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                                       Building resilient value chains
              Value chain case studies illustrating different intervention types
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Case Studies:Layout 1 27/06/2011 10:23 Page 2


                               APPENDIX: CASE STUDIES
                                                                                B&Q: Sustainably sourced timber
                               B&Q: Sustainably sourced timber         Page 2
                                                                                Communicated by Jamie Lawrence, Corporate Responsibility, Kingfisher plc
                               Cargill: Sustainable Soy Partnership    Page 5
                                                                                Introduction                                     for sustainable forestry. It is included within
                               Nestlé: The Nescafé Plan                Page 8   B&Q’s journey to sustainably-sourced timber      government procurement policies on the
                                                                                began as a ‘decoupling’ intervention, but        market side and within their forest
                               Olam International: Rice Nigeria       Page 10   developed into a number of ‘transition           management strategies on the production
                                                                                schemes’ across their timber supply chain        side.
                               SABMiller: Water Futures               Page 13   and beyond using certification, roundtables
                                                                                and land use planning.                           Independent verification of forestry enabled
                                                                                                                                 B&Q to move towards sustainably sourcing
                                                                                The intervention                                 timber for its products. At an early stage it
                                                                                Estimates of illegal logging suggest that it     announced the aim to move to 100 per cent
                                                                                accounts for over a tenth of the global          proven well-managed and sustainably
                                                                                timber trade, with products valued at $15bn      sourced timber, increasing its sustainable
                                                                                every year contributing to global                supply each year. Several B&Q suppliers have
                                                                                deforestation and climate change. In the         grown with the business, grasping the
                                                                                early 1990s, as rainforest deforestation and     importance of FSC from an early stage.
                                                                                tropical timber sourcing gained public
                                                                                prominence, B&Q (part of the Kingfisher           At the start, FSC was the intervention for
                                                                                Group) came under increasing pressure to         B&Q. However, certification does not solve all
                                                                                show transparency in its timber sourcing.        forest issues, and B&Q and Kingfisher have
                                                                                This sparked a huge internal focus on its        now developed a wider ‘forest programme’.
                                                                                timber supply chain to look for solutions.       This includes promotional campaigns such as
                                                                                                                                 ‘Good Wood’ and ‘Forest Friendly’, awareness
                                                                                The company concluded, along with a              raising through The Prince’s Rainforest
                                                                                number of other organisations, that a            Project, regulatory engagement via ‘The
                                                                                sustainable timber product label which was       Timber Retail Coalition’, NGO programmes
                                                                                credible and trustworthy was needed to help      such as ‘Forest Trust’ and WWF’s Forest and
                                                                                consumers make informed purchases that           Trade Network, and investment mechanisms
                                                                                did not contribute to forest degradation. As a   such as ‘The Forest Footprint Disclosure’.
                                                                                result, B&Q became a founding member of          These initiatives have led to strategic
                                                                                the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) in        relationships with suppliers to ensure
                                                                                1991, and in 1993 was one of the first            transparency and resource security in the
                                                                                retailers to develop a responsible timber        supply chain, an approach that is changing
                                                                                policy.                                          the purchasing model norm within the
                                                                                                                                 Kingfisher Group.
                                                                                Although the FSC was initially a roundtable
                                                                                initiative for supply chain and forest           Approach, challenges and achievements
                                                                                management issues, its scope and                 Deforestation remains high in the public
                                                                                partnerships grew. Non-governmental              consciousness and a failure by companies to
                                                                                organisation (NGO) involvement was crucial       engage on the issues carries reputational
                                                                                in building FSC credibility and ensuring that    risks. But consumer demand remains under-
                                                                                the project was achieving its aims. FSC now      developed, and choice editing (in which
                                                                                provides assurance and a recognised chain of     lower ethical or environmental choices are
                                                                                custody for certifying wood products, and is     removed from the customer or supplier offer)
                                                                                generally considered to be the ‘gold standard’   through timber procurement policies has

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                                  been the main element of the timber               protected and sustained. What was once a         Lessons learnt                                  Although B&Q realised that it was important
                                  programme to date.                                certification intervention is now much more       To operate sustainably and, as competition      early on to proclaim its preference for FSC-
                                                                                    varied – with certification, roundtables,         for ever decreasing resources continues, the    sourced timber, its targets could only be
                                  Refusing to buy certain species of timber,        regulatory/government engagement and,            company has realised that it must protect       achieved with sound policies that gave a
                                  essentially banning them in-house, and            increasingly, taking retailers into land use     and enhance all the environmental resources     clear remit and priorities to its buying teams,
                                  refusing to buy from non-certified sources         planning discussions.                            and services that it uses or that are affected   and effective monitoring, auditing and data
                                  has a significant influence on the supply                                                            by its operations. Learning from what was       capture mechanisms. Its focus is increasingly
                                  chain. But, while this method can help an         Impact                                           once a third party certification and             on tropical timbers, working either through
                                  organisation meet its individual sustainability   From an early stage, B&Q made the bold           verification process has extended beyond         FSC or partners such as the Tropical Forest
                                  needs, it ‘decouples’ the business from non-      statement that it would reach 100 per cent       B&Q’s timber supply chain. It has enabled       Trust, Rainforest Alliance and WWF.
                                  complying suppliers/forests. The easier           sustainably sourced timber. This                 B&Q to diversify sustainable sourcing and
                                  (short-term) option in many cases is for the      announcement helped to move the debate           choice editing into areas such as peat use in   The Kingfisher Group as a whole believed
                                  commercial team to switch suppliers rather        forward significantly, but required a process     gardening products and paints using volatile    that communications about corporate
                                  than to move the supplier towards                 for measuring progress and checking sources      organic compounds, Coordinating the             responsibility issues needed to be strongly
                                  certification. To mitigate this, B&Q has           of supply. As traceability became more and       timber work with other interventions, both      supported by evidence, data and key
                                  partnered with the Forest Trust and WWF to        more important to the Group, human error in      internal and external, has been crucial. The    performance indicators. This cautious view
                                  move forests as a whole towards certification      purchasing decisions needed to be                role of the consumer has also been              has meant that it has not always
                                  in a phased approach. This takes time.            eliminated. Purchasing policy has now been       important though through choice editing         communicated its leadership position in
                                  Moving a forest to FSC standard typically can     incorporated into the Group’s quality control    and not just a reliance on informed             relation to timber and it could have been
                                  take up to five years.                             systems together with independent                consumer choice. Indeed, retailers gain         louder and prouder of what it was achieving.
                                                                                    certification and internal monitoring and         advantage if they anticipate what their
                                  When FSC first started, initiatives required       assessment – all of which requires the           customers will want two or three years down     Leading by example is important, and in
                                  little coordination since very few existed. As    allocation of internal resources.                the line and encourage this.                    2010 Kingfisher invited IKEA, M&S and
                                  the number of initiatives increases, and                                                                                                           Carrefour to join it in forming the Timber
                                  sustainable sourcing becomes more                 From February 2011, B&Q became the first          The business has also realised that it will     Retail Coalition to support EU-wide
                                  mainstreamed into company procurement             major UK retailer to achieve 100 per cent        need to keep pace to respond effectively. As     regulations to control the import of illegally-
                                  policies, greater potential exists for overlap    proven well-managed and sustainably              it moves towards 2020, B&Q aims to do this      logged timber. This approach aims to create
                                  and duplication. As part of its process of        sourced timber. A major effect of B&Q’s early     through continued work with governments         a ‘level playing field’ since illegal timber
                                  building strategic supplier relationships, B&Q    work on timber has been the evolution of         (e.g. through the EU timber regulations),       continues to have easy access to the market
                                  now assesses and rates its own suppliers on       the debate internally and an opportunity to      product innovation, working within ‘closed      and undermine sustainable sourcing.
                                  sustainability issues and is working on how       evolve a wider B&Q/Kingfisher forest              loop’ product systems and by understanding
                                  to complement this with independent               programme and strategy.                          the impacts of all products.
                                  interventions such as the FSC and PEFC
                                  (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest          The company now has increased
                                  Certification) . Nowadays, 77 per cent of          understanding of what is meant by a resilient
                                  Kingfisher Group timber is from proven, well-      supply chain. It also realises that resilience
                                  managed sources (50 per cent of this is FSC),     and sustainability are not necessarily the
                                  and 100 per cent of B&Q UK products               same. Having 100 per cent sustainably
                                  contain wood from either certified or              sourced timber does not guarantee that a
                                  independently verified sources.                    company will have commercial access to that
                                                                                    source for the next 30 years. Competitors, or
                                  Traditionally Kingfisher/B&Q have stayed four      even companies within the same
                                  or five steps away from the forest in the          organisational family, can tie up sustainable
                                  supply chain. Now they are exploring how to       resources, and longer-term resilience in the
                                  get closer to the resource itself and influence    supply chain requires strong relationships
                                  the debate to ensure that forests are             with suppliers and partners.

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                                                                                                                                     and raise awareness about deforestation          responsibility. Demand in the soy bean
                                 Cargill: Sustainable Soy Partnership                                                                issues and offer the support of the               market is such that the farmers could have
                                 Communicated by Mark Murphy, AVP Corporate Affairs, Cargill                                         Responsible Soy Partnership. As well as          sold their produce elsewhere and continued
                                                                                                                                     mapping, training and monitoring, the            to neglect the Forest Code. Working with the
                                                                                                                                     Partnership offered to assist farmers on          farmers and keeping them in the supply
                                  Introduction                                      350 farmers, covering an area of around          working out land rights issues. Land rights      chain with more sustainable practices, rather
                                  By using roundtables, land use planning and       1,200 kilometres. The training supports the      are a complex and heated topic in Brazil, with   than excluding them and allowing continued
                                  independent monitoring of compliance with         farmers in working toward compliance with        layers of rights on the same piece of land so    deforestation, has meant that no
                                  a national Forest Code, the Sustainable Soy       the Brazilian Forest Code. A fundamental         that farmers may not actually own the land       deforestation has occurred the area around
                                  Partnership is a ‘transition scheme’ that keeps   requirement of the code is that 80 per cent      that they think they do. Legal assistance was    Cargill's soybean terminal in Santarém since
                                  farmers in the Santarém area of Brazil in the     of the farmers’ land must remain forested.       given to the famers to help them navigate        2008 (as verified by satellite imagery). The
                                  supply chain, helping them transition to                                                           the legal maze providing an attractive           Responsible Soy Partnership with Cargill and
                                  compliance with government legislation.           Farmers are initially supported by the project   incentive for farmers to become involved.        TNC has not only halted deforestation in the
                                                                                    to map areas of their land which are not                                                          Santarém area, it has also provided a model
                                  The intervention                                  complying with the forest code, and then         Cargill offered a second incentive: a market.     for the Brazilian government's conservation
                                  Centred around Cargill’s soybean terminal in      helped to improve their practices to bring       The company would sign supply contracts          efforts in other parts of the Amazon.
                                  Santarém in Brazil, the Responsible Soy           them up to compliance. GPS (Global               with the farmers that stipulated Cargill would
                                  Partnership was initiated in 2004 by Cargill      Positioning System) is used to monitor the       only buy from them if they were in               Soy beans produced by the project are being
                                  and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Brazil is       rate of deforestation in the area and help       compliance with the Forest Code.                 supplied to Cargill’s European customers,
                                  unusual in that it has an excellent national      ensure farmer compliance.                                                                         helping to address commercial risks and
                                  Forest Code to help protect high                                                                   Localisation played a key role. The plant was    concerns about responsible and sustainable
                                  conservation-value land and pristine Amazon       Approach, challenges and achievements            local to the farmers and Cargill had a daily,    sourcing practices.
                                  forest. At the time, the code was not being       Incentives to tackle the issue came from two     long-term presence. This localisation
                                  implemented nor was well enforced.                directions. The first was NGO concerns about      generated interest from farmers, civic and       By starting with a pilot project focused on
                                                                                    deforestation and the second was                 civil society groups in the area. It also        high conservation-value land management,
                                  TNC saw Cargill as a key stakeholder in the       commercial concerns from corporate               presented the biggest challenge, that of         Cargill has seen in practice the layers of
                                  Amazon land use issue – soy farmers in the        customers about product supply. The              building trust with stakeholders. The farmers    complexity that also apply to its supply
                                  supply chain were not complying with the          approach to meeting both is broadly the          needed to trust both Cargill and the NGO,        chains in many other geographies. Once off
                                  Brazilian Forest Code, exacerbating               same: partnership.                               and Cargill and the NGO needed to trust          the ground, the Responsible Soy Partnership
                                  deforestation in the area. At the same time,                                                       each other. Building relationships and           was able to coordinate its work with a bigger
                                  European non-governmental organisations           Cargill had already had a long history of        engaging communities takes time and              project – the Roundtable on Soy Moratorium
                                  (NGOs) were highlighting the effects of            partnership with TNC in the USA before the       regular two-way communication between            in the Amazon. Cargill, other Brazilian soy
                                  deforestation due to soy farming, with the        NGO opened a conversation with the               partners to be successful. Relationships have    processors and NGOs signed the Moratorium
                                  subject gaining ground in the media. Cargill’s    company in São Paulo about soy production        now been built at all levels with local and      in 2006, publicly committing the soy
                                  international customers did not want their        in Santarém and the effects on deforestation      national industry bodies, and local and          processors to not purchase soybeans from
                                  products associated with deforestation and        on the Amazon biome (i.e. a large naturally      federal government. Transparency, clear and      lands that have been deforested in the
                                  so commercial pressures were brought to           occurring community of flora and fauna            complementary partner objectives and clear       Amazon biome. The Moratorium has
                                  bear on the issue. Given Cargill’s role in the    occupying a major habitat). This trusted         communications within and beyond the             contributed significantly to reducing
                                  markets and the company’s investment in           relationship was an opportunity for Cargill’s    partnership have been vital in ensuring the      deforestation by independently monitoring
                                  the region, it was in a good position to show     work in the Amazon to be a learning              pilot project was successful in getting          soy production, and penalizing farmers who
                                  leadership to address the issue.                  ‘laboratory’ on soy. The NGO brought             farmers on board and keeping them                cut down local forests.
                                                                                    expertise to the partnership and did not         involved.
                                  Cargill and TNC started a pilot training          expect Cargill to do all the work itself. The                                                     A number of important secondary goals
                                  scheme of 25 small- and medium-sized farms        quality of TNC’s field staff in the area gave      Impact                                           have now been achieved. The project has
                                  in the immediate area around Cargill’s soy        Cargill the confidence to move ahead with         The primary project goals were to combat         shown Cargill that this type of intervention is
                                  terminal. The pilot study provided farmer         the pilot project.                               deforestation in the Santarém area, satisfy      an effective model for working with NGOs to
                                  training, legal assistance and land mapping                                                        customer concerns, and uphold Cargill’s          address supply chain issues. As a result of its
                                  tools. The scheme has now grown to over           TNC and Cargill staff would visit soy farmers     reputation and commitment to corporate           experience with the Responsible Soy

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                                  Partnership, Cargill is now working in             Cargill has seen the benefit in demonstrating
                                  partnership with NGOs to address social and        greater transparency and accountability, and
                                  environmental challenges in its supply chains      in looking for alternative ways to reach
                                  in other regions, for instance, for cocoa in       solutions. NGOs are increasingly viewed
                                  Africa and palm oil in Indonesia.                  within Cargill not as a detractor but rather as
                                                                                     key partners in building successful
                                  Lessons learnt                                     interventions by understanding and
                                  By building compliance to an existing              providing training and solutions – as in the
                                  national Forest Code into the operating            case of the Sustainable Soy Partnership.
                                  principles of the intervention, the
                                  Sustainable Soy Partnership has been able to
                                  develop a business strategy that addresses
                                  commercial, reputational and policy issues in
                                  their supply chain.

                                  The Sustainable Soy Partnership has
                                  encouraged Cargill to take a broader
                                  stakeholder perspective on supply chain
                                  issues and to be sensitive to a greater array of
                                  external factors.

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                                                                                                                                   the potential to increase their income by         the plan has already increased the uptake of
                                 Nestlé: The Nescafé Plan                                                                          doubling their crop yield. To improve             improved farming methods by developing
                                 Communicated by Claus Conzelmann, Vice President, Head of Safety, Health &                        cultivation techniques the company trained        direct relationships with farmers. In some
                                                                                                                                   two Thai scientists in sustainable agricultural   areas, Nestlé has bought direct from farmers,
                                 Environmental Sustainability, Nestlé
                                                                                                                                   techniques. These scientists then worked          cutting out middle-men and thereby
                                  Introduction                                    optimising product packaging, making             with the farmers to encourage them to             increasing farmer profits and control. A
                                  Through a partnership between Nestlé and a      factories more energy- and water-efficient,        adopt more sustainable practices, such as         cornerstone of the plan has been the
                                  number of non-governmental organisations        and by reducing waste. Raising consumer          reducing chemical use and using improved          distribution of millions of higher-yield and
                                  (NGOs), the Nescafé Plan is a ‘transition       awareness about being energy efficient             pruning techniques.                               disease resistant coffee varieties to farmers.
                                  scheme’ that uses land use planning and the     when preparing coffee products, and
                                  sharing of technical expertise to move          proposing a solution for consumers to            The Nescafé Plan is not an isolated               Lessons learnt
                                  towards publicly stated targets for             reduce their footprint, are important aims of    intervention but comprises a number of            The Nescafé Plan acknowledges the
                                  sustainably sourced coffee, and to increase      the intervention.                                workstreams and initiatives that build on         importance of a long term (ten-year)
                                  the stability of supply.                                                                         previous work (such as the Cocoa Plan). The       investment in local engagement. Training by
                                                                                  Approach, challenges and achievements            Plan is coordinated with other Nestlé             large numbers of agricultural advisors and
                                  The intervention                                Partnerships have driven the intervention.       initiatives, such as waste-to-energy schemes      third party verification to bring suppliers up
                                  The Nescafé Plan was created to improve the     Through partnerships with public and private     where spent coffee grounds are used to             to standard and improve efficiencies in the
                                  quality of coffee and to transform coffee farm    institutions in a number of countries (such as   meet factory energy requirements, and             supply chain, is critical in this engagement.
                                  management. Endorsed by the Rainforest          Mexico, Thailand, the Philippines, Tanzania      improved industrial refrigeration techniques      The effect is magnified by encouraging
                                  Alliance, the Sustainable Agriculture Network   and Uganda), Nestlé has distributed over 16      that reduce energy usage, carbon emissions        large-scale suppliers to address issues in their
                                  (SAN) and the Common Code for the Coffee         million coffee plantlets in the past ten years.   and pollutants.                                   supply chain.
                                  Community (4C), the Plan supports               To further improve the quality of the coffee
                                  responsible farming, production and             harvest, the company has expanded its            Scaling up is the single biggest challenge        Scaling up is a huge challenge. The
                                  consumption. The initiative aims to bring all   technical assistance programmes, providing       that the intervention faced. Nestlé has set up    intervention is in part an evolution of existing
                                  farms that directly supply Nescafé factories    10,000 coffee farmers a year with access to       pilot studies and demonstration plots, but        relationships between Nestlé and NGOs, and
                                  up to the 4C baseline code by 2015.             Nestlé agronomists who advise them on            there are too few ‘trained trainers’ to provide   brings together a number of initiatives that
                                                                                  farming and post-harvest practices.              expertise to the huge numbers of farming          build on previous work. Joining forces with
                                  Through the Nescafé Plan, experienced                                                            communities involved. By working with             NGOs, and applying their expertise
                                  agricultural specialists from the Rainforest    The project would not be possible without        partners, the intervention is increasing the      specifically to Nestlé’s own supply chains, has
                                  Alliance, SAN and Nestlé bring together the     NGOs such as Oxfam and the Rainforest            network of agricultural advisors who can          enabled the company to push its existing
                                  local knowledge of farmers with modern          Alliance. Many other NGOs and unions, in         support the farming communities directly.         engagement further and faster.
                                  science. Farmers are given new tools and        coffee-growing countries and elsewhere,           Nestlé also works with its large scale supplier
                                  techniques so that they can sustainably farm    also play an important role in working           companies to encourage them to address
                                  by using less water and fewer agrochemicals,    towards the Plan’s goals.                        the issues in their supply chains.
                                  and without clearing the rainforest.
                                                                                  In Thailand, partnership and research have       Impacts
                                  Based on Nestlé’s concept of ‘Creating Shared   gone hand in hand. Nestlé wanted to ensure       The intervention will be ‘work in action’
                                  Value’, the Plan’s stated commitment is to      a long-term supply from the 25,000 growers       between 2010 and 2020. By providing-on-
                                  safeguard the supply of coffee as an             tending the robusta coffee bean. Farmers          the-ground training and technical expertise,
                                  important raw material for the company and      who cannot earn a sustainable income from
                                  for the future of the communities who           coffee in the years when coffee prices fall,
                                  produce it. The company aims to double the      may change crops to para rubber trees or
                                  coffee it purchases directly from farmers and    palm oil, thereby endangering the supply
                                  farmer associations from 170,000 farmers to     chain. To head off this risk, Nestlé tested
                                  180,000 tonnes by 2015.                         different varieties of robusta coffee plants
                                                                                  and selected the best ones for specific
                                  Responsible production and supply forms         environmental conditions. As a result, 600
                                  the second strand of the intervention by        farmers bought planting materials that had

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                                                                                                                                        expansion. Because of the involvement of          is one of Olam’s first moves into food
                                 Olam International - Rice Nigeria                                                                      the State Government, Olam and USAID, First       production. As the company’s involvement in
                                 Communicated by Chris Brett, Senior Vice President Head of Corporate Responsibility                    Bank of Nigeria came on board to supply           this area expands, coordination will be key in
                                                                                                                                        credit lines so that farmers could take out       reducing duplication and overlap.
                                 and Sustainability, Olam International
                                                                                                                                        annual crop loans for items such as fertiliser
                                  Introduction                                      had the potential to process much larger            and pesticides.                                   Impact
                                  An example of land use planning and               quantities of rice. The challenge was two-                                                            From the start, Olam’s definition of success
                                  international government co-ordination, Rice      fold: funding and farmer training. The latter       Credit has traditionally been a major             was to make rice production, and the mill,
                                  Nigeria is a ‘transition scheme’ in which Olam    was not considered by Olam to be a core             challenge for small scale farmers in the area.    economically viable. This has been achieved.
                                  is working with partners and suppliers to         competency.                                         Crop loans depend on the farmers’ obtaining       Rice production is economic and profitable,
                                  bring change from the base up in the                                                                  insurance against crop failures, droughts, and    and the Lobi Rice brand has a good
                                  Nigerian rice supply network.                     To overcome these challenges, the                   outbreaks of pests and diseases. Insurance is     reputation and sells well. Average crop yields
                                                                                    partnership was expanded. It now includes           a major hurdle as insurers traditionally have     from farmers in the partnership have risen
                                  The intervention                                  local Farmer Associations, the US Agency for        had very little experience of dealing with        from 1.5 tonnes per hectare to 4.4 tonnes per
                                  Rice Nigeria began in 2005, when Olam             International Development (USAID funding            smaller farmers and have considered them          hectare, raising farm incomes and
                                  identified a business opportunity and              the delivery of farmer training), the State         uninsurable. Participation by Nigerian            profitability.
                                  purchased a defunct rice mill from the            Government (land & fertiliser allocation), First    Agricultural Insurance Company in the
                                  Nigerian Benue state government, which            Bank of Nigeria (crop finance for farmers) and       programme cleared that hurdle. The farmers        Olam is now confident that this type of
                                  wanted to privatise some of its assists.          the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Company         now obtain credit and insurance in groups of      intervention is effective in the long-term. The
                                  Nigeria imports approximately 1.23 million        (reducing risk for farmers). Over the following     200 and not individually, so fees and             programme has given the company a new
                                  tonnes of rice each year so is heavily exposed    two years, the number of farmers grew to            operational costs are kept down. With Olam’s      perspective on the rice supply chain, moving
                                  to volatility in the international rice market.   12,000, split into groups of around 200             backing, and a tangible market for the            from its historical view that the supply chain
                                  The government hoped that corporate               farmers each. The programme currently               farmers’ crops, the farmers are considered a      was about procuring, packing and shipping
                                  investment in renovating the mill would           produces up to 70,000 tonnes of rice each           safer investment, and the Bank feels more         Asian rice to Nigeria, to a view that rice can
                                  support domestic rice production and              year for the Nigerian domestic market under         confident in the process.                          be competitively produced locally for the
                                  contribute to its food security agenda.           the ‘Lobi Rice’ brand.                                                                                local market. This programme was Olam’s first
                                                                                                                                        A big challenge is to get farmers on board,       foray from cash crops, such as cocoa, into
                                  Olam is currently the third biggest global        Approach, challenges and achievements               gain their trust and develop their confidence      food crops.
                                  player in the rice business, handling in excess   Partnership is the driving force of the             in the programme. The farmers need to trust
                                  of one million tonnes of rice annually. The       programme. Each partner contributes a vital         that OIam is going to be there over the long      Olam is now building a rice mill in a second
                                  Nigerian rice mill was flagged up as a             element without which the programme                 term, and that the partners are coordinating      Nigerian state, and is in the early stages of
                                  business opportunity because of the wider         would struggle to continue. The bedrock is          across the programme. Trust takes time to         replicating the model in Mozambique. Feed
                                  context. Crucially there was already a local      the demand for the product, which Olam              build – often over three to four growing          the Future USA are looking to employ the
                                  demand for rice, which is a Nigerian ‘fast        tapped into by purchasing the rice mill and         seasons - and requires an understanding of        model in other countries, and the
                                  food’.                                            marketing the Lobi Rice brand. This created a       local cultural norms. Since the farmer groups     programme is being promoted as an
                                                                                    market for local rice farmers to sell their crops   deliver the rice direct to the local mill, the    example of successful interventions by
                                  An initial partnership was born between           to Olam. The state government allocated             middle-man is cut out. The rice is sold locally   USAID and the United Nations.
                                  Olam and the Benue state government. In           farm land for further expansion, and also           rather than exported so the farmers (and
                                  the early stages of the programme, the            guaranteed fertiliser to the farmers. Giving        programme partners) see their own rice            For the programme to be successfully rolled
                                  programme directly supported 1,000 local          farmers a guaranteed source of fertiliser at a      being processed by the mill. Since Olam runs      out on a wider scale, it will need to be
                                  rice farmers over an area of 1,200 hectares. It   guaranteed government price reduces risk            the mill and markets the rice locally, the        adapted to the local environments where it is
                                  contracted them to supply the renovated           and allows the rice farmers to plan more            company develops an ‘everyday’ relationship       being deployed. Business opportunities must
                                  mill and helped to establish model farms and      effectively for the coming year.                     with farmers that builds trust in both            be identified that will encourage corporate
                                  farmer field schools that provided training in                                                         directions.                                       involvement and enable partners to fulfil
                                  crop techniques.                                  Funding by USAID enabled the training to be                                                           complementary aims. A strong reason for the
                                                                                    scaled up to include more farmers. USAID’s          Rice Nigeria is a standalone on-the-ground        success of Rice Nigeria is that it plays an
                                  By 2007 the programme was working well            participation also leveraged further partners,      intervention. It is not currently coordinated     important role in helping the main partners
                                  and Olam wanted to scale it up since the mill     helping to support the programme’s                  with other supply chain interventions as this     to achieve their aims. For the State

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                                 Government, this means achieving food            challenges from the outset: funding and
                                 security. Local farmers improve yields and       farmer training. Farmer training was funded
                                 profitability. USAID can integrate farmers into   by a major US Government development
                                 the supply chain, and the First Bank of          agency. Difficulties for farmers in obtaining
                                 Nigeria can fulfil its licence to lend by         credit and insurance have been overcome by
                                 providing 10 per cent of loans to agriculture.   providing these on a group basis and not
                                                                                  individually to keep down fees and
                                 Lessons learnt                                   operational costs. Farmers gained trust and
                                 Rice Nigeria has required both a long-term       confidence in the initiative when they saw
                                 view of interventions and company                that Olam was committed to working locally,
                                 investment in time and money. Partnerships       over time and in close collaboration with its
                                 have been key in kick-starting the project       partners. The company took care to
                                 and its expansion to current levels. Local       understand local cultural norms so that the
                                 government and farmer groups are working         intervention is adapted to local environment
                                 with business to determine the best land use     in which it is being deployed.
                                 for the area, helping improve incomes for
                                 local people as well as securing supply for
                                 the business.

                                 Scaling up the intervention had two

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                                                                                                                                      The interventions have achieved their goals         Lessons learnt
                                 SABMiller: Water Futures                                                                             to date, although SABMiller recognises that         SABMiller has faced three main challenges
                                 Communicated by David Grant, Sustainable Development Projects Manager, SABMiller                     the partnership is still evolving and the           with this project.
                                                                                                                                      watershed initiatives will take time. Key to
                                                                                                                                      the successes to date, SABMiller has had to         • The nature of the partnerships themselves,.
                                  Introduction                                      Approach, challenges and achievements             justify investment in Water Futures to its            Partnerships by their nature can be
                                  Water Futures is a partnership between            Water Futures identifies water risks and           internal stakeholders in the same way that it         challenging since they combine different
                                  business, NGOs and government with an             implements mitigation strategies, where           would any other business investment                   groups with different objectives.
                                  objective to protect watersheds critical to       appropriate, for specific watersheds. It aims      decision, thereby ensuring both business              Understanding how partnerships work and
                                  SABMiller’s operations and supply chains. At      to secure sustainable fresh water supplies        buy-in and sustainability of the projects.            providing the necessary skill sets have to
                                  the same time, the partners aim to prove the      through more effective supply chain                                                                      be addressed straight away to ensure that
                                  business case for more companies to engage        management of freshwater ecosystems, from         Partnerships with stakeholders are for an             the operations function effectively on the
                                  in sustainable water management.                  the bottom up. In doing so, it reduces shared     initial 3-year period. Ultimately Water Futures       ground.
                                                                                    risks for stakeholders (including SABMiller)      will only be judged a success if operations on
                                  The intervention                                  from poor watershed management.                   the ground are sustainable over a long              • Lack of data on watershed hydrology and
                                  Water Futures was established in 2009 when                                                          period. The project intends to grow existing          risk in the area which the project operates.
                                  SABMiller identified risks to its future           The intervention is still at the early stage of   multi-stakeholder partnerships and build              In a number of cases, considerable
                                  operations from the impacts of water scarcity     risk identification and has two initial            new ones over time.                                   investment in research is required, taking
                                  and wanted to address global frameworks for       objectives. First, to identify and reduce                                                               time to build the necessary evidence base.
                                  managing freshwater ecosystems. Its water         shared water-related risks between SABMiller      Impacts of water risk management
                                  risk management projects in Honduras,             and other users of the relevant watersheds.       projects                                            • The need to work with stakeholders to
                                  Colombia, India and the US had highlighted        Second, to increase sustainability of             SABMiller started with the understanding              understand SABMiller’s reasons for
                                  a lack of global consistency in approaches to     SABMiller's operations and supply chains by       and commitment that real change takes time            undertaking the project. Governments and
                                  fresh water management. The projects had          the better management of these watersheds         to achieve. Water Futures was, in part, born          communities are not used to the level of
                                  also demonstrated that fresh water is not         through partnerships                              out of experience from previous projects that         transparency that Water Future discloses. A
                                  sufficiently valued as a resource.                                                                    SABMiller has been involved in, and the               fundamental part of the project has been
                                                                                    The project has three phases:                     partnership has learnt from these. These              to take the time to build trust with project
                                  The Water Futures partnership was initially       1. Water footprinting. Assess shared water        projects have shown that it takes time to             partners.
                                  established with WWF, and then joined by            risk and develop a plan of action at country    mitigate freshwater ecosystems risks and
                                  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale            and local level                                 produce tangible results. Impacts of the            As the Water Futures Partnership develops
                                  Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), a German state-                                                               projects can only be evaluated fully - and real     into a model for water risk management in
                                  funded sustainable solutions enterprise. To       2. Multi-stakeholder partnerships. Mitigate       changes seen - in locations where SABMiller         several regions with relative success so far,
                                  explore the shared risk of watershed               shared water risk through multi-                 has been operating for two to three years,          could it be replicated in other countries?
                                  management, Water Futures ran six                  stakeholder partnerships                         such as in India and Colombia.                      Expansion is a definite possibility, but the
                                  roundtable discussions between experts in                                                                                                               local, individual nature of the interventions
                                  water management and the local water              3. Shared learning. Spread lessons learned to     In India for example, a ground water                need to be taken into account. The approach
                                  industry. These roundtables were run in            other stakeholders in order to influence          recharge project introduced by SABMiller is         is different for every scenario and research
                                  regions where SABMiller already had major          wider change in the affected watersheds           producing improved groundwater levels. In           before an intervention is a major part of the
                                  operations: South Africa, Tanzania, Peru and                                                        Bogota, Colombia, river sedimentation had           work.
                                  the Ukraine.                                      The approach adopted has depended on the          increased due to run off from surrounding
                                                                                    specific country since that water has very         land in which vegetation had been cleared
                                  Water Futures has benefited from the               local manifestations and as such must be          for livestock. As a result, the cost of municipal
                                  expertise and experiences of both WWF and         managed through local stakeholder                 raw water treatment had risen, with a
                                  GIZ, establishing contacts in the partnership     interventions. Stakeholders engaged can           resultant impact on the utilities pricing to
                                  countries through their combined networks.        vary greatly but would typically consist of       users. Through working in partnership with
                                  In addition, GIZ provided matched funding         national government, local government,            local stakeholders, a project is now well
                                  that SABMiller put into certain water projects,   farming communities, industry groups, other       underway with farmers to address the runoff
                                  so the scope of the project could be              businesses and local communities in the           and improve local water quality and thereby
                                  expanded.                                         affected watershed.                                reducing the associated costs relating to the

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                                      The University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership (CPSL)
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