Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council

Page created by Debra Bates
Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Housing Investment Plan
  Annual Update 2018
Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Geography of Belfast City Council

Belfast is divided into ten district electoral areas
Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council

Foreword                                                                          3
Introduction                                                                      5
      Vision                                                                      5
      HIP themes and outcomes                                                     5
      The HIP and the Community Plan                                              6
      The HIP and the Local Development Plan                                      6
Context                                                                           7
      Strategic Context                                                           7
      Local Context                                                              11
      Update on resources/budget                                                 13
      Progress Report                                                            13
Theme One: Identify and meet housing need and demand                             15
Theme Two: Improving people’s homes                                              23
Theme Three: Transforming people’s lives                                         27
Theme Four: Enabling sustainable neighbourhoods                                  31
Theme Five: Delivering quality services                                          35
Appendices                                                                       37
      Appendix 1: Community Planning Themes and Outcomes                         37
      Appendix 2: Social Housing Need by Settlement 2017-2022                    39
      Appendix 3: Social Housing Development Programme                           40
      Appendix 4: Maintenance Programme and Grants Information                   44
      Appendix 5: Housing Executive Stock March 2018                             51
      Appendix 6: Applicants and Allocations by HNA areas at March 2018          58
      Appendix 7: Management Team contact details                                59
      Appendix 8: Glossary                                                       61

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Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Northern Ireland Facts and Figures
           applicants were on the housing waiting list at
           31 March 2018 (37,611 at 31 March 2017)
                                                                £   £514
                                                                    the average amount we spent on each dwelling
                                                                    for repairs

           24,148                                                   £118.4m
           of these were classified as being in housing
                                                                    programme of maintenance schemes delivered,
           stress (23,694 at 31 March 2017)
                                                                    such as improvement works to over 19,000
           11,877                                                   dwellings, investment and cladding works to
                                                                    two tower blocks, environmental improvement
           housing applicants were deemed to be Full Duty
                                                                    schemes and 4,093 major/minor adaptations.
           Applicants (FDA) homeless after investigation

           4,148                                                    7,373
           approvals were issued to private households              Social homes were allocated last year
           to assist with insulation and heating measures

           through the Affordable Warmth Scheme,
           costing £17.4m                                           £336m
                                                                    we collected 99.8% of rent and rates charges on
           1,759                                                    our homes and unattached garages
           new homes were started through the Housing
           Executive’s Social Housing Development                   540
           Programme (SHDP)                                         community groups worked in partnership with us
                                                                    through the Housing Community Network (HCN)
           housing support places were provided to assist the
           most vulnerable citizens in our local community
                                                                    of our stock is occupied, with our lettable voids
                                                                    remaining low – only 0.32% of our stock vacant
           Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) were approved to
           the value of approximately £11.9 million

                                                                £   £629.8m
                                                                    paid out in Housing Benefit (HB) payments

                                                                £   54,135
           Mandatory Repair Grants were approved
                                                                    new claims for HB assessed and 475,298
           85,534                                                   changes made to existing claims
           homes managed by the Housing Executive

           366,950                                                  £516k
           repairs were carried out at a cost of £44.1m,            awarded through our Social Housing
           which equates to approximately four repairs              Enterprise Strategy, with 40 social
           per dwelling                                             enterprise initiatives/individuals supported

           2.1%                                                     22%
           Unfitness in NI housing stock has decreased
                                                                    fuel poverty (10% definition) decreased from
           from the previous 4.6%, recorded in the 2011
                                                                    42% recorded in the HCS (2011)
           House Condition Survey (HCS)

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council

In 2015, we published our four-year          consider the requirements of the new
Housing Investment Plans (HIP) 2015-19.      Local Development Plans (LDPs). The
These plans identified housing-related       LDPs will provide long-term strategies to
desired outcomes, and were intended          support economic and social progress,
to initiate discussions with councils and    and will assist in the delivery of
other stakeholders in order to develop a     Community Plans.
shared vision for the future of housing in
                                             Partnership working with stakeholders
Northern Ireland.
                                             and our contributions to Community
This HIP Update reports on our progress      Plans are key elements in the Housing
in delivering the outcomes set-out in the    Executive’s ‘Journey to Excellence’
2015-19 HIP. It outlines how we plan to      Programme; we aim to deliver top class
deliver our housing ambitions, in tandem     housing and regeneration solutions to
with other statutory agencies, to achieve    meet the needs of communities and
these intended outcomes.                     partners, now and in the future. This
                                             joint working approach has enabled us
In 2015, the reform of Local Government
                                             to develop strong partnerships that yield
brought about the formation of 11 new
                                             many benefits from collaboration and the
councils. These new councils were given
                                             sharing of information. The HIP has been
responsibility for leading the Community
                                             instrumental in this process.
Planning process for their area. The
Housing Executive has joined with our        We look forward, in 2018, to developing
statutory and other partners: councils,      further our relationships with councils
statutory bodies, agencies and the wider     and other stakeholders. Through the
community, including local groups and        various planning and Community Planning
the voluntary sector to forge Community      processes, we intend to build lasting
Planning Partnerships in each area.          housing solutions that will benefit all
These partnerships will develop and          communities.
implement shared Community Plans that
aim to sponsor and foster well-being and
community cohesion. The Plans will also
align with the outcomes contained in the
Programme for Government (PfG).
Working in partnership, the Housing
Executive, alongside other statutory
partners and community representatives,      Professor Peter Roberts
has also engaged with local councils to      Interim Chair

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council

In 2015, the Housing Executive published    to deliver good quality services and       Themes and Outcomes
the Belfast Housing Investment Plan         housing solutions for local communities.
(HIP) 2015-19, which aims to provide a                                                  THEME ONE
                                            The annual update retains the HIP           Identify and meet housing need
long term and ambitious vision for the
                                            framework based around five themes          and demand
development of housing. This is the final
                                            and associated outcomes. Detailed
annual update, which records progress                                                   1. Identify new housing
                                            information of proposals is set out in
of actions set out in the HIP for 2015-                                                    requirements.
                                            the Appendices. All statistics in this
19, HIP updates for 2016-18 and details
                                            document refer to Belfast City Council      2. Increase the supply of affordable
new proposals for 2018-19. The annual
                                            area (BCC), unless otherwise stated.           renting to meet the needs of
update should be read in conjunction
with the HIP 2015-19.                                                                      communities.

This annual update will not only show       Vision                                      3. Assist home ownership.
how the actions contribute to achieving     The housing sector throughout Northern      THEME TWO
the HIP outcomes but also how they can      Ireland faces a number of challenges        Improving people’s homes
support the delivery of the Community       in the current economic climate but is      4. Improve the quality of the housing
Plan, ‘The Belfast Agenda’.                 committed to working in a way that             stock.
The HIP sets out a strategic direction      goes beyond a simple ‘bricks and mortar’
                                            approach. The housing vision for Belfast    5. Develop low carbon homes and
for housing across all tenures, both new
                                            is one where:                                  reduce fuel poverty.
and existing. Proposals detailed within
this annual update seek to achieve this                                                 THEME THREE
                                            “housing plays its part in
by promoting development, improving                                                     Transforming people’s lives
health and wellbeing, reducing              creating a peaceful, inclusive,
                                                                                        6. Provide suitable accommodation
inequality, and by creating more            prosperous and fair society”                   and support services for
cohesive, safe, vibrant and successful                                                     vulnerable residents.
places for all.                             This vision seeks to deliver sustainable
                                                                                        7. Homelessness is prevented or is
Since the publication of the HIP, the       communities, living in dwellings of
                                                                                           addressed effectively.
Housing Executive, as a statutory           a decent standard and in sufficient
Community Planning and Local                numbers to meet local needs throughout      THEME FOUR
Development Plan (LDP) partner, has         the urban area.                             Enabling sustainable
welcomed the opportunity to work                                                        neighbourhoods
with the Council and stakeholders to                                                    8. Regenerate neighbourhoods.
                                            HIP themes and outcomes
incorporate and embed the HIP vision
and outcomes within Community               Success for housing providers               9. Create safer and cohesive
Planning and LDP processes.                 necessitates measuring the effect of           communities.
                                            interventions, therefore, under each of     THEME FIVE
With limited and reduced public
                                            the five themes a number of outcomes        Delivering quality services
resources, the partnership approach,
                                            have been identified.
which the Community Plan facilitates,                                                   10. Deliver better services.
will become increasingly important

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

                                            The HIP and the Community Plan              The HIP and the Local Development
                                            The Council and its statutory partners
                                            have produced a Community Plan              The Local Development Plan (LDP) will
                                            (The Belfast Agenda) for the city, in       replace the Belfast Metropolitan Area
                                            consultation with the public. With this     Plan (BMAP 2015) in 2020. The LDP
                                            over-arching framework of strategic and     will influence housing development in
                                            statutory partners and service providers    Belfast for 15 years from 2020. The plan
                                            working together, the Plan has specific     will address land availability for housing
                                            outcomes to be achieved by 2030.            across Belfast. It will examine the
                                                                                        take up of zoned lands with the correct
                                            The Community Plan identifies long-
                                                                                        development plans.
                                            term priorities for improving the social,
                                            economic and environmental wellbeing        The LDP will be the main vehicle for
                                            of citizens within the city.                assessing the future housing land
                                                                                        requirements across the council area.
                                            It is modelled on the outcomes
                                                                                        This is crucial given the aspiration
                                            based approach, similar to the draft
                                                                                        within the Belfast Agenda to increase
                                            Programme for Government. The five
                                                                                        the population of Belfast by almost
                                            outcomes for this Community Plan were
The Belfast Agenda                                                                      70,000 people and develop an additional
                                            agreed and grouped under the themes
                                                                                        37,000 new homes in the period to 2035.
                                            listed adjacent.
                                                                                        The amount of land needed for new
                                            Housing can contribute to achieving
                                                                                        housing will be determined by
                                            many of the Community Plan
Community Planning Outcomes                 outcomes. It can shape health and           • Housing Growth Indicators (HGIs);
                                            wellbeing, regeneration and the             • Allowance of existing commitments;
    1. Everyone in Belfast benefits         environment, community cohesion and
       from a thriving and prosperous                                                   • Urban capacity studies;
                                            neighbourhoods. Linked to a programme
       economy                              for Government, it can also reduce fuel     • Housing Needs Assessment;
    2. Belfast is a welcoming, safe, fair   poverty, promote the use of renewable       • Allowance for windfall housing sites;
       and inclusive city for all           energy and assist economic growth.            and,
    3. Everyone in Belfast fulfils their    The HIP themes are complementary            • Residual housing need.
       potential                            to many of the Community Planning
                                            themes. This annual HIP update has
    4. Everyone in Belfast experiences
                                            therefore aligned our housing actions
       good health and wellbeing
                                            against the Community Plan outlined in
    5. Belfast is a vibrant, attractive,    The Belfast Agenda.
       connected and environmentally
       friendly city.

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Context                                      Welfare Reform                              Measures have been introduced for
                                                                                         people in Northern Ireland to reduce the
                                             The adoption of the Welfare Reform
                                                                                         impact of some of the changes to the
Strategic Context                            Order (NI) 2015 has meant significant
                                                                                         welfare system. Welfare Supplementary
                                             changes to the benefit system for
The Housing Investment Plan annual                                                       Payments are available until 2020 to
                                             people of working age. Whilst all of
update has been developed within the                                                     support people who may lose out due to
                                             the changes have had some effect on
context of the Northern Ireland policy                                                   some of the changes.
                                             the Housing Executive, those which
framework.                                   have had most impact are Benefit Cap,       The Housing Executive continues to
                                             amendments to Housing Benefit rules         provide advice and support to tenants
                                             and Social Sector Size Criteria (Bedroom    and housing applicants about changes to
The draft Programme for
                                             Tax).                                       the welfare system. It is working closely
Government (PfG)
                                                                                         with DfC on the processes necessary to
The draft PfG contains 14 high level                                                     ensure smooth implementation.
outcomes, and 48 indicators. While
our work supports many of the
outcomes in the draft PfG, there is no                                                   Housing Strategy
specific ‘housing outcome’ included.                                                     Facing the Future: The Housing Strategy
Nevertheless, housing and many other                                                     for Northern Ireland 2012-2017 was
elements of the work of the Housing                                                      launched in 2012 and reviewed in 2015.
Executive are cross-cutting, especially                                                  The review identified that 21 actions
in relation to place-making and help                                                     had been achieved or were on track
achieve many of these PfG outcomes.                                                      and 12 were broadly on track or facing
Our investment plans and activities,                                                     some delay. DfC is in the process of
                                             Universal Credit, which will replace
as set out in this Plan, illustrate how                                                  completing a final evaluation of the
                                             a number of working age benefits,
and where our plans can contribute                                                       Housing Strategy and hope to have this
                                             including Housing Benefit, was
directly and indirectly to the delivery of                                               ready for publishing in Autumn 2018,
                                             introduced in September 2017 and is
the Community Plan, and the draft PfG                                                    pending ministerial approval.
                                             being implemented by DfC. New claims
outcomes. We await the publication of
                                             will be phased in geographically across     The Housing Strategy will be replaced
the final PfG.
                                             Northern Ireland during 2018. It is         by the draft Programme for Government
                                             currently planned to be fully rolled-out    (PfG) Housing delivery plan. The
                                             to all claimants by 2022. A Rates Rebate    proposals contained within this delivery
                                             Scheme replacing Housing Benefit rates,     plan and subsequent actions are an
                                             for those awarded Universal Credit, was     attempt to learn from the experiences
                                             also introduced in September 2017 and       of delivering the Housing Strategy, from
                                             is being led by Department of Finance.      the diversity of evidence and views
                                             Universal Credit will have a considerable   gathered from key partners and from the
                                             impact on the Housing Executive. Over       consultation on the draft PfG in 2016.
                                             the next four years the Housing Benefit
                                             caseload will significantly reduce whilst
                                             the wider effect on the organisation’s
                                             day-to-day work and service provision
                                             will be substantial.

Belfast Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2018 - Belfast City Council
Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Delivery Strategy                          Supporting People                            Rural
The Housing Executive continues to         The Housing Executive acts as the            The Housing Executive provides a range
work in partnership with DfC, housing      administering authority for the              of services tailored specifically for those
associations and the Northern Ireland      Supporting People (SP) Programme in          living, or wanting to live, in rural areas.
Federation of Housing Associations         Northern Ireland. This role includes the
                                                                                        Our Rural Strategy & Action Plan 2016-
to ensure delivery of the PfG targets      payment of SP Grant to approximately
                                                                                        2020 ‘Sustainable Rural Communities’, is
for new social housing. In 2018/19,        90 providers of housing support services
                                                                                        aimed at identifying the housing needs
we will continue the implementation        which deliver assistance with housing
                                                                                        of rural communities and working with
of the Social Housing Development          related tasks to more than 19,000
                                                                                        housing providers, councils, public bodies
Programme (SHDP) Delivery Strategy         vulnerable people in order to help them
                                                                                        and rural stakeholders to ensure that
Action Plan. One of the key elements       develop or maintain the skills necessary
                                                                                        where possible, rural areas receive an
of maintaining and improving delivery      to live as independently as possible in
                                                                                        equitable proportion of investment and
will be a sustainable land supply,         their own home. In 2018/19, the budget
                                                                                        needs are addressed.
and we continue to support housing         is £72.8m. As such, the providers’
associations to bring forward additional   allocations for 2018/19 will be at the
supply through advance acquisition and     baseline level of grant provided in
emerging routes such as Competitive        2017/18 (i.e. not including the additional
Design & Build.                            non-recurrent funding in November
The Housing Executive is also working
closely with DfC to improve the supply
of public land which can be made
                                           Housing for All (previously Together
available for housing, which includes
                                           Building United Communities or
both Housing Executive Transfer land
and Surplus Public Sector sites. This
year will see the commencement             In addition to the 10 schemes, which are     For many young rural households, house
of design work for new social and          either completed or under construction       and land prices, land availability and
affordable housing on strategically        as part of the initial Housing for All new   low rates of development will rule
significant Public Sector sites at Hope    build programme, we are continuing to        out owner occupation, in the short
Street, Belfast (Housing Executive         work with DfC, housing associations and      to medium term. The propensity for
owned) and St Patrick’s Barracks,          our own Community Cohesion team to           owner occupation in rural areas will
Ballymena (DfC owned).                     identify further schemes with potential      also result in limited opportunity for the
                                           to accommodate new shared housing in         private rented sector to offer affordable
                                           2018/19.                                     accommodation. In 2018/19, the Housing
                                                                                        Executive will continue to work closely
                                                                                        with rural communities to identify the
                                                                                        need for social and intermediate housing
                                                                                        and engage with housing providers to
                                                                                        encourage the delivery of new homes in
                                                                                        rural areas.
                                                                                        Our Rural Strategy highlights the Rural
                                                                                        Needs Act (NI) 2016 which came into
                                                                                        operation for the Housing Executive in
                                                                                        June 2018. This added duty will ensure
                                                                                        that the needs of our rural communities
                                                                                        are fully considered in the preparation of
                                                                                        all policies, strategies, plans and in the
                                                                                        design and delivery of our public services.
Asset Management Strategy                   Tower Block Strategy                         House Condition Survey 2016
The Housing Executive’s Asset               The Housing Executive prepared a             The publication of the Northern Ireland
Management Strategy was approved            strategy for its tower blocks as part of     House Condition Survey 2016 main
by DfC in 2016. The Strategy adopted        the overarching Asset Management             report has been announced on the GOV.
both a new investment standard -            Strategy. This strategy determined that      UK release calendar. The report was
the Commonly Adopted Standard               option appraisals should be carried out      published on the Housing Executive’s
- as the basis for investment in the        for each block given the various issues      website on 31 May 2018. Click on the
modernisation and maintenance of            around investment needs, management          link below for further details. https://
our housing stock, and an ‘active           and maintenance costs and housing  
asset management approach’ in which         demand.                                      announcements/northern-ireland-house-
investment decisions would be based         A report on these appraisals was             condition-survey-2016
on the performance of the stock in          presented to the Housing Executive’s
supporting the Housing Executive’s          Board for consideration at its meeting in
business plan and its landlord                                                           Home Energy Schools Competition
                                            November 2016. The Board requested
objectives.                                 that officers develop a comprehensive        In June 2018 the Housing Executive
                                            action plan for each tower by August         announced the results of Home Energy
                                            2017. However, following the fire            Schools Poster Competition which
                                            in Grenfell Tower in London, the             it launched in collaboration with the
                                            development of this plan was put on          Education Authority across 1,000 P7
                                            hold until there was the opportunity to      primary school pupils. The competition
                                            consider any preliminary findings from       was aimed at promoting home energy
                                            investigations into the fire and any         awareness. The Housing Executive will
                                            potential implications arising from these.   use the competition’s winning poster
                                                                                         throughout 2018/19 to promote energy
                                            In doing so the Housing Executive
                                                                                         efficiency awareness in its promotional
                                            established an Independent Reference
                                            Group to advise on fire safety issues in
The delivery of this Strategy was           its blocks. It is intended that the action
predicated on our funding position          plans will be reviewed and consulted
for stock investment being improved         on with tenants, leaseholders and their
via the out workings of the Social          representatives in 2018/19.
Housing Reform Programme. However,
with ongoing delay in the latter and
two years of rent freezes this position
has unfortunately deteriorated.
Consequently, DfC in October 2017
approved a revised Strategy for
three years to allow time to agree a
solution to our long term investment
requirements. As a result our Investment
Plan will focus on compliance activities,
External Cyclical Maintenance and
a programme of major component
upgrading (e.g. bathrooms, kitchens,
wiring, doors, windows, heating etc.) in
order to address both our maintenance
backlogs and tenant priorities.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Homelessness Strategy                       Energy Saving                              Social Housing Enterprise
The Housing Executive’s Homelessness        A partnership of Home Energy
Strategy 2017/22 – Ending                   Conservation Authority (HECA) Panel        The Social Housing Enterprise (SHE)
Homelessness Together, acknowledges         members: Energy Saving Trust; National     Programme was launched in 2015
that Homelessness cannot be addressed       Energy Action; Bryson Energy; Choice       and since then, almost £1.4 million
by one agency in isolation. For many        Housing, NI Consumer Council; Phoenix      has been invested in social enterprise
households, a roof over their head is       Natural Gas; Firmus Energy; SGN            in communities throughout Northern
only one aspect of a solution that will     Natural Gas and Power NI took part in      Ireland, with grants ranging from £1,000
allow them to live independently in a       Energy Saving Week in November 2017.       to £50,000. A total of 70 new jobs
home of their own that they can afford.                                                have been created and 774 training
A range of agencies will be required to                                                opportunities have been made possible.
work together to ensure that households
have the right property coupled with the
right level and type of support needed to
sustain them in that property.
To ensure a multi-agency approach was
adopted, the Housing Executive has
established Homelessness Local Area
Groups which bring together a range of
agencies from the Statutory, Voluntary
and Community Sectors within the            The week focuses on raising public
locality to devise an Interagency Local     awareness - how to switch energy
Action Plan. This Plan is designed to       supplier or tariff to get the best deal,   Funding is awarded to individuals or
improve service delivery for homeless       advice on grant availability, accessing    groups who can demonstrate how our
households. The Plans contain actions       discounts, making homes more energy        communities will benefit through their
under the three objectives of preventing    efficient, helping people to cut their     product or service and how investment
homelessness, providing sustainable         fuel bills and how to get the relevant     will lead to an increase in employment
solutions and addressing the often          financial support. This collaborative      and training opportunities.
complex needs of chronic homeless           promotion was set out in ‘one stop
households. The Homelessness                shops’ at nine of the Northern Ireland’s
Local Action Plans remain under             larger shopping centres, alongside a       HMO Bill
review with additional actions being        renewed campaign on social media,          The HMO Bill received Royal Assent in
added throughout the duration of the        local newspapers and radio.                May 2016 and this legislation provides
Homelessness Strategy as new issues                                                    powers for Councils to develop and
arise.                                                                                 implement HMO Licensing Schemes.
                                                                                       It is now anticipated that this area of
                                                                                       responsibility will be transferred to
                                                                                       Councils by April 2019. The Housing
                                                                                       Executive is fully committed to working
                                                                                       with the Councils and DfC to ensure this
                                                                                       transition is facilitated.

Local Context                                There is an expected decline in the          Sales of terrace and semi-detached
                                             number of households with children, with     properties accounted for approximately
                                             28% of these households dropping to          70% of residential property transactions
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland   25% by 2037. Consequently, smaller sized     in Belfast in 2017.
with a population of approx. 340,000.        new build housing, across all tenures,
                                                                                          Impending interest rate rises are
The city provides major opportunities for    will be required to meet future household
                                                                                          currently not impacting on the market,
employment, learning, shopping, leisure      need in Belfast.
                                                                                          as they are expected to be slow and
and entertainment. It drives much of the     As the region’s capital city, major          gradual, however further rises in interest
economic growth across the region.           population centre and hub for business,      rates will place individuals and families
                                             employment and infrastructure, Belfast       under additional financial pressure and
                                             is critical to Northern Ireland’s economic   will impact the overall market.
Housing Market Update
The local housing market in Belfast is
                                             Belfast supports over 210,000 jobs and is
slowly recovering from the economic                                                       Private Rented Sector (PRS)
                                             a source of employment for much of the
crash in 2007. House prices had
                                             region’s population. The Belfast Agenda
effectively doubled in the two years prior
                                             aims to create 15,000 additional jobs in
to the crash, the classic boom and bust
                                             the city by 2021.
scenario. Prices bottomed out in 2013
and have been on a gentle upward curve       Local economic performance and peoples’
since then. The effects of the 2007 crash    economic circumstances affect the
are still evident and serious imbalances     demand for housing, and the individual
remain in the current housing market.        housing choices that they make. Local
Private sector development is still low      estate agents have noted correlations
and mortgage lending remains inhibited       between dramatic changes or threats to
despite historically low interest rates.     local employment and confidence within
                                                                                          The Private Rented Sector (PRS)
                                             the housing market.
There is a need for additional housing                                                    continues to play a critical role in the
across all tenures. The Housing Growth                                                    local housing market and provides much
Indicator (HGI) requirement for over 1,000                                                needed accommodation for all household
                                             Owner Occupied Sector
new dwellings per year up to 2025 is not                                                  types. Local estate agents report a
being met and the target of an additional    The average price of properties sold in      continuing strong demand at the top end
37,000 new homes over the 2020-2035          Belfast in 2017 was £158,764 which is        of the market and in the Lisburn Road,
period, expressed within the LDP, looks      a slight decrease on the previous year.      Ormeau Road and Stranmillis areas.
very ambitious post EU referendum.           This compares to Northern Ireland figure
                                                                                          Local estate agents have indicated
                                             of £155,049, which is very slightly up
The long-term trend towards smaller and                                                   that key drivers of the sector in Belfast
                                             on 2016 average prices. The Council for
single person households has ensured                                                      include:
                                             Mortgage Lenders (CML) described in its
that household growth has occurred           April 2017 commentary that “the market       • flexibility and choice of location;
across Northern Ireland. From 2001-2011,     in Belfast is on a fairly even keel and in   • difficulty in saving for a deposit to buy
the number of households in Belfast          neutral gear”.                                 a home;
increased by 5.5%, below the Northern
Ireland rate of almost 12%. Projections by   Sectoral differences remain; South           • job and income uncertainty;
NISRA for the period up to 2037 indicate     Belfast is still the highest priced sub      • availability of Private Housing Benefit;
similar growth rates for both Belfast        market while North Belfast is the lowest.    • higher demand and lower turnover in
and Northern Ireland, as a whole. These      First time buyers are still experiencing       the social housing sector; and,
project 812,000 households in Northern       difficulty in obtaining mortgage finance     • negative equity forcing some owners
Ireland, with 153,000 of these in Belfast.   despite continued low interest rates.          to let rather than sell.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Rented accommodation is now the                is a much higher proportion than for          list in the city. Future housing mix in
accommodation of choice for many               Northern Ireland as a whole, reflecting       new social housing will need to cater
households, and especially younger             the high levels of redevelopment which        for these household groups. In recent
households on lower incomes who in             occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. Housing      years social housing need has been
previous decades would have become             Executive stock amounts to almost 26,000      delivered locally by housing associations
first time buyers. High levels of demand       units while housing associations account      on Housing Executive land. Increasingly,
for social housing in some areas will          for approximately 13,500 units.               areas of housing need are emerging in
also continue to underpin the demand           The residential ring surrounding the City     locations where the Housing Executive
for private rental property.                   Centre is largely comprised of redeveloped    does not own land.
Housing Benefit continues to play a vital      stock. Carrick Hill, New Lodge and            Housing associations compete on
role in supporting low-income tenants          Duncairn areas of North Belfast, Markets,     the open market against the private
in the sector. At March 2018, over             Donegall Pass and Sandy Row in South          sector and this can make it difficult to
12,000 private tenants in the city were        Belfast, Lower Falls/Divis, Grosvenor         obtain sites in areas of housing need
in receipt of Housing Benefit. Welfare         Road, Lower and Mid Shankill in West          throughout Belfast. Need is apparent in
Reform and recent tax changes and              Belfast and Lower Newtownards Road,           all four sectors of the city (North, South,
regulatory requirements could affect           Short Strand and Albertbridge Road in         East and West). The areas of highest
the attractiveness of private rental for       East Belfast, were all largely built as       need coincide with those areas where
landlords, although the continuation           social housing. Much of this stock remains    suitable development land is in short
of direct payment of Housing Benefit           available for social rental.                  supply.
to landlords may mitigate aspects of           The significant levels of redevelopment       In addition, the Housing Executive is
the overall scheme for them. These             reduced the level of both owner               keen to promote housing in the City
developments will be monitored closely         occupied and private rented                   Centre. A new waiting list covering the
over the next few years.                       accommodation in the city. In the early       City Centre will be established when a
The rapid expansion of purpose built           1980s, the Housing Executive completed        suitable housing scheme or schemes is/
student accommodation in Belfast is            around 2,000 new social houses in             are approved. The new waiting list will
being closely monitored in light of the        Belfast, per year. Housing associations       be open to all applicants wishing to live
delays in the construction of the new          assumed responsibility for new build          in the City Centre.
Ulster University campus in North              since 1996, completing an average of
Belfast. The campus was due to be              550 units, per year in Belfast, over the
completed in autumn 2019 but will not          last 10 years. The amount of social stock     Regeneration
be operational until 2020, at the earliest,    in the city has risen in the past few
                                                                                             Regeneration can be defined as a set of
meaning that the accommodation                 years as house sales under the Right to
                                                                                             activities that reverse economic, social
currently under construction will be           Buy provisions has declined. This trend
                                                                                             and physical decline in areas where
complete before the campus is. The             is unlikely to continue, as budgetary
                                                                                             market forces will not do so without the
effects of this expansion on existing          pressures will impact on the levels of
                                                                                             support of government.
housing markets, particularly the              new build with emerging evidence that
Holylands area, are being researched by        levels of applications to buy in the social
South Belfast Partnership Board, with          sector are rising. This may be related
support from the Housing Executive.            to the impact of welfare reform. Many
                                               tenants may prefer to make mortgage
                                               payments rather than pay increased
Social Housing Sector                          rents. We will continue to monitor this
                                               up to the end of the welfare reform
The social housing sector in Belfast is
                                               mitigation period in 2020.
still a very significant part of the overall
market, accounting for more than a             Single person and small family
quarter of all housing in the city. This       households comprise 75% of the waiting        Social new build at New Lodge

To continue to build vibrant and welcoming     new, more effective ways of delivering            housing proposals, as set out in the HIP
places within Belfast it is important that     high quality services for citizens in             for 2015-19; the HIP Updates 2016 and
local communities are involved in decision     Northern Ireland.                                 2017, and also include the new 2018-19
making in their neighbourhoods to identify                                                       plans and schemes. They reaffirm the
                                               Locally, we will continue to work alongside
priorities and plan solutions. There are a                                                       Housing Executive’s ten-year vision, as
                                               our Community Plan partners to direct
number of regeneration initiatives within                                                        well as aligning our plans to local Council
                                               limited public sector resources more
Belfast which include:                                                                           Community Plans.
                                                                                                 Where updated or new relevant data is
                                               The past year has delivered significant
                                                                                                 available to that identified in the HIP, this
Building Successful Communities                housing investment, for a wide range of
                                                                                                 has been incorporated in graphic or tabular
                                               services, and the 2017/18 public sector
The Building Successful Communities                                                              form. The updated statistical information is
                                               housing investment totalled £130m for the
programme is a strand of the ’Facing the                                                         reported by each HIP theme.
                                               BCC area.
Future – Housing Strategy for Northern
Ireland‘ and aims to use housing               Housing expenditure and projected
interventions as a catalyst for local          housing investment is set out in Table 1:
regeneration. The key objectives of the
programme are to:
                                               Progress Report
• improve housing and infrastructure;
                                               The following sections contain progress
• deliver new social and affordable
                                               report tables for each HIP outcome.
                                               These tables detail the progress of
• deliver environmental improvements;                                                            Overview of Belfast City

• improve access to amenities; and,            Table 1: Belfast actual/projected public sector housing spend
                                                                                             Actual spend £m         Projected spend £m
• improve access to economic and social
  activity.                                     Activity areas                                  2017/18                     2018/19
Six areas, five of which are in Belfast,        Stock Improvements                                         17.24                      13.10
are included in the programme: Lower            Adaptations for Persons with a                              1.08                        1.26
Shankill/Brown Square; Lenadoon and             Disability (APD’s)
Glen Colin; Lower Falls; Lower Oldpark and      Planned Maintenance Work                                   16.97                      26.62
Hillview; and Tiger’s Bay. The programme        Grounds Maintenance                                         1.59                        1.67
is led by DfC and has inputs from political,
statutory and community interests.              Response Maintenance                                       14.29                      12.06
                                                Private Sector Grants                                       1.58                        2.14
                                                Supporting People                                          22.81                      22.22
Update on resources/budget
                                                Community Development                                          0.6                         *
In the absence of the Northern Ireland
                                                Investment in New Build**                                   53.9                        ***
Executive, Budget Allocations to Northern
Ireland Departments for 2018/19 were            Total****                                                 130.06                      79.07
provided by the Secretary of State for          Source: NIHE
Northern Ireland. DfC has provided              * Community Development projected spend is not available.
Housing Executive allocations for 2018/19.      ** Investment in new build is the total cost of schemes starting in the programme
                                                year but which may be spent over more than one year. The amount includes Housing
These allocations have been incorporated        Association Grant (HAG) and housing association funding.
in the Board approved budget for 2018/19.       *** The total cost of units in the gross Social Housing Development Programme
The Housing Executive, along with other         (SHDP) for 2018/19 has not been finalised.
public bodies, will continue to adapt with      ****All 2018/19 figures exclude the DLO trading deficit of £2.5m.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Identify and meet housing
need and demand

Plans 2017/18                      Progress                  Plans 2018/19                 Long term objectives         CP Ref
NIHE will update the Net Stock     The update to the NSM     The household projections     NIHE will deliver updated    1.12
Model (NSM) in 2017 following      did not take place        are due to be refreshed       objective assessments of
the 2015 review of household       in 2017 as planned        during 2018 when we will      affordable housing (social
projections.                       household projections     further review the NSM.       and intermediate housing)
                                   figures are not yet                                     need by household type.
NIHE will carry out an annual      Achieved. The five year   NIHE will carry out an        Continuously evaluate and
five year projected social housing social housing need for   annual five year projected    update housing need and
need assessment for Belfast.       Belfast is 4,704.         social housing need           demand in line with best
                                                             assessment for Belfast.       practice.
NIHE will annually assess       Achieved. The ten year       NIHE will annually assess
demand for intermediate housing intermediate housing         demand for intermediate
for Belfast.                    need is 1,170.               housing for Belfast.
NIHE will produce a HIP annual     Achieved.                 NIHE will produce a new 4     Determine new housing         1.12
update for 2018/19, monitoring                               year Housing Investment       requirements for Local
housing market performance                                   Plan, 2019, monitoring        Development Planning (LDP),
across all tenures.                                          housing market performance    through collaborative working
                                                             across all tenures, to        between NIHE, DfC, NISRA
                                                             align the work of NIHE to     and DfI.
                                                             Community Plans.
NIHE will annually update          Achieved.                 NIHE to deliver annual                                     1.12
councils with affordable housing                             updates of affordable
need reports for the production                              housing requirement to
of Local Development and                                     inform Local Development
Community Plans.                                             and Community Plans.
NIHE will commence a               NIHE has commissioned     Following completion          Housing Market Assessments 1.12
programme to deliver Housing       the development of        of agreed new HMA             will be taken into account
Market Assessments (HMAs)          an updated set of         boundaries, NIHE plans        when planning for housing
across NI upon the completion of   functionally-based        to commission further         provision and developing
the housing market geographies     housing market area       research to undertake a       policies for addressing future
research.                          boundaries for Northern   factual analysis of Housing   housing demand.
                                   Ireland. These will be    Systems. This research will
                                   based on new Census       take place within at least
                                   data on Travel to Work    one of the new Housing
                                   Areas (TTWA), migration   Market Areas, with a view
                                   and new Local Authority   to extending this further
                                   boundaries that came      to all new Housing Market
                                   into force in 2015.       Areas.
                                                             This analysis will also
                                                             include an element of
                                                             scenario planning.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Demographics - Belfast
                                                     Mid-year estimate 2006                Mid-year estimate 2016                Projected 2026
Children                                                            65,904 (20.2%)                      66,953 (19.7%)                    71,199 (20.5%)
Working age                                                        212,315 (65.1%)                     223,119 (65.7%)                    214,832 (62%)
Older people                                                        47,766 (14.7%)                      49,507 (14.6%)                    60,563 (17.5%)
Total Population                                                           325,985                             339,579                          346,594
Households                                                                         -                           143,911                          148,367
Average Household Size                                                             -                               2.35                             2.33
Source: NISRA

Belfast Household Composition of Housing Applicants at March 2018
Type                Single Person             Small Adult          Small Family         Large Adult        Large Family     Older Person        Total
Applicant                      5,036                      431              2,713                 137                 630             1,189        10,136
App (HS)                       3,696                      263              1,993                  92                 462                 830       7,336
Allocation                     1,020                      79                 696                  12                 161                 227       2,195
Applicant - Housing applicants at March 2018.
App (HS) - Housing stress applicants at March 2018 (i.e. 30 points or more).
Allocation - Annual allocations for year ending March 2018.

Social housing waiting list trends                                                          Definition of Household Types
                                                                                            Single person 1 person 16-59 years old
         11,961                                                                             Older person     1 or 2 persons aged 16 or over, at least 1
                      11,757         11,615
10000                                            10,813     10,738
                                                                                                             over 60
                                                                         10,136             Small adult      2 persons 16-59 years old
 8000                                                                                       Small family     1 or 2 persons aged 16 or over, with 1 or
                                                                                                             2 children
 6000    7,071         6,912         6,933       7,134          7,322    7,336
                                                                                            Large family     1 or 2 persons aged 16 or over, and 3 or
                                                                                                             more persons 0-15, or 3 or more persons
                                                                                                             16 or over and 2 or more persons aged
 2000                                                                                                        0-15
         2,446         2,669         2,537       2,358          2,361    2,195              Large adult      3 or more persons aged 16 or over with or
     0                                                                                                       without 1 person aged 0-15
           2013        2014          2015         2016          2017      2018
                  Total applicants              Housing stress            Allocations
Source: NIHE

Plans 2017/18              Progress                        Plans 2018/19               Long term objectives                 CP Ref
DfC will approve a         The SHDP delivered 424          DfC will approve a gross,   Maximise public funding through      1.12
gross, three year          starts in 2017/18: these        three year 2018/21 SHDP.    the procurement of affordable
2017/20 SHDP.              comprised of 342 new build                                  housing.
                           units; 42 rehabs; 14 ‘Off the
                           Shelf’ (OTS) properties; and
                           26 ‘Existing Satisfactory
                           Purchases’ (ESP’s). The
                           total included 41 one-bed
                           units. There were 468 units
                           completed during 2017/18.

NIHE, with DfC, and        Work on the Delivery            The SHDP Delivery           The key objectives of the SHDP
housing associations       Strategy Action Plan            Strategy Action Plan will   Delivery Strategy are:
will implement an SHDP     is ongoing and the              be implemented over the
                                                                                       • More sustainable
Delivery Strategy Action   Commissioning Prospectus        period 2017-2020. The
                                                                                         neighbourhoods through
Plan over the period       was published in early 2018.    Commissioning Prospectus
                                                                                         effective place shaping within
2017-2020.                                                 will be published in
                                                                                         Community Planning.
                                                           conjunction with the SHDP
                                                           2017-2020 in 2018.          • Reformed delivery of social and
                                                                                         affordable housing to create a
                                                                                         more flexible and responsive
                                                                                       • Deliver 8,000 new social
                                                                                         housing units and at least
                                                                                         2,800 new affordable homes
                                                                                         over a four year period (subject
                                                                                         to available funding).
NIHE will work with        NIHE has commenced work         NIHE will work with         To include intermediate rent         1.12
councils to develop        with councils on LDP’s          councils to develop         products within LDP affordable
affordable housing         Preferred Options Papers        affordable housing          housing policies.
policies, including the    and Plan Strategies.            policies, including
provision of social                                        provision of social housing
housing, for the new                                       for the new LDP.
DfC & DfI will engage     Provision of affordable          NIHE will work with         Support the introduction of          4.10
with key stakeholders     housing will be promoted in      councils to develop         developer contributions for
on recommendations        the LDP.                         affordable housing          affordable housing.
detailed in the draft PPS                                  policies, including the
22 Affordable Housing.                                     provision of social housing
                                                           for the new LDP.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Plans 2017/18              Progress                       Plans 2018/19                 Long term objectives                 CP Ref
DfC will continue to       Achieved. There were 5,876     DfC will continue to          Monitor and evaluate the            4.10
implement landlord         landlords registered with      implement landlord            performance of the PRS to assess
registration and tenancy   19,950 tenancies at March      registration and tenancy      effectiveness in meeting affordable
deposit schemes            2018. A renewal process        deposit schemes and           housing need.
and analyse the data       is underway for landlord’s     analyse the data received.
received.                  registration, which has
                           resulted in lower number of
                           tenancies being recorded.
DfC completed a            Public consultation on firm    DfC has prepared a            Introduce effective regulation for
fundamental review         proposals for change closed    government response           the PRS to maintain physical and
of the Private Rented      in April 2017. A total of 52   for Ministerial approval.     management standards.
Sector (PRS) in 2016/17.   responses were received.       When a Minister is
                                                          appointed the Department
                                                          will publish details on the
                                                          way forward.
NIHE plan to process       In 2017/18, new claims         NIHE plan to process new
new public/private         were processed in an           public/private HB claims
Housing Benefit (HB)       average of 14.3 days.          within the 22-day target
claims within the 22       Claim amendments were          and HB claim amendment
day target and HB claim    processed in an average of     within seven days.
amendment within           2.9 days.
seven days.
NIHE has made £450k        NIHE funded Smartmove          NIHE has made £390k                                                1.12
available to fund          private rented access          available to fund
Smartmove private          scheme to a value of £483k     Smartmove private rented
rented access scheme       across NI during 2017/18.      access scheme across NI
across NI for 2017/18.                                    for 2018/19.

Average Weekly Private Sector Rent by House Type                                        Housing Benefit Claimants
                                                                                                  17,191        17,151        17,150     17,118        16,700

150                                                                                               14,489        13,568
                                                                                        14,000                                13,138
100                                                                                                                                      12,667                     12,755
                                                                                        12,000                  10,637        10,955     11,136




 50                                                                                               10,157                                                            12,001
  0                                                                                                2013          2014          2015          2016       2017         2018
              Apartment Terrace        Semi Detached              All
                                     Detached                                                             NIHE                 Private              Housing Association
Source: Ulster University                                                               Source: NIHE

Ten Year Intermediate Housing Demand 2017-2027                                          House Sales All Tenures
                                                                                                                   4,499           4,534            4,550           4,566

                                                                                                   2013            2014               2015          2016            2017
      Source: NIHE
                                                                                        Source: LPS

Co-Ownership Approvals                                                                  Repossessions
2017/18                                                              162
2016/17                                      106                                        250

                                                                                        200                                        221
2015/16                                                          154
                                                                                        150               175
2014/15                                                                     176         100

2013/14                                                126                                                                                                     27
          0                50                    100                 150          200                 2012          2013          2014          2015        2016

Source: Co-Ownership                                                                    Source: DfC

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Plans 2017/18                        Progress                         Plans 2018/19                 Long term objectives       CP Ref
NIHE and housing associations will 94 NIHE properties were            NIHE and housing              Continue to assist home    1.12
implement the House Sales and      sold to tenants under the          associations will             ownership through
Equity Sharing Scheme.             House Sales Scheme during          implement the House           House Sales and Equity
                                   2017/18.                           Sales and Equity Sharing      Sharing.
DfC will administer committed     In 2017/18, there were 162          DfC has committed             Continue to assist         1.12
funding of £96.3m to Co-Ownership properties purchased through        funding of £100m to Co-       households purchase
for 2015/16 – 2018/19, with a     Co-Ownership in Belfast.            Ownership for four years,     their home through
target of 2,643 affordable homes                                      which along with £65m         shared ownership.
for NI.                                                               of private finance, will
                                                                      allow for the provision of
                                                                      2,800 new homes in NI.
DfC will pilot a number of           FairShare has been set up        Housing associations          Support the introduction   1.12
initiatives across NI using the      by Apex, Clanmil and Choice      in NI will continue to        of developer
Affordable Home Loans Fund           as a new shared ownership        offer affordable, high-       contributions to
(AHLF) to deliver affordable         scheme, enabling homebuyers      quality properties for sale   increase the supply of
housing. These include:              who cannot afford to             through the FairShare         intermediate housing.
                                     purchase a property outright,    shared ownership
1.   £19m to provide up to 600                                                                      Deliver finance models
                                     to buy a share of a property     scheme.
     affordable homes;                                                                              to make better use of
                                     directly from a housing
                                                                                                    funding for intermediate
2.   £9.2m in Financial Transactions association and pay rent on
     Capital (FTC) funding to an     the rest.
     empty homes scheme (being                                                                      Deliver a range of
     delivered by Clanmil);                                                                         intermediate housing
                                     Co-Ownership continues to                                      products, such as
3.   £5m to date in FTC funding for
                                     operate the Rent to Own          Co-Ownership will             intermediate rent.
     a Rent to Own scheme (being
                                     initiative with the £12.5m FTC   continue to promote the
     delivered by Co-Ownership);
                                     funding received. To date, 33    Rent to Own scheme.
                                     properties have been funded
4.   Developing intermediate         across NI.
     housing on surplus NIHE land
     (Clanmil and Apex).
NIHE will work with councils to      NIHE continues collaborative     NIHE will work with           Deliver mixed tenure       1.12
develop intermediate housing         work with Council on the         councils to develop           housing schemes in
policies through the LDP.            LDP’s Draft Plan Strategy.       intermediate housing          communities through
                                                                      policies through the LDP.     planning.
NIHE will continue to investigate    We continue to examine           NIHE will continue to         Deliver a self-build       1.12
with housing associations, the       potential for self-build homes   investigate with housing      affordable housing
potential for community self-build   with Habitat for Humanity.       associations, the             model.
products for home ownership.                                          potential for community
                                                                      self-build products for
                                                                      home ownership.

Local Housing Allowance
                                         £                 92.44 101.90
                                 £             £           two bed dwelling         three bed dwelling

                        Source: NIHE

Average Annual House Prices                                                   Private New Build Starts
170,000                                          163,665                      400
                                    156,991                   158,764
160,000                                                                                                                 541
                       149,520                                                300
150,000                                          154,028      155,049
            134,371                 149,449
140,000                                                                       200                  215    304
                       140,217                                                         219
            131,204                                                           100

110,000                                                                         0
           2013         2014            2015       2016        2017                    2013        2014   2015   2016   2017

          Belfast Average house price          NI Average house price
Source: Ulster University                                                     Source: LPS

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Improving people’s homes

Plans 2017/18                  Progress                       Plans 2018/19                 Long term objectives          CP Ref
Funding of discretionary       Discretionary grant approval Funding of discretionary        Deliver policies to support   4.10
grants will continue in        in 2017/18 was £413k.        grants will continue in         sustainable design and
2017/18.                                                    2018/19.                        improve the fabric of
Repair notices issued by       There were 225 mandatory       NIHE will issue mandatory
councils to private rental     repair grants approved in      repair grants, as required.
landlords can be recovered     2017/18 with an approval
through a mandatory grant of   value of £175k.
up to £7,500.
NIHE will register and         At March 2018, there were      NIHE will register and                                      4.10
inspect Houses in Multiple     3,767 properties registered    inspect HMOs for building
Occupation (HMOs) for          as HMOs in Belfast. In the     and management standards.
building and management        past year, 50 Article 80
standards.                     Notices (fit for number of
                               occupants) and 315 Article
                               79 Notices (Management
                               Regulations) were served.
Funding for NIHE planned       In 2017/18, NIHE spent         Funding for NIHE planned      NIHE has been carrying out    4.10
maintenance schemes in         £16.97m on 82 planned          maintenance schemes in        work to develop a new 10
2017/18 is estimated at        maintenance schemes.           2018/19 is estimated at       Year Investment Plan based
£16.6m for 82 schemes.         NIHE completed planned         £26.6m for 88 schemes.        on the principles set out
                               maintenance works to 9,143     NIHE will complete works      in the Asset Management
                               properties: 3,249 properties   to 10,194 properties: 4,733   Strategy.
                               received ECM works; 1,152      properties will receive ECM
                               Bathrooms and Kitchen          works; 1,794 Bathroom
                               replacements; 89 Double        and Kitchen replacements;
                               Glazing; 1,323 Heating;        1,102 Bathrooms; 2,226
                               860 Smoke Alarms; 1,308        Heating; 43 Multi-Element
                               Incremental Improvements;      Improvements; and, 264
                               and, 765 properties received   Incremental Improvements.
                               special scheme work.
Funding for NIHE capital       In 2017/18, NIHE spent         Funding for NIHE Stock        NIHE has been carrying out    4.10
improvement schemes in         £17.24m on improvements        improvements and              work to develop a new 10
2017/18 is estimated at        to its stock in Belfast.       Adaptation schemes, in        Year Investment Plan based
£20m.                                                         2018/19, is £14.36m.          on the principles set out
                                                                                            in the Asset Management
NIHE will complete response 94% of NIHE response              NIHE will complete
maintenance repairs within maintenance repairs in NI          response maintenance
the required target time.   were completed within the         repairs within the required
                            required target time.             target time.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Plans 2017/18                  Progress                    Plans 2018/19                  Long term objectives           CP Ref
NIHE will carry out response   97.3% of NIHE response                                                                    4.10
maintenance repairs to         maintenance repairs in NI
customers’ satisfaction.       were carried out to the
                               customers’ satisfaction.
NIHE stock condition survey    NIHE’s Asset Management     NIHE will use the Asset
will inform the Asset          Strategy was approved in    Strategy as the basis
Management Strategy.           2016.                       for investment in the
                                                           modernisation and
                                                           maintenance of our housing
The 2016 House Condition       The 2016 House Condition    Additional modelling           Unfitness and decent home      4.10
Survey final report will be    Survey final report was     work will be completed to      standards will be identified
published early 2018.          published in May 2018.      provide further insight into   through NIHE House
                                                           the drivers of fuel poverty,   Condition Survey reports.
                                                           the cost of poor housing
                                                           in terms of health, costs
                                                           to improve the energy
                                                           efficiency and safety of
                                                           the stock and a revised
                                                           SAP (energy rating) time
                                                           series for previous House
                                                           Condition Surveys.

Plans 2017/18                  Progress                            Plans 2018/19                 Long term objectives      CP Ref
Bryson Energy, with funding    Achieved. There were seven          The present contract has      Promote energy efficiency 4.10
from NIHE, deliver an Energy   schools visited in the Belfast      been extended until 30th      through contracts           5.7
Advice Service across          during 2017/18.                     September 2018 and after      (including social clauses)
Northern Ireland and an                                            consideration of existing     with third party providers.
Energy Efficiency Awareness                                        contract, new arrangements
Programme, annually, to 160                                        will be implemented,
schools across NI.                                                 subject to approval.
The 2016 House Condition       The 2016 House Condition
Survey final report will be    Survey reports that 14.6% of
published early 2018.          households in Belfast are in
                               Fuel Poverty.
NIHE will implement the        In Belfast, 1,327 measures were     NIHE will implement the       Reduce fuel poverty.      4.10
Affordable Warmth Scheme.      carried out to private properties   Affordable Warmth Scheme
Funding of £16m is available   under the Affordable Warmth         with available funding
for 2017/18, across NI.        Scheme in 2017/18.                  of £16m for 2018/19           Develop and promote       5.7
                                                                   across NI, subject to         alternative natural
                                                                   change, following current     energies to improve
                                                                   monitoring round outcome.     environmental wellbeing
                                                                                                 and combat fuel poverty
                                                                                                 in the home.
NIHE will continue to        In Belfast, 784 properties had        NIHE will implement the
administer the Boiler        boilers replaced at cost of           Boiler Replacement Scheme
Replacement Scheme on        £549k.                                2016-19 with funding
behalf of DfC for the period                                       of £550k for 2017/18
2016-19 with a budget of £3m                                       across NI, subject to
for 2017/18 across NI.                                             change, following current
                                                                   monitoring round outcome.

NIHE’s 2017/20 Energy          In 2017/18, the Energy              NIHE’s 2018/21 Energy         Deliver zero carbon
Efficiency Programme           Efficiency Programme included       Efficiency Programme          dwellings within the
includes 29 schemes at a       1,590 installations at a cost of    includes 20 schemes at a      SHDP.
cost of approx. £19m.          £790k.                              cost of £1.1m.
NIHE aims to increase          4,900 households have become        Bryson Energy has been                                  5.7
membership of the              members of the 27 oil buying        awarded a further 2 year
established Oil Buying Clubs   clubs established in NI.            contract to maintain the
Scheme.                                                            Oil Buying Clubs Scheme,
                                                                   and transition the handover
                                                                   of this service to local
                                                                   community groups over the
                                                                   next 2 years.

Housing Investment Plan
Annual Update 2018

Transforming people’s lives

Plans 2017/18                           Progress                            Plans 2018/19                Long term objectives CP Ref
The gross, three year (2017/19)         During 2017/18, there was one       The gross, three year        Maintain             1.12
SHDP contains no supported housing      supporting housing schemes on-      (2018/20) SHDP contains      collaborative        4.10
schemes.                                site to provide 22 units. Three     no supported housing         working practices
                                        schemes, providing 21 units,        schemes, this, however,      between NIHE,
                                        were completed in 2017/18.          will be kept under           Health Trusts and
                                                                            review.                      Probation Service to
                                                                                                         deliver innovation,
                                                                                                         capacity and
                                                                                                         housing care and
                                                                                                         support services.
£22.6m has been approved to deliver     £23.9m was spent delivering         £22.22m has been                                  1.12
the Supporting People programme for     the Supporting People               approved to deliver
2017/18.                                programme for 2017/18.              the Supporting People
                                                                            programme for 2018/19.
                                        201 accommodation based
                                        services for 4,219 service users.
                                        17 floating support schemes for
                                        1,525 service users.
2017/20 SHDP incorporates support       21 wheelchair units were on-        2018/21 SHDP                                      1.12
for 35 wheelchair units.                site at March 2018.                 incorporates support for
                                                                            40 wheelchair units.
NIHE will monitor and review            Activity plan for 2017/18           Activity Plan in place for                        1.12
Supporting People services through      underway.                           2018/19.
the contract management framework
and take actions to remodel/realign
services as needed.
NIHE will assess need for social        NIHE met 5% of the general          The Wheelchair                                    1.12
housing wheelchair housing. DfC has     needs new build target in           Standard                                          4.10
agreed an initial Wheelchair Standard   2017/18.                            Accommodation target
Accommodation target of 6% of                                               for general needs new
general needs new build, for 2017/18.                                       build in 2018/19 is 7%.
NIHE has funding of approximately        NIHE approved 121 DFGs,            NIHE has funding of          Promote              1.12
£9.5m for Disabled Facilities Grants     spending £1.1m in Belfast.         approximately £9.5m          independent living   4.10
(DFG) for the private sector in 2017/18,                                    for DFGs for the private     through DFG
across NI.                                                                  sector in 2018/19,           adaptations.
                                                                            across NI.
NIHE will provide adaptations to its    NIHE spent £2.47m on                NIHE will provide                                 1.12
properties as required.                 adaptations to 1,628 properties     adaptations to its                                4.10.
                                        in 2017/18 comprising: 270          properties as required.
                                        shower installations; 90 lift
                                        installations; 1,214 minor APD
                                        repairs; and, 54 extensions.
Identify and meet Traveller             Traveller need continues to be                                   Identify and
accommodation needs within              monitored.                                                       meet Traveller
communities.                                                                                             accommodation
                                                                                                         needs within

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