Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology

Page created by Allan Hamilton
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The       Career           OPA’s Quarterly Magazine



      01 2021
         MARCH EQUINOX        The Organization for

                            Professional Astrology
                         V28-03 SEPTEMBER EQUINOX 2019   page 1
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The         Career
Astrologer                                                                                             Features
                                                                                                       ASTROLOGY IN THE 21ST
      01        MARCH EQUINOX

                2021                                                                                   CENTURY
                                                                                                       THE PROFESSION OF
                                                                   p. 13
                                                                                 ASTROLOGY IN THE
    PROFESSION                                                             21ST CENTURY
                                                                                                       13   OPA LIVE Introduction

  of ASTROLOGY                                                                                         14   OPA LIVE Evolution of Astrology’s
                                                                                                            Philosopy and Public Image
                                                                                                            Philip Graves
                     MUSIC + 2021                                                                      22   OPA LIVE
                                                                                                            Introducing the IAEA
                                                                                                            Laura Nalbandian
                          Editors: Maurice Fernandez,
                                      William Sebrans                                                  32   How to Finesse Difficult
                                Alexandra Karacostas                                                        Chart Issues
                               Proofing: Nancy Beale,                                                       Kay Taylor
                                        Jeremy Kanyo
                                    Design: Sara Fisk                                                  34   Guidelines about Ethics and a
                                                                                                            Healthy Approach to Consulting
                Cover Art: Amélie Gebhard, see p. 58                                                        Alexandra Karacostas
              © 2021 OPA All rights reserved. No part of this
          publication may be reproduced without the written
                                                                                                       38   Common Challenges
                                                                                                            in Astrology Consultations
                    consent of OPA, unless by the authors of
                                     the articles themselves.                                               Maurice Fernandez
      DISCLAIMER: While OPA provides a platform for articles
                                                                    THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY
      to appear in this publication, the content and ideas are
          not necessarily reflecting OPA’s points of view. Each
        author is responsible for the content of their articles.

                  The Organization for
                                                                     Columns                                                               p. 8
                Professional Astrology
                                                                     8     TRANSITS OF THE SEASON
                                                                           Kathryn Andren

                                                                     48    The Business of Astrology
                                                                           Stormie Grace

                                                                     66    The Asteroids:
                                                                           Daimons of Distinction
                                                                           Brenda Wilson

                                                                   p. 66                                     p. 48

                          The   Career Astrologer
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
p. 52
                                                                    Dear OPA Members,
                                                                    Happy Astrology Day!
         Astrology and the                                        ach year we celebrate the gifts of Astrology on March 20th,
         Spiritual Lessons of 2021
                                                                  along with the Spring Equinox. As the Sun comes into the sign
         Matthew Engel
                                                              of Aries, we rise like the first crocuses and daffodils to say, “We are
    52   Inspired by Music                                    here!” We celebrate our heritage, with gratitude to the generations
         Amy Shapiro & Michaela Meiser
                                                              of teachers upon whose shoulders we stand.
    69   Dragon Karma: Lunar Nodal
         Bowl Seasons 2020 to 2022
         Sara Gilbert                                         We have been challenged during the past pandemic year. Our
                                                              hearts go out to everyone who has lost friends and family, busi-
    76   Mirroring Astrological Cycles
         Gillian Crawford                                     nesses and future plans. We mourn the loss of the indomitable Chris
                                                              McRae. No longer on the endless hamster wheel of busy, we have
                                                              seen more clearly than ever before the inequities in our society.
                                                              There has been renewed energy to work toward restoring balance
                                                              and justice. We’ve had time to ponder our life choices, to realize
                                                              what truly matters.

p.28                                                          Slowing down, avoiding the commute, cooking our own meals, tak-
                                                              ing numerous virtual courses… we have adapted and learned.
                                                              Feeding the hungry, checking in with friends who are alone, sewing
                                                              masks… we have shared our gifts.

                                                              Now, as we slowly open back up again, it is up to us to remember
                                                              what we have learned, deepening our new insights into reality. We
                                                              cannot go back. The new normal asks us to create a more sustain-
                                                              able life—for ourselves, for all others, and for the planet.

p. 58
                                                              Your astrology chart still illuminates the path.
                                                              In gratitude,
    More                                                                                                                           R
    44   INTERVIEWS with
         OPA Conference Faculty
    58   INTERVIEW with Michael Lutin
                                         PRESIDENT’S REPORT

         Remembering Chris McCrae

    25   The Book of Water
         by Steven Forrest
    51   The Cosmic Calendar
         by Christopher Renstrom

                                                                                     V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2020
                                                                                                          2021                     page 3
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
6 DAYS of
   Astrology                              April 22-27, 2021

                    OPA 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

                      & The Great Awakening

                                     AMAZING TRACKS
     •   Wendy Stacey • Chiron in the Chart                     •   Lee Lehman • Electional Astrology SOLD OUT
     •   Arielle Guttman • The Venus Star Point SOLD OUT        •   Julija Simas • Transits of a Lifetime
     •   Maurice Fernandez • Past Lives in the Chart SOLD OUT   •   Moon Zlotnick • The Value of Death Charts
     •   Kay Taylor• Your Destiny Imprint SOLD OUT              •   Sandra-Leigh Serio • Forecasting ALMOST SOLD OUT
     •   Gemini Brett • Locational Astrology SOLD OUT           •   Anne Ortelee • Relationship Astrology ALMOST SOLD OUT
     •   Laura Nalbandian • Exploring the Moon                  •   Omari Martin• Vocational Astrology
     •   Lynn Bell • Family Patterns SOLD OUT

                                                                                               SPACE IS LIMITED !

          TR A CK LE A DE
                                                                                                      Join Us!
                                                                                                      Join Us!
                                                                                                 CHOOSE YOUR TRACK NOW!

                                                                                                      Join Us!

page 4      The   Career Astrologer       OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
                                  CHECK THE FULL PROGR AM AT           
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
Welcome to our
                                   March 2021 Equinox Issue
                                                                      by   William Sebrans

 “Happiness, as the Greeks defined                          tioning in demographics -- while they may have            what made for an effective and professional
                                                            relevance and strategic importance, at the heart of       coach, he did not refer to core competencies,
it, is the full use of all one’s powers                     the matter are the arguably more superior consider-       standards, and income.
along lines of excellence.”                                 ations of “excellence” and "service.”                            Rather, in the moment, he effortlessly rattled
                                                                   Drawing on the Greeks again, “arete” is a          off five things, the first three of which were:
 — President John F. Kennedy, in a public address.
                                                            concept in ancient thought that, in its most basic
                                                            sense, refers to “excellence” of any kind.                     Love my clients unconditionally
                                                                   The term may also signify “moral virtue”. In its        Be an ongoing listener and learner
                                                            earliest appearance in Greek thought, this notion              My clients pay me “not to know”
                                                            of excellence was ultimately bound up with the
                                                            notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the            The third one struck me as usefully star-
                                                            act of living up to one’s full potential.                 tling in its humble wisdom and simplicity, and I
                                                                   Excellence, in this expanded context, serves a     grasped his context immediately.
                                                            noble internal function, visible to mostly oneself, as           His clients are employing him NOT to show-
                                                            well as an outer duty, visible to the world-at-large.     case his knowledge or strut his authority but to be
                                                                   Without moral virtue and lacking a spirit of       fully trusting his own training and intuition in the
                                                            service, the idea of “excellence” brings to mind the      moment, along with their own innate wisdom, all
                                                            image of the professional assassin, gambler, or nui-      in order to serve them. That is -- to serve the truth
                                                            sance-- someone who sets the standard for reliably        by playing the Fool card, in its noblest expression.
                                                            and flawlessly getting on everyone’s nerves.                     When I asked him later in the session to
The Education of Achilles by Chiron fresco from                    Such individuals may be training one aspect        repeat what he had said, as I couldn’t remember
Herculaneum                                                 of themselves but are not committed to a path of          the last two ideas, he replied, something to the
                                                            internal self-reflection and growth that is funda-        effect of...”I can’t remember now”, which further
What is a professional?                                     mental to the process of the professionals we are         demonstrated his listen and respond
                                                            aspiring to be.                                           from “beginner’s mind” rather than “strategic mind.”
      A beacon of excellence, fully professed (commit-             Less obvious and egregious expressions of                 In his example, I see the more evolved
ted) to the highest expression of his or her trade?         “professionalism” than those just mentioned, but          expression of “professional” ; it’s where the posi-
      Or, is he a well-trained, highly-regulated            nonetheless unsavory, are those that serve form           tionings and facades we can be tempted to don
hired gun?                                                  over substance, reducing organic, evolving life pro-      drop away; it’s where unconscious competence
                                                            cesses into inert matter – the classic case of diplo-     gleaned from 10,000 hours of practice is led via
      The first resonates well, doesn’t it…while            mas showcased on the wall.                                innocence to conjure one’s own unique expres-
the second descriptor carries a less flattering tone,               Astrologically speaking, these exalt Saturn’s     sion of mastery that serves the client, oneself,
albeit not necessarily untrue in practice.                  shadow affinities for certificates, reputation, and       and the Cosmos.
                                                            competitive achievement over Saturn’s deeper
What is an amateur?                                         virtues of commitment, integrity, humility, and                In this edition of Career Astrologer, we are
                                                            sacrifice/service.                                        enthused to present ...
       A casual dabbler, a dilettante, an endearing if             Another astrological parallel would be to con-
unremarkable hobbyist who produces neither finan-           trast the letter of the law – Saturn… over the spirit       • unique perspectives from four OPA Live
cial reward nor excellence in his ventures?                 of the Law Jupiter, where one may get the training,           panel members on the Profession of
       Or, is she a true lover of the art (from the Latin   honor the community codes, and pay one’s profes-              Astrology in the 21st Century: Kay Taylor,
amator, meaning “lover”) ... someone who embodies           sional dues but essentially lacks heart.                      Philip Graves, Stormie Grace, and Laura
an ideal balance between pure intent, open mind,                                                                          Nalbandian
and a passion for a subject?                                      Our interviewee in this edition of The Career         • the initiation of four new columnists for the
                                                            Astrologer, beloved and “ancient” astrologer                  coming year: Transits of the Season with
      The second descriptor of amateur inspires             Michael Lutin, (if we go by his Linked in pro-                Kathryn Andren, Saturn by Anne Redlich,
and elevates the one who is marked by its name.             file which suggests his practice began in 1900)               Asteroids by Brenda Wilson, and Building a
      I would propose that the professional astrol-         summed it up well and warmly...                               Sustainable Practice from Stormie Grace.
oger would combine the best versions of both                      “Spend a lifetime devoted to learning and
                                                                                                                        • a warm-spirited, very personal interview
the “professional” and “amateur” -- lest the                mastering the craft… and sharing your love for
                                                                                                                          with beloved astrologer Michael Lutin
practitioner show up either as a well-trained, high-        people. Then, you have no worries…. You are a
ly-regulated, and soulless hired gun, or as an unre-        professional!                                               • and the usual blend of stimulating offer-
liable, insubstantial poser.                                      I frequently think of a beloved mentor coach            ings about our theme: The Profession of
      In the exploration of what is a professional,         from the mid-90s who modeled the profession                   Astrology, along with other flavorful infu-
those considerations of income, marketing, posi-            over merely “professing” it...When I asked him                sions on a range of diverse topics.
                                                                                                         V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021                                page 5
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
In Celebr ation of
                 Astrology Day

                                    The infinity of the sky has cohesion
                                      The astral planes reveal a logic
                                 To which nature fully resonates and aligns
                              If few are initiated in this art of interpretation
                               Of celestial science with existential meaning
                                                  I am one
                                 I recognize the privilege and responsibility
                                      To serve humanity as an astrologer
                                  Be the channel between above and below
                          Remain grounded, clear of prejudice, and open hearted
                                    Respectfully, gracefully, and truthfully
                              I pledge to assist those who seek higher guidance
                               Direct them to the space, the time, and the way
                                 As depicted in the map of geocosmic cycles
                                    I will enlighten them in the perspective
                                      That despite trials and tribulations,
                           Their lives are intrinsic to an intelligent cosmic order
                                        These suggestions shall be made
                                   To the best of my humble understanding
                           Whether venerated or depreciated publicly in this task
                       I shall not falter, aware of the merit of this honorable calling


page 6   The   Career Astrologer    OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York
                                   a COVID-safety compliant facility
                                   September 24-26, 2021
                                                                                      Join six expert voices of modern astrology

            Astrology,                                                                on an intellectual and spiritual adventure
                                                                                      in consciousness as they share a grounded

                                                                                      approach to timeless star knowledge. Togethe
                                                                                      they will weave their individual threads of
                                                                                      thought into a beautiful cosmic tapestry.

            & the Great Shift
                                         MAURICE                    KAY TAYLOR
                                                                                      This is your opportunity to explore astrology a
                                                                                      tool to better understand life, death, and evol

                                                                                      Whatever your level of astrological knowledge
            A Special Weekend Conference
                                 you will emerge from this weekend with a clea
            at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, Newperspective
                                                    York       of astrology, how it affects your
            a COVID-safety compliant facility     own life, and the significant role it is playing in
            September 24-26,    2021 GEMINI BRETT
                        ANNE ORTELEE              the Great Shift we are currently experiencing
                                                                                    here on Planet Earth.
                                                                    Join six expert voices of modern astrology

Astrology,                                                          on an intellectual and spiritual adventure
                                                                                       Call 800.944.1001 to register.
                                                                    in consciousness as they share a grounded

                                                                    approach to timeless  star knowledge.
                                                                                    Copresented by        Together,
                                                                    they will weave their individual threads of
                                                                    thought into a beautiful cosmic tapestry.
                                                                                                        INSTITUTE FOR HOLISTIC STUDIES

& the Great Shift
               MAURICE                  RICK LEVINE
                                        KAY TAYLOR              KATHRYN ANDREN
                                                                    This is your opportunity to explore astrology as a
                                               Teachers are subject to change.

                                                                    tool to better understand life, death, and evolution.

 Special Weekend Conference
                                                                    Whatever your level of astrological knowledge,
                    you will emerge from this weekend with a clear
 Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, Newperspective
                                      York       of astrology, how it affects your
COVID-safety compliant facility     own life, and the significant role it is playing in                                              R
 ptember 24-26,   2021
          ANNE ORTELEE GEMINI BRETT the Great Shift we are currently experiencing
                                                        here on Planet Earth.
                                        Join six expert voices of modern astrology
                                        on an intellectual and spiritual adventure
                                                                     Call 800.944.1001 to register.
                                        in consciousness as they share a grounded
                                        approach to timeless  star knowledge.
                                                        Copresented by        Together,
                                        they will weave their individual threads of
                                        thought into a beautiful cosmic tapestry.
                                                                            INSTITUTE FOR HOLISTIC STUDIES

              KAY  LEVINE           KATHRYN ANDREN
                                        This is your opportunity to explore astrology as a
                   Teachers are subject to change.

                                        tool to better understand life, death, and evolution.

                                        Whatever your level of astrological  -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021
                                                                         V30knowledge,                                           page 7

                                        you will emerge from this weekend with a clear
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
MARCH 25                                       volatile. Be careful on the roads (Gemini)

Transits                                        VENUS/SUN conjunction at 5 Aries
                                                MARS/North Node conjunction at
                                                13 Gemini
                                                                                               and breathe deeply before engaging in ver-
                                                                                               bal confrontations (Gemini).
                                                                                                     As Mars and the Nodes are directly

of the                                                Through her cycle, Venus forms a 5
                                                pointed star with her conjunctions to the
                                                                                               squared off with messenger Mercury
                                                                                               in Pisces near nebulous Neptune, you
                                                                                               may end up meandering through the

                                                Sun, drawing beautiful symmetry in our
                                                skies. The upcoming Sun and Venus align        less traveled roads. Getting lost can be a
                                                in early Aries this week, marking one of       wonderous experience of new discover-
                                                the five VENUS STARPOINTS. Both Venus          ies, unless you run out of gas or drinking
                                                and Sun represent Heart-Centered energy        water! Keep your compass in your pocket!
                                                and artistic creativity, so take action on     This aspect at its best implies grace and
                                                your inspiration. Ask yourself, what gets      inspiration. Cut through illusion and take
                                                you fired up? Are your actions and values      action on inspiration.
                                                in sync? This is a powerful opportunity to
                                                bring projects into fruition, resolve con-     MARCH 28
                                                flicts by balancing male (Sun) and female      FULL MOON 8 Libra 18’ opposite
                                                (Venus) energy in our relationships.           SUN/CHIRON/VENUS at 8 Aries
                                                      Motivated by ruler Mars in Gemini             This powerful configuration captures
                                                meeting with the Nodal Axis this week, it is   an amazing potential – deep healing
                                                time to assert yourself to speak your truth.   can occur with relationships when you
                                                Mars on the Nodes can be intense and even      find the way to engage with others with-
                                                                                               out compromising on your authenticity.
                                                                                               Create circumstances for win-win situa-
                                                                                               tions as you start your new projects with
                                                   The equinox chart is an
                                                                                               passion and heart to serve an important
                                                     invitation to move                        cause. The test will be to remain mindful
   BY KATHRYN ANDREN                              forward. What dreams                         not to get carried away and lose sight of
                                                                                               the larger perspective – you are the driv-
                                                    do you want to bring                       er, but do not forget there are other pas-
                                                  into your reality? What                      sengers in the car!
    MARCH                                         elements of your life do                          The Full Moon forms a Grand Air trine
                                                                                               with Mars at 14 Gemini and Saturn at 11
   Equinox to                                     you have to shake up in                      Aquarius. This highlights the social dimen-
                                                     order to wake up?
 JUNE Solstice

MARCH 20, 2021Equinox Chart,
Sun ingress into Aries
20 March 5:37am Eastern
     As the Sun ingresses Aries, the first
sign of the zodiac, this is a symbol to start
anew. The equinox chart is an invitation to
move forward. What dreams do you want
to bring into your reality? What elements of
your life do you have to shake up in order
to wake up? These contemplation ques-
tions support the larger theme of Saturn
and Uranus in aspect most of this year.
Equinox time is a reminder we are turning
a corner, and the Sun in action Aries now
supports forward momentum. Think big,
then take the steps required to create a
new foundation for a lasting future.
     Mars, the ruling planet of the Aries
ingress currently conjoins the North
Node in Gemini. Gemini implies move-
ment and communication. Your words
should lead to action: say what you mean
and do what you say.

page 8        The   Career Astrologer           OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
sion of your endeavors. Is it an opportunity   pening in your life. Consider the balance      create change, confront what is not ethical,
to expand your network? Work in teams?         between action and gestation. Perhaps          appropriate, or effective in our family and
                                               best to slow the pace.                         work. Be mindful if irritations arise, compas-
APRIL 23                                                                                      sion is required.
Mars ingress Cancer                            JUNE 5
     Mars moves through the caring sign        Mars faces off to powerful Pluto at            MAY 14
of Cancer from April 23 to June 11. This       26 Capricorn.                                  Jupiter ingress Pisces
may be a time to assert our needs for nur-         Tension between the personal needs               The largest planet Jupiter stations at
turing and self care. Mars in Cancer can       and authority figures who may put pres-        the early point of Pisces, dancing from
intensify our emotional responses, per-        sure on you. This alignment can lead to        0 - 2 degrees from May 14 to July 29,
haps dig old family wounds, so be sure to      power struggles, but the deeper intent is to   2021. During this timeline, Jupiter tests the
take the time to process whatever is hap-                                                     waters of peaceful Pisces before returning
                                                                                              back to late Aquarius again July 29 (due to
                                                                                              the Jupiter Rx June 20 to October 18).
                                                                                                    Examine how this shift may manifest
                                                                                              for you, from the active idealism and men-
                                                                                              tal creativity in the air sign of Aquarius, to
                                                                                              an expansive deepening heart connection
                                                                                              when moving into Pisces.
                                                                                                    Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces implies a
                                                                                              shift from mind to heart and spirit, from
                                                                                              the mental realm of thought, to a deeper
                                                                                              feeling of connection with emotion. Notice
                                                                                              what softens for you during this timeline.
                                                                                              Jupiter retrogrades back to late degree
                                                                                              Aquarius, this suggests potential to inte-
                                                                                              grate ideas (Aquarius) with heartfelt
                                                                                              empathy (Pisces).

                                                                                              MAY 26
                                                                                              Total Lunar Eclipse, at 5 Gemini
                                                                                               / Sagittarius Squares Jupiter
                                                                                              at 1 Pisces
                                                                                                    Eclipse times reveal both shadow and
                                                                                              light we don’t normally see. As a symbol,
                                                                                              eclipses are extra-ordinary times, and
                                                                                              emotion is emphasized as the nodes of the
                                                                                              Moon are activated. Remain present, aware,
                                                                                              and awake to your emotions.
                                                                                                    This Full Moon in sassy Sagittarius
                                                                                              faces off to several planets in communi-
                                                                                              cative Gemini: Sun at 5, Nodal Axis at 10,
                                                                                              Venus at 21, and Mercury at 24. What new
                                                                                              ideas emerge into your mind, and how do
                                                                                              you express yourself? Are there plans to
                                                                                              travel or connect with people from differ-
                                                                                              ent cultures? More energy amplifies this
                                                                                              juicy aspect, with Mars now at 20 Cancer in
                                                                                              fertile sextile with Neptune, and opposing
                                                                                              powerful Pluto at 26 Capricorn during this
                                                                                              lunation. What can I do now to be proactive
                                                                                              rather than reactive emotionally?
                                                                                                    Jupiter in prolific Pisces squares off
                                                                                              to Sun and Moon in the Mutable signs

                                                                                                      Eclipse times
                                                                                                   reveal both shadow
                                                                                                    and light we don’t
                                                                                                      normally see.

                                                                                   V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021                        page 9
Astrologer - THE PROFESSION of ASTROLOGY 01 MARCH EQUINOX - The Organization for Professional Astrology
Transits of the Season                                                                          aspect with each other most of the year.
                                                                                                It’s important to remember these larger
for this eclipse. A question we can ask is                                                      themes: create lasting structures (Saturn)
who is in control and what feels out of con-          Notice what is                            to launch yourself into a brighter future
trol in my life right now? Many planets in                                                      (Uranus).
                                                   happening in the time
the mutable signs are reminders to make
adjustments quickly.                                 between eclipses.                          A SPECIAL MENTION ON THE
      Eclipse visible (perfect from Hawaii!):        Eclipse energy is a                        RETRO DATES/SHADOWS
lunar/2021-may-26                                  potent activator for                              Remember Mercury Retrograde:
                                                   change personally and                             Rx 29 May 5:33 PM at 24 Gemini 43
JUNE 10                                                  collectively.
                                                                                                     D 22 June 4:59 PM at 16 Gemini 06
Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 Gemini
Squares Neptune at 23 Pisces                                                                         Astrology theme for Mercury
      Notice what is happening in the time                                                      Retrograde in Gemini: What am I thinking?
between eclipses. Eclipse energy is a potent          Mercury remains retrograde from           How can I be more open minded? I may
activator for change personally and collec-     May 29 - June 22. Perhaps you may need          reconsider others point of view, and see
tively. With so many planets in the Mutable     to repeat yourself, reclarify an idea or redo   perspectives I have not considered before.
signs plus a Mercury retrograde cycle,          some task. Be patient! Contemplation ques-      The shadow begins May 15, when
take time out to see beyond the illusion.       tion for this lunation: How can I help myself   Mercury is at 16 Gemini, and shadow
Consider how to best communicate clear-         and others when I think before I speak?         period lasts through July 7 after Mercury
ly, and double check your details. The Sun            Eclipse Visible https://www.timeand-      crosses the 24 Gemini point.
and Moon at 19 Gemini squares off to  
nebulous Neptune at 23 Pisces. Stay open
to inspiration from your ancestors, teachers    JUNE 14                                         Kathryn Andren is the founder of The Love
                                                                                                Astrologer. She shares over 20 years of professional
and guides, in this realm or other realms.      Saturn square Uranus,                           healing experience integrated with heartfelt intui-
Discern truth from fiction.                         Steady Saturn in the airy sign of           tive wisdom. For consultations & classes visit www.
      Emotional intensity may arise as acti-    Aquarius is squared off to unpredict- 
vating Mars at 29 Cancer still opposes Pluto    able Uranus in the steady sign of Taurus.                                                       R
at 26 Capricorn. Use your power wisely.         These planets in fixed signs remain in

                                                                              Visit us online for
                                                                                  full details on
                                                                           free presentations,
                                                                         catalog of magazines,
                                                                                and much more!


page 10       The   Career Astrologer           OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021   page 11

                            The Building Blocks of Chart Delineation and Synthesis
                                                           12 Sessions by OPA available as videos with handouts.
    OPA has created this special program to introduce you to the building blocks of astrology. If you have some prior experience in astrology, this is an opportunity to bring the pieces together and solidify your foundation.

                     1 • Introduction to Astrology: History, Astronomy, Astrology, & Humanity • Maurice Fernandez
                     2 • The Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, & Water • Carol Dimitrov
                     3 & 4 • The Signs – Part 1&2: Aries to Pisces • Arlan Wise & Geoff Gronlund                                                                                                   OPA

                     5 • Chart Components: Signs, Houses, Planets and Modes • Geni Picazo
                     6 • The Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, MC, & IC + Introduction to House Systems • Gemma Harwood
                     7 & 8 • The Moon in Each Sign – Part 1&2 • Kay Taylor & Anne Ortelee
                     9 • The Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, & Mars • Shannon Gill
                     10 • The Social Planets: Jupiter & Saturn • Angela Tiki                               Join OPA and                                                                                         NON MEMBERS

                     11 • The Transpersonal Planets: Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto • Maurice Fernandez          benefit from                                                                                            $210
                     12 • Introduction to Astronomy for Astrologers • Gemini Brett                       this special deal!

page 12           The    Career Astrologer                                OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

                                                                      ASTROLOGERS DISCUSS
                                                                ASTROLOGY IN THE
                                       21ST CENTURY

             by   Maurice

  n the backdrop of the Jupiter/Saturn
  conjunction, ASTROLOGY DAY (March
  20 Equinox) serves as an auspi-
cious opportunity to reassess our way
forward as astrology students and prac-
titioners. We are aware that the internet
and social media has expanded the
reach of astrology, including greater
frequency of exposure in mainstream         tube videos to claim authority on chart          We were inspired by the presenta-
media. More than before, astrologers        analysis, general misuse and ethical        tion of our four guests Philip Graves,
are able to sustain themselves with a       breaches.                                   Kay Taylor, Stormie Grace, and Laura
full-time practice, offering the unique          Additionally, astrologers need         Nalbandian who each discussed these
opportunity to answer their greater call-   to mature on several fronts, whether        different themes in our LIVE session
ing to serve in this capacity.              that applies to raising their awareness     (recording available too). Enjoy these
     With expansion comes new chal-         about social justice and navigating         articles (some are available for mem-
lenges: the risk of diluting the essence    socio-cultural sensitivities with greater   bers only).
of astrology to make it ever more           awareness, or applying more rigor to                                            R
accessible, relying on a couple of you-     validate astrology-related assumptions.

                                                                              V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021               page 13
OPA LIVE SPECIAL                                ASTROLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY
                                                                                                   by Butler to the Sun and Moon in turn

            How Astrology’s
                                                                                                   influenced fellow-theosophist Alan Leo at
                                                                                                   a time when the transatlantic distribution
                                                                                                   of astrological books and magazines was

          Philosophy and Public                                                                    thriving, and induced him in the 1900s to
                                                                                                   feature the 144 natal soli-lunar combina-
                                                                                                   tions in two of his main textbooks and to
           Image Have Evolved                                                                      give more space to the Sun than previous
                                                                                                   British astrologers had done, although con-
                                                                                                   siderably less than the dedicated Sun sign
               Since 1890                                                                          books that had already been appearing in
                                                                                                   the United States for several years. As the
                                                                                                   most influential leader of the British astro-
                                                                                                   logical community through to his death in

           hat follows is a portrait in broad    distinct from their manifestations in con-        1917, Alan Leo oversaw together with his
           brushstrokes of the evolution         crete attributes such as physical appearance,     wife Bessie, a devout theosophist herself,
           of the philosophy and public          vocation and events, which can be termed          the incorporation of a theosophical bias
reception of western astrology during the        exoteric astrology and is much more strongly      into all areas of the theory and practice
past 130 years. This paper will especial-        associated with traditional astrology.            of astrology as practised in the UK. The
ly consider the shifting landscape in the              In the USA, the appearance of Hiram         culmination of their ideas was manifest in
dominant beliefs among astrologers with          E. Butler’s text-book Solar Biology in 1887
regard to the way astrology works, how           had marked the beginnings of a new breed
these changes have been influenced by            of simplified popular natal astrology, in           As the most influential
broader cultural developments, and how           which the Sun signs and the 144 natal Sun
                                                                                                       leader of the British
they have in turn affected astrology’s           and Moon combinations were given central
public image. It will also give secondary        prominence in natal interpretation over             astrological community
attention to the rise of simplified pop-         and above the influence of any of the plan-           through to his death
ular forms of astrology as propagated            ets, and their role in defining or mirroring
through the mass media during the 20th           human personality was brought to the fore.                in 1917, Alan Leo
century, and the impact of this subculture             This precedent had soon spawned a                oversaw together
upon the enduring public perception of           new genre of even more simplified natal
astrology as a whole.                            astrology books focused solely on expansive
                                                                                                       with his wife Bessie,
     In 1890, when this survey begins, the       psychological interpretations of the natal           a devout theosophist
public interest in astrology was surging in      Sun sign, of which the first two known full-                 herself, the
both the United Kingdom and the United           length examples were The Influence of the
States. In the UK, an organised national         Zodiac upon Human Life by Eleanor Kirk                  incorporation of a
astrological community had begun to              (1894) and Our Places in the Universal               theosophical bias into
take shape after three years of publication      Zodiac by W. J. Colville (1895).
and national distribution of the monthly               Butler’s Solar Biology was heavily influ-
                                                                                                      all areas of the theory
magazine ‘The Astrologer’ edited by P.           enced by theosophical esotericism, and set                 and practice of
Powley of Hull and published by Foulsham         a preliminary framework for the interpreta-         astrology as practised
in London.                                       tion of the horoscope along theosophical
     Following the dissolution of this mag-      lines by later writers. The prominence given                  in the UK.
azine, the reins of astrological leadership
were taken up by the formidable team of
Alan Leo and Frederick Lacey as they
launched their own monthly entitled The
Astrologer’s Magazine, beginning a 27-year
period of unbroken publication for astro-
logical magazines edited or co-edited by
Leo until his death in 1917.

The Development of Esoteric and
Psychological Astrology, 1887-1924
     It is important to note that esoteric
astrology is a generic term that refers to an
approach to astrological reading and delin-
eation that is focused upon the inner spiri-
tual workings or psychological motivations
associated with particular placements, as

page 14        The   Career Astrologer          OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Leo’s 1913 book Esoteric Astrology; and their
influence further spread to continental
Europe through translations of their books.
                                                            Videos of OPA live presentations are available

                                                         The popularity of
                                                                                                  a resounding commercial success, setting
                                                                                                  the British mass media up for its endur-
                                                                                                  ing reliance upon astrology columns as a
      The idea of what was soon called                                                            means of boosting sales.
psychological astrology developed large-              astrology in American
ly from these theosophical beginnings;               society boomed in the                        Traditional and Scientific Astrology,
and was manifest in the work of one of
                                                       last decades of the                        1899-1945
the most prominent 20th century British                                                                 The foregoing portrait may seem to
astrologers after Leo’s time, Charles Carter,              19th century,                          present astrological has having traversed a
whose Concise Encyclopedia of Psychological           attracting occasional                       slippery slope of ever-greater simplification
Astrology was first published in 1924, with                                                       from Butler’s theosophical astrology of the
an expanded revision omitting the word                    reports on this                         late 1880s through to the arrival of the daily
‘Concise’ appearing two years later.                   perceived fad in the                       Sun sign forecast in national newspapers in
      A breed of Christian mystics that                                                           the mid-1930s.
                                                           press, but not
included astrology in their teachings sep-                                                              But the true picture was much more
arately flourished in the United States well                usually of a                          complex than that. In fact, the astrological
into the early 20th century. This is exempli-        complimentary nature.                        community both in the USA and in the UK
fied by the Rosicrucian Fellowship, founded                                                       was decidedly heterogenous from the late
in California by Max Heindel around 1908,                                                         19th century through to the mid-20th; and
which eventually spawned the best-selling          mentary nature. Some editors even turned       alongside the esotericists and popularisers
astrological text-book The Message of the          to hosting satirical columns or leaders at     there remained a good number of astrolo-
Stars in 1918.                                     the expense of astrology in response.          gers teaching advanced techniques along
      In Germany, a publisher overtly                    Popular astrology however began to       broadly traditional lines although with
inspired by theosophy, Hugo Vollrath’s             take off in newspapers in the USA from         manifest openness to modernising the
Theosophisches Verlagshaus of Leipzig, was         1907, when regular columns typically head-     rules of the ancients where it was felt to
instrumental in bringing a great number            ed Daily Horoscope giving forecasts for the    be merited in practice. The most notable
of new astrological books before the pub-          astrological weather in general for the day    British astrologer at the turn of the 20th
lic between 1910 and 1925, through its             began to appear in significant numbers. By     century who preferred to keep astrolo-
Astrologisches Bibliothek series, which in its     1913, these columns were extremely wide-       gy as a highly technical discipline even
definitive version ran to 21 volumes. Many         spread in the US daily newspaper press; and    if that made for a less widespread public
of the most prominent German astrolo-              in the 1920s, they started to become more      appeal to their writings was Alfred John
gers of the period contributed volumes to          sophisticated, with columns by Marion          Pearce, whose definitive two-volume
successive iterations of the series, notably       Meyer Drew and Wynn (the pen-name of           Text-Book of Astrology published in 1879
Karl Brandler-Pracht, Otto Pöllner, Friedrich      astrologer Sidney Bennett) being the first     and 1889 taught the practice of primary
Feerhow, Lia Feerhow, Ernst Tiede, Michael         prominent ones to differentiate parts of       directions along traditional lines and cov-
Uhle, Theobald Becher, Alfred Max Grimm,           their astrological weather forecasts accord-   ered astro-meteorology, medical astrol-
and latterly the controversial Rudolf von          ing to the solar degree areas under which      ogy, electional astrology and mundane
Sebottendorf. German translations of two           the subject was born.                          astrology in considerable technical detail.
books by Heindel were also included. But                 Drew’s and Wynn’s methods had soon       Meanwhile, in the United States, promi-
while some of the German-language origi-           paved the way for the introduction of the      nent New York astrologer Ellen H. Bennett
nals were also esoteric, quite a few of them       first full-fledged twelve-paragraph Sun        taught horary astrology after William Lilly’s
were focused on traditional astrological           sign forecasts in the US occult and astro-     guidelines in her 1897 textbook Astrology:
principles and markedly technical, so the          logical magazine press in early 1932, one      Science of Knowledge and Reason.
overall series was a hybrid of the esoteric        appearing in the more general Your Destiny           There also emerged a counter-current
and the traditional.                               magazine that January and another in           to the theosophical astrology movement in
                                                   Paul Clancy’s first dedicated astrological     the early 20th century in the form of what
Newspaper Horoscope Columns and                    monthly aimed at the mass public via gen-      was called by its early adopters scientific
Sun Sign Forecasting, 1907-1936                    eral store newsstands. By the mid-1930s,       astrology. This was pioneered by French
     In the late 19th century, the main-           the Sun sign column had also started to        astrologer Paul Choisnard, writing initially
stream press was largely editorially               replace the conventional Daily Horoscope       under the pseudonym of Paul Flambart,
opposed to astrology. Where it commented           features in the American newspaper press,      who advocated the use of statistical meth-
on it at all, it usually did so with disclaimers   and was beginning to make an impact            ods in the study of astrology in his writings
or scornful words at the expense of what           in the British equivalent, where national      from 1899 onwards.
was perceived as an irrational superstition        newspapers had begun to feature regular              A similar movement had sprung up
that should have been left behind by the           astrology columns in the early 1930s.          by 1910 in the United States, with James
Enlightenment.                                           The first notable British newspaper      Donnell Keifer, one of the founders of the
     The popularity of astrology in                astrology columnists were R. H. Naylor         notable long-lived astrological education-
American society boomed in the last                and Edward Lyndoe. Although their astrol-      al establishment called the First Temple
decades of the 19th century, attracting            ogy columns were launched decades              and College of Astrology in Hollywood,
occasional reports on this perceived fad           later than those of their many pre-exist-      California, being among the founding
in the press, but not usually of a compli-         ing American counterparts, they proved         signatories to the charter of Scientific

                                                                                       V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021                      page 15
OPA LIVE SPECIAL                              ASTROLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY
GRAVES                                            1928, one British astrologer specialising in   1910s, with George J. McCormack, a prom-
                                                  the astrological prediction of the outcomes    inent 20th century astro-meteorological
Astrologers. However, as early as 1899, mul-      of horse races, A. Garfield Harrison of        researcher, replacing him as President by
tiple American astrologers including John         Bradford, was able to charge GBP £100 for      the mid-1920s.
Hazelrigg had been independently advertis-        guide-book to his methods, The Infallible           Subsequently, a National Astrological
ing their services as ‘Scientific’ Astrologers    Guide to Future Events (equivalent to over     Association that styled itself as ‘founded in
in the American astrological magazine             £6400 in 2021).                                the interest of educational, scientific astrol-
press, strongly suggesting that the US                                                           ogy’ was launched in 1927, with Llewellyn
scientific astrology movement had inde-           Astrological Organisations and                 George, a prolific astrological writer and
pendent origins from that in continental          Schools in the USA, 1910-1945                  publisher, its first President. The N.A.A.
Europe. The idea of scientific astrology was           Meanwhile in the USA, there was con-      launched its own formal Journal in January
even adopted by some markedly esoteric            siderable traction towards the organisation    1929, publishing its code of professional
astrologers, with Heindel appropriating it        of the American astrological community         ethics in the very first issue. It concludes1:
in his book Simplified Scientific Astrology, of   under the umbrella of various astrological
which the third edition appeared in 1916.         bodies seeking to uphold definite stan-                   A great and wonderful responsibil-
      At the same time, approaches within         dards of astrological practice and profes-          ity rests upon the students of Astrology,
modern scientific astrology had begun to          sionalism and dispel the negative image of          for to them is given a potent means of
diversify. In the mid-late 1920s, Alfred Witte    astrology they felt was brought upon it by          helping humanity. Therefore, we must
and Ludwig Rudolph developed their alter-         its unqualified practitioners.                      endeavour constantly to increase our
native system of astrology known as the                These included the American                    own knowledge and understanding.
Hamburg School and characterised by a             Academy of Astrologians in which John               We can do so by closer or more ear-
strong focus on interplanetary aspects,           Hazelrigg, an American esoteric astrologi-          nest application to astrological studies,
the use of midpoints as sensitive points,         cal philosopher whose first book was pub-           extending our knowledge through read-
and the introduction of hypothetical plan-        lished in 1900, was a leading player in the         ing more books, attending more class-
ets. This gradually grew in traction during                                                           es, watching the trend of daily events
the inter-war years and would eventually                                                              in connection with passing planetary
be exported to the United States market,                 Another modern                               aspects. Also by teaching others what
although not before 1939.                                                                             we learn and by putting into practice
                                                          current within
      Even in the UK, scientific astrology had                                                        in our own affairs the doctrine as we
its advocates in the forms of W. J. Tucker              exoteric astrology                            understand it. And, most important of
and P. J. Harwood, neither of whom was               that thrived from the                            all, by aligning ourselves strongly with
enamoured of the theosophical approach.                                                               an accredited movement such as the
                                                        late 19th century                             National Astrological Association and
In the mid-1930s, Tucker, pressed by asso-
ciates, established his own astrological             onwards and remains                              doing everything we can to bring prac-
organisation called the British Association of                                                        tical Astrology before the world in an
                                                       popular today is the
Scientific Astrologers, which remained active                                                         acceptable manner, that it may receive
into the late 1940s.                                       application of                             the recognition it justly merits, and its
      Traditional and scientific astrology              astrology as a tool                           values be realized and utilized by those
were well-supported in continental Europe                                                             who are capable of further scientific
by numerous dedicated journals from
                                                      in the forecasting of                           development of its various branches.
1904 onwards. Although some of the ear-              financial markets and
lier ones in particular were short-lived, the                                                        Further insight into the guiding pur-
                                                       sporting contests.                        poses behind the establishment of the
Astrologische Rundschau, which was one
of the first to appear in Germany, in 1910,
was in continuous publication until it was
closed down by the Nazi regime in the late
1930s. During the 1930s, astrological jour-
nals and magazines positively proliferated
in France, Belgium and Germany, indicating
a thriving market for them among a greatly
expanded astrological public.
      Another modern current within exo-
teric astrology that thrived from the late
19th century onwards and remains popular
today is the application of astrology as a
tool in the forecasting of financial markets
and sporting contests. Such has been the
level of interest in astrological tools that
would allow speculators to achieve favour-
able outcomes to their gambles that by

page 16        The   Career Astrologer            OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
N.A.A. are found in the July to September
1927 issue of Llewellyn George’s quarter-
ly magazine The Astrological Bulletina, in
                                                          Videos of OPA live presentations are available

                                                print than the earlier NAA for the aims of all
                                                major national astrological organisations to
                                                have been established since.
                                                                                                 (1856-1939) and Carl Gustav Jung (1875-
                                                                                                 1961). As the early 20th century wore on,
                                                                                                 their ideas gradually began to filter across
which he explains (pp. 62-3):                        These organisations coexisted in the        to astrologers’ writings and to displace the
                                                early 20th century American astrological         more theosophically slanted psychological
          Because of lack of organization       landscape somewhat awkwardly with                readings that had proliferated in the late
    among the earnest students and              the more esoteric teaching schools such          19th and early 20th centuries.
    teachers, the world has been unable         as Butler’s Esoteric Fraternity, Heindel’s             Jung’s ideas began to trickle into the
    to distinguish between real Astrology       Rosicrucian Fellowship, Elbert Benjamine’s       writings of a few German-speaking astrolo-
    and charlatanism presented under the        Brotherhood of Light, and the Sabian             gers in the 1920s and 1930s, but these were
    guise of Astrology.                         Assembly that was launched by another            very much a marginal minority voice within
          That this situation needs correc-     important 20th century American astrol-          German astrology prior to World War II. They
    tion and prompt attention is indicated      oger, Marc Edmund Jones, in 1923. Not            begin to become more commonly apparent
    by the numerous City and National           all early 20th century establishments of         in the German astrological literature after
    laws, which are being presented for         astrological education were equally eso-         1950. They are almost entirely absent from
    adoption in an attempt to curb fraud-       teric in outlook, however. The Llewellyn         British and American writings before 1936,
    ulent practices. However, these laws        College of Astrology that had been estab-        but then French émigré Dane Rudhyar,
    are being proposed mainly by officials      lished by Llewellyn George at Portland           writing in English for the American market,
    and others who know nothing of REAL         in 1912 before relocating to Los Angeles         began to introduce them into his writing,
    Astrology. Because they think it is all     taught astrology along more conventional         the most notable early example being his
    fraud, their proposed Bills include all     lines without the vehicle of an overarch-        book The Astrology of Personality pub-
    forms of practice. The wheat is unin-       ing esoteric organisation.                       lished that year. Even then, the uptake of
    tentionally classed with the chaff.                                                          Jungian psychoanalytical theory by English-
          Unless those who know the             The Impact of C. G. Jung,                        speaking astrologers was slow, however,
    TRUTH of Astrology step forward and         1936-2000                                        and although Rudhyar’s thinking had its
    act bravely and quickly, these unfair            While the philosophy of mainstream          devotees and he was given a wide audi-
    laws will be enacted everywhere to the      astrology had already turned more from           ence for his philosophical and astrological
    utter exclusion of any opportunity to       the exoteric definition of fate to the esoter-   musings by regular columns in American
    teach or practice true Astrology.           ic definition of personality and spirit under    Astrology magazine and subsequently
                                                the influence of the theosophists from           Horoscope magazine, it was not before the
     This demonstrates that the defence         Butler’s time in the late 1880s onwards, the     late 1960s that Jungian psychoanalytical
of the free practice of astrology against       early 20th century also saw, outside the-        ideas started to become part of the astro-
a movement towards legislation against          osophy and outside astrology, the devel-         logical mainstream in the USA.
it was an early guiding purpose of the          opment of the first modern theories of                 Rudhyar’s writings were particularly
organisation of the American astrological       psychoanalysis through the work of such          successful from 1966 onwards, but even
community in the 1920s, and the uphold-         eminent psychologists Sigmund Freud              then, the brand of psychological astrolo-
ing of recognised standards was aimed at                                                         gy he taught, which he preferred to call
ensuring that it would meet with less legal                                                      humanistic astrology, had marked differ-
opposition.                                           As the early 20th                          ences in character from the new breed of
     Separately, an American Association of                                                      Jungian psychological astrology popula-
                                                      century wore on,
Scientific Astrologers was presided over by                                                      rised by Liz Greene starting in 1976. This,
the little-remembered astrologer Adrian            eminent psychologists                         unlike Rudhyar’s early work influenced by
M. Ziegler from 1936 to 1938. Ziegler’s             Sigmund Freud’s and                          Jung, was strongly connected to archetyp-
organisation yielded following some merg-                                                        al symbolism drawn from ancient Greek
ers to the American Federation of Scientific           Carl Jung’s ideas                         mythology.
Astrologers founded in 1938, a body that              gradually began to                               Jung’s theory of synchronicity that
proceeded to take central responsibility for                                                     he developed more fully late in life, with
the development of standards in American
                                                       filter across to
                                                                                                 its main expositions beginning in the early
astrology for the next several decades, and        astrologers’ writings                         1950s, had already begun to be tentative-
in fact still exists today, although nowadays        and to displace the                         ly introduced by him in the early 1930s.
known as the A.F.A. instead of the A.F.S.A..                                                     Rudhyar translates3 from an address deliv-
     The A.F.S.A. presented its own more             more theosophically                         ered by Jung in Munich on May 10th, 1930,
succinctly worded Code of Ethics at launch,         slanted psychological                        in which the synchronistic principle was
accompanied by a statement of its aims and                                                       introduced by Jung in contrast to the caus-
objectives2. The statement of aims notably
                                                      readings that had
                                                                                                 al principle to account for elements of the
included the establishment of a national              proliferated in the                        psychology of the unconscious mind. At
public astrological educational programme,           late 19th and early                         the same address, Rudhyar reports, Jung
and the establishment of standards for                                                           stated that4:
astrological practice in accordance with the           20th centuries.
Code of Ethics. It set a more detailed blue-

                                                                                      V30-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2021                    page 17
OPA LIVE SPECIAL                               ASTROLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY
GRAVES                                              the facts of consciousness and the        Astrology in Europe after
                                                    structural relationship existing          World War II
                                                    between the various functions of the            In the UK and continental Europe,
          In so far as there are any really         psyche per se.5                           although astrology and astrological pub-
    correct astrological deductions, they                                                     lishing had been thriving in the 1930s, they
    are not due to the effects of the con-           Greene’s more archetypally focused       were dealt with a significant setback by
    stellations, but to our hypothetical        take on Jungianism starting in the 1970s      the onset of World War II. The astrological
    time-characters. In other words, what-      became a particular popular success           community was itself decimated by casu-
    ever is born or done this moment, has       among students of astrology in the late       alties of the war and of persecution by the
    the qualities of this moment of time.       20th century, and led in the early 1980s to   Nazi regime, with Witte, Karl-Ernst Krafft
                                                her foundation together with a number         and Dr. Hubert Korsch all among the
     Although Jung would appear to have         of colleagues of an entire school dedicat-    dead from the latter cause. Those who had
been showing some confusion regarding           ed to teaching her approach, the Centre       survived found the market much reduced
the astrological signs in his reference to      for Psychological Astrology in London. By     compared with formerly, as reflected in
constellations, this one statement of his in    the end of the 20th century, the literature   dwindling sales for astrological periodicals.
denying the causal nature of astrological       of Jungian psychological astrology had              In the late 1950s, however, the British
influence set a precedent that would prove      become so well-established that the earli-    astrological community began to get its
highly influential to his followers and has     er pre-Jungian approaches also known in       act together, forming the Astrological
since become mainstream in astrological         their day as psychological astrology, such    Association of Great Britain that remains
philosophy.                                     as the work of Charles Carter in the 1920s,   the main national organisation in the coun-
     Jung’s chief influence upon Rudhyar’s      had become almost entirely dissociated        try today.
writing was however the incorporation           from the concept of psychological astrolo-          A split at the helm of the organisation
of Jungian analytical psychology into his       gy in the minds of astrologers.               over the issue of the correct zodiac to use
readings of astrology. Rudhyar defines ana-                                                   led to its erstwhile President Brigadier Roy
lytical psychology as dealing with:                                                           Firebrace, a leading advocate of western
                                                                                              siderealism, going his own way in the early
                                                                                              1960s, and publishing the quarterly side-
                                                                                              real astrology journal Spica until his death
                                                                                              in 1974. Western siderealism also briefly
                                                                                              flourished in the United States from the
                                                                                              1950s to the 1970s under the influence
                                                                                              of Cyril Fagan, who was given a regular
                                                                                              column in American Astrology magazine,
                                                                                              and found its further manifestation after
                                                                                              Fagan’s death in short-lived American jour-
                                                                                              nals called The Constellations (1975-7) and
                                                                                              The Siderealist (1979-80).
                                                                                                    In continental Europe, astrological
                                                                                              publishing and organisational activity
                                                                                              resumed in earnest in the post-war years
                                                                                              although at a lower level than before the
                                                                                              advent of the war. In France and Belgium,
                                                                                              dedicated astrological journals such as Les
                                                                                              Cahiers Astrologiques returned after being
                                                                                              interrupted by the war.
                                                                                                    The baton of scientific astrology
                                                                                              found an unlikely carrier after World War
                                                                                              II in the form of the initially sceptical sta-
                                                                                              tistical researchers Michel and Françoise
                                                                                              Gauquelin, who together carried out the
                                                                                              largest-scale statistical studies to date
                                                                                              correlating planetary placements at birth
                                                                                              with profession and heredity. These were
                                                                                              published in a succession of books and
                                                                                              documents appearing between 1955 and
                                                                                              the early 1980s, and showed evidence in sup-
                                                                                              port of correlations between success in cer-
                                                                                              tain professions and particular planets being
                                                                                              close to the Midheaven in particular, caus-
                                                                                              ing quite a stir in the scientific community.

page 18       The   Career Astrologer          OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrology in the United States,
      Astrological publishing apart from
                                                          Videos of OPA live presentations are available

                                                Astrological Bureau, the latter of which had
                                                already been active since the late 1950s. The
                                                newly launched Astro Computing Services
                                                                                                 Organised Anti-Astrology and its
                                                                                                 Impact, 1975-2020
                                                                                                       It was amid this climate of revitalised
the continuing newsstand magazines was          (ACS) became a major American astrologi-         astrological community that the modern
also relatively muted in the United States      cal publisher giving space to modern works       sceptical movement first made its stand
between 1945 and 1967, but in 1968,             in the 1980s. The American Federation of         in opposition to astrology strongly felt.
the publication of Linda Goodman’s              Astrologers (AFA) had also become a major        Astronomer Bart Bok of Harvard College
best-selling guide to the natal Sun,            astrological publisher in its own right in the   Observatory, a long-time opponent of
Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs, ushered in a         early 1970s, and has published hundreds of       astrology who had clashed with Wynn
new era of popular astrological culture,        specialised works since then.                    over the subject in the early 1940s, led the
spawning the production and sale of a host           The literature of modern English astrol-    attack, teaming up with sceptical philos-
of astrological pocket-books aimed at the       ogy therefore grew rapidly in the late 20th      opher Paul Kurtz to author the influential
mass market over the following 15 years.        century and became more sophisticated            book Objections to Astrology, published by
      In the 1970s, the newly expanded          and technically diverse than it had been in      Kurtz’s own dedicated sceptical publish-
American astrological public also created a     the earlier part of the century, with an array   ing house, Prometheus Books, in 1975. At
market for books filled with potted astrolog-   of new astrological techniques, ideas and        the core of the book was a statement they
ical delineations designed to make it easy      concepts getting introduced between the          had persuaded 186 prominent scientists
for the amateur home astrologer to read the                                                      to undersign, as further published in the
whole of their own natal horoscope, tran-                                                        September and October 1975 issue of The
sits or relationship charts. This market was         In the 1970s, the                           Humanist, a magazine Kurtz edited.
capably served from 1974 onwards by the               newly expanded                                   Established science had effectively
Planets In… series commissioned by Para                                                          declared war on astrology with this one
Research in connection with a computerised         American astrological                         act. But Kurtz did not stop there. Shortly
mail order reading service it had launched.         public also created a                        afterwards, he founded a new dedicated
It was also supported by a voluminous                                                            sceptical organisation called the Committee
series of books penned by the team of             market for books filled                        for Scientific Investigation into Claims Of the
Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker. Self-study             with potted                              Paranormal, better known by its acronym
courses such as Noel Tyl’s twelve-volume set            astrological                             of CSICOP. It was soon favoured with its
The Principles and Practice of Astrology also                                                    own regular magazine that remains in pub-
achieved excellent sales in the 1970s, along-      delineations designed                         lication to this day, The Skeptical Inquirer.
side more conventional astrological schools       to make it easy for the                        Although astrology is not the only object
doing thriving business.                                                                         of its CSICOP’s many criticisms, its outspo-
      Variants on esoteric astrology, which            amateur home                              ken opposition to astrology has been a
had remained a significant current in both        astrologer to read the                         recurring and prominent theme. Over the
the USA and the UK throughout the early                                                          remainder of his life, Kurtz further oversaw
                                                    whole of their own
20th century, also enjoyed a strong renais-                                                      the publication of several anti-astrolog-
sance in popularity in the 1970s, with books         natal horoscope,                            ical books by different authors through
such as Isabel Hickey’s Astrology: a Cosmic              transits or                             Prometheus Books, with a strong focus
Science (1970), Marcia Moore and Mark                                                            on casting doubt on the validity of the
Douglas’s Astrology: the Divine Science             relationship charts                          Gauquelin research and citing a number of
(1971), and Martin Schulman’s Karmic                                                             poorly designed sceptical experiments as
Astrology series, which explicitly connected                                                     evidence against the validity of astrology.
astrology with reincarnation, all putting in    1960s and the 1990s. The use of the aster-             The genesis and growing influence
their first appearances during the decade.      oids and the centaurs (such as Chiron) in        of the modern anti-astrological sceptical
These books differed in their technical         astrology has proven among the most pop-         movement seems to have turned many
details and spiritual emphasis from earlier     ular of the generic new ideas introduced by      astrologers against the statistical astrologi-
works linking astrology to karma and rein-      some of these books.                             cal research that flourished in the first three
carnation such as those of Alan Leo. The             A new wave of English-speaking              quarters of the 20th century. It also signifi-
philosophical approach of the new doctrine      astrological organisations was founded           cantly influenced some leading astrological
of karmic astrology set the scene for the       in the latter decades of the 20th century,       thinkers to turn their backs on the idea
later Evolutionary Astrology movement that      serving alongside the long-standing AFA          of astrology as a science and to promote
has grown steadily in popularity particu-       in helping to support the study of astrol-       alternative astrological philosophies instead.
larly since the launch of the book Pluto: the   ogy and standards of professionalism in          Among the most prominent of these is
Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by author,     the field. The International Society of          Geoffrey Cornelius, whose landmark 1994
Jeffrey Wolf Green, in 1985.                    Astrological Research (ISAR), founded in         book The Moment of Astrology promotes
      At the same time, more specialised,       1968, the National Council of Geocosmic          the idea of astrology as divination instead.
technical niche astrological works were         Research (NCGR), founded in 1971,                Followers of Liz Greene’s school of Jungian
being produced by small publishing hous-        and the Organization for Professional            Psychological Astrology also tend to dis-
es such as Astro-Analytics, CRCS, Michael       Astrologers (OPA), founded in 2000, are          tance themselves, after her example, from
Erlewine’s Heart Center, and Charles Jayne’s    three of the most prominent to this day.         the idea of astrology as being a science.

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