ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017

A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology

Summer 2017
ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and   In-car technology           Driver                   Driverless             Telematics
Summer 2 017                The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||               dash cams     and driving apps            priorities               vehicles

     A study of motorists’ views                                                                                                        Contents and
     on cars and technology                                                                                                             key findings
                                                                                                                                                       Drivers and dash cams
                                                                                                                                                       F our out of 10 U K driver s s ay they plan to b e
                                                             “The world of motoring is changing.                                                       using a dash cam within the nex t 12 months,
                                                                                                                                                       with a third of these motoris t s s aying they are
                                                              Self-driving vehicles are on their                                                       worried about ‘crash -for- cash’ t y p e incident s :
                                                                                                                                                       Pag e 3
                                                              way, cars are becoming more
                                                             ‘connected’ and will soon become                                                          In-car technology and
                                                              large smart computers on wheels .”                                                       driving apps
                                                                                                                                                       Younger driver s are leading the way with 8 0 % of
                                                                                                                                                       17-24 -year- olds using in - car gadget s, compared
                                                                                                                                                       to t wo thirds of over-55s. Driver s aged 17-24 are
                                                                                                                                                       more than t wice as likely to use driving apps than
                                                                                                                                                       the U K average acros s all ages : Pag e 4

                                                               As a large motor insurer in the UK, these
                                                               innovations are fundamental. We are taking steps
                                                               to support this evolution of mobility, while making                                     Driver priorities
                                                               sure we understand our customers’ views on cars                                         O ne in eight driver s (12%) s ay that their nex t car
                                                               and technology.                                                                         purchase will b e either a hy brid or fully ele c tric
                                                                                                                                                       model. But motoris t s have a numb er of concerns
                                                               Whilst a fully driverless car in the average car                                        about these t y p es of vehicle : Pag e 5
                                                               showroom may still be a few years away, we
                                                               are seeing increased vehicle connectivity today,
                                                               providing enhanced driver services and safety
                                                               features - everything from automatic braking,                                           Driverless vehicles
                                                               to USB points, to smart phone apps to track and                                         O ne in five driver s s ay they would consider
                                                                                                                                                       using a driverles s car, but some motoris t s have
     The world of motoring is changing.                        control cars.                                                                           concerns about te chnolog y : Pag e 6
     Self-driving vehicles are on their way, cars              This report compiles the views of 2,134 UK
     are becoming more ‘connected’ and will soon               motorists on vehicle-related technologies,
     become large smart computers on wheels.                   including dash cams, driving apps, in-car-tech,
     The Queen’s speech following the 2017 General             telematics and driverless cars. It examines their                                       Telematics
     Election confirmed the Government will introduce          thoughts, concerns and plans for the future.                                            T hre e quar ter s of motoris t s b elieve that
     an Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill to ensure                                                                                                 telematic s devices can make our roads s afer,
                                                               Auto technology is evolving at an unprecedented                                         but half of driver s would b e reluc t ant to use
     the UK is at the forefront of the modern transport        rate to match consumers’ need for connectivity                                          one. O lder driver s would b e more willing than
     revolution, and the Government has just unveiled          that they are experiencing in other areas of their                                      younger motoris t s to use telematic s, if they
     plans to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars       lives. It appears not all motorists of today are                                        could se e a reduc tion on their motor insurance
     in the UK from 2040.                                                                                                                              premiums : Pag e 6
                                                               ready to hand over every aspect of motoring to
     Other European countries have made bold moves             technology, but this seems inevitable over time.
     too. France plans to ban petrol and diesel cars by        Beyond question, the experiences of tomorrow’s
     2040, while in Sweden, Volvo has announced that           drivers will be very different to those of today.                                       Conclusion
     that every new car in its range will have an electric                                                                                             W hat do es this tell us? Pag e 7
     power train available from 2019.

                                                               Paul Heybourne,                                                                         Methodology
                                                               Head of Digital Innovation                                                              I nformation sources : Pag e 8
                                                               Operations, Aviva

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and         In-car technology   Driver              Driverless      Telematics
Summer 2 017              The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||                             dash cams           and driving apps    priorities          vehicles

                                                                                                                  Reasons for wanting to use dash cams
     Drivers and dash cams
      This Aviva study of more than 2,100
      UK motorists found that dash cams
                                                              Specifically, a third of motorists say they would
                                                              use a dash cam because they are worried about
                                                                                                                        76%                                 42%                              33%
      are one of the most desirable devices                   fraudulent motor claims such as ‘crash for cash’.
      for use in vehicles, with 17% of drivers                This concern is not without foundation. Aviva
                                                              is currently investigating more than 16,000
      saying that they currently use one and                  suspicious bodily injury claims and declined one         want proof of any              feel ‘safer’ using one            are worried about ‘crash
      a further 30% of motorists saying that                  in 10 whiplash claims for proven or suspected          incidents on the road                                                for cash’ / fraudulent
      they plan to use a dash cam in the                      fraud in 2016.                                                                                                                  motor claims
                                                              However, while there is no doubt that dash
      Of the people planning to purchase one, the             cams are proving popular, not every motorist is
      vast majority (84%) plan to do so within the
      next year. Based on these figures, this could
      mean that 4 in 10 drivers - equivalent to more
                                                              convinced by them. Of the motorists questioned,
                                                              53% said they didn’t use a dash cam and didn’t
                                                              plan to do so.
                                                                                                                                               21%                              15%
      than 19 million motorists - could be using dash
      cams on Britain’s roads in the next 12 months.
      Safety is a key consideration for many people                                                                                  think dash cams might                 have had a claim
      who use or plan to use dash cams, with four out                                                                               reduce motor insurance                disputed in the past
      of 10 (42%) drivers in this bracket saying they                                                                                       premiums
      feel safer using one. The most common motive
      for using a dash cam is a desire for proof of any
      incidents on the roads - a reason given by 76%
      of motorists who own or intend to own a dash                                                                Reasons for not using dash cams

                                                                                                                                               32%                              18%
                                                                                                                              feel there is no point as they don’t         are confident in their
                                                                                                                                   stop accidents happening                     driving skills

                                                                                                                                               14%                               11%
                                                                                                                                      say they are an expense             wouldn’t know how
                                                                                                                                          they can’t afford                   to use one

     * DVSA data

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and          In-car technology    Driver                      Driverless    Telematics
Summer 2 017               The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||                                          dash cams            and driving apps     priorities                  vehicles

                                                                                                                     “Vehicle safety technology has come on leaps and bounds,
                                                                                                                      and has played a part in the casualty reductions we have seen
     In-car technology and                                                                                            in recent decades. Understanding and prioritising safety

     driving apps                                                                                                     technology when purchasing a vehicle is really important,
                                                                                                                      helping to create safer roads for all.”
                                                                                                                         Richard Coteau, Brake road safety charity

    The usage of apps to improve people’s
    motoring skills is still relatively low,                   The most popular in-car tech devices
                                                               are as follows:                                               However, there is also a suggestion that more
    with just 5% of drivers saying they
    have used an app to monitor their                                      Sat-nav system:                                   and more people could be relying on their phones
                                                                                                                             to double-up as motoring-related gadgets in
    driving skills and 11% saying they                                     used by 53% of drivers questioned
                                                                                                                             the future rather than using a specific device.
    have used an app to improve their                                                                                        Although overall only 6% of drivers say they
    knowledge of driving theory.                                           Rear parking sensors:                             use their mobile phones instead of bespoke
                                                                           used by 36% of drivers questioned                 appliances, this grows to 16% amongst drivers
    However, usage of apps is noticeably higher
    amongst younger drivers, with 13% aged 17-24                                                                             aged 17-34.
                                                                           Hands-free phone kit:
    having used one to monitor their driving skills and                    used by 32% of drivers questioned
    more than a quarter (27%) of drivers in this age
    group having used a driving theory app.                                Front parking sensors:
    Younger drivers, who traditionally pay more for
    their motor insurance than more experienced
                                                                           used by 18% of drivers questioned
                                                                                                                            In-car tech wish list
    motorists, may be more interested in using                             Dash cam:                                        The most popular devices that drivers would most like              3
    apps - such as the Aviva Drive app - which                             used by 17% of drivers questioned                in their vehicles:
    could potentially reduce the cost of their motor
    insurance.                                                                                                                                                                                        Self-parking
    The research also suggests that many drivers              Younger drivers are more likely to have at least one
    treat apps and in-car technology with some                tech device for their vehicle, with the proportion
    caution – although this reticence is often without        of drivers who use no vehicle-related gadgets
                                                                                                                                                  7      In-car
    foundation. Nearly a third of motorists (29%)             growing with age. For example, 80% of drivers                        4                   connection   6
    believe safer driving apps can be ‘distracting’ and a     aged 17-24 use car-related tech tools, compared to
    similar number (30%) say they don’t see the point         67% of drivers aged 55 and over.                                                                         Front parking
    of them. However, these figures largely relate to                                                                Hands-free                                           sensors
                                                              However, the opposite is true when looking at          for mobile
    people who haven’t actually used the devices and
                                                              specific devices. For example, 56% of drivers
                                                                                                                       phones                                                                                        1
    therefore could be making certain assumptions.
    Proportionate figures are far lower amongst               aged over 55 years say they use a sat-nav system,
    people who have actually used safer driving apps:         compared to 45% of drivers aged 17-24. The
                                                              same is true of rear parking sensors, with 37% of                                                                                       Rear parking
    only 9% of users say they have found an app                                                                                                                                                         sensors
    distracting, while only 3% say they don’t see the         motorists aged 55+ using them, against 22% of
    point.                                                    drivers in the younger age group.

    It is also significant that 39% of drivers who have       However, this may be due to the fact that older
    used a safer driving app felt they were better            drivers have more disposable income and may
                                                                                                                                     5                                                                                            system        2
    drivers as a result. Only 4% felt it didn’t improve       be able to purchase these devices - or vehicles
    their motoring skills.                                    which include them - more readily than younger
                                                              motorists. The fact that a larger proportion of             Dash cam
    Adoption of car-related tech devices                      older drivers say they use no devices also suggests                                                                                        ABS
    Whatever people’s views on technology and                 that some use more than one tool to aid their
    driving, there is clear evidence that motorists are       driving.                                                                                                              10       8
    making use of devices to improve life behind the          Of those who don’t use in-car tech devices, the                                                                                          braking
    wheel. Almost three quarters (74%) of drivers say                                                                                                                   Rear-view
                                                              majority (65%) feel confident in their driving                                                             camera
    they use some form of tech device in their vehicle,
    the most popular being the sat-nav system, used
                                                              abilities without additional devices and 33% are       9
                                                              put off by the cost.
    by more than half of drivers questioned (53%).                                                                        Heated

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and   In-car technology   Driver           Driverless   Telematics
Summer 2 017                The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||                              dash cams     and driving apps    priorities       vehicles

     Driver priorities:
     choosing a vehicle
       In spite of innovations in recent years, both               The growth of electric and hybrid models also
       in terms of technology and aesthetic design,                tallies with figures from the Society of Motor
       most drivers take a very practical approach                 Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) released in
       when it comes to choosing a new vehicle.                    July 2017*.
       When asked to pick three things which most                  Latest figures indicate this is an area of growth,
       influence their decision, fuel economy and                  with an increase of 39% year-on-year between
       price are far and away the biggest ‘deal                    June 2016 and June 2017 for new petrol-electric
       breakers’ affecting the choices of 51% and                  hybrid vehicles registered in the UK, and a
       49% of drivers respectively.                                year-on-year increase of 46% for pure electric
       Safety features come next on the list, although             plug-in vehicle registrations over the same period.
       significantly lower and surprisingly only picked by         However, SMMT figures for 2016 also show that
       29% of respondents. This is closely followed by             diesel and petrol cars were by far the most popular
       low mileage (25%), performance (22%) and cost               fuel types for consumers, with alternatively
       of motor insurance (22%).                                   fuelled vehicles accounting for 3.3% of all new
       Gadgets and in-car tech were only chosen by 5%              cars registered in the UK. This suggests that the
       of respondents as one of their top three concerns.          Aviva study could be more aspirational than a true
       However, there is evidence that technological               reflection of the immediate future.
       advances in car manufacture seem to be                      In line with this, the Aviva research also shows that
       influencing people’s purchasing ambitions. One              people have a number of concerns about the price
       in 10 people (10%) say they plan to buy a hybrid            and the range capabilities of current electric and
       fuelled vehicle when choosing their next purchase,          hybrid vehicles:
       while 2% intend to buy a fully electric vehicle.
                                                                   Reasons for not considering an electric /
       However, the majority of drivers still expect to            hybrid vehicle for next purchase:
       be using fossil fuels, at least in the short-term:
       68% plan to buy a petrol-fuelled vehicle for                High purchase price                       55%
       their next purchase, while 20% expect to buy a              Limited range                             44%
       diesel-powered model.
                                                                   Length of time to charge                  39%
                                                                   Fear of being stranded                    33%
                                                                   Performance compared to
                                                                   petrol / diesel vehicles                  19%

                                                                                                                           “One in eight drivers (12%) say that
                                                                                                                            their next car purchase will be either a
                                                                                                                            hybrid or fully electric model. But
                                                                                                                            motorists have a number of concerns
                                                                                                                            about these types of vehicles                          ”

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and            In-car technology          Driver                 Driverless        Telematics
Summer 2 017                The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||                                      dash cams              and driving apps           priorities             vehicles

     Driverless vehicles                                                                                                                                                               Telematics
                                                                                                                                                                                       Telematics devices are used in vehicles to monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                       people’s driving behaviours. This can be used as
       Dr. Egil Juliussen, an expert on                                                                                                                                                a way of potentially bringing down the cost of
       vehicle-related technologies for IHS                       Reasons for not wanting to use a
                                                                                                                                                                                       motor insurance. Analysis by General Accident
       Automotive, is quoted as saying that                       driverless vehicle:                                                                                                  Insurance estimates that use of telematics in the
       global sales of autonomous vehicles will                                                                                                                                        UK increased by 40% between 2015 and 2016,
                                                                  I would rather be in control              42%
       reach nearly 600,000 units in 2025. He also                                                                                                                                     with even greater potential for growth in the
       forecasts a a 43% compound annual growth                   I wouldn’t trust the technology           41%                                                                        future.
       rate between 2025 and 2035.
                                                                  I don’t understand enough about them      9%                                                                         This Aviva study found that an overwhelming majority
       Aviva’s research shows that one in five motorists                                                                                                                               of drivers (74%) believe that telematics products could
       would be happy to use a driverless car. However            I’d be concerned about being on the                                                                                  make our roads safer.
       there is currently some nervousness from                   roads with non-driverless cars            7%
       consumers about embracing the driverless car                                                                                                                                    However, in spite of this, many drivers show some
       movement.                                                                                                                                                                       reticence about using telematics products themselves,
                                                                                                                                                                                       with 49% of motorists saying they hadn’t used such a
       Would-be-adopters are skewed towards younger               Reasons for wanting to use a driverless
                                                                                                                                                                                       device and wouldn’t consider doing so.
       drivers. Amongst drivers aged 45-54 and 55+,               vehicle:
       the proportion of people who would be willing                                                                                                                                   However, it is possible this reluctance may be due to
       to embrace driverless cars falls to 17% and 15%            I think that the roads will be safer:     49%                                                                        a lack of understanding. When asked whether they
       respectively.                                                                                                                                                                   knew what was meant by a telematics product, 25% of
                                                                  I will be able to do other things while
                                                                                                                                                                                       drivers admitted they didn’t know what one was.
       Currently 49% of motorists say they wouldn’t               travelling                                26%
       use a driverless car, while a further 31% say they                                                                                                                              And while there is evidence of scepticism around
       aren’t sure.                                               It’s an exciting development in technology 18%                                                                       telematics, there is also a strong indication of support
                                                                                                                                                                                       to counter-balance this view. Almost four in 10 drivers
       When asked about how they feel about the                   I don’t like driving                      7%
                                                                                                                                                                                       (38%) say they would consider using a telematics
       concept of driverless cars, the pervading mood                                                                                                                                  device in order to try to reduce their motor insurance
       amongst drivers is one of uncertainty, with almost                                                                                                                              premiums, while 7% said they had used such a product
       a third believing that driverless cars will actually                                                                                                                            and would do so again.
       make our roads more dangerous.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Perhaps surprisingly, while younger drivers were most
       Four in 10 drivers (43%) worry about the idea of                                                                                                                                likely to have used a telematics device in the past, it is
       technology being in control rather than the driver,                                                                                                                             older drivers who are more enthusiastic about using
       while more than a third (36%) fear that driverless                                                                                                                              one in the future. Nearly half (46%) of drivers aged 55
       cars could cause motorists to become lazy and                                                                                                                                   and over said they would consider using telematics,
       inattentive.                                                                                                                                                                    compared to 39% of drivers aged 17-24. This perhaps
       However, there is also a faction of supporters for                                                                                                                              suggests that older drivers are more confident in their
       the concept and 16% say they think our roads will                                                                                                                               driving abilities than younger motorists who are likely
       become safer with driverless cars on the roads –                                                                                                                                to be less experienced behind the wheel.
       although only one in 12 (8%) actually think there
       will be fewer collisions as a result.

 “Currently 94% of road deaths and injuries involve human                                                          In the UK, the first set
                                                                                                                                                          Experts predict that motorists                   The Chinese company
  error and risk-taking. We believe that driverless technology                                                     of public road trials with
                                                                                                                   driverless cars are due to             of driverless vehicles will                      NextEV has developed a
                                                                                                                                                          still have to take a driving                     100% electric race car
  could be critical in reducing the terrible and lasting impact                                                    take place in Milton Keynes
                                                                                                                                                          test - but they could be very                    which it claims can travel at
                                                                                                                   and Coventry by the end
  that this has on our families and communities”                                                                   of 2017.                               different to the current test                    up to 185 mph.
   Richard Coteau, Brake road safety charity

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and   In-car technology   Driver       Driverless   Telematics
Summer 2 017               The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||                             dash cams     and driving apps    priorities   vehicles


                                                                Paul Heybourne,
                                                                Head of Digital Innovation Operations,

       There can be no doubt that innovation is                  Even hybrid and electric-powered cars are cause
       having a huge impact on all aspects of our                of some debate. While there appears to be a
       lives, and driving is no exception.                       growing interest in these types of vehicles - one in
                                                                 eight people say they plan to buy such a model for
       Technology is helping to make journeys safer,
                                                                 their next purchase - there are also some concerns
       more comfortable and more enjoyable. In some
                                                                 when it comes to price and performance.
       cases, devices such as telematics are helping
       to make motoring cheaper, the prevalence                  But this is par for the course for technology. New
       of GPS and navigation in our cars and on our              inventions often breed nervousness as well as
       smartphones has made map-reading a thing of the           excitement, but this uneasiness often wanes as
       past for many car users and dash cams are helping         people get used to new ideas and experience
       drivers feel safer. So it comes as no surprise that       them for themselves.
       the vast majority of drivers - some 74% - use             We can expect some virtual bumps in the road as
       in-car gadgets or apps as part of their driving           new technology evolves, but there can be little
       experience.                                               doubt that innovations are being done with safety
       But there is nervousness about some of the                and comfort in mind, and we can expect a very
       most progressive inventions. Whilst one in five           different motoring landscape in the future.
       motorists would be happy to use a driverless
       car, some drivers today are unsure about

                                                                                                                        “There can be no doubt that innovation
       autonomous vehicles for the moment, with
       almost half of drivers saying they wouldn’t
       want to use one, and a further third of
       motorists saying they weren’t sure.

                                                                                                                         is having a huge impact on all aspects of
                                                                                                                         our lives, and driving is no exception.”

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Drivers and   In-car technology   Driver       Driverless   Telematics
Summer 2 017               The Connected Car || A study of motorists’ views on cars and technology ||   dash cams     and driving apps    priorities   vehicles

       Unless stated otherwise, all statistics relate to a
       survey of 2,134 UK drivers who drive at least once
       a week. The poll was conducted by Censuswide
       research in April 2017.
       Other information sources include:
       • The Department for Transport
       • Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)
       • The Society of Motor Manufacturers and
         Traders (SMMT)
       For further information, contact
       Sarah Poulter, Senior Media Relations Manager,
       Aviva UK:

ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
Retirement   Investments   Insurance   Health
ConnectedCar A study of motorists' views on cars and technology - Summer 2017
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