Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2021 - River Aesthetics

Page created by Sharon Mendoza
Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2021 - River Aesthetics

Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery
       Guide 2021
Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2021 - River Aesthetics

    In fine
                                                                                                                                                                                         IT TAKES TWO
                                                                                                                                                                                         River Aesthetics is
                                                                                                                                                                                         expertly led by Drs
                                                                                                                                                                                         Victoria Manning
                                                                                                                                                                                        (left) and Charlotte

                                                                                                                                                          It’s achieved with a series of feather-light
                                                                                                                                                       threads inserted under the skin to weave a
Discover the UK’s premier collagen                                                                                                                     supportive ‘scaffold’, redefining contours while
 stimulation and body contouring                                                                                                                       encouraging collagen production. Then come
      clinic, River Aesthetics                                                                                                                         the fillers, replacing hyaluronic acid – the
                                                                                                                                                       body’s plumping molecule, which decreases
WE ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO MAKE                                                                                                                         with age – to revitalise and lift the skin.
a first impression with our appearance, and at                                                                                                            Bespoke to each patient, The RiverLIFT can
River Aesthetics they know it. Led by its two                                                                                                          be used to redefine the jawline, reduce the
medical directors, Dr Victoria Manning and                                                                                                             jowls, erase nose-to-mouth lines, increase
Dr Charlotte Woodward, River Aesthetics has                                                                                                            volume in the mid-face, contour the cheeks,
become the UK’s premier collagen stimulation                                                                                                           rejuvenate the neck and/or lift the brow. The
and body contouring clinic – it is a finalist in                                                                                                       treatment harnesses the body’s own collagen,
the Aesthetic Awards for Best Clinic in the                                                                                                            so results are nuanced and naturalistic.
South of England. This dynamic duo has                                                                                                                    Taking barely 60 minutes yet lasting up to
patients travelling from far and wide to                                                                                                               18 months, The RiverLIFT is renowned for
experience what has become not only the                                                                                                                its subtle yet stunning results. Satisfied patients
international gold standard in thread lifts, but                                                                                                       include A-list actresses and make-up artists.
also the destination for body contouring.                                                                                                                 Drs Manning and Woodward are so skilled
   Following success in London and Hampshire,                                                                                                          at this multi-layered approach that they lecture
Drs Manning and Woodward have moved                                                                                                                    on the subject and even train other doctors in
their flagship clinic to Bournemouth. The                                                                                                              the combination of skills needed to achieve the
moment you walk through the door, you can                                                                                                              results. This standard of expertise is a product
sense the exclusivity. Everything from the                                                                                                             of more than 45 years of combined medical
warm greeting to the calming fragrance is                                                                                                              and aesthetic experience.
geared towards the patient experience. It’s clear                                                                                                         The Bournemouth clinic includes one of
this isn’t a clinic you just wander into for a                                                                                                         the country’s leading body contouring suites,
quick facial tweak. This is a place that guides                                                                                                        employing state-of-the-art technologies for fat
you to achieving the best version of yourself.                                                                                                         removal, body tightening, muscle toning and
   Dr Manning and Dr Woodward put it this                                                                                                              cellulite reduction. River Aesthetics is also the
way: when you imagine beauty, what do you                                                                                                              first in the country to introduce two Cutera
think of? Self-confidence and inner strength,                                                                                                          technologies – ID for fat removal, and Flex for
of course, along with total independence,                                                                                                              body tightening. It’s also the number one clinic
intelligent thinking and a sense of adventure.                                                                                                         for CoolSculpting in the South of England.
Collagen and confidence ebb with age, but the                                                                                                             Together, this means that every patient can
Cagney and Lacey of the thread revolution                              This dynamic duo of doctors has                                                 achieve an impressive, sustainable transform-
empower people to age well and feel great.
   This is what led the pair to pioneer The
                                                                    patients travelling from far and wide                                              ation at River Aesthetics, putting clear blue
                                                                                                                                                       water between the old and the new you.
RiverLIFT: the ultimate non-surgical aesthetic                     to experience what has become not only
procedure to lift and tighten the face and neck.
Combining innovative thread technologies
                                                                      the international gold standard in                                                             Reader offer
with next-generation dermal filler techniques,                         flawless thread lifts, but also the                                               Tatler readers will receive a complimentary
The RiverLIFT addresses signs of ageing in a
way that’s as beautiful as it is natural, stimulating
                                                                    destination clinic for body contouring                                               HydraFacial with every RiverLIFT at River
                                                                                                                                                         Aesthetics’ Bournemouth clinic.
the body to create fresh, flexible collagen.

                                                        River Aesthetics has clinics in London (Wimpole Street), Lymington and Bournemouth. Please visit or call 01202 024060
                                                                                                  @river_aesthetics @riveraestheticsuk    @riveraesthetics
Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2021 - River Aesthetics
TOP DOCTORS                                                                                                        COSMETIC SURGERY

     Threads                                                Hormones                                               Dermatology
     DR JEAN-LOUIS SEBAGH                                   DR MARTIN GALY                                          DR ARIEL HAUS
     Sebagh is known for two things: his thick              Galy is refreshingly straight-talking when it          ‘It’s been a challenging year for patients,’ says
     French accent and a wildly futuristic approach         comes to bioidentical hormones. His prescrip-           Haus. ‘The past months have manifested in all
     to the face. Threads are his forte, and the former     tion patches, gels or creams reinstate a sense of       sorts of skin complaints, from inflammatory
     surgeon does something that no other doctor            balance – and not just for women. ‘Andropause           acne and rosacea to significant issues such as
     does. ‘I lift the muscle,’ he explains, ‘just like     imitates menopause a lot more than people               melanoma.’ The Harley Street dermatologist
     you would in a surgical neck lift.’ His trick is to    realise,’ says the doctor, who sees some high-          has an arsenal of corrective devices, from photo-
     delve deep, picking up the platysma (the rope-         profile figures pass through his Chelsea clinic.        dynamic therapy (‘We apply a topical solution
     like muscle, either side of the neck, that drags       ‘But men don’t recognise sweating and irritabil-        to the skin, which is activated by light and
     the lower face down) with a pre-threaded needle,       ity as symptoms. Loss of libido is what brings          destroys damaged cells in minutes, so it’s good
     enabling him to reposition it, reducing jowls          them to my door.’ He reports a rise in numbers          for some skin cancers’) to complexion-perfect-
     and sharpening the jawline. It takes about two         of younger patients too, such as PCOS sufferers,        ing lasers. His newest trick deploys a laser to
     weeks for the face to settle (lymphatic drainage,      those with poor insulin resistance and postpar-         create micro-channels in the skin, enabling
     courtesy of his Korean Ultralift machine,              tum mothers (‘Most women don’t link postnatal           active ingredients to be delivered directly to the
     helps to take down any swelling). ‘If you keep         depression to their hormones, but by support-           dermis. ‘It’s completely bespoke,’ he says, ‘and
     a steady weight then the effect will last for three    ing progesterone and testosterone, we can get           it works to improve the appearance of acne scar-
     years, maybe even four,’ says Sebagh, who              them through their baby blues’). His passion,           ring very well.’ As a beach-loving Brazilian,
     inserts his threads in a ring formation to firm        though, is to help patients at any age rediscover       bodies are his speciality, whether he’s mapping
     and lift the derrière. But he’s also fascinated by     their joie de vivre: ‘If you have a middle-aged         moles or addressing post-pregnancy stretch
     nano-fat: ‘We harvest your fat, break it down,         person, with change in mood and no history              marks (‘Laser, in combination with mandelic
     make a “soup” out of it, and then inject it            of mood disorder, you need to think about               acid, helps to improve their colour and texture’).
     into the face,’ he enthuses about the technique,       hormones – not antidepressants.’ Consultation,          Still, he’s a stickler for sun cream, warning that
     which transforms a sun-damaged dermis                  £380; hormone testing, from £80 (          ‘The tan of today is the wrinkle of tomorrow!’
     into baby-soft skin. A fresher face awaits.                                                                    His ‘Doctor’s Facelift’ – a combination of his
     Consultation, complimentary; deep-plane thread              Sebagh is known for                                7D laser, active skincare and muscle-tightening
     lift, from £2,500 (                        two things: his thick French                          Ultherapy – is a post-holiday must-have.
                                                                                                                    Consultation, fee on enquiry; photodynamic
     DR CHARLOTTE WOODWARD,                                     accent and a futuristic                             therapy for skin cancer treatment, from £1,750;
     DORSET (NEW ENTRY)                                          approach to the face                               Doctor’s Facelift, £2,100 (
     River Aesthetics’ glamorous co-founder is one
     of the UK’s leading thread lifters – but so is her     DR STEPHANIE GOODWIN                                    DR ANJALI MAHTO
     business partner Dr Victoria Manning, and              (NEW ENTRY)                                             Whip-smart and utterly authoritative, Mahto
     together the pair have created a gleaming clinic       Goodwin is intuitive and inquisitive, but it’s her      makes skin management simple. She’s big news
     that has put the South West firmly on the map.         empathy for those who sit in her Marylebone             on social media, where her advice is straight-up
     Woodward’s approach is twofold: to elevate             practice that makes her an ideal accomplice for         and spot-on – otherwise check out her book,
     a fallen face (her Silhouette Soft threads are a       patients in the first flushes of menopause. She        The Skincare Bible, for fluff-free ways to get to
     reliable option) and to enhance skin quality.          is a GP and women’s health specialist, and her          grips with topical ingredients and treatments.
     River Aesthetics was one of the first clinics to       work runs the gamut from ovarian insufficiency         ‘Often patients are misdiagnosing,’ she says.
     use the recently relaunched Aptos thread, which        to psychosexual trauma – ‘Though I always              ‘They’re using powerful ingredients that are
     stimulates the formation of collagen while             look at the bigger picture,’ she says. ‘Sometimes       totally unsuitable for their skin and are instead
     hydrating the tissues. ‘It’s like a tightly wound      it’s also good to check someone’s cardiovascular        causing low-level inflammation and sensitivity.’
     spring,’ explains Woodward. ‘Once inserted, we         risk, as well as other factors that start to present    Her solution? To strip back the actives, adopt a
     massage the area and it expands, bringing              in mid-life.’ Goodwin prescribes body-identical         gentler regime and use a prescription-based
     volumisation.’ (It smooths nose-to-mouth lines         hormones (‘that are structured identically to           cream to get things back on track. You’ll find
     superbly, and can also be used to plump up the         those the body makes’), determined by a                 her at the Cadogan Clinic but also on Harley
     labia.) She also uses collagen-spurring Ellansé        patient’s symptoms: not just irregular periods,         Street – though she’s mastered the art of online
     – perhaps to rebuild the temples or strengthen         anxiety and hot flushes, but also vaginal dry-          consultations (‘Patients love the efficiency, and
     the jaw. Post-procedure, patients are dispatched       ness and urinary problems. ‘Oestrogen defi-             for conditions like acne, rosacea and pigmenta-
     with ice packs, chocolate and a supportive pillow.     ciency also affects the urethra, so many women          tion it works really well’). She flies the flag for
     ‘Many women who come for a thread lift have            experience recurrent infections,’ she explains.         mental health too, and is outspoken on the
     never had anything done before – so this is a          Though she’s mindful to introduce one hor-              importance of addressing concerns such as
     big thing for them,’ says Woodward. ‘Looking           mone at a time, then tweak. ‘If you add three           persistent breakouts before they impact on the
     after them, and their emotional state, is critical.’   at once, it’s more difficult to work out what’s         patient’s self-esteem. ‘Acne can be treated,’ she
     Consultation, £50, redeemable against treatment;       going on,’ she says. ‘You have to join the dots.’       says emphatically. ‘Nobody should have to
     Silhouette Soft, from £2,500; Aptos face, from         Consultation, with advice and prescription, from        feel miserable in their skin because of it.’
     £2,500; Ellansé, from £400 (      £300 (                        Consultation, £375 (

96                                                                                                                                                           TATLER
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