BREXIT BRIEF - The Institute of International and European Affairs

Brexit Brief Issue 95
07 October 2020

                                                                                             Tony Brown

 The Brief seeks to provide up-to-date information on the progress and content of the UK-EU
 negotiations, and bring together relevant statements and policy positions from key players in
 Ireland, the UK and the EU.

 The Brief is part of a wider communications programme covering the work of the IIEA’s UK
 Project Group – including commentaries, speeches, texts and event reports – which are
 highlighted on the Institute’s website. (

 Section One: State of Play                           Minister, Boris Johnson, spoke today about the
                                                      state of play in the negotiations on the future
 UK Prime Minister – Commission                       relationship between the UK and the EU.
 President Phone Call, 3 October 2020
                                                      They agreed on the importance of finding
 The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and the           an agreement, if at all possible, as a strong
 European Commission Presidet, Ursula von             basis for a strategic EU-UK relationship
 der Leyen, spoke by phone on 3 October
                                                      in future. They endorsed the assessment
 2020. They approved a further month of
                                                      of both Chief Negotiators that progress
 Brexit negotiations, agreeing that sufficient
                                                      had been made in recent weeks but that
 progress had been made in the nine rounds of
                                                      significant gaps remained, notably but
 talks to justify a final effort to conclude a deal
                                                      not only in the areas of fisheries, the level
 on trade, security and related matters.
                                                      playing field, and governance.
 The leaders subsequently issued a Joint
                                                      They instructed their Chief Negotiators to
 Statement, highlighting the importance of
                                                      work intensively in order to try to bridge
 finding an agreement to both sides:
                                                      those gaps. They agreed to speak on a
     The President of the European Commission,        regular basis on this issue.
     Ursula von der Leyen, and the UK Prime

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

The UK Chief Negotiator, Lord David Frost        EU-UK Negotiations Round 9
tweeted: “Here is the agreed statement from
BJ and vdL after their phone call today. It      The Agenda for Round 9 of the EU-UK
instructs me and MB to work intensively in       Negotiations from 29 September-2 October in
order to bridge the gaps between us. That        Brussels covered the following issues: Level
work begins as soon as we can next week.”        Playing Field for Open and Fair Competition;
The Chief Negotiators will meet in London in     Horizontal Arrangements and Governance;
the coming week and in Brussels in the week      Fisheries; Trade in Goods; Trade in Services
of 12 October.                                   and Investment; Law Enforcement and Judicial
                                                 Cooperation; Energy; Thematic Cooperation;
European Council, 1-2 October 2020               Participation in Union Programmes. Mobility
                                                 and Social Security Coordination; and
A Special meeting of the European Council        Transport. This set of talks was the final
took place in Brussels on 1-2 October 2020       formally scheduled element of the overall
to discuss Covid-19 and related issues.          negotiations
The Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, described
the discussions on Covid-19, and Europe’s        On 22 September, the Union’s chief negotiator,
response to the pandemic, as useful. The         Michel Barnier, informed ministers at the
Council briefly addressed the on-going Brexit    General Affairs Council of the state of play of
negotiations and the Taoiseach issued a          the EU-UK negotiations, the implementation
statement on the topic of Brexit, noting the     of the Withdrawal Agreement and the EU’s
need to restore trust in the negotiations:       readiness preparations in view of the end
                                                 of the transition period on 31 December
    Brexit was also addressed at the             2020. Ministers reaffirmed their support for
    meeting today and, following an              the Chief Negotiator and his mandate, and
    update on the negotiations from the          stressed that the Withdrawal Agreement
    President of the European Commission,        had to be respected. A BBC report quoted
    I gave my assessment of the current          ‘a well-informed’ EU official as saying that
    situation. I underlined the importance       “on technical issues we’re 90% there. The
    of full implementation of the Withdrawal     remaining 10% is political. And if that can’t be
    Agreement including the Northern             solved, then the 90% is irrelevant. There will
    Ireland Protocol, and seamless trade on      be no deal.”
    the island of Ireland. I also stressed the
    need to restore trust in the negotiations    Following the conclusion of Round 9,
    between the EU and UK, following the         Michel Barnier issued a statement noting
    unilateral action taken by the British       ‘convergence’ on issues such as trade in
    Government. Our desired outcome of           goods, services and investment, civil nuclear
    the trade negotiations is a sensible and     cooperation, and participation in Union
    comprehensive agreement between the          programmes. Mr Barnier also noted positive
    United Kingdom and the European Union,       developments on aviation safety, social
    which protects jobs and our respective       security coordination, and the respect of
    economies.                                   fundamental rights and individual freedoms,
                                                 but lamented the lack of progress on personal

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data, climate change commitments and other        The UK Chief Negotiator, Lord Frost,
matters of importance to the EU:                  issued a shorter statement, largely
                                                  reflecting the EU side’s comments:
    We recall once again that any agreement
    on an economic partnership with the           In many areas of our talks, although
    United Kingdom requires:                      differences remain, the outlines of an
                                                  agreement are visible. This is true of
    Solid, long-term guarantees of open           most of the core areas of a trade and
    and fair competition. Our new economic        economic agreement – notably trade in
    partnership must be underpinned by clear      goods and services, transport, energy,
    rules. These rules must be operational        social security, and participation in EU
    and credible. That requires effective         programmes. This has however been
    enforcement mechanisms, in particular         true for some time. I am also encouraged
    on State aid, and a commitment towards        that progress has been possible on a law
    non-regression from social, fiscal,           enforcement agreement and that there
    environmental and climate standards.          has been convergence on the structure
    This is possible while fully respecting the   of the overall partnership.
    regulatory autonomy and sovereignty of
    both parties.                                 In other areas familiar differences remain.
                                                  On the level playing field, including subsidy
    An efficient governance framework,            policy, we continue to seek an agreement
    based on a comprehensive agreement,           that ensures our ability to set our own
    with robust enforcement and dispute           laws in the UK without constraints that go
    settlement mechanisms, as well as             beyond those appropriate to a free trade
    effective remedies. This is naturally         agreement. There has been some limited
    even more important following the UK          progress here but the EU need to move
    government’s introduction of the «            further before an understanding can be
    Internal Market Bill», which breaches         reached. On fisheries the gap between us
    its obligations under the Withdrawal          is unfortunately very large and, without
    Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland /       further realism and flexibility from the
    Northern Ireland.                             EU, risks being impossible to bridge.
                                                  These issues are fundamental to our
    A stable, sustainable and long-term
                                                  future status as an independent country.
    agreement on fisheries, enabling the
    United Kingdom to further develop its         I am concerned that there is very little
    fishing opportunities, while ensuring         time now to resolve these issues ahead
    the sustainable use of resources and          of the European Council on 15 October.
    protecting the activities of European         For our part, we continue to be fully
    fishermen and women.                          committed to working hard to find
                                                  solutions, if they are there to be found.
    To reach an agreement, these divergences
    must necessarily be overcome over the
    next weeks.

                                                             BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

UK Internal Market Bill                                 in Northern Ireland “unfettered access to
                                                        the rest of the UK”.
The UK Internal Market Bill has completed its
initial passage through the House of Commons            […] The EU is threatening to carve
and will move to the House of Lords where               tariff borders across our own country,
it is likely to face significant opposition. The        to divide our land, to change the basic
Bill empowers the UK Government to override             facts about the economic geography of
elements of the Ireland/ Northern Ireland               the United Kingdom and, egregiously, to
Protocol to the 2019 Withdrawal Agreement.              ride roughshod over its own commitment
The detailed content and implications of the            under article 4 of the protocol, whereby
Bill are discussed in an extensive IIEA briefing        “Northern Ireland is part of the customs
by Sophie Andrews-McCarroll, which indicates            territory of the United Kingdom.” We
that “The Bill, if passed, creates specific             cannot have a situation where the
legal entitlements for a Secretary of State to          boundaries of our country could be
‘interpret, disapply or modify’ the provisions in       dictated by a foreign power or international
the Protocol.”                                          organisation. No British Prime Minister,
                                                        no Government, and no Parliament could
The Bill was introduced in the House, on                ever accept such an imposition.
14 September 2020, by the Prime Minister,
Boris Johnson, calling on the House to act to           The Bill includes our first step to protect
preserve what he called the “British ability” to        our country against such a contingency
trade freely across the whole of these islands:         by creating a legal safety net taking
                                                        powers in reserve, whereby Ministers
     When we chose to join the EU back in               can guarantee the integrity of our United
     1973, we also thereby decided that the             Kingdom. I understand how some people
     EU treaties should serve as the legal              will feel unease over the use of these
     guarantor of these freedoms. Now that              powers, and I share that sentiment. I
     we have left the EU and the transition             have absolutely no desire to use these
     period is about to elapse, we need the             measures. They are an insurance policy,
     armature of our law once again to                  and if we reach agreement with our
     preserve the arrangements on which so              European friends, which I still believe is
     many jobs and livelihoods depend. That             possible, they will never be invoked.
     is the fundamental purpose of this Bill,
     which should be welcomed by everyone           For the Labour Party Opposition, Ed Miliband,
     who cares about the sovereignty and            substituting for Keir Starmer who was
     integrity of our United Kingdom.               observing COVID-19 self-isolation, moved
                                                    an amendment to the effect that “this
     We shall provide the legal certainty relied    House declines to give a Second Reading
     upon by every business in our country,         to the Internal Market Bill because this Bill
     including, of course, in Northern Ireland.     undermines the Withdrawal Agreement already
     The manifesto on which this Government         agreed by Parliament, re-opens discussion
     were elected last year promised business       about the Northern Ireland Protocol that has

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already been settled, breaches international       The Third Reading of the Bill, on 29 September
law, undermines the devolution settlements         2020, saw the House of Commons approve the
and would tarnish the UK’s global reputation       legislation, with the significant Government
as a law-abiding nation and the UK’s ability       amendment, by a majority of 340 to 256. The
to enforce other international trade deals and     Bill proceeds to the House of Lords where it is
protect jobs and the economy.”                     likely to be amended, thus delaying its progress.

After a day of debate in which the arguments       The Bill has faced strong opposition, notably
surrounding its implications for the Withdrawal    from five former Prime Ministers – John Major,
Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland/             Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and
Northern Ireland were central, the Bill received   Theresa May. Mrs May set out her objections
a formal Second Reading by a margin of 340         in an intervention in the Committee Stage
to 263, a government majority of 77. The           debate on 21 September:
DUP backed the Bill and a small number of
Tory MPs either voted against or abstained.             Today, we are focusing on the parts
The prospect of a significant rebellion by              of the Bill that relate to the Northern
Tory MPs deeply unhappy with the prospect               Ireland protocol, part of the withdrawal
of a UK Government breaching international              agreement—the withdrawal agreement
law was averted by a compromise based on                that was signed by my right hon. Friend
a proposed amendment tabled by Tory MP,                 the Prime Minister less than a year ago. I
Sir Bob Neill, requiring the Commons to vote            can say to the Minister that, in my view,
before the provisions in the Bill relating to           clauses 41 to 45 have no place in this Bill.
Northern Ireland could come into force. The             We are told that they are there because the
Prime Minister indicated that the Government            EU either is acting in bad faith, or might act
would introduce an amendment in line with               in bad faith. This is because the withdrawal
that proposal.                                          agreement put a border down the Irish Sea
                                                        and the Government cannot accept that—
The Committee Stage of the Bill saw                     but the Government did accept that when
the defeat, or withdrawal, of a range of                they signed the withdrawal agreement with
amendments and the adoption of a formal                 the European Union, and I assume that,
Government amendment which provided                     when they did so, the Government signed
that the controversial sections of the Bill             that in good faith.
cannot be activated unless a Minister of the
Crown has moved a motion in the House of                I consider that, in introducing clauses 41 to
Commons to the effect that clauses 42, 43               45, the Government are acting recklessly
and 45 may be commenced, that the motion                and irresponsibly, with no thought to the
has been approved by a resolution of that               long-term impact on the United Kingdom’s
House and that a motion to the effect that the          standing in the world. It will lead to
House of Lords takes note of the resolution             untold damage to the United Kingdom’s
has been tabled in the House of Lords by a              reputation and puts its future at risk. As a
Minister of the Crown.                                  result, with regret I have to tell the Minister
                                                        that I cannot support this Bill.

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The significance of the Ireland/Northern               As you know, we had invited our British
Ireland Protocol led to a debate of great              friends to remove the problematic parts
intensity between MPs from the SDLP and                of their draft Internal Market Bill by the
DUP. The SDLP MP, Claire Hanna, addressed              end of September.
the fundamental question of the impact on the
Good Friday Agreement: “There has been so              This draft Bill is – by its very nature –
much invocation of the Good Friday agreement,          a breach of the obligation of good faith
in favour and against the measures in the              laid down in the Withdrawal Agreement
Bill, that I think it bears repeating some of          (Article 5). Moreover, if adopted as is, it
what is and is not contained and implied in            will be in full contradiction to the Protocol
that generation-defining agreement. Those              on Ireland / Northern Ireland.
who have read the agreement will know that
it does not really talk all that much about            The deadline lapsed yesterday. The
borders, trade and internal markets, because,          problematic provisions have not been
frankly, the EU had settled all those things,          removed. Therefore, this morning, the
and in 1998 the prospect of either Government          Commission has decided to send a letter
choosing to leave the security, opportunity            of formal notice to the UK government.
and prosperity of the EU would have been               This is the first step in an infringement
considered insanity.”                                  procedure. The letter invites the UK
                                                       government to send its observations
EU Legal Action on Internal Market Bill                within a month. The Commission will
                                                       continue to work hard towards a full
The EU, from the outset, insisted that the
                                                       and timely implementation of the
Internal Market Bill “would constitute an
                                                       Withdrawal Agreement. We stand by our
extremely serious violation of the Withdrawal
Agreement and of international law.” The
Commission set an initial deadline of the          On 1 October 2020, the European Commission
end of September for the UK to remove the          sent the United Kingdom a letter of formal
objectionable provisions from the Bill. Brussels   notice for breaching its obligations under the
was studying “all legal options on the table” if
                                                   Withdrawal Agreement. This move marks the
the UK failed to act.
                                                   beginning of a formal infringement process
Commission President von der Leyen indicated       against the United Kingdom. The UK has until
that the EU side would continue to negotiate a     the end of this month to submit its observations
trade deal with the UK but with a clear warning    to the letter of formal notice. After examining
that the dispute over the Internal Market          the UK’s observations, or if no observations
Bill would have to be resolved before any          have been submitted, the Commission may,
agreement could be ratified by EU Member           if appropriate, decide to issue a Reasoned
States and the European Parliament.                Opinion (a formal request to comply with EU
                                                   law), before proceeding to other measures.
On 1 October 2020, President von der Leyen
issued a press statement noting the EU’s
intention to bring infringement procedures
against the UK:

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Withdrawal Agreement Joint                          The Committee Co-Chair, Chancellor of the
Committee. 28 September                             Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove, gave the
                                                    following summation of the meeting:
The Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee
met for the third time on 28 September                  The Committee undertook a stocktake of
2020. Following the meeting, the Committee              Specialised Committee activity since the
Co-Chair, Commission Vice President Maros               second meeting in June and was updated
Šefčovič issued a Press Statement covering              on implementation of the Withdrawal
the Committee’s work on citizens’ rights,               Agreement more generally, including
issues relating to Cyprus and Gibraltar and             the Northern Ireland Protocol. The UK
the financial settlement. On the Protocol on            reiterated the importance of commitment
Ireland/Northern Ireland he commented:                  by both sides to upholding obligations
                                                        under the Withdrawal Agreement and
    Moving to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern          protecting the Belfast (Good Friday)
    Ireland, the window of opportunity to put           Agreement in all respects. The UK
    in place the operational measures needed            reiterated that the measures set out in
    for it to function is rapidly closing. I have       the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill
    therefore reiterated the urgent need                are designed to create a ‘safety net’ to
    for the UK to accelerate its work on all            ensure the communities of Northern
    aspects of the Protocol and in particular           Ireland are protected. The UK is clear that
    with regard to sanitary and phytosanitary           those measures would not be withdrawn.
    controls; customs-related IT systems;
    and the registration of Northern Irish          State of the Union Address to
    traders for Value Added Tax purposes.           European Parliament

    We welcome that the UK is now engaging          On 16 September 2020, the President of the
    on some of the Joint Committee decisions        European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
    that need to be adopted before the end of       gave her first State of the Union Address to
    the year to fully implement the Protocol.       the European Parliament. An in-depth IIEA
    But many difficult issues remain and the        briefing on the topic can be found here.
    UK’s positions are far apart from what
    the EU can accept.                              In her address, President von der Leyen
                                                    dealt with a wide range of issues, among
    I have repeated the EU’s request to             them Brexit, the Withdrawal Agreement, the
    withdraw the contentious parts of the           Good Friday Agreement and the controversy
    draft Internal Market Bill by the end of        surrounding the Internal Market Bill:
    September. We maintain that the Bill,
    if adopted in its current form, would               That agreement took three years to
    constitute an extremely serious violation           negotiate and we worked relentlessly on
    of the Protocol, as an essential part               it. Line by line, word by word. And together
    of the Withdrawal Agreement, and of                 we succeeded. The result guarantees
    international law                                   our citizens’ rights, financial interests,
                                                        the integrity of the Single Market – and
                                                        crucially the Good Friday Agreement. The

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    EU and the UK jointly agreed it was the      cross-channel ferries, two-day delays and
    best and only way for ensuring peace on      passengers waiting for hours to board Eurostar
    the island of Ireland. And we will never     trains. A crucial IT system for hauliers –faced
    backtrack on that.                           with the need to complete some 275 million
                                                 new customs declarations annually -has not
    This agreement has been ratified by          yet reached the public testing stage. The
    this House and the House of Commons.         prospect of a de facto ‘Brexit Border’ in Kent –
    It cannot be unilaterally changed,           a ‘Kent Access Permit’ – is envisaged.
    disregarded or dis-applied. This a matter
    of law, trust and good faith. And that is    Speaking in the House of Commons, the
    not just me saying it – I remind you of      UK Cabinet Office Minister, Michael Gove,
    the words of Margaret Thatcher: “Britain     addressed the issues:
    does not break Treaties. It would be bad
    for Britain, bad for relations with the          Whether we secure a good FTA before
    rest of the world, and bad for any future        January or not, whether we get a
    Treaty on trade”. This was true then, and        Canada-style deal or exit on Australian
    it is true today. Trust is the foundation        terms, we will have left the single market
    of any strong partnership. And Europe            and the customs union, and that fact
    will always be ready to build strong             means adjustments for businesses
    partnerships with our closest neighbours.        trading with the EU; changes for citizens
                                                     travelling to the EU; and, of course, new
Speaking to journalists following her address,       responsibilities for Government in both
President von der Leyen said that “it is time        scenarios.
now that our British friends restore the trust
in the validity of a signature on a treaty and       […] Our survey evidence indicates that
that we keep going, focused on negotiation           while 78% of businesses have taken
because time is running out.” She responded          steps [to prepare], just 24% believed that
to a question on negotiating with partners who       they are fully ready. That is why today
break international agreements by saying “In         we are publishing our reasonable worst
these topics, I think just keep calm and carry       case scenario planning assumptions,
on. You need strategic patience.”                    indicating what could happen if we do
                                                     not all secure improved preparedness.
Section Two: The Evolving                            In those circumstances, that could
Debate                                               mean that only between 30% and 60%
                                                     of laden heavy goods vehicles would
A Border in Kent                                     arrive at the border with the necessary
                                                     formalities completed for the goods on
The UK will leave the EU customs union and           board. They would therefore be turned
single market on 1 January 2021 and this will        back by the French border authorities,
bring about major changes in trade rules –           clogging the Dover to Calais crossing.
whether a new trade deal is agreed or not. A         In that scenario, flows across the critical
46 –page paper on a ‘reasonable worst-case           short-strait crossings could be reduced
scenario’ prepared for the UK Government             by up to 60% to 80%, leading to queues
warns of queues of up to 7,000 lorries at            of up to 7,000 HGVs in Kent.
the port of Dover in Kent waiting to board

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Mr Gove’s remarks enraged the UK Road                    talks began in March and continued
Haulage Association which criticised the                 throughout the summer in a spirit
Government’s attempt to shift blame on to                of good faith and mutual respect
the industry. “We know for a fact that they are          for the delicate arrangements in
only too keen to be ready but how on earth               Northern Ireland
can they prepare when there is still no clarity
as to what they need to do?”, said RHA chief             The Government is extremely
executive, Richard Burnett.                              confident that the EU is working in
                                                         good faith and shares our desire to
The Irish Road Haulage Association has                   avoid these serious consequences.
highlighted this country’s extreme vulnerability
to the situation in Kent and Dover since             Keir Starmer Conference Speech
150,000 Irish lorries use the UK-EU land bridge      22 September 2020
every year, carrying as much as 40 per cent of
                                                     The Labour Party Leader gave his first Party
Irish exports and 13 per cent of imports with a
                                                     Conference Speech by video link. He made
combined value of more than €25 billion. The
                                                     particular reference to the need to finalise a
Association has urged the Government to help
                                                     deal between the EU and UK:
set up a fast, direct daily ferry service with
continental Europe, pointing out that Irish
                                                         And on Brexit let me be absolutely
lorries will not be able to avoid the queues and
                                                         clear. The debate between Leave
delays predicted by Mr Gove arguing that the
                                                         and Remain is over. We’re not going
failure, so far, to plan for ferry services to the
                                                         to be a party that keeps banging on
continent must be seen as incomprehensible.
                                                         about Europe, The Prime Minister
                                                         had repeatedly promised that he will
Northern Ireland Committee, House
                                                         get a deal. So go on and get one.
of Commons, 14 September
                                                         The grown-up way to deal with
In an exchange between the Committee
                                                         Brexit is to negotiate properly and
and the UK Government, the Government
                                                         get a deal. British business needs a
addressed issues related to the implementation
                                                         deal. Working people need a deal.
of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland:
                                                         Our country needs a deal. And if
     One consequence of the fact that                    the Prime Minister fails to get one
     the Protocol had to solve very                      he will be failing Britain. If that
     complicated issues is that certain                  happens he’ll have nobody to blame
     elements were left for ongoing                      but himself. And he will have to own
     discussions after the UK left the EU.               that failure. It will be on him. We
     It proved impossible in negotiations                want to get this deal done, and like
     to resolve some of the detail.                      everybody else, we’re growing tired
     Accordingly these provisions were                   of the Prime Minister’s bluster.
     drafted in a broad brush way with
     the detail left to be resolved in the
     Joint Committee during 2020. These

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

Northern Ireland Assembly Resolution              importance of implementing the Protocol fully
                                                  and in ‘good faith’.
On 21 September 2020, the Northern Ireland
Assembly adopted – by 48-36 – a Resolution        Dominic Raab in Washington,
on the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol, and     September 2020
calling on the British Government to honour
                                                  The UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab,
its commitments under the Withdrawal
                                                  visited Washington for high-level meetings
Agreement. The resolution read as follows:
                                                  in which he sought to reassure US politicians
    That this Assembly acknowledges that          about Brexit developments.
    the majority of citizens voted to reject
                                                  Mr Raab met the Secretary of State, Mike
    Brexit; recognises that the departure
                                                  Pompeo, who said that he had “great
    from the EU gives rise to substantial
                                                  confidence” that the UK administration would
    political and economic challenges for
                                                  get the post-Brexit trade negotiations with the
    our society; further recognises that
                                                  EU right “and in a way that treats everyone
    while the protocol on Ireland/Northern
                                                  fairly and gets a good outcome for what it was
    Ireland is imperfect, it guarantees that,
                                                  the people of the United Kingdom voted for,
    whatever the circumstances, there will
                                                  now several years back.”
    be no hard border on the island and will
    protect the Good Friday Agreement in all
                                                  The Foreign Secretary’s meeting with the
    its dimensions, North/South cooperation
                                                  Speaker of the House of Representatives,
    and the all-island economy; believes
                                                  Nancy Pelosi, produced a statement noting
    it would be entirely unacceptable if the
                                                  that: “The UK must respect the Northern
    British Government sought to abandon
                                                  Ireland Protocol as signed with the EU to ensure
    these safeguards and mitigations, as this
                                                  the free flow of goods across the border. If the
    would amount to a serious betrayal of an
                                                  UK violates that international treaty and Brexit
    existing international treaty; and calls on
                                                  undermines the Good Friday accord, there will
    the British Government to honour their
                                                  be absolutely no chance of a US-UK trade
    commitments, and to ensure, now, the
                                                  agreement passing the Congress.”
    rigorous and full implementation of the
    protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland,         The Speaker’s remarks were followed by a
    prioritise peace and stability, and work      direct warning by the Democratic Presidential
    to secure a future economic partnership       candidate, Joe Biden, that there can be no
    with their EU colleagues now and in the       prospect of a US-UK trade deal if the UK
    weeks ahead.                                  allows the Northern Ireland peace process
                                                  “to become a casualty of Brexit.” He tweeted
Leaders of Stormont’s four pro-EU parties
                                                  that “Any trade deal between the US and UK
– Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance and the Green
                                                  must be contingent upon respect for the Good
Party – held talks about the implications of
                                                  Friday Agreement and preventing the return
the Internal Market Bill with the Minister for
                                                  of a hard border. Period.”
Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, in Dublin
on 24 September. Mr Coveney stressed the

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

US Envoy visits London, Belfast, Dublin               Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland
                                                      / Northern Ireland, for the protection
President Trump’s special envoy to Northern           of the Good Friday Agreement and the
Ireland, Mick Mulvaney, ahead of a visit to the       achievements of the peace process. Those
UK and Ireland, commented that “everyone              achievements were made possible by
assures me that no one is interested in seeing        the sustained engagement of successive
a hard border between the Republic and                US Administrations and Special Envoys,
Northern Ireland. We appreciate that, we              and friends of Ireland across the United
respect that, and we agree with that. The one         States. I appreciate the deep personal
thing I keep trying to assure is on the front         commitment that Mick has shown in
of everybody’s mind is avoiding a border by           continuing these vital conversations and
accident. The Trump administration, State             contacts which underpin this engagement.
Department and the US Congress would all be
aligned in the desire to see the Good Friday      Minister Coveney in Washington, 28-
Agreement preserved.”                             30 October 2020

Speaking in London, he warned that the UK         Over the course of a two-day visit, the Minister
threat to break the law over Brexit could         for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, availed
present a “challenge” to the peace process        of opportunities to discuss key priorities,
under the Good Friday Agreement. He told          including Brexit, Northern Ireland and Ireland’s
a London think tank that a warning from the       upcoming tenure on the UN Security Council.
Democrat Chairman of the House Ways and           The Minister met National Security Advisor,
Means Committee that the border issue would       Robert O’Brien, and senior officials from
play a role in determining any UK/US trade        the US Department of State. He met senior
deal was “a true statement”.                      members of Congress from both the House
                                                  of Representatives and the Senate, including
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon           Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Chairman
Coveney, met the Special Envoy on 28 October      of the Ways and Means Committee, Rep.
and, after the meeting, issued a Statement:       Richard Neal and Republican Congressman
                                                  Peter King. The Minister also held discussions
    We discussed a number of important            with the business community, and addressed
    issues, including the welcome return          a virtual event with the Aspen Institute where
    to operation of the power-sharing             he insisted that Ireland will not become
    institutions in Northern Ireland earlier      ‘collateral damage’ of Brexit.
    this year, the important work that has
    now resumed on a North-South basis,
    and the challenges arising in the context
    of Covid-19 and of Brexit.

    I emphasised our real concern at the
    current approach of the UK Government
    and the vital importance of the full
    implementation of the Withdrawal

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

Section Three: Background                         European Commission Press statement by
Material and Further Reading                      President von der Leyen on the implementation
                                                  of the Withdrawal Agreement between the EU
                                                  and the UK, 1 October 2020. https://www.
Background Material
GOV.UK Joint Statement by the Prime               en/statement_20_1800
Minister and the President of the European
                                                  European Commission EU Task Force:
Commission, 3 October 2020. https://www.
                                                  Agenda for EU-UK Negotiations –Round 9.
                                                  22 September – 2 October 2020, Brussels.
European Council Conclusions of Special
                                                  Hansard House of Commons. Debates on
meeting of the European Council, 1-2 October
                                                  UK Internal Market Bill, 14-29 September 2020

                                                  European Commission State of the
GOV.IE Statement by An Taoiseach Micheal
                                                  Union Address by President von der Leyen
Martin on EU Council meeting, Brussels,
                                                  at the European Parliament Plenary, 16
1-2 October 2020.
                                                  September 2020.,eu/
European Commission Statement by Michel
                                                  European Commission Provisional Agenda
Barnier following Round 9 of negotiations for a
                                                  for the third meeting of the Joint Committee,
new partnership between the European Union
                                                  28 September 2020.
and the United Kingdom, 2 October 2020.

                                                  Northern Ireland Assembly Resolution on
GOV.UK Lord Frost statement after Round
                                                  withdrawal agreement. 21 September 2020
9 of the negotiations, 2 October 2020.
                                                  European Commission Press statement by
                                                  Vice-President Maros Sefcovic following the
European Commission Withdrawal Agreement:
                                                  third meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee,
European Commission sends letter of formal
                                                  28 September 2020.
notice to the United Kingdom for breach of
its obligations, 1 October 2020. https://www.

                                                                BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

GOV.UK Meeting of the Withdrawal Agreement         Irish Times Key week of Brexit Talks between
Joint Committee on 28 September. https://          UK and EU start with ‘better mood music’. IT,             29 September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.
the-withdrawal-agreement-joint-committee-          com/news/world/uk/key-week-of-brexit-
on-28-september                                    talks-between-uk-and-eu-start-with-better-
European Commission EU Task Force:
Agenda for EU-UK Negotiations – Round 9, 22        The Guardian Business leaders urge UK
September-2 October 2020, Brussels. https://       government to avoid no-deal Brexit. Guardian,     28 September 2020. https://wwwtheguardian.
site/200925_r9_agenda.pdf                          com/politics/2020/sep/28/business-leaders-
The Guardian Johnson and von der Leyen
extend Brexit talks by a month. Guardian,          Politico Brexit inches forward-just don’t
4 October 2020. https://www.theguardian.           mention the tunnel. Politico, 28 September
com/politics/2020/oct/03/johnson-and-von-          2020.
der-leyen-extend-brexit-talks-by-a-month           brexit-talks-inch-forward-just-dont-mention-
BBC Brexit: PM and EU chief agree
importance of finding trade deal. BBC, 3           Irish Times UK refuses to back down over
October 2020.            controversial Bill as crunch talks begin with
uk-politics-5439742                                EU. IT, 29 September 2020. https://www.
RTE EU in legal action against UK over NI          refuses-to-back-down-over-controversial-bill-
Protocol breach. RTE, 1 October 2020. https://     as-crunch-talks-begin-with-eu-1.4366723
taoiseach-brussels-summit/                         The Guardian Theresa May says ‘reckless’
                                                   Brexit bill risks UK’s reputation. Guardian, 21
RTE Johnson ‘optimistic’ of Brexit deal ahead      September 2020. https://www.theguardian.
of fresh EU talks. RTE, 3 October 2020. https://   com/politics/2020/sep/21/theresa-may-says-           reckless-brexit-bill-risks-uks-reputation
                                                   Politico UK satisfied EU won’t block food
Financial Times EU and UK prepare for last         exports after Brexit. Politico, 23 September
ditch Brexit talks. FT, 3 October 2020. https://   2020.             rules-out-brexit-row-over-third-country-
adb5-1504a91e0eaf                                  listings-for-food-exports/

Irish Times UK’s Internal Market Bill passes       Centre for European Reform A Brexit deal
all stages as backbench rebellion collapses. IT,   may yet emerge from the current confusion,
30 September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.         22 September 2020.
com/news/world/uk/uk-s-internal-market-            insights/brexit-deal-may-yet-emerge-current-
bill-passes-all-stages-as-backbench-rebellion-     confusion

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

RTE EU chief says EU will ‘never backtrack’      Department of Foreign Affairs Statement
on Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. RTE, 16          on EU-UK Negotiations by Minister for
September 2020.         Foreign Affairs, Dail Eireann, 24 September
europe/2020/0915/1165419-commission-             2020.
president/                                       press-releases/press-release-archive/2020/
Politico Ursula von der Leyen calls on UK        on-update-on-eu-uk-negotiations-on-brexit.php
to ‘restore the trust’. Politico, 17 September
2020.   Department of Foreign Affairs Minister
derr-leyen-to-uk-restore-the-trust/              Coveney meets with the leaders of four
                                                 Northern Ireland parties, 24 September
BBC Brexit: Dominic Raab seeks to reassure       2020.
US politicians over Brexit bill. BBC, 16         press-releases/press-release-archive/2020/
September     2020.         september/minister-coveney-meets-with-the-
news/uk-politics-54171571                        leaders-of-four-northern-ireland-parties

Telegraph Boris Johnson signals compromise       Department of Foreign Affairs Minister
with Tory rebels on Brexit Bill. Telegraph, 16   Coveney meets with US Special Envoy to
September 2020. https://www.telegraph.           Northern Ireland, 28 September 2020. https://
signals-possible-compromise-tory-rebels-         press-release-archive/2020/september/
brexit/                                          minister-coveney-meets-with-us-special-
RTE Leaked Brexit letter warns of 7,000
trucks queuing in Kent with waits of two days.   Department of Foreign Affairs Minister
RTE, 23 September 2020.      Coveney visits Washington DC, 28-30
news/2020/0923/1166880-no-deal-brexit-v-         September 2020.
coronavirus/.                                    and-media/press-releases/press-release-
RTE 7,500 finance jobs have already left
London for Dublin and other EU hubs. RTE,
1 October 2020.         IIEA Brexit: The State of Play, 17
business/2020/1001/116847-ey-brexit-tracker/     September     2020.
BBC Brexit trade talks: Deal can and must be
made, says CBI boss. BBC, 27 September 2020.       Tony Connelly Brexit talks: Optimism
                                                 falters ahead of the tunnel. RTE, 3
Irish Times No-deal Brexit’s economic
                                                 October   2020.
cost for UK ‘could be three times worse
than that of Covid’. IT, 24 September 2020.

                                                               BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020

Tony Connelly Brexit: The dilemma of the          Irish Times Ireland faces devastating blow
‘loaded gun’. RTE, 19 September 2020. https://    due to our failure to develop ferry services                to Europe. IT, 25 September 2020. https://
Tony Connelly Brexit: A tangle of high            develop-ferry-services-to-europe-1.4363802
wire deadlines and ultimatums. RTE, 26
September     2020.        Irish Times Ireland will not be Brexit ‘collateral
news/2020/0925/1167545-tony-connelly-             damage’, says Coveney in Washington. IT, 30
brexit/                                           September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.
Financial Times Trump’s Northern Ireland          brexit-collateral-damage-says-coveney-in-
envoy issues border warning. FT, 18 September     washington-1.4367684
e71b7301-4b35-4a13-bee2-f9446b438e05              Irish Times Trump envoy plays down risk of
                                                  UK’s contentious Brexit bill to North peace. IT,
Politico Pelosi: ‘Absolutely no’ US trade deal    29 September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.
if UK breaks Brexit pact. Politico, 9 September   com/news/ireland/irish-news/trump-envoy-
2020.      plays-down-risk-of-uk-s-contentious-brexit-
-pelosi-absolutely-no-us-trade-deal-if-uk-        bill-to-north-peace-1.4366442
                                                  Irish Times Irish food trade could slide by
BBC Biden says US trade deal hinges on UK         one-third if EU and UK fail to cut deal. IT, 1
‘respect’ for Good Friday Agreement. BBC,         October 2020.
16 September 2020.           business/agribusiness-and-food/irish-food-
news/uk-politics-54171571                         trade-could-slide-by-one-third-if-eu-and-uk-
Irish Times Brexit: Irish hauliers seek
State help to bypass UK ‘land bridge’. IT, 21     Irish Times Some business ‘mistakenly
September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.           believe Brexit will not happen’ – Revenue. IT,
com/news/ireland/irish--news/brexit-irish-        2 October 2020.
hauliers-seek-state-help-to-bypass-uk-land-       business/some-business-mistakenly-believe-
bridge-1.4359886                                  brexit-will-not-happen-revenue-1.4369495

Irish Times Tanaiste urges businesses to          Further Reading
brace for Brexit with 100 days to go. IT, 23
September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.           O’Toole, Fintan Three Years in Hell. The Brexit
com/business/economy/tanaiste-urges-              Chronicles. Head of Zeus.
days-to-go-1.4361621                              Wall, Stephen Reluctant European. Oxford UP

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 095 | OCT 2020
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) is Ireland’s leading international affairs think tank.
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