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© 2019 by the Urban Land Institute. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the whole or any part of the contents without
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Front cover image: Flooding in Houston after Hurricane Harvey. (istockphoto © Karl Spencer)

ULI Europe 			                         ULI Center for Sustainability and                 Heitman
131 Finsbury Pavement			               Economic Performance                              191 North Wacker Drive
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Tel: +44 (0)20 7487 9570			            Washington, DC 20036-4948                         Chicago, IL 60606			                      USA                                               USA
The Urban Land Institute is a global, member-driven organisation comprising more than 42,000
real estate and urban development professionals dedicated to advancing the Institute’s mission
of providing leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving
communities worldwide.

ULI’s interdisciplinary membership represents all aspects of the industry, including developers,
property owners, investors, architects, urban planners, public officials, real estate brokers,
appraisers, attorneys, engineers, financiers, and academics. Established in 1936, the
Institute has a presence in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific regions, with members in
80 countries.

The extraordinary impact that ULI makes on land use decision-making is based on its members
sharing expertise on a variety of factors affecting the built environment, including urbanisation,
demographic and population changes, new economic drivers, technology advancements, and
environmental concerns.

Peer-to-peer learning is achieved through the knowledge shared by members at thousands of
convenings each year that reinforce ULI’s position as a global authority on land use and real
estate. In 2018 alone, more than 2,200 events were held in about 330 cities around the world.

Drawing on the work of its members, the Institute recognises and shares best practices in
urban design and development for the benefit of communities around the globe.

More information is available at
Follow ULI on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Founded in 1966, Heitman LLC is a global real estate investment management firm with
approximately $42 billion in assets under management. Heitman’s real estate investment
strategies include direct investments in the equity or debt capitalization of a property or in the
securities of listed and publicly traded real estate companies. Heitman serves a global client
base with clients from North American, European, Middle Eastern, and Asia-Pacific institutions,
pension plans, foundations, and corporations and individual investors.

Headquartered in Chicago, with additional offices in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific,
Heitman’s more than 325 employees offer specialized expertise—from a specific discipline to
local insight.


      This report was made possible through a collaboration between ULI and Heitman. ULI and Heitman
      would like to thank the following contributors to the development of this report:

      Katharine Burgess, Vice President, Urban Resilience, Urban Land Institute
      Dr Elizabeth Rapoport, Content Director, Europe, Urban Land Institute

      The authors wish to thank the following for their advice, ideas, and input:

      Mary Ludgin, Managing Director, Head of Global Research, Heitman
      Brian Klinksiek, Director of Strategy and Research Operations, Heitman
      Laura Craft, Head of Global Sustainability, Heitman
      Lisette van Doorn, Chief Executive Europe, Urban Land Institute
      Billy Grayson, Executive Director, Center for Sustainability and Economic Performance, Urban Land Institute
      Amanprit Arnold, Senior Manager, Research and Advisory Services, Urban Land Institute
      Leah Sheppard, Senior Associate, Urban Resilience, Urban Land Institute
      Andrea Carpenter, ULI Consultant

      Senior editor: Jim Mulligan, Urban Land Institute; Manuscript Editor: Laura Glassman, Publications Professionals LLC
      Designer: Amanda D’Arcy, Sudbury Print Group

      Cars parked in the business district of a city during a snowstorm. (istockphoto © aapsky)


FOREWORD		                                                                             1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                      2
INTRODUCTION		                                                                         3
WHY CLIMATE RISKS MATTER FOR REAL ESTATE                                               5

CLIMATE RISK: THE STATE OF THE INDUSTRY                                                8
INSURING CLIMATE RISK                                                                  8
THE CHALLENGE OF INVESTMENT HORIZONS                                                   9
  A VIEW FROM THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY                                                   10
MARKET-LEVEL IMPACTS                                                                   11
INVESTMENT LOCATIONS: UNDERSTANDING ASSET RISK                                         11

MAPPING PHYSICAL RISKS                                                                 14
  CASE STUDY: ALIGNING RISK INVESTMENT HORIZONS                                        15
MITIGATION FOR ASSETS AT RISK                                                          16
  EMERGING PROPTECH FOR CLIMATE RISK                                                   19
ADAPTING ASSETS TO MITIGATE CLIMATE RISKS                                              19
  CASE STUDY: MIAMI-DADE: THE ROLE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR                                22

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE                                                                  23
DEFINITIONS		                                                                          25
NOTES		                                                                                26
CONTRIBUTORS		                                                                         28


                                                               Extreme heat increases the risk of wildfires,
                                                          as seen here near to Southern California homes.
                                                                                  (istockphoto © f00sion)


Understanding climate risk and its real           ULI’s Urban Resilience program, and Center         It is important for the industry to come
estate investment implications is a complex       for Sustainability and Economic Performance,       together as it addresses climate change.
challenge for property investors. For the         have and will continue to offer resources and      There are many opportunities to collaborate
immediate future, the world is seeing an          research addressing these issues.                  to help increase our understanding of
increase in the frequency and intensity of                                                           the topic as well as to develop common
extreme weather events due to climate             This report is the result of collaboration         standards, and to share successful strategies
change. In the longer run, the consequences       with global investment manager Heitman,            and solutions.
of climate risks such as sea-level rise and       which has developed a proactive approach
extreme heat will increasingly highlight          to address climate risks and is at the             Failure to address and mitigate climate risks
the vulnerability of individual assets            forefront of investment managers looking to        may result in increased exposure to loss as
and locations—and potentially entire              better quantify these risks. The timeliness        a result of assets suffering from reduced
metropolitan areas.                               and relevance of the topic was clearly             liquidity and lower income, which will
                                                  demonstrated by the high response rate of          negatively affect investment returns. At the
ULI has been proactive in working with            ULI members asked to participate.                  same time, investors who arm themselves
members and city officials to better assess                                                          with more accurate data on the impact
and develop mitigation strategies to counter      The research addresses the state of current        of climate risks could help differentiate
these potential risks. For example, the           practice for assessing and mitigating climate      themselves and benefit from investing
Institute published Ten Principles for Building   risk in real estate as well as highlighting best   in locations at the forefront of climate
Resilience in early 2018, and launched            practices across the industry. Although not        mitigation.
the Developing Urban Resilience website           all investors and investment managers have
( to showcase        been public about their work, many have            We hope this research will prompt more
real estate projects with resilient design        started to develop innovative strategies to        investors and investment managers to join
strategies. ULI Europe also released Climate      assess and mitigate near-term and                  the debate on how to address this critical
Change Implications for Real Estate Portfolio     long-term climate risks.                           and complex challenge.
Allocation: Industry Perspectives in 2016.
                                                                                                     Ed Walter, Global CEO, ULI
                                                                                                     Maury Tognarelli, CEO, Heitman



      An increase in the number and intensity            observed a significant impact on insurance       • Exploring a variety of strategies to
      of severe weather-related events, such as          premiums or coverage. Insurance (while             mitigate risk, including portfolio
      hurricanes and flooding, has demonstrated          sometimes expensive) has provided coverage         diversification and investing directly in the
      more clearly the real risks that climate           for most damages from catastrophic events,         mitigation measures for specific assets;
      change presents to real estate. It is an urgent    but it cannot protect them from a reduction in     and
      and complex challenge which must be                an asset’s liquidity or depreciation in value.   • Engaging with policymakers on city-level
      addressed but for which the industry does                                                             resilience strategies, and supporting the
      not yet have a clear strategy.                     As a result, investors and investment              investment by cities in mitigating the risk
                                                         managers said they acknowledged that using         of all assets under their jurisdiction.
      Both the physical and transitional risks           insurance as the main protection for asset
      associated with climate change have                value is not an effective solution to mitigate   Assessing and pricing climate risks is an
      financial impacts for real estate owners           the risk of devaluation, particularly because    evolving issue for the industry. With the
      and operators. Physical risks, such as             premiums currently are largely based on          complexity surrounding the emerging fields
      catastrophes, can lead to increased                historical analysis and are not likely to        of data and technology, many industry
      insurance premiums, higher capital                 consider future climate risks.                   players are still evaluating how best to factor
      expenditure and operational costs, and                                                              potential risks into their actions to mitigate
      a decrease in the liquidity and value of           Although insurance might provide short-term      perceived exposure and how to reflect
      buildings. Transitional risks, which center        protection, a growing group of investors and     concerns in financial projections.
      on the economic, political, and societal           investment managers are exploring new
      responses to climate change, can see               approaches to find better tools and common       Developers and owners can play an important
      locations, and even entire metropolitan            standards to help the industry get better at     role in helping the investment community
      areas, become less appealing because of            pricing in climate risk in the future. These     get better at factoring in climate risk. Those
      climate-change-related events, leading to          include:                                         exploring the issue have initially committed
      the potential for individual assets to become                                                       resources to information gathering and
      obsolete.                                          • Mapping physical risk for current              reporting to gain understanding and
                                                           portfolios and potential acquisitions;         improve awareness. However, in the coming
      Currently, some industry players making            • Incorporating climate risk into due            years, methods are likely to become more
      investments into areas with potential climate        diligence and other investment                 sophisticated. The industry needs to be
      risks have found that insurance premiums             decision-making processes;                     able to better measure the value impact
      have gone up or coverage has gone down,            • Incorporating additional physical              so it can base its future decision-making
      but they still consider the price point and risk     adaptation and mitigation measures             on a quantitative rather than qualitative
      acceptable. However, the majority has not yet        for assets at risk;                            understanding of the risks and the potential
                                                                                                          return from investing in mitigation strategies
                                                                                                          for their assets.


Many assets held by real estate investors are            2018 edition of the World Economic Forum’s       understood and being prioritized. Recent
in cities that may be vulnerable to the effects          Global Risk Landscape, which ranks societal,     weather events caused significant physical
of climate change. These effects, ranging                technological, economic, environmental, and      damages to properties and infrastructure. In
from more intense and frequent weather                   geopolitical risks, identified extreme weather   2017, the year Hurricanes Harvey and Maria
events such as hurricanes and                            events, natural disasters, and the failure of    hit the United States and storms battered
typhoons to gradual changes such as                      climate change mitigation and adaptation as      northern and central Europe, insurers paid
sea-level rise or more frequent and longer               being most likely to occur and to have the       out a record $135 billion globally for damage
heat waves, create risks for investors that              greatest impact globally.2                       caused by storms and natural disasters.3
are likely to increase over time. Globally, the                                                           This figure does not represent actual
number of extreme weather events increased               For leading real estate investors and            damages, which in the United States alone
by more than 250 percent between 1980                    investment managers, the need to                 equaled $307 billion, according to National
and 2013.1 Recognition is growing of the                 understand and develop strategies to             Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
risks these events pose to investment; the               address climate-related risks is already         estimates.4

Storm waves at Dawlish, England, breaking against sea wall.
(istockphoto © Moorefam)


                                                                                                          Awareness of and interest in this topic is

      “stillTheearlyrealin estate investment industry as a whole is
                           its development of strategies to recognize,
                                                                                                          growing, and in the coming years,
                                                                                                          understanding of this issue is expected to

       understand, and manage these [climate] risks.”
                                                                                                          increase, as are methods to incorporate
                                                                                                          climate change into real estate investment

                                                                                                          Some comparisons can be made to the
      The real estate industry is also seen as          by the costliest hurricanes decreased by          evolution of sustainability within the real
      integral in helping limit the impact of           almost 6 percent one year after the storm         estate industry. When companies started
      climate change. In October 2018, the              and by 10.5 percent two years after.9             looking at sustainability more than a decade
      Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change                                                           ago, they focused on disclosing and
      (IPCC), a global group of scientists within       This report, the result of a collaboration        reporting, which helped raise awareness
      the United Nations, released a special report     between ULI and global real estate                and understanding within the industry.
      stating that limiting the earth’s global          investment manager Heitman, looks at the          Later, the industry moved to setting standards
      temperature increase to 1.5° C above              current state of the real estate investment       on how to report and implement sustainability
      pre-industrial levels would lessen the risk       industry’s understanding of, and approach         measures. A similar path is likely to be
      of “long-lasting irreversible changes.” The       to, addressing climate risk in its investment     followed in addressing climate risks, although
      report cites changes in land use, buildings,      management and decision-making process.           these risks and their impact on real estate
      and transportation as part of the path toward     The report comprises a literature review          values are expected to be more difficult to
      this goal.5                                       and 25 interviews carried out by ULI with real    quantify.
                                                        estate investors, investment managers, and
      The actual and perceived risks of climate         investment consultants from North America,        Some industry players have already been
      change are already beginning to be reflected      Europe, and Asia-Pacific, including many          forced to adapt because climate risks have
      in residential market pricing. A 2018 study       ULI members who are industry leaders in           directly affected their portfolios. Others,
      determined that homes vulnerable to flooding      addressing climate risk.                          despite the fact that their assets have not yet
      in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South                                                          suffered from climate-related issues, have
      Carolina, and Virginia had lost $7.4 billion in   Its findings indicate a growing awareness of      started to recognize the need to
      value between 2005 and 2017. 6 . The New          climate risk and its potential impact on real     incorporate climate risk into their strategy.
      York metropolitan area experienced similar        estate among leading real estate investment       In both cases, investors see climate
      devaluation, collectively losing $6.7 billion     managers and investors. However, the real         considerations as a new layer of fiduciary
      of value in the same period because of            estate investment industry as a whole is          responsibility to their stakeholders, as well as
      increased flooding from sea-level rise.7          still early in its development of strategies      an opportunity to identify markets and assets
                                                        to recognize, understand, and manage              that will benefit from a changing climate.
      Similar studies looking at the residential        these risks and at present relies heavily
      market in Germany, Finland, and Florida           on insurance cover for the majority of the
      found that homes exposed to flood risk or         financial risks in the short term.
      sea-level rise have sold for less than
      comparable properties or have seen values         This report highlights the types of climate
      grow at a reduced rate in comparison to           risks that could affect real estate investment,
      similar properties without flood risk.8           the impacts they could have on investment
      Commercial real estate could see similar          practices and returns, and how industry
      effects, as demonstrated by recent research       leaders currently view these risks. It also
      on the United States, which found that overall    outlines some of the actions being taken to
      commercial property values in areas affected      better understand and manage these risks.


Aftermath of a hurricane in the Florida Keys.
(istockphoto © Jodi Jacobson)

The nature of climate risks—and how they         water stress are among the most easily          are not retrofitted to address climate risks.11
will affect real estate values—is a topic that   observable risks to real estate investment.     The model indicated that by 2050 the total
is still being explored by industry actors.      They are a particular concern since many        increase in energy bills from 2010 levels for
                                                 key markets for real estate investment are      the eight countries would be £457 billion. For
The table in this section summarizes the         in areas exposed to the physical impacts of     Germany, Spain, and Greece, the cost would
main types of risks that have the potential to   climate change.                                 be more than 8 percent of their gross
affect real estate investment and their                                                          domestic product.
potential impacts.                               Recent analysis by Heitman and Four Twenty
                                                 Seven, which provides market intelligence       To some extent, investors have already
The risks posed by climate change are often      on the economic risk of climate change,         begun to address transition risks as a
divided into physical risks and transition       focused on institutional exposure to climate    part of broader environmental, social, and
risks. Physical risks are those capable of       risk. They found that more than 24 percent      governance (ESG) agendas around carbon
directly affecting buildings; they include       of the National Council of Real Estate          reduction. These have been easier to justify
extreme weather events, gradual sea-level        investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Property        because many strategies to improve energy
rise, and changing weather patterns.             Index value in the United States is in          efficiency and decarbonize buildings have an
Transition risks are those that result from a    metropolitan areas whose central cities are     immediately quantifiable return on investment
shift to a lower-carbon economy and using        among the 10 percent of cities most exposed     that enhances real estate values.
new, non-fossil-fuel sources of energy. These    to sea-level rise, amounting to more than
include regulatory changes, economic shifts,     $130 billion of real estate.10                  A survey of senior executives at real estate
and the changing availability and price of                                                       investment firms carried out for ULI Europe in
resources.                                       In addition, a 2015 study published by the      2014 and 2015 about the risks that climate
                                                 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors        change could pose to their portfolios found
The location-specific physical threats posed     (RICS) modeled the potential for increased      executives were largely focused on transition
by factors such as sea-level rise, hurricanes,   costs of running a building in eight European   risks.12 In contrast, several interviewees for
wildfires and forest fires, heat stress, and     Union countries if commercial buildings there   this report asserted that physical risks are
                                                                                                 likely to be more of a focus in the future.


                          Category                                                            Potential impact
                          Catastrophic events
                          Extreme weather such as hurricanes and wildfires.                   • Costs to repair or replace damaged or destroyed assets; value impairment
                                                                                              • Property downtime and business disruption
                                                                                              • Potential for increased insurance costs or reduced/no insurance availability

                          Changes in weather patterns
       Physical risks

                          Gradual changes in temperature and precipitation—such as          • Increased wear and tear on or damage to buildings, leading to increasing
                          higher temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing frequency of 		 maintenance costs
                          heavy rain and wind, and decreased rainfall—which are likely      • Increased operating costs due to need for more, or alternative resources
                          to exaggerate the impact of catastrophic events.		 (energy and/or water) to operate a building
                                                                                            • Cost of investment in adaptation measures, such as elevating buildings or
                          		 incorporating additional cooling methods
                                                                                            • Potential for increased damages from catastrophic events
                                                                                            • Potential for increased insurance costs or reduced/no insurance availability

                          The possibility that markets vulnerable to climate change will    • Reduced economic activity in vulnerable markets
                          become less desirable over time. Rising capital costs to pay      • Reduced occupier demand for properties
                          for building and maintaining infrastructure to manage             • Reduced asset value
                          climate risks.                                                    • Potential for increased real estate taxes

                          Policy and regulation
                          Regulations to address climate change—e.g., climate risk          •    Increased cost of doing business due to new disclosure requirements
                          disclosure, tougher building standards, carbon pricing, 		             and compliance measures
                          emissions caps, changes to subsidies—as well as changing          •    Increased taxes—both those resulting from public policies such as carbon
       Transition risks

                          policies for providing funding for infrastructure or rebuilding 		     taxes and those for funding adaptation infrastructure
                          after major events.                                               •    Loss of subsidies or other funding opportunities
                                                                                            •    Additional capital investment to comply with stricter regulation

                          Resource availability
                          Changes in the availability of key resources such as energy •          Increased costs and reduced net operating income due to higher prices
                          and water, including water scarcity.		                                 for water and energy
                                                                                      •          Additional capital expenditures to adapt buildings to operate with reduced/
                          		                                                                     alternative resources

                          Reputation and market position
                          Growing stakeholder preference to work with companies        • Risk to company brand and reputation if no action taken
                          incorporating climate risk into investment decisions, and    • Lower liquidity and/or reduced attractiveness of assets that have not
                          consumer preference for real estate products incorporating 		 incorporated climate mitigation
                          climate mitigation.

Bosco Verticale, two residential towers in Milan,
Italy, which address climate change issues through
green infrastructure.(istockphoto © pierluigipalazzi)



      This section explores the research findings      According to insurance brokerage firm, 69          Accordingly, many investment managers
      on the current industry perception of climate    percent of real estate and hospitality clients     are looking to insurance partners to help
      risk and the role being played by different      had seen an increase in rates in the year          anticipate rising premiums caused by
      types of actors in the real estate investment    to the end of the third quarter 2018, with         climate risks, availability of coverage, and
      community.                                       an average rate increase of 9.1 percent.           to understand mitigation opportunities.
                                                       The insurance industry is also expected            Currently, premiums are largely levied on the
      Insuring Climate Risks                           to increase premiums as it changes how             basis of historical analysis so are not likely to
      The prevailing view among interviewees was       it funds losses. Currently, insurers tend to       take into consideration future climate risks.
      that most investment managers and investors      cross-fund property losses with other forms        Moreover, premiums usually can be adjusted
      for directly held assets currently use           of insurance premiums, a practice that has         up or down every year, and the amount of
      insurance as their primary means of              led insurers to believe that property premiums     insurance available for a property (or any
      protection against extreme weather and           are priced below their risk of losses. If          insurance at all) can change on an annual
      climate events. “Rather than limiting            property premiums are more directly related        basis.
      investment in particular areas, it’s been        to the risk of losses, this could cause some
      more a question of how to properly insure a      premiums to rise. In addition, in recent years,    Interviewees also noted that because most
      property,” noted one investment consultant.      an inward flow of alternative capital, such as     premiums have not yet been affected by
      “A few managers won’t go into certain areas,     reinsurance capital raised through insurance-      climate risk, they are not currently rewarded
      but most focus on insurance.”                    linked securities, has helped with insurance       by insurance providers for investing in
                                                       losses. If this capital decreases, disappears,     resilience or mitigation with better premiums
      However, insurance will cover damages            or seeks a higher return, property premiums        or more coverage than their less-resilient
      from catastrophic events; it will not cover      could increase.                                    peers, but hope to see this happen in the
      loss in value from a reduction in the asset’s                                                       future.
      liquidity. In general, insurance cover needs     For the future, numerous interviewees noted
      to be renewed each year, whereas investors       that they are uncertain how long insurance

      are holding properties over longer periods.      coverage will be sufficient for assets in highly
      This leaves investors exposed to climate risks   vulnerable locations. As one investment                Rather than limiting
      over the hold period and the potential for       manager noted: “A plus-4-degree [Celsius]
      investment devaluation.                          world is not insurable.” Discussing a part of
                                                                                                                       in particular
                                                       the United States that is particularly exposed     areas, it’s been more
      In some cases, where markets have been           to extreme weather, another interviewee
                                                                                                          a question of how
      affected by extreme weather, insurance           expressed his disbelief: “I find it hard to
      premiums have gone up or coverage                believe that people are capable of                 to properly insure a
      availability has gone down; however, investors
      felt that both the price point and risk were
                                                       underwriting all of these risks.”                  property.       ”
      still acceptable. Some interviewees noted that
      they have recently seen increases in their
      insurance premiums, while others anticipate
      increases given the stronger and more
      frequent storms arising from climate change.

One institutional investor noted that it has               (including beyond the interviewees’ hold                    long-term sea-level rise are unlikely to affect
recently added new procedures to ensure                    period). One investment consultant noted                    investments during their hold cycle, but that
adequate insurance for its private indirect                that clients are interested in adjusting                    increasing severity and frequency of extreme
international portfolio. Its new process                   required returns to factor in climate risk;                 weather events like storm-surge sea-level
includes ensuring that the expected and                    however, it is difficult “to get a sense of how             rise could have an immediate impact on
agreed upon insurance is in place as well as               material that added risk premium would be.”                 their assets.
requesting and reviewing policy content and
rates. “We are the only one in the industry                Predicting impacts is also challenging given                Climate risks may also ultimately become
that we know of who requests this information              the number of potential scenarios in play:                  more important to shorter-term investors as
on an annual basis,” the interviewee added.                “The impact of risks further out on                         they consider their prospects for successfully
                                                           investment are more uncertain. We know that                 exiting an investment. One investment
The Challenge of Investment Horizons                       the risk will be there, but not necessarily the             manager was not concerned about the
For industry leaders with hold periods over                locations where it is a factor, and the impact              value of an asset through its own hold period
seven to 10 years, concerns were increasing                of the risk.” Other interviewees mentioned                  but was thinking ahead to exit liquidity and
about rising costs and protecting the value                that it is challenging to quantify the effects              therefore the next buyer’s hold period.
of their investments over time. “These risks               that climate risk might have. In the words of
could hurt the long-term profitability of these            one investor: “If we can’t measure it, how do               One investor said the risks often boiled down
assets so we are protecting their                          we put a discount on it?”                                   to the lower liquidity that would occur if
[investments],” said one interviewee.                                                                                  climate-related risks appeared to be greater
                                                           Several interviewees were struggling to                     than originally thought or not properly
Interviewees were not confident that they                  reconcile the potential impacts of very long                priced. For them, addressing climate risk was
understood the potential financial impact                  term risks like sea-level rise with their hold              about keeping assets liquid and fighting the
of climate risks and therefore how best to                 periods. Not knowing when these impacts                     obsolescence that can come from buildings
prepare; it was difficult to account for impacts           may take effect made them difficult to                      being less marketable to tenants and
that could happen over the longer term                     address. Many noted that impacts like                       investors.

Buffalo Bayou Park, Houston, Texas, was designed to withstand flooding from torrential rainfalls common to the city.
Credit: Jonnu Singleton, SWA Group


      “in our
          While we have a good supply of capital in insurance due to increased confidence
              modeling, long periods of price stability should not be assumed.”

          Perhaps no other sector is seen at greater risk from climate            These insurance linked securities (ILS) provide an alternative
          change than the insurance industry. It is often assumed that            form of insurance capital for cedents looking to strengthen their
          climate change will be ruinous to insurers and will cause               balance sheets from natural catastrophe losses.
          premiums to skyrocket. In fact, the industry simply doesn’t know
          what will happen. Climate change is a serious risk to society,          Insurers are also becoming masters of their books of business
          but how it affects insurers and premiums for policyholders is a         through better understanding and pricing of risks. Tools such as
          complex process.                                                        catastrophe models offer a good starting point to assess current
                                                                                  risk, but until now, the insurance industry has relied on this type
          Most insurance policies are less than 24 months in duration and         of data from just two sources.
          premiums are adjusted based on a complex range of factors:
          available insurance capital, returns on insurers’ assets, demand        Aon, along with other insurers, is supporting the development
          for insurance, and of course, the underlying risk. Climate change       of more open source models such as the Oasis Lost Modelling
          can impact any of the components driving premiums.                      Framework to encourage a common set of standards,
                                                                                  transparency and more competition.
          Climate change will shift the tail risks for many weather perils, but
          uncertainty is widespread across many types of weather events.          Parts of the industry are also starting to recognise that the
          There isn’t a consensus on the impact climate change will have          challenge of modeling climate risks for clients won’t come from
          on tropical cyclone (hurricane/typhoon) frequency, but they are         existing modeling tools alone. It needs new start-ups to play a role
          likely to become more severe. Sea-level rise will exacerbate storm      in improving quantitative metrics for helping clients address
          surge. To date, however, there isn’t a clear trend in insurance loss    climate risks.
          data; losses vary from year to year.
                                                                                  While insurance plays a critical role in risk management, a
          What are some takeaways the insurance industry can offer                risk-financing strategy needs to look at risk mitigation and risk
          real estate owners? First, while there isn’t a clear answer on          retention. Mitigation measures could help lower premiums as it
          premiums, expect more volatility. Climate change will increase          might give more certainty around probable outcomes for individual
          weather volatility, which will reverberate through the economy.         assets. However, it has to be remembered that an effective insurer
          While we have a good supply of capital in insurance due to              will be crafting a portfolio around different types of risks, good and
          increased confidence in our modeling, long periods of price             bad. The questions for real estate owners is whether they have
          stability should not be assumed.                                        portfolios that are attractive to the widest range of risk transfer
                                                                                  capital available, and do they understand how these risks might
          Pricing is hard to predict and influenced by macroeconomic              evolve and lead to changes in risk perceptions.
          events as well as policy. Previously single large events in one
          location had a bigger impact on insurance markets globally.             Finally, the insurance and real estate industries should be asking
          With better modelling and more capital, these impacts are               if they are building things the right way and in the right places.
          highly regional now.                                                    It all comes back to understanding risk. Brokers and insurers
                                                                                  are here to help and there must be more cooperation across the
          For those looking for alternatives to extend insurance periods to       entire value chain.
          three or five years, the capital markets have provided cover for
          some types of catastrophic risk through catastrophe bonds.              — Greg Lowe, Global Head of Resilience and Sustainability, Aon

Market-level Impacts                                                                                  Investment Locations: Understanding
Interviewees identified potential impacts at
the market, portfolio, and asset levels. At the   “managers]
                                                     We rely on [our
                                                             to be the
                                                                                                      Asset Risk
                                                                                                      While awareness of climate risk is growing,
market level, one investment manager had                                                              none of the investors interviewed for this
attempted to investigate whether yield differs    experts in relation to                              research ruled out investment in assets
for assets in areas where physical risks are                                                          in otherwise attractive markets solely
higher, but found that even if a correlation
                                                  managing risks and                                  because of climate risk. Overall, interviewees
existed, a causal link to climate was difficult   opportunities in their                              anticipated that the attractiveness of coastal
to demonstrate isolated from other factors
that might be affecting that market.
                                                  own portfolios.           ”                         markets vulnerable to climate risks like
                                                                                                      sea-level rise could fall in the future, but
                                                                                                      interest is unlikely to subside in the near-
One investment manager familiar with                                                                  and mid-term. A global investment manager
Moody’s 2017 report13 warning cities to           This does not mean that investors are not           that assesses all new properties against an
invest in resilience or face downgrades in        interested in their managers’ approach to this      internal set of risk indicators that includes
their bond rating, noted that one year after      issue. One large institutional investor said that   climate risk noted that although a low score
this report no AAA city has actually been         an investment manager’s approach to climate         in this area had downgraded the overall risk
downgraded, but this interviewee believed         and ESG risks more broadly is important to          score of otherwise attractive cities, climate
that eventually this would happen. At the         remaining competitive, particularly when            risks on their own were not enough to rule out
asset level, although physical risks in terms     making long-term investments in unlisted            many investments.
of possible storm damage can be examined,         property. Several investors interviewed also
predicting and quantifying what the impact        mentioned that they evaluate their investment       In part, this view reflects pragmatism about
could be are still difficult. That being said,    managers’ approach to climate risk as part of       where the core markets for real estate
a change in approach—by the insurance             overall checks on their investment process.         currently are. “The vast majority of what we
industry, by a global rating agency, or by                                                            consider core assets or core markets are in
local or national governments shifting            Many interviewees reported that a small             the coastal gateway areas. There’s only so
policies on funding recovery needs after          number of investors are actively working to         much that you can diversify away from that,”
a disaster—could lead to significant              push the industry to take climate risk into         noted one investment consultant. That said,
market shifts.                                    account. Some of the investment managers            interviewees emphasized the need to invest
                                                  interviewed found these investors’ efforts          in a “sensible” and “smart” way in markets
Investors and Investment Managers—                particularly helpful for raising awareness.         where physical risks from climate change
Working Together on Portfolio Risk                One investor has this year, for the first time,     are evident. The challenge to doing so is
The institutional investors interviewed for       sent investment managers across all asset           anticipating what the risk premium could
this research were consistent in their view       classes a questionnaire specifically about          be—something which most interviewees
that they expect their investment managers        how they are managing climate risk.                 felt was not sufficiently understood.
to take the lead in monitoring the potential
impact that climate risk could have on their      For investment managers, the drive to more          Most interviewees noted that growing
portfolios. Investors rely on the local           effectively manage climate risk is motivated        awareness of climate risk will influence
market expertise of their managers to             by its potential impacts on the portfolio.          investment strategies, but in more nuanced
understand risks, including those related to      For some, it is also about getting ahead of         ways than simply ruling out investing in a
extreme weather and climate. “We have to          questions that may arise from their investors.      particular location. For example, an
trust our partners on this,” reported an          The head of sustainability at a global              investment consultant posited that investors
investment director at one institutional          investment manager, discussing his                  might adjust their strategies in vulnerable
investor. An ESG specialist at another            company’s introduction of scenario                  cities, focusing on particular submarkets such
institutional investor concurred. “We’re not      models for some assets, said: “We are doing         as those further inland. Numerous
going to restrict our managers . . . We rely      this to be proactive. We want to be able to         interviewees also noted that their attitude
on them to be the experts in relation to          understand what the upper bound of the              and approaches could change, particularly
managing risks and opportunities in their         value impact is, so we can adjust for it with       with increased frequency of major events like
own portfolios.”                                  our investment strategy before getting the          hurricanes, better data on the likelihood of
                                                  question from all our investors.”                   future storms, or decreased access to
                                                                                                      affordable insurance coverage.


                                                          Impact of Super Typhoon Mangkhut on a Hong Kong building.
                                                                                           (istockphoto © winhorse)

Broadly speaking, real estate has a built-in        chance to fight obsolescence and                  risks, especially market risk if a particular
ability to adapt to climate change because of       differentiate their assets even in more           city, region, or country is not taking action to
the nature of the asset class. Unlike bonds         vulnerable areas, which could help prevent        reduce the threats to assets in their
or shares, property’s heterogeneity, limited        locations being ruled out for investment.         jurisdiction. More than one interviewee noted
stock, and the ability to actively manage                                                             that willingness to invest in cities with climate
assets give investors and investment                As discussed in the previous section, the         vulnerabilities hinged on seeing a proactive
managers more ability to adapt by making            risks to real estate investment go beyond just    approach by local government, including a
properties resilient. This gives owners the         the physical. Investors also face transition      commitment to invest in infrastructure.

    One evolving issue for investors and investment managers will            TCFD’s supporters had a combined market capitalization of $7.9
    be how to report to their stakeholders on climate-related                trillion, and supporting financial firms are responsible for nearly
    financial risks.                                                         $100 trillion in financial assets.15 Currently, only a handful of
                                                                             real estate investment managers have expressly said they issue
    Publicly listed companies have been reporting on their climate           TCFD-compliant reports, but those participating are among some
    mitigation and overall sustainability and social responsibility          of the leading global real estate players.
    efforts for more than a decade through a number of global
    reporting frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative,         Although the landscape for reporting climate-related risks is
    the Carbon Disclosure Project (now just CDP), and other                  currently a crowded one, many investors surveyed appreciate the
    standards. Companies have also looked to refine this                     wealth of available ESG data available on real estate companies,
    reporting to be integrated into annual financial disclosures,            and they are integrating climate reporting into their investment
    following standards like the Sustainability Accounting Standards         decisions.
    Board (SASB), the UN Principles for Responsible Investment
    (UNPRI), and alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development             Currently, most of them are leveraging a combination of public
    Goals and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights             reporting through GRESB and CDP and using their own internal
    (UNGP). In real estate, many publicly listed real estate                 due diligence on a potential investment’s ESG programs and
    investment trust (REITs) and investment funds also report to the         performance. Investors participating in SASB and TCFD are
    Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), which               hopeful that these standards will provide some consistency to
    focuses on helping real estate investors assess the sustainability       climate risk and mitigation reporting and help provide more
    of their real estate holdings.                                           audit-quality data on their current and potential investments.
                                                                             While most investors surveyed have said they are hopeful that a
    A recent addition to this sustainability reporting landscape is the      standard will emerge to unify climate risk reporting, for now they
    Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD). Managed                plan to use multiple data sources to inform their decision-making
    by the G20’s Financial Stability Board, an international forum           on climate risk.
    that coordinates financial authorities to increase the stability of
    international markets, TCFD was created to raise market                  GRESB also recently launched a real estate Resilience Module. Its
    awareness of climate-related financial risks and opportunities14         development was motivated by two key factors: to meet growing
    and to help drive consistent reporting on climate-related risks          demand for information on resilience, and to increase access to
    across all industries.                                                   information about strategies used to assess and manage risks
                                                                             from social and environmental shocks and stressors, including the
    It is supported by more than 500 firms and associations from             impact of climate change.
    across different industries globally. It is a voluntary program that
    lays out recommendations for consistent disclosures that help
    firms understand their financial risk and increase transparency for
    investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders.



      For the most part, leading companies in the       that longer-term temperature increases or       most noted they have not yet determined how
      industry are not establishing new policies        increased wear and tear on buildings could      to integrate the information presented into
      and processes on climate risk. Rather, they       have on operating and capital expenditure       decision-making processes.
      are modifying existing decision-making            requirements. The ultimate objective for the
      and management processes to add climate           investment community is to understand how       Interviewees also mentioned that for global
      and extreme weather-related factors to            climate will affect asset liquidity and, as a   investors, variations in the coverage, quality,
      those being considered alongside other            result, returns, in terms of both income and    and methods used to produce data relevant
      risks and opportunities. Many interviewees        capital growth.                                 to climate risk around the world were a
      noted that responding to climate risk will be                                                     barrier to understanding the risks. In addition,
      a longer-term process, as understanding           Several firms described natural catastro-       much of the data available relies on historical
      improves among their teams and investment         phe indices and screenings that they are        observations, which can have limited value
      committees, and experimental processes are        developing to analyze climate risk. In some     for predictive modeling looking 10 to 20
      formalized. This section summarizes some          cases, these exercises are building on past     years, let alone 50 to 80 years, into the
      of the solutions currently being implemented      risk analyses that studied risks of storms,     future.
      by investors and investment managers, as          drought, and other environmental hazards,
      well as in-depth case studies drawn from          but may not have factored in the likely         The aim of these mapping analyses is to
      Heitman’s experience.                             increased frequency and intensity of events     pinpoint physical risk, quantify it, and
                                                        in the future due to climate change. Some       understand the financial impact that climate
      Mapping Physical Risks                            have also taken this a step further to model    risk could pose. In the long run, argued an
      Many leading investment managers and              financial implications, such as the potential   interviewee, identifying climate risk could be
      institutional investors are undertaking           for increased insurance premiums in             more impactful in the investment process
      flood, resilience, and climate vulnerability      high-risk areas, though many interviewees       than its current practice of looking at whether
      scans of their portfolios. These mapping          noted they had challenges associated with       a building has a sustainability certification.
      exercises seek to identify the impacts of         doing this.                                     While sustainability often focuses largely on
      physical climate risks on their properties,                                                       operations, climate risk addresses broader
      including sea-level rise, flooding, heavy         Many investors and investment managers          trends that could ultimately have a greater
      rainfall, water stress, extreme heat, wildfire,   are starting to use analytical mapping          effect on property valuations.
      and hurricanes. Potential impacts being           exercises to provide a new way to look at
      considered range from physical access and         their portfolios and understand the             Another benefit of this type of mapping
      business disruption for tenants to the effects    vulnerabilities of their assets. However,       would be to help investors and investment
                                                                                                        managers identify locations that may be
                                                                                                        affected less by climate change or more

                                                                                                        resilient to it. These locations and assets may
                              objective is to understand how climate                                    well benefit from a pricing premium over
                        asset liquidity and, as a result, returns, in                                   time. Better data and analysis could also lead

       terms of both income and capital growth.”
                                                                                                        to a larger price differentiation between cities
                                                                                                        that have higher climate risks and those with
                                                                                                        lower risks.

   When Heitman began seeking greater climate risk transparency             From the available partners in this emerging industry, Heitman
   to improve its investment decisions and manage asset- and                selected Four Twenty Seven, a provider of market intelligence on
   portfolio-level risk, it found that currently available data were not    the economic risk of climate change, to screen assets and
   granular enough to assess the extent to which an asset is resilient      potential new acquisitions and map climate risks around the
   in the face of today’s climate change realities.                         world.

   Currently, climate-risk assessment typically relies on insurance         These new climate risk mapping tools enable Heitman to screen
   models and public data sets, where historical occurrences are            its current portfolio and potential new acquisitions using historical
   the basis for modeling the risk of natural disasters, though data        weather and environmental risk data, as well as forward-looking
   availability, accuracy, and transparency vary globally.                  climate models, to build an overall view of climate-related risks
                                                                            for Heitman’s properties, encompassing both acute and chronic
   Since many insurance premiums renew annually, insurance                  risks. For example, floods are mapped in 30-meter by 30-meter
   companies take a short view and price risk only one year out             (98 ft by 98 ft) zones. “A property on one side of the street could
   based on probable weather and environmental risk. Institutional          have a higher risk score for flooding than the other, reflecting
   investors in property must consider longer-term risk that spans          differences in elevation or proximity to a local water body,” said
   longer holding periods.                                                  Laura Craft, head of global sustainability at Heitman.

   Heitman turned to scientific climate models that project                 Each asset is allocated a score from zero to 100 based on
   long-term, global climate change impact and help clarify changing        multiple dimensions—including risk related to cyclones, floods,
   exposure for both acute, extreme weather events and chronic,             earthquakes, sea-level rise, heat stress, and water stress—and
   industry-disrupting fluctuations, such as rising sea levels.             then benchmarked to these dimensions using a proprietary
   However, scientific models can be challenging to access and              database of over 1 million properties.
   apply to a large portfolio of real assets.
                                                                            Heitman can now use these climate risk mapping tools to gain a
   To help address these challenges, Heitman sought expertise from          better perspective of the risk profile and exposure of each asset
   an emerging industry that combines next-generation climate               and portfolio than what is provided through readily available
   maps with real estate data, thereby providing them with the best         data. Armed with this data, real estate investors can pinpoint
   tools to begin effectively assessing and preparing for climate risk.     areas most vulnerable to risk and, through further due diligence,
                                                                            determine if risk factors have been mitigated at the property and
                                                                            municipal level (see page 17).

Due Diligence and Other Investment                 asset is located. Factors considered include       investment manager has recently
Decision-Making Processes                          the ability of property owners in that location    incorporated a “catastrophe score” into its
Issues such as flood risk have long been part      to manage the risks and the ability of the         ESG checklist, which addresses flood and
of due diligence for investment decisions.         country in which it is located to deal with a      wind risk, with climate risk incorporated,
The likely impact of climate change on             potential event. The composite score for an        alongside risks of earthquakes and terror-
existing environmental risks has not always        area, which may range from low to extreme,         ism. These scores help determine what the
been incorporated, but many interviewees           is considered in the due diligence process.        necessary level of insurance coverage should
predicted that this will soon change.              To date, reported the interviewee, this            be to protect against damage loss. Firms may
                                                   process has not resulted in any proposed           also include a risk premium in their required
One global investment manager has, in              acquisitions being ruled out.                      returns to account for climate risk. One
recent years, examined each acquisition                                                               interviewee noted that transparency indices
against a proprietary environmental risk           Other investment managers and institutional        often considered in the due diligence process,
tool created by an industry consultant that        investors interviewed noted the increasing         such as JLL’s Real Estate Transparency Index,
includes, among other risks, a climate             use of ESG or sustainability indices during        could be updated to explicitly address climate
change risk index. Using modeling, the index       due diligence and suggested that these             issues.
rates the climate change vulnerability over        present a ripe opportunity for more formal
the next 20 years for the area in which the        consideration of climate risks. One


          A 2018 study by climate analytics firm Four Twenty Seven in             In the near-term, REITs investing in resilience can look to
          partnership with GeoPhy, a real estate technology company,              co-benefits from the investments (including minimized damages
          assessed 73,500 properties owned by 321 REITs and found that            weather events, long-term operating expense stability, reduced
          35 percent of REIT properties globally are geographically exposed       utility expenses, and enhanced tenant experience) as well as
          to climate hazards, including inland flooding (17 percent),             reputational benefits with investors and the cities in which the
          typhoons or hurricanes (12 percent), and coastal flooding and           REITs operate. Longer-term, many REITs looking to attract
          sea-level rise (6 percent).16                                           large-scale private capital and institutional investment believe
                                                                                  they will be required to show that they have assessed and
          This report helped highlight the geographic exposure to                 worked to mitigate climate risks to pass the investment screens
          climate risk of some primarily coastal REITs, but did not               for these investors.
          assess properties’ current or planned resiliency efforts, or the
          investments planned by cities to help mitigate asset-level climate      At the city scale, investments made (or not made) by cities and
          risks. For REITs looking to reduce their climate risk, asset-level      regions will have a significant impact on the future climate risk
          and public investment in resilience will all have a significant         for REITs and real estate. One global REIT interviewed pointed
          impact on their specific climate risks.                                 out that its assets are concentrated in cities that have pledged to
                                                                                  invest more than $5 billion in resilient infrastructure in the next
          Investors are beginning to ask REITs how they are incorporating         10 years. Another REIT expressed concern that while they have
          climate risk into their investment and development strategies. At       invested tens of millions in asset-level resilience, some cities in
          the asset level, one challenge is weighing the cost of mitigating       which they operate have been slow to commit to infrastructure
          climate risk with the benefits to that asset over time. Is the          investments that will make these asset-level investments pay off.
          market ready to reward proactive investors with better capital
          terms, lower insurance premiums, or better tenant attraction and        Climate models cannot project whether cities will meet their
          retention? Viewpoints from REITs suggest not; several expressed         resilience investment plans but as the market starts to see how
          frustration that investments in asset-level resilience did not come     these preventive investments at the asset and the city levels can
          with a clear, consistent decrease in insurance premiums, or any         lead to avoided losses, these mitigation activities should help
          clear signal that tenants would pay more for (or even prefer) a         refine the risk profile of REITs and other real estate assets in
          more resilient building.                                                geographies with a higher climate risk.

      Another interviewee, an investment manager         on future capex, run climate change               manager began to move backup generators
      for a European firm that invests globally in       scenarios, and make sure your data visibility     to higher floors and to modify water-pumping
      REITs, noted that climate risk analysis in due     is good enough to make long-term deci-            systems. Similar changes were made by
      diligence helped it determine what future          sions.”                                           many building owners and managers in
      capital expenditure liabilities might be for                                                         New York City after Hurricane Sandy.17
      companies in which they might consider             Mitigation for Assets at Risk
      investing. The firm uses climate risk as one       Many investment managers indicated they           Some interviewees proposed that for assets
      of the factors considered when assigning           are exploring how climate mitigation              in markets or areas flagged as high risk,
      grades to the management teams that                strategies—such as seawalls, dikes,               the due diligence process should include an
      determine whether or not it will invest in a       building hardening, increased elevation,          assessment of the potential need for such
      REIT. Although climate risk has not yet been       and additional cooling systems—can be             capital expenditures, which could then be
      the determining factor in deciding against         incorporated into properties to improve their     incorporated into valuations. One investment
      investing in a REIT, this interviewee argued       resilience and reduce the risk of losses or       manager interviewed is doing so on an ad
      that the approach being taken by most REITs        business interruption during a major weather      hoc basis and commissioning additional
      to address climate issues is insufficient,         event. For example, after the 2013 floods         studies about potential interventions from
      stating that “you have to do proper analysis       in Alberta, Canada, a global investment           engineering consultants where required.

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