Advanced Demand Forecasting - NEAL ANALYTICS CASE STUDY

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Advanced Demand Forecasting - NEAL ANALYTICS CASE STUDY
For retail and many other industries, demand
                                           forecasting has been an important and frequently
                                           utilized solution due to its ability to capture and
                                           combine historical trends with key factors to estimate
                                           future demand. However, while forecasts are usually

Advanced Demand                            accurate when driven at a macro level, accuracy falls
                                           off rapidly as one drills down into specific segments.

                                           Unfortunately, more actionable forecasts usually occur
                                           at a micro level. The ability to drill down to a more
                                           granular level and explain the nuanced demand in
           NEAL ANALYTICS CASE STUDY       individual markets is key for district and store
                                           managers to understand where their business is
By Clarissa Koszarek and David McClellan   succeeding and failing. Essentially, granular demand
                                           forecasts have the potential to be the most impactful,
                                           but are often the most challenging to model and are
                                           ripe for techniques like Machine Learning to solve.
                                           H&R Block saw this as an opportunity to resolve
                                           longstanding gaps & gain a deeper understanding of
                                           what drives their business when it approached Neal
                                           Analytics with two goals: construct an advanced
                                           analytics solution to better forecast the total number
                                           of tax returns in the 2018 tax season, and gain a
                                           deeper understanding of the contributing factors
                                           driving that demand. On the surface, this appears to
                                           be a simple demand forecasting problem, but when
                                           you consider that H&R Block has the most seasonal
                                           demand in the S&P 500, or that traditional customer
                                           factors are not realistic predictors, this posed a unique
                                           and interesting challenge. Neal Analytics was eager to
                                           support where H&R Block had yet to succeed with
                                           other consulting firms or using internal teams.
Advanced Demand Forecasting - NEAL ANALYTICS CASE STUDY
Advanced Demand Forecasting
Creating a Competitive Advantage in a Unique Market
                                   Leveraging Industry Expertise         solid forecasts and insights on a
                                   Given the limited timeline            week-by-week basis for the 2018
                                   leading up to the 2018 tax            tax season, Neal Analytics hit the
                                   season and the need to develop        ground running, developing
                                   a sophisticated machine learning      forecast models to predict the
                                   solution quickly, Neal Analytics      total number of tax returns to be
                                   targeted specific forecasting and     filed in their offices. These
                                   business goals to quickly build       models adjusted dynamically on
                                   an enterprise grade solution for      a weekly basis based on actual
 “This solution fills a critical   critical milestones, leading to use   returns filed the previous week,
 need for our business in          in the 2018 tax season. By using      and Neal Analytics’ predictions
 that it provides my team          Neal Analytics’ forecasting tools     for total returns were within 2%
 and I with the data               and leveraging H&R Block’s            of the final number at the start
                                   industry expertise, Neal Analytics    of the season. Providing H&R
 needed to go to the CEO
                                   provided H&R Block with               Block with high accuracy so early
 with insights that result in                                            on in the 2018 Tax Season gave
 action, positively affecting      accurate forecasts earlier in the
                                   tax season, as well as an in-         their operations team more
 our clients and our bottom                                              clarity and foresight on how best
                                   depth look at the key drivers of
 line.”                            their complex business, thus          to plan office execution through
                                   enabling tactical adjustments to      the season, pivoting strategies
 Ed Dobbles                        maximize performance in each          on the fly as needed to capture
 Vice President, Analytics         company district.                     maximum business. This solution
 and Pricing, H&R Block                                                  armed H&R Block with new
                                                                         capabilities that would assist this
                                   Predicting an Evolving Market         established leader in staving off
                                   The tax preparation industry is       threats from their competition.
                                   an established, yet due to
                                   culture shifts and technology
                                                                         Office Level Forecasting
                                   innovation, constantly evolving
                                   ecosystem in which H&R Block          As a whole, H&R Block operates
                                   has been a major player for over      12,000 offices that are broken up
                                   60 years. With the growth of          into a multitude of districts
                                   online preparation software, as       consisting of both franchise and
                                   well as continued competition         corporate locations. Previously,
                                   from traditional competitors,         return forecasts and strategic
                                   H&R Block tasked Neal Analytics       management were only run at a
                                   to provide them with key              companywide level, with no
                                   insights to increase annual           concrete picture of what was
                                   return counts and market share.       driving variance in performance
                                   As an additional challenge in the     from one location to the next.
                                   industry, over 95% of their           Neal Analytics aimed to resolve
                                   business is condensed to about        this gap by training thousands of
                                   3 months, compounding the             individual    machine      learning
                                   need for immediate intervention       models      and    utilizing    the
                                   when things are off pace and          consensus predictions across
                                   requiring precise and immediate       various sensitivities for each
                                   execution to reach seasonal           market, providing reliable local
                                   targets. With the goal of arming      forecasts and identifying the key
                                   H&R Block’s leadership with           drivers of increased returns.
Advanced Demand Forecasting - NEAL ANALYTICS CASE STUDY
Advanced Demand Forecasting
Creating a Competitive Advantage in a Unique Market
Using the analysis of the key           drivers    tailored     to   each    to solve this problem with tools
drivers of higher return counts,        manager’s small group of stores.     such as Tableau and open source
we were able to isolate the             One example of this relates to       code, they ultimately failed to
effects of price on demand and          labor hours, by far the greatest     significantly advance H&R Block’s
compare the effects of discounts        expense in any services company.     analytics capabilities, leading to
to better understand trade-offs.        By utilizing their internal labor    interest in what the Neal
By analyzing these effects at both      data, Neal Analytics was able to     Analytics team could provide in
the whole company and district          isolate the effects of adding or     thought leadership. H&R Block
levels, H&R Block was able to           removing hours from a given          needed concrete ROI from a true
better understand in which              district to see its effects on       business solution to prove the
markets certain pricing and             production.      Ultimately,  the    value from the cloud and data
discount strategies were the            success of the solution has          science. With this engagement,
most effective. As a result, Neal       ensured the final output will be     Neal Analytics delivered that ROI
Analytics not only provided             integrated into H&R Block’s          and the competitive advantage of
accurate weekly forecasts for           strategic planning for many tax      Azure Machine Learning in only a
district managers, but also             seasons to come. Although H&R        few months’ timeline.
dissected the key performance           Block had previously attempted

                                                                                         Data Simulated
Transforming Data to Insights           efficiency, arming operations with   Within this tax season, H&R Block
Structuring returns data for the        the tools to reel in employee        was able to apply the analysis
machine learning models also            hours and cut operational spend.     from the Power BI dashboards to
enabled       a    variety    of   BI   Following this success, there is     identify the top and bottom
dashboards. This context helped         now an initiative to place Power     performing        districts   and
HRB gain insight into which             BI analysis dashboards in the        categorize key factors leading to
regions are most efficient and          hands of sales leads, analysts,      their performance. These insights
productive, as well as provide          managers        and     executives   will become the main points of
clarity on how or where adding          companywide. This exposure to        change in the 2019 tax season,
employee        hours      has    the   ML derived BI has generated          but in the hands of district
strongest impact on demand. To          momentum and innovation in a         managers, also enabled tactical
top it off, this analysis highlighted   company with a promising             interventions and investments in
the districts with the lowest           enthusiasm for analytics and a       the    operations      that most
                                        desire to outrun its competitors.    impacted their business.
Advanced Demand Forecasting
Creating a Competitive Advantage in a Unique Environment
As an example, H&R Block             President of Analytics and         The combination of Neal
discovered that in a few             Pricing at H&R Block, has          Analytics and the Microsoft
districts, one of the most           attested to the impact of the      Cloud came through for H&R
important factors in the loss of     solution saying “This solution     Block, just in time for the tax
tax returns filed in stores is the   fills a critical need for our      season, allowing H&R Block to
retention of clients for more        business in that it provides my    forecast earlier and more
than 3 years. By highlighting        team and I with the data           importantly, actionably interpret
this factor, H&R Block is able to    needed to go to the CEO with       it, while setting up a long-term
pinpoint marketing investment        insights that result in action,    analytics platform in Azure with
and      implement      additional   positively affecting our clients   many additional use cases on
changes contributing to client       and our bottom line. Further,      the roadmap. We look forward
satisfaction and thus improved       we can deploy these Power BI       to their continued success and
retention. Another example of a      dashboards to our store            consider this an outstanding
key feature factoring into the       managers so they can see in        customer outcome where exotic
loss of tax returns is the           real time how their stores are     data science and AI were able to
number of hours their tax            forecasted to perform, but         generate real business value in a
preparers work in a week. Upon       most importantly, how to           rapid deployment methodology.
further analysis, H&R Block          improve it.”
discovered that they may have                                           Future Development
been ramping down the                By addressing the demand           With the 2018 Tax Season
number of hours assigned to a        forecasting and sales driver       officially ended, H&R Block now
tax preparer too quickly, thus       analysis problems in unison,       has the capabilities to review
decreasing the number of             H&R Block is now able to drive     their operation and execution of
returns filed per hour and           real time improvement to the       this year’s tax season, viewing
increasing the wait times and        management and operations of       performance through a few new
client dissatisfaction. A district   their corporate offices. Armed     lenses. By adjusting their overall
manager can now optimize             with this information from         strategy before the 2019 tax
their store’s operations so that     dynamic and clear reporting,       season, H&R Block intends to
they are investing in the right      their analysts and managers will   capture additional market share
activities to maximize customer      better be able to handle next      with better offerings, improve
outcomes and increase annual         year’s operational changes and     operations by focusing on what
returns.                             identify what changes are          matters most to the customers
                                     needed by implementing the         in each market, and adjust
                                                                        proactively to the predicted
On-Demand Store Analysis             best practices of top offices
                                     and intervening with their         events and market environment
Beyond an accurate number to                                            in the upcoming weeks.
report to shareholders and Wall      bottom performers.
Street, the primary value of the
solution is derived from the
ability to generate week-by-
week analysis of performance.
This enabled a pivot to better
execution     throughout     the
season instead of waiting until
after the season is completed
and making changes for the
next. This ability has had a
ripple effect of value to the
business. Ed Dobbles, the Vice

                                                                                        Data Simulated
Advanced Demand Forecasting
  Creating a Competitive Advantage in a Unique Environment
Overview                          Customer Profile

Customer: H&R Block               H&R Block operates both in-office and online tax
Website:          preparation by tax professionals in 12,000 offices
Country or Region: United Sates   across the United Sates. In 1955, H&R Block was
Industry: Tax Preparation         founded in Kansas City, Missouri and has since then,
Employee Size: 87,500             developed a long-standing tradition of excellence in
Partner Name: Neal Analytics      the tax preparation industry.      As a leader in
Website:    technology in it’s industry, H&R Block assisted the
                                  IRS in testing the now-booming e-filling method
                                  back in 1986, and in 2017 surpassed it’s competitors
                                  by introducing advanced intelligence and machine
                                  learning. The company’s shares trade on the NYSE
                                  under the ticker symbol “HRB.”
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