BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

Page created by Kathryn Nunez
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre
Activities for you and your family

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BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

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BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre


PEELING TAPE BABY                          DIY SENSORY BAGS                        TAPE LINES
ACTIVITY                                   FOR TUMMY TIME                          What you need
What you need:                             What you need                           • Masking tape
• Masking tape (use coloured               • Zippered bag, zip it up, and tap it   What to do:
  masking tape or if you’re feeling          shut for good measure.                With the tape make six lines of tape
  creative, colour some in).               What to do:                             about a 40cm apart from each other.
What to do:                                Fold the edge down and tape it to
                                                                                   Just six simple lines of tape can lead
Stick it to the high chair or floor like   the back. Then, you can either place
                                                                                   to a lot of fun while you develop fine
pictured and let your baby learn           the bag in front of your baby during
                                                                                   motor skills, too!
how to take it off. *watch your baby,      tummy time or tape it to the floor.
don’t let him/her eat it.                                                          What can be done with some lines
                                           Ideas for Sensory Bags:
                                                                                   of tape?                      • wooden beads • bells
pin/721701909020889266/                    • paint            • foam shapes        1. Jump, of course!
                                           • googly eyes      • glitter & water    2. Jump backward
                                           • baby oil &       • cereal             3. Jump with one foot (parent tip
                                             water                                    – maybe hold their hand while
                                       they try)
                                           motor-baby-activities-0-6-months/       4. How far can you stretch –
                                                                                      Starting with your foot on the
                                                                                      first line, see how far you can
                                                                                      stretch with your other foot while
                                                                                      keeping your first foot in place.
                                                                                   5. How far can you reach – Start by
                                                                                      standing on the first line and then
                                                                                      bending over to touch the next
                                                                                      line with your hands. Then walk
JELLO DIG                                                                             forward with your hands, seeing
                                                                                      how far you can reach.
What you need:
• Jello                                                                            6. Measure yourself – Lay down
                                                                                      and see how long you are.
What to do:
Buy some gelatine, make it as                                            
instructed on the package and add                                                  different-activities-for-6-lines-of-tape/
some toys in before refrigerating!

                                                                                            TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre


  BUBBLE COLOUR                           ONLINE SCIENCE                              EDINBURGH ZOO
  WHISK                                   ACTIVITIES                                  LIVE WEBCAMS
  What you need:                          For those who can, jump onto                Check out the Edinburgh Zoo Live
  • A few medium wash bowls/tubs or       ‘Science Kids’ to check out some            Webcams (remember the time zone
    a large water play trough/tub         of the online science activities and        differences, best time for us to
  • Whisks or small sieve                 experiments you can do at home.             watch is after 3pm).
  • Dishwashing detergent or              You can see:
    hand soap                             html                                        • Panda Cam       • Koala Cam
  • Warm or cold water                                                                • Penguin Cam     • Rockhopper
  • Paint powder dyes or food                                                         • Tiger Cam         Penguin Cam
    colouring (optional)                                                    
  What to do:
  1. Half fill your tubs or trough with
     water, we used warm as it was
     a cool day and it added to the
     sensory experience.
  2. Squirt in a little soap or
     dishwashing liquid
  3. Hand the whisks out and first
     watch to see what they do. I like
     to ask a simple question like
     “How could we make bubbles in
     the water?” or “What can we do       PLAYDOUGH
     with the whisk?”                     Ingredients:
  4. Help them whisk to create bubbles    • 1 cup salt                                ART ATTACK
     and encourage them to use the        • 3 cups plain flour
     whisk to create the bubbles.         • 60ml (1 tbsp) vegetable oil               Check out the Art Attack series
                                          • food colouring                            on YouTube
  Add in some colours and let the         • 250ml (1 cup) water                       results?search_query=art+attack
  children mix the colours in with the
  whisk or their hands                    Method:
                                          1. Mix all the dry ingredients and
  www.theempowerededucatoronline.            add oil.
  whisk-and-sieve.html/                   2. Add the food colouring to water.
                                          3. Slowly add the water until the
                                             desired consistency is reached.
  STUCK IN THE MUD                        4. Kneading will help to improve the
  Suitable for kids 4 years +                texture, so let your kids get into it!

  If you know tiggy, stuck in the mud     Notes: Wrap the play dough up well
                                          after your child has finished playing
                                                                                      ABC KIDS LISTEN
  is real easy. The only difference?
                                          with it in a ziplock              
  Freeze in place when you’re
  tagged. You can only unfreeze when
  someone crawls between your legs.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

SHADOW                                 FOAM PAINT                               KITCHEN VOLCANOES
DRAWINGS                               What you need:                           What you need:
What you need:                         • shaving cream                          • Vinegar
• Pencils, pens, crayons               • craft/school glue (optional –          • Bi-carb soda/ baking soda
                                         keeps it firm after 24 hours)          • Food colouring and or glitter
• Paper, cardboard (whatever you
                                       • food colouring                         • Paper/plastic cups
  may have)
                                       What to do                               • Large container or dish
• Toy animals (you could even
                                       Mix equal parts shaving cream and        What to do:
  experiment with some other toys
                                       glue into a ziplock bag, add your        1. Cut your paper cups in half
  eg Truck)
                                       desired food colouring and then,
                                                                                2. Fill the cups with vinegar and
What to do:                            with the bag sealed, squish the bag
                                                                                   place them in a large
Place the paper next the toy in the    together until all your ingredients
sun, ensuring it creates a shadow      are nicely mixed together.
on the paper (as pictured below).                                               3. Put drops of food colouring
                                       Have your little artists create a
Trace the animal on the paper. You                                                 in the vinegar
                                       layout for their design on a semi-
can now add eyes, colour etc to the
                                       rigid material (I used large white       4. Put heaped teaspoon or
animal that has been traced.
                                       cardboard envelopes) and when               bi-carb soda in each
* Best time of day is early morning   they’re ready for the foam simply
  or afternoon when the sun creates    cut off a corner at the bottom of
  a shadow. Remember to always         the bag and use like you’re piping
  put sunscreen on and a hat when      icing. Once the art has been
  out in the sun.                      completed, set aside so the foam
                                       can dry and solidify overnight.

                                                                                SIMON SAYS, DRAW!
                                                                                What you need:
                                                                                • Paper
                                                                                • Pencils/crayons
                                                                                What to do:
                                       CLOUD DOUGH                              Simon says, “draw circles,” and the
HOPSCOTCH                              Ingredients:
                                                                                artists draw circles.
                                       • 2 cups of corn starch/corn flour       Simon also says things like,
What you need:
                                       • 1 Cup of baby lotion                   “trade pastels,” “draw dots,” and
• Chalk
                                                                                “draw a face.”
• Concrete/cemented path or            • Food colouring
  driveway                             Method:                                  It’s great fun! Don’t make it
What to do:                            1. In a bowl, mix the lotion and corn-   competitive — more like drawing
Play some old-fashioned Hopscotch         starch together until combined.       prompts.
or create a Chalk Obstacle Course                                     
                                       2. Separate and add food colouring
- Make it as long and as creative as                                            simon-says-draw/
                                          to make different colour dough!
you like! Could be on a driveway,
patio or footpath and it washes off!

                                                                                         TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

                                                                                     FUNNY FACE FLIP
                                                                                     What you need:
                                                                                     • cardboard/paper
                                            BUBBLE SNAKES                            • 3 metal book rings
  CRAFTY NATURE                             What you need:
                                                                                     • hole punch
                                                                                     • markers
  MASKS                                     • empty water bottle
                                                                                     • scissors
                                            • duct tape,
  What you need:                                                                     • glasses stickers or googly eyes
                                            • a sock that is missing its match
  • Mask template (at back of book)                                                    (optional)
                                              (which we seem to have an
  • Glue                                      abundance of)                          What to do:
  • String or elastic                       • dish soap                              Cut your paper into 3 sections. One
  • Leaves, flowers, feathers etc           • food colouring.                        for the eyes, one for the nose and
                                                                                     one for the mouth.
  What to do:                               What to do:
  • Cut out masks at the back of this       1. Cut the bottom of the water           Place a few pieces of each section
    book (more masks available from            bottle off                            onto the rings.
    the website to print) or create         2. Slide the sock over the bottom        Use your markers to draw facial
    your own!                                  of the bottle. Use duct tape to       features on your pieces of paper
  • Glue to cardboard (you can use             secure the sock (you could use a      In the top sections draw eyes, in
    an empty cereal box)                       rubber band as well)                  the middle sections draw noses
  • Cut around the mask template, cut       3. Put some dish soap into a             and in the bottom sections draw
    out the eyes and punch the holes.          shallow container with a little bit   mouths. You can get extra creative
                                               of water and gently mix. Dip the      by adding details like eyelashes,
  • Head outside to collect your
                                               sock covered bubble blower            eyebrows, teeth, tongue, etc.
                                               into the soapy water and gently       When you are all finished drawing out
  • Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                               blow. c                               all of your different facial features flip
  • Add a splash of colour with paint                                                through your DIY funny face flip book
                                            4. Put some drops of food colouring
    or pencils.                                                                      to combine different features together
                                               onto the sock covered end (may
  • Wait to dry.                               be messy, but will be fun)            to make silly faces.
  • Fasten string or elastic to the holes   *Remind your kids to blow air out
    with glue or staples, then wear!        NOT suck it in!                          funny-face-flip-book.html
  EXTRA ACTIVITY: Once you’re
  done, why not make up a story or
  role-play using your masks? Bonus
  points if you play outside. Don’t
  forget to slip, slop, slap, seek and
  slide if you do!
                                                                                     TOOTHPICK TOWERS
                                                                                     What you need:
  DRESS TO IMPRESS                                                                   • Toothpicks
  Suitable for kids 3 years+                                                         • Playdough
                                                                                     It’s a construction project that can
  Raid your wardrobes for old clothes,      PAINT WITH TOYS                          be as simple as poking a bunch
  accessories and funny shoes.
                                            What you need:                           of toothpicks in playdough for
  Who can create the best outfit? Ask       • Paint                                  young children or as challenging as
  Mum and Dad to help you take a            • Washable toys                          building a geodesic dome or tower
  photo and send to your friends. You       Get out the paint and explore. It’s      for older kids and adults.
  can have a virtual competition!           texture exploration time! Use toys
  Once you’ve made one, act out your        you can wash, things from the            sculptures-kids-13-fun-toothpick-
  character’s story!                        garden/recycling bin.                    construction-ideas/

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

                                                                                             How to Play:
                                                                                             1. Pretend the floor is
                                                                                             2. Place pillows or
                                                                                                cushions across the
                                                                                                floor as pretend safe
                                                                                             3. Move yourself from
                                                                                                object to object or
POTATO PRINTS                                                                                   pillow to pillow safely
What you need:                                                                                  around the room
• Paper or fabric, a few potatoes,                                                              avoiding the floor. If
  metal cookie cutters, craft knife,                                                            you touch the floor
  normal kitchen knife, paper towel,                                                            you are out!
  sponge cloth or roller, acrylic or                                                         4. If you want to turn
  fabric paint.                        Suitable for kids 5 years+. Adult supervision            the heat up some
                                       required.                                                more, turn it into a
What to do:
Cut a large potato in half and carve   The floor is lava! You’re a ninja who needs to get       race by creating an
your stamp design. Let your potato     from one side of the room to the other. But the          obstacle course. You
dry. Press your potato stamp down      floor is lava! Clamber your way from rugs to             can even add a timer
on the paper. A few prints and you     chairs, and don’t touch the ground!
will know exactly how hard to press
to get the effect you desire.

                                                                                            TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

             1                           2                         3                           4                           5
   Count all the light         Learn a short passage        Build a blanket           Write a letter to a          Go on a nature
    switches in your            from your favourite     cubbyhouse. Draw up            friend or family            scavenger hunt
  house. How many are            book off by heart.           a plan for your         member you haven't          outside and sketch
      on and how                   Perform it for          cubbyhouse and              seen in a while.          each item on paper.
     many are off?                  the people in           create a list of the
                                    your house.          items you will need.

            6                            7                         8                           9                          10
    Build an outdoors            Find different 3D        Play hide-and-seek         Dress up and perform          Go on an alphabet
   obstacle course for          objects around the           as a family.           a play for your family.      scavenger hunt. Can
  your family. Draw up a       house and draw them                                                              you find an object that
   plan and create a list            on paper.                                                                  starts with every letter
       of items you                                                                                                of the alphabet?
         will need.

            11                          12                        13                           14                         15
    Do some mindful            Cut out letters from a   Create a colour wheel       Using the food you have       Use items found in
      colouring as              magazine to make        by cutting out bits of      at home, create a dinner     your garden to make
        a family.                   your name.          coloured paper from           menu. Try to include          nature faces.
                                                             a magazine.            descriptive language that
                                                                                      will make your menu
                                                                                        sound delicious!

            16                          17                        18                           19                         20
    Create a musical            Draw a maze with a      Organise the books on       Learn magic tricks and      Teach your family how
    instrument from             start and end point,     your bookshelf into        perform a magic show           to create some
   recycled items you           and ask each family      rainbow colours or             for your family.               origami.
 find around the house.           member to try to        alphabetical order.
                                     navigate it.

            21                          22                        23                          24                          25
 Start a gratitude journal.    Interview members of      Play book bingo! Make      Create a Joy Jar. Each       Start a squiggle on a
   Every morning when         your household, or your   a list of common words      day, write a sentence         piece of paper and
    you wake up, write          grandparents, other     for each family member       on a piece of paper         place it on the fridge.
  about something you           family, or friends on     and see who can find       about what made you          During the day, family
      are grateful for.        Skype and record what     them the fastest on the       joyful that day          members take turns to
                                  they are thinking.    titles in your bookshelf.                                  add a little more
                                                                                                                squiggle to the picture.

            26                          27                        28                           29                         30
  Paint the driveway,             Design a piece of     Use sidewalk chalk on       Have some messy fun,        Create a dinosaur city
  fence or deck with             furniture built from   the driveway to create       using shaving cream        from sticks, dirt, rocks
 water – or with paint if      paper straws, masking     a hopscotch pattern         and food colouring         and whatever you can
   you are allowed.            tape, cardboard and a        or to draw an                 on a tray.                find outside.
                                     hole punch.           obstacle course.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre

          31                        32                         33                         34                           35
Learn Morse code and        Sit quietly and write    Graffiti your fence with     Write a short story that       Have a paper-plane
use it to communicate       about what you can        uplifting messages or      includes a giraffe, a          flying competition!
     to your family        hear, smell, see, touch   bright artwork in chalk.     panda and a yoyo.
        members.                  and taste.

          36                        37                         38                         39                           40
Stick masking tape to           Do some                 Have an online            Transform an empty          Draw a floor plan of
 the floor to create a      cloud-spotting! Write     playdate with a friend,    shoebox into a setting         your bedroom and
  racetrack around           about or draw the        using Skype, Zoom,            from one of your          show the outlines of
      the house!           different shapes you        Google Hangouts or         favourite storybooks.        all of your furniture.
                                 can see.                  Facetime.

          41                        42                         43                         44                           45
 Design your ‘dream          Collect 10 different      Use bark or leaves to       Choose a famous              Play a board game.
  house’ floor plan,        leaves on an afternoon     create a rub picture.      person to research.
   complete with            walk and put them in
   measurements.             order from darkest
                                 to lightest.

          46                        47                         48                         49                           50
  Sort your toys into         Learn to say the           Play a game of            Make up a dance           See who can build the
groups. Get people to       alphabet backwards.        charades with your         routine to go with         largest structure using
 guess which sorting                                         family.             your favourite song.            a deck of cards.
    rule you used.

          51                        52                         53                         54                           55
Pick an exercise move      Paint some rocks and       List all the different     Using recyclable items,         Learn how to read
for each number on a         create a kindness        colours you can see        design and create a                 a map.
dice. Take turns rolling      garden in your         outside, and tally how       boat that can float
   the dice for some             backyard.            many items you can               on water.
    movement fun!                                      see in each colour.

          56                        57                         58                         59                           60
Hide some ‘treasure’          Make your own           Play a game of I Spy.         Go on a bug              Explore the world with
and create a treasure           pet rock.                                          scavenger hunt                Google Earth.
map for someone in                                                              around the yard. Take
your family to follow.                                                          photos of interesting
                                                                                    bugs you see.

          61                        62                         63                         64                           65
Learn about a famous          Construct your          Learn the alphabet in     Learn how to say hello             Make some
artist and use their art       own sundial.              sign language.              in 5 different                 homemade
as inspiration for your                                                               languages.                   playdough.
     own creation.

                                                                                                       TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
BOREDOM BUSTERS Activities for you and your family - YouthConnectTRC - East Creek Community Centre


                                                                                     DIY HANGING
  ZENTANGLE                                                                          PHOTO FRAME
  What you need                                                                      What you need:
  • Ultra-fine sharpie, pen or pencil                                                • Used frame
  • White paper                                                                      • Wooden pegs
  • Something round to trace                                                         • String/wire/fishing line
  What to do:                                                                        • Fun coloured tape (optional)
  Trace circles all over the paper,                                                  • Eyelet hooks
  overlapping some. Then draw                                                        What to do:
                                                                                     1. Clean up your used frame..
  patterns inside the resulting spaces.   TIE DIE                                                  2. Paint the frame. The next step
                                          What you need:
                                                                                        is to paint the frame. I wanted
                                          • Apron/smock to wear over clothes
                                                                                        something bold, to pop against
                                          • Cotton t-Shirt or pillow case
                                                                                        our white walls, but if this isn’t
                                          • Whatever you want to Tie Die
                                                                                        your thing you could treat the
                                            (socks, cotton T-Shirt, pillow case)
                                                                                        wood by staining or varnishing it
                                          • Bucket or bowl (can also be done
                                                                                        for a more subtle look.
                                            in a sink)
                                          • Something to mix with (spoon)            3. Add hooks to the inside edge
                                          • Rubber Bands                                of your frame, so you can tie on
                                          • Rubber Gloves                               a washing line of string to hang
                                          • Colour Dye                                  your photos from. Make sure
                                          • Salt                                        each hook matches up to the one
                                          What to do:                                   opposite or you’ll end up with
                                          To prepare the dye, all you really            a wonky washing line. We used
                                          need to do is follow the instructions,        eyelet hooks.
                                          most will be the same though, so           4. Tie a length of string or wire
                                          just pour the satchel of dye + a cup          across the frame to each set of
  ANIMAL TRACING                          of salt in some boiling water and             hooks. We used brown string to
                                          stir. Use and adult to assist with the        add to the rustic feel, but you
  What you need
                                          boiling water.                                could use fishing wire, bright
  • Ultra-fine sharpie, pen or pencil
  • Animal print (some for you at the     For a swirl pattern, you will need            ribbon or black thread depending
    back of this book!)                   to start in the centre and twist the          on the look you’re going for.
  • White paper                           fabric around your finger. Once it’s       5. Optional: cover a selection of
  What to do:                             fully rolled-up tie the rubber bands          wooden pegs with washi tape or
  Tracing the animal shape gives          around the middle in a star shape.            paint them fun colours.
  you a good feel for the animal’s        If you’re doing a swirl think of it like
  proportions, and then you can                                            
                                          a pie diagram; split the shirt into        to-make-a-diy-hanging-photo-frame/
  doodle or draw on your tracing to       however many colours you want and
  take it in any direction you wish.      only dip each section in that colour.
  You can trace over your animal          To avoid tie-dying your hands, use
  printouts by holding (or washi          gloves to remove the rubber bands
  taping) them up to a window.            and then rinse the clothes in some          cold water. Hang to dry.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters


             TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters


  TROPICAL PIZZA                         FOUNDATION                                PANCAKES
  Ingredients                            BISCUITS                                  Ingredients
  • 25cm pizza base – You can use        Ingredients                               • 1 cup self-raising flour (sifted)
    a number of different bases, why     • 125g Butter                             • 1 tbs sugar
    not try:                             • 1/2 cup caster sugar                    • 1 egg (lightly beaten)
  • Thin Sandwich Bread                  • 1 1/3 Cup Self Raising flour
  • Tortillas                                                                      • 3/4 cup milk
                                         • 1 egg
  • Pita Bread                           • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract              • 50 g butter (melted)
  • English Muffins                                                                Method
  Toppings                               Preheat oven to 160ºc, line a baking      In a bowl, whisk flour and sugar.
  • ¼ cup tomato pasta sauce             tray with baking paper or spray           Beat in the egg and then milk a little
  • 100g ham, chopped                    some cooking oil on tray.                 at a time until batter is smooth and
  • 225g can pineapple pieces (in                                                  lump-free.
                                         Using a hand beater, cream butter
    natural juice), drained                                                        In a hot pan or flat grill over medium
                                         and sugar
  • 1 medium red or green capsicum,                                                heat, spread butter over cooking
    seeded and chopped                   Add egg and vanilla and beat well         surface and pour 1/4 cup measures
  • 100g mushrooms, sliced                                                         for each pancake (you can make the
                                         Gradually add sifted flour and mix to
  • 100g grated Mozzarella cheese                                                  pancake a big or as small as you
                                         a stiff paste
  • 1 tablespoon chopped herbs                                                     like – why not experiment ).
    (parsley, oregano and/or basil) or   Roll into balls and place on a
    a pinch of dried mixed herbs         greased tray, allowing room for the       When large bubbles form on the
                                         biscuits to spread as they cook.          surface, flip the pancake over and
  *Toppings are optional, you can
                                                                                   cook until lightly golden on the
   swap and change for what you like.    Flatten with a fork                       other side.
  Method                                 Bake in oven until golden brown.          How to mix it up
  1. Preheat oven to 200˚C.
                                         How to mix it up a bit                    To make banana pancakes, mush
  2. Spread pizza base with pasta                                                  up a banana and mix through your
     sauce.                              Add a packet of chocolate chips to        pancake batter
  3. Top with ham, pineapple,            make Chocolate Chip Biscuit
                                                                                   Or add some chocolate chip!
     capsicum, mushrooms and             Or, rather than flattening with a fork,
     cheese. Sprinkle with herbs.        slightly push the center of the ball
  4. Bake for 10-15 minutes until        with your thumb and add some jam          recipes/basic-pancakes-recipe/
     heated through and browned.         to make Jam Drop Biscuits.                ss561z69

  Recipe thanks for Healthier.Happier

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

SIMPLE MAC AND                            BANANA & CARROT                           ANZAC BISCUITS
CHEESE                                    MUFFINS                                   Ingredients
Ingredients                               Ingredients                               • 1 cup plain flour
• 350g macaroni (If you don’t have        • 1 cup Self Raising Flour                • 1 cup rolled oats
  macaroni, you can use any pasta)        • 1 banana, mashed                        • 1 cup brown sugar
• 1/4 cup butter                          • 1 egg                                   • 1/2 cup coconut
• 1/4 cup plain flour                     • 1/3 cup full cream milk                 • 125 g butter
• 1/2 teaspoon salt                       • 2 tbs honey                             • 2 tablespoons golden syrup
• ground black pepper to taste            • 1 carrot, grated                        • 1 tablespoon water
• 2 cups milk                                                                       • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
• 2 cups grated cheese                    Place 1 cup wholemeal self-raising        Method
Method                                    flour in a large bowl. Combine 1          Sift the flour into a mixing bowl. Add
Bring a large pot of lightly salted       banana, mashed with 1 egg, 1/3            the sugar, rolled oats and coconut.
water to a boil. Cook elbow               cup milk and 2 tbs honey. Add             Mix well.
macaroni in the boiling water, stirring   to flour mixture with 1 grated            Melt the butter in a saucepan at low
occasionally until cooked through         carrot and stir to combine. Divide        heat. Add the golden syrup and
but firm to the bite, 8 minutes. Drain.   between cases. Bake for 15                water. Stir the bicarbonate of soda
                                          minutes or until golden. Cool             into the liquid mixture. Remove the
Melt butter in a saucepan over
medium heat; stir in flour, salt,               saucepan from the heat.
and pepper until smooth, about            recipes/meal-types/kids                   Add the wet ingredients to the
5 minutes. Slowly pour milk                                                         bowl of dry ingredients and mix
into butter-flour mixture while                                                     thoroughly.
continuously stirring until mixture
is smooth and bubbling, about 5                                                     Place teaspoon-sized balls of the
minutes. Add Cheddar cheese to                                                      mixture onto a greased baking
milk mixture and stir until cheese is                                               tray. Allow room for the biscuits to
melted, 2 to 4 minutes.                                                             expand. Bake at 175°C for 15-20
                                                                                    minutes. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
Fold macaroni into cheese sauce
until coated.
simple-macaroni-and-cheese/               CORNFLAKE
                                          HONEY JOYS
                                          • 90g butter or margarine
                                          • 1/3 cup sugar
                                          • 1 tablespoon honey
                                          • 4 cups Corn Flakes
                                          1. Preheat oven to 150°C.
                                          2. Line 24 hole patty pan with
                                             paper cases.
                                          3. Melt butter, sugar and honey
                                             together in a saucepan until frothy.
                                          4. Add Corn Flakes and mix well.
                                          5. Working quickly spoon into paper
                                             patty cases.
                                          6. Bake in a slow oven 150°C for
                                             10 minutes. Cool.

                                                                                            TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

  GINGERBREAD STARS                           APPLE & CINNAMON                        PUMPKIN MAC
  Ingredients                                 MUFFINS                                 AND CHEESE WITH
  • ​1/2 cup (110g) margarine spread          Ingredients                             BACON
  • 1/4 cup raw sugar                         • Oil spray                             Ingredients
  • 2 tablespoons golden syrup                • 2 ¼ cups wholemeal                    • 2 bacon rashers, trimmed of fat
  • 1 large egg                                 self-raising flour                      and thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups wholemeal flour                • 2 teaspoons cinnamon                  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger                • ¾ cup sultanas                        • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice                    • 2 apples, peeled and grated           • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda          • 2 tablespoons reduced fat             • 400g butternut pumpkin, peeled
  • 1 cup (100g) ground almonds                 margarine, melted                       and chopped
  • 2 teaspoons icing sugar, to dust          • 1 ¼ cups reduced fat milk             • 1½ cups water
    (optional)                                • 4 tablespoons honey                   • 2 cups pasta (macaroni, penne,
  Method                                      • 1 egg, lightly beaten                   shells or spirals), cooked
  ​1. Beat margarine, sugar and golden        • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence              according to instructions on
      syrup in a bowl with an electric        Method                                    packet and drained
      mixer until smooth and creamy.          Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly      • 1 medium zucchini, chopped
  2. Add egg and beat until combined.         grease with oil spray a 12 hole         • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese,
  3. Sift flour, ginger, mixed spice and      non-stick muffin pan or line with         finely grated
     bicarbonate of soda into a bowl,         paper cases.                            • freshly ground black pepper
     adding any husks left in sieve to                                                • 1/2 cup dried breadcrumbs
                                              Sift flour and cinnamon into a large
     the bowl.                                                                        • parsley for garnish (optional)
                                              bowl. Stir in sultanas and grated
  4. Mix the sifted flour and ground          apple.                                  Method
     almonds into the creamed                                                         1. Preheat oven to 220ºC.
                                              In a separate bowl, whisk the           2. Heat a small non-stick fry pan
     margarine to form a dough.
                                              margarine, honey, milk, egg and            over high heat. Add the bacon
     Divide dough in two, wrap each
                                              vanilla. Add to the flour mixture and      and cook for 3 minutes until
     piece in plastic wrap and chill in
                                              stir gently until the mixture is just      crispy. Set aside.
     refrigerator for 1 hour.
                                              combined; don’t overbeat or the
  5. Preheat oven to 180°C                                                            3. In a large pan, heat the olive oil
                                              muffins will become tough.
     (160°C fan-forced).                                                                 over a medium heat, add the
                                              Spoon mixture into prepared muffin         onion, garlic and cook until soft.
  6. Roll out one portion of the chilled
                                              tins. Bake for 20 minutes or until      4. Add the pumpkin and 1½ cups
     dough between 2 sheets of
                                              lightly browned.                           of water to the pan and allow
     baking paper until about 4mm in
     thickness. Cut into shapes with          Recipe from The Heart Foundation:          pumpkin to cook until soft.
     7cm star cutter and place on                5. Remove from heat and blend until
     baking paper-lined oven trays.           recipes/apple-and-cinnamon-muffins         smooth.
     Repeat step with remaining                                                       6. Stir through the cooked pasta,
     chilled dough portion.                                                              pumpkin, bacon, zucchini and half
  7. Bake in preheated oven for about                                                    the parmesan cheese and freshly
     10 minutes or until cookies are                                                     ground black pepper.
     golden around edges. Stand on                                                    7. Pour the mixture into a baking
     trays for a few minutes then transfer                                               dish, spread with remaining
     to a wire rack to cool. Dust with a                                                 parmesan and breadcrumbs.
     little sifted icing sugar, if desired.                                           8. Cook in oven for 15 minutes or
                                                                                         until top is golden and crunchy.
  Recipe thanks for The Heart
                                                                                      9. Garnish with parsley and divide
  Foundation: www.heartfoundation.
                                                                                         among bowls.
                                                                                      Recipe thanks to Healthier.Happier:
TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

APPLE & BANANA HOTCAKES                                                        BERRY & YOGHURT ICE
Ingredients                             into wet mixture until smooth.         BLOCKS
• 2 eggs                             3. Fold in apple.                         Ingredients                    2. Divide mixture into
• 2 teaspoons margarine,             4. Heat oil in a non-stick pan            • 500g mixed berries              6 ice block moulds
  melted                                over medium heat.                        (fresh or frozen)               (Hint: if you don’t
• 2½ cups low-fat milk               5. Add 2-3 tablespoons of                                                   have ice block
• 2 cups self-raising flour                                                    • 500g reduced fat
                                        mixture, flip when bubbles               Greek yoghurt                   moulds use cups
• 2 tablespoons sugar                   appear in the centre of the                                              and place a popsicle
• 3 medium apples, peeled,                                                     Method
                                        hotcake and cook until golden                                            stick in the top).
  cored & grated                                                               1. Place ingredients
                                        brown.                                                                3. Freeze overnight.
• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil                                                        into a food processor
                                     6. Serve with banana and                     and blend until
• 4 ripe bananas, sliced                                                                                      Recipe thanks to
                                        drizzled honey.                           mixed (Hint: if you
• 2½ tablespoons honey                                                                                        ‘Growing Good Habits:
                                     Makes 15 pancakes.                           don’t have a food
Method                                                                                                        https://www.
1. In a large bowl beat eggs,        Recipe from Healthier.Happier:               processor use a fork        growinggoodhabits.
   margarine & milk.                           to mash the thawed
                                     food/recipes/apple-banana-                   berries then mix in         recipe/berry-greek-
2. In a separate bowl mix flour
                                     hotcakes/                                    the yoghurt).               yoghurt-ice-blocks/
   and sugar and gradually stir

Keeping hydrated is essential for overall health and it helps us to function at our best. If you have access to safe tap water, this
is the healthiest and cheapest drink. The amount of water you need every day is dependent on your age, gender, physical
activity levels and the climate you live in. Here is a guide of how much you should aim for every day. For a refreshing boost,
you can add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint of berries. Try to limit intake of sugar sweetened beverages such as soft drink,
cordial, fruit juice concentrate and flavoured milk as much as possible.

                                                                                                          TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

  Match the food items to their names by drawing
  a line between the two of them.                        Carrot

  AND ACTIVITIES                                         Grapes
  Using games and activities is a great way to help
  children learn about healthy eating while having      Pumpkin
  fun at the same time! The ideas below can
  be used to engage children in healthy eating
  experiences, teach them to recognise different
  foods and encourage them to experiment with
  new foods, tastes, flavours and textures.
  The veggie guessing game:                              Celery
  Try this activity to increase children’s
  recognition and awareness of different
  vegetables. Place some vegetables (real or            Broccoli
  plastic) in a bag (e.g. pillow slip). Ask children
  to feel inside the bag and guess which
  vegetables are there. As a variation, blindfold       Pineapple
  children and place a vegetable in their hands.
  Ask them to guess what the vegetable is by
  feeling, smelling and even tasting it.                  Corn
  Create a vegetable person:
  Create a ‘vegetable person’ using real
  vegetables or pictures of vegetables.
  Help children use toothpicks to make their
  vegetable person stand up and be three
  dimensional. If using real vegetables,                Avocado
  encourage children to eat their vegetable
  person for morning or afternoon tea.
  Have a theme tasting day:                              Lettuce
  Offer different kinds of healthy foods to try on
  a special theme day. For example, on healthy
  apple day offer green apples, red apples, dried        Orange
  apples, pureed apple and canned apples.
  Sing a song about food and nutrition:
  Try these fun food songs from Australian             Strawberry
  performers: Watermelon (Justine Clarke), Fruit
  salad or Hot potato (The Wiggles), Wash your
  face in orange juice (Peter Combe). You can            Tomato
  search ‘fun food songs for children’ on the
  internet for more ideas.
  We are yummy snack makers:                             Mango
  Use flash cards or cut out pictures of foods
  from brochures to make a healthy, tasty snack.
  Some examples are toast, cheese and tomato,
  fruit with yoghurt, capsicum and carrot sticks
  with mashed avocado, scrambled eggs with
  English muffins.       Blueberry



TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

 It is important for us to be active everyday to promote good physical and mental health.
 Exercise can be anything that makes our breathing quicker and our heart beat faster.
 You can go for a walk or bike ride, kick a ball in the backyard or dance to some music.
 There are many different things we can do to keep moving and to have fun.

Sport Australia’s Playing for Life Activity
Cards provide game-based activities and are
easily adapted to play at home to help create a
safe, inclusive and challenging environment for
children. There are activities for all age groups
and focus on a variety of focus areas including
warm up, skill development, and game concepts.
Personalised activity cards can be found here
Sport Australia has also developed a series
of fun and creative ideas of how to keep
children active and healthy at home. The ‘Tiny
Trainers’ encourage you to complete a series of
‘challenges’ related to numerous different sports
and activities. For example:
The ‘Go Walkies’ challenge:
walk with your furry friend
Instructions: You know who gets excited at the
mention of “walkies”. You should too and take
your furry friend out for 30 minutes of fun.
Step it up: Build up to a jog and then run.
The ‘Pedal Power’ challenge: Ride your bike
Instructions: This is a fun one. Find your local
bike path and see just where it can take you by
following its twists and turns. Who knows where
you’ll end up. A 30 minute ride with a drink stop is
a great way to find your 30. Mix up this challenge
by taking a different bike path each time.
Step it up: Increase your heartrate by doing short
bursts of faster and slower pedalling. Add some
hills into the ride. Create a circuit and try to beat
your time on each attempt.
The ‘Course You Can’ Challenge: Athletics
Obstacle Course
Instructions: Almost anything can be a station for
this obstacle course. Skipping ropes, balls, cones,
anything you can dodge, lift, jump or crawl under.
Then simply race against each other or try to beat
your own time, keep it going for 30 minutes.
Step it up: Time each other and see who can
complete the course in the fastest time. Create
a longer course. Add more challenges. Make a
regular day and time to complete the course.

                                                                              TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

  YOGA                                                                                  Reclining Big Toe Pose II
                                                                                        Start with the Reclining Big Toe Pose I
  Yoga is great for adults and children                                                 (the pose above) with your right leg in
  alike. It gets us moving and helps us to                                              the air. But as you exhale, move your
  be more mindful and manage our stress.                                                leg sideways towards the floor. After
  Try these Yoga poses at home. When                                                    five breaths, repeat with your left leg.
  you’re getting active and trying
  something new, it might be a good
  idea to talk to your health professional   Low Lunge Pose
  to ensure what you’re doing is right for   From the Downward Dog, move your
  you.– to check out some more poses,        right foot forward so that it’s between
  go to    your hands, drop the knee of your left
  guide/easy-yoga-can-home/                  leg to the ground, then place your
                                             hands on your right knee. After three to
                                             five breaths, switch legs.
                                                                                        Seated Forward Fold Pose
                                                                                        Start off sitting on the ground with
                                                                                        your legs crossed in front of you,
                                                                                        bend forward from the hips, walking
                                                                                        your fingers along the ground as far
                                                                                        forwards as is comfortable. Hold this
                                                                                        position for five breaths, then swap the
  Downward Facing Dog                                                                   fold of your legs and try again.
  Stand in an upside down ‘V’ shape,
  with your palms spread on the floor,                                                  Images from:
  knees bent and your heels lifted.          Reclining Big Toe Pose I                   poses/reclining-big-toe-pose
  Breathe out, straighten your knees and     Lying on your back, hook a strap or        KIDDO has designed this balance dice
  push your heels toward the floor.          towel over your right foot and push        for a fun way to try different Yoga Poses.
                                             your foot upwards while pulling the
                                             strap down to increase pressure,           A downloadable version can be
                                             drawing your shoulder blades into your     accessed here:
                                             back. After five breaths, repeat with      promote/balance-dice-make-your-own
                                             your left leg.                             or use the one we have include at the
                                                                                        back of the booklet.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

Playing for Life activity cards are designed for everyday use by teachers, coaches, out of school hours care staff and parents.
Aligned with the Australian Curriculum and the Australian Physical Literacy Framework, these game based activities are easily
adapted to different sports and help create a safe, inclusive and challenging environment for children.

                                                                          STRIKING & FIELDING

                                             F-2    3-4   5-6      SKILL
                                                                                                      Catching challenge
    Players try progressively harder catching challenges and tricks on their own, in pairs                                                                                       LITERACY

    and in groups of 3.                                                                                         Ask the players                                                  ELEMENTS

                                                                                                               > How high can you throw the ball in the air

                                                                                                                                                                                          OBJECT MANIPULATION
    What you need                                                                                                and then catch it?
    > 1 ball per player                                                                                        > Where is the best place to aim to throw the
                                                                                                                 ball to your partner so they can catch it?
                                                                                                               > How do you need to position your hands
                                                                                                                 ready to catch the ball?
                                                                                                               > What is the best technique to use to throw

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENGAGEMENT AND ENJOYMENT
                                                                                                                 the ball as high as possible?

                                                                                                                Teaching tips
                                                                                                               > Keep your eyes on the ball when it is in
                                                                                                                 the air.
    What to do                                            Change it
                                                                                                               > Throw the ball using an underarm throw
    > Players spread around the playing area with         > Vary the size and weight of the ball according
                                                                                                                 to get it as high as possible above your
      their ball.                                           to players’ ability.


    > On your call, issue different catching              > Act as a judge and give scores out of 10 for
                                                                                                               > When throwing to a partner aim for the ball
      challenges such as:                                   each trick.
                                                                                                                 to reach them at chest height to make it
      - how many times can you clap your hands            > Provide discrete coaching on the side.               easier to catch.
        while the ball is in the air?                     > Introduce different skills like hopping,
      - throw the ball between your legs and catch it.      jumping or clapping while players are
      - bowl the ball overarm into the ground and           throwing their balls.                                                                                                   AC:HPE
        catch it after it bounces.                                                                                                                                               DESCRIPTIONS

    > Ask players to come up with their own               Safety
      challenges.                                         > Check there is enough space between players      LEARNING INTENTION                                                  ACPMP008
    > Form pairs or groups of 3 and create new              and away from walls or other obstacles.          Catching challenge is a fun cooperative activity that               ACPMP025
      challenges.                                                                                            develops the fundamental movement skill of catching.                ACPMP043

© 2019 Sport Australia                                                                                                                                        Sporting Schools

COSMIC KIDS YOGA                                                KIDDO WEBSITE                                          THE BALLET COACH
If you’re looking for a fun, interactive                        A huge variety of activities and                       Sarah Du-Feu, The Ballet Coach
yoga class online, try Cosmic Kids                              resources for kids can be accessed                     streams LIVE ballet classes for all
Yoga. This is yoga, mindfulness and                             from the Kiddo website including:                      ages as well as fun & imaginative
relaxation designed specifically for                                                                                   ballet story videos for children to
                                                                • At home scavenger hunt
kids aged 3+, used in schools and                                                                                      practice dance at home. Her aim
homes all over the world. Jaime                                 • At home activity pack full of                        is to keep us all dancing from our
takes kids through interactive                                    games, challenged and activities                     living rooms and help children
adventures which build strength,                                • At home mini-golf                                    build self-confidence, creativity
balance and confidence. New                                     • At home Dance Party                                  and increase their physical activity
videos are uploaded regularly and                                                                                      through dance.
                                                                • At home masking tape balance
are available for free on YouTube.
                                                                  course                                                                                • Have a look and see what you                         UCjoXKtJLuyb6gAG3sQlyq0Q
CosmicKidsYoga/featured                                           think would be best!

                                                                                                                                     TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters



       How to stay active during COVID-19
       With unprecedented changes in the way we live our lives, it is important to be aware of how
       this impacts your activity levels. Being active is critical for maintaining both physical and
       mental health, and can reduce your risk of many common chronic health issues (such as
       diabetes and heart disease). Regular physical activity may also help prime our immune
       system to lessen the risk of infection.

           Start           Warm up / Cool down
              Start and finish your workout with a 5 minute gentle
                               warm up/cool down
                                                                                               10min                          Cardio
                                                                                                 10 minutes of cardio at an intensity that makes you huff and puff
                                                                                                  (brisk walk around the block, skipping, marching on the spot)

                                                                     FOR EACH OF THE 7 EXERCISES

                           10-12                                             Tempo                                                  Repeat

                  START WITH 10-12 REPETITIONS                               PERFORM EXERCISES                                      REPEAT THE CYCLE OF
                 AND PROGRESS UP TO 15 AS THE                               AT A CONTROLLED RATE                                    7 EXERCISES 3 TIMES
                   EXERCISE BECOMES EASIER

            56 7
                     Squats                                    Push ups                                   Step ups                           Shoulder press
             (sit to stand with a chair,               (against wall, progress to on               on a step (alternate which
              progress to full squat)                    your knees, full push up)                         leg leads)

                                                                                                                                                   Stay hydrated

                                                                                                                                                   Wear appropriate

                                                                                                                                                   Use a theraband,
                                                                                                                                                   light dumbbells or
                                                                                                                                                   bottles of water/
                                                                                                                                                   cans of soup

                                                                                                                                                   Try to exercise at
                                                                                                                                                   the same time of
                     Bicep curl                            Bent over row                                   Plank                                   day, so that it
                                                                                                (rest on elbows, hold for 10                       becomes routine
                                                                                             seconds, progress to 30 seconds)

   Try For
       this more
            workout  from the Baker
                  information       Institute
                               contact        for Hear and Diabetes.
                                       or visit
       If you are just starting out with exercise, you should progressively increase your weekly activity with a goal of at least
       150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise each week and two to three resistance
       exercise sessions each week.

       If feeling unwell (lightheaded, intense chest pain) stop exercising. If you continue to feel unwell, seek medical advice
       or contact your GP.

       The above exercises are generic and not individualiVed. Please seek the assistance of an accredited exercise
TRC Youth Connect
      physiologist   Boredom
                   (AEP)         Busterstailor a exercise program to your current fitness levels and needs. To find an AEP in
                         to individually
       your local area, please go to

                                            stores). Seeds can be sown in a small        pot can be moved into a sheltered but
                                            (10cm) pot with one seed per pot.            sunny spot. Outside it will need extra
                                            Moisten the mix before sowing the            water as it will dry out more quickly than
                                            seed then gently push the seed about         in the sheltered glasshouse.
                                            5mm deep into the mix and cover it
                                                                                         6. PROTECT FROM PESTS
                                            over. After sowing, water the pots with
                                                                                         Snails and slugs may attack seedlings.
                                            a seaweed solution (follow application
                                                                                         Protect the little plants with a few
                                            rates on the container).
                                                                                         pellets of iron-based snail and slug
                                            3. KEEP IT WARM                              bait. Check the leaves for other pests
                                            Keep the pots warm either in a               including aphids and caterpillars.
                                            glasshouse or place them in a foam           Squash any that are found.
                                            box covered with a sheet of glass or
                                                                                         7. REPOT
                                            plastic to form a mini glasshouse. Keep
                                                                                         When the seedling is about 10-15cm
MANDARIN                                    the box in a warm well-lit spot but not
                                                                                         high with a well-developed root system
                                            in direct sunlight.
1. SAVE THE SEED                                                                         it is ready to go into a larger container
Keep a few seeds from a large, juicy        4. KEEP MOIST                                (15cm diameter) with fresh potting mix.
mandarin. Gently wash the seed clean,       Mist the seed-raising mix so it doesn’t      Continue to repot into larger containers
allow it to dry on a paper towel and then   dry out (it should be moist but not          as the plant grows and its roots begin
sow the seed or store it. Fresh seed is     soaked). Water gently using a rose           to fill each new pot.
more viable (that is more likely to grow)   attachment on a watering can or hose
                                                                                         8. PLANT IN THE GARDEN
than older seed. Seeds are best planted     once the shoot appears. Germination
                                                                                         After about two-year’s growth the
in spring or early summer. If seed has to   normally takes around seven to 10 days.
                                                                                         seedling should be a robust shrub,
be stored keep it in a labelled envelop     5. ALLOW TO GROW                             which can survive in the garden.
in an airtight container.                   When the seedling is about 5cm high,         If in doubt, continue to grow it in a
2. SOW THE SEED                             water with a dilute liquid plant food.       container until it is around 30cm high
Sow the seed into a container filled        Repeat the fertiliser application every 14   or larger.
with seed-raising mix (available in         days during the warmer months of the
bags from garden centres or hardware        year (follow directions on container). At
                                            this stage, if the weather is warm, the

                                            the tiny sprout doesn’t have to break        spots in your home to accelerate the
                                            through the skin anymore – makes             sprouting process.
                                            sense, right?
                                                                                         After 2-4 weeks or when the roots
                                            Be careful, though, not to cut through       are at least 1.5-2 inches long, the
                                            the seeds or you might puncture the          seeds are ready to be planted in soil.
                                            sprout inside.
                                                                                         Day 14
                                            3. Wrap the seeds in a moist paper
                                                                                         5. Prepare soil and one pot for each
                                            towel & seal them in a bag
                                            Place the seeds about one inch apart
                                                                                         Plant the seedlings about one inch
                                            on a paper towel and carefully cover
                                                                                         deep. When making the holes in the
                                            them with another paper towel. Wrap
                                                                                         soil, also take the length of the roots
                                            them up gently and spray the paper
                                                                                         into account. When covering the
                                            towel until it’s wet.
LEMON TREE                                                                               seedlings, gently pat down the soil.
                                            Then, seal the whole thing in a plastic      Do not press too hard or you might
1. Gather the seeds                         bag and write down the current date          break off the roots. Allowing the soil to
Cut the lemon and gather its plumpest       on the bag. It’s okay to leave some          be a bit loose gives proper access to
seeds. Keep in mind some of them            air inside the bag as the seeds need         nutrients, moisture, and air and helps
might not germinate so you’ll need          moisture, warmth, and air to sprout.         the plants develop healthy
more than one; I recommend trying this                                                   root systems.
with a minimum of 5 seeds.                  Day 7
                                                                                         Keep the soil permanently damp until
Clean off the pulp from the seeds, then     4. Place the bag in a warm,
                                                                                         4-5 leaves appear on each plant
rinse them with warm water and dry          shaded spot
them with a paper towel.                    Your lemon seeds don’t need light at
                                            this stage, but they do need plenty of       lemon-tree-from-seed/
2. Peel off the white skin from the         warmth and moisture, as mentioned
seeds (OPTIONAL)                            before. Keep them out of cold or drafty
This accelerates germination since

                                                                                                     TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

  You’ll need to start by removing the
  pit from the avocado carefully (without
  cutting it), and then washing it clean of
  all the avocado fruit (often it helps
  to soak the pit in some water for a
  few minutes and then scrub all the
  remaining fruit off). Be careful not to     STEP 4 – PLACE AVOCADO                       STEP 6 – POT IN SOIL WHEN TREE
  remove the brown skin on the pit –          SEED HALF SUBMERGED IN                       IS ABOUT 6” TALL
  that is the seed cover.                     A GLASS OF WATER                             When the stem is 6-7 inches long,
                                              And set on a quiet windowsill                cut it back to about 3 inches, this will
                                              with sunlight. It’s helpful to use a clear   encourage new growth. When it hits 6-7
                                              glass so you can easily see when             inches again, pot it up in a rich humus
                                              roots start to grow, and also when the       soil in an 8-10″ diameter pot, leaving the
                                              water needs to be changed. Many              top half of the seed exposed. Place on
                                              guides recommend to change the               a sunny windowsill. Avocados love sun
                                              water every day, but I found, through        – the more sun the better.
                                              trial and error, that it is better to
                                              change the water every five days to
                                              a week or so. You do want to make
  STEP 2 – LOCATE WHICH END IS                sure you change the water regularly,
  ‘UP’ AND WHICH IS ‘DOWN’                    to prevent mold, bacteria and fungus
  Some avocado pits are slightly              growth, which can doom your little
  oblong, whereas others are shaped           avocado sprout.
  almost like perfect spheres – but all
  avocado pits have a ‘bottom’ (from
  where the roots will grow), and a ‘top’
  (from which the sprout will grow). The                                                   STEP 7 – WATER & WATCH
  slightly pointier end is the top, and                                                    IT GROW
  the flat end is the bottom. In order to                                                  Give it frequent waterings with an
  get your pit to sprout, you will need                                                    occasional deep soak. The soil
  to place the bottom root end in water,                                                   should always be moist, but not
  so it’s very important to figure out                                                     saturated. Yellowing leaves are a
  which end is the ‘top’ and which is                                                      sign of over-watering; let the plant
  the ‘bottom’ before you go piercing it      STEP 5 – WAIT FOR YOUR                       dry out for a few days.
  with toothpicks.                            AVOCADO SEED TO SPROUT!
                                              Many online guides I have read say
                                              that sprouting can take anywhere from
                                              2-4 weeks, but in my experience, it
                                              usually takes at least 8 weeks to get
                                              a sprout, so be patient. Here is the
                                              process you will witness:
                                              1. The top of the avocado pit will dry
                                              out and form a crack, and the outer
                                              brown seed skin will slough off.
  STEP 3 – PIERCE WITH FOUR                   2. The crack will extend all the way
  TOOTHPICKS                                  to the bottom of the avocado pit, and
  Take four toothpicks and stick them         through the crack at the bottom, a tiny
  at a slight downward angle into the         taproot will begin to emerge.
  avocado seed, spaced evenly around
  the circumference of the avocado.           3. The taproot will grow longer
  These toothpicks are your avocado           and longer (and may branch), and
  scaffolding, which will allow you to        eventually a small sprout will peek
  rest the bottom half of the avocado         through the top of the avocado pit.
  in water, so therefore the toothpicks       4. Do not allow your taproot to dry out
  need to be wedged in there firmly. I        unsubmerged EVER – doing so will be
  recommend sticking them in at a slight      the death of your plant.
  angle (pointing down), so that more of
  your avocado base rests in the water
  when you set this over a glass.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters


                   TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
Make your own nature mask
                                     Cut around the mask template, cut out the eyes and punch the holes.
                                     Head outside
                                    Make       your
                                                  to collectown
                                                            your naturenature
                                                                        decorations. mask
                                    3.   Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    4.Add a splash of colour with paint or pencils.
                                    1.   Wait
                                         Cut around
                                              to dry. the mask template, cut out the eyes and punch the holes.
                                    2.   Fasten  string or
                                         Head outside    to elastic
                                                            collect to
                                                                       thenature with
                                                                           holes decorations.
                                         glue or staples,   then wear!
                                    3. Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    4. Add a splash of colour with paint or pencils.
                                    5.   WaitACTIVITY:
                                              to dry.
                                    6.   Fasten
                                                            elastic make
                                                               not to  the up a story
                                                                           holes withor
                                    role-play  using
                                         glue or staples,    masks?
                                                      yourthen   wear!Bonus points
                                    if you play outside. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                    EXTRA and  slide if you do!
                                    Once you’re done, why not make up a story or
                                    role-play using your masks? Bonus points
                                    if you play outside. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                    seek and slide if you do!

                                    Visit to download more nature masks.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
Make your own nature mask
                                    1. Cut around
                                    Make       your       template, cut
                                                  the maskown           out the eyes and
                                                                    nature               punch the holes.
                                     2. Head outside to collect your nature decorations.
                                     3. Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    1. 4.CutAdd  a splash
                                              around         of colour
                                                        the mask        with paint
                                                                   template,       or pencils.
                                                                               cut out the eyes
                                       5. and     to dry.
                                              punch the holes.
                                    2. 6.Head   outside
                                                     stringtoor elastic
                                                              collect   to the
                                                                      your     holes
                                                                            nature   with
                                            glue  or staples,   then  wear!
                                    3. Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    4. Add a splash of colour with paint or pencils.
                                    5. EXTRA       dry.
                                          Wait toACTIVITY:
                                    6. Once   you’re
                                          Fasten       done,
                                                  string       why not
                                                          or elastic  to make
                                                                         the holes  story or
                                                                               up awith
                                       role-play   using your
                                          glue or staples,   thenmasks?
                                                                   wear!Bonus points
                                       if you play outside. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                       seek and
                                    EXTRA          slide if you do!
                                    Once you’re done, why not make up a story or
                                    role-play using your masks? Bonus points if you
                                    play outside. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                    seek and slide if you do!

                                      Visit to download more nature masks.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
                                    Visit to download more nature masks.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
Make your own nature mask
                                     1. Cut around
                                    Make        your       template, cut
                                                   the maskown           out the eyes and
                                                                     nature           maskpunch the holes.
                                      2. Head outside to collect your nature decorations.
                                     3. Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    1. 4.CutAdd  a splash
                                             around         of colour
                                                      the mask         with paint
                                                                  template,       or pencils.
                                                                             cut out the eyes
                                       5.andWait to dry.
                                              punch the holes.
                                    2. 6.Head       string
                                               outside   to or elastic
                                                            collect    to the
                                                                    your      holes
                                                                          nature    with
                                            glue or staples,   then  wear!
                                    3. Use glue or tape to stick them on.
                                    4. Add a splash of colour with paint or pencils.
                                    5. EXTRA
                                         Wait toACTIVITY:
                                    6. Once   you’re
                                         Fasten       done,
                                                 string       why not
                                                        or elastic     make
                                                                    to the holes   story or
                                                                              up awith
                                       role-play  using your
                                         glue or staples,   thenmasks?
                                                                  wear! Bonus points
                                       if you play outside. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                       seek and slide if you do!
                                    EXTRA ACTIVITY:
                                    Once you’re done, why not make up a story
                                    or role-play using your masks?
                                    Bonus points if you play outside.
                                    Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap,
                                    seek and slide if you do!

                                      Visit to download more nature masks.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
                                    Visit to download more nature masks.

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters

TRC Youth Connect Boredom Busters
  There are plenty of free and low cost
  healthy living activities running in your
  community every day. For more ideas
  on how to eat and live well, check out
       Council’s CHANGE Project.
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