Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School

Page created by Steven Lloyd
Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School
Week 9 - Term 1
                       1st April 2021

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

It’s been such a busy year already, I think we can all agree it’s time for a
well-earned break for students, staff and parents alike. Enjoy some
quality time with your families and the freedom to go wherever you want –
unlike this time last year.

Well done to Pou Holly and our two EPro8 teams who competed in the
Manawatu / Whanganui semi-finals this week. The year 5/6 team were
placed 3rd equal and are now in the finals. Congratulations team.

Thank you to Pou Holly for her wonderful presentation on ‘Play-Based
Learning’ presented at the Parents Forum on Tuesday night. It was very
informative and great to see so many interested parents attending.
Anyone wishing to learn more about the reasoning behind play-based
learning could google Nathan Wallis and Peter Gray.

An ex-pupil of Hiwinui School, Ariana Hansen, is currently doing an internal
assessment at PNGHS for biology on a socio-scientific issue and one of her
tasks is to complete and send out a survey to relevant members of the
community. Ariana’s group have chosen to look at immunisation in NZ,
specifically, the BOOSTRIX vaccine that the year 7s receive through
school. We invite anyone interested to please follow the link to this survey Responses will be accepted until
Friday the 9th of April. Thank you for your support.

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who donated Easter treats to the Easter
Raffle and all those who purchased tickets. A total of $490 was raised
which will go towards funding the end of year ‘Education Outside the
Classroom’ activities for all students. The winners are:
1st - Ross Richdale                  5th - Kay Richdale
2nd - Kingston Hesseltine            6th – Tracey McKenzie
3rd - Helen Kinaston                 7th – Ned Suisted
4th - Cohen Rossiter
Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School
A big ‘THANK YOU’ also to Greg Barratt who supplied the trailer load of
firewood, and to Van Campbell who collected the pinecones for our
Firewood Raffle. ‘Thank you’ also to those who purchased tickets.
A grand total of $353 was raised which will go towards
expenses for our AgriKids Team to travel to and from, and
participate in the National AgriKids Finals in Christchurch.
The winners are:
1st - Rachel Burton / 2nd - Alan Gilmore

                         … KAPAI KIDS …
Explorers: Hannah Spear – you are an independent learner and you
             are showing excellence and respect during learning time.
             Your reading is improving rapidly. Ka pai!

Terrific 2: Mason Pivac – you are showing leadership in Room 2. You
              show excellence and commitment in your work and are always
              willing to support others in their learning too. Ka pai!

Room 3:       Oliver Badger – you are adding interesting detail in your
              written work. You read the questions and write full and
              thoughtful responses. Ka Pai.

Ruma Rima Dreamers:        Alannah Connor – you are a leader in the way
              you constantly look for ways to help others around you. You
              are someone who consistently shows the RESPECT values.
              You are a pleasure to teach.

Manawanui: Lucas Allen – you have shown Excellence and Enthusiasm
             with all the events you’ve competed in and have cheered for
             everyone else along the way too! He tino pai to mahi! You
             show the same Commitment to your learning Lucas. You are a
             great role model!

Pūkeke:       Palasi Makahununiu – you continually show perseverance.
              You are dedicated, motivated and determined; nothing can
              get in the way of you reaching your goals! You are a model
              student and have a great effect on your peers.

EASTER HOLIDAYS – FRIDAY 2nd          th          th
                          2 , MONDAY 5 , TUESDAY 6 April
 We look forward to seeing all children back at school on Wednesday 7th April.
Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School
‘Staying Calm with Kids’
  Some tips from S.K.I.P. (strategies with kids / information for parents)
Everyone gets angry – it’s part of being human. It’s what you do when you
feel angry that’s important. The best way to help kids learn to manage
their emotions is by showing them through your own behaviour. Letting
                  your anger out in harmful ways hurts your kids and
                  damages relationships. When you regularly hit or yell,
                  kids learn that it’s OK to do the same to others and it’s
                  more likely they will grow up to be aggressive and angry

Canterbury University Competitions – Years 5 - 8
A reminder to complete and return the entry forms for the Canterbury
University Competitions by 16th April 2021.
Year 8 students will sit all three competitions – Maths, English and Science,
and their costs will be covered by the B.O.T.

                                                      HIWINUI SCHOOL PLAYGROUP:
                           Next session on Thursday 8th April in the LC, from 9.30am –
                       11.00am. All pre-schoolers and their minders welcome. Please
                                          bring a gold coin and piece of fruit to share.

Get creative over the weekend making your own ‘nature
Easter Eggs’ using things from the garden. Find different
types of leaves, rocks, bark, flowers etc. and stick to egg-
shaped templates.

                                                                      Year 5 / 6
                                                                      EPro8 team

Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School
                                   5th – 11th April – ALLEN family

Wishing you a safe and relaxing Easter break,

Brenda, Fiona, Rebecca, Holly, Emma, Kendall, Portia,
Allanah, Philippa, Debbie, Sarah, Irene, Novena, Colin, and Charlotte.

                    ‘Kia whakatomuri te haere whakamua’
 … I will walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past …

Dates to Remember …      this is a guide only – dates may change
   nd   th
  2 – 6 April     Easter Break: Friday 2nd, Monday 5th and TUESDAY 6th
     14th April   Fundraising Committee meeting – 7.30pm in the staffroom
     16th April   Term 1 ends

                      Congratulations to
                     Sam in Room 3 who
                    won a Joke Competition
                       and had his joke
                       published in the
                           TV Guide.

                                                                   Mt Biggs Tough
                                                                   Kids Challenge

Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School Dear Parents & Caregivers, Hiwinui School
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