CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

Page created by Beatrice Bauer
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

      Woman                Volume 62 No 03   June 2021


      State Conference 2021
        For all Women of NSW and the ACT
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                   State President                   State Vice President        Hospital Support
Level 2, 244 Coward St         Stephanie Stanhope                Ann Adams, OAM              Committee Secretary
Mascot NSW 2020                Ph: 0429 161 038                  Ph: 0428 387 753            Elisabeth Hodgson
PO Box 222                    Ph: 02 4972 6176
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                    
                               State Honorary Secretary          State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200
                               Margaret Breust                   Judy Houghton               Agricultural &
Fax: 02 8338 1595
                              Ph: 02 6342 3205            Environmental Committee
                               0424 685 789               Secretary
Honorary Editor                                                  Chief Executive Officer     Robin Godwin
                               State Honorary Treasurer
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                                  Danica Leys                 Ph: 02 6888 5647
                               Sharyn Buck
PO Box 1070                                                                        
                               Ph: 0410 694 910                  Cultural Committee
Tamworth NSW 2340
                              Secretary                   “The Land” Cookery
0409 929 632                   State International Officer       Yvonne Davis                Committee Secretary
                               Sue Armstrong                     31 Tripoli Way              Mary Hollingworth
Communications and                                               Albion Park NSW 2527        Ph: 0429 345 255
                               Ph: 0427 359 926
advertising                                                      Ph: 02 4256 4541  
Leah Gaskell                                           
Ph: 02 8337 0200               State Agricultural &                                          Social Issues Committee
communications@cwaofnsw.       Environmental Officer             Show Catering Committee     Secretary                         Margaret Barrett                  Secretary                   Maggie Kyle
                               Ph: 0428 285 296                  Tracey Bonfante             Ph: 0423 623 382
Association Patron                                               Ph: 0402 508 856
Her Excellency the                                            com
Honourable Margaret            State Social Issues Officer
                                                                 Handicraft Committee
Beazley AC QC, Governor of     Bronwyn Dunston
New South Wales                Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                                 Pam Wright
                                                                 Ph: 02 6767 1044

Cover: State Conference Delegates. Back Cover: State Conference Observers

►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                   Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,210 (September 2020)                                                   Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                               Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to                Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to           For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                     By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                     Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced                Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                          Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No          either full sized digital
                                                                                                 photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                   or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                     email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country              developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                       prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be               on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                  not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                               When posting photos
                                                                                                  please do not write
                                    directly on the back of
                                                                                                 photos. You may add
                       @cwaofnsw                                labels or Post-It notes.

2  June 2021 The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter               4
CEO’s Report                           5
News from State Office                 6
Committee Reports                      7
Handicraft Schedule                    12
The Land Cookery Schedule              15
Sticking to a healthy routine          19
Conference Overview                    20

Conference Resolutions Carried         22
Competition Winners
Advocacy Update
Can you spot the scam?                 30
Welcome New Members                    32
Cesareo’s Navigation Manual            33
Sudoku                                 34
Telstra Update                         35
Cultural Winning Short Story           36
Celebrations                           37
Story of the Month                     37
From our Branches                      38
From our Groups
ACWW SPA President’s Letter
                                                                     30                                  33
From the Editor
Whether you were in the main hall    again.                                   to gain a deeper understanding of
in Bega, observing from the Civic                                             the Association and knowledge our
                                     One of the most exciting parts of
Centre, snuggled up on the couch                                              advocacy focuses going forward.
                                     the Conference for me was having
with a cuppa or listening quietly
                                     the whole function livestreamed          A huge congratulations to the
with headphones from your office
                                     for all of our members to be part        Conference Organising Committee,
desk, I am sure you would agree
                                     of, whether they were able to make       the various state committees and
that last month’s State Conference
                                     the trip to Bega or not. While I was     the State Office team for pulling
was certainly a special one!
                                     lucky enough to “be in the room”         together an amazing Conference
After the required cancellation of   thanks to the Journal, members           experience. I can imagine the
last year’s conference, a year of    from my own Branch were                  logistics of organising this event
minimal social engagements and       livestreaming the Conference from        on so many different levels, using
the excitement buzzing as the        their desk at work, during nap time      so many different locations and
Association moves into its 100th     and after getting the children off to    ensuring a quality experience
year, the Conference provided        school.                                  for several different cohorts of
some normality, allowed our                                                   participants must have been
                                     Being able to be a part of the
members to have the important                                                 extremely difficult but the outcome
                                     Conference while still completing
debates and conversations again,                                              was impressive!
                                     work, community and family
and allowed old friends and new
                                     responsibilities allowed members         Sue-Ellen Hogan, Hon Editor
friends to come together once

                                                                             The Country Woman  June 2021     3
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter
                                          believe that each member of our          noise of the rain, I hope everyone
                                          team is too important to be ignored      enjoyed their time on the Far South
                                          or seen in isolation from the rest of    Coast. I hope that for those who
                                          us. Teamwork divides the task and        wanted it to, the rains followed
                                          multiplies success. In other words,      them home or they at least had a
                                          division in any organisation should      chance to maybe dance in it a bit.
                                          apply only to the tasks and duties       I look forward to the coming 12
                                          assigned to individual members, and      months as we follow through with
                                          not to the varied loyalties and hidden   what was put in place at the Bega
                                          agenda of a few.”                        Conference, as well as the planning
                                          I have included part of the opening      for our Centenary Conference at
                                          of my address from Conference. I         Royal Randwick in May 2022. Already
“The Country Women’s Association
                                          believe it is important that we work     the range of other branch and
is an effective vehicle for change. It
                                          together for the advancement of          group activities for 2022 promises
is not our intention to duplicate the
                                          our Association, the recruitment         a wonderful array of celebrations
work of government but since we
                                          of new members, as well as our           in true CWA style across NSW and
believe that we have an obligation
                                          ongoing work within and for our          ACT.
to help change society and make
                                          communities through works as well        “When something bad happens, you
essential contributions to uplifting
                                          as advocacy.                             have three choices: You can either let
the lives of those living in regional
and rural NSW and the ACT, we             Our 99th Conference was an               it define you, let it destroy you, or let
need to pursue parallel efforts that      amazing example of how, when, we         it strengthen you.”—Unknown
can bring such goals into fruition.       work together great things happen.
This pro-active stance is not only a
vision; it underpins the aims of our
                                          The office in Mascot is a madhouse
                                          in the weeks before Conference.
organisation.                             Papers compiled, goods gathered
“Doing nothing at a time when             together for the smooth   running of
committed and informed action is
                                          the conference and displays, all the
                                                                                    Disaster Relief Fund
called for, is the greatest disservice    organisation that goes into running       The CWA of NSW Disaster Relief
we can do to our country and              an event. To all who worked so            Fund     allows  tax-deductible
people—and that is the exact opposite     hard there and on through the             donations to be made to support
of CWA’s beliefs and foundational         conference, thank you.                    people in need.
principles.                               To the Conference Organising              If you would like to make a tax-
“There are many worthy endeavours         Committee, words cannot express           deductible donation to the
that we can pursue to improve the         my gratitude for the work they put in     Disaster Relief Fund please
lives of those in regional and rural      to making the Bega Conference such        complete the details below and
NSW. But all these require that we        a success. They each had individual       you will be provided with a receipt
get our act together and ensure that      portfolios which combined to create       for taxation purposes.
the commitment of every member            the spectacular that was the Bega
                                          Conference and Gala Dinner. Thank         Name ________________
remains intact. That is a challenge
that we as members of the Country         you, Helen Galton, Robyn Wright,          ____________________
Women’s Association face on a daily       Alison Jenkins Annette Kennewell,
basis, and it will be for as long as we   Nelleke Gorton, Vicki Hummell and         Address: _______________
continue to improve the lives of so       Lyn Lawson.
many, in regional and rural NSW           To Ruth Shanks and her band
and the ACT. We must keep working         of COVID marshalls, thank you             Email: _________________
together.                                 for making a necessary activity           I wish to make a gift of: $ _____
“The office to which you have             pleasurable and non-threatening
                                                                                    Please make cheque or money
installed me would be of no value and     one.
                                                                                    order payable to CWA Disaster
bereft of meaning if any part of this     The teamwork of everyone involved         Relief Fund and send to:
entire body of the Country Women’s        with the Conference shows that
Association refuses to unite and          individuals    working     together       CWA of NSW, PO Box 222, Mascot,
fails to consolidate its own ranks.       towards a unified agenda for all, not     NSW, 1460
We need to continue developing the        a personal one, brings success to all.    Donations of $2.00 or more are
spirit of teamwork among us and                                                     tax-deductible.
                                          Apart from the inconvenience and
4  June 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CEO’s Report
                                         Conference, we hope you enjoy the          policies that were passed. We look
                                         information in this edition of the         forward to keeping you informed
                                         journal. There are also many other         of progress against these policies
                                         photos for you to have a look at on        throughout the year.
                                         the CWA of NSW Facebook page as
                                         well. This year was also the first year
                                                                                    Danica Leys,
                                         that we livestreamed the entirety of       Chief Executive Officer
                                         the proceedings at Conference and
                                         those recording are available on the
                                         member section of the website for           CWA of NSW closed
                                         viewing at any time.                        Facebook Group
It was so wonderful to be at             Work now turns to the big 2022              CWA of NSW’s member-only
Conference again and see so many         centenary year. There have already          Facebook   group       began    in
members in-person. It is such a busy     been a range of initiatives and ideas       December 2016 and now has over
week but full of great energy and buzz   acted upon, and the Centenary               2,500 members. It is a convenient
and the team in attendance from          Committee and the Conference                way to discuss CWA-related
State Office very much enjoyed the       Organising Committee are working            topics and share ideas with
opportunity to see many members          hard in the background to make it a         others members.
face to face for the first time in a     very memorable year.                        If you have Facebook, you can
long time. A huge thank you must         Advocacy on a range of issues has           join the group by going to
go to the Organising Committee           kept us busy recently and there is          w w
for staging such a fabulous event.       also an update on those activities in       cwaofnsw/ click join group and
This year had a whole additional         this edition of the journal. We have        then reply to the automatic
layer of complexity to attend to in      many issues to work on coming out           message with your branch (and
relation to keeping everyone COVID       of Conference and some of the work          your name if it is different from
Safe which created a lot of work for     has already begun on pursuing the           the name you use on Facebook).
everyone involved. Particular thanks                        1
also to Ruth Shanks and her team of
willing helpers who assisted with
                                          Postage Increase
all the additional COVID aspects of
Conference.                               Postage rates for the CWA shop have increased to cover the cost of
                                          postage and packaging. The new postage rates commenced on 10th
We were privileged again to have the
                                          April 2021.
support of a number of sponsors.
I’d like to thank Telstra particularly
                                           Postage weights                                                  cost
for their support of the livestream
costs, which were over and above            1g-80g (eg badges, badge ribbons)                               $3.50
their usual sponsorship support. It
was also great to welcome our other         81g–500g                                                        $10.00
sponsors and have them included in
the trade display section. Thank you        501 g–1 kg                                                      $13.50
to all who interacted and engaged           Over 1 kg–3 kg                                                  $16.50
with these partners.
A Conference survey will be sent            Over 3kg–5kg                                                    $20.00
to all attendees (both observers
                                            Over 5 kg–10 kg                                                 $23.50
and delegates) from conference,
as well as all members. We are              Over 10 kg–15 kg                                                $34.00
particularly interested in feedback
from those who have attended                Over 15 kg–20 kg                                                $39.00
conferences under both the new
and old arrangements, so that the           Box of Cookbooks                                                $34.00
State Executive Committee can
                                          To download an order form which calculates postage, go to www.
consider the format of Conference
going forward at their upcoming
July meeting.                             If shopping online ensure you sign in—do not create a new account.
For those not able to attend              Contact State Office if you need assistance.

                                                                                   The Country Woman  June 2021     5
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
2022 Conference—Royal Randwick
The 2022 Conference will be held 2nd—5th May 2022 at
Royal Randwick with registration and church service
on Sunday, 1st May. More information will be available
in the December journal.

Conference Photos Online
The official photos from the Conference have been
uploaded to a secure online photo album at www. The password for this site is

WHS Reminder
Please ensure your branch/group has completed
annual evaluation of safety in your meeting places if
you haven’t already. The WHS kit can be downloaded
from the website (in the downloads section).

Call for State Committee Nominations
There are three positions available in the State Cultural
Committee and six positions in the Show Catering
Committee. Nomination for State Committee (G14-1-
718) and Essential Selection Criteria to be received at
State Office by Monday, 5 July and will be considered
at the July Executive meeting.                              1

Garry Prize topic 2022
The topic for the Garry Prize essay competition is:
Women in Leadership. Would having more women in
leadership roles benefit our communities? How can we
empower women to take on leadership roles?
Essays are to be of 500 words length and sent to the
editor by 15 February 2022.

 Thank you so much to the CWA of NSW for awarding
 me a Jopling Scholarship this year.
 I am so very pleased to have this award as it is
 helping me and my parents to pay for uniforms fees
 and excursions at my high school, Wagga Wagga
 High. I am 13 years old and started high school
 earlier this year.
 I like dancing and cooking. I am a member of
 Wagga Wagga Evening Branch as a Junior member.
 Recently I came second in the Riverina Group
 Cookery competition with my butterfly cakes.
 Thank you again.
 Yours sincerely,

6  June 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Agricultural & Environmental
It is with much pleasure that I        emotional stress that they are
present my first report and only a     causing, continue to be a hot topic           Agricultural &
week following Conference. I trust     within some areas of New South           Environmental Seminar
that all delegates and observers       Wales. Thank you to Danica and
enjoyed the Conference and the         other members who were able to
                                                                                         Leeton, NSW
hospitality of the Bega Valley.        attend the parliamentary briefing         13th & 14th September 2021
Congratulations to the Organising      along side NSW Farmers Association
                                                                                Visiting DPI Yanco, a malt house,
Committee and all others involved      about how the mice have been and
                                                                                wetlands, a cotton facility and
for a wonderful Conference that was    continue to impact on the lives
held under trying circumstances. I     of all people living in the affected     more.
am looking forward to meeting and      communities.                             Name(s)_______________
working with the new Agricultural      A reminder that the Seminar dates
& Environmental Committee and                                                   ____________________
                                       are 13th and 14th September 2021
thank you to those who set up and      and the coupon is included in this       ____________________
managed the display throughout the     issue.                                   Address:_______________
                                       Margaret Barrett, Agricultural           ____________________
Mice, and the devastation and
                                       & Environmental Officer                  _______ Post Code:______
        Leeton seminar, 13th & 14th September, 2021
Join CWA members and friends for the Agricultural & Environmental
Seminar in Leeton, NSW.                                                         Email:_________________
Registrations are to be posted to Joy Beames using the form on this page or
can be emailed if preferred.                                                    Branch________________
Cost $130 (includes morning and afternoon tea, and lunch on both days).         Group:________________
                                                                                Emergency contact details
Visits include DPI Yanco, a malt house, wetlands and a cotton facility.
Contact Joy Beames to ensure there are places available before sending          Name:________________
any money. Ph: 0428 751 173 Email:                          Phone:________________
                                                                                     I have enclosed a cheque/

 Hospital Support                                                               money order for $130 per
                                                                                person     for
                                                                                                  the   seminar.

A huge thank you to all members        their generous support.                  Cheques or money orders to be
who visited our display and            We now have a full complement of         made payable to “CWA of NSW”.
supported our fundraising stall        members on our Committee and we
at the State Conference at Bega.                                                 I have paid by direct deposit for
                                       welcome Jennifer Blinkhorn from          $130 per person for the seminar.
A total of $1,450.21 was raised        Wollondilly Group, and Susanne
from the sale of goods—amazing.        Shipton and Betty Cook from Phillip      Total:__________
These funds will not only assist       Group. Our AGM is to be held on
the Committee to continue our                                                   Date:___________
                                       19th May at State Office and our new
sponsorship of our Family Room at      Office Bearers will be announced in      The account details for direct
the John Hunter Ronald McDonald        the next journal.                        deposit are:
House but will also assist with the                                             BSB: 062 014 A/C: 00901538
extra mailing and delivery costs       Unfortunately, Kerrie Tomlins is
                                       standing down from the Committee.        Name:      Country      Women’s
incurred as access to hospitals is                                              Association of New South Wales
still limited. We also received many   Kerrie has been on this Committee
                                       for seven years and in that time has     Reference:   Your   last  name
donations of lovely knitted and                                                 followed by AAE
crocheted items, books and toys. A     been a hardworking Chairperson
large amount of the donated items      and Treasurer, and a great support.      Send coupon with payment by 31
have been taken back to Committee      We wish Kerrie all the best in her       August to: Joy Beames, PO Box
members local areas, including the     future endeavours.                       92, Dunedoo 2844
Northern Tablelands and Hunter         Elisabeth Hodgson                        Ph: 0428 751 173
Region, for distribution and once      Chairperson                              Email:
again we thank the members for
                                                                              The Country Woman  June 2021      7
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Show Catering Report
There was a huge buzz at the 2021       were 22 expressions of interest.          members and the remainder friends,
Sydney Royal Easter Show. From the      Please do ensure that your branch         spouses, grandchildren, and kind
customers, to the volunteers, to the    follows up the new members and            members of the public, now CWA
Committee, to the Royal Agricultural    expressions if you have any. Thank        friends. Volunteers receive free
Society (RAS) personnel—everyone        you to those all around the state who     entry to the Show and work shifts
was simply delighted to be back.        made jams, relishes and cakes; the        from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm or from 1.30
From initially planning to be a         public love to buy these homemade         pm to 5.30 pm.
takeaway operation, three weeks out     goodies.                                  We are starting now to recruit
we were offered extra space which       We were grateful for the media            volunteers for the next Show. In
meant we could seat 118. It was a       appearances organised by our public       the past volunteers have received
huge bonus with plenty of room for      relations company, Seftons and by         a ticket for each shift worked and
prams and wheelchairs, and extra        the RAS Media Unit. A number of           gone into a draw for five hampers.
space for the volunteers clearing       our girls became TV stars, including      Next year we have one grand prize.
the tables—keeping everyone and         Jenny Le Gros and Jo Provins who          It is a day sailing on Sydney Harbour
everything COVID Safe.                  appeared on Sunrise prior to the          on a yacht for the winning volunteer
Whilst we didn’t break any records,     Show alongside Karl Stefanovic. The       with four friends, plus morning tea
we made close to 42,000 scones. We      girls took the scones; however, Karl      and a delicious lunch. Please sign up,
also made sandwiches, cooked fish       forgot to whip the cream so as he         we need you!
and chips, sold pies and quiches, and   munched the scones he soon looked         While the CWA Tea Room is a lot
homemade cakes, as well as a variety    a bit like a Santa Claus with cream all   of work, it is very satisfying from
of drinks.                              over his face!                            many aspects. It is a chance to make
We are indebted to our sponsors.        An initiative from Barwon Group and       new friends and catch up with old.
                                        professionally executed by Denise         It is a wonderful public relations
▪▪ The Manildra Group who supplied      O’Brien from Goodooga-Lightning           exercise for CWA and it is our largest
   over 2.5 tonnes of scone mix and
                                        Ridge Branch was the fabulous             fundraising venture.
   hand sanitizer.
                                        selection of photos from branches
▪▪ The Little Big Dairy, a family       and groups around the state
                                                           1                      In 2022, the RAS, will be celebrating
   run operation from Dubbo who                                                   its bicentenary—200 years. Our
                                        showing a myriad of CWA activities        Association will be celebrating 100
   donated most of the cream:
                                        which was displayed on three large        years. We are already thinking of a
   delicious, pure, double cream.
                                        screens. Committee member, Tracey
▪▪ Pepe        Saya’s      Australian   Bonfante, supplied some serious,
                                                                                  few extra things we may be able to
                                                                                  do. One we are working on is to have
   Cultured Butter—pure churned         and some not so serious, pictures for
   handcrafted butter.                                                            a Show Bag and we are grateful for
                                        the CWA closed Facebook page.             those members who have already
▪▪ Sunshine Sugar for the sugar         Thank you also to the staff at State      made some mini CWA koalas to go
   sticks, and
                                        Office for their ever ready assistance    into the bags. Thank you.
▪▪ Nestle for the hot chocolate and     at all times.
   coffee.                                                                        Dates for your 2022 diary: Friday
                                        From the Sunrise segment, two ladies      8 April to Tuesday 19th April—the
We purchase the jam for the scones      phoned State Office and volunteered       200th Royal Easter Show.
from Beerenberg and they kindly         to help at the Show. The volunteers
donate two very generous hampers                                                  Hope to see you there.
                                        are the back bone of our operation.
for our raffle, the proceeds of which   This year we had 206, being 143 CWA       Rowena Casey, Chairperson
go to the CWA Disaster Relief Fund.
This year that raffle raised $7,710—a
With the new layout of two areas
for the CWA Tea Room, we reversed
the entry and exit isles. The bonus
was that the line slowly moved past
the Promotions Table where raffle
tickets were sold as well as jams
relishes, fruit cakes, cookbooks,
aprons, tea towels and coffee mugs.
CWA was promoted and there was
a Show special for membership.
Thirty-five women joined and there

8  June 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Captured at the CWA Tea Rooms at the Sydney Royal Easter Show


Thanks to all the volunteers who help make the CWA Tea Rooms such a success!
                                                   The Country Woman  June 2021    9
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country of Study                            State Cultural
        Malaysia                            Committee members, unable to                we know as “the arts” and every
                                            physically attend our meeting on            other form of human intellectual
                                            23rd March, participated via Zoom           achievement. In the nation, our
                                            and phone-link. This time, it was           communities, institutions and social
                                            torrential rain and flooding that           groups, culture arises through a
                                            precluded attendance. For example,          vitally important dimension, from
                                            former Chairperson Lynne Dunn               a sense of place, values, customs,
                                            was forced into playing Robinson            even manners and identity. It also
                                            Crusoe when floodwater from the             arises, more obviously, from the
                                            Hawkesbury-Nepean          completely       outcomes of all creative processes
                                            surrounded her home creating an             and the way individuals engage with
                                            island! It seems that if you don’t end      and participate in these creative
                                            up being isolated one way, you may          endeavours. At a simplistic level
                                            be isolated in another.                     culture is a blend of the objects
                                                                                        created in “the arts” and the
                                            We had an interesting time reviewing        more subtle, much less obvious
                                            the judges’ comments and winning            thoughts and actions that make up
     Malaysia Seminar                       entries in the literary competitions.       people’s everyday lives. We need to
       Registration                         It was very pleasing to note the            appreciate the value of promoting
                                            rising standard of entries; this was
Saturday 7th August, 2021                                                               cultural wellbeing, emphasise the
                                            particularly noteworthy for the             benefits of being personally engaged
Name __________________________________     ballads where it appears entrants           in the creative expression of values
_________________________________________   benefitted from the “How to Write           and aspirations and realise, that for
                                            a Bush Ballad Guide” previously             social growth to occur, culture must
Branch:________________________________     published in The Country Woman.             evolve over time.
                                            Ongoing debate surrounding what             Cultural traditions are a foundation
Email:__________________________________    constitutes “culture” is progressing.
                                                                                        of national identity and often the
_________________________________________   The promised definition, sourced            genesis for the creation of social
                                            from Arts NSW, to further generate          groups; however, they are not
                                            consideration of the meaning and            sacrosanct and should be critically
Day Seminar                  $90.00         importance of culture in our lives, is      examined to test their relevance and
Saturday Dinner:                            as follows:                                 appropriateness for contemporary
No. of persons @$60.00 ___________          “Culture in its widest sense is             society. For example, behaviour that
Names:_________________________________     about what matters to people and            was acceptable or tolerated in the
                                            communities. It is about relationships,     past may well be unacceptable by
_________________________________________                                               today’s cultural standards. Ignoring
                                            shared memories and experiences.
Total (GST inclusive) $____________         It is about identity, history and a         the evolution of culture places
State any dietary needs                     sense of place. It is about the different   institutions at risk of losing relevance
                                            cultural and religious backgrounds          and may condemn them to potential
_________________________________________                                               extinction, like the dodo!
                                            found in most communities. It is
Pre-Order Seminar Booklets                  about the things we consider valuable       The      process      of    examining,
No. of books @$20.00 _____________          for passing on to future generations.       discussing       and    weighing    up
                                            It is our way of connecting the present     contemporary issues is, in and of
Please post with cheque made                with the past and the future.”
payable to “CWA of NSW                                                                  itself, part of culture and then, when
International Seminar” to                   What significance does this broad,          a position is established collectively
                                            all-encompassing    definition  of          by society, this becomes enshrined
Sue Armstrong, PO Box 13,                                                               as culture. Your branch may like to
Tooraweenah NSW 2817                        culture have for CWA?
                                                                                        identify, then examine and discuss,
                or                          Culture arises in a community, or           the contemporary issues which
Direct Debit and send as above              in a group like our Association,            are currently shaping our national
Account name: CWA of NSW                    even when individual members may            culture.
International Seminar                       not realise this is occurring. Every
                                            aspect of our way of life is part of our    Eva Campbell,
BSB: 012-823 A/C No. 191599617
                                            culture and we not only interpret           Chairperson
Please ensure your name is                  society through this lens, we also
referenced on your deposit.                 shape our future through what
10  June 2021  The Country Woman
International Report
Thank you to everyone for your           our Country of Study program               have a process to ensure state-wide
amazing entries in the 2021              is amazing and we already have             equity of attendees for all groups.
International Competitions for           two wonderful initiatives for CWA          i.e. one space will be reserved for
Ecuador.                                 members. First there is a website          each Group International Officer
                                         from the Malaysian Tourism Board           (or their representative, with
The International Display at Bega
                                         with a whole range of e-brochures          confirmation of this appointment
was simply beautiful and I thank
                                         for our members to download and            from their GIO) and one additional
all members for their entries in
                                         enjoy: https://ebrochures.malaysia.        person per group, then in order of
the Ecuador Competitions. The
                                         travel                                     registration as received. I know this
Senior Travel Journal was won by
                                                                                    may disappoint some members but
Belconnen Branch members, Nancy          Second, Jackie M—Malaysian born,
                                                                                    it is the only way to encourage all
Mason and Maryanne and Margaret          Sydney-based hawker food expert—
                                                                                    groups to attend. As some groups
Ferguson—the entry was simply            will take Australian online viewers to
                                                                                    do not send members, and once the
stunning! The Junior Travel Journal      the Street Food Journeys of Malaysia
                                                                                    registrations close on 1st July 2021,
winner was Asia Cook from Penrith        to showcase the ever-popular
                                                                                    we will open up the registrations to
Branch. Congratulations to the 5/6       street food of Malaysia through
                                                                                    the waitlisted members. For those
Class Students Stuarts Point Primary     a series of eight online cooking
                                                                                    members who have registered, paid,
School,    Eungai/Stuarts       Point    demonstrations. The series airs on
                                                                                    been confirmed yet do not actually
for their wonderful PowerPoint           the Masters of Malaysian Cuisine
                                                                                    arrive to Seminar, sorry but there
entry and to Jaola Morgan from           YouTube channel and Facebook
                                                                                    will be no refund this year. Please
Millthorpe for their lovely Postcard.    starting from 2 May 2021, with a new
                                                                                    ensure you have email contact and
The Ambassador and his staff all         episode to be released every Sunday
                                                                                    phone number on your coupon so
really enjoyed judging these items       at 9pm AEST for eight consecutive
                                                                                    we can keep you up-to-date with all
and commented how our entries            weeks. Masters of Malaysian Cuisine
                                                                                    Seminar news. Note: one Seminar
made them all very homesick for          (MOMC) link where presenters
                                                                                    Book is included in your registration
their beloved Ecuador. I will put the    demonstrate how to recreate these
Ambassador’s comments up on the          dishes at home using locally available
Facebook group for all to read.          ingredients. The eight episodes            Those not wishing, or able, to attend
                                         cover the states of Melaka, Johor,         Seminar can pre-order the Seminar
The Winning Doll was made by
                                         Pahang, Perak, Terengganu, Penang,         Booklet/Pack and there is space
Freda Cook from Oura Branch and
                                         Kedah and Sarawak. The Malaysian           on the coupon to order and pay for
the entry will be placed in the doll
                                         Queen, Queen Azizah, also features         your order. We will post out all pre-
cabinet at State Office. Pam Wright
                                         in some of the MOMC programs—no            ordered books prior to the Seminar
from Kootingal won the Needlework
                                         surprise as the Queen is a wonderful       to avoid any confusion at the event.
entry and Barbara Gow placed
                                         cook in her own right!
first with the Handicraft item of                                                   Thank you to everyone who has
the Shigra Bag. The high level of        For viewing live episodes on Street        encouraged, supported, assisted and
entries was wonderful and we thank       Food Journeys visit: www.YouTube.          enjoyed our International Portfolio
everyone for their participation. Full   com/MastersOfMalaysianCuisine,             over the past three years; it has
list of winners this Journal. We thank        and         been my honour to have served you
His Excellency Mauricio Montevallo                         as your State International Officer.
and his staff at the Ecuadorian                                                     I am so excited to welcome Sue
                                         We also have our International
Embassy and Mrs Ruth Shanks AM                                                      Armstrong as your incoming State
                                         Seminar planned at Dubbo RSL on
and her helpers for judging our                                                     International Officer and know that
                                         Saturday, 7th August, 2021. We will
state finalists this year.                                                          Sue will be wonderful in this role.
                                         run the registration process same
                                                                                    Her enthusiasm and drive on the
Those of you at the Conference and       as 2021 to ensure a fair and equal
                                                                                    International Committee over the
streaming online will no doubt be        opportunity for as many member
                                                                                    past three years ensures that Sue
excited to know that Malaysia is our     to attend what promises to be a
                                                                                    will be a great advocate for all things
new Country of Study for 2021/2022.      colourful and exciting event.
                                                                                    International and I look forward to
What a wonderful and colourful
                                         All registrations will be logged in        passing the baton into such safe
year we have ahead of us! Sue
                                         in order of coupon receipt and             hands—Sue can be contacted on
accompanied me to the Malaysian
                                         payment, and a waitlist will be            0427 359 926.
Embassy prior to Conference
                                         created. Should anyone cancel,
and has already met up with the                                                     Hugs to all,
                                         then the next on the waitlist will
Ambassador and his staff. The
                                         be registered for the Seminar. With        Lyn Braico
level of passion from the Malaysian
                                         restricted numbers in mind, we will        State International Officer
team to promote and support

                                                                                  The Country Woman  June 2021        11
Handicraft Workshops
 16 & 17 August, Wagga Wagga
 With COVID-19 protocols in place
                                       Handicraft Report
 numbers are limited. Get in early    Firstly I want to thank and                  Group tags before putting on
 to avoid disappointment.             congratulate everyone who entered            the State tags.
                                      this year’s Handicraft Competition.
  I wish to attend a Techniques                                              2.   One item cannot be entered in
                                      The standard of work was excellent
 and Judges Refresher day on                                                       two sections.
                                      making it difficult for the judges to
 18th August ($15.00 for morning/     decide on who the winners would         3. Make sure that tags have all
 afternoon tea/ lunch).               be.                                        the required information on
  I wish to attend Beading with                                                 them. One tag had no name, no
 Merle Barber on 19th August.                                                    branch and no group.
 ($30.00    includes   morning/
 afternoon tea/lunch).                                                        4.   Some groups need to think
                                                                                   about getting new suitcases.
  I wish to attend Catherine De                                                   The inside lining of some
 Medici Embroidery with Denise                                                     suitcases were breaking up
 Turnbull on 19th August. ($30.00                                                  leaving small pieces of the lining
 includes     morning/afternoon                                                    over the articles.
                                                                              5.   To assist the Committee, in
                                                                                   Section 1 and The Land Section,
 ____________________                 For those of you who were not able
                                                                                   please write the item number on
                                      to attend Conference this year you
 Address: _______________                                                          the entry form and circle it on
                                      certainly missed a truly beautiful
 ____________________                                                              the front of the tag. This would
                                      display. The Committee and three
                                                                                   make our job much easier when
 _______ Post Code: ______            very helpful ladies from Far South
                                                                                   checking off the articles.
                                      Coast Group worked tirelessly on
 Phone: ________________
                                      the judging and putting together        The Handicraft Committee will be
 Email:_________________              the display which was well-received     running a Techniques and Judges
 ____________________                 by everyone. So1 many members           Refresher day at Wagga Wagga on
 I have enclosed a cheque or          commented that they felt it was the     Wednesday, 18th August 2021 and
 money order for:                     best display ever. Any feedback is      two workshops, namely beading
                                      greatly appreciated. The venue was      and embroidery on Thursday, 19th
  $15.00 for Techniques &
                                      really great with plenty of space and   August 2021. The coupon for these
 Refresher Day
                                      lighting making it possible for all     workshops is in this month’s Journal.
  $30.00 for beading or              items to be easily viewed. My thanks    Anyone interested in attending, get
 embroidery workshop                  to the Organising Committee for         your coupon in early as numbers
 Please send this coupon, a           making us feel welcome, also to the     are limited due to COVID-19
 stamped, self-addressed envelope     three ladies from Far South Coast       restrictions.
 and payment by 1st August to:        Group for all their help, to the four
                                      judges and to the nine other women      Diana Frost, Chairperson
 Trudi Tritschler, 8 Lake Rd.
 Bungendore, 2621.                    on the Handicraft Committee. None
                OR                    of which would have been possible
                                      without the co-operation of              Handicraft Schedule
 Direct deposit your payment and
 email Trudi by 1st August:           everyone. It required a team effort      corrected
                                      for it to be such a success.
 BSB 062-014, A/C: 00901511                                                    Due to some errors in “The
 Email:            There are just a few things I would      Land” section of the Handicraft
                                      like to point out to the Group           Schedule printed in the April 2021
 For more information contact
                                      Handicraft Officers:                     journal, the correct schedule has
 Anne Williamson: sewansow@
                                                                               been printed in this edition.                       1.   Make sure you remove the

State Handicraft Exhibition Schedule (corrected)—General Competition Rules 2021/22
ONLY OFFICIAL entry forms must        writing out place cards. ALL articles   BRANCH and GROUP (in Black)
accompany the articles and are        being sent for State Judging must       on the INSIDE of the tag and the
to be filled in clearly as articles   be labeled with a STATE LABEL           SECTION ENTERED (in BLACK) on
are separated when judging takes      and must only have the folded           the FRONT of the tag. All labels and
place. It helps the Committee when    tag showing the person’s NAME,          strands MUST be attached to ALL

12  June 2021  The Country Woman
knitting and crochet.                  Groups entering seven different             piece of work $50.
Each finished article must have been   techniques in this section.                 The Competition is open to all
completed within (2) TWO YEARS of      Open Classes                                residents of NSW.
the current State Exhibition. Soiled   All prizes in Classes A, B, C, D, E         All articles using Natural Fibres must
work WILL NOT be accepted. Finish      & F donated by the Handicraft               have 70% Natural Fibre content
is important.                          Committee.                                  unless otherwise stated. (Labels
Each exhibit must be the work          Class: B1, B2 and B3—these classes          and/or strands MUST be attached)
of the Exhibitor. Work which has       are open to all juniors, both male          1. Crochet Knee or Cot Rug using
been exhibited in any Section at a     and female, residing in NSW.                commercial Natural Fibres—max 150
previous State Exhibition is NOT                                                   cm x 150 cm
eligible again.                        Age must accompany the article.
                                       Age as at 1st May.                          2. Knitted Knee or Cot Rug using
MAXIMUM SIZE of any FRAMED                                                         commercial     natural   fibres—
WORK must not exceed 50 cm x 40        Class A: Garment or article of any
                                       craft made by a member 80 years             maximum size 150cm x 150cm.
cm including frame and must be in
a PADDED FABRIC BAG with Name,         of age or over. Prizes 1st—$30, 2nd         3. Sewn Knee or Cot rug, using
Branch and Group attached.             —$20, 3rd—$10                               natural fibres—Maximum size 150cm
                                       Class B1: Any article of craft              x 150cm
220cm x 220cm.                         (commercial quilting allowed) made          4. Hand knitted Socks from Natural
                                       by a junior 8 years and under. Prizes:      Fibres
MAXIMUM DIMENSION of Dolls,            1st—$20, 2nd —$10, 3rd—$5.
Toys and Bears must not exceed 51                                                  5. Hand knitted or Hand Crochet
cm                                     Class B2: Any article of craft              Childs Garment from Commercial
                                       (commercial quilting allowed) made          Natural Fibres (NOT baby wear)
Mosaics, maximum size 30cm x           by a junior 9 to 12 years of age. Prizes
30cm                                                                               6. Hand knitted garment or article
                                       1st—$20, 2nd —$10, 3rd—$5.                  from Commercial Natural Fibres.
Handicraft Officers are advised        Class B3: Any article of craft              5 ply or finer (not baby wear & not
that articles are insured from         (commercial quilting allowed) made          socks)
when selected at Group Judging         by a junior 13 to 18 years of age.
until returned to their owner after                                                7. Hand Knitted garment or article
                                       Prizes 1st—$20, 2nd —$10, 3rd—$5.           from Commercial Natural Fibres 6
Conference.                                             1
                                       Class C: Branch Challenge—four              ply or thicker (not baby wear & not
Group Competition                      brooches, any medium. Attached              socks)
Each Group to enter eight different    to a piece of cardboard. To have            8. Embroidered Knitted garment or
techniques (if possible) for Section   the input of at least four members          article from Commercial Natural
1 which MUST include at least 1        of the one branch. Prizes 1st—$30,          Fibres
garment article of knitting/crochet    2nd- $20, 3rd—$10
in PURE WOOL but not more than 2.                                                  9. Hand Knitted garment or article
                                       Class D: Quilt. please signify if all the   from Hand Spun Natural Fibres
Each exhibitor in the Group            work is done by maker (if not, state
Competition must be a financial        so). Maximum size 220 cm x 220 cm.          10. Hand Crochet garment or article
member of CWA.                         Prizes 1st—$30, 2nd—$20, 3rd—$10.           from Commercial Natural Fibres
                                                                                   (not baby wear)
Prizes are as follows:                 Class E: Article of any craft made by
                                       a male relative of a CWA Member             11. Hand Crochet garment or article
1st—Highest Point Score—$100,          Max. size 30cm x 30cm. Prizes 1st—          from Mercerized Cotton
2nd—Highest Point Score—$60,           $30, 2nd—20, 3rd—$10
3rd—Highest Point Score—$40                                                        12. Hand Tatting. Garment or article
                                       Class F: 2022 Special Section.              from Mercerized Cotton
Champion piece of work—$50             Centenary     piece.   Piece    of          13. Hand knitted Baby Outfit—2
10 Special Prizes of $30 will be       embroidery depicting Australiana            pieces— Pure Wool (one piece must
awarded to the 10 most outstanding     no larger than 25 x 25cm finished           be a garment)
different crafts from Section 1.       Prizes 1st—$30, 2nd—20, 3rd—$10
                                                                                   14. Hand crochet Baby Outfit—2
Section 1                              Prizes donated        by    Handicraft      pieces—Pure Wool (one piece must
Eight articles of any handicraft       Committee.                                  be a garment)
technique excluding painting (with     The Land Section                            15. Dressmaking—Garment made
brush), pottery and scrapbooking.                                                  from Mixed Fibres
                                       First and Second prizes will be
MUST be at least 1 garment/article     awarded in each section by The              16. Dressmaking—Garment made
of pure wool in knitting or crochet    Land Newspaper.                             from Natural Fibres
but not more than 2.
                                       Prizes 1st—$30, 2nd—$15. Champion           17. Felted Article or garment
Bonus points will be given for
                                                                               The Country Woman  June 2021        13
Social Issues Report
The Committee’s primary function       We represent the Association on the    ▪▪ Home care
is to respond on behalf of the         following                              ▪▪ Sale of TAFEs.
Association to proposed legislation     ▪▪ KWOOP (Keep Women Out Of           We receive many responses for
or changes in current legislation          Prison)                            government departments regarding
which is being considered by the
federal and state governments,
                                        ▪▪ NSW Maternity Services Alliance,   issues that members have raised.
as well as various government
                                        ▪▪ St George’s Institute Dementia     I would like to thank Stephanie,
committees      and   department                                              Danica, Jackie, Adair and all the staff
investigations.                        We       have    represented     the   at State office, for all their assistance.
                                       Association via phone hook-ups/        To the outgoing Committee, my
We focused on inequality of services
                                       zoom or in person:                     many thanks. To the incoming
provided in rural, regional and
remote NSW compared with that           ▪▪ Breakfast with Parliamentary       Committee member, welcome.
of metropolitan areas, particularly        friends of Rural and Remote        2021/22 will be an interesting,
education and health.                      Health and National Rural Health   thought provoking year, delving into
                                           Alliance                           the policies and advocacy work of
On behalf of the Association, we        ▪▪ Regional and Rural Education       our Association.
have presented submissions to:
                                        ▪▪ Domestic Violence forum            The Social Issues Committee for
 ▪▪ NSW School curriculum               ▪▪ NSW Transport Safer Roads          2021/22 is Tina Billing, Hume Group;
 ▪▪ Registered Nurses in aged care         forum                              Leonie Fish, North Coast Group;
    facilities                          ▪▪ TGA Medicine shortage forum.       Donna Kemp, Mid North Coast
 ▪▪ Coercive control in domestic       Members have raised many issues
                                                                              Group; Annie Kiefer, Phillip Group;
    relationships                                                             Maggie Kyle, Blue Mountains Group;
 ▪▪ Regional Health Inquiry.            ▪▪ Patient transport
                                                                              Elizabeth O’Dwyer, Phillip Group;
                                                                              Karen Pavey, Southern Tablelands
We have been invited to give            ▪▪ Homelessness                       Group.
evidence at the public hearing          ▪▪ Domestic Family Violence           Bronwyn Dunston
for coercive control with more          ▪▪ Hospitals     1
                                                                              State Social Issue Officer
“earmarked” to attend.                  ▪▪ Ambulances

 The Land Cookery Report
It was wonderful to see so many        Congratulations to our exhibitors—     for tin sizes and measurements
happy faces at the Conference,         To be selected for State Competition   for slices, etc. Particularly with an
meeting up with new friends and        is in itself an award and especially   iced entry, attention to detail is
old.                                   we congratulate all the winners. The   very important and could be the
                                       cooking has been of an exceedingly     difference between a placing or not.
We had 28 from 30 groups
                                       high standard across all sections.     Know your oven like a best friend
represented at The Land Cookery
                                       Thank you to the Group Cookery         and hopefully you’ll have perfect
Competition.     Given      such
                                       Officers for all the work involved     results every time.
extenuating circumstances for so
                                       with the returns as without group
many members this is a remarkable                                             Our AGM has been held and we look
                                       days we wouldn’t have a State
achievement and testament to the                                              forward to helping and supporting
untiring commitment of our CWA                                                you all with the CWA Land Cookery
members.                               The Land Cookery Committee             in 2022.
                                       provided a banana bread bake off
Thank you to the 2021 Organising                                              As the centenary year is cause
                                       challenge in 2021 for the most
Committee for our spacious rooms                                              for many celebrations including
                                       entries baked per branch. This
at State Conference which insured                                             cooking, the 2021/ 2022 schedule
                                       provided an enormous amount of
a wonderful display.                                                          reflects the history of CWA and is
                                       fun for many members with 294
The decorated cake section had a       entries altogether with Belmont        inspired by a vintage schedule from
revamp and we are most appreciative    Branch winning a $50 cash prize.       1969/70. Note: there are no recipes
of the generous support from our                                              for this schedule. You may use your
                                       While the entries were of a very       own favourite recipes.
exhibitors. We especially thank our
                                       high standard, we encourage all
judge, Joy Eagles, for her time to                                            Denise Hawdon
                                       exhibitors to check the schedule
judge for us.                                                                 Chairperson
14  June 2021  The Country Woman

Rules                                   semi-finals are eligible for the          11. All entries in the state finals
                                        state final conducted concurrently        will be displayed and then sold
Please read carefully
                                        with the CWA Annual General               except Section Six, Classes 6A & 6B.
1. This Contest is conducted by the     Conference. (This does not apply in       Proceeds of the sale to be added to
Country Women’s Association of          section 6).                               the Cookery Committee funds.
New South Wales.
                                        6. Additional classes,
                                                            1     other than      12. No ring tin to be used throughout
2. The Contest is not restricted to     those on the schedule, may be             the contest. NO RACK MARKS ON
members of the CWA; it is open to       included in branch contests, and          ENTRIES.
any person residing in NSW and          additional prizes awarded locally,        13. NO PACKAGE MIXTURES ARE
ACT.                                    but prize winners in such classes         TO BE USED IN ANY CLASS OF THE
3. Entries at branch level to be        will not compete in the semi-finals       CONTEST.
accompanied by 10 cents entry           or state finals of the contest.
                                                                                  14. Owners may purchase their
fee. Entries at state level must        7. Branches and groups will appoint       exhibit, if they inform the steward
be accompanied by the official          their own judges, BUT judges and          when entering their exhibit at state
printed current 2021/2022 coupon        stewards for the state finals will be     level.
which will appear in “The Land”         appointed by the CWA State Land
newspaper, otherwise they will be       Cookery Committee Chairperson.            15. All entries must be accompanied
disqualified. Each entry requires a                                               by a filled in CWA approved label.
                                        8. All exhibits entered in this contest
separate coupon. Entries must be                                                  16. IMPORTANT All fruit cakes and
                                        (except in Section One, Classes A
lodged with the Cookery Officer of                                                sultana cakes must be entered
                                        and B, and Section Seven) may be
a CWA branch and contestants may                                                  uniced. ALL FRUIT CAKES MUST
                                        sold at branch and group level. All
enter in one branch and one group                                                 OBSERVE THE ½lb. BUTTER BASIS
                                        exhibits (except Section Six, Classes
only. Entries in state finals must be                                             as standard mixture for size and
                                        6A & 6B) become the property of
accompanied by an original coupon.                                                weight. Tins may be square or
                                        CWA at state level.
4. Each branch conducts its                                                       round. The method of cutting right
                                        9. The judges’ decisions are              through the centre of the cake must
separate contest at any time that
                                        absolutely final and not to be            be observed. NO CUT CAKE WILL
is considered suitable. First and
                                        questioned or discussed with the          BE ACCEPTED AT STATE FINALS
second prize winners must be two
                                        judges.                                   but fruit cake, sultana cake and
different competitors who will then
be eligible to enter group semi-        10. The 10 cents entry fee with each      fruit pudding CAN be entered cut at
finals. This is a competition that is   entry, plus proceeds of the sales         group semi-finals.
conducted from branch to group          of entries, and any other monies
and then to state level.                raised at the same function, shall        Section One—Fruit Cakes
                                        be sent through group treasurer to        Prizes in Class (a)—First $30; Second
5. First prize winners only of group
                                        CWA State Office.                         $10; Third $6.
                                                                              The Country Woman  June 2021       15
Prizes in Class (b)—First $20; Second    decorated with grated rind, or rind    flour should appear on the surfaces.
$10; Third $6.                           cut in fancy shapes ONLY. It must      All these points, together with
Class (a) Rich Fruit Cake (Dark)         be baked in a loaf, deep square or     palatability, will be looked for in
                                         round tin.                             judging.
Hints to the Competitor: In Rich
Fruit Cake, nuts, if used, should be     Hints to the Competitor: In Orange
                                         Cake, grated rind adds a more          Section Four—Biscuits and
cut to a size that will not interfere                                           Shortbread
with the cutting of the cake. Slow       definite flavour than juice alone.
baking is necessary to bring out         Class (b) Chocolate Cake—To be         Prizes in each Class—First $20;
the colour and texture. A suggested      iced on top only. May be simply        Second $10. Total $60.
guide for ½lb. butter basis is: ½lb.     decorated with nuts, dried or          Important: Biscuits must be
butter, ½lb. sugar, 2½lb. fruit.         preserved     fruits,    nonpariels,   displayed in boxes no larger than
Points to be looked for in judging:      coconut or chocolate, or a simply      14” x 8” and containers will be sold
Smooth, even top, well risen and         piped design. May be baked in any      with biscuits. Contestants using
slightly rounded towards the             shaped deep tin excepting a ring       larger boxes will be disqualified.
centre, but not peaked. Smooth,          tin. Approximately 2½” minimum         Contestants are advised that the
even sides with no white patches or      depth of cake is desirable.            ordinary shirt box, suitably covered,
blotches on the surface. Browned         Hints to the Competitor: In            is recommended. A minimum of 6
evenly on sides, top and bottom.         Chocolate Cake, if cocoa is used for   different mixtures must be entered
Texture should be fine and even,         flavour and colour it should not be    in class (a). There must be a minimum
with no holes or tunnels; moist          sifted and added to the flour but      of 6 samples of each type of biscuit.
but not heavy or doughy. Fruit           blended with the liquid. Chocolate     The biscuits must be protected by a
should be evenly distributed, and        (block) if used should be melted.      transparent, removable cover.
a good balance of fruit and mixture      Class (c) Plain Butter Cake—There      Class (a) Assorted Plain Biscuits—
apparent. Should not be over-            must be no fruit, nuts, cherries or    There must be six distinct different
flavoured with spices and essences       peel in or on cake. Must be simply     types of mixtures, NOT one basic
so that the natural flavour of the       iced on top only, but NOT decorated.   recipe with six different varieties of
fruits is lost.                          Essences may be used if desired.       flavouring. They may be any fancy
Class (b) Sultana Cake                   Approximately 2½” minimum depth        shape but not joined together with
                                         of cake if desirable.
                                                            1                   icing in a sandwich style. Biscuits
Hints to the Competitor: The                                                    containing crystallised fruits, nuts,
competitor must observe the ½lb.         In Plain Butter Cake essences may      etc., baked in with the mixture may
butter basis as standard mixture for     be used is desired.                    be included in this class.
size and weight. A suggested guide       Points to be looked for in judging:
for proportion of fruit and mixture                                             Hints to the Competitor: Examples
                                         ALL butter cakes: There should         of Assorted Plain Biscuits are as
is ½lb. butter, ½lb. to 1lb. sultanas,   not be any large holes or tunnels.
½lb. sugar.                                                                     follows: plain shortbread, plain
                                         Cakes should not have hard crusts,     forcer, Anzac, rolled, sliced-
Points to be looked for in judging:      be sugary or sticky. Cooking should    refrigerator and drop biscuits.
Evenly cooked on top, sides and          be even right throughout, and the
bottom, and light in colour. Texture     cake should not be crumbly or          Class (b) Plain Shortbread—One
fine and even with no holes or           soggy. Each variety should have        round or square of shortbread.
tunnels; moist, but not heavy or         a definite flavour. Chocolate and      Approximately 7” minimum across.
doughy. Fruit should be evenly           Orange Cakes may be slightly raised    Hints to the Competitor: Shortbread
distributed and a good balance of        towards the centre but not peaked.     should be pale straw colour, crisp in
fruit and mixture apparent. Peel                                                texture and should be un-iced. For
optional. Almonds on top only will       Section Three—Scones
                                                                                judging, shortbread is to be broken,
not disqualify entry. Cherries are       Prizes—First $40; Second $16; Third    not cut.
not acceptable.                          $8. Total $64.
                                                                                Points to be looked for in judging:
Section Two—Butter Cakes                 The best twelve (12) scones from a     Shape, daintiness and delicacy of
                                         one pound white flour mixture to       colour to be considered. Eating
Prizes in each Class—First $20;          be entered using a plain basic scone
Second $10. Total $90.                                                          quality is most important.
                                         recipe, without eggs. A round cutter
Important: In judging, the method        of two inch (2”) diameter should be    Section Five—Lamingtons
of cutting right through the centre      used.                                  (Chocolate Coating Only,
of the cake must be observed.            Points to be looked for in judging:    tossed in fine white coconut)
CAKE SHOULD BE PRESENTED AS              Fine texture, even rising, golden
BAKED, NOT TRIMMED.                                                             Prizes—First $20; Second $10. Total
                                         brown on top and bottom. Scones        $30.
Class (a) Orange Cake—Must be            should be placed on a baking tray,
iced or frosted on top and may be        close but not touching. No marks or    Eight (8) cakes must be presented.

16  June 2021  The Country Woman
The basis must be a plain butter           soggy, wet or mouldy patches. It         reasonably fine with fruit and nuts
cake with no jam filling.                  should have a good well-balanced         evenly distributed. Colour should
Points to be looked for in judging:        fruity flavour.                          be even and not blotchy.
Daintiness of size (approximately          Section Eight—Jam and                    Section Ten—Special Section
1½” square), texture of cake, quality      Sweet Mustard Pickles                    for Young Competitors
of finish and general presentation.
                                           Prizes in each class—First $10;          Prizes in class (a)—First $20; Second
Section Six—Iced and                       Second $6. Total $32.                    $10.
Decorated Cakes                            Important: Jam and pickles should        Prizes in class (b)—First $10; Second
Prizes in class (a)—First $35; Second      be presented in approximately            $5.
$25; Third $15.                            250ml size glass containers with         Total $45.
Prizes in class (b)—First $30; Second      screw-on non-commercial tops.
                                           They must be securely sealed and         Class (a) A Simply Iced Orange
$20; Third $15; Fourth $5.                                                          Butter Cake
                                           labelled. If contestants cannot
Important: Entries must be clearly         obtain the usual 250ml screw-            Hints to the Competitor:         See
identified in their right class. Entries   top jars, commercial tops must be        Section 2, Class (a).
in this section may be retained by         attractively covered.
the competitor or donated to the                                                    Class (b) Cooked Coconut Ice
CWA for sale but must be clearly           Class (a) Dried Apricot Jam
                                                                                    To be presented in an attractive
marked accordingly. Exhibits in this       Hints to the Competitor: It is           box with transparent lid. Box
section may be entered directly            advisable to retain some unopened        approximately 8” by 5” and 1” deep.
into the Finals and need not pass          jars of the same batch, as jars
preliminary judging in branch or           opened at branch or group contests       Hints to the Competitor: Only fresh
group contests but entries must be         are not eligible for the finals. Fruit   desiccated coconut should be
made through a branch or group             should be thoroughly washed and          used. To preserve whiteness it is
Secretary.                                 drained.                                 advisable not to use an aluminium
                                                                                    saucepan as it may cause slight
Class    (a)  One-Tier       Special       Points to be looked for in judging:      discolouration.
Occasion Cake—A Special Occasion           Flavour is the deciding factor but
Cake may be made for a 21st                general appearance is important          Points to be looked for in judging:
birthday, a wedding anniversary, a         and consistency 1should be neither       Texture—the sweet should not be
christening—any special occasion,          sticky or syrupy.                        hard, sticky or candied (showing
and decorated to suit that occasion.                                                sugar crystals). The white layer
                                           Class (b) Sweet Mustard Pickles          should be really white, not faintly
The basis must be a fruit cake. This
is a championship class.                   Hints to the Competitor: Vegetables      grey. The pink layer should be only
                                           should be cut into “bite” sized          delicately coloured. Pieces should
Class (b) Decorated Iced Cake—This         pieces. They should be firm but          be of neat size and cleanly cut.
class is for competitors who have          well cooked. Over sharpness and
never won a first prize in Section 6                                                Special “The Land” Awards
                                           sweetness of flavour should be
at State level. The basis must be a        avoided.                                 for Branches Judged on
fruit cake.                                                                         Ration of Members Entries
                                           Points to be looked for in judging:
Section Seven—Steamed                      Sauce should be smooth and of            Branches with 15 members and
Plum Pudding                               medium thickness. Colour should          under with most entries in Cookery
                                           be attractive with an appeal to          Competition: First $150; Second
Prizes—First $20; Second $10. Total                                                 $75; Third $25. Total $250.
$30.                                       the palate. Flavour and general
                                           appearance are all-important.            Branches with 16 to 25 members
Important: In judging, the method                                                   with most entries in Cookery
of cutting right through the centre        Section Nine—Date and
                                                                                    Competition: First $150; Second
of the pudding must be observed.           Walnut Roll                              $75; Third $25. Total $250.
Competitors must observe the               Prizes—First $20; Second $10. Total
½lb. shortening basis as standard                                                   Branches with 26 to 50 members
                                           $30.                                     with most entries in Cookery
mixture for size and weight.
                                           Hints to the Competitor: To be made      Competition: First $150; Second
Points to be looked for in judging:        in roll tin only.                        $75; Third $25. Total $250.
The pudding should have a rich
dark colour, and colour should be          Points to be looked for in judging:      Branches with over 51 members
even throughout. There should              Roll should not have any large holes     with most entries in Cookery
be no holes in the mixture and no          or tunnels and should not have hard      Competition: First $150; Second
                                           crusts. Texture should be even and       $75; Third $25. Total $250.

                                                                                The Country Woman  June 2021        17
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