Page created by Christine Wallace
                                                                                    JUNE 2021

                                                               The Army steps in

                                                               ROSE KING
                                                               First General List female
                                                               officer in the rank

                                                               SIGS CELEBRATE
                                                               100 years of service

          ISSUE 523 JUNE 2021
                                                     PEOPLE:                                 When I think back to my origins
                                                                                             as a young soldier I recall at least
                                                                                                                                      that will get them to the next
                                                                                                                                      place. The opportunity to give
                                    NEWS             Giving chance a go                      two occasions where someone              people a chance starts with the
                                                                                             went beyond a process and gave           little things. Listen to people,
      Honours for bomb                     02        Tena koutou all. I would like to        me that chance. I still remember         enquire about their desires and
            squad men                                acknowledge my extension as your        Recruiting SGT Rosser, a tall and        future goals and ask yourself –
                                                     SMA. Chief of Army recently invited     venerable Infantryman looking            how do I create that opening?
       Canterbury floods                   03        me to continue during his tenure as     at my R-tests at high-school,                GEN George Patton had a
                                                     CA. There’s a real privilege leading    squinting his eyes at my likely          saying – “Don’t tell people how
                               PEOPLE                at this level and staying in the role   incorrect answers. On paper I            to do things, tell them what to do
          BRIG Rose King                   05        provides me continuity to see some      probably didn’t look like potential      and let them surprise you with
                                                     things through. I’m humbled by the      – but after a talk, he understood        their results”. Our Army is full of
               Innovation –                08        gesture and appreciate the chance       my passion to be a member of             activators. If we’re to see their full
             a winning idea                          to continue serving you. Being          the Army. Later in my career I’d be      potential then we should provide
                                                     given this opportunity also provided    given opportunity for promotion,         them windows of opportunity and
   Army Sigs celebrate                      18       a focus for this month’s column.        helped through a period of               the resource to see it through.
            100 years                                “One chance is all you need”
                                                                                             ‘wayward’ actions, and be shaped         Sometimes those means are
                                                                                             for further leadership. This all         just time, space and vision. As
                                                     – Jesse Owens
                           TRAINING                                                          came from being given a chance.          an Army-brat raised on rugby
                                                     Last year I wrote about four SMA           This story is shared by many          and small-town adventure – I
          Regeneration of                  06        drivers – one was about our             in our force. Whether it was             would not be the senior-soldier          breaks were made – and pay it
             Charlie Coy                             people. There was an underlying         at the Recruiter’s office, a             without a break somewhere                forward it by giving someone a
                                                     plea to inspire soldiers, sustain       difficult practical or a terminal,       along the journey. I can see all
     Fire Support Group                     10                                                                                                                                 chance.
                                                     energy and balance busy work-           a timely mentoring-moment by             my past ‘break makers’, from that
       Joint Fires for the                  12       life demands. These are temporal        a respected leader, or the kind          first SNCO encounter, an Army
                                                     challenges, but one thing that          word following disciplinary action.      foster-family in Waiouru to a great      WO1 Wiremu Moffitt
             21st Century                                                                                                                                                      16th Sergeant Major of the Army
                                                     really energises people is the          This is not a story of lowering          ‘90s era Section Commander, to
          PT for women in                   17       opportunity to show ability and         standards or breaking procedures         a humorous but firm CSM, and
                  uniform                            competence, and when they do it         – it’s about giving people a break       a CFR Officer with knowledge
                                                     always inspires you.                    at the right time in their careers       beyond his years. Ask where your
                Life in the                09
             Hamilton MIFS

                                                     BOMB SQUAD MEMBERS
             Rugby League                  27
                                                     RECOGNISED IN QUEEN’S
                                                     BIRTHDAY HONOURS
                                                     The courageous                          responsible for leading the ground
                                                                                             recovery team from E Squadron
                                                                                                                                      reputation of delivering mission
                                                                                                                                      success in complex and novel
                                                     work of two                             (Explosive Ordnance Disposal
                                                                                             (EOD)) involved in the body
                                                                                                                                         Serviceman M said he believed
                                                     Army personnel                          recovery operation from Whakaari/
                                                                                             White Island after the eruption on
                                                                                                                                      it was important that people know
                                                                                                                                      the team continues to put itself
                                                     who have spent                          9 December 2019, which killed 22         into harm’s way on a daily basis
                                                                                                                                      dealing with bombs, explosive              LTCOL Adam Modd
                                                                                             people and injured another 25.
                                                     years dealing                              He and his team worked in             ordnance, and a variety of other
                                                     with bombs,                             extreme conditions of heat and
                                                                                             lethal gases, and through his               “They do this because of their
                                                                                                                                                                               LTCOL Modd, who left Regular
                                                                                                                                                                               Force last year and is now in

         Cover: PTE Josh Ley helps a canine
                                                     explosives and                          role as a leader, Serviceman M
                                                                                             liaised with all agencies involved,
                                                                                                                                      sense of commitment to the
                                                                                                                                      community and public and their
                                                                                                                                                                               the Reserve Force, said he was
                                                                                                                                                                               surprised and humbled to receive
                    flooding victim to safety.
                 Photo: Corporal Sean Spivey
                                                     highly volatile                         providing technical guidance to
                                                                                             ensure the most effective and
                                                                                                                                      love of the job,” he said.
                                                                                                                                         “Working with my team, and
                                                                                                                                                                               a Queen’s Birthday honour.
                                                                                                                                                                                  “I received a George Medal
                                                     situations was                          safest course of action was              with the Navy, Air Force and Joint
                                                                                                                                      Forces staff made the operation
                                                                                                                                                                               award from the Queen in 2002 and
                                                     recognised in                              “Being recognised in this way         successful; their professionalism
                                                                                                                                      got us on and off Whakaari safely.
                                                                                                                                                                               now to be honoured by the Queen
                                                                                                                                                                               a second time but in my new home
                                                                                             is still sinking in, I am proud and
                                                     the Queen’s                             incredibly grateful. I believe I have    I think as we face the risks from
                                                                                                                                                                               of New Zealand is something really
                                                                                                                                                                               special,” he said.
                                                                                                                                      further earthquakes, and natural
                                                     Birthday                                worked hard, put myself at risk,
                                                                                             and been challenged many times           disasters resulting from increasing
                                                                                                                                                                                  “I have made many sacrifices,
                                                                                                                                                                               and am proud of ‘our’
                                                                                                                                      climate extremes, we will see more
                                                     Honours earlier                         in my career,” he said.
                                                                                                “I understand also that I’ve been
                                                                                                                                      need for people who can solve
                                                                                                                                                                               achievements as I have been
                                                                                                                                                                               part of a team of teams. So I will
                                                     this month.                             recognised as the team leader. I
                                                                                             am really grateful and humbled to
                                                                                                                                      problems and provide effective
                                                                                                                                      solutions. It’s very reassuring
                                                                                                                                                                               accept this award feeling it is also
                                                                                                                                                                               for the brave men and women I
                                                                                                                                      knowing that the training and the
  The Army News is published for the Regular         Lieutenant Colonel Adam Modd            be placed in a leadership position                                                have served with and continue to
  and Territorial Force and civilian staff of the                                                                                     people we have are up to the job.”
                                                     and “Serviceman M” have both            like this; especially considering                                                 serve with.”
                           New Zealand Army.                                                                                             Serviceman M, who has served
                                                     been awarded the Distinguished          the calibre of people we have                                                        LTCOL Modd said his career
                          Editor: Judith Martin                                                                                       in the New Zealand Defence Force
                                                     Service Decoration (DSD) for their      throughout our unit.                                                              had very much involved risking
    Ph: 021 240 8578 E:                                                                                          for more than 17 years, said his
                            careers, during which the pair             “I still have a really strong sense                                            his life to save others and to try
                                                                                                                                      family was proud of his efforts,
                    Printing: Bluestar, Petone.      have worked in some of the most         of pride in the team and my unit.                                                 to restore normality for anybody
         Design: Vanessa Edridge, DPA, NZDF                                                                                           especially his wife because of her
                                                     dangerous and extreme situations        It was a tough job and I remain                                                   who was put at risk by explosive
          Editorial contributions and letters are
                                                                                                                                      connection to the Whakatane area.
                                                     imaginable.                             satisfied that we did our job well.                                               hazards and chemicals.
  welcomed. They may be sent directly to Army                                                                                            “My children think it’s awesome
                                                       Serviceman M, who cannot be           I am also incredibly proud that we                                                   “So receiving the DSD is
News and do not need to be forwarded through                                                                                          – mostly that certificate from the
normal command channels. Submit them to The          named for security reasons, was         managed to continue our unit’s                                                    something that adds to the honour
            Editor, Army News, DPA, HQ NZDF,
                                                                                                                                      Queen is amazing.”
                                                                                                                                                                               but in a way that complements the
    Private Bag 39997, Wellington, or by email.                                                                                          The second DSD recipient in
                                                                                                                                                                               main core of our role to save lives
Deadline instructions: Army News is published                                                                                         2021, Lieutenant Colonel Modd,
                                                                                                                                                                               which is the most important thing.”
   on the third Tuesday of each month, except                                                                                         has had a career dedicated to
   January. Please have all contributions to the                                                                                                                                  LTCOL Modd is now the Deputy
                                                                                                                                      the development of domestic and
                 editor by the first of the month.                                                                                                                             Director Emergency Management
  Nothing in the Army News should be taken as                                                                                         expeditionary EOD capabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                               at the Ministry of Health and is
    overriding any New Zealand Defence Force                                                                                             After serving with the British
regulation. Readers should refer to the relevant                                                                                                                               currently the Deputy Mission Lead
                                                                                                                                      Army, he joined the New Zealand
        service publication before acting on any                                                                                                                               on the Ministry of Health New
            information given in this newspaper.                                                                                      Army in 2007 as an Ammunition
                                                                                                                                                                               Medical Assistance Team which
                                  ISSN 1170-4411                                                                                      Technical Officer in the Royal
     All material is copyright, and permission to                                                                                                                              is providing support to the Cook
                                                                                                                                      New Zealand Army Logistics
     reproduce must be sought from the editor.                                                                                                                                 Islands.
                                                                                                                                                                                  “I am very happy I could go from
                                                                                                                                         He set up a New Zealand-led
                                                                                                                                                                               a job saving lives to another role
                                                                                                                                      international explosives research
                                                                                                                                                                               that also seeks to reduce the risk
                                                                                                                                      and training programme that
                                                                                                                                                                               to people and infrastructure with a
                                                                                                                                      resulted in a higher level of
                                                                                                                                                                               focus on the health and wellbeing
                                                                                                                                      understanding helping reduce
                                                                                                                                                                               of all New Zealanders.”
                                                                                                                                      chemical and explosive related risks.


In this column in the last edition of the Army News the Land Component Commander
spoke about our on-going commitment to Op Protect and the very clear impact that
our support to New Zealand’s border security is having on our individual training
system, combined arms capabilities and our families.
In presenting his four lines of         strategy towards the end of this       done to ensure that Army’s culture
effort: sustaining operations;          year. It’s important that we all       remains fit for purpose. We have a
preserving core military                understand both the direction our      strong culture, it is our competitive
capabilities; remediating the Army      Army is taking and our respective      advantage, and it is at the absolute

                                                                                                                        Canterbury floods
Training (Safety) System; and,          roles in achieving Army25.             foundation of who we are as
capability introduction into service,       Looking further ahead,             individuals, and as a collective. But
he was clear in the need to both        it is right that we regularly          it must evolve. In particular, it must
sustain mandated domestic and           refresh our conceptual                 evolve to better meet changing
regional high-readiness military        thinking regarding future              societal demands and the future
                                                                                                                        See page 4 for the full story.
response options, and of those          land operations. In previously         operational environments to which
areas where “readiness risk” could      developing FLOC 35 Army                we will be required to deploy and
be accepted.                            undertook a horizon scan               operate. We need to widen the
    The focus and direction the         and brought together a range           aperture. Our identity as Ngāti
LCC is giving to our Army’s             of thought pieces, including           Tūmatauenga must be more than            “I was part of the Civil Defence Emergency Operations
day-to-day activities will ensure       future environmental capability        a conversation about our ‘warrior        Team during the recent flood event here in Timaru
that we continue to balance the         statements of our partners and         spirit’ and ‘war-fighting ethos’. We     District. The military personnel who arrived from
requirements of the mission our         allies, to develop a future looking    need to look increasingly at our         Burnham to help us out were simply outstanding. It’s
Government has given us, with           capstone operating concept. This       behaviours towards those with
                                                                                                                        not often that one is afforded the privilege of working
the needs of our Army – including       year’s Chief of Army’s Seminar, to     whom we engage, both here in
those of our families.                  be held in September, will look to     New Zealand and whilst deployed.         with people for whom nothing is a problem. They all
    Equally important though, as        build on the great work undertaken     We need to look at the power of          played an essential role our collective emergency
ensuring we effectively manage          to develop FLOC 35 and inform          a diverse and fully-inclusive team,      response, and in many cases reached members of
the “here and now”, is the need to      our thinking on the future             and how that power can be better         our community that we would otherwise have not;
continually look to how we position     operating environment out to           harnessed to deliver operational
                                                                                                                        we simply couldn’t have done without them.
our Army for the future. One day        2040. Developing these concepts        effects. To help us remain both
our commitment to Op Protect            allows Army to better contribute       prepared for, and responsive to,         I would like to convey a sincere and heartfelt thanks
will end. Not as quickly as most        to forum examining the future          the future operating environment         to all the wonderful soldiers who helped us out over
of us would hope – but it will end.     employment, capabilities and           we will shortly establish a Cultural     those few frantic days. They are all a great credit to
And when it does, we need to be         resourcing of the NZDF.                Development Programme to look            the Battalion.”
positioned to immediately refocus                                              at these issues and others. A
our efforts, regenerate capability,     A critical, and quite                  separate communique regarding            – Robert Coleman
and prepare for the future fight.       separate piece of work                 this programme will be released             Timaru District Council
    Work currently being undertaken                                            shortly.
                                        being undertaken right
in a couple of key areas is critical                                               Our Army’s main effort right
to this challenge.                      now, is a review of how                now is Op Protect. It is the
    Firstly, the LCC spoke to the       we can better support                  mission that has been given to
development of a deliberate,            the families of our                    us by government, and the LCC
measured regeneration plan.             soldiers. Two months ago               and his team have worked hard
Of the need to understand both                                                 to balance its delivery alongside
                                        the Commander of the
our competence levels following                                                the maintenance of core skills
an extensive and continuous             1st Brigade briefed me on              and critical short-notice response
commitment to Op Protect, and           the housing, financial and             capabilities. Equally though,
what our future trained state           social challenges currently            it is essential that we keep an
needs to be. How we are going to        impacting our people –                 eye on the future – on life after
overcome this competency gap                                                   Op Protect.
                                        challenges that were made
through clearly focused training                                                   We need to ensure Army 25
both here in New Zealand and            equally clear to me during             remains relevant and drives Army
alongside our partners and allies,      my recent visits to all our            forward. We need to develop our
will become clearer over coming         camps and bases.                       thinking regarding culture and the
months.                                                                        future operating environment, and
    At the strategic level the          The assurance I give you is that,      doing all we can to provide the
vision and direction provided           having had these issues raised         best possible environment for our
by Army25 continues to frame            at the highest level in Wellington     soldiers and wider whānau will be
our efforts towards becoming a          we are not ignoring them, we are       critical to the future of our Army.
modern, agile, highly adaptive,         actively looking at how we can             So, whilst we currently lack
light combat force. What we can’t       get after them, indeed for some        freedom of manoeuvre and there
ignore though, is that our strategy     we already have. Some are easier       are constraints on what we can
is being influenced by a number         than others, some are simply a         do, this won’t continue. Eventually
of environmental factors that are       realignment of resources within        we will come through to the other
outside our control: the global         defence whilst others will require     side and, when we do, know that
impact of Covid-19 on areas such        major, quite complex policy            preparations are already well in
as international engagement             changes and will take longer to        hand to fully exploit that moment.
and supply chain management;            implement. Equally though, there
our commitment to Op Protect;           will be others that are simply
                                        outside of the ability of the Army/    Major General John Boswell
government’s funding priorities;
                                        NZDF to either resource or effect.     Chief of Army
and an evolving geo-strategic
environment within our region, to       Regardless, the reality of the
name a few. To better understand        current environment has been
the impact of these factors, and        clearly accepted by your senior
there are others, a small team          leadership and an immediate
at Army General Staff have              review of our support to families is
commenced an Army25 ‘refresh’ to        currently being undertaken by the
ensure our strategic plan remains       three Service Deputy Chiefs. You
fit for purpose. This refresh           have been heard – more to follow.
will be concluded over coming              The final piece of work I want to
months and it is my intention to        discuss, and unquestionably the
communicate to Army our revised         most important, is the work being


By Charlene Williamson   Despite the heavy commitment            “NZDF trucks were perfect for           that any and all support you provide
                         of soldiers to Operation Protect        the job as most people took their       is helping people,” he said.
When the rivers          around the country, 3rd Combat          animals with them and Police and           3CSSB Commanding Officer
                                                                                                                                                  How we helped
                         Service Support Battalion               Fire did not have the ability to do     Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Linehan
rose and the rain        (3CSSB) was able to stand up            what we could with our trucks, and      said there were a number of key          during the
kept pouring down        a headquarters command and
                         control team when called upon
                                                                 to the scale we did,” he said.
                                                                    CAPT Faber said decisions were
                                                                                                         things that made the flood support
                                                                                                         a success.
                                                                                                                                                  Canterbury Floods:
soldiers from            by Canterbury Civil Defence and         made which meant “we were able             “The Unimog performed well
                                                                                                                                                  • Enabled response
Burnham Military         Emergency Management (CDEM).
                            A transport team and
                                                                 to get people to safety away from
                                                                 their flooded properties”.
                                                                                                         during this flood response. Its
                                                                                                         ability to ford 1.2m meant that it was
                                                                                                                                                    planning at the Regional
                                                                                                                                                    Coordination Centre and
Camp quickly leapt       Emergency Operation Centre                 “It was very tense but I was so      the go-to vehicle for us to use for
                                                                                                                                                    district operation centres
                         (EOC) Liaison Officer with seven        happy to hear that everything went      evacuations of residents who were
into action.             vehicles, including Unimogs,            smoothly to get people out of some      hard to reach.                           • Provided Army Liaison
                         HX58s and a LOV Ambulance were          really bad situations.”                     “Another success was how we            Officers in five Emergency
                         deployed to Ashburton within two           One soldier who was on the           were able to utilise MS Teams to           Operation Centres around
                         hours of the call.                      front line was Private Joshua Ley,      coordinate our military response           Canterbury
                            As the situation developed,          Combat Driver from 3rd Transport        across the region.
                         liaison officers and teams were         Company. He helped with the                “It proved invaluable for             • Had more than 40 Army
                         in place with EOC’s in Ashburton,       evacuation of people and pets in        maintaining wide situational               personnel on the ground
                         Timaru, Selwyn, Waimakariri and at      flood-stricken Ashburton.               awareness across the command             • Evacuated more than 50
                         CDEM in Christchurch as well.              “A team of five were deployed to     group, and therefore enabled us to         civilians across the region
                            Captain Jake Faber, who was the      Ashburton area where we were put        make rapid decisions and execute
                         Liaison Officer in Ashburton, said      to the test with our driving skills.    tasks,” LTCOL Linehan said.              • Evacuated six dogs and
                         the team was busy as soon as they          “We conducted a dismounted              In addition to the Army Support,        six cats
                         got to Ashburton and they worked        foot reconnaissance before we           two NH90 crews from the Royal            • Assisted St Johns in
                         closely with the EOC controller and     drove through some areas to get         New Zealand Air Force’s No. 3              evacuating several medical
                         other emergency response agencies       residents who were in locations         Squadron provided assistance in            patients from inaccessible
                         to establish essential tasks.           that some vehicles couldn’t get to,”    the air through rescues, evacuation,       locations using LOV
                            “The first tasks for us were         PTE Ley said. He said it is the goal    critical resupply to remote areas          Ambulance
                         evacuations of people who were          of most Army personnel to help out      and transportation council staff to
                         inaccessible to Fire and Emergency      New Zealanders.                         assess infrastructure and rivers.        • Delivered more than 10,000
                         New Zealand (FENZ) and                     “Hearing the sigh of relief when                                                litres of drinking water to
                         New Zealand Police.”                    helping people out of the floods                                                   schools and residents in
                            He said personnel worked late into   and getting them back to dry land                                                  Mid-Canterbury
                         the first night to ensure residents     was the best part of the operation,”
                                                                                                                                                  • Delivered food supplies
                         affected by the floods were brought     he said.
                                                                                                                                                    to remote locations in
                         to safety, and were continuing to          CAPT Faber said the efforts of
                         provide support where needed.           soldiers and the support provided
                            New Zealand Defence Force            was noted by the Civil Defence                                                   • Carried out
                         assets were critical in evacuating      community.                                                                         reconnaissance to
                         residents from inaccessible                “It felt great helping out the                                                  determine road conditions
                         locations and adverse conditions        community. Everyone from FENZ,
                         where residents were deemed             Police, various rescue teams, and
                         not safe.                               Ashburton District Council were
                            “Seeing the community overnight      doing their bit to make things better
                         pull together and support the           for the residents.
                         displaced residents who were               “When you are working as part of
                         evacuated from their homes was          a team who are all going down the
                         heartening.                             same path you feel included and

Following more than three decades of dedicated
service to the New Zealand Army, Colonel Rose King
has become the first General List female officer to be
promoted to the rank of Brigadier.
During her promotion ceremony            to leadership that should be          Electrical and Mechanical
Brigadier King said she was proud        celebrated and embraced,”             Engineers.
to have reached this milestone in        Brigadier King said.                     In addition to her New Zealand
her career.                                 Chief of Defence Force             awards, Brigadier King has
   “I acknowledge all of the wāhine      Air Marshal Kevin Short personally    also been awarded the NATO
toa who have gone before me              requested to be involved in the       Meritorious Service Medal, the
and laid the foundation for the          promotion ceremony of Brigadier       United States Meritorious Service
remainder of us to continue to build     King, and said her achievement        Medal and the United States Army
our success upon. I’m grateful to all    was well-deserved and a signal of     Commendation for her services in
of them who in their own right have      change.                               Afghanistan.
helped me achieve this success.”            “Rose is a highly competent           Chief of Army Major General
   Originally from Whanganui,            leader and role model for those       John Boswell said he was delighted
Brigadier King said it was humbling      around her and we, as a Defence       to have been there to help promote
to be acknowledged for the skills        Force, need more leaders like         Brigadier King.
and attributes she has gained            her to highlight the diversity of        “I have known Rose for most of
through her career.                      thought that women bring to our       her career. She’s an outstanding
   “Others have told me ‘If you can      organisation.”                        officer and a fantastic role model
see it, you can be it’ and I hope that      Air Marshal Short acknowledged     to people of all ranks across our
this achievement inspires other          the large number of family, friends   organisation. This promotion is a
women to continue to strive in all       and colleagues who turned out to      significant occasion; not just for
aspects of their lives,” she said.       support the promotion as a sign       Rose, but for the NZ Army also.”
   Previously, two female specialist     of the respect Brigadier King has
officers have reached the rank of        gained throughout her career,
Brigadier, a doctor and a lawyer         which has included deployments to
by trade. Brigadier King is the first
General List officer, meaning she
                                         Croatia and Afghanistan, and roles
                                         across the Defence Force covering
                                                                                                                        “Authenticity is so
is a career soldier who has risen
from Officer Cadet training to her
                                         training, staff and command in a
                                         variety of areas.
                                                                                                                         important to me and I’m
current role.
   “Authenticity is so important
                                            She enlisted into the
                                         New Zealand Army in July 1991, and
                                                                                                                         proud to bring a different
                                                                               Above: Colonel Glenn King (left)
to me and I’m proud to bring a
different approach to how I lead.
                                         attended the Officer Cadet School
                                         in Waiouru and graduated into
                                                                               attaches his wife Rose’s new rank         approach to how I lead.”
                                                                               slides, helped by the Chief of Defence
Women bring a unique perspective         the Corps of Royal New Zealand        Force, Air Marshal Kevin Short.          – BRIG Rose King

                  By Charlene Williamson

                  The regeneration of Charlie
                  Company in the South Island
                  has many benefits not only for
                  our Reservist units, but also our
                  Regular Force.

2nd/4th Battalion, Royal                Commanding Officer 2/4 RNZIR            from former Regular Force and
New Zealand Infantry Regiment
(RNZIR) have stood up their
                                        Lieutenant Colonel Tim Tuatini
                                        said Charlie Company is manned
                                                                                stand-by Reserve soldiers has been
                                                                                heartening.                               “Being able to offer a
Reserve Support Company again
and they completed Exercise Kleidi
                                        by former Regular Force qualified
                                                                                   “Being able to offer a Regular
                                                                                Force soldier an opportunity to            Regular Force soldier an
Pass in Tekapo recently.
   The company mirrors that of its
                                           “The FSG personnel offer
                                        2/4 RNZIR the ability to build
                                                                                transition outside of the Army with
                                                                                an opportunity to maintain links           opportunity to transition
South Island colleagues 2/1 RNZIR
Support Company, with a skill set
                                        the manoeuvre support section
                                        capability to meet Reserve Army 25
                                                                                and a sense of belonging to the
                                                                                New Zealand Defence Force is               outside of the Army
of reconnaissance and surveillance,
snipers, Regimental Signal and Fire
                                           “This allows 2/4 to provide a
                                                                                   “Our aim is to build a well-trained,    with an opportunity to
Support Group (FSG) elements.
   Officer Commanding, Charlie
                                        short notice commitment to 2/1
                                        RNZIR’s Task Group Red and meet
                                                                                proficient and competent unit with
                                                                                individuals who are able to take           maintain links and a
Company Major Chris Allan said
the company allows previous and
                                        Chief of Army’s intent, as well as
                                        establishing a Support Company
                                                                                their place and round out Regular
                                                                                Force counterparts within 2/1              sense of belonging to the
former serving Regular Force
infantry soldiers the opportunity to
                                        capability within the limited
                                        resources available to a Reserve
                                                                                RNZIR seamlessly,” MAJ Allan said.
                                                                                                                           New Zealand Defence
re-engage and use their skill sets.
   “Furthermore, it provides soldiers
                                        battalion,” LTCOL Tuatini said.
                                           “The long-term plan is to post                                                  Force is powerful.”
who are releasing from Regular          Reserve soldiers from Alpha and
                                                                                                                          – Major Chris Allan
Force the opportunity to remain         Bravo Companies to provide growth
engaged and involved with the           in qualified gun teams, R&S dets
Army in a Reserve role.                 and Regimental Signals through
   “Exercise Kleidi Pass has been       coursing and integration into
Charlie Company’s first opportunity     Charlie Company.
to work with 2/1 RNZIR, with 2/4           MAJ Allan said the knowledge
RNZIR providing two gun teams           gained from working with their
and safety staff to support this        Regular Force counterparts is
exercise,” he said.                     invaluable for soldiers returning to
   The integration with both Infantry   the unit.
Battalions in the South Island is a        He said building a new company
significant.                            has had it challenges, but the buy-in

                                         Thomas Plummer

The desire for                         Explosive ordnance technician
                                       Thomas Plummer, who is based
                                                                            documentation safer and easier.
                                                                            It is a legal requirement that all
                                                                                                                    efficient, safer, and less repetitive,”
                                                                                                                    he said.
                                                                                                                                                              for error if not frequently used.
                                                                                                                                                                The electronic solution reduces
greater efficiency                     at the Defence Ammunition            details of hazardous goods, such as        He has established an Excel            the risk of error and saves time, as
                                       Depot in Kauri Point, Auckland,      ordnance, be detailed if the goods      spreadsheet-based system that             well as makes filling in a hazardous
when it came to                        thought there could be a better      are to be moved.                        does all the calculations for the         document easier for those who
moving ordnance                        way than constantly hand-                The NZDF collects most of its       user, including telling them and the      don’t use it regularly.
                                       writing documents describing         ordnance from the Ammunition            transporter the type of hazards
was behind the                         hazardous goods before they were     depot where Mr Plummer is based.        presented and how to deal with
latest innovation the                  transported. He has designed
                                       a fully electronic system that
                                                                                “There was a tiny bit of laziness
                                                                            behind the idea, but really more
                                                                                                                    them in an emergency.
                                                                                                                       The old paper-based system was
Army has adopted.                      makes handling hazardous goods       a desire to make things more            time-consuming with a large margin

  Sergeant Major of the Army, Warrant Officer
  Class One Wiremu Moffitt talks about innovation
  with Army News.
                                       complacency which then becomes       They share it – first with
  In simple terms what is              our enemy.                           their peers, then with their
                                                                            command. “Two heads are
  innovation to you?
                                                                            better than one,” and “many
  To me it’s about getting the job                                          hands make light work!”
                                       Doesn’t the army already
  done better.                                                              So I expect through this
                                       innovate?                            collaborative approach these
                                       Most certainly, every day, but       types of ideas will mature into
                                       change doesn’t sleep, nor the        action. However, sometimes
  What’s your definition of                                                 there’s an opportunity to
                                       opportunity to discover and get
  innovation?                                                               bypass and direct ideas into
  Innovation is an idea, practice or                                        the centre – and that is the

  action which has yet to have a                                            reason we have the Army
  user requirement.                                                         Innovation Portal (on the ILP).
                                       Whose job is it to innovate          I encourage our soldiers and

                                       in the army?                         officers to submit ideas there.

  Why is it so important to            Everyone.
                                                                            What excites you about
  Innovating is a method of
                                       Why do you say that –                innovation?
  survival. As humans we evolve
  and improve, and therefore           surely this is more of a             It’s an open door to what’s
  extend our potential length of       leadership responsibility?           possible. Whether it’s a
  existence. In military ethos – we                                         process, a platform or people
                                       Innovating is not just about         – there is always room for
  must innovate and adapt to be        “adapting to overcome”. It is also
  a step ahead of our adversary.                                            improvement. In Special
                                       about the hunt for quality and       Forces we have a tenet known
  In relative peace, this means        the journey toward excellence.
  efficiency and effectiveness.                                             as Hiranga Riranga – in the
                                       Soldiering is striving to become     pursuit of excellence. Regular
  On the battlefield – it means        the best you can be in everything
  survival!                                                                 Army often mistook this for the
                                       you do. But you are right, our       objective, but it’s actually the
                                       commanders of any rank have
                                       a duty to foster and support the
                                                                            journey of seeking but never                19 MAY                                ENTER NOW:
                                                                            finding ultimate excellence –               Submissions open                      ILP>
  But is innovation                    initiatives from their teams.        and this continues a culture of
  in peace time still                                                       getting and being better.                   23 JUL                                NZ ARMY>
  important?                                                                    It’s a pathway every soldier            Submissions close                     ARMY INNOVATION>
                                       How do soldiers contribute           can seize. It is constantly
  Our greatest opportunities
                                       something they believe               learning and expanding your                 28 SEP                                SUBMIT NEW IDEA
  come through winning time                                                 insight and foresight – it’s                Finals @ Messines
  and access to resources, this        is innovative or think               inspired living!                            Conference Centre
  is a constant. War forces us to      can make a positive
  be focussed and determined,          contribution?
  while peace time affords us

Hamilton’s three                      Strong friendships have been built
                                      across those involved in the facilities
                                                                                He says Defence staff actively
                                                                                participate in staff activities including
                                                                                                                            families that are stationed at home.
                                                                                                                            A lot of these soldiers have become
                                                                                                                                                                    One returnee at Jet Park Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                    Hamilton wrote:
managed isolation                     at Distinction Hotel, Ibis Tainui and     ‘hiki wairua’ wellbeing sessions, and       not only colleagues but friends, and    “The management of the process
                                      Jet Park Hotel Hamilton Airport.          waka ama on the Waikato River.              in many cases they have become          with leadership from the Army and
facilities regularly                     “In Hamilton we have passed the           Focused on manaakitanga                  our extended whānau,” he says.          involvement of police, security, and
have more than                        5,000 mark for returnees going            (uplifting the mana of others), mahi           “The guests appreciate them          hotel staff was very impressive and
                                      through our hotels and are about          tahi (demonstrating collaborative           and the children adore them. Some       gave confidence that quarantining
70 Army personnel                     to transition to Rotation 8 which         action) and kawea ake (being                children have spent so long talking     would be safe. All those involved
supporting their                      means some of the troops will be
                                      on their fourth plus rotation. That
                                                                                prepared for what is ahead), the
                                                                                Waikato Way is bringing together
                                                                                                                            with NZDF staff, that they say they
                                                                                                                            want to be just like them one day.”
                                                                                                                                                                    seemed confident and in control,
                                                                                                                                                                    while being kind at the same time.”
operations and                        equates to nearly six months on           Tainui values for the mahi with                Appreciation and respect             Another wrote:
                                      duty,” says Major Steve Challies,         the Operation Protect mission of            for the soldiers is often shown
their unique iwi                      one of the region’s rotating              protect the border, the community           through farewells at the end of
                                                                                                                                                                    “Just like the Waikato River, we
                                                                                                                                                                    will keep on going despite what
partnership with                      Officers-in-Charge.                       and our people.                             each rotation. “They are given gifts    the pandemic has brought. The
                                         The facilities have a dedicated           Ibis Tainui Hamilton Manager             that are handmade and tailored to
Waikato Tainui.                       cultural wellbeing team, supported        Niraj Kumar says Defence                    their personalities by hotel staff,”
                                                                                                                                                                    dedication of our frontlines in MIQ is
                                                                                                                                                                    something I admire and will always
                                      by the Waikato District Health            personnel have developed strong             says Niraj.                             be reminded of when I go out to the
                                      Board and Tainui, supporting an           connections to hotel teams.                    Hamilton’s managed isolation         world. Thank you so much for all your
                                      approach to caring for staff and             “The ones that stand out for us          hotels carry out returnee surveys       efforts in keeping New Zealand safe.
                                      returnees that has been dubbed            are those single parent soldiers            before people finish their 14-days in   We all owe you big time. I felt so safe
                                      ‘the Waikato Way’.                        juggling not only their career but the      managed isolation.                      inside the facility, couldn’t fault it.”

 Soldiers are now an intrinsic part
 of the Waikato MIF community.

1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand
Infantry Regiment Fire Support
Group (FSG) got some classic and
well appreciated hands-on weapons
time in Waiouru in May.
It was a good opportunity for            “It’s been very beneficial to be
soldiers to train.                       able to let everyone have that
   While many of 1 RNZIR have            opportunity whereas normally only
been supporting OP Protect as            number one and number two will
the main focus, there is a need          get that.”
to maintain DLOC and this was a              LT Wall said it was also a good
great opportunity for soldiers in the    opportunity to be able to promote
platoon who may not get as much          FSG within the unit, so other soldiers
time on the weapons as others to         can aspire to join the platoon.
be able to train on and fire all the         FSG trained with multiple
weapons available.                       weapons, including M107A1 Anti-
   “The training is part of the crawl,   Materiel Rifle, HK 40mm Grenade
walk, run cycle of our annual            Machine Gun, FGM-148 Javelin Anti-
training programme, building up to       Tank Missile, MAG-58 Sustained
a culminating activity later in the      Fire Machine Gun.
year,” said LT Matthew Wall.
   Taking up training opportunities
when they could was vital to be
able to stay current and even when
the activity is smaller than normal it
has its benefits.

Private                                                                                                                Lance Corporal Hunter Anderson
Christian Lemalu                                                                                                       “The exercise was a good               operate in the future. It was good to
                                                                                                                       opportunity to shake out and           see all our newest members cycling
“During the most recent FSG
                                                                                                                       reaffirm some of my skillsets,         through our more advanced number
exercise, I was put into a separate
                                                                                                                       outlining what skills have faded and   positions (Number 1 and 2) which
course with a couple of fellow FSG
                                                                                                                       which have been retained. I enjoyed    are usually the most senior soldiers.
members to qualify us on the new
                                                                                                                       actually doing my job in between         “Refining their confidence and
50CAL Anti-Materiel Rifle and
                                                                                                                       supporting MIQF tasks and getting      proficiency to a standard in which
the equipment associated with it.
                                                                                                                       behind the guns again.                 they could live fire safely was
It is a very new weapon system,
                                                                                                                         “I was more in a teaching role       sometimes a challenge. The most
especially to the FSG unit. There
                                                                                                                       during the exercise. It was a very     rewarding part was showcasing to
was a limit to how many rounds you
                                                                                                                       good opportunity for some of the       the new members of the platoon
could fire a day and also a 24hr
                                                                                                                       newer FSG personnel to get some        the effect our weapons have down
stand down period from when you
                                                                                                                       hands-on exposure to the weapon        range on targets. Getting behind
finish shooting which limited our
                                                                                                                       systems they will be expected to       the guns is always a blast.”
shooting to three days within the
week the course was run. Overall
it was a great experience and a
privilege to shoot.
    “The course standard included
how to assemble/disassemble the
weapon, cleaning and maintenance,
immediate actions while shooting,
how to operate a kestrel (this
holds the gun profile of the shooter
and gives you the elevation and
deflection needed based on the
direction of fire and the wind) and
operation of a spotting scope
which is mainly used by the spotter
(person not shooting but watching
for fall of shot to then provide
adjustments). Near the end we
brought that all together and learnt
how to use it in a tactical scenario.   get some sunlight as it helped to      monitored all the time and actually
    “Being in the field with FSG        see the fall of shot for our rounds.   being trusted to take care of your
is different from being in a Rifle      In general, going out into field is    own admin in your own time. But
Company. First of all we had a          hard both on the body and mind,        then again, I would have to say the
vehicle with us which was pretty        especially when you’re in a tactical   best thing about being in FSG is
helpful and also our sections           situation.                             the reputation of the unit. I respect
were split into two detachments             “There are many things that        those who I have met while being
providing two different gun lines. In   are great about FSG. I could say       in FSG and feel privileged to be
relation to the last exercise/course,   it’s the comaraderie we have as a      part of the unit so early within my
Waiouru is brutal. The weather          support unit and from experiences      military career.”
forecast is never trustworthy and       shared together in and out of the
we would be lucky to get over           unit. It could also be just the step
10°C during the day. It was good to     up from Rifle Company, not being

                                                                                                                                                              Private Simon Witt
                                                                                                                                                              “At the beginning of the week the
                                                                                                                                                              FSG conducted a shoot with the
                                                                                                                                                              GMG (Grenade Machine Gun)
                                                                                                                                                              and the SFMG. This allowed us to
                                                                                                                                                              shake out any cobwebs built up
                                                                                                                                                              over long periods and lulls due to
                                                                                                                                                              our role in Operation Protect.
                                                                                                                                                                 “As the week went on, we
                                                                                                                                                              progressed further into our
                                                                                                                                                              training conducting occupation
                                                                                                                                                              drills and SBFLs (Support By
                                                                                                                                                              Fire Line) right up until the end
                                                                                                                                                              of the week when we carried
                                                                                                                                                              out multiple full occupations and
                                                                                                                                                              tactical engagements as a DFSW
                                                                                                                                                                 “As a section, this helped
                                                                                                                                                              us all to understand our roles,
                                                                                                                                                              responsibilities and to remain
                                                                                                                                                              flexible and fluid in all roles within
                                                                                                                                                              the section.
                                                                                                                                                                 “Part 1 and 2 were challenging
                                                                                                                                                              in that we had to meet constantly
                                                                                                                                                              developing standards. Each year
                                                                                                                                                              new soldiers join FSG platoon
                                                                                                                                                              and need to be brought up to
                                                                                                                                                              speed. Through repetition and
                                                                                                                                                              following the example of the
                                                                                                                                                              more senior soldiers within the
                                                                                                                                                              platoon, this can be done quickly
                                                                                                                                                              and efficiently.
                                                                                                                                                                 “Personally, I enjoyed being
                                                                                                                                                              “back on the tools” so to speak.
                                                                                                                                                              For most soldiers, live field firing
                                                                                                                                                              is an exciting part of being in the
                                                                                                                                                              infantry. It was a good refresher
                                                                                                                                                              on all skills learnt in the past with
                                                                                                                                                              room to broaden my knowledge
                                                                                                                                                              and skills on operating within a
                                                                                                                                                              DFSW section.”


  Gunner Braden Marsh prepares
  mortar rounds for firing.                                                                                   USMC launching Switchblade.

By Major Ollie Lynn,                                                                                        WLR will contribute to the ‘decide’     Message Format (a military standard
Capability Manager Joint Fires                                    Weapon Locating                           and ‘detect’ function as part the       data communications method) to
                                                                                                            Land Targeting Process shown in         the NZ Army. A contract is expected
The Royal New Zealand Artillery (RNZA)                            Radar                                     the diagram below. Under ‘decide’,      to be awarded soon, with the
                                                                                                            WLR will directly contribute to
is at the threshold of generational                               2022 will see the RNZA receive four
                                                                  AN/TPQ-49a Weapon Locating                the development of the Effects
                                                                                                                                                    equipment planned for delivery in
capability enhancement.                                           Radars (WLR). In service with             Guidance Matrix and the
                                                                  partner nations and operationally         Surveillance and Target Acquisition

This will re-assert the RNZA’s ability to                         proven, this lightweight radar is able    Plan (STAP) at Task Group level.        Close Air Support
                                                                  to be set up in under 20 minutes          WLR will support the ‘detect’
make decisive, innovative and valuable                            and is designed to support a              function through the use of its         Delivered by the NEA Programme,
                                                                                                            sensor to identify and track indirect
contributions to future NZDF operations;                          variety of missions and functions.
                                                                  These include sense, warn and             fire. The full operational release of
                                                                                                                                                    NZDF Joint Terminal Attack
                                                                                                                                                    Controllers (JTACs) will soon
specifically precise, lethal fires and                            locate, counter-fire acquisition          WLR is planned for late 2022.           field a Digitally-Aided Close Air
                                                                  and Unmanned Aircraft System
counter fires protection which will allow                         (UAS) detection and tracking when
                                                                                                                                                    Support (DACAS) system for
                                                                                                                                                    dismounted operations. JTACs
ground forces to win at close combat.                             upgraded with the required software.      Fire Control System                     are qualified soldiers who, from a
                                                                     With UAS consistently increasing                                               forward position, direct the action
This article provides a brief summary of                          in range, capability and proliferation,   2021 will see the delivery of a
                                                                                                                                                    of combat aircraft engaged in
                                                                                                            modern, digitally-enabled Fire
key fires capabilities planned for delivery                       the requirement for a Counter UAS
                                                                  (C-UAS) capability is critical. In        Control System (FCS) for the RNZA.      Close Air Support. This system
                                                                                                                                                    will deliver radios, devices, cables,
and operational release in the next                               the current and future operating          This system will enhance the ability
                                                                                                            of fire units to command, control and   hubs, software and video downlink
                                                                  environment, the NZDF should
24 months. This will include enhanced                             expect to be under constant               coordinate Joint Fires and Effects      receivers. Whereas traditional
                                                                                                                                                    Close Air Support procedures rely
Surveillance and Target Acquisition                               surveillance for the purpose of
                                                                  observing, disrupting or attacking
                                                                                                            on the battlespace in support of
                                                                                                            operations. This system will be         on map, compass and protractor
(STA) systems, a networked Fire Control                           our activities. Being able to deny        interoperable with the Army’s Battle    work to plan the mission and voice
                                                                                                            Management System. It will conduct      commands to execute, DACAS will
System and experimentation with long                              an adversary’s ability to do this is
                                                                  therefore imperative. Availability        ballistic computing, facilitate the     allow JTACs to plan and execute
range precise, lethal effects.                                    of counter UAS software for               accurate exchange of adversary
                                                                                                            and friendly force locations, Fire
                                                                                                                                                    Close Air Support missions on a
                                                                  AN/TPQ-49a is currently being                                                     ruggedized device and dispatch
                                                                  examined.                                 Support Coordination Measures           targeting information to the combat
                                                                     When operated in a sense, warn         and targeting data. Utilising Network   aircraft via specialised data radio.
                                                                  and locate capacity, the radar is         Enabled Army (NEA) provided             NZDF JTACs will however remain
                                                                  designed to detect, track, classify       Combat Net Radios, FCS will employ      prepared for ‘old school’ voice
                                                                  and warn of incoming rocket,              a direct data communications links      only communications with minimal
                                                                  artillery and mortar threats while        between the observer, Joint Fires       digital aids. When coupled with the
                                                                  determining Points of Origin (for         and Effects Coordination Centre
                                                                                                                                                    Laser Target Designator (Leonardo
                                                                  counter-fires or physical/visual          (JFECC), Battery Command Post
                                                                                                                                                    Type 163) fielded in 2020, NZDF
                                                                  clearance) and Points of Impact for       and weapon delivery platform. This
                                                                                                                                                    JTACs will remain formidable and
                                                                  UXO clearance. Early warning, if          has traditionally been done via
                                                                                                                                                    in high demand for today’s complex
                                                                  only a matter of seconds, provides        voice communications. The FCS will
                                                                                                            be interoperable with partner Fire      operating environment.
                                                                  enough time to drop to the prone
                                                                  position which drastically reduces        Control Systems, and will be the
                                                                  the probably of becoming a casualty.      first system to introduce Variable

                                                                                                  Commander’s Mission Direction and Intent

                                                                                                                   Decide Function
                                                                                                            1. Identify target areas
                                                                                                            2. Identify target systems/elements
                                                                                                            3. Determine target effects
                                                                                                            4. Establish ISTAR/BDA requirements
                                                                                                            5. Input to Collection Plan
                                                                                                            6. Develop Attack Guidance Matrix

                                                                                                                                                           Detect Function
                                                                         Assess Function                                                               7. Execute Collection Plan
                                                                      10. Perform combat                             Coordination
                                                                          assessment                                                                        Track Function
                                                                                                                                                       8. Manage Collection Plan

                                                                                                                   Deliver Function
                                                                                                               9. Effect the target(s)
Tāwhirimātea is the Māori god of thunder, lightning and storms.

  Switchblade 600 Loitering Munition                                                                                       AN/TPQ-49a Weapon Locating Radar

                                          the old L16, and when fitted with                                              that enables the operator to locate,
81mm Mortar                               a Blast Attenuation Device, better      Long Range Precision                   identify and direct the munition
                                          directs the blast energy away from                                             onto target. The ‘loiter’ capability of
The Austrian made Hirtenberger            the crew, thus increasing its safety    NZDF force elements lack the ability   these munitions allows the system
Defence Technologies (HDT) 81mm           in operation. In conjunction with the   to engage targets beyond visual line   to remain in orbit, allowing the
mortar has been purchased as              L119 Light Gun, the 81mm mortar         of sight with organic, precise, low    operator to detect, recognise and
a replacement for the aging L16           ensures the NZDF can mass fires,        collateral damage kinetic effects.     identify a target thoroughly before a
mortar, introduced into service in        both of a lethal and less lethal        They are a small unmanned aerial       strike. Current systems come fitted
1975, as it is no longer supported        nature in support of manoeuvre.         system designed to engage targets      with an anti-armour warhead, have
for spares. With an effective range       The HDT 81mm mortar has arrived         with an explosive warhead and are      a loiter time of 45+ minutes and a
of 6.7km, the HDT mortar brings           in the Project Store and is planned     equipped with a high resolution        range greater than 40km.
an extra kilometre of range over          for issue in the second half of 2021.   electro-optical and infrared camera       A joint battlelab with the RNZN
                                                                                                                         is planned for 2022. Dependant on
                                                                                                                         the selected vendor, there is the
                                                                                                                         possibility to include an unmanned
                                                                                                                         teaming serial with the Puma UAS
                                                                                                                         currently under experimentation
                                                                                                                         with 16th Field Regiment. This
                                                                                                                         would allow sensor-shooter
                                                                                                                         software to be explored, effectively
                                                                                                                         extending sensor-shooter cueing
                                                                                                                         out to 20+ km.
                                                                                                                         This period of capability investment
                                                                                                                         will address a number of capability
                                                                                                                         gaps within the NZDF. While the
                                                                                                                         introduction of new capability
                                                                                                                         will bring forth new challenges, it
                                                                                                                         will nonetheless result in a fires
                                                                                                                         capability that is more capable,
                                                                                                                         potent and agile.

  Gunner Clark receives orders from Lieutenant
  Zane Larkin during the recent Exercise Hellfire.

  A soldier uses the sight to orientate
  the mortar during Exercise Hellfire.

Work has
begun on the
construction of
the new Queen
Mounted Rifles
building at Linton
Military Camp.
Due to be completed in February
2022, the building includes a
new Squadron Headquarters and
   A small breaking ground
ceremony was conducted by the
QAMR Regimental HQ, overseen
by the Commanding Officer,
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Craw
and the RSM, Warrant Officer Class
One Shannon Brears, which saw
a New Zealand Light Armoured
Vehicle blade variant ‘break ground’
for the construction to begin.
   The HQ is a major milestone
for the Regiment as the QAMR
Regimental Headquarters has
been housed within the 2 Engineer
Regt museum since 2014, and
the now-demolished Linton              built Q-Store, so the regiment was   Squadron and Troop HQs, and the       those who have fallen.                  purpose built Q-Store in the new
Administration Centre before that.     given a temporary home within the    QAMR Q-Store will be housed.             The construction of the HQ will      HQ building will greatly enhance
The Regiment’s Troop HQs have          Workshop.                              This will also see the relocation   provide a modern, state of the          the logistical support provided by
been housed in the NZLAV hangars          The new QAMR HQ is being          of the RNZAC memorial. It is          art, and fit for purpose facility for   QAMR Support Squadron and allow
in the smoko rooms, and the            constructed at the south-western     being moved to the south western      QAMR HQ to provide C2 to the            expansion of the existing QAMR
Squadron HQs have been housed          end of the existing QAMR hangars     end of the NZLAV hangars close        Squadrons, including the Protected      Workshops in preparation for the
in a repurposed classroom that         at Linton and will house the         to the current QAMR sign. In its      Mobility Vehicle (PMV) Squadron         arrival of PMV.
was built for Combat School. The       Regimental HQ, NZ Scots Sqn HQ       new position it will be in view of    HQ to be established in preparation
QAMR Workshop was built in 2012        and Troop HQs. On the south-         soldiers as they come to work,        for the capability Intro Into Service
however with the return of QAMR        eastern end of the QAMR hangars,     and be front and centre of the        (IIS) in late 2022.
to Linton there was no purpose-        Wellington East Coast (WEC)          Regiment lines to show respect to     The inclusion of a dedicated,

                                                                                                                  Applicants should be aware of their responsibilities prior to
        Semester Two, 2021 applications are now being accepted                                                    making an application IAW DFO 3/2016.

        You may submit your request for funding within 90 days of your study                                      Prior to starting the application process, applicants are to:
        start date. Apply online at NZDC, Defence Learning Toolkit VESA                                           • Confirm the level of study is right for them with NZDC DLearn
        Application (e-form)                                                                                      • Advise their 1-UP of their study intentions
                                                                                                                  • Provide supporting paperwork including study documentation
      Please note there are some changes to the policy to improve accessibility to VESA.                            from the official learning provider website (ready to attach to your
      The changes will be promulgated on ILP.                                                                       e-form application)
                                                                                                                  Contact your local DLearn Adult Learning Tutor who can assist
                                                                                                                  you with your application. If you have any further queries,
                                                                                                                  please email our Tertiary Services & Support Advisor at

                                                                                                                  POLICY (terms and conditions) SADFO 3/2016 VESA Policy
                                                                                                                  SADFO 3/2016 VESA Policy (terms and conditions)

    The Royal New Zealand
    Military Police
    welcomed their
    newest members
    to the New Zealand
    Defence Force
    recently. The graduates
    of the New Zealand
    Military Police Basic
    investigators’ course
    paraded at Trentham
    Military Camp.
    The parade was
    reviewed by the
    Provost Marshal of the
    New Zealand Defence
    Force Colonel Kate Hill.
                                                           The Provost Marshal
                                                           COL Kate Hill presented
                                                           awards at the march out.

                                                                                                                       be conducted in the near future to
Promotion Board                         2021 Posting Cycle                    Career Management                        provide information to support the

Feedback                                                                      Survey
                                                                                                                       improvement of the CTM process.      Key Dates
                                        DACM’s focus will next turn to                                                 Please take the time to provide
                                        confirming the December 2021                                                   feedback to this survey.
The Directorate of Army Career                                                Pulse and Exit surveys consistently                                           11–15 July 21
                                        posting cycle. To achieve this DACM
Management (DACM )have now                                                    provide direct feedback that career
                                        will be engaging with individuals                                                                                   OSB and CFRB
completed the 2021 promotion                                                  management is a major dissatisfier
                                        and Command over the next few
boards and is finalising the                                                  and this theme has been in the top
                                        months. Your career and personal
feedback letters. The intent is for                                           three reasons for staff to voluntarily
                                        objectives are an important part of
officers’ and soldiers’ letters to be
                                        the discussion so please ensure you   leave their Service. It has been                                              More information
released by mid-July.
                                        take the time to discuss them with    identified that service personnel
                                        Command and DACM. To facilitate       continue to have the perception                                               Army Career Management
                                        this career managers will conduct     that Career and Talent Management                                             Intranet Site:
                                        another interview round at camps                                                                                    http://orgs/sites/
                                                                              (CTM) often apply bias, irrespective
                                        and bases in August to discuss                                                                                      armint/I-0001/
                                                                              of the effort expended in
                                        postings in more detail. Further      communicating both methodology                                                Contact us at:
                                        information will be provided in the   and application. An NZDF wide                                       
                                        next Army News.                       survey on career management will

A group of            The study is led by Major Jacques
                      Rousseau with Captain David
                                                             Current data highlights that more
                                                             females fail the LCFT than their
                                                                                                      endurance, again placing women at
                                                                                                      a disadvantage compared with men
                                                                                                                                                The marked physiological
                                                                                                                                                difference in upper and lower
female soldiers       Edgar as the training programme        male counterparts (more so with          in carrying out military tasks such       body strength between men
                      guide. Both are from the JSG           the lifting components). In addition,    as lifting and carrying weights, or       and women, combined with the
in Linton Camp is     Human Performance Cell. Linton         NZDF Accredited Employee                 marching with a load.                     need to complete military tasks
participating in a    Physical training instructor CPL       Programme (AEP) data reveals that,          “Furthermore, an increase in           that require the same absolute
                      Catherine Luzak is running             proportionally, significantly more       circulating oestrogen levels in           mission requirements, has sparked
study investigating   the training programme, and            females are injured annually than        females plays a role in the response      a renewed emphasis on the
a physical training   collaborating with the study
                      is Ms Helen Kilding, a Human
                                                             males, with the majority of injuries
                                                             occurring during physical training.
                                                                                                      to exercise and recovery. Research
                                                                                                      suggests that oestrogen may play
                                                                                                                                                importance of including upper body
                                                                                                                                                power and strength activities for
programme             Performance Scientist from DTA.           Gender-specific training is           a protective role in minimising           female soldiers.
                         In the New Zealand Army,            warranted given the accepted             exercise-induced muscle damage.              Gender-specific training
designed to meet      approximately 13% of total Regular     anthropometric and physiological         However, exercise induced                 incorporating such activities has
the specific needs    Force personnel and all soldiers are   differences between males and            muscle damage, characterised by           not been investigated in the NZDF.
                      women. Regardless of their gender,     females, said Dr Rousseau.               inflammatory cell infiltration which      Doing so has the potential to
of women in           women are required to serve            “Females have less muscle mass,          is higher in males than females, is       increase the number of females
uniform.              under the same conditions and to
                      participate equally in all duties as
                                                             more body fat, lower red blood cell
                                                             counts, lower haemoglobin levels
                                                                                                      the inflammatory response that
                                                                                                      triggers muscle regeneration. The
                                                                                                                                                in uniform, and in specific roles,
                                                                                                                                                and reduce attrition. To date there
                      their male counterparts. The main      and smaller cardiac outputs which        protective effect of oestrogen            are very few published studies
                      objective of this research is to       affects oxygen consumption. As           lessens the inflammatory response         regarding the effects of military
                      determine whether female soldiers      a result, aerobic and anaerobic          which reduces muscle regeneration,        physical training on females
                      are able to improve their physical     fitness levels are generally lower       therefore delaying muscle recovery        post-recruit training, indeed no
                      fitness and operational (physical)     in women than in men and most            in females,” said Dr Rousseau.            New Zealand specific information
                      readiness through a gender-            women must exert themselves                 “The aim is not to segregate           on this topic exists. This will be a
                      specific physical conditioning         more than most men to achieve the        females or deliver an entirely            leading study in the field of females
                      programme, more so than with           same output.                             separate training stream, but by          in uniform.
                      regular PT, and whether this              “Also, when working at a higher       working smart we can implement               The aim of this research is to
                      translates into an improvement in      percentage of their maximal              and deliver specifics required by         determine whether gender-specific
                      the NZ Army Land Combat Fitness        capacity to achieve the same             females that are simple regressions       physical conditioning produces
                      Test (LCFT), thus improving combat     performance levels as men, women         or progressions of the current PT         significantly better improvements
                      fitness and operational readiness.     tire earlier and are at increased        syllabus such as                          in fitness compared to gender-free
                         The LCFT is NZ Army’s combat        risk of overuse injuries. In addition,   • Strength training (appropriate          training and whether this translates
                      fitness test with a single standard    lower body weight but higher                level targeting)                       into an improvement in both
                      every soldier is required to achieve   body fat of women is associated                                                    physical and operational fitness
                                                                                                      • Range of motion (ROM)
                      regardless of age or gender.           with lower muscle strength and                                                     (e.g. performance on the NZ Army
                                                                                                      • Prescribing percentage of fitness       RFL and LCFT).
                                                                                                        intensities (appropriate intensity         This work will identify gender
                                                                                                        level)                                  differences in the response to
                                                                                                      • Accurate targeting of rep ranges,       military physical training which
                                                                                                        weight and intensity                    will inform strategies to improve
                                                                                                      • Targeted periodisation and              combat effectiveness, increase the
                                                                                                        recovery.”                              number of personnel available for
                                                                                                                                                deployment, and reduce injury in
                                                                                                      All soldiers must be able to perform      the NZDF.
                                                                                                      the same core tasks and achieve
                                                                                                      the same minimum level of combat
                                                                                                      fitness, regardless of age or
                                                                                                      gender. A study conducted with
                                                                                                      the British military demonstrated
                                                                                                      that by training male and female
                                                                                                      recruits separately (gender-specific
                                                                                                      training), recruits can train at a pace
                                                                                                      that is optimal for their different
                                                                                                      levels of aerobic fitness, thereby
                                                                                                      providing the potential to reduce
                                                                                                      the risk of injury and optimise
                                                                                                      fitness gains.
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