Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark

Page created by Lauren Daniels
Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Classroom                                 June 2021 | Issue 57

The magazine for IOP affiliated schools

The Sun and
Solar System

                                                                 Credit: Shutterstock

Addressing student misconceptions
A solar scientist talks about her job
The toilet roll solar system
Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Editorial                                                                                                              Classroom physics | June 2021

                                                                                                   Draw the Sun: this image is one of a
This issue                                                                                         selection from the Science Museum’s
                                                                                                   collection. It was used as an example in a
News                                                                                               recent online workshop chaired by Imperial
                                                                                                   College artist and physicist Geraldine Cox
3           Addressing misconceptions                                                              to encourage young people to make solar
            in physics                                                                             artwork
4           Postcards from Space
                                                                                                   Astronomical Diagram Transparent Solar
5           IOP book recommendation                                                                System, circa 1860

Feature                                                                                            Credit: Science Museum / Science & Society
                                                                                                   Picture Library -- All rights reserved.
6           Up close and
            personal with the Sun
            A solar scientist
                                                   Bring some sunshine
8           Knowing and explaining
                                                   into the classroom
            in the context of Earth                As we approach the end of a second              The Sun is central to our lives from the
            and space                              disrupted academic year, we are                 very beginning, so it’s not surprising that
                                                   beginning to see rays of sunshine               by the time they reach secondary school,
9 - 12      The Sun and                            emerging. Like you, we sincerely hope           many students have confused ideas about
            Solar System pull-out                  that this is the last time teachers will        our star. Our new set of Earth and Space
                                                   have to end the school year with the            misconceptions (page 3) will help you
13          Stories from physics                   pressure of assessing students who have         untangle this thinking.
Digests                                            been unable to sit public examinations.
                                                                                                   We look at Sun observation from Earth (page
                                                   We have missed being able to meet you in        3) and from space via NASA’s Parker Probe
14 - 15 Physics Education                          person at our teacher workshops. We look        (page 6). We also probe IOP member and
                                                   forward to being able to offer face-to-face     renowned solar physicist Dr Helen Mason
                                                   help and support again very soon, getting       (page 7) about her career and ask her advice
16          TalkPhysics & Physics World                                                            for any aspiring sun scientists. Our central
                                                   hands-on with practical kit together and
                                                   networking. But over this year we have also     pull-out contains activities for the classroom,
17          Education in Chemistry                 learned new ways of working which enable        including the classic toilet roll solar system
            & CLEAPSS                              more teachers to join our events. In future,    activity (page 11). For software to enable
                                                   our teacher CPD offering will be a blend of     weatherproof astronomy (page 15) as well
Listings                                           online sessions and videos with traditional     as a clever way to explore the Sun with
                                                   live events held at local venues. Turn to the   a tuning fork (page 14), visit our Physics
                                                   back page for more details of our teacher       Education digest.
18          Opportunities
                                                   CPD offering.
19          Remote teaching and                                                                    Wishing you a good end to the term and a
                                                   In anticipation of summer, we have              relaxing summer break.
            learning resources
                                                   chosen the Sun as part of the Earth in
20          Events listing                         Space topic as the focus for this edition       Caroline Davis
                                                   of Classroom Physics.                           Classroom Physics editor

Editor                              With this issue...                                                             Follow the IOP
Caroline Davis                                                                                                     Education Department on              Stories from Physics: astronomy and space
                                                                                                                   Twitter @IOPTeaching
                                    The seventh booklet in our series. For more
Physics pull-out                    see
Taj Bhutta                  Postcards from Space                                                           Read Classroom Physics
                                    A free set of resources for teaching space.                                    online and access previous
Photography                         See page 4 for more details                                                    editions at
Dan Josman                                                                                                         classroom-physics.

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                                                 News

Addressing misconceptions in physics                                                                 IOPSpark misconceptions
                                                                                                     What you’ll see:

                                                                                                     •      a summary of the misconception
                                                                                                            and, where possible, a longer
                                                                                                            description with information
                                                                                                            pulled out from the literature
                                                                                                            about ways the misconception
                                                                                                            may appear in students

                                                                                                     •      where available, relevant
                                                                                                            diagnostic resources from the IOP
                                                                                                            and York University’s BEST (Best
                                                                                                            Evidence Science Teaching) and
                                                                                                            EPSE (Evidence based Practice in
Identifying, addressing and challenging             1979 in Cimer, 2007). Therefore, students               Science Education) projects
misconceptions held by students are                 must become unsatisfied with their prior
essential to teaching physics well.                 theories and be open to viewing the world        •      IOPSpark teaching resources to
Former physics teacher Jessica Howell               in a different, sometimes analogical way                address the misconception
manages the IOPSpark Misconceptions                 (Nussbaum and Novick, 1982; Posner, Strike,
resources and explains how they can help            Hewson, and Gertzog, 1982; Driver et al,         •      detailed references from each
in the classroom.                                   1996 in Cimer, 2007).                                   study, distilled into a form with
                                                                                                            suggestions and comments from
A central purpose of physics education is           Today, a key part of teaching physics involves          our review team.
to develop students’ understanding of the           identifying, addressing and challenging
most fundamental explanations for how the           misconceptions or incorrect theories that
universe behaves. Despite a teacher’s best          students hold. To make this less time-
efforts to nurture this, students sometimes         consuming in lesson preparation, the             IOPSpark misconceptions
do not grasp certain ideas in physics.              Practical Implications for Physics Education     Topics covered:
                                                    Research (PIPER) team have been reviewing
Decades of research has delved into                 the literature and compiling a list of           •      Forces and Motion
students’ thinking around these ideas.              common misconceptions complete with              •      Electricity and Magnetism
Notably, Rosalind Driver suggested that             diagnostic questions and resources to            •      Energy and Thermal Physics
students form their understanding of the            address the ideas.                               •      Light, Sound and Waves
world through observations and experiences,                                                          •      Earth and Space
making a model of misconceptions for their          more...                                          •      Quantum and Nuclear Physics*
world that is based on common sense but                                                              •      Properties of Matter*
is not always correct (Driver, R et al. 1994).
                                                                                                     (* the sections are due for completion by autumn 2021)
Furthermore, Schaefer stated that if the
ideas taught at school are not related to 
students’ everyday lives, they may not grasp        piper-resources
                                                                                                     Share your students’ misconceptions
the concepts properly and instead just learn
isolated ‘packages’ of information (Schaefer,
                                                                                                     Studies into students’ misconceptions
                                                                                                     mainly took place between 1980 and
                                                                                                     2010. While many of the findings are
                                                                                                     still current, a changing environment
Earth and Space misconceptions                                                                       and curriculum mean new ideas will
                                                                                                     have developed that fit with students’
Examples from our newest collection:                                                                 understanding of the world around
                                                                                                     them today.
•    Most pupils think it is cold in the winter
     because the Sun is further away from the Earth                                                  We want to make sure all these ideas
                                                                                                     are captured – and this is where you
•    Some pupils think that all stars are the same size                                              come in. Please submit the miscon-
                                                                                                     ceptions that your students hold so
•    Some younger pupils may hold the belief that                                                    we can add them to our bank on
     the Sun travels around the Earth                                                                IOPSpark.

•    Some pupils have ideas that the Sun gets                                              
     covered and that is what causes night

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
News                                                                                                                     Classroom physics | June 2021

from Space
Each IOP Affiliated School will have
received a set of 12 postcards with this
edition of Classroom Physics. They were
created by Miles Hudson, PGCE physics
tutor at Newcastle University.

Aimed at older primary and younger
secondary students, the PostcardsFromSpace
deliberately extend beyond the statements
of the National Curriculum to offer greater
depth and breadth. Each card links to
a web page which includes additional             Written as postcards from a friend, junior
information, animations, videos and activities   astronaut Tanno and his faithful dog Iguda,
to extend students’ learning. Developed          the informal writing style makes them highly       more...
during lockdown, Miles ensured equipment         accessible and engaging.
requirements are minimal.                                                                 
                                                 Miles said, “The delivery of literacy in science
He suggests the cards could be particularly      was a cornerstone of their development from        Follow
useful for Science Clubs, delivering more        the outset. There are facts and figures, but       for a daily Space Fact of the Day
than a term’s worth of activities. The range     the real world application of concepts comes
of space objects and activities is large, so     through in the adventures that Tanno and
students could be set to work with different     Iguda have on their travels. Learning the size
ones and cross compare, or the group could       and surface temperature of Pluto is one thing,
all work from the same card and steadily         but what would it actually be like to walk on
progress along the journey together.             the frozen surface?”

Out-of-this-world research using neutrons
The Sun recently started a new solar             84% of the speed of light and fires them into
weather cycle, Solar Cycle 25. As it             targets to produce beams of neutrons. These
enters the more active phase of its cycle        neutrons are used in a variety of experiments
– expected between now and 2025 – solar          from investigating superconductors to
activity is likely to increase, resulting        studying samurai swords.
in a period of space weather that can
have major impacts on technology on              ChipIR is a unique instrument at ISIS that
Earth and in space. Scientists at the            mimics cosmic ray neutrons to test the
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) are         effect of these high-energy particles on
investigating space weather and its effects      electronic devices. ChipIR has been used           more...
on electronics.                                  to test electronics critical to systems in
                                                 aircraft, satellites, spacecraft, autonomous       Find out more about this experiment and
Cosmic rays originate from both the Sun and      vehicles and even the internet, revealing their    explore Space Science Research at ISIS at
from beyond our solar system. As they collide    vulnerabilities.                         
with the Earth’s atmosphere, they produce
high-energy particles, including neutrons,       Recently, ChipIR and its fast neutrons             The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
which can reach down to the ground. These        were used in an unusual, out-of-this world         is a national scientific research laboratory
cosmic ray neutrons can disrupt the normal       experiment: investigating simulants of             operated by the Science and Technology
operation of electronics and cause havoc in      moon dust for use as radiation shielding for       Facilities Council. RAL regularly hosts tours
devices and systems.                             future lunar habitats, crucial for establishing    and workshops for teachers and school
                                                 manned bases on the Moon.                          students. Email for
The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source at RAL                                                             more information.
has a synchrotron that accelerates protons to

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                                     News

IOP book recommendation
Stargazers: Copernicus, Galileo, the Telescope
and the Church by Allan Chapman
Reviewed by Mark Whalley,                            historical, cultural, technological, economic
IOP Education Manager                                and geographical contexts. In addition, there
                                                     have always been many more people involved
This is an excellent book for anyone                 in science than most books give credit for:
interested in the history of astronomy. Very         from the manufacture of the paper on which
well written by one of the leading experts           these giants wrote down their findings to the
in the field, you will definitely be pleased         blowing of the glass from which they ground
you’ve read it!                                      their lenses.

The Scientific Revolution is often presented         This is not the case in Stargazers:
as starting with Copernicus and the                  Copernicus, Galileo, the Telescope and the
publication of De Revolutionibus in 1543. It         Church, by the historian of science Allan
then proceeds through Kepler and Galileo             Chapman. He rightly gives a great deal of
and arrives at Newton. These four figures are        attention to the four central figures, but
understandably placed at the centre of the           recognises and discusses the broader                are all given their 15 minutes of fame, as well
birth of modern physics and astronomy, but a         contexts of the time, a period of religious and     as providing extra local richness to the book.
focus on these alone misses so many stories          political upheaval across Europe. This book
and so much of the context.                          adds colour and texture to the familiar stories     If you enjoy this book, I would also
                                                     and introduces us to the less well-known,           recommend Allan Chapman’s follow-up on
Science does not exist in a vacuum. It is still      but utterly fascinating, characters involved        the history of astronomy from 1700-2000:
often portrayed in Western thought as being          in astronomy in the period 1500-1700. For           Comets, Cosmology and the Big Bang: From
pursued by lone geniuses dependent in no             example, William Crabtree from Salford,             Halley to Hubble: A history of astronomy
way on the world around them. This is simply         Jeremiah Horrocks from Toxteth and William          from Edmond Halley to Edwin Hubble.
a myth. Science exists and develops within           Gascoigne, the inventor of the micrometer,

Careers videos:
physicists addressing global challenges
Matthew Watkins is an Engineering                    recorded panel discussions organised for            about what our panellists did day to day -
Technician at Imperial College London. A             schools by the IOP during National Careers          their successes, their failures and their hopes
former apprentice, he helps researchers              week in March 2021. They are part of our            for the future. They also used the opportunity
with the design and manufacture of                   Limit Less campaign to support young people         to ask the panellists for advice. How can
tailored parts for projects at the cutting-          to change the world and fulfil their potential      they get into coding? What are the good
edge of technology, ranging from prosthetic          by doing physics.                                   books and resources to read? And perhaps,
legs for ballet dancers to prototype ion                                                                 most importantly, what to do in the case of a
thrusters for spacecraft.                            The recordings are great for use in the             robotic uprising…?
                                                     classroom. They bring together relatable role
Raquel Velasco is the head of product for an         models from across the UK and Ireland to            more...
artificial intelligence start-up. She helps cities   discuss the role of physicists in tacking
and councils improve the way they manage             global issues in climate change, robotics           Watch the three panel discussions at
the movement of people and traffic. In               & artificial Intelligence (AI) and medicine.
particular, she has been part of a team which        One student commented: “I enjoyed hearing
developed an AI-based system to improve              about some of the speakers’ personal
traffic lights. It is important to her that what     experiences, it felt real and less like an advert
she does has a positive impact on both               for the industry.”
individuals and society.
                                                     Watched live by almost 1,000 teachers and
These are just a couple of examples of the           students, the recordings include questions
12 physicists who took part in a series of           from students. They wanted to know more

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Feature                                                                                                                                 Classroom physics | June 2021

                                                                                                                                                                        Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben
An illustration of the Parker Solar Probe approaching the Sun.

Up close and
personal with the Sun
During the launch of NASA’s Parker Solar                         around the spacecraft and tucks solar panels       Data from these instruments are already
Probe in 2018, headlines would have had                          behind the shield when necessary, allowing         helping scientists learn more about the
you believe that the spacecraft was on a                         the instruments to stay at a cool 26 °C.           corona and high-energy solar particles. And
mission to touch the Sun. It will get close,                                                                        it is hoped that by the mission’s conclusion
very close in astronomical terms, but no                         Why NASA wants to send a probe so close            in 2025, before the spacecraft meets its fiery
probe could handle a temperature of                              to the Sun is simple: the Sun’s atmosphere,        end in the heart of the Sun, the Parker Solar
5,500 °C and radiation spewing from the                          called the solar corona (the jagged ring you       Probe will have finally exposed some of the
Sun’s fiery surface.                                             can only see during a total eclipse) still holds   Sun’s most elusive secrets.
                                                                 many mysteries that can only be solved
Speeding ever faster and ever nearer to our                      close-up.                                          Dr Benjamin Skuse
home star, with the assistance of seven                                                                             Freelance science writer
gravity kicks from Venus, the Parker Solar                       For decades, scientists have been stumped
Probe’s 24 looping orbits over its seven-year                    as to why the corona is so hot. Why does
mission will end in a dramatic 700,000 km/h                      this thin atmosphere reach temperatures            more...
flyby. It will be the first spacecraft to graze                  in excess of 1 million °C when the surface
the edge of the Sun’s atmosphere – just 6.9                      is so much cooler? They also want to know          For the latest updates, follow the Parker Solar
million km from the surface.                                     how the Sun produces space weather closer          Probe’s blog:
                                                                 to home. The Sun drives a stream of high-          parker-solar-probe
This may still sound far away, but beats all                     energy particles, known as solar wind, in all
past efforts hands-down: the previous record                     directions across the Solar System. These          A student activity to explore the Earth’s
of 43 million km was set by Helios 2 in 1976                     particles jet past Earth at speeds up to           magnetic field:
(which the Parker Solar Probe smashed in                         800 km per second, shaking Earth’s                 magnetic-field-activity
January this year when it swept past                             magnetic field and scrambling satellites.
13.5 million km from the Sun).                                   Can we predict when the solar wind gets            A Story from Physics about early quantitative
                                                                 stormy so we can protect satellites?               measurements of the Sun:
Even 6.9 million km away, the spacecraft                                                                            measuring-sun
requires an 11 cm-thick carbon-composite                         To solve these mysteries, the small car-sized
shield to protect its instruments from                           spacecraft is packed with four instrument          Early ideas about the solar system:
1,400 °C temperatures and deadly radiation.                      suites that study magnetic fields, plasma and
Its computer system also circulates water                        energetic particles, and image the solar wind.     system

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                          Features

                                                                        astrophysical objects. We also need to             Colorado and the Center for Astrophysics,
Credit: Henry Kenyon

                                                                        understand how it interacts with the               Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have been
                                                                        Earth’s environment.                               fortunate enough to experience three total
                                                                                                                           solar eclipses: Guadeloupe in 1998, the UK in
                                                                        “I am involved in analysing space                  1999 and in 2017 as NASA’s solar expert in
                                                                        observations of the Sun, specialising in           the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
                                                                        solar spectroscopy in UV and X-rays. I have
                                                                        worked on many solar space projects, most          “If your students are interested in a career in
                                                                        recently on SoHO (Solar and Heliospheric           solar physics, I would advise them to aim for
                                                                        Observatory), SDO (Solar Dynamics                  a BSc in physics or mathematics and look
                                                                        Observatory) and Hinode. We have created           for options in space physics or astrophysics.
                                                                        an atomic database called CHIANTI which            During my physics degree, I did a dissertation
                                                                        is used by everyone analysing solar spectra.       on the solar wind during my physics degree
                                                                        We are able to determine the temperature,          and then a PhD at UCL on solar observations
                                                                        density, elemental abundances and motion           (eclipse observations), supervised by Prof
                       Dr Helen Mason OBE
                                                                        of the solar plasma. We can then compare           Mike Seaton, who was one of the world’s

                       A solar                                          these to theoretical models.

                                                                        “I work best with a team of people, with a
                                                                                                                           experts in atomic physics.

                                                                                                                           “For me, science is about asking questions,

                       scientist talks                                  variety of skills. Solar space observations
                                                                        require the skills of many different people.
                                                                                                                           sometimes leading on to other questions, and
                                                                                                                           space science really encourages this.”

                       about her job
                                                                        I like to think of myself as one piece in a
                                                                        jigsaw puzzle. On a daily basis, I help analyse    more...
                                                                        new observations, discuss scientific results
                                                                        with my colleagues, do some calculations on        Listen to Helen’s BBC Radio 4 In Our Time
                       Dr Helen Mason OBE is a solar physicist
                                                                        a computer and write papers. It is very            about the Solar Wind, just before the launch
                       and public engagement fellow at the
                                                                        exciting when we get new results and a             of Solar Orbiter:
                       University of Cambridge
                                                                        new understanding of a feature in the              m000dg9n
                       “We live in an age which depends on              solar atmosphere.
                                                                                                                           Watch Helen’s interview with the Royal
                       technology. The Sun interacts with the Earth
                                                                        “I have worked with collaborators all over the     Institution, A closer look at our Sun youtube.
                       causing ‘space weather’ which can damage
                                                                        world, in particular the USA, Europe, Japan        com/watch?v=eptVGN9XQ68
                       satellites, disrupt electricity transmission,
                       harm astronauts and be problematic in            and India. I have spent quite a lot of time at
                       many ways (it is high on the UK’s National       NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center where
                                                                        SoHO and other spacecraft were operated.           Helen received the Royal Astronomical
                       Risk Register). We need to understand our
                                                                        I have also worked closely with colleagues         Society’s Annie Maunder Medal for
                       Sun better if we are to understand other
                                                                        at the High Altitude Observatory, Boulder,         Outreach in 2018.

                         SunSpaceArt                                     many other stars in the sky, how it was born
                                                                         and will eventually die. We think about how
                                                                                                                           ‘in person’. Then the project had to move
                                                                                                                           online with virtual workshops. This actually

                         links scientists
                                                                         beautiful but fragile our Earth is, as seen       enabled us to reach many more students and
                                                                         from space and how we need to look after it.      to involve more scientists, educators, artists,
                                                                         We think about the possibility of life existing   musicians, poets and even a dancer.
                         and artists                                     elsewhere in the universe.”
                         in schools                                      She says that linking science and arts as
                                                                         a cross-curriculum activity both develops
                                                                                                                           SunSpaceArt is funded by the Science and
                                                                                                                           Technology Facilities Council
                                                                         creativity and reinforces the science learning.
                         Dr Helen Mason’s latest project,
                                                                         She adds: “It builds confidence in students
                         SunSpaceArt, brings together a team of
                                                                         when they present their work to the rest
                         scientists and artists to work with upper
                                                                         of the class and sometimes to the whole
                         primary and lower secondary age students.
                                                                         school. Teachers have found that students
                         The aim is to develop creativity and
                                                                         with Special Educational Needs respond
                         encourage innovation.
                                                                         particularly well, with longer than average
                                                                         attention spans and interest.”
                         “Astronomy and space science simply grab
                         the imagination!” explains Helen. “Our
                                                                         The SunSpaceArt website has activities
                         workshops explore what the Sun means to
                                                                         including worksheets, blogs and videos.
                         us here on Earth, how it is just a star like
                                                                         Until March 2020 activities were delivered

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Resources                                                                                                                  Classroom physics | June 2021

Physics education research

In this column,
                                           Knowing and

                                                                                                                                                             Credit: Grayjay at Shutterstock
James de Winter
(University of Uppsala and
University of Cambridge)
and Richard Brock
                                           explaining in the
(King’s College London)
highlight accessible and usable
                                           context of Earth
resources based on research into
physics education.                         and space
Get involved with physics education        From 24 hours to 365 days and from
research discussions by joining            MVEMJSUN* to OBAFGKM**, learning                The quality of explanatory responses was
the Physics Education Research             about the features of the universe may          initially consistently low and the researchers
group on Talk Physics at                   not seem to hold the same conceptual            implemented a teaching intervention to            challenges that, for example, Newton’s          support students’ scientific argumentation
education-research-per                     Laws demand and can slip into                   with the following aspects:
or email      recall-only territory.
                                                                                           •       Teachers emphasise the process of
                                           However, supporting students to develop a               science, rather than the presentation
                                           meaningful understanding of the complex,                of facts.
                                           multi-bodied, three-dimensional motions
                                           of astronomical objects beyond rote             •       Students are asked to build models
                                           memorisation, presents many challenges.                 of the Earth and Sun’s motion with
                                           Justification of ideas can be problematic –             balls/nails/torches and then to
                                           can you convincingly provide evidence, from             justify observations.
                                           your own experience, that the Earth does go
                                           round the Sun?                                  •       Students are not given the answers but
                                                                                                   are guided to develop explanations for
                                           Steinberg, Cormier and Fernandez carried                their observations.
                                           out research to explore how American high
                                           school students (14-16-year-olds) were able     •       Students are constantly asked to justify,
                                           to justify their answers to the question:               explain, reason and interpret.
                                           Which of the following do you think best
                                           approximates the relative motion of the Earth   After the intervention, there was a significant
                                           and the Sun?                                    increase in the quality of students’ correct
                                                                                           scientific justification for their answers. In
                                           A. The Sun goes around the Earth.               addition, the students scored well on a task
                                           B. The Earth goes around the Sun.               asking them to explain a context not covered
                                           C. Neither A nor B are correct.                 in the course (black holes).
                                           D. I do not know.
                                                                                           As with all studies, caution is needed in
                                           As best as you can, provide a proper and        suggesting that this is the correct/best/only
                                           complete scientific argument for your answer.   way to teach. However, the paper contains
                                                                                           useful aspects including:
                                           Most students selected the correct answer
                                           (B=93%) and the researchers focused on          •       a rubric to assess the quality of
                                           students’ ability to provide a ‘complete                student explanations
                                           scientific argument’. Responses were
                                           assessed on a scale from:                       •       suggesting a correct answer, by itself,
                                                                                                   does not indicate full understanding
                                           (1) Students use jargon, authority, circular            and so teaching and assessment should
                                           reasoning or irrelevant observations                    focus on students’ explanatory abilities
                                           or experiments.
more...                                                                                    •       a teaching approach to support
                                           to:                                                     students’ explanations.
The paper, Probing student understanding
of scientific thinking in the context      (5) Student cites observations or experiments
                                                                                           * Order of the planets from the Sun
                                                                                           ** Classification of the stars by their spectra and temperature
of introductory astrophysics, is freely    distinguishing between two models and
available at              supports choice with proper explanation
PhysRevSTPER.5.020104                      relevant to their answer.

Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                                             Resources

                                                                                                                                       Pull out and keep!

    The Sun and Solar System
    This pull-out gives suggestions for ways
    to explore the Sun and the Solar System
    •     Activity: Colour and temperature of stars for 11 - 14 year olds
    •     Demonstration: Stellar convection for 14 - 16 year olds
    •     Student worksheet: Toilet roll solar system

The Solar System
to scale
Space is very, very big and hard to imagine.
It is so big that an accurate picture of the
Solar System does not fit into a book and
pictures that we see of the Solar System
are usually wrong.

It can be tempting to teach this topic in a
way that is simple and descriptive, when in
fact the scales involved are conceptually
demanding. The fact that diagrams in books
and on posters are often poorly drawn
and not to scale can lead to persistent
misunderstandings about planetary sizes and
interplanetary distances.

Adapted from The size of space - a Best Evidence
Science Teaching Resource                           How big is the Earth compared to the Sun? A question from the BEST The size of space diagnostic resource

Creating a scale physical model is a fun and
memorable way to address this. For a model                                                                       more...
made out of fruit that shows the relative size
                                                     Planet            Fruit              from                   Download the full BEST resource including
of the planets and their distances from the
                                                                                          sun / cm               diagnostic questions at
Sun, you’ll need an outdoor space at least
11 m long, a 15 m long tape measure and
the fruit listed in the table below. Emphasise
                                                     Mercury           Cherry             12
                                                                                                                 Watch our toilet roll solar system video at
that the scale for the size of the planets is not    Venus             Plum               22           
the same scale as that used for the distance
between them.                                        Earth             Plum               30
                                                                                                                 Build a fruit solar system at
As an alternative, the worksheet on page                               Larger                                    building-model-solar-system-fruit
12 talks through building a model at home            Mars                                 46
using a roll of toilet paper and a few sheets
of A4 paper.
                                                     Jupiter           Watermelon 155
Also included in this pull-out is an activity
to help students better understand how the           Saturn            Coconut            285
colour of the Sun is linked to temperature and
a demonstration to show the role convection          Uranus            Apple              574
plays in its appearance.
                                                     Neptune           Orange             900
Classroom physics - The Sun and Solar System - June 2021 | Issue 57 - IOP Spark
Activity: Colour and temperature of stars (11-14)
In this activity, students use a variable resistor and an incandescent light bulb to illustrate how the colour of
a star is related to its temperature.

                                                                  Teachers’ notes
                                                                  A school hall or theatre can be a good place to demonstrate
                                                                  this change in colour as lights are dimmed.

                                                                  Students will have seen that when a lamp has a small current
                                                                  passing through it, the light emitted is red or orange. However,
                                                                  most will not have thought that this could be related to why
Equipment                                                         cooler stars are redder or why hotter stars are whiter.

Each group of students will need:
                                                                  In this activity, the current through the lamp is increased by
• Power supply
                                                                  reducing the resistance of the variable resistor. Increasing the
• Incandescent bulb (with rating matched to power supply
                                                                  current increases the temperature of the bulb and this means
• Variable resistor
                                                                  that as well as glowing more brightly, the bulb will change
• Connecting wires
                                                                  its colour. Emphasise that there is a direct link between
                                                                  temperature and the colour of light emitted.
Ask students to:                                                  Discuss how our Sun’s surface temperature (5,500°C) means
                                                                  that it glows white hot. Cooler stars glow red. Although not
1. Connect the power supply in series to the variable resistor.
                                                                  possible to demonstrate with this experiment, you may also
2. Adjust the variable resistor so that voltage across the lamp   want to discuss that stars hotter than our sun glow blue hot.
   is low. The lamp should glow red.

3. Slide the variable resistance to increase the voltage across   more...
   the bulb. It should now glow with an orange colour.            Watch the video at
4. Slide the resistor so that the voltage across the bulb is a
   maximum. It should glow white.

Our violent and brilliant Sun
Solar physicist Lucie Green reveals her lifelong fascination
with our nearest star and explains how space telescopes allow
us to see it in greater detail than ever before. Explore how
solar missions reveal sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass
ejections, and what effect such violent phenomena can have
on our life on Earth.

Find this video and more to support teaching astronomy and
space at
                                                                  Lucie Green explains that the Sun is the power source for the entire solar system in
                                                                  her video Our violent and brilliant Sun

Demonstration: Stellar convection (14 - 16)
In this demonstration, students see that if there is temperature difference between the bottom and top of a
coloured liquid, the top surface moves. You can use it to introduce solar convection.

                                                                Teachers’ notes
                                                                Students may talk about heat or energy rising. Emphasise
                                                                that neither energy nor heat are substances. Convection is
                                                                a mechanical process that it is best described in terms of
                                                                fluids at a higher temperature expanding and floating, and
                                                                then cooling and sinking. In this experiment it is driven by the
                                                                hotspots created by the coins at the bottom of the tray.
You will need:

•   Electrical hotplate
•   Flat-bottomed aluminium food tray or pie tin
•   5 coins of the same denomination
•   50 ml liquid soap (eg moisturising face wash)
•   A few drops of red food colouring
•   500 ml of water
•   Torch (or other white light source)

Preparation & safety
                                                                The columns of rising and falling fluid are called convection
The liquid soap/shampoo will need to contain glycol stearate,   cells. When we look down on the tray we see the top of the
glycol distearate or glycerol stearate in order to make         cells: the liquid appears as it rises to the surface, moves
the convection cells visible. Moisturising products with a      across the surface and then disappears at it sinks back below.
pearlescent appearance often contain one of these. Check        The process is a repeating one so the water gets circulated
ingredients on the bottle.                                      continuously as long as there is a temperature difference
                                                                between the bottom and top.
Be careful not to touch the hotplate when it is turned on.
The liquid temperature should not exceed 50°C                   Link the demonstration to stellar convection by providing an
(check with a thermometer).                                     image of the Sun’s surface. The giant granules they can see are
                                                                the top of very large convection cells formed by plasma rising
Procedure                                                       upwards from the hot interior to the cooler surface.
Ask students to:

1. With the hotplate off, place the five coins in a cross
   pattern on top of the plate.

2. Place the food tray on top of the coins.

3. Pour in cold water until the tray is half full.

4. Add 50 ml of liquid soap and a few drops of food
   colouring; mix well using a finger.

5. Switch the hotplate on to a low setting. Leave for a
   few minutes.
                                                                A close up of the Sun’s surface

6. Shine a torch at an angle onto the tray to make it easier
   for the students to see the water rise and sink.             more...
                                                                Watch the video and download the resources at

Toilet Roll Solar System

                                                                                                                   of toilet
                                                                      Planet        Diameter      Colour
 Toilet Roll                                                                                                       roll sheets
                                                                                                                   from Sun
 Solar System                                                         Mercury       2 mm          Brown            2
                                                                      Venus         5 mm          White            3 1/2
 This activity takes the 4.5 billion kilometres from the Sun to                                   Blue and
                                                                      Earth         5 mm                           5
 Neptune and squishes them onto a single loo roll. On this                                        green
 scale most of the planets are too small to see – so you will         Mars          3 mm          Red              7 1/2
 have to cheat and make them 100 times larger than they                                           Brown
 should be.                                                           Jupiter       62 mm         stripes with     26
                                                                                                  red spot
                                                                                                  Brown with
                                                                      Saturn        50 mm                          47 1/2
 How long this activity takes                                                                     rings
                                                                      Uranus        20 mm         Light blue       95
 Estimated time: 1 hour                                               Neptune       20 mm         Dark blue        149

                                                                  2. Build your Solar System
 What you’ll need
                                                                  a) Start with the Sun and place the loo roll at the edge.
 •   A fresh roll of toilet paper with at least 150 sheets           The start of the toilet paper is the start of space.
 •   Felt tip pens or colouring pencils
 •   Ruler                                                        b) Unroll the loo roll and stick down Mercury at the right
 •   6 sheets of A4 paper                                            distance from the Sun (two sheets).
 •   Scissors
 •   List of planet sizes and distances (below)                   c) Then do the same for all the other planets. Remember
                                                                     to keep track of how far you’ve gone!

                                                                  d) Roll up your Solar System and treasure it forever.
 What to do
                                                                  What next?
 1. Make your Sun and planets
                                                                  Remember that the Sun and planets are all 100 times
 a) Make your oversized Sun by sticking together six A4           too big for the toilet paper. Why not make everything to
 sheets of paper to make a 60 cm square. Then draw a              the right scale by going for a 2 km walk or bike ride?
 circle that’s 60 cm across and cut it out.
                                                                  •      Make an extra set of planets exactly the same
 b) Make your planets using the cut-offs using the guide                 size as above
 below. Colour in and label each planet.
                                                                  •      Start at your house or a local landmark

                                                                  •      Plan your route using the Solar System Model Map at


                                                                  You can watch a video at

Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                        Resources

                                                                                                                       Stories from physics

Hypatia’s astronomical                           The unresolved elliptical wager                   The Brunel sibling
achievements                                                                                       birthday alignment
                                                 On 24 January 1684, at an evening meeting
Hypatia of Alexandria made significant           of the Royal Society, Christopher Wren,           In 2020, the Guardian newspaper reported
contributions to philosophy, mathematics         Robert Hooke and Edmond Halley discussed          attempts to investigate the claim that the
and astronomy during the third to fourth         Halley’s idea that the inverse square law         engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel had
century of the common era. While her             would explain Kepler’s third law of planetary     aligned the two-mile-long Box railway tunnel
father’s research is now seen as of limited      motion, namely that the square of a planet’s      (located close to Corsham, Wiltshire) so
originality (he was also a mathematician),       orbital period is proportional to the length of   that the rising Sun would shine through it
Hypatia has had an enduring legacy. She          the elliptical orbit’s longest diameter cubed.    on his birthday. When the tunnel closed for
developed approaches to long division that       Wren was intrigued by the idea and offered a      engineering works in 2017, disappointed
were used to compute astronomical tables,        prize that would delight any scholar – books      observers noted that the alignment of the
in particular an approach to the calculation     to the value of 40 shillings (equivalent to       Sun’s rays with the tunnel on 9 April was
of the arc swept out by the Sun in a day.        £1200 today). In a move that must have            good, but imperfect. A retired physicist and
Hypatia taught students and gave public          prompted scepticism from his colleagues, it       engineer, Peter Maggs, has since explained
lectures on philosophy, becoming a popular       is reported, ‘Mr Hook[e] than sd [sic] that he    the misalignment by noting that Brunel’s
figure who commanded significant political       had it, but that he would conceale [sic] it for   sister, Emma Joan, was born on the 6 April
influence. On the death of Theophilus, the       some time that others triing [sic] and failing,   and has speculated that the tunnel is aligned
bishop of Alexandria, Hypatia took a stance      might know how to value it, when he should        for her birthday, not her brother’s.
against Theophilus’ nephew and successor,        make it publicly’. The first deadline for the
Cyril. Cyril’s supporters spread false rumours   bet, the end of March, passed without Hooke
that Hypatia was a practitioner of black         or Halley claiming the prize. In August, Halley
                                                 travelled to Cambridge to discuss the issue       more...
magic. The smear campaign enflamed a
mob of angry Alexandrians, who dragged           with Newton. Echoing Hooke, Newton claimed
Hypatia from her carriage and murdered her       he had already completed the proof, but it
with roof tiles or oyster shells (translations   had been lost. Newton, however, followed up       These stories were collected by Richard
vary). Hypatia has been honoured with an         on his claim, writing a nine-page manuscript      Brock, lecturer at King’s College London and
asteroid and a lunar crater being named in       (On the Motion of Bodies in Orbit or De Motu      former physics teacher.
her memory.                                      for short, in its Latin version) which he sent
                                                 to Halley in November. De Motu contains           Follow him on Twitter @RBrockPhysics
                                                 derivations of Kepler’s Laws and would form
                                                 the basis of Newton’s Principia Mathematica.
                                                 Whether the 40 shillings worth of books were
                                                 awarded is not known.

Digests                                                                                                                               Classroom physics | June 2021

                                                                                     Teaching waves: two distinct kinds of displacement
                         Physics Education is our
                         international online journal for                            Within the archives are a number of articles     have transverse motion and oscillation of
                         everyone involved with the teaching                         from a physics educator by the name of John      tension. Any account of stationary waves
                                                                                     Warren. These articles are always stimulating    should take account of this.”
                         of physics in schools and colleges.                         and this short letter from 1980 on the
                                                                                     teaching of waves is no exception:               Read the letter at
                         Editor-in-chief Gary Williams
                         highlights his favourite papers on                          “A fundamental fact, which rarely receives

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Credit: Alexander Gold at Shutterstock
                         the Sun and solar system from the                           sufficient emphasis, is that each kind of wave
                                                                                     involves two distinct types of disturbance
                         archive and the current volume                              of the medium. An electromagnetic wave
                                                                                     transmits equal amounts of energy through
                         Access over 50 years of articles at                         its electric and magnetic fields. A sound
                                                      wave has oscillations of both pressure and
                                                                                     particle velocity. Surface waves in liquids
                                                                                     are combinations of horizontal and vertical
                         Affiliated schools have free access –                       movements, that is the waves are both
                         email for a                             longitudinal and transverse. Vibrating strings   In the ripple tank, which two disturbances
                                                                                                                                      are happening?
                         reminder of your log in details.

                              What happens next?
                              On Facebook                                            Learning about the

                                                                                                                                                                                               Credit: Physics Education
                                                                                     Sun with a tuning fork
Credit: David Featonby

                                                                                     Bringing together the topics of waves and
                                                                                     the Sun leads on to a 2015 paper entitled
                                                                                     Teaching about mechanical waves and sound
                                                                                     with a tuning fork and the Sun. This took data
                                                                                     from the SOHO satellite’s recordings of the
                                                                                     sound of the Sun and related this back to
                              If you compare the “outside” curve of one banana       the teaching of sound. This is an interesting
                              with the inside curve of the other, which the set up   hook for older students mixing the use of
                              invites you to do, then the answer is confusing.
                                                                                     technology to analyse the sounds in space
                                                                                     and astronomy with some basic wave ideas.
                              David Featonby’s series of short
                              What happens next? experiments                                                                          The first four in-plane vibrational modes of a tuning fork
                              is now on Facebook.                                                                                     and the propagation of rays of sound in a cross-section
                                                                                     Read the paper at              of the solar interior.
                              Each experiment uses familiar
                              equipment and is stopped
                              at a critical stage to see if what we
                              think might happen really does.
                              David reveals what happens the
                              next day.
                                                                                     Teaching physics and the nature of science together
                                                                                     A paper quite different from everything          of atoms to the nature of science can provide
                              Access over 200 experiments on                         mentioned so far is this one from Mick           a structured topic much like the Children’s
                              Facebook by searching for What                         Nott from 1994. He looks at Brownian             Learning in Science Project
                              Happens Next Experiments and                           motion and uses it as a vehicle to try and       (
                              requesting to join the group.                          get across some ideas concerning the             did a few decades earlier. This not only helps
                              You can also freely access                             nature of science. Brownian motion is part       students learn about the existence of atoms
                              experiments from the Physics                           of the evidence for the existence of atoms       but also scaffolds one of the ways in which
                              Education archive at                                   presented to students, often quite early on in   science works.
                                                        their secondary schooling. Linking Brownian
                                                                                     motion and other evidence for the existence      Read the paper at

Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                                    Digests

                            Build a radio                                    Weatherproof astronomy
                            telescope                                        Teaching the astronomy side of schemes of
                                                                             work can be tricky because students are only
                                                                             in school during the day and the more easily
                                                                                                                               past astronomical events and even take
                                                                                                                               measurements from them.

                                                                             visible objects of astronomical interest need     Using freeware planetarium software to
                            For something a little more hands-on,
                                                                             a few hours more of the Earth rotating into its   simulate the astronomical measurements
                            observations of the Sun are a way to do
                                                                             own shadow to be seen. One weatherproof           of ancient Greeks
                            astronomy during the day, unless it’s cloudy.
                                                                             solution is to enjoy some of the planetarium
                            There is surely some value in students
                                                                             and space simulation software available 
                            understanding the impact of weather on back
                                                                             - Stellarium ( and Celestia
                            yard astronomy but when trying to teach a
                                                                             ( are first rate and are well      A set of student activities for the
                            syllabus it’s just a hindrance.
                                                                             deserving of further investigation.               simulation of ancient and medieval
                                                                                                                               astronomical observations
                            A radio telescope can solve some of these
                                                                             For ideas about what to do with it,
                            problems, not requiring the Sun to be
                                                                             read Vassilios McInnes Spathopoulos’s   
                            visible to someone on the ground. In the
                                                                             papers about making the software show
                            paper Space weather interference in Earth
                            communications and construction of a small-
                            scale radio telescope for Sun observation
                            in radio waves using Arduino the authors
                            describe how to build a radio telescope using
                            various readily available parts. It would be a
                                                                             Bringing solar                                    results presented in this paper A century of
                                                                                                                               light-bending measurements: bringing solar
                            stretch to describe this as an easy project,
                            but the parts are not that difficult to source
                                                                             eclipses into the                                 eclipses into the classroom and explore the
                                                                                                                               relevance of these astronomical observations
                            and I was surprised to find that I have many
                            of them already just because I’ve purchased
                                                                             classroom                                         to the world today.

                            them at electronic stores out of wanting                                                 
                            to have a play, for example, with a              Many students will enjoy linking astronomy
                            satellite finder.                                with the idea of expeditions: just as explorers
                                                                             chart unknown lands, astronomers explore

                                                                                                                                                                                       Credit: Physics Education
                                                phenomena we have yet to understand.
                                                                             I have vivid memories of travelling down
                                                                             to Plymouth with a party of students and
                                                                             other teachers to see the eclipse of 1999.
Credit: Physics Education

                                                                             We didn’t see much of that eclipse but it
                                                                             was a very memorable expedition as we
                                                                             camped out the night before in a howling
                                                                             gale. Students can research these historically
                                                                             important expeditions online, but they can        Nowadays, Einstein’s theory can be verified with high
                                                                             also access the database of experimental          accuracy using cheaper and smaller equipment.

                                                                                 Quick Links                                    Clarifying misconceptions about
                                                                                                                                Ohm’s law and power dissipation
                                                                                                                                in grid electricity transmission
                                                                                 Measuring the speed of sound in air  
                                                                                 using a smartphone and a cardboard
                                                                                 tube                       A simulation object with LabVIEW:
                                                                                                                                simultimeter (simulated multimeter)
                                                                                 Bend it like dark matter!            
                                                                                                                                Commercial virtual reality headsets for
                                                                                 The sound of music: determining                developing augmented reality setups to
                                                                                 Young’s modulus using a guitar string          track three-dimensional motion in real

                            The home-made radio telescope

Digests                                                                                                                         Classroom physics | June 2021

                                                                                                                         The Sun as a blackbody                             The colour of the Sun and other stars

                                                                 Dave Cotton, editor of our online discussion            I am currently exploring this idea of why          A teacher who was not a physicist asked for
                                                                 forum, chooses his favourite TalkPhysics                the Sun’s photosphere is an example of a           ideas for teaching blackbody radiation and
                                                                 discussion threads on the Sun.                          blackbody and have a post on using the Sun         this led to a long and fruitful discussion, with
                                                                                                                         as an example as a blackbody radiator to           lots of suggestions for resources. It also gave
                                                                 Log in or register to join the conversation at          teach the concept both at GCSE and A level.        me the opportunity to explain why there are
                                                                                                Comments welcome!                                  no green stars – something I have always
 Credit: University of Chicago Photographic Archive apf6-00273

                                                                                                                                                                            enjoyed doing!

                                                                                                                         Sharing stories of women in physics
                                                                                                                                                                            Earth in space from the Welsh
                                                                                                                         The IOP teacher CPD sessions resources are         teachers’ conference
                                                                                                                         uploaded on TalkPhysics. A recent Sharing
                                                                                                                         Stories of Women in Physics event included         The seasons, amongst other things, can be
                                                                                                                         the story of Margaret Burbidge and her role        taught through a selection of simulations.
                                                                                                                         in discovering stella nucleosynthesis. You         You can find suggestions for this – plus many
                                                                                                                         can also find a presentation on Margaret           more great ideas for teaching this topic –
                                                                                                                         Huggins’s contributions to solar spectroscopy      on the page following up the Brecon
                                                                                                                         and how to make a spectroscope to use with         2020 conference.
                                                                                                                         your students.
                                                                 Margaret Huggins worked at the Tulse Hill Observatory
                                                                 in London

                                                                                                                         Sunny superpower: solar cells                      Counting muons in schools
                                                                                                                         close in on 50% efficiency                         Andrew Ferguson is a device physicist. He
                                                                 Stories from our magazine for the global                Researchers are working to improve the             used an IOP School Grant to work with pupils
                                                                 physics community. Visit               efficiency of multi-layer solar cells. Richard     to teach them about muons, design a muon
                                                                                                                         Stevenson explores whether their practical         detector and install one in the school
                                                                                                                         benefits are more likely to be realised in
                                                                                                                         space than on Earth                                “Primary-school children, and the rest of
                                                                                                                                                                            us too, are continuously being showered by
                                                                                                                         For solar cells, efficiency really matters. This   unseen muons, a heavier relative of the more
                                                                                                                         crucial metric determines how much energy          familiar electron. These muons are created
                                                                                                                         can be harvested from rooftops and solar           when energetic cosmic rays, including protons
                                                                                                                         farms, with commercial solar panels made           and alpha particles, hit our atmosphere and
                                                                                                                         of silicon typically achieving an efficiency of    produce a shower of particles as they slow
                                                                                                                         20%. For satellites, the efficiency defines the    down. Muons remain unnoticed unless you
                                                                                                                         size and weight of the solar panels needed         have the right equipment to look for them.
                                                                                                                         to power the spacecraft, which directly            I read about a US-based outreach project
                                                                                                                         affects manufacturing and launch costs. To         called Cosmic Watch. Started by particle
                                                                                                                         make a really efficient device, it is tempting     physicists, it allows members of the public to
                                                                                                                         to pick a material that absorbs all the Sun’s      make muon detectors for less than $100 and
                                                                                                                         radiation. That might lead you to build a          observe these tiny particles for themselves.
                                                                                                                         cell out of mercury telluride, which converts      At the heart of the detector is a silicon
                                                                                                                         nearly all of the Sun’s incoming photons           photomultiplier chip, which measures the few
                                                                                                                         into current-generating electrons. But there       blue photons emitted by a plastic scintillator
Credit: Noctiluxx at iStock

                                                                                                                         is an enormous price to pay: each photon           whenever a muon passes through.”
                                                                                                                         absorbed only produces a tiny amount
                                                                                                                         of energy, which means that the power              Full article at
                                                                                                                         generated by the device would be pitiful.

                                                                                                                         Full article at

Classroom physics | June 2021                                                                                                                           Digests

                                                                                                     The science of sunscreens                       Ingredients that are now banned include
                                                                                                                                                     organic molecules, such as oxybenzone
                                                                                                     As summer approaches, link sunshine with        and octinoxate, that absorb UV rays and
                                                                                                     environmental concerns around sunscreens.       convert them into a small amount of heat.
                                    EIC is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s                          There are two types of ultraviolet (UV) rays    Sunscreens sometimes use inorganic
                                    magazine for teachers. Visit                     which reach the Earth’s surface from the        molecules, such as zinc oxide and titanium
                                                                                                     Sun. Long wave UVA light penetrates our skin    dioxide, which mostly block or reflect UV
                                                                                                     causing wrinkles and sunspots. Short wave       radiation. There are environmental concerns
Credit: MK Studio at Shutterstock

                                                                                                     UVB light mostly attacks our outer layer of     around their use too.
                                                                                                     skin leading to sunburn and tanning. Both
                                                                                                     cause skin cancer.                              So what is the alternative? One possibility
                                                                                                                                                     is using larger particles of zinc oxide and
                                                                                                     Worldwide public health advice recommends       titanium dioxide, another is natural organic
                                                                                                     liberal use of a broad spectrum sunscreen,      molecules, for example shinorine.
                                                                                                     for protection from both UV types. For
                                                                                                     decades, the reputation of sunscreens has       Shinorine is used by some marine organisms
                                                                                                     remained remarkably clean. However, the tide    to shield themselves from solar damage and
                                                                                                     of legislative opinion is turning.              can be extracted from a type of red algae
                                                                                                                                                     harvested from the wild.
                                                                                                     Every year thousands of tons of sunscreen
                                                                                                     end up in our oceans. Research has              more...
                                                                                                     indicated that some of the chemicals these
                                                                                                     products contain can be absorbed by corals,     Read the full article by Nina Notman and
                                                                                                     doing harm such as causing bleaching.           download a worksheet on the chemical
                                                                                                     Governments are starting to act, banning        structures in sunscreen for age range 14–16
                                                                                                     sunscreens containing certain chemicals.        from

                                                                                                     Practical work on the                           and a D-SLR camera. It is important to fit
                                                                                                                                                     an appropriate solar filter in the telescope’s
                                                                                                     solar system                                    aperture and, even after fitting, not to look
                                                                                                                                                     down the eyepiece at the Sun. Special
                                                                                                     Students are intrinsically curious about        adapters can connect a D-SLR camera to the
                                                                                                     space, but it is an area of the curriculum      eyepiece, so one can use the LCD screen on
                                    CLEAPSS is an advisory service
                                                                                                     which is often overlooked with respect to       the camera to look at the Sun.
                                    supporting science and technology
                                                                                                     practical work. Teaching this area of physics
                                    in schools. Its advice and guidance
                                                                                                     is often left to models as the ability to do    It is also possible to capture images of
                                    is recognised by Ofsted and the HSE
                                                                                                     practical work is somewhat limited. However     planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are all
                                    for safe practice for practical work
                                                                                                     observations are very much possible             easily viewed with an entry-level telescope
                                    in schools. Visit
                                                                                                     throughout the school year.                     and photos can be taken with some very
                                                                                                                                                     accessible equipment. With our budget
                                                                                                     CLEAPSS has a guide on telescopes and           telescope, we were able to make out
                                                                                                     how they can be used to take pictures of the    Jupiter’s moons and its giant red spot as
                                                                                                     Sun, the Moon and planets. It discusses the     well as Saturn’s rings. Mars’ polar ice cap is
                                                                                                     difference between reflector and refractor      also visible.
                                                                                                     telescopes, the different mounts for your
                                                                                                     telescope, the basics of astrophotography       The Moon makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Credit: CLEAPSS

                                                                                                     and more.                                       an easy target too.
                                                                                                                                                     Software can stitch
                                                                                   Credit: CLEAPSS

                                                                                                                                                     together photos giving
                                                                                                                                                     a nice composite
                                                                                                                                                     image such as this
                                                                                                                                                     one we took a few
                                                                                                                                                     years ago, shown to
                                                                                                                                                     the right.
                                                                                                     It is immensely rewarding to take pictures      more...
                                                                                                     of objects in the solar system. This picture
                                                                                                     shows the transit of Mercury back in 2016       Search for GL187:
                                                                                                     and we were very excited to capture this        Viewing the Cosmos and PS017: Viewing
                                                                                                     moment with a £150 telescope, a solar filter    the Sun

Opportunities                                                                                                                                                   Classroom physics | June 2021

                                                                                                           Frozen Life - Young Weather Photographer winner 2020
                                                                                                           Kolesnik Stephanie Sergeevna

     Sustainability Physics
                                                                                                             Weather Photographer of the Year
     This website (due to launch on 15 June 2021) shows how important                                        The Royal Meteorological Society’s annual competition is now open for
     physics is to the careers that will make a difference to our zero-carbon                                entries, with a youth category for 13-17-year-olds and a new mobile phone
     society of 2050.                                                                                        category. Whether you climb mountains, chase storms, scour coastlines or
                                                                                                             sit in your back garden capturing the wonder of weather on your camera, the
     There are seven general themes including:                                                               judges want to see your photos. Photography is also a great way to document
     •     Building design                                                                                   our changing climate and share your local story with the world.
     •     Future energy stores
     •     Renewables                                                                                        Entries are free and close on 29 June 2021. Visit
     •     Transport for our future

     Each topic has interviews with people at the forefront of a low carbon future,                                                 Weather and Climate:
     from university researchers to innovators in business and industry. There
     are also videos for lesson starters or watching at home, plus interactive                                                      A Teachers’ Guide
     questions for students.
                                                                                                                                    Providing UK teachers with everything they need to
     The site is pitched at GCSE-level, with sections of challenge for ambitious                                                    deliver relevant, engaging and thorough weather and
     post-16 students. Focussing on north-west England, it provides opportunity                                                     climate lessons to 11–14+ year old students. This
     for examples of Science Capital, but is suitable for students anywhere.                                                        new guide and its accompanying online, free teaching
                                                                                                                                    resources can be found on the Royal Meteorological                                                                                         Society’s education website
     Join the launch at

                         SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT COURSE 2021

                      Free residential* courses aimed at

                                                                                                                                                                                                Credit: fizkes at Shutterstock
                     boosting Physics subject knowledge
                               Week 1: Monday 5 July to Friday 9 July
                             Week 2: Monday 12 July to Friday 16 July

                 Experienced teachers deliver talks and supervised laboratory work covering the
                                           basics of Key Stage 4 and 5

                *A topic introduction and lesson will be running each morning on Zoom
                 for those unable to attend the residential in person, and pre-recorded
                        videos covering the practical work will be made available
                                                                                                             Do you have a physics NQT
                                                                                                             starting in school this September?
                                                                                                             Encourage them to register for the IOP’s Early Career Professional Learning
                                                                                                             (ECPL) programme. We’re offering support from friendly, experienced IOP
                                                                                                             coaches during your NQT’s first two years of teaching: small-group mentoring
                                                                                                             and professional development (physics pedagogy, subject knowledge and
                                                                                                             practical work). Regionally based, so lots of opportunities to build local
                                                                                                             networks with peers and established teachers.

                                                                                                             No cost to your NQT or your school.

                                                                                                             Future NQTs can find out more & register or email
                                                                                                             for more details.

                        For an application form to register for the residential or virtual course email:
                                           Closing date: Monday 7 June 2021
                                                   Registered Charity 312054

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