Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...

Page created by Darrell Craig
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
Common home accidents
how to avoid them

Down But Not Out
How to make it through a
power outage unscathed

   A Special Supplement to   Effects Of Pandemics
                             Facts and figures about
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
2 Saturday, January 30, 2021                                         EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                                                        Portsmouth Daily Times

                                                                        Understanding weather
                                                                                                         water can form and rip through anything       Tornadoes
                                                                                                         in their path, states the National Weather    Tornadoes form a concentrated, highly vola-
                                                                                                         Service. Flooding is dangerous while it is

                                                                                                                                                       tile and rapidly rotating column of air that is
           eather emergencies can happen         averages for a given area. High-pressure                happening, but also afterwards, as live       in contact with both the surface of the Earth
           at any time of year and in any part   systems trap air in one place as it warms,              wires, waste and debris can pose their own    and a cloud. National Geographic says their
           of the world. Learning to recog-      leading to a heat wave. While heat waves                hazards.                                      winds may top 250 miles per hour and affect
 nize the most common weather hazards            may not seem especially dangerous, the                                                                pathways up to a mile wide and 50 miles
 can help people confront adverse weather        NOAA says they kill more people than all                Hurricanes
                                                                                                                                                       long. Tornadoes have been reported in vari-
 situations more capably.                        other weather-related disasters combined.               Hurricanes are destructive and danger-
                                                                                                                                                       ous countries, but are most often seen in the
                                                                                                         ous storms that may be referred to as
                                                                                                                                                       United States.
 High temperatures                               Floods                                                  “cyclones” and “typhoons” in other parts of
 High temperatures are experienced during        A flood is a major weather hazard that                  the world. These storms cause high winds,     Additional weather hazards include earth-
 the summer in many parts of the world.          is caused by heavy rainfall over a given                flooding, heavy rain, and tidal surges. Un-   quakes, blizzards, wildfires, mudslides, and
 Heat waves occur when high temperatures         area in a short period of time. During                  like some other storms, hurricanes can be     even run-of-the-mill thunderstorms. Under-
 stick around for two or more days, advises      a flood, water does not drain quickly                   tracked for days prior to making landfall.    standing storms can help people recognize
 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric            enough. Flooding occurs rather suddenly                 That means people have ample time to          the appropriate measures they can take to
 Administration. To qualify as a heat wave,      and has the potential to cause loss of life             take the necessary steps to stay safe when    stay safe should they find themselves in the
 temperatures have to exceed the historical      and property damage. Raging torrents of                 they’re in the path of a hurricane.           line of an adverse weather event.

                 951 Vern Riffe Drive, Lucasville, OH 45648

          • 740.259.5526

   Preparing Our Community For Emergencies

   Firefighter Classes-From Volunteer to Instructor

   CPR & First Aid

   Public Safety Technologies -
   Security Guard to Police Force
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
Portsmouth Daily Times   EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                              Saturday, January 30, 2021 3

Tools that can keep                                                                        which can reduce the risk of overheated
                                                                                           products and house fires.

people safe at home
                                                                                           Flood and leak detector
                                                                                           The financial information and wellness re-
                                                                                           source Canstar says leakages, burst pipes
                                                                                           and other water-related issues in a home
                                                                                           are one of the more common home emer-
                                                                                           gencies. Water damage can cost between
                                                                                           hundreds and thousands of dollars depend-
                                                                                           ing on how invasive the water problem is.
                                                                                           Catching a leak or flood in a home early on
                                                                                           is essential.
                                                                                           Water leak detectors are designed to detect
                                                                                           a potential flood or leak at an early stage so
                                                                                           homeowners can take action. Sensors may
                                                                                           sound an alarm or be connected to a WiFi
                                                                                           system to send an alert to a mobile device.

                                                                                           Carbon monoxide and
                                                                                           gas detection
                                                                                           It is vital that homeowners install carbon
                                                                                           monoxide detectors in their homes. Carbon

                                                                                           monoxide is odorless and colorless, and
                                                  omes should be sanctuaries for their     can cause poisoning that slowly suffocates
                                                  inhabitants. Keeping homes safe and      a person. It also is combustible.
                                                  sound requires both maintenance          Carbon monoxide devices cannot detect a
                                          and some caution designed to make homes          gas leak, but gas detectors can. They are
                                          less vulnerable to potentially costly issues.    a wise addition for people who have a sig-
                                          Promptly addressing maintenance issues           nificant number of natural gas appliances,
                                          around the house can reduce the risk of          or those who have older, gas-powered ap-
                                          accident or injury. In addition, various items   pliances.
                                          can alert homeowners to problems they
                                          may not otherwise recognize before issues        Sump pump alarm
                                          jeopardize residents’ health or take a turn      A sump pump can mean the difference be-
                                          for the costly.                                  tween a flooded basement and a dry floor.
                                                                                           Homeowners may not recognize a sump
                                          Auto shut-off features                           pump malfunction during a power outage,
                                          Who hasn’t left the house only to worry          and clogs also may not be detectable until
                                          an hour or so later about whether the cof-       the basement floods. Sump pump alarms
                                          fee pot was turned off or the straightening      incorporated into the system alert home-
                                          iron was unplugged? When shopping for            owners that something is amiss.
                                          personal care items or appliances, seek          Homeowners can rely on devices and other
                                          out models that have automatic shut-off          tools to prevent their homes from being
                                          features. This safety feature will power         damaged and themselves and their
                                          down the unit after a certain amount of time,    families safe.

                                                        For as long as people show valor in their actions to
                                                         protect others, there will be hope for our society.

                                                                   Thank you for your service.

                                                                                              Portsmouth Police Department
                                                                                                  Debra Brewer - Police Chief
                                                                                                            (740)353-4101 or

                                                                                                    call 911 in an emergency
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
4 Saturday, January 30, 2021                                           EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                                                        Portsmouth Daily Times

    Don’t miss a
    beat during a
    power outage
                                                     recent year for data, customers expe-
                                                     rienced an average of 1.3 interruptions
                                                     and went without power for around four
                                                     When a storm strikes or an accident
                                                                                                            generator can be hard-wired to a home’s
                                                     knocks out electric power lines or other
                                                                                                            electrical system and automatically en-       During a power outage
                                                     infrastructure, it may take much longer for                                                          Report the power outage to the power
                                                                                                            gage should a power outage occur.
                                                     power to be restored. During Superstorm                                                              company if it seems localized; otherwise,
                                                     Sandy in 2012, more than eight million                                                               wait for updates to see who is affected.
                                                     people lost power and outages lasted for               Prepare in advance
                                                                                                            In anticipation of a power outage, stock      Try to remain cool or warm if the HVAC
                                                     days in some major cities. Outlying areas                                                            system is not functioning. Pool resources
                                                     were without power for weeks, according                up on battery-powered devices like flash-
                                                                                                            lights, lanterns and radios. Charge mo-       by having everyone in the family gather in
                                                     to National Geographic. It’s important to
                                                                                                            bile phones and other devices so they’re      one room of the house. Older adults and
                                                     know how to handle a power outage to
                                                                                                            at 100 percent power.                         children are especially vulnerable to ex-
                                                     keep everyone safe and comfortable until
                                                                                                            Keep a cache of nonperishable food            treme temperatures.
                                                     power can be restored.

                                                                                                            available and plan to use any perishable      Maintain food supplies that do not require
           hort-term power outages can be a                                                                                                               refrigeration, including two gallons of
                                                     Invest in a generator                                  items that are in the refrigerator first. A
           minor inconvenience. A long-term                                                                                                               bottled water per individual. People who
           power outage can cause a major            If you live in an area that is affected by             refrigerator can keep food cold for about
                                                     frequent power outages, a power genera-                four hours after power has ceased, states     take refrigerated medications should only
    disruption to daily life.                                                                                                                             ingest drugs that have been at room tem-
                                                     tor may prove a worthwhile investment.       , while a freezer can keep the
    The U.S. Energy Information Administra-                                                                                                               perature until a new supply is available,
                                                     Generators come in two basic types.                    temperature for about 48 hours if full.
    tion’s Annual Electric Power Industry Re-                                                               Packing these appliances with ice or fro-     advises the Centers for Disease Control
                                                     A portable generator can be rolled into
    port says interruptions in electric service      place and uses gasoline as fuel. Plug in a             zen bottles of water can help.                and Prevention.
    vary by frequency and duration across            set number of household items, depend-                 Purchase books, board games and               Power outages routinely occur and require
    the many electric distribution systems           ing on the amount of power the appli-                  puzzles to have activities to pass the time   planning and safety precautions until
    that serve the country. In 2016, the most        ance can accommodate. A whole-house                    until power resumes.                          power is restored.

                                       FURNACES • HEAT PUMPS • AIR CONDITIONERS • REFRIGERATION
                                                                                                             First Responders:
                                                    LUCASVILLE, OH                                           Heroes on the Homefront
                                                When you need someone you                                    To all the First Responders
          OH #26659 WV #WV032096 KY #M03215
                                                 can count on. Since 1984                                    that selflessly give of
                                                                                                             themselves day after day,
                                                                                                             Thank You.

                                                                                                                                  VILLAGE OF NEW BOSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                             3982 RHODES AVENUE, NEW BOSTON, OH 45662 • (740) 456-4107 • CHRIS DAVIS, FIRE CHIEF
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
Portsmouth Daily Times                                       EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                           Saturday, January 30, 2021 5

8 steps for a successful
evacuation plan
         Learn which types of disasters are likely in
         the area where you live or work. Investigate
         community and local shelter plans for each

         Check with local officials to determine if
         shelters are currently available. COVID-19
         may have altered community or city ordi-

         nances for shelter usage and other evacu-                    The Insurance Information Institute advises
         ation plans.                                                 taking a home inventory in the event that
                                                                      you need to apply for disaster aid or file an
                                                                      insurance claim. Store this inventory with

         Identify where everyone can go in the event                  other important paperwork, and make a
         of an evacuation. Have a few alternative                     digital copy to store on a cloud service.
         lodging plans in place, including the homes
         of family and friends in another town or
         city, a hotel, or a shelter. Store the phone

         numbers for these locations in your phone                    Check in with an out-of-area fam-
         or write them down in a readily accessible                   ily member or contact so that others
         notebook with other important information.                   know your plan.

         Designate a meeting spot outside of a home
         or business that is a safe distance from the
                                                                      Conduct a real time test to get out of the
         building. Each family member or work asso-                   building. Aim for evacuating in just 10 min-
         ciate should know to report to that meeting                  utes with family and belongings. Don’t for-
         spot so everyone can reassess their options                  get to include pets in evacuation tests.
         together.                                                    Evacuation plans may never be called into
                                                                      action, but they are an important component
                                                                      of disaster preparation.
         Pack “go bags” that include key materials per-
         tinent to you. In addition, pack a first aid kit,
         bottled water, flashlights, cherished photos,
         identification/travel documents, wills/deeds,
         banking documents, and a laptop.

                                                                                          We Appreciate Our Police
          o one wants to envision a catastrophic event suddenly wreak-
          ing havoc on their home or business. While the thought may                                                    Every day, our nation’s police officers
          be unpleasant, it is vital that homeowners and business own-                                                put their lives on the line to protect our
   ers develop evacuation plans to ensure everyone gets out safely                                                    neighborhoods and keep us safe. The
   should disaster strike., an emergency preparedness site sponsored by the
                                                                                                                      positive impact of their service and
   United States government, notes that there are many kinds of emer-                                                 dedication to our communities and our
   gencies that can result in evacuation. Fires, storms and floods may                                                country is invaluable, and we owe them the
   require evacuation. Travelers Insurance notes it is essential to de-                                               full measure of our respect and gratitude.
   velop a plan to get out of a home or other structure on short notice,                                                The Village of New Boston Police Department
   and that such plans must be in place and noted before individuals                                                  Steve Goins, Police Chief • William D. Williams, Jr, Mayor
   find themselves in emergency situations.                                                                                               740-456-4109

                                                                                       HERE TO PROTECT AND SERVE OUR COMMUNITY
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
6 Saturday, January 30, 2021                                           EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                                           Portsmouth Daily Times

Recovering from a
medical emergency
                                                                                                 aintaining one’s health and well-         feel ashamed.
                                                                                                 being is a top priority for people        Plan for rest. Rest is a large part of recov-
                                                                                                 from all walks of life. Equally im-       ery. You may need to take time off from
                                                                                        portant is knowing what to do in the case          work or other responsibilities. If necessary,
                                                                                        of medical emergencies.                            ask someone to advocate on your behalf,
                                                                                        In the United States, the Centers for Dis-         finding out if your position is secure and if
                                                                                        ease Control and Prevention indicates that         you are eligible for temporary financial as-
                                                                                        42 percent of the public visit the emer-           sistance.
                                                                                        gency room annually. While some visits
                                                                                        are for conditions that can be treated in          Seek professional help. If you are feel-
                                                                                        less urgent settings, many visits take place       ing mentally overwhelmed from the emer-
                                                                                        during legitimate medical emergencies.             gency event, so much so that it interferes
                                                                                        Medical illnesses and emergencies can be           with regular life, consult with a mental
                                                                                        high-stress, traumatic events. The chal-           health expert, advises WebMD.
                                                                                        lenges of recovering from a serious injury         Retrofit your home accordingly. Some
                                                                                        may leave some people feeling over-                medical emergencies may require ad-
                                                                                        whelmed and helpless. The more informed            ditional equipment be brought in to a
                                                                                        patients are about their recoveries, the           home, especially when mobility has been
                                                                                        more prepared they are to confront them            adversely affected. Don’t hesitate to make
                                                                                        head on.                                           these changes, as they may facilitate a
                                                                                        Ask for a timeline. Speak with the doc-            speedy recovery.
                                                                                        tors and nurses about what recovery will           Exercise regularly. When it’s safe to do
                                                                                        entail and how long you may need to be             so, getting out and moving can be help-
                                                                                        on rest or light duty. Knowing the timeline        ful. Deep breathing, gentle stretching and
                                                                                        can provide insight into how long your             walking can help your body gradually
                                                                                        recovery will take and how long you might          reacclimate to being physically active. If
                                                                                        need some help from your support net-              you are working with a physical therapist,
                                                                                        work.                                              follow his or her guidelines for regaining
                                                                                        Put together a support team. Don’t hesi-           strength.
                                                                                        tate to rely on family members or friends          A medical emergency can sideline a
                                                                                        during the recovery process. Loved ones            person for some time. Working through
                                                                                        will want to help, and accepting such help         recovery step by step can make the entire
                                                                                        should not make anyone                             process more manageable.

  Village of New Boston Services Department
        3980 Rhodes Ave. New Boston 740-456-4103
           Steve Hamilton, Village Administrator
   Some accidents can’t be prevented. That’s why being prepared is
            your best defense against a natural disaster.
              What can you do to prepare for the unexpected?
              Keep an emergency kit ready in your home. It should include
              enough nonperishable food and water for at least three days, along
              with a flashlight, battery-operated radio, batteries, medicines,
              cash, and first-aid and sanitation supplies.
              The Flood Defense System in New Boston is maintained and
              operated by the New Boston Village Service department. It is                              From Sheriff David Throughman and the Scioto County Sheriff ’s Office

              being accredited by FEMA and the Army Corp of Engineers which                                           Emergency: 911 / Business: (740)355-8277
              maintains periodic inspections.                         OH-70221220
                                                                                                                       1025-16th St. Portsmouth Ohio 45562
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
Portsmouth Daily Times                                              EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                                    Saturday, January 30, 2021 7

Common home accidents
and how to avoid them                                                                         Did you Know?
                                               but illicit drugs and alcohol use, as well               rely heavily
                                               as prescription drug overdoses, have                     on electricity
                                               become major contributors to accidental        to power their homes
                                               poisonings. Keeping medicine and liquor
                                                                                              and their lives. Coal,
                                               cabinets locked can prevent children and
                                                                                              nuclear power and
                                               teens from accessing items that are off
                                               limits. Disposing of unused or expired         water energy help to
                                               prescription medication can help remove        generate this elec-
                                               drugs from the home. Educating children        tricity. Without elec-
                                               about the dangers of drugs and alcohol         tricity, lights wouldn’t
                                               also may help.                                 work, digital devices
                                               Falls: Falls can happen at any age but         wouldn’t charge and
                                               they’re most common among the very             cities would come
                                               young or very old. Installing grab bars in     grinding to a halt.
                                               bathrooms, improving indoor lighting and       This is experienced
                                               removing tripping hazards like area rugs       on a local level
                                               or toys from high traffic areas can reduce     when power outages
                                               the likelihood of falls. Young children
                                                                                              occur. Homeown-
                                               should be carefully supervised and de-
                                               terred from climbing.                          ers may need to
                                                                                              diversify some of the
                                               Choking/suffocation: U.S. News &
                                               World Report says airway obstruction —
                                                                                              resources they have
                                               which includes choking, suffocation and        at home to be able
                                               strangulation — claims about 1,000 lives       to make it through
                                               a year. Children often put objects in their    an electrical power
                                               mouths and swallow them, resulting in          outage successfully.
                                               choking. Eating too quickly and failing to     Investing in solar
                                               chew adequately at any age can cause           power panels can be
                                               food to become lodged in the throat.           one way to generate electricity even when power has been disrupted. In addi-
                                               Older adults may lose the ability to chew      tion, pellet stoves or woodburning stoves can serve as alternative heat sources
                                               or swallow adequately due to cognitive
                                                                                              as well as cooking surfaces if traditional forced air systems are rendered use-
                                               disorders or other conditions. Suffoca-
                                                                                              less during an electrical outage. Homes equipped with a coal-fired smoker can
                                               tion can occur when children are put in
                                               unsafe sleeping environments. Too many         complement gas-powered grills for outdoor cooking as well for those who have
                                               blankets or toys can impede youngsters’        electric ranges and ovens. Solar-powered device chargers can provide power

                                               ability to breathe. Keeping a home clean,      to phones or tablets during electrical outages. Having a few different options
        ome of the most common and dan-
                                               monitoring children and seniors while eat-     on hand can help people make it through power outages unscathed.
        gerous emergency situations occur
        at home. Precautionary measures        ing and learning the Heimlich maneuver
                                               can help prevent injuries.
can make homes as safe as possible, but
accidents can still happen.                    Drowning: A young child can drown in
The National Safety Council says that 25       just inches of water, but pools, bathtubs
million in-home injuries occurred in homes     and other standing water can be of great-                                        FURNACES • HEAT PUMPS • AIR CONDITIONERS • REFRIGERATION
in 2018. Accidental death is the third-lead-   est concern. Install fencing with self-
ing cause of death in the United States,
                                               latching gates and supervise children at                                                       740.259.4512
                                               all times when they are around water.
according to the Centers for Disease Con-                                                                                                    LUCASVILLE, OH
trol and Prevention. In fact, the NSC says     Burns/fires: Install plenty of working
the home injury death rate increased by        smoke alarms and hold fire drills to re-
                                               duce the risk of fire-related deaths and in-
                                                                                                                                         When you need someone you
150 percent between 1999 and 2018.
The top five most fatal household inju-
                                               juries. Turning down the temperature of a                                                  can count on. Since 1984
                                               home water heater to avoid scalding and             OH #26659 WV #WV032096 KY #M03215
ries in the United States are poisoning,
                                               exercising caution in the kitchen, where
falls, choking or suffocation, drowning,
                                               many fires originate, also is key. Never
and fires/burns. Recognizing the threat

                                               leave food unattended on
these accidents pose can compel people         the stove.
to make every effort possible to prevent       Home accidents can happen, but aware-
them from happening.                           ness of common incidents may compel
Poisoning: Poisoning can be attributed         people to place a greater emphasis on
to exposure to household chemicals,            prevention.
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
8 Saturday, January 30, 2021                                       EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE                                                              Portsmouth Daily Times

Learn more about the
effects of pandemics
         uch of the globe was introduced       Spanish flu lasted two years and claimed
         to an assortment of new terms         50 million lives, according to the United
         throughout 2020. Phrases like “so-    States National Archives. In the 14th cen-
cial distancing” or “flatten the curve” were   tury, a bubonic plague pandemic referred
commonly used, but these were                  to as “The Black Death” caused the deaths
all preceded by the utterance of the           of between 75 and 200 million people over
word “pandemic.”                               a period of five years. In comparison,
                                               as of October 2020, more than 1.1
What is a pandemic?                            million people have died of the
The World Health Organization defines a        COVID-19 disease worldwide, ac-
pandemic as a “worldwide spread of a new       cording to NBC News and Johns
disease.” The word pandemic comes from         Hopkins University Coronavirus
the Greek words “pan” (meaning “all”) and      Resource Center. Prior to COVID-19,
“demos” (“people”). When a new disease         the most recent pandemics occurred with
emerges, most people lack the natural im-      the outbreak of the Hong Kong flu in 1968-
munity to fight off illness, so the disease    69, the H1N1 Swine flu of 2009-2010, and
can spread rapidly between communities —       the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016. The
and eventually around                          WHO says that most viral pandemics have
the world.                                     been caused by influenza viruses.
A pandemic differs from an epidemic in that
an epidemic is the spread of disease in a      Addressing pandemics
community or region over a specific amount     The National Center for Biotechnology
of time. Epidemics often grow                  Information indicates that globalization       pandemics.                                     from the same household. Many diseases
into pandemics.                                increases the probability of a pandemic. Ur-   Health experts say one of the most efficient   spread among people who are in close
                                               banization, travel, trade, and human-animal    measures to help reduce the risk of pan-       contact (within about six feet) for prolonged
Facts and figures                              interaction all lead to elevated pandemic      demic infection is the simplest — the prac-    periods.
about pandemics                                risk. However. thanks to the science of        tice of social distancing. The Centers for     Global pandemics are nothing new, but the
According to, the most       epidemiology and the development of new        Disease Control and Prevention says social     public still needs to be vigilant and do their
lethal pandemics in history were the Span-     medicines and therapies, professionals         distancing means keeping a safe distance       part to help reduce the spread of infectious
ish flu of 1918 and the Black Death. The       have helped to reduce death rates due to       between oneself and others who are not         diseases.
Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ... Common home accidents how to avoid them Down But Not Out How to make it through a power outage unscathed Effects Of Pandemics Facts and figures ...
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