COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018 - Louisville Public Media

Page created by Jeremy Hughes
COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018 - Louisville Public Media

            Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   1
COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018 - Louisville Public Media
A Note From LPM’s President
Dear Friends,

I joined Louisville Public Media because I believe journalism is a public service that makes our democracy work. I believe a great city is only great when it has vibrant music
and arts. And I believe when we work together, we can see past our differences and understand each other more deeply.

Louisville Public Media has long been driven by these principles. Every day, we work to provide you with the news and information you need to make informed decisions
about our community and our world via 89.3 WFPL. We seek to expose wrongdoing and protect the vulnerable with our work at the Kentucky Center for Investigative
Reporting. We chronicle the generational shifts in our region through the Ohio Valley ReSource.

We produce journalism that keeps you informed and makes our community and its institutions better.

We know that cities are defined in many ways by the art and music they produce. And here in Louisville, we have a special scene. We highlight that every day on 91.9 WFPK
— in our programming, at Waterfront Wednesday and the many concerts we help produce, and in the knowledge of the voices you trust to lead your discovery of new music.

We understand the inherent value of classical music for our community, and through 90.5 WUOL, we bring it to your homes, offices, cars and anywhere you are. We also
know the power of music education, and so we work in schools and community centers to teach young people, because music and arts are vital to a well-rounded education.

We also know that it takes a lot to navigate the world today, and Louisville has never had a more vibrant social life. That’s why Do502 is here for you, working every day to
provide a comprehensive guide to the events happening all around us.

I’ve always thought of Louisville Public Media as a public service institution. We are here not to tell you what to think or like, but to provide you with what you need to make
informed choices in your life. We do it without fear or favor. We do it because we love this community.

That is powerful impact. On this website, you’ll see that impact chronicled in various ways — through storytelling, membership, audience, engagement, revenue, and service,
among others.

Your support makes it all possible. So thank you — for helping us get to where we are, and for joining us to build a strong foundation for the future.

                                                                                                          Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018                     2
“…information is an essential community need. It is as real a
need as education, jobs, housing and a vibrant cultural life.”
                                               — John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

MISSION                                                                VISION
Because an informed and educated citizenry is vital to a               To be the essential community resource for news and culture,
healthy democracy and a thriving city, Louisville Public Media         filling the void in local journalism and cultural programming;
provides broad access to news and cultural programming that            to lead the way in the development of new technologies which
is free from commercial and political influence.                       keep the public aware, informed, and engaged; to be the
                                                                       primary convener of discussion about the key issues affecting
                                                                       our diverse community.

                                                                                Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018    3

       Weekly Broadcast                                 Unique Monthly Web   Monthly Stream                       Monthly Podcast
          Listeners                                           Visitors         Listeners                            Downloads

     213,900*                                            192,000             44,000                                92,000
* Copyright © 2018 Produced by RRC from The Nielsen
 Company. Nielsen Topline Radio Ratings, Spring 2018,
  Louisville TSA, Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday, 6 a.m.–
               Midnight, Cume (Aggregate).

             Social Media                                  LPM Hosted                       Kids Reached Through
              Followers                                       Events            Events                          Education Programs

       119,344                                            48,372                 78                                 5,595

                                                                                 Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   4

89.3 WFPL News is an independent,                Louisville’s Fine Arts Station gives life to our    WFPK is our region’s award-winning hub for
nonpartisan daily news outlet that reports       city’s cultural community. With 24/7 classical      independent, alternative music and American
on our city, state and region without fear or    music and fine arts features, interviews            gems like jazz and bluegrass. We introduce
favor. We do fact-based reporting that is free   and event listings, we offer a unique local         you to significant new music, connect you
from political and corporate influence. We       connection. We champion area artists and            to Louisville’s best and play your long-time
are a community supported 501(c)(3) and          cultural institutions, and we offer an escape       favorites for an eclectic mix. And we bring our
NPR affiliate that produces and distributes      from our raucous world with music that feeds        community together with regular concerts
daily journalism via broadcast, digital audio    the soul and expertise that illuminates the art.    and events, such as WFPK Waterfront
and online.                                                                                          Wednesday.

The Kentucky Center for Investigative            The Ohio Valley ReSource is a regional              Do502 is Louisville’s go-to calendar service.
Reporting is a nonprofit, nonpartisan            journalism collaborative reporting on               We provide event listings for more than 150
newsroom that produces investigative             economic and social change in Kentucky, Ohio        venues and organizations across the metro
journalism that affects you, your                and West Virginia. With support from the            area. We also serve as the how-to manual for
neighborhood, and your Commonwealth.             Corporation for Public Broadcasting, seven          experiencing the city. Want to do Derby or
Our mission is to protect society’s most         public media outlets across the three states        Forecastle right? Want to know what bars allow
vulnerable citizens, expose wrongdoing           partner to form the ReSource in order to            dogs, who has the best tacos, or which brunch
in the public and private sectors, increase      strengthen news coverage of the area’s most         spots are family-friendly? Our lists have you
transparency in government and hold leaders      important issues, including the economy,            covered.
accountable.                                     energy, environment, food, health and

                                                                                       Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   5

TALLIS AND TECH                                  THE POPE’S LONG CON                                   FERDINAND THE BULL

With Tallis and Tech: A Virtual Reality Choral   The Pope’s Long Con is a Peabody Award-               WUOL’s Sara Calloway and Shawn
Experience, 90.5 WUOL partnered with             winning five-part podcast that focused on             Hennessey of Squallis Puppeteers partnered
the Louisville Chamber Choir and Kent            former Kentucky Rep. Dan Johnson’s life               to create a traveling show for children
Hatteberg to pair Tallis’ masterpiece with       of fraud and deceit, including allegations            based on Ferdinand the Bull. They visited
21st century technology: VR/360 video and        of arson and sexual assault of a minor.               25+ schools, sharing live classical music,
sound. WUOL’s team recorded Tallis’ Spem         Lawmakers called for Johnson’s resignation            puppetry and storytelling with more than
in alium, sung by the Louisville Chamber         within hours of the story’s publication, and          2,000 children.
Choir, in Louisville at 21c Museum Hotel, St.    Louisville’s mayor demanded that police
James Catholic Church and the elevator of        reopen their investigation into the alleged
the Brown Hotel. The result is a remarkable      sexual assault. The podcast was reported by
new way to experience some of the world’s        R.G. Dunlop and Jacob Ryan and produced
oldest music.                                    by Laura Ellis. The full team credited on the
                                                 series included editors Brendan McCarthy,
                                                 Erica Peterson and Stephen George; web
                                                 developer Alexandra Kanik; and creative
                                                 director Sean Cannon.

                                                                                        Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   6

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN                               IMPACT
                                                                                                   In 2017, Louisville Public Media acquired
Louisville Public Media celebrated             KyCIR’s Kate Howard learned that Louisville         the assets of the popular citywide calendar
the completion of its newly renovated          Metro Police officers were quietly helping          service Do502. LPM has partnered with
headquarters and the completion of its         immigration agents as they enforce federal          Austin-based DoStuff Media to continue
“Raise Your Voice” campaign with a public      law, a practice in contrast with statements         operating and the Do502
open house and block party celebration. The    from city leaders and the “compassionate            app, and expanded the calendar to include
event featured NPR President and CEO Jarl      city” image they project. The reporting took        a broad range of cultural, sports, family,
Mohn, and performances by local artists,       numerous records requests, interviews               educational and community events. Via
including a selection from an original work    and months of work. The results were                the free Do502, people can find out what’s
about Muhammad Ali that debuted during         immediate. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer            happening in the city, share events with
the Louisville Orchestra season.celebration.   called for a review within hours of our             friends, and easily buy tickets or enter
                                               story’s publication. The police department          sweepstakes to win tickets. Do502 is the
                                               created a new policy preventing officers            engine powering the event calendars for
                                               from joining Immigration and Customs                WFPK, Insider Louisville, New2Lou and
                                               Enforcement agents for “knock and talks,”           Fund for the Arts.
                                               as they had been when asked. And the city
                                               council passed an ordinance that made that
                                               policy permanent.

                                                                                    Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   7

THE NEXT LOUISVILLE                           WATERFRONT WEDNESDAY                               MUSIC AND MOVEMENT

This year, WFPL continued The Next            91.9 WFPK Independent Louisville and               What happens when a dance party has Top
Louisville project with support from the      the Louisville Waterfront Development              40 hits along with Beethoven and Mozart?
Community Foundation of Louisville, digging   Corporation hosted the 16th season of              Over 1,500 elementary students found
deep on the issue of concentrated poverty     the wildly popular WFPK Waterfront                 out at the end of the school year. Mozart’s
in our community. Reporters examined          Wednesday concert series. Thousands                Lacrimosa was played as students entered to
disparities in trash can placement, public    attended these free summer concerts on             take their seats. Beethoven’s 5th Symphony
transit access, and retirement, along with    the Waterfront with performances by The            was used as a signal to notify students that
telling the stories of people in some of      Mavericks, Pokey LaFarge, Strand of Oaks,          it was time for a “challenge.” The challenges
these areas who choose to stay in their       Low Cut Connie and others.                         spanned from the best floss dance, to
communities and fight for their future.                                                          singing discontinued cartoon themes, to the
                                                                                                 lowest limbo.

                                                                                  Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   8

FLORENCE PRICE                                     WATERFRONT WEDNESDAY                                MUSIC AND MOVEMENT

90.5 WUOL, in partnership with the                 In FY 2018, WFPL launched Recut: a weekly           Through a partnership with other public
Muhammad Ali Center, presented the                 podcast taking a closer look at one of the          radio stations in Kentucky, WFPL continued
modern-day premiere of a recently                  stories we’re covering, with the reporter who       its in-depth coverage of state government.
discovered string quartet by Florence              covered it. Hosted by WFPL News Editor              From Frankfort, Kentucky Public Radio
Price. Price is generally considered the first     Jonese Franklin (above) and produced by             reporter Ryland Barton followed the twists
African-American woman to be recognized            WFPL’s Laura Ellis, the podcast clocks in           and turns of the legislative process, including
as a symphonic composer.                           around 15 minutes every week. Through an            efforts from state lawmakers to pass major
                                                   in-depth conversation, Recut pulls back the         pension reform and the teacher protests
                                                   curtain on the news process and breaks down         that followed.
                                                   the story, often including sound that didn’t
                                                   make it into the final version.

                                                                                        Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018    9

CURIOUS LOUISVILLE                              THE MUSIC BOX                                        CLASSICAL CORNER

WFPL continued to experiment with new           In March 2018 we released our first episode          This year, we added new music activities
ways to engage readers and listeners            of The Music Box, a podcast for children about       for young people and families to WFPK
through our Curious Louisville project.         classical music. Since then we’ve released 5         Waterfront Wednesday. The 90.5 WUOL
Using the Hearken module, our audience          episodes and started working on Season 2.            Classical Corner has featured DrumSmart,
asked questions about everything from the       The first season featured topics about how to        KMAC, Squallis Puppeteers, Compass
unique pronunciation of “Loo-ah-vull” to        make your own instruments, musical eras, and         Quartet, and Louisville Folk School. We’ve
the backstory of Clifton’s “chicken steps.”     much more. Season 2 will explore different           engaged 500+ families with hands-on music
The staff also used the Curious Louisville      elements of music in an effort to support the        activities on the Big Four Lawn.
framework for gathering audience questions      50+ new JCPS music teachers.
to pose to the Louisville mayoral candidates
before the May primary, and for soliciting
questions for a news special on the potential
state takeover of Jefferson County Public

                                                                                     Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   10
90.5 WUOL
                                     Peabody Award
         Local That Works            2017 Peabody Award, The Pope’s Long Con. The George Foster Peabody Award is
      90.5 WUOL was a finalist       the highest honor in radio, awarded to 30–60 projects per year out of thousands
         for Local That Works, a     of submissions from around the country. This is the organization’s second Peabody
      competition presented by       Award; the first was awarded to WFPL-FM in 1950.
  Current, public media’s trade
 publication, to identify stations   Edward R. Murrow Award
       that have “innovative and     The Radio Television Digital News Association honors outstanding achievements in electronic journalism.
replicable content, engagement       2018 Regional Award — Overall Excellence
         and revenue strategies.     2018 Regional Award — Investigative Reporting for “Louisville Police Don’t Enforce Immigration – But Help The Feds Do It”
                                     2018 Regional Award — Continuing Coverage for “Butchertown Soccer Stadium.”
             91.9 WFPK
Best Local Radio Station             Investigative Reporters and Editors
 91.9 WFPK was recognized as         The country’s top investigative journalism association honors the best work in the nation.
   “Best Local Radio Station” in       · 2017 Investigative Radio – 1st Place – “The Pope’s Long Con“
the 2017 LEO Readers’ Choice           · 2017 Investigative Radio – Finalist – “Louisville Police Don’t Enforce Immigration – But Help the Feds Do It“
                       Awards          Louisville Public Media’s news teams took home six first place awards, including an award for Overall Excellence (which included
                                       submissions from everyone in the newsroom).
   The Pope’s Long Con won best      Other first place awards included:
  “Multi-Media Presentation” in
    the AA category (competing         · Best Reporter for WFPL Arts and Culture Reporter Ashlie Stevens
 among the biggest public radio        · Digital Coverage for The Pope’s Long Con
                       stations).      · Political Coverage for Ryland Barton’s Capitol reporting
                                       · Investigative Reporting for Kate Howard’s investigation into the relationship between LMPD and ICE
 Green Eyeshade Award                  · And a joint first place award shared with WAVE-3 for the look at Kentucky animal shelters Ralph Dunlop did with John Boel.
    The Society of Professional
     Journalists’ annual Green       Society of Professional Journalists – Louisville Chapter
   Eyeshade Awards honor the         Seven first place awards including:
    best online, radio, print and
    television journalism in the       · Erica Peterson for Weather/Environmental Writing
   southeastern United States.         · Kyeland Jackson for Best News Story in the radio/podcasting category
                                       · Laura Ellis for Best Use of Social Media in the radio/podcasting category
2018 Investigative Reporting           · Roxanne Scott for Continuing Coverage/Series Reporting in the radio/podcasting category
(Radio) – 1st Place – “Louisville      · Ashlie Stevens for Feature Reporting in the radio/podcasting category
Police Don’t Enforce Immigration       · Lisa Gillespie for Public Affairs Reporting in the radio/podcasting category
       – But Help the Feds Do It“      · R.G. Dunlop and Jacob Ryan for Enterprise/Investigative Reporting in the radio/podcasting category
                                                                                                       Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018      11
                                                                                                                                                           Other Re

                                   Financial Report
                                              Fiscal Year: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

         REVENUES                                                                              EXPENSES
   3.8%                                                                                      16.5%

                              43.9%                                                6.6%
                                                                       Business Sponsorships
                                                                                                                                                           Station P
                                                                       Grant Income
                                                                       Federal Funding
     40.8%                                                                                                      76.9%                                      Managem
                                                                       Other Revenue

          Membership       $2,544,149                                       Programming & Operations $5,070,005                                                  13,6
Business Sponsorships      $2,365,676                               14,000               Fundraising $442,654                                           13,009
        Grant Income       $221,117                                       Management & Administration $1,155,601                      11,852
      Federal Funding      $339,121                                                                11,078                    10,957
       Other Revenue       $326,074                                                       10,095            9,991   10,184                                       9,1
                                                                    10,000                                                                              8,342
           For more detailed financial reports for this and previous8,000
                                                                     years, visit

                                                                                    Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018
                                                                                                                          5,677                  12
 6.6%                                                                  Station Programming & Operations
14,000                                                                                      13,009
12,000                                                           11,852
                          11,078                       10,957
                 10,095             9,991   10,184                                                        9,137
10,000                                                                                       8,342
         9,376                                                                 7,667

 6,000                                                 5,677
         FY09    FY10      FY11      FY12       FY13     FY14       FY15         FY16         FY17          FY18

                                   Sustainers                         Total Members

                                                            Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   13
Board of Directors
“WFPL’s programming teaches me new things and widens
            my point of view. Thank you!”
                                         — Michelle Jacobi

Todd P. Lowe*                         Eric Carrig*                                       Andrew J. Simon*
Chair, At Large Appointee             At Large Appointee                                 At Large Appointee

Peter Wayne*                          Ann Coffey*                                        Nima Kulkarni
Vice Chair, At Large                  U of L Appointee                                   At Large Appointee
                                      José Neil Donis                                    John La Barbera
Susan Moss*                           At Large Appointee                                 At Large Appointee
Secretary/Treasurer, At
Large Appointee                       Linda Sorenson Ewald                               Heather McHold
                                      U of L Appointee                                   At Large Appointee
Tyler N. Allen*
At Large Appointee                    Nichelle Freer                                     Ronald J. Murphy
                                      Metro Louisville Appointee                         At Large Appointee
Dr. Muhammad Babar
At Large Appointee                    Brenda Hart                                        Abby Shue
                                      U of L Appointee                                   At Large Appointee
Gail R. Becker*
Metro Louisville Appointee            Gill Holland
                                      Metro Louisville Appointee

                                *Denotes Executive Committee Member
                                                             Louisville Public Media
                                                                                         Public Radio
                                                                                                      2015 REPORT
                                                                                                           Annual Report
                                                                                                                   2018    14
Community Advisory Board
 “Every morning when I drive to work or class, I’m excited
to turn the radio on and see what you guys have in store for
 the day. The music is always fun and interesting, but most
  importantly I feel like a real Louisvillian while listening.”
                                     — Hannah Ashley

 Mac Brown           Marie Dever                Jason Hesketh                           Todd Read
                     Yodit Dori                 Dana W. Lindley                         Annette Skaggs
 Laura Warren
 Vice Chair          Scott Estes                Edgardo Mansilla                        Jessica Stavros

 Jordan Clemons      Mary Ellen Harned          Pam Michael                             Natalie Stelzer
                     Cassia Herron              William Morrow                          Kenisha Thompson
 Brian Bruenderman

                                                       Louisville Public Media
                                                                                   Public Radio
                                                                                                2015 REPORT
                                                                                                     Annual Report
                                                                                                             2018    15
                                                 as of June 30, 2018
Stephen George, President and General Manager                            Kirsten Pfalzgraf, Director of Engagement
Daniel Gilliam, Director of Radio and Classical Program Director WUOL    Gray Smith, Director of Advancement & Corporate Support
Ellen Oost, Director of Development                                      Charles Spivey, Chief Technology Officer
Stacy Owen, Program Director WFPK                                        Dennis Stovall, Chief Financial Officer
Erica Peterson, Director of News & Programming

Ryland Barton, Capitol Bureau Chief     Jonese Franklin, News Editor                   Ashlie Stevens, Arts and Culture Reporter
Bill Burton, Host, Morning Edition      Lisa Gillespie, Health Reporter                Ryan Van Velzer, Environment Reporter
R.G. Dunlop, Investigative Reporter     Kate Howard, Managing Editor, KyCIR            Jean West, Host, All Things Considered
Amina Elahi, City Reporter              Rick Howlett, Broadcast Editor                 Jeff Young, Managing Editor, OVR
Laura Ellis, Podcast Editor             Kyeland Jackson, Associate Producer            Eleanor Klibanoff, Investigative Reporter
Ron Fisher, Host, Midday                Alexandra Kanik, Data Journalist               Roxanne Scott, Education Reporter
Jill Fox, Host                          Jacob Ryan, Investigative Reporter

Jecorey Arthur, Music Education Manager Alan Brandt, Host

Kyle Meredith, Music Director              Laura Shine, Assistant Program Director
Duke Meyer, Host                           John Timmons, Host

JP Hill, Promotion & Sales Strategist      Meg Samples, Associate Producer
                                                                        Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   16
Debbie Clauson, Account Specialist

J Tyler Franklin, Visual Media Producer   Eric Matthews, Broadcast Engineer      Russell Wells, Technical Operations Manager
Robert Johnson, Producer                  Kojin Tashiro, Associate Producer      Brad Yost, Producer

Rachel Firkins                            Briana Kinkead                         Kelly Wilkinson
Membership & Volunteer Coordinator        Sustainer Membership Coordinator       Membership Manager

Rachel Raphael, Engagement Coordinator

Mindy Fulner, Designer                                      Bryan McFarland, KPRN Corporate Marketing Representative
Jennifer Goodman, Traffic Manager                           Scott Stephens, Corporate Marketing Representative
John Grantz, Senior Corporate Marketing Representative      Savannah Burke, Integrated Media Sales Representative
Tracy Karem, Corporate Marketing Representative

                                                                   Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   17

Foundations                          Members                         Partners                         Business Sponsors

    72                         13,606                                  19                                   410
More than 90 percent of our funding comes from the local community. Below is a list of partners and business sponsors
who made our work possible in 2018. Special thanks to the local, regional and national foundations who support
Louisville Public Media, and especially to the 13,000+ members who invest in our success each year.

Ali Center                               JCPS                                 Louisville Free Public Library
Al Dia En America                        KY Humane Society                    Louisville Orchestra
Americana Community Center               Kentucky Opera                       NouLou Chamber Players
Community Foundation of Louisville       Kentucky Shakespeare                 Speed Museum
Consequence of Sound                     League of Women Voters               U of L School of Music
Endless Riff                             Louisville Chamber Choir             Waterfront Development Corporation
Ideas XLab

                                                                    Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   18
21c Hotel                           Baxter’s Bar & Grill              Bristol Bar & Grille
21st Century Parks                  Baxter’s Corner                   Bristol Development LLC
502 Power Yoga                      BC Plumbing                       Brown Forman – Eve Theatre
7 Sense Festival                    Beaded Treasures Project          Brown Forman Community Relations
A.N. Roth                           BEAMSUNTORY                       Brown Jordan International
Abbey Rd. on the River              Beards & Beers                    Brownsboro Dermatology
AC Entertainment                    Beaver Productions                Brownsboro Hardware and Paint
AC Entertainment-                   Before I Die Fest                 Bryan Armstrong
Access Veterinary Care              Belknap Fall Fest                 Buckhead Mountain Grill
Actors Theatre Direct               Bellarmine University-            Bulleit Frountier Whiskey
Advantage Investment Management     Belzy Bathurst Attorneys          Bunbury Theatre
AEG/Messina Group                   Benny Harris Pro                  C.A.S.A. of the River Region
Against The Grain.                  Bernheim Forest                   Cahill IP
Agritourism Wine & Grape            Better Business Bureau            Capacity Care
Air Pollution Control Board         Big 3                             Caperton Realty
Al J Schneider Co.                  Big Four Arts Festival            Carly Johnson
Alcott & Bentley                    Bike to Work                      Carmichael’s Bookstore
All State Foundation                Bisig Labor Day Weekend Fest      Carnegie Center for Art & History
Alliance Francaise de Louisville    Bloomington Spinners &            Carriage House Interiors
Alpha Leasing                       Weavers Guild                     Carrier
American Red Cross                  Blues Brews & Barbecue            Catholic Charities
Americana Community Center          Bourbon & Beyond                  Cave Hill Cemetery & Heritage
Antiques at Distillery Commons      Bourbon Baroque, Inc.             Foundation
Archdiocese of Louisville           Boys and Girls Haven              Cedar Lake Foundation
Arctic Scoop                        Brasserie Provence                Center for Gifted Studies
Art Sanctuary                       Bridge Counseling & Wellness      Center for Interfaith Relations
Arts Association of Oldham County   Bridgehaven Mental Health         Center for Women/Families
Bats Baseball                       Services                          Central Bank

                                                            Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   19
Centre College                           Derby Dinner                      Frances Lee Jasper Oriental Rugs
Centric Consulting                       Django Jamboree                   Frankfort Ave. Business Assoc.
CFA Louisville                           DMLO                              Frazier History Museum
Chamber Music Society of Louisville      Downtown Development Corp.        Friends of the Louisville Zoo
Christ Church United Methodist           Dragon King’s Daughter            Fund for the Arts
Churchill Downs                          Drepung Gomang Center             Galaxie Bar
Clark Memorial Hospital                  Earth & Spirit Center             Garage Bar
Clifton Center                           Eastwood Records                  Garvin Gate Blues
Columbia Nashville                       Eiderdown                         Goodwill Industries of Kentucky
Come Back Inn                            El Mundo                          Google
Commonwealth Theatre                     Elizabethtown Heritage Council    Grateville Dead
Community Foundation                     Emporium Presents                 Gravely Brewery
Concordia Lutheran Church                Episcopal Church Home             Greater Louisville Medical Society
Connectwise                              Evidation Health                  Green B.E.A.N. Delivery
Consider Boutique                        EVolve KY                         Greenhaven Tree Care
Copper & Kings                           Eye Care Institute                Habitat Restore
Corn Island Storytelling Fest            Facilities Management Services    Haider Eye Care
Cox’s Smokers Outlet & Spirit Shoppe     Falls City Brewery                Half Price Books
Crazy Daisy                              Family Health Centers             Hanover College
Cropped Out Festival                     Farm to Fork                      Hanover Square Press
Cubicle Key                              Ferdinand Folk Festival           Harrison County Visitors Bureau
Cullinan Associates                      Filson Historical Society         Harvest
Cultivating Connections                  Flea Off Market                   Headliner’s Music Hall
Cunningham Door & Window                 Fleur de Flea                     Heart’s Ease Veterinary Care
Dages Hikes Point Paint and Wall Paper   Floyd County Parks Department     Heartsong Memory Care
Dare to Care Food Bank                   Floyd Street Stock Exchange       Heaven Hill
Day’s Coffee                             Flying Axes                       Heine Brothers Coffee
Denny Financial Group                    Foxhollow Farms                   Hello Spoke

                                                                 Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   20
Henderson Music Company                         Ken Comb’s Running Store                 Ky Opera
High Field and Open MRI                         Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese                 KY Rural-Urban Exchange
Highland Baptist Church                         Kentuckiana Blues Society                Land Rover KY 3 Day Event
Highland Commerce Guild                         Kentuckiana Works                        Langsford Learning Acceleration Center
Highland Community Ministries                   Kentucky Author Forum                    Lebowski Fest
Highland Presbyterian Church                    Kentucky Center for African American     Legacies Unlimited
Highlands Latin School                          Heritage                                 Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
Highview Friday Fest                            Kentucky College of Art & Design         Lewis Honors College
Hilliard Lyons                                  Kentucky Community and Technical         LFM Service
Holiday Pottery Sale                            Colleges                                 LG&E and KU Services Co.
Holy Grail                                      Kentucky Country Day                     Limbwalker Tree Service
Homecoming                                      Kentucky Derby Festival                  Liminal Playhouse
Hosparus Health                                 Kentucky Derby Museum                    Lincoln Foundation
iheartcomix                                     Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust    Live Nation-
Independence Bank                               Kentucky Employees Credit Union          Live Nation Nashville
Institute for Sustainable Health & Opt. Aging   Kentucky Humanities                      Locust Grove
Interfaith Paths to Peace                       Kentucky Kingdom                         Look Alive
International Bluegrass Music Museum            Kentucky Lottery Corp.                   Lou Veg Box
Irish Festival                                  Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft           Louder Than Life – DPW
Iron Crafters LLC                               Kentucky Refugee Ministries              Louisville ADHD
Isenberg Spray Foam                             Kentucky Science Center                  Louisville Chorus
IUS                                             Kentucky Shakespeare                     Louisville City Football Club
Jefferson Memorial Forest                       Kentucky to the World                    Louisville Classical Academy
Jeffersonville Main Street Inc.                 Kindred Healthcare                       Louisville Collegiate School
Jewish Family & Career Services                 Korrect                                  Louisville Farm to Table
Jugband Jubilee                                 KY Dept. of Travel & Tourism             Louisville Independent Business Alliance
Just Creations                                  KY Guild of Brewers                      Louisville International Airport
KAIRE                                           Ky Humane Society                        Louisville Leopards Percussionists

                                                                      Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   21
Louisville Master Chorale                      Miller’s Fancy Bath & Kitchen          Parkside Bikes
Louisville Metro TV                            Mirazon                                Passport Health Plan
Louisville Mini Maker Faire                    Mission Data                           Persimmon Ridge
Louisville Muse Cruise                         Montessori School of Louisville        Pete Fest
Louisville Orchestra                           Mortenson Dental                       PNC Foundation
Louisville Originals                           Mountjoy Chilton Medley                Pohl Rosa Pohl
Louisville Palace                              Mperfect Design                        Portland Now, Inc.
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary   Muhammad Ali Center                    Presentation Academy
Louisville Salt Cave                           Munson Business Interiors              ProBilt Automotive
Louisville Solar Tour                          Murphy’s Camera                        Prodigal Ministries
Louisville Visual Art                          Music-Go-Round                         Production Simple
Louisville Water Company                       Nanz & Kraft Florists                  Proof on Main
Louisville Youth Orchestra                     National Shows 2                       Puppy Luv Pet Sitters
Luminary, Inc.                                 Nearly New Shop                        Quest Outdoors
Magpie 3×3                                     Norton Commons                         Quills Coffee
Margaret’s                                     Nouvelle Wine Bar                      Rabbit Hole Distillery
Masonic Homes of Kentucky                      NuLu                                   Rainbow Blossom
Master Musicians Festival                      OATES Award                            Reach Evaluation
Mayor’s Fall Hike                              Objective Results                      Red Hog
McConnell Center                               Old Forester                           Reggae Fest
MEMI                                           Old Louisville Neighborhood            Relax the Back
Mercury Ballroom                               Council                                Republic Bank
Mercy Academy                                  Olmsted Parks Conservancy              Republic Distributing
Merkley-Kendrick Jewelers                      Orangetheory Fitness                   River House
Merridian Home Furnishing                      Original Highlands                     River Roots
Metro Office of Mayor Events                   Neighborhood Assoc.                    Riverside Farnsley Moremen Landing, Inc.
Metro Parks                                    Outback Concerts                       Sacred Heart Academy
Metro United Way                               Pandora Productions                    Sassy Fox

                                                                     Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   22
Second Presbyterian Church            Suntime Pools West                            U.S. Bank – Small Business
Second Street Neighborhood Assoc.     Supplies Overseas                             University of Louisville Dept. of Psychiatry
Second Stride                         Tailspin Ale Fest                             University of Louisville Hite Art Institute
Semonin Realtors                      The Bacon                                     University of Louisville Sch. of Music
Serenade for Haiti                    The Coopers                                   UPS
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill       The Fresh Market                              Uptown Cafe
Sister Dragonfly                      The Gillespie & Passalino’s                   Vacuum Authority
Slane Irish Whiskey                   The Irish Rover                               Valaterra
Software Guild/Learning House         The Kentucky Center                           Vectortone
Southern Crossings Pottery Festival   The Kentucky Center SciFri                    V-Grits
Southern Lights                       The Louisville Ballet                         Via Studio
Spalding University                   The Louisville Zoo                            Virginia Chance School
Speed Art Musuem                      The Olive Branch Foundation                   Visit Madison, Inc.
Square One                            Theatre 502                                   Volunteers of America
St. Agnes Church                      Thomas Jeff Unitarian Ch.                     Water Walk
St. Andrew UCC                        Ticket to Ride                                Water With Blessings, Inc.
St. Francis in the Fields             Tim Northern Comedy Festival                  Waterfront Botanical Gardens
St. Francis School                    Toyota – CRTDAA                               Watrous Assoc, Architects
St. John Center                       Transylvania University                       Wax Fang
St. Meinrad                           Trees Louisville                              Wellspring
St. Vincent de Paul                   Trinity High School                           Wellstone Regional Hospital
St. Xavier High School                Two Men & A Truck                             Wild & Woolly Pilates
Stage One                             U of L Clinical Trials Unit                   Wilson & Muir Bank & Trust
Standard Sales                        U of L Department of History                  Wiltshire Pantry
Starview                              U of L Hospital – Brown Cancer Center         Yew Dell Gardens
Stoll, Keenon, and Ogden LLP          U of L Office of Communication & Marketing    Zanzabar
Strive                                U of L Online Learning
Sullivan University System, Inc.      U of L School of Nursing

                                                               Louisville Public Media COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2018   23
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