Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District
community report 2018
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

                                                                  LEARN • SHARE • GROW

Message from                                                                                             Message from
the Board Chair                                                                                          the Superintendent
                                                   parents. Safe and Active Routes to School is                                                                 and academic goals. Recognizing the need
                                                   one such campaign that gained traction over                                                                  for students to increase their understanding
                                                   the year. Community-wide support for this                                                                    of mental health and mental illness, the North
                                                   initiative has resulted in more students and                                                                 Vancouver School District introduced the Mental
                                                   parents choosing to walk, ride or roll to school,                                                            Health Literacy course as part of the curriculum
                                                   promoting the health and wellness of our                                                                     for all Grade 9 students. We are extremely proud
                                                   students and easing traffic congestion around                                                                to be among the first in BC to implement this
                                                   schools.                                                                                                     program. We are continuing to pilot new and
                                                                                                                                                                innovative ways to communicate learning with
                                                   Our Board and staff have been working                                                                        parents. From standards-based reporting at
                                                   closely with the Ministry of Education on                                                                    Seycove to three-way (student, parent, teacher)
                                                   seismic projects. With the recent funding                                                                    conferences in the Carson Graham Family
                                                   announcement for the full replacement of                                                                     of Schools – we are continuing to learn and
                                                   Handsworth Secondary School, we are pleased                                                                  improve to make the process more meaningful
                                                   to have more than $111M invested in Capital                                                                  and relevant for students, parents and staff.
                                                   Projects for creating seismically safe schools.
                                                                                                                                                                We continue to deepen our understanding
                       CHRISTIE SACRÉ              A brand new Handsworth should welcome                                          MARK PEARMAIN                 of Aboriginal ways of learning through our
                                                   students by 2021. The Argyle Secondary                                                                       partnerships with the Squamish Nation,
                                                   replacement project is underway - construction                                                               Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Métis Nation of BC.
As Chair of the Board of Education, it is my       will start this spring and the new school will        My second year as Superintendent of the                Through these partnerships, we continue on
pleasure to present the North Vancouver School     open for the 2020/2021 school year. Both              North Vancouver School District has been truly         our “Road to Reconciliation” and provide our
District 2018 Community Report. This report        schools will be seismically safe, environmentally     inspiring. I am fortunate to work alongside            students with an expanded local history of the
celebrates education in the NVSD and highlights    sustainable, energy efficient and designed to         incredibly hard-working students and staff             North Shore. We are thankful for the opportunity
progresses and accomplishments taking place        support teaching and learning spaces that             who are actively contributing to the success           to learn, live and share these authentic
across the school district. We have amazing        facilitate the new curriculum and 21st century        of this school district. In my classroom visits, I
                                                                                                                                                                educational experiences on the unceded,
students and staff who demonstrate excellence                                                            have the opportunity to engage with students
                                                   learning. The safety of our students and staff is                                                            traditional territory of the Coast Salish People.
every day - through this report we honour and                                                            and hear about their learning experiences
                                                   a top priority. I am pleased that following these
recognize them.                                                                                          and aspirations. I also have the opportunity           The North Vancouver School District prides itself
                                                   two projects we have only one more seismic                                                                   on world-class instruction and we are honoured
                                                                                                         to witness world-class instructional practices
I am proud to be part of an innovative and         project in our school district and we are already                                                            to work with all our partners in enhancing the
                                                                                                         provided to students by our skilled staff. It’s been
thriving learning community that values            working with the Ministry to get the project          a privilege to work with our dedicated partners        innovative teaching and learning taking place
diversity, inclusion, environmental stewardship    underway.                                             and exceptional school communities to provide          in our schools. I want to express my sincere
and success for all learners. The Community                                                              the best educational experiences for students          gratitude to the North Vancouver Teachers’
                                                   On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like
Report focuses on our strategic goals                                                                    and their families. This year’s Community Report       Association, CUPE Local 389, North Vancouver
                                                   to thank our partners in education. Thank you
that were developed in 2011: EXPAND the                                                                  clearly demonstrates a strong commitment               Administrators’ Association, North Vancouver
                                                   to our staff, parents, students and community
availability of best instructional practices and                                                         to our shared vision to inspire success for all        Parent Advisory Council and District Student
                                                   for your incredible support in working together
enriched curriculum, ENCOURAGE the growth                                                                students.                                              Leadership Council in joining us in this work.
                                                   to build a strong and supportive learning
of collaborative, adaptive and personalized                                                                                                                     Without your support this incredible educational
                                                   environment for our students to learn, share          We continue to build on our goal to expand
learning environments, NURTURE an inspiring                                                                                                                     journey would not be possible. For this we are
                                                   and grow.                                             the availability of best instructional practices
and healthy work environment, DEVELOP and                                                                                                                       grateful.
                                                                                                         and enriched curriculum. The implementation
promote innovative and sustainable programs,       Sincerely,                                            of the new K-9 curriculum is well underway             Sincerely,
PROVIDE leadership in environmental education
                                                                                                         and has proved to be a success to date.
and sustainability practices, and STRENGTHEN
                                                                                                         Our Summer Learning program and North
and expand reciprocal community relations.
                                                                                                         Vancouver Distributed Learning School have
Our strong community relationships and             CHRISTIE SACRÉ                                        undergone many changes to further enhance              MARK PEARMAIN
partnerships have enabled us to collaborate        CHAIR                                                 the course offerings, providing students with          SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS
on many projects that benefit students and         NORTH VANCOUVER BOARD OF EDUCATION                    more opportunities to achieve their personal           NORTH VANCOUVER SCHOOL DISTRICT

North Vancouver Board of Education 2014-2018
                                                                                                             We provide world-class instruction and a rich diversity of engaging
                                                                                                             programs to inspire success for every student and bring communities
                                                                                                             together to LEARN, SHARE AND GROW.

        CHAIR                    VICE CHAIR              TRUSTEE                     TRUSTEE                 TRUST - We act with integrity. We are open and honest in our
                                                                                                             communication with one another.

                                                                                                             RESPECT - We relate to each other with care and appreciation.
                                                                                                             We honour diversity and recognize the exceptional in everyone.

                                                                                                             RESPONSIBILITY - We are accountable for our actions. We support
                                                                                                             positive change, continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

                                                                                                             COLLABORATION - We develop relationships and affiliations to achieve
                                                                                                             shared goals and consider each other in our decisions and actions.
       TRUSTEE                    TRUSTEE                 TRUSTEE

                                   CONNECT WITH US                    @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

               GOAL #1: EXPAND the availability of best instructional practices and enriched curriculum.
                                                                                                 i l

Aboriginal teaching an integral part of our curriculum
BY BRAD BAKER (TSNOMOT)                               children to come. This day is to remember                Eastview Elementary
DISTRICT PRINCIPAL, ABORIGINAL EDUCATION,             that every child matters, as we continue the             Eastview Elementary School and Capilano
                                                      discussion on all aspects of residential schools.        Reserve Little Ones School (Xwemelch'stn                        Tsleil-Waututh            Skwxwú7mesh
The North Vancouver School District has made          This auspicious day was celebrated in the fall           Etsimxwawtxw) joined together to support                            Nation
                                                                                                                                                                                People of the Inlet
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Squamish Nation
great strides in the integration of Aboriginal        and was a great success across the school                local First Nations ways of knowing. More
Education in the classroom. Here are some             district.                                                than 50 students from Little Ones School
highlights of what we have achieved this school                                                                visited Eastview Elementary for a school-wide
year.                                                National Aboriginal Day
                                                                                                               celebration. A powerful moment was when
                                                     June 21st is National Aboriginal Day. Every year,
Go forward with courage                                                                                        Aaron Williams, Francis Lewis and Dallas Guss
                                                     our schools celebrate the day by honouring
In partnership with the Squamish Nation and                                                                    shared traditional language and drumming.
                                                     First Nations, Inuit and Métis heritage, cultures
Tsleil-Waututh Nation, the NVSD embarked on
                                                     and outstanding achievements. Students learn              "The beating of the drum represents the
a Coast Salish Welcome Pole project at the
                                                     about the varied heritages, languages, cultural           heartbeat of mother nature and it brings us
Education Services Centre on Lonsdale Avenue.
                                                                             practices, and spiritual          together through song," said Guss.
Carving started last
summer and throughout                                                        beliefs of the more
this school year students,           "The beating of the drum                than 600 indigenous
staff, school district             represents the heartbeat of               communities of Canada.
Trustees, community              mother nature and it brings us
                                                                             Norgate Community
members, educational                  together through song."
partners, Elected
Officials, and many                                                          A carving by Jody
more have placed their marks on the pole. The        Broomfield (Sinámkin) was unveiled at Norgate
Welcome Pole is called Kyactn, which means,          Community Elementary School in the summer
"We are all created equal, as brothers and sisters   of 2017. The carving pays homage to a woman
to welcome each other to sacred places on            picking berries along the Capilano River, which is
Mother Earth."                                       part of the history of this area.
The Welcome Pole Blessing Ceremony will take          All students took part in the celebrations. "We
place in the summer of 2018.                          gathered together as a school to come up
Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity for First          with a program for all the kids to celebrate and
Nations, local governments, schools, and              acknowledge our traditional day," said Heather
communities to come together in the spirit            Myhre, Aboriginal Support Teacher at Norgate
of reconciliation and hope for generations of         Community School.

                                                                                                               Pumpkin coding
                                                                                                                BY IAN CUNLIFFE                                       create flashy, spooky pumpkins. Coding
                                                                                                                TEACHER LIBRARIAN, CANYON HEIGHTS                     or ‘hacking’ a pumpkin is actually a pretty
                                                                                                                ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                      simple process. If you think about many of
                                                                                                               Technology is the way of the world. Coding             today’s modern household appliances, from
                                                                                                               forms an integral part of the core competencies        refrigerators to vacuums, they are still the same
                                                                                                               in BC's new curriculum; it teaches kids how to         old device – just with a computer or robot
                                                                                                               be project leaders, conduct research, design,          embedded within. The same was true for our
                                                                                                               and develop a final product. Coding can be             pumpkins! We placed small robotic spheres
                                                                                                               introduced into the classroom in many unique,          inside our jack-o-lanterns. Students wrote a
                                                                                                               fun and engaging ways.
                                                                                                                                                                      code to produce a series of lights and sounds to
                                                                                                               At Halloween, my students used coding to               create some serious Halloween fun!

SOGI learning videos feature                                                                                   What makes a great school?
North Vancouver educators                                                                                       BY PIUS RYAN
                                                                                                                ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, NVSD
                                                                                                                                                                         A focus on student engagement and learning

BY CLAIRE GORDON PIJANOWSKI                           Identity (SOGI) issues and help further their            John Dewey, the great American philosopher,               A culture of teamwork and collaboration
ELEMENTARY COUNSELLOR, NVSD                           understanding with an easy-to-follow structure.          once said that schools are the training ground            Respect for adult and student diversity
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)                                                                  for democracy and must be microcosms of how
                                                      Last year, the North Vancouver School District
                                                                                                               we wish to see our society.                               A strong sense of community and
leaders in North Vancouver are proud to have          joined a collaborative project with the BC
taken part in the recent creation of a series of      Ministry of Education, BC Teachers' Federation,                                                                    collective responsibility
                                                                                                               Schools are foundational to the teaching of
videos and learning modules for educators             UBC Faculty of Education, and ARC Foundation             values and ways of being. This includes teaching          Strong systemic structures
across BC. The SOGI 123 website provides              to create safer and more inclusive school                basic skills, disciplines of knowledge, and critical      (e.g. Collaboration, Staff Meetings)
inclusive tools, lesson plans, and recently           environments for all students with a focus on            thinking, which are some of the intellectual tools
created videos to help educators ensure all           SOGI. North Vancouver was one of the first nine          required to engage in modern democracy.                   Ongoing and relevant communication of
students feel safe, included and empowered.           school districts in BC to take part in the SOGI pilot                                                              student learning.
                                                      project.                                                 As stewards and leaders of schools, we need
The purpose of these videos is to inspire those                                                                to be mindful of not getting lost in the basic         These six attributes form key indicators of our
in the education system to become more                The films were released last year and celebrated         skills. Instead, we use these skills as part of the    school planning process.
engaged with Sexual Orientation and Gender            at a screening at UBC Robson Square.                     larger picture of inspiring students to become
                                                                                                               well-rounded, successful citizens. We asked our
"SOGI leaders in North Vancouver are proud to have taken part in the recent                                    stakeholder groups what makes a great school           "Schools are foundational to the
creation of a series of videos and learning modules for educators across BC."                                  and six key attributes were identified:                teaching of values and ways of being."

                                     CONNECT WITH US                         @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

  GOAL #2: ENCOURAGE the growth of collaborative, adaptive and personalized learning environments.

Promoting equality &                                                                                       Lacrosse Academy set to
acceptance at Cleveland                                                                                    start in September
Elementary                                                                                                 A new lacrosse academy in North Vancouver along with environmental
                                                                                                           science and animation academies are among the newest specialized
                                                                                                           education programs on offer in North Shore schools this year
                                                                                                           BY JANE SEYD                                        Wanner. Wanner said the academy is intended
The Cleveland Elementary School Gay-Straight                                                               NORTH SHORE NEWS                                    as a skills development program, not a full-
Alliance (GSA) Club was first established in                                                               North Vancouver school trustees recently            contact sport.
May 2017. At the elementary level, a GSA club                                                              approved a lacrosse academy set to start at         Lacrosse was widely considered Canada’s
helps to raise awareness of the inequalities                                                               Carson Graham next September.                       national game until 1994, when it was made
and discrimination that have plagued members
                                                                                                           The program will be open to students in grades      Canada’s national “summer game,” with hockey
of the LGBTQ+ community, while promoting
                                                                                                           8 through 12 and will include skill development     taking the title of Canada’s national “winter
equality and acceptance of all individuals. To
                                                                                                           in field and box lacrosse. The school district is   game.”
introduce the topic of the Cleveland Elementary
GSA, we presented the goals and objectives of                                                              partnering with the Tewanee Consulting Group,       The lacrosse academy will function similarly to
the GSA to Grades 6 and 7 students, and to the       "The Pride flag was also raised on the                headed by Tewanee Joseph, who has been              the way other sports academies run in the school
Cleveland teaching staff.                                                                                  heavily involved in North Shore lacrosse as both    district, with fee-paying students taking part in
                                                     flagpole alongside the Canadian flag."
                                                                                                           a coach and player, to offer the program.           the academy training during physical education
On May 19, 2017, International Anti-Homophobia
                                                                                                           In addition to developing skills, the lacrosse      blocks two or three afternoons a week.
Day, Cleveland demonstrated its commitment           was also raised on the flagpole alongside the
to being a safe and caring school by inviting        Canadian flag. Overall, the GSA has been a huge       academy will also honour the history and culture
students to wear clothing of various rainbow         success - increasing student empathy and              of the Squamish Nation, whose members have
colours to show their support. The Pride flag        understanding.                                        been heavily involved in lacrosse for many
                                                                                                           Organizers expect up to 40 per cent of students

Re-thinking enrichment – how                                                                               enrolling in the academy to be members of the
                                                                                                           Squamish Nation, according to a school district

does creativity measure up?
                                                                                                           Although there is a lacrosse academy in
                                                                                                           Nanaimo, there is no similar program in the
BY CORRINE KINNON                                    communication, critical thinking and creativity.      Lower Mainland, said district principal Deborah
HANDSWORTH FOS LEADER,                               Destination Imagination engages students in
GIFTED PROGRAMS, NVSD                                instant challenges that provide opportunities for
What does the future hold? What will the world       them to think, take risks and work together to        "In addition to developing skills,
look like in five years? In 20 years? No one is      solve problems. Each challenge is open-ended          the lacrosse academy will also
sure, yet we are meant to be educating students      and enables students to learn and experience          honour the history and culture of the
for it. In this modern era, the skills and traits    the creative process from imagination to              Squamish Nation, whose members
needed for success rely heavily on a creative        innovation, while fostering their creativity,         have been heavily involved in
mindset. This mindset involves cognitive             courage and curiosity.                                lacrosse for many generations"
processes that transform one’s understanding
                                                     In December, we teamed up with the Artists
of, or relationship to, the world, and in essence,
                                                     for Kids program and endeavoured in a full day
the freshness and the ability to make dreams
                                                     print-making session. We worked with expert
come to life.
                                                     artists to guide the students to produce their
So, this year, our theme for our Gifted              own works of art. As we continue our journey
Enrichment Opportunities is 'Creativity.' The goal   with the students in their exploration of their
is to offer students a chance to see things in       imaginative potential, we can’t wait to see what
new ways by breaking barriers.                       kinds of creativity we can cultivate.
We are using Destination Imagination to help         "This world is but a canvas to our imagination.”
teach 21st century skills, such as collaboration,    HENRY DAVID THOREAU

                                                                                                           ACADEMIES AT A GLANCE
Student voice                                                                                              Elementary enhanced programs:
                                                                                                              Artists for Kids After-School Art
                                                                                                                                                                  Experiential Outdoor Environmental Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                  Field Hockey Academy
BY GREG HOCKLEY                                                                                               Artists for Kids Paradise Valley Summer
                                                                                                                                                                  French Immersion
VICE PRINCIPAL, ARGYLE SECONDARY SCHOOL,                                                                      School of Visual Arts
DSLC ADVISOR, NVSD                                                                                            Band and Strings Program                            Global Perspectives Program
I am one of four educators working with an                                                                    Early French Immersion                              Hockey Skills Academy
extraordinary group of students from all of                                                                   Late French Immersion                               International Baccalaureate (IB) - Middle
our secondary schools called the District                                                                     International Baccalaureate (IB)                    Years (MYP) and Diploma Programmes
Student Leadership Council (DSLC). They are                                                                   Primary Years Programme (PYP)                       Lacrosse Academy
a self-assembled group who provide voice,                                                                     Grade 4/6 Outdoor School Program                    Outdoor Education Academy
leadership and representation to all students                                                                 Grade 3 Skw’une-was Cultural Program                Peak Performance Program
in the North Vancouver School District. The                                                                   StrongStart
DSLC is supported by the Board of Education                                                                                                                       Performance Learning Program (PLP) –
                                                                                                           Secondary enhanced programs:
and students meet once a month for a general                                                                                                                      Apple Distinguished Program
meeting where the key dialogue takes place.                                                                   Advanced Placement (AP) Program
                                                                                                                                                                  Semester System
Individual DSLC student members commit               "Students understand that they are a                     Apprenticeship Training and Work
                                                                                                                                                                  Soccer Academy
to taking seats on various committees in the         valued stakeholder and their thoughts                    Experience
                                                                                                              Artists for Kids Studio Art Academy                 VCC Culinary Arts Level 1
school district. Students understand that they       and voice can make a difference."
are a valued stakeholder and their thoughts and                                                               Basketball Academy                                  Volleyball Academy/Volleyball Canada
voice can make a difference. The students gain       Once a year, the DSLC organizes and hosts a              Dance Academy                                       Centre of Excellence
a sense of empowerment and ownership in their        student forum that brings a larger student group         Digital Media Academy                               Young Entrepreneurship and Leadership
own learning and schooling.                          into the process.                                        Distributed Learning                                Launchpad (YELL)

                                     CONNECT WITH US                    @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

                                    GOAL #3: NURTURE an inspiring and healthy work environment.

New modular learning space                                                                                   School enhancements
at Ridgeway Elementary                                                                                        BY MIKE CHAPMAN
                                                                                                              ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES, NVSD

BY NEVASHA NAIDOO                                                                                            Upgrades, Building, Improvements
                                                       The heating and lighting systems have all             Typically, we receive $2.89M of Annual Facilities
                                                       been upgraded, including LED lighting.                Grant (AFG) funding from the provincial
Ridgeway Elementary School is one of five
                                                    “There is a great sense of community in our              government to improve our facilities. This
schools that received additional learning space
                                                    school. The staff, students, and parents are all         includes upgrades to building systems, building
this school year in the form of portables.
                                                    great to work with and I am pleased to be part of        envelope renewals, enhanced accessibility in
Ridgeway's additional learning space is
                                                    such a great community,” says Yeo.                       washrooms and exterior ramps, enrichment of
unique in that it is much larger than a single
                                                                                                             learning spaces, and improvements to outdoor
room portable. It is called a modular building,
comprised of multiple joined portables.                                                                      areas.

Principal Dean Yeo shares some interesting                                                                   In addition to our annual AFG work, further
facts about the space:                                                                                       improvements of $1.88M were completed last
                                                                                                             summer to support the implementation of the
   The modular is environmentally friendly and                                                               restored language in the teachers' collective
   also features gender neutral washrooms.                                                                   agreement. Six new portable classrooms
                                                                                                                                                                     Cove Cliff's ou
   There are nine classrooms in total; seven are                                                             were placed at four schools, while significant                         tdoor learnin
                                                                                                                                                                                                 g space.
   used for classes and the other two are used                                                               renovations occurred at nineteen schools to
   for project based learning.                                                                               create additional teaching spaces. A $843K fire
                                                                                                             alarm retrofit project at ten schools is nearing
   The new learning space is modern and the                                                                  completion and $91K was invested in new
   hues and colours of the space blend with the                                                              industrial education equipment at five secondary
   features of the school.                                                  mentary modular
                                                            New Ridgeway Ele                                 schools.
                                                                                                             Design Philosophy
                                                                                                             All our work directly supports student and staff

Empathetic connections                                                                                       well-being by enhancing learning and teaching
                                                                                                             environments. The Facilities & Planning team
                                                                                                             embraces the school district’s design philosophy
BY DENEKA MICHAUD                                   reduce aggression and bullying while raising             comprised of the following principles: maximum
                                                                                                                                                                                                       rning   space.
CO                                                                                                           flexibility and adaptability for today and the                         essible outdoor lea
                                                    social/emotional competence.                                                                                  Capilano's new acc
M daughter Oaklynn and I are taking part in
My                                                                                                           future; healthy, sustainable and accessible
                                                    By visiting Ms. Duckles’ kindergarten class at           environments; school-community connections;
the Roots of Empathy program – a program
                                                    Larson Elementary once a month, Oaklynn                  connections to the wider community; and
teaching elementary school students to be                                                                                                                        Enhancing Learning & Teaching Environments
                                                    is teaching the students a lot; and Oaklynn is
caring, compassionate individuals able to                                                                    professional support. These principles have
                                                    learning too. At every visit, she’s fully engaged and                                                           We are thankful to school PACs for
identify, relate and respect other’s feelings.                                                               been demonstrated in the completion of the
                                                    happy. It’s an excellent activity for her and I to do                                                           supporting new outdoor learning spaces at
Empathy isn’t easy to teach, but it’s the basis                                                              Windsor Secondary seismic upgrade, have been
                                                    together – we love our Roots of Empathy days!                                                                   many schools.
of what public education represents. The                                                                     the basis for the design of the Argyle Secondary
fundamental interpersonal skills that evolve                                                                 seismic replacement project, and will support          A new welding training centre was created at
from empathy are what enable our children to be                                                              the Handsworth Secondary replacement project.          Sutherland Secondary.
successful no matter what life path they choose.
The Roots of Empathy program uses the

development of a baby to teach young students
how to be empathetic. By connecting with my
daughter solely by identifying her emotions and

                                                                                                             students get
understanding her development and feelings,
the students are learning how to successfully
relate to others. The program is proven to

                                                                                                             funding for
Staff wellness –                                                                                             a brand new
at the heart of what we do                                                                                   school
BY TARA CAMPBELL                                    At the North Vancouver School District, we are            BY BC MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

MANAGER, HUMAN RESOURCES, NVSD                      committed to supporting and nurturing a healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PHOTO FLICKR.C

                                                    work environment through WELLNESS.                       Recently, Education Minister, Rob Fleming
Our staff includes a number of groups such
                                                                                                             announced that the province will provide $62.3
as Teachers and Education Assistants who            District staff have access to a variety of wellness      million to replace the 57-year-old Handsworth
work directly with students in the classroom;       resources, such as:                                      Secondary.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     , announces
leadership teams including Principals and Vice         24/7 Employee Family Assistance Program                                                                                      tion, Rob Fleming
                                                                                                                                                                  Minister of Educa                     build.
Principals; and support staff, such as Payroll,        (EFAP) confidential short-term counselling            “It’s time to bring a new, expanded and                     .3M  fundin g of Handsworth Re
                                                       services and resources for a wide range of            seismically safe school to Handsworth
ICT and Facilities. Each staff group makes
                                                       topics such as family and marital challenges,         students,” said Minister of Education, Rob
unique and important contributions to the school
                                                       addictions, mental health challenges such             Fleming. “Our government is doing things
district's success.
                                                                                                             differently by working for families and making
                                                                                                                                                                 “It’s time to bring a new, expanded
                                                       as anxiety and depression, child care and                                                                 and seismically safe school to
While our staff have to manage their professional      parenting resources, legal and financial              investments that support student safety.”
lives, they each have personal and family lives
                                                                                                                                                                 Handsworth students.”
                                                       advisory services.                                    The project will provide a seismically safe
to manage too, so it is crucial that we support                                                              and state-of-the-art school, designed to
them. As a school district our primary goal and        Resources for both teaching and support                                                                   With two major school replacement projects
                                                                                                             accommodate more students. The new school
purpose is to facilitate and support student           staff who are injured or ill.                                                                             going, Argyle and Handsworth, the North
                                                                                                             will be built on the west side of the current
learning and success, and our ability to achieve       Professional development opportunities                property. The current school will remain open       Vancouver School District continues to show
this is entirely dependent upon our most               and mentorship programs to support staff              until the new school is finished and then the old   a commitment to providing modern, safe and
important asset – our people.                          learning and success.                                 building will be replaced with a new grass field.   innovative facilities for teaching and learning.

                                    CONNECT WITH US                        @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

                                GOAL #4: DEVE
                                         DEVELOP and promote innovative and sustainable programs.

                                                                                                                 Changes to French Immersion
                                                                                                                 Secondary program provide
                                                                                                                 greater flexibility
                                                                                                                 BY JULIE BERTRAND
                                                                                                                 FACILITATRICE DES PROGRAMMES FRANÇAIS,
                                                                                                                                                                               Culture et communication (9e): In this course,
                                                                                                                 DISTRICT FRENCH FACILITATOR, NVSD                             students will develop their oral language
                                                                                                                                                                               abilities through exploring francophone
                                                                                                                 This year, the North Vancouver School District                culture.
                                                                                                                 implemented changes to the French Immersion
                          Summer Learning celebrates Canada's 150th, Summer 2017                                                                                               Carrières et leadership (10e): This course
                                                                                                                 Secondary program. The main reason for
                                                                                                                 these changes is to provide greater flexibility to            provides opportunities for students to

                                                                                                                 secondary school French Immersion students,                   plan for successful lifelong learning while
                                                                                                                 as well as to adapt to their interests. Further,              developing leadership skills.
                                                                                                                 the changes align with the newly redesigned BC             In 2018-2019, Culture et communication 11/12e

Learning                                                                                                         curriculum.

                                                                                                                 The major changes include:
                                                                                                                                                                            will be offered. This course will be developed
                                                                                                                                                                            around Francophone history and will continue
                                                                                                                                                                            to build on students' oral language skills. This
                                                                                                                    Students have the option of taking Sciences
BY KATHLEEN BARTER                                                                                                                                                          course will be required to participate on the
                                                                                                                    (8e, 9e, 10e) in French or in English, so long
                                                                                                                                                                            optional District trip to Orléans, France in the
CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT, NVSD                                                                                     as they complete 13 courses in French for
                                                                                                                                                                            Spring of 2019.
                                                                                                                    the bilingual Dogwood.
Summer Learning assists a wide variety
                                                                                                                 New additions to the French Immersion
of students in fulfilling their academic and                                                                                                                                "The main reason for these changes
                                                         students who want to enhance their numeracy             timetable (2017-2018):
individual goals. The Summer Learning                                                                                                                                       is to provide greater flexibility to
                                                         or literacy skills to prepare for success at the           Éducation physique et santé en plein air
community focuses on solid instruction and
                                                         next course level. Numeracy 8/9 is tailored to             (8e): Will offer opportunities for students to          secondary school French Immersion
assessment practices, and the building of                allow for appropriate entry points for individual          participate in physical and health education            students, as well as to adapt to their
community.                                               student learning - instruction focuses on the              while exploring the outdoors.                           interests."
For the 2017 Summer Learning "Celebration                core numeracy skills. Literacy 8/9 targets key
of Learning," teachers and students explored             reading and writing skills that set students up for
the theme of Canada 150 and its application to           success.
their courses. As a culminating project students         English Language Learning (for students at
presented curricularly relevant inquiry projects         levels 1-3) builds on the core communication
connected to Canada 150. Summer Learning                 skills of reading and writing.
offers two types of programs: Full Credit
and Foundations (Review and Completion).                 Grade 7/8 Transition is for students who will
Full Credit courses are offered for Grades               be entering Grade 8 in the fall and who are
                                                         tentative about their transition to high school.
10-12 and are designed for students who
                                                         The Grade 7/8 International Baccalaureate
choose an alternate pathway to graduation.
                                                         (IB - MYP) Transition program is designed for
Summer Learning's Foundations (Review and
                                                         students transitioning to an IB Middle Years
Completion) Program focuses on building core
                                                         Programme (MYP) school from their non- IB -
academic skills and confidence in students.
                                                         PYP elementary school. French Immersion 7/8
The Foundations (Review and Completion)                  is designed for late French Immersion students
courses have three programs. The Literacy 8/9            who require practice the language skills required
and Numeracy 8/9 programs are designed for               in secondary school.

Tanzania/Cleveland art project Communicating
                               student learning in

                               an online environment

If you were asked to draw, paint, or photograph your
favourite thing to do at school when you were in                                                                 BY MAUREEN STANGER                                   Key highlights:
kindergarten what would it reveal? For the past two                                                              DISTRICT PRINCIPAL, NORTH
years, that is the question Dr. Jodi Streelasky has                                                              VANCOUVER DISTRIBUTED LEARNING                          Increases connection between DL parents and
been posing to 5 to 7-year-old children in two diverse                                                           SCHOOL                                                  NVDLS Principal and Vice Principal.
elementary schools. Their powerful responses were                                                                This fall, the North Vancouver Distributed              Automated email reminders to parents to encourage
recently revealed at an educational art exhibit.                                                                 Learning School (NVDLS) launched a                      them to login and check their child’s progress on a
The Artists for Kids gallery showcased a unique                                                                  new program, called “Mentor Manager,”                   regular basis.
exhibit of students' art from Cleveland Elementary                                                               which provides our parents with access                  Login includes a short video introduction from our
School in North Vancouver and Chang'ombe Primary                                                                 to Moodle, our DL school site. Parents                  NVDLS Principal and gives an interactive tour of
School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The public had                                                                received a login and password and were                  the Moodle homepage and the features from the
an opportunity to experience the art from the study                                                              able to view our DL Centre schedule,                    gradebook.
that has the potential to impact future curriculum                                                               message teachers and administrators,
development in early years' classrooms around the                                                                and experience the online learning                      Enhances our more formal communication of
world.                                                                                                           environment.                                            student learning through the report card process,
                                                                                                                                                                         which happens three times a year.
The research aimed to establish where and how their                                                              Every parent is “connected” to their
skills and knowledge developed and what were the                                                                                                                         Provides parents with live assessment and
                                                                                                                 student’s Moodle account, allowing them
prime motivators for learning.                                                                                                                                           evaluation data on a continuous basis.
                                                                                                                 to view their student’s gradebook which
                                                                                                                 includes marks, feedback, and course                    Is a key component of our School Planning
"The Artists for Kids gallery showcased a unique exhibit of students' art from                                   progress. This gradebook is available 24/7              Communication goal and we are confident that
Cleveland Elementary School in North Vancouver and Chang'ombe Primary                                            and is updated by our teachers whenever                 this increase in parent communication will lead to
School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania"                                                                               work has been submitted and marked.                     greater student success.

                                    CONNECT WITH US                           @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

                   GOAL #5: PROVIDE leadership in environmental education and sustainability practices.

Litterless Lunch at Braemar                                                                                     Cheakamus
GRADE 2/3 TEACHER,                                                                                              Centre:
                                                                                                                A hub for

I am proud to be part of the Braemar

                                                                                                                learning in
Environment Committee. With the help of our
student environment club, all students at our
school participate in “Litterless Lunch” every

third Wednesday of the month. On these days,
garbage and recycling bins in the school are
closed except for organics. Students are
reminded about recycling and reusing lunch                                                                       BY CATHY JENKINS
containers by taking all garbage home with                                                                       PROJECT MANAGER, CAMPUS RENEWAL,                     "Ch k
                                                                                                                                                                      "Cheakamus   C
                                                                                                                                                                                   Centre comes to lif
                                                                                                                                                                                                    life as
them. This is a fun way for students to reflect                                                                  CHEAKAMUS CENTRE                                     students use their observational skills
and learn about how interconnected people                                                                       A typical day in the outdoor classroom at             and senses to explore and interact with
are with one another and their environment,                                                                     Cheakamus Centre comes to life as students            the natural environment around them."
as well as fitting into our School Action Plan                                                                  use their observational skills and senses
of student engagement and empowerment.                                                                          to explore and interact with the natural              Artists for Kids Summer School of Visual Arts
                                                                                                                environment around them.                              and other specialty camps. Facility rentals
                                                                                                                Established in 1969, Cheakamus Centre is              support school programs, while also serving as

The Edible                                                                                                      located on the traditional territories of the
                                                                                                                Ch’iyák-mesh people on a 420-acre ecological
                                                                                                                                                                      educational opportunities in and of themselves.
                                                                                                                                                                      Cheakamus Centre has a robust volunteer

Garden project
                                                                                                                reserve near Squamish. Cheakamus Centre is            program and extensive giving opportunities.
                                                                                                                renowned for its environmental and indigenous         Secondary school students, young adults
                                                                                                                cultural education programming. The Outdoor           from abroad, interns, alumni, and passionate
                                                                                                                School and Skw’une-was overnight programs             individuals generously volunteer their time,
                                                                                                                are treasured school traditions for students          skills and energy in many areas of operations.
BROOKSBANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                                                                                    across the North Vancouver School District.           The Cheakamus Foundation and Friends of
                                                                                                                Learning in nature can come in many different         Cheakamus support enhanced programming
It’s not often a federal announcement happens
                                                                                                                forms. Cheakamus Centre is also home to               and the campus renewal project.
next door. Yet on a sunny Friday morning MP
Jonathan Wilkinson, on behalf of the Ministry of

                                                                                                                One step at a time
Environment and Climate Change, was at Loutet
                                                        there to celebrate their inclusion in the grant.
Farm to announce this year’s recipients of the
                                                        Brooksbank Elementary has a close connection
ffederal Eco Action grants.
                                                        to both the farm and Edible Garden Project. Ms.
North Shore Neighbourhood House Edible
N                                                       Munro and her grade 3 class attended the event           CAROL SARTOR & KULVIR MANN
Garden Project, based at Loutet House, was
G                                                       to represent the school’s support for the program.       HASTE BC

                                                                                                                The Active and Safe Routes to School Program

2018 sustainability update                                                                                      is a collaborative effort by key stakeholders from
                                                                                                                the NVSD, Board of Education, City of North
                                                                                                                Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, RCMP,
BY                                                                                                              Vancouver Coastal Health, North Vancouver
M                                                                                                               Recreation and Culture Commission, ICBC,
E                                                                                                               TransLink and HASTe BC. In 2014, Queensbury
                                                                                                                Elementary piloted the program consisting
T past year was a big one for sustainability at
                                                                                                                of a survey, walk-about to assess walking/
North Vancouver School District, with a broad
                                                                                                                cycling conditions and the development of an
range of achievements being celebrated across
                                                                                                                action plan with infrastructure improvements,
the district.
                                                                                                                education programs and engagement initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                                      working group earned the 2017 Community
As usual, students and staff were busy with
                                                                                                                                                                      Energy Association Public Sector Collaboration
classroom and school-based activities that                                                                      "The students are the true stars of                   Climate & Energy Action Award.
saved energy, reduced water consumption,                                                                        the program, participating in Safety
diverted waste from landfill, and encouraged                                                                    Blitzes with enforcement officers."                   Schools located within the District of North
active transport to school. It was amazing to see                                                                                                                     Vancouver have accomplished increases in
such enthusiasm and dedication to reducing our                                                                                                                        active mode share through school initiatives:
                                                                                                                In the past four years, all schools located in the
environmental footprint.                                                                                        City of North Vancouver have been through the            Boundary: delegation to DNV council to re-
At the organizational level, 2017 saw the                                                                       School Travel Planning program. The students             install bollards at a local intersection.
launch of NVSD’s sustainability strategy that                                                                   are the true stars of the program, participating in
                                                                                                                                                                         Canyon Heights: Freedom Friday program.
provides coherence, direction, and focus to our                                                                 Safety Blitzes with enforcement officers, creating
sustainability-related activities. This district-wide                                                           active transportation programs, educational              Capilano: BC Automobile Association Safety
strategy is intended to complement and support                                                                  campaigns using posters and videos, and                  Patroller program for students; parents are
all the great things already happening across the                                                               enthusiastically participating at walk & wheel           the supervisors.
district by bringing together strategic priorities                                                              events. The result is increased use of sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                         Lynn Valley & Ross Road: outstanding
within three areas of the NVSD community:                                                                       transportation, feelings of neighbourhood safety
                                                                                                                                                                         showing during Bike to School Week.
                                                                                                                and social connectedness.
   Programs: The educational practices and                                                                                                                               Upper Lynn: Kindergarten Walk on
                                                                                                                Schools have shared their work at City Hall,
   partnerships that support a sustainable                                                                                                                               Wednesday Challenge earning the 2016 BC
                                                                                                                participated in planning sessions for the Green
   school district.                                                                                                                                                      Green Games Leadership Award.
                                                        To stay up to date with NVSD’s current                  Necklace and Kid’s City Map, and the work
   Place: The natural and built environments            sustainability efforts, initiatives and projects, be    has gained recognition within the news and            We are moving in the right direction with all of
   that support the NVSD community.                     sure to visit the sustainability page on the school     with awards. In 2016 Ridgeway Elementary              this exceptional work. Make healthier, greener
                                                                                                                was awarded the Living City Sustainable               and safer choices in 2018. Start walking or
   Process: The structures that guide how we            district website:
                                                                                                                Transportation and Awareness Award. In 2017,          wheeling to school, or drive to 5, park and walk a
   plan, act, share, and celebrate.
                                                                                                                the Queen Mary School Green Team and NVSD’s           few blocks. Making minor changes will increase
Implementation of the strategy is underway              "It was amazing to see such                             Communication Department both won the Living          students’ overall physical well-being, promote
and will be guided by an ongoing collaborative          enthusiasm and dedication to                            City Sustainable Transportation Award. Children       independence, and make our school zones safer
process with NVSD stakeholders.                         reducing our environmental footprint."                  and Youth Safe and Active Travel (CYSAT)              and greener.

                                       CONNECT WITH US                        @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District

                                  GOAL #6: STREN
                                           STRENGTHEN and expand reciprocal community relations.

Things I learned about                                                                                       D.A.R.E. Program helps kids
physical literacy                                                                                            make wise decisions
BY CASSANDRA BRONDGEEST                                                                                      BY NEVASHA NAIDOO
                                                                                                                                                                      Self-awareness and management
BLOGGER, NORTH VANCOUVER RECREATION                                                                          COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, NVSD
AND CULTURE COMMISSION                                                                                                                                                Responsible decision-making
                                                                                                             The Drug Abuse Resistant Education (D.A.R.E.)
What is physical literacy? It is the motivation,                                                             Program started in schools 25 years ago to help          Understanding others
confidence, physical competence, knowledge                                                                   students resist pressures that may influence             Relationship and communication skills
and understanding to value and take                                                                          them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco and
responsibility for engagement in physical                                                                                                                             Handling responsibilities and challenges
                                                                                                             other drugs. The program is still successfully
activities for life. Physical literacy is a lifelong                                                         implemented at several schools. Westview              The curriculum uses theory to teach youth
journey that is essential to an active, healthy life.                                                        Elementary School is one of the schools               how to control their impulses and think about
                                                                                                             participating in 2017-2018.                           risks and consequences, resulting in more
   Movement skills are life skills. Learning how
                                                                                                                                                                   responsible choices. The program is offered
   to move and be active when you are younger                                                                The D.A.R.E. elementary curriculum is designed
                                                           Motivation, Competence, Confidence. It is                                                               to Grade 5 students and includes 11 lessons
   sets you up for a healthier future.                                                                       based on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
                                                           important to look at people as whole. There                                                             plus evaluation. Each lesson is one hour. The
   Physical Literacy is good for your brain,               must be a focus on developing the mind and        Theory, which identifies fundamental, basic skills    interactive lessons encourage students to
   spirt, and body. You are less likely to suffer          the body. Movement skills should be learned       and development processes needed for healthy          engage in conversation during role play of real-
   from stress, anxiety and depression when                like the ABC's.                                   development, including:                               life scenarios.
   you are active. Activity also decreases your            New environments, more learning. When
   risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer,                practicing activities in different places or

                                                                                                             Circles empower students
   osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.              on different surfaces it allows the brain
   ABC'S. The ABC'S - Agility, Balance,                    to develop new pathways and allows the
   Coordination and Speed are the foundation               body to learn how to respond in a variety of
   skills that underpin physical literacy. These           environments.
                                                                                                             BY ZOFIA SWITKOWSKI
   ABC'S break down movement into basics so             The North Vancouver School District is a proud       PROGRAM COORDINATOR, NORTH SHORE
   that skills can be refined and developed just        partner of NVRC Physical Literacy 4 U.               RESTORATIVE JUSTICE SOCIETY
   as if you were learning to read or do math.                                         The Circles in Schools Program is hosted by
                                                                                                             the North Shore Restorative Justice Society
                                                                                                             (NSRJS) in partnership with the North

Think of Me                                                                                                  Vancouver School District. It is a program that
                                                                                                             aims to support students in developing social-

campaign launch
                                                                                                             emotional skills and creates a space for student
                                                                                                             voices to be heard. The program also empowers
                                                                                                             children and youth to connect with one another
                                                                                                             on a deeper level, builds a sense of community,
BY NEVASHA NAIDOO                                                                                            and deals with conflict in a transformative way.
                                                                                                             Sitting in circle is the oldest form of
The North Vancouver School District was                                                                      communication. It is the way people in many
proud to support the recent distracted driving                                                               cultures have traditionally come together to talk
campaign 'Think of Me,' launched by ICBC. It                                                                 about important issues. Being in a circle shows
all started with the City of North Vancouver's                                                               children and youth that diversity is strength.
month-long proclamation for "Anti-Distracted                                                                 Each of us brings unique strengths and gifts
Driving" during the month of September.                                                                      to our community, and circle is about coming
Throughout the campaign, over six 'Think of Me'                                                              together to honour our differences and celebrate      relationships and a stronger community. Sharing
school events were hosted at North Vancouver                                                                 our common ground.                                    stories in a safe, non-judgmental environment
schools including Boundary, Braemar, Canyon                                                                                                                        gives youth a voice.
                                                                                                             In the circle, students are led through a series of
Heights, Carson Graham, Queen Mary, and                                                                      activities that are developmentally appropriate       When they feel as though they belong and that
Westview schools.                                                                                            and result in a greater understanding of              their voice matters, students are empowered to
Hundreds of ‘Think of Me’ cards were hand                                                                    themselves and others. This creates deeper            make a difference.
drawn by children living on the North Shore and
handed out to drivers within school zones. The
cards reminded drivers to keep children safe by            (L-R) Councillor Buchanan and Mayor Mussatto
                                                                                                             "Sitting in a circle is the oldest form of communication. It is the way people in
avoiding driving while distracted.                                   CNV supporting the launch               many cultures have traditionally come together to talk about important issues."

NVSD partners with community to support mental health
                                                        BY JEREMY CHURCH                                     As part of the Provincial Child and Youth Mental      and building capacity and skills of students,
                                                        PRINCIPAL, MOUNTAINSIDE SECONDARY                    Health and Substance Use Collaborative, the           families, school personnel and community
                                                        SCHOOL                                               North Shore Local Action Team has been                members.
                                                        Mental illness, mental health and substance          working to increase the number of children,
                                                                                                             youth and families receiving timely access to         Another exciting development in our community
                                                        use have been making a lot of news lately. A
                                                                                                             integrated mental health and substance services       that the school district has been actively
                                                        collaborative, community-based approach is an
                                                        essential component to addressing these issues.      and supports in BC.                                   supporting is Foundry North Shore - a place
                                                        The North Vancouver School District is one of                                                              where any youth or parent in our community
                                                                                                             One important goal of the local Action Team
                                                        many community partners working together to          is to partner with schools and communities            can find easy access to help when they need it.
                                                        build capacity and provide support for children,     on mental health and substance use literacy           Contact Foundry North Shore at 604.984.5060
                                                        youth, and their families in the areas of mental     initiatives, with the goals of reducing stigma,       or visit their website:
                                                        health, mental illness and substance use.            positively impacting health seeking behaviours        northshore/.

                                                        "The North Vancouver School District is one of many community partners working together to build capacity and provide
                                                        support for children, youth, and their families in the areas of mental health, mental illness and substance use."

                                       CONNECT WITH US                    @nvsd44 Website: Phone: 604.903.3444
Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District Community report 2018 - North Vancouver School District
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