From lab-to-road: real-world fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

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From lab-to-road: real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
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Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                 


                              From lab-to-road: real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
                              of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
23 October 2020               Patrick Plötz1,∗, Cornelius Moll1, Georg Bieker2 and Peter Mock2
REVISED                       1
22 December 2020                  Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Breslauer Strasse 48, 76139 Karlsruhe, Germany
                                  International Council on Clean Transportation Europe, 10178 Berlin, Germany
                                  Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
17 March 2021
14 May 2021
                              Keywords: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, fuel consumption, real-world operation, vehicle test cycles

Original content from
                              Supplementary material for this article is available online
this work may be used
under the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 licence.      Abstract
Any further distribution      Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) combine an electric motor with an internal combustion
of this work must
maintain attribution to       engine and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport if mainly driven on electricity. The
the author(s) and the title
of the work, journal          environmental benefit of PHEVs strongly depends on usage and charging behaviour. However,
citation and DOI.             there is limited evidence on how much PHEVs actually drive on electricity and how much
                              conventional fuel they use in real-world operation. Here, we provide the first systematic empirical
                              analysis of real-world usage and fuel consumption (FC) of approximately 100 000 vehicles in China,
                              Europe, and North America. We find that real-world mean CO2 emissions of PHEVs are between
                              50 and 300 g CO2 km−1 depending on all-electric range, user group and country. For private
                              vehicles, real-world CO2 emissions are two to four times higher than test cycle values. The high
                              CO2 emissions and FC mainly result from low charging frequency, i.e. less than once per driving
                              day. Our results demonstrate the importance of real-world vehicle emission measurements and
                              indicate the need to adjust current PHEV policies, i.e. official emission values need to better reflect
                              realistic electric driving shares and incentives need to put more emphasis on frequent charging.

                              1. Introduction                                                       Xu 2016, Zhou 2018). Despite growing PHEV market
                                                                                                    shares, little is publicly known about their real-world
                              Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) combine an                   usage and resulting GHG emissions. There has been
                              internal combustion engine with an electric motor                     no large-scale systematic investigation, at least for
                              (Bradley and Frank 2009) and offer the potential                      Europe.
                              to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), when                            PHEV FC values are commonly assessed in stand-
                              driven on electricity, to contribute to the targets set               ardized testing procedures, or test cycles. For Europe,
                              by the Paris Agreement (Jacobson 2009, Plötz et al                    the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and the
                              2018, IEA 2020, Tal et al 2020). However, the poten-                  Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test
                              tial of PHEVs to reduce local pollutants and global                   Procedure (WLTP) are most relevant (UNECE 2014,
                              GHG emissions strongly depends on their real-world                    Tietge et al 2017). These test cycle values are usually
                              fuel consumption (FC), which is determined by real-                   considered for determining CO2 emissions of PHEVs.
                              world driving behaviour and the share of kilometres                   But the UFs used in the WLTP and NEDC test pro-
                              driven on electricity, the so-called utility factor (UF)              cedures are based on outdated information provided
                              (Chan 2007, Jacobson 2009, Flath et al 2013, Plötz                    largely by vehicle manufacturers and may overestim-
                              et al 2017). Assessing FC of PHEVs is challenging                     ate UFs and underestimate the real FC and thus emis-
                              as PHEVs use both electricity and conventional fuel                   sions of PHEVs (Tietge et al 2017, 2019).
                              for propulsion in a ratio that depends strongly on                        Here, we provide the first systematic overview of
                              the driving and charging patterns of vehicle users as                 mean tailpipe CO2 emissions and deviation from test
                              well as on vehicle characteristics (Smart et al 2014,                 cycle values for PHEVs. Furthermore, we quantify the

                              © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                  P Plötz et al

Table 1. Overview of vehicle data sources by number of PHEV models and model variants covered, sample size, predominant user
group, and country.

Source                                 Models           Model variants           N                User group            Country                        27               51                       1385             Private               DE
German company                         14               21                       72               Company               DE                          1                3                        11 073           Private               US/CA
MyMPG                                  10               20                       326              Private               US
UC Davis                               3                4                        95               Private               US                    60               92                       6614             Private               CN
Figenbaum and                          7                7                        1514             Private               NO
Kolbenstvedt (2016)
Zhou et al (2018)                      6                6                        192              Private               CN
Xu et al (2016)                        1                1                        50               Private               CN
Mengliang et al (2014)                 1                1                        14               Private               CN
van Gijlswijk and Ligterink            11               11                       9600             Company               NL
Ligterink and Eijk (2014)              3                3                        1200             Company               NL
CARB (2017), Appendix G                1                1                        48 000           Private               US
INL (2014)                             5                5                        14 750           Private               US
CARB (California Air                   1                1                        8309             Private               US
Resources Board) (2017)
Appendix G
Smart et al (2014)                     1                2                        1405             Private               US
Raghavan and Tal (2020)                4                4                        110              Private               US
Total                                  66               202                      104 709

impact of major vehicle properties on CO2 emissions                   In total we collected data from primary and
including all-electric range and engine power. This               secondary sources of over 100 000 PHEVs. Data
work differs from previous research in several aspects.           from and
First, it is to our knowledge the first systematic large-         was provided by the website operators, data from
scale empirical overview of real-world FC of PHEVs       and MyMPG was collected manually by
in Europe. Second, by analysing data from previous                the authors. As users record their PHEV FC on a vol-
studies with new primary data in a joint fashion, our             untary basis on these websites, there is a risk of self-
work qualifies as the first meta-analysis on real-world           selection bias. Tietge et al (2017, 2019) have shown
PHEV usage.                                                       that Spritmonitor, XiaoXiongYouHao, and MyMPG
    The outline of this paper is as follows. The data             closely follow the distribution of several key vehicle
and methods are presented in section 2, followed by               variables in the newly sold fleets in the respective mar-
the results in section 3. We discuss our findings in              kets. Furthermore, these four new empirical sources
section 4 and close with conclusions in section 5.                and combined with 13 existing studies in a joint meta-
                                                                  analysis ensuring the robustness of our findings and
2. Data and methods                                               low bias in our sample. The data of company cars
                                                                  in a large German company was provided by the
2.1. Data                                                         company (which wishes to remain anonymous). We
We collected data on real-world usage and FC of                   obtained a sample of 95 PHEVs directly from the UC
PHEVs from existing literature, research institutions,            Davis. A large part of our sample is aggregate PHEV
companies and online data bases. We collected data                information taken from California’s Advanced Clean
providing information on real-world FC, annual                    Car Midterm Review 2017 Appendix G on electric
vehicle kilometres travelled, and UF. Our data cov-               vehicles. The sample size information is taken from
ers China (CN), Germany (DE), Norway (NO), the                    chapter II of the report whereas the UF and annual
United States (US), Canada (CA), and the Nether-                  driving distances are taken from table 14 as well as
lands (NL) and includes data from private and com-                table 20 of the same report (CARB 2017).
pany cars, i.e. vehicles owned by an organization that                Our sample is dominated by North American
are assigned to an individual user and can also be                vehicles, but the sample sizes for individual coun-
used for private purposes. Note that our data does                tries are still sufficiently large for conclusions and
not cover cars owned by a company that are not                    general patterns. For Germany, for example, our
allowed to be used for private purposes. Table 1 gives            sample accounts for 1% of the total stock of PHEVs
an overview of the sources, total sample sizes and                at the time of data collection, while for Europe (EU,
PHEV models covered. The data is available as supple-             UK, EFTA, and Turkey) 1.5% of the total stock are
mentary file (available online at             covered (EAFO 2020). The major part of vehicles in
16/054078/mmedia).                                                our sample is private, yet, a substantial number of

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                       P Plötz et al

more than 10 000 PHEVs are company cars, allowing                  The distributions of real-world FCs are calculated
profound analyses for this user group as well. In total,      as kernel density estimates (Wickham 2016). In the
our sample covers 66 models and 202 model variants            regression results, we use weighted least squares to
(Plötz et al 2020).                                           adjust for differences in sub sample sizes. More spe-
                                                              cifically, the nonconstant variance of the individual
2.2. Methods                                                  sample means is corrected for by weighted each mean
To compare actual FC to test-cycle values and to ana-         with the inverse of its standard error. In our case of
lyse the effect of vehicle properties such as system          mean values, the weights are thus proportional to the
power and test-cycle all-electric range, a detailed list      reciprocal of 1/√N; we thus use the square root of
of vehicle specifications were collected. We retrieved        sample sizes as weights.
information on vehicle system power (i.e. the max-
imum combined power of electric and combustion
engine), fuel type, FC (in charge-depleting mode,             3. Results
charge-sustaining (CS) mode, and combined), as well
as all-electric range according to NEDC, WLTP, and            3.1. Real-world fuel consumption and CO2
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (the five               emissions
cycle) test cycles from the ADAC Autokatalog (an              Figure 1 shows the distribution of real-world FC val-
online vehicle database, see ADAC 2020) for PHEV              ues in litres/100 km across the countries and user
models in Europe and for PHEV                 groups. We observe a broad distribution of real-world
models for the U.S. market (containing EPA val-               FC values, much broader than for conventional com-
ues for combined FC and charge-depleting mode                 bustion engine vehicles (Tietge et al 2019). The mean
consumption). The database                 FC varies between 2.1 and 7.5 l/100 km, depend-
provided NEDC combined FC as well as NEDC all-                ing on the country, user group and vehicle mod-
electric range for PHEVs available in China. For those        els. This corresponds to a range of mean tailpipe
vehicles in the US that are identical to vehicles on the      CO2 emissions, i.e. without emissions from electri-
European market such as BMW i3 REX and the Chev-              city and fuel production, from 49 to 174 g CO2 km−1
rolet Volt (which has been sold as Opel Ampera in             at 2.32 kg CO2 l−1 of gasoline. Table 2 below sum-
Europe), the EPA data was enriched by NEDC values             marizes the mean real-world and test cycle FC as
from the European counterparts. For those vehicles            well as CO2 emissions per km. As the samples
were this is not the case, only the deviation from EPA        in the countries cover PHEV models with differ-
test values could be calculated (i.e. they are missing in     ent sample sizes, table 2 states unweighted and
table 2 below).                                               weighted means. The individual mean values by
     In cases where the actual UF is missing and              country and user group are affected by several factors
only the FC is given (for 10% of the sample and               such as the all-electric ranges of the models in the
203 of 244 aggregated observations), we estim-                sample, charging and driving behaviour as well as
ate the real-world UF from the real-world FC and              the resulting UF. Their impact will be discussed in
CS mode FC FCCS as UFreal = 1 − FCreal /FCreal        cs .    section 3.3.
Here, FCreal
           cs    is  approximated by taking  NEDC     val-         For the country-specific analysis, the most recent
ues with 50% addition for real-world   (     driving,) i.e.   data is for Germany and China with data from 2019
FCcs = 1.5FCcs      NEDC
                         = 1.5FC ( / 1 − UFNEDC )
                                                              to 2020. The large mean FC in China is noteworthy
with        UFNEDC = AERNEDC / AERNEDC + 25 km                and mainly due to low UF (cf section 3.2). In Norway
(AER = all-electric range). This method is slightly           and the US, users achieve higher UF and thus lower
optimistic as a 50% deviation from NEDC is slightly           total FC than in the other countries under considera-
above the fleet mean deviation for conventional com-          tion (cf section 3.2). Company car data is only avail-
bustion engine vehicles and hybrid vehicles (see              able for Germany and the Netherlands with greater
Tietge et al 2019). It is optimistic as we increase           sample sizes for the Netherlands. Note, however, that
the denominator in the second term of UFreal =                the distributions in Germany and the Netherlands are
1 − FCreal /FCrealcs , and thereby increase the calcu-        similar for company cars with a peak around between
lated UF. In cases with high actual FC, this approach         6 and 8 l/100 km, i.e. four times higher than test cycle
can lead to negative UF. We set the estimated UF to           FC, and a broad distribution.
zero in these cases (11 of 244 aggregated observa-                 The mean deviation from test cycle values differs
tions covering 0.1% of the total vehicle sample). If          between countries, but on average, real FC is two to
values from the US EPA are available, we use EPA              four times higher than the test cycle for private cars
values for CS mode FC, i.e. FCreal             EPA
                                      cs = FCcs . Like-       and three to four times higher for company cars. As
wise, when the real UF is known, the( actual FC) is           the majority of vehicles in the sample have been cer-
estimated by inversion FCreal = FCreal     1 − UFreal =       tified according to the NEDC, we focus mainly on
              (            )            cs
        cs      1 − UFreal for 18 of 244 aggreg-              the deviation from NEDC. For private vehicles, the
ated observations covering 66% of the sample                  mean relation is 300%–340% (the range indicates the
vehicles.                                                     mean with two standard errors) and 135%–235% for

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                        P Plötz et al

                         China                                   Germany                                  Netherlands


             0   2   4     6      8    10   12      0       2    4   6         8   10   12    0      2    4    6      8    10      12

                         Norway                                 US & Canada


             0   2   4     6      8    10   12      0       2    4   6         8   10   12
                                        Real−world fuel consumption in l/100 km
   Figure 1. Distribution of real-world fuel consumption in litres/100 km by user group (private in blue and company car in red)
   and country (small panels). Small rugs next to the abscissa indicate actual observations per PHEV model and source.

                                       Table 2. Mean real-world and test cycle fuel consumption.

Country          User group                 NEDC                Weighted NEDC                Real-world               real-world

                                       (litres/100 km)           (litres/100 km)         (litres/100 km)            (litres/100 km)

US               Private                      1.3                        1.1                       3.0                     2.1
NO               Private                      1.7                        1.7                       3.4                     3.6
CN               Private                      1.7                        1.6                       6.4                     6.7
DE               Private                      1.8                        1.7                       4.5                     4.0
DE               Company car                  2.0                        2.0                       6.6                     7.5
NL               Company car                  1.7                        —                         6.9                     —

                                       (g CO2 km−1 )             (g CO2 km−1 )           (g CO2 km−1 )              (g CO2 km−1 )

US               Private                     30                       26                       70                          49
NO               Private                     39                       39                       79                          84
CN               Private                     39                       37                      148                         155
DE               Private                     42                       39                      104                          93
DE               Company car                 46                       46                      153                         174
NL               Company car                 39                       —                       160                         —

the sample size weighted mean. This relation corres-                 weighted mean relation is 340%–410% or 240%–
ponds to a deviation between real-world and test cycle               310% deviation.
FC of 200%–240% or 35%–135%. The sample-size                             For the US, the mean real-world FC can also
weighted deviation is smaller as North American                      be compared to EPA testing values. Figure 2 shows
vehicles, mainly Chevrolet Volt, Toyota Prius and                    the distribution of the relation between real-world
BMW i3 REX with small test cycle deviation, dom-                     and EPA test cycle FC. A value of 100% corres-
inate the overall sample. Furthermore, these vehicle                 ponds to perfect match between real-world and test
models have high all-electric ranges (see section 3.3).              cycle FC. Most PHEV models and sub samples have
For company cars, with data from Germany and the                     clearly above EPA FC. The unweighted mean relation
Netherlands, the deviation is even higher. The mean                  between actual and EPA FC for the US is 213% (cor-
relation for company cars in both countries is 305%–                 responding to a deviation of 113%) and the sample
395% or 205%–295% deviation and the sample size                      size weighted relation is 179% (or 79% deviation).

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                                              P Plötz et al


                                                     50%     100%       150%       200%      250%       300%         350%       400%
                                                                    Relation of real−world to EPA fuel consumption

   Figure 2. Distribution of relation of real-world fuel consumption in relation to EPA values. A value of 100% corresponds to
   perfect match between real-world and test cycle fuel consumption. Small rugs next to the abscissa indicate observations per PHEV
   model and source.

                                                 China                                    Germany                                   Netherlands
                          100%                                        100%                                      100%
                                                           NEDC                                     NEDC                                      NEDC
                          80%                                          80%                                       80%

                          60%                                          60%                                       60%

                          40%                                          40%                                       40%

                          20%                                          20%                                       20%
    Utility factor (UF)

                           0%                                            0%                                          0%
                                 0   25 50 75 100 125 150 175                 0   25 50 75 100 125 150 175                0   25 50 75 100 125 150 175

                                               Norway                                  US & Canada
                          100%                                        100%
                                                           NEDC                                     NEDC
                          80%                                          80%

                          60%                                          60%                                                    usergroup
                          40%                                          40%
                          20%                                          20%

                           0%                                            0%
                                 0   25 50 75 100 125 150 175                 0   25 50 75 100 125 150 175
                                                                                   NEDC range [km]
   Figure 3. UF versus NEDC test cycle range in km by country and user group (company cars in red and private vehicles in green).
   The dashed line indicates the NEDC test cycle UF.

3.2. Real-world utility factor                                                             PHEVs in the sample tend to be closer to test cycle
A key indicator of PHEV usage and its potential envir-                                     values. Comparing privately owned vehicles and com-
onmental benefit is the share of kilometres driven                                         pany cars with a given range, we observe lower mean
on electricity, the so-called UF. The UF is the ratio                                      UF for company cars throughout the sample. Accord-
between the distance driven on electricity and the                                         ingly, the deviation to test cycle UF is even higher
total distance driven by a vehicle. If direct UF val-                                      for company cars. The deviation between mean UF
ues were not available, we calculated the UF from                                          in the sub samples and test cycle values shows note-
the real-world FC (cf section 2.2). Figure 3 shows the                                     worthy differences also between the countries. It is
mean UF as a function of all-electric range for all                                        largest for privately owned vehicles in China and for
PHEVs sub-samples. Also shown is the UF assumed in                                         company cars in the Netherlands, but is closest to test
the NEDC values (dashed line). Almost all mean real-                                       cycle values for privately owned vehicles in Norway
world UF are below the NEDC value. Long-ranged                                             and the US. Furthermore, the UF in most countries

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                             P Plötz et al

                   100%                                                              100%

                   75%                                                               75%

   Real−world UF

                                                                     Real−world UF
                   50%                                                               50%

                                                    Sample Size                                                       Sample Size
                   25%                                   10                          25%                                   10
                                                         100                                                               100
                                                         1000                                                              1000

                    0%                                                                0%
                      0%   25%         50%         75%          100%                    0%   25%         50%         75%             100%
                                   EPA UF                                                             NEDC UF

   Figure 4. Real-world UF versus EPA UF (left panel) and NEDC UF (right panel) for US vehicles only. The size of the circles
   indicates the (log of) sample size. The dashed line is a weighted linear regression of real-world UF on test-cycle UF (with the
   shaded area the 95% confidence interval).

shows a tendency to increase with all-electric range,                         refuelling conventional fuel for free but they have
as expected.                                                                  to pay privately for charging the PHEV at home
    Some country specific effects can partially be                            (van Gijlswijk et al 2018), which would require the
explained by country specific factors. In Norway, bat-                        installation of a private charging spot. These finan-
tery electric vehicles receive higher incentives than                         cial disincentives are likely the main reason why many
PHEVs and thus PHEVs are less likely to be bought to                          company car PHEV users do not frequently charge
mainly benefit from the lower purchase price or taxa-                         their PHEVs resulting in particularly low UF.
tion (especially for company cars), but to actually take                           For the US, only private vehicles are in the sample
advantage of the possibility to drive on electricity. The                     and many of the observations are from early adop-
high fuel and low electricity prices in Norway are an                         ters who are more likely to purchase a PHEV only
additional incentive to maximise electric driving. Fur-                       if they have an option to recharge the vehicle reg-
thermore, a small additional effect could come from                           ularly (Chakraborty et al 2020). In addition, 21 of
the fact that public charging is comparatively easy in                        the 23 PHEV model variants in the US sample are
Norway, as there is only one charging card that allows                        Chevrolet Volt, BMW i3 and Toyota Prius PHEV
to charge at almost all public charging points across                         which are probably preferred options for buyers with
the country (Figenbaum and Kolbenstvedt 2016).                                above mean environmental concern and are fre-
    The mean UF in China show a large variation                               quently charged (Tal et al 2018, 2020, Chakraborty
even for a given range and only a slight tendency                             et al 2020). Beyond that, Chevrolet Volt and BMW
to increase with range. Chinese authorities monitor                           i3 are range-extended PHEVs having an NEDC all-
the real-world performance of PHEVs, but there is                             electric range of at least 80 km to up to 330 km.
no enforcement or regulation that effectively encour-                         Accordingly, UF in the US are higher.
ages car owners to increase electric driving or char-                              We also analyse the deviation between real-world
ging. Also, there are no requirements on how fre-                             UFs and EPA UFs for the US sample in more detail.
quently PHEV users should charge their vehicles in                            Figure 4 compares the real-world UFs to EPA values
China. Furthermore, the lower availability of gar-                            as well as the real-world UFs to NEDC UFs. Short-
ages and private parking spots in China makes PHEV                            ranged PHEVs have lower EPA values and lower real-
users without regular night charging option more                              world UF than long-ranged PHEVs. Figure 4 demon-
likely (Li et al 2021). Additionally, the restrictions                        strates that EPA values generally match the real-world
on driving and purchase of conventional fuel vehicles                         UF quite well for large span of all-electric ranges.
in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hang-                           The sample size weighted linear regression in figure 4
zhou make PHEVs highly attractive irrespective of the                         (dashed line with 95% confidence interval) indic-
actual usage.                                                                 ates a possibly overestimation for low EPA UFs and
    The Netherlands had high incentives of PHEVs as                           possible underestimation for large EPA UFs. In con-
company cars from 2012 to 2016 leading to strong                              trast, the NEDC UFs in the right panel of figure 4
sales increase in company car PHEVs. However,                                 overestimate the real-world UF for almost all all-
no additional incentives for charging these cars                              electric ranges. Figure 4 demonstrates that test-cycle
were enacted. Instead, many PHEV company car                                  UFs can be close to real-world UFs if the test-cycle val-
users in the Netherlands have fuel cards that allow                           ues are carefully designed. There are several potential

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                      P Plötz et al

reasons why the EPA UFs are more realistic. First,             Since FC is strictly non-negative, we use an
the more careful electricity consumption estimate in      exponential function for the effect of vehicle mod-
five cycles including the use of auxiliaries and more     els’ all-electric range and power and control for user
demanding driving cycles. Second, different assump-       group and country specific effects with the following
tions about the frequency of charging. Third, more        model
realistic calculation of the UF from the combination
of driving data, the all-electric test-cycle range, and   FCreal = exp (β0 + β1 Power + β2 Range + β3 Usergroup
the assumptions about charging( (all three are com-)                     +β4 Country) + ε.
bined via UFNEDC = AERNEDC / AERNEDC + 25 km
for the NEDC case). The first potential reason is very    Here, system power (Power) is in units of 100 kW
likely to play a role (see the explanation of the low     and all-electric range (Range) in 10 km. The chosen
NEDC UFs in the section 4), but a detailed discus-        dependence is physically meaningful: for Range → 0,
sion of the other factors is beyond this meta-analysis    the FC approaches a finite value (i.e. the FC in CS
of real-world FC in the present paper.                    mode) and goes to zero for Range → ∞. Likewise, the
    Lastly, for the case of Germany, the data is quite    FC approaches zero for Power → 0 and grows with
recent mainly with usage data from 2019 and early         increasing power (for positive β 1 ). The linear regres-
2020. Home charging should not be a problem in            sion is performed after taking logarithms by weighted
Germany for the majority of PHEV users as about           least squares.
three quarters of passenger cars in Germany are                Table 3 summarizes the results of a sample-size
parked in private garages or car ports overnight (MiD     weighted and not sample-size weighted regression
2018) and the share can be expected even higher for       and shows the impact of all-electric range and sys-
PHEV owners, because of the higher purchase price         tem power on FC. The model itself and all coefficients
of PHEVs and higher household income of PHEV              (except for Norway as country dummy) are signific-
owners (Plötz et al 2014, Frenzel et al 2015). Com-       ant (p < 0.05) and the coefficients have the expected
pany car users in Germany, on the other hand, have        signs (β 1 > 0 and β 2 < 0). The regression results show
similar financial disincentives as company car users      relatively high goodness of fit (adjusted R2 > 0.8).
in the Netherlands. They receive a tax benefit it they    Please note that the non-sample size weighted regres-
use a PHEV but this is not conditional on elec-           sion is mainly shown to demonstrate the robustness
tric driving and many can be expected to own fuel         of the results as the sample size weighted model is
cards and not to pay for conventional fuel, as in the     more appropriate here. Furthermore, the regression
Netherlands.                                              models (2)–(4) in table 3 indicate the high explanat-
    In summary, the real-world UF is typically only       ory power of all-electric range and system power for
half of the NEDC test cycle values for private vehicles   actual FC.
and even lower for company cars. Yet, the mean UF              Controlling for user group and country specific
for some privately used PHEV models is close to 80%       effects, we find that a 100 kW increase in system
of the test cycle UF and the mean UF for users in Nor-    power increases FC and thus CO2 emissions by 25%–
way and the US are closer to test cycle UF compared       36% (including 95% confidence intervals in the full
to other countries.                                       sample-size weighted regression model (1) and 23%–
                                                          33% in the non-sample-size weighted regression for
3.3. Factors affecting real-world fuel consumption        comparison). The system power in the PHEV mod-
and CO2 emissions                                         els in our sample cover a range of 90–674 kW with a
The all-electric range and other vehicle properties       mean of 225 kW, a 20% increase of system power is by
such as system power can be expected to affect FC and     45 kW and would lead to an increase of FC and CO2
thus tailpipe CO2 emissions. We use regression ana-       emissions by 11%–16%, keeping all other factors con-
lysis of these factors on FC to quantify these effects.   stant. Likewise, a 10 km increase of NEDC all-electric
We use the NEDC value for the all-electric range as       range decreases the FC by 11% and 14%, respect-
it is readily available for most PHEV models. Sys-        ively (range from sample size weighted regression
tem power, i.e. combustion engine power plus elec-        including 95% confidence intervals) with all other
tric motor power, is included to account for differ-      parameters fixed. This implies that FC and thus dir-
ent vehicle size or type and engine capacity. Strictly    ect CO2 emissions are halved with every 55 km of
speaking, the system power is the maximal power           all-electric range (50–63 km range from sample size
available for propulsion. For most PHEV models, this      weighted regression including 95% confidence inter-
is the sum of combustion engine and electric motor        vals). While a significant effect of the all-electric range
power. In range extended electric vehicles, however,      on FC is expected, the effect of the models’ system
the system power is smaller than the sum of engine        power is comparatively strong.
and electric motor power because the combustion                For categorical variables, the reference categories
engine is not directly used for propulsion but for        are ‘private’ for user group and ‘Germany’ for coun-
battery charging.                                         try. The regression confirms the general observations

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                          P Plötz et al

       Table 3. Regression results on (log of) real-world fuel consumption. Coefficient estimates and standard errors in parentheses.

                                                             Dependent variable: log(FCreal )
                         (1)                   (2)                     (3)                   (4)                    (5)
                                  ∗∗∗                    ∗∗∗                                          ∗∗∗
All-electric range       −0.127         (0.005) −0.160         (0.011) —                     −0.145         (0.006) −0.087∗∗∗ (0.006)
(10 km)
System power             0.306∗∗∗ (0.026)      —                       0.596∗∗∗ (0.049)      0.525∗∗∗ (0.026)       0.281∗∗∗ (0.023)
(100 kW)
Company cars             0.306∗∗ (0.112)       —                       —                     —                      0.315∗∗∗ (0.056)
Country: China           0.443∗∗∗ (0.049)      —                       —                     —                      0.404∗∗∗ (0.039)
Country: NL              —                     —                       —                     —                      0.208∗∗ (0.075)
Country: NO              −0.119 (0.077)        —                       —                     —                      −0.165 (0.086)
Country: US              −0.123∗ (0.054)       —                       —                     —                      −0.193∗∗∗
Constant                 1.552∗∗∗ (0.061)      2.414∗∗∗ (0.084)        0.262∗∗∗ (0.089)      1.442∗∗∗ (0.069)       1.376∗∗∗ (0.057)
Observations             211                   211                     216                   211                    225
Sample-size              Yes                   Yes                     Yes                   Yes                    No
R2                       0.913                 0.523                   0.410                 0.838                  0.812
Adjusted R2              0.910                 0.521                   0.407                 0.837                  0.806
F-Statistics             355∗∗∗                229∗∗∗                  148∗∗∗                539∗∗∗                 134∗∗∗
                         (df = 6; 204)         (df = 1; 209)           (df = 1; 214)         (df = 2; 208)          (df = 7; 217)
∗p   < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001.

of actual FC and UF in figures 1 and 2. Con-                            most common test-cycle range of 50 km by 12% or
trolling for other factors, the mean FC of company                      6 percentage points (from 50/(50 + 25) = 66.7%
cars is 10%–50% higher than for private vehicles                        to 50/1.4/(50/1.4 + 25) = 58.8%). In addition, the
(95% confidence intervals) and Chinese PHEVs show                       annual mileage is close to the average annual mileage
35%–55% higher FC than PHEVs in Germany. The                            for the US vehicles, but somewhat higher than the
change in FC is not significantly different from zero                   national average for the German vehicles. However,
for Norway. PHEVs in the US have 1%–23% lower                           Plötz et al (2020) show that the higher annual mileage
FC compared to Germany. The Netherlands can only                        reduces the mean UF only by a few percentage points.
be included in unweighted regression model as the                       Accordingly, the majority of the 50% lower UF com-
sample size is not available on the individual model                    pared to test-cycles is attributable to low charging,
level.                                                                  i.e. less than once per driving day. Only little data
                                                                        is available for WLTP certified vehicles so far, but
4. Discussion                                                           as the UF expected from NEDC and WLTP are
                                                                        fairly similar, high deviation from WLTP can also
The observed large real-world FC for PHEVs results                      be expected, as preliminary analysis confirms (Plötz
from a 50% lower UF (on average) than assumed                           et al 2020).
in NEDC values (cf section 3.2) and higher FC in                             Our sample includes data from five countries and
CS mode. For conventional pure combustion engine                        two user groups covering a total of more than 100 000
vehicles, the mean real-world FC is about 40% higher                    PHEVs, including literature values as well as recent
than NEDC values (Dornoff et al 2020). If we apply                      PHEV measurements. We lack data on other import-
the same 40% to conventional fuel driving of a mean                     ant PHEV markets such as the United Kingdom and
PHEV, it would consume 1.4 times as much fuel in                        Sweden. However, framework conditions in these
CS mode operation. Taken together, the combustion                       countries are comparable to those of other Western
engine is used about twice as often as assumed in                       European countries with respect to the availability of
the NEDC values and consumes 40% more fuel. This                        home charging, typical driving distance, and income.
leads to 2.8 or almost three times higher FC and                        Accordingly, countries with similar financial incent-
explains the observation of a real-world FC of two to                   ives (especially for company cars) can be expected to
four times higher than in NEDC values. How much of                      show similar PHEV usage and thus similar UF and
the lower UF is due to low charging? The UF is lower                    FC values. PHEV usage might be notably different in
than test-cycle values since (a) the actual all-electric                Japan or Korea, but no data was available for those
range is smaller than expected, (b) vehicles show                       countries. Previous literature has shown that coun-
above average daily driving, and (c) lower charging.                    tries differ in the typical availability of home char-
If electric consumption is 40% higher than test-cycle                   ging and public fast charging (Funke et al 2019). On
values (similar to conventional vehicles, see Dornhoff                  the level of PHEV model aggregated data used here,
et al 2020), than this lowers the NEDC UF for the                       such information is not available and an inclusion of

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                     P Plötz et al

country averages would mainly reproduce the coun-           Similarly, XiaoXiongYouHao data closely resembles
try specific effects stated in table 3. However, this       annual sales data in China with respect to engine
should be taken into account to analyse FC and UF           power, engine displacement, test cycle FC, and the
on vehicle individual level in future research.             share of vehicles with automatic transmission but
     Our country samples show different distribu-           that vehicle weight in the sample is slightly above the
tions of car brands and models. The US sample, for          sales average (Tietge et al 2017). For PHEVs, users
example is dominated by the Chevrolet Volt, while the       are known to have a strong interest in new techno-
Chinese sample contains a large number of brands,           logies (Plötz et al 2014, Rezvani et al 2015) and this
especially domestic Chinese brands. The Dutch, Nor-         could be an additional reason to track their personal
wegian and German samples, on the other hand, con-          PHEV usage as a sign of technological interest rather
tain a broad number of mostly European brands and           than usage behaviour bias. Furthermore, our find-
models. As PHEV are almost exclusively petrol PHEV          ings do not only rely on new empirical data from
with the Mercedes E 300 de and Volvo V60 D6 the             online sources but are the result of a meta-analysis of
only exceptions in Europe and in our sample, we do          these new data with existing studies. The joint analysis
not believe that there is sufficient data to draw con-      of 17 sources in total ensures the robustness of our
clusions on petrol and diesel PHEV separately. How-         findings.
ever, future research could analyse differences in real-        Furthermore, on the website
world FC between petrol and diesel PHEV as more             most of vehicle specifications are provided in free-
data becomes available.                                     text boxes and are not selected from a pre-defined list,
     Company car data was available only for Germany        leading to inaccuracies and thus difficulties in assign-
and the Netherlands, with a small sample of com-            ing correct vehicle characteristics from the list of
pany car in Germany. Yet, the overall trends are the        PHEV models. The rigid data cleaning process, how-
same for both countries, and the qualitative differ-        ever, assured a high level of accuracy. Additionally,
ences among private and company cars in charging            there are no required fields for data entries on Sprit-
behaviour can be expected with the existing financial, which might lead to incomplete entries
framework conditions as one of the main drivers in          in a few cases.
both countries for PHEVs. In countries with less fin-
ancial incentives for company car PHEVs, user beha-         5. Conclusions
viour and thus UF and CO2 emissions are likely to be
closer to those of private users.                           PHEVs offer the potential to reduce CO2 emissions
     The regression models show that all-electric range     from road transport if mainly driven on electricity.
and system power are the most important variables           Here, we show that PHEVs drive significantly less on
to explain the variance in actual FC. Both quantities       electricity and show on average two to four times
are currently almost independent as the sample size         higher tailpipe CO2 emissions than expected from test
weighted Pearson correlation between system power           cycles, in particular the NEDC. Depending on the
and all-electric range is only 0.08. Of course, the         PHEV model, user group and country, these emis-
importance of system power and all-electric range           sions show a broad range of 50–300 g CO2 km−1 .
in the cross sectional regression alone does not dir-       The reason for the large deviation are less frequent
ectly imply causation, but as engine size is technic-       charging than assumed in test cycles, lower real-world
ally related to FC and all-electric range clearly related   all-electric ranges and higher than expected FC in
to electric driving, we see strong reasons for caus-        combustion engine mode. The deviation is particu-
ality here. Accordingly, the conclusion that a reduc-       larly large for company cars where existing financial
tion of engine power and increase in all-electric range     incentives often make refuelling attractive and char-
will reduce average real-world FC of PHEV appears           ging unattractive for PHEV users.
robust.                                                         Governmental support for PHEVs and their
     For most online data sources, including Sprit-         accounting in the CO2 emission targets should thus
monitor, MyMPG and XiaoXiongYouHao, registra-               better reflect their actual environmental benefit and
tion and monitoring of FC is voluntary. It can be           incentivize a high electric drive share instead of the
assumed that mainly those PHEV users who are                vehicle purchase alone. In addition, real-world FC
sensitive to fuel economy register on these plat-           and CO2 emissions of PHEVs could be improved by
forms. Thus, a certain self-selection bias understat-       decreasing combustion engine power while increas-
ing FC could be present. However, Tietge et al (2019)       ing all-electric range and the frequency of char-
have shown that FC data in Spritmonitor is con-             ging. Accordingly, incentives need to set minimum
sistent with panel data representative for the Ger-         electric ranges, favour longer ranges and be con-
man population. Likewise, Tietge et al (2017) show          ditioned to reporting the actually realized electric
that MyMPG fuel economy data is fairly repres-              drive share. Frequent charging should be incentiv-
entative for the US vehicle sales with respect to           ized, also by improving access to charging points,
vehicle size, engine capacity, and number of cylinders      and conventional-fuel driving should be made less
but that fuel-efficient vehicles are over represented.      attractive.

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054078                                                                                             P Plötz et al

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