Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI

Page created by Yolanda Brooks
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
Brazilian Investments Partnerships
Program – PPI

This is an unofficial translation intended for an overview of the PPI and
its portfolio. Please, check the PPI website or contact the Secretariat for
updates and detailed information on specific projects.

August, 2021
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
Brazil in the world
                                           5th largest
              11thlargest economy:                                6th largest population:
                                           land area:
               USD 1.4 trillion GDP                                212.6 million people
                                         8,515,767 km²

Opportunities for sustainable            8th largest FDI              One of the main global
                                      destination in 2020:           producers and exporters
 infrastructure development
                                                                       of iron ore, soy bean,
with great social benefits - ESG       USD 34.2 billion               animal protein, coffee,
            Agenda                       (Source: Central Bank)       machinery and aircraft
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
The path for economic recovery

         Pension Reform                   Infrastructure Reform
         USD 160 billion to be saved in   More legal certainty,
         the next 10 years, limiting      transparency and
         privileges                       predictability for domestic and
                                          foreign investors

         Administrative Reform            Tax Reform
         Streamlining civil service to    Simplifying the tax system
         bring more efficiency            to boost economy
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
Concessions under preparation:
•   Public audiences in virtual format;
•   Postponement of consultations with indigenous peoples in environmental permit processes;
•   Review of demand studies in sectors affected by the pandemic.
•   Review of investment cycles ...

Concessions in force:
•   Contractual rebalances recognized in the contracts that imputed the risk to the procuring authority (act of
    God and force majeure);
•   Legal and regulatory measures to avoid default by users and postponement of investments (cash relief);
•   Deferral of taxes
•   Emergency Program for the Maintenance of Employment and Income
•   Stand-still financing ...
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
Pro-Investment Bills:
The path for economic recovery
• Law 14026, as of July 15th, 2020 – New Legal Framework for Sanitation
• Law 14134, as of April 8, 2021 – New Gas Market
• Law 14.182,as of July 12, 2021 – Privatization of Eletrobrás
• Bill 4199/2020 - Cabotage                ...............................................................CD          SF   (under debate)
• Bill 414/2021 - Modernization of the Power Sector
                                               ..................................SF                                   CD    (under debate)
• Bill 7063/2017 - Concessions and PPPs ..............................................SF CD (under debate)
• Bill 5387/2019 - Brazilian foreign exchange market, Brazilian capital abroad, foreign ....CD                                                     SF
capital in the country and the provision of information to the Central Bank of Brazil                                           (under debate)

• Bill 3729/2004 - Environmental Licensing ........................................CD                                SF    (under debate)
• Bill 2646/2020 – Infrastructure debentures........................................CD                               SF   (under debate)
• Bill 591/2021 – Correios [The National Post]..............................CD                                  SF    (under debate) CD- Chamber of
                                                                                                                                        Deputies, Brazilian lower
• Bill 3178/2019 – Oil&Gas Production-Sharing Agreement (PSA) SF                                               (under debate)           house

• Bill 261/2018 - Railways Authorization.................................................SF                    (under debate)           SF – Federal Senate
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
PPI Council                    President and Ministers
                                 Economy
Presidency of the Republic       Executive Office
                                 Infrastructure
                                 Mines and Energy
   Ministry of Economy           Environment
                                 Regional Development
                                 Secretariat of Government
        PPI Council
                                 Federal Banks
                                       BNDES
                                       Caixa Econômica Federal
 Special Secretariat of PPI            Banco do Brasil

                                 The PPI Council President is the Minister of Economy. The Special
                                  Secretary serves as the Executive Secretary of the PPI Council.
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
PPI works as a hub for investments
                      Sectorial                         Sectorial
                      Ministries                         Unions                               Adds on efficiency and value to the process
Regulatory                                                                      Agents
 Agencies                                                                (banks, investment           Governance, coordination,
                                                                             funds, etc.)
                                                                                                       monitoring and oversight

                                                                                                      Transparency, dialogue,
          Branch                      PPI                       Multilateral
                                                                                                       credibility and predictability

                                                                                                      Well-designed projects

 Control                                                                Concessionaries               Technical and legal framework
 Entities                                                                                              enhancement

                      Licensing                        Embassies
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
PPI in Figures

                      Accomplished                                  Concession
                      auctions/bids           Investments          fees/Bonuses
  projects             and projects
                                          USD 159.5 billion     USD 34.1 billion
   429                   243              (BRL 797.3 billion)   (BRL 170.5 billion)

                                                                       1 USD = BRL 5
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
Main deliveries – PPI 2019/2020
Brazilian Investments Partnerships Program - PPI
2019-2020: 65 auctions/projects concluded

      Projected             Concession
    investments            fees/Bonuses

  USD 97.7 bi            USD 19.6 bi

                                          1 USD = BRL 5
36 Auctions carried out in 2019                                                                                        1 auction
                                                                                                             Palmeirópolis (Auction 10/21)
          Oil and Gas                                               Ports                                    Investments: USD 58.6 million
          4 auctions                                                13 auctions                              Concession Fee: USD 3.44 million
                                                            11 Terminals of liquid bulk
Regular Offer (Auction 9/10)
                                                              • 3 in Cabedelo/PB (Auction 3/22)                  Lotex
                                                              • 1 in Vitória/ES (Auction 3/22)                   1 auction (10/22)
Bonus: USD 5.05 million                                       • 5 in Belém/PA (Auction 4/5)
Round 16 under the concession agreement (Auction 10/10)       • 1 in Vila do Conde/PA (Auction 4/5)          Concession Fee: USD 187.9 million
                                                              • 1 in Santos/SP (Auction 8/13)
Bonus: USD 2.04 billion                                     1 Terminal of paper pulp in Paranaguá/PR                      1 auction
                                                            (Auction 8/13)                                   BR-364/365/GO/MG (Auction 9/10)
Petrobras Transfer of Rights Surplus (Auction 11/6)
                                                            1 Terminal of Solid Bulk in Santos/SP (Auction   Investments: USD 473.5 million
                                                            8/13)                                            Concession fee: lower toll fee (33% discount)
Bonus: USD 16.07 billion
Round 6 Production Sharing Agreement - PSA (Auction 11/7)   Investments: USD 210 million                               Airports
                                                            Concession Fee: USD 163.2 million                          12 assets
Bonus: USD 1.16 billion                                                                                      12 airports in 3 clusters (Auction 3/15):
                                                                    Energy                                     Northeast:
Total Bonus: USD 19.3 billion                                       3 auctions                                    Recife/PE; João Pessoa ,Campina Grande/PB; Maceió/AL;
Total Investments: USD 96.38 billion                        Generation                                             Aracaju/SE; and Juazeiro do Norte/CE
                                                            • New Energy A-4 (Auction 6/28)                    Midwest:
        Railway                                                                                                   All in MT: Várzea Grande (Cuiabá), Alta Floresta, Barra do
                                                            • New Energy A-6 (Auction 10/18)
                                                                                                                   Garças, Rondonópolis and Sinop.
        1 auction                                           Transmission
                                                                                                               Southeast:
North-South Railway (FNS) (Auction 3/18)                    • 12 lots of transmission lines
                                                                                                                  Vitória/ES and Macaé/ RJ
Investments: USD 625.2 million                              Investments: USD 3.97 billion                    Investments: USD 809 million
Concession Fee: USD 625.2 million                           Auction fee: lower power tariff                  Concession fee: USD 546.3 million
29 auctions held in 2020                                                                                                   Support to subnational level entities (11)
Railway (4)                                                   Mining (1)
                                                                                                                       Public street lighting (Municipalities)
Early extension of Rumo Malha Paulista _____ ___May 27        1st   round – ANM available areas        November 25     9 auctions
Early extension of Ferrovias da Vale (EFVM and EFC) _Dec 18
FICO (cross investment)_______________________Dec 18                                                                   •   Aracaju/SE (FEP):                 _____August 14
                                                              Pilot round: 168 areas for research.                     •   Feira de Santana/BA (FEP):              August 14
Investments: USD 5.11 billion                                                                                          •   Franco da Rocha/SP (FEP):               August 14
Concession fee: USD 960 million                                                                                        •   Belém/PA (FEP):                      ___November 06
                                                              Parks (1)                                                •   Sapucaia do Sul/RS (FEP): _____________ November 06
Highway (1)                                                                                                            •   Teresina/PI (BNDES):                  __ February 13
                                                              Aparados da Serra (RS) and Serra Geral (SC)   Dec 15     •   Vila Velha/ES (BNDES):                  _August 03
                                                                                                                       •   Macapá/AP (BNDES):                      _October 07
BR-101/SC                                    February 21
                                                                                                                       •   Petrolina/PE (BNDES):            _______ November 18
                                                              Investments: USD 52,44 million
Investments: USD 680 million
Discount: -62%                                                                                                         Investments: USD 187 million
                                                              Energy (1)                                               Average discount: -56,2%
Ports (6)
                                                              11 blocks of transmission installation        Dec 17     Wastewater (Municipality)
2 Port Terminals in Santos/SP (STS 14 and 14A)____Ago 28
                                                                                                                       1 auction
2 Port Terminals in Aratu/BA (ATU 12 and 18)_____Dec 18
1 Port Terminal in Paranaguá/P (PAR12)__________Dec 18        Investment: USD 1,47 billion                             •   Cariacica+Viana /ES (BNDES):           October 20
1 Port Terminal in Maceió/AL (MAC 10)___________Dec 18        Discount: -55,24%
Investments: USD 163 million
                                                                                                                       Investments: USD 116 million
Concession fee: USD 118 million                               Liquidation of SOE (3)                                   Discount: -38%

Oil and Gas (1)                                               CASEMG – Minas Gerais Warehouses and Silos State         Water and wastewater (BNDES)
                                                              Company. Liquidation concluded at October 29.
                                                                                                                       1 auction
2nd cycle of open acreage in areas for exploitation and       CODOMAR – Maranhão Docks State                Company.
production of oil and gas                  December 04                                                                 •   Metropolitan region of Maceió/AL:      October 07
                                                              Liquidation concluded at September 09.
Investments: USD 31 million                                   CEITEC – National Centre of Advanced Electronic          Investments: USD 514 million
Concession fee: USD 11 million                                Technology S.A. Liquidation began on December 15.        Concession fee: USD 400 million
2021: 46 assets auctioned off                                                                                                    Parks and Forests (2)
                                                                                 Water and wastewater                   São Francisco de Paula/RS ___29/07

         Railroad (1)                       Fishery Terminal (1)                      services(1)                       Investiments: US$ 33mi
                                                                         CEDAE – State of Rio de Janeiro_apr/30         Concession fee: US$ 148.2 th
East-West Integration Railroad
Investments: USD 1 billion             Investments: USD 46 million
                                                                            Investments: USD 5.52 billion                     Expected
                                                                            Concession fee: USD 4.54 billion
Concession fee: USD 6.5 million        Concession fee: USD 37,209                                                           Investments
                                                                                Ports - Terminals (8)
        Energy (6)                          Highway (2)
                                                                          4 in Itaqui/MA (IQI 03,11, 12 , 13)__Apr,09
                                                                                                                             USD 11.12 bi
Supply of isolated systems            BR-153/080/414/GO/TO__08/apr        1 in Pelotas/RS (PEL01) ________ Apr,09
________________April 30              BR-163/230/MT/PA______08/jul        1 in Santana/AC (MCP02)_______ Aug,13
Existing energy A-4 and A-5                                               1 in Mucuripe/CE (MUC01)_____Aug,13
                                      Investments: USD 1.94 billion
________________June 25
New energy A-3 and A-4
                                      Outorga: USD 64 million
                                                                          1 in Salvador/BA (SSD09)______ Aug,13
                                                                            Investments: USD 122.4 million
________________July 8                                                      Concession fee: USD 43.26 million                  fee/bonus
                                            Mining (3)
1º    Auction    of    electricity
transmission 2021___jun/30            2nd & 3rd Round of ANM
                                      AvailableAreas_mar/29 & jun/30
                                                                                 Airports (22)                                USD 5.4 bi
                                      Phosphate-(Miriri/PB/PE)_jun/10     6ª Round of Airports Concession (south,
Investments: USD 1.14 billion                                             north and central blocks)________apr/07
Discount: -19.4%, -52.47% e -45.79%   Investments: USD 38 million         Investments: USD 1.22 billion
-48.12; -30.83%; -28.82%              Concession fee: USD 47.6 million                                                          1 USD = BRL 5
                                                                          Concession fee: USD 660 million
Current PPI Portfolio
Current PPI Project Portfolio
Defense and Security                Communications and             Public Fishery                       National Parks and                    Tourism – 8
(PPP’s) - 3                         Technology – 4                 Terminals – 7                        Forests – 23                          8 Concessions of national
1 Air force Communications                                         7 Fishery Terminals                                                        heritage historical sites (CE, MG,
1 Police Communications             3 Privatization (Telebras,     ( Belém/PA, Manaus/AM, Aracaju/AL,                                         PB, PE, SP and RJ)
1 Vehicle impoundment –             National Post, and EBC)        Natal/RN, Santos/SP, Cananeia/SP     14 concessions of parks
Federal Highway Police              5G                             and Vitória/ES)
                                                                                                        9 concessions of forests
                                                                                                                                              Ports – 35
Highways – 20                       Railways– 11                                                                                              5 Concessions (3 Privatizations)
                                    3 concession renewals          Energy – 12                                                                28 Port Terminals
12 Concessions                                                     1 Transmission Lines Auctions        Oil and Gas – 5                       1 Waterway (Permit)
                                    4 new concessions                                                                                         1 Port access channel
                                                                   2 Privatizations (Eletrobras and
8 Licensing                         3 investments in strategic     Nuclep)                              17th Round under the concession
                                    railway networks               Transmission Line Manaus-Boa         agreement
                                    1 privatization                Vista                                Shale Gas Fracking (Env. Licensing)
                                                                   7 Hydroelectric plants               2 Blocks of Transfer o Rights
Economy – 6                         Regional Development – 5       (Environmental Permit)
4 Privatizations (ABGF,                                                                                 3rd Cycle of Open Acreage
                                                                   1 Generation (New Energy A-5)
EMGEA, Serpro and Dataprev)         2 privatizations (CBTU and
2 Lottery (Fixed odds and           Trensurb)                                                           Mining – 12
Lotex)                              Belo Horizonte subway Line
                                    Irecê basin irrigation)
                                                                   Airports – 26
                                                                   16 airports for concession
                                                                                                        6 CPRM Mining Rights
                                                                                                        6 ANM Available Areas                          180
Supply – 2
                                                                   8 regional airports
1 privatization
                                                                   2 rebiddings
                                    Health – 1
1 concession                                                  H
(CONAB warehouses and facilities)
                                    Hospital Fêmina/Porto Alegre
Public Policies
                 TRIIP                                 “Sea Road”                                    services

 Opening market to competitiveness,
                                                        cabotage                         Alternatives for partnerships for                      Tourism
decreasing ticket prices and improving                                                    concessions aiming at building,
               services                         Boosting fleet and the naval                 modernizing, operating,
                                                    industry, increasing                  maintaining and improving the                Policy for attracting private
+ 13 million and 416 cities don’t have                                                                                                investments for the tourism
    access to road transportation              competitiveness and fostering             management of the Basic Health
                                                ports (permit for temporary              Units network on municipal duty                         industry.
                                                         contracts)                                                                      Program Revive Brasil

                                                         Reducing imports of essential                               Alternative solutions to enable more
            Bidsim                                                                                PPP prisons
                                                            minerals; searching for                                  efficient public services, quality and
                                         Strategic        competitive advantages for                    +                effective social reinsertion of
 Improving methodology for               minerals        generating trade surplus and             correctional            prisoners through work and
     defining technical /                                 exploiting high technology                facilities                    qualification
  economic standards for oil                                       minerals

                                                                                         Universalizing                                       PPP
                         Supporting regulatory improvement                               sanitation +                                       daycares
                          and project designing for supplying                             solid waste
        PPP public                                                                                                            Projects in which private partners are in
                           street lighting projects, including
                                                                                                                             charge of accomplishing works, equipping,
         lighting        developing, modernizing, expanding,           Coordinating regional level projects design
                                                                                                                              maintaining and operating daycare units,
                           energy efficiency, operating and            and regional bankable projects that enable
                                                                                                                                 with service quality indicators and
                                maintaining power grid                    adequate public services to citizens
                                                                                                                                          standards to meet
North II Block USD 236 million in
 Airports                       São Gabriel da
                                                                                    Macapá        7th round       investments
                                                     Barcelos            Santarém
                                          Carauari       Coari   Maués                Marabá                                      Natal

                                                     Lábrea                        Carajás

                                          SP-MS Block USD 480 million in
                                           7th round    investments
                                                                                                        Montes Claros
   16 Airports (3 blocks) : 7th round                                          Campo
                                                                               Grande              Uberlândia and Uberaba     RJ-MG Block     USD 338 million in
                                                                                                                               7th round        investments
 Investments               USD 1 billion                                                Londrina
                                                                                                                        Santos Dumont and
                                                                  Ponta Porã
                                                                                                    Congonhas and
        2 Airports for Rebidding:                                                                  Campo de Marte

       Natal/RN and Campinas/SP
           8 Regional Airports
São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Barcelos, Parintins,
Maués, Coari, Lábrea, Carauari and Eirunepé                                                                                                 1 USD = BRL 5
                           Sinop/MT a Miritituba/PA
                                    933 km
                                Inv.: USD 4.3 bi
                          FIOL 2 and FIOL 3                                                                     FCA
                       Caetité/BA – Barreiras/BA; 485 km                                                      7,215 km
                     Barreiras/BA – Figueirópolis/TO; 505 km                                               Inv.: USD 2.7 bi
                                 Inv.: USD 1.9 bi
                                                               Malha Oeste
                                                                    1,973 km
                                                               Inv.: to be defined                                 MRS                 Contracts
                                                                                                                  1,686 km
                 Railroad portfolio                                                                            Inv.: USD 3.3 bi

                USD 16.18 billion
                 • New: USD 6.2 billion
Investiments     • Renewal: USD 8.2 billion                                                       Rumo Malha Sul
                                                                                                           7,223 km
                 • Privatization: USD 1.7 billion
                                                                                                        Inv.: USD 2.1 bi
                 • Rebidding: to be defined
                21,390 Km:
                 • New: 1,923 km
Total Lenght     • Renewal: 16,124 km                                                Ferroeste
                 • Privatization: 1,370 km                                              1.370 km
                                                                                     Inv.: USD 1.7 bi
                 • Rebidding: 1,973 km                                                                                 1 USD = BRL 5
       •    Section:                       from Sinop (state of Mato Grosso) to Miritituba (state of Pará) - 933 km
       •    Concession period:             69 years, extension is prohibited
       •    Auction criterion:             highest concession fee amount (USD 3.6 million minimum)
       •    Gauge:                         1.60 m
       •    Train type:                    3 locomotives and 160 wagons

Financial aspects
   •       CAPEX:                         USD 1.68 bi (implementation) + USD 2.62 bi (maintenance capex)
   •       OPEX:                          USD 12.74 bi
   •       Demand:                        20.7 mi net tons (2030); 48.6 mi net tons (2060)
   •       Soybean and corn tariff:       USD 16.28 / net tons (Sinop-Miritituba)
   •       Total Revenue:                 USD 35.36 billion
           (start of operation):
   •       Year 10 revenue                USD 400 million
   •       WACC:                          11.04% per year (in real terms and net of tax)
   •       Ebitda margin after ramp up:   59% (year 2037)

Social aspects
   •       The railroad route does not overlap with Indigenous Lands or Quilombola communities
   •       The nearest indigenous lands are located at a distance of 4 km (Praia do Mangue) and 7 km (Praia
           do Índio), in Itaituba
   •       The railway's reference layout does not cross any Conservation Unit
   •       Reduction of USD 3.84 billion in freight costs compared to the highway mode
                                                                                            1 USD = BRL 5             19
                                                                                                               438 km
                                                                                              Junction BR-135 (via Pedrinhas) – Junction

                                                                                              Access to Tirirical Airport – Junction BR-316(B)
                                                                                              Junction BR-135(B)/MA-020 (Peritoró) – Junction
                                                                                              BR-226(B)/343(A) (Div. MA/PI) (Teresina/Timon)

                                                                                                                                                   1,135 km
                                                                                                                                          Ribeirão Cascalheira/MT and

                                                                                                                             BR-116/493/495/RJ/MG (antiga CRT)
                                                                                                                                          727 km
                                                                                                                                           Section of BR-116/RJ
                                                                                                                             Section between Além Paraíba/RJ and BR-040/MG

                                         Concession of 7,213 km
                                              of highways                                                                  BR-381/MG and BR-262/MG/ES -
                                                                                                                                     670 km
                                                                                                                               Section of BR-381/MG between Belo
                                                Rebidding                                                                     Horizonte/MG and Gov. Valadares/MG
                                               BR-163/MS                                                                      Section of BR-262/MG/ S between João
                                                                                                                                   Monlevade/MG and Viana/ES
                                                 845 km
                                        Section between borders MT/MS
                                                   and MS/PR
                                                                                                                                 BR-040/495/MG/RJ (Concer)
                                                                                                                                          443 km
                                                Integrated Highways                                                          Section between Juiz de Fora/MG and Rio
                                                  of Paraná state –                                                                       de Janeiro/RJ
         Highways portfolio                           3,328 km
                                                                               Rebidding                             BR-116/465/101 /SP/RJ (Dutra)
Investments               USD 27.4 bi         BR-470/282/153/SC
                                                                                                                               625 km
                                                   502 km                 BR-040/DF/GO/MG –
                                                                                                                     Section between Rio de Janeiro/RJ and São
Total Length              16,638.2 km              Section between              709 km
                                               Navegantes/SC and RS/SC   Section between Brasília/DF and
                                                                                 Juiz de Fora/MG
                                                                                                                                   1 USD = BRL 5
Highways – next auctions (2021/2022)
Highway                                                                      Length      Capex (USD)   Auction
BR-381/MG and BR-262/MG/ES
• BR-381/MG between Belo Horizonte/MG and Gov. Valadares/MG                  670.6 km       1.54 bi    2021/Q4
• BR-262/MG/ ES between João Monlevade/MG and Viana/ES
BR-116/465/101 /SP/RJ (Dutra)                                                625.8 km       2.89 bi    2021/Q4
• Rio de Janeiro/RJ and São Paulo/SP

BR-116/493/495/RJ/MG (antiga CRT)                                             727 km        1.72 bi    2022/Q1

INTEGRATED HIGHWAYS OF PARANÁ STATE                                          3,328 km       8.42 bi    2022/Q1
• BR- 153/158/163/272/277/369/373/376/476/PR and relevant state highways
                                                                             6,600 km      10.72 bi    2022/Q3
BR- 040/495/MG/RJ (CONCER)                                                    443 km        620 mi     2022/Q4
• Rio de Janeiro to Belo Horizonte
BR-040/DF/GO/MG (rebidding - 679,7 km )                                      679.7 km       1.48 bi    2022/Q4

                                                                           13,074,1 km   USD 27.4 bi

                                                                                                         1 USD = BRL 5
Vila do Conde/PA (2)
                                                                              Liquid and solid bulk                    Fortaleza/CE (2)
                                                                                                                       Passengers and liquid bulk

                                                                                                                    Areia Branca/RN (1)
                                                                                                                    Sea salt

                                                                                                                   Recife/PE (1)
                                                                                                                   Solid bulk

                                                                                                                 Maceió/AL (4)
                                                                                                                 General cargo, grain and liquid bulk

                                                                                                         Port of Salvador/BA - CODEBA

                                  Paranaguá/PR (5)
                                  General cargo, grain and liquid bulk
                                                                                                       Port of Vitória/ES - CODESA
         Ongoing Ports portfolio
                                                     Paranaguá/PR (1)                                 Itaguaí/RJ (1)
Investments            USD 4.14 billion              Port access channel                              Solid mineral bulk
Port leasings                21                                                          Port of São Sebastião/SP
                                                      Port of Itajaí/SC
Privatizations                3                                                      Santos/SP (4)
                                                                                     Solid and liquid/fuel bulk and containerized cargo
Concessions                   2                             Imbituba/SC (1)
                                                            Liquid bulk             Port of Santos/SP – CODESP
Acess channel                 1                                                                                                   1 USD = BRL 5
Ports - Privatizations
Port of Santos/SP (SPA)           Port of Itajaí/SC
Status: Feasibility assessments
                                  Status: Feasibility assessments
Public Hearing: 2021/Q3
                                  Bidding Notice: : 2022/Q3
Bidding Notice: 2022/Q2
                                  Auction: 2022/Q4
Auction: 2022/Q3
                                  Investments: under assessment
Investments: USD 1.56 billion

Port of Vitória/ES (CODESA)       Port of São Sebastião/SP
Status: Public Hearing            Status: Feasibility assessments
Bidding Notice: 2021/Q4           Bidding Notice: : 2021/Q4
Auction: 2022/Q1                  Auction: 2022/Q1
Investments: USD 250 million      Investments: USD 114.8 million

Ports of Salvador, Aratu-
Candeias and Ilhéus
Status: Feasibility assessments
Bidding Notice: 2022/Q4
Auction: 2023/Q1
Investments: under assessment                                       1 USD = BRL 5
Fishery Terminal in
Fishery Terminals                                                Manaus (AM)

A Public Fishery Terminal (PFT) is the structure                        Fishery Terminal in
necessary for fish handling and storage activities,                             Belém (PA)
trading post, fish processing and support for vessel
                                                                                  Fishery Terminal in
Making PFTs operational is crucial for the provision of                                    Natal (RN)
an favorable phytosanitary environment needed to
further developing the fish industry.
                                                                                   Fishery Terminal in
                                                                                          Aracaju (SE)
The PFT area can include facilities such
as anchorages, docks, wharves, berths
and piers, cold storage warehouses,                                   Fishery Terminal in
and infrastructure for waterway access                                        Vitória (ES)
and protection.
                                                           Fishery Terminals in
                                                          Santos and Cananeia
Fishery Terminals
                    Qualification for                        Public        TCU*         Bidding
                                          Assessments                                                Auction     Contract
                           PPI                               Hearing      Approval       Notice

                        Completed        Completed        Completed     Completed      Completed    Completed   Completed
Cabedelo (PB)          (2/18/2020)      (5/11/2020)      (6/11/2020)   (11/18/2020)   (12/2/2020)   1/28/2021    Apr/ 29

Belém (PA)             Completed
Manaus (AM)           (2/18/2020)

Natal (RN)
                                        Completed        Completed       July/14
Aracaju (SE)                                                                           Q3/2021      Q4/2021     Q1/2022
                                        (April/27 )       (June 13)       (filed)
Vitória (ES)
Santos (SP)
Cananéia (SP)

TCU: Portuguese acronym for the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts
                                  Limestone - Aveiro/PA           Kaolinite - Rio Capim/PA

                                Gypsum – Rio Cupari/PA

                                                                              Diamond – Santo Inácio/BA

                                     Copper - Bom Jardim/GO

          Mining legal rights

 Investments           USD 690 million

 *In case projects reach mining phase
                                                              Coal - Candiota/RS
                                                                                               1 USD = BRL 5
National Mining Agency (ANM) Available Areas
•   Procedure for selecting investors interested in proceeding with mining projects
    returned to the National Mining Agency portfolio.
•   Areas are subject to a public offer; those with two or + interested investors are
    submitted to an e-auction and awarded to the bidder offering the highest fee.
•   There are more than 40,000 areas for new investments.
•   In the first 3 rounds, more than 11,000 areas have been offered, representing a total
    area of about 10.6 million hectares, larger than the State of Ceará.

1st Round (Sep/20): 499 areas for research (+ than 30% of
them were auctioned off).                                         Round   Auction notice
2nd Round (Dec/20): 6,879 areas for research/mining offered,
+ than 60% of them were auctioned off, Federal Government           4        July/2021
shoudl collect USD 33 million.                                      5        Aug/2021
3rd Round (Mar/21): 2,663 areas offered (auction concluded,         6        Sep/2021
ratification in July/2021).                                         7       January/2022
4th Round (Jun/21): 1,658 research areas offered, clarification     8       March/2022
                                                                                            Areas offered in the first 4 rounds of available areas.
stage until July 6, challenge requests up to July 20 and the        9        May/2022                 Source: National Mining Agency
Public Offer stage opened until August 17.
                                                                                                                       1 USD = BRL 5
Oil and Gas
   17th Round
   Transfer of rights
   3rd Cycle of Open Acreage                                                                     Potiguar Basin

               Capacity                     92 blocks (offshore)
                                            Potiguar, Campos, Santos
               Basins (4)
Round 17                                    and Pelotas
               Auction (scheduled)          October 7, 2021
               Blocks (2)                   Sépia and Atapu
                                                                                         Campos Basin
Transfer of    Expected Investments
                                            USD 40.8 billion
  Rights       (CAPEX + OPEX)                                                 Transfer of rights
               Auction                      December 17, 2021           Santos Basin
                                            1,068 blocks
3rd Cycle of   Blocks                                                  Pelotas Basin
 Acreage       Auction (planned schedule)   Q4/2021
                                                                                       1 USD = BRL 5
Electric Power

                 Energy portfolio (USD)
License + Implementation of the Transmission
                                                360 mi
Line Manaus – Boa Vista
New Energy Generation (A-5)                      Tbc     Transmission auction 2021
                                                         Transmission Line Manaus/AM -
2nd auction of transmission installation 2021   400 mi   Boa Vista/RR
                      Total                     760 mi   Energy Generation
                                                                 1 USD = BRL 5
Privatization/Capitalization – Eletrobras - Brazilian Power SOE
                                                                                Brownfield project.
                                                                                Power generation capacity: 50.648,2 MW ( 29% of 174.412,68 MW installed
                                                                                 capacity in Brazil).
                                                                                     61,2% Eletrobras System´s entire property,
                                                                                     23,1% SPEs and
                                                                                     15,7% shared property, including half of Itaipu Binacional capacity
                                                                                        (7.000 MW)
                                                                                Generators (total): 125 plants (58 Corporate and 67 SPEs)
                                                                                     Hydropower : 46,259 MW
                                                                                     Nuclear Power: 1,990 MW
o Features: holding comprising Eletrobras CGTEE; Eletrobras Chesf;                   Thermal power (other technologies): 1,870 MW
  Eletrobras Eletronorte; Eletrobras Eletronuclear; Eletrobras Furnas;               Wind and Solar: 1,025
  and direct and indirect shareholding in 136 Special Purpose                   Transmission Lines: 76.128,54 Km, being 70.091,89 km with tension > 230 KV
  Vehicles (SPVs).                                                               (43,54% of total Transmission Lines in Brazil )
o Procuring authority: Ministry of Mines and Energy                             Direct and indirect shareholding of the Brazilian Government
o   Expected outcomes:                                                               CS – 72.22%
      o Increased investment in the Brazilian energy sector, generating              PS – 6.52%
          jobs and income;                                                           Total – 61.69%
      o An attractive environment for investors, increasing                     Privatization model: increase in share capital through public subscription of
          competitiveness in the sector and reducing prices for consumers;       common shares, without the Federal Government's participating in this
      o Reduction of price volatility in the electricity tariff caused by        subscription
          hydrological risk;                                                    Status: Provisional Measure 1031/21, which establishes the guidelines for
      o Recovery of basins and investments in generation and local               privatization by capitalization and permits the beginning of studies by BNDES
          energy networks, benefiting the local population and energy            (Brazilian Development Bank), was approved by Congress on June 21. Bill
          consumers                                                              now awaits presidential sanction.
The process of capitalization of Eletrobras will be carried out with the issuance of new shares by the
                                                                     company in a sufficient amount for the Union to leave its control. Therefore, there is a privatization
                                                                     process by means of a capital market operation.

   Next steps on the                                                               With the sanction of Law 14,182/2021, the government is
                                                                                   authorised to proceed with the capitalisation process.
   capitalization of
   Eletrobrás                                                 The next stage is the conclusion of the Eletrobras studies with the definition of the price and the
                                                              quantity of shares to be issued. At this stage, the current situation of the company, its assets,
                                                              liabilities, and its capacity to generate value and growth prospects over the years are evaluated.

1. COMPLETION OF STUDIES BY BNDES          2. APPROVAL BY THE CPPI                                3. APPROVAL BY THE TCU                            4 MEETING AND ISSUE OF SHARES

                                           The Board of the Investment                                                                             After approval by the TCU and the
  The studies are being conducted         Partnerships Program (CPPI) is                                                                           CPPI, the next step is for Eletrobras
 by the National Bank for Economic    responsible for approving the BNDES'                     The studies carried out by BNDES                    to hold a shareholders' meeting to
 and Social Development (BNDES),     studies and defining the final model for                   will be sent to the Federal Audit                   approve the issue of new shares,
      which is responsible for          the capitalization operation. At this                  Court (TCU), which must approve                      at which the Federal Government
 implementing and monitoring the      stage, the capitalization guidelines will                  them in order to continue the                     will not vote. The issuance process
   entire Eletrobras privatisation        be defined, such as: corporate                                     process.                                will be carried out by Eletrobras
              process.                restructuring, minimum sale price and                                                                         with the assistance of the BNDES.
                                            conditions for the process.

                                                    The process is expected to be concluded in the first quarter of 2022.
Auction on 5G technology
Most important auction on radio frequency spectrum ever held                               •      Procuring authority: ANATEL
in Brazil.                                                                                 •      Preliminary     investment     estimates     +
                                                                                                  concession fees: USD 7 billion
Alta700   MHz Baixa2,3
     cobertura               GHz Baixa3,5
                         cobertura            GHz Baixíssima
                                          cobertura            26cobertura
and baixa
     20 MHz        and alta
                        90 Capacity
                            MHz          400Capacity’
                                    and alta MHz              3200 MHz
                                                       and altíssima  Capacity             •      Expected date for the auction: Q4/2021
                                                      Tudo  quelow
                                                                 existe disponível
                                                                                           •      Next steps: Technical Pricing Assessment of
   Wide coverage                                4x
                     Low coverage and Low coverage  and  Very       coverage and
   and low capacity high capacity     high capacity   para serviços  móveis
                                                         the highest capacity
                                                                                                  the object and commitments of the bidding
                                                                                                  notice in progress
                                                    4x     Everything available for        •      Contract Term: 20 years (with the exception of
                                                           mobile services
                                                                                                  the 700 MHz band with a term until 12/08/2029
                                                                                                  and an extension under the terms in force at the
 Auction criterion is not based on bonus/concession fee – the                                     time)
 auction notice establishes national and regional compromises                                         Auction Notice            Signing of
 as to investments in 5G coverage and backhaul.                                                         published           authorization terms

                                                                                         Feb/20                         Q4/21
 Until December, 31, 2029 – all municipalities in Brazil must
                                                                                                            Q3/21                2022                       2025
 have 5G coverage
 Ordinance No. 1,924 / SEI-MCOM, January 29, 2021:                                    Project filed with               Auction
                                                                                      Federal Audit Court              session                 Main Investments
       Implementation of PAIS - Integrated and Sustainable Amazon Program
       Implementation of the Federal Private Network                                                                                    1 USD = BRL 5
Preliminary estimates:
Privatizations     USD 18.36 billion

                                          1 USD = BRL 5
     2Q21          3T21
                   3Q21          4T21
                                 4Q21                     1T22
                                                          1Q22    2T22
                                                                  2Q22   2S22



The National Post Service

    Biggest employer                   11,177 post offices                         USD 3.6 billion
    company in Brazil                 Located in almost every city in
More than 93,000 employees                                                          2018 Net Revenue

Status: assessments in progress aiming at evaluating alternatives for partnering with the
private sector
-   Bill 591/2021 aims to permit delegation of services to private partners. Bill aprooved in the Chamber of
-   Stage 1 of studies has been completed. Stage 2, about modelling and alternatives, is in progress and
    should be concluded in August/2021
Project’s Stage 1 has been concluded in April. Stage 2 is ongoing.
                                      Sep 2020 - Apr 2021                                         May – Sep 2021                                      Oct – Dec 2021                     Q1/ 2022
                                          STAGE 1                                                                                                        STAGE 3
                                                                                                           STAGE 2                                                                        DISPOSAL AND
  Preparation         G1         DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF                   G2                                                           G3     IMPLEMENTATION OF            G4
                                                                                                     DETAILED PROPOSALS                                                                    CONCESSION
                                 ALTERNATIVES OF PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                         PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                                                                                                 • Draft agreements for
                           • Diagnosis of the Brazilian and international
                             postal sector
                                                                                                                                                   entering into partnerships           Auction session
                                                                                        • Detailed proposal for modeling private
                                                                                                                                                   and offers
                                                                                          partnerships for the Brazilian postal sector
  Service C                • Legal and regulatory diagnosis                                                                                                                             Offers to
                                                                                                                                                 • Roadshows and meetings                employees
  Postar Consortia                                                                      • Detailed partnership modeling proposal for
  • Accenture              • Company Reviews                                              the company
  • MMSO
                                                                                                                                                 • Public audiences and                 Final report on
                                                                                                                                                   consultations                         the process
                           • Structuring of alternative partnerships for                • Reports Updates
                             the sector
                                                                                                                                                 • Disclosure of rules
                                                          Service B
                                                          Carta Brasil consortia:         DUE DILIGENCE                   Valuation 2
                                                          • KPMG
                                                          • Manesco
                                                                                                  Service A               Valuation
                                                                                                  To be defined

                                                                                                                                Service D           Financial Advice and Attraction of Investors
                                                                                                           We’re here           TBD
                                    Presentation of Bill [Feb 24)                     Kick-off Stage 2 [27/mai]
                              22ª CI – Approval of stage 1 [Mar 10)                                        Sanction of Bill [Aug/21]                                                     Operation concluded
                                     Resolution 168/21 CPPI [Mar 16)                                              Approval CPPI [Sep/21]                  Court of Accounts
      Beginning of                                                                                                                                        approval [Dec/21]
 studies– Service C                    Decree 10,674/21 - PND [Apr 13)                                                                                                               Publication of auction rules
 [August 27/2020]                                                                   OS Service C - Stage 2 (May 14)                          Opening of Data Room [Oct/21]           [Dec/21]         Source: BNDES
Privatization – Trensurb (Urban Trains Company of Porto
  Alegre S.A)
                                                                     Brownfield project
                                                                     Extension : 43,8 Km of operating lines
                                                                     CAPEX projected investments: USD 70 million for requalification
                                                                     OPEX projected investments: to be defined
                                                                     Contract period: 25 years.
                                                                     Auction criteria: to be defined
                                                                     IRR: to be defined
o Object of the concession: public passenger transport services      Lease / concession / consideration value/ etc: to be defined
  in the State of Rio Grande do Sul                                  Public Guarantees: to be defined
o Model: Privatization                                               Capacity: 228,000 pax / day
o Structurer: BNDES                                                  Status: under assessment
o Procuring authority: State of Rio Grande do Sul                    Bidding auction expected for Q3/2021
o Sector Ministry: Ministry of Regional Development                  Auction session expected for Q4/2021
o Regulator: Metroplan

                                                                                                                     1 USD = BRL 5
Privatization – CBTU (Brazilian Company of Urban Trains)
                                                                     Brownfield project
                                                                     Extension: 220,8 Km of operating lines
                                                                     CAPEX projected investments: USD 400 million for requalification
                                                                     OPEX projected investments: to be defined
                                                                     Contract period: 25 years.
                                                                     Auction criteria: to be defined
                                                                     IRR: to be defined
o Object of the concession: public passenger transport services      Lease / concession / consideration value: to be defined
  in the States of Alagoas, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Pernambuco        Public Guarantees: to be defined
  and Rio Grande do Norte                                            Capacity: 567,000 passengers / day
o Model: Privatization                                               Status: under assessment
o Structurer: BNDES                                                  Bidding auction expected for Q3/2021
o Procuring authority: above-mentioned States                        Auction session expected for Q4/2021
o Sector Ministry: Ministry of Regional Development
o Regulator: respective States’ Regulatory Agencies

                                                                                                                     1 USD = BRL 5
Concession of Subway Line 2 - Metropolitan Region of
Belo Horizonte
                                                                       Greenfield project
                                                                       Extension : 10,5 Km of operating lines
                                                                       CAPEX projected investments: USD 320 million
                                                                       OPEX projected investments : to be defined
                                                                       Contract period: 25 years.
                                                                       Auction criteria: to be defined
                                                                       IRR: to be defined
o   Object of the concession: public passenger transport services      Lease / concession / consideration value: to be defined
o   Model: Concession                                                  Public Guarantees: to be defined
o   Structurer: BNDES                                                  Capacity: 50,000 passengers / day
o   Procuring authority: State of Minas Gerais                         Status: under assessment
o   Sector Ministry: Ministry of Regional Development                  Bidding notice expected for: Q3/2021
o   Regulator: State of Minas Gerais                                   Auction session: Q4/2021

                                                                                                                        1 USD = BRL 5
National Parks (13)                                                 Serra da Capivara National Park (PI)

                                              Lençóis                                                            Ubajara National
                                              Maranhenses                                                               Park (CE)
                                              National Park

                                                                                                                Jericoacoara National Park (CE)
Jaú National Park (AM)

   Anavilhanas National Park (AM)                                                                      Brasília National Park (DF)

                                                                                                                                     Serra da Bocaina
                                                                                                                                        National Park
Chapada dos Guimarães National Park (MT)                                       Serra dos Órgãos
                                                                               National Park (RJ)

                                                                                       São Joaquim
                                                                                  National Park (SC)
 Serra da Bodoquena National Park (MS)     Iguazu Falls - Foz do Iguaçu National Park
Concession of Forests
for recreational activities
                      Brasília (DF)
Hiring                 Public    Federal Court   Bidding
          Project                         Assessments                                       Auction
                              assessments               Hearing    of Accounts    Notice

Aparados da Serra and Serra


  São Francisco de Paula                                                                    July, 26

       São Joaquim


      Foz do Iguaçu

       Jericoacoara                                                                                    Accomplished

                                                                                                        In progress
   Lençóis Maranhenses
Forest concessions                                                                                     Brazil has the largest
                                                                                                       tropical forest and the
The concession projects of National Forests                                                            2nd largest forest area
of Iquiri, Humaitá, Balata-Tufari, Jatuarana,                      Gleba Castanho                      in the world
Pau-Rosa and Gleba Castanho, all in the state
of Amazonas; Três Barras and Chapecó in the
states of Santa Catarina; and Irati in the state                            Jatuarana
of Paraná have been qualified by the PPI                  Balata-Tufari
Council as national priorities.
                                                          Iquiri             Humaitá
Payments to the Federal Government by the
concessionaires are destined to the states
and municipalities where the forests are
located, to the National Fund for Forestry
Development and to ICMBio - Chico Mendes
Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.                                                                       Irati

Computerized system for managing concession contracts.
Procedural manuals for sustainable management.                                                                  Três
Greater preservation of forests, less deforestation, less fires, greater control and a better fight against              Chape
illegal activities.                                                                                                      có
The Stages
   of a
National Heritage Sites                                                                Fort Nossa Senhora dos Remédios
                                                                                         and Aldeia dos Sentenciados
     The Forts of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios         and
                                                             Palace Carvalho Mota          Fernando de Noronha (PE)
Orange, located in the State of Pernambuco;          the
Fortress of Santa Catarina (PB) and the Farm         Pau         Fortaleza (CE)
D`Alho (SP) were qualified in PPI portfolio           for
concession of their usage/management, under          the
policy for attracting private investments in         the
tourism sector.

     These projects will be pilots of                                                                    Fortress of Santa Catarina
the so-called Program “Revive Brasil”,                                                                       João Pessoa (PB)
part of a Brazil-Portugal cooperation
protocol signed by the Ministry of
Tourism, and whose objective is the
concession of vacant historical/cultural
heritage sites.
                                                                                                               Fort Orange
                                                                                                            Ilha de Itamaracá (PE)
                                           Farm Pau D’Alho
                                            Campinas (SP)         Old train station
                                                                  in Diamantina (MG)
PISF – Project for integrating São Francisco river into the water basins in the
north part of the Northeast region of Brazil (NE)
                   Features: Assessments for modeling a partnership for the operation and maintenance of the raw water
                    supply infrastructure, aiming to ensure water security for the beneficiary states. Its main use is human
                    supply and animal drinking, with other uses being admitted. It benefits 12 million people in four States
                    (CE, RN, PB and PE) and 390 cities. The North Axe has 96% of accomplishment and the East Axe 98%.
                   Object of the assessments: Operation and maintenance of 477 km of channels; 9 pumping stations; 27
                    reservoirs in the axes; 4 tunnels; 14 aqueducts; 9 230 kV substations; Installed power 100.5 MW;
                    annual consumption of 709 GWh; Estimated energy consumption 58,300 MWh/month. Pumping
                    operational capacity of 38 m3/s and average annual flow granted: 26.4 m3/s.

                     Model: Common or sponsored concession           Brownfield project
                      (under assessment)                              Executed CAPEX Investments : USD 2.4 billion
                     Structurer: BNDES with MDR, ANA, SPPI and       Projected CAPEX investment: USD 360 million
                      SDI/Ministry of Economy.                        Projected OPEX Investments: USD 100 million/year
                     Procuring authority: Federal Government         Contract period: 35 years
                     Sector Ministry: Ministry of Regional           Auction criterion: to be defined
                      Development - MDR                               Public Guarantees: Infrastructure Guarantee Fund - FGIE
                     Regulator: ANA                                   and FPE States
                     Regulation: Mechanism defined in the            Status: stage 1 assessments completed in Feb/2021
                      concession contract                             Bidding: Q4/2021
                                                                                                       1 USD = BRL 5
Irecê basin irrigation perimeter (BA)
                       Features: located in the municipalities of Xique-Xique and Itaguaçu da Bahia, 500 km away from capital Salvador, the
                        Baixio de Irecê perimeter has a total area of 104,000 hectares, out of which 48,000 hectares are suitable for irrigated
                        agriculture. The project was subdivided into 9 stages; the first two have been tendered and are in the occupation
                        phase. About USD 240 million have been invested in the acquisition and regularization of land property and
                        execution of 42 km of the main channel, main pumping station, pipelines, pressurization station and energy
                       Object of the study: Concession of Real Right of Use (aka CDRU) of a total area of 51,000 hectares, out of which
                        31,500 are irrigable, corresponding to stages 3 to 9 of the project, aiming at the implantation of the irrigation
                        infrastructure, the operation and maintenance of this infrastructure and the occupation of the area with agricultural
                        production. Production potential is estimated at 150,000 tons of grains and 200,000 tons of fruit per year, resulting in
                        a gross production value of BRL 900 million / year when the entire area is occupied.
                       Model: Concession of Real Right of Use                  Executed investments: USD 240 million (Pumping Station
                       Structurer: Codevasf/MDR/PPI.                              of 10.5 m³/s and 42 km of channels)
                       Procuring authority: BR Government/Codevasf             Projected CAPEX investments: USD 320 million
                       Sector Ministry: Ministry of Regional Development       Contract term: 35 years
                       Regulator: None                                         Auction criterion: highest concession fee
                       Regulation: Mechanism defined in the concession         Status: Public consultation
                        contract                                                Auction: 2021
Integrated Communication Network of the Brazilian Air Force Command - PPP
                                     Features: The Air Force Telecommunications Network covers the entire Brazilian airspace
                                      (territorial waters included), an area of 22 million km2

                                     Object of the concession: designing, installing, updating, expanding, operating, managing and
                                      maintaining a communications, control and management infrastructure for the Operational
                                      Network, Administrative Network, Corporate Network, Telephone Networks, Aeronautical
                                      Command Network, Tariff System Data Link, International Links, Network Management Center
                                      and Security Management Center integrated through an administrative concession contract.

                                                                       Brownfield project
                                                                       Projected CAPEX investments : USD 308 million
                                                                       Projected OPEX investments : USD 448 million
   Model: Administrative Concession
                                                                       Contract term: 25 years
   Structurer: Committee for the Implementation of the Airspace
                                                                       Auction criterion: lowest consideration value per month
    Control System - CISCEA, with support of FIA - USP.
                                                                       Maximum consideration per month: USD 3.51 million
   Procuring authority: Federal Government/ CISCEA
                                                                       Public Guarantees: Infrastructure Guarantee Fund - FGIE: value of
   Sector Ministry: Ministry of Defense - Air Force Command
                                                                        6 monthly consideration installments;
   Regulator: None
                                                                       Status: revised assessments expected
   Regulation: Mechanism defined in the concession contract             Auction: 2022

                                                                                                                  1 USD = BRL 5
PPP – Critical Digital Radio Communication for Defense and Public Security
                          Features: Assessments for Modeling the National System for Integrated Critical Digital Radio Communication for
                           Defense and Security of the Federal Government, States, the Federal District and Municipalities. Establishment of a
                           single operator for a national integrated LTE radio communication network, with service levels, availability and
                           encryption compatible with the requirements of the Public Security and Armed Forces.
                          Object of the assessments: Structuring a high capacity trunk backbone network, public and private, for signal
                           transport and convergence of technology and secure communications protocols for critical missions. It must be
                           capable of connecting different technologies and integrating security forces of the Federal Government, States and
                           Municipalities, as well as the Armed Forces, involving common applications. It may include end-use equipment.
                           Diversity of applications and technological transition in an interchangeable platform for data services. It reaches the
                           entire national territory and security and defense organizations using digital radio communication for voice and data
                           traffic on secure and exclusive frequencies, with infrastructure to be shared with other public or private uses with
                           converging standards. Investment made by the Ministry of Justice and its subsidiary bodies of USD 465 million in its
                           own network and equipment.

                         Model: Public-Private Partnership of the BR Federal         Projected CAPEX investments: USD 400 million
                          Gov jointly with subnational level entities                 Projected OPEX investments: to be defined
                         Structurer: Assessments to be hired by BNDES,               Public Guarantees: Infrastructure Guarantee Fund – FGIE
                          together with MJSP, MD, MCTIC and SPPI.                     Status: definition of requirements
                         Procuring authority: Federal Government                     Completion of assessments: to be defined
                         Sector Ministry: Ministry of Justice and Public             Auction: 2022
                          Security - MJSP
                         Regulator: None
                         Regulation: Mechanism defined in the concession
                                                                                                                        1 USD = BRL 5
Fêmina Hospital in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul
                   Features: Assessments of partnership alternatives aiming at modernizing and improving public services of a
                    new specialized hospital care unit in an area of the “Conceição Hospital Group”, in the city of Porto Alegre,
                    State of Rio Grande do Sul. The initiative involves designing, constructing, installing, maintaining and
                    operating health support services in a new location. Fêmina Hospital, a reference in women’s care for the
                    Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, has been in operation since 1956. It has 12,300 m2 of built area, 166
                    beds and 917 workers. In 2018, the unit performed 126,000 medical consultations, 9,000 hospitalizations,
                    6,400 surgeries and 2,100 deliveries. The new unit should involve expanding the service, as well as improving
                    the quality of service provision.

                   Object of the assessments: alternative partnerships to adapt current structures, as well as constructing,
                    renovating and expanding facilities and improving services management.

                              Model: Public-Private Partnership                     Greenfield project
                              Structurer: Assessments under analysis by BNDES       Projected CAPEX Investments: USD 30 million
                              Procuring authority: Federal Government               Projected OPEX Investments: to be defined
                              Sector Ministry: Ministry of Health                   Contract term: to be defined
                              Regulator: None                                       Auction criterion: to be defined
                              Regulation: Mechanism defined in the concession       Status: Requirements definition
                               contract                                              Auction date: 2022
                              Public Guarantees: Infrastructure Guarantee Fund
                               – FGIE

                                                                                                               1 USD = BRL 5
Environmental Licensing
• Brazil is the most biodiverse country on Earth and that implies a major
• Brazil has a strong legal framework, which comprises a specific chapter about
  environmental licensing enshrined in the 1988 Federal Constitution.
• Even before the Constitution, Brazil had already established an Environment
  National Policy (1981), which is still in force.
• The main purpose of this policy is making social, economic development
  compatible with preserving environment quality and ecological balance.
• Environmental licensing is the main control mechanism in the Brazilian
  legislation and is required for carrying out any activity that, effectively or
  potentially, could result in environmental degradation.
Energy Transmission Line                                Tocantins
                           Manaus – Boa Vista                                  Waterway Rock
environmental                                     Highway
licensing and                                  BR-319/AM/RO         Highway
                                                                   BR-242/MT    Highway

expropriation                                                                  BR-158/MT

                                                       Highway                                    Highway
                                                    BR-174/RO/MT                               BR-135/BA/MG
 Shale Gas Fracking
                                                                    Highway                      Highway
  • site to be defined
                                                                   BR-080/MT                    BR-135/MG
  Hydropower Plants
   •   Castanheira – MT
   •   Telêmaco Borba – PR
   •   Tabajara – RO
   •   Bem Querer – RR
   •   Formoso – MG
   •   Ercilândia – PR
   •   Aparados - PR
PPI projects for supporting
subnational level partnerships
Current PPI pipeline for supporting subnational level projects
Public Street Lighting – 20                       Wastewater – 6                    Municipal Solid Waste - 5                               Daycares - 1
FEP (cities): 17                                                                    FEP (5)
                                                  FEP (3 cities):                   • Teresina/PI                                           1 PPP
•   Nova Lima/MG       •      Cachoeiro do        • Crato/CE                        • Cities cluster Convale/MG (Uberaba,                   • Teresina/PI (40 units)
•   Campinas/SP               Itapemirim/ES       • Volta Redonda /RJ                   Conceição das Alagoas, Sacramento, Delta,
•   Patos de Minas     •      Camaçari/BA                                               Planura, Campo Florido, Veríssimo and Água
                                                  • São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN
•   Toledo/PR          •      Barreiras/BA                                              Comprida)
                                                  BNDES (3 states):                 •   Bauru/SP                                            Prisons - 2
•   Corumbá            •      Alagoinhas/BA       • State of Rio Grande do Sul      •   Cities cluster Comares/CE (Altaneira,
•   Valparaíso de      •      Itanhaem/SP                                                                                                   2 PPP’s
                                                  • State of Ceará                      Barbalha, Caririaçu, Crato, Farias Brito, Jardim,
    Goiás/GO           •      Ariquemes/RO                                              Missão Velha, Nova Olinda and Santana do
                                                                                                                                            • State of Rio Grande do Sul
                                                  • State of Bahia                      Cariri)                                             • State of Santa Catarina
•   Crato/CE           •      Nova Iguaçu/RJ
•   Colatina/ES        •      Araçatuba/SP                                          •   Cities cluster Codepampa/RS (Alegrete,
                                                                                        Barra do Quaraí, Caçapava do Sul, Lavras do Sul,
•   Timon/MA                                                                                                                                Correctional facilities- 2
                                                                                        Manoel Viana, Quaraí, Rosário do Sul, Santa
                                                  Water, Wastewater and Municipal       Margarida do Sul, Santana do Livramento, São
BNDES (cities): 3                                 Solid Waste - 1                                                                           2 PPP’s
                                                                                        Gabriel, Uruguaiana, Vila Nova do Sul
                                                                                                                                            • State of Minas Gerais
•   Curitiba/PR        •      Jaboatão dos                                                                                                  • State of Santa Catarina
                                                  FEP (1 city)                      Water Supply and Wastewater
•   Caruaru/PE                Guararapes/PE
                                                  • São Simão/GO                    Treatment - 7
                                                                                    BNDES (6)
                                                                                    •    State of Amapá

Hospital – 1                                  H
                                                  Urban Drainage - 1

                                                  FEP (cities)
                                                                                         State of Alagoas – Blocos B e C
                                                                                         State of Minas Gerais
                                                                                         State of Paraíba
                                                                                         State of Rio de janeiro (CEDAE)
Guarulhos/SP: Municipal Hospital of Children      • Porto Alegre/RS                 •    Porto Alegre/RS (city)
and Adolescents (HMCA)                                                              FEP (1)
                                                                                    •    Engenho Maranhão –State of Pernambuco
The challenge of universalizing basic
                                                        USD 150
  • In Brazil, a population equivalent to that           BILLION IN
    of Canada has no access to clean water             INVESTMENTS
  • More than 100 million Brazilians have no            UNTIL 2023
    access to wastewater treatment
  • Enhancing       private       partnerships
    subnational level bodies (an estimate of      USD 51        USD 99         NORTH     MIDWEST     SOUTH      SOUTHEAST NORTHEAST
                                                  BILLION OF      BILLION IN
                                                                               USD 9 USD 10 USD 18 USD 35                    USD 28
    USD 150 billion in investments )             DEPRECIATION    EXPANDING
                                                                 THE SYSTEM    BILLION   BILLION     BILLION       BILLION    BILLION

  • Structuring bankable projects to provide                        WATER       WATER    WATER       WATER         WATER       WATER
                                                                   USD 28      USD 3 USD 3           USD 4        USD 11      USD 9
    proper services to Brazilians                                   BILLION    BILLION   BILLION     BILLION       BILLION    BILLION

                                                                WASTEWATER     SEWAGE    SEWAGE      SEWAGE        SEWAGE     SEWAGE
                                                                USD 68.5       USD 6     USD 8 USD 14 USD 24                 USD 19
                                                                  BILLION      BILLION   BILLION      BILLION      BILLION    BILLION
                                                                                                   Source: ABCON SINDCON     1 USD = BRL 5
Basic sanitation projects
                                     State of Amapá
                                                                                                          01         2 million             Under assessment
                                                                                   Urban drainage                     (not to add)
                                                       State of                                         Projects    Benefited citizens           Projected
                                                        Ceará            São Gonçalo                                                         Capex+ Opex - Total
                                                                   Crato do Amarante
                                            Teresina                               Municipal solid        04         2 million             USD 640 million
                                                                            State of
                                               Consortia   Crato                                        Projects    Benefited citizens           Projected
                                                                                   (pilot projects)
                                                                                                                                             Capex+ Opex - Total
                                            Engenho Maranhão

State of Acre
                                                             State of Alagoas                             05         838,000               USD 700 million
                                                             Blocks B and C Basic sanitation
                                                                                                        Projects    Benefited citizens           Projected
                                                                                                                                             Capex+ Opex - Total
                               São Simão
                                                                    State of
                                           Consortia              Minas Gerais
                                                                                                          02        6.6 million            USD 1.88 billion
                                            Convale                                    Wastewater
                                                                                                        Projects    Benefited citizens   Projected investments - Total

                                     Volta Redonda        State of Rio de
   Urban drainage - FEP                                   Janeiro - Block 3                               05        7.0 million            USD 2.56 billion
                                                                                 Water and wastewater
   Urban solid waste - FEP                                                                              Projects    Benefited citizens   Projected investments - Total
   Basic sanitation - FEP
   Water distribution and            Porto Alegre
   sewage - BNDES
                                    State of
                                                                                          Total       17 Projects    18.4 million USD 5.78 billion
    Sewage - BNDES             Rio Grande do Sul                                                                                                      1 USD$= BRL 5
Sanitation projects - FEP
  Banco de serviços: destaque para saneamento
                                                                                                   São Gonçalo
                                     Consortia  Consortia    São                           Volta                  Porto
               Bauru/SP Teresina/PI                                            Crato/CE            do Amarante/
                                    Convale/MG Comares/CE Simão/GO                      Redonda/RJ              Alegre/RS

 Business      Concession Concession Concession     Concession MSW, water Concession Concession Concession Concession
  Model          MSW        MSW        MSW            MSW         and     wastewater wastewater wastewater drainage
                376,000    865,000     428,000       343,000        20,000     132,000    273,000     102,000    1.4 million

  Projected             USD 43.4
            USD 23.6 mi          USD 26.4 mi        USD 10 mi     USD 9.6 mi USD 38.8 mi USD 64 mi   USD 24 mi        -
                 Auction   Auction      Auction       Auction       Auction     Auction    Auction    Auction     Auction
Auction data
                Q4 2021    Q4 2021    August/21      Q2 2022       Q4 2021     Q1 2022    Q2 2022    Q3 2022      Q4 2022

For more information:

                               Beneficiary population                                     Total projected investment
                               4.8 million                                                USD 240 million

                                                                                                                  1 USD = BRL 5
BNDES pipeline of projects on sanitation
Banco de serviços: destaque para saneamento
                Alagoas                                                                                                Rio de          Rio
                             Cariacica /       Rio de                                     Porto         Alagoas –                                              Minas
                  RM                                        Amapá          Acre                                       Janeiro        Grande        Ceará                    Paraíba
                                 ES           Janeiro                                  Alegre / RS     Blocks B&C                                              Gerais
                Maceió                                                                                                Blocks 3       do Sul
               Concessio                                       Full                                    Concession    Concession
                                            Concession                  concession     Concession
               n of water     Sewage                       concession                                   of water      of water
 Business                                    of water                    of water       of water                                     Sewage       Sewage        To be        To be
               distributio      PPP                         of water                                     and/or        and/or
  Model                                     distribution                    and          and/or                                        PPP          PPP        defined      defined
                  n and                                        and                                      sewage        sewage
                                            and sewage                    sewage        sewage
                sewage                                       sewage

Beneficiary                                                                                                                           2.42         4.17         11.6
               1.3 million    423,000       11.5 million    734,000      629,000       1.5 million     2.2 million   1.93 million                                          2.2 million
Population                                                                                                                           million      million      million

  Projected    USD 498        USD 116                       USD 600      USD 287                        USD 720                     USD 600      USD 1.28       To be         800
                                            USD 5.5 bi                                 USD 434 mi                    USD 520 mi
Investments      mi             mi                            mi           mi                             mi                          mi            bi         defined       million

                                                                                                                                                                To be
 expected                                                   Sep, 02        TBD            Q4/21          Q1/22         Q1 /22        Q4/21        Q2/22                      Q4/22
                             Signature of                               Discussion
                  of the                                    Auction                                     Updating     Assessment                                Preparing
  Current                      the PPP        Auction                      with        Evaluation by                                   Under        Under                    Hiring
               concession                                   Notice                                         the          under                                     for
   stage                       contract     (04/30/21)                  municipaliti    audit courts                                assessment   assessment                Consultants
                 contract                                  Published                                   assessment      revision                               assessment
                               (AEGEA)                                      es

              Benefited population                                                                            Under preparation:
                                                                Total projected investment                    Segipe and Rondônia
              +40 million
     For more information:
                                                                USD + 10 billion                                                                                    1 USD = BRL 5
                                    URBAN DRAINAGE             1         2.2 millions            2          To be defined
                                                             projects     Benefited citizens    Cities

                                    STREET LIGHTING
                                                              18         4.5 millions            22       260 million
                                                              projects     Benefited citizens   Cities    Total Capex + opex
                                      URBAN SOLID
                                      WASTE (PILOT            04         2 millions              19        640 million
                                                              projects     Benefited citizens   Cities    Total Capex + opex

                                         BASIC                05            838,000              06       700 million
                                       SANITATION             projects     Benefited citizens   Cities    Total Capex + opex
                                        UNIDADES               02                  -             -         12 million
Urban Drainage                      SOCIOEDUCATIVAS           projects     Benefited citizens   Cities    Total Capex + opex
                                     (projetos pilotos)                                                        foreseen
Street Lighting
Sewage                                  Total             30 projects    9.5 Millions            49      1.62 Billion
Environmental Sanitation
Correctional Facilities
(State)                            PARTNERS
                                                                                                 1 USD = BRL 5
Projects in Municipalities – FEP – Street Lighting
 UF             Municipalities              % executed    Auction date
 BA     Alagoinhas                          Not started      2022
                                                                                             Projects                         Benefited population
 RO     Ariquemes                               1            2022                              18                                      4.5 mi
 SP     Araçatuba                           Not started      2022
                                                                                  Municipalities                 CAPEX                       OPEX
 BA     Barreiras                               13           2022
 ES     Cachoeiro de Itapemirim                 81           2021                       22                    USD 135.98 mi            USD 126 mi
 BA     Camaçari*                               78           2021
 SP     Campinas*                               89           2021                                   Project preparation guidelines
 ES     Colatina                            Not started      2022
                                                                              •   Administrative PPP
 MS     Corumbá                                 20           2022
                                                                              •   Scope: modernizing, expanding, operating and running the power grid
 CE     Crato                                   20           2022
                                                                              •   Energy efficiency and less impact in the environment
 RJ     Nova Iguaçu                         Not started      2022             •   Short-term investments, up to 3 years
 MG     Nova Lima                               65           2021             •   Remote management (main streets)
 MG     Patos de Minas                          57           2021
 SP     Itanhaém                            Not started      2022            Supporters:                                             Executor:
 MA     Timón                               Not started      2023
 PR     Toledo                                  60           2021
 GO     Valparaíso de Goiás                     9            2022
                                                                                  2nd Public Call for Street Lightening:
 BA     Consórcio Alto Sertão BA            Not started
* Projects supported by IFC/Banco Mundial
                                                                                       - Disclosed results: 46 cities and 10 qualified consortia
                                                             1 USD = BRL 5
Public lighting FEP projects FEP in the post public consultation phase
                                           Projected        Projected                                  Number of
                                Term                                      Max. consideration                                % of remote
                Population                  CAPEX             OPEX                                   lighting points                          Efficiency goal
                               (years)                     USD million    (BRL million/ year)                               management
                                           USD million                                               (in thousands)

Campinas/SP     1,204,073      13           31.12            20.1               7.92                     122                     25%               65%

 Cachoeiro do    208,972        13           6.59             8.1               1,4                           23                23,5%              39%

  FEP Projects for handling of Municipal Solid Waste after Public Consultation
                                              Projected      Projected
                                  Term                                                                               Waste         Type of        User billing
                  Population                   CAPEX           OPEX                     Scope
                                 (years)                                                                           Generation    concession        method
                                             USD million    BRL million
                                                                                                                    (t / day)
                                                                          1. Collection, transhipment,                                            Tariff, co-billed
                                                                             transport, treatment and final                       Common
Convale/MG         424,676           30          26.5          167.6                                                  322
                                                                                                                                                  with the water
                                                                             destination of solid household                                              bill
                                                                             waste; and
                   864,845                       43.4          252.6      2. Environmentally appropriate
                                                                             final disposal of public urban
                                                                             waste                                                                     1 USD = BRL 5
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