Appendix 1: Policy context - Wimmera CMA

Page created by Kevin Pena
Appendix 1: Policy context                                         NATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR RAMSAR
The Regional Catchment Strategy supports, integrates               These Guidelines aim to facilitate improved management of
gives regional context to a suite of Victorian and Australian      Ramsar sites and maintenance of ecological character, in line
Government legislation, policies and strategies.                   with Australia's commitments under the Ramsar Convention
                                                                   and responsibilities under the EPBC Act. The guidelines
Australian Government                                              provide a framework for Ramsar Convention implementation
legislation, policies and plans                                    in Australia and provide jurisdictions and other interested
                                                                   parties with guidance on the management of Ramsar sites.
NATIONAL LANDCARE PROGRAM                                          JAMBA, CAMBA AND ROKAMBA
The National Landcare Program is a key part of the                 The Australian Government has fostered international
Australian Government’s commitment to natural resource             cooperation through bilateral migratory bird agreements
management. More than $1 billion is being invested in              with Japan (JAMBA), China (CAMBA) and the Republic of
targeted national priorities from 2017 to 2023. A range            Korea (ROKAMBA). Each of these agreements provides for
of measures will support natural resource management,              the protection and conservation of migratory birds and their
sustainable agriculture and protect Australia’s biodiversity.      important habitats.
The Regional Land Partnerships Program is delivering natural
resource management at a regional scale.                           NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR
BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999                                 DEVELOPMENT 1992
The EPBC Act provides a legal framework to protect and             This strategy facilitates a coordinated and co-operative
manage nationally and internationally important flora,             approach to ecologically sustainable development and
fauna, ecological communities, Ramsar sites and heritage           provides broad strategic directions and framework for
places. The Act focuses on the protection of matters of            governments to direct policy and decision-making.
national environmental significance, with the states and           NATIONAL SOIL STRATEGY (DRAFT)
territories having responsibility for matters of state and local
significance.                                                      The National Soil Strategy (draft) provides a national vision
                                                                   and shared goals and objectives for managing soil across all
THREATENED SPECIES STRATEGY                                        landscapes. The goals and objectives are aimed at restoring
The Threatened Species Strategy provides a national                and protecting soil nationally, to drive on-ground action,
approach to threatened species, outlining a plan for               research, education, monitoring and governance.
prioritising effort and working in partnership with the            NATIONAL AGREEMENT ON CLOSING
community and state and territory governments. It outlines
an action-based approach to protecting and recovering
                                                                   THE GAP
Australia’s threatened plants and animals. The strategy            The objective of the National Agreement on Closing
sets out how science, action and partnership can be                the Gap is to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
used to achieve the long-term goal of reversing species            people and governments to work together to overcome
declines and supporting species recovery. The Australian           the entrenched inequality experienced by Aboriginal and
Government is developing a new 10-year Threatened Species          Torres Strait Islander people and achieve life outcomes equal
Strategy during 2020-21 which will be underpinned by two           to all Australians. The Australian Government, states and
consecutive 5-year action plans.                                   territory governments, local government and the Coalition
                                                                   of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations are
RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS                                      jointly accountable for ensuring the outcomes of closing the
The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance’s           gap are achieved through implementation.
(Ramsar Convention) broad aims are to halt the worldwide
loss of wetlands and to conserve those that remain through
                                                                   NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR VOLUNTEER
wise use and management.                                           INVOLVEMENT
                                                                   These standards have been developed by Volunteering
                                                                   Australia and the state and territory peak bodies for
                                                                   volunteering. This framework provides good practice
                                                                   guidance and benchmarks to help organisations attract,
                                                                   manage and retain volunteers, and to help manage risk
                                                                   and safety in work with volunteers . Volunteering Victoria is
                                                                   Victoria’s peak body for volunteering, focusing on advocacy,
                                                                   sector development and the promotion of volunteering.

1          Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
Victorian Government legislation,                                PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987
policies and plans.                                              This Act establishes the legal framework for planning the
                                                                 use, development and protection of land in Victoria. The
                                                                 Act sets the broad objectives for planning and the main
                                                                 rules and principles for how the Victorian planning system
ACT 1994                                                         works. The Act is ‘enabling’ legislation, meaning it does not
The CaLP Act is the legislation that promotes and enables        precisely define the scope of planning, how it should be
integrated catchment management across Victoria                  done or the detailed rules that should apply to land use
including establishment of catchment management regions,         and development. These and other more detailed matters
catchment management authorities and the requirement for         are dealt with by ‘subordinate’ instruments under the Act
Regional Catchment Strategies.                                   including the Victoria Planning Provisions which are the
                                                                 standard provisions for all of Victoria’s planning schemes.
                                                                 FLORA AND FAUNA GUARANTEE ACT 1988
Supporting the CaLP Act, the Our Catchments Our
Communities strategy confirms the Victorian Government’s         The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 is the key piece
commitment to managing catchments to benefit the                 of Victorian legislation for the conservation of threatened
environment, community and economy with a focus on               species and communities and for the management of
ensuring catchment management partners work together.            potentially threatening processes.

WATER ACT 1989                                                   Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037

The Water Act provides the legal framework for managing          Biodiversity 2037 is Victoria’s plan to stop the decline of native
Victoria’s water resources. The main purposes of the Act         plants and animals and improve the natural environment. The
are to promote the equitable and efficient use of water          plan outlines the long-term vision for Victoria’s biodiversity
resources, ensure water resources are conserved and properly     supported by two overarching goals:
managed for the benefit of all Victorians, and increase             • Victorians value nature, and
community involvement in conserving and managing water              • Victoria’s natural environment is healthy.
                                                                 TRADITIONAL OWNER SETTLEMENT
WATER FOR VICTORIA                                               ACT 2010
Supporting the Water Act, Water for Victoria sets the long-
                                                                 This Act provides for an out-of-court settlement of native
term direction for managing Victoria’s water resources and a
                                                                 title. The Act allows the Victorian Government to recognise
plan for responding to the impact of climate change and a
                                                                 Traditional Owners and certain rights in Crown land. In return
growing population.
                                                                 for entering into a settlement, Traditional Owners must
VICTORIAN WATERWAY MANAGEMENT                                    agree to withdraw any native title claim pursuant to the
                                                                 Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 and not to make any
                                                                 future native title claims.
The Victorian Waterway Management Strategy provides the
                                                                 Under the Act, a settlement package can include a Land Use
detailed policy for managing Victoria’s waterways.
                                                                 Activity Agreement (LUAA) which allows traditional owners
ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION                                           to comment on or consent to certain activities on public
AMENDMENT ACT 2018                                               land. The Land Use Activity Regime is a simplified alternative
                                                                 to the future acts regime of the Native Title Act 1993.
This Act provides the legislative framework for the protection
of human health and the environment from pollution and           The LUAA provides procedural rights for recognised
waste. The Act retains environmental reference standards         Traditional Owner groups over certain activities that occur
(State Environmental Protection Policy objectives) as a core     on public land. The objective is to enable these activities to
element of this framework.                                       proceed, while accommodating third party interests and
                                                                 respecting the rights of traditional owners attached to the
STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION                                     public land.
The Victorian Government has declared a new State
Environment Protection Policy (Waters) to ensure Victoria
has clear and relevant standards, legal rules, and statutory
obligations to protect and improve the health of water

2         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
OUR FUTURE’                                                     The Victorian Government has also committed to develop
                                                                and implement a Volunteer Strategy to support and enhance
ABORIGINAL SELF-DETERMINATION                                   volunteerism in Victoria more broadly. The Volunteer Strategy
REFORM STRATEGY 2020-2025                                       is due to be released in late 2021.
This strategy aligns with whole-of-government commitments
set out in the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-
                                                                CLIMATE CHANGE ACT 2017
2023. The strategy provides a roadmap to building a better      This Victorian Government established this Act because
future with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians,       climate change is identified as one of the biggest threats
through systemic and structural change that fully supports      to the future of Victoria. Warmer and drier conditions
Aboriginal decision-making, evaluation and talent building to   are projected to have negative consequences for health,
inform its policy and processes.                                infrastructure, agriculture, water, biodiversity, and alpine
                                                                and coastal areas. The Act responds by putting in place
STRONG, INNOVATIVE, SUSTAINABLE:                                a legislative framework to drive action to achieve a net
A NEW STRATEGY FOR AGRICULTURE IN                               zero emissions, climate-resilient Victorian community and
VICTORIA                                                        economy by 2050. The framework includes a number of
                                                                approaches, including how the Climate Change Act will drive
This ten-year strategy documents Agriculture Victoria’s         action and how Victoria is preparing for a changing climate.
commitment to work with industry, community and trading
partners to ensure that the Victorian agriculture sector is     VICTORIA'S CLIMATE
strong, innovative and sustainable.                             CHANGE FRAMEWORK
VICTORIAN LANDCARE PROGRAM                                      Victoria's Climate Change Framework sets out the
                                                                Government's long-term vision for climate change action.
The Victorian Landcare Program provide services and
initiatives to support Landcare in Victoria, with the goal to   VICTORIA’S CLIMATE CHANGE
strengthen community groups and networks across Victoria.
Support includes funding on-ground facilitators who
                                                                ADAPTATION PLAN
empower locals to act for their environment and provision of    This plan lays out the Victorian Government’s plan of action
grants.                                                         to help Victorians meet the challenges and act on the
                                                                opportunities of climate change.
VOLUNTEERING PLAN                                               CULTURAL FIRE STRATEGY
This plan recognises that volunteers contribute significantly   This strategy helps provide policy direction and a framework
to Victoria’s environment, local communities and economy        across Victoria’s fire and land management agencies to
and that environmental volunteer groups play a critical         support Traditional Owners to undertake cultural burning for
role in managing, protecting and improving the natural          the range of cultural values entailed in caring for Country.
environment. The Victorian Government has established
                                                                PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM: A PUBLIC
the plan to maintain, support and grow the environmental
volunteering sector. The plan aims to reduce barriers to        SECTOR THAT DELIVERS EXCEPTIONAL
volunteering in Victoria, and to encourage more Victorians      OUTCOMES FOR VICTORIANS
to connect with nature and act to protect and enhance the       The RCS aligns with the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s
natural environment.                                            ‘Outcome Architecture’ hierarchy by having a core set of
VOLUNTEERING IN PARKS                                           domains (themes) and associated long-term outcomes and
                                                                indicators that are consistent in all Victorian RCSs.
The Volunteering in Parks Strategic Plan aims to deliver a
well-managed and world class volunteering program across
the Parks Victoria estate with benefits including increased
capacity to support Parks Victoria to maintain and enhance
Victoria’s parks, greater connection of parks with Victoria’s
diverse community to enhance health and wellbeing, and to
ensure safe and effective volunteer engagement.

3         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
Regional strategies and plans                                  EASTERN MAAR - MEERREENGEEYE
WIMMERA WATERWAY                                               Whole-of-Country plan prepared by Eastern Maar Aboriginal
STRATEGY 2014-22                                               Corporation to represent the interests of Traditional Owners,
The Wimmera Waterway Strategy 2014-22 is an action plan        to express their people’s vision, aspirations, strategies and
for the Regional Catchment Strategy that details the actions   actions for Country.
required to achieve the long-term and short-term outcomes      WIMMERA CO-OPERATIVE
for the region’s waterways. It identifies priority waterways
and includes a detailed set of management targets for each     MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT
priority.                                                      Co-operative management is a partnership between
                                                               Traditional Owners and the Victorian Government that
WIMMERA FLOODPLAIN                                             provide a means for Traditional Owners to participate in the
MANAGEMENT STRATEGY                                            management of parks and reserves on their Country. The
The Wimmera Floodplain Management Strategy outlines            Wimmera Co-operative Management Agreement is between
priority actions designed to deliver floodplain specific       the State and the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia
outcomes for the region.                                       and Jupagalk Traditional Owners, with Barengi Gadjin Land
                                                               Council Aboriginal Corporation as the representative body.
WIMMERA STRATEGIC                                              The agreement established the Winyula Council to advise the
DIRECTIONS STATEMENT                                           State on the management of those lands. The relationship
The Wimmera Strategic Directions Statement outlines the        is now maintained directly between Barengi Gadjin Land
priority integrated water management projects for the          Council Aboriginal Corporation and Parks Victoria. Co-
region. They are designed to improve the liveability of the    managed lands under this agreement include:
region’s towns and city by implementing improvements to          •   Lake Albacutya Park
the regional water cycle. It supports and complements the        •   Lake Hindmarsh Lake Reserve
outcomes in the RCS.
                                                                 •   Little Desert National Park (part)
WIMMERA CARBON READY PLAN                                        •   Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park
The Wimmera Carbon Ready Plan is an action plan for the          •   Wimmera River Heritage Area Park
Regional Catchment Strategy. It details the actions required     •   Wyperfeld National Park.
for the long-term management of Wimmera soils and other
natural assets in the context of adapting to and mitigating
                                                               WESTERN REGION SUSTAINABLE
the impacts of a changing climate. The plan emphasises the     WATER STRATEGY
need to continue research and trials that test new ideas and   The Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy is a
demonstrate these to land managers.                            comprehensive plan for the sustainable use of water
                                                               resources in the western region. This region extends from
                                                               the southern Mallee in the north to the southwest coast,
ANIMAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY                                     and from the Victorian-South Australian border in the west
The Wimmera Invasive Plant and Animal Management               to the Avoca, Corangamite and Gellibrand rivers to the east.
Strategy outlines an approach to setting priorities for        The region includes the Avoca, Wimmera-Avon (including
coordinated management of invasive plants and animals in       the Avon-Richardson River), Millicent Coast, Glenelg, Portland
the region. It is an action plan under the RCS.                Coast, Hopkins, Lake Corangamite and Otway Coast river
                                                               basins and the southern half of the Mallee river basin. The
GROWING WHAT IS GOOD                                           strategy includes a series of actions and augmentations to
COUNTRY PLAN – VOICES OF THE                                   meet the region’s water needs, including policy statements,
WOJOBALUK NATIONS                                              and for implementation at a regional and local scale.

Whole-of-Country plan prepared by Barengi Gadjin Land          WIMMERA SOUTHERN MALLEE
Council Aboriginal Corporation to represent the interests      REGIONAL GROWTH PLAN
of Traditional Owners, to express their people’s vision,
aspirations, strategies and actions for Country.               The plan covers the municipalities of Hindmarsh, Horsham,
                                                               Northern Grampians, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack.
                                                               The plan provides broad direction for regional land use and
                                                               development in the region and a more detailed planning
                                                               framework for the regional city of Horsham.

4         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
GRAMPIANS REGION CLIMATE                                          Appendix 2: Wimmera
(UNDER DEVELOPMENT)                                               threatened species
The adaptation strategy is being developed by the                 The following table includes the species in the Wimmera
community, led by the Department of Environment, Land,            that are listed as threatened under the Victorian Flora and
Water and Planning. It will outline a shared direction and        Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act) and Commonwealth
priority actions for climate change adaptation in the region.     Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The draft strategy is due to be released for public comment
                                                                  The FFG threatened list is the new provisional conservation
in March-April 2021 and finalised by July 2021.
                                                                  status assessment distributed by the Department of
BIODIVERSITY RESPONSE PLANNING                                    Environment, Land, Water and Planning for public
                                                                  consultation. This list is yet to be finalised and endorsed by
DELWP are leading and coordinating regional prioritisation        the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
through a Biodiversity Response Planning process that will
identify priority landscapes and species in the Wimmera           Definitions:
                                                                  FFG      Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
COUNCIL PLANS                                                     EPBC     Commonwealth Environment Protection and
Council plans are developed by each municipal council in the               Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
year following a general election (every four years). A Council   CR       Critically endangered
Plan is the major strategic document outlining what the           DD       Data deficient
Council is planning to achieve in the subsequent four years       EN       Endangered
(as part of its longer-term journey) and how it will achieve      EX       Extinct in the wild
those outcomes. There are 8 municipal councils that are           LC       Least concern
wholly or partly in the Wimmera catchment management              NT       Near threatened
region.                                                           VU       Vulnerable

The Wimmera Primary Care Partnership Strategic Plan sets
out the strategic objectives of the primary care partners
aimed at delivering its vision to collectively improve the
health and well-being of the Wimmera Southern mallee
communities, reducing health inequities across the region.

5         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                   Common Name                Threatened   EPBC list

Pedionomus torquatus           Plains-wanderer                           CR         CR

Arenaria interpres             Ruddy Turnstone                           CR

Numenius madagascariensis      Eastern Curlew                            CR         CR

Tringa glareola                Wood Sandpiper                            CR

Tringa stagnatilis             Marsh Sandpiper                           CR

Calidris ferruginea            Curlew Sandpiper                          CR         CR

Rostratula australis           Australian Painted-snipe                  CR         VU

Ardeotis australis             Australian Bustard                        CR

Egretta garzetta               Little Egret                              CR

Ardea intermedia plumifera     Plumed Egret                              CR

Botaurus poiciloptilus         Australasian Bittern                      CR         EN

Haliaeetus leucogaster         White-bellied Sea-Eagle                   CR

Lophoictinia isura             Square-tailed Kite                        CR

Falco hypoleucos               Grey Falcon                               CR

Falco subniger                 Black Falcon                              CR

Tyto novaehollandiae           Masked Owl                                CR

Lophochroa leadbeateri         Major Mitchell's Cockatoo                 CR

Neophema splendida             Scarlet-chested Parrot                    CR

Lathamus discolor              Swift Parrot                              CR         CR

Anthochaera phrygia            Regent Honeyeater                         CR         CR

Manorina melanotis             Black-eared Miner                         CR         EN

Petrogale penicillata          Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby                 CR         VU

Pygopus schraderi              Hooded Scaly-foot                         CR

Varanus rosenbergi             Rosenberg's Goanna                        CR

Drysdalia mastersii            Masters' Snake                            CR

Echiopsis curta                Bardick                                   CR

Ogyris otanes                  Small Brown Azure Butterfly               CR

6         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                       Common Name                 Threatened   EPBC list

Rankinia diemensis (Grampians)     Mountain Dragon Grampians form            CR

Heteronympha cordace wilsoni       Western Bright-eyed Brown Butterfly       CR

Ogyris halmaturia                  Large Bronze Azure Butterfly              CR

Colubotelson joyneri               freshwater isopod                         CR

Temognatha flavocincta             Jewel Beetle                              CR

Temognatha maculiventris           Jewel Beetle                              CR

Acacia havilandiorum               Needle Wattle                             CR

Acacia ancistrophylla var.
                                   Dwarf Myall                               CR

Acacia melvillei                   Yarran                                    CR

Acacia oswaldii                    Umbrella Wattle                           CR

Acacia pendula                     Weeping Myall                             CR

Acacia trineura                    Three-nerve Wattle                        CR

Acrotriche depressa                Wiry Ground-berry                         CR

Lachnagrostis rudis subsp. rudis   Rough Blown-grass                         CR

Amyema linophylla subsp.
                                   Buloke Mistletoe                          CR
Boronia pilosa subsp.
                                   Desert Boronia                            CR

Borya mirabilis                    Grampians Pincushion-lily                 CR          EN

Caladenia toxochila                Bow-lip Spider-orchid                     CR

X Glossadenia tutelata             Bluebeard Wax-lip Hybrid Orchid           CR

Calotis anthemoides                Cut-leaf Burr-daisy                       CR

Calotis cuneifolia                 Blue Burr-daisy                           CR

Caladenia lowanensis               Wimmera Spider-orchid                     CR          EN

Allocasuarina luehmannii           Buloke                                    CR

Casuarina obesa                    Swamp Sheoak                              CR

Choretrum spicatum subsp.
                                   Spiked Sour-bush                          CR

Comesperma polygaloides            Small Milkwort                            CR

Cyperus subulatus                  Pointed Flat-sedge                        CR

7         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                     Common Name              Threatened   EPBC list

Darwinia micropetala              Small Darwinia                         CR

Davallia solida var. pyxidata     Hare's-foot Fern                       CR

Daviesia pectinata                Thorny Bitter-pea                      CR

Diuris behrii                     Golden Cowslips                        CR

Haegiela tatei                    Small Nut-heads                        CR

Eragrostis australasica           Cane Grass                             CR

Eremophila sturtii                Narrow-leaf Emu-bush                   CR

Eryngium paludosum                Long Eryngium                          CR

Eucalyptus froggattii             Kamarooka Mallee                       CR

Corymbia maculata                 Spotted Gum                            CR

Eucalyptus yarraensis             Yarra Gum                              CR

Goodenia lunata                   Stiff Goodenia                         CR

Grevillea microstegia             Mount Cassell Grevillea                CR

Haloragis myriocarpa              Prickly Raspwort                       CR

Leucochrysum molle                Soft Sunray                            CR

Jasminum didymum subsp. lineare   Desert Jasmine                         CR

Lepidium pseudopapillosum         Erect Peppercress                      CR         VU

Leptorhynchos orientalis          Annual Buttons                         CR

Maireana cheelii                  Chariot Wheels                         CR         VU

Melaleuca halmaturorum            Salt Paperbark                         CR

Microcybe multiflora subsp.
                                  Red Microcybe                          CR
Microcybe pauciflora subsp.
                                  Yellow Microcybe                       CR

Elacholoma prostrata              Small Monkey-flower                    CR

Duma horrida subsp. horrida       Spiny Lignum                           CR

Myriophyllum porcatum             Ridged Water-milfoil                   CR         VU

Olearia sp. 1                     Wimmera Daisy-bush                     CR

Pimelea pagophila                 Grampians Rice-flower                  CR         VU

8         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
      Scientific Name                      Common Name             Threatened   EPBC list

Prasophyllum subbisectum         Pomonal Leek-orchid                    CR         EN

Cullen australasicum             Native Scurf-pea                       CR

Ptilotus erubescens              Hairy Tails                            CR

Pultenaea acerosa                Bristly Bush-pea                       CR

Pultenaea subalpina              Rosy Bush-pea                          CR

Pultenaea penna                  Feather Bush-pea                       CR

Ranunculus undosus               Swamp Buttercup                        CR

Schoenoplectiella dissachantha   Blunt Club-sedge                       CR

Senecio macrocarpus              Large-headed Fireweed                  CR         VU

Sphaerolobium acanthos           Grampians Globe-pea                    CR         CR

Spyridium furculentum            Forked Spyridium                       CR         EN

Spyridium nitidum                Shining Spyridium                      CR

Stenopetalum velutinum           Velvet Thread-petal                    CR

Swainsona brachycarpa            Slender Swainson-pea                   CR

Swainsona murrayana              Slender Darling-pea                    CR         VU

Swainsona plagiotropis           Red Swainson-pea                       CR         VU

Swainsona swainsonioides         Downy Swainson-pea                     CR

Templetonia egena                Round Templetonia                      CR

Thelymitra X chasmogama          Globe-hood Sun-orchid                  CR

Thelymitra mackibbinii           Brilliant Sun-orchid                   CR         VU

Thelymitra mucida                Plum Orchid                            CR

Vittadinia condyloides           Club-hair New Holland Daisy            CR

Wurmbea uniflora                 One-flower Early Nancy                 CR

Amphibromus pithogastrus         Plump Swamp Wallaby-grass              CR

Caladenia orientalis             Eastern Spider-orchid                  CR         EN

Caladenia audasii                McIvor Spider-orchid                   CR         EN

Eucalyptus wimmerensis           Wimmera Mallee-box                     CR

9        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                            Common Name       Threatened   EPBC list

Caladenia colorata                      Colourful Spider-orchid          CR         EN

Xerochrysum palustre                    Swamp Everlasting                CR         VU

Eucalyptus silvestris                   Woodland Box                     CR

Levenhookia pusilla                     Midget Stylewort                 CR

Pterostylis dolichochila                Long-tongue Shell-orchid         CR

Pterostylis maxima                      Large Rustyhood                  CR

Sclerolaena napiformis                  Turnip Copperburr                CR         EN

Acacia verticillata subsp. ruscifolia   Broad-leaf Prickly Moses         CR

Ranunculus diminutus                    Brackish Plains Buttercup        CR

Caleana disjuncta                       Grampians Duck-orchid            CR

Daviesia laevis                         Grampians Bitter-pea             CR         VU

Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp.
                                        Large-fruit Yellow-gum           CR

Caladenia formosa                       Elegant Spider-orchid            CR         VU

Philotheca angustifolia subsp.
                                        Narrow-leaf Wax-flower           CR
Grevillea montis-cole subsp.
                                        Langi Ghiran Grevillea           CR         VU
Grevillea montis-cole subsp.
                                        Mount Cole Grevillea             CR

Prasophyllum roseum                     Pink-lip Leek-orchid             CR

Prasophyllum sp. aff. occidentale
                                        Western Leek-orchid              CR

Prasophyllum suaveolens                 Fragrant Leek-orchid             CR         EN

Craspedia canens                        Grey Billy-buttons               CR

Coronidium gunnianum                    Pale Swamp Everlasting           CR

Microseris scapigera s.s.               Plains Yam-daisy                 CR

Malva preissiana s.s. (white-
                                        Coast Hollyhock                  CR
flowered coastal form)
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp.
                                        Grampians Sally                  CR
Pimelea spinescens subsp.
                                        Spiny Rice-flower                CR         CR
Pimelea spinescens subsp.
                                        Wimmera Rice-flower              CR         CR

Prasophyllum pyriforme s.s.             Silurian Leek-orchid             CR

10        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                           Common Name               Threatened   EPBC list

Diuris gregaria                      Clumping Golden Moths                     CR

Grevillea micrantha                  Small-flower Grevillea                    CR

Swainsona sericea                    Silky Swainson-pea                        CR

Cycnogeton dubium                    Slender Water-ribbons                     CR

Hibbertia humifusa subsp.
                                     Rising Star Guinea-flower                 CR

Dianella callicarpa                  Swamp Flax-lily                           CR

Acacia exudans                       Casterton Wattle                          CR

Geranium solanderi var. solanderi
                                     Austral Crane's-bill                      CR

Eucalyptus molyneuxii                Little Desert Peppermint                  CR

Phebalium glandulosum subsp.
                                     Glandular Phebalium                       CR

Triglochin trichophora               Torpedo Arrowgrass                        CR

Eucalyptus walshii                   Little Desert Mallee-box                  CR

Dianella longifolia var. grandis     Flax-lily                                 CR

Eleocharis obicis                    Striate Spike-sedge                       CR          VU

Pterostylis prasina                  Glossy Greenhood                          CR

Prostanthera arapilensis             Arapiles Mint-bush                        CR

Hovea rosmarinifolia s.s.            Rosemary Hovea                            CR

Prasophyllum sp. aff. validum A      Woodland Leek-orchid                      CR

Eucalyptus sp. aff. dumosa (Nhill)   Satin Mallee                              CR

Corybas X miscellus                  Veined x Slaty Helmet-orchid hybrid       CR

Thelymitra inflata                   Inflated Sun-orchid                       CR

Prasophyllum spadiceum               Brown-lip Leek-orchid                     CR

Prasophyllum stygium                 Elfin Leek-orchid                         CR

Dianella sp. aff. longifolia
                                     Pale Flax-lily                            CR

Caladenia grampiana                  Grampians Spider-orchid                   CR

Diuris protena                       Northern Golden Moths                     CR

Diuris daltonii                      Western Purple Diuris                     CR

11         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                   Common Name                Threatened   EPBC list
Grevillea angustiloba subsp.
                                Wirrega Grevillea                        CR

Eucalyptus yarriambiack         Yarriambiack Mallee-box                  CR

Limosa limosa                   Black-tailed Godwit                      CR

Cassinia tegulata               Avenue Cassinia                          CR         CR

Pterostylis ferruginea          Bangham Rustyhood                        CR

Ardea alba modesta              Eastern Great Egret                      DD

Cymbopogon obtectus             Silky-heads                              DD

Deyeuxia imbricata              Dense Bent-grass                         DD

Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp.
                                Yacca                                    DD

Encalypta vulgaris              Common Extinguisher-moss                 DD

Euastacus bispinosus            Glenelg Spiny Crayfish                   EN         EN

Geocharax falcata               Western Bush Yabby                       EN

Gramastacus insolitus           Western Swamp Crayfish                   EN

Hygrobia australasiae           squeak beetle                            EN

Maccullochella macquariensis    Trout Cod                                EN         EN

Maccullochella peelii           Murray Cod                               EN         VU

Macquaria australasica          Macquarie Perch                          EN         EN

Synoicus chinensis              King Quail                               EN

Turnix pyrrhothorax             Red-chested Button-quail                 EN

Hydroprogne caspia              Caspian Tern                             EN

Pluvialis squatarola            Grey Plover                              EN

Charadrius mongolus             Lesser Sand Plover                       EN         EN

Peltohyas australis             Inland Dotterel                          EN

Actitis hypoleucos              Common Sandpiper                         EN

Tringa nebularia                Common Greenshank                        EN

Burhinus grallarius             Bush Stone-curlew                        EN

Antigone rubicunda              Brolga                                   EN

12        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                   Common Name                     Threatened   EPBC list

Ixobrychus dubius              Australian Little Bittern                     EN

Stictonetta naevosa            Freckled Duck                                 EN

Accipiter novaehollandiae      Grey Goshawk                                  EN

Ninox connivens                Barking Owl                                   EN

Calyptorhynchus banksii        Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (south-
                                                                             EN          EN
graptogyne                     eastern)

Neophema elegans               Elegant Parrot                                EN

Oreoica gutturalis             Crested Bellbird                              EN

Coracina maxima                Ground Cuckoo-shrike                          EN

Acanthiza iredalei hedleyi     Slender-billed Thornbill (Lowan Mallee)       EN

Pyrrholaemus sagittatus        Speckled Warbler                              EN

Stipiturus mallee              Mallee Emu-wren                               EN          EN

Climacteris affinis            White-browed Treecreeper                      EN

Pseudomys fumeus               Smoky Mouse                                   EN          EN

Pseudomys shortridgei          Heath Mouse                                   EN          EN

Aprasia striolata              Striped Worm-Lizard                           EN

Delma impar                    Striped Legless Lizard                        EN          VU

Varanus varius                 Lace Monitor                                  EN

Lissolepis coventryi           Swamp Skink                                   EN

Morethia adelaidensis          Samphire Skink                                EN

Vermicella annulata            Bandy Bandy                                   EN

Pseudemoia pagenstecheri       Tussock Skink                                 EN

Pseudophryne bibronii          Brown Toadlet                                 EN

Pseudophryne semimarmorata     Southern Toadlet                              EN

Acrodipsas brisbanensis        Large Ant Blue Butterfly                      EN

Theclinesthes albocinctus      Bitterbush Blue Butterfly                     EN

Synemon selene                 Pale Sun Moth                                 EN

Isoodon obesulus obesulus      Southern Brown Bandicoot                      EN          EN

13        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                          Common Name          Threatened   EPBC list

Nyctophilus corbeni                 South-eastern Long-eared Bat          EN         VU

Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida         Eltham Copper Butterfly               EN         EN

Hesperilla flavescens               Yellow Sedge-skipper Butterfly        EN

Hypochrysops ignitus ignitus        Fiery Jewel Butterfly                 EN

Synemon discalis                    Small Orange-spotted Sun Moth         EN

Synemon jcaria                      Reddish-orange Sun Moth               EN

Calamoecia australis                Centropagid copepod                   EN

Acacia boormanii                    Snowy River Wattle                    EN

Acacia enterocarpa                  Jumping-jack Wattle                   EN         EN

Acacia glandulicarpa                Hairy-pod Wattle                      EN         VU

Acacia lineata                      Streaked Wattle                       EN

Acacia notabilis                    Mallee Golden Wattle                  EN

Acacia rupicola                     Rock Wattle                           EN

Acacia victoriae subsp. victoriae   Bramble Wattle                        EN

Lachnagrostis adamsonii             Adamson's Blown-grass                 EN         EN

Agrostis australiensis              Tiny Bent                             EN

Ammannia multiflora                 Jerry-jerry                           EN

Angianthus brachypappus             Spreading Angianthus                  EN

Aristida holathera var. holathera   Tall Kerosene Grass                   EN

Asterolasia phebalioides            Downy Star-Bush                       EN         VU

Caladenia tensa                     Rigid Spider-orchid                   EN         EN

Banksia saxicola                    Rock Banksia                          EN

Bauera sessiliflora                 Grampians Bauera                      EN

Bergia ammannioides                 Jerry Water-fire                      EN

Marianthus bignoniaceus             Orange Bell-climber                   EN

Boronia filifolia                   Slender Boronia                       EN

Boronia latipinna                   Grampians Boronia                     EN

14         Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                       Common Name            Threatened   EPBC list

Bossiaea riparia                   River Leafless Bossiaea               EN

Bossiaea rosmarinifolia            Grampians Bossiaea                    EN

Bossiaea walkeri                   Cactus Bossiaea                       EN

Brachyscome readeri                Reader's Daisy                        EN

Brachyloma depressum               Spreading Brachyloma                  EN

Burnettia cuneata                  Lizard Orchid                         EN

Caladenia versicolor               Candy Spider-orchid                   EN         VU

Caladenia venusta                  Large White Spider-orchid             EN

Callitriche umbonata               Winged Water-starwort                 EN

Calotis cymbacantha                Burr-daisy                            EN

Allocasuarina grampiana            Grampians Sheoak                      EN

Gnephosis drummondii               Slender Cup-flower                    EN

Gnephosis tenuissima               Dwarf Cup-flower                      EN

Correa aemula                      Hairy Correa                          EN

Correa reflexa var. angustifolia   Grampians Correa                      EN

Cymbonotus lawsonianus             Bear's-ear                            EN

Cyperus flaccidus                  Lax Flat-sedge                        EN

Cyphanthera anthocercidea          Large-leaf Ray-flower                 EN

Rytidosperma monticola             Small-flower Wallaby-grass            EN

Rytidosperma richardsonii          Straw Wallaby-grass                   EN

Digitaria ammophila                Silky Umbrella-grass                  EN

Digitaria divaricatissima var.
                                   Umbrella Grass                        EN

Diplachne fusca subsp. fusca       Brown Beetle-grass                    EN

Diuris X palachila                 Broad-lip Diuris                      EN

Diuris palustris                   Swamp Diuris                          EN

Diuris punctata var. punctata      Purple Diuris                         EN

Dodonaea boroniifolia              Hairy Hop-bush                        EN

15        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                       Common Name            Threatened   EPBC list

Dodonaea procumbens               Trailing Hop-bush                      EN         VU

Eragrostis lacunaria              Purple Love-grass                      EN

Eragrostis setifolia              Bristly Love-grass                     EN

Eremophila gibbifolia             Coccid Emu-bush                        EN

Eriocaulon australasicum          Southern Pipewort                      EN         EN

Philotheca difformis subsp.
                                  Small-leaf Wax-flower                  EN

Eucalyptus crenulata              Buxton Gum                             EN         EN

Eucalyptus fasciculosa            Pink Gum                               EN

Eucalyptus polybractea            Blue Mallee                            EN

Euphrasia scabra                  Rough Eyebright                        EN

Fimbristylis velata               Veiled Fringe-sedge                    EN

Frankenia sessilis                Small-leaf Sea-heath                   EN

Glossostigma cleistanthum         Small-flower Mud-mat                   EN

Glycine latrobeana                Clover Glycine                         EN         VU

Trichanthodium baracchianum       Dwarf Yellow-heads                     EN         VU

Goodenia benthamiana              Small-leaf Goodenia                    EN

Goodia medicaginea                Western Golden-tip                     EN

Grevillea confertifolia           Grampians Grevillea                    EN

Grevillea dimorpha                Flame Grevillea                        EN

Grevillea dryophylla              Goldfields Grevillea                   EN

Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp.
                                  Smooth Grevillea                       EN

Tecticornia syncarpa              Fused Glasswort                        EN

Rhodanthe polygalifolia           Milkwort Sunray                        EN

Hibbertia sessiliflora            Heathy Guinea-flower                   EN

Isolepis congrua                  Slender Club-sedge                     EN

Isolepis wakefieldiana            Tufted Club-sedge                      EN

Kippistia suaedifolia             Fleshy Minuria                         EN

16        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                    Common Name               Threatened   EPBC list

Lawrencia spicata                Salt Lawrencia                          EN

Lepidium hyssopifolium s.s.      Basalt Peppercress                      EN         EN

Lepidium monoplocoides           Winged Peppercress                      EN         EN

Lepidosperma canescens           Hoary Rapier-sedge                      EN

Leptorhynchos elongatus          Lanky Buttons                           EN

Leptorhynchos waitzia            Button Immortelle                       EN

Leptospermum turbinatum          Shiny Tea-tree                          EN

Lepyrodia flexuosa               Twisting Scale-rush                     EN

Sporadanthus tasmanicus          Branching Scale-rush                    EN

Leucopogon neurophyllus          Veined Beard-heath                      EN

Styphelia woodsii                Nodding Beard-heath                     EN

Cyperus leptocarpus              Button Rush                             EN

Melaleuca armillaris subsp.
                                 Giant Honey-myrtle                      EN

Hydrorchis orbicularis           Swamp Onion-orchid                      EN

Austrobryonia micrantha          Mallee Cucumber                         EN

Myoporum montanum                Waterbush                               EN

Nicotiana suaveolens             Austral Tobacco                         EN

Nymphoides crenata               Wavy Marshwort                          EN

Olearia asterotricha             Rough Daisy-bush                        EN

Olearia picridifolia             Rasp Daisy-bush                         EN

Olearia tubuliflora              Rayless Daisy-bush                      EN

Phebalium lowanense              Lowan Phebalium                         EN         VU

Phebalium stenophyllum           Narrow-leaf Phebalium                   EN

Philydrum lanuginosum            Woolly Waterlily                        EN

Phyllanthus australis            Pointed Spurge                          EN

Phyllota remota                  Slender Phyllota                        EN

Pimelea flava subsp. dichotoma   Diosma Rice-flower                      EN

17        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                           Common Name        Threatened   EPBC list

Pimelea hewardiana                  Forked Rice-flower                   EN

Platylobium alternifolium           Victorian Flat-pea                   EN

Poa drummondiana                    Knotted Poa                          EN

Poa fax                             Scaly Poa                            EN

Podolepis aristata subsp. affinis   Grey Podolepis                       EN

Pomaderris apetala subsp. apetala   Grampians Pomaderris                 EN

Prasophyllum lindleyanum            Green Leek-orchid                    EN

Prostanthera saxicola var.
                                    Slender Mint-bush                    EN

Prostanthera spinosa                Spiny Mint-bush                      EN

Psilotum nudum                      Skeleton Fork-fern                   EN

Pterostylis coccina                 Scarlet Greenhood                    EN

Pterostylis X toveyana              Mentone Greenhood                    EN

Ptilotus polystachyus               Long Tails                           EN

Pultenaea canaliculata              Coast Bush-pea                       EN

Pultenaea daltonii                  Hoary Bush-pea                       EN

Pultenaea graveolens                Scented Bush-pea                     EN

Pultenaea luehmannii                Thready Bush-pea                     EN

Pultenaea tenella                   Delicate Bush-pea                    EN

Pultenaea williamsoniana            Williamson's Bush-pea                EN         VU

Quinetia urvillei                   Grey Zig-zag                         EN

Rhagodia ulicina                    Spiny Goosefoot                      EN

Rutidosis leptorhynchoides          Button Wrinklewort                   EN         EN

Schoenus nanus                      Tiny Bog-sedge                       EN

Schoenus sculptus                   Gimlet Bog-sedge                     EN

Sclerolaena uniflora                Two-spined Copperburr                EN

Senecio cunninghamii var.
                                    Branching Groundsel                  EN

Senecio hypoleucus                  Pale Groundsel                       EN

18        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                    Common Name               Threatened   EPBC list

Senecio pilosicristus          Tall Yellow-top                           EN

Sida fibulifera                Pin Sida                                  EN

Solanum lacunarium             Lagoon Nightshade                         EN

Solanum linearifolium          Mountain Kangaroo Apple                   EN

Spyridium cinereum             Tiny Spyridium                            EN

Austrostipa mundula            Neat Spear-grass                          EN

Stuartina hamata               Prickly Cudweed                           EN

Stylidium soboliferum          Grampians Triggerplant                    EN

Styphelia exarrhena            Desert Styphelia                          EN

Taraxacum aristum              Mountain Dandelion                        EN

Tetrarrhena turfosa            Smooth Rice-grass                         EN

Thelymitra azurea              Azure Sun-orchid                          EN

Thelymitra epipactoides        Metallic Sun-orchid                       EN         EN

Thelymitra benthamiana         Blotched Sun-orchid                       EN

Thelymitra matthewsii          Spiral Sun-orchid                         EN         VU

Thomasia petalocalyx           Paper Flower                              EN

Thryptomene calycina           Grampians Thryptomene                     EN

Triglochin hexagona            Six-point Arrowgrass                      EN

Triglochin minutissima         Tiny Arrowgrass                           EN

Triglochin mucronata           Prickly Arrowgrass                        EN

Trigonella suavissima          Sweet Fenugreek                           EN

Tripogonella loliiformis       Rye Beetle-grass                          EN

Spyridium daltonii             Grampians Spyridium                       EN

Utricularia violacea           Violet Bladderwort                        EN

Velleia arguta                 Grassland Velleia                         EN

Vittadinia blackii             Western New Holland Daisy                 EN

Vittadinia megacephala         Giant New Holland Daisy                   EN

19        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                      Common Name             Threatened   EPBC list

Vittadinia pterochaeta            Winged New Holland Daisy               EN

Westringia crassifolia            Whipstick Westringia                   EN         EN

Westringia glabra                 Violet Westringia                      EN

Zieria oreocena                   Grampians Zieria                       EN

Zoysia macrantha subsp. walshii   Walsh's Couch                          EN

Brachyscome chrysoglossa          Yellow-tongue Daisy                    EN

Grevillea bedggoodiana            Enfield Grevillea                      EN         VU

Gratiola pumilo                   Dwarf Brooklime                        EN

Tecticornia flabelliformis        Bead Glasswort                         EN         VU

Hovea corrickiae                  Glossy Hovea                           EN

Choretrum glomeratum var.
                                  Golden Sour-bush                       EN

Daviesia genistifolia s.s.        Broom Bitter-pea                       EN

Althenia patentifolia             Spreading Water-mat                    EN

Poa lowanensis                    Mallee Tussock-grass                   EN

Pterostylis rubescens             Inland Red-tip Greenhood               EN

Pterostylis diminuta              Crowded Greenhood                      EN

Pterostylis smaragdyna            Emerald-lip Greenhood                  EN

Pterostylis cheraphila            Floodplain Rustyhood                   EN         VU

Pterostylis planulata s.s.        Grampians Rustyhood                    EN

Pterostylis setifera              Bristly Greenhood                      EN

Pomaderris paniculosa subsp.
                                  Inland Pomaderris                      EN

Pterostylis despectans            Lowly Greenhood                        EN         EN

Austrostipa exilis                Heath Spear-grass                      EN

Austrostipa hemipogon             Half-bearded Spear-grass               EN

Austrostipa puberula              Fine-hairy Spear-grass                 EN

Wahlenbergia tumidifructa         Mallee Annual-bluebell                 EN

Prasophyllum aff. validum B       Woodland Leek-orchid                   EN

20        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                        Common Name           Threatened   EPBC list

Parietaria australis                Western Pellitory                    EN

Olearia minor                       Satin Daisy-bush                     EN

Allocasuarina mackliniana subsp.
                                    Western Sheoak                       EN
Lachnagrostis semibarbata var.
                                    Purple Blown-grass                   EN
Lachnagrostis semibarbata var.
                                    Purple Blown-grass                   EN

Lachnagrostis robusta               Salt Blown-grass                     EN

Eucalyptus phenax subsp. phenax     Green-leaf Mallee                    EN

Boronia nana var. pubescens         Dwarf Boronia                        EN

Billardiera scandens s.s.           Velvet Apple-berry                   EN

Caladenia ornata                    Ornate Pink-fingers                  EN         VU

Caladenia stricta                   Upright Spider-orchid                EN

Chenopodium desertorum subsp.
                                    Frosted Goosefoot                    EN
Leucopogon virgatus var.
                                    Common Beard-heath                   EN

Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri   Purple Eyebright                     EN         EN

Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp.
                                    Mugga                                EN

Caladenia reticulata s.s.           Veined Spider-orchid                 EN

Caladenia fulva                     Tawny Spider-orchid                  EN         EN

Dipodium campanulatum               Bell-flower Hyacinth-orchid          EN         EN

Prasophyllum sylvestre              Forest Leek-orchid                   EN

Austrostipa trichophylla            Spear-grass                          EN

Grevillea angustiloba subsp.
                                    Narrow-lobe Grevillea                EN

Xanthosia leiophylla                Parsley Xanthosia                    EN

Coronidium adenophorum              Branched Everlasting                 EN

Goodia pubescens                    Silky Golden-tip                     EN

Caladenia xanthochila               Yellow-lip Spider-orchid             EN         EN

Pterostylis chlorogramma            Green-striped Greenhood              EN         VU

Adriana quadripartita               Coast Bitter-bush                    EN

21        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                        Common Name                    Threatened   EPBC list

Pimelea linifolia subsp. linoides   Slender Rice-flower                          EN

Picris squarrosa                    Squat Picris                                 EN

Nymphoides spinulosperma            Marbled Marshwort                            EN

Swainsona behriana                  Southern Swainson-pea                        EN

Cardamine lineariloba               Western Bitter-cress                         EN

Cardamine moirensis                 Riverina Bitter-cress                        EN

Cardamine papillata                 Forest Bitter-cress                          EN

Viola seppeltiana                   Tiny Violet                                  EN

Vittadinia cuneata var. morrisii    Fuzzy New Holland Daisy                      EN

Vittadinia cuneata var. hirsuta     Fuzzy New Holland Daisy                      EN

Eucalyptus X oxypoma                Deniliquin Box                               EN

Geranium sp. 3                      Pale-flower Crane's-bill                     EN

Correa lawrenceana var.
                                    Grampians Mountain-correa                    EN
Senecio linearifolius var.
                                    Fireweed Groundsel (Grampians variant)       EN

Caladenia cretacea                  Stuart Mill Spider-orchid                    EN

Choretrum glomeratum var.
                                    Common Sour-bush                             EN

Astrotricha sp. 1 subsp. 1          Grampians Star-hair                          EN

Centipeda nidiformis                Cotton Sneezeweed                            EN

Centipeda crateriformis subsp.
                                    Compact Sneezeweed                           EN

Asperula wimmerana                  Wimmera Woodruff                             EN

Eriochlamys squamata                Scaly Mantle                                 EN

Acacia simmonsiana                  Desert Manna Wattle                          EN

Eucalyptus hawkeri                  Arapiles Peppermint-box                      EN

Senecio hispidissimus               Sand Fireweed                                EN

Prasophyllum maccannii              Inland Leek-orchid                           EN

Senecio productus subsp.
                                    Riverina Groundsel                           EN

Callistemon wimmerensis             Wimmera Bottlebrush                          EN          CR

22        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
      Scientific Name                     Common Name               Threatened   EPBC list

Candalides noelkeri            Golden Rayed Blue Butterfly               EN

Bidyanus bidyanus              Silver Perch                              EN         CR

Tandanus tandanus              Freshwater Catfish                        EN

Platylobium rotundum           Penny-leaf Flat-pea                       EN

Galaxiella toourtkoourt        Little Galaxias                           EN

Pezoporus occidentalis         Night Parrot                              EX         EN

Conilurus albipes              White-footed Rabbit-rat                   EX         EX

Acacia argyrophylla            Silver Mulga                              EX

Leionema microphyllum          Spreading Leionema                        EX

Pomaderris obcordata           Pimelea Pomaderris                        EX

Dodonaea heteromorpha          Maple-fruited Hop-bush                    EX

Caladenia magnifica            Magnificent Spider-orchid                 EX

Picris barbarorum              Plains Picris                             EX

Leptorhynchos scaber s.s.      Western Buttons                           EX

Senecio helichrysoides         Woolly Fireweed                           EX

                               Unspecked Hardyhead                       LC
stercusmuscarum fulvus

Geopelia cuneata               Diamond Dove                              LC

Porzana pusilla                Baillon's Crake                           LC

Biziura lobata                 Musk Duck                                 LC

Myrmecia sp. 17                Bullant                                   LC

Asperula minima                Mossy Woodruff                            LC

Atriplex pseudocampanulata     Mealy Saltbush                            LC

Bromus arenarius               Sand Brome                                LC

Gahnia microstachya            Slender Saw-sedge                         LC

Caladenia vulgaris             Slender Pink-fingers                      LC

Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp.
                               Rock Bundy                                LC

Millotia macrocarpa            Large-fruited Millotia                    NT

23        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                        Common Name           Threatened   EPBC list

Calamoecia australica              copepod                               VU

Nannoperca obscura                 Yarra Pygmy Perch                     VU         VU

Leipoa ocellata                    Malleefowl                            VU         VU

Lewinia pectoralis                 Lewin's Rail                          VU

Gelochelidon macrotarsa            Australian Gull-billed Tern           VU

Thinornis cucullatus               Hooded Plover                         VU         VU

Anseranas semipalmata              Magpie Goose                          VU

Spatula rhynchotis                 Australasian Shoveler                 VU

Aythya australis                   Hardhead                              VU

Oxyura australis                   Blue-billed Duck                      VU

Ninox strenua                      Powerful Owl                          VU

Polytelis anthopeplus              Regent Parrot                         VU         VU

Hirundapus caudacutus              White-throated Needletail             VU         VU

Melanodryas cucullata              Hooded Robin                          VU

Pachycephala rufogularis           Red-lored Whistler                    VU         VU

Pomatostomus temporalis            Grey-crowned Babbler                  VU

Calamanthus pyrrhopygius           Chestnut-rumped Heathwren             VU

Grantiella picta                   Painted Honeyeater                    VU         VU

Lichenostomus cratitius            Purple-gaped Honeyeater               VU

Stagonopleura guttata              Diamond Firetail                      VU

Struthidea cinerea                 Apostlebird                           VU

Phascogale tapoatafa               Brush-tailed Phascogale               VU

Sminthopsis murina murina          Common Dunnart                        VU

Petaurus norfolcensis              Squirrel Glider                       VU

Potorous tridactylus trisulcatus   Long-nosed Potoroo                    VU         VU

Pteropus poliocephalus             Grey-headed Flying-fox                VU         VU

Pogona barbata                     Bearded Dragon                        VU

24        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                           Common Name        Threatened   EPBC list

Litoria raniformis                     Growling Grass Frog               VU         VU

Synemon plana                          Golden Sun Moth                   VU         CR

Atriplex papillata                     Coral Saltbush                    VU

Dillwynia oreodoxa                     Grampians Parrot-pea              VU

Dillwynia uncinata                     Silky Parrot-pea                  VU

Gahnia ancistrophylla                  Donkey Saw-sedge                  VU

Galium curvihirtum                     Tight Bedstraw                    VU

Gonocarpus mezianus                    Hairy Raspwort                    VU

Goodenia lineata                       Grampians Goodenia                VU

Hibbertia cistiflora subsp. rostrata   Rock Rose Guinea-flower           VU

Leucopogon thymifolius                 Thyme Beard-heath                 VU

Minuria integerrima                    Smooth Minuria                    VU

Poranthera corymbosa                   Clustered Poranthera              VU

Pseudanthus ovalifolius                Oval-leaf Pseudanthus             VU

Pultenaea benthamii                    Bentham's Bush-pea                VU

Pultenaea costata                      Ribbed Bush-pea                   VU

Pultenaea patellifolia                 Mt. Byron Bush-pea                VU

Rhagodia parabolica                    Fragrant Saltbush                 VU

Chaetospora turbinata                  Top Bog-sedge                     VU

Stackhousia nuda                       Wiry Stackhousia                  VU

Austrostipa macalpinei                 Annual Spear-grass                VU

Thelymitra luteocilium                 Fringed Sun-orchid                VU

Thelymitra X macmillanii               Crimson Sun-orchid                VU

Aristida calycina var. calycina        Dark Wire-grass                   VU

Eucalyptus alaticaulis                 Grampians Grey-gum                VU

Monotoca billawinica                   Grampians Broom-heath             VU

Wahlenbergia planiflora subsp.
                                       Flat Bluebell                     VU

25        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
       Scientific Name                        Common Name           Threatened   EPBC list

Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga       Deane's Wattle                      VU

Euphrasia collina subsp. tetragona   Purple Eyebright                    VU

Euphrasia collina subsp.
                                     Purple Eyebright                    VU
Lomandra micrantha subsp.
                                     Small-flower Mat-rush               VU

Eucalyptus serraensis                Grampians Stringybark               VU

Prostanthera lasianthos var.
                                     Grampians Christmas-bush            VU

Pultenaea juniperina s.s.            Prickly Beauty                      VU

Xanthorrhoea caespitosa              Tufted Grass-tree                   VU

Eucalyptus sabulosa                  Wimmera Scentbark                   VU

Eucalyptus falciformis               Western Peppermint                  VU

Leionema bilobum subsp. bilobum      Truncate Leionema                   VU

Astrotricha ledifolia s.s.           Common Star-hair                    VU

Astrotricha sp. 1 subsp. 2           Greater Grampians Star-hair         VU

Pterostylis macilenta                Grampians Greenhood                 VU

Olearia passerinoides subsp.
                                     Slender Daisy-bush                  VU

Psophodes leucogaster                White-bellied Whipbird                         VU

26        Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
Appendix 3: Wimmera                                               There are six threatened ecological communities in the
                                                                      Wimmera that are listed under the Commonwealth
    threatened vegetation                                             Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
    communities                                                         1. Buloke Woodlands of the Riverina and Murray-Darling
                                                                           Depression Bioregions
    Bioregions are a landscape-scale approach to classifying
                                                                        2. Grassy Eucalypt Woodland of the Victorian Volcanic
    the environment using a range of attributes such as climate,
    geomorphology, geology, soils and vegetation. There are 28
    bioregions identified within Victoria and 9 in the Wimmera.         3. Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) Grassy Woodlands
                                                                           and Derived Native Grasslands of South-eastern
    The status of bioregions in the Wimmera:                               Australia
                                                                        4. Natural Grasslands of the Murray Valley Plains
                  Area                           Change                 5. Seasonal Herbaceous Wetlands (Freshwater) of the
  Bioregion                % of total Area Ha             % of 1770
                  1770                           1770 to                   Temperate Lowland Plains
    Name                  Catchment    2005               remaining
                  (Ha)                          2005 (Ha)
                                                                        6. White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy
                                                                           Woodland and Derived Native Grassland
Victorian       67,642    3%         40,963     -26,679    61%

                27,117    1%         11,205     -15,912    41%

Glenelg Plain   15,484    1%         9,137      -6,347     59%

Goldfields      137,823   6%         55,933     -81,891    41%

                86,184    4%         79,088     -7,096     92%

Lowan Mallee 341,375      15%        198,273    -143,102   58%

Murray Mallee 147,927     6%         35,475     -112,453   24%

               2,372      0%         819        -1,553     35%
Volcanic Plain

Wimmera         1,518,672 65%        294,126    -1,224,547 19%

None            375       0%         1,619,956 1,619,580   431434%

Grand Total     2,344,974 100%       2,344,974 0           100%

    27          Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendices
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