Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove

Page created by Beatrice Gray
Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove
Chapel House
W i n s l ow, B u c k i n g h a m s hi re
Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove
Chapel House
          Win s low, B u c ki n g h a ms h i re
          Buckingham 6 miles, Aylesbury 10 miles, Milton Keynes 11 miles,
       Bicester 17 miles, Banbury 25 miles, Oxford 32 miles, London 56 miles
                            (Distances are approximate)

A converted chapel nestled in the centre
      of a delightful market town.
     Entrance Hall | Reception Hall | Kitchen/Dining/Family Room | Utility Room
                        Sitting Room | Drawing Room | Study

  Master Bedroom Suite | Four Further Bedrooms | Family Bathroom | Shower Room

                    Pretty enclosed Courtyard Garden | Parking

                              Knight Frank Oxford
                               274 Banbury Road
                                Oxford, OX2 7DY
                                01865 264 856
Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove
Chapel House
Chapel House is a converted chapel set in the middle of
Winslow, a popular market town south of Buckingham. The
building dates from 1880 and retains many of its original
The vast 4400 square feet of accommodation is spread
over three floors. At the top of the house is a study with
panoramic views from all four sides across the surrounding
countryside. There is a wonderful family room on the first
floor. The ground floor most notably features five generous
bedrooms and a wonderful open plan kitchen, living
and dining room. There is also a sitting room, generous
entrance hall, utility and three bathrooms.
The gardens are split into two courtyard areas, with paved
terraces and a small lawn. Both spaces are exceptionally
private. There is off street parking with an electric car
charging point.
Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove
Location                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This plan is for guidance only and must not be
The market town of Winslow is situated on the A413                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   relied upon as a statement of fact. Attention is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     drawn to the Important Notice on the last page
between Aylesbury and Buckingham. Winslow is a pretty                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of the text of the Particulars.
town which has grown over the years but still manages
to retain its links with the past, with its’ attractive old
thatched houses, the market square and cattle markets and
delightful surrounding countryside. The town also offers
a wide variety of amenities including a church, first and
middle school, shops, restaurants, public houses, a health
centre, a dentist and a weekly market.
Nearby Buckingham is the closest town and offers many
more facilities and the village benefits from quick and easy
access into Oxford and London with excellent road and rail
links. For commuters, there are trains from Milton Keynes
to Euston Station in 36 minutes. There is also a new station
set to be built nearby which will provide a link to Oxford and
Milton Keynes (part of the East/West line).
Local schools include the Royal Latin School in
Buckingham, Aylesbury High for Girls, Aylesbury Grammar
School for Boys and The Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School.
Independent schools in the area include Akeley Wood and
Stowe. Oxford schools are also within reach, those include
Lynehams, The Dragon School, Oxford High School,
Ashfold Preparatory School and St Edward’s to name a few.

Directions and Parking (MK18 3AP)
From Junction 10 of the M40, take the second exit onto the
A43. At the Barley Mow roundabout take the third exit onto
the A421 and continue on this road for approximately eight
miles until changing to the A413 sign posted Aylesbury.
Head along this road until entering Winslow, Chapel House
can be found in Horn Street which is off Church Street, just
before the market square.

Mains water and electricity. Gas-fired central heating.

Local Authority
Buckinghamshire Council.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your partners in property for 125 years.

Viewings                                                         Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller’s Solicitors. Important Notice: 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part
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Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove Chapel House Winslow, Buckinghamshire - Rightmove
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