Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma - A coronavirus pandemic policy briefing

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Beyond the pandemic:
Strategic priorities for
responding to
childhood trauma
A coronavirus pandemic policy briefing
Executive summary
The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant                      Recommendation 1:
impact on children and young people’s lives. It                     Prioritise responding to trauma in national
has increased the experience of trauma for many,                    and local strategies
and compromised the support which children                          National mental health strategies should
and young people receive from friends, family                       specifically address the impact of trauma on
and public services.                                                children and young people. All services that
                                                                    contribute to this will need the resources to do
The UK Trauma Council considers that without                        so, and local agencies should have the support
a specific focus and sustained energy from                          to collaborate on the response to trauma in their
Governments across the UK, the needs of many                        communities.
children and young people will go unmet – with
long-term negative consequences for their lives.                    Recommendation 2:
The focus should now be on understanding the                        Invest in specialist trauma provision for
impact of trauma on children’s development and                      children and young people
wellbeing, and responding appropriately.                            Government investment in the development and
                                                                    delivery of evidence-based trauma interventions
Trauma refers to the way that some events,                          will mean children and young people have access
and experiences, are so extreme that they                           to the support they require. To achieve this,
overwhelm a child’s ability to cope. The impact                     mental health services in all parts of the country
can have lasting consequences for the child                         should have the capacity to meet need now and
or young person’s development, including                            in the future. Their staff should be trained to
psychological, behavioural and emotional                            deliver the most appropriate evidence-based
problems. These can occur into and throughout                       interventions, and care pathways should ensure
adulthood, presenting related challenges in many                    that all those who need such specialist support
aspects of their life.                                              can access it.

As the consequences of the coronavirus                              Recommendation 3:
pandemic unfold, the UK Trauma Council has                          Equip all professionals who work with children
developed four recommendations that should                          and young people with the skills and capacity
be prioritised by all UK Governments to address                     to support those who have experienced
childhood trauma in both the short and long                         trauma
term. These recommendations present a clear                         Addressing the needs of children and young
framework for action, to be taken forward in                        people who have experienced trauma is not just
different ways across the UK.                                       the role of trauma specialists. There is a need

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                        2
to equip all professionals working with children                    In conclusion, the UK Trauma Council appeals
and young people with the skills and capacity                       for a renewed focus to build upon the important
to support those who have experienced                               work that has already started in England,
trauma. This means that all relevant workforces,                    Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. For all
including health, social care, education, youth                     children and young people to be able to rely
justice, and the voluntary sector, should be                        on consistent and effective support when
given appropriate and consistent training,                          they experience trauma, there will need to be
guidance and support. This will enable them to                      sustained impetus. It is through collaboration and
respond confidently and constructively when a                       the harnessing of existing expertise that we can
child presents with a traumatic response.                           deliver on this vision.

Recommendation 4:
Shift models of help towards prevention,
through research, clinical innovation and
By shifting models of help towards prevention –
through research, clinical innovation and
training – we could mitigate the potentially
devastating effects of childhood trauma. This
requires collaboration across research, policy
and practice to ensure a strong evidence base
for interventions, with the aim of reducing the
likelihood that children who experience trauma
develop long-term mental health problems.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                        3
What is childhood trauma?

In this policy briefing, we focus specifically on                  Experiencing traumatic events and situations
the psychological consequences of trauma                           can have an enduring impact on children and
experienced by children – including younger                        young people’s emotional, cognitive, and
children such as infants – as well as older                        social development⁴. Research shows that
adolescents.                                                       experiencing trauma increases a child’s risk

Trauma refers to the way that some distressing
events are so extreme or intense that they                             The UK Trauma Council
overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, resulting
in lasting negative impact. The sort of events                         Launched in September 2020, the UK
that traumatise people are usually beyond the                          Trauma Council (UKTC) is an independent,
person’s control¹. Trauma can stem from a one-                         multidisciplinary, evidence-based expert
off incident (e.g. a road traffic accident or an act                   group, able to speak with authority and
of terrorism) or ongoing events (e.g. child sex                        experience on the impact of traumatic events
abuse or neglect). Racism and other forms of                           on children and how best to help them. The
group hatred and discrimination can also result                        UKTC brings together 22 leading experts
in a traumatic response.²,³ Children and young                         in research, policy and practice from all four
people can be traumatised by such experiences                          nations of the UK. It is hosted and supported
if the events happen directly to them, or if                           by the Anna Freud Centre.
they witness or learn about them happening                                    The vision of the UKTC is a world
to someone else. Experiencing or witnessing                            which nurtures and protects children and
traumatic events does not fully explain the                            young people following trauma, and builds
impact on the individual, as there will be many                        understanding of how to reduce the impact
factors that influence immediate and long-term                         of traumatic events. By developing accessible
consequences, including social, political and                          and evidence-based resources and guidance,
cultural contexts.                                                     the UK Trauma Council will build the capacity
                                                                       of communities to better support children and
                                                                       young people who have experienced trauma.
                                                                              The current coronavirus pandemic
                                                                       highlights the pressing need for a platform
                                                                       that can enable collaboration between
                                                                       individuals and organisations with expertise in
                                                                       trauma from across the UK.

                                                                                To find out more, please visit

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                        4
of psychological, behavioural and emotional                         of distress and find it difficult to get on with their
problems, and a range of poorer mental health                       normal life. Many will spontaneously recover
outcomes over their life⁵. These, in turn, can                      in the weeks and months that follow, while
result in poorer social outcomes, including                         others will develop lasting difficulties. A minority
lower occupational and academic attainment⁶,                        of children and young people may initially
social and relational difficulties, higher misuse                   experience very little reaction, even to extreme
of substances⁷ and an increased risk of                             events. But over a longer period of time, some
experiencing further stressful and traumatic                        seemingly unaffected children and young people
events. For example, children who have been                         go on to develop a range of difficulties⁹.
sexually abused at home are more likely to
experience sexual abuse outside of the home⁸.                       Multiple factors play important roles in
                                                                    determining how children and young people
After experiencing, witnessing or learning of an                    react to traumatic events, including the systems
extremely distressing event, many children and                      and support around the child – as well as the type
young people will initially experience high levels                  and severity of the event¹⁰.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                             5
Childhood trauma and the impact of the
coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic, and the social                            It increases the likelihood that those with
distancing measures related to it, have had                         prior experiences of trauma will experience
a significant impact on children and young                          significant difficulties
people’s lives. The consequences for some                           Research suggests that around half of children
may be profound and lifelong. There are three                       and young people living in the UK will have
ways in which the pandemic is directly related to                   experienced traumatic events or adverse
the experience of trauma in children and young                      experiences¹⁶. For example, those children who
people:                                                             were subject to abuse may now be further
                                                                    isolated or exposed to the perpetrator - without
It increases the risk that more children will be                    school or youth provision providing a ‘safe haven’
exposed to trauma                                                   from these experiences. Other children, who
With high levels of coronavirus-related deaths,                     have a heightened sense of danger and fear
many children and young people will have lost                       following trauma, may struggle to adapt to the
close family members or adults in their life¹¹.                     lockdown environment. Those children who have
The disproportionate impact of coronavirus on                       lost loved ones may have been denied access
ethnic minorities¹² means children and young                        to typical mourning rituals, such as attending
people from these communities are more likely                       traditional funerals¹⁷.
to have lost a loved one and need help. However,
they may face additional challenges in accessing                    It compromises the ability of adults and
appropriate support due to their ethnicity¹³,                       professional systems to mitigate the impact
and in addition may struggle to make sense of                       of trauma, including mental health problems
the increased vulnerability on the basis of their                   The services which we rely on to notice,
ethnicity. With the introduction of lockdown,                       identify and respond to emerging mental
concerns have been raised about increasing                          health problems and the early signs of trauma
reports of children living in households where                      have been significantly disrupted during the
they are subject to, or frequently witness,                         coronavirus pandemic.¹⁸ Some areas have seen
domestic violence.¹⁴ In turn, this increases the risk               an unexpected drop in referrals to mental health
of children and young people developing trauma-                     services, raising concerns of children’s needs not
related difficulties that require specialist help¹⁵.                being identified and addressed.¹⁹ Trauma-related
                                                                    treatment or support has also been disrupted by
                                                                    pressures on NHS services.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                         6
The full extent of this impact will take time to                    there is now the potential for significant
understand, as many children and young people’s                     disruption and setback, just when it is most
needs have been hidden within their homes                           needed. Nevertheless, this unprecedented
during lockdown. As education settings open,                        international crisis has provided an important
and Governments find time to look beyond                            opportunity to reflect on the current state of
infection control and the economy, there will                       support that children and young people receive,
need to be a renewed focus of attention onto                        to strengthen our collective commitment to
children and young people’s wellbeing and                           addressing the causes and impacts of trauma in
mental health.                                                      children’s lives, and to share learning and good
                                                                    practice across the UK.
Trauma is one important domain that directly
impacts mental health. It requires a prompt                         This paper sets out four key recommendations,
and targeted policy response. However, the                          which we consider the Governments in England,
challenges currently faced by public services                       Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will need to
mean this will require particular support, resolve                  prioritise. This would enable them to strengthen
and leadership. Where strategies, investments                       the response to trauma in their national policies,
and commitments were underway to improve                            both in our recovery from the coronavirus
collective and individual responses to trauma,                      pandemic and to prepare for the future.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                           7
Recommendation 1
Prioritise responding to trauma in national
and local strategies

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the                        by the National Trauma Training Steering Group,
significant variation across the nations in relation                convened and chaired by the Deputy First
to preparing for, identifying and responding to                     Minister and attended by the Minister for Mental
trauma-related needs during times of global                         Health.
crisis and emergency. In some parts of the
UK, services and systems are unaccustomed                           A commitment to the development of a trauma-
to responding to the traumatic impact of                            informed mental health strategy is included in
events while, in others, lessons are still being                    the Mental Health Action Plan²² launched by the
learned from historic traumas affecting local                       Department of Health in Northern Ireland in May
communities.                                                        2020. The Welsh government has also funded
                                                                    trauma-informed training for all community
The focus of work to support traumatised                            professionals and public services including social
children and young people will need to shift                        care; and Regional Partnership Boards across
to a higher level if we are to enable strategic                     Wales have identified responding to complex
collaboration and mobilise support across                           trauma as a priority for multi-agency delivery. In
all aspects of their lives. This means that                         England, the NHS Mental Health Implementation
Governments’ plans to improve children and                          Plan²³ sets out a number of steps including the
young people’s mental health services should                        roll out of 24/7 crisis provision for children and
be prioritised and driven forward with a clear                      young people.
proposal for responding to trauma.
                                                                     As these initiatives are further implemented, the
For example, in 2018-19, recognising the crucial                    development of effective support for children
role played by adverse childhood experiences,                       and young people who have experienced trauma
the Scottish Government committed to ensuring                       will need to be front and centre.
that their workforce was ‘trauma-informed’²⁰.                       This means that fiscal planning, such as the
Implementation of training for key workforces,                      upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review,
including Health and Social Care, has been                          will need to recognise the role that a wide range
funded²¹, with approximately 7,000 staff trained                    of services play in identifying, mitigating and
using a range of tiered resources depending on                      responding to the impact of trauma. Children
their role in the workforce. This work is supported                 and young people’s mental health services,

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                           8
education, community health, social care, youth                     need to be considered when working alongside
provision and community organisations will                          communities and wider partners in addressing
all need adequate resources to fulfil their role.                   the impact of trauma on children and young
Local agencies will also need the ability to access                 people’s lives.
and share data to understand and meet their
communities’ needs.                                                 National strategies need to be backed by a
                                                                    commitment to local action throughout the
To be truly effective, the response to trauma                       four nations, to ensure that the priority of
needs to be sensitive to the wider injustices                       trauma-related support for children and young
in society, which promote, intensify or further                     people is realised in practice. The structure of
complicate traumatic experiences. This                              the partnerships needed to deliver this will be
requires a deep understanding of the increased                      different in each of the four parts of the UK.
vulnerability to trauma resulting from social                       However, they should be supported by effective
inequalities, including poverty and socio-                          collaboration from the top of Government
economic disadvantage, racism, and other forms                      through to local services.
of discrimination and prejudice. All these factors

Steps needed to                              •   Ensure that national strategies for improving children and young
                                                 people’s mental health and wellbeing are cross-governmental,
achieve this                                     evidence-based and respond to the needs and experiences of
recommendation                                   children and young people who have experienced trauma.

                                             •   Embed awareness of - and responses to - trauma, and the risks
                                                 it poses to children and young people’s mental health. This
                                                 should apply within national and local emergency preparedness,
                                                 response and resilience planning.

                                             •   Reflect the roles played by a wide range of services when
                                                 planning investment to address the impact of trauma. This
                                                 includes children and young people’s mental health services,
                                                 education, community health, social care, youth provision, and
                                                 community organisations.

                                             •   Encourage and support local services to work together to join
                                                 up datasets, assess trauma-related needs in their local area, and
                                                 develop an integrated local response based on need.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                           9
Recommendation 2
Invest in specialist trauma provision for
children and young people

Following the experience of trauma, the majority                    We have learnt following these more recent
of children and young people will not develop                       episodes that, prior to the coronavirus pandemic,
a mental health condition or diagnosis. But                         evidence-based provision was already limited
even with protective support around them, a                         and inconsistent in the UK. Recent reviews have
significant minority of children and young people                   found a gap between the emerging evidence
will develop, and present with, mental health                       base and frontline practice²⁶. This gap relates to a
problems following traumatic events. These                          lack of training, knowledge and confidence in the
problems or difficulties may include common                         implementation of evidence-based interventions
mental health conditions, such as anxiety and                       for children and young people who are presenting
depression, as well as trauma specific conditions                   with traumatic reactions. In some areas, services
such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)⁵.                     are struggling to provide basic levels of support -
                                                                    and some children and young people will not gain
Children and young people presenting with these                     access to the interventions needed to mitigate
trauma-related needs require professionals                          the effects of their trauma.
who are trained to provide evidence-based
interventions. With the right help in place,                        It is inevitable that the coronavirus pandemic will
mental health challenges relating to trauma                         cause a surge in demand for specialist mental
need not stop young people from achieving                           health and trauma-related support. There is
positive outcomes and fulfilling lives. Specialist                  significant concern that the recent decrease in
services have been developed over a number of                       referrals to mental health services will lead to a
decades in response to individual experiences                       sharp spike in demand in the short to mid-term¹⁵,
of trauma and collective events affecting                           exacerbating pre-pandemic pressures on access
whole communities, such as ‘The Troubles’ in                        to services and waiting lists²⁷. Trauma-Focussed
Northern Ireland and the disaster at Aberfan²⁴.                     Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) is
More recently, the tragic events at Grenfell                        an established and evidence-based approach
Tower and the Manchester Arena in 2018 left                         currently recommended by NICE for the treatment
many children and young people experiencing                         of children and young people presenting with
significant symptoms of depression, anxiety and                     PTSD²⁸. In order to meet the emerging need
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)²⁵. They                       resulting from the impact of the coronavirus
emphasise the vital importance of providing                         pandemic, as well as to address longstanding gaps
evidence-based help to support children and                         in service provision, there is a pressing need to
young people.                                                       upskill the workforce in relation to TF-CBT.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                         10
There has been progress in parts of the UK in                       It is important that the development of trauma
building trauma specialism. NHS Education                           specialism can reach all existing children and
Scotland’s Trauma Training Framework²⁹, for                         young people’s mental health services, with
example, is developing the skills of trauma                         professionals able to deliver evidence-based
specialists who have a key role in supporting                       interventions for all those children who need
survivors of trauma. An All-Wales Trauma                            it. Putting such plans into practice across the
Service is being developed for both adults and                      UK will involve workforce forward-planning to
children, supported by the specification of                         ensure a suitable supply of professionals able
mental health services that are responsive to                       to take up such specialist roles. Maintaining
trauma. Meanwhile, Health Education England                         such a workforce, as well as needing investment
are working with experts to develop a trauma-                       in training and posts, requires the capacity of
informed care e-learning hub.                                       services to provide enhanced supervision for
In Northern Ireland, a new regional trauma
service has been established but the initial focus                  The role of mental health services will be
is on adult care. Recent Department of Health                       supported through the establishment of
reviews of children and young people’s mental                       clear pathways and models of care to reduce
health services have identified gaps in service                     inappropriate referrals. As we discuss under our
delivery. Current action plans recommend                            third recommendation below, mental health
further service developments for children and                       services are not the only aspect of an effective
young people, increased training in psychological                   strategy for responding to trauma.
therapies, and a specific children and young
people’s stream within the new Regional Trauma

Steps needed to                              •   Increase specialist trauma capacity with children and young
achieve this                                     people’s mental health services, so that it matches the scale of
                                                 trauma-related mental health needs in communities.
                                             •   Invest in training, and supervision, in evidence-based
                                                 interventions for professionals within children and young
                                                 people’s mental health services.

                                             •   Establish clear pathways for referral and models of care, so
                                                 that this capacity is effectively targeted and is accessible to all
                                                 children, young people and families who need it.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                           11
Recommendation 3
Equip all professionals who work with children and
young people with the skills and capacity to support
those who have experienced trauma

Following significant disruption to children’s                      justice have established relationships with
learning and development, as well as physical                       children and young people. This means they
separation from peers, the majority of children                     are well placed to identify emerging needs and
and young people have returned (or will return)                     provide support. Many will also be well placed
to education settings, activity clubs and youth                     to work in partnership with parents and carers
groups this autumn.                                                 to ensure that day-to-day support can enable
                                                                    recovery. Such professionals will understand
Some of these children and young people                             where they are operating at the boundaries of
will present in these settings with emerging                        their knowledge, skills or competence, and refer
or intensified traumatic reactions to their                         children and young people onto more specialist
experiences during the pandemic. For some                           forms of trauma support or treatment. In order
children, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic                    to offer effective frontline interventions, these
may be delayed, with difficulties only emerging                     professionals will need accessible and evidence-
after many months. For others, the lockdown                         based training, guidance and resources, as well
will have been a positive experience with                           as support for their own mental health and
reduced demands from education and other                            wellbeing through enhanced supervision.
relationships, therefore the return to settings
may cause greater anxiety and difficulty. If not                    Understanding the basics of a constructive
addressed, these needs have the potential to                        initial response is crucial for all professionals
significantly compromise social, psychological,                     working with children and young people. With a
emotional and educational functioning with long-                    large amount of resources on mental health and
term consequences.                                                  wellbeing available online, many in the workforce
                                                                    will struggle to determine which resources are
Everyone has a role to play to support children                     most appropriate and of a high quality. This
and young people who have experienced                               highlights the risks of well-meaning but poorly
trauma. Professionals such as teachers, school                      informed responses. It is also a reminder of the
staff, health visitors, social workers, family and                  importance of clear guidance based on the latest
youth workers, and those working in youth                           evidence and research, as well as signposting to

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                       12
high quality resources and local support services.                  their own organisation. In Wales, a Government-
Professionals should also be supported to                           backed ACE hub has developed training for a
work together to provide a joined-up approach,                      wide range of services working with children
putting the needs of the child or young person                      on Adverse Childhood Experiences, which can
at the centre. Provision for less complex trauma                    include trauma.
presentations outside of NHS mental health
services should be complemented by local                            In Scotland, the recently extended National
healthcare plans that facilitate appropriate                        Trauma Training Programme will continue to see
referral for those children with significant or                     practitioners from a range of settings trained
persistent difficulties (see recommendations 1                      to effectively respond to trauma.³¹ In England,
and 2). These steps play a crucial part in ensuring                 the Wellbeing for Education Return programme
that local action in trauma response is more                        is being delivered to schools and colleges to
sustainable, and not fully reliant on specialist                    enhance trauma awareness amongst staff and
trauma services.                                                    to support children and young people, teachers
                                                                    and parents with the emotional impact of the
Practitioners in Northern Ireland, including those                  coronavirus pandemic.³²
working in health, education, youth justice, social
care and housing, have benefited from the                           These approaches may offer some of the initial
Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) project³⁰. The                       building blocks of a consistent and continuous
project includes opportunities for frontline staff                  programme of training and guidance that is
and practitioners to develop their knowledge,                       accessible to practitioners throughout the UK.
skills and confidence in applying trauma concepts
and principles in their practice, as well as skilling
up trainers to deliver training and support within

Steps needed to                              •   Develop guidance - and fund training and professional
achieve this                                     development on an ongoing basis - for all professionals working
                                                 with children and young people on identifying and responding to
recommendation                                   emerging or intensifying traumatic responses.

                                             •   Support all services in touch with children and young people
                                                 to be aware of official guidance and resources, local support
                                                 services, and local pathways for referral for those who require
                                                 specialist trauma interventions.

                                             •   Support staff mental health and wellbeing, particularly those
                                                 who regularly work with traumatised children and young people.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                         13
Recommendation 4
Shift models of help towards prevention, through
research, clinical innovation and training

We know that approximately one third of all                         prevention. There is a crucial window of
mental health problems are associated with                          opportunity between the experience of trauma
exposure to childhood trauma and adversity³³.                       and the subsequent development of enduring
Many children and young people will only receive                    difficulties including mental health problems. This
support once a mental health problem has                            window of opportunity is currently being missed
developed or has been clinically diagnosed, and                     for many children and young people.
some not even then. To address the growing
mental health need in children and young people,                    We know that some children are at greater risk
we need a radical shift towards prevention.                         from the ongoing effects of trauma. Experience
                                                                    of trauma in the past – for example, as a result
Trauma prevention can be understood within                          of violence, abuse or neglect – may increase
three domains³⁴:                                                    a child’s vulnerability to the impact of the
                                                                    coronavirus pandemic as a potentially traumatising
• Primary prevention seeks to prevent trauma                        event. Other factors also play a role, including
exposure.                                                           the presence of pre-existing mental health
                                                                    problems. These children will particularly benefit
• Secondary prevention seeks to intervene                           from services being proactive to prevent the
early to promote optimal outcomes and reduce                        development of further related mental health
the likelihood of mental health disorders                           problems, or the intensification, escalation or
following trauma exposure.                                          entrenching of existing problems.

• Tertiary prevention seeks to prevent                              However, there is a pressing need to advance the
enduring social, relational, emotional and                          evidence base on preventative models of help
behavioural problems that can accompany                             following trauma. Improving understanding of
mental health problems (e.g. PTSD) following                        what effective help and support looks like for each
exposure to trauma.                                                 child and young person requires collaboration
                                                                    across research disciplines and communities
In this recommendation, we are focusing                             of practice. Fields such as psychology,
specifically on the secondary domain of                             psychotherapy, neuroscience, education and

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                        14
social care need to come together to make                           clinical innovation and training.
the most of all the evidence available, as well as                  Identifying need is another important part of
collaborate in developing new models of help                        early intervention and prevention. To achieve
and intervention³⁵. In order to shift our models of                 this, we recommend the development and
support towards secondary prevention following                      implementation of high-quality screening
trauma – that is, prevent mental health and                         approaches, formal and informal tools for the
other problems emerging in the first place –                        identification of concerns, and a common
Governments need to invest in greater research,                     identification framework.

Steps needed to                              •   Support collaboration between research funding bodies and
achieve this                                     health service commissioners to stimulate and expand support
                                                 for clinical innovation across the fields of childhood trauma and
recommendation                                   mental health with a focus on prevention.

                                             •   Invest in the development of new evidence-based models
                                                 of secondary preventative help and intervention following
                                                 childhood trauma, that aim to reduce the likelihood of mental
                                                 health problems emerging.

                                             •   Improve processes in the wider children’s sector for
                                                 identification of trauma-related needs.

Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                        15
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Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma                                            16
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Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma   19

                                                  This briefing was produced with the
                                                   assistance and expert support of

  A project of

The UK Trauma Council is generously funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
and St James’s Place Charitable Foundation

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