Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network

Page created by Darryl Lawrence
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Connecting North
       Carolina Communities
       With Smart Mobility
       With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
How Lime is Changing the
       Way Communities Move
  Lime is Revolutionizing Local Mobility
  by leading the country in first and last
  mile transportation solutions.

      ●       Mo re e ffic ie n t , a ffo rd a b le a n d h e a lt h ie r
              t ra n s p o rt a t io n
      ●       Co m p le m e n t s e xis t in g t ra n s it o p t io n s ,
              re d u c in g c o n g e s t io n a n d fre e in g u p
              p a rk in g
      ●       Su p p o rt s m o re vib ra n t lo c a l e c o n o m ie s
      ●       Re d u c e s p o llu t io n c a u s e d b y s h o rt ,
              in e ffic ie n t lo c a l t rip s

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Limitations of Traditional Station                         -
     Based Mobility Sharing

 Expensive capital investment and costly to
 maintain, translating to overly expensive rides
 for users

 Inconvenient docking stations don’t get riders
 to their final destinations, forcing them to look
 for docking stations and suppressing ridership

 Poor coverage and high costs mean there aren’t
 enough bikes to effectively serve the public or
 be available to all sectors of the community

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
It’s Easy to
       Locate, Unlock,
       Ride and Pay
   New technology allows us to create
   a seamless smart mobility

  1       Find available rides on our live GPS map

  2       Unlock with QR code or plate number

  3       Lock the back wheel (for bikes) or in                 -
          app (for scooters) to end the ride

  4       Easily & safely track & pay for each ride

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.       5
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Lime -S
                                                                                         Electric Scooters

Hop on and ride!
Sm a lle r a n d m o re a g ile t h a n a                         MAX RANGE:

b ik e , Lim e -S e le c t ric s c o o t e rs                     37 miles
a re a c o n ve n ie n t n e w m o b ilit y                       MAX SPEED:

o p t io n t h a t le t yo u zip a ro u n d                       14.8 MPH
t h e c it y p e d a l-fre e .                                    PRICE FOR USERS:

Th e y re q u ire m in im a l p a rkin g                          $1 unlocking fee
s p a c e a n d a re in c re d ib ly fu n t o                     $0.15/minute to ride
rid e !
  © 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.                                              6
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Lime Juicers

   Co m m u n it y m e m b e rs c a n e a rn
   m o n e y c h a rg in g Lim e sc o o t e rs!

       1) J u ic e rs sig n u p t h ro u g h o u r a p p
       2) Eve ry e ve n in g , J u ic e rs re se rve
           sc o o t e rs fo r c h a rg in g
       3) J u ic e rs re t rie ve sc o o t e rs a n d
           c h a rg e t h e m o ve rn ig h t
       4 ) J u ic e rs re t u rn sc o o t e rs t o
           d e sig n a t e d lo c a t io n s in t h e
           m o rn in g - a n d g e t $ $ !

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.   7
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Lime -E
         Electric Assist Bikes

                                                                Why go electric?                                                MAX RANGE:
                                                                Lim e -E s e n s e s t h e t o rq u e b e in g p u t o n        62 miles
                                                                t h e p e d a ls a n d a d d s ju s t t h e rig h t b o o s t
                                                                                                                                MAX SPEED:
                                                                t o h e lp yo u g e t w h e re yo u ’re g o in g                14.8 MPH
                                                                q u ic kly a n d e ffo rt le s s ly.
                                                                                                                                PRICE FOR USERS:
                                                                No s t ra in . No s w e a t . J u s t a s im p le , c o s t
                                                                                                                                $1 basic unlocking fee
                                                                e ffe c t ive w a y t o t u rn t h e la s t m ile in t o
                                                                                                                                $0.15/minute to ride
                                                                t h e la s t s e ve ra l m ile s e ve n o ve r t h e
© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.
                                                                h illie s t u rb a n t e rra in .
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network

                                                                               2         3


       LimeBike                                                     1   Solar Panel charges battery supply
       Smart Pedal Bikes                                            2   Smart IoT Technology 3G/GPS-enabled, mobile app -
                                                                        synced smart lock
       Our specially designed bikes                                 3   Safety -Tested Wider tires, drum brakes, bright color,
                                                                        lights and frame load tested with 880 lbs and CPSC/ISO
       are CPSC and ISO certified and
                                                                    4   certified
       safe and comfortable to ride.
                                                                        Maintenance -Free Airless tires and durable parts to
                                                                    5   withstand elements and frequent use
                                                                        Easy to Ride Lighter frame for easier use
© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.                                                                    9
Connecting North Carolina Communities With Smart Mobility - With a Subsidy -Free , multimodal transportation network
Our Approach to
    Smart Parking
●      Educate riders on legal parking
●      In -app instructions on how & where to
●      Geo -fence existing legal parking areas in
       our app
●      Reward riders for parking properly
●      Partner with cities to develop more bike                             -
       and scooter -friendly parking
●      Our operations team will respond to
       parking concerns

                     Bikes &
                                                            Parking Spots

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.
We use data
                                                                        to make local
                                                                        mobility smarter

                                                                ●   Free of docking stations, the optimal smart mobility
                                                                    program can be designed based on usage and
                                                                    actual rider demand data
                                                                ●   We estimate having 1 bike or scooter per 100
                                                                    residents to serve the entire community
                                                                ●   We share our data with cities for smarter mobility
                                                                ●   We support existing public transit, with 40% of our
                                                                    rides starting and finishing near transit stops

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.                                                              11
Lime Access
           At Lime, we believe in providing mobility for all.

   That's why we've created Lime Access        - an affordable
   way to use Lime in your city. We're also proud to partner
   with PayNearMe and to support a text        -to -unlock
   feature, both of which promote equitable mobility by
   removing the barrier of smartphone and credit card

   To qualify for Lime Access , an individual simply needs to
   demonstrate qualification or participation in any state
   or federally -run assistance program.

   Lime Access members can purchase                             100 rides on our
   LimeBike pedal bikes for just $5.

   Once you've joined Lime Access, you can pay                          through
   our app using a credit/debit card or Apple Pay                        .
   Alternatively, you can pay using cash at one of
   PayNearMe's 27,000+ retail locations.

© 2018 Lime. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute.                      12
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