Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers

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Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
         Customer Success Report

Software Category
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
Construction Management
Software Category
Construction management software aids the construction
management team as all managers have access to the data at all
times via their computer or phone. They can immediately see if the
construction cost is on budget, if the work is on time, and information
regarding employees, subcontractors and suppliers as well as
building licenses and regulations. This helps to make informed
decisions about the project and its progress based on facts.

The construction manager will be responsible for all stages of
construction management which could involve design, dealing with
the planning authorities, buying the stock, building the team, getting
construction contracts drawn up, overseeing the work, keeping on
top of the construction cost and signing off the construction.

                                                                 SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                               Construction Management Software Category               2
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
Award Levels
            Customer Success Report
            Ranking Methodology
The FeaturedCustomers Customer Success ranking is based on
data from our customer reference platform, market presence,
                                                                                         MARKET LEADER
web presence, & social presence as well as additional data
                                                                              Vendor on with
aggregated from online sources and media properties. Our
                                                                              substantial customer base & market
ranking engine applies an algorithm to all data collected to
                                                                              share. Leaders have the highest ratio of
calculate the final Customer Success Report rankings.
                                                                              customer success content, content
                                                                              quality score, and social media presence
The overall Customer Success ranking is a weighted average
                                                                              relative to company size.
based on 3 parts:


     Total # of vendor generated customer references (case studies,
     success stories, testimonials, and customer videos)
     Customer reference rating score
                                                                                         TOP PERFORMER
     Year-over-year change in amount of customer references on
                                                                              Vendor on with
     FeaturedCustomers platform
                                                                              significant market presence and
     Total # of profile views on FeaturedCustomers platform                   resources and enough customer
     Total # of customer reference views on FeaturedCustomers                 reference content to validate their vision.
                                                                              Top Performer's products are highly rated
                                                                              by its customers but have not achieved
MARKET PRESENCE SCORE                                                         the customer base and scale of a Market

     Social media followers including LinkedIn, Twitter, & Facebook
     Vendor momentum based on web traffic and search trends
     Organic SEO key term rankings
     Company presence including # of press mentions

                                                                                            RISING STAR
     Total # of employees (based on social media and public
                                                                              Vendor on that
                                                                              does not have the market presence of
     Year-over-year change in # of employees over past 12 months              Market Leaders or Top Performers, but
     Glassdoor ranking                                                        understands where the market is going
                                                                              and has disruptive technology. Rising
     Venture capital raised
                                                                              Stars have been around long enough to
                                                                              establish momentum and a minimum
                                                                              amount of customer reference content
                                                                              along with a growing social presence.

                                                                            SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                              Construction Management Software Category                     3
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
2021 Customer Success Awards
Check out this list of the highest rated Construction Management Software
       based on the FeaturedCustomers Customer Success Report.

                                                         * Companies listed in alphabetical order

                                                   SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                   Construction Management Software Category                   4
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers

     SPRING 2021
Construction Management
   Software Category

                         SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
           Construction Management Software Category           5
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
                                                                                                VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                       Total Customer References

                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       Track links the information from estimates to our field tracking process automatically,
                                       eliminating the added work and inconsistencies of reentering data and managing
                                       disconnected systems. We can now monitor and report on virtually any aspect of a
                                       job in comparison with the estimate and respond quickly. The potential for field
                                       supervisors to complete daily records electronically will give us even more immediacy
B2W Software empowers and              and efficiency.
inspires heavy civil construction
                                              ALEX KALMAR
companies to win more work and                CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR, STEED AND EVANS
complete it more profitably. The
company’s unified ONE Platform
keeps people, workflows and data
connected in real time and
                                       Whether it be training, bid preparation, importing/exporting, soliciting
includes specialized elements to       for quotes, or system administration; time savings are realized
manage estimating, scheduling,         throughout all processes with B2W Estimate. Time savings translates to
dispatching, field tracking and
                                       increased bid accuracy, higher productivity, less user stress, and
equipment maintenance as well as
data capture and analysis. A           ultimately money savings.
common source for operational                 ALAN FARRINGTON
data ensures accuracy and                     VICE PRESIDENT OF CONSTRUCTION, SHERWOOD COMPANIES

efficiency, and data flows logically
across the platform in real time.
This creates differentiating
                                       B2W has really been a great fit. Not only do they understand
opportunities for construction
companies to collaborate across
                                       construction in terms of the job site, but they also understand it in
workflows and optimize                 terms of what life is like in the back office. They understand the
performance. B2W is privately          solutions need to be as easy to install and support as they are to use.
owned, headquartered in
                                              JASON TSCHETTER
Portsmouth, NH and has focused                M. A. MORTENSON COMPANY
exclusively on software solutions
for heavy civil construction sectors
since 1993.

                                                  TRUSTED BY

                                                                               SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                          Construction Management Software Category                              6
Construction Management Software Category - SPRING 2021 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
ABOUT BLUEBEAM SOFTWARE, INC.           The ability to work in Sets in Bluebeam Revu 11 is going to revolutionize how our teams work in PDFs. The
                                        ease of navigating a set of drawings will now take away a lot of excuses on why we can’t use paperless
                                        drawing sets. The new page labeling and bookmarking tools are a prime example of how Bluebeam listens
                                        to their end user and implements new features based on that feedback.

                                                 KRIS LENGIEZA
                                                 DIRECTOR, VIRTUAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, STILES CORPORATION

Bluebeam Software, Inc. pushes
the boundaries of innovation,
developing smart, simple markup         The construction industry can be a dangerous place. Revu, as a platform, was key for
and collaboration solutions for         communicating risk. A key part of on-site health and safety management is making sure
                                        everybody understands any residual risk involved. Revu and its powers to very quickly edit
design and construction
                                        information you are given meant I could markup and highlight risks very, very clearly.
professionals worldwide. Since
                                                 RUTH JOHNSON
2002, Bluebeam Software, Inc. has
                                                 PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, RAMBØLL
made desktop, mobile and
cloud-based solutions for
paperless workflows that leverage
                                        Bluebeam improves communication and reduces paper usage and shipping so much that the software
PDF to enable a common data
                                        pays for itself in just one submittal process. It used to take us at least eight days and twelve overnight
environment, improve project            packages to receive, review and respond to paper construction submittals. Now that we have Bluebeam,
communication, and streamline           we're able to respond in as quickly as three days, and we've easily cut shipping costs in half.
processes across the entire project              GARY HISEL
life cycle. Trusted by over 1 million            SENIOR DESIGN MANAGER, GRAY CONSTRUCTION

individuals in more than 100
countries, Bluebeam's solutions
advance the way technical               Bluebeam's specialized PDF technology is ideal for major construction projects where many
professionals work, manage and          partners and contractors are involved. Bluebeam's intelligent PDFs allow for superior document
collaborate on projects digitally.      control, distribution and management, accelerating project lifecycles and simplifying project
                                        closure and archiving. Clients will receive higher quality deliverable at a lower cost.
                                                 CARLOS MORGNER
                                                 PRESIDENT & CEO, MANAGEMENT, MORGNER CONSTRUCTION

                                                      TRUSTED BY

                                                                                           SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                Construction Management Software Category                                            7
                                                                                                      VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                       Total Customer References

                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       Jonas Premier meets all of our needs. From the boss to the accounting, to estimating
                                       and to me - we rely heavily on Jonas to keep us all connected. Top quality product! It's
                                       a really great product; it's user-friendly, intuitive, and very easy to use.
                                               CENTRON ENTERPRISES LLC

Jonas Enterprise is an intuitive,
integrated solution for contractors    Premier is really helping with job cost reporting, profitability [and]
that has been present in
                                       communication from the accounting department to the project management
construction and service
management for over 25 years.
The application offers service,                BOYD LONG
                                               PRESIDENT AND CEO, TURNER LONG CONSTRUCTION
accounting, and operations project
management capabilities for
businesses of all sizes. The
software manages the business          Premier software is modern and up-to-date with the business changes &
activities of firms in a variety of    challenges. It has allowed us to better manage our costs in our construction
construction trades such as            department with better reporting.
handling the mechanical/HVAC,
electrical and plumbing trades. The            KILLARNEY CONSTRUCTORS, INC.
software also contains extensive
functionality to handle the general
contracting trade. Jonas Enterprise
                                       Before we had eMobile, we were using a lot more pen and paper, which was definitely less
offers an executive dashboard that
                                       efficient. Now, since implementing Jonas eMobile, our techs are able to complete jobs from the
enables managers, owners or            field and no longer have to return to the office to drop off their paperwork on a weekly basis,
other senior executives to quickly     which has really allowed us to have access to more timely information.
view customer's performance,                   TED CURRENT
supplier obligations, department               VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CURRENT MECHANICAL

profitability, and more.
Organizations can also use payroll
direct deposit feature to ensure all
the employees are paid on time.
Users create a file through …

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                    SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                            Construction Management Software Category                                    8
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
ABOUT PLANGRID BUILD                    A huge influence as to why we went ahead and decided to adopt PlanGrid enterprise-wide was its adaptability and ease of
                                        use in the field. When you have someone who’s been a builder for 20 years or so, and you put a new piece of technology in
                                        their hands, you certainly don’t want them to spend significant time learning how to use it. Beyond that, as PlanGrid
                                        continues to innovate additional experiences and features, we’re looking forward to leveraging them.

                                                  BRENT CRANMER
PlanGrid is construction
productivity software used on
more than 500,000 projects
around the world. The company           PlanGrid allowed us to mark up drawings in the field and attach
provides contractors and owners         pictures to easily convey issues back to the office!
in all construction verticals the
                                                  ERIC W. GOSS
tools to collaborate effectively and              DANT CLAYTON
collect and manage project
information throughout the
project’s construction and
                                        Being able to send photos to the drawing office team, plus document issues, assign and show
operations lifespan. PlanGrid aims
                                        the exact area to be repaired has made the team more productive as they say a picture is worth
to increase team productivity by:       a thousand words and these automated words have been a huge productivity saver.
streamlining document
                                                  ANDREW DECKER
management and control,                           CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, BSA | ALLSTAFF
providing collaborators with easy
access to all project information
from any device, and enabling
                                        With PlanGrid, they could take photos, upload them on site and add new
seamless collaboration. This leads
to building the most                    comments to the plans at speed. It meant issues were very quickly done and
comprehensive record set for the        dusted. Overall PlanGrid really helped us make closing out easier and faster.
entire construction and operations                NANCY SWEENEY
lifecycle and consistently delivering             QUALITY MANAGER, GLENVEAGH PROPERTIES

on time and on budget.

                                                        TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                  Construction Management Software Category                                                         9
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                                         Total Customer References

                                         Featured Testimonials
ABOUT PROCORE                            Procore’s software is inclusive and it’s very reliable. It has features that we couldn’t get in other
                                         construction project management software, such as allowing us to integrate a Microsoft Project
                                         schedule file and keeping that schedule updated over the web. These features allow us to
                                         improve our service to our clients, and that’s not a little thing.
Procore is a leading provider of
                                                    GERRY HOLLAND
construction management                             CHIEF ESTIMATOR, BBE
software. Our platform connects
every project stakeholder to
solutions we've built specifically for
                                         Procore provides software that is currently at the forefront of project
the construction industry—for the
owner, the general contractor, and
                                         management for the construction industry and displays a desire to continue
the specialty contractor. Procore’s      to develop tools that improve how the industry manages projects.
App Marketplace has a multitude                     CRAIG YOUNG
of partner solutions that integrate                 WORK HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGER, GRINDLEY

seamlessly with our platform,
giving construction professionals
the freedom to connect with what         It speaks volumes for anybody who’s done coordination––to be able to export a report very quickly, including snapshots,
                                         locations, and who is responsible for each item. It drastically reduces follow up time. Not to mention all the data analytics
works best for them.
                                         behind due dates and whose court items are in and when things are reassigned and what’s elevated to an RFI so you can
Headquartered in Carpinteria,            quickly see the status of what’s truly open versus has been addressed versus it’s in the architect’s court.
California, Procore has offices                     JUSTIN PORTER

                                         Overall, the software is extremely user-friendly and has an amazing support
                                         center with detailed instructions and videos and how to use each function and
                                                    KIMBERLY PAEZ
                                                    THORNTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY

                                                         TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                    SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                    Construction Management Software Category                                                        10
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
ABOUT VIEWPOINT                         The construction delivery team used the full range of Viewpoint For Projects storage facilities i.e. documents,
                                        drawings, photos, specifications etc. The big plus was having access to the project 24hrs hours a day. This
                                        allowed team members to upload information outside working hours off site. The system also provided a
                                        very useful audit trail of when information was released, accessed or approved.

                                                 GLADSTON MATHESON
Viewpoint is a leading global
                                                 PROJECT MANAGERS, NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM
provider of construction software
solutions, serving at the technology
needs of contractors worldwide.
                                        One of the features I like a lot in Field View is that you don't have to be on Wi-Fi at all times with
Products include: integrated
                                        it. So, we're able to just go out to the job site, pull up a drawing, being able to select a room
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
                                        from the set of drawings, and just putting a task to either a deficiency or punch-list item.
solutions tailored for contractors
                                                 PAT VOGEL
of any size, an industry leading                 PROJECT ENGINEER, KINSLEY CONSTRUCTION
estimating solution, a powerful
document control product, and an
innovative, cloud-based, off-line
                                        The system helps reduce costs directly between the contractors and the buildings team. Not
mobile field solution. Viewpoint is a
                                        having to send in all certificates back and forth by post and eliminating the need to send out
provider of innovative                  weighty envelopes of information to the ABM’s every week represent considerable savings. It will
construction-specific software          also cut out the need to photocopy every certificate for our files.
solutions to the global construction             JENNIE SMITH
and capital project industries.                  HEAD OF MAINTENANCE, MITCHELLS & BUTLERS

Viewpoint creates the tools needed
to improve project profitability and
visibility, manage risk, and            Viewpoint Construction Software®’s functionality and overall service will be a better fit for our
effectively collaborate with the        business. To be honest, the demonstration went so well, we were skeptical that the product
entire project team.                    could be as good as was demonstrated, but after conducting a thorough reference review, we
                                        were happy to find that everything we were shown was validated by current customers.
                                                 COLIN SIEMENS
                                                 CONTROLLER, WINVAN PAVING LTD

                                                      TRUSTED BY

                                                                                            SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                Construction Management Software Category                                             11
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                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT E-BUILDER                       We needed a system that would allow us to work smarter, not harder; a program that our architects,
                                      contractors, inspectors and staff could easily use to provide a collective repository for project tracking and
                                      collaboration. Since utilizing e-Builder, we can easily, and with confidence, prepare and submit reports to
                                      the District’s Bond Oversight Committee, thus providing greater transparency into our program.

                                               CATHY ALLEN

e-Builder Enterprise is the leading
provider of fully integrated,
cloud-based construction program      With e-Builder, project costs and schedules are always interrelated. We
management software for top
                                      have accurate forecasts, thus avoiding costly surprises.
facility owners and companies that
act on their behalf. The company’s             MICHELLE DODROE
flagship product, e-Builder                    SMITH
Enterprise, improves capital
project execution resulting in
increased productivity and quality,   The e-Builder Project Management Information Solution has exceeded our expectations from
reduced cost, and faster project      kicking the project off with the Professional Services team to training and roll out. e-Builder has
delivery. Since 1995, e-Builder’s     been a true partner, and having the ability to custom develop processes around our
technology leadership and             organization ’as needed’ is invaluable.
construction industry focus has                DAN OLSON
                                               CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS ANALYST, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY
provided thousands of global
companies, government agencies,
and healthcare and educational
institutions management in billions   I love that everyone on the team can communicate easily with ProjectSight. I
of dollars in capital programs with   also like that you can see everything in real time, so everything is up to date. It
solutions to improve the planning,
                                      makes the project [go] smoother and faster.
building and operating life cycle.
                                               MOE T.
The company is privately held and
                                               ARCHITECT, CORGAN
headquartered in Fort Lauderdale,

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                          SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                              Construction Management Software Category                                                12

     SPRING 2021
Construction Management
   Software Category

                         SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
           Construction Management Software Category           13
                                                                                                                     VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT ASSIGNAR                        The support we get from Assignar is good. We can reach out over email, live chat or phone.
                                      Assignar answers straight away. Now that we use Assignar, it’s much easier to manage jobs.
                                      Everything is linked within the platform. We’ve gotten rid of cross referencing and double data
                                      entry. There’s no back an forth between the site and the office, everything is one place, accessible
                                      to everyone. All our guys have caught onto the app as well, and they’re very happy with it.
Assignar is a cloud based                       MAYBERRY CONSTRUCTION
compliance, asset and workforce
management platform for highly
regulated industries. Developed
from first hand experience and the    As an Operations Manager, I am on my phone 24/7, so with Assignar I can go on my phone
need to solve the challenges within   and nominate which forms each person needs to fill out on what day, conduct site audits and
a fast growing construction service   inspections and contact traffic controllers and supervisors without rushing back to the office to
                                      get important site documents.
provider, Assignar rapidly gained
interest from stakeholders in other             BRUCE MCKENZIE
                                                OPERATIONS MANAGER, EAST COAST TRAFFIC CONTROL
highly regulated industries.
Assignar delivers its customers
increased efficiency, transparency
                                      Implementing software in our business has been a game-changer, especially with the recent situation. The platform allows
and significant management cost
                                      our office staff to work remotely to ensure the health and safety of our employees. The staff can easily relay scheduling
savings.                              information through the mobile app to our field workers, who work in small crews. In a time where many other companies
                                      are having to close their offices or reduce staff, we are actually thriving.

                                                JASSEN SMIGAY
                                                VP OF OPERATIONS, DACS

                                      With the implementation of Assignar we had the opportunity to review our
                                      processes, master data, reporting, structure, etc. and improve quality and
                                      productivity while reducing the time to invoice our customers.
                                                SYSTEMS MANAGER, WORKZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL

                                                     TRUSTED BY

                                                                                              SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                Construction Management Software Category                                                    14
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                                     Total Customer References

                                     Featured Testimonials
                                     BIM 360 is the backbone of the project. From safety checklists to management
                                     inspections, from material checks to the administration of suppliers,
                                     everything is done through BIM 360 Field.
BIM 360 improves cweonstruction               JEROEN HORLINGS
project delivery by supporting                PROJECT MANAGER, HFB

informed decision-making
throughout the project lifecycle.
From design collaboration,           The investment was a no-brainer as the enhancements made Autodesk BIM 360 an even more valuable
documentation and reviews, to        construction management platform. It removed previous barriers to model entry, such as having specific
                                     software knowledge and desktop access. Now, all stakeholders across the construction lifecycle can easily
pre-construction, and through
                                     access powerful 3D visuals and data that is complete and up-to-date.
quality and safety and operations,
                                              CHRISTOPHER BAZE
BIM 360 connects the people, data             BIM MANAGER, HAWAIIAN DREDGING CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
and workflows on your project, so
you can see the big picture and
keep your projects on track.
                                     We are understanding, preparing, and improving projects. BIM lets us rely
                                     more on faster and lower-cost lean construction techniques, like
                                     prefabrication and just-in-time delivery of material.
                                              HARMEN BIJLSTRA
                                              BIM MANAGER, VAN WIJNEN

                                     Autodesk BIM 360 Glue has been proven on the construction side. I see a lot of
                                     potential on the design side as well. Autodesk BIM 360 Glue helps save time for
                                     both architects and contractors and time is money.
                                              WESLEY KING

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                       SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                            Construction Management Software Category                                            15
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                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT BRIDGIT                         Managing resources has always been a challenge for most construction companies. Now we
                                      have Bridgit Bench. Bridgit Bench has saved us a lot of time, in terms of managing our
                                      resources, the sort and search features, and how we can allocate our teams by position, and so
                                      forth. It’s a great software, great customer service, and an awesome tool for us.
                                               REGGIE MORGAN
                                               CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, DEANGELIS DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION INC
Founded in 2014, Bridgit is a
software company focused on
developing mobile and web-based       Managing over 350 employees in one region, we needed powerful forecasting and utilization insights at the
solutions for the construction        click of a button. With Bridgit Bench, we’ve been able to track project changes remotely and create
industry. Later that year, Bridgit    predictability around our future workforce plans. Bridgit Bench is further advancing workforce utilization
                                      for the construction industry, particularly in today’s rapidly-changing environment.
launched a punch list and
inspection management platform,                JOE JENKYN
                                               DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS, KATERRA
Bridgit Field. In 2019, Bridgit
launched a new construction
resource management software,
Bridgit Bench. General contractors    At ARCO/Murray, we place a high value on technology and tools that add value and help us
                                      deliver the best client experience. The Bridgit app streamlines our punch list process and
and subcontractors across North
                                      provides significant time savings, while also enhancing our communication with
America are using Bridgit Bench to
simplify project planning and
                                               JOSH PRZYBOROWSKI
allocation processes. Bridgit has              DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, ARCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
raised over $15.7 million USD in
equity financing, with capital from
investors such as Autodesk, BDC,
                                      With Bridgit Closeout you have an evolving list, which is very helpful when you’re at the
EDC, IAF, Salesforce Ventures,
                                      stage where there could be potential warranty issues. Instead of emailing our owners
Sands Capital, and Stand-Up
                                      or the architect they can log in to Bridgit Closeout and review the project in near
Ventures, among others.
                                               NICK VAN DEN BERG
                                               ASSISTANT SITE SUPERINTENDENT, BUTTCON

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                       SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                             Construction Management Software Category                                         16
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                                       Featured Testimonials
ABOUT CMIC                             We save hours by no longer needing to track down resources because we can see what everyone
                                       is tasked with—with a click of a button. Also, we no longer have to call 4–5 different people and
                                       wait hours—or days—for their response. CMiC’s Resource Planning module took a process that
                                       once took days down to minutes.
                                                 BJ VAN ORMA
                                                 ERP STRATEGIC DIRECTOR, JE DUNN CONSTRUCTION
As an industry pioneer, CMiC
delivers complete and unified ERP
and field solutions for construction
and capital projects firms. CMiC’s     CMiC has laid the foundation for us to effectively use the data passing through our company on
                                       a daily basis. Business intelligence has been—and continues to be—a top priority for us. CMiC
powerful software transforms how
                                       helps us leverage our data to make well-informed decisions at all levels of the company—from
firms optimize productivity,           executive to project management.
minimize risk and drive growth by
                                                 LUIS BERUMEN
planning and managing all                        PROJECT MANAGER, BARTLETT COCKE GENERAL CONTRACTORS
financials, projects, resources, and
content assets—from a Single
Database Platform™. With               As we worked through the process of reviewing different products, we realized that CMiC Cloud was the only true
customers throughout North             Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for a company our size, eliminating the need for purchasing and maintaining a
                                       hosting server. We wanted all users to have a single point of access. For a company with an outsourced IT group—like
America, CMiC serves one-quarter
                                       NMC, CMiC Cloud was the most logical solution, giving us the outcomes we wanted.
of ENR’s Top 200 Contractors and
                                                 MICHELLE EASTMAN
hundreds of small and mid-sized                  CFO, NORTH MECHANICAL CONTRACTING & SERVICE
construction firms, from general
and specialty contractors to
heavy/highway and project
                                       Before partnering with CMiC, operations were highly fractured and siloed, with significant
                                       variation between individual offices and job sites. CMiC has brought everything under just one
                                       umbrella, forced a lot of good discussions within the company, and facilitated a hastened
                                       change toward centralization across regions and offices at Pankow.
                                                 JOHN BASSETTI
                                                 CHARLES PANKOW BUILDERS

                                                      TRUSTED BY

                                                                                               SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                 Construction Management Software Category                                                    17
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                                      Featured Testimonials
                                      Cosential is a huge time-saver when all I have to do is make one change to a
                                      project on my dashboard and it populates all the associated records within
                                      Cosential. It keeps me focused on my pipeline instead of data management.
                                               CHRIS JACOBS
Cosential has been providing                   SENIOR MARKET DATA ANALYST, JE DUNN CONSTRUCTION
comprehensive CRM and proposal
automation solutions for some of
the world’s largest Architecture,
                                      One of the best things about Cosential has been the top-notch customer service. We are always
Engineering, and Construction         able to get help from a real person and from someone that is extremely knowledgeable. Any
(A/E/C) firms. Unlike any other       issues we’ve raised have been dealt with immediately or in a timely fashion with good feedback
solution, Cosential was built by      in the interim on the status of the solution. Awesome customer service.
A/E/C marketing professionals with             ROGER T. SMITH
a deep understanding of your                   VICE PRESIDENT, HOWELL CONSTRUCTION

unique pain points and business
processes. From key features to
implementation and support,           My favorite part of Cosential is the dashboard widgets and reporting. Cosential allows
Cosential is tailored to A/E/C best   us to ensure all our departments can share and compare data points easily and make
practices in every way.               it easy for our executives to evaluate our business development and marketing efforts.
                                               ANTHONY RUSS
                                               RESOURCE COORDINATOR, CONSIGLI CONSTRUCTION

                                      Cosential makes wide-spread adoption easy by bringing our teams and their data together. Now we are
                                      able to execute project pursuits without leaving the tools our BD teams are most familiar with. Cosential’s
                                      New Business Development Experience is a game-changer, enabling us to move fast, drive predictable
                                      revenue, and be more strategic all while ensuring our entire firm is on board.

                                               RYAN HUTCHINS
                                               EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                         SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                              Construction Management Software Category                                             18
                                                                                               VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
                                        We are excited to see Forms on Fieldwire. Efficiencies in formatting, online, and
                                        mobile access have given our field and project management staff the tools to
                                        keep on track.
                                               NICK WIENOLD
Construction companies of all sizes            ASSISTANT PM, BEAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
use Fieldwire to power clear
communication on over 750,000
projects worldwide. With its
easy-to-use mobile application,
                                        Utilizing Fieldwire has created an intuitive, quick, and easy way for us to track
Fieldwire saves each user 1 hour        every step of furniture installations, with the added benefit of collaborating
every day by enabling more              in-house and sharing with other team members.
efficient information sharing                  SAMANTHA SCHONEGG
onsite. Fieldwire’s key features               INTERIOR DESIGNER, RATIO

include plan viewing, task
management, issue tracking,
reporting, and more — all
                                        Project owners especially love Fieldwire because they can reference it like a
accessible from one place.
                                        digital library. We can instantly share plans with clients and they can review
Fieldwire is venture-backed by top
investors in the industry and is
                                        from anywhere now that they have connectivity to the internet.
already transforming the way                   CAITLIN HAYCOCK
                                               OFFICE COORDINATOR, BURNHAM NATIONWIDE
dispersed teams communicate and
collaborate on projects. Fieldwire is
the easiest way for construction
companies to stay organized on          Fieldwire is easy-to-use but at the same time very advanced. Fieldwire is not
the jobsite.                            limited to punch list use only, it's a versatile tool that allows you to track any
                                        item on your project.
                                               MARGOT LUBEIGT
                                               PROJECT MANAGER, LOSINGER MARAZZI

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                               SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                          Construction Management Software Category                          19
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                                     Featured Testimonials
ABOUT FOUNDATION SOFTWARE            We’re happy to have FOUNDATION because they know costing and construction. And,
                            is great because we can track employees on a certain job, on a
                                     certain day, and for how long. That’s extremely helpful for unemployment compensation.
                                              DAWN BARZD
                                              OFFICE MANAGER, BARWIS CONSTRUCTION
Foundation Software offers
FOUNDATION mobile - a
web-based application that works
by allowing users to enter and       It is exactly what we need being in the construction business. It is so easy to get
review timecards, job data and       all sorts of reports we need, to create documents (invoices, etc.), and to get
field notes remotely. Finally, the   support when needed.
brand new Service Dispatch mobile             SANDRA COLUMBO
lets service technicians receive              DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ALTERNALITE ELECTRIC INC.

notes and directions about their
dispatches, log time, record
materials used, send back notes      I can read a report and pinpoint exactly what’s going on in a job. It’s just so key when you can’t
and more! FOUNDATION is also         be physically out at a jobsite that could be 100 miles from another. These reports let me know
available on the cloud as            in advance if we’re headed into an issue, and you can’t put a value on that. FOUNDATION
FOUNDATION SaaS ("software as a      makes that possible for me.
service").                                    SANDRA MICHAEL
                                              VICE PRESIDENT, PROIETTO COMPANIES

                                     In general, I like the way everything in FOUNDATION ties together very well. The service module is designed
                                     well. I love the dynamic filtering so you can see which dispatches are available where, with who and what —
                                     it’s a very powerful feature. Yeah, I’d say I found it very easy to get used to and to get our new service
                                     manager and dispatcher to use them. I think the service module is a great addition.

                                              PAT K.
                                              CONTROLLER, SOLARCRAFT SERVICES

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                       SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                            Construction Management Software Category                                        20
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
                                      There’s no more writing it all down. Everything is flowing really nicely with what they’re
                                      giving us and what GPS is showing on our reports. We print the report and give it to
                                      accounting, and they can do the billing and payroll directly from that.
Since 1986, HCSS has been                     TOM ALVERSON
                                              LEAD ESTIMATOR, CASPER CONSTRUCTION
developing software to help
construction companies streamline
their operations. Today, they are
recognized as a pioneer and leader    The support team at HCSS is very helpful. They are always kind and professional. It is so
in their market, serving thousands    refreshing to work with a support team that KNOWS how to fix the issues and do it quickly. In all
                                      the years I have worked with HCSS, they have never NOT been able to solve an issue. Thank you
of construction companies across
                                      for making it a joy to have an issue and know a resolution will be found.
the nation. Year after year, they
                                              JENNIFER M.
continue to innovate, refine, and             RIETH RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO.
expand their products as the
industry evolves. HCSS'​ mission is
to help customers dramatically
                                      It allows us to look at the leading indicators that the industry is really pushing now. Rather than
improve their business through
                                      gathering information after the fact and trying to hindsight things, all that information is there
innovative, high-quality software     in real time for us to use. We can classify it and use our time to get some leading indicators,
and exceptionally helpful service     rather than using that time just to gather information.
while providing a great life for              LUKE PLOESSL
employees.                                    VICE PRESIDENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY, J.F. BRENNAN COMPANY, INC.

                                      HCSS products have certainly created a lot better efficiency. HeavyBid was easy to implement
                                      because we had estimators who were already computer savvy. Once we got past the little
                                      challenges in implementing the other products, it just opened up a whole new reality as far as
                                      what you can do and how quick you can see it.
                                              KEVIN NUNEZ
                                              VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER, ACHEN-GARDNER

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                    SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                           Construction Management Software Category                                   21
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
                                      By closing the gap between the field and office, Newforma removes delays in
                                      construction and project closeout. As project information and collaboration
                                      increase, we’re equipped to keep pace and grow.
Newforma is a project information            MICHAEL O’TOOLE
management (PIM) software                    SENIOR ASSOCIATE, WSP

company focused on making
architects, engineers, construction
professionals and owners more         Not only does Newforma project cloud provide tangible contract
productive and successful. The
                                      administration time saving benefits but it also results in harder to measure
Newforma PIM solution helps
                                      payback like eliminating lost, damaged and destroyed project documents.
AECO organizations manage and
share project information, drive             SHAW CONSTRUCTION

accountability, raise transparency
and streamline project delivery
processes, including those
surrounding building information      When both the architect and general contractor use Newforma software
modeling (BIM), integrated project
                                      we've seen significant productivity gains in the execution of the project.
delivery (IPD), contract
management and more.
                                      We've won new business targeting architects who also use Newforma.
                                             THE PARENT COMPANY

                                      One of the best features is the ability to photographically record design defects
                                      on site, which can then be issued instantly to the contractor or client through
                                      the web-based Info Exchange.
                                             MUHAMMED IBRAHIM WARDA
                                             ARCHITECT AND COORDINATOR, ARCHITECTS 61

                                                TRUSTED BY

                                                                             SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                        Construction Management Software Category                    22
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
                                        Raken is a one-stop shop for time, comments, and photos. It definitely
                                        improves what you know about what's going on with all the jobs, plus it's easy
                                        to use.
                                              PAT REDINGER
                                              OFFICE MANAGER AND ESTIMATOR, STONWERK

Raken provides innovative mobile
technology to streamline field
workflows for construction
                                        Raken is real information. It's simple but at the same time so adaptable
workers. Raken's "digital toolbox"
connects the field to the office with   that all of our subcontractors can use it.
daily reports, production tracking,           JOHN ALBERT
time cards, toolbox talks, project            FOUNDER, UNIFIED BUILDING GROUP

insights, photo management, and
more. Thousands of the world’s
top construction companies use          This is the the fastest, best, most user friendly app out there. I can see
Raken to solve their field reporting
                                        why it was voted the number one Construction app on the market.
                                              MARTY MASTERS
                                              RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS AMERICAS

                                        Raken and Egnyte save us a whole bunch of time and money, and that's
                                        the two keys of construction right now. Time and money.
                                              IGOR CHARSOV
                                              SENIOR FIELD ENGINEER, LEVEL 10 CONSTRUCTION

                                                  TRUSTED BY

                                                                                SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                         Construction Management Software Category                    23
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                                       Featured Testimonials
ABOUT UDA TECHNOLOGIES                 ConstructionSuite handles all of my company's daily work duties from critical path to change orders to
                                       vendor information to daily project tasks. The estimating section is by far the best I've used in the past ten
                                       years, and I've tried many. I can do everything from reports to extremely detailed estimating without fear of
                                       forgetting an item, and then I can import the final estimate into QuickBooks.
UDA Technologies is one of the                    TIM LASSITER
fastest growing providers of                      PRESIDENT, HOUSTON REMODELING

construction productivity software,
trusted by over 550,000
construction professionals in the      As a home builder, I need tools that help leverage my time as much as possible. UDA ConstructionSuite speeds the process
United States, Canada, Australia,      of drafting specifications, writing contracts, estimating, scheduling and other document creation. And, the QuickBooks
                                       Integration enables me to quickly generate QuickBooks estimates and purchase orders as well as monitor project costs.
and 75 countries worldwide.            With UDA ConstructionSuite, all my project-related documents are organized in one place, assuring that everyone in my
Designed for growing businesses,       office has access to and is working with the same source documents.

UDA construction software                         GEORGE E. DAILY
manages over 70 billion dollars of                OWNER, A&E HOMES

construction annually. Identified as
a key partner in construction
software technology, UDA               I'm a General Contractor in California, and I've been using ConstructionOffice since 2002. The Estimating tools are great. At
                                       the end of the project I can see how much money I made, or the other way around. My estimates are a lot more accurate
Technologies is a Microsoft Partner
                                       than they used to be, and I'm faster, too. The ConstructionOffice integration marries the estimate and the schedule
and a Premier Intuit QuickBooks        together, so you can share information. It really saves me a lot of time. I can't do without ConstructionOffice.
developer.                                        ROGER CROMWELL
                                                  PRESIDENT, CROMWELL ENTERPRISES

                                       UDA ConstructionSuite™ has helped us improve the functionality of our business on many levels. Our
                                       estimate team is able to quickly and efficiently prepare comprehensive cost estimates which are easily
                                       understood by prospective clients. Our project management team utilizes the platform to seamlessly share
                                       documents between team members, monitor budgets, manage scheduling and more.

                                                  CAROLYN WALKER
                                                  GEORGE W. COMBS, INC.

                                                       TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                 SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                  Construction Management Software Category                                                      24
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                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       eSUB has helped our business stay organized and have all project data in one
                                       location. It keeps all documents and correspondence in one location for a project so it
                                       can be easily accessed anywhere. From project start up to closeouts, it allows
                                       everything to be tracked and easily referenced.
                                                  COATES ELECTRIC
eSUB is the leader of web-based
project management and
document control software
designed specifically for              eSUB’s Service and Training was very smooth because they understood our way of doing business – the subcontractor way
                                       of doing things, which is very different from needs of General Contractors. eSUB’s extensive capabilities, such the
subcontractors in the construction
                                       correspondence Toolbox, are designed exclusively for subcontractors. The overall ease of use of eSUB is intended for all
industry. Built on thirty-plus years   types of users (Accounting, Project Management, Executives, and Field Workers), which makes adoption manageable.
of expertise, eSUB’s easy-to-use,                 CARMEN CARBONE
software-as-a-service helps                       DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, KASPER ELECTRIC

self-performing contractors
increase standardization,
accountability, and productivity.      Working with all the knowledgeable employees at eSUB has been fantastic. Everybody in client success is truly top notch.
Today, thousands of users trust        Our primary support contact at eSUB has been extremely helpful in working to get me up and running since I joined EVC
                                       after they had already purchased eSUB. eSUB is designed for subcontractors, and having an easy-to-use Web-based
eSUB’s platform to manage project      interface and mobile application is a huge plus that gives us the ability to ensure all users (new and existing) are getting
communication and collaboration        consistent and standardized training and quick to high productivity.

on construction projects                          TRAVIS FLORA
worldwide.                                        PROJECT/SAFETY COORDINATOR, EAGLE'S VIEW CONSTRUCTION

                                       eSUB replaces manual processes with digital delivery workflow (preview,
                                       submitted, approved, etc.) to keep projects on schedule and efficiently
                                       increases employee productivity by 10-25%, per week.
                                                  RENEE MCENTEE
                                                  LEAD PROJECT COORDINATOR, ECKSTINE ELECTRIC

                                                       TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                  SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                  Construction Management Software Category                                                           25

     SPRING 2021
Construction Management
   Software Category

                         SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
           Construction Management Software Category           26
                                                                                                                    VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                    Total Customer References

                                    Featured Testimonials
ABOUT COMPUTEREASE                  Maribel Scarnecchia. She is the reason I sought out ComputerEase to replace my company's old computer system. And of
                                    course, ComputerEase lives up to its name. I've used other systems - Oracle, Timberline, Peachtree, etc. Nothing is as
                                    complete, as integrated and as simple to use as ComputerEase. ComputerEase is the best software I've ever used. The ability
                                    to drill down into reports for detail, the job costing, equipment tracking, service management, all make this the software
                                    any construction company should have. You won't be disappointed and your people will thank you for switching.
ComputerEase is the leading
provider of Construction
                                              RANDALL MECHANICAL
Accounting and Project
Management Software for
Contractors. This all-in-one
software is easy to use and works   It is user friendly and easily maneuvered. Just about anything you want to do
the way a contractor works. By      or can think of doing can be done in CE. I like the "shortcuts" that make
investing in the brightest          entering/typing much faster. I'm all about shortening key strokes.
programming minds,
ComputerEase has crafted a                    TWC CONCRETE SERVICES
fully-integrated Job Costing,
Accounting and Project
Management solution along with
                                    It's very easy to understand. Most accounting steps are automated, taking the thinking out of it
field-to-office integration. More   for non-accounting trained users. I can't think of anything that I dislike about ComputerEase. I
than 6,000 contractors trust        believe that compared to other construction software, ComputerEase is much more user
ComputerEase to run their           friendly.
business every day.                           KAHTLEEN
                                              CRAFTSMAN ELECTRIC

                                    CE is pretty much easy to use in every function, but the payroll has helped me save a
                                    tremendous amount of time by having the FE out in the field for our employees. I also really like
                                    the document control, where all documents can be created in the field or in house and be
                                    updated in the system. I like that there is a transmittal/correspondence log.

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                             SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                              Construction Management Software Category                                                      27
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
                                      JOBPOWER is so easy to install and use. The various reporting capabilities are
                                      great and there are lots of valuable accounting and job features. Technical
                                      support phone calls are returned promptly.
JOBPOWER provides contractors               MELODY ABRAHAMSON
                                            COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS, INC.
with comprehensive construction
accounting and document
management software
emphasizing job cost                  JOBPOWER is great! It works well with all of the functions we must perform
management. The software              such as installing and servicing elevators, paying companies for medical
combines power and ease of use
                                      equipment and keeping track of inventory!
with features specific to
                                            SHANNON SPARKS
construction and contractors,
                                            ROMAR ELEVATORS INC.
features such as AIA billing,
certified payroll, budget vs actual
reporting, and much more, all for a
great price.                          JOBPOWER is the best construction accounting software I have ever used! It is
                                      user friendly, trouble-free and customized to the needs of the construction
                                      industry. JOBPOWER makes my job much easier.
                                            DOROTHY JONES
                                            GRINDER & HAIZLIP CONSTRUCTION, INC.

                                      JOBPOWER gives my construction clients the information they need to
                                      manage job cost and gives me the information I need to assist them in
                                      their management decisions and in reviewing their accounting records.
                                            JERRY NELSON, CPA

                                                TRUSTED BY

                                                                               SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                        Construction Management Software Category                    28
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                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       LetsBuild makes our progress reports more efficient by automatically merging all
                                       photos and points. As a result, we do not have to waste time manually making the
                                       links. Furthermore, LetsBuild gives us a clear overview of the remaining points.
                                                  OOSTELBOS VAN DEN BERG
LetsBuild is a real-time
construction project management
platform for construction industry.
LetsBuild provides: real-time
communication from construction        Daily follow-up used to be a major pain on site. LetsBuild will allow our foreman and
                                       construction manager to always be on top of things and have direct access to the expertise of
site to office, simple-to-use field
                                       our planning and QHSE teams to support them without any unnecessary admin.
reporting mobile app, overview
                                                  REMY ROBIJNS
and insights across all construction              HEAD OF QUALITY-SAFETY-ENVIRONMENT, CIT BLATON
projects, easy one-click reports on
all your projects and numerous
integrations with other tools.
                                       Our architect office has been using LetsBuild for one year and we continually discover new opportunities. A major
                                       advantage is that you have all documents and plans with you in digital format on a tablet – no more carrying heavy ring
                                       binders on site. In addition, all documents are constantly accessible via the cloud. The layout of the reports can easily be
                                       changed according to the phase of the project: intermediate reports, site reports, lists upon completion, personalised lists
                                       etc. An indispensable tool in these times of rapid communication.

                                                  SARAH STAESSEN
                                                  ARCHITECT, A2D ARCHITECTS

                                       With LetsBuild, you get an overview of the project at the office, instead of you going out to
                                       inspect every single activity that is going on, which takes a lot of time. From where I sit, I can
                                       estimate when a specific task needs to be done, I can adapt the plan accordingly, and every
                                       worker has an updated version.
                                                  SHOUKAT NAEIMI
                                                  PROJECT MANAGER, HOFFMANN

                                                       TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                 SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                  Construction Management Software Category                                                       29
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT REDTEAM                         RedTeam Software has allowed us to have a place to consolidate all of our construction data and also the security to know
                                      it is backed up to the cloud. The entire team has embraced this software and can see the status of any project at any time.
                                      It has become an important part of our business for everything from bids to accounts payable to budgeting. The support
                                      team has also been really top-notch. They clearly have a vested interest in their product and care about us being able to
                                      use it successfully. This support has been very much appreciated as we integrated this tool into our day to day operations.

RedTeam is a complete Project                   KERRI ROSSI
                                                BUSINESS MANAGER, HABITAT SEMINOLE-APOPKA
Management and Construction
Accounting solution for
commercial contractors. As a true
cloud application, RedTeam is fully   RedTeam offers the best all around solution for our core business needs, from
accessible from any                   Pre-Construction to Project Closeout. It’s intuitive, collaborative, and accessible
Internet-connected device.            from anywhere.
RedTeam enables you to manage
                                                CHRIS ROLLINS
all aspects of your construction                CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER/SR. VP, WILLIAMS COMPANY
company from Business
Development, Preconstruction,
Project Management, Equipment
                                      As a general contractor, it allows us to be extremely organized and provide our customers and
Management, Gantt Scheduling
                                      potential customers with an organized project overview the moment they request it. Many
and Accounting. Construction          customers are very impressed with the reports and performance overviews that we’ve prepared
teams use RedTeam to                  and presented using RedTeam.
communicate and collaborate                     CAITLIN LEIBFORTH
online, by creating and sharing                 ACCOUNTANT/PROJECT COORDINATOR, REMSING CONSTRUCTION

contract documents, posting
updates, uploading photos, and
monitoring performance.               First, the staff is fantastic. They are always there to help. The software itself, well I couldn’t do
                                      what I do without it. Everything about your project is in one place. Being able to access
                                      RedTeam from anywhere is a huge plus and works out great for my guys in the field.
                                                MARY DEGUZMAN
                                                CCS CONSTRUCTION LLC

                                                      TRUSTED BY

                                                                                               SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                Construction Management Software Category                                                     30
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                                       Featured Testimonials
ABOUT RELATICS                         As a client, we have formulated contract requirements that we need to have verified to ensure we are doing things right, the
                                       ‘how’. In addition, we have to keep track of whether we are still doing the right thing, the ‘what’. That’s validation. Relatics is
                                       a very versatile tool that contains a lot of information, making critical documents, milestones, and decision-making
                                       transparent. In the tailor-made dashboard we can easily check statuses and report back to management and other

                                                  MAIKEL BALSTER
Relatics is a web-based platform
used by projects in the
construction and civil engineering
industry for requirements              Systems Connect’s interface teams and most of the stakeholders we work with were already familiar with the
                                       Relatics platform and liked working with it. It was clear we should offer the same Relatics environment for
management and systems
                                       hazard information, keeping all essential interface project information in a single secure location, while at
engineering. It frees the project of   the same time having better data presentation and management options.
numerous spreadsheets and                         MICHELLE HO
isolated applications. As a result,               SYSTEMS CONNECT

Relatics has proven to regain
project control, reduce project
risks, and decrease failure costs.     For example, when excavating we check for deviations every 50 meters. Colleagues used to keep track of this on forms,
Relatics is used by governments,       which were later copied at the office. Now, control data is entered electronically and processed immediately. This very much
                                       speeds up the process and reduces the chance of errors. For that, it does require that all parties bring enough discipline to
contractors and consultancy firms      the job. Everyone who works with Relatics has to enter the information accurately and consistently.
for buildings, roads, bridges,
                                                  SJAAK OVERSLUIZEN
tunnels, railways, canals, dams,                  PROJECT SUPERVISOR, GKB REALISATIE
ports, airports and dredging.

                                       New people often ask me for a login code. Project members experienced that the structure of Relatics helps organize their
                                       own work and to cooperate more efficiently, for instance by adding and sharing certain reports. Before, reports were often
                                       kept in separate lists and shared individually. Because information is now clearly and centrally stored and easily accessible
                                       for all project members, it decreases the risk of errors. Moreover, it helps assure the continuity of the project.

                                                  SANDER ROESINK
                                                  PROJECT MANAGER, MAX BÖGL

                                                        TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                    SPRING 2021 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                   Construction Management Software Category                                                            31
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