Page created by Jordan Sherman
Issue No. 172                            A FREE community publication by Latrobe Council                          July-August 2020
Latrobe Council has been fortunate to receive $2.5 million from
the Local Government Loans Program to finalise the
implementation of the Port Sorell Caravan Park Master Plan.
The program is part of the Tasmania Government’s response to
the COVID-19 crisis and is designed to “encourage local
governments to invest and employ more Tasmanians to upgrade,
renovate and to do necessary maintenance to improve existing
local government infrastructure.”
The Port Sorell Caravan Park Master Plan was released in
August 2018, following a 5-month study and consultation
process led by Sustainable Park Solutions.
The Master Plan included a 30-year financial plan, concept plans
and recommendations to upgrade facilities, accommodation,
marketing, compliance, and operational aspects of the park. The
plan has been adopted by the management committee as a
guiding document, with several operational and capital upgrades
effected over the last two financial years.                         The Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc are well known for their
The new funding agreement will allow Council to implement the       popular pancake Sundays and Relay for Life fundraising raffles
remainder of the upgrades, including new entrance, main             as well as their Australia Day BBQ and water slide activities.
amenities building, office and caretaker accommodation, new         Subject to the final design and tendering, construction is
cabin accommodation options and additional carparking.              anticipated to begin in October 2020, with site works and the
Latrobe Council and the Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc have          new amenities block being constructed prior to Christmas.
recently agreed to extend their affiliation agreement, which will   The remainder of the project will be undertaken between
see a continued presence of the service club in the caravan park    February and Easter 2021 to avoid the peak holiday periods.
operations and on the management committee for another five         Some sites within the park may be unavailable during these
years.                                                              periods, including the March long weekend.
2                                                                                                                             July-August 2020
          YOUR ELECTED                             those issues and concerns recently            properties, if required, will be negotiated
                                                   experienced at both Shearwater and            directly with property occupants.
         REPRESENTATIVES                           Wesley Vale.                                  If you have any concerns or questions
Mayor Peter FRESHNEY ... 0417 287 006              Those locations are among a number of         regarding the Latrobe sewerage network
D/Mayor Graeme BROWN. 0417 598 116                 sites where temporary migrants have been      upgrade project, please contact Nani
Shayne (Cush) ALLISON ... 0409 792 648             accommodated under the Federal                Clark, TasWater CDO Community
Michael McLAREN ................. 6426 2777        Government Seasonal Workers Program           Engagement Officer through the Call
Vonette MEAD ................... 0407 055 180      and Council is keen to ensure similar         Centre on 13 6992 or via email to
Sommer METSKE .............. 0409 622 710          issues do not occur at other sites. 
Garry SIMS ........................ 0419 139 053   Council’s aim was to be constructive and       THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS
Gerrad WICKS .................... 0488 325 590     to reflect on our experiences in the hope     Camp Banksia and the Banksia Centre on
Lesley YOUNG ................... 0419 326 250      that amendments might be made to the          the corner of Pitcairn and Anderson
                                                   Temporary Migration Scheme that will          Street, Port Sorell have reopened with
      FORMAT CHANGE FOR                            ultimately benefit both the workers and       facilities open to locals and visitors alike.
       COUNCIL MEETINGS                            those companies and industries that they      Sport is back in the Banksia Centre and if
The face-to-face staging of Council’s              are here to support.                          you would like to engage in some fun
monthly general meeting and openness to            Latrobe Council is keen to acknowledge        (but not competitive) sporting options
community attendance has been affected             the contribution made by seasonal             including basketball, netball, volleyball or
since March.                                       workers and temporary migrants but is         badminton contact John House from Port
To maintain the operations of Council to           also acutely aware of its responsibilities    Sorell Indoor Sports (0407 561 283) and
near normal during COVID-19, Local                 to ensure that planning, plumbing and         he will arrange something for you.
Government were authorised to conduct it           building guidelines are adhered to and        If Table Tennis or Petanque are of more
monthly general meetings remotely via              further, that the safety of seasonal          interest, give the team at the Port Sorell
teleconference.                                    workers is paramount during their stay in     U3A (University of the Third Age) a
For transparency, recordings of the                this country.                                 phone on 0499 162 539 or email
meetings are available on council’s                  LATROBE SEWER UPGRADE             
website -                   TasWater are continuing its major sewer       With the cancellation of schools camps
As restrictions continue to ease, Council          upgrade and augmentation project in           for a large part of the year, if you have a
is gradually returning to face-to-face             Latrobe to address uncontrolled sewer         small family group, sporting or special
meetings but, having seen the benefit of           spills which occur during heavy rain          interest group who would like to get away
teleconferencing, are pursing that as an           events.                                       and catch up after time in isolation, Camp
option for physically absent elected               In efforts to minimise impacts on Latrobe     Banksia is offering some great discount
representatives to continue to ensure that         residents and traffic, TasWater has           deals for June-December 2020. Give
they capably represent the views of their          developed a staged plan.                      them a call and they will see what they
constituents.                                      The area between 159-189 Percival Street      can do for you.
The teleconferencing of operational                commenced on Monday, 22 June and will         And don’t forget - now that isolation is
meetings is expected to play a greater role        continue through to Friday, 17 July 2020,     over - Camp Banksia is looking to build a
in Council’s general operations due to the         weather permitting.                           library of jigsaws and board games and
greater efficiency and collaboration               As part of the sewer main upgrade, the        your donations would be gratefully
identified through this mechanism and as           contractor will be excavating along the       received.
we move forward in different times.                pipeline route, generally within the road     Camp Banksia and the Banksia Centre is
The next general meeting of Latrobe                reserve.                                      reachable by phoning 6428 6121 or via
Council will be held on a face-to-face on          All planned works will be between the
13 July at the Latrobe Council Chambers,           hours of 7.00am and 6.00pm.
170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe from 5.00pm.           During these times, residents along the
Unfortunately, the social distancing               route may experience some construction-
requirements do not permit a public                related noise.
gallery however public participation               In the event of wet weather, residents
remains available. Please contact                  may notice de-watering pumps operating
Council’s Executive Assistant, Mrs Sarah           during the night to prevent worksite
Cairns, on 64264444 for details should             flooding.
you wish to address Council.                       The construction team will endeavour to
    IMPROVEMENT SOUGHT TO                          minimise noise impacts to nearby
      TEMPORARY MIGRANT                            At some stages during construction,
           HOUSING                                 public roads may be closed to through
Some residents may be aware that                   traffic although access will be maintained
Council has made a submission to the               for local residents.
Senate Select Committee on Temporary               Temporary arrangements will reduce
Migration.                                         traffic on Percival Street to a single lane
The Committee was established to inquire           during normal working hours and
into and report on the impact temporary            residents may experience some traffic
migration has on the Australian economy,           delays because of these works.
wages and jobs, social cohesion and                TasWater and its contractor will be taking
workplace rights and conditions.                   steps to ensure that any impacts to
Council’s submission was very much a               residents are kept to a minimum and any
proactive approach aimed at preventing             short-term disruption of access to
July-August 2020                                                                                                                        3

                                CLUB EXPANSION CATERS FOR GROWTH
Port Sorell Surf Life Saving members are over the moon with           more fully achieve this, encouraging
work proceeding on the expansion
of their clubrooms to better meet
continued and sustained member
Numerous stakeholders have been
working collaboratively to develop
this multi-use facility that also
encourages and caters for expanded
community engagement.
The building extension includes
publicly accessible shower, change
and toilet facilities close to the
nearby children’s Pirate Park and
Freers Beach.
The additional new and enlarged
change facilities for member use
will allow the release of space in
the existing clubhouse for
equipment storage and surf
lifesaving patrol rooms.                                              the public to enjoy their time at the beach and utilise the support
The upper deck will be significantly enlarged, providing extra        of our patrol teams over the summer.”
space for club, community, and private activities.                    “Throughout this process we have had fantastic support from
A small area of degraded bushland immediately to the south of         local businesses, who have steered us in the right direction, and
the club has been cleared for the building footprint and a fire       we are grateful for the financial support received through grants
break established between the clubrooms and North Freers              from all levels of government including the Australian
Reserve. While clearing low level vegetation in this process,         Government’s Community Development Grants Programme, the
numerous significant trees have been able to be retained.             Tasmanian Government through the Tasmanian Community
Lengthy consultation with TasWater and the Tasmanian Fire             Fund and the Levelling the Playing Field Grant Program, as well
Service has been required and, while it has been a long time in       as Latrobe Council,” he added.
the planning, the club is now eagerly looking forward to using        The Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club provides surf lifesaving
the new facilities in the coming season.                              services to the Port Sorell community from October to March
In an interview with Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club President,     each year.
Mr Haydon Coates said “our motto at the surf lifesaving club is       If you are interested in learning more, check out the club online
Bringing the Community to the Beach.                                  at, on Facebook at
Once this redevelopment is complete, in time for the start of the or email
2020-21 surf season, the new facility should certainly be able to

      THE FORGOTTEN                           Sorell community contributed, would be          across the Mersey River (at the end of
                                              appreciated.                                    Shale Road) has been replaced.
   HEROES OF PORT SORELL                      If you can assist, please contact Mrs Best      The new bridge is more resilient to
Port Sorell has a rich history of             on 0419 776 821. She does not wish to           flooding than the previous design and
community involvement in the defence of       keep the photos, simply copy them for           makes for a better experience, reducing
Australia in times of war.                    inclusion in the photobook.                     the amount of shale rock to ride over.
Local boys served Australia by joining
the armed forces in all the conflicts                FINAL STAGE UNDER                        Next Level MTB has also spent some
                                                                                              time on the bike trails upgrading bridges
Australia has been engaged in.                         CONSTRUCTION                           on the Railton Express and repairing
Those left behind also served in ways that    In some positive news in these                  drainage lines and brake bumps on the
are in danger of being forgotten.             challenging times, trail buildering             three descent trails.
During World War 2, volunteer locals          contractor Trailscapes has started              To keep up to date with the project look
manned the air observer and coast watch       construction of the final stage of the Wild     up Wild Mersey Mountain Bike Trails on
posts, manned radios, all the while           Mersey Mountain Bike Trail project.             Facebook or go to
reporting and assisting the Australian        More than 55kms of new trails will be 
Government in any way possible.               built in the Badgers
They also were members of the Women’s         Range, north of
Land Army, provided essential                 Sheffield, taking the
agricultural support, raised funds for Red    total distance of the trail
Cross and other organisations.                network to over 90kms.
Comfort packages were sent to soldiers        At this early stage
overseas, and the CWA made record             Council anticipates
breaking quantities of camouflage netting.    approximately 20kms of
Mrs Julie Best is compiling a photobook,      new trails will be open
to be kept in the Port Sorell Memorial        in time for the end of
Hall, to honour all these locals that         year holiday period.
contributed to the defence of Australia in    If you have been to the
any of the above way.                         Warrawee Reserve in
Any photos of local soldiers or civilians     recent weeks you may
that are reflective of how much the Port      have noticed the bridge
4                                                                                                                      July-August 2020
    LATROBE’S HIDDEN GEMS                     A touchscreen will be available for           The Thai Imperial is open Wednesday-
It never ceases to amaze how surprised        relatives and friends to search for anyone    Sunday for lunch (11:30am-1:30pm) and
many people are when they first visit the     who has been inducted into the Hall of        dinner (Wednesday, Thursday, and
walking tracks and associated recreational    Fame from all over Australia and a large      Sunday 5.00pm-7:30pm, Friday and
options on Pig Island, Thompsons Park,        screen will showcase wood chopping            Saturday 5.00pm-8.00pm). In-house
Dooleys Hill and to a lesser degree Kings     short films and more.                         dining bookings and take away orders can
Park in Latrobe.                              It is anticipated that the project will be    be made by phoning 6426 2099.
Pig Island provides wonderful                 completed by the end of the year.             COASTAL PATHWAY ON TRACK
opportunities for walking or cycling,         The Australian Axeman’s Hall of Fame          The section of Coastal Pathway linking
fishing and exercise, with or without         Exhibition will be closed until the           Ambleside to Latrobe has seen significant
one’s canine friends. The island and          refurbishments have been completed.           progress since February.
adjoining parks are a credit to the           The Thai Imperial and the Axeman’s            A retaining wall has been completed on
Hedditch Family, particularly Ron and         Makers Emporium are continuing to             River Road, close to the intersection with
Phillip who have given so much time and       operate during this time.                     Oakwood Drive, as well as realignment of
effort to ensure locals and visitors engage                                                 the road in this area allowing for
with Mother Nature. Council’s Green                                                         improved line of sight for vehicles going
Spaces staff are also to be commended for                                                   around the corner.
their contribution and in particular, the                                                   One kilometre of pathway has been laid
work done in and around Bells Parade.                                                       to date including the construction of rock
I encourage residents of the municipality,                                                  embankments to allow for the creation of
their friends and families, and visitors                                                    extra width for new sections of path while
alike to explore and enjoy the wonderful                                                    providing protection to the existing road.
outdoor recreational options in and
around the Mersey River and to
encourage families in particular to share     Picture: © Jen Archer 2020
some quality time on bikes or on foot in      REDECORATING IN DOWN TIME
the Mersey River Precinct.                    Relocating the Thai Imperial from
Don’t forget to include a visit to the        Devonport to the Australian Axeman’s
Australian Axeman’s Hall of Fame while        Hall of Fame complex at Bells Parade,
you are in are at Bells Parade, to explore    Latrobe in the latter half of 2016 was an
this amazing structure and indulge in its     interesting year but one without regrets
delectable delights.                          for Owner Amanda Atkins-Cock.
    AXEMANS REFURBISHMENT                     “The Thai Imperial has been providing
The Australian Axeman’s Hall of Fame in       excellent food and service to the
Latrobe is currently undertaking a            Devonport-Latrobe community for over a
refurbishment with an investment of over      decade now and find that the mix of in-
$65,000 allocated by Latrobe Council to       house and take away dining as well as the
complete the project.                         ability to cater for special occasions of
Local business, Hawke Designs from            any size, subject to government
Shearwater, has been contracted to            restrictions, and the regular Axeman’s
complete the graphic design component         Makers Emporium in such a unique space
of the upgrade.                               provides so many opportunities.
                                                                                            The Latrobe to Ambleside section is part
The Hall of Fame display will be              One of the key features of the venue is the
                                                                                            of the Coastal Pathway project being
expanded and modernised to include            central arena due to its capacity to seat
                                                                                            managed by the Cradle Coast Authority
additional wood chopping related themes       large gatherings.
                                                                                            across the Latrobe, Devonport and
to broaden visitor appeal.                    The arena, atrium and café are in the
                                                                                            Central Coast municipalities. The project
The Legends component will be                 process of being redecorated and will be
                                                                                            is jointly funded by the three relevant
modernised with new graphic panels and        worthwhile calling in to see this
                                                                                            Councils, and the State and Federal
memorabilia cabinets, fitted with LED         transformation,” said Mrs Atkins-Cock.
                           CAN YOU FIND WALLY OR BLUEY AND FRIENDS?
                          Latrobe Playgroup, for pre-schoolers, commenced in February only to have COVID-19 step in
                          and call a halt to physical get togethers. They have however remained active on Facebook -
                          While restrictions continue to ease, to remain connected and active, Latrobe Playgroup
                          volunteer, Kathryn Lapthorne, has been installing laminated Wally or Bluey and friends’
                          images throughout the community on a type of treasure hunt.
                           “My idea was to get the families to go for walks and find Wally and Bluey and either move
                           them to a different spot or, if they really wanted to, to take one home”, said Mrs
                             Once gathering numbers are sufficiently eased and Latrobe Playgroup have developed
                              a COVID-19 Safe Plan, they will reopen for activities.
                               At that time, you will find this community based, parent lead playgroup each Friday
                               from 10:00am at the Latrobe Baptist Church Hall, 125 Gilbert Street, Latrobe. Enter
                             through the Gilbert Street gate.
                         In the meantime, please see how many Wally’s and Blueys you can find with your
                         children and remain connected with Latrobe Playgroup via Facebook.
July-August 2020                                                                                                                                   5

The Latrobe Municipality continues to experience significant
growth, particularly with residential building.
Council is encouraged that so many people are now choosing to
move to our community, but also that so many existing
community members are looking to establish new homes both in
Latrobe and the greater Port Sorell area.
The town of Latrobe continues to experience rapid growth in the
Stanley and Fenton Street areas along with the continued
development of Calthorpe and Bradshaw Streets formerly farmed
by the Perkins family.
Similarly, the Port Sorell area is experiencing significant growth
in the Glyde and Joyce Street stages of the major subdivision
being constructed by the J.A.C. Group and referred to as Hawley
Beach Estate.
Rural Residential growth has also been experienced at
subdivisions off Milldam Road and Charles Street Squeaking
Point and, to a lesser extent, Banksia Rise off Port Sorell Main                downturn.
Road.                                                                           Council’s Development and Regulatory Services team are always
New residents and those relocating within the municipality are                  receptive to any approach or enquiry regarding development and
certainly adding to the vibrancy of our towns and communities                   construction and look forward to assisting potential developers,
and the economic stimulus provided to the building industry is                  home builders and the like.
welcomed at a time when many sectors have experienced a major
    OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES                           before work starts and sees it through              date was extended to 1 July 2020.
                                                     to final sign off.                                  These permits recently received an
         FOR BUILDING WORK                       Details of all licenced individuals and                 extension to 19 December. Refer to
With the announcement in early June that         organisations in Tasmania are detailed at      for details.
the restrictions on the Tasmanian
Government’s $20,000 First Home
                                                         ILLEGAL BUILDING WORK
                                                 ng-and-registration/search-licensed-                    Illegal  building or demolition work is
Owners Grant were expanded to any                occupations/find-a-licensed-tradesperson.
owner-occupier until the end of this year                                                                building work that is done without the
                                                 LARGE SCALE RENOVATION                                  correct permit/s (building and/or
and the Federal Government also
announcing the availability of $25,000           Don’t   want   to build    but  thinking     of         planning). It also means that the building
grants to eligible persons for new home          renovating    your   principle     place   of           work done does not meet the standard of
builds or big renovations, the opportunity       residence?                                              the National Construction Code.
to take advantage of a potential $45,000         An   option   under   Prime    Minister                 One of the most common illegal building
boost will certainly add demand on the           Morrison’s     HomeBuilder         program,             works   throughout the Latrobe
construction industry.                           valued at $680m but being uncapped and                  Municipality are sheds.
But if you are about to head into a build        demand     driven,   is that  the  $25,000      grant   The  Building Act 2016 takes a risk-based
project, where do you start?                     can be expended on big renovations.                     approach to building approval with low,
The Department of Justice - Consumer,            It comes    with  conditions      including     using   medium, and high-risk categories for
Building and Occupational Services has a         external   tradesmen     and   spending      at least   building, plumbing and demolition
great checklist that can help guide you          $150,000.                                               works. It is important to initially discuss
through this process.                            The   renovation     works   must     be  to improve    your construction project with Council to
This and other informative fact sheets are       the  accessibility,   safety,    and   liveability  of  determine    whether a building and/or
available on Latrobe Council’s website -         the  dwelling.    It cannot    be   for  additions   to planning permit is required.         the  property   such    as swimming        pools,       As the permit authority, Council’s
-and-planning-services/building.                 tennis  courts,   outdoor    spas    and   saunas,      Planning and Permit Authority Officers
                                                 sheds, or garages (unconnected to the                   can guide you through the process to
NEW BUILDS                                       property).                                              ensure you follow legislative procedures
Once you have identified a property for          Details are available at                                and are not penalised for non-compliance.
your build, you should see Council’s                    Council’s Development and Regulatory
Planners to make sure that there are no          As with new builds you must remember                    Services Department are contactable by
inhibiters to what you want to do.               to check if planning, building, or                      phoning 64264444 or by appointment at
If all is in order, then you need to work        plumbing approvals are required before                  the Latrobe Council office, 170 Gilbert
with your bank, solicitor, and real estate       you commence work.                                      Street, Latrobe (open from 8.30am until
agent to finalise the property purchase.
A new build is classed as medium to high              BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRY                             4.30pm Monday to Friday).
risk and requires the engagement of a            Some old building permits, generally                              BUILDING UPDATE
licenced builder.                                issued   before  November         2012,   were          A  total of 98 building, plumbing, and
While the builder will facilitate the build      issued without an expiry date.                          commercial applications and notifications
process, there are two other important           A  two-year    expiry    date  was    introduced    in  of works were received by Council from
people that you will must also engage -          November 2012 for all building permits                  February to April inclusive.
• a licenced building designer who will          issued   after that  time.                              They comprised of 29 dwellings; 9
    draw up your plans; and                      With   the  introduction     of  the  current    Act,   dwelling additions/alterations; 8
                                                 all permits now expire after 2 years,                   outbuildings; 4 commercial/industrial; 43
• a licenced building surveyor who
                                                 unless they are completed or extended. In               plumbing applications and 5 other
    ensures that all approvals are in place
                                                 December 2018, to allow more time to                    applications with a value of $13,369,043.
                                                 deal with these older permits, the expiry
6                                                                                                                          July-August 2020

One of the consequences of COVID-19 has been an increase in
the number of older people wanting to remain living in their
home rather than move to nursing home care.
While nursing homes have their place to meet a need, especially
when one becomes lonely, is experiencing failing health or are
less able due to circumstances beyond their control, if you are
actively independent and just need a bit of a hand to remain
living in your home, there are many day-to-day tasks that can
accessed and funded through the Federal Government’s My
Aged Care (
Accessing My Aged Care service will also take the pressure off
your family when they visit, enabling you all to enjoy each
other’s company and make some more memories while leaving
the chores to someone else.
Accessing My Aged Care is available to those aged 65+ and is
subject to a need’s assessment.
If you need some help, the My Aged Care team can answer most
of your questions over the phone (1800 200 422).                      Located within easy walking distance of numerous facilities and
If you are simply unable to manage living in your family home,        services, life tenancy is offered provided certain criteria are met.
another option may be to downsize to a unit.                          There is a waiting list for tenancy.
Latrobe Council manage 64 community and social housing units          Individual applicants are prioritised for one-bedroom units and
for the actively independent aged throughout the town of              couples prioritised for two-bedroom units.
Latrobe.                                                              Even if you aren’t quite ready now but may be in the next 3-5
The one- or two-bedroom units are designed to meet the needs of       years, going on the waiting list may be a good option for you.
the aged, they are not disability units.                              This way you can work your way up to be in a position of
Units are co-located across multiple blocks of land meaning that      readiness when a unit is offered to you.
tenants live in alongside persons of a similar age which can help     If you would like to know more, please contact Latrobe Council
support social connectedness.                                         on 64264444 for an information kit and application form.

        SEAT DEDICATION                                 FUNDING FINDER                        This will see the camp experience
                                                                                              enhanced for visitors with new
    RECOGNISES CONTRIBUTION                   Businesses, community groups, sporting
                                                                                              accommodation options, improved
Do you know about Council’s seat              clubs and not-for-profit organisations
                                              operating in the Cradle Coast region are        facilities, and new activities.
dedication program?                                                                           The local community will also benefit
This program enables relatives, friends, or   now able to find and apply for grants and
                                              government funding using the Cradle             from new opportunities to connect with
groups to recognise a person/couple that                                                      the camp facilities with new play spaces
has contributed to the Latrobe                Coast Funding Finder.
                                              In a user-friendly initiative, the              and a redeveloped oval.
Municipality over many years.                                                                 As part of the project, the Banksia
Through the purchase of a seat dedicated      information on this website is specific to
                                              the North West Coast. This saves you            Facility is to be expanded to enhance the
to their memory and installed in an                                                           performing arts and create a new space
appropriate area in the Latrobe               time wading through grants only to find
                                              out that it is not applicable to you.           for our local history to be preserved and
Municipality, their contribution will be                                                      displayed.
remembered for many years to come.            Users can search for and filter funding
                                              opportunities by specifying a location,         The project continues to work through the
A recent seat installation at the Latrobe                                                     planning and design phase with
Cemetery (pictured) recognises Mr John        industry, and type of project, and view
                                              key eligibility information immediately.        construction expected to commence
Guest.                                                                                        during 2021.
Amongst Mr Guest’s vast community             The website also provides the ability to
involvement, he was also an inaugural         sign up for email alerts and other tools to              PORT SORELL’S
member of the Latrobe Cemetery                maximise your awareness of funding                    PARKS AND PATHWAYS
Committee in 2003 and remained an             opportunities.                                  Council has received some wonderful
active member until his passing in 2018 -     This free service is provided through the       feedback from new residents and families
the seat’s placement is certainly fitting.    Cradle Coast Authority website at               who have been utilising the shared
                                                 pathways and reserves throughout Port
                                                  ALL AHEAD WITH CAMP                         Sorell during the COVID-19 restrictions.
                                                 BANKSIA REDEVELOPMENT                        Pitcairn Reserve, the Aub Luck Reserve
                                              During 2019 Latrobe Council was                 and Panatana Rivulet (locally known as
                                              advised that it was to receive $4m from         Muddy Creek) have drawn warm praise
                                              the Commonwealth Government to                  and the foreshore pathway has been
                                              redevelop Camp Banksia and the Banksia          hailed a godsend.
                                              Centre. With the administrative                 Council is encouraged by the positive
                                              processes for the funding now completed,        feedback and extensive use of our parks
                                              Council engaged architectural consultant        and reserves and will be considering the
                                              Design Intent to prepare the preliminary        allocation of funding for further upgrades
Details of all seat dedications, along with   designs.                                        during the 2020-21 budget deliberations.
guidelines and applications forms are         The designs will be based on the concepts       Compliance with Public Health directions
available on Council’s website at             of the Camp Banksia Master plan                 has enabled restrictions to be eased and                       prepared in 2019.                               consequently greater use of community
                                                                                              facilities can be enjoyed.
July-August 2020                                                                                                                          7
     RECOVERING FROM THE                          to provide support and options for those      The event assistance seeks to assist
                                                  experiencing genuine and serious              cultural, community and sporting groups
      COVID-19 PANDEMIC                           financial hardship and Council                to develop local events for an audience of
As restrictions continue to ease in relation      encourages those experiencing such            100 people (or more if restrictions ease
to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has               hardship to view the policy on our            further) for staging within the Latrobe
been simultaneous activity in the recovery        website and consider making an                Municipality prior to 30 June 2021.
sector.                                           application should their personal             Support is also available for existing
Typically, recovery is based on four keys         circumstances dictate.                        events that cancelled their function prior
areas - social, infrastructure, financial and     COVID-19 aside, it is recognised that         to 16 March (conditions apply).
environmental - and may be one or more            serious financial hardship can occur at       Emerging Needs funds to eligible
of these, depending on the disaster.              any time and this policy addresses a          community groups/organisations will
In recovering from the COVID-19                   range of circumstances for both               support COVID-19 recovery in the fields
pandemic, there is a specific focus on the        residential and commercial ratepayers.        of health and community welfare, sport
economic and social impacts to enable             This policy will only apply to rates levied   and recreation, environment as well as
our community to emerge the other side            in accordance with the Local Government       minor capital works.
stronger, healthier, and more positive.           Act 1993, not any rate or charge              Details will be available on Latrobe
To ensure a localised and strategic               collected on behalf of other authorities      Council’s website -
response, a Municipal Recovery                    such as the Fire Service contribution.” - in July.
Committee has been established.                   To apply for financial hardship assistance    Applications are scheduled to close in
It is vital that recovery activities facilitate   from Council, complete the application        August with the successful applicants
and support individuals, groups, and              form available at      advised in September.
communities to identify, prioritise and
implement their own recovery processes
                                                  and lodge it with Council either in person        REVIEW YOUR FINANCES
                                                  at the Council office, 170 Gilbert Street,    The world as we know has gone through
utilising short, medium- and long-term            Latrobe, via email to
strategies.                                                                                     a huge change - where the things that are
                                         or post to P O     important to us become more real.
Representation on the Municipal                   Box 63, Latrobe, 7307.
Recovery Committee, chaired by Latrobe                                                          Its time to look at what is working for us
                                                  All applications will be treated with the     and what is not.
Council’s Recovery Coordinator,                   strictest of confidence with assessment
involves persons that have experience                                                           Are all your financial affairs working for
                                                  based on their merit.                         you and are you shopping locally?
across a wide range of fields including           The applicant will be advised as early as
government, economic development,                                                               If not, it may be time to approach your
                                                  possible so as not to exacerbate the          local branch of the Port Sorell and
tourism, business, agriculture,                   hardship.
employment, health, youth, seniors,                                                             Latrobe Community Enterprises Limited
community, sport and pastoral support.               LOCAL STIMULUS GRANTS                      (PS&LCE) - Bendigo Bank.
Details of those representatives will be          To support of the COVID-19 recovery           Your local branches are still operating
made public in due course to enable               process, Council has established a            and are available to assist you with your
effective engagement across the whole of          COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program.              financial needs.
community, restoring confidence and               A new Business Recovery Assistance            Are you in the market for a re-finance on
subsequent growth and development                 grant has been added to the grant             your home mortgage, a new insurance
economically and socially.                        portfolio that includes Council’s existing    quote, personal loan, term deposit, open a
                                                  Events and Emerging Needs small grants        new bank account or any of the many
        HARDSHIP SUPPORT                          with all focussing on supporting activities   products available at comparable rates?
In recognition of the impact that the             that respond to recovering from COVID-        Your business will ultimately assist
COVID-19 pandemic has had on our                  19.                                           growth in your community in the form of
community, Council has recently                   The Business Recovery Assistance will         sponsorship for your sporting group or
developed and adopted a Hardship Policy.          enable eligible small and medium local        emergency service, community event or
In doing so, the Mayor of Latrobe,                businesses to -                               similar activity. Without your business
Councillor Peter Freshney said “so many           • rapidly transition to alternate models      those sponsorships are not available.
people have been adversely impacted by               of commerce, outreach, and                 Your support is vital to the success of the
this pandemic; some have lost jobs,                  engagement, including digital              PS&LCEL, so make a visit or phone call
clientele or their entire business. This             solutions and/or                           to the Shearwater branch or Latrobe
has resulted in significant personal and
                                                  • support circular economy initiatives        agency today.
financial hardship.
                                                     from simple re-use to repair, re-make
The Hardship Policy has been designed
                                                     and revalue ideas.
                               HELP TO DEVELOP YOUR COVID-19 SAFE PLAN
As part of the Tasmanian Government plan to ‘Rebuild a Stronger Tasmania’, all
workplaces and community facilities accessible by staff, customers, members and
the wider community are required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that complies
with the minimum COVID-19 safety standards.
Templates are available at
19-safe-workplaces-framework to support small and medium-sized businesses to
assist in the development of COVID-19 Safety Plans based on sector-specific
guidelines. This template is also a useful tool for community use.
Additionally, many sporting codes are developing plans specific to their sport.
Developing a COVID-19 Safety Plan is the best way to demonstrate compliance
with the minimum standards and ensure a safe operating environment until a
vaccine for COVID-19 is developed and widely distributed.
If you require assistance to complete your COVID-19 Safe Plan, Latrobe
Council’s Environmental Health Officer is available - please ring on 6426 4444.
8                                                                                                                      July-August 2020
         SOCIAL SERVICES                            IMPROVING HEALTH                       how to keep active and healthy moving
          HELPING HAND                              THROUGH EXERCISE                       The Exercise Treatment Program is now
While there are many organisations that      North West Tasmanians living with             open for referrals through a GP or other
provide support to the community,            chronic health conditions now have            healthcare provider and is being delivered
business, individual or group, one of the    access to a free, strength-based exercise     locally in Latrobe.
most difficult processes is finding them.    program designed to boost their quality of
FindHelpTAS provides a wide ranging,         life.                                           MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF
publicly accessible, independently           The Exercise Treatment Program is a 14-       In the March-April edition of this
managed dataset of services and activities   week course designed to improve activity      newsletter, participant interest was sought
that support the health and wellbeing of     levels of older people who have a long-       in a free, community yoga, meditation,
Tasmanians and our communities in the        term health condition, such as arthritis,     and mindfulness program in Latrobe.
fields of -                                  osteoporosis, heart disease, Parkinson’s      While sufficient people responded to this
• Alcohol and Addictions                     disease, depression and more.                 initiative and moves were underway to
                                                                                           commence, COVID-19 came along.
• Children and Families                      The Australian Government has
                                                                                           Since then, Ms Cornish has secured
• Community and Culture                      committed $500,000 in funding for the
                                                                                           employment and is unable to provide this
• Coronavirus COVID-19                       North West program up to June 2022 with
                                                                                           activity in person but recommends this
• Disability                                 Tasmanian-based workplace health
                                             organisation, Healthy Business                free, online Mindfulness Based Stress
• Education and Employment                                                                 Reduction course (MBSR) -
                                             Performance Group (HBP Group),
• Emergency                                                                      
                                             selected to deliver the program.
• Health                                                                                   Ms Cornish advises that “the content is
                                             The group exercise program targets
• Housing                                                                                  similar to what we would be doing
                                             people living in North West Tasmania
• Legal and Financial                        who have or are at risk of developing a       together as a group … It offers body
• Mental Health                              chronic health condition, and are:            scans, yoga classes and meditations and
• Older People                               • aged 60 or older, or                        practices to do each week. The course is
• Young People                               • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait             self-paced and has some excellent
The list however is not exhaustive.              Islander person aged 45 or older          videos.”
                                             As part of the Exercise Treatment             Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
                                             Program, eligible participants will be        (MBSR) is an approach that incorporates
                                             guided through individually tailored          mindfulness to assist people struggling
                                             exercises at weekly sessions, as well as      with life’s difficulties, demands, stresses
                                             have access to healthy living advice in a     and physical or mental illnesses. MBSR
                                             safe, non-judgmental environment.             is the first course on the home page and is
                                             The education sessions - covering topics      “great for beginner and advanced
                                             such as how to prevent falls, tackling        meditators alike, this course is designed
                                             sedentary habits and staying motivated to     to help you:
                                             pursue your goals - will be delivered in an   • Respond rather than react to stress
                                             informal manner, with simple ‘take            • Change habitual reactivity patterns
If you belong to an organisation whose       home’ messages.                               • Cultivate self-awareness
services could or should be included on      Participants start the program by             • Learn the most established secular
this website, you are invited to become a    undergoing an individual assessment in             mindfulness program”.
member (which is free during COVID-19        their first week, designed to help            While COVID-19 restrictions continue to
and all of 2020). After that, there will     determine their general health, program       ease, it is important that you look after
always be a free membership with the         goals, and functional capacity.               more than just your physical body.
option of upgrading for additional           A further assessment is conducted at the      Through MBSR Take the time to nurture
features.                                    end of the program to measure                 your mind and move towards the best
The registration process is available        improvement, review their goals and           headspace you can have, enabling you to
online at    achievements, and give them ideas for         deal with whatever life throws at you.

                                                                           The Department of Health and Human Services, under
                                                                           its Healthy Tasmania branding, provides guidance to
                                                                           help you get healthier - be it eating well, moving
                                                                           more, achieving a healthy weight or being smoke free.
                                                                           During COVID-19, they have expanded in to the field
                                                                           of mental health and wellbeing, making a series of
                                                                           online presentations to provide a better understanding
                                                                           of mental health and what it means, learn about stress
                                                                           management, mindfulness, find out about online tools
                                                                           and their favourite session ‘laughter is medicine’.
                                                                           Recordings of these presentations are now available
                                                                           on Healthy Tasmania’s website -
                                                                  - scroll down to the
                                                                           ‘Need a Quick Link’ section to find the ‘Mentally
                                                                           Well’ episodes and on their Facebook page
Pictured: Laughter Group at OneCare’s Rubicon Grove, Port Sorell. Photographer - Rob Burnett
July-August 2020                                                                                                                          9

In conjunction with the Stanley Street road widening project at
Bosworth Park, Stanley Street, Latrobe, a dedicated and fenced
dog park is currently being constructed.
The dog park is being located at the Gilbert Street end of
Bosworth Park and covers an area of just under 4,000 sqm.
The dog park will be fenced to two metres high, including a
concrete plinth at the base to prevent digging. It will include two
separate yards - for small and large breed dogs.
Both yards will feature airlock access, grass and soft fall surfaces
and activity areas including ramps, tunnels and jumps.
Off street parking, lighting, water and garbage facilities will also   Pictured: Brian sending Taak to retrieve a dumbbell over a solid
be provided.                                                           jump
                                                                       While a dog park allows for the expending of some of your dog’s
                                                                       energy and socialisation with other dogs off leash, there are also
                                                                       opportunities to fine tune your dog’s obedience.
                                                                       One such duo doing just that is Brian Patrick and his Border
                                                                       Collie, Taak.
                                                                       Brian is an experienced Obedience Instructor with the Tasmanian
                                                                       Dog Training Club and trains Taak for 30 minutes every day
                                                                       which has resulted in Taak being at the highest level of
                                                                       Obedience Training (UDX) in Tasmania.
                                                                       Council is currently considering whether to offer a series of one-
                                                                       hour, low cost dog obedience class on Sunday mornings, at the
                                                                       Latrobe Dog Park when it opens.
                                                                       If this is of interest to you, please register with
                                                                       Due to the nature and potential hazards associated with the
                                                                       construction works, the Bosworth Park playground and public
                                                                       toilets remain closed to users until mid-July, subject to weather

   DOG REGISTRATIONS DUE                        6 months or older, it must be registered      supermarkets or you could even use an
                                                with Latrobe Council.                         empty plastic shopping bag to pick up the
        FROM 1 JULY                             New registrations will be accepted at the     faeces, bag securely and put in a dog poo
The Dog Control Act 2000 requires that          Council office from 1 July with the           loo.
all dogs aged from 6 months must be
microchipped and registered.
                                                discount period ending on 31 July. From                  CUNNING CATS
                                                1 August, the full fee applies.               Do you have a stray cat hanging around
Registration not only allows Council to
keep better control of the dog population                 SCOOP THE POOP                      that you aren’t sure whether it is a stray
but also to provide improved facilities         Being a responsible dog owner involves        or just making the most of your
and conditions for responsible dog              the unpleasant task of picking up dog         generosity?
owners. Some benefits include:                  faeces if they defecate whilst out in         It can be a very hard situation to judge, as
• Positive identification of your dog           public to ensure that public areas,           most cats are masters of the art of coming
• Reuniting lost or injured dogs with           footpaths and grass verges are a pleasant     across as starving even if it isn’t true.
    their owners                                place to walk for ourselves and others        While cats are meant to be microchipped
• Investigation and resolution of dog           without fear of treading in dog faeces.       and kept inside for their own safety, and
    problems                                    Section 45(1) of the Dog Control Act          the safety of wildlife, reality tells us that
• Funding of educational programs to            2000 requires a person in charge of a dog     not all of them are.
    encourage responsible dog ownership         to immediately remove and dispose of          Just because they are wandering though
• Operation and maintenance of animal           any faeces left by the dog in a public        does not mean they don’t know where
    pounds                                      place or in a place not owned by the          home is but how can you possibly know?
• Dog patrol services to reduce the             person (except guide dogs).                   If you have no success with your
    number of stray dogs on streets and in      Fines equalling 1 penalty point are           enquiries, why not make a paper collar
    public places                               applicable which is currently $168.           and write on it “I am worried this cat is a
• Encouragement of de-sexing of dogs                                                          stray and needs rescuing, if this is your
    through discounted registration fees                                                      cat please contact me on ……… (your
• Reduced registration fees for early                                                         contact details). Cut out the collar and
    registration                                                                              secure it around the cat’s neck with a
If your dog/s is/are already registered in                                                    piece of tape at one end or attach to a
the Latrobe Municipality you will receive                                                     collar it may have on. Do not tape the
your registration renewal notice the first                                                    entire collar because if it gets caught on
week in July.                                                                                 something it could harm the cat.
The introduction of lifetime tags in July                                                     If nobody calls and/or the collar is still on
2019 has now made it possible to renew                                                        next time you see the cat, then the next
your registration online. Payment options       There are several dog bag dispensers and      step should be to have it scanned for a
will be outlined on your renewal notice.        dog poo loos strategically located            microchip. Finding its family is always
If you have moved into the Latrobe              throughout the Latrobe Municipality.          preferable to putting it through a potential
Municipality with your dog or you get a         Additionally, cheap and discreet dog tidy     shelter situation.
dog throughout the year and it is               bags are available for purchase at            Source: Tasmanian Lot Pets Facebook
10                                                                                                                         July-August 2020

                                              WHY REPORT A NEAR MISS?
A near miss, in a motoring context, is an unplanned event that did not result in injury or accident but had the potential to do so.
                                                                                     As road users we generally do not report near
                                                                                     misses - after all, no one was hurt, however, if an
                                                                                     accident or damage had occurred, the incident
                                                                                     would have been reported to Tasmania Police and
                                                                                     an investigation could have been carried out.
                                                                                     So, why is reporting a near miss important?
                                                                                     Near misses can be regarded as early warning signs
                                                                                     that something may be wrong somewhere.
                                                                                     A record of near misses at a location could lead to
                                                                                     corrective action that may prevent more serious
                                                                                     injuries or accidents at that location in the future.
                                                                                     A near miss is your early warning system. Don’t
                                                                                     wait for an accident or injury before you act.
                                                                                     To report a near, contact Tasmania Police on 131
                                                                                     444, email tasmania.police@police.tas.,
                                                                                     report to the Community Road Safety Committee on
                                                                                     6491 0200 or email
                                                                                     If you would like to know more about the
                                                                                     Community Road Safety Committee, please contact
                                                                                     Councillor Lesley Young on 0419 326 250.

     HIGH BEAM HEADLIGHTS                              KNOW YOUR DRONE                            public safety or where emergency
With the longer nights during the winter       Australians are flying drones in record            operations are underway.
months in Tasmania, it is worth thinking       numbers.                                        5. You must not fly your drone at night
about the best ways to stay safe on the        With more drones in the sky, its                   or through cloud or fog; and
road - especially in times of poor             important that users understand the rules       6. Your drone must always be in your
visibility.                                    that keep us safe.                                 line-of-sight.
Whenever you are driving at night, on an       CASA-verified drone safety apps and             There are additional requirements should
empty road with no streetlights, it is         web applications provide customised             you be flying your drone for commercial
advisable that you have your headlights        location-based information with easy to         activities.
on high beam so that you can see ahead         use maps about where you can and can't          Non-compliance with the above could
and watch for any obstacles.                   fly your drone in accordance with               result in you being fined $10,500.
The Tasmanian Road Rules say that you          aviation legislation.                           For more information, go to
are not allowed to switch on your high                                               
beams if there are any vehicles less than                                                        COUNCIL’S WORKS REPORT
200 metres ahead of you, whether they                                                          The following works are scheduled to be
are driving in the same direction or on the                                                    undertaken throughout the Latrobe
other side of the road.                                                                        Municipality during July and August:
You should also not use your high beams                                                        CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND
when it is raining heavily or in thick fog                                                     MAINTENANCE
as high beams can reflect back in this
                                                                                               • Road seal maintenance
type of weather and make seeing even
more difficult.                                                                                • Rural roadside drainage maintenance
It is a good idea to test your high beams                                                      • Road shoulder maintenance
                                               You will also need to check your local          TOWN SERVICES
every now and then just to make sure
                                               and state government for any local rules
they are working properly and won't let
                                               or regulations before you fly.                  • Shearwater Park playground shelter
you down when you need them.
                                               Quickly running through the rules for the       • Bosworth Park playground shelter
If you would like to know more about the                                                       • Water fountain installations at Port
                                               leisure drone user -
Community Road Safety Committee,
                                               1. You can’t fly your drone over another          Sorell jetty and Hawley Esplanade
please contact Councillor Lesley Young
                                                  person or crowd of people and must           • General buildings facilities
on 0419 326 250.
                                                  keep your drone at least 30m away              maintenance
Source: motorama
                                                  from them.                                   • Footpath maintenance
                                               2. When flying your drone, you must not         GREEN SPACES
                                                  fly it higher than 120m above ground
                                                                                               • Bosworth Park Stage 2 landscaping
                                                                                                  and improvements
                                               3. Drones weighing more than 100 grams
                                                  must remain at least 5.5kms away             • Port Sorell Recreation Ground
                                                  from a controlled airport but if you are        upgrades to drainage
                                                  near a helicopter landing site or            • General parks tree and garden
                                                  smaller aerodrome without a control             maintenance
                                                  tower and there are no manned aircraft       Should you have any queries, please do
                                                  nearby, you can fly your drone within        not hesitate to contact Council's
                                                  5.5 kilometres.                              Operations Manager on 6426 4453.
                                               4. Importantly, you must not fly your
                                                  drone over or near an area affecting
July-August 2020                                                                                                                  11
During 2018, Cradle Coast Authority
(CCA) facilitated the development of the
Cradle Coast Regional Futures Plan (the
Futures Plan), on behalf of its Member
Councils and the broader region.
The Futures Plan was endorsed by
Member Councils in late 2018 and forms
the basis of a collaborative approach to
economic development activities in the
region. The consultation that lead to the
development of the Regional Futures
Plan identified some deeply embedded
systemic, structural challenges that need
to be overcome to ensure the workforce is
well-placed to provide the skills and
capabilities to take on the jobs that are
coming including:                            these new ways of working better             More squares are needed through so, if
• High unemployment rates                    together.                                    you can knit or crochet, you are more
                                             Source:                      than welcome to participate.
• Low educational attainment levels
• Shrinking working-age population             KINDNESS AND FRIENDSHIP                    The squares can be plain or fancy, as long
                                                                                          as they are in 8 ply and are 20cm x 20cm.
• Regionally dispersed population                  ARE KEY PILLARS
• Significant labour demands                 The U3A Port Sorell Committee have
The Cradle Coast Regional Futures Plan       continued working hard behind the
(Futures Plan) was created in response to    scenes after all face-to-face classes were
these challenges. It establishes a shared    suspended mid-March due to COVID-19.
narrative to guide collective regional and   The challenge has been to keep members
local action, aimed at improving living      connected and up to date while sharing
standards in the region by boosting          information and having fun - it is about
regional growth and fostering a more         keeping everyone “INFOCUS”.
resilient economy - with a sharp focus on    To achieve this, Port Sorell U3A
creating more jobs and better jobs.          established “INFOCUS” a new look             Kindness and friendship and key pillars
More information on the challenges and       fortnightly newsletter and sent it to        of why U3A exists and were
strategic response summarised from the       current and past members until face-to-      demonstrated when a milestone birthday
Futures Plan is available at                 face classes resumed.                        was not forgotten.                      Members have been offered 34 free U3A        Over 30 cars paraded past a member’s
The Futures Plan and governance              online courses, from Kings and Queens        home with horns and balloons and
arrangements provide a crucial platform      of England, Training your Brain to Maths     presents - a celebration that will forever
for working collaboratively across           Theory and more! A great way to keep         be remembered. That is how they are
sectors, organisations and boundaries on     minds active.                                keeping the bonds alive that U3A creates.
the complex challenges that are not          The craft group’s project of knitting and    With the easing of restrictions, Port
effectively being dealt with separately.     crocheting 20cm x 20cm squares for a         Sorell U3A are actively preparing for a
While the responses to these challenges      cause and their goal of 200 squares was      return to face-to-face classes in Term 3.
often need to be industry led, the Cradle    picked up and further promoted by            For more details please contact Gail
Coast Authority and member councils          Latrobe Council resulting in wider           Woodgate at
have an important role in championing        community participation and making this
                                             goal more attainable.
                                                                                           NEW TOURISM WEBSITE FOR
                                                                                           LATROBE AND PORT SORELL
                                                                                          Latrobe Council continues to progress the
                                                                                          developing a new tourism website for the
                                                                                          local area.
                                                                                          The website will be modern and colourful
                                                                                          and highlight the wonderful tourism
                                                                                          assets that we have in our area.
                                                                                          Local accommodation and food providers
                                                                                          will be featured along with the region’s
                                                                                          fabulous towns and our natural and built
                                                                                          The website is due to be completed by the
                                                                                          end of July to assist in reinvigorating and
                                                                                          stimulating the recovery process.
                                                                                          This will be one of the last projects
                                                                                          Jennifer Archer completes before
                                                                                          finishing up with Council.
                                                                                          Its website address will be
12                                                                                                                             July-August 2020

            LATROBE FLOOD MITIGATION UPDATE                                                            FUTURE EDITIONS
                                                                                           Article deadlines and distribution dates
While the implementation of Latrobe           then be identified for the project through
                                                                                           are provided to assist contributors with
Flood Mitigation measures post 2016           an open tender process.
                                                                                           their forward planning promotion -
Latrobe floods is taking a fair amount of     By October it is anticipated that the
                                                                                           Deadline ........................ Edition
time to reach the construction phase,         Commonwealth approvals will have been
                                                                                              30 Jul ........................ Sept-Oct
there is a mountain of work going on          received and the tender contract adopted
                                                                                              1 Oct ......................... Nov-Dec
behind the scenes to ensure that no short     with an announcement in November and
                                                                                           Articles may be submitted to the editor
cuts are taken and a quality product is       the site becoming available then.
                                                                                           by the relevant deadline date via email or
delivered that is able to stand the test of   The progression of this timetable is
time, for which no apology is made.           subject to everything falling in to place
                                                                                                          Latrobe Council
In May, Latrobe Councillors received an       by the various deadlines meaning that
                                                                                                    170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe
update of this project including details of   groundwork will get underway this
                                                                                                    P O Box 63, Latrobe, 7307
the potential timetable.                      coming summer period.
Entura have now finalised the Dam             The best time to undertake these works is
                                                                                           Contributions must be relevant to the
Works Permit documentation and are            from December to the following April.
                                                                                           Latrobe Municipality and suitable for
working through the detailed design.          Subject to contractor capacity and lead
                                                                                           inclusion. They will be used at the
Work has also started on the preparation      time, works will initially focus on Kings
                                                                                           discretion of the editor, in whole or part,
of the tender documentation, which is         Creek, from the Miles Ford Bridge to
                                                                                           or not at all, in the next scheduled issue
expected to be completed at the end of        Victor Street (red), before progressing to   or subsequent issues. The Council does
July, enabling tenders to be called in        Kobie Lane (blue), Kings Creek above         not pay for editorial submitted.
August.                                       Gilbert Street (orange), and along River     DISCLAIMER - Information supplied is correct at the
In September the Dam Work Permit is           Road (yellow).                               time of printing. Although all care has been taken in
expected to be granted then work starts       It is anticipated that the construction      the production of this newsletter, Latrobe Council
                                                                                           accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy or error
on the Commonwealth approvals                 project will run over more than one          contained in this newsletter because of information
process. A preferred contractor should        Summer construction season.                  supplied.
You can also read