Page created by Ben Brown
                       Christian Zgoll
                       TRACTATUS MYTHOLOGICUS
                       Theorie und Methodik zur Erforschung von Mythen als Grund-
                       legung einer allgemeinen, transmedialen und komparatistischen
                       [Tractatus mythologicus: Theory and Methods for the Study
                       of Myths]
                       The volume is a programmatic manifesto for the new series MythoS. The
                       author develops new methods – the hyleme analysis and the stratification
                       analysis – and applies them on mythological materials, reconstructing
                       myths as “Stoffe” and making them understandable in their polymorphic
                       nature. In this groundbreaking work, the author sets the stage for a general
                       theory of myth based on a new comprehensive, transmedial and comparative
f   page 22

f   page 74   f   page 46                    f   page 56                    f   page 56

f   page 37   f   page 44                    f   page 21                    f   page 50
Dear Readers,                                                                                                GREEK AND LATIN
It is our pleasure to present the newest publications in our Classical Studies                               KLASSISCHE PHILOLOGIE

program, one of the largest and most renowned worldwide.                                                     2
Among the highlights for 2019–2020 are several new critical editions of Greek
and Latin texts in our Bibliotheca Teubneriana such as the editio altera of Vergil’s                         CLASSICAL TRADITION AND RECEPTION
                                                                                                             WIRKUNGS- UND REZEPTIONSGESCHICHTE
Aeneis by G. Conte, two volumes of Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae by S. D. Olson
and Michael Psellus’ Epistulae (complete edition) by S. Papaioannou.                                         29
We are very happy to announce that with the publication of Sylloge Nummorum
                                                                                                             CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY
Graecorum Russia, Series Griechisches Münzwerk (edited by the BBAW), we
                                                                                                             KLASSISCHE ARCHÄOLOGIE
expanded our portfolio to include numismatics, resuming an old tradition of
Akademie Verlag.

Furthermore, we launched two new book series within the Trends in Classics                                   ANCIENT HISTORY
publication cluster, one of the most innovative and prestigious forums for                                   ALTE GESCHICHTE

publication in the field of Classical Studies. The book series Trends in Classics –                          41
Pathways of Reception, dedicated to Classical Reception Studies, aims at
investigating the “pathways” through which Greek and Roman material has                                      ANCIENT SCIENCE AND MEDICINE
                                                                                                             WISSENSCHAFT UND MEDIZIN DER ANTIKE
been transmitted, translated, transformed, interpreted, and represented beyond
Antiquity. The textbook series Trends in Classics – Key Perspectives on Classical
Research provides state of the art guides to research in Classical Studies that
                                                                                                             ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY
explore the key themes and ideas shaping previous scholarship on individual
                                                                                                             PHILOSOPHIE DER ANTIKE
authors, genres, and topics.
As passionate supporters of the Open Access movement, we are excited that the
first volume of the new series MythoS was published Open Access: Christian                                   EPIGRAPHY
Zgoll’s Tractatus Mythologicus is a groundbreaking work, setting the stage for                               EPIGRAPHIK
a general theory of myth based on comparative research. Further Open Access                                  55
highlights include the two volumes of From Memory to Marble. The Historical
Freeze of the Voortrekker Monument (ed. by Elizabeth Rankin and Rolf Michael
Schneider), dedicated to one of the world’s major monuments, and Visualizing the                             PAPYROLOGIE
Invisible with the Human Body (ed. by J. Cale Johnson and Alessandro Stavru),
dedicated to the study of ancient physiognomy.
Enjoy your reading… and do not forget to follow us on Twitter (@dg_classics)!                                ANCIENT RELIGIONS AND EARLY CHRISTIANITY
With kind regards,                                                                                           ANTIKE RELIGIONSGESCHICHTE UND ANTIKES CHRISTENTUM

                                                                                                             BYZANTINE STUDIES

Dr. Serena Pirrotta
Editorial Director
                                                                                                             ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN STUDIES                                                                                ALTORIENTALISTIK, VORDERASIATISCHE ARCHÄOLOGIE

Copy Date/Redaktionsschluss 08/2019                                                                          JOURNALS AND YEARBOOKS
Cover Jonas Leute
                                                                                                             ZEITSCHRIFTEN UND JAHRBÜCHER
Die Cover der Kataloge von De Gruyter präsentieren den Siegerentwurf eines Grafikwettbewerbs,
den der Verlag in Kooperation mit dem Lette-Verein Berlin jährlich durchführt. Die Aufgabe war, eine
Motivserie mit dem Thema „Impulsgeber“ zu entwickeln und diesen Begriff visuell zu interpretieren.
Die Motive sollten sich als Fortsetzung über alle Katalogcover durchziehen. Wir danken dem Gewinner
Jonas Leue für seine gelungene Umsetzung. Sein Entwurf zeigt verschiedene Momentaufnahmen von
Lichtquellen und Funken, stellvertretend für den Impuls, der von wissenschaftlicher Literatur für den        DATABASES
gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt ausgeht.                                                                      DATENBANKEN
The images on our catalogues are the product of a design competition that is carried out each year by        83
De Gruyter in cooperation with Lette Verein Berlin, a vocational training association. Participants desig-
ned a series of images that visually interpret the topic “impulse”. We would like to thank the Jonas Leue
for his winning entry. His images show various snapshots of light and sparks, representing the impulse
that scholarly literature provides to support progress in society.                                           TITLES OF OUR PUBLISHER PARTNERS                                                                                       TITEL UNSERER PUBLISHER PARTNER
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Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

                                                                                                               VOLUME 2:
                                                                                                               κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο
                                                                                                               SCRITTI EDITI E INEDITI
                                                                                                               Vol. 2: Letteratura

                                                                                                               Classical Scholarship; Greek Literature; Ancient
                                                                                                               Music; Literary Genres

                                                                                                               Collection, Italian, German, English, 4th quarter

                                                                                                               Ca./Approx. 750 S./pp.
                                                                                                               Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                                                                               ISBN 978-3-11-064490-6
                                                                                                               eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
Albert Henrichs                                         Luigi Enrico Rossi                                     PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064812-6

COLLECTED PAPERS                                        Giulio Colesanti, Roberto Nicolai
                                                                                                               ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064499-9

Albert Henrichs                                         κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο                                     VOLUME 3:
Harvey Yunis (Ed.)                                      RACCOLTA DI SCRITTI E                                  κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο
II: GREEK MYTH                                          INEDITI                                                SCRITTI EDITI E INEDITI
AND RELIGION                                                                                                   Vol. 3: Critica Letteraria e Storia degli studi
                                                        One of the leading scholars of Greek literature
                                                        over the past six decades, Luigi Enrico Rossi
This volume contains the collected papers of Albert
                                                        (1933–2009) opened new fields of research and          Classical Scholarship; Greek Literature; Ancient
Henrichs on the subject of ancient Greek myth and
                                                        influenced generations of scholars. Ten years          Music; Literary Genres
religion. Spanning Henrichs’ long career as a lead-
                                                        after Rossi’s death, this three-volume work brings
ing scholar in the field, these papers concern sacri-
                                                        together all his pioneering writings alongside with    Collection, Italian, German, English, 4th quarter
fice, ritual, the Greek gods, and the myths that were
                                                        yet unpublished material, making them easy acces-      2019
told about them. Subjects of special interest include
                                                        sible for further study. The first volume contains
divine epiphany and Greek sources on the ancient
                                                        his groundbreaking papers on Ancient Metre and         Ca./Approx. 600 S./pp.
Persian prophet Mani, founder of Manichaeism.
                                                        Music.                                                 Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
Ancient Greek religion; Ancient Greek myth; Greek
                                                                                                               ISBN 978-3-11-064491-3
gods; Mani
                                                        Luigi Enrico Rossi                                     eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
Albert Henrichs (†), Harvard University,                                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064814-0
Cambridge, MA, USA; Harvey Yunis, Rice                  Giulio Colesanti, Roberto Nicolai                      ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064505-7
University, Houston, TX, USA.                           (Hrsg./Eds.)

Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2019
                                                        VOLUME 1:                                              SET VOLUME 1–3:
                                                        κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο                                     κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο
632 pp., 13 fig.
HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                        SCRITTI EDITI E INEDITI                                SCRITTI EDITI E INEDITI
ISBN 978-3-11-044665-4                                  Vol. 1: Metrica e Musica
eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00                                                                   Buch/BookUVP/RRP
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-044924-2                              Classical Scholarship; Greek Literature; Ancient       € 299.00 / *US$ 340.00 / *£ 272.00
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-044792-7                             Music; Literary Genres                                 ISBN 978-3-11-065069-3

                                                        Collection, Italian, English, German, 4th quarter

                                                        Ca./Approx. 600 S./pp.
                                                        Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                        ISBN 978-3-11-064486-9
                                                        eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                        PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064798-3
                                                        ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064500-2

2                                      D Database     J Journal    T Textbook    Y Yearbook     Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Athenaeus Naucratites                                   Michael Erler, Martin Andreas Stadler                   Elena Iakovou
Stuart Douglas Olson (Hrsg./Ed.)
                                                                                                                ÖDIPUS AUF DER
DEIPNOSOPHISTAE                                         PLATONISMUS UND                                         GRIECHISCHEN UND
                                                        SPÄTÄGYPTISCHE                                          RÖMISCHEN BÜHNE
VOLUMEN III:                                            RELIGION                                                [Oedipus on the Greek and Roman Stage:
A: LIBRI VIII-XI.                                       [Platonism and Late Egyptian Religion:                  The Oedipus Tragedy and its Literary

B: EPITOME                                              Plutarch and the Reception of Egypt
                                                        during the Late Roman Empire]
                                                                                                                Der Oedipus Tragicus und seine
                                                        Plutarch und die Ägyptenrezeption in der                literarische Tradition
This new critical edition of Athenaeus’ Deipnoso-
                                                        römischen Kaiserzeit
phists (The Learned Banqueters) replaces that of
Kaibel. A separate, parallel edition of the Epitome                                                             Dieser Band bietet eine umfassende Studie zu den
                                                        JETZT ALS PAPERBACK                                     antiken dramatischen Bearbeitungen des Ödipus-
is included, as is extensive documentation of cog-
nate or derivative material in authors such as Aelian                                                           Stoffes von den Stücken des Aischylos, Sophokles
and Eustathius. The text is based on far more ex-       Der Band bietet eine klassisch-altertumswissen-         und Euripides (dessen Fragmenten besondere Auf-
tensive manuscript work than Kaibel’s edition was,      schaftlich-ägyptologische Perspektive auf die           merksamkeit gewidmet wird) bis zu denen Senecas,
and treats the Epitome manuscripts as substantial       Ägyptenrezeption der römischen Kaiserzeit. Im           mit dem Ziel, nicht nur die gattungsinternen Abhän-
and important witnesses to the text.                    Zentrum steht Plutarchs Schrift „De Iside et Osiri-     gigkeiten der vielfältigen Ödipus-Verarbeitungen,
Athenaeus; fragments
                                                        de“, die durch Berücksichtigung von Autoren wie         sondern auch ihren Innovationsanspruch schärfer
                                                        Jamblich, Porphyrios und Aelius Aristides und ihre      und systematischer als zuvor zu präsentieren.
                                                        Auseinandersetzung mit ägyptischer Religion in          Ödipus; Mythos; Intertextualität; Tragödie
Edition, Ancient Greek, 1st quarter 2020
                                                        einen weiteren zeitgenössischen, literarischen wie
                                                        religionsgeschichtlichen Kontext eingebunden wird.      This volume undertakes a comprehensive study of
                                                        Platonismus; Plutarch; ägyptische Religion              ancient dramatic renditions of the Oedipus theme,
Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum
                                                                                                                from the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and
                                                        This volume examines the reception of Egypt dur-        Euripides (the fragments of which are addressed

                                                        ing the Late Roman Empire from the perspectives         in particular detail) through those of Seneca. In a
Ca./Approx. 500 S./pp.
                                                        of classical philology, ancient studies, and Egyptol-   sharper and more systematic way than ever before,
Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                        ogy. It focuses on Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride,      it aims to highlight not only the generic connec-
ISBN 978-3-11-055852-4
                                                        as viewed in a broad contemporary, literary, and        tions between the many versions of the Oedipus
eBookUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                        religious-historical context. It includes consider-     story, but also their claims to originality.
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-056739-7
                                                        ation of other authors who wrote about Egyptian         Oedipus; myth; intertextuality; tragedy
                                                        religion, such as Iamblichus, Porphyrios, and Aelius    Elena Iakovou, Universität Göttingen.
                                                        Plutarch; Ancient Egyptian religion; Platonism
                                                                                                                Monograph, German, 1st quarter 2020
                                                        Michael Erler und Martin Andreas Stadler,
                                                        Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,                Series
                                                        Deutschland.                                            Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 367

                                                        Collection, German, English, 3rd quarter 2019           Ca./Approx. 256 S./pp.
                                                                                                                Geb./HC€ 79,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 91.99 / UVP/
                                                        Series                                                  RRP *£ 72.50
                                                        Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 364                         ISBN 978-3-11-056890-5
                                                        		                                                      eBook€ 79,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 91.99 / UVP/RRP
                                                        335 S./pp.                                              *£ 72.50
                                                        Br./Pb.€ 19,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 22.99 / UVP/         PDF ISBN 978-3-11-057445-6
                                                        RRP *£ 18.00                                            ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-057352-7
                                                        ISBN 978-3-11-065847-7

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Luisa Schneider                                           Carlo M. Lucarini                                       Eduard Meusel
UNTERSUCHUNGEN                                            LA GENESI DEI                                           PINDARUS
ZU GRIECHISCHEN                                           POEMI OMERICI                                           INDOGERMANICUS
RÄTSELN                                                   Through a detailed philological analysis, Carlo Lu-
                                                                                                                  [Pindarus Indogermanicus: A Study of the
                                                                                                                  Legacy of Poetic Phraseology in Pindar]
[From Seeking to Finding: A Study of                      carini distinguishes the poets who have composed
Greek Riddles]                                                                                                    Untersuchungen zum Erbe dichter-
                                                          the Iliad and the Odyssey, which are, in fact, patch-
                                                                                                                  sprachlicher Phraseologie bei Pindar
                                                          works put together by two Bearbeiter at the end of
Rätsel spielen in der griechischen Antike nicht           VII c. BC. By doing so, he sheds new light on the
vereinzelt, sondern ganz prominent in literarischen                                                               Ergebnisse und Methoden der Klassischen Philo-
                                                          vexata quaestio of the composition of both poems,
Kontexten und in verschiedenen alltäglichen,                                                                      logie sowie der historischen Sprachwissenschaft
                                                          opening the way for further research.
pädagogischen und kultischen Zusammenhängen                                                                       miteinander verbindend, nimmt die Studie das
                                                          Homer; epic poetry; analysis; Iliad
eine Rolle. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich                                                                    phraseologische Erbe Pindars in den Blick. Sie
dem Verständnis dieser vielfältigen Gattung in                                                                    trägt damit nicht allein zum besseren Verständnis
                                                          Monograph, Italian, 2nd quarter 2019
einem umfassenden Sinn, der nach dem Wie und                                                                      einzelner pindarischer Textpassagen bei, son-
dem Warum des Rätselstellens sowie nach Identität                                                                 dern erweist ebenso die Vorrangstellung Pindars
und Eigenschaften des Rätselpersonals und seiner                                                                  innerhalb der griechischen Literaturgeschichte und
                                                          Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 376
Rätselobjekte fragt.                                                                                              fördert neue Versatzstücke der indogermanischen

Rätsel; Wissen; Ödipus                                                                                            Dichtersprache zu Tage.
                                                          445 S./pp.
                                                                                                                  Pindar; Griechische Literatur; Indogermanistik
                                                          Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
Riddles played a prominent role in Ancient Greek          ISBN 978-3-11-065004-4
life in applications such as literature, general educa-                                                           This book examines the legacy of Pindar’s phrase-
                                                          eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
tion, and cult activities. Examining this diverse                                                                 ology by bringing together the results and methods
                                                          PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065296-3
genre in all its aspects, this study analyses how and                                                             of classical studies with those of historical linguis-
                                                          ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065013-6
why riddles are told. It also carefully considers the                                                             tics. Besides providing new insights into individual
identity and characteristics of riddle tellers as well                                                            passages in Pindar, this study demonstrates Pindar’s
as their subjects.                                                                                                dominant role in the history of Greek literature and
Riddles; knowledge; Homer; Oedipus                                                                                identifies new set pieces from Indogermanic poetic
Luisa Schneider, Christian-Albrechts-Universität
                                                                                                                  Pindar; Indogermanic poetic language; historical
zu Kiel.

Monograph, German, Greek, 3rd quarter 2020                                                                        Eduard Meusel, Bayerische Akademie der
                                                                                                                  Wissenschaften und LMU, München.
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 371                                                                                   Monograph, German, 4th quarter 2019

Ca./Approx. 1750 S./pp.                                                                                           Series
Geb./HC€ 189,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 218.99 / UVP/                                                                 Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 378
RRP *£ 172.50
ISBN 978-3-11-066329-7                                                                                            Ca./Approx. 840 S./pp.
eBook€ 189,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 218.99 / UVP/                                                                   Geb./HC€ 129,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 149.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 172.50                                                                                                     RRP *£ 118.00
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067474-3                                                                                        ISBN 978-3-11-066367-9
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067477-4                                                                                       eBook€ 129,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 149.99 / UVP/
                                                                                                                  RRP *£ 118.00
                                                                                                                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066649-6
                                                                                                                  ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066372-3

4                                        D Database     J Journal    T Textbook     Y Yearbook     Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Nicholas Baechle                                         Gernot Michael Müller, Sabine Retsch,               Christina Savino (Hrsg./Ed.)
                                                         Johanna Schenk (Hrsg./Eds.)
AESTHETIC RESPONSE                                                                                           GALENI IN
AND TRADITIONAL                                          ADRESSAT UND                                        HIPPOCRATIS
SOCIAL VALUATION IN                                      ADRESSANT IN                                        APHORISMOS VI
EURIPIDES’ ›ELECTRA‹                                     ANTIKEN BRIEFEN                                     COMMENTARIA /
                                                         Rollenkonfigurationen und kommunikative
Tragic ’Kunstsprache’ and the kharaktēr of
                                                         Strategien in griechischer und römischer            GALENO, COMMENTO
                                                         Epistolographie                                     AGLI AFORISMI DI
Euripides’ Electra thematizes and analyzes the ap-
                                                         In der Antike diente der Brief nicht nur dem        IPPOCRATE VI
peal of tragic Kunstsprache: it reflected traditional,
                                                         Austausch von Informationen, sondern er erfüllte    [Galen’s Commentary on Hippocratic
aristocratically-inflected assumptions about the
                                                         darüber hinaus eine Vielzahl weiterer kommunika-    Aphorisms VI: Text, Translation, and
continuity of appearance and substance, even in a
                                                         tiver Funktionen. Einen repräsentativen Einblick    Commentary]
radical democracy. An analogy between social and
                                                         in diese zu geben, ist Anliegen der Beiträge des    Testo, traduzione e note di commento
aesthetic valuation is played out and problematized:
                                                         Bandes, deren zeitliches Spektrum über die ganze
social appearances made clear the virtues and
                                                         griechische und römische Antike reicht. In ihrem    Die hippokratischen Aphorismen gehören zu den
agency of the well-born just as aesthetic “appear-
                                                         Zentrum stehen die grundlegenden Konstituenten      wirkungsmächtigsten Zeugnissen der antiken
ances” indicated heroic character and agency.
                                                         eines Briefes, nämlich sein ‚Adressant‘ und sein    Medizin, und Galens Kommentar dazu bildete den
Euripides; Electra; aesthetics; social history
                                                         ‚Adressat‘.                                         Schlüssel zu ihrem Verständnis in der späteren Re-
Nicholas Baechle, Hanover College, Hanover, IN,          Epistolographie; Kommunikation; Cicero; Plinius     zeption. Trotz seines interessanten und vielfältigen
U.S.                                                     d. J.                                               Inhaltes ist der Kommentar bisher kaum untersucht
                                                                                                             und noch nie ediert worden. Dieser Band bietet
Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020                     Epistolography; communication in antiquity;         die erste kritische Edition des sechsten Buches mit
                                                         Cicero; Pliny the Younger                           italienischer Übersetzung und Erläuterungen.
                                                         G. M. Müller, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 379
                                                         Univ. Bonn; S. Retsch und J. Schenk, Katholische    The Hippocratic aphorisms are a crucial source of

                                                         Univ. Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.                         information about ancient medicine, and Galen’s
Approx. 150 pp.
                                                                                                             commentary on them a key to their interpretation
HCRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50
                                                         Collection, German, 4th quarter 2019                and reception in later times. But until now, this
ISBN 978-3-11-061310-0
                                                                                                             wide-ranging and fascinating commentary has
eBookRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50
                                                         Series                                              largely been overlooked, and never edited. This first
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061099-4
                                                         Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 382                     critical edition of the sixth book includes a transla-
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061131-1
                                                         		                                                  tion and commentary in Italian.
                                                         Ca./Approx. 540 S./pp.                              Galen; Hippocrates
                                                         Geb./HC€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/   Christina Savino, Università degli Studi di Udine,
                                                         RRP *£ 100.00                                       Italien.
                                                         ISBN 978-3-11-067620-4
                                                         eBook€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/     Edition, Greek, Italian, 4th quarter 2019
                                                         RRP *£ 100.00
                                                         PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067630-3                          Series
                                                         ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067633-4                         Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5/12,6

                                                                                                             Ca./Approx. 260 S./pp.
                                                                                                             Ln./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                                                                             ISBN 978-3-11-065635-0
                                                                                                             eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                                                                             PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066328-0

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Euripides                                                Aristophanes                                             Michael Schramm (Hrsg./Ed.)
Bernd Seidensticker (Hrsg./Ed.)                          Manfred Landfester (Hrsg./Ed.)
KYKLOPS                                                  LYSISTRATE                                               REZEPTION IN
[Cyclops]                                                [Lysistrata: Text, Translation, and
                                                                                                                  KAISERZEIT UND
Mit einem Komm. v./With a comm. by
Bernd Seidensticker                                      Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar                          SPÄTANTIKE
Übers. v./Transl. by Bernd Seidensticker                 Mit einem Komm. v./With a comm. by                       [The Reception of Euripides in the
                                                         Manfred Landfester                                       Imperial Roman Age and Late Antiquity]
Euripides’ Kyklops wird hier in einer neuen, text-       Übers. v./Transl. by Manfred Landfester
nahen Prosaübersetzung vorgelegt, begleitet von                                                                   Euripides galt in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike als
einer detaillierten Einführung zu Autor, Werk und        Die Lysistrate des Aristophanes gehört zu den            Tragiker schlechthin und war der nach Homer am
historischem Kontext sowie einem ausführlichen           großen politischen Komödien der Weltliteratur.           häufigsten zitierte Dichter. Der Band arbeitet die
sprachlichen und sachlichen Kommentar, für den           Aufgeführt in Athen 411 v. Chr. während des Krie-        griechischsprachige Rezeption der vollständig wie
keine Kenntnisse der griechischen Sprache voraus-        ges zwischen Athen und Sparta ist sie ein Plädoyer       auch der fragmentarisch erhaltenen Tragödien des
gesetzt werden.                                          für den Frieden. Da die Männer friedensunfähig           Euripides in zentralen Autoren und literarischen
                                                         sind, erzwingen die Frauen diesen unter Führung          Gattungen der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike heraus
Euripides’ Cyclops is presented here in a new prose      der Lysistrate durch einen Liebesstreik. Das Inein-      und diskutiert sie im kultur- und literaturhistori-
translation that is faithful to the original text, ac-   ander von ernstem Thema und lasziver komischer           schen Kontext der Zeit.
companied by a detailed introduction on the author,                                                               Euripides; Rezeption; Tragödie
                                                         Handlung ist das Markenzeichen der Komödie.
the work, and historical context. The volume also        Komödie; Frauenbild; Lysistrate
includes an extensive linguistic and substantive                                                                  During the Imperial Rome Age and late antiquity,
commentary, which does not presuppose knowl-             Aristophanes’ Lysistrata is one of the greatest polit-   Euripides was considered a tragic dramatist par
edge of the Greek language.                              ical comedies of world literature. First presented in    excellence, and, alongside Homer, was the most
Bernd Seidensticker, Freie Universität Berlin.           Athens in 411 BCE, during the war between Athens         frequently cited poet. This book examines the
                                                         and Sparta, it can be considered a plea for peace.       reception of complete and partially transmitted
                                                         Since their husbands are not able to conclude            Euripidean tragedies into the Greek language vis-à-
Edition, German, Ancient Greek, 4th quarter 2019
                                                         peace, Athenian and Spartan women, guided by             vis key authors and literary genres of the Imperial
                                                         Lysistrata, force it by organizing a sex strike. The     Rome Age and late antiquity, situating them in the
                                                         combination of serious topics with lascivious comic      cultural and literary-historical context of the times.
Griechische Dramen
                                                                                                                  Euripides; reception; tragedy
		                                                       scenes is characteristic of this comedy.
Ca./Approx. 320 S./pp.                                   Comedy; Lysistrata; the image of women in com-           Michael Schramm, Universität Göttingen.
Geb./HC€ 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/          edy
RRP *£ 63.50                                             Manfred Landfester, Justus-Liebig-Universität            Collection, German, English, 4th quarter 2019
ISBN 978-3-11-045338-6                                   Gießen.
eBook€ 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/                                                                     Series
RRP *£ 63.50                                             Edition, German, Ancient Greek, 3rd quarter 2019         Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies 83
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-045738-4
                                                                                                                  Ca./Approx. 406 S./pp.
                                                                                                                  Geb./HC€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/
                                                         Griechische Dramen
                                                                                                                  RRP *£ 100.00

                                                                                                                  ISBN 978-3-11-067165-0
                                                         284 S./pp.
                                                                                                                  eBook€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/
                                                         Geb./HC€ 49,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 57.99 / UVP/
                                                                                                                  RRP *£ 100.00
                                                         RRP *£ 45.50
                                                                                                                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067707-2
                                                         ISBN 978-3-11-023890-7
                                                                                                                  ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067715-7
                                                         eBook€ 49,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 57.99 / UVP/RRP
                                                         *£ 45.50
                                                         PDF ISBN 978-3-11-023891-4

6                                       D Database     J Journal    T Textbook     Y Yearbook      Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Camille Semenzato                                      Alexander Kleinlogel, Klaus Alpers                     Pseudo-Oppian
À L’ÉCOUTE DES                                                                                                Stephan Renker (Hrsg./Ed.)

MUSES EN GRÈCE                                         SCHOLIA                                                KYNEGETIKA
ARCHAÏQUE                                              GRAECA IN                                              [Cynegetica: Greek–German]

[Listening to the Muses in Archaic Greece:             THUCYDIDEM                                             Griechisch-Deutsch
The Question of Inspiration in Greek                   [The Greek Scholia to Thucydides]
Poetry at the Dawn of our Civilisation]                                                                       Den Kynegetika des Pseudo-Oppian, einem
                                                       Scholia vetustiora et Lexicon                          faszinierenden Lehrgedicht über die Jagd aus dem
La question de l’inspiration dans la poésie            Thucydideum Patmense. Aus dem                          frühen dritten Jahrhundert, wurde bisher von der
grecque à l’aube de notre civilisation                 Nachlass herausgegeben von Klaus Alpers                Forschung nur wenig Beachtung entgegengebracht.
                                                                                                              Stephan Renker legt mit dieser zweisprachigen
NOW IN PAPERBACK                                       In den Thukydidesscholien, den Randkommentaren         Ausgabe die erste vollständige deutsche Überset-
                                                       mittelalterlicher griechischer Handschriften, sind     zung seit über 250 Jahren vor. Der Band bietet
The book proposes an innovative journey through        die Reste der wertvollen antiken und byzantischen      neben einer ausführlichen Einleitung hilfreiche
all the epic and lyric verses that mention the Muses   Wort- und Texterklärungen zum schwierigen              Anmerkungen und erschließt das Werk so für ein
in archaic Greece. Contextual observations, author     Thukydidestext überliefert. Die neue kritische Edi-    breites Publikum.
by author, of the numerous epithets, specificities     tion dieser Scholien erfüllt erstmalig die Ansprüche   Pseudo-Oppian; Lehrgedicht; Jagd; Spätantike
and actions of the divinities of inspiration offer     moderner Forschung: Basierung des Textes auf
a new, richer and more relevant overview of the        Sichtung und Erfassung des gesamten überliefer-        Pseudo-Oppian’s Cynegetica are a fascinating di-
mysterious musical phenomenon.                         ten Handschriftenmaterials und Sonderung der           dactic poem on hunting from the early third century
Poetic inspiration; influence of muses; representa-    wertvollsten alten Textbestandteile von weniger        that has received little scholarly attention. Stephan
tion of muses; meanings of muses                       bedeutenden spätbyzantinischen Zufügungen.             Renker’s bilingual edition is the first complete
Camille Semenzato, University of Zurich,               Thukydides
                                                                                                              German translation in the last 250 years. A detailed
Switzerland.                                                                                                  introduction and helpful notes ensure the work is
                                                       The scholia to Thucydides, which are marginalia        accessible to a wider audience.
Monograph, French, 3rd quarter 2019                    found in Medieval Greek manuscripts, provide us        Pseudo-Oppian; didactic poetry; hunting; late
                                                       with the remainders of valuable ancient and Byz-       antiquity
                                                       antine commentaries on the verbal and textual dif-
                                                                                                              Stephan Renker, Xi’an International Studies
MythosEikonPoiesis 9
                                                       ficulties presented by Thucydides’s complex texts.
                                                                                                              University, China.

                                                       The last edition of these scholia appeared in 1927,
395 pp.
                                                       and this publication fails to live up to important
                                                       contemporary requirements. The new edition meets       Edition, German, Ancient Greek, 1st quarter 2020
Br./Pb.RRP € 24.95 / *US$ 28.99 / *£ 22.50
ISBN 978-3-11-065853-8
                                                       both of these scholarly expectations in exemplary
                                                       fashion.                                               Series
                                                       Thucydides                                             Sammlung Tusculum

                                                       Klaus Alpers, Universität Hamburg.
                                                                                                              Ca./Approx. 220 S./pp.
                                                                                                              Ln./HC€ 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 45.99 / UVP/
                                                       Edition, German, Ancient Greek, Latin, 4th quarter
                                                                                                              RRP *£ 36.50
                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-11-065741-8
                                                                                                              eBookUVP/RRP € 39,95 / *US$ 45.99 / *£ 36.50
                                                       Series                                                 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065757-9
                                                       Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer
                                                       Grammatiker 15

                                                       1023 S./pp.
                                                       Geb./HC€ 199,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 229.99 / UVP/
                                                       RRP *£ 182.00
                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-010722-7
                                                       eBook€ 199,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 229.99 / UVP/
                                                       RRP *£ 182.00
                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-027116-4

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Davide Amendola                                           Gianluigi Tomassi                                       Andriana Domouzi
THE DEMADES                                               LUCIANO                                                 EURIPIDES,
PAPYRUS                                                   DI SAMOSATA,                                            ›MELANIPPE WISE‹
(P.BEROL. INV. 13045)                                     ›LA NAVE                                                AND ›MELANIPPE
A New Text with Commentary                                O LE PREGHIERE‹                                         CAPTIVE‹
                                                          Introduzione, traduzione e commento                     Introduction, Text and Commentary
The extant twenty columns of a late second-century
BC collection of texts sometimes referred to as the
                                                          In The Ship or the Wishes, the view of a gigantic       This is the first extended study of Euripides’
Demades papyrus contain a praise of the city of Al-
                                                          Egyptian sea-worthy grain ship starts the fantasies     Melanippe Wise and Melanippe Captive, two of
exandria and of the Ptolemaic monarchy, as well as
                                                          of Adimantus, Samippus and Timolaus, whose trivi-       his most intriguing fragmentary tragedies and the
a longer narrative of the trial of the Athenian politi-
                                                          al wishes are derided by Lycinus, Lucian’s alias and    only known dramatized versions in Greek of the
cian Demades, which took place at the Macedonian
                                                          iconic satirical character. The work reflects on the    Thessalian Melanippe saga. The book examines
court in 319 BC. The volume presents an accurate
                                                          complex dream-reality relationship and encourages       both dramas under a new perspective, offering an
re-edition of both works, with an introduction,
                                                          the readers to wonder about the reason why men          extensive commentary for testimonies and frag-
English translation and extensive commentary.
                                                          like chasing after the impossible without aspiring to   ments. It provides new translations and highlights
Demades; Greek papyrology; Greek historiography;
                                                          real happiness.                                         aspects of Euripidean dramaturgy unfamiliar from
Greek rhetoric and oratory
                                                          Greek Literature; Second Sophistic; Lucian              his extant tragedies.
Davide Amendola, Scuola Normale Superiore,                                                                        Euripides; Greek drama; tragedy; tragic fragments
Pisa, Italy.                                              Commentary, Italian, 4th quarter 2019                   Andriana Domouzi, Royal Holloway, University
                                                                                                                  of London, UK.
Edition, English, 2nd quarter 2020                        Series
                                                          Texte und Kommentare 61                                 Commentary, English, 2nd quarter 2020
Sozomena 17                                               454 S./pp., 20 Abb./fig.                                Series
		                                                        Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00      Texte und Kommentare 63
268 pp.                                                   ISBN 978-3-11-065314-4
HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00                 eBookUVP/RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00        250 pp., 11 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-060091-9                                    PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065969-6                              HCRRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00
eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00              ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065870-5                             ISBN 978-3-11-062239-3
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060237-1
                                                                                                                  eBookRRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060040-7
                                                                                                                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062304-8
                                                                                                                  ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062366-6

8                                        D Database     J Journal    T Textbook    Y Yearbook      Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Lucia Floridi                                           Christos Tsagalis (Ed.)                                  Pietro Pucci
EDILO,                                                  POETRY IN                                                THE ILIAD –
›EPIGRAMMI‹                                             FRAGMENTS                                                THE POEM OF ZEUS
Introduzione, traduzione, testo critico e               Studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and its
commento                                                Afterlife                                                The scholarly tendency has too often weakened the
                                                                                                                 conspicuous novelty and originality that character-
This is the first modern commentary devoted             NOW IN PAPERBACK                                         izes Zeus in the Iliad. This book remedies that
exclusively to the poems of Hedylus, one of the                                                                  tendency and depicts the extraordinary figure of
most important representatives of Greek epigram in      This volume brings together a series of studies on       Zeus as both exclusive master of human destiny
a crucial phase of the development of the genre, i.e.   the Hesiodic corpus. Its first part deals with generic   and chief of Olympus. This unique personality
the first Hellenistic era. Although only a few poems    questions as well as contextual factors pertaining       represents itself the conflict between superhuman
of him survive, Hedylus helped shape the genre of       to the understanding of Hesiodic poetry at large; in     moral indifference for mortal destiny and anthropo-
literary epigram. His role in defining the genre is     the second part the focus is on the best preserved       morphic feelings for human beings.
comparable to that of his roughly contemporaries        fragmentary Hesiodic work, the Catalogue of              Iliad; Zeus; destiny; heroism; myth
Posidippus of Pella and Asclepiades of Samos.           Women, while the third part is devoted to the cor-       Pietro Pucci, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,
Hedylus; Hellenistic Epigram; Greek Anthology;          pus’ afterlife in Rome and Byzantium.                    USA.
Athenaeus                                               Hesiod; Hesiodic corpus; Fragments
                                                        Christos Tsagalis, Aristotle University of               Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2018
Commentary, Italian, 1st quarter 2020                   Thessaloniki, Greece.
Series                                                  Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2019                    Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 66
Texte und Kommentare 64
		                                                      Series                                                   299 pp.
266 S./pp.                                              Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 50            HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00      		                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-060137-4
ISBN 978-3-11-062962-0                                  292 pp.                                                  eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
eBookUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00        Pb.RRP € 19.95 / *US$ 22.99 / *£ 18.00                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060245-6
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063000-8                              ISBN 978-3-11-065857-6                                   ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060154-1
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063097-8

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Marco Ercoles, Lara Pagani,                           Andreas Markantonatos, Eleni Volonaki                    Jan Kwapisz
Filippomaria Pontani,                                 (Eds.)
Giuseppe Ucciardello (Eds.)                                                                                    THE PARADIGM
                                                      POET AND ORATOR                                          OF SIMIAS
APPROACHES TO                                         A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic
                                                                                                               Essays on Poetic Eccentricity
GREEK POETRY                                          Athens
Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Aeschylus in                                                                        This book is a contribution to the scholarship on
                                                      By exploring the impact of formalized speech in
Ancient Exegesis                                                                                               the reception of Hellenistic poetry and to the study
                                                      particular and craftsmanship rhetoric in general
                                                                                                               of ancient ‘technopaegnia’ (i. e. playful poetry)
                                                      upon Attic drama as a moral and educational force
This volume tackles some pivotal aspects of the                                                                and their lasting influence on European culture.
                                                      in the Athenian city-state, the present volume
critical and exegetical study of Homer, Hesiod,                                                                The volume discusses the Hellenistic scholar-poet
                                                      generates for the first time attention to the unified
Pindar, and Aeschylus in Greek culture throughout                                                              Simias of Rhodes, the Roman experimentalist Lae-
                                                      intentions of the dramatist and the orator to estab-
antiquity and the Middle Ages. The focus is on the                                                             vius, Constantine the Great’s panegyrist Optatian
                                                      lish favourable conditions of internal stability in
material form of the transmission of the exegesis                                                              Porfyry, the transformation of the model in Byzan-
                                                      democratic Athens.
from papyri to codices, on the examination of                                                                  tium and its triumph in Neo-Latin Jesuit education.
                                                      Attic drama; Attic oratory; Athenian democracy;
hitherto unexplored branches of the manuscript evi-                                                            Technopaegnia; Hellenistic poetry; Reception of
dence, on the discussion of some important scholia,                                                            Hellenistic poetry
and on the role played by the indirect tradition.     Andreas Markantonatos and Eleni Volonaki,
                                                                                                               Jan Kwapisz, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Greek and Byzantine philology; manuscript tradi-      University of the Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece.
tion; scholia
                                                                                                               Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2019
                                                      Collection, English, 2nd quarter 2019
M. Ercoles, Univ. of Bologna, L. Pagani,
Univ. of Genoa, F. Pontani, Univ. of Venice,                                                                   Series
G. Ucciardello, Univ. of Messina, Italy.              Series
                                                                                                               Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 75
                                                      Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 74

Collection, English, 1st quarter 2019                                                                          203 pp.
                                                      463 pp.
                                                                                                               HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                      HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
Series                                                                                                         ISBN 978-3-11-063593-5
                                                      ISBN 978-3-11-062690-2
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 73                                                                  eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                      eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
		                                                                                                             PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064010-6
                                                      PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062972-9
400 pp., 8 fig.                                                                                                ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063604-8
                                                      ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062698-8
HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
ISBN 978-3-11-062960-6
eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063188-3
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062987-3

10                                D Database     J Journal    T Textbook      Y Yearbook     Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Alexandros Kampakoglou                              Vasileios Liotsakis                                     Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou
STUDIES IN THE                                      ALEXANDER                                               STUDIES IN SAPPHO
RECEPTION OF                                        THE GREAT                                               AND ALCAEUS
PINDAR IN                                           IN ARRIAN’S                                             The present volume deals with various questions
PTOLEMAIC POETRY                                    ›ANABASIS‹                                              related to Sappho and Alcaeus. Focusing specifi-
                                                    A Literary Portrait                                     cally on the “new Sappho”, the author discusses
This monograph examines the reception of Pindar                                                             problems of interpretation of particular passages of
in the poetry produced at the court of the first    This book constitutes the first autonomous mono-        the newly published papyri, as well as general prob-
three Ptolemies (ca. 305–222 BCE). Through ac-      graph on the literary qualities of Arrian’s Anabasis    lems regarding the structure of Sappho’s oeuvre
tive engagement with the works of Pindar, poets     of Alexander. Vasileios Liotsakis offers an analysis    and its division in Books. Furthermore, the author
such as Callimachus, Theocritus, Apollonius, and    of Arrian’s narrative and language in his portraiture   investigates Alcaeus’ biography, and questions
Posidippus responded to the encomiastic needs of    of Alexander the Great, aspiring to thereby shed        related to the worship of the “Lesbian Triad”.
their Ptolemaic patrons and fashioned an image of   new light on the ways in which Arrian contributed       Sappho; Alcaeus; Poetry; Papyri
Pindar as the praise poet par excellence.           to the literary representation of the Macedonian        Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou, Aristotle University of
Pindar; reception; Ptolemies; praise                king, importantly in terms of both style and inter-     Thessalonki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Alexandros Kampakoglou, Trinity College,            pretation.
University of Oxford, United Kingdom.               Alexandrou Anabasis; Arrian; Alexander the Great;       Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019                Vasileios Liotsakis, Ruprecht-Karls-University,         Series
                                                    Heidelberg, Germany.                                    Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 79
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 76       Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2019                    228 pp., 10 fig.
		                                                                                                          HCRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00
468 pp.                                             Series                                                  ISBN 978-3-11-062983-5
HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00           Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 78           eBookRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00
ISBN 978-3-11-064140-0                              		                                                      PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063039-8
eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00        295 pp.                                                 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063086-2
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065186-7                          HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064874-4                         ISBN 978-3-11-065873-6
                                                    eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                    PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065997-9
                                                    ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065879-8

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Aggelos Kapellos                                      Dimos Spatharas                                          Anna Lamari, Franco Montanari,
                                                                                                               Anna Novokhatko (Eds.)
XENOPHON’S                                            EMOTIONS,
PELOPONNESIAN                                         PERSUASION, AND                                          FRAGMENTATION
WAR                                                   PUBLIC DISCOURSE IN                                      IN ANCIENT GREEK
                                                      CLASSICAL ATHENS                                         DRAMA
This book argues that Xenophon has crafted his
narrative in such a way as to reinforce the opinion   Ancient Emotions II                                      This volume examines whether dramatic fragments
of his predecessor Thucydides that the develop-                                                                should be approached as parts of a greater whole
ment of the Peloponnesian War depended to a           This book looks into persuasion and emotions,            or as self-contained entities. It explores quotations
great extent on Persian money, but the factors that   representing a useful addition to the burgeoning         extracted from their context and immersed in a
ultimately determined its outcome were the moral      secondary literature on the topic. Its primary aim       new whole, in which they work as cohesive unities
virtues and the skills of the military leaders of     is to suggest possible ways in which recent ap-          and detachable entities. The volume comprises
Athens and Sparta.                                    proaches to the history of emotions and emotions’        contributions by a broad spectrum of international
                                                      phenomenology can help us understand significant         scholars: young researchers working on fragmen-
Aggelos Kapellos, University of Ioannina,
                                                      aspects of persuasion in classical antiquity and         tary drama as well as by well-known experts in this
Ioannina, Greece.
                                                      audiences’ psychological manipulation in the civic       field.
                                                      procedures of classical Athens.                          Ancient Greek dramatic fragment; quotation meth-
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019
                                                      Ancient Emotions; Persuasion; Rhetoric                   ods; reconstruction; performance
                                                      Dimos Spatharas, University of Crete, Rethymno,          Anna Lamari, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
                                                      Greece.                                                  and Anna Novokhatko, University of Freiburg,
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 82
304 pp., 0 fig.                                       Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019

HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00                                                                        Collection, English, 1st quarter 2020
ISBN 978-3-11-066065-4                                Series
eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00            Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 83            Series
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066831-5                            		                                                       Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 84
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066737-0                           232 pp.
                                                      HCRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                   Approx. 750 pp., 20 fig.
                                                      ISBN 978-3-11-061803-7                                   HCRRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50
                                                      eBookRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                ISBN 978-3-11-062102-0
                                                      PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061817-4                               eBookRRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50
                                                      ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061842-6                              PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062169-3
                                                                                                               ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062219-5

12                                D Database     J Journal   T Textbook       Y Yearbook     Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Enzo Passa, Olga Tribulato (Eds.)                    Lowell Edmunds                                        Aggelos Kapellos (Ed.)
THE PATHS                                            TOWARD THE                                            XENOPHON ON
OF GREEK                                             CHARACTERIZATION                                      VIOLENCE
Literature, Linguistics and Epigraphy                OF HELEN IN HOMER                                     For Xenophon violence was a common phe-
                                                     Appellatives, Periphrastic Denominations,             nomenon, since he lived in circumstances of war
This volume collects ten studies by specialists in   and Noun-Epithet Formulas                             for many years. This volume provides the first
Ancient Greek linguistics, spanning from problems
in Homeric language to the transmission of Attic                                                           comprehensive study of the subject of violence in
                                                     This monograph lays the groundwork for a new          Xenophon’s works, attempting to demonstrate the
glosses in Byzantine lexicography through archaic
                                                     approach of the characterization of the Homeric       coherence and consistency of his thought on it.
hexameter and lyric poetry, Doric comedy, Ionic
                                                     Helen, focusing on how she is addressed and           The contributors shed further light on the literary
prose and diachronic developments of the Greek
                                                     named in the Iliad and the Odyssey and especially     character of Xenophon’s oeuvre, offering new
lexicon. Each paper adopts a multidisciplinary
                                                     on her epithets. Her social identity in Troy and in   interpretations of passages and themes.
methodology bridging the fields of literature,
                                                     Sparta emerges in the words used to address and       Xenophon; violence; Greek world
linguistics and epigraphy.
                                                     name her. Her epithets, most of them referring to
Ancient Greek linguistics; Ancient Greek dialects                                                          Aggelos Kapellos, University of Ioannina,
                                                     her beauty or her kinship with Zeus and coming
and literary language; Indo-European linguistics;                                                          Ioannina, Greece.
                                                     mainly from the narrator, make her the counterpart
Ancient Greek literature
                                                     of the heroes.
Enzo Passa, Rome, Italy and Olga Tribulato,                                                                Collection, English, 4th quarter 2019
                                                     Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers, New Jersey, US.
University of Venice, Italy.
                                                     Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019                  Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 88
Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2019

                                                     Series                                                Approx. 213 pp.
                                                     Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 87         HCRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 85
                                                     		                                                    ISBN 978-3-11-067141-4

                                                     183 pp.                                               eBookRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00
303 pp.
                                                     HCRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067146-9
HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                     ISBN 978-3-11-062602-5                                ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067153-7
ISBN 978-3-11-062108-2
                                                     eBookRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50
eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                     PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062612-4
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062174-7
                                                     ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062648-3
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062180-8

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Margalit Finkelberg                                    Philip R. Hardie, Valentina Prosperi,                    Allen J. Romano, John Marincola (Eds.)
                                                       Diego Zucca (Eds.)
HOMER AND                                                                                                       HOST OR PARASITE?
EARLY GREEK                                            LUCRETIUS                                                Mythographers and their Contemporaries

EPIC                                                   POET AND                                                 in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods

Collected Essays                                       PHILOSOPHER                                              Contributions to this volume explore the intercon-
                                                       Background and Fortunes of “De Rerum                     nections between ancient Greek mythographers and
The book includes 30 scholarly articles on Homer       Natura”                                                  their contemporaries working in non-mythographic
and Greek epic poetry. The main topics discussed                                                                genres of both poetry and prose. Focus on this
are Homer’s language and diction, Greek epic tradi-    This book provides a coherent yet multifaceted           dynamic intersection illuminates the Greco-Roman
tion, Homer’s world and values, and transmission       approach to the many ways in which Lucretius’            intellectual world in which both operated and high-
and reception of the Homeric poems. The book           thought and poetry were not only original but            lights for scholars and students of Greek and Latin
gives special emphasis to such central issues of       agents of cultural innovation: both in antiquity and     literature the variety and complexity of ancient
Homeric scholarship as oral-formulaic composi-         in De rerum natura’s second, early modern circula-       Greek mythographic practice.
tion; the relation between Homer and epic tradition;   tion. Internationally renowned scholars address          myth; mythography; Latin; Greek
Homeric question; the canonical status of the          different aspects of its role and influence, offering    Allen J. Romano and John Marincola, Florida
Homeric poems.                                         an in-depth and multidisciplinary overview of how        State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Homeric Question; oral-formulaic theory;               Lucretius has been a shaping force in European
Neoanalysis                                            culture.                                                 Collection, English, 4th quarter 2019
Margalit Finkelberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel.      Lucretius; De Rerum Natura; poetry; reception
                                                       Philip Hardie, University of Cambridge,                  Series
Collection, English, 1st quarter 2020                  Cambridge, UK; Valentina Prosperi and Diego              Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 92
                                                       Zucca, University of Sassari, Italy.
Series                                                                                                          Approx. 180 pp.
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 89          Collection, English, 2nd quarter 2020                    HCRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50
		                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-11-067279-4
Approx. 400 pp.                                        Series                                                   eBookRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50
HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00              Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 90            PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067282-4
ISBN 978-3-11-067142-1                                 		                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067285-5
eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00           Approx. 300 pp.
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067145-2                             HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067152-0                            ISBN 978-3-11-067347-0
                                                       eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067348-7
                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067351-7

14                                 D Database     J Journal    T Textbook      Y Yearbook     Open Access
Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Fiachra Mac Góráin (Ed.)                                 Dimitrios Kanellakis                                  Irini Kyriakou
DIONYSUS AND                                             ARISTOPHANES                                          GÉNÉALOGIES
ROME                                                     AND THE POETICS                                       ÉPIQUES
Religion and Literature                                  OF SURPRISE                                           Les fonctions de la parenté et les femmes
                                                                                                               ancêtres dans la poésie épique grecque
This book offers a rounded examination of the Ro-        In going to watch a comedy, we expect a spectacle     archaïque
man and Italian manifestations of Dionysus. Nine         full of surprises: punch-line jokes, sudden shifts
essays address Bacchus at the crossroads of Greek        on stage, nonsensical arguments, metatheatri-         This book proposes to rethink kinship in early
and Roman, combining diverse sources that include        cal moments etc. In a few words, we expect the        Greek epic poetry. The author interprets, according
art, epigraphy, historiography, poetry, and rhetorical   unexpected. But how does a comic dramatist deal       to the criterion of gender, the discursive form and
and Christian discourse. The collection empha-           with this challenge? Aristophanes, who produced       the narrative function of the genealogical relations
sizes local inflections in Italian responses to (and     his plays in the highly antagonistic context of the   as they are expressed in the archaic Greek epic
appropriations of) Bacchus, and the intersection of      Athenian festivals, succeeded in making surprise      poetry. The focus on the analytic female catalogues
Bacchus and Roman politics and society.                  his very own poetic signature.                        attested in this corpus enables the advancement of
Dionysus; Bacchus; Rome                                  surprise; poetics; Aristophanes; humour               the hypothesis of the existence of a female-centered
Fiachra Mac Góráin, University College London,                                                                 poetic tradition that sang the klea gynaikôn in terms
                                                         Dimitrios Kanellakis, University of Oxford,
England.                                                                                                       of kinship and procreation.
                                                         Oxford UK.
                                                                                                               Archaic Greek epic; genealogies; gender; cata-
Collection, English, 1st quarter 2020                    Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020
                                                                                                               Irini Kyriakou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia,
Series                                                                                                         Cyprus.
Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 93            Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes
		                                                       		                                                    Monograph, French, 4th quarter 2019
Approx. 238 pp., 11 fig.                                 Approx. 240 pp., 25 fig.
HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00                  HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00               Series
ISBN 978-3-11-067156-8                                   ISBN 978-3-11-067698-3                                Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und
eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00               eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00            Geschichte 134
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067223-7                               PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067703-4
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067231-2                              ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067716-4                           374 S./pp., 9 Abb./fig.
                                                                                                               Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00
                                                                                                               ISBN 978-3-11-065315-1
                                                                                                               eBookUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00
                                                                                                               PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065623-7
                                                                                                               ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065319-9

Klassische Philologie - Greek and Latin

Maria Giovanna Sandri                                 Christian Vogel                                           Markus Mülke (Hrsg./Ed.)
TRATTATI GRECI SU                                     VON DER NATUR-                                            CHRÉSIMA
BARBARISMO E                                          ANLAGE ZUR                                                [Chrésima: Selected Studies of Early
                                                                                                                Christian Chrêsis]
SOLECISMO                                             SPITZENLEISTUNG                                           Exemplarische Studien zur frühchristlichen
Introduzione ed edizione critica                      [From Natural Facility to Peak                            Chrêsis
                                                      Performance: A Study of Pindar’s View of
This book provides a comprehensive critical edition   Humanity]                                                 Unter Chrêsis versteht man die kritische Methode,
of the twelve extant Greek treatises on barbarism     Eine Studie zu Pindars Menschenbild                       mit der sich die frühen Christen die Kulturgüter
and solecism. A detailed introduction presents an                                                               der antiken Welt zunutze machten. Die chronologi-
overview of the concept of linguistic correctness     Welchen Anteil gesteht Pindar in seinen Siegeslie-        sche und thematische Vielfalt der in diesem Band
(Hellenismós) and its main violations, known as       dern den Menschen an ihrem Erfolg zu? Das Buch            versammelten Aufsätze zeigt die Grundsätzlich-
barbarisms (morphological mistakes) and solecisms     untersucht, welche Rolle in Pindars Menschenbild          keit und Komplexität dieser Methode. Mit einer
(syntactical mistakes). The manuscript tradition of   Faktoren wie Naturanlage, Bereitschaft zum Ler-           kunstgeschichtlich-archäologischen Studie zu den
each treatise is investigated in the prolegomena,     nen, innere Einstellung und göttliche Hilfe spielen.      Porträts spätantiker Bischöfe weitet sich der Blick
and so are issues of chronology and contents.         Dabei erweisen sich Rückgriffe auf Aristoteles als        auch auf außerliterarische Aspekte der spätantiken
Barbarism; Solecism; Hellenismos; Greek language      besonders aufschlussreich, da sie die zugrunde            Kultur.
Maria Giovanna Sandri, Scuola Normale                 liegende Leistungsethik offenlegen und Pindar zu          Chrêsis; usus iustus
Superiore, Pisa, Italy.                               einem erstaunlich aktuellen Dichter werden lassen.
                                                      Pindar; Aristoteles; Siegeslieder                         Chrêsis was a critical method used by early Chris-
Commentary, Italian, 1st quarter 2020                                                                           tians to reintegrate ancient cultural products. The
                                                      How much credit does Pindar give to people for            chronological and thematic range of the essays col-
Series                                                their successes in his victory poems? This book           lected in this volume demonstrates the fundamental
Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und              investigates how factors such as talent, learning         importance and complexity of this method. A study
Geschichte 135                                        ability, personal attitude, and the divine help inform    of portraits of bishops from late antiquity from an
		                                                    Pindar’s view of humanity. The comparison with            art historical and archaeological point of view adds
320 S./pp.                                            Aristotle’s writings here is particularly illuminat-      insights into the non-literary dimensions of late
Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00    ing, because it explains Pindar’s underlying work         ancient culture.
ISBN 978-3-11-065908-5                                ethic and reveals him to be a surprisingly modern         Chrêsis; usus iustus
eBookUVP/RRP € 109.95 / *US$ 126.99 / *£ 100.00      poet.                                                     Markus Mülke, Augustana-Hochschule,
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065990-0                            Pindar; Aristotle; victory poems                          Neuendettelsau.
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065917-7                           Christian Vogel, Freie Universität Berlin.
                                                                                                                Collection, German, 2nd quarter 2019
                                                      Monograph, German, 2nd quarter 2019
                                                      Series                                                    Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und
                                                      Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und                  Geschichte 138
                                                      Geschichte 137
                                                      		                                                        374 S./pp., 2 Abb./fig.
                                                      140 S./pp.                                                Geb./HC€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/
                                                      Geb./HC€ 79,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 91.99 / UVP/           RRP *£ 100.00
                                                      RRP *£ 72.50                                              ISBN 978-3-11-064641-2
                                                      ISBN 978-3-11-064545-3                                    eBook€ 109,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 126.99 / UVP/
                                                      eBook€ 79,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 91.99 / UVP/RRP          RRP *£ 100.00
                                                      *£ 72.50                                                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065016-7
                                                      PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064754-9                                ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064658-0
                                                      ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064618-4

16                                D Database     J Journal    T Textbook       Y Yearbook     Open Access
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