Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...

Page created by Victoria Moran
Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
Vision Australia’s 84th

             Carols by
                    presented by AAMI

                                     SONG BOOK

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Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
Carols by Candlelight 2021                 3

                      Brighter together
          elcome to Vision Australia’s
          Carols by Candlelight.
          An Australian tradition, Carols                                                                                            AAMI is thrilled
by Candlelight has been bringing                                                                                                     to support Vision
people together to spread the joy                                                                                                    Australia as the
of Christmas for 84 years.                                                                                                           official presenting
    This year has been a                                                                                                             partner for Carols
challenging one, but it hasn’t                                                                                                       by Candlelight
stopped Vision Australia from                                                                                                        this year. As one of Australia’s
supporting thousands of children                                                                                                     leading insurers, we know
who are blind or have low vision                                                                                                     the important role we play in
and their families.                                                                                                                  supporting the community
    In a year when many parts of                                                                                                     and we’re proud to be helping
childhood have had to be put on hold,                                                                                                families and children through
Vision Australia has again been there                                                                                                Vision Australia in this way,
as children excel at school, learn to                                                                                                especially at Christmas time.
use the equipment they need to be                                                                                                        Vision Australia’s
independent, develop their social and                                                                                                commitment to helping people
other important life skills and much,                                                                                                who are blind or have low vision
much more.                                                                                                                           achieve independence aligns
    This year, we hope you can be part                                                                                               so well to our Group’s purpose,
of the magic of Carols by Candlelight                                                                                                building futures and protecting
through your generosity. All funds                                                                                                   what matters.
raised through Carols by Candlelight go                                                                                                  We are very proud to be
directly to our children’s services and                                                                                              part of this iconic Australian
your support will light up the lives of so                                                                                           tradition and look forward to
many children who are blind or have low                                                                                              sharing the joy of Christmas
vision and their families across Australia.                                                                                          with the whole community.
    Merry Christmas!                                                                                                                 Lisa Harrison, Suncorp Group
Ron Hooton, Vision Australia CEO                                                                                                     CEO Insurance Product
                                                                                                                                     and Portfolio
                                                                                                                                          *AAMI is part of the Suncorp
                                                                                                                                                   Network of brands.

                                                                                                                                     Channel 9 is proud
                                                                                                                                     to be partnering
                                                                                                                                     once again with
                                                                                                                                     Vision Australia
                                                                                                                                     to broadcast
                                                                                                                                     the 84th edition
                                                                                                                                     of Carols by

           Lighting up lives for 84 years                                                                                            Candlelight.
                                                                                                                                          After another tough year for
                                                                                                                                     Victorians and being unable to

        n December 24, 1938,       Norman Banks MBE, a veteran          Now, this beloved annual     join us this Christmas Eve at   perform to a crowd last year,
        Melbourne hosted           of radio. On Christmas Eve in    pilgrimage celebrates 84 years   the Sidney Myer Music Bowl      it is a pleasure to be able to
        its very first Carols      1937, he noticed an elderly      of entertainment, more than      for a night of unforgettable    bring back this Christmas Eve
by Candlelight when about          woman sitting by her window,     60 years of performances at      live performances, or watch     tradition to families and to raise
10,000 people came together        her face lit only by a candle.   the Sidney Myer Music Bowl       the broadcast live from 8pm     money for children who are
at midnight at Alexandra           Next to her was a radio and      and more than six decades        on Channel 9 and 9Now.          blind or have low vision.
Gardens to sing carols,            she was singing along to the     supporting children who are                                           On behalf of Nine,
backed by a small choir, two       Christmas carol Away in a        blind or have low vision and     For more information, visit     I would like to wish you and
soloists and the Metropolitan      Manger. It was at this moment    their families.              your families a merry Christmas
Fire Brigade.                      that Banks was inspired to           Australia, let’s end 2021    The 84th Vision Australia’s     and a happy New Year.
    Carols by Candlelight          create a gathering of people     brighter together. Vision        Carols by Candlelight is        Matt James, Nine Melbourne
began as the concept of            to sing Carols by Candlelight.   Australia would like you to      presented by AAMI.              managing director
Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
4   Take the stage

        Stars unite
        for the kids
          Australia’s most beloved performers
          get into the Christmas spirit at
          Carols by Candlelight

                                           his year marks the 84th      part of Australia’s much-loved     Australians, I’m so glad that
                                           year of Vision Australia’s   Christmas Eve tradition and to     crowds are back to help lift our
                                           Carols by Candlelight,       help raise money for children      Christmas spirits.”
                                    and with a 10,000-strong crowd      and their families who are blind       Familiar faces and new stars
                                    capacity now allowed, the           or have low vision.”               will grace the stage to perform
                                    nation’s favourite Christmas            David said, “Christmas is      everyone’s favourite Christmas
                                    Eve tradition will celebrate a      such a lovely time of the year,    songs and carols, including
                                    long-awaited return to its full     and we go all out in our house.    Nine’s beloved stalwarts David
                                    grandeur.                           I’m honoured to once again         Hobson, Marina Prior, Silvie
                                        Back for their second year
                                    together, David Campbell
                                    and Allison Langdon will host
                                                                               Tickets to the Sidney Myer
                                    Vision Australia’s Carols by              Music Bowl can be purchased at
                                    Candlelight, presented by
                                    AAMI, live from the Sidney        
                                    Myer Music Bowl on Friday,
                                    December 24, at 8pm on              be a part of such a Christmas      Paladino, Anthony Callea, Tim
                                    Channel 9 and 9Now.                 Eve tradition, and to be able      Campbell and Denis Walter.
                                        “I can’t wait to be back        to bring some Christmas joy            Returning by popular
             David Campbell         hosting Vision Australia’s Carols   to families all over Australia.    demand will be Rob Mills,
             and Allison Langdon    by Candlelight this year,” Ally     It’s always a wonderful night      Bobby Fox and ARIA award
                                    said. “I love Christmas! It’s       for a great cause, raising         winner Dami Im.
                                    such a special time of the year,    much-needed funds for Vision           Casey Donovan will bring
                                    especially when you have small      Australia. And after such a        her powerhouse vocals
                                    kids. I couldn’t be happier to be   tough year for millions of         to the Sidney Myer Music
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                                                                                                                        We all need a
                                                                                                                        little Christmas
                                                                                  David Hobson                          The dynamic Bonnie Anderson
                                                                                                                        will join a star-studded line‑up
                                                                                                                        of Aussie performers this
                                                                                                                        Christmas Eve. We chat with
                                                                                                                        Bonnie about what makes her
                                                                                                                        festive season bright.
                                                                                                                        After a year apart from our loved ones, who
                                                                                                                        are you most looking forward to spending
                                                                                                         Denis Walter   Christmas with?
                                                                                                                        Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Being
                                                                                                                        around my nephews is the best part; seeing their
                                                                                                                        faces light up in their absolute element.
                                         Marina Prior
                                                                                                                        Describe your perfect Christmas day.
                                                                                                                        Waking up as early as possible, watching my
                                                                                                 Silvie Paladino        family and loved ones in their PJs, opening their
                                                                                                                        gifts, laughing and having family time … lots of
                                                                                                                        delicious food and more family time!

                                                                                                                        What is a cherished Christmas tradition from
                                                                                                                        your childhood?
                                                                                                                        I always loved how busy Christmas day was,
                                                                                                                        making sure we saw all the family, going from
                                                                                                                        house to house, lunch to lunch, and then coming
                                                                                                                        home at night and enjoying music and winding
                                                                                                                        down after the Christmas chaos.
                                                                                                                        If you could travel anywhere in the world to
                                                                                                                        spend Christmas, where would it be and why?
Bowl along with Australia’s        will deliver a festive classic,   celebrates more than three
hottest new country music          while Mahalia Barnes joins        decades leading the choir.                                      I have always dreamt of a white
group, Darlinghurst, who will      her brother, David Campbell,                                                                         Christmas. One day I would
be making their Carols by          to perform a breathtaking              Doug said, “After the                                           love to do that with my own
Candlelight debut.                 rendition of a carols classic.    challenges of 2021, I think this                                       family. One of those things
    Australian rock royalty Joe        We also celebrate the         carols will be more special                                             I will tick off my bucket list
Camilleri returns this year with   return of musical theatre with    than ever. This joyful event                                             eventually.
his chart-topping band, The        performances by the casts of      ends on such a high note
Black Sorrows, and will take to    Hamilton, Frozen the Musical      and I’m thrilled that we can                                             Name one of the best
the stage with an unforgettable    and Moulin Rouge.                 finally share this in front of                                           gifts you have ever
high-energy festive number.            A visit from the man in red   a live audience once again.                                              received.
    West End and Australian        is always a magical moment.       I not only celebrate my 80th                                            A white horse … I was eight
music theatre star Simon           The bells will be ringing when    birthday, I am delighted to say                                        years old, we lived on a
Gleeson is back for another        Santa arrives to deliver some     that for more than 30 years,                                         farm, and while I was opening
captivating performance.           festive cheer to children and     I have been part of an event                                      presents my parents told me
    Bonnie Anderson will           families around the country.      that gives back to a charity that                              to look out the window and there
continue the all-star line-up          Plus, there will be           needs support.”                                            was a beautiful white pony, and I
when she returns to spread         performances from the                  Carols by Candlelight is                      named her Pretty. That was one to remember.
more Christmas cheer and           Australian Girls Choir and the    Vision Australia’s biggest
global singer Isaiah Firebrace     National Boys Choir.              annual fundraiser for                              What is one of your favourite Christmas
will also light up the stage.          The Carols by Candlelight     children’s services, with                          carols and why?
    Australia’s leading ladies     orchestra returns under the       100 per cent of profits from                       Probably All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah
of musical theatre, Esther         baton of musical director John    ticket sales going directly                        Carey … her whole album has always been my
Hannaford, Lucy Durack and         Foreman, assisted by choir        towards supporting more than                       favourite as I grew up listening to it. I honestly
Christie Whelan Browne,            master Doug Heywood, who          2300 families whose children                       enjoy so many carols. All the old-school soul

Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
6        Ambassador

      With the help of Vision Australia’s children’s services teams, these three incredible kids are

             istory buff Ethan            an excellent bike rider, loves                                                                              Ethan Bradley, 10, with
             Bradley was diagnosed        getting on his scooter and                                                                                         brother Sam, 8.
             with oculocutaneous          enjoys bushwalking with his
     albinism in 2011 when he was         brothers, Sam and Chris.
     eight weeks old. One look at             An ambition of Ethan’s is to
     Ethan’s lack of pigment in his       be able to inspire others and
     hair, skin and eyes confirmed        he is determined to educate
     some of the clear signs of           people about some of his
     albinism — but Ethan hasn’t let      day‑to-day challenges.
     the condition get in the way of          He would love nothing
     adapting to life without sight.      more than world peace
          The Vision Australia team       and would like everyone in
     was there within a week of           the world to be kind to one
     Ethan’s diagnosis, supporting        another.
     him through every hurdle.                Ethan said, “Vision Australia
          “Vision Australia have really   has helped me and my family
     helped me navigate my way            a lot and it’s now my turn to
     around obstacles using a cane        help them raise some money
     as well as making sure I can         for people just like me. I
     do things such as being able         want people to learn about
     to get on public transport by        Vision Australia as well as my
     myself when I’m a bit older,”        challenges.”
     Ethan said.                              In his spare time, he loves
          “Sometimes I get a              playing interactive video games
     little distracted, which             and he recently received his
     can be frustrating, but my           purple belt in karate. Ethan
     occupational therapists,             loves being surrounded by
     Lani and Marg, do a really           family and friends and is
     good job with providing good         always up for an adventure.
     ideas on how to make things              He’s looking forward to
     much easier.”                        braving it on some scary

Dream big!
          Ethan continues to surprise     rides at a theme park one day
     everyone in so many ways and         soon and he has never eaten
     while he sometimes needs             Japanese food, but would love
     a cane to get around, he’s           to. Sushi, anyone?

       ust like his older brother     tried to take it one step at            Oculocutaneous albinism           the school helps me not run       Australia, Sam has been able
       Ethan, Sam was born with       a time. If one of the boys is       is a condition that affects the       into things. I can see certain    to grow his independence and
       oculocutaneous albinism,       struggling with a particular task   production of melanin and             colours but I don’t read          can do anything his full-sighted
yet his twin brother Chris was        we seek guidance through Vision     is critical to eye function and       very well. I need to hold the     friends can.
not. Concerns about the impact        Australia’s services to achieve     development.                          words close to my eyes and            When Sam is not singing at
this condition would have on          that particular goal,” their mum,       When asked what it’s like to      sometimes use my magnifier. If    the top of his voice, he enjoys
Sam’s life were instantly met         Rebecca, said. “We instil as        have low vision, Sam said, “I get     I don’t have my sunglasses on,    karate, kicking the footy and
with the help and services            much independence as possible       a lot of help at school when          the sun hurts my eyes.”           playing with his friends. When
provided by Vision Australia.         in both Ethan and Sam, to           I need it and even though                 Sam is confident in his own   he grows up he would love to
     Vision Australia has been        ensure they have the right tools    I can’t see that well, I have a lot   skin and happy to discuss his     work in a grocery shop and
a lifelong lifesaver for Sam, 8,      and therapies to be able to live    of friends in the playground          condition with others. He also    enlist his mate Henry to do the
Ethan, 10, and their entire family.   their life as independent as they   who help me.                          isn’t afraid to ask for help.     deliveries. He also dreams of
     “To date, we have always         can now and in the future.”             “The yellow paint around              With the support of Vision    one day owning a Lamborghini.
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Carols by Candlelight 2021                      7

overcoming their disability to achieve amazing things
                                                                                                              Donna’s passion
                                                                                                              shines bright
                                                                                                              Award-winning songwriter Donna
                                                                                                              Dyson aims to leave a lasting
                                                                                                              legacy through her music

                                                                                                                     onna Dyson’s life              Her other passion is
                                                                                                                     changed dramatically       children’s music.
                                                                                                                     when, without                  Her expertise in early
                                                                                                              warning, a medical diagnosis      years literacy and language
                                                                                                              in 2012 left her legally blind.   development is evident
                                                                                                                  Donna lost her sight, her     in her highly awarded
                                                                                                              significant educational and       children’s label Spotty Kites.
                                                                                                              academic career, and had
                                                                                                              to relearn to walk — using
                                                                                                              a white cane — but she also
                                                                                                              found her creative vision for
                                                                                                              music and song writing.
                                                                                                                  Fast forward to 2021
                                                                                                              and Donna is an award-
                                                                                                              winning songwriter
                                                                                                              and Vision Australia’s
A positive future                                                                                             national ambassador.
                                                                                                                  She will be
lies ahead for                                                                                                supporting this
Winter thanks                                                                                                 year’s Carols by
                                                                                                              Candlelight as the
to the valuable                                                                                               composer of Vision
                                                                                                              Australia’s new carol,
support from                                                                      Winter Taylor, 2, with
                                                                                                              to be performed by
                                                                                                              one of the extraordinary
Vision Australia                                                                her brother, Reuben, 5;
                                                                        (inset) with her mum, Georgia.
                                                                                                              Carols performers and
                                                                                                              choir to celebrate the spirit
                                                                                                              of Christmas.                         A regular on ABC Kids
                                                                                                                  “I’m deeply honoured          Listen, Spotty Kites was

          inter Taylor was only    Winter’s mum Georgia said.              weak eye is catching up. The       to be involved in this year’s     shortlisted by the AIR
          nine days old when she   “Personally, I found the whole          day-to-day struggles of having     Carols by Candlelight. My         Awards, and globally
          was diagnosed with a     world of early intervention and         to wear a patch has been worth     Christmas composition             streamed, with more than
bilateral congenital cataract in   NDIS applications confusing             it and seeing an improvement       is full of hope, heart and        50 No.1 songs on the iTunes
her left eye, a rare condition     and confronting. It was                 in Winter’s sight has been         light. We’ve been through         children’s charts.
that causes a dense cataract       Vision Australia who guided             hugely rewarding.”                 challenging times and these           “I’m blessed to be
blocking almost all vision.        me through the process                      The team at Vision Australia   lyrics are my Christmas           contributing to two careers
    At only three months old,      and assisted in helping me              has helped Winter and Georgia      gift of hope and love to          in my life. I hope to leave
Winter had cataract removal        select a team to help Winter            to gain confidence, and is         everyone who hears the            a long legacy through my
surgery and now wears a            in the areas we felt she was            providing the family with the      song,” Donna said.                music, and I will always
hard contact lens on her left      developmentally delayed.”               right tools to ensure Winter can       Donna made her sight          speak, educate and advocate
eye and a patch on her right           Winter has achieved some            do anything she sets her mind      loss into an opportunity to       for the betterment of
to assist with her overall eye     major milestones in just over a         to as she continues to grow.       create and record a stream        others,” she said.
development.                       year, despite not being able to             “When we first found out       of songs. Within four years           When asked about her
    The team at Vision Australia   attend Vision Australia’s facility      about her condition we were        she had won the APRA/             role as national ambassador,
was there from the first days      centre due to lockdowns.                devastated and thought it was      ASA Songwriter of the Year        Donna said, “I’m grateful to
of her diagnosis, providing the        “A recent check-up with her         the end of the world. But with     award along with Damien           advocate the importance of
Taylor family with specialist      ophthalmologist showed one              the help of Vision Australia and   Leith, and many national          lighting up the year ahead
care and support for their         of Winter’s best readings to            a lot of research to understand    and international awards          for many Vision Australia
toddler.                           date,” Georgia said.                    the condition better, we have      as a solo creator and             clients and we are sincerely
    “The support we have               “Winter has had to wear a           adapted and we will continue       collaborator. She has three       grateful to everyone who
received from Vision Australia     patch in her good eye and we            to adapt as Winter grows up,”      labels signed with MGM            contributes to help us
has been second to none,”          were thrilled to see that her           Georgia said.                      and ABC.                          achieve these goals.”

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Carols by Candlelight 2021       9

                                           Feelix storybook kits were
                                            borrowed, helping 446 of
                                          our youngest clients achieve                                                    Vision Australia
                                              learning milestones.                                                        provides specialist
                                                                                                                          services that support
                                                                                                                          families to help their
                                                                                                                          children achieve the
                                                    students were awarded
                                                                                                                          greatest levels of

                                                    Vision Australia further                                              MOBILITY SERVICES
                                                      education bursaries,                                                To help children
                                                 providing them with adaptive                                             develop skills to
                                                  technology such as screen                                               move around safely
                                                                                                                          and independently.
                                                    readers and visual aids.
                                                                                                                          OCCUPATIONAL and

                                What we
                                                                                                                          SPEECH THERAPIES
                                                                                                                          To develop everyday
                                                                                                                          living skills such as
                                                                                                                          getting dressed,
                                                                                                    162,500               preparing food or

                                 do with
                                                                                                    print pages were      brushing their teeth.
                                                                                                      converted into
                                                                                                   accessible formats     COUNSELLING
                                                                                                    including Braille,    With the input of
                                                                                                       e-text, large      parents and other
                                                                                                                          role models, we offer

                                your help
                                                                                                    print and tactual     support to children
     381 LEGO®                                                                                          graphics.         and their families.
   Braille Brick kits
     were distributed to                                                                                                  EARLY EDUCATION
   schools and institutions,                                                                                              Services such as our
     in partnership with                                                                                                  Feelix Library allow
    the LEGO Foundation,                                                                                                  children to learn in a
     to enhance learning          Here’s what donations like yours                                                        unique sensory way
    outcomes for children
    who are blind or have         helped make possible this year                                                          and supports their
          low vision.                                                                                                     literacy skills.

                                                                                                                          BRAILLE and
   92 people             1817 children               9 teens              2 paediatric                                    ADAPTIVE
 people attended our     received more than        aged 14-18 years           hubs                                        TECHNOLOGY
third Careers Sampler      30,791 hours of       took part in LEAP Up,      were established
                                                                                                   Seeing Eye Dogs        Helping children to
  event, designed to    physiotherapy, speech    a five-week program        for management         were matched with      enter mainstream
  help young people     pathology, orientation    that helps students        by a centralised       clients, including    education using the
   who are blind or      and mobility or early    prepare for tertiary       paediatric team,
    have low vision         intervention.              education.        building our capability
                                                                                                      our youngest        techniques of their
explore future career                                                     to contribute to our       ever recipient,      choice to read, write
     possibilities.                                                      young clients’ lifelong        aged 14.          and communicate.
                                                                           independence and
                                                                             social inclusion.
Carolsby Candlelight 2021 - Carols by ...
10   Song book

                                                                Silent Night
                                                                Public Domain
                                                                Silent night, holy night
                                                                All is calm, all is bright
                                                                ‘Round yon virgin Mother and Child

Join the
                                                                Holy infant so tender and mild
                                                                Sleep in heavenly peace
                                                                Sleep in heavenly peace

                                                                Silent night, holy night!

                                                                Shepherds quake at the sight!
                                                                Glories stream from heaven afar;
                                                                Heavenly hosts sing Al-le-lu-ia!
                                                                Christ the Savior is born!
                                                                Christ the Savior is born!
                                                                Christ the Savior is born!

                                                                Silent night, holy night
                                                                Son of God, oh, love’s pure light
       Sing loud and clear, with extra good cheer. We are all   Radiant beams from Thy holy face
        together again and ready to celebrate health, hope      With the dawn of redeeming grace
                                                                Jesus, Lord at Thy birth
                   and harmony for Christmas                    Jesus, Lord at Thy birth
                                                                Jesus, Lord at Thy birth
Carols by Candlelight 2021           11

Hallelujah Chorus                                 Oh Come All                            Oh Holy Night
Public Domain
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
                                                  Ye Faithful                            Public Domain
                                                                                         O holy night the stars are brightly shining
Hallelujah.                                       Public Domain                          It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birth
                                                  O come, all ye faithful                Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,   Joyful and triumphant                  Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
Hallelujah.                                       O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem      A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
                                                  Come and behold Him                    For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth              Born the King of Angels!               Fall on your knees
Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.    O come, let us adore Him               O hear the angels’ voices
(repeat)                                          O come, let us adore Him               O night divine
                                                  O come, let us adore Him               O night when Christ was born
For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth Hallelujah   Christ the Lord                        O night divine o night
(repeat twice)                                    O come, all ye faithful                O night divine
                                                  O come, all ye faithful                A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
The Kingdom of this world                         O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem   For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Is become the Kingdom of our Lord                 O come, all ye faithful                Fall on your knees O hear the angels’ voices
And of His Christ, and of His Christ              O come, all ye faithful                O night divine
And He shall reign for ever and ever              O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem   O night when Christ was born
(repeat three times)                              Oh, sing, choirs of angels             O night divine o night
                                                  Sing in exultation                     O night divine
King of Kings                                     Oh, come, oh come ye to Bethlehem      Ooh yes it was
Forever and ever Hallelujah, Hallelujah           Come and behold Him                    Ooh it is the night of our dear Savior’s birth
And Lord of Lords                                 Born the King of Angels                Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah
Forever and ever Hallelujah, Hallelujah           O come, let us adore Him               It was a holy holy holy, oh oh oh
(repeat)                                          O come, let us adore Him
                                                  O come, let us adore Him
King of Kings                                     Christ the Lord
Forever and ever Hallelujah, Hallelujah           O come, all ye faithful
And Lord of Lords                                 O come, all ye faithful
King of Kings and Lord of Lords                   O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem
And He shall reign, and He shall reign            O come, all ye faithful
And He shall reign, and He shall reign            O come, all ye faithful
                                                  O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem
Forever and ever
King of Kings
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
And Lord of Lords
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
He shall reign forever and ever

King of Kings and Lord of Lords
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
He shall reign forever and ever
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

12       Song book

Hark the Herald                         Jingle Bells                          Song of Joy
Angels Sing                             Public Domain
                                        Dashing through the snow
                                                                              Composer: de Los Rios/Parker/Orbe
                                                                              Come sing a song of joy
Public Domain                           In a one-horse open sleigh            For peace shall come my brother
Hark! the herald angels sing            Over the fields we go                 Sing, sing a song of joy
Glory to the newborn King               Laughing all the way                  For men shall love each other
Peace on earth, and mercy mild          Bells on bobtails ring
God and sinners reconciled              Making spirits bright                 That day will dawn
Joyful, all ye nations, rise            What fun it is to ride and sing       Just as sure
Join the triumph of the skies           A sleighing song tonight              As hearts that are pure
With th’ angelic host proclaim                                                Are hearts set free
Christ is born in Bethlehem             Jingle bells, jingle bells            No man must stand alone
                                        Jingle all the way!                   With outstretched hand before him
Hark, the herald angels sing            Oh, what fun it is to ride
Glory to the newborn King               In a one-horse open sleigh            Reach out and take them in yours
                                                                              With love that endures for evermore
Hail, the heav’n-born Prince of peace   A day or two ago                      Then sing a song of joy
Hail! the Son of Righteousness          I thought I’d take a ride             For love and understanding
Light and life to all he brings         And soon, Miss Fanny Bright
Risen with healing in his wings         Was seated by my side                 Come sing a song of joy
Mild he lays his glory by               The horse was lean and lank           For peace shall come my brother
Born that man no more may die           Misfortune seemed his lot             Sing, sing a song of joy
Born to raise the some of earth         He got into a drifted bank            For men shall love each other
Born to give them second birth          And then we got upsot
                                                                              That day will dawn just as sure
Hark! the herald angels sing            Jingle bells, jingle bells            As hearts that are pure are hearts set free
Glory to the newborn King               Jingle all the way!                   No man must stand alone
                                        Oh, what fun it is to ride            With outstretched hand before him
Hark, the herald angels sing            In a one-horse open sleigh
Glory to the newborn King                                                     Reach out and take them in yours
                                        A day or two ago                      With love that endures for evermore
Peace on earth, and mercy mild          The story I must tell                 Then sing a song of joy
God and sinners reconciled              I went out on the snow                For love and understanding
Joyful, all ye nations, rise            And on my back I fell
Join the triumph of the skies           A gent was riding by                  One mighty voice
With th’ angelic host proclaim          In a one-horse open sleigh            That will bring a sound
Christ is born in Bethlehem             He laughed as there I sprawling lie   That will ring for evermore
                                        But quickly drove away                Then sing a song of joy
Hark, the herald angels sing                                                  For love and understanding
Glory to the newborn King               Jingle bells, jingle bells
                                        Jingle all the way!
                                        Oh, what fun it is to ride
                                        In a one-horse open sleigh
Carols by Candlelight 2021                   13

Joy to the World                                                                             Angels We Have
Public Domain
Joy to the world
                                            Joy to the world, now we sing                    Heard on High
                                            Let the earth receive her king
Joy to the world                            Joy to the world, now we sing                    Public Domain
Joy to the world, the Lord is come          Let the angel voices ring                        Angels we have heard on high
Let earth receive her King                  Joy to the world, now we sing                    Sweetly singing o’er the plains
Let every heart prepare Him room            Let men their songs employ                       And the mountains in reply
And Heaven and nature sing                  Joy to the world, now we sing                    Echoing their joyous strains
And Heaven and nature sing                  Repeat the sounding joy
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing     Oh oh                                            Angels we have heard on high
                                                                                             Sweetly, sweetly through the night
Joy to the world                            He rules the world with truth and grace          And the mountains in reply
Joy to the world                            And makes the nations prove                      Echoing their brief delight
Joy to the World, the Saviour reigns!       The light of His righteousness
Let men their songs employ                  And wonders of His love                          Gloria, in excelsis Deo
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and   And wonders of His love                          Gloria, in excelsis Deo
plains                                      And wonders of His love
Repeat the sounding joy                     And wonders, wonders, of His love                Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Repeat the sounding joy                     And wonders, wonders, of His love                Why your joyous strains prolong?
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy            Joy to the world, now we sing                    What the gladsome tidings be
                                            Let the earth receive her king                   Which inspire your heavenly song?
                                            Joy to the world, now we sing
                                            Let the angel voices ring                        Gloria, in excelsis Deo
                                                                                             Gloria, in excelsis Deo

                                                                                             Come to Bethlehem and see
We Wish You a Merry Christmas                                                                Him whose birth the angels sing,
                                                                                             Come, adore on bended knee,
Traditional                                                                                  Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
We wish you a Merry Christmas         We won’t go until we get some
We wish you a Merry Christmas                                                                Gloria, in excelsis Deo
                                      We won’t go until we get some
We wish you a Merry Christmas                                                                Gloria, in excelsis Deo
                                      We won’t go until we get some
And a Happy New Year!                 So bring it right here!
                                      Good tidings we bring                                    MORE SONGS THAT WILL BE
Good tidings we bring                 To you and your kin                                      PERFORMED ON THE NIGHT …
To you and your kin                   We wish you a Merry Christmas                            The First Noel, The Holy City, Mary's Boy
We wish you a Merry Christmas         And a Happy New Year!                                    Child, You Make Me Feel Like Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!                                                                          Sleigh Ride, That's What Christmas
                                                                                               Means to Me, Have Yourself A Merry Little
                                      We wish you a Merry Christmas                            Christmas, All I Want for Christmas is You,
Now bring us some figgy pudding       We wish you a Merry Christmas                            Good King Wenceslas, God Rest Ye Merry
Now bring us some figgy pudding       We wish you a Merry Christmas                            Gentlemen, Winter Wonderland, Santa Claus
Now bring us some figgy pudding       And a Happy New Year!                                    Is Coming to Town, Frosty the Snowman, Let
And a cup of good cheer!              Good tidings we bring                                    It Snow, Silver Bells, Have Yourself A Merry
Good tidings we bring                                                                          Little Christmas.
                                      To you and your kin
To you and your kin                   We wish you a Merry Christmas                            Please note due to copyright restrictions, only
We wish you a Merry Christmas         And a Happy New Year!                                    the lyrics of songs in the public domain can be
And a Happy New Year!                                                                          included.

14      Proud partner

                     We’re lucky we’re with

       o help spread the spirit   Melbourne who endured the        sons, Carols by Candlelight           “We know that Ethan           screenings at Village Cinemas
       of Christmas, AAMI’s       longest lockdowns.               ambassadors Ethan and Sam,       and Sam may experience             or virtually through the
       roadside assistance            “We couldn’t wait to get     joined the fun when the cheer    further difficulties coping with   Channel 9 national broadcast,
vehicle was transformed into a    our AAMI Roadside Cheer Van      van dropped in at the Seeing     different elements of their        nothing unites the nation quite
Christmas fair on wheels when     out on the streets to give as    Eye Dogs training facility.      vision impairment as they get      like Carols by Candlelight.
it hit Melbourne’s streets        many people as possible the          Rebecca praised the          older. To know that we will        AAMI is delighted to be part of
during December.                  chance to sing with the choir    work of Vision Australia and     have the help along the way is     this incredible and iconic event
     Awash in festive red, the    in person. With so many of       welcomed AAMI’s support.         so encouraging.”                   which brings so much joy and
AAMI Roadside Cheer Van           our interactions being virtual       “Vision Australia means           As the sun goes down on       supports such an important
adorned in tinsel and lights      recently, it was so special      so much to our family. As        December 24, some 10,000           cause,” Mim said.
was used to transport choir       being able to spread the         a parent, it is so reassuring    people will make their way             Since 1969, AAMI has
members across Melbourne,         joy face to face and engage      to have a professional           to the Sidney Myer Music           played a role helping
to give local communities,        people with the music on a       support network just a phone     Bowl to sing along to festive      generations of Australians
families and charities a          personal level.”                 call, email or visit away,”      favourites such as Silent Night,   overcome adversity.
surprise performance.                 The cheer van visited a      Rebecca said.                    Little Drummer Boy and White           Supporting Australians
    Suncorp Group executive       number of locations around           “We are forever thankful     Christmas, while more than         during tough times, AAMI
general manager brand and         Melbourne and surrounding        for the support we have          two million across the country     is synonymous with the
marketing Mim Haysom              suburbs, including Vision        received and continue to         are expected to tune into the      principles that Vision
said, “After a year of so         Australia’s Seeing Eye Dogs      receive from Vision Australia,   national broadcast.                Australia applies in helping
much uncertainty, people          training facility.               and the funding of their work         “Whether connecting in        families and their children
want something to celebrate           Rebecca Bradley, along       from generous sponsors           person at the event, gathering     achieve the greatest levels of
— particularly those in           with her two inspirational       like AAMI.                       to watch one of the special        independence.
MATTHEW         REESE        SCARLETT    TARON     TORI      NICK       BOBBY                PHARRELL     NICK     LETITIA    ERIC   CHELSEA

                                                          WHERE WILL YOUR DREAMS TAKE YOU?

                                                     ONLY IN CINEMAS BOXING DAY

                                                                                                               5 – 9 January
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                                                                                                                          Arts Centre Melbourne


                                         Where Can We Take You?
30 Hotel Brands. Endless Experiences.

                                        DISCOVER. BOOK. BE REWARDED.
Listen to Vision Australia Radio
   from 7pm Christmas Eve for
   pre-show entertainment and
   our audio described simulcast
   of Vision Australia’s
   Carols by Candlelight.
   Sponsored by Belong.



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COVER Winter Taylor                      PRODUCT & PARTNERSHIPS        PARTNERSHIPS &                                    VISION AUSTRALIA’S
COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Catherine Black        GENERAL MANAGER               MAGAZINES VICTORIA                                CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT
EDITOR Fiona Welsh                       Kylie Pritchard               A division of The Herald & Weekly Times Pty Ltd
DESIGN Michael Owen                      PRINT MANAGER Andrew Davies   HWT Tower, 40 City Rd                             1300 84 74 66
WORDS Mary Thompson, TS Publicity        PRINTER News Corp             Southbank, Victoria, 3006               
PICTURES Catherine Black, HWT, iStock,                                 ABN 49 004 113 937
Tizia May Photography, Luisa Garcia
                                                                                             AUSTRALIA WITH CAROLS?

                                                                                             This year, AAMI is giving more people in more
                                                                                             places the chance to join in and sing along with
                                                                                             Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight.

                                                                                             Our Roadside Cheer Van has been helping to spread
                                                                                             the Christmas cheer across the country. And for even
                                                                                             more Christmas cheer, AAMI is providing a year of
                                                                                             free Roadside Assist with every new comprehensive car
                                                                                             insurance policy.* Visit to find out more.

                                                                                                                        FOLLOW @AAMI_INSURANCE TO SEE OUR
                                                                                                                        AAMI ROADSIDE CHEER VANS IN ACTION

                                                                                                                                            DONATE NOW

*T&C’s apply. Offer ends 31 January 2022 and T&Cs apply. AAMI Roadside Assist is an optional extra only available in conjunction with AAMI comprehensive car insurance. Terms and conditions for
coverage apply. Roadside assistance available 24 hours after purchase. Before buying insurance issued by AAI Limited trading as AAMI read the PDS. Go to for a copy. TMD also available.
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