Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council

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Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Your council magazine                       Winter 2021

Budget proposals
A clean, green and inclusive city for all

 Inside this issue
 • Christmas in Newcastle
 • A climate leader city
 • Safer Neighbourhoods
Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Contacting the council
We’re always working hard to improve our online services, so people find it easy to contact us.
You can apply and pay for many of our services online,
                                                                                                                                        Contents                                                   Environment – a clean, green
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and safe Newcastle
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pages 24 - 25
as well as report an issue using our simple online forms.                                                                               Christmas Pages 6 - 7
Visit www.newcastle.gov.uk to find out more.
                                                                                                                                        Find out about the festive offer and events taking
It’s quicker and cheaper for most people to contact the
                                                                                                                                        place this Christmas.
council by using the internet, and there is no need to stand
in a queue or wait on the phone.
As our website is available 24/7, you can do business
whenever and wherever it suits you.

    Keep up to date                                         Council meetings
    with our news and                                       The council holds a number of meetings throughout the year which the
    important advice                                        public can attend. These include Cabinet, Planning meetings, City Council
                                                            and Overview and Scrutiny meetings.
    Want to hear about things as they                       Meetings held at the Civic Centre can also be viewed online on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Preparing for our future
    happen and keep up to date with the                     Newcastle City Council YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/                                                                    as North East pledges
    most recent news and advice?                            NewcastleCCUK, and at this time we do encourage people to use this                                                                     community forests.
    We use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,                 method. Please check the meeting agenda for details.                                                                                   Pages 26 - 27
    and by following our social media channels,             The next Business Cabinet meetings will take place on Monday 17 January
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stay on top of your waste
    you can get involved in the conversation                2022 at 5.30pm, and on Monday 21 February 2022 at 5.30pm.
    instantly. Maybe you can show your support
                                                                                                                                                                                                   collection dates this
                                                            City Council meetings usually take place on the first Wednesday of most
    to our hardworking staff or tell us what you            months at 6pm in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre, or online.                                                                   festive season.
    think about a new service? So, give us a ‘like’         The next meetings will be held on Wednesday 12 January 2022, and on
    or a ‘follow’ and stay in touch with the latest         Wednesday 2 February 2022.                                                  Employment
    news from Newcastle City Council.                       Dates of all meetings can be found at www.newcastle.gov.uk/
                                                            councilmeetings. You can view the papers for all meetings at
                                                                                                                                        – creating                                                 Health and Social Care –
         Facebook: Newcastle City Council
                                                            http://democracy.newcastle.gov.uk/ieDocHome.aspx                            more                                                       a healthy, caring city Pages 30 - 31
         Twitter: @NewcastleCC
         Instagram: lovenewcastle
                                                            For more information, please phone Karen Christon on 0191 211 5024 or
                                                            email karen.christon@newcastle.gov.uk.
                                                                                                                                        and better                                                 Stay well this winter and stay up to date on the
                                                                                                                                        jobs                                                       Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                        Page 16 - 17
    Our commitment to ending male violence against                                                                                      Discover the
    women has been recognised as we achieve White                                                                                       changing face of
    Ribbon Accreditation.                                                                                                               Newcastle with
    White Ribbon UK are part of       To achieve accreditation the       You can find out more about
                                                                                                                                        some of the latest
    a global movement to end          council and Your Homes             White Ribbon UK or make the                                    developments
    male violence against women       Newcastle have implemented         promise at                                                     taking place.
    and girls. They do this by        an action plan that includes       www.whiteribbon.org.uk or
    encouraging men and boys          activities to raise awareness of   to find out more about White
    to take action and change         the aims of White Ribbon UK,       Ribbon activities in Newcastle
    the behaviour and culture,        engaging and educating men         visit www.newcastle.gov.uk/
    individually and collectively,    and boys about their role in       whiteribbon.
    that leads to abuse and           challenging violence against
                                      women and girls, promoting         If you or someone you know
    violence. By making the
                                      positive and respectful            needs help call the Newcastle
    White Ribbon Promise people
                                      relationships between men          Integrated Domestic Abuse        If you are worried about
    pledge to never commit,
                                      and women, and encouraging         Service on 0191 214 6501,        your own behaviour call the
    excuse or remain silent about
                                      residents, businesses and          the national Domestic Abuse      Respect Helpline on 0808
    male violence against women
                                      partner organisations to sign up   Helpline on 0808 20 00247 or     802 4040. In an emergency
    and girls.
                                      to the White Ribbon Promise.       visit www.womensaid.org.uk.      you should always call 999.

Citylife is produced by Newcastle City Council and printed by Reach Printing Services. Design by Paul Burgess Graphic Design.
Citylife is printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests.

2                                                     Follow us on Twitter - @NewcastleCC                                                                         Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/newcastlecitycouncil                         3
Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Our Newcastle

News in brief:                                                                                                                             New website provides information
                                                                                                                                           in one handy place
    A new chief                                                                                                                            A popular website that was
                                                                                                                                           launched following lockdown

    executive                                                                                                                              has been relaunched, offering
                                                                                                                                           those coming into the city
                                                                                                                                           centre and travelling around the

    for the                                                                                                                                city more information and real-
                                                                                                                                           time data to make life easier.
                                                                                                                                           Howbusyistoon.com became an invaluable

                                                                                                                                           tool in 2020 when the city centre reopened.
                                                                                                                                           Originally it provided a traffic light system
                                                                                                                                           showing how busy Northumberland Street
                                                                                                                                           was in real-time using CCTV images, so
    Pam Smith has been confirmed as the new                                                                                                people could decide how easy it was to
                                                                                                                                           social distance.
    chief executive of Newcastle City Council.
                                                                                                                                           In the build-up to last Christmas the site
    She will replace Pat Ritchie, who decided                                                                                              was redesigned by local digital agency
    to stand down from her role after a very                                                                                               Hedgehog Lab, to show real-time video           These include:                                • The integration of key
    successful eight years at the council.                                                                                                 stills of Northumberland Street and Grey
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Four additional still video images of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           twitter feeds providing up-to-date traffic
                                                                      of Adviser Plus and has held a number of local government            Street, allowing people to judge for them-                                                      and travel information in one place.
    Mrs Smith, who is currently the chief executive of Stockport      posts across Greater Manchester.                                     selves how busy the city centre was. This         city centre, updated every five minutes,
    Metropolitan Borough Council, was unanimously recommended                                                                                                                                making six in total.                        • Links to Nexus’ information on service
                                                                                                                                           upgrade also provided further information
    for the position by a panel that included the Leader of the       Mrs Smith said: “I’m really proud to have been given this                                                                                                            disruptions and busyness levels.
                                                                                                                                           on car parking capacity and advice on how       • A real-time map showing the location of
    Council, Cllr Nick Forbes, and Leader of the Opposition, Cllr     opportunity to work in a council with a great track record in a                                                                                                    • Information on Electric vehicle charging
                                                                                                                                           to keep Covid safe when out and about.            every bus operating across Newcastle,
    Nick Cott.                                                        fantastic city.                                                                                                                                                      locations
                                                                                                                                           Funding from the Ministry of Housing,             searchable by route number, meaning
    Mrs Smith has served as chief executive at Stockport              “Newcastle is a city with an incredibly rich history, a proud                                                          people only need to look in one place       • Information to help people plan walking
                                                                      community and enormous potential, and I can’t wait to get started.   Communities & Local Government’s Local
    Metropolitan Borough Council since September 2017, working                                                                             Digital COVID-19 Challenge has now enabled        for this information.                         and cycling routes to encourage
    closely with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority,           “I’m excited to be a part of Newcastle’s future and I’m looking      further improvements to the site based on                                                       sustainable travel choices
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Five still video images of key roads into
    where she is the lead chief executive for Age-Friendly Greater    forward to helping the city build back strongly from the             UK wide user research and feedback.               the city, updated every 15 minutes.         See for yourself at www.howbusyistoon.com
    Manchester, Equalities and Green City Region.                     pandemic so it can look ahead with optimism. I want to work
    She is also a board member of the Stockport Mayoral               with colleagues, residents, businesses and partners to provide
                                                                      opportunities for people of all generations and create a city that

                                                                                                                                             Information Now for
    Development Corporation and is Society of Local Authority
    Chief Executives (SoLACE) lead for Housing. She was previously    is safe and welcoming with a clean, green environment.”
    the chief executive of Burnley Council, Chief Operating Officer   Mrs Smith will take up her post in early January.

                                                                                                                                             people in Newcastle
Nurses head to Newcastle                                                                                                                     Do you live or work in Newcastle and want to:
Up to 7,000 new nurses and midwives a year will be coming             the national shortage of nurses by getting more qualified more
                                                                      quickly.                                                                                                                           Search for local
to Newcastle after Northumbria University was chosen to                                                                                                                                                                                            Discover events and
become a national testing centre.                                     Approximately 30 permanent jobs will be created and this will also                   Find information                              organisations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   activities near you
The city council and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS                be a huge boost for local tourism and accommodation bookings                                                                       and services
Foundation Trust worked with the university to submit the bid for     as thousands of nurses travel to the city from around the UK.
centre status to the Nursing and Midwifery Council.                   Professor Debra Porteous, Head of the University’s Department of       InformationNOW is the information website to help you stay informed, make choices, plan ahead, be
Newcastle now joins a group of five destinations nationally where     Nursing Midwifery and Health, said: “Northumbria University and        independent and have an excellent quality of life.
the Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) must be           the North East region are renowned for their excellence in health
taken by nurses as part of their Test of Competence before they       and life sciences and our partnership with Newcastle Hospitals         Visit www.informationnow.org.uk to find out more. Here you can also subscribe to InfoNOW (free e-newsletter),
can be registered to practice. The city’s success will not only       and the city council made Northumbria’s bid to run this centre         register for free as a member, and update your organisations details.
provide a welcome boost to the region’s economy but help with         stand out from the crowd.”

4                                                    Follow us on Twitter - @NewcastleCC                                                                                      Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/newcastlecitycouncil                                             5
Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council

Newcastle’s                                                                                                                                         Christmas Tree

                                                                                                                                                    The Bergen tree will
                                                                                                                                                    once again be part of
                                                                                                                                                    this year’s Christmas
                                                                                                                                                    celebrations in early December. For

                                                                                                                                                    over 70 years we have received a gift of a Christmas
                                                                                                                                                    tree from the city of Bergen in Norway to symbolise
                                                                                                                                                    the city’s gratitude to Newcastle for its support and
                                                                                                                                                    friendship during the second world war.

It promises to be a Christmas to
be remembered in Newcastle                                                                                                                         Quayside Market
as the full festive             Newcastle Christmas Lights                                                                                         The famous Quayside
programme is underway.          It’s not Christmas in the city until the big light’s switch-on.
                                                                                                                                                   Market will be open on                                       Laser Light City                        The high-powered lasers will be
                                                                                                                                                   Saturdays as well as                                                                                 installed at three key locations
With Christmas celebrations halted last           Metro Radio’s Steve and Karen hosted          which included a visit from the Lord               Sundays from 9am to                                          This New Year will see stunning         across the city; the Quayside,
year due to the pandemic, the council, NE1        the event that marked the official start of   Mayor, Panto Stars and Santa who flew in           4pm in the run up to                                         laser lights fill the night skies       Hadrian’s Tower and the Civic
and partners have transformed the city into       the festive celebrations in the city.         on his sleigh from Lapland.                        Christmas.                                                   across the city. The council, NE1       Centre, making them visible to
a Winter Wonderland to bring the festive                                                                                                                                                                        and BAFTA award-winning artist          people within a ten-mile radius of
                                                  It featured live music, street theatre and    The Christmas lights will illuminate the           Immerse yourself in the vibrant street market that
cheer back.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Seb Lee-Delisle are working             the city centre, weather permitting.
                                                  on stage competitions.                        city throughout the festive season.                stretches from the Swing Bridge to the Millenium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                together to bring an interactive        The public will be able to take turns
There’s something for everyone in this                                                                                                             Bridge along the River Tyne, with independent traders
                                                  The event took place on Grey Street                                                                                                                           laser installation from 30
year’s Christmas programme, from Santa’s                                                                                                           selling handcrafted goods, local products and street                                                 to curate the laser light show from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                December to 1 January.                  their smart phones via the Laser
Grotto, markets, shopping, laser lights and                                                                                                        food.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The dramatic installation will light    Light website that will be going
a spectacular fireworks display to round off    Grainger Market Santa’s Grotto                                                                                                                                  up the night skies across the city      live nearer the time, details can be
the year.
                                                Add a little magic to the festive season with
                                                                                                       Ice Skating at Times                       Grainger Market Sunday opening                                and its suburbs heralding in the        found at
As COVID-19 is still with us, precautions       a visit to see Father Christmas in his Grotto at       Square                                     and late-night Thursdays                                      New Year.                               www.laserlight.city/newcastle.
are being taken and people are asked to         Grainger Market.
consider wearing a face mask in crowded                                                                The open-air ice rink has made             Great news for festive shoppers as the much-loved
                                                Bring your little one along for a special meeting      a welcome return to the Life
places. People are also urged to test for
                                                with Santa! What better way to start off your          Science Centre to get people in
                                                                                                                                                  Grainger Market is open on Sundays and open till late           New Year’s Eve Fireworks
COVID-19 and stay at home if they have                                                                                                            on Thursdays.                                                   Rounding off 2021 will be a double fireworks extravaganza on the
                                                festive season than the chance to let Santa            the Christmas spirit.
tested positive or displaying symptoms.                                                                                                           From 28 November, the Grainger Market will be open              Quayside on December 31.
                                                know what you most want this Christmas?                The ice rink is back this festive
The events will be a much-needed boost                                                                                                            from 11am till 4pm every Sunday until 19 December.
                                                There will be elves making sure the smooth                                                                                                                        What’s become a tradition in Newcastle, the spectacular shows will
to the local economy, attracting thousands                                                             season to January 9.                       And late night on Thursday 2, 9, 16 and 23 December from
                                                running of this Grotto.                                                                                                                                           take place on New Year’s Eve at 6pm to suit families then a second
of visitors to the city where they can take                                                            Whether you’re a beginner or               9am to 7.30pm.                                                  show at midnight. People are advised to get there early to grab a good
advantage of the fabulous offer.                Santa will be at Grainger Market from Monday           expert, you can take to the rink           Head down for locally inspired beautiful fresh produce          vantage point.
                                                15 November until Christmas Eve. Tickets can           under the beautiful multi-coloured         that will make this Christmas truly special.
Here are some of the events                                                                                                                                                                                       Listen to live music and enjoy the spectacle as we say goodbye to
                                                be purchased from                                      lights.
taking place in the city:                                                                                                                                                                                         2021 and start 2022 with a bang!

    Fenwick Christmas window display                                                                Christmas Markets                                                                              NE1 Christmas Events and Activities Programme
    Celebrating 50 years of iconic Christmas displays, Fenwick unveiled                             You know Yuletide is just around the                                                           NE1 will be unveiling its Christmas          sites across the city. Winning artwork will
    Shaun the Sheep as its theme for 2021.                                                          corner when the smell of sizzling                                                              events and activities programme over         be rewarded with a £250 prize together
                                                                                                    bratwurst and mulled wine fills the city                                                       the coming weeks which will include          with the opportunity to have their
    The big reveal was live streamed online                                                         centre streets.                                                                                a number of festive favourites. The          designs showcased in the city alongside
    on Sunday 7 November, the second year                                                           Thursday 2 December will see the popular                                                       team at NE1 is already working on its        work by commissioned artists, design
    it was held online. Thousands of people                                                         Christmas Market return to the city centre.                                                    NE1 Christmas Windows, which was             agencies and local school children.
    from around the world tuned in to the
                                                                                                    Around 30 Christmas market stalls will                                                         launched, to great acclaim, for the first    Other NE1 events, including free
    live stream.
                                                                                                    be set up around Grey’s Monument to                                                            time last year. To bring some extra          activities suitable for young and old, will
    The famous window is one of the biggest                                                         create a Winter Wonderland.                                                                    festive cheer into the city centre, a        be announced in the coming days. For
    Christmas displays of its kind in Europe.                                                       Local traders have been given the                                                              competition has been launched to             details of all the festive fun happening in
    This year’s display shows glimpses of                                                           opportunity this year to bring something                                                       encourage budding artists, designers         Newcastle, visit NE1’s online Christmas
    the new Shaun the Sheep film, the Flight    The window is now open and will be on               special and make it a Christmas to                                                             and creatives to submit festive inspired     directory;
    before Christmas.                           display until January.                              remember.                                                                                      designs to grace windows of prominent        www.newcastlechristmas.co.uk.

6                                                    Follow us on Twitter - @NewcastleCC                                                                                            Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/newcastlecitycouncil                                               7
Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Our Newcastle

A clean, green,
and inclusive city
The council’s priority is to help the city recover as we slowly emerge from the pandemic.
The last two years have been extremely challenging for us all, our families and our communities.
We are now looking to the future.
Alongside the draft Council Plan, which sets out our priorities, we have

                                                                                Council Plan
published proposals to try and deliver on resident’s priorities while having
to save £12m next year (2022-23).
We also need to save £12m in 2023-24 followed by another £12m in 2024-25.
Saving £36m over three years won’t be easy especially as it comes on top        As we emerge from the pandemic, it’s
of £335m we have had to save since 2010 due to austerity and rising costs.      important for the city that the council has
We have published our draft savings proposals and want to know what             a plan to show how it will get Newcastle
you think. You have until January 2, 2022, to let us know and we’ve set out a   back on its feet.
range of methods by which you can tell us to make it as easy as possible.       The draft Council Plan drives the council’s medium
Your views count so please tell us what you think.                              term financial planning over the next three financial

                                                                                                                                         Council budget explained
                                                                                years 2022-2025.

     Difficult decisions in 2022-23                                             The Plan aims to achieve three things:
                                                                                • Work towards the political priorities of the city
     • Applying a 1.949% increase in Council Tax                                                                                         Q What is the council’s budget?                                    Q What is my Council Tax and adult social care
                                                                                • Support the city’s renewal after the pandemic
     • Applying the 1% increase adult social care precept to Council Tax                                                                 A Every year the council has to determine how much money             precept spent on?
       bills                                                                    • Continue to deal with the financial challenges           it has to spend in the next financial year on providing public   A Council Tax is spent on a broad range of council services eg
     • Taken together these will add £35.24 a year to a Band A property           facing local government                                  services. By law the council must live within its means and        bin collections, litter enforcement, education, grass cutting,
       and £52.87 to a typical Band D property                                  The Plan will be adopted by full council next March        set a balanced budget.                                             social care, planting trees to name a few of the more than
     • Reducing spend by £4.45m from Adult Social Care through                  when it meets to set a balanced budget for the city.     Q Where does the council get its money?                              200 services the council provides. As the name suggests, the
       remodelling services while ensuring adequate support                                                                                                                                                   adult social care precept can only be spent on adult social
                                                                                Deputy council leader, Cllr Karen Kilgour, said: “This   A Government grants, Council Tax (a tax on domestic
     • Reducing spend by £2.9m from Children, Education and Skills by                                                                                                                                         care services for older people and disabled people.
                                                                                Council Plan sets out how we will contribute to the        properties) and business rates (a tax on business premises).
       safely reducing demand and remodelling services
                                                                                city’s recovery and renewal from COVID-19 to the           Other income includes car parking fees, parking fines, rental    Q What are council reserves?
     • Increasing fees and charges across a range of services including         benefit of everyone who lives and works here.              income and planning fees to name a few.                          A Council reserves are funds that the council has set aside for
       parking, financial services, pest control, bulky and garden waste
                                                                                “It sets out how the council will move forward with      Q What does the council mainly spend its money                       one-off items of spending. Some reserves are earmarked for
       collections                                                                                                                                                                                            specific statutory purposes and can only be spent on certain
                                                                                our plans to meet our own net zero ambitions, to           on?
                                                                                make life more local with a strong emphasis on                                                                                things eg housing and education. Unearmarked reserves
                                                                                                                                         A By far the biggest area of expenditure is adult social care        are for one-off unexpected pressures. While there is more
                                                                                neighbourhoods, and to clean up the air we breathe
                                                                                                                                           followed by children’s social care and education. Also, bin
    Have your say:                                                              and improve the environment.
                                                                                                                                           collections, waste disposal, environmental services and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              flexibility in how they are spent, Newcastle’s unearmarked
                                                                                                                                                                                                              reserves are relatively small - £10.1m or 4.2% of next year’s
                                                                                “It shows how the council will continue to protect         public health to name a few.                                       net budget.
    This year there are various ways you can give us your views.
                                                                                adults’ and children’s services, welfare rights and
    You can try our online budget simulator which allows you to set your        homelessness support.
                                                                                                                                         Q What is revenue spending and capital spending?                   Q What are the budget milestones?
    own spending priorities for the council. To access it go to:                                                                           What’s the difference?                                           A At their meeting on November 22, Cabinet agreed to start
    https://www.letstalkbudget.org.uk/                                          “As a council we remain focussed on supporting the       A Revenue spending is the amount of money the council                consulting with the public on its draft budget proposals.
    Join the discussion on Let’s Talk Newcastle Online:                         building of thousands of new homes, attracting new         spends on day-to-day services during the year. Capital             Consultation end on January 2, 2022. Cabinet will consider
    www.letstalknewcastle.co.uk/                                                businesses and jobs and making our city a healthier        spending is usually “one-off” and results in the construction      the findings of the consultation and any changes to the draft
    or send an email to: letstalk@newcastle.gov.uk                              place to live and work.”                                   or improvement of an asset eg roads, schools, housing,             budget at their meeting on February 21, 2022 and refer the
    Alternatively write to us at: FREEPOST Let’s Talk                           The Plan is available on the council’s website             computers etc. By law the council is not allowed to use            budget to City Council for debate and approval on March 2.
    www.newcastle.gov.uk/budget2022                                             www.newcastle.gov.uk/budget2022                            capital funding on providing services.

8                                                    Follow us on Twitter - @NewcastleCC                                                                                 Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/newcastlecitycouncil                                           9
Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Our Newcastle

Newcastle retains status                                                                                                                           Factory workers are as toasty
as global climate leader                                                                                                                           as a sausage roll after bosses
Newcastle has retained its status as one of the world’s “climate leaders” for its ongoing efforts to

                                                                                                                                                   received the BEST energy
achieve net zero by 2030.
The city is one of only 11 places in the UK to   rating almost doubling, fewer than one in          However, net zero is something that can
receive the top “A” grade from international     10 cities received the top grade.                  only be achieved by everyone coming

                                                                                                                                                   saving advice from Newcastle
climate research provider CDP and one of         A spokesperson for CDP said: “Newcastle            together to reduce our carbon footprint,
only 95 globally.                                and the other 94 cities on this year’s A           mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate
Having first achieved the accolade in 2020       List are also celebrated for showing that          change and grasp the opportunities of the
we are incredibly proud to have retained         urgent and impactful climate action - from         new green economy.
our top grade from the organisation
which is the global gold standard for
environmental reporting.
Tackling the climate emergency remains
                                                 ambitious emissions reduction targets to
                                                 building resilience against climate change -
                                                 is achievable at a global level, and in cities
                                                 with different climate realities and priorities.
                                                                                                    We know the road to net zero will bring
                                                                                                    major benefits for residents both now and
                                                                                                    in the future.
                                                                                                    And by maintaining our CDP A rating it
                                                                                                                                                   City Council.
the great challenge of our age and this very     “However, this action needs to go further          shows we continue to take the lead in          Marine window blind maker Solarglide moved into the Stottie Shed at
much reassures us that we are on the right       and faster to meet the new targets agreed          reducing greenhouse gases, building
track.                                           at COP26.                                          resilience to the impacts of climate change,
                                                                                                                                                   Gosforth’s Baker’s Yard – the former home of Greggs – in January 2020 but
Over 1,000 cities disclosed their climate        Newcastle City Council declared a climate          grasping the opportunities of the new          knew their new home would need investment.
data through CDP in 2021 and to reflect the      emergency in 2019, with a commitment to            green economy and creating pleasant,
level of ambition needed to achieve 1.5°C                                                           sustainable communities in which to live.      And following a free energy audit        Typically, where a property like the     The BEST project was funded by
                                                 drive down the city’s carbon emissions to
targets, the bar for entry to the A List was     net zero by 2030, 20 years ahead of the UK         We will continue to benchmark ourselves        from the council’s Business Energy       Stottie Shed - has no gas supply, a      £670,000 from England’s European
this year raised.                                Government’s target.                               against, and potentially work with, cities     Saving Team (BEST) they were helped      company would use oil fired space        Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
To score an A rating, a city must disclose                                                          across the world who are tackling similar      to access grants for efficient, low      heaters or temporary gas heaters,        as part of the European Structural
                                                 Along with other major organisations,
publicly and have a city-wide emissions          including Newcastle Hospitals and the              challenges, to hopefully maintain this high    carbon heating.                          but this “convective” method can be      and Investment Funds Growth
inventory, have set an emissions reduction       city’s universities, the authority is working to   standard for years to come.                    Company managing director Paul           costly and inefficient.                  Programme for 2014 to 2020.
target and a renewable energy target for         deliver the far-reaching change necessary          And we will look to harness the momentum       Pringle said: “We knew we’d need to      Instead Solarglide were advised          It carried out over 210 energy
the future and have published a climate          in every part of the city.                         from COP26, building on the vast amount        invest in a solution to heat the new
action plan.                                                                                                                                                                                by BEST – which is funded by the         audits for small and medium sized
                                                 The ‘Net Zero Newcastle – 2030 Action              of good, collaborative work that is already
                                                                                                                                                   building, and an introduction to the     European Regional Development            businesses, helping them to leverage
It must also complete a climate risk and         Plan’ sets out the scale of the challenge          underway.
                                                                                                                                                   BEST programme came just at the          Fund (ERDF), as part of the European     nearly £420,000 in matched funding
vulnerability assessment and have a              and over 100 measures residents,                   To find out more about Newcastle’s net         right time.                              Structural and Investment Funds          for energy improvements and cut
climate adaptation plan to demonstrate           businesses and organisations can work              zero action plan, and how you can get
how it will tackle climate hazards.              together on to achieve ambitious climate           involved, visit                                “As a business we are committed to       Growth Programme for 2014-2020 - to      more than 610 tonnes of greenhouse
Despite the number of cities receiving a         targets.                                           www.newcastle.gov.uk/netzero                   reducing our environmental impact        use electric radiant panel heating.      gas emissions.
                                                                                                                                                   and it made sense to invest in the       That works by emitting infrared          The main BEST programme has
                                                                                                                                                   radiant heat technology, which           radiation, which is then absorbed        now finished however businesses
     Schools are going green with work now underway to                                                                                             not only helped to minimise our
                                                                                                                                                   environmental impact, but also was
                                                                                                                                                                                            directly by people and objects,
                                                                                                                                                                                            bypassing the need to heat the entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     based in Newcastle are still able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     take advantage of free energy audits
     decarbonise some of Newcastle’s largest public buildings.                                                                                     the best option to reduce our energy
                                                                                                                                                                                            space and greatly reducing the           through the scheme until March 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                            energy requirements.
     Earlier this year we secured                 The project, which also includes                                                                                                                                                   To find out more about how your
                                                                                                                                                   During their energy audit the firm,
     around £30 million from the                  measures like new LED lighting,                                                                                                           To part fund its installation, the       business could benefit visit
                                                  insulation and heat pumps, will overall
                                                                                                                                                   which designs, manufacturers and
     Government funded Public Sector                                                                                                                                                        company was supported to                 www.best-ne.co.uk
                                                  reduce the schools’ reliance on gas by                                                           supplies solar screens, roller blinds,
     Decarbonisation scheme for eco-                                                                                                                                                        successfully apply for a £3,841 grant.
                                                  more than 80 percent, cut the demand                                                             wipers, curtains and adhesive films
     upgrades to 38 sites, also including                                                                                                          for cruise ships, naval and commercial   Coupled to savings of over £3,700
                                                  for power by over 265,000 kilowatt hours
     libraries, leisure centres and cultural      (kWh), and generate over two million                                                             vessels and yachts, including those      in energy costs, and over 29 tonnes
     venues like the Theatre Royal.               kWh of electricity.                                                                              owned by major global brands like        of carbon per year, the investment
     Now the first of them are having solar       That will in turn save hundreds of                                                               Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise        in new heating will have covered its
     panels installed, including St Mary’s        thousands of pounds in running                                                                   Line and Carnival, were offered a        costs within 12 months.
     Catholic School, Walker Riverside            costs and be the equivalent of taking                                                            range of potential options to reduce
     Academy and Sir Charles Parsons School.      thousands of cars off the roads.                                                                 their costs and carbon footprint.

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Employment – creating more and better jobs

Support your local                                                                           Safer, healthier and sustainable
                                                                                             journeys to school                                                                 A new leisure
high street heroes                                                                           We’ve been working with
                                                                                             schools and communities to
                                                                                             look at how we can make the
                                                                                                                                                                                centre for the
this Christmas!                                                                              school run better for our kids
                                                                                             and for our planet.
                                                                                             A major part of this is about reducing
                                                                                                                                                                                Outer West
With Christmas fast approaching, why not                                                     car journeys and enabling more
                                                                                                                                                                                A new state-of-the-art leisure centre with
                                                                                                                                                                                swimming pool is to be built in the Outer
support your local high street when buying your                                              people to walk, scoot or cycle to
                                                                                             school.                                                                            West after the council was successful in
presents, food or decorations by shopping local.                                                                                       ways we can work together to clean       bidding for Government money.
                                                                                             We’ve been carrying out a series
Our high street heroes play a        Shopping locally really makes                           of temporary School Streets trials –      up the school run by reducing car
                                                                                                                                                                                The £20m investment - part of the Government’s
key role in our neighbourhoods       a difference and keeps people                           where the road outside a school is        journeys wherever possible.
                                                                                                                                                                                levelling-up agenda – was announced in October
and we are urging everyone to        in work in your neighbourhood                           closed at drop of and pick up times       This will link in with the work we       2021 as part of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget.
show their support and shop          and helps local communities                             to keep the area clear of traffic and     are doing to develop low traffic         The bid, led by Catherine McKinnell MP, will give
local this festive period.           thrive.                                                 parked cars.                              neighbourhoods, which include safer      the community a brand-new leisure centre with a
There are a number of fantastic      Even if you just set aside some                         We’re looking at the feedback             routes for children to walk, scoot and   new sports hall, swimming facilities, fitness centre,
independent retailers in high        of your Christmas budget to                             from these trials so that we can          cycle. You can read more about low       café, library and community space, replacing both
streets across the city, including   shop local – you could make a                           understand any issues and consider        traffic neighbourhoods on pages 14       the West Denton Leisure Centre and West Denton
Heaton and Ouseburn to the           real difference.                                        how we can ensure School Streets          and 15.                                  Swimming Pool.
east, Jesmond and Gosforth to                                                                are successful across the city.           Pictured above: Children at
                                     And don’t forget, there are lots                                                                                                           The breakthrough is welcome news for the area
the north and Arthurs Hill and       of wonderful new restaurants                            We’ve also joined schools and             Lemington Riverside Primary              after West Denton Pool failed to reopen following
Fenham to the west, where you        and bars popping up in local                            education trusts in the city in signing   School, one of the schools involved      the pandemic. Operator GLL, who will offer £3m
can pick up unique and special       areas, which are well worth                             up to an agreement to look at other       in the School Streets trial              along with the council for the new facility, will
gifts that you wouldn’t find         trying too for socialising during                                                                                                          continue to run the centre once it opens in 2024.
in a major retailer, as well as      the festive period.
delicious food offers!
                                     Please remember to shop
                                                                                               E-scooters now available in more areas                                           Alison Westworth, Partnership Manager for GLL in
                                                                                                                                                                                Newcastle, said: “We’re looking forward to working
You could make a day out of it                                                                 Did you know that since the start of the e-scooter trial in February
                                     safely – sanitise your hands,                                                                                                              with the city council on this flagship development
and really explore what is on                                                                  people in Newcastle have travelled over 400,000 miles on one of                  as part of our ongoing leisure contract and bringing
                                     make space and wear a face
your doorstep or neighbouring        covering in crowded spaces, to                            the city’s Neuron e-scooters?                                                    new and exciting opportunities to the area”
high street. Each high street        keep protecting each other.                               Around a third of those trips have
is unique and different so it’s                                                                                                                                                 Consultation on the new facilities will begin before
                                                                                               replaced a car journey, resulting in                                             the end of the year with community discussions set
worth exploring what is on offer     Here are some of our High
                                                                                               a reduction in carbon emissions of                                               up with residents, schools, sports clubs and users
in other areas in the city.          Street heroes in Heaton and
                                                                                               around 33 tonnes.                                                                to collect as much information as possible to help
                                                                                               A recent survey showed that the                                                  inform the design.
                                                                                               e-scooters are often used as an
                                                                                               effective solution for ‘last mile’
                                                                                               journeys, with 60% of rides being
                                                                                               combined with another form of
                                                                                               public transport.
                                                                                               We’re really pleased that so many
                                                                                               people have found the e-scooters        There are over 57 additional
                                                                                               to be a convenient and sustainable      parking stations in the new areas,
                                                                                               way to get around.                      which are highlighted in the
                                                                                               And from November, we and               Neuron app and clearly marked on
                                                                                               Neuron extended the area where          the ground to help ensure people
                                                                                               you can use the e-scooters to now       park responsibly at the end of their
                                                                                               include Ouseburn, Heaton, Byker,        journey.
                                                                                               Arthur’s Hill and Elswick.              All riders must agree to the safe
                                                                                               There are restrictions in some          riding rules when they sign up to
                                                                                               areas, including slow zones, no         use the Neuron e-scooters – which
                                                                                               ride zones and no parking zones         come with an integrated helmet –
                                                                                               to help ensure the safety of riders     and reminders are given to people        Image credit: GT3 Architects
                                                                                               and others.                             every time they hire a scooter.          and Kristen McCluskie Photography

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Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Employment – creating more and better jobs

     Making changes in our city to create safer,
     cleaner and greener neighbourhoods
                          Our city is committed to tackling climate change, cleaning up the air we breathe
                          and creating a more liveable city – one that puts people first.                                                  Fenham                                                                         How the schemes
                          This is why we are developing plans to improve
                          neighbourhoods across the city, aimed at reducing
                                                                                   Proposed changes in Arthur’s                            In Fenham we are
                                                                                                                                           proposing changes                                                              work
                          traffic on local streets. With less cars cutting         Hill, Fenham and Heaton                                 on streets such                                                                When we develop proposals for local areas,
                          or speeding through streets, the area is more                                                                    as the junction                                                                we will let residents living there know about
                                                                                   We’ve sent information to residents living in the
                          attractive and safer for people who live there and                                                               of Queensway                                                                   the proposals before we install them. This
                                                                                   areas below about some proposed changes to
                          for children to play out. This also encourages more                                                              and Kingsway,                                                                  is to gather their feedback and to raise any
                                                                                   their local area which include:
                          people to walk and cycle on short local journeys,                                                                Gowland Avenue,                                                                potential issues or ideas they may have
                                                                                   - Introducing new crossings                             Nuns Moor Road
                          which is good for everybody.                                                                                                                                                                    before we finalise the scheme.
                                                                                   - Trialling the closure of through routes to vehicles   and Hadrian Road.
                          Making these changes will help to create safer,                                                                                                                                                 Once the changes are implemented on a
                                                                                     by using large planters or bollards to restrict
                          cleaner and greener neighbourhoods. This                                                                         Hadrian Road in                                                                trial basis, we then have a six-month public
                                                                                     access in certain places
                          can have a big impact on tackling air pollution,                                                                 Fenham                                                                         consultation for people to tell us whether
                          reducing congestion, improving residents’ health         - Extending the city’s E-scooter hire scheme into
                                                                                     this area                                                                                                                            the changes should be made permanent,
                          and wellbeing and increasing safety on residential                                                                                                                                              and whether any other measures are
                          streets.                                                 - Introducing ‘School Streets’ that mean people                                                                                        needed to make it work better.
                                                                                     can’t park outside schools at pick up or drop
                          By using planters or similar changes to restrict
                          vehicle access at key points on some streets, we
                                                                                     off times for Westgate Hill Primary and Hotspur
                                                                                                                                           Heaton                                                                         We know there’ll be things we can improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          or need to change which is why we make
                          can reduce the number of vehicles using local                                                                    In Heaton we are proposing changes on streets such as Ouseburn Road,           changes on a trial basis. This means that
                          streets, rather than sticking to more appropriate                                                                Heaton Road, Mowbray Street and introduce a School Street at Hotspur Primary   people can try out the changes and give us
                          main roads.
                          Every home and business in the area would still be
                                                                                     Arthur’s Hill                                         School.                                                                        their views before we make a decision on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          making them permanent.
                          accessed by vehicle. This means that people living         In Arthur’s Hill we are proposing changes on
                          there, delivery drivers, refuse trucks or emergency        streets such as Stanhope Street, Sidney Grove
                          vehicles would still be able to access every               and introduce a School Street at Westgate Hill
                          property.                                                  Primary.
                          We’re also working with schools to improve safety                                                                                                                                               Working with
                          for children getting to and from school with the
                          introduction of School Streets, which restricts cars                                                                                                                                            the emergency
                          stopping outside schools at the start and end of
                          each school day.                                                                                                                                                                                services on our
                          We believe that changes like this can make a big
                          difference. Not only to how people decide to travel                                                                                                                                             proposals
                          on short local journeys, but also to how people feel
                          about their neighbourhood. They also create closer                                                                                                                                              The emergency services are always
                          communities by providing more space for people                                                                                                                                                  consulted and feed into the design of all
                          to enjoy, opportunities to chat to neighbours and                                                                                                                                               schemes to ensure that emergency vehicles
                          children to play out safely. Local shops become                                                                                                                                                 will continue to have access to all properties.
                          more attractive as they’re easier and safer to access.                                                                                                                                          It is important to note that when attending
                          Read on to find out more about the first of these                                                                                                                                               an emergency, all blue light services stick
                          schemes which we have developed for Arthur’s                                                                                                                                                    to main routes and only access residential
                          Hill, Fenham and Heaton. We are developing plans                                                                                                                                                streets closest to the property they need
                          for lots of areas across the city and we will write                                                                                                                                             to get to. This is due to the speed, size and
                          to residents to let them know about plans for their                                                                                                                                             weight of the vehicles when attending an
                          local neighbourhoods. You can also find out more           Stanhope Street in Arthur’s Hill                      Ouseburn Road in Heaton                                                        emergency. This is a key part of their training.
                          at www.newcastle.gov.uk/neighbourhoods

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Find out more at www.newcastle.gov.uk/neighbourhoods

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Budget proposals A clean, green and inclusive city for all - Yourcouncilmagazine Winter2021 - Newcastle City Council
Employment – creating more and better jobs

Renewing a city for the future                                                                                                               Helix
                                                                                                                                             Newcastle Helix, on the former Scottish
Our development sites are regenerating the city and creating thousands of new jobs.                                                          and Newcastle Breweries site is making a
Here’s an update on four of them.                                                                                                            significant contribution to the economy. A
                                                                                                                                             24-acre innovation district is home to more
                                                                                                                                             than 70 different organisations specialising
     Pilgrim Street                                                     Stephenson Quarter                                                   in science, research, medicine, technology,
                                                                        The area behind Central Station is one of the city’s most            fin-tech and the creative industries. It has
                                                                        historically important sites, housing buildings which in some        come a long way since 2005 when the
                                                                        cases date back hundreds of years. The City Council has              then Chancellor Gordon Brown conferred
                                                                        formed a joint venture company with PfP-igloo Limited to             Science City status upon it. The Spark is
                                                                        regenerate 4.3 acres of brownfield land in this area known           its latest cutting-edge building, hot on the
                                                                        as Stephenson Quarter after the railway pioneer Robert               tails of The Lumen which are both large
                                                                        Stephenson who built steam engines there for export all              popular commercial property spaces
                                                                        over the world. Over the next seven years, around £100m              attracting the attention of global occupiers.
                                                                        will transform seven plots into a mix of leisure, office and         The site also boasts the award winning
                                                                        residential uses with associated public spaces. It includes          Catalyst which is home to the National
                                                                        the restoration of listed buildings at the heart of the industrial   Innovation Centre’s for Data and ageing
                                                                        revolution such as the Pattern Shop where Stephenson built           – and The Biosphere which houses life
                                                                        his locomotives in the 1800’s. It’s being painstakingly and          science businesses in the forefront of the
                                                                        sensitively restored and converted into high-end flexible office     fight against COVID-19 COVID-19, cancer
                                                                        space for cutting edge companies that will drive the next            and other serious diseases. Helix brings
                                                                        hi-tech revolution. This second phase complements the first          together industry leaders, businesses and
                                                                        phase which saw the construction of the Crowne Plaza Hotel,          top researchers helping us live smarter,
                                                                        The Rocket office development and car park, the University           healthier and longer lives. It’s a high-
                                                                        Technology College and the Boiler Shop.                              quality mixed-use development that has
                                                                                                                                             created 2,000 jobs and is about to begin
                                                                                                                                             its residential element with 400 new homes.     A 24-acre innovation district creating 2,000 high quality jobs

                                                                                                                                             Forth Yards
                                                                                                                                             West of Central Station, the Forth
                                                                                                                                             Yards area has the potential to
                                                                                                                                             transform the city, expanding
                                                                                                                                             it westwards over the next 10
     A new gateway to the city - 14-storey Bank House offices                                                                                to 15 years. The 21 hectares,
     Work is now well underway on a 14-storey office                                                                                         previously largely inaccessible
     development on the former Bank of England site at the                                                                                   to the public, are earmarked
     bottom of Pilgrim Street. The glass-fronted building is the                                                                             to become a brand-new
     first phase of Pilgrim Place which will provide over 400,000                                                                            neighbourhood with homes,
     sq ft of new offices. It will not only generate employment                                                                              green space, leisure and offices
     opportunities but provide a new gateway into the city from                                                                              in a balanced sustainable way
     across the Tyne Bridge. Behind that site developers Taras                                                                               within an approved development
     Properties are also building another two office blocks, 10                                                                              framework. New pedestrian and
     and 12-stories, in a scheme which will see the restoration of                                                                           cycle routes and an access road
     historic buildings such as Worswick Chambers. In addition                                                                               will open up the area making it
     plans have recently been approved for the conversion of                                                                                 available for development. Plans
     the former Pilgrim Street fire station, built in the 1930s,                                                                             for the redevelopment of the
     into a five-star hotel. Taras Properties are also proposing a                                                                           various sites in this area are being
     nine-storey office block as part of a development known                                                                                 progressed with its prominent river
     as Pilgrim Quarter that could accommodate up to 6,700                                                                                   side location attracting a lot of
     staff. The £200m luxury leisure, shopping and living project                                                                            interest and with the potential to
     could provide a major stimulus to the city’s economy. In                                                                                provide around 2,500 homes and
     the meantime, Stack Newcastle will continue to make its                                                                                 1,250 jobs it will yield significant
                                                                        The Pattern Shop where Robert Stephenson built steam
     popular offer on the site.                                                                                                              economic benefits.                     An impression of new homes in the Forth Banks area

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Employment – creating more and better jobs

City centre transformation update                                                                                                                                                                                                       Proposed traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        changes in the city
The City Centre Transformation Programme will deliver a cleaner, greener heart of the city that
will benefit people for generations to come. The programme focuses on a collective of streets and                                                                                                                                       centre
spaces that will each provide a different role and experience within the city centre.                                                                                                                                                   Thank you to everyone who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        took part in our recent public
We’ve been consulting on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        consultation on proposed changes
our proposals since the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to how people and vehicles might
end of 2020 and have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        use different parts of the city centre.
working hard to finalise the
construction programme                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This included potential changes to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bus services – particularly those that
for streets where funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        currently stop on Blackett Street, New
has been secured, including                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bridge Street West and the northern end
Ridley Place, Saville Row,                                                                                                                                                                                                              of Pilgrim Street – as well as changes to
Northumberland Street and                                                                                                                                                                                                               on-street parking, taxi rank locations and
Grey Street.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            servicing and delivery arrangements.
Northumberland Street will                                                                                                                                                                                                              The changes we set out are designed
be transformed into a simple,                                                                                                                                                                                                           to support the transformation of the
elegant and welcoming                                                                                                                                                                                                                   city centre, by helping to create a more
environment interlaced with                                                                                                                                                                                                             people-friendly and welcoming space.
trees, greenery and places                                                                                                                                                                                                              Your feedback will help us to
to sit. Informal performance                                                                                                                     Ridley Place will play home to an           We will be encouraging retailers, food     understand different views on the
spaces will add to the richness                                                                                                                  independent community. It will              and drink operators in the ground floor    proposals and help us decide whether
of the street, making this                                                                                                                       serve as an incubator space for new         units, whilst looking at residential and   we need to make any changes before a
a place to spend time and                                                                                                                        businesses and independent shops,           commercial uses on the upper floors        final decision.
discover more than shopping.                                                                                                                     cafés and bars, with a unique culture       of the buildings. Permanent feature
                                                                                                                                                 and spirit that will create a new           lighting will support the evening          We’re currently looking at all the
The proposed design changes                                                                                                                      destination for those in the city.          economy, capturing footfall that is        feedback we received and will update
reflect its rich history, with                                                                                                                                                               currently lost in the evenings. The area   you on the findings once it has all been
elements taking inspiration                                                                                                                      We will be reducing the impact of
                                                                                                                                                                                             will be a canvas for street art with a     considered.
from medieval symbolism. In                                                                                                                      parked cars on the street, allowing
                                                                                                                                                 people to enjoy the space and creating      bohemian spirit that encapsulates the
medieval times, the street was
a major city thoroughfare within
                                       were produced and exported.
                                       The design pays homage to
                                                                          colours, are directly reflected
                                                                          in elements of the proposed
                                                                                                            features of the street – takes
                                                                                                            direct inspiration from the Holy     flexibility for markets and pop-ups.        energy of the street.                      Proposed changes
Golden Age of Northumbria,             this. Carpet pages from the        new paving. The lighting –        Island Causeway crossing to                                                                                                 to city centre parking
when the Lindisfarne Gospels           gospels, with their patterns and   one of the most striking new      Lindisfarne.
                                                                                                                                               Grey Street, Europe’s most elegant street,    integrating green space to create a rich   charges
                                                                                                                                               will see the quality of its public space      experience for all. We are continuing to
                                                                                                                                               elevated to be more in line with and          work with businesses as we explore the     We’ve set out plans for changes to
     Saville Row will pay homage to one
                                                                                                                                               supportive of its outstanding architecture.   requirements of all who use the street     car parking charges from next year
     of Newcastle’s most famous sons –
     Thomas Bewick. His statue adorns 45                                                                                                       We want to reduce the impact of               and how we can continue to support         in Newcastle.
     Northumberland Street, which looks                                                                                                        vehicles, with a wide paved pedestrian        businesses as we work together through     The proposals are to extend evening
     directly onto Saville Row, and the City                                                                                                   boulevard which will aid hospitality with     ongoing challenges caused by the           charging for car parks and on-street
     Library houses some of the largest                                                                                                        space for alfresco dining, as well as         pandemic.                                  bays until 10pm in the core city centre
     collections of his work. He is perhaps                                                                                                                                                                                             area and to switch to the standard hourly
     most well-known for his illustrations for A                                                                                                                                                                                        rate for parking in car parks on Sundays.
     History of British Birds, and his work has
     inspired many of the concepts that we are                                                                                                   Next steps in the programme                                                            The proposals do not include the car
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        park at Claremont Road or the Manors
     looking to introduce.                                                                                                                       We are delighted to have secured £20m of funding from the                              and Quayside multi-storeys.
     Dynamic lighting, new paving and new                                                                                                        Government’s Levelling Up Fund, which will help to secure the future                   The plans are aimed at managing
     street furniture will encourage activity.                                                                                                   of the Grainger Market and Old Eldon Square. We will begin consulting                  demand for parking and supporting
     Lighting will be installed within the                                                                                                       more widely on these areas shortly and look forward to hearing                         measures to improve air quality and the
     Saville Row tunnel. Commercial kiosks                                                                                                       feedback on our proposals.                                                             switch to more sustainable travel.
     will be installed and there will also be
                                                                                                                                                 In the meantime, we expect the first works to begin at Ridley Place, followed by       We’ve published the legal notices
     the potential for a canvas for arts, with a
                                                                                                                                                 Saville Row, Northumberland Street and Grey Street. We are continuing to work          setting out the proposals and any
     mural to encourage the green identity of
                                                                                                                                                 with the businesses along these streets to ensure the programme aligns with            feedback will be considered before a
     the space.
                                                                                                                                                 their needs and minimises disruption, especially during a busy Christmas period.       final decision is made.

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Education and Skills – the best learning opportunities for all

     Children and                                                                                                                          Newcastle’s SEND services found to have
     Families                                   Youth Fund                                                                                 improved in three out of four areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Local Offer
     Newcastle                                  Earlier this year, the Newcastle Youth Fund launched to give
                                                young people a direct say in the design, assessment and
                                                                                                                                           Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published a report in June 2021
                                                                                                                                           on how much progress Newcastle has made to improve services for children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Our Education and Skills

     launches                                   evaluation of youth provision in their localities and will help to                         and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Directorate has recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   launched an updated version
                                                                                                                                           since their inspection of SEND services in 2018.
     Children and Families Newcastle,           shape the city’s post COVID-19 recovery.                                                                                                                                                           of its Local Offer website.
     the city’s new collaborative                                                                                                          The report was based on their three-day            inspectors including the determination of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Local Offer contains all the
                                                                                                                                           visit to Newcastle in May 2021. They found         partnership to ‘get it right together’ and work
     approach to bringing services and                                                                                                                                                                                                             information about services and
                                                                                                                                           that Newcastle has made sufficient progress        closely with parents and carers, children and
     activities that are important to                                                                                                                                                                                                              activities available for children
                                                                                                                                           in three out of four areas identified in the       young people to ‘co-produce services’. They
     children, young people and their                                                                                                                                                                                                              and young people with a special
                                                                                                                                           original inspection: strategic leadership, joint   found that this has resulted in an ambitious
     families together in localities.                                                                                                                                                                                                              educational need and all the
                                                                                                                                           commissioning and co-production, but that the      inclusion strategy, collaborative commissioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   information that parents and
     This launched on 1 June 2021 with                                                                                                     city needs to accelerate progress in identifying   arrangements, and new systems to ensure we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   carers may need.
     official celebration events held in                                                                                                   the impact of its work on improving outcomes       improve the quality of our work.
     August at the Galafield Centre and                                                                                                    for children and young people with SEND.                                                                Bringing all this information in
                                                                                                                                                                                              The inspectors acknowledged our ambition
     Byker Sands.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  one place helps parents and
                                                                                                                                           Inspectors pointed out that the leadership         for children and young people with SEND, that
     Colleagues from health, the council                                                                                                                                                                                                           carers discover the services and
                                                                                                                                           of SEND arrangements has strengthened in           we want them to have a voice; be safe, happy
     and the community and voluntary                                                                                                                                                                                                               support that is available to them.
                                                                                                                                           Newcastle since the last inspection and is         and included; be well cared for; and be ready
     sector have worked together to                                                                                                        based on a more genuine and committed              for the world of work.                               View the Local Offer at https://
     develop the new Children & Families                                                                                                   partnership including with the parent and          If you are interested in getting involved in the     www.newcastle.gov.uk/
     Newcastle approach.                                                                                                                   carer forum.                                       Parents and Carers Forum please contact              localoffer
     Vibrant hubs across the city will                                                                                                     A number of strengths were recognised by           Contact@NewcastlePCF.co.uk.
     provide friendly safe spaces with
     services for babies, children, young
     people and families. The activities
     offered will be shaped by input from                                                                                                    Competition winners rewrite
                                                                                                                                             the future of Newcastle
     the local community, including health
     visiting, family support, community
     midwifery, mental health support,
                                                                                                                                             Four budding young storytellers have won a unique
     children’s therapies, youth provision,
     training opportunities, childcare and                                                                                                   writing competition by penning their own vision for
                                                Through the Youth Fund, youth organisations were eligible to apply for funds of              the future of Newcastle.
     employability services.
                                                between £10,001 – £25,000,to run youth projects in four localities across the city for a
     The hubs also link with smaller            duration of up to 12 months.                                                                 Each young person won              the way the city’s children
     organisations and services across their                                                                                                 a tablet computer which            and families services across
     local area, including the voluntary        The fund is aimed at provision 13-19 year olds – and up to 25 for young people with          was presented to them by           Newcastle and as part of the
     sector organisations and schools to        special educational needs (SEND).                                                            Cllr Paula Holland, Cabinet        City Council’s new approach
     create a network of buildings in each                                                                                                   member for Education and           to supporting young people,
                                                Alongside the Youth fund there is also a new Rapid Response Fund that will be
     locality.                                                                                                                               Skills, at a ceremony at           helping them to realise their
                                                available to invest in short-term interventions in response to youth related issues.
     New Family Partners will also work                                                                                                      Newcastle City Library on          potential and live healthy,
     closely with children, young people        The total investment in youth services will increase by 90% to £555k – across the            Wednesday 6 October.               happy lives.
     and families to help them navigate         new Youth and Rapid Response Funds.                                                                                                                                 the ending to show their          reimagined the end of the
                                                                                                                                             As part of Newcastle City          Every week during the
     services available to them and work        Our new Youth Panel has been established as an integral part of funding decisions            Council’s Holiday Activity         summer workshops, led by            vision for the city               book Dinosaur Chase and
     with organisations providing help.         for the new fund. Each year the Youth Panel will assess bids for funding supported           Fund programme and the             storytellers David Silk and       • Create a Geordie Superhero        drew a picture of main
     Find out more at www.newcastle.            by independent facilitators and council officers.                                            Summer Reading Challenge           Mica Hard, handed out reading       with powers to make               character Fin soaring like a
     gov.uk/services/care-and-support/                                                                                                       in partnership with Newcastle      packs and delivered fun             Newcastle a great place for       bird over a clean and green
                                                22 young people were supported to be part of the Panel with training, development
     children/getting-help-children-                                                                                                         Libraries, young people            craft and superhero activities      children to grow up               Newcastle
                                                and accreditation opportunities, so they have the confidence and capability to make
     and-families/children-families-            decisions appropriate for each locality.                                                     from across the city were          across the city.                                                    • Tabitha Erswell-Evans, aged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The four winners were selected
     newcastle                                                                                                                               invited to join in storytelling    Anyone under 25 could submit                                          11 and Martha Erswell-Evans
                                                As well as learning about the commissioning process the Youth Panel also supports                                                                                 by the Council’s Voice and
                                                                                                                                             sessions and take part in an       their views in two unique ways,   Influence team and are –            aged 7. Tabitha and Martha
                                                the young people’s own personal development, skills and knowledge.                           online competition to share                                                                              rewrote endings to Elfie the
                                                                                                                                                                                and to enter the competition:     • Jamie Smurthwaite, aged
                                                In September, 19 young people attended a workshop at the Civic Centre to review              their views on the future of       • Select a book as part of the                                        Rebel and The Cup Cake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8. Jamie made a film about        Caper showing how people
                                                bids and share their views on how the fund should be awarded.                                Newcastle in creative ways.          summer Reading Challenge,         his vision for the future of      can come together support
                                                Funding decisions for 2022 were announced in October and more details can be                 All submissions have been            under the theme World             Walker Park
                                                                                                                                             used as part of the ongoing          Wide Heroes, set the story                                          local libraries and clean up
                                                found at www.newcastle.gov.uk/get-involved/grants-and-funding/newcastle-                                                                                          • Jack Dowling, aged 7. Jack
                                                                                                                                             consultation to help shape           in Newcastle and re-write                                           Leazes Park.

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