Page created by Crystal Joseph
FALL 2020



District 518 Community Education                    NON-PROFIT ORG.
117 11th Ave., Suite 3                                U.S. POSTAGE
Worthington, MN 56187                                 PERMIT NO. 1
                                                    WORTHINGTON, MN

                            Lifelong Learner

Engage • Enrich • Inspire       
WELCOME                                                                                      District 518
                                                                                          117 11th Avenue
                                                                                        Worthington, MN 56187

                                                                                       COMMUNITY EDUCATION

                                                                                                  SHARON JOHNSON
           What a difference a few months’ time makes in our daily lives!
           Time was spent learning about how to provide classes and
           activities in different ways – in person with limits and limitations,
           online with a local teacher or online with a teacher outside of            ADULT BASIC EDUCATION
           Worthington in a live format or recorded, and many other options.              COORDINATOR

           Because of the current uncertainty to in-person activities and the                     MARTY OLSEN
           many changes that are occurring at a fast pace, the Worthington             
           Area YMCA has chosen not to be included in the fall catalog. We                       372-1239
           are excited to have Meredith Daley take over the management of
           the YMCA and look forward to our continued collaboration.

           Some of your favorite class options such as the AARP Smart                 COMMUNITY CONNECTORS
           Driving Classes and our day trips are currently on hold until
           it is safe to resume them. We look forward to attending the
           Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, MN Twins games, and other fun                               NELSON BONILLA
           events in the future!                                                       

           Many agencies wanted to make sure that people in the community
           know how to get a hold of them to access the essential services
           they provide. Working together to enhance our daily lives in
           Worthington is important to us all.
                                                                                   EARLY CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY
                                                                                     EDUCATION COORDINATOR
           If there are other classes or activities at this time that you would
           like us to explore having, please feel free to contact us and make                     TARA THOMPSON
           your request known. We appreciate the many efforts made by our                         727-1207
           staff, our collaborators, and you our community to pull together,
           especially in the challenging past few weeks.

           Thank you for your support!
                                                                                       ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS
                                Anne Foley
                                Enrichment Programs Coordinator
                                                                                                  ANNE FOLEY

                                                                                   NOBLES COUNTY INTEGRATION
                                                                                   COLLABORATIVE COORDINATOR

                                                                                                SOOM CHANDASWANG

          DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                            2         WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
YOUTH ACTIVITIES                                    ADULT ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS
Archery                                Page 7       Adult Basic Education          Pages 22 & 23
Celebration Chorus                    Page 10       Aging Mastery Program                 Page 30
Child & Babysitting Safety Class      Page 10       Community Connectors                  Page 20
Child and Teen Checkups          Page 12 – 15
                                                    COVID Statement                        Page 5
Comm Ed Youth Scholarship Info         Page 7
Creative Arts Page 9,16,17                          Creative Arts                   Page 24 & 25
Early Childhood Family Education       Page 4       Cultural Events                       Page 33
Early Childhood Screening              Page 4       Ed2go                          Pages 28 & 29
Gymnastics                             Page 6       Family Liaison                        Page 20
Learn How to Can Your Own Salsa       Page 17       Helping Hand Pregnancy Center          Page 4
Nobles County
                                                    Historic Dayton House                 Page 21
    Integration Collaborative   Pages 18 & 19
                                                    Home Stretch                          Page 43
Nobles County Library                 Page 21
Spirit of Worthington                               King Turkey Day                       Page 27
    Trojan Marching Band              Page 11       Learn How to Can Your Own Salsa       Page 17
Worthington Hockey Association         Page 8       New to Medicare                       Page 32
Young Rembrandts                Pages 16 & 17       Registration                          Page 34
Youth Wrestling                        Page 5       Sanford Worthington                   Page 43
                                                    Senior Services                       Page 31
                                                    Southwest Crisis Center               Page 26
                                                    Substitute Teacher & Para Information Page 5
                                                    UCare Insurance Discount              Page 32
                                                    U.S. Dakota War of 1862:
                                                       Pieces of the Puzzle               Page 26
                                                    Weather Policy                        Page 25
                                                    Worthington Area Foundation           Page 26
                                                    WAMBO                                 Page 27
                                                    Worthington Area
                                                       Symphony Orchestra              Back Cover
                                                    Worthington School
                                                    District Information Pages 35 - 42
        District 518
     Community Education                            Worthington Sports Booster Club       Page 27
                                                    Zoom Technology                       Page 24

                 Photo Use:                           We invite you to become engaged in the
    Worthington District 518 Community                        community by enrolling in
Education and its representatives may take          Worthington District 518 Community Education
  photos or video images of participants in              classes and activities. Programs are
their classes/activities. These images would            designed to enrich and inspire you to
  be used for the Worthington District 518                     get the most out of life!
  Community Education catalog, webpage,
     social media, or other publications.                     OFFICE HOURS
                                                                   Monday - Friday
                                                                8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    If you do not want yourself or your
   child’s photo used for such purposes,
    please contact us via our webpage:
                                                           OFFICE LOCATION
                                                               West Learning Center and fill out                         117 11th Avenue
       the Denial of Photo Use Form.                         Worthington, MN 56187
                                                              Phone: (507) 376-6105
     Once completed, mail the form to:                  Webpage:
         Worthington District 518
           Community Education                        For your registration convenience, we offer
         117 11th Avenue, Suite 3                      Online Registration. This is one of many
          Worthington, MN 56187                              registration options for you.

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                3       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                       Fall 2020 classes for ECFE are
                                        on hold for the time being.
                        Stay tuned for updates on how ECFE will move forward with offerings

                Be sure and like the District 518 Community Education Facebook page to
                   receive great information about Community Education happenings!

                                      If you have any questions call us at 507-376-6105

               Worthington District 518
               EARLY CHILDHOOD
               The screenings are suspended
               until further notice
               When scheduling resumes, letters will be mailed
               out to invite children for appointments.

               District 518 Early Childhood Screening Coordinator
               Tara Thompson - 507-727-1207

               Call to alert the district of any address changes or phone numbers.

                   Helping Hand Pregnancy Center
                   Services offered to individuals
                       • Pregnancy & STD testing

                   Pregnancy & Parenting Topics

                    • Healthy and complicated pregnancy

                    • Childbirth education

                    • Infant growth, development and concerns

                    • Healthy relationships and boundaries

                    • Management of anger, time and money
                       • Discipline series -

                            - Love & Logic
                           - 1-2-3 magic
                       • Emotional Support
                            - Incentives for your efforts (diapers, baby clothes & items)

                                      910 3rd Avenue                    •    Worthington, MN
                            Monday & Thursday 10am - 4 pm                •   Tuesday & Wednesday 10am - 7 pm
               DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                          4       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                                                              Since COVID-19 can
                                                             rapidly change health
                                                             conditions in an area,
                                                            Community Education
                                                            may need to adjust or
                                                            cancel classes. We will
                                                             base our decisions on
                                                            guidelines provided by

                                                                                                                    COVID-19 STATEMENT
                                                            the State of Minnesota
                                                            or the Minnesota State
                                                              High School League.
                                                         Information in this publication are as of July 22, 2020.


Youth Wrestling (Gr. K - 2)                                            Photo Credit - Ricker's Photography
Learn how to do specific wrestling moves, strategies to use in competition and how matches are scored.
                                                                                                                     YOUTH WRESTLING

Information about wrestling tournaments in the area will be available but participation in these events is
the choice of individual participants. No special equipment needed; just wear comfortable clothing.
Pre-registration is expected. An information night is Thursday, November 12, 6:30 p.m. at the High
School Media Center. Practice begins November 16. The wrestling program continues into February.
Mon. & Thurs., Nov. 16-Dec. 21         10 ses.
6:00-7:00 p.m.                         FREE
WHS Wrestling Room
Instructor: Dusty Neugebauer

Youth Wrestling (Gr. 3 - 6)
Mon. & Thurs., Nov. 16-Dec. 21       10 ses.
7:00-8:15 p.m.                       FREE
No class Nov. 26, Dec. 24, 28, 31
WHS Wrestling Room
Instructor: Dusty Neugebauer
DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                     5        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
             4 & 5 Year Olds                                             Intermediate/Advanced
             In gymnastics, students develop poise and grace             In order for your gymnast to register for the
             while working on balance, flexibility and strength.         Intermediate/Advanced session, they need to be
             Participants will receive age-appropriate instruc-          able to do the following: Floor - Back Walkover;
             tion on the balance beam, uneven bars, vault and            Bars - Pullover and Back Hip Circle; Beam -
                                                                         Cartwheel, Round- off Dismount, and an End
             floor exercises. Emphasis will be on terminology,
                                                                         Mount; Vault - Front Handspring.
             body positions and skills. Enrollment is limited and
             subject to change based on participation. Varsity
                                                                         6101AF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
             gymnasts assist with the teaching.                          on Monday, August 31.
                                                                         Mon., Aug. 31-Oct. 19                7 wks.
             6101BF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am          No classes Sept. 7
             on Tuesday, September 1.                                    5:15 - 7:15 p.m.                     $60
             Tues., Sept. 1-Oct. 20                8 wks.
             4:30 - 5:30 p.m.                      $55                   6101EF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
                                                                         on Wednesday, September 2.
                                                                         Wed., Sept. 2 - Oct. 21              8 wks.
             Beginner I                                                  5:30 - 7:30 p.m.                     $65
             Student has never taken gymnastics before or has
             not mastered a cartwheel.
                                                                         Gymnast has experience on gymnastic equipment
                                                                         and is able to do a backbend kickover.
             6101CF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
             on Tuesday, September 1.                                    6101FF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
             Tues., Sept. 1-Oct. 20                8 wks.                on Thursday, September 3.
             5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                      $60                   Thurs., Sept. 3 - Oct. 22            8 wks.
                                                                         3:30 - 5:30 p.m.                     $65

             Beginner II                                                 Advanced
             Student has taken gymnastics before and has                 Gymnast must be able to do a round-off back
             mastered a cartwheel.                                       handspring.

                                                                         6101GF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
             6101DF19 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
                                                                         on Thursday, September 3.
             on Wednesday, September 2.
                                                                         Thurs., Sept. 3 - Oct. 22            8 wks.
             Wed., Sept. 2-Oct. 21                 8 wks.                5:30 - 8:00 p.m.                     $70
             4:00 - 5:30 p.m.                      $60

             Parent & Child               (Ages 18 mos. - 3 yrs.)
             This 7-week class is a parent/child class in which
             parents will participate with their children. Great
             for bonding as well as getting to know your child's
             abilities! Our preschool classes are designed to
             provide your child with movement exploration and
             exercise in a fun and positive environment! Our
             lesson plans have specifically selected movements
             and skills which will enhance your child's
             physical development as well as their cognitive
             development. Many of the gymnastics movements
             - swinging, rotational movement, rolling, etc. are
             ways gymnastics helps your toddler develop. These
             classes will also help them learn to focus, interact,
             follow directions, and, of course, become stronger,
             faster, better future athletes!
                                                                              GYMNASTICS BUILDING,
             6123F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01                  825 N. CRAILSHEIM ROAD,
             am on Monday, August 31.
             Mon., Aug. 31-Oct. 19		 7 wks.                                       WORTHINGTON
             No classes Sept. 7                                               INSTRUCTOR: DISTRICT 518
             4:30 - 5:15 p.m.		 $45                                        COMMUNITY ED GYMNASTICS STAFF
             DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                        6        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

Archery fun for adults, youth, and families! Join the Southwest Bow Benders Archery Club to see
if archery is for you. This class offers beginning instruction in the sport of archery, where your
only competition is improving your own shooting. Youth must be in Grade 3 or older to participate.
Southwest Bow Benders Archery Club, located 3/4 of a mile south of Highway 59/60 on Plotts Ave.
(County Road 57), is under the instruction of National Archery Association Certified Instructors. All
equipment is provided if you do not have your own.

6103F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
on Monday, October 5.
Mon., Oct. 5 - Oct. 26
6:30-8:00 p.m.                                       4 wks.
SW Bow Benders Archery Club                          $20/person
Instructor: SW Bow Benders Archery Club

Worthington District 518
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM                                                                                           SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM
Worthington District 518 Community Education offers youth scholarships to enable more youth to
participate in program offerings. As with most other school district activities, Community Education uses
the USDA Free and Reduced Lunch application data to determine whether or not local youth are eligible
to have their enrollment fees discounted due to the families’ income status. If a family qualifies for Free
or Reduced Lunch, their child will be able to enroll in most Community Education youth activities for only
a portion of the regular fee. The scholarships, however, will require a matching financial commitment by
the youth’s parent/guardian in order to be fully enrolled and participating.

To obtain these program scholarships, families should indicate their interest in applying for the reduced
fee rate when enrolling their children in a Community Education class or activity. The Enrichment
Programs Coordinator will determine whether any additional information is needed to determine if the
child qualifies for this income-based program. For more information, parents can contact Anne Foley,
Enrichment Programs Coordinator at the District 518 Community Education office at 507-376-6105.

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                     7        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                  Try Hockey for             for                                                           and


                                                                    Registration web site

                                 Fees for 2020-2021 Season (August 1-September 13):
                                             •   ALL New & Returning Mini-Mites are FREE!!
                                             •   Mites: $50
                                             •   Squirts: $240
                                             •   Girls 10U: $240
                                             •   Pee Wee: $265
                                             •   Girls 12U: $265
                                             •   Bantam: $290
                                             •   GIRLS & BOYS VARSITY: $290 + District 518 Fee

                                 Mites through Bantam Level will also pay a $50 USA Hockey Fee per Player

                                 **LATE FEE OF $50 will be added to each player registered after September 13th**
                                 What you need for Registration:

                                     1)   Credit Card for Payment
                                     2)   Copy of Certified Birth Certificate for NEW SKATERS ONLY!
                                     3)   Copy of Medical Insurance Card
                                     4)   $600 Deposit Check (*DEPOSIT CHECKS WILL BE HELD BY THE ASSOCIATION AND NEVER CASHED AS LONG AS
                                     5) Please mail your deposit check to Jenn Black at 310 Worthmore Street Worthington, MN 56187

                                                      FOR ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE REGISTRATION TEAM MEMBERS:
                                                              Jenn Black – Cell: 507-329-7610 Email:

                                                             Nicole Kremer – Cell: 507-329-5164 Email:

                                                              Missy Folkers – Cell: 507-360-0889 Email:
                                 DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                8      WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                                                                                                CREATIVE ARTS
Celebrate Dia de la Muertos with this fun activity inspired by Mexican Folk Art traditions. You will make
a ceramic skull-shaped tile from a template and then decorate it any way you want using clay and
underglazes. A variety of techniques will be demonstrated to help you get started. All materials will
be provided. Your projects will be fired with a clear glaze for a gloss finish and available for pick up on
October 24.

2008F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Oct. 3.
Sat., Oct. 3
1:00-3:00 p.m.                   1 ses.
Learning Center Art Room         $30/adult child; $20 each addl. child
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

Have you ever wanted to create your own comic book? Then this is the class for you! You will learn about
character design, page layout and storytelling through a series of hands-on/minds-on projects. Each
class session will include a lesson on the history of comic books, a demonstration on cartooning, and
time to work on individual projects. All materials will be provided. Please note that if school buildings are
closed, this class will move to being a virtual class with materials provided.

2420F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Saturday, Oct. 10.
Sat., Oct. 10-24
1:00-2:30 p.m.                   3 ses.
Learning Center Art Room         $45
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

Explore the world of artist tiles. You will have the opportunity to make and paint a variety of tiles in this
workshop. Demonstrations will cover basic tile making, transferring a drawn image, and decorating with
stamping, painting, and sgraffito. All materials will be provided, just bring your ideas. Your projects will
be fired with a clear glaze for a gloss finish and available for pick up on November 28.

2009F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Nov. 7.
Sat., Nov. 7
1:00-4:00 p.m.                   1 ses.
Learning Center Art Room         $45
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

Explore the art of printing in this class for students of all ability levels. You will get a chance to create
monotypes using Gelli plates and acrylic paints, a series of relief prints using Styrofoam printing plates,
and a drypoint using plastic printing plates and a clay press. Each session will include a demonstration,
one-on-one time with the instructor, and time to work on individual projects. All materials will be
provided, just bring your ideas.

2010F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Nov. 14.
Sat., Nov. 14, 28, Dec., 5
1:00-2:30 p.m.                   3 ses.
Learning Center Art Room         $65
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

Explore paper ornament traditions from around the world as you create decorations for the holiday
season. All materials will be provided.

2421F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Saturday, December 5.
Sat., Dec. 5
10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.            1 ses.
Learning Center Art Room         $15 per adult/child; $10 each addl. child
Instructor: Janelle Doyle
DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                       9        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                       The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) program from the American
                       Safety and Health Institute gives everything you need to know
                       for safe and successful babysitting. The YouTube "vlogger" style
                       presentation of the video brings a youthful and high-energy spirit to
                       the program content, and the colorful magazine format of the student
                       book makes learning fun. From getting started with your business, to
                       working with parents and children, to key safety, caregiving, and first
                       aid tips, CABS will help set you up for babysitting success. Students
                       must be present for the entire class and complete achievement of the
                       core learning objectives to receive certification valid for two years.
                       Instructor provides baby dolls, bottles, diaper supplies for skills
                       participation. Students attend this class independently. Students are
                       welcome to bring a snack. Parents are encouraged to review the take
                       home information and discuss it with your child.

                       3919AF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
                       on Monday, Sept. 14.
                       Mon., Sept. 14                          1 ses.
                       3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.                   $45
                       West Learning Center, Room 101
                       Instructor: Samantha Woitalewicz

                       3919BF20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am
                       on Monday, Oct. 26.
                       Mon., Oct. 26                           1 ses.
                       3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.                   $45
                       West Learning Center, Room 101
                       Instructor: Samantha Woitalewicz

                       CELEBRATION CHORUS                                            (GRADE 4 - 6)
                       Celebration Chorus is an after school singing opportunity for fourth through sixth grade students. We will
                       learn to sing music in two and three parts, make up some of our own accompaniments and perform out
                       in the community. Come celebrate together in song!

                       The decision about Celebration Chorus will be made based on the school decisions and safety
                       of its musicians closer to the anticipated start time at the end of September.
                       3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.                   13 wks.
                       Prairie Elementary Music Room           $25

                       Instructor: Debra Moe

                     DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                       10   WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105


                          Who are Child and Teen                        ¿Para quién son los exámenes
                          Checkups (C&TC) exams for?                    Chequeo Para Niños y Adolescentes
                          • Children and teens, birth to 21 years       (C&TC)?
                          • Children and teens enrolled in              • Niños y adolescentes, desde nacimiento hasta los
                            Medical Assistance                            21 años
                                                                        • Niños y adolescentes, inscritos a Medical Assistance
                          Why are C&TC exams                              (Asistencia Médica)
                          • To keep your children healthy               ¿Por qué son importantes los
                          • To help to detect and treat problems        exámenes C&TC?
                            early                                       • Para mantener saludable su niño
                          • You may use this health check for a         • Mantienen saludables a los niños y ayudan a detectar y
                            Head Start, WIC, school, or daycare           a tratar temprano los problemas
                            health check up                             • Puede usar este chequeo de salud como chequeo de
                                                                          Head Start, WIC, escuela, o guardería
                          How often should I have a
                          C&TC exam?                                    ¿Con qué frecuencia debo hacerme un
                          • Between birth and one month and at          examen CTC?
                            2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 and 30           • Durante el primer mes y a los 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24
                            months.                                       and 30 meses.
                          • Every year starting at 3 years through      • Cada año, comenzando a los 3 años a 20 años.
                            20 years.                                   • Frecuentemente como sea necesario.
                          • More often if needed.
                                                                        ¿Dónde puedo conseguir un examen
                          Where can I get a                             C&TC?
                          C&TC exam?                                    • Su médico, enfermera o clínica puede proporcionar
                          • Your regular doctor, nurse, or clinic can     este servicio. DEBE obtener estos servicios de
                            provide this service. You MUST get            un proveedor en su plan de salud.
                            services from a provider in your health
                            plan.                                       Asegúrese de que TODOS SIEMPRE se
                                                                        abrochen los cinturones de seguridad.
                          Always make sure to
                          buckle up your child.                         ¡Preparar a su niño o adolescente para
                                                                        la diversión de la primavera hacién-
                          Spring into action by getting                 doles una cita para un examen C&TC!
                          your child in for their C&TC
                                                                                                  Es SU decisión. Obtenga los
                              It is YOUR choice. Get the                                           HECHOS. Tome decisiones
                          FACTS. Make HEALTHY decisions.                                         SALUDABLES. Aprenda cómo
                           Learn how to take CARE of your                                       CUIDAR a su hijo y a sí mismo.
                            child and yourself. GET a Child                                     ¡OBTENGA su EXAMEN Chequeo
                              and Teen Checkups EXAM!                                             para Niños y Adolescentes!

                              For more information                                                Si desea más información,
                               call Nobles County                                               llame a la oficina de Servicios
                             Community Services at                                                Comunitarios del Condado
                                 507-295-5213.                                                   de Nobles al 507-295-5213.

                          DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                 12       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
What is Fluoride Varnish?                             ¿Qué es el barniz de fluoruro?
Fluoride varnish is a protective coating that is      El barniz de fluoruro es una capa protectora que se
applied to the surfaces of teeth to prevent new       pinta en las superficies de los dientes para evitar
cavities from forming and to help stop cavities       nuevas cavidades de formar y ayuda a prevenir las
that have already formed.                             caries que ya se han iniciado.

What does fluoride varnish do?                        ¿Qué hace el barniz de fluoruro?
Fluoride varnish strengthens a child’s teeth. The     El barniz de flúor fortalece los dientes de un niño.
stronger teeth are, the lower the risk that the       Cuanto más fuerte son los dientes, menos
child will develop cavities.                          posibilidades de que el niño tenga caries.

Is fluoride varnish safe?                             ¿Es seguro el barniz de fluoruro?
Yes, fluoride varnish can be used on babies’ teeth.   Si, el barniz de fluoruro se puede usar en los dientes
It’s safe, because it adheres to the teeth and only   de los bebes.
a small amount of fluoride varnish is needed so
the risk of ingestion is low.                         Then continue on with the rest starting with Es se-
                                                      guro porque.
How long does the effect of the
fluoride varnish last?                                ¿Cuánto tiempo dura el efecto
The protective effect of the fluoride varnish will    del barniz de fluoruro?
continue to work for several months.                  El efecto protector del barniz de fluoruro
                                                      continuará funcionando por varios meses.
Why is it important to take care
of your child’s teeth (primary and                    ¿Por qué es importante cuidar
permanent)?                                           los dientes de su niño (primarios
√   Allow your child chew food                        y permanentes)?
√   Help your child speak clearly                     √    Permita masticar alimentos
√   Guide the permanent teeth into place              √    Ayuda a hablar claro
√   Aid in formation of jaw and face                  √    Guía los dientes permanentes en su lugar
√   For a beautiful smile                             √    Ayuda en formar la mandíbula y la cara
√   To keep your child healthy                        √    Para una sonrisa bonita.
                                                      √    Mantenga a su niño saludable
Who qualifies?
Children with Medical Assistance (MA).                ¿Quiénes califican?
                                                      Niños con Asistencia Médica (MA).

Dental varnish is                                      Barniz Dental está disponible para niños a partir
available for children starting at the                 de la erupción del primer diente a los 5 años de
eruption of first tooth through age 5 as                edad como parte de su visita de salud de CTC.
part of their Child and Teen Checkups                  Usted también puede obtener fluoruro por medio
health visit. You may also get flouride               de su proveedor dental o de la Salud Pública Local.
varnish at your dental provider or local
public health.

For more                                                                           Para más información
information call                                                                    llame a la oficina de
Nobles County                                                                     Servicios Comunitarios
Public Health at                                                                  del Condado de Nobles
507-295-5213.                                                                         al 507-295-5213.

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                      13        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                           Who are Child and Teen
                           Checkups (C&TC) exams for?
                           • Children and teens, birth to 21 years
                           • Children and teens enrolled in
                             Medical Assistance

                           Why are C&TC exams
                           • To keep your children healthy
                           • To help to detect and treat problems
                           • You may use this health check for a
                             Head Start, WIC, school, or daycare
                             health check up

                           How often should I have a
                           C&TC exam?
                           • Between birth and one month and at
                             2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 and 30
                           • Every year starting at 3 years through
                             20 years.
                           • More often if needed.

                           Where can I get a
                           C&TC exam?
                           • Your regular doctor, nurse, or clinic can
                             provide this service. You MUST get
                             services from a provider in your health

                           Always make sure to                           ወደ ዓመታዊ የወጣቶችና ሕፃናት የጤና ምርመራ ሲቲሲ (CTC)
                           buckle up your child.
                                                                         በመውሰድ ልጅዎ የተፈለገዉን ጠንካሬ እንዲያገኙ ይረደዋል።
                           Spring into action by getting
                           your child in for their C&TC
                              It is YOUR choice. Get the
                          FACTS. Make HEALTHY decisions.
                           Learn how to take CARE of your
                            child and yourself. GET a Child
                              and Teen Checkups EXAM!

                              For more information
                               call Nobles County
                             Community Services at                                                  507-295-5213.

                          DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                  14    WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
What is Fluoride Varnish?
Fluoride varnish is a protective coating that is
applied to the surfaces of teeth to prevent new
cavities from forming and to help stop cavities
that have already formed.

What does fluoride varnish do?
Fluoride varnish strengthens a child’s teeth. The
stronger teeth are, the lower the risk that the
child will develop cavities.

Is fluoride varnish safe?
Yes, fluoride varnish can be used on babies’ teeth.
It’s safe, because it adheres to the teeth and only
a small amount of fluoride varnish is needed so
the risk of ingestion is low.

How long does the effect of the
fluoride varnish last?
The protective effect of the fluoride varnish will
continue to work for several months.

Why is it important to take care
of your child’s teeth (primary and
√   Allow your child chew food
√   Help your child speak clearly
√   Guide the permanent teeth into place
√   Aid in formation of jaw and face
√   For a beautiful smile
√   To keep your child healthy

Who qualifies?
Children with Medical Assistance (MA).

Dental varnish is
available for children starting at the
eruption of first tooth through age 5 as
part of their Child and Teen Checkups
health visit. You may also get flouride                                  507-295-5213.
varnish at your dental
provider or local
public health.

For more information
call Nobles County
Public Health at

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                      15   WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                            YOUNG REMBRANDTS: ON DEMAND ONLINE LESSONS (AGES 6-12)
                            Young Rembrandts was created to be
                            fun. Our drawing classes offer child-
                            friendly and relevant subject matter to
                            spark interest and increase knowledge
                            retention. Through the process of
                            weekly instruction, Young Rembrandts’
                            students are exposed to a wide variety
                            of subject matter, artistic concepts, art
                            history and mastery of their materials.
                            These classes/activities are all done
                            currently online either by sending you
                            the lesson plan or choosing to do a live
                            teacher led experience online. On-
                            demand drawing classes are perfect for
                            families that want a freeform schedule.
                            Register today and get a set of four
                            60-minute classes to enjoy when it is
                            convenient for you. You can register anytime and after registering, your lessons will be sent to you via
                            email and your student can start either the first Monday or Friday of the next month.

                            Mon - Fri, following month start
                            Anytime                            4 ses.
                            Pre-recorded                       $19
                            Instructor: Minnesota Young Rembrandts

                            YOUNG REMBRANDTS: LIVE ONLINE LESSONS
                            Live weekly classes! All the benefits of traditional Young Rembrandts drawing classes but with the added
                            convenience of staying home while drawing and interacting with friends! You can register anytime and
                            after registering, your lessons will be sent to you via email; your students start either the first Monday or
                            Friday of the next month. You will be doing 4 sessions for this class option.

                            2423F20                                                                                  ALL
                            Mon - Fri, following month start                                                     REMBRANDT
                            4:00 -5:00 p.m.                    4 ses.                                            CLASSES ARE
                            Pre-recorded                       $39                                                GOING ON
                            Instructor: Minnesota Young Rembrandts                                                  NOW!

                            YOUNG REMBRANDTS: WORKSHOP ON DEMAND (AGES 4-12)
                            On-demand drawing workshops are perfect for kids who want to do more than just an hour a day.
                            Register now and get a set of 90-minute classes to enjoy when it is convenient for you. Your student
                            will participate in classes with 5 lessons in this fun option. We will send you the lesson links for all the
                            classes no matter when you register for this option.

                            Online                             10 wks.
                            E-mail                             $49
                            Instructor: Minnesota Young Rembrandts

                            DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                      16       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                                                                                             REMBRANDT DRAWING CLASSES
Online Lessons, 10 week classes. All the
benefits of traditional Young Rembrandts’
drawing classes but the added convenience of
staying home while drawing and interacting
with friends! This option is a 10-week session,
each with a unique set of lessons designed
to teach basic to advanced drawing skills, art
techniques, and vocabulary for students ages
6-12. You can start at any time and you will
receive all 10 weeks' worth of lessons in an

Mon., Weekly basis            10 wks.
E-mail                        $39
Instructor: Minnesota Young Rembrandts

Live Interactive Drawing Classes for 4 lessons. Community centers, summer camps, and YOUR LIVING
ROOM provide the perfect setting for our Young Rembrandts' workshops. We present drawing lessons
that encompass a fascinating world of characters, pattern, and color. Held each week on either Monday
or Friday (depending on your family schedule) from 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Mon. or Fri., Every week      4 wks.
4:00-5:00 p.m.                $32
Instructor: Minnesota Young Rembrandts

Have you been interested in home canning but felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to start? Learn
                                                                                                             COOKING CLASS

how easy it is to enjoy fresh from the garden or farmer's market veggies year round in this two-hour
class led by local hobby gardener and canning fanatic, Alyssa. Participants will learn how to mix up a
batch of homemade salsa, jar it up, and process jars in a water bath so lids will vacuum seal to preserve
the contents for use at a later date; no refrigeration required! Participants will go home with a quart of
canned salsa and recipe.

1270F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Mon., Sept. 14.
Mon., Sept. 14
5:30-7:30 p.m.                   1 ses.
WMS Home Ec Room                 $10
Instructor: Alyssa Sobotka
DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                      17       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                                         NOBLES COUNTY
                                   INTEGRATION COLLABORATIVE
                                    Adrian Ellsworth Fulda Heron Lake-Okabena Round Lake-Brewster Worthington
                                1450 College Way (LARC Building), Worthington, MN | 507-376-3300 |
          The mission of the Nobles County Integration Collaborative, a consortium of adjacent school districts, is to promote student success and community
       acceptance of cultural differences by providing opportunities for students, families and staff from diverse backgrounds to learn from and with one another.

                                                      Fall Opportunities 2020
                         (All our programs are open to all NCIC member districts and their communities)

       Updates from NCIC                                                            2020-2021
       Nobles County Integration Collaborative (NCIC)                               Home Visiting Program
       continues to serve six area school districts that                            Do you know that home
       include Adrian, Ellsworth, Fulda, Heron Lake-                                visits could increase student
       Okabena, Round Lake-Brewster and Worthington.                                performance, jumpstart parent
       Each member district follows an Achievement                                  involvement, reduce discipline
                                                                                    problems, and increase overall
       and Integration Plans approve by Minnesota
                                                                                    positive attitudes towards
       Department of Education. Each member district’s
                                                                                    school? Home visits provide
       Achievement and Integration Plan is in effect                                better opportunities for students, parents, and
       from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023.                                           teachers to connect, communicate, and increase
       NCIC’s plans have goals that align with                                      cultural competence.
       Minnesota’s “World’s Best Workforce” goal areas.
                                                                                    This opportunity is available for NCIC member
       These goal areas include:
                                                                                    school districts teachers, school counselors, and
       •    All children are ready for school
                                                                                    administrators who will implement home visits in
       •    All third-grade students read at grade                                  the 2020-2021 school year. Home Visits can be done
            level                                                                   through Zoom or phone calls. This will include stipends
       •    All racial and economic achievement                                     and paid mileage.
            gaps are closed
                                                                                    For more information and registration, contact Nancy
       •    All students graduate from high school
                                                                                    at 507-376-3321 or email
       •    All students are ready for career and
                                                                                    EL Sistema Imagine
                                                                                    (Students in grade 3-5)
       NCIC and its member districts have implemented
                                                                                    Nobles County
       several strategies to accomplish local                                       Integration
       Achievement and Integration goals. You can find                              Collaborative is
       individual district’s Achievement and Integration                            offering an after
       plans on NCIC’s webpage or individual school                                 school music program
                                                                                    whose primary tool is
       districts webpages.
                                                                                    classical music. This
                                                                                    opportunity is open to students entering
       How to stay connected                                                        3rd grade through 5th grade in the Fall of 2020
       with NCIC                                                                    as well as returning students. It includes activities
       Here is how you can stay connected with NCIC.                                for participation in percussion ensembles, recorder
                                                                                    training, and musicianship. Don’t miss out on this
       Through these different media outlets, you will
                                                                                    wonderful opportunity for your talented child to get
       find program updates/changes, cancellations,                                 involved with the community through the love of
       opportunities, and fun pictures from our                                     music.
                                                                                    Date: Mondays & Wednesdays
                                                                                    (specific dates in October TBD)
                                                                                    Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Location: Prairie Elementary Music Room                                                    Cost: FREE
       DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                           18          WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                            INTEGRATION COLLABORATIVE
                             Adrian Ellsworth Fulda Heron Lake-Okabena Round Lake-Brewster Worthington
                         1450 College Way (LARC Building), Worthington, MN | 507-376-3300 |
   The mission of the Nobles County Integration Collaborative, a consortium of adjacent school districts, is to promote student success and community
acceptance of cultural differences by providing opportunities for students, families and staff from diverse backgrounds to learn from and with one another.

                                               Fall Opportunities 2020
                  (All our programs are open to all NCIC member districts and their communities)
After-school Programs for                                                     Homework Help
grades 7th-12th                                                               Need a place to
7th Grade Odyssey                                                             study? Need help with
is an afterschool program that focuses on                                     assignments? Need help
academic success, cultural awareness, leadership
                                                                              to better understand
development, and giving back to the community.
                                                                              a subject that you are
If you are interested in joining or                                           struggling with? Youth
have questions about the program,                                             Development Leaders are offering Homework Help
contact Youth Development Leaders,
Chansouk Duangapai at 507-727-                                                Days for 5th-12th grade students in all subjects.
1114; chansouk.duangapai@isd518.                                              We will provide snacks. Transportation provided
net                                                                           upon request.

Fun facts about Chanksouk:
-I like to watch anime and horror movies!                                     Must call in advance to schedule a session(s) with
-I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up.                              Chansouk, Gladys, or Rachel at 507-727-1114.
-I am obsessed with glow in the dark things.
                                                                              Date: School year 2020-2021
8th Grade Odyssey                                                             Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
is a group focusing on team building, career
exploration, building leadership skills, culture                              Location: NCIC office or through Zoom
               awareness, and getting ready to                                Cost: FREE
               transition into high school.

                     If you are interested in joining or
                     have questions about the program,                        CoderDojo
                     contact                                                  (“Coder” – that’s
                     Youth Development Leader,
                     Rachel Fisher at 507-376-3328;                           us! “Dojo” – a
                                            safe learning
                                                                              environment) meets
                Fun facts about Rachel:
-I had a pet chameleon.                                                       once a month in
-I have lived in 22 different houses.                                         the computer lab
-My favorite hobby is road tripping                                           of Minnesota West
                                                                              Community and
Dynamic 507(Students in grade 9-12)                                           Technical College
is a group that emphasizes cultural awareness,
leadership development, academic success, civic                               – Worthington
engagement, and college and career readiness.                                 Campus. CoderDojo
                                                                              sessions provide
If you are interested in joining or have questions                            FREE, volunteer-led STEM (Science, Technology,
                about the program, contact Youth
                Development Leader, Gladys Aldana                             Engineering, Math) programming for young people
                507-727-1116; gladys.aldana@                                  aged 7 to 17. Students choose to learn to code
                                                          using JavaScript, Python or Scratch, build a
                     Fun facts about Gladys:                                  website, create an app, design a game, or explore
                     -I love competitive games.                               technology by coding miniature robots or wiring
                     -I am the oldest child out of six!                       circuitry boards within an informal, creative, and
                     -My favorite flowers are sunflowers.                     social environment.
*All NCIC After-school programs
will start the week of September 14, 2020                                     *More details of the CoderDojo program will be
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                                   posted on NCIC/CE Facebook page.
Cost: FREE
DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                           19          WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                         FAMILY LIAISON
                         The Family Liaison helps families get the information and support they need to help
                         their children to be academically and socially successful in school.

                         Facilitate communication for families whose first language is not English
                         At times they are current or former parents of the students, just like you
                         Must relate well to people of all ethnic groups
                         Instructed to maintain confidentiality in carrying out their responsibilities
                         Learn to nurture and foster collaboration between families, teachers, and administrators
                         You can get information about the resources available in the community
                         Love creating a welcoming environment for families in the school
                         Increase family involvement through workshops and volunteer opportunities
                         Act as bridges to connect home and school during transitions
                         Inform families about available programs that could benefit them
                         Serve as a contact person for families with questions about events and activities in school
                         Organize and schedule meetings between you and your child’s teacher
                         Nicely and in an organized manner, will be glad to assist you
                         Adry Stafford 		                 507-372-1227      or     507-370-3682
                         Pilar Hartshorn 		               507-372-1210      or     507-360-7204

                       COMMUNITY CONNECTORS
                       CONNECT PEOPLE & RESOURCES
                       Community Connectors assist Nobles County
                       residents by listening to their needs and
                       connecting them to available resources.

                       Community Connectors specifically assist people with:
                       • Housing        • Healthcare
                       • Employment     • Legal services
                       • Transportation • Financial info
                       • Education      • Citizenship

                       The Community Connector office is located in the Community Education
                       office at the West Learning Center, 117 11th Ave, Worthington. Their office hours are
                       Monday–Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon on Fridays. The
                       Community Connector Coordinator and Spanish-speaking Connector is Nelson Bonilla
                       (507-372-4664) and Lorena Gonzalez-Miranda (507-372-4664).
                       Area residents are encouraged to call ahead to make an appointment.


                                                                                 Call us today at
                                                                                 (507) 376-6105
                       DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION               20      WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                                                                                   HISTORIC DAYTON HOUSE


                                               Adult Basic Education
        Adult Basic Education classes will re-open August 31, 2020. The decision as to whether classes are
        in-person or online will follow ISD 518 guidance. To get updates on our fall schedule, like “District
        518 Community Education” on Facebook.

          DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMS – These programs are all available to our students any time. Contact
          your teacher to get enrolled. For new students, call 507-372-1239 and talk to Marty to enroll.

                                         GED Academy                                  Khan Academy
                                         Online, mobile-                              Online lessons that cover
                                         friendly course that                         math, grammar science
                                         prepares students                            and history, to prepare
                                         to take the GED®                             students to take the GED®
                                         test.                                        test.

           Read Theory                                          ReadWorks
           Increase your English                                Read articles online or
           skills by reading                                    ask your teach to print
           interesting short                                    them out for you. The
           stories online. Take a                               questions you complete
           quiz to build reading                                will help you to build
           comprehension.                                       your reading skills.

                                    Moby Max                                      USA Learns
                                    Alphabet letters and                          Improve your English skills in
                                    sounds, phonics, reading                      listening comprehension,
                                    and math for beginner                         vocabulary, grammar,
                                    English language                              spelling, pronunciation,
                                    learners.                                     reading, writing, speaking

           Burlington English                                   Reading Skills for
           Learn English, practice                              Today’s Adults
           pronunciation, and study                             Work on phonics,
           Citizenship questions using                          reading and writing
           a computer, an iPad, or                              online. Or ask your
           smartphone.                                          teacher for paper

      DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                     22       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
                       ‫ًڤڧ‬٤٪٦Ѯ‫ٱ‬Ѱ‫ڝ‬Ч‫ًَڢيڤ‬٬ѭ٫ѰЦ٦ًѯჵ࿝໏࿱࿌൐෰ဨఋ   I͍DUJɼOHBOIUɞJOIh
                       Aprann Angle lakay ouٓ‫يڜُڱ‬ңّ‫ڰ‬ԃ‫ڝ‬Ճ‫يڜڝڍّيڶ‬Ӷ‫ٔډ‬
                       Aprende inglés desde casa Apprends l’Anglais de la maison
                       ჵ࿝໏࿱࿌൐෰ဨఋ                   I͍DUJɼOH
                       ΔϐϠϟ΍ϢϠόΗ  Learn English   BOI͟OIh
                       ΔϳΰϴϠΠϧϹ΍Aprann         Aprann Angle
                       ΖϴΒϟ΍ϲϓ Angle from Home
                     I͍DUJɼOH lakay ou        lakay ou Aprende
                     BOIUɞJOIh Apprends l’Anglais de la maison inglés
  Apprends          ‫ﺗﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ﰲ اﻟﺒﻴﺖ‬
              l’Anglais                        ჵ࿝໏࿱࿌൐෰ဨఋ desde casa
  de la maison Aprende inglés desde casa ϪϧΎΧέΩ̶δϴϠ̴ϧ΍ϥΎΑί̵ήϴ̳ΩΎҨ

   SW ABE - South
   (507) 376-6105                  BURLINGTON

                  This class will take you through the steps of how to install the app, sign
                  into the system, and use it for meetings of a variety of purposes. Hands on
                  class - please give us your email and phone number to contact you. Will
                  start out on your phone to install the program and then accessing through
                  an emailed link. Let's Zoom!

                  4153F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Tuesday, Aug. 11.
                  Tues., Aug. 11
                  5:30-6:30 p.m.                   1 ses.
                  Online                           $5
                  Instructor: Adry Stafford

                  CREATIVE ARTS
                  CARD MAKING - KERCHIEF
                  Want to learn how to create your own cards? Chris Brouwer is going to teach us how to create fun notes
                  to use! Stamp-a-Stack of eight all purpose cards. Make four of each and take them home with matching
                  envelopes. The perfect gift to give away as a set or use yourself to help cheer up someone's day. No
                  stamping experience necessary.

                  1163F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Mon, Sept. 28.
                  Mon., Sept. 28
                  5:30-7:30 p.m.		                              1 ses.
                  Prairie Elementary Conferance Room            $25
                  Instructor: Chris Brouwer

                  Celebrate Dia de la Muertos with this fun activity inspired by Mexican Folk Art traditions. You will make
                  a ceramic skull-shaped tile from a template and then decorate it any way you want using clay and
                  underglazes. A variety of techniques will be demonstrated to help you get started. All materials will
                  be provided. Your projects will be fired with a clear glaze for a gloss finish and available for pick up on
                  October 24.

                  2008F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Oct. 3.
                  Sat., Oct. 3
                  1:00-3:00 p.m.                   1 ses.
                  Learning Center Art Room         $30/adult child; $20 each addl. child
                  Instructor: Janelle Doyle

                  Explore paper ornament traditions from around the world as you create decorations for the holiday
                  season. All materials will be provided.

                  2421F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Saturday, December 5.
                  Sat., Dec. 5
                  10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.            1 ses.
                  Learning Center Art Room         $15 per adult/child; $10 each addl. child
                  Instructor: Janelle Doyle
                  DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                       24      WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                                                                                                CREATIVE ARTS
Explore the world of artist tiles. You will have the
opportunity to make and paint a variety of tiles in this
workshop. Demonstrations will cover basic tile making,
transferring a drawn image, and decorating with
stamping, painting, and sgraffito. All materials will be
provided, just bring your ideas. Your projects will be
fired with a clear glaze for a gloss finish and available
for pick up on November 28.

2009F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Nov. 7.
Sat., Nov. 7
1:00-4:00 p.m.                     1 ses.
Learning Center Art Room           $45
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

Explore the art of printing in this class for students of all ability levels. You will get a chance to create
monotypes using Gelli plates and acrylic paints, a series of relief prints using Styrofoam printing plates,
and a drypoint using plastic printing plates and a clay press. Each session will include a demonstration,
one-on-one time with the instructor, and time to work on individual projects. All materials will be
provided, just bring your ideas.

2010F20 A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Sat., Nov. 14.
Sat., Nov. 14, 28, Dec., 5
1:00-2:30 p.m.                     3 ses.
Learning Center Art Room           $65
Instructor: Janelle Doyle

       If District 518 cancels school for the day or releases
           students early for weather or health reasons,
      then it is our policy to cancel all Community Education
            Enrichment Program classes and activities.
        Call our office at 376-6105, watch our District 518
       Community Education Facebook Page or listen to the
                                                                                                                WEATHER POLICY

              local radio stations for announcements.
        New Payment Policy: Payment must accompany registration to ensure enrollment
          in a class. Registrations without payment will be put on hold until payment is
     received. Registrations/payments received the date the class begins will be charged an
       additional $5 processing fee. All walk-ins and late registrations will be charged the
         $5 processing fee. Participants are strongly encouraged to register early. These
         changes are made in an effort to provide quality service through an enrollment
        process more efficient and fair to all participants. If you have questions regarding
             this change, please feel free to contact the Community Education office.

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                       25       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
DAKOTA HISTORY               U.S. DAKOTA WAR OF 1862:
                              PIECES OF THE PUZZLE
                              Join Professional Photographer and Amateur
                              Historian Jay Grammond as he shares what
                              he has learned about this event through 10
                              years of study. The goal of this presentation
                              is three-fold: 1) to bring awareness to an
                              epic event in Minnesota history; 2) to provide
                              a balanced look; 3) to encourage you the
                              viewer to explore and research a piece of
                              this event on your own. Thank you for being
                              a Lifelong Learner! Plan to watch Jay's video
                              presentation prior to the online Q & A on
                              October 1.

                              Jay is a Professional Photographer from
                              Minnesota, he is also an Amateur Historian,
                              focusing on WWII; the U.S. - Dakota War of

                              1862; and The Plains Wars. He also loves all
                              things Americana. Jay was an Award Winning
                              Community Educator in the Lifelong Learning
                              industry for nearly 20 years, before becoming
                              a Full Time Professional Photographer.

                              A processing fee of $5 begins at 12:01 am on Thursday, Oct. 1.
                              Thurs., Oct. 1
                              6:30-7:30 p.m.                        1 ses.
                              Online                                $19
                              Instructor: Jay Grammond

                                    WORTHINGTON AREA FOUNDATION
                                            WILL BE ACCEPTING ONLINE GRANT APPLICATIONS
                                                     AUGUST 10 - OCTOBER 1, 2020.
                                                                                                         Local non-profit organizations
                                                                                                           and government entities
                                                                                                         may apply though our website
                                        The Worthington Area Foundation (WAF) helps make the Worthington community an even better place to live and
                                        work by awarding grants to worthy organizations and projects through its general endowment and related funds.

                                                                      ADVOCATES HERE FOR YOU
                                Working with children, youth, and adults to help you find answers, explore your
                                         options and work with you to develop your plan for safety.

                                                24 Hour SAFE Line                                         Youth Text Line
                                                 1-800-376-4311                                           1-218-666-8336
                                              We have bilingual English-Spanish speaking staff and can provide interpreter at no cost.
                                                                      All services are FREE & CONFIDENTIAL.


                              DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                             26         WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
 WAMBO                                                 BOOSTER CLUB
                                                       Membership for the sports booster club is
 WAMBO is an organization of parents and
                                                        • Family   $25 • Business      $50
 music educators whose mission is to promote,
 encourage and maintain an enthusiastic                       The membership money can be
 interest in the music programs of District 518            mailed or turned into WHS Office,
 throughout the community.                             1211 Clary St. Worthington, MN 56187
 People can sign up for WAMBO at the                                         Meetings are held
 WAMBO table at most of the music concerts.                                      each month of
                                                                               the school year.
   • Individuals    $20                                                       Depending on the
   • Businesses     $30                                                    school session they
                                                                             are held in person
 People can also send in their membership fee                              or on Zoom through
 to the WAMBO mailbox at the High School,                                     WHS. If you have
 1211 Clary Street.
                                                                              questions, please
                                                                             contact Josh Dale,
 Annual meeting will be
 Tuesday, August 25                                                           Athletic Director.
 5:15 p.m. at the
 High School.

 Meetings are
 held the 4th
 Tuesday of each
 month at
 5:15 p.m.
 at the
 High School.
 Come join us!

                                                                                                      KING TURKEY DAY

   King Turkey Day
               September 17 & 18, 2021
 More fun in 2021! Make plans to join us!
DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                  27       WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105

                                                  INSTRUCTOR LED AND SELF-PACED COURSES
          Use Your Time
          to Learn Online
                                                  ONLINE COURSES
                                                  Personal Finance                                      Interpersonal Communication
                                                  Protect your assets and discover how best             Become aware of the conscious and
                                                  to achieve all your financial goals.                  unconscious codes of meaning people
                                                                                                        send when communicating with others.
                                                  Using the Internet in the Classroom
                                                  Discover how you can use the Internet to
                                                  make teaching easier for you and more                 Homeschool With Success
                                                  relevant to your students.                            Discover how to homeschool your
                                                                                                        children in a way that ensures they get
                                                  Keys to Effective Communication
                                                                                                        what they need both academically and
                                                  Lost for words? Don’t be! Learn to build
          Learn from the                          rapport, trust, warmth, and respect
                                                  through conversation.                                 Integrating Technology in
          Comfort of Home.                        Creating a Classroom Website                          the Classroom
                                                  Learn how to create a classroom website               In this professional development
                                                                                                        course for teachers, you will learn about
          Our Fundamentals online                 and how having one can make you a
                                                  more effective and dynamic teacher.                   technology integration in the classroom
          courses are informative,fun,                                                                  and gain the skills needed to use tools
                                                  Individual Excellence                                 like apps, assistive technology, and blogs
          convenient, and highly                  Master twelve career-enhancing skills                 effectively.
          interactive. We focus on                including goal setting, time management,
                                                  personal organization, and creativity.                Building Teams That Work
          creating warm, supportive                                                                     What are the secrets to managing
                                                                                                        successful teams in the workplace?
          communities for our learners.           Creating Web Pages                                    Explore communication techniques and
                                                  Learn the basics of HTML so you can                   problem-solving skills that will help you
          Complete any of these                   design, create, and post your very own                get your team on track in no time.
                                                  site on the Web.
          courses entirely from your                                                                    Leadership
                                                  Creating WordPress Websites                           Gain the respect and admiration of
          home or office and at any               Learn how to create websites with                     others, exert more control over your
                                                  WordPress, the world’s most popular                   destiny, and enjoy success in your
          time of the day or night.
                                                  website building platform.                            professional and personal life.

            Prices start as low as:   $100           Instructor-Led Courses - Monthly sessions
                                                     Self-Paced Tutorials - Start today and study on your own schedule

                     Enroll Now!

                                      These and many other online courses to choose from

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Flatten Fields & Save File

 Instructor-Led ONLINE

              Worthington District 518 Community Education
 Our instructor-led online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive.
 We focus on creating warm, supportive communities for our learners. New course sessions begin monthly.
 Complete any of these courses entirely from your home or office and at any time of the day or night.

                 Drawing for the Absolute Beginner                            Introduction to Photoshop
                 Gain a solid foundation in drawing                           Learn how to use Photoshop, the world’s
                 and become the artist you’ve always                          best graphics program, to edit and process
                 dreamed you could be!                                        photos and create original images.

                 Introduction to Microsoft Word                               Photoshop Elements for the Digital Photographer
                 Learn how to create and modify                               Master the secrets of correcting digital
                 documents with the world’s most                              photos, and bring out the best in all
                 popular word processor.                                      your photographs!

                 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint                         Secrets of Better Photography
                 Build impressive slide presentations                         Discover strategies and tricks for taking
                 filled with text, images, video, audio,                      excellent pictures no matter what or
                 charts, and more.                                            where you're shooting.

                 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher                          Discover Digital Photography
                 Find out how to use this software                            Explore the fascinating world of digital
                 to design, develop, and publish                              photography equipment.
                 newsletters, Web sites, and brochures.

                 Creating Web Pages                                           SAT/ACT Preparation
                 Learn the basics of HTML so you can                          Get your best possible score on the verbal
                 design, create, and post your very                           and reasoning sections of the new SAT exam.
                 own site on the Web.

                 Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners                        Introduction to Algebra
                 Learn how to create your very own blog                       Understand how algebra is relevant to almost
                 and add a podcast too using the tools                        every aspect of your daily life, and become
                 you already have on your computer.                           skilled at solving a variety of algebraic problems.

 Learn from
                • Discussion Areas
 the comfort
 of home!
                • 6 Week Format 
                • Expert Instructor
                                          (507) 376-6105
 Prices start as low as:   $100           Visit our website for start dates

DISTRICT 518 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                             29        WWW.ISD518.NET/ENRICHMENT | 507-376-6105
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