Universities have responded to these challenges       projects. Internationally, we continue to build
over the past five years in the only way they         on partnerships and projects around the world,
know how: by adapting, working together,              promoting Wales as an open and welcoming
delivering skills to more people of all ages and      destination for students and researchers alike.
backgrounds, and carrying out world-leading
research and innovation.                              Nothing better reflects the speed and resilience
                                                      with which our universities can respond to the
The universities’ Civic Mission Network is helping    challenges we face than the response to the
develop and strengthen universities’ work for         crises presented by Covid-19: from new online
communities across Wales. Every university            learning, to the delivery of pastoral care for
is now an accredited Living Wage Foundation           students; from PPE manufacturing, to researching
employer. Our universities are developing new         treatments for the disease. All the while, many
and better ways of delivering skills to people        students and staff across Wales volunteered to
across the country through schemes such as            be on the frontline, both in healthcare and in our
degree apprenticeships. We are developing new         communities.
ways to collaborate on research and innovation


The future remains uncertain as the country          Welsh universities are well-placed to support
emerges from the pandemic and enters a new           the delivery of an ambitious vision for Wales
era with changing global trading relationships.      that includes:
The climate change emergency is likely to
become a more urgent threat to our way of life.         Building Wales’ regions
The workplace is changing. Digitalisation and
automation will bring new social and economic           A future-ready workforce
tests and opportunities. Together, the scale of
these challenges is unparalleled.                       A sustainable, green Wales
By working with the next Senedd and Welsh
Government, universities can be at the centre           Wales’ digital future
of a national recovery. Our universities can help
to build Wales’ future by delivering upon Wales’         globally competitive and
ambitions and promise.                                  outward-looking nation

                                                        Advancing our culture

HOW A FUTURE GOVERNMENT                               Skills and developing talent
CAN HELP US DELIVER                                   Addressing Wales’ skills shortage and changing
                                                      workplace is critical if we are to ensure a future
Stable and sustainable funding
                                                      of prosperity and growth, where society is civically
through fees and grants
                                                      engaged, responsible and healthy.
For our universities to deliver on our ambitions
for Wales, stable and sustainable funding will be     We are asking parties to commit to:
essential. As demand for different kinds of higher
education increases, including part-time learning,    5.
so too will the need for greater capacity for our
universities to deliver.                               Developing an ambitious Universities for
                                                       Skills programme which supports innovation,
1.                                                     collaboration, scaling up activity and further
                                                       develops systems of flexible learning
 Providing stable and sustainable funding for
2.                                                     Expanding the degree apprenticeship offer to
                                                       cover a wider range of subjects and include
 Supporting student mental health and well-            master’s level
 being by mainstreaming the funding that
 universities and students’ unions received
 during the Coronavirus pandemic                      International
                                                      In the highly volatile and new international
                                                      landscape following the pandemic, universities’
Research and innovation
                                                      international agendas will be an important
Research and innovation are key drivers of            part of the recovery, key to realising a globally
productivity, generating jobs across Wales. Funding   competitive and outward-looking nation.
such as quality-related research funding and
innovation funding play a crucial role in enabling    We are asking parties to commit to:
Welsh universities to secure funding from outside
Wales, delivering further economic benefit.
We are asking parties to commit to:                    Securing Wales’ global presence in a highly
                                                       volatile and new international landscape
3.                                                     by investing in university networks and
 Establishing a Deputy Minister for Research
 and Innovation, to work with universities and
 capitalise on the immediate opportunities to         8.
 drive economic growth
                                                       Being ambitious in delivering an international
                                                       strategy for Wales by setting a target to
4.                                                     increase university exports by 75% to £950
                                                       million by 2030
 Implementing the Reid review, committing to
 real-terms increases in quality-related research
 funding, increases to innovation funding, and
 incentivising institutions to win investment
 from outside Wales


Elections provide us with a structure to reflect       excellent, but there is a need for greater scale to
on what has come before and how it has                 bring additional investment to Wales. We think that
shaped where we are. In Wales, we speak of             working together will help to deliver this.
what happened in the first Assembly, or the
second Assembly, or the third. As we come to           Universities have developed new ways of delivering
the end of another Senedd term, it brings into         higher-level skills to people of all ages and
focus the challenges and uncertainty that have         backgrounds. We have seen record-breaking
characterised the past five years.                     growth in part-time and postgraduate study. We
                                                       have also introduced degree apprenticeships in
Climate change, a changing workplace,                  Wales and are working with employers to identify
demographic change, global volatility, changes         where there is demand for expansion of these
to our trading relationships, and looming large        programmes into different industries.
over all of this, the Coronavirus pandemic. The
all too human temptation is to focus on these          Universities are striving to deliver more for Wales.
challenges and difficulties but not the ways in        Our universities generate £500 million in export
which we have risen to the challenge and tackled       earnings and host students from 140 countries.
those difficulties head on.                            Our work with partners through the Global Wales
                                                       programme is now internationally recognised. Our
Universities in Wales have been around a long          work with Vietnamese universities to support the
time but, like any long-standing institution, they     Vietnam Government’s higher education reform
have not stood still. Throughout the tumultuous        agenda has delivered significant changes to
twentieth century our universities adapted and         university governance in Vietnam and consolidated
changed. They provided skills and education to         our reputation as a key partner.
greater numbers of people from more diverse
backgrounds. They led the way on scientific            Our partnerships with prestigious scholarship
breakthroughs that have both shaped our                schemes such as Fulbright and Chevening, as
understanding of the world and how we live in it.      well as the launch of our own Global Wales
                                                       Scholarships, attract talent to Wales. These
                                                       initiatives promote Wales as an open, welcoming
Our universities continue to change.                   and attractive destination for students and
In the past five years our universities have brought   researchers alike.
a renewed vigour to the ways in which they benefit
                                                       Nothing better reflects the speed and resilience
people and places in Wales. We have seen greater
                                                       with which universities can respond to the
teaching and research links built with primary and
                                                       challenges we face than the way institutions
secondary schools. As a sector we have come
                                                       responded to the immense challenges posed by
together to form the Civic Mission Network which
                                                       the Coronavirus pandemic. When the pandemic
provides a vehicle to promote and share best
                                                       hit, universities switched to online delivery,
practice on universities’ civic mission work. We are
                                                       supported students in returning to their home
developing a Civic Mission Framework for Wales
                                                       addresses, and continued to teach and award
that provides a clear structure to support the
development and furthering of universities’ work to
benefit the people and places of Wales.                At the same time, universities stepped up to
                                                       support the national effort. From manufacturing
And we are in a unique position among the UK
                                                       PPE to researching the virus and how best to
nations with every university in Wales being an
                                                       treat and tackle it. From providing training and
accredited living wage employer.
                                                       courses to supporting local communities through
We are driving forward new ways to facilitate and      volunteering. Many of our staff and students
promote collaboration in research and innovation.      volunteered to be on the frontline.
We know that research and innovation in Wales is

The next Welsh Government will face some of           We are uniquely placed to be able to further
the most complex challenges of recent history.        support parties’ priorities on building Wales’
At the time of writing we do not know what            regions. Universities have resources to deliver
our exit from the EU will mean for trade or our       direct benefit through funding while also acting as
participation in EU programmes. The urgency           conduits for other organisations and business –
with which we must tackle climate change will         which might have smaller administrative capacity
only increase.                                        – to access regional investment opportunities.
                                                      Our work generating graduate start-ups feeds into
At the same time Wales is undergoing                  regional economies and supports employment
significant demographic change. We have an            objectives.
ageing population, and one that is overall older
and less well qualified than the UK as a whole.       Beyond that, universities have also demonstrated
It is expected that the pandemic will accelerate      an ability to leverage regional funding to secure
the workplace change that was already taking          additional investment to Wales.
place globally. Even where estimates suggest
the number of jobs created will outnumber
those displaced, there is no guarantee those
                                                      A future-ready workforce
jobs will be created in Wales.                        The workplace is changing, and there are risks
                                                      and opportunities for Wales in this change. We
But there is much to be optimistic about,
                                                      are seeing an increasing demand for higher-
despite those issues we face. As well as the
                                                      level skills at the same time as automation
incredible work supporting the national effort
                                                      and technological change risk shrinking the
against Covid-19, universities continue to drive
                                                      occupation sectors upon which Wales depends.
innovation and create opportunities for people
                                                      This, combined with Wales’ demographics,
in Wales. Our graduates are some of the most
                                                      means we will need to support more people of
entrepreneurial, outperforming counterparts
                                                      all ages and backgrounds to upskill and retrain.
elsewhere in the UK.
                                                      In the next Senedd term universities will be able
Our universities attract students and academics
                                                      to support employment in key ways:
from around the world, bringing with them new
visitors to Wales’ wealth of natural riches and       -	through providing joined-up flexible learning,
historic landmarks.                                      including part-time provision

Despite the uncertainty on the horizon, we are        -	by delivering research and innovation activity
building collaborative, dynamic and resilient            that will generate new businesses, new
universities with a diverse population of                jobs and new industries. This will include
students and staff, ready to withstand whatever          knowledge transfer partnerships that help
changes are ahead.                                       existing businesses to expand

                                                      -	by supporting the generation of new
Building Wales’ regions                                  businesses, including graduate start-ups
Welsh universities are critical economic anchors         where Wales is already UK-leading
in all parts of Wales that support the foundational   -	through universities’ local economic activity,
economy. All universities in Wales are accredited        including the contribution to the foundation
living wage employers and signed up to the Code          economy and the spending of staff, students
of Practice on Ethical Employment in Supply              and visitors
Chains. Wales continues to lead the UK with the
highest rate of graduate start-ups per capita.

A globally competitive and                          these technologies. There will be opportunities
                                                    to further join up the skills system, allowing
outward-looking nation                              cutting edge research and innovation to inform
Universities are responsible for around £500        delivery across the entire education system.
million of export earnings in Wales: around
4% of all Welsh exports. But the contribution
universities make is wider than direct economic
                                                    Wales’ digital future
benefit.                                            Wales’ response to digitalisation, and ensuring
                                                    we make the most of the opportunities
Through alumni, staff and student mobility,
                                                    presented, will in large part depend on our
collaborative research, cultural and sporting
                                                    ability to further upskill our population, and the
activities our universities are contributing to
                                                    success with which we deliver research and
Wales’ soft power.
                                                    innovation in this area.
Partnerships built by our universities through
                                                    Universities are well-placed to deliver in
transnational education, research and
                                                    these areas. The implementation of degree
commercial activities have established a
                                                    apprenticeships in digital has seen substantial
significant footprint for Wales internationally,
                                                    and increasing demand from businesses across
building on the international recognition
                                                    Wales. Our universities host high profile hubs
of Wales as an innovative and forward-
                                                    and centres that cover cyber security, software
thinking nation. Similarly, by coming to Wales,
                                                    engineering and data science.
international students, staff and researchers
play an invaluable role in diversifying and         Universities in Wales are building Wales’ digital
internationalising our communities.                 future. There is a need for funding and policy
                                                    support for this fast-developing sector.

A sustainable, green Wales
Welsh universities are genuinely at the forefront
                                                    Advancing our culture
of developing and implementing solutions to the     Universities play an important role in the
challenges posed by climate change.                 cultural life of Wales. As well as teaching
                                                    and research in the arts and humanities, our
This includes research and innovation that
                                                    universities are often cultural and artistic hubs
directly addresses how we as a society
                                                    offering live performances, exhibitions, and
transition to a low carbon future, as well as
                                                    public lectures. Our universities undertake
the practical challenges around generating
                                                    research in and about Wales and its culture.
and storing energy. Many of these projects
are collaborative and examine complex and           Beyond that, universities often provide a
interdependent issues.                              community space, a place for people to gather
                                                    and pursue shared activities.
As well as research and innovation on low
carbon and energy, universities are also            As we emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic,
well-placed to deliver on sustainable use of        the rooted presence of universities in
resources and land/seascapes.                       communities will provide opportunities to come
                                                    together and share experience.
Research and innovation is only part of the
picture. As we introduce new technologies –         Our universities will also continue to be key to
such as those that will create and proliferate      meeting ambitions around the Welsh language,
energy-neutral or energy-positive homes – we        both by providing Welsh-medium education and
will also need to retrain and upskill those who     also, in many cases, delivering or hosting Welsh
will be fitting, installing and making use of       for Adults courses.
Our students and staff                                           Working with the next Welsh
Students and staff are the heart of our                          Government
universities, they were pivotal in the speed                     The national response to the Coronavirus
with which our universities adapted to the                       pandemic has been characterised by
challenges posed by the pandemic. They bring                     coproduction and collaboration between
economic benefits to local areas. The research                   universities, governments and stakeholders.
and innovation activity carried out by our staff                 This collaborative approach is one that we can
and students generates new knowledge and                         build upon moving into the next Senedd term.
new jobs; further, they are instrumental in                      As we have set out earlier in this document, we
developing ways in which our people can be                       face clear challenges and obstacles going into
equipped for new opportunities and realise                       the next Senedd term. But we believe there are
economic and sustainable growth in Wales.                        real opportunities for government, the Senedd
Welsh universities have led the UK on key areas                  and universities to work together to develop and
of student experience and satisfaction, and over                 implement solutions to tackle those challenges.
the next Senedd term, excellence in teaching                     Universities have set out a clear direction
and learning, as well as the important pastoral                  of travel to this end in the recent Statement
support that our institutions are known for, will                of Intent1. As we move into the next Senedd
continue to be a key priority. The use of new                    term, universities will continue to implement
technologies prompted by the pandemic also                       a change programme that will improve
present opportunities for Wales to be world-                     collaboration, delivering tangible benefits to the
leading in delivering teaching and learning. This                people and places of Wales.
is already being capitalised on through Wales-
wide collaborations on blended learning.

1       9


1.                                                     2.
                                                       Addressing Wales’ skills shortage is critical if we are to
FUNDING THROUGH FEES                                   ensure a future of prosperity and growth, one where
AND GRANTS                                             people are civically engaged, responsible and healthy.
For our universities to deliver on our ambitions
for Wales, stable and sustainable funding will be      Universities have already committed to expanding
essential. As demand for different kinds of higher     the breadth and reach of our skills offer including
education, including part-time learning, increases     part-time and lifelong learning, but there are ways in
so too will the need for greater capacity for our      which a future Welsh Government can support the
universities to deliver.                               sector to further deliver for Wales.

Our universities are a core part of Wales’ national    Perhaps the most crucial part of doing so is ensuring
infrastructure. They play a crucial role in both the   stable and sustainable funding for universities. In
employment and wider economies of the regions in       addition to this:
which they are based. Proportionally, universities
                                                       We are asking parties to commit to developing
are more important to the Welsh economy than the
                                                       an ambitious Universities for Skills programme
other nations of the UK.
                                                       which supports innovation, collaboration,
Currently universities are funded through a            scaling up activity and further develops
combination of fees and grants, and the Diamond        systems of flexible learning
review recommendations, supported by universities
                                                       We are asking parties to commit to
and students, have been key in this regard.
                                                       expanding the degree apprenticeship offer
We would ask that parties commit to providing          to cover a wider range of subjects and include
stable and sustainable funding for universities.       master’s level.

We are asking parties to support
student mental health and well-being by
mainstreaming the funding that universities
and students’ unions received during the
Coronavirus pandemic.
Research and innovation are key drivers of
productivity. Through the work our universities do in
this area new jobs are generated across Wales, and
the application of this research supports businesses       4.
to be more agile and competitive.                          INTERNATIONAL
                                                           In a highly volatile and new international landscape
The university landscape is shifting quickly. European
                                                           following the pandemic, we see universities’
Structural Funds, which have been particularly
                                                           international agendas, and indeed the Global
important in supporting research and innovation in
                                                           Wales programme, as being an important part of
Wales, will be coming to an end and there remains
                                                           the recovery, key to realising a globally competitive
uncertainty over replacement funding. At the same
                                                           and outward-looking nation.
time the amount of UK-wide competitive funding
available is increasing.                                   We are asking parties to commit to secure
                                                           Wales’ global presence in a highly volatile
Welsh universities are working to transform the
                                                           and new international landscape by investing
ways in which we collaborate on research to ensure
                                                           in university networks and programmes
that we are as competitive as possible in securing
competitive funding.                                       We are asking parties to commit to being
                                                           ambitious in delivering an international
In his review of Welsh Government funded research
                                                           strategy for Wales by setting a target to
and innovation, Professor Graeme Reid highlighted
                                                           increase university exports by 75% to £950
how funding streams such as quality-related research
                                                           million by 2030
funding and innovation funding play a crucial role in
the ability of Welsh universities to secure funding from
outside Wales, bringing economic benefit and jobs to

We are asking parties to commit to
establishing a Deputy Minister for Research
and Innovation, to work with universities and
capitalise on the immediate opportunities to
drive economic growth.

We are asking parties to commit to
implementing the Reid review, committing to
real-terms increases in quality-related research
funding, increases in innovation funding, and
incentivising institutions to win investment from
outside Wales.


Universities Wales
2 Caspian Point
CF10 4DQ

   +44 (0)29 2044 8020
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