CLASS SCHEDULE 16 17 - Columbia Gorge Community College

Page created by Lloyd Avila
CLASS SCHEDULE 16 17 - Columbia Gorge Community College


of grit   16
The meaning
                     PRE-COLLEGE & ESOL

                           17    Improve
                               your skills
resources 22              COMMUNITY ED
are available
                         5  Online classes
                            during COVID
CLASS SCHEDULE 16 17 - Columbia Gorge Community College
2 | Essential Information | Fall 2020

CALENDAR                                            WHAT’S INSIDE?
SEPTEMBER 4                                          3            TUITION & FEES | DISCOUNTS & WAIVERS
Summer term ends                                     4            PAYMENTS | DROP & REFUND POLICIES | FINANCIAL AID
SEPTEMBER 7                                          5-13         FALL COMMUNITY EDUCATION
Labor Day holiday (college closed)                   14           CHINOOK CAMPUS PANTRY
SEPTEMBER 9                                          15           HOW TO USE THIS SCHEDULE
Summer term grades available online                  16           MIRIAM CRUZ TORRES: GRIT
                                                     17           FALL PRE-COLLEGE CLASSES
                                                     18-21        FALL CREDIT CLASSES
Fall term classes begin
                                                     22           COMMUNITY RESOURCES
OCTOBER 2                                            23           WORKSOURCE, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, OREGON STATE
Last day to drop with tuition refund for
8-11 week fall classes*
OCTOBER 5                                                        FALL REGISTRATION IS
                                                                      OPEN NOW!
Fall late fees begin
Veterans Day Holiday (college closed)
Winter term registration begins                      New students:, then contact Student Services
NOVEMBER 20                                          Continuing students: log in to MyCGCC and get registered
Last day to withdraw from 11-week fall               Community Ed learners:, or contact
classes                                              Student Services if you need assistance
NOVEMBER 26-27                                       GED®: See page 17 for class dates and registration instructions
Thanksgiving Holiday (college closed)                ESOL (clases de inglés): información de registro y lista de clases en la
DECEMBER 11                                          página 17
Fall term ends

                                                     IS CGCC OPEN?
Fall term grades available online
                                                     YES! Classes are proceeding as usual, though some have been
Winter Holiday (college closed)
                                                     moved to remote formats. CGCC is providing on-site and virtual
Winter term classes begin                            services to students and community for fall term 2020. Updated hours
JANUARY 8                                            of operation, as well as our reopening plan and other resources, are
Last day to drop with tuition refund for             listed at, or contact a department by phone from the
8-11 week winter classes*                            list below.
Winter late fees begin                               College Phone Numbers
JANUARY 18                                           College main line                                        (541) 506-6000
Martin Luther King Day Holiday                       Bookstore                                                (541) 506-6061
(college closed)
                                                     Business Office/Payments                                 (541) 506-6057
Spring term registration begins
                                                     Child Care Partners                                      (541) 506-6131
                                                     Financial Aid                                            (541) 506-6021
Last day to withdraw from 11-week                    Instructional Services                                   (541) 506-6031
winter classes                                       Library		                                                (541) 506-6081
MARCH 19                                             Pre-College Programs (GED, ESOL)                         (541) 506-6041
Winter term ends                                     Student Services (Admissions, Advising, Testing)
MARCH 24                                                        The Dalles                          (541) 506-6011, option 2
Winter term grades available online                             Hood River                                    (541) 308-8211
*Drop and withdrawal dates vary for classes fewer
                                                     Assistance                                                    711 Relay
than 8 weeks in length. See page 4 for details.
                                                     Cover photo: Danny Dehaze
Columbia Gorge Community College | Schedule of Classes | USPS #021-044 Issue #04-2020
Published by: Columbia Gorge Community College 400 East Scenic Drive, The Dalles, OR 97058. The Columbia Gorge Community College Class Schedule
is published quarterly. Entered as Periodicals postage paid at the Office of The Dalles, OR and additional mailing offices. | This brochure is published for
informational purposes. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy at the time of publication. However, the provisions of this brochure are not to be
regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and CGCC. Course descriptions, term offerings, and credit receivable, as well as fees, rules, and any
other regulations concerning the College are subject to change without notice.
CLASS SCHEDULE 16 17 - Columbia Gorge Community College
Essential Information | Fall 2020 | 3
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?                                                                   Larry’s Line
Credit Classes Tuition + Fees*
                                                                   Total $
                # of Credits Tuition $          Service Fee $      not including other
                                                                   fees or books
                20           $1568              $400                $1968
                19           $1568              $380                $1948
                18           $1568              $360                $1928
Full time to
complete        17
degree in
2 years         15
                             $1568              $300
                                                                                                     Lorenzo J.
                             15th credit free   fees still apply
                14           $1568              $280               $1848
                13           $1456              $260               $1716                               Chinook
Full time for
financial aid   12           $1344              $240               $1584
                                                                                         Hi folks!
               11            $1232              $220               $1452                 This will go down in the
 Three                                                                                   history books as “the
               10            $1120              $200               $1320
 quarter time                                                                            summer that wasn’t.” It’s
               9             $1008              $180               $1188
               8             $896               $160               $1056                 been a wild ride, and we’re
 Half time     7             $784               $140               $924                  not out of the woods yet.
               6             $672               $120               $792                  We’ve always had classes
                                                                                         online, but now CGCC is
               5             $560               $100               $660
                                                                                         also bringing you the same
               4             $448               $80                $528
 Less than                                                                               quality education we’ve
               3             $336               $60                $396
 half time                                                                               always given you in a new
               2             $224               $40                $264                  format: Zoom classes.
               1             $112               $20                $132
                                                                                         Zoom is a tool that lets
*Tuition and fee rates are subject to change.
                                                                                         large groups communicate
Lab/Instructional Fees: listed with the course                                           online so that students and
Moodle Fee, Online and Hybrid Classes Only: $50 per course                               faculty can interact in real
Tuition for residents of non-border states: $243 per credit                              time.
An explanation of fees can be found on page 15                                           We all hope that you’re
                                                                                         surviving the pandemic
Community Education Tuition + Fees*                                                      and economic troubles,
Tuition and fees for community education classes are listed with                         but remember that if you
each class.                                                                              need help, CGCC has a list
                                                                                         of community resources
Discounts & Waivers                                                                      available on our website. See
                                                                                         page 22 for more info.
Discounts for District Residents, age 65+
District residents of Hood River or Wasco Counties 65 years or older                     You might have noticed the
are eligible to receive a 50 percent tuition discount on both credit and                 colors on this schedule are
                                                                                         a little different. That’s
community education classes on a seat available basis. Check the
                                                                                         because we have refreshed
course description for eligibility since some classes may not allow                      our brand! You can read
tuition discounts. Discounts do not apply to full classes or to lab and                  more and see all the new
other class fees. You will be notified if the class is full and the tuition              stuff at
discount will not apply. Request your discount at the time of payment
or by calling the Business Office.                                                       Take care of yourselves!
Oregon Senior Option−applies to credit classes only
                                                                                            -Larry, cgcc mascot (and
Senior Oregon residents are eligible for a program called Oregon
                                                                                             all-around awesome
Senior Option that allows them to audit credit classes that are not                          fish)
full while paying no tuition. Students pay associated fees and book
costs. For more information, contact Student Services.
4 | Essential Information | Fall 2020
Credit Class Payments                                                     Drop Dates, Refunds & Removing Charges
Payment for credit classes is due on the first Friday of the term,        Charges:
unless a payment arrangement has been made with the business              Charges are applied to a student’s account when the student
office. Late fees will be assessed at a rate of 10% of account            registers for a class. All of the tuition charges associated with
balance, up to $75, if paid after the first week of the term.             a class will be removed if the student officially drops within the
                                                                          refund period. Some lab fees are non-refundable. No charges
Community Education Class Payments                                        will be removed if the student drops after the drop deadline.
Payment for community education/non-credit classes is due at              Drop Deadlines for Credit Classes:
the time of registration.                                                 Credit classes must be dropped Online through MyCGCC. If a
                                                                          credit class is not dropped within the drop period, it will result
Cashier Locations                                                         in a “W” grade on the transcript, indicating a withdrawal, and no
The Dalles Campus Business Office - Building 2, first floor               charges will be refunded.
Monday-Friday 9 am-12 pm & 1 pm-3 pm                                      Students are entitled to a 100% refund, except for non-refundable
                                                                          lab fees, when a course is dropped during the following
Hood River Campus                                                         deadlines:
Call (541) 308-8211 for cashier availability, or check the                • 8-11 week classes | drop by the first Friday of the term
reopening webpage at for more information.                • 2-7 week classes | drop by the end of the first day of the class
                                                                          • classes fewer than 2-weeks | drop before the first class
Pay Online or By Phone                                                    • No refunds will be given after the deadline, except in cases
Payments can be made through the MyCGCC student account                      where a Tuition Appeal is approved (see “Refund Requests
portal, or by calling the Business Office. Students/parents who              After the Drop Period” for details on eligibility)
need to make payment arrangements, request an installment
                                                                          Drop Deadlines for Non-Credit Classes:
plan, or ask a billing question can call the Business Office.
                                                                          Non-credit/community education classes may be dropped Online,
Student information cannot be given out over the phone without            in person at Student Services, or over the phone with a Student
identity verification. Any person other than the student must also        Services representative.
have a release of information on file.                                    Students are entitled to a 100% refund, except for non-refundable
•    Log in to MyCGCC at                      lab fees, when a non-credit course is dropped prior to the first class
•    or call the Business Office (541) 506-6057
                                                                          Refund Requests Within the Drop Period:
More information at                                                       • T he Business Office automatically issues refunds to students                                                 who drop within the drop period. The refund process as
                                                                          • Refunds from tuition and fees are first applied to outstanding
Financial Aid & Eligibility                                                  charges on the student’s account. If the student receives                                                   financial aid and opted to charge books on his/her account,
Federal School Code (FAFSA) 041519                                           this will also be deducted prior to any refund.
Students may access financial aid resources (grants, scholarships,        • If the credit is the result of a payment by check or cash, a check
work-study, and loans) and useful information about budgeting                is issued in the student’s name.
and paying for college in the following ways:                             • If the credit is the result of a bank card payment, the refund will
•      Financial Aid Office at The Dalles Campus, inside Student             be applied to the original bank card.
       Services                                                           • Refunds resulting from check overpayment are held two weeks
•      Front desk at Hood River Campus                                       from the date of the original payment.
•                                         Refund Requests After the Drop Period for Credit Classes:
•      (541) 506-6021 or fax (877) 368-6370                               If a student believes an extreme hardship prevented completion
•                                              of a credit course, and the student could not drop during the
A student’s financial aid eligibility can be affected by many             refund period, the student may request to have tuition charges
things. Students should consult with CGCC:                                removed. Fees, especially any non-refundable lab fees may
• before adding or dropping a class                                       not be refunded. A Tuition Appeal form for requesting a refund
• before withdrawing from classes                                         can be obtained online at
• if failing a class, or as soon as possible after receiving a failing   The student must provide documentation of the circumstances
   grade                                                                  to support their claim. The petition, and all accompanying
• if receiving a non-CGCC scholarship or other external funding           documentation, must be received by the filing deadline to be
Worried or not sure what to do? Contact a Financial Aid                   considered. Please see the form for more details.
representative!                                                           Refund Requests After the Drop Period for Community
                                                                          Education Classes
                                                                          Requests for refund on community education classes will
                                                                          be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the
                                                                          community education coordinator for help at (541) 506-6063 or
Community Education | Fall 2020 | 5

                                           REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW!
                                                CONTACT STUDENT SERVICES
                           (541) 506-6011, OPTION 2 IN THE DALLES | (541) 308-8211 IN HOOD RIVER

                                                                            Cuidado Receptivo en Programas del Cuidado de Niños
                                                                            Pequeños: La Llave al Desarrollo Saludable
                                                                            ¿Cuáles son las Escalas de calificación ambiental (ERS) y cómo
Implicit Bias: Exploring the Influence of Personal Family                   se están utilizando en Spark de Oregon? Esta capacitación
Culture on Teaching Practice                                                introductoria incluirá una discusión de las tres necesidades
Come explore the influence of your own culture and world                    básicas de los niños que se abordan en las ERS, la oportunidad
view on the way you teach and interact with children and their              para explorar las escalas y la visión general de cómo se utilizarán
families. Participants will examine their beliefs and preferences           las evaluaciones para apoyar la mejora continua de la calidad.
to better understand their implicit bias to improve connection              Esta clase es de Nivel Uno en Observación y Evaluación (OA).
with the families in their care. This is a Set Two Diversity (DIV) &        					                                                      CED 9050
Families & Community Systems (FCS) class.                 CED 9050          1096184       10/29                                   Costo: $20.00
1096179       9/30				                              Tuition: $20.00         En línea		              1 día Th 6:00-9:00 pm                 Ochoa
Online/web based 1 day W 6:00-9:00 pm                           Josi        Introducción a las Escalas de calificación ambiental (ERS)
Developing and Applying Intensive Sanitizing Practices                      ¿Cuáles son las Escalas de calificación ambiental (ERS) y cómo
This session explores sanitizing practices that adhere to new               se están utilizando en Spark de Oregon? Esta capacitación
guidelines for COVID-19 and beyond. We will explore the science             introductoria incluirá una discusión de las tres necesidades básicas
and reasoning behind these health recommendations and                       de los niños que se abordan en las ERS, la oportunidad para
develop a plan to implement these practices to keep children                explorar las escalas y la visión general de cómo se utilizarán las
healthy and safe. This is a Set Two (Pending) Health, Safety, and           evaluaciones para apoyar la mejora continua de la calidad. Esta
Nutrition (HSN) class.			                                 CED 9050          clase es de Nivel Uno en Observación y Evaluación (OA). CED 9050
1096180       10/7		           		                   Tuition: $20.00         1096185       11/2             		                     Costo: $20.00
Online/web based 1 day W 6:00-9:00 pm Stamm-Thomas                          En línea		              1 día M 6:00-8:00 pm               Camacho
Exploring the Foundations of Handwriting                                    Designing and Evaluation of Effective Pre-Writing Strategies
Examination of fine motor development activities to promote                 for Pre-Schoolers
healthy development of handwriting. Application of the                      Participants will use multi-sensory tools to build pre-writing
principles of developmentally appropriate practice and explore              strategies for building letter recognition and advance to letter
how the development of bilateral integration is imperative to               formation as a foundation to pencil paper formation. Participants
development of writing skills, along with other vital skills related        will develop a foundational understanding of the process
to learning. Participants will leave with handouts to promote               to map motor memory through various mediums (tactile,
curriculum around skill building and completion of task. Explore            auditory, kinestic and movement). This is a Set Three Learning
tools to enhance learning. This is a Set Two Human, Growth, and             Environments & Curriculum (LEC) class.                     CED 9050
Development (HGD) class.			                               CED 9050          1096186       11/3				                               Tuition: $20.00
1096181       10/13				                             Tuition: $20.00         Online/web based 1 day Tu 6:00-9:00 pm                    Chauthani
Online/web based 1 day Tu 6:00-9:00 pm                   Chauthani          Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS)
Creating an Inclusive Classroom Environment That                            What are the Environment Rating Scales (ERS), and how are
Celebrates All of Our Children                                              they being used in Oregon’s Spark? This introductory training
This interactive training will focus on creating a classroom                will include discussion of the three basic needs of children
environment that celebrates and embraces inclusion of all                   addressed in the ERS, an opportunity to explore the scales, and
children. Strategies that include visual supports, activities,              an overview of how the assessments will be used to support
family engagement, and more will be shared. All children have               continuous quality improvement. This is a Set One Observation
strengths, challenges, and deserve to be part of the same                   and Assessment (OA) class. 		                              CED 9050
classroom community. Participants will leave with a toolbox                 1096187       11/5             		                    Tuition: $20.00
of activities and ideas for their classrooms. This is a Set Two             Online/web based 1 day Th 6:00-8:00 pm                   Moran Diaz
Learning Environments & Curriculum (LED) & Special Needs                    Fostering Anti-Racism in Children: Supporting children in
(SN) class. 					                                         CED 9050          understanding, identifying, and rejecting racism
1096182       10/19				                             Tuition: $20.00         Race and Racism can be a heavy topic to tackle with children. This
Online/web based 1 day M 6:00-9:00 pm                          Ryan         session examines practices to address these issues early and in
Construyendo Calidad en su Cuidado Infantil Familiar para                   developmentally appropriate ways and promote acceptance in
Resultados Duraderos                                                        the classroom. Participants will explore strategies to help children
Participantes exploraran las estrategias y herramientas para la             understand, identify and respond to racism in prosocial ways.
mejoría de calidad de su cuidado infantil familiar. Participantes           This is a Set Two (Pending) Diversity (DIV) class.         CED 9050
usaran las estrategias y herramientas presentadas para                      1096188       11/17                                  Tuition: $20.00
desarrollar un plan de mejoría individual que podrá sostener una            Online/web based 1 day Tu 6:00-9:00 pm                          Josi
mejoría a largo plazo a medida de pasos pequeños. Esta clase
es Nivel Dos (pendiente) en el Administración de Programa
(PM).					                                                CED 9050
1096183       10/21				                              Costo: $20.00
En línea		             1 día W 6:00-9:00 pm             Hernandez

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
6 | Community Education | Fall 2020
Prevención y Manejo de Comportamientos Desafiantes en                       Computacion, Comenzando
Programas del Cuidado Infantil                                              Computación para principiantes, Este curso está diseñado para
Esta capacitación explorará cómo implementar estrategias                    principiantes. Darar una introducción al systema de tecnología y
positivas para prevenir y manejar comportamientos desafiantes.              de habilidades básicas para estudiantes con o sin experiencia.
Los participantes examinarán el uso de material visual para                 Nos centraremos en el desarrollo de habilidades de computacion
apoyar el manejo del aula. Esta clase es Nivel Dos (pendiente)              básicas y para obtener excelentes resultados de aprendizaje
en el Entendimiento y Orientación de Conducta (UGB) y                       en el curso. Estas habilidades permitirán que el alumno con
Necesidades Especiales (SN).		                            CED 9050          menos experiencia comience a utilizar equipos y programas
1096189		              11/18			                     Costo: $20.00           informáticos. Esta clase se ofrecerá a través de Zoom y requiere
En línea		             1 día W 6:00-9:00 pm                Morales          que los estudiantes tengan una computadora o computadora
Help! Caregiver in Distress                                                 portátil con una cámara. Si su computadora tiene un micrófono,
In this session we will examine factors that lead to burnout and            está listo o puede llamar y conectarse usando su teléfono. El
warning signs of compassion fatigue. We will select practices to            instructor se comunicará con usted para explicarle cómo utilizar
help the caregiver develop strong social and emotional health               el sistema de Zoom. No hay descuentos ni exenciones de
including mindfulness, self-care, and resilience. This is a Set Two         pago.					                                                 CED 0741
(Pending) Personal, Professional, & Leadership Development                  1096194			 9/28-11/16                                Tuition $65.00
(PPLD) class.				                                         CED 9050          Zoom          8 semanas        M 12:00-1:00 pm                Rocha
1096190		              12/1			                     Tuition $20.00           Cyber Security for Seniors: How to Keep Your Information
Online/web based 1 day Tu 6:00-9:00 pm                      Lawson          Safe
Dollar Store Science and Engineering for the EC Classroom                   This free course is taught by the FBI as part of their community
Creating fun and developmentally appropriate science and                    outreach. Seniors are often targeted because they tend to be
engineering activities in early childhood shouldn’t cost an arm             trusting and polite, along with having savings, owning a home and
and a leg. Join an interactive session where we will use items              having good credit. In this class you’ll learn how to spot different
bought at the Dollar Store to create fun and appropriate activities         kinds of scams, including possible topics such as romance
for young children in your learning environment. Leave this                 sams, shopping scams, tech support scams, grandparent scams,
session with a toolbox of activities, resources, book, and more!            government impersonation scam, sweepstakes/charity/lottery
This is a Set Two Learning Environments & Curriculum (LEC) &                scam, home repair scam, tv/radio scam, and family/caregiver
Special Needs (SN) class.			                              CED 9050          scams. You’ll learn how to protect yourself, your computer and
1096191		              12/9 			                    Tuition $20.00           your information. Plus how to report and file a complaint. The
Online/web based 1 day W 6:00-9:00 pm                         Ryan          class is offered via Zoom, which requires a computer, laptop, or
                                                                            phone with a camera. If you have a microphone also great! If not
Observing, Screening and Assessing in Your Classroom in                     there will be a phone number to call into for the audio. When you
Culturally Sensitive Ways That Engage Parents.                              register for the class you will receive instructions on how to use
Examine tools to screen and assess children’s progress.                     Zoom for those unfamiliar with it.                          CED 0400
Explore ways to communicate those developmental goals                       1096195		               11/18		    Tuition: Free
and standards with parents in culturally sensitive ways that                Zoom          1 day W          2:00-3:30 pm                     Staff
support their knowledge of child development. Develop skills
to observe classrooms and children to identify unmet needs and              Dance, Low Impact Dance Fitness
opportunities for skill development. This is a Set Two (Pending)            This class can be taken anywhere, as it uses the space of a
Observation & Assessment (OA).                            CED 9050          yoga mat! You will practice elements of dance, yoga, strength
1096192		              12/14 		                    Tuition $20.00           and stretching. It is great for improving range of motion and for
Online/web based 1 day M 6:00-8:00 pm                      Sanders          cross training. You can get fit and have fun at the same time! No
                                                                            discounts or waivers. 			                                  CED 0400
                                                                            1096196		               9/30-11/25		                 Tuition $39.95
                                                                            Zoom          9 wks W          8:00-9:00 am                   Moore
                                                                            Dog Obedience, Beginning
AARP Safe Driver                                                            We are getting creative during these unprecedented times. We
AARP Driver Safety has cancelled all face-to-face classes through           can’t hold the dog obedience classes in person but we have
the end of the year. Drivers can take the online Safe Driver Class          figured out a way to give you an interactive experience. You’ll see
by contacting: Save 25%! Use promo                a new YouTube video every week, that you can watch again and
code DRIVINGSKILLS.                                                         again of instructor Sharon Stephens showing step by step training.
Computer, Beginning                                                         Then at the meeting time you signed up for you’ll get a chance to
This beginning computer course is designed to provide an intro to           Zoom with Sharon and your classmates to ask questions and get
information technology literacy and basic skills training for learners      personalized help. We encourage you to take a video using your
with limited to no experience. We will focus on developing skills           smartphone of you and your dog training to share. This class will
linked to basic computer operations and information technology              be a great way to give you the fundamentals of dog obedience,
for excellent course learning outcomes. These skills will enable            get personalized instruction and interact with your classmates and
the most inexperienced learner to begin to use computer                     their dogs. No discounts or waivers.                        CED 0400
equipment and programs. This class will be offered via Zoom and             Section 1
requires students to have a computer or laptop with a camera. If            1096197		               9/29-11/17		                 Tuition $69.95
your computer has a microphone, you are all set, or you can call            Zoom		 8 wks Tu 5:15-6:00pm                                Stephens
in using your phone. The instructor will contact you to explain how         Section 2
to use Zoom. Students must provide their personal email address             1096198		               9/29-11/17		                 Tuition $69.95
so the instructor can contact them directly to provide information.         Zoom		 8 wks Tu 6:00-6:45pm                                Stephens
No discounts or waivers. 			                                CED 0741        Entomology
1096193		             9/28-11/16		                    Tuition $65.00        Did you know that Oregon has a state insect? It is the Oregon
Zoom         8 wks M         11:00am-12:00pm                    Rocha       Swallowtail Butterfly (papilio oregonius). In this highly interactive
                                                                            Zoom class you’ll learn which insects are beneficial, or harmful,
                                                                            where to find insects both indoors and out, and much more.
                                                                            Instructor is a local entomologist working to keep our orchards
                                                                            pest free. No discounts or waivers.                        CED 0400
                                                                            1096199		               10/15			                     Tuition $25.00
                                                                            Zoom		 1 wk Th 6:00-8:00 pm                                  O’Keefe

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
Community Education | Fall 2020 | 7
Flagger Training                                                            NRA Basic Pistol Safety Course
This course meets the requirements of the Oregon Department                 The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course is for beginning and
of Transportation construction specifications. Oregon has a                 intermediate students to learn the basics of pistol safety and
reciprocity agreement with Washington, Idaho & Montana for                  handling from local qualified instructors.
recognition of Oregon certification. No discounts or waivers.               •    Classroom is located in the basement of the Mid Columbia
					                                                      CED 0576              Senior Center, 1112 W 9th St, The Dalles, OR.
Section 1                                                                   •    All shooting for the class is conducted at the Indoor Range
1096200		              10/6			        Tuition $59.00 l Fee $45.00                of The Dalles Rifle & Pistol Club.
Zoom		 1 day Tu 8:30am-2:30pm                               Johnson         •    Students will be required to certify to their legal eligibility
Section 2                                                                        and sign a Firearm Release Form.
1096201		              11/10			       Tuition $59.00 l Fee $45.00           •    Must attend all four sessions to complete the course.
Zoom		 1 day Tu 8:30am-2:30pm                               Johnson              Emergency situations considered.
Section 3                                                                   Successful participants will receive a certificate of completion,
1096202		              12/1			        Tuition $59.00 l Fee $45.00           which is required to apply for an Oregon Concealed Handgun
Zoom		 1 day Tu 8:30am-2:30pm                               Johnson         License. Students will be required to wear a mask to class. No
Golf, Beginning                                                             discounts or waivers.			                                  CED 0400
Are you interested in learning to play golf? This is the class for          1096208      10/13-10/22			            Tuition $59.00 l Fee $30.00
you! You will learn all the terminology, what is a birdie, bogey,           TDRP Club 2 wks Tu Th 6:30-9:30 pm                            Staff
hook and slice; and which clubs are needed for a variety of                 Homebuyer’s Workshop
commonly used shots. Receive hands on experience, and learn                 This class is designed to help first-time homebuyers learn the
the basics of the game from PGA professional Travis Kane at The             basics about the home buying process. Learn the lingo and
Dalles Country Club, 4550 Hwy 30 W. Please wear sturdy, closed              leave better prepared to successfully complete the home buying
toed shoes. No discounts or waivers.                       CED 0400         process. Course covers: housing decisions, financial preparation,
Section 1                                                                   shopping for a home, mortgages, avoiding fraud in lending,
1096203		              9/8-9/29		                   Tuition $125.00         mortgages, closing, and maintaining your investment. Lunch
TD Country Club        4 wks Tu 5:00-6:00pm                     Kane        is provided and scholarships available. For information about
Section 2                                                                   available scholarships, contact Columbia Cascade Housing
1096204		              10/6-10/27		                 Tuition $125.00         Corp. at (541) 296-3397. Tuition covers up to two participants.
TD Country Club        4 wks Tu 5:00-6:00pm                     Kane        Please provide registration information for both. No college
                                                                            discounts or waivers.
Golf, Intermediate
In the intermediate golf class, you will receive advanced short             Esta clase está diseñada para ayudar a los compradores de
game skills, swing analysis, ball flight and course management              vivienda por primera vez a aprender los conceptos básicos sobre
from PGA professional Travis Kane at The Dalles Country Club,               el proceso de compra de vivienda. Aprenda el idioma y este
4550 Hwy 30 W. No discounts or waivers.                    CED 0400         mejor preparado para completar con éxito el proceso de compra
Section 1                                                                   de una casa. El curso cubre: decisiones de vivienda, preparación
1096205		              9/8-9/29		                   Tuition $125.00         financiera, compra de una casa, hipotecas, evitar fraudes en
TD Country Club        4 wks Tu 6:30-7:30pm                     Kane        préstamos, hipotecas, cierre y mantenimiento de su inversión.
Section 2                                                                   Se proporciona almuerzo y hay becas disponibles. Para obtener
                                                                            información sobre becas disponibles comuníquese con Columbia
1096206		              10/6-10/27		                 Tuition $125.00         Cascade Housing Corp. al (541) 296-3397. La matrícula cubre
TD Country Club        4 wks Tu 6:30-7:30pm                     Kane        hasta dos participantes. Proporcione información de registro para
Handgun Safety                                                              ambos. No hay descuentos universitarios disponibles. CED 0805
Learn how to safely use a handgun for home & personal                       Section 1 English
defense. Receive a certificate that the sheriff’s office will accept        1096211		             10/3			                      Tuition: $30.00
for Oregon’s CHL—Concealed Handgun License. The first                       Zoom         1 day S         9:00 am-3:00 pm                Peters
class will be conducted via Zoom and covers how to select a                 Section 2 Español
handgun, safety rules, operation of different types of handguns,            1096213		             10/3			                      Tuition: $30.00
ammo selection, maintenance, safe storage, stance and grip,                 Zoom         1 dia    S      9:00 am-3:00 pm               Heredia
legal considerations, holsters and other concealment options,               Section 3 English
and options for continued education. The practical portion of this          1096215		             12/5			                      Tuition: $30.00
course requires purchasing a pellet gun (approx $60) and also a             Zoom         1 day S         9:00 am-3:00 pm                Peters
bullet trap (approx $60) Instruction will be given via Zoom but the         Section 4 Español
shooting will be done in your home. Pellet guns have no recoil              1096217		             12/5			                      Tuition: $30.00
and make little noise. All proper handgun handling techniques               Zoom         1 dia    S      9:00 am-3:00 pm               Heredia
will be covered. Priorities are: 1. SAFETY, 2. CONFIDENCE, 3.               Medicare 101
COMMITMENT TO CONTINUED LEARNING. The instructor                            Are you curious about Medicare? Do you wonder what the
is NRA certified to teach Basic Pistol, is an NRA Safety Range              difference is between Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part
Officer, and has been teaching handgun safety for over 25 years.            D? We invite you to come learn more about who is eligible for
Non-lethal self defence options such as pepper spray are also               Medicare, what is covered, what is not covered, and the enrollment
covered. No discounts or waivers.                          CED 0400         timelines. We will also explore the differences between Medigap
1096207       9/16 & 9/23			                        Tuition: $59.00         plans and Medicare Advantage plans.                       CED 0572
Zoom          2 days		        W 7:00-9:00 pm                     See        Section 1
Health Insurance 101                                                        1096225		             9/16 			                       Tuition: Free
This course takes the mystery out of health insurance; assists              Zoom         1 day W         2:00-4:00 pm                   Delikat
people in becoming confident health care consumers; and                     Section 2
navigates how and when to enroll and how to save money on                   1096226		             10/6			                        Tuition: Free
health insurance. There are new options this year! Come find                Zoom         1 day Tu        10:00 am-12:00 pm              Delikat
out what you need to know to be a savvy consumer. CED 0572
Section 1
1096209		              11/9			                         Tuition: Free
Zoom          1 day M         10:00 am-12:00 pm              Saldivar
Section 2
1096210		              12/7			                         Tuition: Free
Zoom          1 day M         10:00 am-12:00 pm              Saldivar

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
8 | Community Education | Fall 2020
                                                                            Knitting: Introduction to Stranded Colorwork
KNITTING CLASSES                                                            Stranded colorwork, fair isle, knitting requires you to carry along
                                                                            the strand/color of yarn not in use across the back of the work.
                                                                            These strands can be referred to as “floats.” In this class, we will
 Students who register for one of the knitting classes                      knit with two strands at a time, learning how to best manage the
 listed here may purchase their class supplies at                           floats as well as how to hold the yarn. You will work on a beautiful
 Knot Another Hat and receive a 10% discount.                               hat and these skills will have you ready for the sweaters and
 Go to, choose “shop”                            mitts of your dreams.
                                                                            Skills Required: Cast On, Knit, Purl, read a pattern. Materials:
 from the menu at the top of the page and then                              Pattern “Chelan Hat and Mitts Set” available for purchase at Knot
 choose “CGCC Supplies” from the drop down                                  Another Hat or on Ravelry. If yarn is purchased at Knot Another
 menu. Students will receive a coupon code for the                          Hat, you will receive the pattern for free. I recommend Farmers
 discount when they register!                                               Daughter Craggy Tweed or, Rowan Softyak for yarn. | US #6, 16”
                                                                            needle, or needle size to obtain gauge 350 yards DK weight yarn.
Knitting: Learn to Knit                                                     Homework: CO for the hat, knit the brim and continue knitting
This class is for the true beginner. You will learn all the essential       the hat until you are ready to add a second color. No discounts
knitting skills while making a hat. You will cast on, knit flat and in      or waivers.			                 CED 0400
the round, purl, and decrease stitches to make yourself a stylish           1096221		              11/7			                        Tuition $19.95
beanie.                                                                     Zoom          1 day S          10:00 am-12:00 pm               Saxon
Materials: 150 yds of a light colored, worsted weight yarn | US             Knitting: Cables: Basic to Reversible, Cable Needle or Not
#8 straight needles | 2 pair US#8, 16” circular needles | 10 stitch         Whether you are new to cables or need to understand them
markers | 1 needle tip protector | 1 tape measure or ruler. No              better, this class is for you. We will deconstruct cables, how to
discounts or waivers.			                                    CED 0400        knit them, how to make them reversible, and if you are ready to
1096219		               10/7-10/28		                Tuition: $49.95         make them happen without the use of a cable needle, we will
Zoom          4 wks W          5:30-7:30 pm                    Saxon        do that too! Skills Required: Cast On, Knit, Purl. Materials: 40-
Knitting: Learn to Brioche                                                  50 yards of yarn – choose your favorite weight of yarn and
You will use two colors in the round to knit a beautiful, reversible        corresponding needle size. Homework: CO 32 sts, knit two rows.
cowl or infinity scarf using the technique of Brioche. The rhythm           No discounts or waivers.		         CED 0400
of the stitches and the squish of the fabric will make this your            1096222		              11/19			                       Tuition $19.95
new favorite way to knit. Skills Required: This is considered an            Zoom          1 day Th         5:30-7:30 pm                    Saxon
intermediate skill. You need to be comfortable casting on, knitting,        Knitting: Finishing Projects
purling, doing yarn overs, and reading patterns. Materials: Purl            From weaving in your ends to blocking your finished object, with
Soho’s pattern, “Gina’s Brioche Hat and Cowl” available for                 occasional seaming too, how do you get those finishing touches
free on Ravelry or | 200 yds each of two colors                just the way you like? You will practice weaving in ends a few
of worsted weight yarn, they need to be contrasting colors | US             different ways with a goal of being invisible. And, you will seam
#6, 24” needle if knitting a cowl (24” circumference) | US #6, 32”-         two swatches together all before we cover options for blocking
40” needle if knitting an infinity scarf (56” circumference). For           (setting and cleaning the fiber). Homework: Knit two 4”x 4”
yarn, I would recommend Berroco Ultra Alpaca, Malabrigo Rios,               swatches in Stockinette stitch. You can use yarn and needles of
Malabrigo Washted or Knitted Wit Worsted. The more contrast                 your choice. Please leave 4” – 6” tails at the start and end of each
your colors have, the easier it will be to read your stitches!              swatch (for weaving in). Bring your remaining yarn (or yarn in a
Homework: With one color, CO 218 sts (for infinity scarf) or 130            contrasting color if you would prefer) for seaming. All levels of
sts (for cowl), join in the round and knit 5 rounds. This will have         experience are welcome. No discounts or waivers.            CED 0400
you ready to add your second color and start Brioche knitting.              1096223		              12/5			                        Tuition: $19.95
No discounts or waivers.			                                 CED 0400        Zoom          1 day S          10:00 am-12:00 pm               Saxon
1096220		               10/3			                     Tuition: $19.95
Zoom          1 day S          10:00 am -12:00 pm              Saxon

Personal and Professional Development                                       Pottery: Hand building
In this class you will take a deep dive into how your personal              Don’t think Shelter at Home, think Artist in Residence! You can
health and wellness can impact your professional life. the class            learn to hand build pottery right at home. You will have access
will also cover how being healthy in your mind, body, and spirit            to YouTube videos of pottery teacher Chris Bolton demonstrating
can help you in being more resilient with the stress of your                various projects. You and your classmates will meet once a week
everyday life, both personally and professionally. This can be              via Zoom to ask questions, discuss projects, and interact with
particularly helpful during these unprecedented times. No                   each other. The class will require some dropping off and picking
discounts or waivers.			                                 CED 0572           up, but you wanted to get out of the house anyway, right? You’ll
1096227		               9/28-10/21		              Tuition: $49.95           need to purchase and pick up clay and materials from the CGCC
Zoom          4 wks M W 6:00-7:30 pm                          Eby           Bookstore, and you’ll be dropping off your new creations at the
Real Estate Broker Pre License Course                                       Bookstore to be glazed and fired. For those who are at a loss
This accelerated Real Estate Broker Certification Preparation               over what to make, demonstrations will include slip decorating
course prepares you to qualify for the Oregon Real Estate                   items such as jugs, serving platters and masks. If you know what
Broker’s License Exam in just 11 weeks. The course is delivered             you want already, the instructor will be available to offer help in
using Zoom online video conferencing, and combines three                    making it happen. We can safely make art in these difficult times
hours of classroom time each week with additional online self-              and this is how! No discounts or waivers.                 CED 0400
study that meets all of the Oregon Real Estate Agency pre-license           1096228      9/30-12/9			                 Tuition: $125 l Fee: $10
criteria. The class is taught by Janda Fleming, a principal broker          Zoom         11 wks W        6:00-8:00 pm                   Bolton
trainer who has been helping students pass the state exam
since 2006. Students must provide a personal email address at
registration to be contacted with class access instructions. For
more information, contact Stacey at Class
dates: Thursdays from 10/1-12/10 and Saturday 12/12. CED 0805
1096229		               10/1-12/10, 12/12         Tuition $600.00
Online        11 wks Th        5:30-8:30 pm
Online        1 day S          9:00 am-5:00 pm            Fleming

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
Community Education | Fall 2020 | 9
Spanish, Beginning                                                          Developing sUAS Operations
Beginning Spanish is interactive and engaging, encouraging                  This course introduces the student in developing a Mission and
participation with the instructor and the other students in the             Flight plan for your organization or yourself. It also includes the
class. You will learn everyday vocabulary, verbs, and phrases with          steps necessary to write an effective Operation Manual. This
masculine and feminine endings, along with the basic skills of              course is specifically designed for the sUAS Professional. Those
listening, speaking, reading and writing that you can incorporate           who successfully complete this course will be able to define their
into everyday use. No discounts or waivers.               CED 0552          UAS program specifications and design their Operations Manual.
1096230		              9/29-12/8		                  Tuition $97.95          This is an online course; however, an instructor is available for
Zoom           11 wks Tu       4:30-6:00pm                   Rocha          Zoom meetings and assistance. No discounts or waivers. CED 0576
Spanish, Continuing                                                         1096238		                9/28-12/7		                      Tuition: $99
Continuing Spanish is interactive and engaging, encouraging                 Online         11 wks				                                        Davis
participation with the instructor and the other students in the             Developing an sUAS Training Program
class. You should have thirty hours or the equivalent of previous           This course introduces the student in developing an sUAS
experience with Spanish. You will start with a review of the                Training Program. This is a critical element in any sUAS
present tense and basic vocabulary. the move onto pronunciation             organization to ensure consistent and safe sUAS operations.
guides and vocabulary that is locally relevant and easy to put into         This program works in conjunction with the “Developing an
practical use. No discounts or waivers.                   CED 0552          sUAS Operations” class. This is an online course; however, an
1096231		              9/29-12/8		                  Tuition $97.95          instructor is available for Zoom meetings and assistance. No
Zoom           11 wks Tu       6:00-7:30pm                   Rocha          discounts or waivers. 			                                     CED 0576
Spanish Second Year, First Term                                             1096239		                9/28-12/7		                      Tuition: $99
This class is based on the CGCC first year Spanish credit class.            Online         11 wks				                                        Davis
It continues the work of first year Spanish, reviewing, expanding,          WordPress: Build a Website in 4 Classes
and perfecting pronunciation, structure, and vocabulary for the             Do you need a website and are starting from scratch? You’ll buy a
purpose of active communication. Includes practice in reading               domain name, set up a hosting account, and build your very own
and writing. Class requires a textbook with access code available           site. You’ll create content that is easy to update, compelling, and
through the bookstore or online. No discounts or waivers.                   ranks well in the search engines. This class begins with a Zoom
					                                                     CED 0552          orientation and then proceeds with online instruction using a
1096232		              9/29-12/8		                 Tuition $199.95          series of 3 minute videos. By the end of the course, you will own
Zoom           11 wks Tu Th 5:00-7:00pm                     Huszar          a website and will know how to create web pages, insert images
Star Party                                                                  and videos, and learn all the important features WordPress, the
Are you mesmerized by the stars? Do black holes interest you?               leading website building software, has to offer. Moreover, you will
How about the aurora borealis? The planets? Aliens? The physics             learn about resources for when you are stuck. You will learn SEO
of stars? Or our very own star, Sol? If you have questions, we              (Search Engine Optimization) and how to develop a strong sales
have astronomical answers. Join us and learn a bit more about               pitch and call to action, the two most important elements of any
our amazing universe! No discounts or waivers.            CED 0400          website. You will also have free access to an online bulletin board
Section 1                                                                   to ask the instructor questions after the course is over. The fee
1096233		              10/1			                         Tuition $25          of the course pays for a WordPress theme that will allow you to
Zoom           1 day Th        7:00-9:00pm                 O’Keefe          format your site so it looks very professional. (The domain name
Section 2                                                                   is free for the first year and hosting is free for three months. There
1096234		              11/5			                         Tuition $25          is no long-term commitment.) Please visit
Zoom           1 day Th        7:00-9:00pm                 O’Keefe          at least one week before the first class for important information
Section 3                                                                   you’ll need before the first class. First class is orientation and
1096235		              12/3			                         Tuition $25          setup. No discounts or waivers.		                             CED 0741
Zoom           1 day Th        7:00-9:00pm                 O’Keefe          1096240		                9/8-9/29		             Tuition: $69 l Fee $62
                                                                            Online         4 wks Tu         7:00-9:00 pm                       See
sUAS Drone Applications for Public Services
This is an Online Course that combines instructor lead                      Yoga, All Levels Alignment
presentations, and your own pace learning environment. This                 This class is great for beginners up to seasoned yoga students
unique course is a comprehensive guide for Law Enforcement,                 and focuses on the alignment of the spine in all poses, using
City Police, County Sheriff, State Police, Park Rangers, Fish &             modifications to help maximize the work of the practice to build
Wildlife Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, Emergency Management,                  strength and flexibility in the body and the mind. No discounts or
Local and Federal teams, Search & Rescue and those individuals              waivers.					                                                 CED 0400
who want to increase their knowledge about Drone Applications.              1096241		                10/1-12/10		                   Tuition $39.95
This course begins September 28 and runs through December                   Zoom           9 wks Th         8:00-9:00am                     Moore
7th, it is estimated to take 18 hours to complete. A Recognition            Yoga, Hike-n-Yoga
of Completion Award will be sent to those who finish this course.           Bring the great outdoors into your home with Hike-n-Yoga.
Students must purchase two books for this class, Available                  Combining yoga with hiking is a great way to get fit, calm your
through CGCC Bookstore or Online: UAS For Emergency                         mind. Plus practicing yoga in a new environment can build your
Response Services, Christopher J. Schloe; Search and Rescue                 confidence. You’ll learn how to create your own outdoor yoga
with Drones, Bart Massey. All other material is supplied. No                practice by watching yoga instructor Andrea Moore as she
discounts or waivers.			                                  CED 0576          shows you how to perform yoga outdoors. Then you’ll have an
1096236		              9/28-12/7		                     Tuition $89          opportunity to Zoom live with Andrea to ask questions and get
Online         11 wks				                                     Davis         further instruction. No discounts or waivers.                 CED 0400
sUAS Thermography                                                           1096242		                10/1-12/10		                   Tuition $39.95
This course will cover the fundamentals of Thermography                     Zoom           9 wks Th         9:30-10:30am                    Moore
as utilized by Drones. This course has been developed by
professionals for professionals. A good mixture of audio, visual
and text is presented during the course. Upon completion, the
student should be able to explain Thermography Concepts.This
is an online course; however, an instructor is available for Zoom
meetings and assistance. No discounts or waivers.         CED 0576
1096237		              9/28-12/7		                     Tuition: $99
Online         11 wks				                                     Davis

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
10 | Community Education | Fall 2020
                                                                            *First Aid/CPR & AED
                                                                            The Heartsaver First Aid Course Teaches rescuers to effectively
                                                                            recognize and treat adult emergencies in the critical first minutes
*BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR Course                                    until emergency medical service personnel arrive. The course also
The BLS for Healthcare providers covers core material such as               provides a complete health and safety training solution for first
adult and pediatric CPR including two-rescuer scenarios and use             aid, adult/infant CPR, and Automated External Defibrillation AED.
of the bag mask, foreign body airway obstruction, and automated             Course meets the State of Oregon daycare licensing requirement.
external defibrillation. American Heart Association (AHA) requires          American Heart Association (AHA) requires all students to have
all students to have a copy of the course textbook to prepare for           a copy of the course textbook to prepare for the course and to
the course and to have it available for personal use. Students must         have it available for personal use. Students must bring a copy of
bring a copy of the textbook to class. The book can be purchased            the textbook to class. The book can be purchased at the CGCC
at the CGCC Bookstore or online.                             CED 9067       Bookstore or online. 			                                  CED 9067
The Dalles                                                                  The Dalles
Section 1                                                                   Section 1 1096248		           10/17     Tuition: $30 | Lab fee: $40
1096244		                11/21 			         Tuition $30 l Lab fee $40        TDC 1.464 1 day S             1:00-6:00 pm                   Adams
TDC 1.464 1 day S              8:30 am-1:00 pm                   TBA        Section 2 1096249		           11/14     Tuition: $30 l Lab fee: $40
Hood River                                                                  TDC 1.464 1 day S             1:00-6:00 pm                   Adams
Section 2                                                                   Section 3 1096250		           12/12 Tuition: $30 l Lab fee: $40
1096243		                10/10			          Tuition: $30 l Lab fee $40       TDC 1.464 1 day S             8:30 am-1:30 pm                   Staff
HRC 102       1 day S          8:30 am-1:00 pm               Webster        Hood River
Section 3                                                                   1096251			 11/14                        Tuition: $30 l Lab fee: $40
1096245		                12/12			          Tuition $30 l Lab fee $40        HRC 102       1 day S         8:30 am-1:30 pm              Webster
HRC 102       1 day S          8:30 am-1:00 pm               Webster        AEMT Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Part 1
*American Heart Association Instructor Recertification                      Covers AEMT emergency medical procedures. Introduces
Completion of this course will renew certification as a BLS                 the roles and responsibilities of the technician, emergency
Instructor through the American Heart Association (AHA). Lab                pharmacology, venous access and medication administration,
fee includes renewal of CGCC TC affiliation fee.            CED 0571        electro-cardiogram (ECG) monitoring and management of
1096246		                10/17			         Tuition: $55 Lab fee: $100        dysrhythmias, airway management and ventilation, and advanced
TDC 1.464 1 day S              10:00 am-6:00 pm                Adams        management; trauma assessment and management; and special
                                                                            considerations such as pediatrics, geriatric, and environmental
*BLS CPR & First Aid Instructor Training Program                            emergencies. Emphasizes clinical decision-making. Covers
The American Heart Association BLS Instructor is authorized to              procedures related to airway, oxygen, ventilation, shock,
teach both the Heartsaver community level provider classes and              intravenous, intraosseous, and ECG monitoring, defibrillation,
the BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR course. Prior to enrolling in          pharmacology and field protocols in the laboratory component.
the BLS Instructor course, you must have the following: A current           The clinical experience requires the student to observe patient
BLS for Healthcare Provider CPR card, and the Heartsaver First              assessment and evaluation in both an emergency department
Aid card.                                                                   and an ambulance. Students successfully completing this course
The AHA Instructor Training course is a 4-step process:                     will be recommended to the Oregon State EMS Office for the
STEP 1: COMPLETE THE AHA INSTRUCTOR ESSENTIALS                              certification process. Failure of this course will require retaking
COURSE ONLINE.                                                              the full AEMT sequence. Class will also meet on some Saturdays
	         Go             to:         to be arranged by the instructor. Entire course sequence will be
           cfm?fuseaction=main.courseCatalog. Under Training                completed in March 2021. This class is not eligible for financial
           and Education select BLS Instructor Essentials and               aid. Payment is required at the time of registration.     CED 9448
           purchase (cost is $36.25). Go to My Courses and select           1096254 9/30-12/11			                Tuition: $800 l Lab fee: $450
           and complete the Essential course. Print the certificate         Zoom         11 wks W F 6:00 pm-9:20 pm                      Adams
           of completion and bring it to class with you. PLEASE             		                    S		    arranged by instructor after first class
           BE AWARE! You must take the entire Essentials course
           in one sitting. You cannot save your progress and
           return to complete the course.
	         Email your contact information to Tessie Adams
           at You will be sent specific
           information on next steps in preparation for the IN-
           CLASS Discipline Specific Training portion of the
           course, including textbook purchase information and
           an electronic copy of the BLS Instructor Workbook.
	         This part of the course is completed in 4-hour and
           8-hour classroom sessions with other instructor
           candidates to become familiar with the AHA course
           options, materials, equipment, outlines, and teaching
           methodology. You will also demonstrate your ability to
           correctly and effectively perform CPR and use the AED.
           Textbooks are required and must be brought to class.
	To complete the Instructor Training program, you must
           affiliate with a Training Center (TC), meet with the TC
           coordinator or lead TC faculty to discuss specific TC
           administrative policies and procedures, and then be
           monitored by a TC Faculty member while teaching your             *The American Heart Association (AHA) strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency
           first class. Lab fee includes a CGCC TC affiliation. 		          in Basic Life Support (BLS), and has developed instructional materials for this purpose.
           					                                            CED 0571        Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship
                                                                            by the AHA, and any fees charged for such a course do not represent income to the
1096247		         11/14				 Tuition: $90 l Lab fee: $100                    Association.
TDC 1.464         1 day		      S 8:00 am-6:00 pm               Adams

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
Community Education | Fall 2020 | 11
           SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER                               •	Free one-on-one business counseling
                                                                            •  Seminars and workshops
The SBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the         •	The Small Business Management (SBM)
U.S. Small Business Administration, and with lottery funds awarded by
the Oregon Business Development Department. The Small Business                 Program
Development Center (SBDC) is an important part of CGCC. Its goal            •	These programs and services
is to provide business and technical assistance to new and existing            are extended to the public on a
business owners and managers in the Mid-Columbia area. For more                nondiscriminatory basis.
information, contact the SBDC at (541) 506-6121.

Building a Brand and Style Guide                                            QuickBooks 101
Learn to create a brand style guide to help you present your                Quickbooks 101 - For QuickBooks beginners. Learn how to use
business consistently. Your visual brand acts as the guide to               the most popular business accounting software program used
sharing your product or service both externally and internally and          by small businesses. If you have never used QuickBooks or are
how you communicate (both implicitly and explicitly) what your              just starting to use the program, this training is for you! Class
brand stands for.				                                    SBD 9938           includes setting up company files, creating a chart of accounts,
Section 1                                                                   adding customers, jobs and vendors. Also covers paying for
1096255			 9/29                                     Tuition: Free           expenses, invoicing, and receiving payments.            SBD 9931
Zoom         1 day Tu       6:00 pm-10:00 pm              Winters           Section 1		           1096266 9/28                  Tuition: Free
Section 2                                                                   Zoom         1 day M         10:00 am-2:00 pm             Winters
1096256			 10/29                                    Tuition: Free           Section 2		           1096267 10/6                  Tuition: Free
Zoom         1 day Th       12:00 pm-4:00 pm              Winters           Zoom         1 day Tu        6:00 pm-10:00 pm             Winters
Section 3                                                                   Section 3		           1096268 10/22                 Tuition: Free
1096257			 11/14                                    Tuition: Free           Zoom         1 day Th        12:00 pm-4:00 pm             Winters
Zoom         1 day S        9:00am-1:00 pm                Winters           Section 4		           1096269 11/7                  Tuition: Free
Business Technology for Newly-Remote Companies                              Zoom         1 day S         9:00 am-1:00 pm              Winters
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to work                         Section 5		           1096270 12/1                  Tuition: Free
remotely. With lessons on the utilization of the Google “G Suite”,          Zoom         1 day Tu        6:00 pm-10:00 pm             Winters
other necessary software and a security overview, we will help              QuickBooks 201
take your workforce virtual. We will also cover operational and             Quickbooks 201 - For intermediate QuickBook Users. If you have
managerial best practices for supporting your staff and clients             completed QB 101 or are slightly more than a “new user” of
remotely. 					                                         SBD 9952            QuickBooks, this training will help expand your existing base of
Section 1                                                                   knowledge. Class includes lessons in reconciling bank accounts,
1096258			 10/13                                    Tuition: Free           credit accounts, inventory, and running reports.        SBD 9930
Zoom         1 day Tu       6:00 pm-10:00 pm              Winters           Section 1 1096271 10/20                             Tuition: Free
Section 2                                                                   Zoom         1 day Tu        6:00 pm-10:00 pm             Winters
1096259			 11/5		                                   Tuition: Free           Section 2 1096272 11/4                              Tuition: Free
Zoom         1 day Th       12:00 pm-4:00 pm              Winters           Zoom         1 day W         4:00 pm-8:00 pm              Winters
Section 3                                                                   Section 3 1096273 11/19                             Tuition: Free
1096260			 11/30                                    Tuition: Free           Zoom         1 day Th        12:00 pm-4:00 pm             Winters
Zoom         1 day M        10:00 am-2:00 pm              Winters           Section 4 1096274 12/5			                           Tuition: Free
Creating a Company Website Using SquareSpace                                Zoom         1 day S         9:00 am-1:00 pm              Winters
Learn to use Squarespace with guidance and practical advice.                Starting a New Business
“Squarespace, a do-it-yourself website builder, blogging                    Are you considering starting a business and don’t know where
platform and hosting service, lets businesses of all types create           to start? This course will teach you about business registration,
professional websites with the service’s user-friendly drag-                business structure, licensing and basic information needed to
and-drop interface. Squarespace also provides all the tools                 get your business started. 			                          SBD 9952
business owners need to manage their websites, from search                  Section 1		           1096275 10/1                  Tuition: Free
engine optimization (SEO) to comprehensive e-commerce                       Zoom         1 day Th        9:00 am-11:00 am               Mays
solutions.” (Building a Brand and Style Guide Class suggested               Section 2		           1096276 11/5                  Tuition: Free
as prerequisite)				                                    SBD 9952            Zoom         1 day Th        12:00 pm-2:00 pm               Mays
Section 1                                                                   Section 3		           1096277 12/3                  Tuition: Free
1096261			 10/27                                    Tuition: Free           Zoom         1 day Th        6:00 pm-8:00 pm                Mays
Zoom         1 day Tu       6:00 pm-10:00 pm              Winters           Using Media For Sales
Section 2                                                                   Learn to promote your business using the various social media
1096262			 11/21                                    Tuition: Free           platforms, create internet ads and buy ad space on social media
Zoom         1 day S        9:00 am-1:00pm                Winters           sites, and manage your company on Google.               SBD 9912
How to Write an Effective Business Plan                                     Section 1		           1096278 10/1                  Tuition: Free
A well thought out business plan is the cornerstone of any                  Zoom         1 day Th        12:00 pm-4:00 pm             Winters
business. Learn the essential elements needed to plan for or to             Section 2		           1096279 10/10                 Tuition: Free
continue a successful business.                         SBD 9936            Zoom         1 day S         9:00 am-1:00 pm              Winters
Section 1		                                                                 Section 3		           1096280 11/24                 Tuition: Free
1096263			 10/8		                                   Tuition: Free           Zoom         1 day Tu        6:00 pm-10:00 pm             Winters
Zoom         1 day Th       9:00 am-12:00 pm                 Mays
Section 2
1096264			 11/12                                    Tuition: Free
Zoom         1 day Th       12:00 pm-3:00 pm                 Mays
Section 3
1096265			 12/10                                    Tuition: Free
Zoom         1 day Th       5:00 pm-8:00 pm                  Mays

Register by phone at (541) 506-6011, option 2 (TD) or (541) 308-8211 (HR)   HRC = Hood River-Indian Creek Campus
More information, including drop and refund deadlines, and additional       TDC = The Dalles Campus
registration information is available at         M - Mon | Tu - Tues | W - Weds | Th - Thurs | F - Fri | S - Sat | Su - Sun
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