Caffeine Mouth Rinse Does Not Improve Time to Exhaustion in Male Trained Cyclists

Page created by Casey Hines
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2021, 31, 412-419
© 2021 Human Kinetics, Inc.                                                                                                                   ORIGINAL RESEARCH

                           Caffeine Mouth Rinse Does Not Improve Time
                              to Exhaustion in Male Trained Cyclists
                                       Lara Lima Nabuco                                           Bryan Saunders
                                           University of Brasília                          University of São Paulo (USP)

                              Renato André Sousa da Silva                                 Guilherme Eckhardt Molina
                               Euro American University Center                         and Caio Eduardo Gonçalves Reis
                                  and University of Brasília                                     University of Brasília

      This study investigated the effects of caffeine mouth rinse on cycling time to exhaustion (TTE) and physiological responses in
      trained cyclists. In a double-blinded randomized counterbalanced cross-over design, 10 recreationally trained male cyclists (mean ±
      SD: 32 ± 3 years, 72.8 ± 5.3 kg, 1.78 ± 0.06 m, 13.9% ± 3.3% body fat, peak power output = 289.4 ± 24.7 W) completed two TTE
      tests cycling at 75% of peak aerobic power following 24 hr of dietary and exercise standardization. Cyclists were administered 25-
      ml mouth rinses for 5 s containing either 85 mg of caffeine or control (water) every 5 min throughout the exercise tests. No
      significant improvement in TTE was shown with caffeine mouth rinse compared with control (33:24 ± 12:47 vs. 28:08 ± 10:18 min;
      Cohen’s dz effect size: 0.51, p = .14). Caffeine mouth rinse had no significant effect on ratings of perceived exertion (p = .31) or heart
      rate (p = .35) throughout the cycling TTE protocol. These data indicate that a repeated dose of caffeinated mouth rinse for 5 s does
      not improve cycling TTE in recreationally trained male cyclists. However, these findings should be taken with caution due to the
      small sample size and blinding ineffectiveness, while further well-design studies with larger samples are warranted.

      Keywords: ergogenicity, exercise tolerance, suplements

     Recent meta-analyses have demonstrated the ergogenic effects                        drinks, gels, bars, chewing gum, nasal spray, and, more recently, as a
of caffeine supplementation on endurance exercise performance                            caffeine mouth rinse (Caff-MR) (Wickham & Spriet, 2018).
(Grgic et al., 2020; Shen et al., 2019; Southward et al., 2018).                               Caffeine ingestion can result in several unwanted side effects,
Caffeine ingestion is presumed to enhance performance primarily                          with anxiety, insomnia, and urgent urination and defecation most
via central and peripheral adenosine receptor antagonism (A1- and                        frequently reported by athletes after caffeine intake and which can
A2A-receptors) (Meeusen et al., 2013; Ribeiro & Sebastio, 2010).                         occur in a linear dose-dependent manner (>6 mg/kg), primarily in
Via these actions in the central nervous system, caffeine’s positive                     caffeine-sensitive individuals (Guest et al., 2021). To avoid these
effects likely occur through reduced pain perception and decreased                       effects, Caff-MR emerges as an alternative supplementation form
ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), which can mitigate fatigue,                         that may provide possible ergogenic effects while minimizing the
thereby improving exercise performance (Meeusen et al., 2013;                            risk of side effects. In addition, Caff-MR might be interesting for
Wickham & Spriet, 2018).                                                                 those involved in evening sport to avoid sleep issues associated
     In 2018, caffeine was recognized by the International Olympic                       with caffeine use in the afternoon/evening, particularly in caffeine-
Committee as a substance with robust evidence of achieving benefits                       sensitive individuals.
to performance when ingested approximately 60 min before exercise                              Some studies have shown significant improvements in exercise
at a dose of 3–6 mg/kg (Maughan et al., 2018). Caffeine can be                           performance with Caff-MR, specifically during repeated short-
administered in various forms, such as capsules, coffee, energy                          duration cycling sprints (Beaven et al., 2013; Kizzi et al., 2016),
                                                                                         30-min cycling time trial (TT) (Bottoms et al., 2014), and 30-min arm
                                                                                         cranking TT (Sinclair & Bottoms, 2014). In contrast, other studies
Nabuco is with the Human Nutrition Graduate Program, School of Health Science,           have demonstrated no significant effects of Caff-MR on 60-min
University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil; and the Laboratório de Bioquímica da          cycling (Doering et al., 2014), 3-km cycling TT (Pataky et al., 2016),
Nutrição, Núcleo de Nutrição e Medicina Tropical, Universidade de Brasília,              muscle strength (Clarke et al., 2015), intermittent running (Dolan
Brasília, Brazil. Saunders is with the Applied Physiology and Nutrition Research         et al., 2017), and 30-s anaerobic Wingate performance (Marinho
Group, School of Physical Education and Sport; Rheumatology Division, Faculdade          et al., 2020). A recent systematic review indicated that more research
de Medicina FMUSP, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil; and the         is warranted to elucidate the effects of Caff-MR on exercise perfor-
Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine FMUSP, Univer-
                                                                                         mance (Ehlert et al., 2020). Furthermore, no previous study has
sity of São Paulo, Brazil. Silva is with the Laboratory of Physical Performance and
Healthy, Faculty of Physical Education, Euro American University Center, Brasilia,
                                                                                         evaluated the effects of Caff-MR on exercise capacity, such as a
Brazil. Silva and Molina are with the Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of      cycling time to exhaustion (TTE) protocol, which might have
Physical Education, University of Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil. Reis is with the           important implications for athletes who are required to exert them-
Department of Nutrition, School of Health Science, University of Brasília, Brasília,     selves to the point of exhaustion or near exhaustion (e.g., domestiques
Brazil. Nabuco ( is corresponding author.                         in cycling or athletes trying to maintain race pace with the leader).
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Caffeine Mouth Rinse and Cycling to Exhaustion Performance                     413

    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of Caff-MR          Anthropometric and Body Composition
on cycling TTE and physiological responses in male cyclists.               Measurements
                                                                           Body weight was measured using an electronic platform scale to a
                           Methods                                         precision of 100 g (model 720; InBody, BioSpace, Seoul, Korea),
                                                                           height was determined using a portable stadiometer to an accuracy of
Ethics                                                                     0.1 cm (Sanny model ES2060, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil), and
                                                                           body mass index was computed and classified according to the World
The ethics committee of the University of Brasília approved                Health Organization (WHO, 2020). Body fat percentage was mea-
the experimental protocol in August 2019 (CAAE: 06764918.                  sured by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance according to the
4.0000.0030) in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The           manufacturer’s instructions. Participants were asked to empty their
trial was registered in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials          bladder immediately before these measurements. They were instructed
(ReBEC) under registration number RBR-65dynt. All partici-                 to wear light clothing and remove metallic adornments for the sessions.
pants were fully informed about the study protocol, possible risks,        They were required to be overnight fasted (10–12 hr fluid and food
and provided written informed consent. This trial was described            restriction), and not to have drunk alcohol for 48 hr or caffeine 24 hr
according to the criteria and recommendations of the Proper                prior to tests. They were also required not to have performed strenuous
Reporting of Evidence in Sport and Exercise Nutrition Trials               physical activity in 24 hr prior to the exercise tests.
(Betts et al., 2020).
                                                                           PPO Determination
Experimental Design
                                                                           The incremental cycle ergometer protocol was performed to deter-
This was a double-blind, counterbalanced, randomized, cross-               mine the PPO of each participant. The test started following a 10-
over study. Participants underwent two experimental tests: Caff-           min warm-up at 100 W. Each stage lasted 150 s, the first performed
MR and water mouth rinse (control [CON]) solutions, with 7 days            at 3.3 W/kg, increasing by 50 W for the second stage, followed by
between tests. Participants were randomly assigned to the alloca-          25 W increases per stage until exhaustion (Hawley & Noakes,
tion sequence (a) “Caff-MR → CON” or (b) “CON → Caff-MR”                   1992). Participants received strong verbal encouragement to con-
using a simple randomization procedure (Microsoft Excel spread-            tinue for as long as possible. The test ended at the point of voluntary
sheet, Albuquerque, Novo México, EUA) to generate an equal                 exhaustion or when participants were unable to maintain a cadence
number of participants in each treatment order. Thus, half (n = 5)         of 80–90 revolutions per minute (rpm; Cotshall et al., 1996).
of the participants followed “Caff-MR → CON” and the other half            Individual PPO was calculated as the last completed stage plus
(n = 5) the “CON → Caff-MR” order.                                         the fraction of time spent in the final noncompleted stage multiplied
                                                                           by 25 W (Kuipers et al., 1985).
The inclusion criteria consisted of males, 20–40 years old, cyclists       Mouth Rinse Protocol
(≥200 km/week), regular consumers of caffeine (≤500 mg/day),               Participants performed a mouth rinse with the caffeine or CON
without any health conditions, allergies, food intolerances, or use        solution immediately prior to starting the TTE test, and thereafter
of medication or supplements for at least 30 days before testing           every 5 min throughout the exercise until exhaustion. Cyclists
(except carbohydrate, protein, and caffeine). Participants who did         rinsed vigorously around the buccal cavity for 5 s and subsequently
not complete all visits or who were unable to complete the first            expectorated into a provided opaque container. The Caff-MR
stage of the incremental exercise test to determine peak power             solution consisted of 25 ml of water with 85 mg of anhydrous
output (PPO) were excluded from the study.                                 caffeine per dose (0.34%), while CON consisted only of 25 ml of
                                                                           water. The dose of caffeine administered and mouth rinse protocol
Experimental Sessions                                                      was based on previous studies investigating Caff-MR on exercise
                                                                           performance (Bottoms et al., 2014; Doering et al., 2014; Sinclair &
The participants attended four sessions at the laboratory within a         Bottoms, 2014).
15-day period. The initial visit consisted of anthropometric and
body composition measurements, dietary and caffeine intake
assessment, while training and health questionnaires were also
administered. On Visit 2, cyclists performed an incremental cycle          Caffeine’s bitter taste is difficult to mask, and our CON solution
ergometer protocol (Hawley & Noakes, 1992) to determine PPO,               was water. Thus, to deceive the participants as to what solution they
followed by a familiarization of the TTE test on the cycle ergometer       were provided, we informed them they would be allocated to
(CG-04; Inbramed LTDA, Porto Alegre, Brazil). Visits 3 and 4               receive two of four possible solutions: Caff-MR, CON, coffee,
were for the experimental tests performed under standardized               or bitter solution. At the end of each TTE test, participants were
laboratory conditions (23–24 °C) between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m.               asked to indicate which solution they believed they had ingested
Participants were instructed to refrain from exercise and caffeine         out of the four described possibilities (Caff-MR, CON, coffee, and
for 24 hr, and alcohol for 48 hr, prior to each experimental test and      bitter solution). Coffee and bitter solution were chosen since both
to maintain regular training and dietary intake during the study           have a bitter taste similar to that of the Caff-MR. The decision not
period. Prior to the TTE tests, participants confirmed adherence to         to use a noncaloric bitter water as a placebo treatment was taken
the pretrial dietary and exercise recommendations and were asked           due to the interaction between caffeine and oral bitter receptors in
about any medication or supplements used in the last 7 days. If any        the oral cavity linked to ergogenic effects (Pickering, 2019). It is
individual reported medication or supplement use, the TTE test was         speculated that bitter taste may lead to ergogenic effects due to the
delayed by a further 7 days.                                               interaction with bitter and caffeine receptors found in the mouth
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414      Nabuco et al.

and that bitter tastants can activate certain areas of the brain related     participants were characterized as low (0–150 mg/day), moderate
to motor control and emotion processing (Best et al., 2020; Poole &          (150–300 mg/day), and high (>300 mg/day) caffeine consumers.
Tordoff, 2017; Zald et al., 2002). This hypothesis could increase
the risk of bias regarding the effectiveness of caffeine solution. The       Statistical Analysis and Calculations
effectiveness of the blinding process was examined using the new
blinding index (newBI) (Bang et al., 2004), which estimates the              The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to evaluate the normality of
proportion of individuals who correctly and incorrectly guessed              distribution, with all data normally distributed. A paired t test
their assigned treatment.                                                    was applied to analyze the differences between Caff-MR and CON
                                                                             for TTE, HR (mean and maximum), number of mouth rinses, as
                                                                             well as for dietary consumption (energy, carbohydrates, protein,
Cycling TTE                                                                  and lipids). Levene’s test was performed to determine the homo-
All cycling tests were conducted on an electronically braked cycle           geneity of variance, Mauchly’s test to analyze sphericity which was
ergometer (CG-04; Inbramed LTDA). Participants could self-select             followed by a Greenhouse–Geisser adjustment when required.
their cadence based upon their own preference, with pedal cadence            General linear models with repeated measures were applied with
maintained between 80 and 90 rpm in a seated position. All tests             session as a between-participant factor and time as a within-
were conducted in a postprandial state and in the morning (7:00–             participant factor (repeated-measures variable) for HR and RPE
10:00 a.m.). The TTE test was performed at 75% of previously                 responses with Bonferroni adjustments for post hoc comparisons
determined PPO and started after a 10-min warm-up at 100 W.                  when a significant interaction was found. Cohen’s dz effect sizes
                                                                             were calculated for TTE to measure the magnitude of the difference
Participants were considered to have reached volitional exhaustion
                                                                             between Caff-MR and CON. Thresholds for small, moderate, and
when they stopped pedaling altogether or were unable to maintain
                                                                             large effects were 0.20, 0.50, and 0.80 (Cohen, 1988). The newBI
the required cadence of 80–90 rpm during 10 consecutive seconds. If
                                                                             (Bang et al., 2004) was performed to assess the effectiveness of the
cadence dropped below 80 rpm, participants received strong verbal
                                                                             blinding process. The newBI results in values from −1 to 1 (≤0,
encouragement to maintain the required pedal rate for as long as
                                                                             blinding success and >0, blinding failure). All statistical analyses
possible. Participants could ingest water (ad libitum) throughout the
                                                                             were performed using SPSS Statistics for Windows (version 21.0;
exercise protocol. The TTE was recorded as the primary outcome
                                                                             IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). The criterion for statistical significance
measure. Heart rate (HR) (Polar H10® heart rate transmitter, Polar           was p < .05 (two-tailed). Data are presented as mean ± SD.
Electro, Kempele, Finland) (Gilgen-Ammann et al., 2019) and RPE
(Borg, 1982) were recorded immediately prior to initiating the
exercise test (baseline), every 5 min throughout the test, and at                                             Results
the moment of voluntary exhaustion (final). The two experimental
sessions were performed on different days, precisely 7 days apart.           Participants
Each participant was tested at the same time of day and same day of
                                                                             Fifteen male cyclists participated in the study, although five did not
the week to minimize the effects of circadian variation.
                                                                             complete all visits (four gave up citing personal reasons and one did
                                                                             not complete the first step of the incremental test—exclusion
Dietary Assessment                                                           criteria) (Figure 1). Thus, 10 participants (mean ± SD: age =
Habitual food intake was assessed via three nonconsecutive 24 hr             32 ± 3 years, body mass = 72.8 ± 5.3 kg, height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m,
food records, consisting of 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day                     body fat = 13.9% ± 3.3%, PPO = 289.4 ± 24.7 W) completed the
(Gibson, 2005). The food records were collected using a specific              study between September 2019 and March 2020. The participants
                                                                             were classified as recreationally trained cyclists based on their
form, with preparation methods, mealtimes, types, and homemade
                                                                             PPO, according to Pauw et al. (2013).
serving sizes of the consumed foods. The first and second food
records were conducted in person during the initial visit and on the
first experimental test day. The third food record was collected by           Time to Exhaustion
telephone on a nonconsecutive day (Conway et al., 2004). All food            There was no significant difference in TTE between Caff-MR and
records were checked to ensure accuracy and completeness. Food               CON (33:24 ± 12:47 vs. 28:08 ± 10:18 min; p = .14) (Figure 2),
portions were converted into grams and milliliters, and energy and           although the difference between conditions was +18.7%
macronutrient intake were calculated using Dietbox software                  (+5:16 min), which resulted in a small to medium effect size
(version 2.0; Dietbox, São Paulo, Brazil). The food record in                (dz = 0.51) for Caff-MR.
the 24 hr prior to the first experimental test was returned to the
participants, and they were instructed to replicate the same food
pattern for the 24 hr period before the second experimental test. On         HR and Rate of Perceived Exertion
the second experimental test, a 24 hr food record was collected to           There were no significant differences in HR and RPE between
assess the food intake agreement between the 24 hr periods before            sessions throughout the cycling test (Session × Time interaction:
the 2 experimental days.                                                     p = .35 and p = .31; Figure 3). In addition, no significant differences
     Caffeine consumption was evaluated via a questionnaire used             were shown for mean HR (Caff-MR = 162 ± 8 bpm; CON =
to assess caffeine consumed over the previous week (Landrum,                 160 ± 7 bpm; p = .30) or maximum HR (Caff-MR = 174 ±9 bpm;
1992). Participants were asked to indicate the number of servings            CON = 171 ± 6 bpm; p = .46) between conditions.
of coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, and other caffeine-
containing products consumed. The quantification of caffeine
                                                                             Caffeine Supplementation
was calculated using reference values provided by the United
States Department of Agriculture in the USDA Food Composition                There was no significant difference in the number of mouth rinses
Databases. Based on previous criteria (Pataky et al., 2016),                 between conditions (Caff-MR = 7.4 ± 2.5 and CON = 6.4 ± 2.1
                                                            IJSNEM Vol. 31, No. 5, 2021
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Caffeine Mouth Rinse and Cycling to Exhaustion Performance                     415

Figure 1 — Flow diagram of the participants through the study. Caff-MR = caffeine mouth rinse; CON = control.

                                                                          times; p = .16). Overall, the total dose of caffeine rinsed was
                                                                          629 ± 212 mg, which represents 8.6 mg/kg or 1.16 mg/kg per dose.

                                                                          Food and Caffeine Intake
                                                                          Three participants were classified as low (93 ± 23 mg/day), three as
                                                                          moderate (204 ± 41 mg/day), and four as high (356 ± 39 mg/day)
                                                                          caffeine consumers. Habitual caffeine intake ranged from 80 to
                                                                          404 mg/day, with a mean of 232 ± 120 mg/day.
                                                                               Dietary food records 24 hr prior to the experimental tests
                                                                          showed no significant differences between Caff-MR and CON for
                                                                          energy (2,275 ± 538 vs. 2,327 ± 402 kcal; p = .68), carbohydrate
                                                                          (3.35 ± 0.67 vs. 3.40 ± 0.78 g/kg; p = .46), protein (1.50 ± 0.47 vs.
                                                                          1.46 ± 0.40 g/kg; p = .52), or lipids (1.33 ± 0.55 vs. 1.37 ± 0.49 g/kg;
                                                                          p = .77) intake.

                                                                          Blinding Effectiveness
Figure 2 — Time to exhaustion (in minutes) in the Caff-MR and CON
conditions (n = 10). A paired t test was used to compare the groups       The newBI scores were 0.4 for Caff-MR and 0.7 for CON, which
(p = .14). Caff-MR = caffeine mouth rinse; CON = control.                 represent a failure to maintain blinding. Two participants (20%)
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416      Nabuco et al.

                                                                             size shown here (effect size = 0.51) was moderate and in line with
                                                                             the effect sizes shown for caffeine on endurance exercise (effect
                                                                             size = 0.2–0.6; Grgic et al., 2020).
                                                                                   The lack of a significant effect shown here might be due, in
                                                                             part, to the small sample size and/or interindividual variation in
                                                                             responses. Even though this study showed no statistically signifi-
                                                                             cant differences between Caff-MR and CON, six participants
                                                                             presented a ≥20% improvement in TTE with Caff-MR (22–
                                                                             66%). It is unclear why these individuals had such a large response
                                                                             but may be attributed to the Caff-MR response and/or a placebo
                                                                             effect (Saunders et al., 2017, 2019) since four of these participants
                                                                             correctly guessed they had taken caffeine although two participants
                                                                             guessed incorrectly and thought they had consumed bitter water,
                                                                             coffee, or water. The findings of the present study should be taken
                                                                             with caution due to the small sample size and blinding ineffective-
                                                                             ness on the mouth rinse protocol while further studies with larger
                                                                             samples are warranted.
                                                                                   The present study used 85 mg of caffeine per mouth rinse
                                                                             (0.34%), representing 1.16 mg/kg per dose. This value represents a
                                                                             low to intermediate dose compared with previous studies with no
                                                                             significant Caff-MR effects (0.46–4.28 mg/kg per dose) (Clarke
                                                                             et al., 2015; Doering et al., 2014; Dolan et al., 2017; Marinho et al.,
                                                                             2020; Pataky et al., 2016). Studies which showed positive results
                                                                             with Caff-MR similarly varied considerably in the amount of
                                                                             caffeine contained per dose (0.1–6.0 mg/kg per dose) (Beaven
                                                                             et al., 2013; Bottoms et al., 2014; Kizzi et al., 2016; Sinclair &
                                                                             Bottoms, 2014). Thus, it currently remains unclear what the optimal
                                                                             dose of Caff-MR is to elicit performance improvements.
                                                                                   The mean number of mouth rinses in our study was in accor-
Figure 3 — Variation in average HR (in beats per minute) and RPE
(a.u.) throughout the time to exhaustion test between conditions up to       dance with the frequency of some previous studies (Doering et al,
40 minutes. General linear models with repeated measures were used to        2014; Kizzi et al., 2016), although these studies had contrasting
analyze the differences between groups (Group × Time interaction, p = .35    effects on exercise. Large variability in the frequency of mouth
and p = .31). Caff-MR = caffeine mouth rinse; CON = control; HR = heart      rinsing of previous studies on different exercise protocols precludes
rate; RPE = ratings of perceived exertion.                                   making any solid conclusions about the ideal frequency (Ehlert et al.,
                                                                             2020). Thus, large variation and contrasting evidence between
                                                                             studies currently preclude establishing an optimal dose and fre-
were totally blinded to both interventions (caffeine and control),           quency throughout the exercise sessions (Ehlert et al., 2020).
five participants (50%) correctly identified both solutions, and three         The large heterogeneity in studies protocols highlights the need
(30%) correctly identified only the CON. Regarding the responders             for more standardized and well-controlled research on the topic to
(n = 7), three correctly identified both solutions, while three did not       determine the true impact of Caff-MR on exercise and which factors
identify Caff-MR, and one was totally blinded to both interven-              (i.e., dosing strategy, exercise mode) might modify these effects.
tions. Regarding the nonresponders (n = 3), two correctly identified                Although the mechanism of action for Caff-MR is not entirely
both solutions and one was completely blinded as per the                     understood, some studies have proposed that it is similar to a
responses.                                                                   carbohydrate mouth rinse (Chambers et al., 2009) and caffeinated
                                                                             chewing gum (Wickham & Spriet, 2018). These ergogenic ap-
                          Discussion                                         proaches have their actions mediated by receptors present in the
                                                                             oral cavity. When adenosine receptors were identified in the oral
This is the first study to investigate the effect of a repeated Caff-MR       cavity in mammals (Rubinstein et al., 2001), it was hypothesized
protocol on endurance exercise capacity in trained male cyclists.            that these receptors could increase the absorption of caffeine
The results showed that repeated exposure to 85 mg of Caff-MR                through the oral mucosa (Beaven et al., 2013) due to an extensive
solution did not improve cycling TTE and had no effect on RPE or             vascularization (Kamimori et al., 2002). However, Caff-MR does
HR of recreationally trained male cyclists. Therefore, the current           not appear to increase circulating caffeine (Doering et al., 2014).
data do not support the use of Caff-MR as an ergogenic aid to                There is also a proposed interaction between caffeine and bitter oral
improve aerobic exercise capacity.                                           receptors in the oral cavity (Matsumoto, 2013). The activation of
      Our results are somewhat in agreement with a recent system-            these receptors can stimulate the brain’s regions associated with
atic review on the effects of Caff-MR on exercise performance that           reward processing (Wickham & Spriet, 2018; Zald et al., 2002) and
showed no consistent ergogenic effects, with mixed and inconclu-             muscle motor output (Kalmar & Cafarelli, 1999). Nonetheless,
sive results (Ehlert et al., 2020). Similarly, a meta-analysis per-          more mechanistic research is required to determine how Caff-MR
formed by our research group showed no significant overall effect             may exert its ergogenic properties, which will help to optimize
of Caff-MR on several sport performance outcomes (with an                    supplementation protocols.
overall very small Hedge’s g effect size of 0.17, 95% CI                           There were no significant differences in RPE or HR between
[−0.07, 0.41]; p = .16) (unpublished data). Nonetheless, the effect          conditions. These findings are similar to the results presented by a
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Caffeine Mouth Rinse and Cycling to Exhaustion Performance                    417

recent systematic review that showed no effect of Caff-MR on
these variables (Ehlert et al., 2020). Even in those studies that                                             References
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Nabuco, R.A.S. Silva, and C.E.G. Reis formally analyzed the study; L.L.                jada.2004.01.007
Nabuco and C.E.G. Reis wrote the original draft; B. Saunders, R.A.S. Silva,       Cotshall, R.W., Bauer, T.A., & Fahrner, S.L. (1996). Cycling cadence
and G.E. Molina reviewed and edited the manuscript; and C.E.G. Reis                    alters exercise hemodynamics. Intenational Journal of Sports Medi-
assisted with the resources and supervision. All authors approved the final             cine, 17(1), 17–21.
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