CONFERENCE 2022 SMA - Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus - 16-19 November 2022 RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast - Sports Medicine Australia

Page created by Derek Meyer
CONFERENCE 2022 SMA - Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus - 16-19 November 2022 RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast - Sports Medicine Australia
2022 SMA
                         16-19 November 2022

                          RACV Royal Pines
                          Resort, Gold Coast

Sponsorship and Exhibitor
CONFERENCE 2022 SMA - Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus - 16-19 November 2022 RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast - Sports Medicine Australia

  Letter of Invitation                                                3

  About SMA                                                           4

  The Conference at a Glance                                          5

  Trade, Exhibitors and Sponsors: What You Can Expect                 6

  The Destination: Gold Coast                                         7

  Sponsorship Opportunities                                           8

  Sponsorship Value Breakdown                                         9

  Advertising Opportunities                                           10

  Terms and Conditions                                                11

  Submission Form                                                     12

  Conference Contact                                                  13

2022 SMA Conference             Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 2
CONFERENCE 2022 SMA - Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus - 16-19 November 2022 RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast - Sports Medicine Australia
 We invite you to join us at the 2022 Sports     With so many eminent sports professionals,
 Medicine Australia (SMA) Conference, one        business owners and decision-makers in
 of the largest multidisciplinary sports         attendance, the 2022 SMA Conference is
 medicine events in the Southern                 the ideal platform to showcase your brand,
 Hemisphere!                                     gather quality business leads, build
                                                 networks and align your business with the
 Last year SMA hosted, for the first time in     reputation of trust, credibility and authority
 history, the 2021 SMA e-Conference which        SMA is known for. Trade packages are
 was delivered online. With the new and          available to suit every budget. We expect
 innovative format which provided                places to fill up fast, so act quickly to avoid
 accessibility to delegates from anywhere in     disappointment.
 the world, the 2021 SMA e-Conference
 boasted a jam-packed program that saw           Trade and sponsorship opportunities listed
 the conference feature two elements:            in this prospectus are not exhaustive. We
 Summit (8-9 Oct) and Showcase (23 Oct).         are more than happy to discuss unique
                                                 sponsorship opportunities beyond the
 This year, we are thrilled to host the          scope of this prospectus.
 Conference face-to-face (last seen in 2019)
 at the iconic RACV Royal Pines Resort in        We look forward to having you join us.
 Gold Coast!                                     Kind Regards,

 Physiotherapists, sports and exercise
 physicians, sports doctors, orthopaedic
 surgeons, sports podiatrists, sports
 epidemiologists, physical activity
 researchers, exercise and sports scientists,    Dr Luke Kelly and Dr Ebonie Rio
 and sports dietitians are just some of those    Co-Chairs, on behalf of SMA Conference
 who will converge at the Conference.            Committee

2022 SMA Conference                             Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 3
 SMA members can be found at every                Our multidisciplinary membership base
 level of physical activity and sport from        includes professionals across the entire
 elite competition to grass-roots                 sports medicine sector including:
 SMA is the leading multidisciplinary                Sport and Exercise Physicians
 membership organisation providing                   Sport Doctors
 leadership in the area of sports medicine.          Orthopaedic Surgeons
 Our vision is to encourage the healthy and
                                                     Sport Podiatrists
 safe participation in physical activity and
 sport through quality education and                 Sport Epidemiologists
 awareness.                                          Physical Activity Researchers
                                                     Exercise and Sports Scientists
 With a legacy spanning over 50 years, SMA           Sport Dietitians
 have a reputation of trust and credibility in
                                                     Sports Trainers
 the domain of sports and exercise medicine
 both in Australia and internationally.

 At a glance:

    SMA membership base of 2,500+                    Sport Health – SMA’s quarterly magazine
    11,000+ SMA Accredited Sports Trainers           Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
    40,000+ combined followers across Social         (JSAMS) – accessed 1,000,000+ times
    media channels (Facebook, Twitter,               annually
    Instagram and LinkedIn)                          Push notifications and updates via the 2022
    30,000+ subscribers to Professional Member       SMA Conference App.
    and Sports Trainer Member monthly email          Dedicated 2022 SMA Conference website
    and e-News

2022 SMA Conference                              Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 4
                     AT A GLANCE

                      306                                  $23,000
                      SUBMITTED                            PRIZE MONEY

                      672                                  15
                      DELEGATES                            COUNTRIES
                                                           OF ORIGIN

                      4                                    16
                      DAYS                                WORKSHOPS

                      91                                  13
                      SCIENTIFIC                          KEYNOTE AND
                      POSTERS                             INVITED

   *Our last face-to-face Conference was hosted in 2019

2022 SMA Conference                       Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 5
 Maximum Exposure                               Build Networks

 Leverage your brand in Australia and           Networking is an important part of being
 abroad through SMA’s extensive networks        successful in business. With sports
 and publications. This is an opportunity to    medicine professionals in attendance, not
 convey your message to leaders and             to mention other trade and sponsors, the
 industry stakeholders within the sports        2022 SMA Conference will be a great
 medicine industry. In the lead up to the       opportunity to network and grow your
 2022 SMA Conference, a significant portion     business. With industry leaders to have a
 of all publications will be dedicated to the   presence at the Conference, this is a
 Conference and its partners.                   chance to align your brand alongside
                                                these leaders, and keep abreast of the
 Quality Leads                                  latest trends within the industry.

 At the Conference, sports and exercise         Decision Makers
 professionals from across the entire sector,
 will be in attendance. We value our            Access decision-makers, key stakeholders
 partnership with our exhibitors and            and business owners as they converge at
 sponsors and believe in the real value they    the 2022 SMA Conference. This is a great
 add to our Conference and delegates.           opportunity to network, get more leads,
 Because of this, we have specifically          sales and increase your brand’s awareness
 designed our trade exhibition layout to        amongst key industry stakeholders.
 maximise foot traffic to assist with
 delegate interaction to help translate
 quality sales leads.

2022 SMA Conference                             Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 6
 The Gold Coast is Australia's holiday capital,
 home to a fantastic range of attractions.
 As a major tourist destination, it offers a
 sunny, subtropical climate and has
 become widely known for its world-class
 surfing beaches, high-rise dominated
 skyline, theme parks, nightlife, and
 rainforest hinterland.

 RACV Royal Pines Resort

 In the heart of Queensland’s Gold Coast,
 midway between the beaches of Surfers
 Paradise and the rainforests of the
 hinterland, sits RACV Royal Pines Resort.
 Only an hour from Brisbane Airport and
 just 25 minutes from Gold Coast Airport,
 the resort can cater for up to 1500 guests.

 Delegates will be spoilt with premium
 accommodation, state-of-the-art audio
 visual technology, 27-hole golf course,
 tennis courts and expansive lawn areas
 whilst enjoying the beautiful Gold Coast

2022 SMA Conference                               Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 7
                                                                     This will provide an opportunity
    Platinum Sponsor                 Welcome Reception
                                                                     to demonstrate your support
         $25,000                                                     and commitment to continued
                                           $10,000                   research and development. It is
                                                                     anticipated that 90+ posters will
As the Platinum sponsor of
                                 This social event brings together   be displayed with the four best
the 2022 SMA Conference,
                                 delegates and speakers in an        poster prizes being awarded.
your organisation will be the
primary partner receiving the    informal networking setting and
highest level of exposure and    is an excellent opportunity to
                                                                            Trade Exhibitor
recognition prior to and         make a strong initial impact on
                                 all attendees as part of the                    $4,500
during the event.
                                 official conference opening
                                 ceremonies. The Welcome             The Trade Exhibition is a central
   Gala Dinner Sponsor           Reception will be held on           part of the 2022 SMA Conference,
                                 Wednesday 16 November and is        providing a unique opportunity
          $12,500                                                    for exhibitors to have direct face-
                                 an essential networking
                                 opportunity for all attendees.      to-face access to and develop
                                                                     meaningful contacts with an
The Conference Gala Dinner is
                                                                     expected 500+ audience of
scheduled for Saturday 19th of     Scientific Poster Session         clinical sports medicine, sports
November and is a major
                                            Sponsor                  and exercise science, physical
highlight of the social
program. This will provide a                 $5,000                  activity and health promotion,
                                                                     and sports injury prevention
unique opportunity to be part                                        professionals. The conference
of the official conference       The Scientific Poster Session,      program has been developed to
closing ceremonies and           scheduled to be held on Friday      maximise your delegate exposure,
support the premier              18th of November, is a plenary      by ensuring that all meal breaks
conference networking event.     session combined with a social      and key events during the
The prestigious ASICS Medal      networking opportunity and is       conference are held alongside the
is also awarded at the           an integral part of the             trade area.
Conference Gala Dinner.          conference.

2022 SMA Conference                               Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 8
                                                                                           Welcome             Poster           Speaker/
                                                                        Gala Dinner                                                              Trade
                                               Platinum                                    Reception          Session            Session
             Conference                     Sponsor $25,000
                                                                                            Sponsor           Sponsor           Sponsor
                                                                          $12,500                                                                $4,500
                                                                                            $10,000            $5,000            $2,000

Exclusivity (only one available)
                                                                                                                               Per speaker/
                                                                                                                               per session

Recognition in all printed and electronic

Logo and hyperlink on sponsors page of
the conference website

Logo and hyperlink on the home page of
the conference website

Logo and hyperlink on the social page of
the conference website

Logo and hyperlink on the speakers
page of the conference website

Logo and hyperlink on the trade
exhibition page of the conference

Logo in conference program
                                                                        Social program        Social            Social           Speakers         Trade
                                                  Front cover                                program           program                          exhibition

Company name and logo on the
welcome and end slide                                                                                                          At speaker
                                                 All sessions                                                                    session

Logo on front cover of Book of Abstracts

Company signage (supplied by the
                                              Registration desk                              Welcome
sponsor) display                                  opening &              Gala dinner                            Poster         At speaker/        Trade
                                             closing cermeonies                              reception          session          session        exhibition

Promotional material (1 item, supplied by
sponsor) to delegates                              Opening               Gala dinner         Welcome
                                                  ceremony                                   reception

Acknowledgement by MC                          Opening/Closing
                                                 ceremonies &            Gala dinner         Welcome           Poster          At speaker/
                                            throughout conference                            reception         session           session
                                                  1 Full Page             1 Full Page      1 Half Page
Program advertisement                       Full colour, inside front     Full colour,     Full colour,
                                            cover. Valued at $1,500     Valued at $1,200 Valued at $600
                                                       1                      1                  1                 1                 1
Satchel insert (supplied by sponsor)            Valued at $900          Valued at $900     Valued at $900     Valued at $900   Valued at $900

                                                       2                       1                     1                                               1
Exhibition booth space - 3m x 3m, fascia
                                               Valued at $9,000         Valued at $4,500   Valued at $4,500                                       Valued at
sign, power supply, 2 spotlights                                                                                                                   $4,500

Conference full rgeistration ticket                    4                      2                   1                 1                1               1
including access to the Welcome                   Valued at               Valued at         Valued at         Valued at         Valued at       Valued at
Reception, Scientific Poster Session and           $5,400                  $2,700             $1,350            $1,350            $1,350          $1,350
Gala Dinner

Additional tickets for company                         6                       5                  5
                                                                                                                                                 $155 per
representatives to attend the Gala                Valued at                Valued at         Valued at                                           person
                                                    $930                     $775              $775

2022 SMA Conference                                                     Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 9
       Program Advertising
    Quarter Page Mono          Organisations are invited to get maximum exposure by
    $350                       advertising your company in the official Conference Program
    Third Page Mono            distributed to all delegates (NB black/white; artwork to be
    $650                       supplied by company by a deadline). This opportunity is only
    Half Page Mono             available to organisations who have secured sponsorship or
    $1,200                     trade exhibition booths
    Full Page Mono

       Satchel Insert
   Reach delegates directly by providing an insert for delegate satchels. Inserts are popular
   for including more detailed information about your products. Examples include everything
   from flyers, catalogues and sample products.

       Writing Pad & Pen
   $1,000 (Exclusive, one available)               Promotion includes:

   Reach every delegate directly by providing a      Each delegate will receive your pad and
   pad and a pen for insertion in delegate           pen in their delegate satchel
   satchels. All pads and pens must be
   supplied by the sponsor by a specified            Writing pad and pen will be used by the
   deadline.                                         delegates throughout the Conference

2022 SMA Conference                               Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 10
   1. Applications will be processed in strict order of receipt.
   2. All prices are in Australian Dollars and are inclusive of GST.
   3. By returning a completed and signed form you (on behalf of your organisation) accept
      all Terms and Conditions outlined.
  4. The Conference Manager reserves the right to reject an application at any time.
  5. Details may change without notice. Please refer to the event website for the latest

 Cancellation Policy                               Freight
 All sponsors are required to pay a non-           Freighting of equipment to the venue is the
 refundable 30% deposit to secure their            responsibility of each individual company.
 position at the 2022 SMA Conference.              Information about delivery times will be
 Exhibitors are required to pay a $1,000 deposit   made available in due course.
 per booth when booking to secure a booth(s).
 This deposit is non-refundable if no further      COVID-19 Policy
 payment is made and an exhibitor cancels. A
                                                    Please note that the 2022 SMA Conference
 50% refund of full payment including the
                                                    will be run as a face-to-face COVID safe event
 deposit will be provided if a company cancels
                                                    including appropriate delegate physical
 before the 1st of July 2022. No refund will be
                                                    distancing, cleaning and hygiene measures in
 provided if a company cancels after close of
                                                    accordance with and subject to Queensland
 business on the 1st of July 2022. Balance of
                                                    state government regulations and health
 Sponsorship/Exhibitor fee due on or before
                                                    advice. In the event that the conference
 August 16, 2022 - Full payment must be
                                                    format and delivery is impacted by COVID-19:
 received to feature at the 2022 SMA
                                                       If registered delegates are prevented from
                                                       attending the SMA Conference in person
 Security                                              due to COVID-19, SMA may opt to provide
                                                       substitute virtual presentations. If this
 The Conference organisers will not be
                                                       occurs, SMA will provide further
 responsible for any theft or damage of stands
                                                       information at the appropriate timing
 or equipment. However, every effort will be
                                                       including updated trade/sponsor exposure
 made to ensure the security of the Trade
                                                       opportunities and pricing information.
 Exhibition. Exhibitors must hold and
                                                       In the instance that the conference is
 maintain appropriate public liability
                                                       cancelled due to COVID-19, trade sponsors
 insurance for the duration of the event.
                                                       will be eligible to receive a full refund or
                                                       have their sponsorship fees transferred to
                                                       other SMA event/s.

 Previous Exhibitor Discount                            Corporate Membership Discount
 Companies that exhibited at the 2021                   Corporate Members of SMA receive an
 ASICS SMA e-Conference are eligible for                automatic 10% discount when exhibiting.
 special discounts:                                     To find out more about Corporate
                                                        Membership please call SMA on 1300 711 211
    A 5% discount for one booth booked
                                                        or email
    A 10% discount if a double booth is booked

2022 SMA Conference                                Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 11
  Sponsorship & Exhibitor Booking Form

 Contact Person:                                                             Position:


  Suburb/Town:                                            State:             Postcode:                  Country:

 Phone:                                                                     Mobile:



   Platinum                Conference                 Welcome                   Scientific                      Speaker
   Sponsor                 Gala Dinner                Reception                 Poster Session                  Sponsor
   $25,000                 $12,500                    $10,000                   $5,000                          $2,000
   Session                 Writing Pad
   Sponsor                 and Pen
   $2,000                  $1,000
   Conference Program Advertising*
  Quarter                 Third Page -                Half Page -               Full Page -
  Page - $250             $350                        $650                      $1,200
   *Conference Program advertising is only available to businesses and organisations who have secured sponsorship or a trade booth.

 Trade Exhibition Booth (3x3 booth: $4,500 inc GST)

 1st Booth Preference                        2nd Booth Preference                        3rd Booth Preference


       I would like to be sent a tax invoice (direct deposit details will be provided on the invoice)

  Payment Type          Mastercard            Visa            Other

  Card #                                                Expiry Date                             CVC #

  Cardholders Name

 I have read and understood the Term's and Conditions listed within this Prospectus:

  I Agree:                   Date


To confirm your sponsorship or trade and exhibition application, please send this completed form to Cohen McElroy
(Conference Manager) at
2022 SMA
                                           16-19 November 2022 | RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast

   @SportsMedicineAustralia   @SMA_News   @SportsMedicineAustralia       @sports_medicine_australia

Sports Medicine Australia Conference Manager
1300 711 211
Melbourne Sports Centre – Parkville
10 Brens Drive
Parkville, VIC 3052


2022 SMA Conference                        Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus | Page 13
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