                                                                                                                               leaders hailed the wedding                                          same pity and consideration
                                                    of a seven-year-old girl, and                                                                                                                                as a sign of the community’s                                        isn’t given to the dead killed in
                                                    the Council on American                                                                                                                                      resurgence.                                                         the foibe massacres [of Italians
                                                    Islamic relations has called for                                                                                                                                                                                                 by Yugoslav partisans], in the
                                                    her removal.                                                                                                                                                     Rome mayoral candidate                                          refugee camps, and in the mass
    OUR TEAM IS GROWING!                               The teacher, Tamar                                                                                                                                            apologises for antisemitic                                      murders that still take place in
                                                    Herman, allegedly told the                                                                                                                                       comments                                                        the world?
  The Torah Academy School is looking for a         girl to take off her hijab in                                                                                                                                A leading candidate for mayor                                         “Perhaps because they didn’t
     passionate, dynamic and competent
    Kodesh Teacher in the Primary School!           front of her class at the Seth                                                                                                                               in Rome has apologised to                                           own banks, perhaps because they
                                                    Boyden Elementary school                                                                                                                                     the Jewish community over                                           didn’t belong to lobbies capable
 Candidates must:                                   in Maplewood. When the girl                                                                                                                                  an article he wrote last year                                       of deciding the destinies of the
 v Have an inborn love and passion for              refused, the teacher allegedly                                                                                                                               in which he suggested that                                          planet.”
   Yiddishkeit                                      removed the hijab herself.                                                                                                                                   victims of mass murders other
 v Be a role model for students                        A lawyer representing Herman                                         For the first time in more than                                                    than the Holocaust get less                                           • All briefs supplied by JTA
 v Be a team player
 v Have excellent technical and admin               SA warmly welcomes Palestinian foreign minister
   skills and a good work ethic                     >>Continued from page 1
                                                      its fair share of African opponents, but                           policies of conflict resolution through                                            and welcome development. The South                                      States, Africa, and the Arab world. It’s
          to start January 2022                    also many African friends. Will they stick                            negotiation and talking,” she says. “This                                          African government remains out of step                                  not Israel, but South Africa, that’s the
      part-time (20 hours per week)                their necks out for Israel? We will see.                              action only seeks to push peace building                                           with the rest of the continent who are                                  odd one out. We would encourage the
                                                   South Africa has been lobbying against                                and the attainment of a sustainable two-                                           moving swiftly ahead with relations                                     South African government to take the
     If you believe you are what we are            the [observer status] decision, and has                               state solution even further away.”                                                 with Israel,” he says.                                                  opportunity to reach out to Israel to
    looking for, please send your CV to            influenced southern African states to                                    “The South African Zionist Federation                                              “The new Israeli government’s                                        engage for the mutual benefit of both
                    oppose it.”                                                           [SAZF] has noted the comments of                                                   prime minister and foreign minister                                     nations and as a means of making
  *Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted      Gruzd maintains there’s “virtually no                              Minister Pandor and Palestinian                                                    have been warmly welcomed in the                                        a positive, proactive contribution to
                                                   chance” of Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair                             Minister Malki. It seems the entire focus                                          major capitals of Europe, the United                                    finding further peace in the region.”
                                                   Lapid being invited for a similar visit.                              of the engagement was to undermine
                                                   “Relations remain tense, and South Africa
                                                   won’t be seen to reward Israel for its
                                                                                                                         Israel’s admission as an observer
                                                                                                                         to the African Union,” says SAZF                                                        Shabbat Times                                                             brought to you by
                                                   policies and practices,” he said.                                     National Chairperson Rowan Polovin.
                                                      Wendy Kahn, the national director                                  “We believe this is a foolhardy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Spencer Schwartz from You Realty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Residential Property Sales and Rentals (countrywide)
                                                   of the South African Jewish Board of                                  hypocritical approach to international
                                                   Deputies (SAJBD), says, “The SAJBD                                    relations.
                                                   believes that for South Africa to play                                   “Israel has had a mutually beneficial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Starts Ends
                                                   a meaningful role towards a peaceful                                  relationship with African states for                                                   Johannesburg                                          17:56         18:47
                                                   outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian                                    more than 70 years. It has been at the                                                 Cape Town                                             18:42         19:35
                                                   situation, it would need to engage with                               forefront of efforts to help solve some                                                Durban                                                17:48         18:40
                                                   both Israelis and Palestinians. Without                               of the most important developmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bloemfontein                                          18:06         18:58
                                                   speaking to the Israeli leadership, it’s not                          challenges on our continent, including
                                                   possible to truly understand the situation                            in the areas of health, agriculture, youth                                             Port Elizabeth                                        18:13         19:07
                                                   and to gain trust in order to bring the                               development, water, education, and                                                     East London                                           18:03         18:56
                                                   parties to the negotiating table.                                     energy,” Polovin says.                                                                                                         I can’t buy or sell your Bobba, but I certainly can sell your home.
                                                      “The dogged campaign by South Africa                                  “The admission of Israel as an
                                                   to exclude Israel from the African Union is                           observer to the AU, alongside more                                                                                                     Spencer Schwartz • 084 524 4616
                                                   antithetical to our international-relations                           than 70 other countries, is a historic                                                                                           

                                                                              Torah Thought                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rabbi Pini Pink,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chabad Greenstone
                                                                              In the brave steps of Abraham

                                                                                       n this week’s Torah portion,                                                                     verse can additionally be seen as a                                                    this path before us. The Midrash
                                                                                       Lech Lecha, we read about                                                                        command to us to leave the comfort                                                     teaches that “the actions of the
                                                                                       the first Jew, Avraham, who                                                                      of our insular lives and venture out                                                   fathers are a signpost for the
                                                                                    resisted the tide of paganism,                                                                      to the world at large to transform it                                                  children”. Another translation of
                                                                                    idolatry, and immorality. Society                                                                   into a G-dly place.                                                                    the word siman or “signpost” is
                                                                                    had moved away from monotheism                                                                        While we may be satisfied by                                                         “empowerment”, and the Midrash
                                                                                    and Avraham’s beliefs were                                                                          staying within the safe confines of                                                    teaches us that by risking their lives
                                                                                    ridiculed. However, Avraham                                                                         the Judaism that we have grown                                                         to spread the belief in one G-d, our
                                                                                    stayed the course and in spite of                                                                   up with, it’s no recipe for growth.                                                    forefathers made it easier for us to
                                                                                    great personal risk and at the cost                                                                 G-d therefore tells us that if we                                                      follow their example.
                                                                                    of ostracism from his family, he                                                                    enter the real world, our full inner                                                     At this time of year, when we
                                                                                    spread the belief in one G-d.                                                                       potential will be realised, and our                                                    have hopefully been inspired by a
                                                                                      The portion opens with G-d                                                                        true, best selves will come to the                                                     month of festivals and are thinking
                                                                                    giving Avraham a direct command                                                                     fore.                                                                                  about moving forward in our
                                                                                    to travel out of his homeland and                                                                     Fighting the prevailing attitudes                                                    Judaism, we can be confident that
                                                                                    away from his family in order to                                                                    of the day has never been easy,                                                        we are following the advice of tried
                                                                                    spread his newfound message.                                                                        but as Jews, we can be reassured                                                       and tested authorities all the way
                                                                                    G-d’s command to Avraham in this                                                                    that our forefathers have travelled                                                    back to Avraham.

                                                                                                                                       Editor Peta Krost Maunder – • Sub-editor Julie Leibowitz
                                                                                                                                       Journalists Nicola Miltz • Tali Feinberg • Junior Reporter Saul Kamionsky • Photographer Ilan
                                                                                                                                       Ossendryver • Editorial co-ordinator Martine Bass –
                                                                                        T h e so u r c e o f q u a lit y c o n t e n t , n e w s a n d in sig h t s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Audit Bureau of Circulations
                                                                                    Proofreader Kim Hatchuel Advertising Britt Landsman: 082 292 9520 – • New business development manager                             of South Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              transparency you can see

                                                                                    Laura Kaufman • Design and layout Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – • Distribution Sandy Furman
                                                                                    Subscriptions Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860 525 200 • Board of Directors Howard Sackstein (Chairperson), Dina Diamond, Herschel Jawitz, Shaun Matisonn,
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14 – 21 October 2021                                                                                SA JEWISH REPORT 3

Jeweller’s senseless murder                                                                                                                                                                     I want to
                                                                                                                                                                                                buy your
leaves community reeling                                                                                                                                                                         bobba!                                    old or new,
NICOLA MILTZ                                                              large.                                                                                                                                                         we’ll pay you
                                                                             As news of Kopelowitz’ passing rippled                                                                                                                      a wow price

        he hearts of a Johannesburg family have                           through the community, heartfelt tributes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for your car.
        been ripped apart after the senseless                             come pouring in from close friends and family
        murder this week of well-known jeweller                           who described Mark as a “true mensch”.
Mark Kopelowitz, who was shot in cold blood                                  He was a devoted and committed son,
during an armed robbery outside his store.                                husband, father, and brother, described by all
   Kopelowitz’s tragic death on Monday,                                   who knew him as “thoughtful, kind, caring,                                                                                                Call Alan: 082 850 0004
11 October, has sent shock waves through the                              and generous to a fault”, someone who would                                                                                      
community. Hundreds of people are struggling                              literally give the shirt off his back.
to come to terms with the untimely passing of                                The family are stalwarts of the Linksfield
this much-loved father of four who “lived for his                         Senderwood Hebrew Congregation, with just
family”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     dreams for me.’”
   “He was my everything, the absolute love of                                                                                                                                                                                  Kopelowitz was born and raised in
my life,” said his devastated wife, Linda, who                                                                                                                                                                               Witbank. He matriculated from King David
told the SA Jewish Report she was “battling to                                                                                                                                                                               Linksfield, and attended the University of
make sense of it all”.                                                                                                                                                                                                       the Witwatersrand, where he completed his
   “I cannot believe it. I’m still waiting for him to                                                                                                                                                                        LLB degree.
come home,” she said.                                                                                                                                                                                                           “He was a qualified lawyer, but business
   The couple were childhood sweethearts and                                                                                                                                                                                 was his passion,” said Linda.
soulmates from the moment they met in their                                                                                                                                                                                     According to friends, Kopelowitz was
teens. “We went out for ten years and have                                                                                                                                                                                   a natural entrepreneur and retailer. He
been happily married for 25. How am I going to                                                                                                                                                                               sold jewellery in flea markets in his early
get through this?” asked Linda, who said their                                                                                                                                                                               twenties before going on to make a name
young son and three older daughters, one of                                                                                                                                                                                  for himself in the mainstream retail sector
whom writes her matric finals in two weeks,                                                                                                                                                                                  as MK Jewellers, with a handful of stores in
were heartbroken.                                                                                                                                                                                                            upmarket shopping malls.
   When Kopelowitz, 54, left home on that                                                                                                                                                                                       Friends this week said Kopelowitz had a
fateful Monday morning he was filled with                                                                                                                                                                                    great sense of humour and was a sociable
renewed optimism about work. Earlier that                                                                                                                                                                                    person who was exceptionally goal driven
morning after attending shul, he and his                                                                                                                                                                                     and ambitious. He loved beautiful things
son, Cole, 13, made coffee for all the                                                                                                                                                                                       like décor, spending time with his family,
congregants present at the minyan. The                                                                                                                                                                                       and hiking when time allowed.
third wave of the pandemic was over,                                                                                                                                                                                            His two older sisters, Maxine Jaffit and Robyn
and retail business was picking                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sher, said their brother was “a deep
                                                                                                                                                Mark, Ruby, Cole, Amber, Linda, and Aurah Kopelowitz
up. Tragically, Kopelowitz                                                                                                                                                                                                              thinker who was the embodiment of
arrived at his Kays Family                                                                                                                                                                                                              compassion and kindness”.
Jewellers in Centurion Mall                                                                   about the entire shul present at                     was without trousers and shoes.
while the armed robbery                                                                        Tuesday’s funeral. Rabbi Levi                          “In good Mark style, he doesn’t give him
was in progress. He was                                                                         Avtzon described the family as                     money, he takes off his pants, takes off his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “EVERY ONE OF US
fatally shot while robbers                                                                      “royalty in the community”,                        shoes, hands it to the beggar and goes home                                       STANDING HERE FELT
were fleeing the shop with                                                                      being one of the oldest members                    early without pants. And it happened more                                        LIKE SOMEBODY HAD
stolen goods.                                                                                   of the shul.                                       than once,” he said.                                                              STUCK A HAND INTO
   Linda received an                                                                              A religious and observant man,                      There were no half measures with him,                                            OUR HEARTS AND
urgent and dreaded                                                                             Kopelowitz attended morning                         said the rabbi.
phone call from Michael                                                                        and evening prayers with his                           “I have never seen a father so obsessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   REMOVED A PART OF IT.”
Phillips, Kopelowitz’s                                                                          son every day, and the two had                     with his kids. Each night he would come
cousin, who was there to                                                                         recently started wearing black                    home, talk to each one of them individually,
meet him at the store.                                                                            hats.                                            lie down with them, ask them how their day                                  “Mark loved business and always wanted
The rest is a blur as                                                                                 “Every one of us standing                    was. His biggest dream was to have naches                                 to do well. He was an extremely hard worker
Linda frantically hurried to be by                                                                  here felt like somebody had                    from his children.”                                                       and never stopped trying. He did everything
her husband’s side.                                                                                  stuck a hand into our hearts                     Addressing Linda, he said, “He was                                     for us,” said Linda.
   “I got there after they had                                                                        and removed a part of it,”                   obsessed with you, and you were obsessed                                    Police said the arrested suspects were
already covered his body. It                                                                           said Avtzon, describing                     with him. Everybody knew it, it was no                                    found in possession of the vehicle which
was a crime scene,” she said in                                                                        Kopelowitz as “one of a                     secret, and he did whatever he could to                                   was allegedly used to flee the scene of the
disbelief.                                                                                            kind in so many ways”.                       bring joy to his family.”                                                 robbery. Both suspects are expected to
   Police arrested two suspects                                                                        He recalled a day when                         To the four Kopelowitz children, Amber,                                appear in court shortly.
that night in Hillbrow in                                                                         Kopelowitz stripped off his                      Ruby, Aurah, and Cole, he said, “The biggest                                The police are appealing to the public to
connection with the robbery,                                                                     clothes to hand to a beggar who                   way to honour your father is by living life to                            come forward with any information that can
and are on the hunt for a further                                                                                                                  the fullest. I can only imagine Mark saying,                              assist with the investigation on the Crime
four suspects who are still at                                                                Mark and Linda at Cole’s Barmitzvah                  ‘Please don’t sacrifice your happiness and                                Stop line 08600 10 111.

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4 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                        14 – 21 October 2021

Desai “dismissive and unapologetic” about breaching code
NICOLA MILTZ                                                  requested its dismissal.                                         “somewhat insouciant and dismissive attitude towards            stay out of politics.”
                                                                  Desai submitted that his response must be considered         the gravity of his violations of the code”.                        The SAZF’s affidavit accused Desai of adopting a

         he South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) this      in the context of the following principles, to which                 The affidavit said Desai relied “heavily on background      partisan view of the conflict in the Middle East, and
         week called for former High Court Judge Siraj        he subscribes and which are relevant to this                                  Former High descriptions of his character          accused him of selectively citing from the contents of the
         Desai to be held accountable for contravening        complaint.                                                                    Court Judge and pro-human-rights work”             Goldstone Report by failing to mention that the report
the judicial code of conduct for his anti-Israel views and        “First, silence by judges in the face of injustice                         Siraj Desai but said that the complaint           concluded that both sides of the conflict were guilty.
support of terror organisation Hamas.                         and violations of basic human rights, particularly                                               was about his conduct. All         It said Desai’s failure to mention any blameworthy
   “As a citizen, he has every right to be an ardent pro-     given the history of South Africa, is inconsistent                                               the background information      conduct by Palestinian armed groups again
Palestinian, anti-Zionist advocate,” the SAZF said in its     with judicial office,” he wrote.                                                                 amounted to “an attempt         demonstrated that plainly, he was a partisan advocate
replying affidavit submitted on Tuesday, 12 October,              “Judicial officers, therefore, have a particular                                             to deflect the focus from       who supported one party in the conflict.
to the Judicial Conduct Committee (JCC). “As a judicial       duty to confront injustice, promote equality for                                                 conduct that is a clear            In a statement this week, the SAZF said, “An officer of
officer, he is constrained by the code, yet he plainly        all under the law, and condemn racism in all its                                                 contravention of both the       the South African court shouldn’t support an anti-Jewish
continues to conduct himself without restraint in             forms.                                                                                           underlying precepts and         extremist organisation, Hamas.
advocating against Israel and in support of Palestinian           “Second, judges don’t exist in isolation. They don’t         provisions of the code”.                                           “For example, last year, during an interview with
causes.”                                                      perform their functions in a cloistered monastery isolated           The response said Desai was “utterly unapologetic in        an Iranian YouTuber, Desai made inappropriate
   In the affidavit, the SAZF again accuses Desai of          from society. They are members of the community with             his disregard for the limitations placed upon him by the        statements likening Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, an
continuing to politicise the judiciary with inflammatory      their own beliefs, opinions, and sympathies.”                    code”, and accused Desai of being “rather quite brazen”         acknowledged violator of human rights, to former
comments that run contrary to the judicial code of                Quoting the Constitutional Court, his response said          in trying to justify it on human-rights grounds, “which is      President Nelson Mandela. This comparison between
conduct. By allegedly doing so, the organisation accuses      “absolute neutrality” was something of a chimera in the          again an evasion of the issues at hand”.                        the champion of peace, who led the struggle for the
Desai of undermining the separation of powers between         judicial context because “judges are human. They are                 The response said Desai’s conduct and stance was            fall of apartheid, with a regime that commits gross
government and the judiciary.                                 unavoidably the product of their own life experience, and        “incompatible” with the position of the law, as noted           human-rights abuses, is offensive to South African
   The JCC is part of the Judicial Services Commission        the perspective thus derived inevitably and distinctively        by Judge Phineas Mojapelo in the matter between                 history and calls into question the moral judgement
which is responsible for dealing with complaints against      informs each judge’s performance of his or her judicial          Africa4Palestine and Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.             of Desai.”
judges.                                                       duties.”                                                             In that matter, Judge Mojapelo noted, “The rule                The SAZF said that during the same interview,
   The matter goes back to July, when the SAZF lodged             In this week’s response, Professor Anthony Arkin on          is clear: South African judges are prohibited from              Judge Desai undermined South African foreign policy
a complaint with the JCC accusing Desai of action and         behalf of the SAZF, said it was clear from Desai’s reply that    belonging to political parties; and they are not to be          by referring to the United States, a major trade partner
conduct “entirely unbecoming of a judicial officer”.          he didn’t deny his conduct and the events upon which             involved in political controversies [debates/disputations],     and supporter of our country, as a “Great Satan”.
The SAZF charged that Desai had, over many years,             the complaint was based, accusing Desai of adopting a            whether linked to political parties or not. Judges are to                                      Continued on page 5>>
breached the code of judicial conduct, and accused him
of being a politicised judge. It also questioned his recent
appointment as legal services ombudsman in which his            Israel’s status on agenda of AU executive
role is to safeguard the integrity of the legal profession.     NICOLA MILTZ                                                                                     in bringing about peace between Israel and Palestine, drawing on lessons from the
   For many years, Desai has been an active anti-Israel                                                                                                          African nationalist movements and the experiences of decolonisation and reconciliation

lobbyist, and has openly shown support for pro-Palestine                     n the eve of the meeting of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU)         following various conflicts can be used to inspire negotiation and peace between the
activities and lobby groups including the Boycott,                           this week, there has been much speculation about whether Israel’s recent            Israelis and Palestinians.”
Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.                                        granting of observer status will be debated, and if calls for the decision to be       Meanwhile, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) has joined various African civil
   Desai lashed back in a 24-page replying affidavit in         rescinded will be heard.                                                                         society organisations from across the continent in their call for African heads of state to
which he vehemently denied the allegations calling                 The announcement in July that Israel had been granted observer status at the AU               reaffirm unanimously Israel’s admission as an observer member of the AU.
some of them “factually incorrect” and “based on hearsay        drew sharp reaction from several countries on the continent, including South Africa.                “Israel has had a mutually beneficial relationship with African states for more than
evidence”. He said the complaint “was without merit”, and          Last week, International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) Minister Naledi Pandor             70 years. It has been at the forefront of efforts to help solve some of the most important
                                                                met her Palestinian counterpart, Riad Malki, and again expressed dissatisfaction with            developmental challenges on the continent. These include the areas of health,
                                                                Israel’s status. (See story on page 1.)                                                          agriculture, youth development, water, education, and energy.
                                                                   During the official bilateral talks held at Dirco, Pandor said South Africa wasn’t party to
                                                                the AU’s “shocking” decision to grant Israel observer status.
                                                                   In July, Pretoria moved swiftly to lobby other Southern African Development
                                                                Community states against the decision.
                                                                   Many said the decision had been taken unilaterally by AU Commission Chairperson                                                                    Assembly of the African Union
                                                                Moussa Faki Mahamat, and expressed solidarity with Palestine.
                                                                   Out of 55 member states, 46 enjoy diplomatic relations with Israel. There are about
                                                                17 member countries opposing observer status.
                                                                   It’s understood that the matter was placed on the agenda of the AU executive council
                                                                following complaints by some member states.
                                                                   Professor Hussein Solomon of the University of the Free State wrote recently that
                                                                South Africa was “out of sync” with the views of most African heads of state. “Isolating
                                                                Israel won’t work in promoting the well-being of Palestinians. This was tried for decades
                                                                by Arab countries and has failed.”
                                                                   Jean-Pierre Alumba Lukamba, the international director of the African Diaspora for
                                                                Development, (ADD), told the SA Jewish Report this week that according to the guiding                “The admission of Israel as an observer to the African Union, alongside more than 70
                                                                principles of the AU, Israel should be at the opening of the AU’s executive council              other countries, is a historic and welcome development. It should be celebrated and not
                                                                meeting this week as an observer member for the first time in nearly 20 years.                   undermined by those who aren’t interested in peace and prosperity on the continent,”
                                                                   The ADD has reiterated its call to African heads of state to maintain unanimously             it said.
                                                                the admission of the state of Israel as an observer member.                                          The SAZF called on other organisations connected to Africa and its diaspora to sign a
                                                                   In a statement, the ADD said, “The African people will derive great benefit from the          letter of support to the AU.
                                                                state of Israel, which has notably established agricultural co-operatives, youth training            The letter is signed by prominent progressive international African organisations,
                                                                                                   centres, and medical facilities in countries such as          companies, leaders, activists, youth movements, and trade unions. It says Israel’s
                                                                                                   Ghana, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, and Côte d’Ivoire.               admission seeks to “enhance the work of Israeli African co-operation on development
                                                                                                      “Israel supported the use of technology for the            programmes at bilateral and multilateral levels. Admittance is in the interests of peace
                                                                                                   sustainable development of Africa in accordance with a        and dialogue.”
                                                                                                   resolution adopted by the United Nations,” it said, and it        Faki Mahamat accepted the credentials of Aleligne Admasu, Israel’s ambassador to
                                                                                                   was “convinced” that admission to the AU of Israel would      Ethiopia, on 22 July.
                                                                                                   help to advance the African continent towards a better            He said at the time that he hoped the move would contribute to the “intensification
                                                                                                   future for the well-being of African people.                  of the advocacy of the AU for the fulfilment of the principle of two states and the
                                                                                                      The ADD joined its voice to those of other civil society   restoration of peace between Israel and Palestine” and reiterated the “unflinching
                                                                                                   organisations, and asked the African heads of state to        commitment” of the AU to the fundamental rights of the Palestinians.
                                                                                                   include it on its agenda this week.                               This included their “right to establish an independent national state, with East
                                                                                                      Earlier this week, the ADD held a peaceful rally in        Jerusalem as its capital, within the framework of a global, fair, and definitive peace
                                                                                                   Abuja in support of Israel’s observer status.                 between Israel and Palestine.”
                                                                                                      Olubunmi Fagbuyiro, the Economic Community of                  Faki Mahamat said the reservations expressed by “a few members” about this
                                                                                                   West African States representative of the ADD, said that      decision justified his intention to include it on the agenda of this week’s session of the
                                                                                                   there was still concern about countries who opposed           executive council.
                                                                                                   this observer status. “The AU should embrace Israel, as           Israel obtained AU observer status after 20 years of diplomatic efforts. It had
                                                                                                   the country has already demonstrated its willingness for      previously held the role at the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), but was long
                                                                                                   fruitful partnership with Africa,” Fagbuyiro said.            thwarted in its attempts to regain it after the OAU was disbanded in 2002 and replaced
                                                                                                      He said Israel had been pivotal in the provision of        by the AU.
                                                                                                   green energy, health infrastructure, and infrastructure           Apart from South Africa, other countries opposing Israel’s member status include
                                                                                                   for sustainable water supply in many countries on the         Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia.
                                                                                                   continent. He noted Israel’s contribution to the fight            Most other countries on the continent have sought closer ties with Israel, such as
                                                                                                   against Ebola in Africa.                                      Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda, and have secured Israeli help, expertise, and
                                                                                                      “It’s our view that the AU can play an important role      investment in many areas from water and agriculture to tech start-ups.
14 – 21 October 2021                                                                                                                                                          SA JEWISH REPORT 5

Mogoeng may be dogged by Israel question into retirement
TALI FEINBERG                                            resolve his appeal. “The JSC, by its delays,    signalling as to South Africa’s official            service. Of course, we must bear in mind
                                                         has essentially allowed the chief justice to    position, and perhaps suggesting that it            that this is similar to the complaint being

         lthough Chief Justice Mogoeng                   undermine its own ruling by not settling        wasn’t a coherent view,” says Fritz. “But           made against retired Judge Siraj Desai [by
         Mogoeng’s decade-long tenure                    the matter before the chief justice’s term      more concerning, there was fear that his            the South African Zionist Federation].
         was filled with ups and downs, his              came to an end,” it said.                       views would create the perception that              These cases may affect each other.”
comments in support of Israel last year may                Nicole Fritz, the founder and chief           he would be incapable of determining a                 He says it’s important to compare the
be the thing that South Africans remember                executive of Freedom Under Law, explains        dispute that related to Israel in a way that        utterances of Desai and Mogoeng. “Desai
the most.                                                that “the complaints                            was impartial. So, I think the ruling might         had a direct meeting with Hamas, which is
  As he retired this week, the saga                      relating to Chief Justice                         chill any comments from any future chief          regarded as a terrorist group. And he called
remained unresolved. Will he still have to                                                                                                                   America the “Great Satan”. Mogoeng said he
deal with the Israel issue or will it end as he                                                                                                              supported both sides and wanted peace. So,
leaves office? Furthermore, where does it                                                                                                                    if Mogoeng is disciplined and Desai isn’t, we
leave Israel supporters in South Africa?                                                                                                                     could have a problem.”
  Mogoeng was taken to task for comments                                                                                                                        Oppenheimer says these judgements tend
he made during a Jerusalem Post webinar                                                                                                                      to take years, and he was surprised at how
with Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein in                   Outgoing Chief Justice                                                                             quickly Mojapelo ruled against Mogoeng.
June 2020, and later at a prayer meeting                  Mogoeng Mogoeng                                                                                    He points out, “If you have an ongoing
when he refused to apologise for what he                                                                                                                     disciplinary hearing and you leave your
had said.                                                                                                                                                    employer, that complaint is moot.” Yet he
  Africa4Palestine, the Boycott,                                                                                                                             thinks it’s important that the finding is
Divestment, Sanctions South Africa (BDS                                                                                                                      resolved, “so that other judges know what
SA) coalition, and the Women’s Cultural                                                                                                                      the rules are”.
Group laid complaints against him, saying                                                                                                                       Judge Dennis Davis told the SA Jewish
he had flouted rules regarding judicial                                                                                                                      Report, “That the chief justice has retired
ethics. The matter was adjudicated by                                                                                                                        doesn’t prevent the JSC from pursuing
Judge Phineas Mojapelo.                                                                                                                                      the complaint. The problem of whether a
  Among other points, the chief justice                                                                                                                      sitting judge can criticise South African
said in the webinar that, “We are denying                                                                                                                    government policy, in particular foreign
ourselves the opportunity of being a game                                                                                                                    policy, remains. I doubt whether this
changer in the Israeli-Palestinian situation.                                                                                                                extends to comments about Israel per
The forgiveness that was displayed by                                                                                                                        se, although manifestly, as was evident
President Mandela is an asset that we must                                                                                                                   from JSC hearing, support for Israel – in
use around the world.”                                   Mogoeng’s comments about Israel don’t fall      justice regarding Israel, and it should. But        particular current policy – is likely to elicit
  But in March 2021, the Judicial Conduct                away just because he has retired. We have       I don’t think it will serve to chill anyone         criticism.”
Committee directed Mogoeng to apologise                  seen a number of complaints processes           else’s expressions of support for Israel.”             A prominent advocate speaking on
unconditionally for the statements he made               continue irrespective of retired justices,         Hugh Corder, professor emeritus of               condition of anonymity says, “Mogoeng
about Israel. He chose to appeal the ruling.             because what is sought to be disciplined        public law at the University of Cape Town,          allowed himself to get sucked into
That was at the beginning of April 2021,                 is conduct that took place while they were      told the SA Jewish Report that judges’              controversy. Maybe he’s heading towards a
and was the last public announcement                     judges. Often there is a sanction directed      service was rather peculiar – they remain on        political career, or even the pulpit. But he
made on the issue.                                       towards the individual judge, but also it’s     full judicial salary for life, so are regarded as   won’t be asked to sit as an arbitrator or on
  On 11 October 2021, Africa4Palestine                   important that the disciplining process         being subject to the judicial code of conduct       commissions of enquiry.”
released a media statement saying that                   be used to educate the public and other         as a consequence. “Thus, unless some other             There are many who will continue
the chief justice was leaving his office “in             members of the judiciary as to what is          arrangement has been made, Mogoeng                  to fight for Mogoeng to support Israel
disgrace”, with South Africa’s Judicial                  permitted when one is holding judicial          won’t be able to escape the consequences of         publicly. South African Friends of Israel
Services Commission (JSC) failing to                     office.”                                        any of his statements which have affected           spokesperson Bafana Modise, says, “We
                                                            As for whether the final finding will        his standing and reputation, whether they           salute him for taking a stand for the state
Desai “dismissive and unapologetic”                      affect those wishing to express support for     be on Israel/Palestine or the effects of the        of Israel. We salute him for being bold and
about breaching code                                     Israel in South Africa, “Quite honestly I       COVID-19 vaccine.”                                  unapologetic about his beliefs and Biblical
>>Continued from page 4                                  don’t think it will,” she says. “It wasn’t so      Advocate Mark Oppenheimer says                   truth. Today, Chief Justice Mogoeng – who
                                                         much that the expression of support was         Mogoeng’s Israel issue could fade into              was doubted and even mocked for his
   “This is a clear violation of the code of conduct     for Israel per se, it was that as head of the   oblivion if no one pushes for it to be              Christian beliefs – has become the longest
for the judiciary and the separation of powers           judiciary, he was straying into territory       resolved. But with organisations agitating          serving chief justice in our country. In him,
inherent in our Constitution. Instead of apologising     that would make it difficult to see a unified   for a conclusion, this is unlikely to happen.       South Africa has a true South African friend
for these utterances, Judge Desai subsequently           government response from South Africa.          “He’s still bound by the contents of the            of Israel. May South Africa continue to echo
and unapologetically reiterated both stances at a           “I think the concern was what he as          Judicial Services Conduct Act. In addition,         his sentiments – to pray for the peace of
political event in Cape Town a few weeks ago,” the       head of one arm of the government was           retired judges can still be called back for         Jerusalem.”
statement said.
   “In spite of his long-standing links to
organisations such as BDS, in 2015, Judge Desai
presided over a case brought by BDS activists rather
than recusing himself on the basis of conflict of
   The SAZF accused Desai in 2018 of entertaining
Palestinian extremist group Hamas during its trip to
South Africa.
   “Hamas is a violent organisation whose founding
charter calls for Jewish genocide and the total
destruction of Israel. Using the prestige of the
judicial office to promote publicly an extremist
organisation is clearly contrary to the precepts
underlying the judicial code of conduct, and shows
an open hostility towards the Jewish community
and the rights of South African minorities,” the
statement said.
   The SAZF said it didn’t bring this complaint to the
Judicial Complaints Commission lightly, and didn’t
aim to curtail freedom of expression.
   “The SAZF is on record as defending the rights of
judges to express their views within the ambit of the
judicial code, especially when balanced fairly in the
interests of justice. However, with the appointment
of Judge Siraj Desai as legal services ombudsman
and in the interests of justice and the reputation
of the legal profession, it’s essential to hold Judge
Desai accountable for his actions and violations of
the code of judicial conduct which is unacceptable
from a judicial officer.”
6 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                             14 – 21 October 2021

 Jewish Report                                                                                     Service delivery comes
      south african

   The source of quality content, news and insights
                                                                                                   last in race for power
No more double standards                                                                           OPINION                                                    PAUL BERKOWITZ

W                                                                                                  W
          hen the South African government hosts                                                             e are less than three weeks away             Many voters,
          the foreign affairs minister of another                                                            from a local government election,         including members of
          country, it’s generally good news. When we                                                         and it’s likely to be our most chaotic    the Jewish community,
welcome leadership from elsewhere, it mostly means                                                 and fractious since 1994. The country has           make ballot choices
increased co-operation between the two states,                                                     been under lockdown for 18 months, and this         based on ideology and gut feel. In past
building relationships, and boosting trade.                                                        has had a direct effect on voter registration       elections, the African Christian Democratic
   In fact, in the past 18 months, in spite of the                                                 and political campaigning. Voter turnout will       Party has been touted as a viable choice
pandemic, we have hosted a number of leaders,                                                      probably reach a 15-year low.                       because of its pro-Israel stance. ActionSA has
including President Emmanuel Macron of France;                                                       Ironically, just as political participation       incorporated xenophobia and border control
Spanish secretary of state for foreign affairs, Cristina                                           and education has been declining, the need          in its 2021 campaign, parties like the Patriotic
Gallach Figueras; Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister                                                for clean, accountable local government             Alliance and the Cape Coloured Congress have
Sabri Boukadoum; Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, the                                                 has never been greater. The vast majority           appealed to racial identity, while the African
president of the Republic of Malawi; and Lesotho Prime Minister Dr Moeketsi Majoro.                of municipalities – including the City of           National Congress (ANC) and Economic
   The countries we invite or simply welcome are varied, some being more or less important         Johannesburg – have unacceptably high levels        Freedom Fighters have used populist slogans
to us in terms of trade and bilateral agreements. Some official visitors are more or less          of financial risk and service delivery failures.    and messaging to appeal to voters. Even the
impressive to host. Nevertheless, making friends and influencing other governments is                The long-term decline in national                 Democratic Alliance, which has a proven track
generally a good sign in a country’s leadership.                                                   government’s finances plus the persistent           record of service delivery in the Western
   Considering this, I would expect to be glad when South African International Relations          corruption and maladministration at municipal       Cape, has resorted to negative campaigning
and Cooperation Minister Dr Naledi Pandor hosted and welcomed with open arms the                   level has resulted in infrastructural backlogs,     and comparisons with the ANC’s governance
minister of foreign affairs and expatriates of the state of Palestine, Dr Riad Malki. It’s         above-inflation increases in service tariffs, and   failures.
neither here nor there if such a country in fact exists. South Africa should be enhancing          cash shortages in many municipalities.                 None of these issues have a link to service
relationships with other leaders around the world.                                                   Municipalities’ core function is to provide       delivery and clean, accountable government.
   However, it gets stuck in my throat when the same honour isn’t proffered to the                 basic service delivery (water, electricity,            What should voters and communities
leadership of Israel. In fact, our dear minister of international relations and cooperation is     sanitation, and rubbish removal). In addition,      consider before casting their votes?
unlikely to be available for such a meeting even if it was hosted in her honour.                   larger municipalities provide basic health          Unfortunately, there’s not much time to
   But yet, at the same time, she will have these warm and friendly meetings with this             services, police, firefighting, emergency           learn more about candidates, and there is
Palestinian leader, talking about peace in the Middle East and finding a two-state solution.       medical services, and more. Municipalities          little information available. The Electoral
This actually sounds wonderful, except that you cannot work towards peace by dealing               are also tasked with the spatial development        Commission’s website does have a portal for
with only one side. You cannot negotiate peace without both parties being given an equal           of communities, working with other spheres          the 2021 local government election where
platform, or am I somehow mistaken?                                                                of government
   Let’s talk more about creating an equal platform. In their discussions, the foreign             to formalise
ministers of South African and ‘Palestine’ agreed to do all they could to remove Israel’s          housing and drive
newly bestowed observer status at the African Union. Why, you may ask? Quite simply, to            local economic
punish Israel. Is that a way of working towards peace between Israelis and Palestinians? I         development.
think not.                                                                                           It’s critical that
   Then, while Pandor is going to welcome Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas for a state             voters make an
visit to South Africa, she wouldn’t be seen anywhere near the company of Israeli Prime             informed choice
Minister Naftali Bennett. And, the latter’s crime? None that I know of, but we would have to       in the elections,
ask the very learned Dr Pandor.                                                                    and vote for
   The Palestinian and South African bilateral discussions also brought about agreement to         candidates and
host a Cape Town conference for Palestinian heads of missions in Africa this year where the        parties with
“state of Palestine’s policy towards Africa” will be discussed and contemplated. What are          a track record
the chances of our government hosting such a conference for Israelis? The truth is, in this        of community
instance, I’m sure holding such a conference for Israelis would be perfectly acceptable, only      service and good
it would inspire a huge protest, and so on.                                                        governance.
   So, I repeat, government hosting this Palestinian leader is essentially good news, as is its    Unfortunately,
hosting of most other leaders. However, it’s the double standards that irk me.                     voters have less
   Though South Africa will entertain leaders from countries with horrific human-rights            information than
records, it won’t meet Israel. China is way up on this index, as is Libya, Syria, Iran, all of     ever about their
whom are friends of our government, but not Israel (which doesn’t really feature on this           political choices: parties have been unable to      voters can download candidate lists. These lists
abusive list).                                                                                     campaign effectively under lockdown, and new        are in PDF format, and are difficult to navigate.
   What’s so perplexing for me is that it seems like South Africa is being left behind with its    candidates are mostly unknown to their wards           Even if voters can create a shortlist of the
anti-Israel sentiment – or can I go as far as calling it South Africa’s blind spot?                and communities.                                    parties and candidates in their ward, there’s
   Most countries in the world recognise these days that a relationship with Israel can              Our electoral system also leads to a few          not much that they can do to learn about
only be good for them. Israel is way ahead of so many countries in terms of technology,            practises that make it harder for voters to         those candidates. It’s possible to google the
agriculture, science, and even medicine, that it’s worthwhile to maintain a good working           make an informed choice. For example, many          candidates’ names and research their social-
relationship with it.                                                                              political parties take advantage of a legal         media presence, but not all candidates have
   So many African countries with a good relationship with Israel have benefited hugely on         loophole to field the same ward candidates          an online profile. Some candidates have
numerous fronts, but South Africa cannot or will not consider this.                                across multiple wards. This is done in order        done their best to campaign in recent weeks
   I totally understand that a country with a background of human-rights abuses would find         to maximise a party’s votes and increase the        and reach constituents, but they are in the
it unconscionable to be friends with a country that commits human-rights abuses. If Israel         number of seats it can win in council, but it       minority.
was really such a country, then perhaps we wouldn’t have room to talk.                             leads to parties fielding candidates who are           The truth is that the hard work really
   However, Israel is in the heart of the Middle East, nestled among a number of countries         weak and not representative of the wards            begins after the election date. It’s highly
where human-rights abuses are horrific. And yet, South Africa picks this tiny country to put       where they are standing.                            likely that there will be more coalitions in
its pins into, ignoring the friends it has that commit human-rights abuses. I say it again:          In the City of Johannesburg metro alone,          Johannesburg and Pretoria. The track record
these are very convenient double standards!                                                        there are 54 parties and 44 independent             of coalitions over the past five years is poor:
   I also understand looking out for Palestinian women and children who have been treated          candidates. At least 25 of these parties have       many coalitions have collapsed and others have
badly and made homeless. I feel for them, and wish I could help them. However, what about          registered ward candidates in every ward            been sabotaged. Ordinary South Africans will
Afghan women and children? Or is it okay to abuse them or ignore the fact that they are            across the metro. Many – if not most – of these     need to become more involved in political life
being abused because it isn’t woke to protest against that?                                        candidates have been chosen to make up the          beyond the election cycle in order to improve
   I feel as if I have said this all before, and I know I have. However, somehow, it seems         numbers, not because they have experience           governance and service delivery.
important to come back to it when our government’s double standards are being showcased            in government or are dedicated to serving              At The Third Republic, we are dedicated to
once again when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians.                                           their communities. Most voters in the metro         the research needed to hold local government
   I can’t ignore it. We can’t ignore it.                                                          will have to choose from more than 25 ward          more accountable, to track public spending,
   The only solution is to make it clear that if the South African government or our foreign       candidates with little to no information about      and council decisions. We invite you, the
affairs minister is going to meet Palestinian leaders, then she needs to meet Israeli leaders.     them.                                               reader, to work with us over the next five years
She needs to get to know the issues from both sides, to sit down and discuss them. Visit             Basic service delivery isn’t an exciting idea     to ensure that local government improves and
Israel. See for herself. Don’t take it from others. Do the research, and make up her own           for most voters or parties, and parties tend        that communities are able to participate in the
mind based on the facts.                                                                           to campaign on issues which have nothing            decision-making that affects service delivery
   It isn’t rocket science. It’s simply taking away the blinkers of prejudice and replacing them   to do with local government or service              and local development.
with the facts. We can help! Just say the word.                                                    delivery. Many parties make promises or
                                                                                                   commitments which are completely unrealistic        • Paul Berkowitz is a director at The Third
Shabbat Shalom!                                                                                    and unachievable. This just adds to voters’           Republic, a non-profit organisation working to
Peta Krost Maunder                                                                                 confusion, and increases their apathy towards         deepen democracy and political participation
Editor                                                                                             political participation.                              across South Africa.
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