Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.

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Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.
cyan AG
Company Presentation

October 2018
Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.
cyan management

  Peter Arnoth                        Markus Cserna                           Michael Sieghart
  CEO                                 CTO                                     CFO

▪ CEO of cyan AG                    ▪ CTO of cyan AG                       ▪ CFO of cyan AG (since 10/2017)

▪ CEO of cyan Security Group        ▪ CTO of cyan Security Group           ▪ Petrus Advisers, London, Partner and
  (since 10/2011)                     (since 10/2011)                        CFO (2010-2017)

▪ Member of the Board, E-Plus       ▪ CEO of cyan Research & Development   ▪ Wiener Privatbank SE, Member of the
  Mobilfunk (until 1/2007)            (since 04/2014)                        Board (2013/14)

▪ T-Mobile Austria, Head of Sales   ▪ CTO and Founder of cyan Networks     ▪ Deutsche Bank AG, Managing Director
  (until 2006)                        Software (since 03/2006)               (1997-2009)
Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.
cyan group highlights
                              Company overview                                             Key customers (cyan)
▪ cyan is a leading European cyber security provider that caters especially to
  Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Mobile Virtual Network Operators
  (MVNOs) and Financial Services Companies

▪ cyan’s unique white-labeled solutions help its clients to provide first-class
  cyber security to their own customer base (B-2-B-2-C) and thus to generate
  additional revenues

▪ cyan bought I-New, a leading OSS/BSS platform provider, in July 2018 to
  create a one-stop-shop for MNOs/MVNOs                                                    Key customers (I-New)
▪ cyan will significantly benefit from I-New`s substantial client base,             MNOs              MVNOs
  international support and operation centers and will realize synergies of up to
  €9m by end of 2019

▪ cyan together with I-New expects to achieve sales of €35m and an EBITDA
  of €20m in 2019

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Mobile phone usage
Mobile phones have become an important part of our daily lives.


       5bn people worldwide.....
                                                                   Social Media                   Payment-
       ...use a cell phone. Smartphones do more                                                    method
       than half of the world's Internet connections.

       Unique mobile subcribers worldwide
                                                                                                   Control of
       There will be 5.7bn mobile subscribers by 2020.             E-commerce
                                                                                                 alarm systems

       SIM cards in use
       By 2020, the use of SIM cards worldwide will increase
       to 9.7bn

                                                               More and more areas of applications for mobile phones
                                                                     will keep being developed in the future!

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Potential cyber-threats
Examples of potential cyber threats
                                                                                  Pop-up web browser
                                                Bad Content                                                               Fraud
                                        Violence and pornography
                                                                                     Financial and
cyan contributes to:                                                                   payment

✓   Give customers the                                             Social Media                               E-mail
    security they need
                           Identity Theft                                                                                             Phishing
✓   Supply security from    Credit card theft                                                                                       Phishing e-mails
    a trustworthy source
    for your own                                                   E-commerce                                  Music
                                                                                       Control of
✓   Help swiftly in the                                                              alarm systems
    event of a claim                      Ransomware
                                                                                                                       Malicious code in
                                           Data encryption                                                             hidden buttons

                                                                                    Worms, trojans, viruses
Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.
cyan – industry solutions
We provide specific security solutions to a divers customer base to make their business safer

                                                                 Fin. services &                                                                 Gaming &
 Industry        MNOs/FNs                   MVNOs
                                                                                          Governments                 IoT Producers

            •   No downloads and     •   Cost savings for    •   Embedded security    •   Digital security and    •   Making data          •   Safe gambling
                easy to use              MVNO                    (In-App) to supply       safety for all              transparent          •   Additional revenue
                security for         •   Safer Surfing           sec. through             citizens                •   Safe in-car          •   Competition-
                customers                propositions            trusted partners     •   Impulse for political       network                  monitoring
 USPs       •   Extremely scalable                               (banks, insurance,       agenda of a certain
                                                                 fin-techs)               country
                                                             •   Personal security

            •   Net-Integrated       •   Optimization        •   In-App Security      •   Personal Security       •   Webfilter for data   •   In-App security
                Security                 Feature             •   Personal Security    •   Kids Protection,            privacy              •   Webfilter for data
            •   In-App Security      •   In-App Security         Anti Theft               My SOS,                 •   Monitoring of            privacy
 Products       (on-top)                 (on-top)                My SOS                   Geo Fencing                 webtraffic           •   Big Data
            •   Personal Security    •   Personal Security                                                        •   Web-threats              sourcing
                (on-top)                 (on-top)                                                                     detection
Cyan AG Company Presentation - October 2018 - The site can't be reached.
               with +200 IT centers

               Data                     23 proven cyan
               +550bn data              analysis methods
               requests monthly

               80k hours human
               manpower per year

               Co-operations          4h worldwide update
               Additional security
               sources and partners

                                                        > 250m
We are cyan.                                            entries

Outstanding simplicity & mass market ability
Due to our understanding for tailored solutions, we provide easy scalable security

Degree of simplicity



                                   Enterprise       Browser


                       Low                                                           High
                                       Mass market ability

cyan & I-New strategic synergies
In July 2018, cyan acquired 76.8% shares in I-New from Novomatic and subsequently
4.8% from former management; today, owning a total stake of 81.6%
                           Fast growing security enabler for MNO´s, MVNO´s, banks,
                            insurance groups, gaming and betting platforms, IoT, ...

                            +40 MVNO networks with +5.5m endconsumers

                            Network                                        Own
                            Security                                      MVNO´s

                           Endpoint                +100 IT                  CRM
                           Security                experts                solutions

                               B2b                                           BSS
                            firewalls                                    billing platform

                                Global operation & support centers
                          Global security network with +200 IT-centers

cyan & I-New: product portfolio is a perfect fit
Global operations and support centers and +100 IT-experts for integration and growth

                                                            Banks /
Services                                    MNOs   MVNOs              others *)
                                                                                  New and existing clients
Marketing & Sales
                                                                                  participate from ...
Endpoint security
Network security
                                                                                  perfect product & process
Endconsumer marketing                                                             portfolio for additional revenues
MVNOs operating                                                                   and outstanding cost savings
IT-Operation                                                                      global man-power for enabling
Security Research                                                                 the growth by increasing quality
IT development
*Betting platforms, I-Car Wifi, IoT, etc.

cyan & I-New: 9 steps for more profit
Revenue synergies, upselling & cross-selling potential plus OPEX-optimization

 Step   Program step                                                       Synergies   On-top revenue   Cost savings

  1     Fast rollout of platform integrated data optimization                 ✓              ✓

  2     Common product portfolio - marketing tools for sales                  ✓              ✓

  3     Revenue push by offering security product to whole customer base      ✓              ✓

  4     Sales - common resources and one lead mangement                       ✓                              ✓

  5     IT/NT - optimization processes, benchmarking, operations              ✓                              ✓

  6     Finance – integration of accounting and controlling                   ✓                              ✓

  7     CI/CD strategy (long term)                                            ✓

  8     Global setting of support centers                                     ✓

  9     Information & communication (IR and internal)                         ✓

cyan & I-New: perfect fit with powerful synergies

Synergies   Description

            ▪ Cross-selling: cyan offering to I-New clients (e.g. data volume optimization)
            ▪ Cross-selling: I-New offering to cyan clients (e.g. outsourcing)
            ▪ Establish new offerings (e.g. outsourcing bundled with data compression at competitive price point)
            ▪ Materialize pipeline (e.g. substantial leads with a strong revenue potential)

            ▪ Operational savings (e.g. support centers Brno, Sopron)
Expenses    ▪ Leverage of I-New sales force for cyan (less FTE build-up needed at cyan)
            ▪ Cost management at I-New (e.g. expensive contractors being a part of the Novomatic Group)

            ▪ Tax loss carry forward of €20.8m available – can most likely be used post-acquisition within transfer pricing
              mechanisms to best-utilize tax loss carry forward

MVNO Industry
Key challenges
                                                                                B2B USP’s

                                                                   ▪   Easy integration into MVNO platforms
                DATA CONSUMPTION                                   ▪   Direct saving of data costs (wholesale)
                Mobile data volume grows significantly with
                up to 50% growth in selected markets year-
                                                                   ▪   Market proposition enhanced with privacy surfing
                                                                   ▪   Huge contribution to EBITDA – fair revenue share
                                                                       with cyan licensing model
               LOW ARPU*
               declining because of competition which
               results in lower retail prices and the lack of
               adding additional services.

               Sure, every MVNO has it’s own focus and
               offer, but at the end of the day is it only about                B2C USP’s
               mobile data? Why not thinking of other
                                                                   ▪ Privacy protected surfing with security against
                EBITDA                                               trackers and malicious ads
                The result of high costs and low ARPU’s due to
                high competition, is a declining EBITDA or even    ▪ Faster loading of web sites and apps
                the lack of growth rates.
                                                                   ▪ Less data consumption
 * Average revenue per user
cyan data stream optimization
Proof-of-concept Mexico

  •   Test results over 6 months from Flash Mobile on Telefonica network
  •   Mid educated market
  •   Up to €1m EBITDA contribution with only 86k customers in 3 years

                        -5%                                       -12%                                -20%
 72.857                Section 1                                 Section 2                        Section 3
                        2.555        348                                            63.833
                                                           4.718         472                                          58.643
                                                                                              4.718          472
   Total     phishes    tracker     TCP / SSL    Legal    suspicious    TCP / SSL   Clean     clean       TCP / SSL   Ad-free
 traffic /                         overheads    traffic      ads       overheads    traffic    ads       overheads     traffic
GB overall

Challenges of the                              cyan – security as a
banking industry                               must for your business
      DIGITAL                                                      Banking Security
      TRANSFORMATION                                               ▪     Transaction security core
      Due to the on-going shift from
      stationary to digital business                                     competence by finance
      REGULATIONS                                                            Personal Security
      Payment service directives as the
      recently established PSD2 have a
      strong impact on processes
                                                     Banking                 ▪    Safety for customers
                                                      Trans-                      data (e.g. phishing
                                                                                  attacks, identity theft,..)
      The financial industry constantly
      seeks for disruptive services and                                 Device Protection
      USPs within its regulations
                                                                         ▪       Safety for customers
                                                                                 device (antivirus)
      Next generation of banking business                      Big Data
      is just around the corner. The                           ▪       Sourcing of marketing tools
      answer for the upcoming fintechs is
      the credibility and responsibility of
                                                                       and regulatory instances
      traditional banks for their customers.                                                               15
cyan security for online banking applications
Overview of functionalities and architecture
SECURITY PRE-CONDITIONS                        Banking today…
                                               ▪   Payment
                                               ▪   Account details
            SDK for security features          ▪   Transfer
            included in banking App
                                               ▪   P2P etc.

            SDK has no access to               BANKING + cyan
            customer account data
            and transaction data!              Customer gets
                                               mobile banking +
                                               security solution
SECURITY FEATURES                              from “my” trusted

            ▪ Realtime-Protection for
              Phishing / Malware
            ▪ Antivirus Scanner
            ▪ Identity Check

EU LEX 2015/2366 Security
Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication (SCA)

                                  XS2A is the access to customer accounts for payment
      In January 2018 PSD2        service providers and fin-techs such as:
          went into effect        ▪   Payment Card Issuers
                                  ▪   Payment authentication
                                  ▪   Digital payments
                                  ▪   Money transfer and savings
       18 months later RTS
       will come into force
           (i.e. Q3 2019)         Banks have to provide customer account information
                                  to payment service providers but require explicit
                                  approval from the customer

      SCA & XS2A are must         Payment service providers have to provide SCA as
        haves for banks           well with min. two-factor authentication

PSD2 Online banking 4 factor auth.
Security measures to protect customers devices & the SCA with additional factor

                                                                   4th cyan factor:
                                                                   InApp protection
 Current factors:                                                  ▪   Phishing & fraud
       Biometric characteristic such as           Inherence            prevention
 3rd   a fingerprint, voice or iris pattern                        ▪   Identity checks
                                                    factors            & more features

       tokens, smartphones, ID’s,
 2nd   SIM or smart cards                     Possession factors

       User names,
 1st   passwords or PINs                      Knowledge factors

cyan – global rollout after IPO
We reach for global security with our worldwide presence since 04/2018

cyan AG – share price graph and estimates
                Conservative estimate of cyan AG’s key financials

                 2018                                               2019

       Sales    >€20m                                          >€35m

       EBITDA    >€7m                                           >€20m

cyan AG – shareholder structure

                                      Free Float/Others                                       Alexander Schütz
                                            25%                                                     20%

                                                                 Total shares
                                                                  8,394,923                          Apeiron Investment
                                                                                                         Group Ltd

                                                Infinitum Ltd.
                                                                          Tansanit Stiftung

 *held by Alexander Schütz and Infinitum

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