ACTIVITY GUIDE
            SPRING/SUMMER     2020
   PG 3-6



SPRING/SUMMER 2020                                                                           MEET YOUR ADVISORY
 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                       The CRPD Advisory Board of Directors consist of five local
 1     Carmichael Parks Foundation                                                    individuals who are appointed by the Sacramento County
                                                                                      Board of Supervisors Susan Peters, District 3. The charge
 2     Community Bulletin                                                              of the Board is to set policies that will guide the District.
 3     Community Events                                                               Board members serve a term from 4 to 8 years and come
                                                                                        from a variety of backgrounds and skills. They all share
 7     Gone to the Dogs                                                               one important trait - a commitment to serve the park and
 8     Leisure Enrichment                                                                        recreation needs of this community.
 10    Adult Sports, Health & Fitness
 12    Aquatics
 13    Little Tykes / Tiny Tots
 14    Youth/Teen Activities
                                                                                     Michael Rockenstein     Byron Borman            Brooke Judd
 17    Youth Sports                                                                       Chairperson
 19    Sacramento Fine Arts Center/Chautauqua
 20    Registration Information
 22    Facility Rentals
 23    Community Resource Information
                                                                                                 Gayle Dax-Conroy        Joyce Carroll
 24    District Map

                                      NOW HIRING FOR SUMMER 2020!
                                   Do you like to work with youth and play outdoors? This is the perfect summer
                                                                                                                         Are you ?
                                           job for you! Carmichael Recreation and Park District is hiring                 energetic,
                                                                                                                             fun &
                                     Summer Camp Leaders Positions Starting in June 2020!
                                   Instructions to apply are available online
                                                  or email for more information.
                                                         SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD                              RECREATION STAFF
                                                         SUPERVISOR                                           Sharlene Lal: Recreation Supervisor
                                                         Honorable Susan Peters, District 3                   Matthew Zimmerling: Recreation Supervisor
                                                                                                              Talesha Freidenfelt: Recreation Coordinator
                                                         ADVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS                          Courtney Onstot: Recreation Coordinator
                                                         Michael Rockenstein: Chair
                                                         Gayle Dax-Conroy: Vice Chair
        DISTRICT OFFICE                                  Byron Borman                                         PARK STAFF
   5750 Grant Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608                 Joyce Carroll                                        Jerry Eppler: Maintenance Supervisor
Phone: (916) 485-5322 • Fax: (916) 485-0805              Brooke Judd                                          Curtis LaDuke: Maintenance Worker
        Email:                                                                        Clinton Salas: Maintenance Worker
                                                         The Advisory Board meets the third Thursday          Philip Hurt: Maintenance Worker
          Office Hours: 8:30am-5pm
                                                         of every month at 6pm in the Clubhouse               Alex Moreno: Facilities Technician
     Maintenance Shop: (916) 481-0603                    at Carmichael Park, 5750 Grant Avenue in
                                                         Carmichael. The meetings are open to the
          LA SIERRA                                      public and agendas are posted on our website         ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
                                                                                                              Ty Campbell: Bookkeeper
      RECREATION OFFICE                                                                                       Sharon Reneau: Payroll/Account Clerk
5325 Engle Road, Suite 100, Carmichael, CA 95608         MANAGEMENT STAFF                                     Regina Hill: Secretary Receptionist
Phone: (916) 483-7826 • Fax (916) 483-7861               Mike Blondino: District Administrator                Marianna Panagiotou: Secretary Receptionist
       Email:                Alaina Lofthus: Recreation Services Manager
 Office Hours: 8:30am-5pm; Closed from 1-2pm             Ingrid Penney: Administrative Services Manager
      Maintenance Shop: (916) 487-6234                   James Perry: Park Services Manager

                                                                                                                                                           CRPD FOUNDATION
                                     FOUNDAT ION
         Special Thanks to the following organizations for their support of Dinner in the Park in 2019.

                             The Carmichael Parks Foundation is a non-            visited the Hubble Telescope exhibit. Funds have been allocated
                             profit public charity of volunteers dedicated        to the Friends of Jensen Botanical Garden and the Carmichael
                             to supporting the youth and parks of our             Community Gardens at Sutter Park for ongoing beautification. In
                             community. A core role of the Foundation is to       May, we will again participate in the Big Day of Giving and in the
                             provide scholarships to local youth so they may      spring and summer we will offer the popular B. ST Theater playwriting
                             participate in the many recreation programs          programs. The Bocce Ball courts in Carmichael Park, in memory of
                             offered by the Park District. The Foundation         Shirley Simi, are still on track and please mark your calendar for the
distributed nearly $18,000 in 2019 to 0-18 year olds and due to the               4th annual Dinner in the Park on SEPTEMBER 12, 2020!
generosity of our community at the 3rd annual Dinner in the Park, we can
continue to offer these much needed awards in 2020.                               Thank you for your support of the Foundation’s efforts and
                                                                                  especially for your participation in the Foundation’s fundraisers.
The Foundation designated the Kids After School Hangout at La Sierra as its
signature project. Partnering with the Rotary Club of Carmichael last fall, the   			 If you would like to know more about the Foundation’s goals
Hangout received new paint, chairs and organizing supplies. Over the winter       			 and activities or are interested in volunteering in a variety of
break we contributed to the Aerospace Museum field trip where youngsters          			 areas, contact Sharon Ruffner, Foundation President at
                                                                                  			 (916) 485-5322 or at

Carmichael Recreation and Park District is pleased to provide                      AD SIZES AND COST:
you with information on the benefits of advertising in the CRPD                    Banner size 7.5” Wide x 1.5” High                      $110
Activity Guide. We are confident that you will experience                          ¼ page      4.175” Wide x 5” High                      $135
a better return on investment than advertising with other                          ½ page      8” Wide x 5” High                          $175
publications. Our guide is printed in full color on glossy                         Full page   8” Wide x 11” High                         $335
paper and contains seasonal information about recreation and
                                                                                   Inside Back 8” Wide x 11” High                         $360
leisure activities throughout the Carmichael Community. Our
guide gets into the hands of your customers!
                                                                                   OUR CLIENT LIST INCLUDES:
BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING:                                                           • Carmichael Beavers Swim Team
• Direct mailed to 26,000 residents                                                • DART Swimming
• Rates are lower than other publications                                          • Effie Yeaw Nature Center
• Proceeds support local youth activities                                          • MK Finance Co.
• Published twice a year providing a long shelf life                               • Choices Charter School
• Published in its entirety electronically on the District’s website

                                              INTERESTED IN PLACING AN AD?
                 Contact Sharlene Lal at (916) 483-7826 or email
COMMUNITY                                                       CREEK WEEK
                                                                                     Enjoy, explore and learn about our local creeks and aquatic wildlife.
                                                                                     Be part of an area-wide volunteer effort to improve and enhance
                     BULLETIN                                                        our urban waterways. You’ll have a great time learning about the
                                                                                     importance of creeks and feel good about your work to protect the
                           The events on this page are listed for                    environment.
                           community interest and are not operated by CRPD
                                                                                     For more information and details visit or call the
                                                                                     Sacramento Area Creeks Council at (916) 482-8377.

                     TASTE OF CARMICHAEL                                             CREEK CLEAN-UP & CELEBRATION
                     Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael                     Saturday, April 18
                     Friday, May 15 • 5:30-8:30pm                                    Join the county-wide cleanup effort from 9am-11am and then join
                     Location: La Sierra Community Center, John Smith                fellow volunteers afterwards at Carmichael Park for a Creek Week Clean-
                     Hall, 5325 Engle Road                                           Up Celebration from 11am-2pm. Volunteers receive a free t-shirt and
                     Fee: $50/ticket                                                 lunch. The celebration features activities, exhibits and entertainment.
                     Taste the best of what Carmichael has to offer! Featuring       		 Please Note: Creek Clean-Up is a great way for students
                     Todd Morgan & the Emblems and Vintage Fare & Friends!           		 to earn community service hours!
                     Call (916) 944-2137 or visit for
                     more information.
                                                                                     PARK BEAUTIFICATION AND CREEK WEEK
                                                                                     Saturday, April 18 • 8-11am
                     THE 39 ANNUAL CACTUS &
                                                                                     Get your friends together and help clean up your local parks and
                     SUCCULENT SHOW AND SALE                                         creeks! Tasks include light maintenance and trash pick-up. Help
                     Saturday, May 16 • 9am-4pm                                      us keep our parks clean and beautiful.
                     Sunday, May 17 • 9am-2pm                                        Call Sharlene Lal at (916) 483-7826 for more information.
                     Location: Carmichael Park Clubhouse, 5750 Grant Ave.
                     The Carmichael Cactus and Succulent Society will hosts
                     their annual show and sale. This event features displays,       KOOBS NATURE AREA
                     cactus and succulent plants, dish gardens and seedlings,        MEMORIAL DAY
                     unusual containers and handcrafted pottery.                     Monday, May 25 • 10am-2pm
                                                                                     Remembering Those Who Served. La Sierra High School Veterans
                     AMTGUARD MEDIEVAL LARPING:
                                                                                     Memorial, 10am-2pm. Colors presented at 11am.
                     THOR’S REFUGE
                     Sundays • 12-4pm                                                KOOBS NATURE AREA OPEN DAYS
                     Location: Carmichael Park, near the Daniel Bishop               The Koobs Nature area will be open to the public on the first
                     Memorial Pavilion                                               Saturday of each month, March through October, from 10am-2pm
                     Join Amtguard for medieval fantasy combat battle games          Each open day will have a theme with learning stations providing
                     every Sunday in Carmichael Park! Anywhere from 2 to 4           STEM based activities. This is perfect for families and kids to enjoy
                     battle games will be run per day with time between for          the nature area and the activities. There is no cost for these events.
                     ditching. Free to play but you must sign a waiver with the
                     organizer. Loaner gear may be available. Games held rain
                     or shine.                                                       FARMERS MARKET Bringing the farm to you!
                     For questions or more information visit           Open Every Sunday • 9am-2pm
                     groups/westmarch.                                               Location: Carmichael Park
                                                                                     Carmichael Recreation and Park District hosts a weekly farmers market
                     COMMUNITY BAND FESTIVAL                                         where you can buy farm fresh goods to take to your table. The
                     Saturday, June 6 • 12-7pm                                       market is operated by, Living Smart Foundation, a local nonprofit
                     Sunday, June 7 • 11am-7pm                                       training organization specializing in financial and business education
                     This annual festival remains one of the largest community       for youth in our community. Each week the market features certified
                     band festivals in California and features many concert bands.   Farmers locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables, specialty
                     The Community Band Fest is held at Carmichael Park at the       gourmet foods, spices, sauces, nuts, dried fruits and honey. Local
                     Daniel Bishop Memorial Pavilion and is presented by the         entertainment is provided for your enjoyment!
                     Sacramento Valley Symphonic Band Association.                   		 Interested in being a vendor?
                                                                                     		 Call the Market Managers at (916) 484-7000

                                                                                                                         COMMUNITY EVENTS
                                                                     PANCAKE BREAKFAST

  Saturday, September 26 • 10am-3pm
  Location: Carmichael Park
  Carmichael celebrates 111 years of community! This event
  features a car show, live music, food trucks, games, hands
                                                                     Saturday, April 11, Hunt Starts at 10am Sharp
  on activities and more!
                                                                     Location: Carmichael Park
  		 Would you like to be a part of Founder’s Day?                   Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the
  		 Sponsorships are available; please contact Sharlene             bunny trail to Carmichael Park! Join us for egg
  		 Lal at (916) 483-7826 for more information.
                                                                     hunts, arts and crafts, visits with the Bunny
                                                                     and a pancake breakfast. The egg hunt will be
CARMICHAEL COMMUNITY GARDEN                                          held rain or shine and begins at 10am SHARP.
The Carmichael Community Garden is located at Sutter-Jensen          Please arrive at least 45-60 minutes early so
Community Park off of Sutter Avenue. The community garden features   you don’t miss this EGG-CITING adventure!
sixty two 20’ x 20’ plots. The garden exists to create a space for
community members to garden, share and learn. A love of gardening,   Children are divided by age groups as follows:
nature, the outdoors and camaraderie unite plot holders and the      2 & under, 3-4 years, 5-6 years, and 7-8 years.
garden community. Plots in the garden are renewed annually and       Hunt areas will be spread out throughout the park
are available on an application basis to families, individuals and   and all age groups depart at the same time.
community organizations.

      For more information on the Carmichael Community Garden
      please call (916) 483-7826.                                    PANCAKE BREAKFAST
                                                                     Location: Carmichael Park, Clubhouse
                                                                     Fee: Adults $5/Children ages 12 & under $3
                                                                     Join the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael for pancakes
                                                                     and fun before the egg hunt begins.
                                                                     		     This event is sponsored by Kiwanis Club of
                                                                     		     Carmichael. For more information call
                                                                     		     (916) 483-7826

First Thursday of Each Month, March-December • 5pm
Location: Carmichael Park
Bring your appetite to Carmichael Park the first Thursday of each
month for yummy food, music, vendors and more!

		Please visit for monthly truck
		       lineup and more information. Events are held rain
		       or shine March through December.                                                                                3

                   Join Us for Another Music Filled
                   Summer at Carmichael Park!
                   14 FREE concerts will be offered in the park, all
                   concerts will be held in Carmichael Park at the
                   Daniel Bishop Memorial Pavilion. Over 10,000
                   people attend the concert series each summer
                   and we look forward to another great series in       HELP BRING MUSIC TO CARMICHAEL!
                   2020! Concert details, including performance            Join us as a sponsor for the Concerts in the
                   schedule, dates and times will be available at         Park series and help bring free music to your
                                                                         community! If you are interested, please contact
                                                                              Sharlene Lal, Recreation Supervisor at
                                                              or call (916)-483-7826.

                                                                           STAY CONNECTED!
                                                                          Want the most up to date information on programs, events and
                                                                       goings-on within the District? You can get up to date information by
                                                                       finding us on any of the social media networks below! You can also
                                                                        log on to our website at too! Stay connected.

                                                                 @carmichaelrec    @Carmichael_Rec

                                                                                           JULY 4
                                                                                            PANCAKES 7AM
                                                                                            PARADE 10:30AM
                                                                                            FIREWORKS 7PM

                     GALA PARADE & FIREWORKS SHOW

Location: Carmichael Park, Clubhouse
Fee: Adults $5/Children ages 12 & under $3
Stop by and grab some flapjacks before the parade! The
Pancake Breakfast is hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael.

Get a front row seat on Fair Oaks Boulevard to enjoy the 62nd
Annual Elks Club Parade. Watch the wonderful community
floats, marching bands, equestrian entries, military units,
antique automobiles and much more! The parade route begins
at Marconi/Fair Oaks and continues down Fair Oaks Boulevard
to Cypress/Manzanita. The Grand Stand is located across the
street from Carmichael Park, 5750 Grant Avenue. Don’t miss
out on one of the largest and oldest parades in the region!
				 Applications for the parade are now available at the
				 Carmichael Elks: 5631 Cypress Ave. Carmichael, CA
				 95608. (916) 489-2103.                                                    BE A PART OF THE MAGIC!
                                                                        Sponsorship opportunities available call Sharlene Lal at
                                                                        (916) 483-7826 or email
                                                                            The 4th of July Celebration is sponsored by:
The evening will culminate with the annual Fireworks Show at La
Sierra Community Center, 5325 Engle Road. The festivities begin
at 7pm, join us for food trucks, music and fun! Plus, don’t miss the
Kid’s Zone with arts and crafts, inflatables, face painting and more!
Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and shade umbrellas. Fireworks            For more information call (916) 483-7826 or
begin at dark (approximately 9:30pm). No dogs, personal                          visit us at
fireworks, BBQ’s, etc. allowed at La Sierra Community Center.                                                                      5

                                                                                         GONE TO THE DOGS

                 The Carmichael Recreation and Park District welcomes leashed dogs
                 in all of its parks. For those owners of well mannered canines who
                 enjoy a good run or a friendly romp, there’s the additional option of
                 dogs to have free play at the Carmichael Dog Park.

                 A healthy dog is a happy dog! Get out and enjoy the great outdoors
                 with your pet. Carmichael Recreation and Park District offers an off-
                 leash dog park open to the public 7 days a week for both big dogs
                 and small dogs. The dog park is located inside of Carmichael Park at
                 5750 Grant Avenue.

                 The Carmichael Canine Corral Association (CCCA) is the volunteer-
                 led organization funded by member dues and donations that
                 supports the maintenance of the Carmichael Off-Leash Dog Park.
                 CCCA provides the necessary supplies and volunteers for the regular
                 removal of dog waste, weed abatement, park improvements, etc.
                       To join, donate or find out more about volunteering,
                       please visit



                     FIRST AID & ADULT, CHILD & INFANT CPR
                     Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms
                     $25 lab fee due at first class
                     This 8-hour class is a basic training course in emergency
                     care for infants and children. There are also adult essential
                     skills included along with AED training. This class meets State
                     EMSA and Pediatric CPR and First Aid Child Care Provider
                     Requirements. Certifications are good for two years.
                      DAYS         DATES     TIMES                   FEE
                      Saturdays    3/14       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    3/28       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    4/18       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    5/2        8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    5/16       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    6/13       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    7/11       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    8/1        8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                      Saturdays    8/22       8:30am-5:30pm          $55(R) / $61(NR)
                                                                                              BUBBLE SOCCER
                                                                                              Ages: Must be 12 years or older
                                                                                              Fee: $250 for 2 hours ($50 per additional hour)
                     BEGINNING SIGN LANGUAGE
                     Taught by Myron Greenstone                                               WHAT ’S INCLUDED:
                     Location: Carmichael Park, Veterans Hall: North Room                     • 10 bubbles (for 2 teams of 5)
                     Students learn basic, common etiquette signs and everyday                • 2 soccer balls and 2 goals
                     signs to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing.                  • Shin guards
                     Upon completion, students will have basic skills and can                 • Bubble Soccer supervisor/referee
                     take future classes.                                                     Run, kick, SLAM! Carmichael Recreation & Park District is
                      DAYS        DATES      TIMES          WEEKS          FEE                excited to announce that it now has Bubble Soccer available to
                                                                                              rent for your next birthday, picnic or company retreat. Bubble
                      Mondays     4/6-5/4    6:05-7:30pm    5 weeks        $40(R) / $44(NR)
                                                                                              soccer is played similarly to soccer, except the field is smaller
                      Mondays     5/18-6/22 6:05-7:30pm     5 weeks        $40(R) / $44(NR)
                                                                                              and everyone is outfitted with a bubble. The bubble allows for
                      Mondays 7/6-8/3        6:05-7:30pm    5 weeks        $40(R) / $44(NR)   pushing and bouncing off one another making for an intense, fun
                                                                                              and exhilarating experience! Bubble Soccer is available at the La
                                                                                              Sierra Community Center, Carmichael Park, Del Campo Park, Jan
                                                                                              Park, O’Donnell Heritage Park, and Glancy Oaks Park.

                       STAY CONNECTED!                                                         For more information or to make a reservation

                        Want the most up to date information on programs, events              		 please email or
                        and goings-on within the District? You can get up to date             		 call (916) 483-7826.
                          information by finding us on any of the social media
                         networks below! You can also log on to our website at
                       too! Stay connected.

                                                                                              R=Resident and NR=Non Residents
                                                                                              Residents of the District will receive a discount for specific
                @carmichaelrec     @Carmichael_Rec        programs. Please see page 24 for the District boundary map.

                                                                                                                                                  LEISURE ENRICHMENT
                                                                              Location: 5750 Grant Avenue
                                                                              This fun-loving group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the
                                                                              month from 10am-2pm at the Carmichael Park Clubhouse.
                                                                              Activities include potluck lunches, entertainment, casino bus
                                                                              trips, bingo, rummage sales, theatre outings and more!
                                                                              Call Valerie at (916) 487-5525 for more information.

                                                                              MISSION OAKS COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                                              Location: 4701 Gibbons Drive
                                                                              Senior services include trips, special events, leisure enrichment
GUITAR LESSONS                                                                classes, clubs, a lunch program and more!
Taught by the Sacramento Guitar Society                                       Call (916) 972-0336 for more information.
Location: La Sierra Community Center, Room 800
Ages: Adults & Children 12 years & up
                                                                              					 SPECIAL EVENTS
$10 materials fee due at first class
                                                                              					 SENIOR RESOURCE FAIR
                                                                              					 Wednesday, April 29 • 9am-1pm
Students must have a guitar (nylon string acoustic guitars
recommended) but a loaner guitar is available with a refundable security
deposit of $100.

This 6-week introductory class will teach students tuning, playing
position, musical symbols, notes in first position, rhythms through
eighth notes, chords, reading, scales, finger-picking, strumming and
simple repertoire. The class is accompanied with a Hal Leonard Guitar
Method Book 1, which comes with a CD including 47 full band tracks
for demonstration or play along.

This 6-week course is a continuation of the “Introduction to Guitar Part
1” class, focused on teaching students tuning, playing position, musical
symbols, notes in first position, rhythms through eight notes, chords,
reading, scales, finger-picking, strumming and simple repertoire. The class
is accompanied with a Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1, which comes                JENSEN BOTANICAL
with a CD including 47 full band tracks for demonstration or play along.

This 6 week course is a continuation of the “Introduction to Guitar Part
                                                                                   Open from Sunrise to Sunset
1” class, focused on teaching students tuning, playing position, musical           8520 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Carmichael, CA 95608
symbols, notes in first position, rhythms through eight notes, chords,
reading, scales, finger-picking, strumming and simple repertoire. The class        NATURE PATHWAY FOR THE BLIND &
is accompanied with a Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1, which comes                VISUALLY IMPAIRED
with a CD including 47 full band tracks for demonstration or play along.           The Nature Pathway for the Blind and Visually Impaired
                                                                                   is a unique and tactile educational opportunity, that we
 DAYS          DATES              TIMES            FEE
                                                                                   encourage you to experience. By feeling the different
 Part 1
                                                                                   textures and experiencing the unique fragrance of the
 Thursdays     4/2-5/7            5-5:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   various plants, the pathway appeals to the visually
 Thursdays     5/14-6/18          5-5:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   impaired and those with physical challenges. Visit us at
 Thursdays     6/25-7/30          5-5:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                          to read more about the pathway.
 Part 2
 Thursdays     4/2-5/7            6-6:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   WORKDAY VOLUNTEERS
 Thursdays     5/14-6/18          6-6:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   The Friends of the Jensen Botanical Garden hold
 Thursdays     6/25-7/30          6-6:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   workdays on the second Saturday of each month from
 Part 3                                                                            9am-1pm. Bring your work gloves and hand pruners.
 Thursdays     4/2-5/7            7-7:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   For more information about workdays at the Jensen
 Thursdays     5/14-6/18          7-7:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)
                                                                                   Botanical Garden please contact Beverly Scott at
 Thursdays     6/25-7/30          7-7:45pm         $115(R) / $126(NR)     or call (916) 607-6597.              9

                                  SPORTS, HEALTH & FITNESS
                                                                                                           SENIOR COED SOFTBALL LEAGUES

                                             JOIN OUR                                                      Location: Carmichael Park Fields 3 and 4
                                                                                                           Season Dates: April 1-September 10

                                                                                                           Games begin at 9:30am for both leagues
                                                                                                           Are you interested in getting active, socializing with others and playing
                                                                                                           ball? We have two separate leagues, one playing on Wednesday
                                                                                                           mornings and the other on Thursday mornings that you can join. Both
                                                                                                           leagues feature competitive play in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. The main
                                             OF INSTRUCTORS!                                               objective each morning is to enjoy the game of softball in a park setting
                                                                                                           under sunshine and blue skies!
                                     Do you have an idea for a great class
                                                                                                                      To find out more information and see if you can be placed
                                    to offer the community? We are always                                             on a team, visit to complete an
                                    on the lookout for new classes in leisure                                         Information Survey or call (916) 483-7826 so a league
                                      enrichment, fitness, sports and more!                                           representative can reach out to you.
                                     Applications are available year-round
                                                                                                            LEAGUES                                      DAYS OF PLAY
                                       and are reviewed each winter and
                                                                                                            Coed: Men 60+, Women 45+                     Wednesdays
                                     summer. For more information on how                                    Coed: Men 75+, Women 50+                     Thursdays
                                    to get started, contact (916) 483-7826.

                                 SENIOR TAI CHI & CHI GONG                                                    FITNESS CLASSES
                                 Taught by Terrence Nelson                                                    Taught by Sharon Ruffner and Lori Rushford
                                 Location: Carmichael Park, Veterans Hall                                     Location: Carmichael Park, Veterans Hall
                                 Fee: $50(R) / $55(NR) 4 weeks, $30(R) / $33(NR) 1 day per week
                                                                                                              Fee: $30(R) / $33(NR) Punch card good for 5 classes.
                                 Senior one hour exercise class that includes strengthening and
                                                                                                              $50(R) / $55(NR) Punch card good for 10 classes.
                                 limbering exercises, chi gong breathing and balance practice and
                                 fifteen minutes of yang style Tai Chi relaxation form.                       Drop-in $10(R) / $11(NR)
                                                                                                              Punch cards expire 90 days from purchase
                                  DAYS                    DATES                   TIMES
                                  Mon, Wed & Fri          Monthly                 8:30-9:30am                 MIXED LEVEL YOGA
                                                                                                              Based on the Hatha style, this workout blends balance, strength,
                                                                                                              flexibility and power in a fitness format appropriate for beginner
                                 HOOPDANCE HAPPINESS                                                          and intermediate yogis. Recommended equipment includes:
                                 With Allison Worrell & Theresa Miller, Certified Hoop Instructors
                                 Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms                           loose clothing, water, mat and towel.
                                 Monthly Pass Fees:                                                            DAYS                   DATES                 TIMES
                                 Months with 2 classes: $25 (April)                                            Tues, Wed & Fri        Weekly                 5:15-6:15pm
                                 Months with 3 classes: $40 (May)
                                 Months with 4 classes: $55 (March, June, July, August)                      *No classes 11/28, 12/26 or 1/2
                                 Sweat, smile, move and groove in the modern evolution of the
                                 beloved children’s toy- the hula hoop! Learn how to get a great              STRENGTH, STAMINA AND STABILITY
                                 full-body toning and cardiovascular workout with a smile on your             This workout blends intervals exercises designed to build
                                 face. We bring handmade hoops for all ages and abilities to enjoy in
                                 each class. We will work on a variety of drills and skills to challenge
                                                                                                              muscle strength and cardiovascular stamina and improve
                                 every level of hooper, from beginner to advance.                             balance. This class is appropriate for beginner and intermediate
                                                                                                              participants. Instructor provides weights, bands and balls.
                                  DAYS         DATES         TIMES          FEE                               Recommended equipment includes: shoes with good support,
                                  Mondays      3/2-3/23      6-7pm          Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)          water, mat and towel.
                                  Mondays      4/20-4/27 6-7pm              Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)           DAYS                   DATES                 TIMES
                                  Mondays      5/4-5/18      6-7pm          Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)           Tues & Thurs           Weekly                 6-7am
                                  Mondays      6/1-6/22      6-7pm          Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)           Thurs Evenings         Weekly                 5:15-6:15pm
                                  Mondays      7/6-7/27      6-7pm          Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)         *No classes 7/4
           10                     Mondays      8/3-8/24      6-7pm          Drop in $13(R) / $15(NR)

                                                                                                                                                  ADULT SPORTS, HEALTH & FITNESS
To register for adult sports programs please visit the La Sierra
Community Center Recreation Office at 5325 Engle Road, Suite
100 in Carmichael or call (916) 483-7826. Phone registration is
accepted with a valid Visa or Mastercard.
For updated league registration dates please visit the adult
sports page at

                                                                                ADULT INDOOR PICKLEBALL
                                                                                Location: La Sierra Community Center: Big Gym
                                                                                Ages: All ages
                                                                                Fee: $5.50 per visit or $40 for a 10 visit punch card
                                                                                5 Indoor Courts
                                                                                 DAYS                 DATES               TIMES
                                                                                 Tues & Thurs         Monthly             9am-12pm

                                                                                *Days and Times may change. Please visit us at
                                                                        for our updated schedule

                                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION

                                                                                          Come by the La Sierra Recreation Office
ADULT VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES                                                                  5325 Engle Rd, Suite 100. Open Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm
Location: La Sierra Community Center Gymnasiums
Team Registration = $220(R) / $230(NR)                                          
  LEAGUES (Skill Level A to C from highest to lowest)		 DAYS OF PLAY
  Women’s: A & B 				 Tuesdays
                                                                                TENNIS LESSONS
  Reverse Coed Quads: A & B			 Wednesdays                                       Taught by Jesse Colan, Certified USTA Professional
  Coed 6’s: B & C					 Thursdays                                                Location: Carmichael Park, Courts 1 & 2
  Women’s Quads: A & B			 Thursdays                                             Bring one can of USTA approved tennis balls to class

                                                                                BEGINNING ADULT
ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUES                                                        This introductory class will cover all strokes, drills, scoring
Location: La Sierra Community Center Gymnasiums                                 and adaptive games.
Fees: 5-on-5 Basketball per Team: $460(R) / $475(NR)
		 3-on-3 Basketball per Team: $100(R) / $110(NR)                               INTERMEDIATE ADULT
                                                                                Designed for the player with experience, this class begins with
  LEAGUES            DAYS OF PLAY        STYLE OF PLAY                          partner warm-up, drills and games to follow. Shot selection
  5-on-5 B/C         Mondays             Full Court, officials, scorekeeper     and stroke critique will be analyzed.
  3-on-3 A & C       Wednesdays          Half Court, self officiated & scored
                                                                                 DAYS           DATES           TIMES         FEE
Location: Carmichael Park – Ball Field 2                                         Tues & Thurs   3/3-3/26        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
Fees: $435(R) / $450(NR)                                                         Tues & Thurs   4/7-4/30        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
  LEAGUES					 DAYS OF PLAY                                                      Tues & Thurs   5/5-5/21        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)

  Coed Recreation D                                  Fridays                     Tues & Thurs   6/2-6/25        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
                                                                                 Tues & Thurs   7/7-7/30        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
                                                                                 Tues & Thurs   8/4-8/27        7:30-8:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)

DISC GOLF COURSE                                                                 Intermediate
Location: Carmichael Park                                                        Tues & Thurs   3/3-3/26        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
Come play disc golf at Carmichael Park! This 9-hole course is great for          Tues & Thurs   4/7-4/30        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
beginning and intermediate play and is open during park hours (may be            Tues & Thurs   5/5-5/21        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
closed during community events). The first hole is located to the left of        Tues & Thurs   6/2-6/25        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
the tennis courts.                                                               Tues & Thurs   7/7-7/30        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)
    You can find our course map on our website at             Tues & Thurs   8/4-8/27        8:30-9:30pm   $95(R) / $104(NR)   11

                                A partnership with the Carmichael Recreation and Park
                                    District and the Carmichael Parks Foundation

                      Swim Lessons
               Group Lessons
                   ONLY $75 FOR TWO WEEKS!
                   Ages: 3 – 17 years old
                   Session Dates: May 18th – August 6th (every 2 weeks)
                   2-Week Sessions – 8 Lessons (Mon – Thurs)
                   30 Minute Lessons                                            April 1st!
                  4:1 Swimmer to Teacher Ratio
                  Knowledgeable Instructors
                  Scholarships Available! Call or visit website for details

           Come Join Our Team Today!
                   Rec-League Summer Team                             Year-Round Swim Team
              Learn to Race                                       Groups for all Ages & Ability Levels
              Low Stress and Lots of FUN!                         75+ Years of Coaching Experience
              Short Season                                         on Staff
              Team Intersquad Meets during the                    Practices offered on a variety of days
               Week                                                 to fit your schedule!
              Quality Stroke Work                                 Family Atmosphere
              Knowledgeable Coaches                               Membership starting at only $100
              6 weeks for only $150!!                              per month

               · Year-Round Swim Team · Swim Lessons · Rec League Swim · Fall Swim·
                                -Located at American River College-
Taught by Alison Lloyd of Turns n Tumble Dance and Gymnastics
Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms
Baby Ballet and Gymnastics is a parent participation class
where children learn gymnastics and dance (movement) through
nursery rhymes and fun songs.
In Pre Ballet and Gymnastics class children will have the opportunity
to try their hand at the most fun sports of all! Gymnastics is the
foundation of all sports and ballet is the foundation of all dance,
why not put them together? Children will work on coordination and
balance in a fun and exciting atmosphere.
  DAYS          DATES          TIMES          FEE
  Ages Walking-3 years
 Tuesdays       3/3-3/24       9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
 Tuesdays       3/31-4/28*     9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
 Tuesdays       5/5-5/26       9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
 Tuesdays       6/2-6/23       9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
 Tuesdays       7/7-7/28       9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
 Tuesdays       8/4-8/25       9-9:40am       $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
  Ages 3-6
                                              $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
                                              $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
                                                                                      TINY TOTS
                                                                                              Ages: 3-5 years
 Tuesdays       5/5-5/26       9:45-10:30am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks            Location: Carmichael Park, Tiny Tots Room
 Tuesdays       6/2-6/23       9:45-10:30am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   Tiny Tots is about discovery and encourages children
 Tuesdays       7/7-7/28       9:45-10:30am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   to pursue new talents and interests while building
 Tuesdays       8/4-8/25       9:45-10:30am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   confidence. Participants enhance their skills through
*No class 4/7                                                            socialization, beginning academics, numbers, language,
                                                                         arts and crafts and much more. A parent information
                                                                         packet is available at Returning
CREATIVE MOVEMENT                                                        students have priority registration.
Taught by Heather Applewhite
Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms                       Social Experiences: 3-4 Year Olds
This class will incorporate rhythms and movement from across the         (must be 3 by Sept. 1 to register)
globe allowing dancers to explore many cultures. Whether your child      Fees: Non refundable $50 registration fee,
dreams of being a dancer or a doctor, a ballerina or a biologist,              $155(R) / $165(NR) Monthly fee
the foundations of movement will help build self confidence and          Day/Time: Tues/Thurs 9am-noon
enhance social and cognitive abilities. Best of all, this high energy
                                                                         Kindergarten Readiness: 4-5 Year Olds
class will be jam packed with fun for boys and girls!
                                                                         (must be 4 by Sept. 1 to register)
  DAYS             DATES         TIMES        FEE                        Fees: Non refundable $50 registration fee,
  Ages 2-3                                                                     $215(R) / $225(NR) Monthly fee
  Wednesdays       3/4-3/25       9:30-10am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   Day/Time: Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-noon
  Wednesdays       4/1-4/29*      9:30-10am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
  Wednesdays       5/6-5/27       9:30-10am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks     Registration for the 2020/2021 school year will
  Wednesdays       6/3-6/24       9:30-10am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks                 begin Tuesday, April 14th
  Wednesdays       8/5-8/26       9:30-10am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
  Ages 4-5
  Wednesdays       3/4-3/25      10-10:45am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
  Wednesdays       4/1-4/29*     10-10:45am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   R=Resident and NR=Non Residents
  Wednesdays       5/6-5/27      10-10:45am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks   Residents of the District will receive a discount for
                                                                         specific programs. Please see page 24 for the District
  Wednesdays       6/3-6/24      10-10:45am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
                                                                         boundary map.
  Wednesdays       8/5-8/26      10-10:45am   $40(R) / $44(NR) 4 weeks
*No class 4/8 or in the month of July
                          Taught by the Institute of Reading Development
                          The focus of the children’s reading program, (Levels 00-11
                          listed below) is to develop a love of reading. Skill development
                          that provides for increased fluency and comprehension is also
                          emphasized. The adult program, (Level 20 below) improves
                          reading efficiency. To that end, eye-tracking exercises, retention

                                                                                                    SUMMER DAY CAMPS
                          techniques and systematic analytical approaches are taught. All
                          classes are at La Sierra Community Center in Room 800.

                          All programs meet once each week for five weeks. Tuition varies
                          by program grade. Please ask about our family discount. To                           VOYAGER CAMP (AGES 5-8)
                          speak with a program coordinator and/or enroll by phone call                        EXPLORER CAMP (AGES 9-11)
                          (800) 964-8888.                                                                       TEEN CAMP (AGES 12-14)
                           PROGRAM                                                              Location: La Sierra Community Center                            PARTIAL
                                       DAYS    DATES                          TIMES
                           LEVEL                                                                Dates: Weekly sessions starting June 15-August 11 SCHOLARSHIPS
                           08          Tues    7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11    12:30-2:45pm               Sessions are Monday through Friday                  AVAIL ABLE!

                           11          Tues    7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11    3:15-5:30pm       Times: Open 7am-6pm
                           20          Tues    7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11    6:30-8:45pm       Fees: $160(R) / $170(NR) per week
                                                                                                         (This includes the cost of swimming and field trip)
                           03          Wed     7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12    9-10:45pm
                                                                                                         Additional children in program receive $10 off
                           04          Wed     7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12    11:15am-1:30pm             registration fee
                           05          Wed     7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12    2:30-4:45pm       Are you looking for something active and exciting for your kids to do
                           00          Sun     7/19, 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16     9-10am            this summer? Voyager, Explorer, and Teen day camps are what you
                           01          Sun     7/19, 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16     10:30am-12pm      need. All boys and girls ages 5-14 will have the opportunity to play
                           02          Sun     7/19, 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16     1-2:45pm          various activities including sports, games, art, dance, and music.
                                                                                                Most importantly, our campers get to go swimming at the Antelope
                                                                                                Aquatic Complex once a week and venture out on thrilling field trips
                          BABYSITTING SAFETY                                                    once a week (field trip costs are included). These field trips include
                          Includes Infant, Child & Adult CPR Certification                      John’s Incredible Pizza, Rebounderz, Laser Tag, and many more! All
                          Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms                    of this supervised by our experienced, positive, and fun staff.
                          Ages: 12 & up
                          $40 lab fee due at first class                                                    Registration begins April 7 at the La Sierra
                          This two-day Babysitting Safety class provides basic                                Community Center Recreation Office
                          information for babysitters such as choke management, child

                                                                                                      SUMMER DAY TRIPS
                          safety, play, feeding, diapering, emergencies and more. Upon
                          successful course completion, each student will receive a 2
                          year certificate for Child and Babysitting Safety and Infant, Child
                          and Adult CPR.                                                        SIX FLAGS DISCOVERY KINGDOM
                           DAYS           DATES           TIMES              FEE                Location: Meet at La Sierra Community Center. Our vans and
                                                                                                qualified staff will transport and supervise participants to Six Flags
                           Tues & Wed 6/18-6/19           8:30am-1:30pm      $40(R) / $44(NR)
                                                                                                Ages: 5-14
                           Tues & Wed 7/16-7/17           8:30am-1:30pm      $40(R) / $44(NR)
                                                                                                Date/Time: Wednesday, July 15, 8:15am-6pm
                                                                                                Regular Fee: $105(R) / $110(NR), Includes ticket, meal voucher,
                                                                                                transportation and supervision.
                                                                                                Discounted Fees:$80 per child, if enrolled that week in our summer camp
                             STAY CONNECTED!                                                    SUNSPLASH
                                Want the most up to date information on programs, events        Location: Meet at La Sierra Community Center. Our vans and qualified
                                and goings-on within the District? You can get up to date       staff will transport and supervise participants to Sunsplash
                                  information by finding us on any of the social media          Ages: 8-14
                                 networks below! You can also log on to our website at          Date/Time: Wednesday, July 29, 9:30am-6pm
                               too! Stay connected.                 Regular Fee: $75(R) / $80(NR), Includes ticket, Lunch Meal
                                                                                                Package, transportation and supervision.
                                                                                                Discounted Fees: $50 per child, if enrolled that week in our summer camp

                        @carmichaelrec   @Carmichael_Rec
                                                                                                   Registration begins April 7 at the La Sierra Community Center
      14                                                                                            Recreation Office. Space is limited, please register early!

                                                                                                                                                            YOUTH & TEEN ACTIVITIES
                                                          Location: La Sierra Community Center, Room 800

LITTLE GREEN THUMBS: PRESCHOOL CAMP                                                 DETECTIVE MADNESS
Blossoming minds will love this week! Specially designed for the pre-K              Like to solve mysteries? Crack the case? You will step into the shoes
or kindergartener, this camp teaches all about the amazing things that              of a real detective. Use science to uncover evidence and analyze
happen in the garden. Learn that plants, fruits, and vegetables start               the hidden secrets of a case. Put cool sleuthing tools and proven
from seeds. Explore what they need to grow and survive and where they               forensic techniques to work and unravel mysteries that would stump
get those things as we study weather. Discover the role that bugs and               even Sherlock Holmes! Ok, well maybe they would fool your brother.
butterflies play in making your garden grow.                                        But they’d be CRAZY to think they can fool Detective You!
 DAY          DATES           TIMES             FEE                        AGES      DAY        DATES        TIMES         FEE                    AGES
 Mon-Fri      6/8-6/12        9am-12pm          $164(R) / $170(NR)         4-5       Mon-Fri    7/6-7/10     9am-12pm $164(R) / $170(NR) 6-12

UNDERGROUND EXPLORERS                                                               CRAZY CHEMWORKS
Calling all Jr. Archaeologists! Uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations      Get ready to lose your mind in the vast and exciting world of
and the history of Paleontology. Learn about the techniques, tools and              chemistry! This camp is full of reactions, observations, solutions,
artifacts that teach us about the history of humans on earth. Study bone            suspensions, explosions, concoctions, perplexions, digestions,
fragments, pottery shards, amber deposits and fossils. Can you puzzle out           reflections, and Dalmatians (kidding), just to name a few! You will
the culture of a long lost city using only a handful of clues?                      challenge your friends in the labware game, combat evaporation, be
                                                                                    amazed at the awesome power of glue technology and trigger some
Learn about archaeology and the techniques scientists use to excavate long          shocking chemical reactions. You’ll snoop out counterfeit money,
lost cities. Discover ancient civilizations and the tools and artifacts they used   launch chemical explosions (not TOO big) and learn how and why
in everyday life. Study bone fragments, pottery shards, amber deposits, and         the chemical world works. So dive into our fantastically fun pool of
fossils; understand what they can tell us about history.                            chemical experimentation! Just don’t mix this one with that one or
 DAY          DATES           TIMES             FEE                        AGES     you might blow up the universe!
 Mon-Fri      6/22-6/26       9am-12pm          $164(R) / $170(NR)         6-12      DAY        DATES        TIMES         FEE                    AGES
                                                                                     Mon-Fri    7/6-7/10     1-4pm         $164(R) / $170(NR) 6-12

We’re gonna get sticky and icky in this camp learning about guts and
garbage and goo! The best part is that you’ll make (and take home) a new
slime to match the message EVERY SINGLE DAY! Get Insta-famous with
the Slime you make! Give us a thumbs up! Do it for the Gram! Remember:
There’s no such thing as too much SLIME! (#SLIMELIFE)
 DAY          DATES           TIMES             FEE                        AGES
 Mon-Fri      6/22-6/26       1-4pm             $164(R) / $170(NR)         6-12

INTRODUCTION TO FLOW ARTS FOR KIDS                                                  LEGO® CAMP
With Allison Worrell & Theresa Miller, Certified Hoop Instructors                   Taught by Play-Well TEKnologies
Location: La Sierra Community Center, Sierra Rooms                                  Location: La Sierra Community Center, Room 800
Ages: 5-12 years                                                                    Ages: 5-10 years
Explore the magical world of flow arts with Allison Worrell & Theresa Miller of Each participant will decorate their own prop              MINDCRAFT ENGINEERING
(which they will take home; hoop, poi or wand) and learn introductory skills        Bring Minecraft to life using thousands of LEGO® parts! Build
to build a foundation of knowledge in each prop. Learn to dance & spin with         projects such as a walking Creeper, Lava Trap and a Motorized
your prop: hula hoop, poi and even “levitate” a magic wand. We will have fun        Minecart. Create your favorite Minecraft mobs, tools and objects with
learning new ways to express ourselves through creative movement!                   the guidance of a Play-Well instructor.
  DAYS             DATES            TIMES              FEE                           DAYS         DATES          TIMES           FEE
 Wednesdays        3/4-3/11         4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*             Mon-Th       6/29-7/2       9am-12pm        $147(R) / $160(NR)
 Wednesdays        4/15-4/22        4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*
 Wednesdays        5/6-5/13         4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*
 Wednesdays        6/17-6/24        4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*                R=Resident and NR=Non Residents
                                                                                        Residents of the District will receive a discount for
 Wednesdays       7/15-7/22         4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*
                                                                                        specific programs. Please see page 24 for the District
 Wednesdays        8/5-8/12         4-5pm              $40(R) / $44(NR)*
                                                                                        boundary map.                                                       15
*Fee includes 2 classes and a prop: hoop, poi or wand)


                                             AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM
                                                              Grades: 1st – 8th
                                             Location: La Sierra Community Center: Kid's Corner
                                             Fees:      Full Time (4 or 5 days a week): $90(R) / $95(NR)
                                                        Part Time (Any 3 days a week): $70(R) / $75(NR),
                                                        *CMP Discount and No Transportation Needed
                                                        Discount = $10/week

                                             The Kid’s Hangout Afterschool Program is held at the La Sierra
                                             Community Center, Monday through Friday throughout the 2020
                                             school year. Kids are in a safe environment where they can do
                                             homework, have a nutritional snack, socialize with their friends,
                                             and be involved in sports, games, and other activities.

                                             Transportation is provided from your child’s school to the La
                                             Sierra Community Center.

                                             Program offered to: Deterding, Carmichael, Barrett, Cameron
                                             Ranch, Arcade, Del Paso Manor, Cowan, Churchill, California
                                             Montessori Project – La Sierra Community Center Campus. (All                 SPRING BREAKCAMP
                                             Schools are subject to change dependent on registration)                                    Ages: 5-12 years
                                             Don’t see your school listed? Email to     Location: La Sierra Community Center: Kid's Corner
                                             see if we can pick up from your school.                             Dates: April 6-10
                                                                                                                 Times: Open 7am-6pm
                                             The program runs throughout the school year and registration is     Fees: Full Time (Mon-Fri full days): $150(R) / $160(NR)
                                             ongoing.                                                                    Part Time (Mon-Fri 7am-12:30pm or 12:30-6pm):
                                                                                                                         $100(R) / $105(NR)
                                             We also provide additional transportation for those participating
                                             in after school sports, tutoring, music, scout programs, etc.       Have a blast this Spring Break at our Kids Camp! Kids will play games
                                                                                                                 and sports, make arts and crafts, have fun with dance and drama
                                             To register or for more information please visit the La Sierra      and socialize with new friends. Our camp is located out our La Sierra
                                             Community Center Recreation Office, 5325 Engle Road,                Community Center where our campers have the opportunity to play in our
                                             Suite 100, Carmichael, contact us at (916) 483-7826 or email        two gymnasiums, open field spaces, and playground! They will also get
                                                                              to go on a field trip during the week!

                                                                                                                  B STREET THEATRE
                                                                                                                  Sponsored by the Carmichael Parks Foundation and
                                                                                                                  The Susan Madden Fund
                                                SKYHAWKS SPRING BREAK & SUMMER                                    Location: La Sierra Community Center, Room 800
                                                SPORTS CAMPS                                                      Ages: 9-13
                                                Location: La Sierra Community Center                              Young performers learn the fundamental tools needed to
                                                Ages: 6-12                                                        develop their physical, vocal, and emotional range in a way
                                                                                                                  that is both fun and playful. Concepts are presented through
                                                 DAYS            DATES          TIMES           FEE
                                                                                                                  a series of acting exercises, theatre games, improvisation,
                                                                                                                  rehearsal process, and performance. Every program concludes
                                                 Mon-Fri         4/6-4/10       9am-12pm        $159              with a final showcase production where our young actors
                                                 Mon-Fri         6/15-6/19      9am-12pm        $159              show off everything they’ve learned. Come and join the fun!
                                                 FLAG FOOTBALL
                                                                                                                   DAYS          DATES         TIMES           FEE
                                                 Mon-Fri         6/22-6/26      9am-12pm        $159
                                                                                                                   Mon-Fri      4/6-4/10      10-11:30am       $40(R) / $45(NR)
                                                 Mon-Fri         7/20-7/24      9am-12pm        $159
                                                                                                                   Mon-Fri      7/13-7/17     10-11:30am       $40(R) / $45(NR)

                                                                                                                                                               YOUTH SPORTS
                                                                                       Taught by Jesse Colan, Certified USTA Professional
                                                                                       Location: Carmichael Park, Courts 1 & 2
                                                                                       Please wear tennis shoes. Please Note: Bring one can of USTA
                                                                                       approved tennis balls to class.

                                                                                       MUNCHKINS Ages: 5-7 yrs
                                                                                       This class teaches basic forehand and backhand ground strokes
                                                                                       through games while having fun.

                                                                                       BEGINNING YOUTH Ages: 8-12 yrs
                                                                                       This introductory class will cover all strokes, drills, scoring and
                                                                                       adaptive games. Please wear tennis shoes.

                                                                                        DAYS             DATES         TIMES            FEE
MOMMY/DADDY & ME SOCCER Ages: 2-3.5 yrs                                                 Tues & Thurs     3/3-3/26      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
Introduce your toddler to the world’s most popular sport! As you participate
                                                                                        Tues & Thurs     4/7-4/30      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
together in our fun age-appropriate activities, your child will be developing
their large motor skills and socialization skills. The fun happens on the field,        Tues & Thurs     5/5-5/21      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
and in Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer parents are a part of the action! Each                   Tues & Thurs     6/2-6/25      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
child receives a Kidz Love Soccer jersey!
                                                                                        Tues & Thurs     7/7-7/30      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
TOT/PRE-SOCCER                  Ages: 3.5-4 yrs                                         Tues & Thurs     8/4-8/27      6-6:30pm         $75(R) / $82(NR)
Enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! Learn the basic techniques of the     Beginning Youth
game while building self-esteem and learning to follow instructions in a nurturing
teaching environment. Each participant receives a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin         Tues & Thurs     3/3-3/26      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
guards are required after the first meeting.                                            Tues & Thurs     4/7-4/30      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
                                                                                        Tues & Thurs     5/5-5/21      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
SOCCER 1: TECHNIQUES & TEAMWORK                                   Ages: 5-6 yrs         Tues & Thurs     6/2-6/25      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
Learn dribbling, passing, defense and shooting goals! Fun skill games are
played at every session, and every participant will have a ball at his or her feet.     Tues & Thurs     7/7-7/30      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
Small-sided soccer matches will be introduced gradually. Perfect for first time         Tues & Thurs     8/4-8/27      6:30-7:30pm $95(R) / $104(NR)
players while being fun and engaging for kids with some experience. All participants
receive a soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first meeting.

SOCCER 2: SKILLZ & SCRIMMAGES Ages: 7-10 yrs                                           CARMICHAEL GIRLS SOFTBALL
Have a great time while developing core soccer skills like dribbling, passing                         Founded in 1969 as a non-profit, 100% volunteer
and shooting in a team play format. Each class will include individual skill                          supported organization. CGS welcome girls of all skill
building and scrimmages to develop teamwork and positional play. All levels are
                                                                                                      levels between the ages of 4 ½ to 18, and has an
welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game! All participants receive
a soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first meeting.                                    excellent t-ball program for our 6 and under division
                                                                                                      to help introduce them to softball: ice cream social,
KLS class status hotline 1 (888) 372-5803 – Receive cancellation notifications         opening day parade, uniforms, team spirit and training from the
on your smartphone by downloading the free Kidz Love Soccer app!                       “Positive Coaching Alliance.” We support over 300 Carmichael
                                                                                       families each year with games seven days a week, playoffs and
SPRING: 4/18-6/6* ON SATURDAYS                                                         interleague play for our older divisions, and a fun, supportive
 Location: Carmichael Park / Fee: $124(R) / $136(NR)                                   environment for all. Seasons include:
* No class on 5/3                                                                      • Spring: Feb-May (Registration opens in Dec)
  MOM/DAD & ME         4:45-5:15pm 			             SOCCER 1		2:30-3:15pm               • All Stars: June-July
                                                                                       • Fall Ball: Aug-Nov (Registration opens in June)
  TOT/PRE SOCCER 4-4:35pm 			                      SOCCER 2		3:15-4pm
                                                                                       • Separate Competitive Program: Jan-Dec (Tryouts Nov)

SUMMER: 7/11-8/22 ON SATURDAYS                                                                         Visit
Location: Carmichael Park / Fee: $124(R) / $136(NR)
  MOM/DAD & ME         5:45-6:15pm			              SOCCER 1 4:15-5pm
  TOT/PRE SOCCER 5-5:35pm 			                      SOCCER 2 3:30-4:15pm                CARMICHAEL LITTLE LEAGUE
                                                                                                          >    Boys and Girls ages 4-18 years old welcome!
                                                                                                          >    Fall Clinics for ages 6-8
                                                                                                          >    Multiple levels of play.
        YOUTH PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIPS                                                                        >    Spring registration begins in early November
          The Carmichael Parks Foundation has made it possible
                                                                                                          >    Home Field located at the La Sierra Community
        for participants in youth programs to receive scholarships.                                            Center, 5325 Engle Road, Carmichael 95608
      Please contact the District Office at (916) 485-5322 for more
                scholarship details and to see if you qualify.                                                Sign up at
YOUTH SPORTS                                                                            PEE WEE SPORTS CAMP
                                                                                        Location: La Sierra Gymnasiums
                                                                                        Ages: Kindergarten & 1st Grade
                                                                                        Pee Wee Sports is an introductory program that focuses on a different
                                                                                        sport each week that is designed to improve coordination and boost self
                                                                                        confidence through a variety of active drills and recreational games.
                                                                                         DAYS             DATES             TIMES                FEE
                                                                                         Fridays          4/17-5/22         4:30-5:20pm          $50(R) / $55(NR)

                                                                                        SPRING YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CLINICS
                                                                                        Instructor: Kristopher Hart, Head Volleyball Coach Casa Robles High
                                                                                        School Location: La Sierra Community Center Gymnasiums
                                                                                        Ages: 10-13
               Location: La Sierra Community Center Gymnasiums                          These volleyball clinics focus on the fundamentals: Serving, Passing,
                                                                                        Setting, Hitting, and Defense. Clinics will work progressively on skill
               If your child loves basketball, or maybe you’re looking for an
                                                                                        building leading up to fun games during the final weeks.
               active sport that gets your young one moving around, this camp
               is for you. Our experienced basketball coaches emphasize                  DAYS          DATES             TIMES                FEE
               fundamentals by providing detailed instruction on shooting,               Fridays       4/17-5/22         6-7:30pm             $65(R) / $70(NR)
               dribbling, passing and defense. Most of all, our coaches makes
               the sport fun for everyone! Players will do drills, play fun games
               and scrimmage throughout the course of the camp. Our Junior              SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL CAMP
               Stars participants will also have the opportunity to practice and        Location: Del Campo High School Gymnasium: 4925 Dewey Drive
               play on lowered hoops designed for reachable goals!                      Grades: Incoming 7th graders to 12th graders
                DAYS            DATES          TIMES          FEE                       This camp is designed for middle-school and high-school volleyball
                Ages: 5-7 Junior Stars                                                  players who want to build strength and improve their volleyball skills.
                                                                                        This will be developed through agility drills, explosive strength exercises,
                Mon-Fri         7/13-7/17      9-10:30am      $75(R) / $80(NR)
                                                                                        running, and volleyball drills.
                Ages: 8-12
                Mon-Fri         7/6-7/10       9am-12pm       $105(R) / $115(NR)         DAYS                   DATES             TIMES          FEE
                                                                                         Tues, Wed & Th         6/16-7/9          9-11am         $80(R) / $85(NR)

               Grades: 1st-6th
               Dates: 4/13-5/22
               Practices: Twice a week
               Fee: $75(R) / $80(NR)
               Locations: Deterding, Dewey, Thomas Kelly and Schweitzer
               Elementary Schools
               Meets: 4-6:30pm
               1st-3rd grade, Wednesdays
               4th-6th grade, Thursdays
               This program focuses on the basic fundamentals of track
               and field. Participants will practice with their team and coach
               twice a week and have fun competing in a meet against other
               kids their age once a week. This beginner track and field
               program is a great way to get your child active and having
               fun. All participants will receive a team t-shirt.

                                                          PARENT VOLUNTEER COACHES
                 Are you a parent and looking to get involved helping your child’s sports team? We’re looking for parent volunteer coaches for all of our youth sports
                 programs. We’ll provide all the necessary training to help you, your child, and your team have a fun experience while teaching and learning the
                    fundamentals of the game. Please email Courtney at or call (916) 295-7406 to learn how you can get involved.
                       All coaches must pass a fingerprint background check, drug screen, and a TB test. Fingerprint background check will be provided
                                                   by CRPD. Program fee discounts available for parent volunteer coaches.
5330-B Gibbons Drive, Carmichael, CA 95608 • (916) 971-3713 •
Galleries | Gift Shop | Classes | Hours: Tuesday 11am-7pm, Wednesday-Friday 11am-3pm,
Saturday-Sunday 11am-5pm

Established in 1986, the Sacramento Fine Arts Center is a facility
dedicated to the creation and presentation of the visual arts. Whether you         2019 CALENDAR OF EVENTS
are a painter, watercolorist, sculptor, photographer, fiber artist, or work in
                                                                                   Magnum Opus                  March 3-April 5
any other media, or you just like to view art, please come visit the Center.
                                                                                   WASH Member Show             April 7-26
With four galleries, and dozens of shows annually there is always
something new to see. The Center also houses a wonderful gift shop                 Artistic Journey NCA         April 28-May 17
with unique items created by local artists. If you are interested in               Portuguese Art               May 14-June 2
creating art please come to a club meeting or sign up for a workshop.
                                                                                   Animal House                 June 16-July 12
There is something for everyone – even summer programs for the kids!
                                                                                   2D and 3D Visions            July 14-August 2
CLUBS                                                                              Celebrating the Figure       August 4-23
NCA - Northern California Arts, Inc.
Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday                                     Go with the Flow-WASH        August 25-September 20

WASH- Watercolor Artists of Sacramento Horizons
Monthly meetings are held on 2nd Monday

                                         “Keeping the Arts Alive in Carmichael”
                                           5325 Engle Road, Suite 110, Carmichael, CA 95608
                                   For more info & tickets call (916) 489-PLAY (7529) or visit
                                                   Email tickets at

                                  CHAUTAUQUA SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS (CSPA)

                                         SUMMER SHOWCASE
                                                            June 29-August 2
                                          Ends with 3 performances July 31, August 1 and 2
                                             Instructors: Linda Small and Warren Harrison
                                        Fee: $310 per student (Class is limited to 30 students)
                                                Classes: Monday-Thursday, 9am-12pm
 The CSPA Summer Showcase is a five week (Monday-Thursday) workshop to develop the skills of acting, singing
 and dancing in a real theatrical environment. Youth from 6-15 are given hands-on training, presenting an original
musical at the end of the session to display their skills. Registration begins on April 15, 2019 (50% deposit required
                                                   to ensure a place).
                                    For more information please go to
                    PROGRAM & CLASS                                                  WALK-IN REGISTRATION
                                                                                     Will be taken at both the District Office and La Sierra Offices Monday
                    REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                         through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.
                    Complete Registration Form and sign the Agreement, Waiver,
                    and Release on page 21. Residents of the District will receive   DROP BOXES
                    a discount for specific programs. Please see page 25 for the     Available for your convenience after-hours at both District locations.
                    District boundary map. R=Resident and NR=Non Residents.          Please no cash!
                    Registration can be completed in one of the following ways:
                    ONLINE REGISTRATION                                              Please make checks payable to the Carmichael Recreation and Park
                    Available for most programs at               District (CRPD). There is a $25 service charge for all returned checks.
                                                                                     We also accept Visa and MasterCard.
                    Completed registration form to appropriate office:
                                                                                     GENERAL INFORMATION
                    Carmichael Recreation and Park District                          • Pre-registration is recommended to ensure class enrollment.
                    Attn: Program Registration                                       • Carefully read each program/class description for pertinent information.
                    5750 Grant Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608                          • Payment in full must be made at the time of registration.
                    La Sierra Community Center                                       • CRPD will not phone or mail class confirmation. Participants will be
                    Attn: Program Registration                                         notified if a program/class is cancelled or changed. An email
                    5325 Engle Road, Suite 100, Carmichael, CA 95608                   receipt will be provided upon request.
                                                                                     • Classes may be cancelled if a minimum number of participants are
                    PHONE OR FAX                                                       not met. Please register early!
                    A completed registration form to appropriate office:             • Refund Policy: View our full Refund Policy at
                                                                                     • The District reserves the right to cancel or change program offerings
                    Carmichael Park District Office: Phone: (916) 485-5322
                                                                                       at any time.
                    Fax: (916) 485-0805
                    La Sierra Recreation Office : Phone: (916) 483-7826              OFFICE CLOSURES
                    Fax: (916) 485-7861                                              The District Offices will be closed on the following holidays:
                                                                                     • March 31          • July 3
                                                                                     • May 25            • September 7

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