COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne

Page created by Alma Medina
COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
COVID-19 Safety Plan:
     Roadmap for Re-Opening

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         COVID-19 Safety Plan   22112020   Version 3.16.2
COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………….4



  LUNA PARK’S REOPEN STRATEGY………………………………….……………………………..6

  GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY………………………………………………….……………….9

  FIRST AID………………………………………………………………………………...................... 12


  HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT……………………………………………...…………….. 16

  STAFFING BUBBLES………………………………….………………………………………………. 16

  TEAM TRAINING……………………………………………………………………………………….19

   PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND CAPACITIES…..……………………………………………….. 20

  FACE/MASK/CLOTH FACE COVERINGS……………………………………………………….. 21

   ADMISSION & ENTRY……………………………………………….………………………………. 21

   CLEANING OPERATIONS ...............................................................................................23
   RESTROOM CLEANLINESS ............................................................................................25
   UNIFORM AND COSTUME CLEANING ..........................................................................25
   MEDIC / FIRST AID ROOM / IDENTIFYING A COVID-19 CASE ......................................25
      1.     ISOLATE THE PERSON ....................................................................................... 26
      2.     SEEK ADVICE AND ASSESS THE RISKS ............................................................. 26
      3.     TRANSPORT ....................................................................................................... 26
      4.     CLEAN AND DISINFECT...................................................................................... 27
      5.     IDENTIFY AND TELL CLOSE CONTACTS ........................................................... 27
      6.     REVIEW RISKS AND CONTROLS ........................................................................ 27
   AT LUNA PARK-what now? .............................................................................................28
      1.     SEEK ADVICE AND ASSESS THE RISKS ..............................................................28
      2.     IDENTIFY AND TELL CLOSE CONTACTS ...........................................................28
      3.     CLEAN AND DISINFECT......................................................................................28
      4.     REVIEW RISKS AND CONTROLS ....................................................................... 29
   To close or not to close?................................................................................................. 29
   RETURN FROM WORK FOLLOWING RECOVERY FROM COVID-19 ............................. 29
   RETURN TO WORK FOLLOWING QUARANTINE .......................................................... 29
  MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS ...................................................................................... 30
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                            COVID-19 Safety Plan                       22112020                          Version 3.16.2
COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
HEALTH SCREENING AND TEMPERATURE CHECKS ................................................... 30
   RIDES, ATTRACTIONS AND EXHIBITS ........................................................................... 31
   FOOD AND BEVERAGE OPERATIONS ........................................................................... 33
   RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE......................................................................................... 34
   GAMES AND THE ARCADE AREA ................................................................................. 34
MENTAL HEALTH & COVID-19 .......................................................................................... 35
   HAZARDS? ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND NOTES............................................................................ 36
CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………..................... 37

RESOURCES………………………………………………………………………………..................... 38

APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38


The purpose of the document is as a documented plan for all to show strong processes and procedures, to
ensure best practice, cover Government requirements and as an operating working document for employees
at Luna Park Melbourne. It provides procedures and operating principles to ensure the safety of staff and
guests. As new information comes to hand this document will be updated

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                          COVID-19 Safety Plan                   22112020                       Version 3.16.2
COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
  Luna Park is an iconic Melbourne attraction. It is a highly process driven and regimented Amusement
  Park sitting on a site of over four acres, over two and a half acres of which are available to the public
  (10,000m2). Luna Park has exceptionally strong processes for training and operation of the Park and has
  developed a robust strategy for operating with social distancing and hygiene requirements to manage
  the COVID-19 health issue and deal with any outbreaks should they arise. This safety plan has been
  developed using both Federal and State Government guidelines and includes Risk Assessments of rides
  and attractions. Luna Park will operate according to best practise COVID-19 Safe operating principals.
  This is a live document that is subject to change from either internal or external factors, with the aim at
  reducing risk to all staff and guests.

  Luna Park operates primarily as an outdoor amusement attraction and has indoor hospitality, events,
  retail, games maintenance, staff and administration areas. Each of these areas are treated according to
  the appropriate Government restrictions.

  Luna Parks normal capacity is 4,500 people. The COVID-19 Safety Plan is a cautious approach for
  operating Luna Park, initially with limited numbers at 25% of capacity, and moving to an anticipated one
  person per 4m2 density quotient and other restrictions as determined by the Victorian Government, with
  social distancing maintained throughout the Park. Based on the one person per 4m 2 rule Luna Park
  capacity will be 2,500 until such time government guidelines change.

            Central to this proposal is the collection of contact details for attendees at the Park. Park
             capacity will be determined by limiting the number of tickets sold each day. Purchases online
             are strongly preferred so that details for contract tracing are automatically collected. Walk up
             sales will be available if capacity allows and will be determined by management

The principles and considerations outlined in the following document were compiled from attractions operators
around the world, courtesy of IAAPA and AALARA industry bodies and with the guidance of Victorian and
Federal Government authorities, and in consultation with an epidemiologist’s advice, industry workers and
industry experts.

These principles are designed for operating in the Amusement and Attractions industry. As a result, these
guidelines are based on the knowledge that some carriers of COVID-19 show no symptoms.

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COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
It is also important to note that these considerations will change as best practices, Government guidelines, and
guidance from medical professionals evolves. Luna Park will update this document with additional information
as it becomes available and publish updated versions of this COVID-19 Safety Plan.

This plan is subject to all regulations, guidelines and directions of government and public health authorities. This
plan will be updated in accordance with any changes to public health directions.

In areas where there are different use zones, Luna Park will comply with the industry approved COVID-19 Safe
Plan and Victorian Government restrictions applicable for that area. Luna Park will self-audit our compliance to
this plan and provide and display an ongoing statement of compliance.

The Six Principles of the COVID-19 SAFE PLAN
                                            Ensure physical distancing

                                                                                    Wear a face covering
    Create workforce

                                                                                   Practice good hygiene
     Avoid interactions in
     enclosed spaces

                                              Keep accurate records

   1. Ensure physical distancing
      All people in the Park must maintain a distance of 1.5 metres apart and there should be no overcrowded
      areas. This means:
           Administration workers should work from home, if possible, subject to capacity restrictions.
           Workers and guests are always 1.5 metres apart unless they are a family group form the same
              household or members of the same household. Where this is not possible, the duration of the
              close contact should be minimised, and PPE worn in first aid administration.
           Ensure the workplace including guests abide by the four-square metre rule density quotient by
              monitoring and restricting attendance numbers and with designated COVID-19 Safe Patrols. Limit
              the total number of workers and guests in an enclosed area
           No carpooling between workers unless there is no alternative mode of transport to work

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COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
2. Wear a face mask
      All staff and guests must always wear a face mask when indoors, or when social distancing cannot be
      maintained, either on shift for staff, or queueing or on rides for guests:
           Staff have face masks throughout the shift
           Ensure guests are wearing appropriate face masks when indoors or when social distancing cannot
              be maintained, unless eating or drinking.
           Ensure all staff wear face coverings while working indoors or when social distancing cannot be
           Use full personal protective equipment (PPE) for high-risk tasks

   3. Practise good hygiene
      Luna Park will regularly clean high touch-surfaces and encourage good hygiene practices by staff and
      guests. This means:
          Luna Park will schedule regular cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces (including all
             surfaces and handrails) and make gloves available for this purpose
   4. Luna Park will encourage regular handwashing by workers and guests and make soap and hand sanitiser
      available for all workers and guests throughout the park. Keep records and act quickly if workers or
      guests become unwell
          Luna Park has a strict policy that any workers and guests who feel unwell must stay at home. This
             means Luna Park supports workers to stay home and get tested regardless of how mild the
             symptoms. Luna Park will actively engage with guests to stay home if they are unwell.
          Luna Park has a plan to immediately close down for cleaning and contact tracing if there is a
             confirmed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on site
          Luna Park keeps records of workers and guests’ details for contact tracing for the mandated

   5. Avoid interactions in enclosed spaces
      All activities are to be held in outside areas where practical, which don't have a roof or ceiling. This
           Meetings are outside, where possible
           Staff lunchbreaks are now to be taken outside
           Guest registration areas are outdoors
           Guest areas are primarily outdoors while indoor areas are mandated to remain closed.
           Indoor events restrictions are subject to Government requirements

             General Park areas for guest access are outdoors.
             Holodeck and Mirror maze are currently closed.

   6. Create workforce bubbles
      Limit the number of people workers have prolonged close contact with. This means:
          Luna Park will attempt to keep groups of workers rostered on the same shifts
          Luna Park will maintain records of all workers who have disclosed that they reside with another
              worker and endeavour to roster them on the same shifts if practical.
          Limit the number of workers working across multiple work areas where practical within the Park

Luna Park’s Strategy:

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COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
Monitoring the health of our team and customers

                                   Workplace Screening

                                   Contactless Temperature Checking

                                   Reporting, testing & leave

                                   Good hygiene behaviours

                                   Team observations / CCTV

                                   Promotion of COVIDSAFE App

   1. Luna Park will allow healthy people to enjoy the facility and encourage a high attention for personal
      hygiene for guests and staff.
   2. Luna Park will provide means to wash/sanitise hands frequently at all ride areas, bathrooms, point of sale
      areas and throughout the Park.
   3. Luna Park will reduce risk and manage density of people within the Park to keep people (not including
      family units) 1.5 metres apart where possible. Luna Park has modified ride capacities, seated areas,
      queue lines, staff areas and Park capacity.

   4. Luna Park will initially open to the public at 25% of normal capacity, then increasing capacity as
       Government restrictions allow.
   5. Luna Park will hold the names of all guests and their contact details, and store for contact tracing
       purposes as required by the Government, for the mandated time.
   6. Luna Park strongly recommends that guests purchase tickets online before arrival to avoid possible
       capacity disappointment. Luna Park will at the time of purchase ensure that guests are aware who is at
       greatest risk of COVID-19 and that they understand that if they are displaying symptoms that they must
       not attend the Park. QR readers will be used for the collection of contact tracing information.
   7. Luna Park will reduce touch areas where possible and sanitise high touch surfaces frequently.
   8. Luna Park will maintain a cleaning log of all communal areas and ensure they are cleaned twice daily as
   9. Luna Park will protect staff with various approaches, including barriers, protective coverings, and
       distancing, and will communicate with employees and guests effectively on how to prevent the spread of
       germs and what is expected of guests.
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COVID-19 Safety Plan: Roadmap for Re-Opening - Luna Park Melbourne
10. Luna Park will have appropriate signage and distance markers, informing staff and guests of the current
       COVID-19 requirements.
   11. Luna Park will have capacity limits determined by Government guidelines in designated areas
   12. Luna Park will not allow staff car-pooling while restrictions recommend against it, unless staff reside at
       the same location
   13. Luna Park will ensure, while restrictions recommend it, all staff that can work from home will do so.
   14. Luna Park will have staff that reside at the same location work the same shifts wherever possible and
       practical to do so
   15. Luna Park has a COVID-19 related Risk Assessment for all rides and areas and implemented appropriate
   16. Luna Park has a plan in place in the event a guest or employee falls ill on site with COVID-19 including
       contact tracing. See page 26.
   17. Luna Park has a plan in place for the cleaning and sanitisation of areas of the Park, if an area is
   18. Luna Park will pre-screen guests and staff with health and temperature checks, to use best endeavours
       to prevent the COVID-19 from entering the Park, until such time that it is deemed unnecessary.
   19. Luna Park will ensure all guests and staff will be aware that they must not attend the Park if they are
       displaying the COVID-19 symptoms. Information of the symptoms will be on our website, in our
       staffrooms, on our communication and at our screen checks.

Hand washing

Frequent handwashing is essential and is the responsibility of all employees and guests. Posters are displayed
around the Park highlighting the importance of regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20

Luna Park has hand sanitiser placed around the Park including ride entrances, café areas, Park entrance,
merchandise, and other areas determined to be appropriate.

Staff must wash their hands after; using the restroom, sneezing, touching their face, blowing their nose,
cleaning, sweeping, mopping, eating, drinking, smoking, entering or leaving a guest area, and before and after
starting their shift. Some staff may have medical conditions that need to be considered. Each personal
circumstance will be considered on a case by case basis. Guests will be encouraged to wash their hands via in
Park communications and to sanitise their hands at each ride and at areas throughout the Park.
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Ride capacity and Risk Assessments:

Each ride has had a COVID-19 risk assessment completed. This may result in reduced COVID capacities for
some rides and considering individual ride requirements, as well as additional cleaning procedures between
each shift, and at the start and end of each day.

Each ride has hand sanitiser attached to the queue rail. All Guests are encouraged to use hand sanitiser before
entering every ride area. The more guests that can be encouraged to use hand sanitiser, the less likely the
spread of any infection.

Social distancing marks are clearly marked on the ground to assist guests to maintain the correct distancing at
all places where queuing is likely. Guests are required to wear face masks in indoor areas, were social distancing
is difficult to maintain and when in queue lines

High traffic areas for guest movement will be considered and social distancing adhered to. Queue lines and
distancing marks are clearly marked. Luna Park will maintain the high levels of hygiene and distancing that are
mandatory and COVID-19 Safe best practise. Social distancing and hygiene will be the priority for Luna Park at
all times.

Reducing face to face contact.

Luna Park has issued face masks as personal protective equipment to staff.

Some staff may have certain conditions that need consideration when it comes to wearing of face masks
which will be assessed on a case by case basis.

It is important for all, when putting on or removing face masks that staff wash their hands before and after
handling the mask. Procedures for proper use and sanitising of the issued mask have been provided and staff
have been trained to ensure that these items are being used in the correct fashion.

Guest wearing of face masks is mandatory when indoors or when social distancing cannot be maintained and
consistent with Victorian Government requirements. Guests are informed of this requirement at the time of
purchase and via information displayed throughout the Park. Any guest not complying, without a lawful reason
and evidence will be required to leave the Park. Staff will conduct themselves sensitively when discussing these
requirements with guests.

Masks will be available for purchase for guests that may need them, or in case of loss or breakage.

Online and walk up ticket sales:
In order to manage capacity, Luna Park strongly recommends guests purchase tickets prior to arrival at the Park.
Online ticket sales will be valid for a specified date. It is strongly recommended to guests that while Luna Park is
subject to density quotient and reduced capacity that tickets be purchased through the online methods. This
reduces contact time with the ticket office and aids in keeping queueing to a minimum. Walk up tickets will be
available if capacity has not been reached, however, Luna Park recommends pre-purchasing tickets to avoid

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disappointment. If Luna Park is at its deemed capacity, walk up sales may not be possible until Park numbers

Guests are encouraged when purchasing onsite to do so with EFTPOS and reduce the use of cash where
possible. Screens are deployed in all static Point of Sale areas where there is a higher level of contact for our
staff members and the public.

Luna Park has a policy and procedures for conducting regular audit and compliance checks on COVID-19
safety requirements.

At the time of purchase, risk information, guest requirements and refusal of admission information will be
added to the information packs on the website and that are subsequently emailed out, and at the point of
entry into the Park. It is a requirement of entry that guest temperature is taken, and if it is above 37.5oC, entry
will be denied, and tickets refunded. On days with higher temperatures provisions will be made to moderate
higher skin temperature due to weather conditions for guests as needed. Temperature checks will be
conducted for a long as it is deemed necessary, considering Government advice.

If COVID-19 community transmission is present, guests must understand that they are at increased risk and
reconsider attendance if they are:

      aged over 70
      aged over 65 with a material medical condition
      Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander aged over 50 with a material medical condition
      people with material medical conditions
      people who are immunocompromised

Luna Park’s reasons for refusal of entry include the following.

      A guest/visitor /customer is suffering from flu like symptoms
      A guest/visitor/customer who has been in close contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive
      A guest/visitor /customer who has travelled overseas or to a COVID-19 hotspot in the past 14 days
      A guest/visitor /customer is COVID-19 positive
      A guest/visitor /customer is not complying with mandatory Government requirements
      A guest/visitor /customer who has a temperature above 37.5oC
      A guest/visitor /customer not wearing a face mask while this is a requirement

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First Aid Procedures

First aiders are required to ensure strict adherence to infection control requirements. All first aiders are required
to wear disposable face masks, goggles and disposable apron as an added protection while providing first aid. It
is essential that all first aiders follow the process for maintaining infection control.

   1. Washing hands
   2. Installing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
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3.   Sanitising First Aid office after aid is given
    4.   Removing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    5.   Disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    6.   Washing hands

Information posters are displayed in the first aid office to instruct and assist first aiders as to the best process.
Training has been provided to all users of PPE to ensure the proper use of those items and prevent misuse.

Any guest or staff member requiring first aid will be required to answer the health check and temperature check
prior to first aid being given. Anyone found to be displaying any COVID-19 symptoms requires the first aid
decision to be elevated to the Park Duty Manager for consideration.

First aid: People displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.
Information at the time of ticket purchase and entering the Park will inform guests that they not come to the Park
if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms. Any guests that are displaying COVID-19 symptoms requiring first
aid, requires the first aid decision to be elevated to the Duty Manager, unless there is a life-threatening situation
that requires immediate action. A separate area for COVID-19 symptomatic guests has been created so as not to
infect the regular first aid office. After service of any guest, the area will be sanitised before any further guests
are allowed to enter the quarantine area. COVID-19 suspected guests must continue to wear a face mask while
first aid is considered.
Any symptomatic person not requiring immediate first aid, will be required to attend an offsite COVID-19
testing centre or medical centre and receive medical treatment there.
Any person with breathing difficulties will be elevated to emergency services (000) by the Park Duty Manager.
First aid radio calls
When a person is displaying COVID-19 symptoms, an additional coded call over the radio to alert responders to
the need for caution will be used. This radio call will be coded like all of Luna Park’s radio communication.
Acrylic screens
Acrylic screens have been placed in all high traffic POS areas. These areas are designed to provide an increased
level of droplet protection for staff behind the counter. Where there is not space for acrylic screens, other social
distancing measure will be employed to provide further protection to staff.

Screens will to be sanitised by staff at regular intervals and the beginning and the end of each shift.

Communication regarding health and hygiene

Luna Park will proactively communicate guidelines and expectations for health and hygiene procedures and
precautions in the front-of-house areas for guests and in the behind-the-scenes areas for team members.

Limiting face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Clearly marked
social distancing spaces/guidelines with floor markings, seat markings, or signs to make it easy for the guests to
understand what is expected. Staff will politely but actively engage with guests to maintain the social distancing
of all patrons and mask wearing when social distancing cannot be maintained.

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                        COVID-19 Safety Plan          22112020                 Version 3.16.2
Guest communication is critical to manage the expectation of guests as to new processes and procedures
because of the pandemic. Guests will be required to adhere to signage and directions from staff members as to
what is required of them.

Information conveyed to guests prior to arrival and at the time of purchase will include:

      People 65 years and older, or people with underlying medical conditions (particularly if not well
       controlled), or classified as vulnerable, should either remain home or keep their distance from others.
       Vulnerable customer who are comfortable attending the Park are advised to take their own additional
       safety precautions.
      The use of face masks is currently mandatory while you can not maintain a 1.5 metre distance or when
       indoors. Guests are required to wear masks on rides unless 1.5 m social distancing is available, or the
       guests are from the same household.
      Guests are to wash and sanitise their hands frequently, including before entering the Park and before
       going on rides, using games, etc.
      Some attractions may require hand sanitiser to be used prior to entry
      Luna Park does apologise if any of our stringent COVID-19 measures cause inconvenience, but they are
       designed for the safety of both staff and guests.
      Guests must follow social distancing requirements, including queue line markings on the ground when
      Where no markings are present, guests must maintain 1.5 meters from others. Family members and
       others (a “family unit”) who live in the same household can be closer together. All others should strictly
       adhere to the physical distancing guidelines. This will apply throughout the attraction including on rides,
       in queue lines, in exhibits, in food and beverage facilities, and in restrooms. Changes within the Park will
       be in place to facilitate social distancing. If social distancing cannot be maintained, mask must be worn.
      Enhanced cleaning and sanitising programs are in place, and guests will be asked to please be patient.
      Health and temperature checks are required to enter the Park
      If guests feel ill once at the Park they will be advised to let a staff member know or to go to First Aid.
       Guests will be advised they and their party may be asked to move to a special area within the Park for
       further assessment.

A full communication campaign with our COVID-19 measures will be actioned on our website, print locations
and on social media channels.

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                    COVID-19 Safety Plan            22112020                 Version 3.16.2
It is the role of Senior Management to ensure that all staff have the appropriate plan in place and actioned to
ensure the successful re-opening of the Park to visitors. Area Managers have the responsibility of managing
their staff according to this plan, ensuring that Luna Park has appropriately trained staff and supplied them with
all appropriate materials. Management, Team Leaders and Health and Safety Reps are responsible for ensuring
that staff are strictly adhering to these protocols. It is the responsibility of all staff members to practise the
protocols in this plan to ensure the success of the plan. Guests must adhere to the new directions and protocols
given in the plan.


Guests or staff who refuse to adhere to the safety protocols may be asked to leave the Park or in the case of
staff members, be disciplined accordingly.

Luna Park has the right to refuse entry and service to people who show COVID-19 symptoms or who are not
adhering to government mandated COVID-19 safety requirements or display a temperature above 37.5

Aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated.


Ticketing information:

Park capacity is controlled by Luna Park restricting the number of patrons admitted to the park, and by requiring
guests to purchase tickets for a particular date. This is a departure from the past practice. Guests with unused
12-month web tickets will be required to book to attend on a particular day. This requirement will also apply to
guests who hold an Annual Pass or a gift card. This will assist with social distancing. The capacity of the Park will
be based on one person per 4m2.

The Luna Park website and social media channels will be updated to inform guests of new protocols and
offerings due to COVID-19. This will be reinforced at the time of purchasing tickets online, when they receive
their tickets, and when they arrive at the Park.

Park signage:

Park signage will be visible throughout the Park, encouraging guests to perform the required hygiene, and to
inform guests of changed processes and procedures.

Information included on signage includes:

Luna Park is committed to keeping you healthy and safe, but we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed to
COVID-19. We rely on you to protect yourself too:
    Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face
    Maintain your distance from others
    Wear face masks as required by health authorities
    Avoid touching surfaces

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   If you’re sick, don’t come to Luna Park.
      If you see anyone not adhering to these guidelines, or if you have any concerns, please see a staff
      When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue. Throw tissue into
       a trash receptacle after use.

Social distancing marks are placed throughout the Park in queue lines and other areas to ensure that guests
adhere to social distancing measures. Rides may have seat closures/out of service tags to maintain social
distancing and considering individual ride requirements.

Hand washing and hygiene signage is present around the Park, within food areas, in toilets and near sanitiser
stations. Information on washing hands properly is available in all bathrooms and handwash areas for both staff
and guests.

Employee Signage

Employee signage documenting new processes or procedures is prominently displayed at appropriate places
wherever there is a change from normal operating procedures.

This safety plan will form part of the training required of staff before Luna Park is opened to the public.

Additional ride procedures or changes will be documented in the normal change management documentation
process and then trained with sign off to staff as per normal procedures.

Signage for handwashing and social distancing will be displayed in all staff back of house and work areas.

All employees must wash their hands or use hand-sanitiser at frequent intervals and after any of the following:
using the restroom, sneezing, touching their face, blowing their nose, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, eating,
drinking, smoking, entering or leaving a guest area, and before starting their shift. This is a critical protocol to
keep employees and guests healthy. Staff wearing of face masks is currently mandatory.

All employees have been trained in the new procedures prior to the Park reopening and ongoing as required.
Training will be conducted within small groups in line with social distance requirements. All aspects of our
interaction with each other and our guests will have been considered from a COVID-19 safe aspect.

If staff feel unwell.

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Staff are instructed not to come to work if they feel unwell. This is true for any symptoms, not just the COVID-19
symptoms. Staff are required to follow their normal procedures for personal leave days, including doctors’
certificates. Staff will be required to fill out the health check information on arrival using the Luna Park staff QR
code. As staff arrive, they will have a health and temperature check before moving to the staff change area/s.
Any COVID-19 symptoms or a temperature above 37.5 degrees will mean the staff member is required to
immediately attend a COVID-19 testing centre and remain in isolation until the results are clear. Staff who have
these symptoms will need to show a negative test before they are able to return to work. The turnaround time
for these tests is variable.

The COVID symptoms information pages will be displayed in all staff back of house areas.

Staffing bubbles:

Staff allocated to the offices will need to continue social distancing requirements. Where it is possible to reduce
contact and work from home, this will be organised with management. A reduction of the number of staff in
individual staff offices and staff areas and in confined spaces is essential for stopping the spread. Each staff
office will have a maximum number of staff allowed in each office/area as per the Government guidelines.
Rosters will be managed accordingly. Where work can be done from home and can be managed productively
from home, Luna Park will require staff to work from home, and consistent with Government restrictions.

Office personnel have a reduced onsite allowance currently at 25% of capacity. Where possible, meetings
should be held in well ventilated areas or preferably outdoors. This will increase as Government restrictions

Staff lunch areas will be moved outdoors where possible.

Operations Staff Bubble:

Wherever possible Operations staff should have reduced contact with other staff members outside their team,
department, areas, or grouping. Wherever possible staff will be kept within the one ride group/F&B area or
ticketing area.

Separate staff change areas will be available for each department. All staff must attend their designated
department area to change and reduce face to face contact with members of staff not in their immediate work

Breaks for lunch will be staggered and spread across other areas of the Park. Both function rooms will be
opened for staff to use for lunch breaks, and outdoor areas are to be made available for staff to use. Staff
change areas will be expanded to the function room amenity areas to assist the staff areas not being over-

Staff working from home.

It is essential that anyone working from home ensures that the space that they are working from is appropriate
for the task and free from hazards.

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                     COVID-19 Safety Plan           22112020                 Version 3.16.2
Any personnel working from home will need to fill out the Working from home Risk Assessment form. See
Appendix A. This form once completed needs to be returned to their line manager and is subject to
acceptableness from their line manager.

Not appropriate for this doc


COVID-19 Outbreak Plan

The Outbreak Plan is covered in greater detail later in this manual. The simple steps to dealing with a
possible outbreak are:

   1.   Isolate the person
   2.   Seek advice and assess risk
   3.   Transport of patient
   4.   Clean and disinfect
   5.   Identify and notify close contacts
   6.   Review risk and control measures

Sanitation will be done with appropriate PPE and cleaning services and the use of anti-COVID-19 chemicals. This
may be done by an external accredited 3rd party but will be done in accordance with appropriate sanitation
directives for COVID-19.

Authorities will be contacted, and contact tracing will begin for staff or guests that may have been exposed to
the virus. Any staff that may have been exposed to the virus will need to quarantine for the designated time.

The Clean team

There is a designated clean team that is tasked with cleaning all areas of the Park whenever we are open to the
public. This team is given appropriate PPE and training in the use of PPE. All clean team members will be
required to wear face masks and or goggles. There will also be disposable aprons during bodily fluid spill clean-
up, to be disposed of at the end of each spill clean. It is essential that all clean team members follow the process
for maintaining infection control.

   1.   Washing hands
   2.   Installing PPE
   3.   Removing PPE
   4.   Disposal of used PPE
   5.   Washing hands

The Clean Team will concentrate on Common areas. These include:

    Handrails
    Doors and door levers
    Toilets
    Staff common areas
    Bins
    Public areas
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   Staff areas.

The clean team will have hi-vis vest on and are a visible reminder to guest to adhere to hygiene and social
distancing requirements.

Employee/guest interactions should not be prolonged and social conversation that would extend interactions
should be minimised.

Luna Park will inform staff of changes in operation or COVID-19 related protocols.

All contractors are required to sign in at reception as normal. In addition to the normal briefing for contractors,
an additional COVID-19 briefing will discuss any additional measure that the work proposed will need to be
considered from a COVID-19 aspect. Contractors must also be health checked in the same way that employees

Contact details for delivery drivers will be required.
Staff Laundry
The staff laundry area traffic will be monitored and managed. Maximum numbers within the Laundry will be
designated and must be adhere to. Once staff uniforms have been taken by staff, staff will be instructed to
change in the designated area for staff member’s department.

      F&B move to Stardust change rooms
      Ticketing remains in the staff area
      Rides moves to the function room

Personal effects can be retained within lockers in the staff room. Some additional lockers will be moved to the
new staff areas.

When returning staff laundry, dirty items will need to be transported via the laundry baskets to the laundry area.
Laundry personnel will be required to wear the same disposable PPE that first aid and the clean team will be
required to wear. While there is no evidence that laundry proposes a risk, it is a prudent measure.

Education for staff and the community is critical and ongoing. The pandemic impacts all aspects of society and
Luna Park commits to a program of staff training to ensure competence and compliance with new hygiene and
safety practices. Luna Park acknowledges its role in communicating, promoting and maintaining safe COVID-19
work practices.

Luna Park has established and implemented procedures which comply with criteria established by the relevant

Luna Park will continue to implement to the best of its ability a staggered rostering system, with separate staff
areas for each department to reduce the contact between staff members and reduce risk of clusters infections.

All staff will be retrained prior to reopening on new COVID-19 policies and procedures.

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Staff are required to actively participate in additional training and are also required to sign off that they have
agreed to the COVID-19 safety procedures.

Luna Park recommends that staff download and activate the COVID-19 Safe mobile application on their personal

Additional PPE and training will be provided for various roles around the Park. Department Managers will be
responsible for training and signing off their staff.

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A key tenant of this plan is based on managing physical/social distancing between guests in a facility and within
attractions and other spaces within Luna Park.

The total area for Luna Park is over 4 acres, or 16,000m2. Normal capacity for full Park is 4500 guests. Two
and half acres is available for guests within the Park (Not including on rides). Based on the density quotient
of one person per 4m2 rule the maximum number of guests in the Park would be 2500 guests. This density
quotient reduces attendances at the Park to roughly half the pre Covid capacity. To verify these results, we have
measured and calculated rides and queueing areas as well as other attraction areas. This area assessment does
not include special calculations for ride areas with guests on rides and at various levels above grade. It is also
important to know how capacity may be affected if certain areas are closed to the public and what effect that
will have on overall capacity. At all times the Park will adhere to the social distancing, density quotients and
capacity limits established by the Victorian Government and as varied from time to time. Luna Park
management will closely monitor and manage guest movements in the Park to ensure adherence to social
distancing restrictions requirements.

numbers in event rooms will be managed consistent with Government guide linens.

A COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT has been done for all rides that may reduce the carry or load capacity of each
ride. Family units or household units will be placed together on rides with 1.5m between a family/household
group and other guests or family groups. There may be effective reduction in ride capacity and considering
individual ride requirements.

Reduced capacity opening strategy

While the Park can accommodate up to 2,500 (4m2 rule) people based on this density quotient, Luna Park will
open to the public based on 25% of normal capacity, 1125 People, until such time that restrictions change.

At all times, Luna Park’s people density will be within the latest requirements of State Government guidelines.

For social distancing purposes, people residing at the same address are counted as equal to one individual.
People residing at the same address will be required to stay the appropriate distance from family they don’t
reside with.

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Masks not required outdoors (in general), if social distancing requirements can be maintained. If queuing for a
ride, or on rides or indoors, masks should be worn. Attending with a mask is a condition of entry to Luna Park,
where mask wearing is required unless there is an approved medical reason why one cannot be worn.

Face masks will be available for purchase by guests if needed from the Merchandise store.

Ongoing Staff Mask Policy:
Staff have been issued face masks for their use at Luna Park. Once the Government mandate on wearing a mask
has been rescinded, Luna Park management will assess the risk and liaise with the OHS Committee to determine
the appropriate Luna Park policy on masks going forward. Currently, staff are required to wear masks while
indoors, or when social distancing cannot be maintained.

Disposable face mask will be mandatory for the clean team when cleaning spills, and first aiders while
administering first aid.


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                    COVID-19 Safety Plan          22112020                 Version 3.16.2
Capacity based business model

Capacity based limits within the Park is a new business model for the Park. Luna Park’s previous ticketing model
had online tickets and walk up sales both available, and that Park capacity self-limits due to queue line times.
Online purchases were valid for up to 12 months.

Luna Park has changed the ticketing model to allow for capacity limits within the Park. Guests will now purchase
tickets for a particular date and the tickets are valid for that date only. This allows Luna Park to effectively
manage the number of visitors per day. Walk up sales may still be possible depending upon Park numbers, but
to avoid disappointment, guests are advised to purchase their tickets online prior to arrival.

Management of guests

Social distancing marks are placed on the ground to assist entry to assist guests with where to stand to correctly
social distance. Queue lines are arranged in such a way as to manage social distancing.

Luna Park reserves the right to stagger guest arrival times to aid in crowd management. Once ticket numbers
are sufficient to require staggered arrival times, subsequent tickets purchased for will have the earliest arrival
time available for that ticket printed on the ticket.

There will be a strong social media campaign informing guests of this change. This reduces the amount of time
spent with our ticket box staff and collects details needed for contact tracing. All data collected will be stored
securely and only be used in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak and for contact tracing purposes. This includes
all names, addresses and contact details of guest, including if they are minors. This information will be kept for
the required time for the purpose of contact tracing. Guests will also be asked to register with the Luna Park QR

Guests are encouraged to reduce the number of personal items they bring into the facility.

Public Lockers are cleaned regularly while operating and will have social distancing marks on the ground to
ensure guest do not crowd the area.

Contract tracing records are kept securely and confidentially for the mandated time. Luna Park has the right

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to refuse entry and service to people who show COVID-19 symptoms or have a temperature above 37.5oC.
Luna Park will display signs at entry and on our website highlighting the right of refusal. You can refuse entry
for the below ‘COVID-19 reasons’:

      If the guest is ill (whether or not due to COVID-19)
      Complying with laws, directions and recommendations relating to COVID-19, and the control
       of COVID-19
      There is an exceptional circumstance relating to COVID-19 that makes it not possible, or practical
       to grant entry.

Where possible guests will be required to purchase tickets online before they arrive to the Park. Payments will
be done at the time of purchase.

Cash handling should be avoided, if possible. Guests are asked to pay via contactless payment method.
Contactless payment has been turned on for all sales points in the Park. Luna Park will still accept cash, but it is
currently not preferred, and we kindly ask all guests to pay via electronic means.

The ATM is cleaned regularly while operating by the clean team has a hand sanitiser station located there.

Cash handling at the Cash Office and end of day periods will have hand sanitisation stations at that location,
with washing of hands mandatory after handling cash or cash holding devices and before doing any new task.

Where possible there is to be one operator per sales point. Sales points are to be sanitised after each use or
have a plastic bag placed over the touch pad. The ride operator booths will be sanitised after each shift.

Acrylic barriers are used at all point of sale locations throughout Luna Park. If there is not space for a barrier on
the desk, then a physical barrier will be placed in front of the sales point to ensure physical distancing.

Each staff member is required to clean and sanitise their work area; F&B staff must keep table areas clean
and wiped between uses, ticket staff must keep their work areas clean, administration sanitising their desks,
ride staff keeping their ride booths clean and ready for the next staff member. All close contact work areas
are to be cleaning and sanitised before handing their area over to the next staff member. This is mandatory
for all staff. This will include specific areas for each department.

The clean team:

The designated ‘clean team’ will be actively cleaning and sanitising the Park while we are operational. This is
in addition to the regular Park cleaning staff that are allocated to cleaning the Park while we are operational.
The clean team will have hi-vis vests denoting their role. Their primary role will be the cleaning and sanitising

the Park common and high touch areas while operational. This will include the high-touch areas frequently:
door handles, rubbish bins, control equipment, counters, elevator buttons, handrails, tables, seats, benches,
high chairs, toilets, sink taps and toilet handles, soap dispenser push plates, baby changing stations, towel
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dispenser handles, cleaning tools, counter tops, door knobs, light switches, sinks, queue rails, harnesses,
restraints, ATM machines, hand and fence railings, ride queue line railings and the computer finger scanner.

Cleaning concentrates on the high touch areas first. Cleaning agents designed to kill COVID-19 type of viruses
will be used by the clean team. The Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of these cleaning agents will
determine the usage and the frequency with which it is employed. Training documents will be developed for
new chemicals.

It is difficult to recommend a single approach to cleaning/sanitising frequency as several factors must be
considered for team clean members. Those factors include traffic/number of touches, environment
(indoor/outdoor, warm/cold, wet/dry), location, the surface being cleaned, and the cleaning agent properties
(including virus kill times and drying times)/guidelines/instructions. As a result, throughout this document,
you will see the term that cleaning/sanitising should be done “frequently.” That means managers and team
leaders will assess the factors listed above and consult product specifications to determine how often
cleaning should take place in their areas or by the clean team.

Guests will appreciate seeing team members cleaning and sanitising within the attraction. Guests throughout
the Park will be encouraged by seeing specific team members dedicated to sanitising the Park.

The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products are to be stored in the cleaning room where the
chemical is located. All staff members will be trained on proper handling and use of all disinfectants,
sanitisers, and other cleaning agents.

Clean team members, in addition to wearing hi-vis mask, will have specific sanitising equipment to assist in
cleaning the Park. PPE is to be worn by the members, including gloves and face masks. The proper
installation, removal and disposal of PPE is essential to maintain the best practise for infection control and
training has been given to all staff on the proper wearing and removal of PPE.

Employees must treat all bodily fluids as if they are infectious. While this is no different from normal
operations, the COVID-19 virus has made the use of PPE and proper method of cleaning more important for
staff, our guests and indeed the whole community. Staff members cleaning any bodily fluids must wear full
PPE including a disposable apron. This PPE must be put on, worn, removed, and disposed of correctly. Staff
have been trained in the correct methods. These methods will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

If a guest or staff member is suspected of having had COVID-19 or are displaying flu like symptoms, all areas
that were accessed by that guests or staff member will be thoroughly sanitised before staff are allowed back
into that area.

If an outbreak occurs within the Park, the Park may be temporarily closed and sanitised before it is re-opened
to the public. Staff members who may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms must

self-isolate until it is clear that there has been no transmission of the disease. Luna Park Management will
direct the response with the advice from WorkSafe and DHHS.

Luna Park will sanitise highchairs and wheelchairs between every use.

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The clean team is responsible for cleaning/disinfecting restrooms frequently. This will be reassessed as
needed by management. The higher the volume of traffic in the toilet, the more these areas will be cleaned
and sanitised.

Extra attention must be paid to high-touch surfaces in restrooms including door handles, rubbish bins,
countertops, benches, toilets, sink taps and toilet handles, soap dispenser push plates, baby changing
stations, towel dispenser handles, doorknobs, light switches, and sinks.

Note that bathroom taps have been modified to stream for a longer period to aid in increasing the time guests
naturally clean wash their hands. Luna Park will also provide water by other means.

Laundry processes have been modified. While routine procedures are deemed adequate for the handling of
linen, all linen should be considered as potentially infectious. PPE will be work by those working in the

Laundry will still be laundered by Luna Park onsite.

Any material that is suspected to be contaminated, will be sealed in a plastic bag and placed in a linen skip
bin ready for sanitation.

Luna Park staff are not expected, and should not try, to diagnose workers or guests. However, Luna Park
takes very seriously its work health and safety duty to minimise the risk of workers and others in the
workplace being exposed to COVID-19 so far as reasonably practicable.

If a staff or guests is reasonably suspected of having the virus, or has been exposed, this creates a health risk
at Luna Park. It is vital that prompt action be taken. If someone is confirmed as having COVID-19 or is getting
tested for COVID-19, they should already be at home. If there are people who may have been exposed to the
virus, they must also isolate based on the hotline health advice.

The person could be a worker, a guest or contractor to the Park. Where this occurs a Risk Assessment must
be conducted to determine what actions may be required and close contacts determined. If a confirmed or
suspected case requires:
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