Dating Applications -

Page created by Bonnie Padilla
Dating Applications -
Content Moderation
& Management

      Dating Applications
Dating Applications -
Content moderation and                          making and in the uptake, visibility and
                                                                              popularity of brands online.
                              management services have
                              never been more important! ​​                   However, despite these benefits, utilising
                                                                              externally produced content is not without
                              In this post COVID era, the pace of digital     risk, especially for companies that are
                              transformation is rapidly expanding and         unaware of the detrimental impact this can
                              the global appetite for all things digital is   have on the user perspective of the brand if
                              increasing.                                     not properly managed.

                              As a result, leveraging user-generated          This paper looks at some of the pain points in
           Introduction:      content is fast becoming a powerful and         the space, the typical industry reaction, and
                              flexible tool to raise brand recognition        why Webhelp can offer a more comprehensive
Chloé de Mont-Serrat          and enhance customer trust, especially
                              in the booming e-commerce industry.
                                                                              and game changing solution. Ensuring that
                                                                              users are safe from defaming and offensive
                              Consumer content is instrumental in             content, and that brands are portrayed in a
Senior Director               influencing both purchase decision              positive and engaging way online.
Content Management
& Moderation Services

         Consumer content
         is instrumental in
         influencing both
         purchase decision
         making and in the
         uptake, visibility
         and popularity of
         brands online.

                                                                                   Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 2
Dating Applications -
Problems in
the space
Exploring the common
content moderation pain
points on dating apps

       Around the world,      • Under-age          • Prostitution               42% of women reported
                                Users                                           being contacted through an
       600 million singles
       have access to the     • Online
                                                   • Profanity       42%        online dating site or app in
                                                                                a way that made them feel
                                                                                harassed or uncomfortable.
life’s Internet.                harassment         • Romance                    Pew Research
challenges                    • Escort                                          In France 50 to 70% of
       400 million of these     Promotion          • Fake                       prostitution activities are
                                                                      50-       taking place on social
       have never used a      • Image Quality                         70%       media platforms.

       dating app.                                 • Violence                   Various reports
                              • Catfishing
                                                   • Nudity                     41% of dating app users
        TechCrunch            • Watermarks
                                                                                are afraid of scams.
                                and text in                                     MeasuringU

                                                                                The lack of safety on dating
                              The median individual loss due to

                                                                                apps is the number one
                              dating app scams in 2019 was $2600,               reason for app deletions.
                              about seven times higher than across              Safety, Risk and Wellbeing
                                                                                on Dating Apps APO report
                              all other fraud types. FTC

                                                                     Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 3
Dating Applications -
Value proposition for content
management & moderation services

 Being                                                     Being                                                         Being
 TECHNOLOGY USERS                                          PEOPLE DEPENDANT                                              SOLUTION FOLLOWERS

 We are                                                    We are                                                        We are
 TECHNOLOGY CENTRIC                                        PEOPLE FOCUSED                                                SOLUTION DESIGNERS

Webhelp uses technology to ensure that the human           Webhelp believes in “think human”. This vision is supported   Webhelp is a robust and reliable partner with a focus
resources you need are in the right place. Through the     in management & moderation services by developing             on continuous process improvement. We have developed a
use of artificial intelligence and in-house technologies   specific programs and real-time people analytics to           localised approach dedicated to content management &
dedicated to content management & moderation services      identify and resolve (at the root) any issues with our most   moderation issues. We listen to our markets and apply local
we will partner with you to provide the bespoke level of   important asset, our people.                                  rule updates.
support you require.

Client’s application or             Auto moderation        We deliver wellness programs                                  We have robustly and
web-site fuelled with our           Rate                   (Sports/Cooking/Yoga ect.)             Absenteeism            conscientiously followed               User
tailor-made AI to boost                                    Mental health support                                         guidelines & rules. We audit           experience
automated moderation.               AHT                    (On-site psychologist, Zen             Attrition              and improve existing materials
                                                           sessions, adapted schedule)                                   and continuously adapt                 Customer
Boosted with our in-house           Recall                 People analytics programs              NPS                    and update to match all                loyalty
web-browser to display                                     with multiple key personal                                    relevant local, legal and
specific Content Management         Accuracy               indicators to safeguard                                       cultural expectations.
& Moderation features.                                     mental health.

                                                                                                                              Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 4
Dating Applications -
Our end-to-end solutions rely on both

 Protect your
                                                                                                       technology and human intervention
                                                                                                       Technology is disrupting Trust & Safety processes.
                                                                                                       Technology accelerates activation, enhances customer
 Community                                                                                             experience and decreases fraud… … but a trust & safety
                                                                                                       process cannot be fully automated.
                                                                                                       Best-in-class processes require expert operational
With Webhelp’s high                                                                                    teams focused on value-added analysis and customer
trust & safety standards                                                                               interaction. We bring expertise and team up with you
                                                                                                       to design the best experience for your users, and have
                                                                                                       a continuous improvement approach to enhance your
                                                                                                       existing workflows and processes.

Providing a safe and painless journey for users by balancing strong security and a seamless experience

                           On-boarding           Profile set-up         Like / pass          Match                     Chat                    Meet-up

                          Logging in                Setting up        Swiping profiles,   It’s a match !           Chatting with            Meeting and
                        with Facebook               profile and       looking through                                someone               communicating
                       account, phone            finalizing details     user photos                                 after being            with him/her in
                       number or email                                    and user                                   matched                   real life
                           address                Editing user          descriptions
                                                  information,                                                   Getting to know
                                                 adding photos                                                   each other more
                                                 and description
  User Actions
                                    Description check                   User report                             Detection of scam           Post meeting
                             (prostitution suspicion, violent,         management                               signals (based on            user report
                              racist or inappropriate words,                                                       words used)              management
                                  underaged suspicion)                   (Check of
                                                                      content reported                              User report            (Check reports
                                      Photos check                        by users)                                management                from users of
                              (nudity, racist symbols, other                                                     (Check of content          inappropriate
                                 non-compliant items)                                                            reported by users         behaviour from
                                                                                                                  during the chat)           their match)
  Our solutions
                                                                                                           Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 5
Dating Applications -
Case Study              Every day, our dating platform clients in
                         France receive and handle a large amount
                                                                          Our solution:
                         of user generated content.                       Webhelp created a team of content moderators
                                                                          dedicated to the dating industry in France with
Our task:                This content is extremely varied and can
                         range from new users’ on-boarding to chat
                                                                          a very high experience in detecting romance
                                                                          scams all through the user journey.
                         between members involving texts, photos
Content moderation       and even videos.
                                                                          Our services
to guarantee users’      Our clients were facing the challenge of legal
safety on the main       issues caused by a range of topics, such as          •   Romance scams detection
                         under-age members, online harassment                 •   Under-age users ban
dating sites in France   and accounts being used as a platform for            •   Photo & video moderation for
                         prostitution.                                            nudity, identity theft etc..
                                                                              •   Prostitution & escort
                         They also had several ongoing problems in                services moderation
                         the areas of reputation and user experience,
                                                                              •   Not safe for work content rejection
                         due to fake accounts and the use of
                         inappropriate images, including nudity.              •   Bypassing detection

Our team dedicated
to French dating apps

Based in Madagascar
& Tunisia
24/7 activity
Client’s back office

Circa 75 content

                                                                                  Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 6
Dating Applications -
Webhelp is committed to making business more human,
          they embed this vision to enrich customer experience and
About     design business solutions that create value for the world’s
          most exciting companies.
          Hundreds of brands across the world       With over 60,000 game-changers
          trust Webhelp because of their people,    from more than 140 locations in 36
          the culture they work in, and the ideas   countries, Webhelp invests in people
          and technology they put to work.          and the environment they work in.

          And, adding a human touch to              They know that when people thrive, it
          the right technology makes a real         has a powerful impact on customers
          difference for their clients.             and on their partners’ business.
          They partner with Fortune 500
          companies across a range of services      A European leader in their
          including customer experience             industry, with a revenue of
          solutions, social media moderation        €1,5B in 2019, they aim for a
          and payment.                              global leadership position.

                        “At Webhelp we truly believe if you focus on the person in
                        front of you, suddenly everything comes alive”
                        Olivier Duha, co-founding President.

                        “We feel embracing technology is key, and it’s the people that
                        deploy these tools that make the difference.”
                        Frédéric Jousset, co-founding President.

                                                         Content Moderation & Management Webhelp 7
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