Conditions of Entry 2021 International - to youth committed

Page created by Douglas Wilson
Forever committed to youth

of Entry 2021
Forever committed to youth

The Princess of Girona
Foundation International Award
for the professional and
personal careers of young
people in any part of the
world who stand out for their
work, their merits and their
                                                               Nominations can be endorsed by more than one per-
                                                               son or institution – see page 2 ‘Endorsements’

OF GIRONA                                                      This award is specifically designed for non-Spanish

                                                               nationals who carry out their professional activity out-
                                                               side Spain.

INTERNATIONAL                                                  Candidates must:

AWARD                                                          >   Be between 16 and 35 years old before the dead-
                                                                   line for presenting nominations, i.e. candidates born
The FPdGi presents its International Award with                    between 1 December 1984 and 30 November
the aim of recognising the professional and per-                   2004.
sonal careers of young people in any part of the
world who stand out for their work, their merits
and their exemplarity. The impact must always                  HOW, WHEN AND WHERE CAN ENTRIES BE
be considered in its broadest dimension, in that               SUBMITTED?
their contributions extend and/or are known on
an international level.                                        Before 23.59h on 30 November 2020.

This global award highlights the capacity for achieve-         A video tutorial with all the necessary instructions can
ment and self-improvement of young people from all             be found at the following link:
over the world in the development of projects —es-
pecially when they have involved difficulty or risk—           Candidacy entries will only be considered valid if they
demonstrating that they have the power to influence            are submitted using the form available on the website:
positive changes in society in a creative way and that
they are inspiring role models for other young people.
                                                               This is a global award aimed at recognising young
                                                               people not living in Spain. Young Spaniards (including

                                                               those with dual citizenship) and those resident in Spain
                                                               can present their candidacies in the individual catego-

                                                               ries of the FPdGi Awards: Social, Business, Arts and
                                                               Literature and Scientific Research.

NOMINATIONS?                                                   The jury meetings will take place in the first half of
Nominations for the Princess of Girona Founda-
tion International Award can be made by:
                                                               ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
>   Winners of previous editions of the Foundation’s           ABOUT THE PROCESS
    Awards in any of the categories, as long as they are
    not also members of the jury for this International    
>   Trustees, members of the Advisory Council and
    members of the juries for the Princess of Girona                 +34 972 410 400
    Foundation Awards.
>   Spanish embassies.
>   Diplomatic representatives in Spain.
>   People and institutions invited by the Princess of
    Girona Foundation.

                                                           1       International Award
                               Conditions of Entry 2021
                                                                 4. GLOBALITY

                                                                 >   A positive view will be taken of projects that have
                                                                     demonstrated multifunctional or global influence,
                                                                     either as recognition of the work carried out, or the
The FPdGi International Award recognises the profes-                 application of the knowledge developed.
sional and personal careers of young people in any part
of the world who stand out for their work, their merits
and their exemplarity. The impact must always be con-

sidered in its broadest dimension, in that their contribu-
tions extend and/or are known on an international level.

                                                                 OF NOMINATIONS
                                                                 Nominations can be submitted any time before
1. EXEMPLARITY (This is an exclusionary criterion)               23.59h on 30 November 2020. Entries will only be
                                                                 accepted as valid if submitted using the FPdGi In-
>   We are seeking a candidate who has demonstrated              ternational Award nomination form available from the
    an extraordinary capacity for leadership and influ-          website
>   They must be an inspiration to other young people            When submitting the nomination form, people nomi-
    for their values and ethical behaviour, as well as           nating the candidates must obtain prior acceptance of
    their tolerant nature and creativity.                        these rules and a guarantee, will full indemnity for the
>   The candidate must stand out for their capacity              Foundation, of the accuracy of the information included
    for achievement and self-improvement in the de-              in the entry, as well as the ownership and exploitation
    velopment of projects, especially when they have             rights vis-a-vis third parties of all graphic materials,
    involved difficulty or risk.                                 trade names and other information provided in the en-
                                                                 try form, which may be used by the FPdGi to publicise
2. DIFFERENTIATION                                               the awards or award winners.

>   The candidate’s career should have distinctive               ENDORSEMENTS
    characteristics based on their talent, their work or
    projects or their capacity to overcome great diffi-          Nominations can be accompanied by additional
    culties.                                                     endorsements in supporting letters

3. IMPACT                                                        These endorsements in the form of a supporting letter
                                                                 can be written by those in charge of representative
>   The candidate must stand out for their renown and            organisations and institutions such as universities, lo-
    innovative character, reflected in their work and pro-       cal councils, chambers of commerce and other public
    jects which have the capacity to provide tangible            and private institutions of recognised prestige, as well
    and significant achievements.                                as trustees of the Princess of Girona Foundation and
>   They must lead the way in the continuous search              the members of its Advisory Council.(1) It is possible to
    for excellence.                                              endorse more than one candidate.
>   The impact must always be considered in its broad-
    est dimension, in that their contributions extend            These letters should be attached as a file to the
    and/or are known on an international level.                  nomination form.

                                                                 (1) The list of trustees and members of the FPdGi Advisory Council is available

                                                             2       International Award
                                Conditions of Entry 2021
Information that will form part of the evaluation                 appropriate. We inform you that we will use your data
                                                                  only for the FPdGi International Award Category selec-
The nomination form must be completed in English.                 tion procedure; your data will not be shared with third
The jury will not take into consideration any informa-            parties without your consent. We also inform you of the
tion other than that presented in the nomination form             possibility of exercising the following rights concern-
or attached to it when it is submitted.                           ing your personal data: right of access, rectification,
                                                                  erasure (right to be forgotten), restriction, objection,
The Foundation may request additional information                 portability, and right to withdraw consent after it has
from the entities or people nominating candidates if              been given. You may exercise these rights by email at:
necessary.                                              , or by letter addressed to FPdGi, c/ Juli
                                                                  Garreta, 1, 1r E, 17002 Girona. You can also contact
The presentation of a candidacy nomination                        our Data Protection Officer Berta Faura by email at:
form automatically implies full acceptance of            In addition, you can contact
these conditions of entry by the nominating per-                  the appropriate Supervisory Authority for Data Protec-
son or entity and the candidate. The candidate                    tion to obtain additional information or file a complaint.
can do this when the form is submitted or, if ap-
plicable, on winning the award. Acceptance of
these conditions is an essential requirement for                  CONSENT
receiving the award.
                                                                  We will process your data solely for the candidate
The people or entities presenting candidates and the              selection procedure carried out by the organisation.
winning candidates grant their express consent for                Check the box below to accept this purpose. Bear in
the publication of the information provided in the entry          mind that it is necessary to process your data in order
form, including their photographs, and images of the              to carry out the selection. If you do NOT consent to
project if chosen as winners.                                     processing, this selection will cease to be feasible.

INFORMATION                                                       JURY FOR
INCLUDED IN                                                       THE AWARDS
THE FORM AND                                                      The Princess of Girona Foundation Awards have a

                                                                  specific international jury for this award, composed of
                                                                  between five and eight members who either serve on
                                                                  the FPdGi Advisory Council, or are external experts,
Pursuant to the provisions of the General Data Protec-            as well as winners of previous editions of the FPdGi
tion Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we hereby inform you               Awards in any of the categories.
that we will process your data solely for the candidate
selection procedure performed by the organisation.                The ultimate decision regarding the winning candidate
This process requires your express consent to publish             will be taken by simple majority. This must be support-
the information provided in the application form, includ-         ed by solid arguments and will be considered final.
ing your photograph, and also the presentation video
and images of the project if it is one of the prizewinners.       Members of the jury cannot endorse candidates for
The Princess of Girona Foundation reserves the right to           this award. In the event of any other conflict of inter-
disseminate information related to the prizewinners in            ests that may arise in relation to any member of the
each of the categories, in whatever manner it considers           jury, this person will abstain from debating and voting.

                                                              3     International Award
                                Conditions of Entry 2021
The jury may decide not to award the prize if it consid-
ers that none of the candidates nominated meet the
requirements or aims of the award.

The jury will interpret and supplement the conditions of
entry for this award to cover any gaps or resolve any
issues that may arise.

The vote of each member of the jury may not be del-
egated and must be cast in person at the moment
the vote is held.

Attendance at the award ceremony cannot be dele-

The award winners agree to participate in the com-
munication actions organised by the Foundation in
connection with the award.

  The date of the award ceremony will be an-
  nounced at the appropriate time.

  The award consists of a reproduction of a work
  by the Spanish contemporary artist Juan Zamora,
  FPdGi 2017 Award winner, and a cash prize of

                                                           4   International Award
                               Conditions of Entry 2021
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