Page created by Anna Brewer
chocolate conundrums

    The Problem            Possible Causes                                 Fix-It Tips for Now or Next Time
     Chocolate forms       If chocolate is improperly melted (over too     Taste smooth portion of chocolate. If it
     hard, grainy          high a heat or left in microwave for too        doesn’t taste burnt, strain chocolate to
     lumps during          long on high power), it may burn, forming       remove lumps and proceed with recipe.
     melting process       small, hard lumps that float in the melted      Next time, be sure to finely chop chocolate
                           chocolate.                                      for more even melting, monitor your heat
                                                                           level, and stir often, whether you use the
                                                                           microwave or stovetop.

     Chocolate seizes      If even a small amount of water gets into       If you needed pure chocolate for a recipe,
     suddenly,             melting chocolate, it will seize. Steam         you will have to start over, but the seized
     forming a single,     created from melting chocolate over hot         chocolate can be saved for another use.
     grainy mass           water could be the source.                      Ironically, though a little liquid will make
                                                                           chocolate seize, larger amounts of liquid
                                                                           are fine: Melt cream or another liquid into
                                                                           seized chocolate to create a delicious des-
                                                                           sert sauce.

     Chocolate             Though chocolate ganache can break (the         To bring ganache back into a stable emul-
     ganache breaks        cocoa butter separates out) if it is agitated   sion, pour 1 to 3 teaspoons warm heavy
     or appears            or stirred too vigorously, the problem most     cream on top of it, right in the saucepan.
     curdled               likely lies with the ratio of chocolate to      With a whisk, stir cream into uppermost
                           cream. Intense chocolates, such as bitter-      layer of ganache. Start with very small
                           sweet with its high percentage of cocoa         circles, and then move outward and deeper
                           solids, require more cream or a touch of        once cream has formed a smooth ganache
                           sugar before they smooth out.                   in the center.

     Whipped choco-        Overbeaten ganache will harden and seize        Melt a portion of hardened ganache and
     late ganache          easily. Often the ganache seems pliable at      stir it into remaining seized ganache until
     becomes hard          first but within a few minutes will become      smooth, adding a little warm heavy cream
     and grainy            stiff and unworkable.                           if necessary. Let ganache rest in refrig-
                                                                           erator or a cool room for at least 6 hours.
                                                                           Whip briefly with an electric mixer until
                                                                           fluffy. For perfect whipped ganache, stop
                                                                           beating once it forms soft peaks; it will
                                                                           continue to firm up as it sits.

     Chocolate             Seizing can occur when warm chocolate           Next time, try stirring melted chocolate
     mousse mixture        comes into contact with cold ingredients,       into a small portion of the mousse and
     seizes when           like cold whipped cream.                        then folding in remaining mousse. Or melt
     melted chocolate                                                      chocolate with an equal amount of cream
     is folded in
                                                                           from the recipe. Let this cool, and then
                                                                           incorporate it into the mousse.

246 when things go wrong
Unable to form        Using a peeler to shave delicate chocolate        To make chocolate more pliable, set bar
 sizeable choco-       curls is hard work if the bar of chocolate is     under a warm lamp or heat it gently in
 late curls using      too cool—good chocolate that is well tem-         microwave (5- to 10-second bursts). Just
 vegetable peeler      pered may seem brittle at temperatures            soften it enough to glide a peeler across it
                       under 70°F.                                       with minimal pressure.

 Chocolate on          Chocolate was not tempered if it won’t            For best results, temper chocolate to
 chocolate-dipped      set up. If fruit was cold to begin with, or       ensure it will crystallize properly. If you
 fruit won’t set up    dipped fruit was placed in fridge to force it     don’t have time for tempering, add 1 table-
 or softens if not     to harden, the coating will soften as soon        spoon vegetable shortening to the melted
 kept cold
                       as it is removed from refrigerator.               chocolate to stabilize it. Use clean, dry—
                                                                         not cold—fruit pieces.

 Cocoa butter          Chocolate was heated too harshly: Beyond          You’ll have to start over. Next time, check
 separates from        130°F, cocoa butter will separate from the        temperature of melting chocolate with a
 chocolate during      chocolate liquor.                                 chocolate or instant-read thermometer
 tempering                                                               (don’t use a candy thermometer—it’s
                                                                         meant for measuring a higher range of

 Tempered              There are four major crystal formations in        Tempering requires patience and precision.
 chocolate is          chocolate, and the goal of tempering is to        Chocolate must be melted to near 120°F
 streaky instead       allow only one of those forms to dominate         (but not over) and then cooled to 80°F. Milk
 of shiny, or          the chocolate’s structure—otherwise the           and white chocolate must be heated back
                       chocolate won’t be shiny and hard when it         up to 85° to 87°F and bittersweet chocolate
 chocolate did not
                       cools. If the thermometer is not precisely        to 87° to 90°F. For nearly foolproof temper-
 set up
                       accurate or if the room is unusually hot or       ing, if the chocolate you begin with is in
                       cold, chocolate may not set properly.             temper (shiny, with a nice snap when it
                                                                         breaks), save a portion and stir it into the
                                                                         melted chocolate. This acts as the seed,
                                                                         encouraging formation of the right crys-
                                                                         tals. Work in a draft-free environment that
                                                                         is moderate in temperature.

                                                                                         —Nicole Rees, Fine Cooking contributor

saucy situations

The Problem           Possible Causes                                  Fix-It Tips for Now or Next Time
 Cream will not       Cream cannot be beaten into a stable             Place mixing bowl, cream, and beaters in
 form peaks after     foam unless it’s cold. If room is hot, it        refrigerator and try beating again in 15 min-
 whipping             will be more difficult to whip cream.            utes. Next time, chill bowl and beaters or
                      Cream that is cold but will not hold air         whisk ahead of time. Be sure label says heavy
                      may not have a high enough fat content.          cream for reliable results—it should have a
                                                                       fat content of at least 36%.

                                                                                                            saucy situations 247
Whipped cream         Whipped cream beaten beyond the stiff        If cream is merely grainy, pour in more heavy
     is grainy             peak stage quickly becomes overmixed         cream (at least one-quarter of the total
                           and grainy. If beaten even further, small    amount) and beat only until soft, smooth
                           hard lumps of butter will begin to form.     peaks form. Once hard lumps of butter have
                                                                        formed, the cream cannot be saved.

     Crème anglaise        See “Egg-ravations,” p. 250.
     has small lumps

     Sauce or gravy        If it is a cornstarch-thickened sauce, it    For every cup of sauce, mix 1 teaspoon corn-
     is too thin           may have been boiled for too long, caus-     starch with 1 to 2 tablespoons water and
                           ing the starch to lose its thickening        quickly stir into warm sauce. Bring to a boil
                           capacity. A roux made with flour will        to cook the starch, and then let it simmer
                           weaken as it browns in the pan, reducing     for 30 to 60 seconds to eliminate flavor of
                           its ability to gel.                          uncooked starch. For the same amount of
                                                                        flour-thickened sauce, knead 1 teaspoon but-
                                                                        ter into 2 teaspoons flour and follow same
                                                                        procedure, letting it simmer for at least a
                                                                        minute or two after it reaches a boil.

     Sauce                 The starch, probably cornstarch or flour,    Simmer sauce for a few minutes longer to
     tastes pasty          has not been cooked adequately.              cook off raw taste of starch. Cook cornstarch
                                                                        sauces gently, reducing heat once they reach
                                                                        a boil. Flour-thickened sauces need to cook
                                                                        for a few minutes longer.

     Pan gravy is          When cold liquid was added to a roux,        If sauce is thick enough to use, strain it to
     lumpy                 the flour didn’t dissolve properly. Inad-    remove lumps. For a too-thin yet lumpy
                           equate whisking also lets lumps form.        sauce, thicken as directed for a sauce that is
                                                                        too thin (above), and then strain.

     Pan gravy             Browned bits of flavor on bottom of pan      Once you’ve made the gravy, there’s nothing
     is bitter             were burnt.                                  you can do. Next time, taste the browned bits
                                                                        before making the gravy. If most taste burned,
                                                                        scrape up some of the pleasant-tasting bits to
                                                                        add to a gravy made in a clean saucepan.

     White pan gravy       Any sauce made with milk or other            If sauce is in the pan, first try gently reheat-
     has a skin on it      dairy products will form a skin—the          ing it to melt the skin. Transfer gravy to a
                           result of the protein casein separating      serving container and place plastic wrap
                           from the sauce.                              directly against surface of sauce to prevent a
                                                                        skin from forming.

     Pan sauce of          Sauce doesn’t have enough water—too          Stir in a little warm water and see if sauce
     reduced wine          much may have evaporated while sauce         comes together. Adding cream, which is a
     has separated         was kept warm.                               stable emulsion already, may also do the trick.

     Pan sauce of          Either the flavorful bits on bottom of pan   Sorry, but with charred flavor and bad wine,
     reduced wine          were burnt or wine was not good.             you’ll have to start over. If sauce is pungent
     is bitter                                                          from too much wine but the wine is good,
                                                                        whisk in reduced stock or butter to mellow
                                                                        out the flavor.

248 when things go wrong
Cheese sauce       High heat will cause a cheese sauce to         Over medium-low heat, stir in a little lemon
or fondue is       break. Stringy sauces, in which the            juice and/or flour to reduce stringiness. If
stringy, grainy,   cheese refuses to smooth out, don’t have       sauce is simply too thick and gloppy, add
or oily            enough flour or lemon juice, or the liq-       more liquid, whether it be wine, milk, or
                   uid in your recipe may have evaporated.        cream. If sauce won’t smooth out, you’re out
                   Also, the cheese may have curdled from         of luck and will have to start over. Next time,
                   high heat or too much stirring.                reduce the heat before gently stirring in the

Mayonnaise         The emulsion has broken. You may have          If mayonnaise was made with unrefined oil,
looks separated    added too much oil or added it too             discard and begin again. If not, you can try to
                   quickly. Another culprit is the oil itself:    re-emulsify it. In a blender or food processor,
                   Unrefined oils are more resistant to           process sauce to see if high-speed agitation
                   emulsifying than refined ones.                 will bring it back. If that doesn’t work or you
                                                                  don’t have the machinery, try this: Start with
                                                                  a whole new egg or an egg yolk mixed with
                                                                  1 tablespoon water or lemon juice, and
                                                                  slowly whisk the broken mayonnaise into it.

Beurre blanc,      Sauce is about to break. Separation            Get the sauce off the heat immediately, and
béarnaise, or      occurs when cooking temperature is             whisk gently until it cools a bit and comes
hollandaise        too high.                                      back together.
sauce has oil
around edge
of pan

Beurre blanc       If left for too long, sauce can form a crys-   You’ll have to re-emulsify the sauce: Start
sauce congeals     tal structure, making it grainy.               with 1 or 2 tablespoons warm cream and
into a grainy                                                     slowly whisk sauce into it over low heat.
mass while
cooling in pan

Beurre blanc       Heat was too high. Once beurre blanc           Remove pan from heat. As sauce cools, whisk
sauce looks        passes 130°F, it will break.                   in a little heavy cream until sauce comes
broken                                                            back together.

Béarnaise or       After oil begins to accumulate around          Remove sauce from heat. Stir in a little water,
hollandaise        sides of pan, the emulsion will break if       lemon juice, vinegar, or cream until sauce
sauce is broken    heat remains too high. Besides high heat,      comes back together. Reheat very gently over
                   adding too much butter or adding the           low heat if necessary.
                   butter too quickly can cause curdling.

Hollandaise        Heat was too high and sauce cooked too         If sauce is otherwise thick and smooth, you
sauce is lumpy     fast, causing egg proteins to scramble.        can strain out the lumps, but a scrambled
and thick                                                         sauce cannot be saved.

                                                                                     —Nicole Rees, Fine Cooking contributor

                                                                                                       saucy situations 249

    The Problem            Possible Causes                                   Fix-It Tips for Now or Next Time
     Beaten egg            Egg whites are overbeaten, causing pro-           Sorry, but once egg whites are overbeaten,
     whites are            teins to contract and squeeze out water.          they cannot expand and hold air any
     grainy and                                                              longer—dump them in the garbage and
     won’t fold                                                              start again. Next time, beat whites just until
     into batter
                                                                             they are shiny; overwhipped whites become
                                                                             visibly dull and grainy.

     Egg whites            If you can’t get whites to form a stable          Start over with a squeaky clean bowl and
     won’t form            foam, then there is fat present in the bowl       yolk-free egg whites.
     stiff peaks           or on the beaters, usually in the form of a
                           small bit of yolk that broke into the white.

     Beaten                Sugar particles have not dissolved if             Set grainy meringue over—not in—another
     meringue is           meringue is grainy, which means that egg          bowl filled with hot water; whisk vigorously
     grainy                whites were too cold or that meringue was         until meringue feels smooth between your
                           not beaten slowly enough to allow sugar           fingers. Set bowl on counter and beat for 30
                           granules to dissolve.                             to 60 seconds at high speed for maximum
                                                                             volume. Next time, add sugar to soft peak
                                                                             stage egg whites 1 tablespoon at a time so
                                                                             that sugar dissolves without deflating the
                                                                             egg foam.

     Pie meringue          See “Pie Pitfalls & Tart Tribulations,” p. 233.
     weeps or forms

     Cooked eggs           Eggs cooked in reactive metal pans will           Sorry, but there’s nothing to do except use
     are discolored        discolor; cast iron can impart a reddish          a stainless-steel, anodized aluminum, or
                           tinge and aluminum (not anodized) will            other nonreactive pan the next time.
                           turn eggs gray.

     Hard-cooked           Cold eggs placed in rapidly boiling water         Next time, start eggs in cool water. Bring
     egg cracks            are prone to cracking; the pressure of            water and eggs to a boil together for a more
     in water              the hot water causes existing fissures to         gentle cooking method.

     Hard-cooked           Egg is overcooked. When an egg is heated          Next time, watch the clock closely. Don’t
     egg has green         for a prolonged period, a chemical reaction       boil eggs longer than 20 minutes and be
     layer around          takes place between the yolk and white,           sure to cool them promptly by rinsing in
     yolk                  causing green iron oxide to form.                 cold water.

     Scrambled             Eggs were overcooked, causing protein             Next time, cook eggs slowly over gently
     eggs are watery       network to become tighter and squeeze             heat, stirring often but not too vigorously.
     and tough             out moisture.                                     Turn off heat when eggs are just barely
     instead of                                                              set—the hot pan will finish cooking them
     creamy and

250 when things go wrong
Omelet sticks    Eggs stick to the pan if they are cooked at   If one portion of omelet is stuck to pan,
to pan           too high a temperature. Omelets require       simply flip the other half onto the stuck
                 the right amount of fat to grease pan, the    portion and pry omelet loose with a spatula.
                 correct cooking temperature, and an effec-    Serve it torn side down to hide the d­ amage.
                 tive swirling motion to distribute eggs       If omelet is stuck completely, stir eggs and
                 evenly.                                       pretend the intent was scrambled eggs.
                                                               Garnish with chopped herbs or scallions or
                                                               grated cheese to further the pretense.

Omelet is        Omelet contains too many eggs or too          Next time, consider the pan to egg ratio
overcooked       much filling. Another possibility is that     before you begin, which is traditionally
on outside       eggs may not have been adequately swirled     2 eggs for an 8-inch pan. An omelet of this
but under-       in pan and set before filling was added.      size will be easy to swirl and will cook
cooked on
                                                               quickly and evenly, preventing a tough
                                                               ­exterior and runny interior.

Poached eggs     Older eggs have runny whites and delicate     Next time, start with the freshest eggs pos-
are misshapen    yolks that break easily, making them a        sible. Use gently simmering water with a
and uneven       poor choice for poaching. Rapidly boiling     little added vinegar and salt, which will help
                 water can also cause an egg to set in an      set eggs even faster.
                 irregular shape.

Crème anglaise   Eggs may not have been tempered before        If eggs are scrambled, sauce is not thick
has lumps        being added to hot cream mixture, or          enough to use, so you’ll need to start over.
                 sauce was cooked over high heat or at too     Next time, whisk about one-third of hot
                 high a temperature.                           cream mixture into eggs before returning
                                                               it to the pot to finish cooking. Cook over
                                                               medium heat. Crème anglaise is set well
                                                               below boiling: It is done when a path drawn
                                                               across a sauce-coated spoon remains clear.

Pastry cream     Pastry cream can be lumpy from eggs           If pastry cream has thickened properly and
has lumps        scrambling over too high a heat, or it may    lumps are the only concern, press it through
                 have lumps of flour or cornstarch that        a wire mesh strainer to make it perfectly
                 didn’t dissolve during cooking. Eggs may      smooth. If it’s completely scrambled, pitch it
                 not have been tempered before being           and start over. Next time, whisk about one-
                 added to hot cream mixture.                   third of hot cream mixture into eggs before
                                                               returning it to the pot to finish cooking.

Baked custard    These custards contain little or no starch    Next time, be sure to bake custards in a
(flan, pots de   and thus set at a lower temperature than      water bath to better insulate them and
crème, crème     pastry cream. As a result, they are easily    allow for even, gradual heat penetration.
brûlée) cracks   overcooked. Baked custards continue to        Remove from oven and water bath when
or curdles
                 cook for a few minutes after being removed    they are just barely set.
                 from the oven—they are considered done
                 when the center is just barely wobbly.                                             continued

                                                                                                  egg-ravations 251
Soufflé falls         Though all soufflés are ephemeral, reci-           Next time, make sure soufflé base is thick-
     immediately           pes with little or no starch are especially        ened properly. Adding 2 tablespoons of addi-
     when pulled           fragile. Also, the egg whites may have been        tional flour will strengthen the structure.
     from oven             overbeaten and thus were unable to set             Seek out recipes that include chocolate or
                           the structure of the soufflé.                      cheese, as these ingredients also stabilize
                                                                              a soufflé’s structure. If soufflé didn’t rise
                                                                              much before it fell, then be careful not to
                                                                              overbeat egg whites next time: The whites
                                                                              should be glossy and firm, not grainy and
                                                                              dry looking.

     Quiche is             See “Pie Pitfalls & Tart Tribulations,” p. 233.
     watery instead
     of creamy
     and set

     Mayonnaise            See “Saucy Situations,” p. 247.
     looks separated
                                                                                               —Nicole Rees, Fine Cooking contributor

  Stovetop Struggles: Pan-Searing, Sautéing, Stir-Frying & Deep-Frying

    The Problem            Possible Causes                                   Fix-It Tips for Now or Next Time
     Pan-seared            Pan wasn’t hot enough or meat wasn’t              If meat isn’t overly browned, continue
     meat sticks to        ready to be turned. Insufficient fat in pan       cooking—it will release much easier once
     pan                   can also cause meat to stick.                     it has seared. Next time, be sure to heat pan
                                                                             first and check that pan is evenly coated with
                                                                             a small amount of fat to prevent sticking.

     Pan-seared            Either pan wasn’t hot enough when meat            To avoid cooking meat beyond desired done-
     meat isn’t            went in or meat was overcrowded in pan.           ness, brown it fast by placing it under a hot
     browned               Overcrowding will cause temperature of            broiler. Next time, heat pan for 3 to 5 minutes
                           pan to drop, and meat will end up steam-          before searing, and don’t crowd meat in pan
                           ing rather than searing.                          for maximum browning.

     Herb and spice        Some coating always sticks to the bottom          If you plan to make a pan sauce, the flavor
     coating on meat       of the pan, but if you lose most of it, there     will be recovered in the end. If not, sprinkle
     is now stuck to       was too much coating on the meat or not           finished meat with herbs to replace what was
     bottom of pan         enough fat in the pan, or the heat was            lost. Next time, use more fat in pan and more
                           too low.                                          heat, and tap excess spices from meat before
                                                                             you cook it. Sear, turning only once, and fin-
                                                                             ish cooking meat in a 425°F oven.

252 when things go wrong
Garlic is burned    Garlic was minced too small or heat was        Though the flavor of burned garlic may have
before rest of      too high. Garlic cooks lightning fast, owing   infused the sauté, you may be able to pick
sauté is done       to its size and softness, and will become      out the darkest, most bitter pieces. Next time,
cooking             bitter if it browns.                           use larger pieces of garlic over a lower initial
                                                                   heat; turn heat up only when other foods
                                                                   are added to pan. The best bet, however, is to
                                                                   ignore the directions and add garlic later in
                                                                   recipe. The volume of food in the pan will act
                                                                   as a buffer and cook the garlic more slowly.

Sautéed onions      Onions have not been stirred often             If some are getting too dark, pour in a little
are cooking         enough. A pan full of raw onions will col-     water. This will deglaze pan, coating all the
unevenly: some      lapse into less than a third of its volume     onions in flavor. Cover pan and continue
are crisp, some     when cooked—the trick is cooking so they       cooking: Onions will soften and cook through
are too brown,
                    caramelize evenly.                             without burning.
and some
remain nearly

Sautéed mush-       Pan wasn’t hot enough and there were           Pour off excess liquid (but reserve if you are
rooms aren’t        too many mushrooms in pan. Mushrooms           making a sauce) and cook mushrooms over
browned             release liquid as they cook, which will        medium-high heat until brown. Next time,
                    change cooking method from sautéing to         heat pan before starting, and cook mush-
                    steaming if pan is too crowded.                rooms in batches to avoid overcrowding pan.

Stir-fried veg-     Pan wasn’t hot enough and/or there             You can’t repair overcooked food, but you
etables are         wasn’t enough oil in pan. In addition,         can add a little oil to pan to help prevent
sticking to pan     vegetables may not have been tossed or         remainder of vegetables from sticking.
and burning on      stirred well enough to be evenly coated        Next time, heat pan, and then swirl in oil,
                    with oil during initial stage of cooking.      and then add vegetables in small batches,
                                                                   removing and repeating as many times as
                                                                   needed to prevent overcrowding. Be sure to
                                                                   toss vegetables often.

Stir-fried          Each food was not cut into uniform-size        You’ll have to live with this one. Next time,
vegetables          pieces. Also, vegetables that cook quickly     cut vegetables into same-size pieces and
are unevenly        were cooked with vegetables that cook          begin with longer-cooking foods (onions,
cooked: some        slowly.                                        potatoes, broccoli), adding quicker-cooking
are crisp, others
                                                                   ones later (peas, zucchini, eggplant). Hurry
too soft
                                                                   slow-cooking vegetables along by adding
                                                                   2 to 4 tablespoons water to hot pan once they
                                                                   have begun to color and soften. Cover pan,
                                                                   letting food steam and quickly soften over
                                                                   high heat. Water should evaporate within a

Coating falls off   Coating (flour or crumbs) was too thick.       Next time, tap off excess coating before frying
fried food                                                         and let food rest for a few minutes after it has
                                                                   been coated.

                                                                                                   stovetop struggles 253
Fried food            One of ingredients in coating, such as a      Unless you want to heat a pan with fresh
     has tiny black        spice or sugar, is burning, leaving charred   oil, there’s nothing you can do except keep
     specks                particles in the oil.                         a close eye on the heat to make sure burn-
                                                                         ing doesn’t accelerate. Once particles begin
                                                                         to burn, the oil degrades and may impart off
                                                                         flavors to finished food.

     Fried food            Frying oil is too hot, or food was cold       Hold off on frying the next batch until oil
     browns on             when immersed in pan. Pan may also have       has cooled down and you’ve checked the
     outside but is        been overcrowded, especially when frying      temperature with a frying thermometer. Fat
     undercooked in        chicken.                                      should not be heated above 375°F—many oils
                                                                         will degrade quickly and smoke at higher
                                                                         temperatures. Before cooking next batch, let
                                                                         food warm up a little if it is cold.

     Fried food is         Either frying oil wasn’t hot enough or        Sorry, but there’s nothing to do besides dis-
     soggy and             too much food was added to pan at once,       card the greasy batch. Next time, monitor
     greasy                thus cooling oil. When temperature is         the oil’s temperature with a frying thermom-
                           too far below 350°F, oil will enter food      eter. Adjust heat accordingly on stovetop to
                           faster than steam (generated by the           maintain correct temperature, or consider
                           pressure of the heat on the food’s moist      investing in a batch fryer with an automatic
                           interior) will escape, causing food to take   temperature control.
                           in too much oil.

     Fried potatoes        Temperature of oil may not have been          Using a frying thermometer, check to make
     (french fries) or     high enough, or you didn’t fry the potatoes   sure oil is at proper temperature. Fry in
     plantains (tos-       twice. Also, you may have overcrowded         small batches to ensure quick and even
     tones) are not        pan, slowing the cooking process.             cooking. The best french fries and tostones
     crisp enough
                                                                         are twice fried: Fry at 300° to 325°F until
                                                                         vegetables just soften the first time; drain
                                                                         and cool briefly, and then fry at 350° to 375°F
                                                                         until crisp and golden.

                                                                                           —Nicole Rees, Fine Cooking contributor

254 when things go wrong
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