Communication from Public - Los Angeles City Clerk

Page created by John Saunders
Communication from Public - Los Angeles City Clerk
Communication from Public

Name:                          Rodney Brown
Date Submitted:                05/24/2021 08:51 AM
Council File No:               20-0102
Comments for Public Posting:   Rodney Brown CEO of New Life Global Development
                               Corporation supports the rights to housing and has been dedicated
                               for more than 15 years of developing affordable housing in Los
Communication from Public

Date Submitted:              06/10/2021 10:50 PM
Council File No:             20-0102
Comments for Public Posting: I have waiting for response from HUD LOW INCOME
                             HOUSING, in regards to my Denied Application and assistance
                             for a appeal. My application date is. May 26,2012
Communication from Public

Date Submitted:              06/22/2021 08:26 PM
Council File No:             20-0102
Comments for Public Posting: More services are needed in the San Fernando Valley for housing
                             for homeless. Nothing has been built for housing here since HHH
                             passed!!! The public should be able to see reports easily on gov
                             ,city, public websites to where every dollar is being spent in detail
                             on homeless services and Sthousingg. Always it seems to go to
                             things that are not cost effective like Contractors hired that charge
                             800K to build one one bedroom apartment for housing. This were
                             the only Contractors that were able to build buildings and was
                             approved by scandalous city officials. Stop lying to the people and
                             show real time public reports of exactly all these millions/ billions
                             for housing and homeless funds are being spent. Until then no
                             dent will get made in solving homelessness. The counsel members
                             let someone like Marsha Mayeda still run the County animal
                             shelters when for a few years has been unaccountable for tens of
                             thousands of dollars of the shelters to use on helping the animals
                             in shelters and she makes over $200 K yearly salary paid by
                             taxpayers and you still employ her when she's clearly doing
                             illegal corrupt practices . Years back there is reports of this shown
                             to you people but she's still the top manager. Why?? This shows
                             total waste of money and no one does anything about it. She
                             should even be arrested let alone still in her position period. It's
                             clearly all corrupt because no one has gotten rid of her and she
                             did these crimes over a decade ago and I had sent emails / msgs to
                             city council members then numerous times.
Communication from Public

Name:                          Alexander Barber
Date Submitted:                07/03/2021 04:24 AM
Council File No:               20-0102
Comments for Public Posting:   My comment pertains to the STREET STRATEGY being
                               developed (several decades late) for addressing the concerns and
                               human rights abominations both caused by the unhygienic filth
                               and squalor we allow and in most cases, force our homeless poors
                               to live in. There is shit, piss and vomit everywhere - that’s not an
                               exaggeration; it is practically Dickensian the degree of filth that
                               we have decided to tolerate until, I hope now. This is not the fault
                               of the homeless, nor is the unwashed and generally unemployable
                               appearance of us. This is entirely due to the systemic failure of the
                               city and county to make even the slightest effort to place clean
                               and staffed public restrooms and showers equitably across LA.
                               The city also makes no effort to collect garbage from the
                               homeless, so I personally have resorted to burning mine illegally,
                               as the alternative is being harassed by every law enforcement
                               agency in the state responding to the anonymous calls of nearby
                               homeowners. THE ONLY SOLUTION TO THE
                               POO-SMEARED WALLS AND URINE SOAKED
                               ALLEYWAYS IS TO TAKE LARGE AND PERMANENT
                               GOVERNMENT ACTION TO FUND AND IMMEDIATELY
                               CONSTRUCT AT LEAST ONE-HUNDRED HOT SHOWER
                               AND REAL, STAFFED BATHROOM LOCATIONS. THIS
                               CANNOT WAIT. DISEASE FESTERS AND THE HOMELESS
                               MAY NOT BE SO LUCKY AS THEY WERE IN LARGELY
                               AVOIDING COVID DUE TO THE SOCIAL OSTRACISM WE
                               SUFFER DUE TO OUR DIRTY APPEARANCE AND THE
                               NOT CAPITALISM INDUCED POVERTY AS THE ROOT
                               CAUSE OF CRIME IN OUT CITY AND COUNTY. Thank you.
                               Don’t you dare delay. Ridley-Thomas, Bonin, O’Farrell, De Leon,
                               Price, we are counting on you to counterweigh Judge Doom
                               Busciano’s crazy red car killing ass so it is crucial that you sell
                               this as not explicitly for the homeless. I would refer all
                               Councilmembers to the published novel ‘Everybody Poops’,
                               which will indeed address any remaining questions as to the broad
                               public support this will have if implemented properly. Alex
                               Barber P.S. Red line train to San Pedro, so pleased to see that
                               being studied - let’s get it done we need it bad on Vermont!
Communication from Public

Name:                          Philip Armstrong
Date Submitted:                07/03/2021 07:25 PM
Council File No:               20-0102
Comments for Public Posting:   I don't see any concrete steps in this proposal to increase the
                               amount of housing available or to increase the resources available
                               to house anyone beyond what already exists. For that reason, this
                               proposal seems misnamed.
Communication from Public

Name:                          Norman
Date Submitted:                07/04/2021 08:52 AM
Council File No:               20-0102
Comments for Public Posting:   I fully and enthusiastically support the right to housing initiative.
                               Homelessness is a grave moral crisis in the City County of Los
                               Angeles. Policy initiatives that bring the legal power and
                               resources of government to address the issue of homelessness are
                               absolutely necessary.
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