CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

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CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

-A Discussion Paper-

                       Wanda Martin, RN, PhD
                        Lindsey Vold, RN, MN

                                 JUNE 2019
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

We represent close to 200,000 frontline care providers and nursing students working in
hospitals, long-term care facilities, community health care and our homes. We speak to all
levels of government, other health care stakeholders and the public about evidence-based
policy options to improve patient care, working conditions and our public health care system.

Published by                      Project team                      ISBN
Canadian Federation of            Sebastian Ronderos-Morgan         978-1-7753845-5-7
Nurses Unions                     Carol Reichert
2841 Riverside Drive              Oxana Genina                      Printed & bound
Ottawa, ON K1V 8X7                                                  Imprimerie Plantagenet
613-526-4661                      Layout and graphics               Printing
                                  Alyster Mahoney                                                 Cover images
                                                                    Tatjana Djakova (front)
                                                                    Francesco Ungaro (back)
© 2019 Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the permission of the publisher.
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

            MESSAGE FROM LINDA SILAS                           I

            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                 II

            INTRODUCTION                                       1

            FINDINGS                                          4

            MAKING THE LINK ACROSS CANADA                     12

            MAKING THE CASE FOR CHANGE                        18

            CONCLUSION                                        23

            REFERENCES		                                      25



            AUTHORS’ BIOS                                     41

Photo credit: Jaymantri
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Photo credit: rawpixel
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

                                climate crises affecting        I would like to thank
                                other parts of the world will   Dr. Wanda Martin, RN,
                                have reverberations here at     and her research assistant
                                home.                           Lindsey Vold for their
                                                                research and preparation
                                Like all research on climate    of this report. I would also
                                change, this discussion         like to thank the CFNU
                                paper sheds light on the        team, including Sebastian
                                major challenges ahead for      Ronderos-Morgan and Carol
                                humanity and for health         Reichert, for their significant
As nurses we instinctively      care as our global climate      contributions to this work.
know that patient health is     changes and average
closely tied to the patient’s   temperatures rise. This         As the old saying goes,
environment. This discussion    discussion paper also sets      “think globally, act locally.”
paper on climate change         out concrete steps and          This mantra encourages us
and health urges nurses to      actions that nurses and their   to consider the health of
consider the macro-level        unions can take to make a       the entire planet as we take
of our environment: planet      meaningful difference. As       meaningful actions in our
Earth. Over the coming          the Canadian Federation of      own communities. It is my
decades, our rapidly chang-     Nurses Unions we can and        hope that this discussion
ing climate will pose the       must do more to advocate        paper will provide the tools
biggest threat to human         for economic and social         and the information for
health and well-being across    transitions to reduce our       Canada’s nurses to continue
every region of our planet.     greenhouse gas emissions        to build upon this work.
                                and to pass on a health-
According to the World          ier and more sustainable
Health Organization, “…the      planet to our children and      IN SOLIDARITY,
health effects of a changing    grandchildren. As well, we
climate are likely to be        can and must do more to
overwhelmingly negative.        create resiliency within our
Climate change affects          health care communities
social and environmental        and prepare effectively for
determinants of health –        the challenges to come
clean air, safe drinking        as our climate changes.
                                                                Linda Silas
water, sufficient food and      The recommendations in          President
secure shelter.” Canada will    this discussion paper offer     Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
not escape these conse-         nurses a starting-off point
quences. And as members of      for advocacy and leadership
a global human community,       to tackle climate change.

                                        CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                     I
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

The World Health                 change-related impacts will     Assessing vulnerability and
Organization has called          affect all body systems,        resilience to the impacts of
climate change the great-        mental health, socioeco-        climate change is new for
est challenge of the 21 st       nomic status and the built      many health care providers.
century.1 According to the       (human made) environment.       However, members of the
Intergovernmental Panel          The health impacts of           Canadian Federation of
on Climate Change (IPCC),        climate change will include:    Nurses Unions (CFNU) can
humanity has 12 years left                                       prepare themselves and
                                 •   Higher rates of heat-
to take serious action on                                        their health care commu-
                                     stroke and stress; 4 5
climate change to prevent                                        nities to help patients in
a catastrophic 2 degrees         •   Increased allergens         the context of the climate
Celsius minimum rise in              from more intense           crisis ahead. Nurses can also
temperatures by the end              and prolonged pollen        become strong advocates
of the century. 2 Canada’s           seasons, exacerbating       for a sustainable and healthy
changing climate report,             asthma sufferers’ health    future for our planet.
released earlier this year,          condition; 6
                                                                 Nurses are one of the most
found that temperatures in       •   Displacement from           trusted professions 14 able
this country are rising more         wildfire and floods,
                                                                 to assist communities to
than two times faster than           accompanied by the
                                                                 reduce greenhouse gasses
global averages. 3 Therefore,        mental distress of
                                                                 and transition to a climate-
it’s evident that Canadians          loss; 7 8 9
                                                                 friendly future in the name
will be on the frontlines of
                                 •   An acceleration in          of improving our shared
our warming climate and will
                                     the spread of Lyme          health. Everyone in Canada
be required to address the
                                     disease; 10 11              will be affected by climate
health and health care chal-
                                                                 change, with some groups
lenges that will come with it.   •   Cardiorespiratory
                                     distress from air pollu-    facing more detrimental
As the Canadian health               tion due to wildfires; 12   effects than others. Global
care system confronts the                                        and local actions are needed
challenges of an aging           •   Increased respira-          to reduce climate change-
population, constrained              tory ailments due to        causing emissions and to
                                     intensifying ground-
budgets and resource-inten-                                      build resilience and adapta-
                                     level ozone and air
sive infrastructure, climate                                     tion strategies.
                                     pollution; 13
change will bring an added
                                                                 The goal of this report, link-
layer of grave and distinct      •   Decreased access to,
                                                                 ing climate change to health
challenges for nurses and            and availability of, food
                                     due to fluctuations in      and nursing, is to provide a
others working in the health
                                     agricultural yields and     resource for CFNU’s nearly
care system. Researchers
                                     food prices.                200,000 nurses and nursing
predict that climate

CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
student members, along          between climate change         Meanwhile, powerful politi-
    with members of the public,     and health through three       cal forces are campaigning
    as we learn about the links     case studies of extreme        to deny the science of
    between climate change          weather events in 2018         climate change and prevent
    and health. This report first   from Western, Central,         meaningful actions. It is
    provides an overview of         and Atlantic Canada. The       our duty as nurses, as
    the climate change science,     report concludes with seven    community members and
    describing who is likely        recommendations for nurses     as parents to use our full
    to be most affected. The        that can be supported by       toolkit, including our ability
    report also summarizes the      their institutions, work-      to move quickly in the face
    health impacts of climate       places, associations and       of fast-moving threats to
    change within the four          unions.                        health, to work towards a
    elements framework of                                          response to climate change
                                    Children are going on strike
    earth, air, fire and water.                                    for today’s patients and
                                    worldwide because they
    We conclude by elaborating                                     those of tomorrow. Working
                                    fear the consequences that
    on the emerging mental                                         together we can build resil-
                                    climate change will bring
    health issue of ‘ecoanxi-                                      ience toward a healthier
                                    to their health and well-
    ety’. The report focuses on                                    future.
                                    ness within their lifetimes.
    the concrete connections


             1. Work with your employers, unions and associations to
                reduce emissions and to “green” your workplace.

             2. Know about climate change science, and help educate
                patients and the general public about it.

             3. Call for meaningful federal and provincial actions to
                reduce and eliminate climate change-causing emissions to
                ensure Canada leads the world in implementing its obli-
                gations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate
                Change (The Paris Accord).

             4. Be aware and plan for the emerging needs of patients
                resulting from climate change and help them take action
                to support a healthy planet.

             5. Be prepared for extreme weather events.

             6. Promote active transportation and local healthy agricul-
                ture and food systems to reduce emissions.

                                          CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                 III
Photo credit: Martin Péchy
CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Photo credit: USGS

CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

•   Canada is warming at twice the global rate
    (with the North warming at three times the
    global rate). It will continue to warm in the

•   Canada is warming at a faster rate because
    we have a larger land mass and a larger cryo-
    sphere (parts of the earth where water is
    frozen) in comparison to other countries.

•   Because most of the warming in Canada is due
    to human activity, how much it continues to
    warm will depend on what Canadians do now.

•   Unless we take real and meaningful actions on
    climate change at every level – in our everyday
    lives, workplaces, cities, provinces and our
    nation – Canada’s temperatures will continue
    to rise to catastrophic levels that will include
    extreme temperatures over extended periods
    of time, more droughts, more flooding, threats
    to coastal communities from high water-level
    events, potential water supply shortages
    during summer months and more severe

•   Projected public health impacts include
    increases in heatstroke and stress, allergens,
    respiratory conditions (such as COPD, lung
    cancer and asthma), increases in the spread of
    insect-borne diseases (such as Lyme disease
    and West Nile virus), reduced access to and
    availability of food and fresh water, and the
    destruction of infrastructure and human
    displacement due to climate change-related

CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH - IT'S TIME FOR NURSES TO ACT -A Discussion Paper-Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

Climate change is a global      increase in temperatures of     in our atmosphere. This
challenge that will affect      at least 2 degrees Celsius.16   has affected the balance
how we live and how we          Given the scale of the threat   between the incoming solar
manage our health care          that climate change poses       rays and the outgoing infra-
system. The repercussions       to the health of humans and     red radiation. The end result
of climate change on health     the environment for current     is that our atmosphere
are just beginning to enter     and future generations,         retains more heat, causing
the public consciousness,       nurses have a role to play as   our planet to warm.18 The
and nurses need to be           leading voices demanding        science can no longer be
prepared for changes that       action.                         ignored: the human burning
will affect their practice,                                     of fossil fuels (oil, coal,
                                In this report, we describe
their lives, and the lives of                                   gasoline, natural gas, etc.)
                                climate change and then
their patients and families.                                    is driving up temperatures
                                outline the anticipated
                                                                in our atmosphere, causing
Rising global temperatures      health issues, recommend-
                                                                climate disruption and
put everyone’s health at        ing what nurses can do to
                                                                changing the livability and
risk.15 As nurses, we have a    advocate for a transition to
                                                                the health of the world
moral duty to prepare for       a green economy and health
                                                                around us. This is the story
the effects of a changing       care system to prepare
                                                                of climate change.
climate so we can work          for this new era of public
alongside our patients,         health.                         If we are able to reduce our
clients and communities                                         greenhouse gas emissions
to build resilience. Nurses                                     and to capture some of the
also have a moral duty to       WHAT IS CLIMATE                 carbon that is in the atmo-
advocate for meaningful         CHANGE?                         sphere, we could keep the
action on climate change by                                     average rise in temperatures
                                Humans are having a
governments, to call for a                                      below 2 degrees Celsius
                                massive impact on the
solid plan to lower emissions                                   from pre-industrial levels.
                                environment.17 This has been
and build a healthier and                                       This is the target that
                                occurring at an accelerated
more sustainable society for                                    Canada agreed to, along-
                                pace since the Industrial
our future.                                                     side 194 other countries,
                                Revolution. As a result
                                                                in the 2015 Paris Accord.19
According to leading            of modern conveniences
                                                                Nevertheless, even under
international scientists, the   and easy access to energy
                                                                this scenario, there would be
world’s nations have only       derived from burning
                                                                considerable ecological and
12 years left to dramatically   fossil fuels, humans have
                                                                economic damage affect-
reduce climate change-caus-     increased the concentration
                                                                ing the health of people
ing emissions if we hope to     of greenhouse gases, in
                                                                in Canada and around the
prevent a devastating global    particular carbon dioxide,

The world’s nations have only
     12 years left to dramatically
     reduce climate change-causing

Photo credit: Pixabay

     Given the challenge ahead         extreme weather as demon-          also took nearly 100 lives in
     of us, there is a sense of        strated in March 2019 by           Quebec. 26 Floods and once-
     urgency to reduce our             Cyclone Idai in Mozambique.        in-a-century storms are also
     society’s climate change          In Canada, we are presently        becoming more frequent.
     footprint and to prepare          experiencing more severe           In 2018, New Brunswick
     for the challenges ahead. In      forest fires and localized         experienced the worst
     2018, the Intergovernmental       flooding, along with extreme       flood in decades, causing
     Panel on Climate Change           seasonal temperatures and          many people to lose their
     (IPCC) recommended a              noticeably higher food             homes. 27 As carbon dioxide
     global target of no more          prices. I 22 Health Canada         accumulates in the atmo-
     than 1.5 degrees Celsius rise     estimated in 2017 that 9,500       sphere, Canada’s oceans
     in temperature to reduce          deaths per year in Canada          are also becoming more
     the severity of the risks to      were attributable to poor          acidic because of chemical
     our health and survival. 20 21    air quality. 23 In that same       reactions at the surface.
     Regardless of what we are         year, British Columbia had         This acidification is nega-
     able to achieve in reversing      the worst wildfire season on       tively affecting the ability of
     the trend, we are already         record (only to be surpassed       shellfish to build their shells,
     seeing the health effects of      by 2018), and in northern          threatening vast fisheries
     a changing climate today.         Alberta the fire that burned       across Canada. 28
                                       for three months released
     Globally and domesti-                                                These are just a few exam-
                                       over 77 megatons of carbon.
     cally, erratic and extreme                                           ples of how climate change
                                       This is nearly half of the
     weather patterns are having                                          is currently directly impact-
                                       emissions that Canada
     a profound impact on                                                 ing Canadian communities.
                                       needs to reduce to reach its
     communities. Low-income
                                       targets. 24 Ragweed season
     countries, where people           has increased by 25 days in
     are already living in             Winnipeg and by 24 days
     precarious situations, are        in Saskatoon. 25 Extreme
     being affected the most           heatwaves globally in 2018
     from droughts, floods and

     I Canada’s food cost for the average Canadian family is expected to increase by $411 in 2019, rising
       to $12,157 per year, with the increasing cost of vegetables continuing to be an important factor
       (Canada Food Prices Report 2019).

                                               CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                         2
WHO WILL BE                       fires. 29 Children, people with   care system. Furthermore,
                                  chronic disease, people           there will continue to be
                                  living in inadequate housing,     significant impacts on those
Climate change will affect        those who struggle to pay         living in the north, as they
everyone because extreme          their energy bills and those      are already experiencing
climactic events and a            who are already suffering         landscape changes that
changing environment will         from food insecurity will be      affect their sense of self
be experienced everywhere.        most affected. Indigenous         and their traditional way of
Nevertheless, our changing        peoples, disproportionately       life. 31 Vulnerable groups in
climate will dispropor-           more vulnerable than other        Canadian society are already
tionately impact the most         Canadians, will also face         in the greatest need of nurs-
vulnerable groups in Canada       unique adaptation chal-           ing care, and now nurses will
(those who are socially,          lenges. 30 As parts of the        need to direct their skills
culturally or economically        planet become increasingly        to help build more resilient
disadvantaged) as they            unlivable, there will be          communities, and to become
have the least resources          climate refugees arriving         strong advocates demanding
to prepare and respond            in Canada. This will place        action on climate change to
to exposures and shock            additional pressure on reset-     ensure a healthy future.
events such as erratic            tlement agencies, our social
weather, floods or forest         safety nets and the health


Howard, C., Rose, C., & Rivers, N. (2018). Lancet Countdown 2018 Report: Briefing for Canadian
Policy Makers. The Lancet.

Climate change will affect
     everyone because extreme
     climactic events and a
     changing environment will be
     experienced everywhere.
Photo credit: Pixabay

     The health of planet Earth,     we consider the effects of      and has the potential to
     humanity and the natural        forest fires and heatwaves.     undermine food security
     world are central to the        And finally, within “water ”    in Canada and around the
     issue of climate change. Our    we cover floods, waterborne     world.
     understanding of the health     illness, warming and acidify-
                                                                     Climate change is causing
     effects of climate change       ing oceans, rising sea levels
                                                                     extreme weather events,
     are informed by a growing       and droughts. We conclude
                                                                     droughts and heat stress,
     global planetary health         with a discussion on the
                                                                     which are undermining
     movement, 32 which provides     mental health challenges
                                                                     harvests. 35 Extreme weather
     research to improve our         surfacing in response to our
     understanding of the future     changing climate.               events have reduced yields
                                                                     in Canadian agriculture
     implications of climate
     change. In recognition of the   EARTH                           by up to 50%. Agricultural
                                                                     producers in Saskatchewan
     natural world in which we       Much of the world’s food        recently faced a second
     live, this report categorizes   production is traded on         consecutive dry year,
     the environmental threats       global markets, so Canada       making 2017 and 2018 the
     of climate change into the      depends on many regions         driest growing seasons in
     classic elements’ frame-        around the world for food       135 years. 36 In Val Marie,
     work of earth, air, fire and    production, just as other       Saskatchewan, producers
     water. 33 Within “earth” we     regions depend on us. 34 This   received a third of their
     include food systems, land      global interconnectedness       normal rainfall, meaning
     use, vectors and infectious     of food supply systems          production was reduced
     agents. “Air ” includes smog,   means that climate change       to 32 bales per acre, a far
     particulate matter, cardio-     affecting one part of the       cry from the 210 bales per
     vascular disease, asthma        world will affect food supply   acre farmers were able to
     and allergies. Under “fire”     and prices in another part

                                            CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIO NS               4
Projections for the future climate
     in the Canadian prairies include
     hotter summers and longer
     droughts, which is expected to
     contribute to growing stress
     to agriculture.

Photo credit: Jackson Jorvan

     store the previous year. 37      dairy producers selling off      of farming, according to a
     Projections for the future       their cows prematurely. 40       recent report. It concludes
     climate in the Canadian prai-    However, existing agricul-       reducing meat and dairy
     ries include hotter summers      tural practices around cattle    product consumption is
     and longer droughts, which       and dairy are significant        “the single biggest way” to
     are expected to contrib-         contributors to climate          reduce your environmental
     ute to growing stress to         change, contributing             impact on the planet. 43
     agriculture. When there is       about 20% of greenhouse          Transitioning to more
     precipitation, heavier down-     gas emissions globally. 41       sustainable agriculture
     pours caused by a warmer         Livestock and meat produc-       by shifting towards more
     atmosphere will further          tion are considerably more       vegetable protein sources
     contribute to erosion of the     energy-intensive forms of        also means a better diet
     vulnerable topsoil. 38 This      agriculture than non-meat-       for your health as recom-
     trend towards droughts and       based options, and generate      mended by the Canada Food
     deficits in soil moisture are    greater amounts of green-        Guide 44 and the EAT-Lancet
     also expected to intensify in    house gas emissions per unit     Commission Summary
     British Columbia’s interior in   of food. Methane, in partic-     Report. 45
     a high-emissions scenario. 39    ular, is a major by-product
                                                                       There is also a link between
                                      of meat production and has
     Heat stress can also have                                         climate change, pollina-
                                      a greater warming effect
     a detrimental impact on                                           tors and food security. 46
                                      on the atmosphere than
     livestock, poultry and dairy                                      In addition to the impact
                                      carbon dioxide. 42 In addition
     production. Extreme heat,                                         of changing weather
                                      to land use, deforestation,
     resulting in shortages of                                         patterns, a changing
                                      water shortages and agri-
     feed grain, and rising prices,                                    climate is contributing to a
                                      cultural pollution are part
     have led to cattle and                                            decline in pollinator insect
                                      of the ecological impacts

populations so vital to our    in Canada as their vectors      hantavirus, salmonellosis,
     agricultural systems. Bees     (mosquitos and ticks)           cholera and giardiasis. 50
     are not able to collect the    spread into new regions of      As vector populations and
     required pollen to survive     Canada and increase their       weather patterns change
     because of the disruption      populations. 47 Lyme disease    because of a warming
     of the seasonal timing of      cases in Canada more than       climate, these threats may
     flowering plants, which        doubled between 2016            spread outside their known
     is tied to climate change.     and 2017, with 2,025 cases      endemic areas.
     Without insect pollinators,    in 2017 (88% of the cases
     human production of fruits     were in Ontario, Quebec         AIR
     and many vegetable plants      and Nova Scotia). 48 There      Climate change and air
     would be severely impacted.    were 367 cases of West          pollution, although not
                                    Nile virus in 2018 (primarily   the same, have a common
     While insect pollinators       in Quebec and Ontario),         origin and are aggravated
     suffer, some insect species    up from 200 cases in 2017,      by the burning of fossil
     are thriving in the warmer     and many more cases go          fuels. Air pollution is caused
     climates. Earlier springs,     unreported and potentially      by atmospheric increases
     longer and hotter summers,     undiagnosed. 49                 in carbon dioxide, nitrous
     and milder winters are ideal
     conditions for the spread      There are other infectious      oxide, ground ozone and
     of disease-transmitting        agents that may proliferate     particulate matter, as well as
     mosquitoes and ticks. West     globally due to increased       increased pollen counts for
     Nile virus and Lyme disease    temperature and flooding,       those with allergies. Ground
     are two growing concerns       such as dengue, malaria,        ozone reacts with sunlight
                                                                    radiation to create smog, a

        Lyme disease cases in Canada
        more than doubled between
        2016 and 2017, with 2,025 cases
        in 2017 (88% of the cases were
        in Ontario, Quebec and Nova
Photo credit: Pixabay

                                           CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                  6
Among the 194 countries
     analyzed, Canada has the
     third highest rate of new
     traffic-related asthma cases.

Photo credit: Life of Pix

     familiar sight for many city      is projected to have the          lungs. Prolonged expo-
     dwellers, especially during       greatest change in ozone-re-      sure can cause serious
     the summer. 51 Air pollution is   lated premature deaths            chronic and acute health
     often aggravated by hotter        from 2000 to 2030. 53 With        effects, including lung
     climates. Toronto Public          Ontario and Manitoba just         cancer, chronic obstructive
     Health predicts that climate      across the border from the        pulmonary disease (COPD),
     change will cause a 20%           Midwestern states, millions       cardiovascular disease, and
     increase in air pollution-re-     of Canadians are implicated.      the development and exac-
     lated deaths in the city by                                         erbation of asthma 55 56 Four
                                       Fine particulate matter
     2050. 52                                                            million children develop
                                       (PM) is another component         asthma every year as a
     Ground ozone II is a color-       of air pollution that can         result of air pollution from
     less and irritating gas that      be seriously damaging to          cars and trucks, equivalent
     forms just above the earth’s      human health. Comprised           to 11,000 new cases a day,
     surface and looks like smog       of aerosols, smoke, fumes,        a recent landmark study
     at ground level. Smog will        dust, ash and pollen, 54 fine     has found. Among the 194
     likely increase with higher       PM material is, by definition,    countries analyzed, Canada
     temperatures and with             smaller than 2.5 microns          has the third highest rate of
     frequent stagnate air condi-      in diameter, allowing it to       new traffic-related asthma
     tions. In the US, the Midwest     penetrate deep into our           cases. 57

     II Ground-level ozone is a “secondary” pollutant produced when two primary pollutants, nitrogen
        oxides and volatile organic compounds, react in sunlight and stagnant air. Nitrogen oxide comes
        from human activities like burning of oil, gasoline and coal, and volatile organic compounds
        derive from both human and non-human sources such as wildfires (Government of Canada).


Fine PM is of particular          2000. 62 Airborne allergens    in disasters that devastate
concern for the health of         may also be exacerbated        communities (e.g., Fort
the elderly. 58 Generated         when ground ozone and          McMurray fire). Climate
primarily from the burning        particulate matter levels      change is causing hotter
of fuels, PM pollution is         are high, as those affected    and drier summers in
interlinked with carbon diox-     by allergy-induced asthma      western Canada, sparking
ide pollution causing climate     are already struggling         record-breaking forest fire
change. According to Health       to breathe. In Canada,         seasons in recent years. 65
Canada, 59 reducing air pollu-    Saskatchewan has seen the      The resulting evacuations
tion from human activities        greatest increase in the       increase the pressure on
to acceptable levels would        number of days for ragweed     local health care services
result in about 14,400 fewer      season from 1995 to 2011. 63   and hospitals.
annual deaths in Canada.
                                  FIRE                           In 2017 and 2018, tens
Almost 7% of Canadians                                           of thousands of British
                                  Extreme heat and droughts
suffer from respiratory                                          Columbians in the interior
                                  cause loss of life and live-
allergies. 60 And a warming                                      of the province were forced
                                  lihoods, and trigger severe
climate will likely cause                                        to evacuate, sometimes
                                  wildfires. High temperatures
airborne allergens to                                            spending weeks away from
                                  can cause heatstroke and
increase in certain regions. 61                                  home. The Fort McMurray
                                  worsen many pre-existing
Allergens include tree, grass                                    fire in 2016 resulted in a
                                  conditions such as cardio-
and weed pollen. Reports                                         major evacuation, including
                                  vascular and respiratory
indicate that birch peak                                         the local hospital. The Fort
pollen season could be            diseases. 64 More intense      McMurray hospital building
                                  forest fires put communi-
extended by two to four                                          had to be evacuated, moving
                                  ties at risk and can result
weeks by 2020, compared to                                       106 patients by bus, with

                                         CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                  8
The science predicts a future
    with more frequent and intense
    heatwaves in Canada, without
    the reprieve of cooler nights.
Photo credit: Pixabay

    nurses and physicians on        lead to decreased produc-        WATER
    board to provide care. 66       tivity amongst outdoor
                                    workers, negatively affect       Warming air temperatures
    Extreme heat is damaging                                         and increased carbon
                                    the learning of students
    to people’s health and live-                                     dioxide in the atmosphere,
                                    and disrupt transportation,
    lihoods. During heatwaves,                                       caused by climate change,
                                    including flight cancella-
    the body struggles to                                            are creating significant
                                    tions. 69 The science predicts
    remain cool and maintain its                                     changes to weather
                                    a future with more frequent
    normal temperature. Serious                                      patterns, the availability of
                                    and intense heatwaves in
    health symptoms can                                              fresh water and the health
                                    Canada, without the reprieve
    manifest after prolonged                                         of our oceans.
                                    of cooler nights. 70
    exposure to heat, physical
    effort and the dehydra-         Most of the costs related        Warmer temperatures
    tion caused by sweating.        to extreme heat are human        will cause more intense
    Children, the elderly and the   costs – lost lives, but cities   short-term precipitation
    chronically ill and low-in-     are beginning to recognize       in some regions, causing
    come people are the most        the challenges ahead as they     flash flooding and erosion.
    vulnerable to temperature       struggle to keep residents       The melting glaciers, rapid
    regulation challenges during    cool in heatwaves, which are     snow melts and more
    a heatwave. Symptoms of         more acute in urban land-        frequent downpours could
    heatstroke, often exacer-       scapes. Some cities are even     have devastating effects in
    bated by high humidity,         taking action to hold fossil     Canada. We are seeing the
    begin with headaches and        fuel companies to account. 71    impacts already. In 2013, the
    muscular cramps, and can        The urban heat island effect     floods in Alberta displaced
    quickly intensify into diffi-   makes cities much warmer         over 100,000 people and
    culty breathing, convulsions,   than surrounding rural areas     caused an estimated
    and deteriorated, or loss of,   by as much as 12 degrees         $1.7 billion in damages. It
    consciousness. Heatstroke       difference because of the        was the most damaging
    can quickly occur and, if       heat trapped in pavement         flood ever recorded in the
    left untreated, can result in   and buildings. 72 With well      province. 73 Floods can also
    death. 67                       over 80% of Canadians living     spread disease by increasing
                                    in cities, the health effects    waterborne pathogens by up
    In 2017, it was estimated                                        to 70%, 74 spreading bacteria,
                                    of urban heat islands during
    that 157 million people                                          protozoa and viruses, along
                                    heatwaves will become more
    exposed to heatwaves                                             with agricultural waste,
    missed 3.4 billion weeks of                                      raw sewage and chemi-
    work. 68 Extreme heat can                                        cals. 75 Increases in water

temperatures also increase       rising water is unknown, but      dissolving and reacting
    algae growth and produce         the effect is not something       with water. 82 The resulting
    higher concentrations of         that will change quickly          chemical reaction creates
    toxic blue-green algae 76        even if we do meet the            carbonic acid which acidi-
    killing off aquatic life.        global targets for reducing       fies the ocean, jeopardizing
                                     emissions. The rising sea         sea life and food supplies.
    Other regions of the globe
                                     level will result in a higher     Ocean acidity reduces
    will experience worsening
                                     storm surge, causing more         the availability of calcium
    droughts, water scarcity
                                     frequent inland flooding          carbonate for shell forma-
    and desertification. Climate
                                     as more severe weather            tion and affects organisms
    change will impact our
                                     occurs, particularly on the       that are essential to support
    global drinking water supply
                                     East Coast of Canada. 78 The      the marine food chain. 83
    in many ways, depleting          coast of southern Atlantic        While some marine life may
    this finite resource. Rising     Canada will experience the        adapt overtime, others may
    sea levels will increase the     largest local sea level rise      decline or disappear.
    salinity of our fresh water      in Canada because of the
    supplies. 77 Over the medium                                       Researchers report that
                                     added effect of sinking land
    term, shrinking glaciers will    areas. 79 Inland flooding will    changing water tempera-
    deplete fresh water reserves                                       tures, deoxygenation, and
                                     displace people and cause a
    for significant regions of                                         increasing amounts of plas-
                                     loss of valuable land, includ-
    the planet, in particular                                          tics and ocean pollution are
                                     ing fertile agricultural lands.
    drier regions such as the                                          putting marine ecosystems
                                     In cities like Vancouver, with
    Canadian Prairies.                                                 under severe stress. 84 The
                                     high-density populations,
                                                                       unpredictability of ocean
    The Canadian coastal prov-       municipalities may find it
                                                                       food stock and current
    inces face an additional         difficult to respond to a
                                                                       declines in the shellfish
    challenge – rising sea levels.   disaster event as the sea
                                                                       market on the Pacific
    Canada’s urban waterfronts       level could rise by more than
                                                                       coast leaves the aquacul-
    may face a 20-centimeter         50 cm. 80 81
                                                                       ture industry bracing for
    rise by 2050, and potential      In addition, ocean acidifica-     change. 85
    predictions are up to one
                                     tion results from greenhouse
    meter by 2100. The rate
                                     gas emissions entering,
    and extent of damage from

    Canada’s urban waterfronts may
    face a 20-centimeter rise by
    2050, and potential predictions
    are up to one meter by 2100.
Photo credit: Pixabay

                                           CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                   10
The world is struggling to
    visualize a hopeful future... there
    is a renewed sense of urgency
    about the need to do something
    - to act now.

Photo credit: David Holt

    THE EMERGING                    the complex and threatening    Thunberg before world
                                    problems associated with       leaders during the 24 th UN
                                    climate change. Ecoparalysis   Framework Conference on
    ECOANXIETY                      is the feeling of hopeless-    Climate Change in 2018, is
    Under the looming threats       ness – of being incapable of   an expression of ecoanxiety.
    of climate change, an           effective action to mitigate   There have been multiple
    emerging sense of imminent      climate change. Solastalgia    student protests around
    and inescapable crisis is       refers to the feelings of      the world, and there is a
    gripping the emotional          distress and isolation         renewed sense of urgency
    and social well-being           because of the gradual loss    in news stories about the
    of our communities. 86          of one’s home environment,     need to do something – to
    Environmental philoso-          which sometimes includes       act now. Society is in a
    pher Glenn Albrecht and         climate change-related         precarious position as we
    colleagues have started to      displacement. 87 88 This       realize the full cost of indus-
    document the psychological      vocabulary provides a          trialization, rapid growth
    burden of climate change on     way of articulating human      and extended life span. The
    the mental health of people,    emotional, spiritual and       world is struggling to visu-
    manifesting in a number         psychological reactions to     alize a hopeful future. As
    of syndromes such as            the current climate crisis.    a society we must face the
    ‘ecoanxiety’, ‘ecoparalysis’                                   fact that we have created a
                                    The growing climate kids’
    and ‘solastalgia’. Ecoanxiety                                  public health emergency.
                                    movement, which was
    is the anxiety experienced
                                    highlighted in a famous
    from being surrounded by
                                    speech by 14-year-old Greta

The effects of climate          annual summer tradition.        Those with underlying respi-
change are a global             From the hundreds of            ratory conditions – the very
challenge. Canada will face,    forest fires burning in the     young and older adults – are
and is already experiencing,    Northwest Territories in 2014   the most vulnerable. Fires
some serious challenges         to the swaths of smoke from     put an increased demand on
such as forest fires, floods    British Columbian infernos      emergency departments and
and extreme heat. The           which reached across west-      hospital services, as well as
following three case studies    ern Canada over the past        on evacuation protocols.
illustrate the widespread       few years, forest fires are
societal and health                                             In 2018, Vancouver was
                                becoming all too familiar for
outcomes across Canada,                                         listed as having the fifth-
                                Canadians and for hospitals
resulting from recent natural                                   worst air quality in the
                                coping with respiratory
disasters caused by climate                                     world because of wide-
                                distress. As temperatures
change.                                                         spread wildfires in British
                                rise and droughts worsen,
                                                                Columbia. 89 In some regions
                                it is likely that we will
                                                                of BC the air quality was
                                see more intense, and
CASE STUDY 1:                   longer-lasting, forest fires.
                                                                double what is considered
WESTERN CANADA                  The immediate health
                                                                to be hazardous to human
                                                                health. 90 During the 2003
FOREST FIRES AND                effects of forest fire smoke
                                                                catastrophic fire season in
SMOKE                           are well known: shortness
                                                                BC, communities in south-
                                of breath, headaches,
Extreme forest fire seasons                                     ern BC recorded a 46% to
                                increased coughing and eye
in Canada are becoming an                                       78% increase in physician
                                irritation, to name a few.

  Photo credit: Sebastian Ronderos-Morgan

                                      CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                 12
Photo credit: Sebastian Ronderos-Morgan

   visits for respiratory-related    forced hundreds to flee from    Indigenous population
   conditions. 91 In 2018 – a        their homes. Communities,       and those who engage
   record-breaking year for          like Southend, had to evac-     in land-based activities,
   air quality advisories in the     uate their homes and begin      experienced disrupted
   province – local authori-         the 600-kilometre journey       livelihoods which impact
   ties in the Vancouver area        to Saskatchewan’s largest       their economic stability and
   reported a 120% increase          city, Saskatoon. While heli-    spiritual well-being.
   in daily physician visits         copters and ground crews
                                                                     Wildfires are becoming a
   and an 80% increase in the        fought the flames, families
                                                                     normal summer event in
   number of asthma prescrip-        were placed in temporary
                                                                     Western Canada. There are
   tions dispensed. 92 Choking       shelters in a soccer centre.
                                                                     children growing up today
   forest fire smoke has been        The Red Cross, Ministry
                                                                     who will associate summer
   responsible for an increasing     of Social Services, health
                                                                     with smoke and restricted
   number of emergency room          and justice officials as well
                                                                     outdoor activity because
   visits, primary care provider     as the City of Saskatoon
                                                                     of lengthening air quality
   visits and respiratory hospi-     collaborated to coordinate
   talizations for conditions        services and provide basic
   such as asthma and COPD. 93       amenities. 94
   The widespread and worsen-
                                     For rural Canadians, separa-
   ing effects of forest fires are
                                     tion from the land and from
   obvious to anyone living in
                                     land-based food systems
   the Western provinces over
                                     can also contribute to
   the past few years.
                                     mental and emotional stress.
   In 2018 in Saskatchewan,          Southend Saskatchewan,
   a 3,000-hectare wildfire          a community with a large

In 2018, Vancouver was
   listed as having the
   fifth-worst air quality
   in the world because of
   widespread wildfires in
   British Columbia.

Photo credit: Sebastian Ronderos-Morgan

                                   CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS   14
Climate change will cause
    a 10-20% increase in the
    intensity of flooding in New

Photo credit: Bill Lapp

    CASE STUDY 2:                   a thousand people were          sustainable livelihoods, and
                                    evacuated from their homes      a cultural loss for those
                                    as waters rose to over 5.5      who have a spring tradition
    FLOODING                        meters above their normal       of gathering fiddleheads.
    Since 2011, New Brunswick       level in the Saint John         It also represents a threat
    has experienced a three-fold    region. 97 The Department of    that flooding events pose to
    increase in the number of       Justice and Public Safety       agriculture and local jobs.
    disaster financial assistance   estimated recovery costs at
                                                                    Regrettably, Canadian
    programs triggered by           $9.6 million because of the
                                                                    scientists forecast that
    flooding. 95                    extensive damage to private
                                                                    climate change will cause
                                    and public infrastructure. 98
    In January 2018, a mixture                                      a 10-20% increase in the
                                    Water damage leads to mold
    of rain, unseasonably warm                                      intensity of flooding in New
                                    in homes, psychological
    temperatures and melting                                        Brunswick over the course
                                    distress, loss of income
    snow combined to increase                                       of this century.100 This will
                                    and property. The physical,
    water levels to record highs                                    be exacerbated by rising sea
                                    mental and financial distress
    across New Brunswick, caus-                                     levels in Atlantic Canada,
                                    is often overwhelming.
    ing widespread flooding and                                     contributing to more inland
    power outages. Thousands        Fiddleheads are a seasonal      flooding of rivers. Rising sea
    of New Brunswickers were        favourite, harvested each       levels in Atlantic Canada
    without power, some were        year from the riverbeds in      are being hastened by
    isolated due to destroyed       New Brunswick. The spring       the waterbed effect, land
    bridges, and residents of       following the flooding, the     levels slowly sink into the
    the Musquash area were          Regional Medical Health         Atlantic Ocean because of
    evacuated from their            Officer declared that           post-glaciation shifts in
    homes because of threats        fiddleheads were unfit for      the earth’s crust. For the
    to the stability of a nearby    consumptions because of         Halifax waterfront, it means
    dam. 96 In the immediate        the risk of contamination       a quadrupling in the number
    aftermath of the flooding,      from raw sewage, fuels          of floods as sea levels rise
    the Government of New           and chemicals leaked into       20 centimetres over current
    Brunswick mobilized emer-       rivers. 99 This resulted in     levels by mid-century.101
    gency assistance to test        an economic loss to many
    water and restore power to      local pickers who depend
    20,000 residents. Nearly        on seasonal work for

CASE STUDY 3:                 hot summer beginning in         worsen, such as cardiovas-
                                   May persisted relentlessly      cular disease and respiratory
                                   into September.103              disease, and can cause
     EXTREME                                                       heatstroke.107 Excessive heat
     HEATWAVE                      Southeastern Ontario and        can lead to edema, heat
                                   southern Quebec expe-
     The summer of 2018 was the                                    rash, cramps, fainting and
                                   rienced the most intense
     third warmest on record.102                                   exhaustion.108 Left untreated,
                                   heatwave in years between
     Scorching heat spanned the                                    heatstroke can even damage
                                   late June and the first week
     globe, from Japan to Russia                                   internal organs. The people
                                   of July 2018. In Quebec, in
     and the United States.                                        most at risk are older, live in
                                   the first week of July more
     Canada was no exception.                                      poverty, lack education and
                                   than 90 people died from
     In southern Canada an early                                   live in high population-den-
                                   heat-related health issues      sity urban neighbourhoods
                                   as average temperatures         with low incomes.109
                                   soared to 45 degrees Celsius
                                   with the humidex.104 105 With   In 1995, the Chicago heat-
                                   a humidex of 47 degrees         wave claimed more than
                                   in Ottawa, it was the           700 people, requiring
                                   second-warmest Canada           refrigerated trucks to handle
                                   Day on record. In Montreal      the overflow of bodies.110 In
                                   authorities reported a 30%      2003, European heatwaves
                                   increase in emergency calls     resulted in thousands of
                                   during that blistering week     deaths.111 These natural
                                   of heat.106                     disasters provide lessons
                                                                   for us as we move into an
      Photo credit:                Exposure to heat can cause      uncertain future.
      Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera     existing conditions to

     In Quebec in the first week of
     July more than 90 people died
     from heat-related health issues.

Photo credit: rawpixel

                                         CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                  16

                   Average hottest temperature of   Average number of +30°C days
                             the year                         per year
                    Recent past     High-carbon     Recent past     High-carbon
                                       future                          future
                                     2051-2080                       2051-2080
     Vancouver         29.3             34.0            1.2              13
      Calgary          31.8             36.5             4              27
       Regina          35.3             40.7             16             50
      Winnipeg         34.5             39.3             11             47
      Toronto          33.5             38.4             12             55
       Ottawa           33.1            37.7             10             49
     Fredericton       33.0             37.0             7              36
       Halifax         29.8             33.4            0.6             8.1
 Charlottetown         29.8             34.1             1              16.2
     St. John’s         28.1            31.0            0.1             1.7
     Yellowknife       28.7             32.2            0.3             3.8

                   Average coldest temperature of   Average number of days with
                              the year                     frost per year
                    Recent past     High-carbon     Recent past     High-carbon
                                       future                          future
                                     2051-2080                       2051-2080
     Vancouver          -7.9            -3.1             32              6
      Calgary          -33.1            -26.6           194             145
       Regina          -37.3            -30.9           196             158
      Winnipeg         -36.0            -29.8           189             149
      Toronto          -22.6            -16.7           132             78
       Ottawa          -30.7            -24.9           160             114
     Fredericton       -29.5            -24.6           173             118
       Halifax         -22.0            -17.6           145              91
 Charlottetown         -24.1            -18.4           156             97
     St. John’s        -17.9            -13.4           154             92
     Yellowknife       -43.6            -37.3           227             192


    WHY NURSES AND                  in addition to mental health,   inaction cannot be options.
                                    socioeconomic status and        Just as nurses advocate
                                    the built environment. While    for vaccinations to reduce
    UNIONS SHOULD                   nurses are increasingly         the spread of infectious
    TAKE ACTION                     aware of the importance of      diseases, so too must nurses
                                    the social determinants of      advocate for meaningful
                                    health, we must now go one      action by governments and
    The three case studies
                                    layer deeper to consider        corporations to transition
    presented here are just the
                                    the ecological determi-         our economy into a healthier
    beginning of a potentially
                                    nants of health. Above all,     and more sustainable future.
    devastating tale of the
                                    nurses must be equipped to
    health effects of climate                                       Working alongside different
                                    educate patients and clients
    change in Canada. There                                         stakeholders, Canada’s
                                    about the health risks of
    are numerous other exam-                                        nurses can engage in
                                    climate change and work
    ples of the broad health                                        feasible, actionable and
                                    upstream to prevent health
    impacts of climate change                                       committed strategies to
                                    crises before they occur.113
    from coast to coast to                                          build pathways towards a
                                    Our community is only as
    coast, as well as globally.                                     better and healthier future
                                    healthy as the ecological
    Canada’s nurses can expect                                      for our communities, country
                                    system upon which life
    to witness increasing illness                                   and planet.
    across Canada, directly and
    indirectly linked to climate    As previously noted, ecoanx-
    change. All body systems        iety can be a paralyzing
    are predicted to be affected,   force, however, despair and

     Canada’s nurses can engage in
     feasible, actionable and committed
     strategies to build pathways towards
     a better and healthier future.
Photo credit: Skitterphoto

                                          CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS               18
HOW NURSES                     1.1.   Work with your employers, unions and associations to
CAN TAKE                              reduce emissions and to ‘green’ your workplace.
ACTION                                1.1. Join the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
                                           ( The website provides
Below we outline several
recommendations for                        numerous resources for workplace action.
what nurses and nurses                1.2. Form ‘green teams’ in your workplaces to petition
unions can do to tackle                    for green procurement. Green procurement involves
climate change and                         demanding better purchasing decisions that reduce
prepare for this new era                   carbon footprints and encourage sustainable sourc-
of health care. Nursing                    ing in contracts and tendering processes.
educational institutions,
unions, associations and              1.3. Learn about environmental impact assessments
health care workplaces                     and other resources which you can find from the
have a role and respon-                    National Collaborating Centre for Environmental
sibility in facilitating and               Health and how they can be deployed in your
supporting these recom-                    workplaces (
mendations. The following                  health-impact-assessment-environmen-
recommendations are                        tal-health-methods-tools-and-policy-change).
non-exhaustive and
                                      1.4. Promote the divestment of pension plans from
provide nurses and nurses
                                           high-emission sectors and the investment in clean
unions with a starting-off
                                           technologies and low-emission sectors.
point for meaningful
actions to take in their
lives, their practice, their   2.
                               2.     Know about climate change science, and help educate
workplaces, their commu-              patients and the general public about it.
nities and their country.
                                      2.1. Individual nurses can learn how to counsel patients
                                          and clients about climate change and the corre-
                                          sponding health impacts so that patients and clients
                                          can take concrete information about climate change
                                          and apply it to daily life. Specifically, nurses can
                                          emphasize prevention of, and preparation for, the
                                          effects of climate events. Nurses can educate clients
                                          in individual counseling sessions, through social
                                          and traditional media and with patient educational
                                          material.114 This includes preparation for patient
                                          experiences of ecoanxiety by being equipped to
                                          offer local ways for patients to take action and
                                          provide hope.
                                      2.2. Campaign for the ecological determinants of health
                                           to be included in nursing education to prepare
                                           future generations of nurses, who will see the great-
                                           est effects of climate change. Nursing education
                                           should support a basic level of climate change
                                           literacy. Specific links between climate change and
                                           human health should be included in curricula as this
                                           education will assist nurses in their clinical practice.

3.   Call for meaningful federal and provincial actions
     to reduce and eliminate climate change-causing
     emissions to ensure Canada leads the world in imple-
     menting its obligations under the UN Framework
     Convention on Climate Change (the Paris Accord).

     3.1. Nurses can use their trusted and privileged posi-
          tions to mobilize the public and other health
          professionals to tackle the climate crisis. Using real-
          world examples from their experience brings forth
          concrete examples of the health impacts of climate
     3.2. Advocate for serious climate action from politicians
          of all political parties within the frame of climate
          change and health.
     3.3. Advocate to ensure that any plan to reduce or elim-
          inate emissions in high-emission industrial sectors
          includes and requires a just transition and equitable
          treatment for workers in those sectors to maintain
          quality of life and good job opportunities.
     3.4. Support the coal phase-out target for Canada by
          2030. Coal-powered electricity can be replaced by
         non-emitting sources, and any gap can be made
         up by lowest-emitting natural gas technology in a
         system designed to minimize methane emissions.
     3.5. Support carbon pricing as a means to encourage
          behaviour change across society and the economy,
          recognizing the true economic and health cost of air
          pollution and climate change emissions.
     3.6. Promote transitioning away from fossil fuels towards
          renewable energy. Though lucrative, investing
          now in the fossil fuel industry will have serious
          downstream costs that we, our children and our
          grandchildren will have to bear. By investing in
          renewal energy rather than in fossil fuels we are
          committing to a healthier future.

       CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                   20
                            4.   Be aware and plan for the emerging patient needs
                                 resulting from climate change and help them take
                                 action to support a healthy planet.

                                 4.1. In conjunction with local health and government
                                      officials and affiliated organizations, nurses can
                                      play a key role in identifying the most vulnerable
                                      demographic and geographic areas in relation to the
                                      changing climate. Nurses can collaborate with other
                                      professionals and experts to promote monitoring
                                      of current and future threats, with special attention
                                      given to targeted populations.115
                                 4.2. As nurses, become knowledgeable about climate
                                      change, and remember to assess patients and
                                      clients for influences outside of the domain of
                                      biological health. Be aware and factor in the impacts
                                      of upstream climate change-related determinants of
                                 4.3. Nurses can assess their clients for the psychological
                                      burden of climate change. This includes the effects
                                      of ecoanxiety, ecoparalysis and solastalgia.116 117 118
                                      Nurses can validate their patient’s experiences by
                                      naming and acknowledging their patient’s mental
                                      health burdens and providing them with hope. This
                                      includes creating a toolkit of strategies that nurses
                                      can provide patients with to help them mitigate and
                                      adapt to climate change.
                                 4.4. Be aware and prepare your workplaces for future
                                      influxes of climate refugees coming to Canada. This
                                      population may have experienced trauma or extreme
                                      environmental conditions and taken risks to enter
                                      this country.

Photo credit: Pixabay

                                   5.   Be prepared for extreme weather events.

                                        5.1. Ensure your health care workplace has evacuation
                                             and emergency response protocols in place. Is your
                                             facility ready in the case of extreme weather events?
                                             Check on the policies and inform your colleagues.
                                             Be prepared for calling in support workers, when
                                             needed. Preparing for surge capacity begins with
                                             education and awareness about the most likely
                                             climate change risks in the region and workplace,
                                             and who those risks will mostly impact.119

                                   6.   Promote active transportation and local healthy agri-
                                        culture and food systems that reduce emissions.

                                        6.1. Promote workplace infrastructure that allows for
                                             active transportation like cycling or public transpor-
                                             tation which are both beneficial for your own health,
                                             and also reduce carbon use.120
                                        6.2. Working with dietitian colleagues, nurses can advo-
                                             cate and promote healthy eating literacy, including
                                             more vegetables and whole fruit, less red meat and
                                             processed foods, and less packaging.121 Both the new
                                             Canada Food Guide and the EAT-Lancet Commission
                                             Summary Report encourage more plant-based
                                             protein, which is good for our health and for a
                                             healthy planet.
                                        6.3. Advocate for local suppliers of food and other
                                             products that contribute to a reduction in carbon
                                             demands and pollution, and benefit the local

Photo credit: Sebastian Voortman

                                           CANADIAN FEDERATION OF NURSES UNIONS                  22

We have 12 years to take meaningful
action to prevent global warming
from reaching 2 o C. The IPCC (2018)
stated that we need to cut climate
emissions by 45% by 2030, moving
to zero emissions by 2050. Our
governments have a tremendous
responsibility; we have an obligation
to support them in the policies for a
healthy planet and healthy commu-
nities. Canada is warming at twice
the rate of the rest of world, and we
must be prepared.123 The Canadian
Federation of Nurses Unions and its
Member Organizations recognize
the journey to mitigate the effects
of climate change and prepare for
the health consequences won’t be
an easy one. However, as trusted
advocates in our communities and
workplaces, Canada’s nurses have
the power to make a meaningful
difference that will last generations.
Working together we can build
a resilient and healthy future for



1 Ebi, K., Campbell-Lendrum,         climate: Sector perspectives     9 McCue, D. (2018). Growing
  D. & Wyns, A. (2018). The 1.5      on impacts and adaptation by       ‘ecological grief ’ is the
  Health Report – Synthesis on       F.J. Warren & D.S. Lemmen          mental health cost of
  Health and Climate Science in      (Eds), Ottawa: Natural             climate change. CBC.
  the IPCC SR1.5. World Health       Resources Canada.                  Retrieved from https://
  Organization. Retrieved                                     
                                   5 Toronto Public Health.
  from https://www.who.                                                 growing-ecological-grief-is-
                                     (2015). A Climate of Concern:
  int/globalchange/181008_                                              the-mentalhealth-cost-of-cli-
                                     Climate Change and Health
  the_1_5_healthreport.pdf                                              mate-change-1.4871666
                                     Strategy for Toronto.
2 Intergovernmental Panel            Retrieved from https://          10 Ebi, K., Campbell-Lendrum,
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