BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County

Page created by Julian Craig
BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
      September / October 2020


        Residents catch
          mini airshow

      +          -A Big Splash
          -Assessment Models
               -Harvest Safety
           -Farm Family Award
          -Report Crime Online
BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
I hope everyone enjoyed the summer in beautiful Brazeau        announced in August almost $8 million toward the
County. I also hope everyone was able to take at least         project. Brazeau County will contribute $5 million. I want
some time to relax and unwind after a very stressful spring    to be very clear that this is not new money. Back in 2012,
and early summer, with COVID-19 coming in like a storm         the Council of the day decided to save money for five
and wrecking so much for so many people.                       years to contribute, and that is the funding that will be
Another storm appeared on the horizon at the end
of July, when we learned the Province is considering           I look at this through a business lens. By spending the $5
four scenarios to change the assessment model for oil          million, we get almost $8 million back from the federal
and gas companies. All of these scenarios would mean           government to build a new modern amenity that will
more money in the pockets of big oil and gas companies’        help attract workers and families to our area, on top
shareholders and less in the pockets of you, the residents.    of benefiting current residents. I consider this federal
As a municipality, we use this money to keep taxes low, to     funding as just a fraction of the money rural Alberta has
build roads, and provide services to oil and gas companies     sent to Ottawa that we’re finally seeing come back to
and our residents, who are already hard hit by the double      benefit our local community.
whammy of the economic downturn and COVID-19.
                                                               Council and staff are working hard on the 2021 budget,
We expect a decision this fall, and have been lobbying         and will be holding public budget meetings this fall. As
against it and will continue to do so. Municipal taxpayers     always, I encourage everyone to come out and see the
shouldn’t suffer for the sake of corporate shareholders.       decisions Council will be making, and to offer suggestions
We have reached out to oil and gas companies and service       and solutions.
providers in order to come together and come up with
a Made in Brazeau approach that works for everyone.            In these times, more than ever, we need to harness the
                                                               collective brainpower and innovation of everyone in
Thanks to everyone who has written or signed a letter,         our County to chart the best path to economic growth,
who came to our public meetings, and is helping in             sustainability, and prosperity.
the fight against this proposal. It is great to see such
passionate people who care very much about our way             I hope everyone has had a safe start to school, and is
of life in rural Alberta, and who want to see it built up,     hopefully enjoying things falling back into a more normal
not torn down. Brazeau County is a place we’ve made            routine.
our home. It’s where I come from, and I care about our
businesses and the people that work for them.                                             Sincerely,
                                                                                        Bart Guyon
Speaking of building, the Town of Drayton Valley will                        Reeve, Brazeau County
be building a new pool, after the federal government

             Heidi Swan                              Donna Wiltse                                 Marc Gressler
             Division 1 Councillor                   Division 2 Councillor                        Division 3 Councillor
             780-515-9822                            Home:780 894-3596                            Home: 780-621-1521
                        Cell: 780 898-0247                           Cell: 780-898-2006

             Kara Westerlund                         Anthony Heinrich                             Sara Wheale
             Division 4 Councillor                   Division 5 Councillor                        Division 6 Councillor
             780-898-4561                            780-696-2468                                 780-514-4631

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
Hello Brazeau readers. This month from the desk of the CAO I would like to introduce you to Colin Swap, our General
Manager of Finance. With the budget coming up and the proposed linear assessment changes, Colin is our finance
guru to assist Council.

I encourage everyone to come to the budget meetings. Please don’t hesitate to contact mw with any concerns
or questions.

                                                                                   Kind Regards,
                                Colin Swap
                                                                                 Jocelyn Whaley

                                             Through my time working at                discussions Brazeau County is facing
                                             Brazeau County I have enjoyed the         even greater challenges with the
                                             opportunities to communicate with         introduction of policing costs in 2020,

                                             many of the residents, as well as         with payment to be collected for both
       ello from the Finance                 work with Brazeau County Council          2020 and 2021 next year. By 2023 the
       Department! I am Colin                to help provide the wide range of         annual cost of policing for Brazeau
       Swap, the General Manager             services residents enjoy. The Finance     County will be $636,000. There is
       of Finance for Brazeau County.        Department is tasked with a variety of    also continued uncertainty about
                                             functions, from preparing the annual      the Province’s assessment model
I was born and raised in Drayton Valley      property tax notices to preparing the     review and when municipalities
and made the move to Edmonton                yearly budget.                            will hear about what the impacts
soon after graduation to complete                                                      of that provincial exercise will be.
my post-secondary education. I               One of the biggest events of our year     Based on information provided
graduated from MacEwan University            is preparation of the annual budget       to municipalities by the Rural
in 2008 and spent the next 7 years           to get ready for discussion by Council    Municipalities Association (RMA),
working as a financial analyst and           at meetings in November. Finance          the outcome of the review process
treasurer in the construction                has already been working with             has the potential for a significant
industry for Finning Canada and SMS          other Brazeau County departments          negative impact on linear revenue.
Equipment. In 2015 my family and I           to prepare a budget to present to         If approved by the Province, this
moved back to the area to be closer          Council for discussion.                   will result in Council needing to
to friends and family and to raise our                                                 consider several options that could
kids in the small town atmosphere I          Over the past few years, this process     include reduction of service levels,
enjoyed while growing up.                    has become more challenging as the        tax increases, reduction in programs
                                             provincial economy continues to           and grants or a combination of those.
During my time at Brazeau County, I          struggle, and Brazeau County works
have been able to experience a few           to balance fiscal responsibility with     As we wait for some of those
different roles within the Finance           service levels, programs for residents,   outstanding answers Finance will
department, and in 2018 I accepted           and re-investment in the community        continue its work to serve Brazeau
the position of General Manager              through capital projects, as directed     County and its residents.
of Finance.                                  by Council. Heading into 2021 budget

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
July 7
Citizen Appreciation Program               Floating Wetlands Project                 With the possible changes to the
Council adopted a Citizen                  Council approved continued studies        assessment model for taxation and
Appreciation Program to recognize          at the Constructed Floating Wetlands      the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions
residents, businesses, and community       in Violet Grove in 2021 (and possibly     were not favourable for attendance.
groups who have taken the initiative       2020), dependent on research and
to mow ditches and remove garbage          other grants. The second phase will       Hamlet of Lodgepole Roads
from County public spaces such as          further study how plants take up          Council directed Administration to
ditches, right of ways, cemeteries,        nutrients from the lagoon water.          submit a project application and
and park space.                            This phase will double the size of the    Memorandum of Agreement under
                                           wetlands and incorporate aeration.        the Municipal Stimulus Program
Recognition will be given in the                                                     (MSP) for overlaying the roads within
form of hats and gloves with the           August 18                                 the Hamlet of Lodgepole in 2021,
Tidy Brazeau logo. The program             RCMP Update                               with a MSP funding contribution of
will be based on nominations from          Staff Sergeant Harpreet Dhaliwal,         $923,732.00 and Brazeau County
the public. Nomination forms are           Detachment Commander of the               contribution of $226,268.00 taken
available at        Thorsby/Breton detachment,                from Roads Restricted Surplus.
                                           Staff Sergeant Erin Matthews, and
Rural Addressing Bylaw                     Staff Sargent Malcolm Callihoo,           MSP funding is limited to projects that
Council adopted Bylaw 1052-20,             Detachment Commander of the               would not go forward in the absence
which states the County will cover the     Drayton Valley RCMP shared statistical    of support through the stimulus
installation, upkeep, and replacement      comparisons for the detachments.          program. In order to ensure success
costs of the municipal addressing                                                    in receiving approved MSP funding,
(blue sign) system. The cost of            In Drayton Valley, total Criminal         the project selected for MSP funding
signs for new multi-lot or country         Code offences fell to 298 between         should be one that has never been
residential subdivisions are still the     January and July, compared to 380         previously considered or committed
responsibility of the developer.           in the same period in 2019. Crimes        to due to budget constraints.
                                           against persons fell to 36 from 40,
Pitch-In Program                           and property crimes fell to 208 from      The Hamlet of Lodgepole has seen
Council directed staff to proceed with     303.                                      its roadway surface deteriorate and
the 2020 Pitch-In Program, which                                                     reach the end of its expected life,
had been delayed due to COVID-19.          In Breton, total Criminal Code offences   having been paved last in 1996, the
This is an annual program in which         were 377 for the period from January      surface is 24 years old.
local community groups can earn            to July, compared to 406 in the same
funding through picking up litter on       period in 2019. Total property crimes     The Hamlet of Lodgepole has seen
county roadsides. Participants will be     fell to 295 from 321, and total crimes    numerous repairs completed on the
required to ensure all public health       against persons fell to 43 from 47.       asphalt surface over the past few
orders and guidelines are followed.        The sergeants noted that the COVID-       years, however, future maintenance
                                           19 pandemic may contribute to the         activities will be limited due to the
Those interested in participating must     decrease in crime, but that mental        extent and cost of repairs.
supply a letter of interest with a copy    health calls have increased.
of insurance and fill out an application                                             September 18
form by visiting the County office         2021 Agricultural                         Capital Tenders
or visiting The         Board Summer Tour                         Council passed a motion to make
deadline to apply for the program is       Council decided to cancel the planned     itself the awarding body for capital
July 31st. Clean up dates are from         2021 Provincial Agricultural Board        project tenders. Staff will continue
August 2nd to September 4th.               Summer tour, which was to feature         to perform all steps related to
                                           Brazeau County.                           preparing, accepting and opening

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
bids. Compliant bids will then be
presented to Council for award at a
Council meeting.

Letter to Minister of
Municipal Affairs and
Meeting with Minister
Council directed staff to compose
a letter to Tracy Allard, the new
Minister of Municipal Affairs,
outlining Council’s concerns with
the provincially proposed changes
to the assessment model for oil and
gas companies, and the timeline for
those changes.
Reeve Bart Guyon, Deputy Reeve
Kara Westerlund, and Councillor Sara       Councillor Donna Wiltse presents Harold and
Wheale will meet with Minister Allard      Lillian Smithinsky a gift to commemorate their 65th
on Sept. 24. After two extremely           wedding anniversary in July. Congratulations!
successful public meetings, Council
has gathered 196 letters from
residents who are concerned with
the proposed changes to the linear
assessment model. Council is very
grateful for the informed public who
attended the meetings, and will be
hand-delivering the residents’ letters
to the new Minister when they meet
with her at the Legislature.

Letter of Support for
Agricultural Society
Council approved writing a letter of
support on behalf of the Drayton
Valley and District Agricultural Society
for an application to the Alberta          CONGRATULATIONS
Cultural and Tourism Community
Grants for a Community Facility            Reeve Bart Guyon presents a gift to Staff Sargent
Enhancement Grant for accessibility        Malcolm Callihoo, Detachment Commander of
upgrades to their newly purchased          the Drayton Valley RCMP, for six years of service
Farmer’s Market building.                  in the area.

                                           Staff Sergeant Callihoo has accepted a new post
                                           and is leaving the community.

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
Reeve Bart Guyon and members of Council
attended an announcement August 25
at the Clean Energy Technology Centre,
where federal Minister of Infrastructure
and Communities Catherine McKenna and
provincial Infrastructure Minister Prasad
Panda announced millions of dollars in
support of 20 central Alberta projects,
including a new aquatic facility in Drayton

In 2012, Brazeau County committed
$5 million to support the project and
to leverage funds from senior levels of
governments, which has come to fruition.
The 27,000-square-foot facility will include
a lap pool, leisure pool, and lazy river. It is
expected the 20 central Alberta projects
will create up to 1,300 jobs.

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
Reeve Bart Guyon presents a gift to Drayton
Valley & District Historical Society president
and Drayton Valley Museum Volunteer Pam
Schaub for her years of volunteering in the
community. Schaub will be leaving the com-
munity. She and Charlie Miner (right) asked
for the County’s support to obtain grants for
the museum, which Council will provide.

Councillor Kara Westerlund was sworn in
as Deputy Reeve at the July 7th Council
meeting. Councillor Westerlund’s term as
Deputy Reeve runs until February 2021.

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
Assessment Concern Draws Droves
                   Hundreds of residents came out to community meetings on
                   August 11th and 13th in Breton and at the County Administration
                   Building to hear about proposed changes to oil and gas
                   company assessment in rural Alberta.
                   Brazeau County appreciates the questions, concerns,
                   suggestions, and support offered by such a great turnout of
                   residents concerning an issue that is extremely important to all
                   rural Albertans.

BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County   9
BrazeauCOUNTY NEWS Fly-In - Residents catch mini airshow - Brazeau County
Assessment Model Review

           Reeve Bart Guyon, Deputy Reeve Kara Westerlund, and Chief Administrative Officer Jocelyn Whaley
           met August 21 with former Minister of Municipal Affairs Kaycee Madu and MLAs Mark Smith and
           Brad Rutherford, along with Reeves and CAOs from Parkland County, Leduc County, the County of
           Wetaskiwin, and the Village of Warburg about the assessment model review.

      Budget Workshop                                                           Participate!
      Council will hold a public budget workshop on October 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
      with delegations from the public from 10 a.m. to noon in the Council chamber.

      Delegations will have 15 minutes to present to Council and must schedule a time
      by contacting Courtney Whalen at 780-542-7777 or before
      September 28.

      There will be no unscheduled public input at this meeting.

      Council will hold budget discussions on November 20, 24, 25, and 26 from 9 a.m. to
      3 p.m. in the Council chamber.

      These meetings are open to the public.

     Have your say on matters important to Brazeau County

     We are seeking residents to serve on various boards and
     Council Committees. Apply today and make a difference
     in your community. Members are provided training and
            compensated for their time and expenses.

Get details and application forms at   Submission deadline: October 16th
For more information, contact          2020 Organizational meeting: October 20th
Tina Kwirant at 780-542-7777

  Organizational Meeting
  October 20th at 9 a.m.
  Council will appoint Council members and residents to
  the various committees and other bodies associated
  with Council, as well as redistributed council committee
  portfolios. The meeting is open to the public.

     2020 AND BEYOND
     The numbers are in and this is what Brazeau County
     is looking at with the downloading for policing costs
     from the Province to the County.

       Year              Payment Date       $ Amount      Cost per Capita

     2020                January 21, 2021   $105,163.00   $14.00
      2021               April 21, 2021     $238,029.00   $31.00
      2022               April 22, 2022     $370,326.00   $48.00
      2023               April 23, 2023     $636,059.00   $82.00
      2024               April 24, 2024     $636,059.00   $82.00

     Due to COVID-19 the Province deferred payment of the 2020
     installment of the new police costing model until 2021. The deferral
     means that in the first quarter of 2021 Brazeau County will be required
     to send $343,192 to the Provincial government for
     payments of the first two years of policing.

12   13
Fly-In Visit

They flew in on
aircraft of all shapes
and sizes and left the
crowds soaring.

          razeau County Councillors and
          the Economic Development
          team were out hosting a couple
of booths at the Drayton Valley Airport’s
Aviation Tour on August 8th.

The Pembina Regional Aerodrome
Association, in partnership with Brazeau
County, the Town of Drayton Valley, the
Drayton Valley Hospitality & Tourism
Authority and the Drayton Valley Regional
Chamber of Commerce, put on the event
to welcome Mayors, MLAs, and business
leaders from across Alberta. The event
saw approximately 30 aircraft land at the
Drayton Valley airport as the first stop in a
tour to several rural airports.

                he guests, pilots
                and dignitaries
                were greeted by
     our local County and Town
     Councils. Gift bags were given
     to each group as they landed
     and a tour of the airport was
     provided. Brazeau County
     hosted the free coffee and
     doughnuts booth as well as a
     booth that highlighted Brazeau
     County and everything we
     have to offer.

     Our Reeve, Bart Guyon, toured
     several dignitaries around
     the airport, while Councillor
     Donna Wiltse talked to guests
     and answered questions at
     the Brazeau County booth. It
     was a great day for flying and
     a wonderful event to be part
     of. We are looking forward to
     future events at the Drayton
     Valley airport.

16   17

                                                         Agricultural Services
                                                         Staff Contacts

CENTURY                                                  Dawnia McCann
                                                         Manager of Agricultural Services


RANCH AWARD                                              Corbyn Pankonin
                                                         Assistant Agricultural Fieldman
                                                         & ALUS Coordinator

                                                         Nancy Chambers
                                                         Agricultural Technician

                                                         Agricultural Service
                                                         Board Members
The Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Award recognizes
farm families who have continuously owned and actively   Kara Westerlund,
operated the same land for 100 years or more.            Chairperson & Councillor

                                                         Anthony Heinrich,
Congratulations to Debbie and Allan Goddard and Family
                                                         Vice-Chairperson &
2020 marks the family’s 101st continuous year farming
their family’s original homestead.                       Heidi Swan, Councillor

                                                         Dallas Ekstrom,
photos: MLA Mark Smith presents the Century Farm         Member-At-Large
Plaque to the Allan and Debbie Goddard Family.
                                                         Henry Hughes,
A selection of family photographs from the Goddard       Member-At Large
homestead.                                               Allan Goddard,

                                                         Duane Movald,

Attention Drivers!
     With harvest operations ongoing in Brazeau County,                You can prevent farm equipment accidents on
     please be courteous and share the road with our                   public roads by focusing on three main areas:
     farmers. Large farm equipment may have blind spots
     and the operator may not be able to see you. Pass with            •   Make your equipment safe and visible,
     caution and only when it is safe to do so.
                                                                       •   Follow safe driving tips, and
     Road Safety Tips for Farmers on                                   •   Drive defensively.
     Public Roadways
     From Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s “Safe Transportation of
     Farm Equipment in Alberta”

     According to the Canadian Agricultural Injury
     Surveillance program, 13 per cent of farm-related
     fatalities across Canada are traffic related, and most of
     these involve tractors. As a farmer, you often travel long
     distances between fields, and this requires you to travel
     on public roads throughout Alberta. Farm equipment
     is oversized and slow compared to other vehicles using
     the roads, which can result in collisions and other
     accidents. To help avoid traffic collisions between your
     farm equipment and motorists, you need to ensure
     your equipment is clearly visible and follow all regulated
     requirements for lighting and signage.

Make it Safe, Make it Visible
Ensure your farm equipment is as visible as possible
so approaching traffic has more lead time to react to a     The slow moving
slow-moving vehicle.                                        vehicle sign is instantly
                                                            recognizable not just
•   F ollow all regulated requirements for lighting and    for its colour scheme
     signage including the use of a slow moving vehicle     and reflectivity but
     (SMV) sign.                                            also for its shape.
                                                            The distinctive shape
•    ake sure that the SMV sign is clean, not faded,
    M                                                       of the SMV emblem
    and properly mounted. It must be on the rear of         helps shed light on the
    the tractor or towed implement and clearly visible.     practical nature of this
    SMV signs must be used on equipment travelling          enduring symbol.
    less than 40 km/hr.
                                                            While the emblem began
•   T he use of reflective tape and reflectors for large   as a regular equilateral
     equipment travelling at night or in dim lighting       triangle with a 12-inch
     conditions is recommended. In Canada, reflective       fluorescent orange
     material should be red and white strips on the rear    center, with 1 ¾” red
     of the equipment, and yellow reflective material       reflective borders, during
     on the front.                                          testing, however, one of
                                                            the graduate assistants
•    omplete a safety check of tractor and trailed
    C                                                       working on the project
    equipment before travel.                                repeatedly ripped his
                                                            clothing on the corner
•   Use safety-type hitch pins, making sure they are        of the emblem while
    securely fastened. Hitch trailed equipment to the       climbing onto a rear-
    drawbar.                                                mount tractor on which
                                                            the emblem had been
                                                            fitted. Ironically, a safety
                                                            symbol had become a
                                                            safety hazard with its
                                                            sharp corners. (As the
                                                            story goes, his mother
                                                            was also not happy about
                                                            needing to repeatedly
                                                            mend his clothing.) So it
                                                            was off with the corners,
                                                            and the unique shape
                                                            of the SMV symbol has
                                                            become one of the most
                                                            recognizable safety signs
                                                            for farmers and ranchers


Submission Deadline is November 1, 2020

are you a farmer or rancher with some
marginal or ecologically sensitive acres?
ALUS can help you establish wetlands,    Your ALUS projects will produce
native prairie, pollinator habitat and   cleaner air, cleaner water and more
other projects on your land.             biodiversity, benefiting both your farm
                                         and your community.
Even better, ALUS pays you annually
to keep these projects in prime          Across Canada, more than 830
working order.                           agricultural producers have already
                                         enrolled over 23,000 acres in the
                                         ALUS program.

                                         Join us!
                                         For more information,
                                         contact Corbyn Pankonin at Brazeau
                                         County: Box 77, 7401 Twp Rd 494
                                         Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R1
                                         Phone: 780-542-7777

                                         "Conservation will ultimately
                                         boil down to rewarding the
                                         private landowner who
                                         conserves the public interest."
                                                         -Aldo Leopold, 1934

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                             MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION

                      21115 – 108 Ave NW
                     Edmonton, AB T5S 1X3    1-877-489-7471

                            ALBERTA ONSITE WASTEWATER
                             MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION

                      21115 – 108 Ave NW
Maintaining your system can help avoid costly repairs or replacement.
                     Edmonton, AB T5S 1X3

Unmaintained systems can cause expose to pathogens which are a
                      risk to public health.

    Proper system operation and maintenance ensures we aren't
          negatively impacting source and surface waters.

                        RECYCLE WATER
       Wastewater is cleaned through the soil and returned to
                       underground aquifers.

                Participate in a No-Cost Septic Sense Webinar

                         Sep 14, 2020 or Sep 16, 2020

            Learn more:


           The Agricultural Service Board of Brazeau
           County will provide up to two $500 bursaries to
           students residing in Brazeau County enrolled in a
           postsecondary institute in pursuit of the following:
                                 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
                                 or Environment from a recognized

                                 Diploma in Agriculture or Environment
                                 from a recognized College.

                                 Degree or diploma directly related to
                                 Agriculture from recognized community
                                 colleges or universities.

           DON'T MISS OUT!
           The deadline for applications is
           October 31 of the current year.

           Contact Brazeau County
           for application forms and
           for more information.


   Covid may have changed many things but
  it hasn’t changed the way we feel about our

   Cer tificates can be purchased at the Town Office star ting Sept
   8 through Oct 7 and made available for pick up star ting Oct 12.
               If you have any questions please contact
                   Emily at FCSS at 780-514-2221

Our Home Support Program is designed to
enhance independent living, reduce isolation
and promote a safe quality home life.

The program is available to people who are
unable to manage household duties due to
age, disability, illness or recent hospital

Services provided may include:
dusting, washing floors, changing bedding,
cleaning bathroom, meal preparation,
companionship and connection to other
community resources.

      FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 780-514-2206

Let us lend an ear
               when you need it most!
              Subsidized Mental Health Support is now available!
     Call any of the following counsellors to set up an appointment today!
                                                             We can help!
                                         S. Dodds Counselling Services - (780)515-1278
                             Brenda Petrie Psychotherapy and Consulting - (780)621-9254
                                             Dr. Lisa Buys Counselling - (780)237-5699
                                       Judith Gill Psychological Services - (780)621-1196

Early Childhood                                                                 enrich programing, teaching children to be stewards to

Development Centre                                                              our Earth. Children will have experiences incorporating
                                                                                music, swimming, nature, gross and fine motor practice.

The Early Childhood Development Centre is now open to                           The Mighty Learners want to send a great big “Thank
capacity with 62 spaces with ages ranging from 19 months                        You” to FCSS for the funding they are providing to cre-
to kindergarten age. We want to thank the community for                         ate outdoor learning backpacks for the children to take
all their support during these trying times as we navigate                      home and use with their family. These backpacks will
through Covid-19 and guidelines set out by the province.                        help extend the learning that is happening at the cen-
Childcare looks a little different in practice, with all the                    tre in the home.
extra sanitation and completion of daily health checks. A
supportive, nurturing environment for children and par-
ents is still at the forefront of our practice.

The Mighty Learners room is a nature enriched program
with nature encounters. The early childhood educator
will work in partnership with community partners to

If your non-profit organization would like us to include any information about your group, your upcoming events or announcements, please forward your
information to Ken MacInnis at

Disclaimer: Brazeau County has the right to review, edit or reject submitted articles for inclusion into the Brazeau News. Content will be subject to space
availability and appropriateness to the theme.


      Registration opens August 31, 2020.

                                    Essential Skills
                   ADULT            Work Prep
                   LEARNING         GED Prep
                   PROGRAMS         Digital Skills for Seniors
                                    Reading / Writing / Math

                                    ESL Beginner
                                    ESL Intermediate
                                    ESL Advanced
                   PROGRAMS         CELPIP / IELTS information
                                    Conversation Groups

                                    Exam Invigilation
                                    Newcomers Assistance / Welcome
                   LEARNER          Information
                   SUPPORT          New Futures Career Transition Program

                                                                           CONTACT US:

                                                                      To learn more, visit us

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Contact Names and Numbers
Brazeau County Office                                 780-542-7777          Community Peace Officers
Fax Line                                              780-542-7770          Steve Goodman                      780-202-2271
Planning & Development                                780-542-2667          Jesse Shymansky                    780-202-0047

Brazeau Fire Services                                                       Other Numbers

Drayton Valley Fire Alarms                                                  55+ Recreation Centre              780-542-4737
Breton Fire Alarms                                                          Alive 55 Program                   780-514-2206
Lodgepole Fire Alarms                                                       Beehive Support Services           780-542-3113
Forest Fires                                          310-3473              Brazeau Foundation                 780-542-2712
                                                                            Breton Food Bank                   780-696-3669
Other Emergency Numbers                                                     Breton Library                     780-696-3740
Alberta Highways                                      1-888-255-5554        David Thompson Regional Health     780-542-4415
Ambulance                                             911                   Drayton Area Food Bank             780-514-3777
Animal Control                                        780-514-0372          Drayton Valley Municipal Library   780-514-2722
Crime Stoppers                                        1-800-922-8477        FCSS Breton                        780-696-3636
Distress Line                                         1-800-232-7288        FCSS Drayton Valley                780-514-2200
Drayton Valley Hospital                               780-542-5321          Meals on Wheels                    780-542-3216
Poison Centre                                         1-800-332-1414        Omniplex                           780-514-2234
Police                                                911 or 780-542-4456   Parent to Parent                   780-621-2849
Sustainable Resources                                 780-542-6616          Park Valley Pool                   780-514-2225
                                                                            Rotary Children's Library          780-514-3800
Brand Inspector                                     403-780-6202            Town of Drayton Valley             780-514-2200
                                                    or 403-704-5418
Terry Hjelmeland                                                            Village of Breton                  780-696-3636

Transfer Station Hours                                                      Community Association Contacts
                                                                            Berrymoor Centre                   780-542-4561
Transfer Station   Mon    Tues     Wed      Thurs      Fri    Sat     Sun
                                                                            Buck Creek Community Association 780-234-5443
Violet Grove             9-7                9 -7             9 -5           Carnwood Country Hall Society      780-542-2378
   Easyford        1-6            9-6                        9 -5           Cynthia Rec Centre                 780-542-9732
   Lindale                        9-6                        9 -5           Easyford Community Hall            780-898-8385
 Buck Creek              2-7                9-6              9 -5           Funnell Community Association      780-898-3957

Rocky Rapids             4-8               8:30 - 6          9 -5                                              780-241-3957
                                                                            Lindale Community Association      780-621-8564
   Cynthia                        11 - 6                     9 -5
                                                                            Lodgepole Recreation Society       780-894-3520
    Breton               9-2                9-6              9 -5
                                                                            New Moose Hill Community Club      780-696-2109
 Lodgepole               11 - 8                              9 -5
                                                                            Rocky Rapids Community League      780-542-5923
Brazeau County                                                              Violet Grove Community Club        780-542-7864
Box 77, 7401 Twp Rd 494                                                     Whitby Community League            780-542-2729
Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1R1                                                                      
Phone: 780-542-7777 Fax: 780-542-7770
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